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♦ Introduction ♦ Acceleration
♦ Review of basic concepts ♦ The equations of motion
♦ Types of Motion ♦ Graphical representation of motion
♦ Vectors and Scalar ♦ Distance time graph
♦ Distance and Displacement ♦ Distance time graphs
♦ Speed ♦ Displacement - time graphs
♦ Velocity ♦ Speed - time graphs

1. Introduction

The physics of motion focuses on the language, principles and laws, which describe and explain the
motion of objects. The efforts should concentrate around the meaning of the information and its

Everything in this universe is in motion

Mechanics is the branch of physics that focuses on the motion of objects and the forces that cause the
motion to change. There are two branches of Mechanics: Kinematics and Dynamics. The word kinematics
comes from the Greek word “Kinema” meaning motion. The word dynamics comes from the Greek
word “dynamis” meaning power. Kinematics deals with the concepts that are needed to describe
motion without any reference to forces or the cause of the motion. The goal of study of kinematics is to
develop sophisticated mental models, which serve us in describing the motion of real world objects.
The language of kinematics deals with the words Vectors, Scalars, Distance, Displacement, Speed,
Velocity, Acceleration, which are used with regularity to describe the motion of objects.
Dynamics deals with the relation between the forces and the motion. Scalars and Vectors Physics is a
mathematical science. The underlying concepts and principles of Physics have a mathematical basis.
Through the course of study of physics, the emphasis will often be upon the conceptual nature of
physics, we will give considerable and persistent attention to its mathematical aspect.
The motion of objects can be described by words such as distance, displacement, speed, velocity and
acceleration. Before we witness the concepts of kinematics, let’s review some basic concepts.

2. Review of Basic Concepts


An object of negligible dimensions, i.e., a point mass is known as a particle. This is only mathematical
idealization. Even the earth can be treated as a particle if we consider the motion of earth round the sun.
The radius of the earth is very small, when compared with the distance between the earth and the sun.
Similarly, a bus travelling a distance of 100 km can be considered as a particle, as the size of the bus is
very small compared to the distance travelled by it.

Reference point

A fixed point or a fixed object with respect to which the given body changes its position is known as
reference point. For example, a pillar can be a reference point for an object crossing it.

Rest and motion


A body is said to be at rest if it does not change its position with respect to the reference point. The
objects which remain stationary at a place and do not change their position are said to be at rest.

Example : A table and chairs lying in a room are in the state of rest, because they do not change their
position with respect to the surroundings of the room.

A table and chairs at rest w.r.t to surroundings

1. 2 9th Class Physics


An object is said to be in motion if it changes its position from one place to another. In other words, the
movement of an object is known as the motion of the object.

A Leopard jumping over a deer is in motion

Rest and motion are relative:

While sitting in a moving train, your distances from the walls, roof and the floor of the compartment do
not change. That is, with respect to the compartment, your position does not change. You are at rest
with respect to the compartment. But your distance from the platform, from which you boarded the
train, changes as time passes. So you are moving with respect to the platform. This means that an
object can be at rest with respect to one thing and in motion with respect to some other thing at the
same time. So motion is not absolute; it is relative.

When you are moving in a train, you are both at rest

and motion relatively

Is the platform at rest, or is it moving with respect to the compartment? The distance of the platform
from the compartment is changing as time passes. So the platform is moving with respect to the
compartment. Also, the compartment is moving with respect to the platform.

Suppose two trains are moving on parallel tracks in the same direction. Both started together and are
moving equally fast. The distance of a person A sitting in the first train from another person B sitting in
the other train will not change. So A is rest with respect to B. Similarly B is at rest with respect to A.

Motion 1. 3
Both are moving with respect to the platform, but they are at rest with respect to each other.
We are going to deal with the rectilinear motion of an object in this chapter. Broad range of physical
situations are examples of straight line or rectilinear motion: a falling stone, an accelerating train, a
breaking car, a sliding hockey puck, a crate being pulled up a ramp. We describe the motion of a
particle in two ways: Mathematical equation and Graphical method. The mathematical approach is
usually better for solving problems, because it permits more precision than graphical methods. The
graphical method often provides more physical insight than a set of mathematical equations. In this
chapter, only mathematical equations are used to describe the motion of a particle.

3. Types of Motion

All bodies in motion do not move the same way. For example, a car moves straight along the road; a
spinning top spins round and round; the strings of a sitar move up and down and the pendulum of a
clock moves sideways in either direction. The motion of bodies is classified as under :

I. Translatory motion:

The motion in which all the particles of a body move through the same distance in the same time
is called translatory motion.

Examples :
i) A car or a train moving along a road or track.
ii) A ball rolling on the ground.
iii) Firing of a bullet from a gun.
iv) A stone hurled from a catapult.
vii) An apple falling from a tree.
viii) A striker on the carrom board going straight to hit the coin, etc.
There are two kinds of translatory motion:
(a) Rectilinear motion and (b) Curvilinear motion.
a) Rectilinear motion :
When an object moves along a straight line like a ball dropped from a height, the motion
described by the body is called rectilinear motion.



Rectilinear Motion

1. 4 9th Class Physics

A car moving on a straight road describes rectilinear motion


i) A ball rolling on the ground.

ii) A car moving on a straight road.

iii) A stone falling freely from the roof of a building.

iv) A coin moving over a carom board.
b) Curvilinear motion :
When a body moves along a curved path, the motion described by the body is called
curvilinear motion.

Curvilinear Motion A car moving on a curved road describes curvilinear motion

i) A stone thrown by a boy from a height.

ii) A car moving along a curved path.

iii) A javelin or shotput thrown by an athlete.

iv) A ball thrown upward at an angle.

v) A car or train moving along a curved road or track are all examples of curvilinear motion.

Motion 1. 5
II. Rotational motion

A motion in which a body moves about a fixed axis without changing its position is called rotational


Axis of θ
B The motion of blades of a fan describes rotational motion

i) The motion of the blades of a fan.

ii) The wheel of a sewing machine.

iii) The motion of a giant wheel.

iv) A spinning top

v) A spinning wheel (charkha)

vi) A rotating potter’s wheel
Combination of translatory and rotational motion:
In some cases, the motion of rotation and the motion of translation occur at the same time. When a drill
cuts through a metal piece, it performs the motion of translation as well as the motion of rotation at the
same time. Other examples of this kind of motion are the wheels of a moving bicycle or a car, the ball
delivered by a spin bowler.
Translational Motion


A moving bicycle describes

both translational and rotational motion

1. 6 9th Class Physics

III. Circular motion

When a body moves around a circular path,the way an athlete runs around a circular track, such motion
is called circular motion.


