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CIVENG 4TA4 – Winter 2024

Tutorial # 2
Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Question 1

A Traffic Engineer Calibrated Greenshields model based on the local conditions on a rural
highway and developed the following relationship between the flow and density:

q=100K – K2

Based on the calibrated model. Answer the following questions:

1) What is the capacity of the highway?
2) What are the spacing and headway corresponding to capacity?
3) What is the expected speed at a density level of 30 veh/km?


The relationship between q and k in Greenshields model is expressed as follows:

q = KVf − K 2

Comparing this form to the given equation, we can deduce that:

Vf = 100 km/h
And Kf = 1 (i.e., Kj = 100 veh/km)

Kj Vf 100×100
1) q m = = = 𝟐𝟓𝟎𝟎 𝐯𝐞𝐡/𝐡
4 4

2) Headway at capacity (hm)

hm = 3600/qm
hm = 3600/2500 = 1.44 seconds

Spacing at capacity (Sm)

Sm = 1000/Km
Km = Kj/2 = 50 veh/km
Hence, Sm = 1000/50 = 20 m

3) According to Greenshields model:

V = Vf − K
Then, at k = 30, V = 100 − (30) = 𝟕𝟎𝐤𝐦/𝐡

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Question 2

Another Traffic Engineer thought the data collected in the previous question was not sufficient to
calibrate the model and consequently, the accuracy of the model used was insufficient. The
Engineer collected additional data and decided that Greenberg model is better suited to model
traffic on the highway. The engineer calibrated Greenberg model based on the collected data and
developed the following q-k relationship:

q=50K * (4.4998 – ln (k))

Redo the previous question based on the new model.


The relationship between q and k in Greenberg model is expressed as follows:

q = KVm ln ( )
q = KVm × (ln(K j ) − ln (K))

Comparing this form to the given equation, we can deduce that:

Vm = 50 km/h
And Kj = e(4.4998) = 90 veh/km
K 90
1) K m = ej = e = 33.11 veh/h
𝑞𝑚 = 𝐾𝑚 𝑉𝑚 = 33.11 × 50 = 𝟏𝟔𝟓𝟓. 𝟓 𝒗𝒆𝒉/𝒉

2) Head way at capacity (hm)

hm = 3600/qm
hm = 3600/1655.5 = 2.18 seconds

Spacing at capacity (Sm)

Sm = 1000/Km
Sm = 1000/33.11 = 30.20 m

3) According to Greenberg model:

𝑉 = 𝑉𝑚 ln ( )
Then, at k = 30, 𝑉 = 50 × ln (30) = 𝟓𝟒. 𝟗𝟑 𝒌𝒎/𝒉

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Question 3

Consider the following two-regime model:

103 − 1.3184𝑘 (𝑘 ≤ 40)

64.5 − 0.43𝑘 (𝐾 > 40)

According to the model, answer the following questions:

1) What are the free-flow speed and the jam density?
2) What are the average spacing and average headway corresponding to speeds of 30 and 60
3) Plot the three fundamental diagrams for the model (i.e., plot the q-K, q-V, and K-V


1) Free flow speed is observed at k = 0

at K = 0, Vf = 103 – (1.3184*0) = 103 km/h

Jam density occurs at V = 0

0 = 64.5 – 0.43*Kj
Kj = 64.5/0.43 = 150 veh/km/lane

2) To get spacing (which is related to density), we can simply use the V-K equation and get
the density corresponding to a given speed. The problem is that we have two equations for
V-K relationship, and we do not know which one to use for a given speed.
Thus, we need to have an idea about the speed range in which we can use each equation
first. If we set k = 40 in the first equation, the speed would equal 103 – (1.3184 * 40) =
50.26 km/h. This means that the first equation is applicable for speed values higher than
50.26 km/h.

So, to get K corresponding to 30 km/h (which is < 50.26), we will use the second equation.
30 = 64.50 – 0.43 K
K = 80.23 veh/km/lane
Average spacing: S = 1000 / 80.23 = 12.46 m
Average flow: q = V * K = 80.23 * 30 = 2406.9 veh/h
Then, the average headway: h = 3600/2406.9 = 1.5 s

And to get K corresponding to 60 km/h (which is > 50.26), we will use the first equation.
60 = 103 – 1.3184 K
K = 32.62 veh/km/lane
Average spacing: S = 1000 / 32.62 = 30.66 m
Average flow: q = V * K = 32.62 * 60 = 1957.2 veh/h

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Then, the average headway: h = 3600/1957.2 = 1.84 s

3) Using the equation above, we can calculate the density corresponding to any speed value.
Consequently, the flow can be calculated (q = K*V)

K (veh/km) V (km/h) Equation used to calculate v q (veh/h)

0 103 1 0
5 96.408 1 482.04
10 89.816 1 898.16
15 83.224 1 1248.36
20 76.632 1 1532.64
25 70.04 1 1751
30 63.448 1 1903.44
35 56.856 1 1989.96
40 50.264 1 2010.56
40.01 47.2957 2 1892.300957
45 45.15 2 2031.75
50 43 2 2150
55 40.85 2 2246.75
60 38.7 2 2322
65 36.55 2 2375.75
70 34.4 2 2408
75 32.25 2 2418.75
80 30.1 2 2408
85 27.95 2 2375.75
90 25.8 2 2322
95 23.65 2 2246.75
100 21.5 2 2150
105 19.35 2 2031.75
110 17.2 2 1892
115 15.05 2 1730.75
120 12.9 2 1548
125 10.75 2 1343.75
130 8.6 2 1118
135 6.45 2 870.75
140 4.3 2 602
145 2.15 2 311.75
150 0 2 0

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V-K relationship

V (km/h)




0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
K (veh/km)

q-K relationship

q (veh/h)




0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
K (veh/km)

V-q relationship

V (km/h)




0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
q (veh/h)

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