Axis of rotation

i) Motion of an electric fan.
ii) Motion of a merry-go- round.
iii) Motion of a spinning top.
iv) Motion of the earth around the sun.
Note: In circular motion, the position of a body itself keeps changing with time, but in rotational motion
the position of a body does not change. It is to be noted that circular motion is a special case of rotatory

IV. Oscillatory motion

A motion in which the body as a whole moves to-and-fro about its mean position is called oscillatory

A girl swinging, and a

swinging pendulum
exhibit oscillatory motion

Motion 1. 7
Examples :

i) The movement of a swing.

ii) The oscillation of pendulum of a clock.

iii) The needle of a sewing machine moving up and down.

iv) The piston of a motor car, the pressing cylinder of a juice machine, the piston of a spray pump

V. Vibratory motion

It is another kind of oscillatory motion in which the body does not move as a whole i.e. the entire object
does not move but undergoes change in shape or size.


i) When you pluck a string of a guitar or sitar, it vibrates to and fro about its position of rest and
produces music.

ii) When you strike the membrane of a drum, it vibrates up and down about its position of rest and
produces sound. These vibrations are like the oscillations of a pendulum, except that they are
faster. There is another difference. The pendulum swings freely, while the string of a musical
instrument is fixed at two ends, and the membrane of a drum is fixed around the circumference of
the drum.
iii) During breathing, when our chest expands or contracts, the motion is vibratory in nature; all the
points on the chest do not move out equally.

1. 8 9th Class Physics

A motion which repeats itself at regular intervals of time is called periodic motion.


i) The motion of the earth round the sun is periodic.

ii) The swinging pendulum of a wall clock.

iii) The needle of a sewing machine running at constant speed.

iv) The heart beat of a normal human being.

v) The motion of a swing.

vi) The movement of the lungs during breathing.

VI. Non-periodic motion

A repetitive motion, which repeats itself, but not at fixed intervals of time, is called non-periodic motion.

Examples :
i) A football player running in the field up and down is performing non-periodic motion as sometimes
he runs fast and sometimes slow.

ii) When the brakes are applied to a moving vehicle, the motion described by the wheels is non-
iii) A cricket ball rolling down the ground gradually slows down and finally stops, and hence is
performing non-periodic motion.

When things move suddenly, without any regularity, they also describe non-periodic motion. For
example, earthquake, eruption of a volcano, a Storm, etc.

VII. Random motion

A body which has a particular motion that suddenly changes to another kind of motion is said to have
random motion. In other words, the motion without any sequence or direction is random motion.

Examples :

Motion 1. 9
1) A buzzing bee.
2) A football player on the field.

3) The motion of a hockey ball during a game.

4) The flying motion of a sparrow.

5) A monkey performing antics on a tree.

VIII. Multiple motion

Sometimes an object manifests two or more types of motion at the same time. Such motion is called
multiple motion.

i) When a spin bowler delivers a ball, the ball has a motion of spin (rotatory motion)while it moves
towards the batsman (translatory motion).

Linear Motion of the ball

A spinning ball

ii) A person is drawing water from a well. Here, the pulley on which the rope runs has a rotatory
motion while the bucket coming up has a translatory motion.
iii) A girl riding a bicycle. The wheels of the bicycle rotate (rotatory motion ) and at the same time the
bicycle moves forward in a straight or curved path (translatory motion).

iv) A drill used by a carpenter for drilling a hole in wood, has both translatory and rotatory motions.
This is because while it is being rotated (rotatory motion), it is also getting pushed forward
(translatory motion) into the wood.
v) The earth rotates about its axis (rotatory motion) and at the same time it revolves around the sun
in a circular path (translatory motion).

vi) The mythological Sudarshan Chakra hurled by Lord Krishna to kill his enemies had both translatory
as well as rotatory motion.

1. 10 9th Class Physics

A drilling machine and earth revolving round the sun A drilling machine and earth revolving round the sun
exhibit rotatory as well as translatory motion exhibit rotatory as well as translatory motion

1. A book placed on a table is an example for

(A) Rest (B) Motion (C) Both (D) None

2. An object that changes its position from one place to another. In other words, the movement of an
object is known as :

(A) Rest (B) Motion (C) Both (D) None

3. A car or a train moving along a road or track is an example for

(A) Translatory Motion (B) Rotational Motion

(C) Circular Motion (D) Oscillatory motion

4. Which of the following are the examples for translatory motion?

(A) A ball rolling on the ground. (B) A stone hurled from a catapult.

(C) An apple falling from a tree. (D) All

5. The motion of the wheel of a sewing machine is an

(A) Translatory Motion (B) Rotational Motion

(C) Circular Motion (D) Oscillatory motion

6. Which of the following are the examples for circular motion?

(A) Motion of an electric fan. (B) Motion of a merry-go- round.

(C) Motion of a spinning top. (D) All

7. The motion of a swinging pendulum is an example for :

(A) Translatory Motion ( B) Rotational Motion

(C) Circular Motion (D) Oscillatory motion

Motion 1. 11
8. The drums produce sound due to _________ motion.
(A) Translatory (B) Rotational (C) Circular (D) Vibratory

9. Which of the following are examples for periodic motion?

(A) The motion of the earth round the sun is periodic.

(B) The swinging pendulum of a wall clock.

(C) The needle of a sewing machine running at constant speed.

(D) All

10. Match the following.

List A List B
i) A car moving on a straight road a) Periodic motion

ii) A javelin thrown by an athlete b) Rotatory motion

iii) Motion of a potter’s c) Curvilinear motion wheel

iv) Motion of heart beats d) Translatory motion

4. Vectors and Scalars

Consider a water melon that weighs 5 kg. Here, the mass is represented by the number 5 along with the
unit kg. For specifying the mass of the body, direction is not required, but magnitude. Such quantities
are called scalars.

The quantities which have only magnitude but no direction are called scalar quantities.

Examples: Mass, length, time, volume, density temperature, etc.

It is right to express mass of water melon as 5 kg, but it is wrong to express mass of water melon as 5kg
towards north.

Now assume that you invited your friend for your birthday party and your friend doesn’t know your
house. You informed that your house is 200m from ADCL Corporate office.
Will your friend find it easy to locate your house ?

It becomes difficult to trace the house as the direction is not specified.

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But if you say it is 200m left or east of ADCL Corporate office, he finds it easy to locate your house and
your celebration becomes colourful.
That is, for certain quantities, specification of direction is a must. Such quantities that are represented
with both magnitude and direction are called vectors.

Examples: Displacement, velocity, acceleration, force, weight etc.

Representation of a Vector :

Any vector can be represented by a straight line OA .


The length of the straight line indicates magnitude and the arrow mark ( → ) indicates direction.
Note: Scalars CAN BE added, subtracted, etc., algebraically. Vectors CANNOT BE added, subtracted
etc., algebraically, because we cannot add or subtract directions. There are some laws to add vectors,
which you learn in your higher classes.

5. Distance travelled and displacement


When a body is displaced from one point to another, it describes a certain curve, which is called the
trajectory of a moving body. We call the motion of particle as rectilinear or straight line if its trajectory
is a straight line.

The length of the trajectory along which a body moves for a certain time interval is said to be the path
or distance traversed by the body during that time interval. The distance travelled is a physical quantity.
It is measured with a special unit of length, a metre (m).

The actual length covered by a moving body in between two points, irrespective of the direction in
which the body is moving, is called distance.
In the figure shown, if the particle performs one complete rotation, then the distance covered by it is
2 πr .

Motion 1. 13
The straight line distance between the initial and final positions of a body is called the magnitude of the
displacement. The direction of the displacement is given by the direction from the initial position to the
final position.
The shortest distance covered by a moving body in between two points, in a particular direction,
is called the displacement.

The displacement of a particle and the distance travelled by it are two different quantities. Distance
travelled in a given time has just a magnitude (numerical value) and no direction, whereas displacement
has magnitude as well as direction. It is important to note that the magnitude of the displacement
is not always the same as the distance travelled. If a particle moves in a plane along a zig-zag path,
the distance travelled in a given time interval may be much larger than the magnitude of its displacement
in the same time interval.
Consider a particle which moves from A to B along a curve in figure. The distance travelled is equal to
the length of the curve, whereas the magnitude of the displacement is equal to the length of the straight
line AB.



Even if the particle moves along a straight line, the distance travelled may be larger than the magnitude
of its displacement. For example, if a particle goes from A to B on a straight line and returns to A, the
displacement is zero but the distance traversed is not zero. Only if the particle moves along a straight
line without changing its direction, the magnitude of its displacement is equal to the distance
traversed as shown in the above figure.

Consider the following motion depicted in the figure. A man walks 4 metres east, 2 metres south, 4
metres west, finally 2 metres north.




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Though the man walked a total distance of 12 metres, his displacement is zero metres. During the
course of this motion, he has covered 12 metres of ground (distance = 12m).
Yet when he has finished walking, he is not “ out of place” i.e., there is no displacement for his motion
(displacement = 0 m). Displacement, being a vector quantity, must give attention and regard to
direction. The 4 metres east is cancelled by the 4 metres west; and the 2 metres south is cancelled by
the 2 metres north.

Both distance and displacement are measured in same units. In CGS and SI systems, the units are
metre and centimetre respectively.

Difference between distance and displacement

Distance Displacement
It is defined as the actual path traversed by a It is the shortest distance between two points
body. between which the body moves.
It is a scalar quantity. It is a vector quantity.

It can never be negative or zero. It can be negative, zero or positive.

Numerically, distance travelled by a body can be Numerically, displacement of a body can be
equal to or greater than displacement. equal to, or less than, distance travelled.
Distance travelled is not a unique path between Displacement is a unique path between two
two points. points.
The distance between two points gives complete Displacement between two points does not give
information of the type of path followed by the complete information of the type of path
body. followed by the body.
Distance never decreases with time. For a Displacement can decrease with time. For a
moving body, it is never zero moving body it can be zero.
The S.I. unit of distance is metre and C.G.S. unit The S.I. Unit of displacement is metre and
is centimetre. C.G.S. unit is centimetre.

1. A man leaves his house at 5.00 a.m. for a morning walk for 2km and returns at 6.00. a.m. What is his
displacement and distance traversed by him in this time?

2. Find the distance and displacement in each of following cases while the body moves from A to B.
i) B ii) A iii)
h D

Motion 1. 15
3. A body moving in a circular path covers three quarters of a circle of radius r. What are the magnitudes
of displacement and distance travelled by it?
4. A rabbit moves a distance of 8 cm from P to Q and then moves a distance of 6cm at right angles to PQ.
What is the magnitude of its displacement?

5. Find the distance and displacement of the particles, in the following cases, (i) and (ii), while a particle
travels from A and B as shown by the arrows.

i) A E ii) C A
b a


6. A drunkard takes a stride of 0.75m in the forward direction and of 0.25m in the reverse direction
alternately. Find the distance covered by him and his displacement at the end of 100 consecutive pairs
of steps.

7. If a body completes one complete revolution in a circular path, then

1) distance = 0

2) magnitude of displacement = 0

3) both (1) and (2) are correct

4) None of these

8. If the displacement of an object is zero, then the distance travelled by the object is :
1) zero 2) not zero

3) negative 4) may or may not be zero

9. If the distance travelled by an object is zero, then the displacement of the object is:
1) zero 2) not zero

3) negative 4) may or may not be zero

10. A boy starts from his house and travels 5 km to reach the market. After purchasing his book, he returns
to his house. What is the magnitude of displacement of the boy?

1. 16 9th Class Physics

11. The figure given below shows the path taken by a boy during a walk. Find the total distance covered by
the boy.

4 km 3 km

2 km

1) 12 km 2) 9 km 3) 10 km 4) 5 km
12. A body is moving along a circular path of radius R. What will be the distance and magnitude of
displacement of the body when it completes half-a-revolution ?

6. Speed

Have you ever thought; how are the rate of motion of a body is measured? This can be understood
from two terms i.e., speed and velocity. Let us first discuss about speed.
When we consider speed, we consider the total distance covered with respect to time.

Assume that a rabbit is resting at A and in search of food it moved along path ABCDEF and reached F.
C 40 m D

20 m 20 m 60 m

A 40 m B E F

If the rabbit takes 2 minutes to reach F from A, then we say that speed of the rabbit is
1.5 m/s

Let see how we get this

Total distance covered = 40 + 20 + 40 + 20 + 60 = 180 m

Total time taken = 2 minutes = 120 s

Speed = = 1.5m/s

Motion 1. 17
Thus, speed can be defined as the distance covered by a body in unit time and is represented with v.
distance covered
Speed =

Units: In CGS system, the unit of speed is centimetre per second (cm/s) whereas in SI system, it is
metre per second (m/s).

i) Speed is a scalar quantity as it has only magnitude without any specific direction.

ii) If the distances covered are very small, then the speed is expressed in cm/s or cms –1 .
iii) If the distances covered are fairly large, the speed is expressed in km/h or kmh–1 .

iv) 1km per hour = metre per second

Uniform speed

Observe the motion of the car shown below:

What do you observe?

The car covers 30 km in every one hour. Then we say that the car is moving with a uniform speed.
When a body covers equal distances in equal intervals of time (however small the time intervals
may be), the car is said to be moving with a uniform speed.


A rotating fan, a rocket moving in space, etc., have uniform speeds. Similarly, an aeroplane flying at
200 km/h or a train running at 90 km/h are moving with uniform speeds.

Non-Uniform Speed

Let us understand the same by observing the motion of the following car.

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What do you observe?

We observe that the car covers 40 km from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m., 20 km from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. and 30 km
from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. Here, the distance covered by the body is not same in equal intervals of time, or
equal distances in unequal intervals of time. In such cases, we say that the body is moving with non
uniform speed or variable speed or variable speed.
When a body covers unequal distances in equal intervals of time, the body is said to be moving
with a nonuniform speed.


A train starting from a station, a dog chasing a cat, have variable speeds.

Average Speed

Let us consider the motion of car in previous case. The car is covering unequal distances in equal
intervals of time.

How do you calculate the speed of car for whole journey?

In such case, we consider average speed of the car. Average speed of a body is the total distance
covered by it in total time.

∴ Average speed

Totaltimetaken to coverthedistance

In the previous case, the total distance covered is (40 + 20 + 30) km = 90 km, whereas the total time
taken is 3 hours.

∴ Average speed = = 30km/h.

Motion 1. 19
1. Two trains A and B cover 120 km and 180 km in 3 hours, and 4 hours respectively. Which is moving
faster, A or B?
2. A train moving with uniform speed covers a distance of 120 m in 2 s. Calculate the speed of the train
and the time it will take to cover 240 m.

3. Find the distance travelled by a body in 5 minutes if it travels with a uniform speed of 20 ms–1 .
4. A car travels the first half of a distance between two places at a speed of 30 km/h and the second half
of the distance at 50 km/h. Find the average speed of the car for the whole journey.

5. A scooterist covers a distance of 3 kilometres in 5 minutes. Calculate his speed in kilometres per hour

6. A body covers first one-third distance with speed 1m/s, the second one-third distance with speed 2m/
s and the last one-third distance with speed 3m/s. Find its average speed.
7. A stopwatch is used to time themotionofacar.Attime
=t12s, the car is at x1 = 50 m and at t2 = 15
s, the car is at x2 = 5m. Find the average velocity of the car.

7. Velocity

The speed of an object tells us how fast the object is moving. If the speed is known, one can calculate
the distance traversed by the object in a given time interval. But to locate the position of the object at
the end of the given interval of him, one needs to know the direction in which the body has moved.
Suppose, I tell you that at 10.30 a.m. a ball was placed at the centre of a field. A boy pushed the ball
along the ground to move it with a uniform speed of 0.5 m/s.
Can you find the location of the ball after 1 minute ?

You can only calculate the distance covered by the ball in 1 minute.
S = vt = (0.5 m/s) (60 s) = 30 m

The ball is 30 m away from the centre of the field. But this does not tell us where exactly the ball is, i.e.,
30 m from the centre in which direction. To locate the position of the ball, you need to know the
direction in which the ball moved with a speed of 0.5 m/s. If we say that the boy pushed the ball
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towards the north. So the ball moved with a speed 0.5 m/s towards north. You can then locate the ball
at a point 30 m north from the centre of the field.

When speed and direction are both specified, we get the velocity of the object. In the above example,
we say that the velocity of the ball is 0.5 m/s, north. This is equivalent to the statement the speed of the
ball is 0.5 m/s, and it is moving towards the north.

The velocity of an object is a quantity that gives the speed of the object as well as its direction of
Velocity has magnitude as well as direction. It is a vector quantity.

We can also define velocity as follows:

Then the velocity of an object is the displacement of the object in a short time interval divided
by the time interval or the velocity of an object is its displacement per unit time.

The unit of velocity is the same as the that of speed. Thus the SI unit of velocity is meter per second,
written as m/s. We often use the unit km/h for convenience.

Velocity of an object moving along a straight Line

When an object moves along a straight line, there are only two possible directions of motion. In such a
case, its velocity may be represented in a very simple manner. We write the speed of the object, and put
a plus sign before it if the object is moving in the positive direction of the line, and a minus sign if
it is moving in the negative direction of the line. The resulting number gives the speed as well as the
direction of the motion, and hence, represents velocity.

Some noteworthy points

1. Velocity is a vector while speed is a scalar, both having same units(m/s).

2. If during motion, velocity remains constant throughout a given interval of time, the motion is said
to be uniform.
3. If velocity is constant, speed will also be constant. However, may converse may or may not be
true, i.e., if speed is constant, velocity may or may not be constant as velocity has direction in
addition to magnitude which may or may not change, as in case of uniform circular motion.

4. Velocity can be positive or negative as it is a vector but speed can never be negative as it is
magnitude of velocity.

Motion 1. 21
Uniform velocity

When a body has equal displacements in equal intervals of time in a specified direction, (howsoever,
short the time intervals may be) the body is said to be moving with a uniform velocity.

Example: Imagine a car is moving along a straight road towards east, such that in every one second it
has a displacement of 5m.


5m 5m 5m
1s 1s 1s

In such a case, the uniform velocity of car is 5 m/s east as illustrated in above

A body will have a uniform velocity only, if :

i) It has displaces equal distances covers equal distances in equal intervals of time, i.e., the magnitude
does not change.

ii) Its direction remains the same.

If any of the two conditions is not fulfilled, then the body will have uniform velocity, but have a variable

Variable Velocity

When a body covers unequal distances in equal intervals of time in a specified direction or equal
distances in equal intervals of time, but its direction changes, then the body is said to be moving with a
variable velocity.

Example : A car moving along a circular path, such that it covers 5 m in every one second, as shown


B 1s


1. 22 9th Class Physics

Certainly, the car has a uniform speed of 5m/s, but its uniform velocity is not 5 m/s, because the
direction of car is changing continuously.

Average velocity

It is the ratio of total displacement to total time taken.

Averagevelocity =

Example :

The motion of a body along a straight is shown below. It covers different distances in each second.

1s 1s 1s 1s
A 3m B 4m C 2m D 4m E East

The total displacement (total distance travelled) of a body towards east is (3m + 4m + 2m + 4m)

= 13m. in 4s.

Totaldisplacement 13
∴Average velocity = = = 3.25 m/s east
Totaltimetaken 4

Average speed cannot be zero, but average velocity can be zero

This fact can be proved with the help of the following examples:

i) A boy goes to a market 1 km away from his home and reaches there in 30 minutes. Seeing the
market closed, he at once returns to his home in next 30 minutes.

∴ Average speed of the boy

Total distance 1km + 1km

= = = 2kmh −1
Totaltime 1hour

Average velocity of the boy

Total displacement 0
= = =0
Totaltime 1hour

(As the boy returns to his home from the market, his displacement after 60 minutes is zero
although he covered a distance of 2km).

Motion 1. 23
ii) A boy is running along the circular track of radius 7 m and completes one revolution in 10

∴ Average speed of the boy

Total distance Circumference of the circle

= =
Totaltime Time

2× ×7
2πR 7
= =
t 10

44 −1
= ms = 4.4ms −1

Average velocity of the boy

Total displacement 0
= = =0
Time 10s

(As the boy returns to the initial position after completing one revolution, his displacement after
10 s is zero)

Some noteworthy points

1. Average speed is a scalar while average velocity is vector both having same units (m/s).
2. Average speed or velocity depends on time interval over which it is defined.

3. For a given time interval average velocity is single valued while average speed can have many
values depending on path followed.
4. If after motion, the body comes back to its initial position, then average velocity is zero and
average speed is greater than zero and finite.

5. For a moving body average speed can never be negative or zero (unless t = ∞ ) while average
velocity can be zero or negative or positive.

6. In general, average speed is not equal to magnitude of average velocity. However, it can be so if
the motion is along a straight line without change in direction.

1. 24 9th Class Physics

Differences between Speed and Velocity

S.No. Speed Velocity

The distance travelled by a body in a
Distance travelled by a body per
1 particular direction (i.e., displacement) per
unit time is known as its speed.
unit time is known as its velocity.
Average speed of a moving body Average velocity of a moving body can be
cannot be zero. zero.
3 Speed tells how fast a body Velocity tells how fast a body moves and in
moves. which direction it moves.
4 Speed is a scalar quantity. Velocity is a vector quantity.
Speed of a body is always Velocity of a body can be positive or
positi ve. negative.

Typical speeds of living and non-living things

(This is only for information, you need not memorize them)

Living things:
1. Carl Lewis(US) reached a peak speed of 26.95 mph during 1988 Olympic Games 100m final in
Seoul, South Korea, on September 24, 1988.
2. Fastest land mammal: Cheetah (93.12km/h)

3. Fastest marine mammal: Bull killer whale (55.26km/h)

4. Slowest mammal: Three–toed Sloth (0.11 – 0.16km/h)

5. Fastest fish: Cosmopolitan sailfish (108.93km/h)

6. Slowest fish: Sea horse (0.001602km/h)

7. Fastest reptile in water: Scared pacific leather back turtle (35.24km/h)

8. Fastest Snake: Black mamba (16.02 – 19.22km/h)

9. Fastest flying bird: Peregrine falcon (198.64 – 296.13km/h)

10. Slowest flying bird: The American wood Cock and Eurasian wood cock (8.01km/h)

11. Fastest land bird: Ostrich (72.09km/h)

12. Fastest growing tree: Albizzia falcata (2.794cm in a day)

Motion 1. 25
Non – living things:
1. The speed of the Earth moving round the Sun (1.072 × 108 km/h)

2. Wind speed in a light breeze (32km/h)

3. Wind speed in a hurricane (320km/h)

4. The speed of light (1.08 × 109 km/h)

5. Fastest tornado: A tornado blew at Wichita falls, Texas on April 2, 1958 (448.56km/h)
6. Fastest planet: Mercury (171554.976km/h)

1. The cheetah is the fastest land animal and can achieve a peak velocity of 100 km/h up to distances less
than 500 m. If a cheetah spots its prey at a distance of 100 m, what is the minimum time it will take to
get its prey, if the average velocity attained by it is 90 km/h?
2. A car moves for first half of its total travel time with a velocity 80 km/h and for next half of the time at 40
km/h. The total displacement is 60 km. Find the average velocity of the car.

3. On a 120km track, a train travels the first 30km at a uniform velocity of 30km/h. How fast must the
train travel the next 90km, so that the average velocity of the entire trip is 60km/h ?

4. There is a square field of side a units. A tortoise starts from one corner and reaches the diagonally
opposite corner of the field in a time interval of t. Find the magnitude of the average velocity of the
5. A body rises vertically up to height of 125 metres in 5 seconds and then returns back to the point of its
throw. Find the total displacement and average velocity of the body.

6. A train travels at a velocity of 60 km/h for 0.5 h, at 30 km/h for the next 0.2 h and then at 70 km/h for
the next 0.7 h. What is the average velocity of the train?
7. A man travelling in a straight line moves with a uniform velocity v1 for a certain distance and with a
uniform velocity v2 for the next equal distance. Find the average velocity (v).

8. In a long distance race, the athletes were expected to take four rounds of the track such that the line of
finish was same as the line of start. Suppose the length of the track was 200 m.

1) What is the total distance to be covered by the athletes ?

2) What is the displacement of the athletes when they touch the finish line ?

1. 26 9th Class Physics

3) Is the motion of the athletes uniform or non-uniform ?

4) Is the displacement of an athlete and the distance run by him at the end of the race equal ?
9. Ranjith jogs from one end to the other of a straight 300 m road, say from point A to B in 2.50 minutes,
and then turns around and jogs 100 m back towards the starting point C in another 1.00 minute. What
are Ranjith’s average speeds and velocities in jogging (a) from A to B, and (b) from A to C ?

10. A person walks along a straight road for first half time with velocity v 1 and the second half time with
velocity v 2 . What is the average velocity of the person?

11. A boy runs along a straight path for the first half distance with a velocity v 1 and the second half distance
with a velocity v 2 . Find his average velocity
12. If a motorist completes half a revolution in a circular track of radius 100 m in one minute, what will be
his average speed and magnitude of average velocity ? ______.

8. Acceleration

To develop the idea of acceleration, let us consider a body moving in a straight line with a non-uniform
velocity. For example, let a train start from rest at station A. When it starts moving, its velocity increases
and after a certain time interval it attains a constant velocity. As the next station approaches, its velocity
gradually decreases and finally become zero at the station B.

A constant velocityB

ng ty d
asi ecr
incre eas
oci ing
Station A Station B

These changes in the velocity of a moving body are described in terms of acceleration. Acceleration
is denoted by a, and is defined as follows:
The change in the velocity of a body per unit time is called acceleration.
Changein velocity
Acceleration =

If, Velocity of a body at t1 = v1

and, Velocity of a body at t2 = v2
Motion 1. 27
Then, Change in velocity = v2 – v1

and, Time interval = t2 – t1

As per definition, the acceleration of the body over the time interval t1 to t2 is given by,

( v 2 − v1 )
( t 2 − t1 )
The acceleration given by the above equation, is actually the average acceleration over the time interval
t1 to t2 .

However, if the time interval (t2 – t1 ) is very small, then acceleration obtained is called acceleration at
time t1 .
The rate of change of velocity of a body is called its acceleration. The change in the velocity
may be due to a change in its speed or direction of motion or both.

But when a body moves in a straight line, its direction does not change. So, for bodies travelling along
a straight line, the acceleration is due to the change in its speed during its motion. However, when a
body moves along a circular path at a constant speed, the acceleration in the body is due to the change
in its direction. These aspect shall be discussed in detail in 10th class.
Acceleration of a body in terms of its initial and final velocities

Finalvelocity − Initialvelocity
Acceleration =


Where :
u = Initial velocity of the body

v = Final velocity of the body

t = Time interval
a = Acceleration of the body

Units of acceleration. Acceleration is given by,

The SI unit of acceleration is, ms–2 .

Some other (non-SI) units of acceleration which are used often are, centimetre per second squared,
cm/s2 or cm s–2 kilometre per hour squared, km/h2 or km h–2

1. 28 9th Class Physics

Positive acceleration

Acceleration is described by the equation,


Finalvelocity − Initialvelocity v − u
a= =
Timeinterval t

If the final velocity of a moving body is greater

than the initial velocity, i.e., v > u, then

Acceleration, a =

= A positive quantity
Thus, the acceleration of a moving body is positive if its final velocity is greater than the initial
velocity. In other words, when the velocity of a body increases with time, its acceleration is
positive. In common practice, positive acceleration is simply called acceleration.

Example: A body dropped from a certain height gains velocity as it falls down towards the earth. So,
a body falling towards the earth has positive acceleration.

Note: Acceleration is taken to be positive if it acts in the direction of velocity, and negative when in the
direction opposite to the direction of velocity.

Negative acceleration (or retardation)

We know,


Finalvelocity − Initialvelocity v − u
a= =
Timeinterval t

If the final velocity of a moving body is less than the initial velocity , i.e., v < u, then

a= = Anegativequantity

Thus, the acceleration of a moving body is negative when its final velocity is less than the initial velocity.
In other words, when the velocity of a body decreases with time, its acceleration is negative.

Motion 1. 29
Example: When a ball (or stone) is thrown vertically upwards, its velocity decreases with time. So, the
acceleration of a ball thrown vertically upwards is negative.

The velocity of a ball rolling on the floor keeps on decreasing until it stops. So, the acceleration of a ball
rolling on the floor is negative.

Negative acceleration is also called deceleration or retardation.

So, when the velocity of a body decreases with time, it is said to be under retardation.

For a body undergoing retardation, the final velocity is less than initial velocity. Thus, retardation is
actually acceleration with a negative sign. For example, if a body has an acceleration of – 5 m/s2 , then
the retardation of the body is +5 m/s2

Units of retardation

Retardation (or negative acceleration) has the same units as acceleration. Thus, the SI unit of retardation
is metre per second squared (m/s2 or ms–2 )

What is meant by uniform acceleration?

When a moving body has the same acceleration throughout its motion, it is said to have uniform
acceleration. The uniform acceleration is also called constant acceleration.
Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity. So, uniform acceleration may be defined as

When a body travels in a straight line and its velocity changes by equal amounts in equal intervals
of time, it is said to have a uniform acceleration.
The motion of a body with uniform acceleration is called uniformly accelerated motion.


a) A body falling freely under gravity has uniform acceleration.

b) A ball moving down an inclined plane has uniform acceleration .

A body falling freely

from a certain height
A body moving
down an
inclined plane
Inclined plane


1. 30 9th Class Physics

Non-uniform acceleration

Non-uniform acceleration is also called variable acceleration. When a moving body has different
accelerations at different points of time during its motion, it is said to have non-uniform acceleration,
or variable acceleration. Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity. So, the non-uniform
acceleration may be defined as follows:
When the velocity of a body changes by unequal amounts in equal intervals of time, it is said to have a
non-uniform acceleration.

Example. An auto/car driven on a crowded city-road with frequent application of brakes has a non-
uniform acceleration.

9. The Equations of Motion

There are a variety of quantities associated with the motion of objects displacement (and distance),
velocity (and speed), acceleration, and time. Knowledge of each of these quantities provides descriptive
information about an object’s motion. The equations of kinematics are a set of equations, which can be
utilized to determine unknown information about an object’s motion if other information is known. The
equations can be utilized for any motion, which can be described as being either a constant velocity
motion (an acceleration of 0 m/s2 ) or a constant acceleration motion.

They can never be used over any time period during which the acceleration is changing. Each of the
kinematics equation includes four variables; if the values of three of the four variables are known, then
the value of the fourth variable can be calculated. In this manner, the kinematics equations provide a
useful means of predicting information of an object’s motion if other information is known.
For example, if the initial and final velocity of a skidding car is known, (and acceleration) then the
displacement of the car and the time can be predicted using the equations of kinematics. The equations
of kinematics which describe an object’s motion, are:

1. v = u + at

1 2
2. S = ut + at

3. v2 – u2 = 2as

4. Sn = u+ ( 2n − 1) (shall be dealt in 9th class)

Where u = initial velocity

Motion 1. 31
v = final velocity

a = acceleration
s = displacement or distance covered

n or t = time in second

i) If a body starts from rest, its initial
velocity, u = 0
ii) If a body comes to rest (it stops), its
final velocity, v = 0
iii) If a body moves with uniform velocity,
its acceleration, a = 0

Derivations of equations of motion

1. v=u+at

This equation gives the velocity acquired by a body in time t.

Consider a body having initial velocity u. Suppose it is subjected to a uniform acceleration a so that
after time t its final velocity becomes v. Now, from the definition of acceleration we know that:

change in velocity
Acceleration =
time taken


Acceleration = Final velocity - Initial velocity


So, a=

⇒ at = v – u ⇒ v = u + at
u = Initial velocity of the body
By paying due attention to the sign of acceleration, this equation can also be applied to the problems of
uniform retardation. In this case a will be replaced by –a.

1. 32 9th Class Physics

2. S = u t + at 2

This equation gives the displacement of the body in time t.

Suppose a body has an initial velocity u and a uniform acceleration a for time t so that its final velocity
becomes v.

Let the displacement of the body in this time be s. The displacement of the moving body in time t can be
found out by considering its average velocity.
Since the initial velocity of the body is u and its final velocity is v, the average velocity is given by:

Average velocity

Initial velocity + Final velocity u + v

= =
2 2

Also, Displacement = Average velocity × Time

( u + v) × t ________________
So, (1)

From the first equation of motion, we have, v = u + at. Substituting this value of v in equation (1), we get

( u + u + at ) × t or

( 2u + at ) × t 2ut + at 2
or s =
2 2

1 2
or s = ut + at

3. v 2 − u 2 =2aS
This gives the velocity acquired by a body in displacement s.

Suppose a body has an initial velocity u and a uniform acceleration a for time t so that its final velocity
becomes v.

Let the displacement of the body in this time be s. The displacement of the moving body in time t can be
found out by considering its average velocity.
Since the initial velocity of the body is ‘u’ and its final velocity is ‘v’, the average velocity is given by:

Motion 1. 33
Average velocity

Initial velocity + Final velocity



Also, Displacement = Average velocity × Time

( u + v) × t
So, s = ________________

And from the first equation of motion we have: v

= u + at or at = v – u or t = v − u
Putting this value of t in equation (1), we get:

u + v v − u v2 − u 2
s= × = ⇒ v 2 − u2 = 2as
2 a 2a

1. State which of the following situations are possible and give an example of each:

i) a body moving with constant acceleration but with zero velocity.

ii) a body moving horizontally with an acceleration in vertical direction.

iii) a body moving at constant speed in an accelerated motion.

2. What is the acceleration of a body moving with uniform velocity?

3. What is the retardation of a body moving with an acceleration of –4ms–2 ?

4. A bus starting from rest acquires a velocity of 72 kmph in 20 seconds. What is the acceleration of the
5. An object moves with an acceleration of 8ms–2 starting from rest. Find the distance travelled by it in one

6. A scooter starting from rest acquires a velocity of 36 km/h in 10 s. Calculate the acceleration of the

7. A car travelling at 60 km/h, on applying brakes, stops in 10 seconds. Calculate its acceleration.

1. 34 9th Class Physics

8. A car starts from rest and moves with uniform acceleration of 0.3 m/s2 for 5 minutes. Calculate the
velocity acquired by the car.

9. A car travelling at 20km/h speeds up to 60km/h in 6 seconds. What is its acceleration?

10. A bus starting from rest moves with a uniform acceleration of 0.1ms–2 for 2minutes. What is the distance
travelled by the bus?
11. A car, initially at rest, picks up a velocity of 72 kmh–1 in 1/4 minute. What is the distance travelled by the

12. A bullet initially moving with a velocity 20ms–1 strikes a target and comes to rest after penetrating a
distance of 10cm in the target. What is the retardation caused by the target?
13. A person travelling on a scooter at 43.2 km/h applies the brakes, giving a deceleration of 6.0m/s2 to his
scooter. How far will it travel before stopping?

14. A car accelerates from rest at a constant rate a for some time after which it decelerates at a constant
rate b to come to rest. If the total time taken is t, find the maximum velocity attained by the car.

15. A train 100 m long is moving with a velocity of 60 km/h. Find the time it takes to cross a bridge 1 km

10. Graphical Representation of Motion

When you see, you learn faster and understand better. The data from any measurement can be made
more informative when presented in the form of a graph. In this section, we study the importance of
graphs in describing the motion of a body.

What is a graph?

A geometrical relationship between two quantities plotted on the x - and y - axis is called a
graphical plot, or simply a graph.

One of the two quantities to be plotted can be changed independently, while the other depends on it.
The quantity which can be changed independently is called the independent quantity, while the other
which depends on it is called the dependent quantity. Generally, the independent quantity is plotted on
the x-axis, and the dependent quantity on the y - axis. For example, if we want to draw a graph
between the number of runs scored and the number of overs bowled in a cricket match, then the
number of overs is the independent quantity, and the number of runs scored is the dependent quantity.
Motion 1. 35
y – axis

(No. of runs scored)

Dependent quantity
O x – axis
Independent quantity
(No. of overs bowled)

How a graph is plotted

Graphs are plotted on specially designed graph paper. The whole sheet of the commonly used graph
paper is divided into squares of 1 cm each. Each side of such squares is further subdivided into millimetres.
The lines showing millimetre markings are generally light in colour. To draw a graph, generally, we
proceed as follows.
i) Drawing the axes
If both the quantities to be plotted are positive, then draw two perpendicular lines intersecting
each other at one point. This point of intersection is called the origin. The horizontal axis is called
the x - axis, while the vertical axis is called the y-axis. If one of the two or both the quantities are
negative, then the axes are drawn so that the origin is in the middle of the paper.
y – axis

Positive quantity y – axis
Positive quantity

Negative quantity Positive quantity

X| X
Positive quantity O
x| – axis (origin) x – axis

O x – axis Negative quantity

The axes are chosen depending upon y | – axis
the values of the quantities to be Y|

While plotting the graph, it should be remembered that all positive quantities are plotted on the
right and upwards of the origin. The negative quantities are plotted on the left and downwards of
the origin.
The independent quantity is plotted on the horizontal (OX or OX|) axis, and the dependent
quantity is plotted on the vertical (OY or OY|) axis.

1. 36 9th Class Physics

ii) Choosing the scale

The quantities to be plotted on the two axes are generally much bigger than the graph paper. So,
for each axis, a convenient scale is chosen so that the whole range of the quantity can be plotted
on a certain length of the axis. The choice of scale is made so that the plotted graph satisfies the
following conditions.
a) The curve or line of the graph should cover the major portion of the area enclosed by the
two axes.

6 Here, the choice 6

of scale on x-axis The choice of both
5 is not proper 5 the scales is proper

Dependent quantity
Dependent quantity

4 4
Here, the choice
3 of scale on y-axis 3
is not proper
2 2

1 1
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Independent quantity Independent quantity

a) Poor choice b) Proper choice

The choice of scales on the two axes:

a) a poor choice b) a proper choice

b) If the plot is a straight line, it should have an inclination of about 45°, i.e., the graph should
lie in the middle of the quadrant enclosed by the two axes of the scales. The effect of a
good and a bad choice of the scales on the graph is shown in above figure.
iii) Plotting of the given data
The given values of the two quantities are then plotted in the form of points on the graph paper.
These points are then joined by a smooth line/curve to get the desired graph.
iv) Calculations from the graph
The graphs can then be analysed to obtain certain parameters, such as the slope and the intercept.

Usefulness of graphs

Graphs are useful in the following ways:

i) A graphical plot can present a huge amount of data in a compact form.

Motion 1. 37
ii) A graphical plot shows the geometric dependence of one quantity over the other. For example,
a graph immediately tells us whether the dependent quantity (on the y-axis) is a linear or non-
linear function of the independent quantity (on the x-axis).

iii) A graphical plot makes the comparison of different sets of data easier.

iv) A graph can be used to obtain the value of one quantity for a certain specified value of the other.

11. Distance – Time graph

A moving body changes its position continuously with time. The simplest way to describe the motion of
a moving body is to draw its distance-time graph.

Note: Distance-time graphs provide information about the position of the moving body at any time
during its motion.
The geometrical relationship between the distance travelled by a body an the time taken is called
distance - time graph.

The distance-time graph of a body can be drawn by plotting the total distance travelled by the body on
the y-axis and the time taken on the x-axis. The shape of the graph depends upon the nature of the
motion of the body. The distance-time graphs of a body under the following three condition are described
When the body is at rest

When the body is moving with a uniform speed

When the body is moving with a non-uniform speed

i) Distance-time graph for a body at rest

When a body does not change its position relative to a fixed reference point, it is said to be in a
state of rest.

Let us consider a body at a distance of 15 metres from a reference point. If the body is at rest,
then it will remain at the same distance at all times. Therefore, the distance-time graph of a body
at rest is a straight line parallel to the time-axis (x-axis).

1. 38 9th Class Physics


Displacement /m
The body is at a distance of
30 15m from the reference point


Time →

ii) Distance-time graph for a body moving with a uniform speed.

When a body covers equal distances in equal intervals of time, it is said to have uniform speed.
The distance-time graph of a body which covers a distance of 1 metre every 10 seconds is
shown in figure.

Distance / m

0 10 20 30 40 50
Time / s

All the points in this graph fall in a straight line, which makes an angle with the x-axis. Thus, the
distance-time graph of a body moving with a uniform speed is a straight line making an angle with the x-
axis. In other words, the distance travelled by a body moving with uniform speed is directly proportional
to time.

iii) Distance-time graph for a body moving with a non-uniform speed.

A body moving with a non-uniform speed covers unequal distances in equal intervals of time.
Therefore, the distance-time graph of a body moving with a non-uniform speed is a curve.

The shape of the distance - time graph for a body moving with non-uniform speed depends upon
the way speed of the body changes with time. Two typical cases are described below:

Motion 1. 39
a) When the speed increases with time

When the speed of a body increases with time, the distance covered by it in one unit of time also
increases with time. Therefore, the distance-time graph for a body moving with an increasing
non-uniform speed is a curve whose slope increases with time.

Distance →

Slope of this
curve at D is
higher than that
at B


0 1 2 3 4 5
Time / min →

b) When the speed decreases with time

When the speed of a body decreases with time, the distance covered by it in one unit of time also
decreases with time. Therefore, the distance-time graph for a body moving with a decreasing
non-uniform speed is a curve whose slope decreases with time.

Distance →

Slope at A is
greater than that
at B

0 1 2 3 4 5
Time / min →

Calculation of speed from a distance-time graph

1. 40 9th Class Physics

The distance-time graph of a body can be used to calculate its speed.

The speed of a body is defined as the distance travelled by it in one unit of time, i.e.,

Distance travelledby the body

Speed of a body =
Time taken

The calculation of the speed of a body from its instance-time graph is illustrated below:

Distance →
s s

A’ B’
0 t1 t2
Time →

Calculation of the
speed of a body at rest

Calculation of the speed of a body at rest

The distance-time graph for a body at rest is shown in the above figure.

From this graph,

Distance of the body from the origin at time t1 = AA ′ = s

Distance of the body from the origin at time t 2 = BB′ = s


Distance travelled by the body = BB' − AA' = s − s = 0

Time interval = t2 – t1

Distance travelled 0
Speed of the body at rest = = =0
Time taken (t2 − t 1 )
Thus, the speed of a body at rest is zero.

The distance-time graph for a body at rest is a straight line parallel to the time axis(x-axis). A straight line
parallel to the x-axis has zero slope. Therefore, the speed of a body at rest is equal to the slope of its
distance-time graph.

Motion 1. 41
Calculation of speed of a body moving with uniform speed

The distance-time graph for a body moving with a uniform speed is a straight line making an angle with
the x-axis.

d2 A

Distance →
C θ B

0 t1 t2
Time →

Calculation of speed from

distance time graph of a body
moving with uniform speed

Let the body at time t 1 be at a distance d1 , and at time t 2 at a distance d2 . From the geometry, we ca
Distance travelled by the body = d2 – d1 = AB

Time taken = t2 – t1 = BC
Then, from definition,

Distance travelled
Speed of the body =
Time taken

(d 2 − d1 ) AB
= =
( t 2 − t 1 ) BC
But, = Slope (or gradient) of the straight line


Speed of a body = Slope (or gradient) of the distance – time graph for that body

12. Displacement – Time graph

Displacement – time graphs

i) Displacement-time graph of a body at rest
The position of a body at rest remains unchanged with time. Let us consider a body at a distance
d from a reference point in a particular direction. Then from figure.
1. 42 9th Class Physics
Displacement →

d d

A’ B’
0 t1 t2
Time →

Displacement – time graph for a

body at rest

At time t=0 Displacement = d

At time t = t1 Displacement = d

At time t = t2 Displacement = d

Thus, there is no change in the displacement of the body with time.

For a body at rest, the displacement-time graph is a straight line parallel to the time-axis.
From this graph, one can write

Velocity of the body at rest

Displacement duringanintervalof time


d −d 0
= = =0
( t 2 − t1 ) t 2 − t 1
Thus the velocity of a body at rest is zero.
ii) Displacement-time graph of a body moving with uniform velocity
The displacement-time graph of a body moving with uniform (constant) velocity is a straight line
inclined to the time-axis at certain angle.

Motion 1. 43

Displacement / m →

0 10 20 30 40 50

Displacement – time graph for a body moving with

uniform velocity

The slope of the displacement-time graph for a body moving at uniform velocity is equal to the
velocity of the body.

Here, the slope of the straight line plot is positive. Therefore the velocity of the body is positive.
iii) Displacement-time graph of a body moving with an increasing non-uniform
The displacement-time graph of a body moving the non-uniform velocity curve.
velocity at B >
Displacement →

velocity at A

A θB
Time →

Displacement-time graph for a body

moving with an increasing non-
uniform velocity

Here, the slope of the curve increases with time. So, the velocity of the body increases with time,

i.e., Velocity at B > Velocity at A

iv) Displacement-time graph of a body moving with decreasing, non-uniform
The displacement-time graph of a body moving with a decreasing non-uniform velocity is a
curve. Here, the slope of the curve decreases with time. So, the velocity of the body decreases
with time, i.e., Velocity at B < Velocity at A

1. 44 9th Class Physics


Displacement →

A Velocity at B < velocity at A


Time →

Displacement-time graph for a body

moving with a decreasing non-uniform

v) Displacement - time graph of a body moving with a change of direction

When a body moves with a change of direction, its displacement-time graph is not the same as its
distance-time graph. This is illustrated by taking the following example.
A boy goes from his house to the post office with uniform speed. After mailing the letter, he
comes back to his house with the same speed. To draw the distance-time and displacement-time
graphs for the boy, let us proceed as follows:
Let the distance between the house and the post office be x and time taken to reach the post
office from his house be t.
Note: Remember, the distance-time and displacement-time graphs of a moving body are
similar only when the body moves along a straight line in its positive direction without
changing its direction.
a) The boy comes back to his house with the same speeds. This means, he takes equal time
for the return journey. Then, the distance-time graph for the total journey is shown in the
Displacement →

Distance →


O t 2t
0 t 2t Time →
Time →

b) The boy goes from his house to the post office and then back to his house at the same
speed. So, the displacement of the boy at the end of the journey is zero. The displacement-
time graph for the boy’s journey is shown in the figure.
Here the boy is not moving in a straight line (there is a change of direction). So the
displacement-time graph is different from the distance-time graph.
Motion 1. 45
1. The following table represents the distance of bus with time in a fixed direction.

Time (s) 0 1 2 3 4
Distance (m) 0 10 20 30 40

Draw displacement-time graph and with its help, find the velocity of car.
2. Figure shows the displacement (x) - time (t) graph of a particle moving on the X-axis. Choose the
correct statement:

O tO t

1) The particle is at rest

2) The velocity of particle increases up to time t0 and then increases

3) The velocity of particle increases up to time t0 and then becomes constant

4) The particle moves at a constant velocity up to a time t0 , and then stops.

3. The graph given here shows the positions of the body at different times. Calculate the speed of the body
as it moves from

i) A to B ii) B to C iii) C to D
7 D

Distance 4
in cm 3

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Time in s

1. 46 9th Class Physics

4. What do you conclude from the graph shown below?

Displacement / km

0 10 20 30 40
Time / min →
5. The figure given below is the distance-time graph of three objects. Do you think it represents a real
situation ? Explain.
i) Which of the three is travelling the fastest ?
ii) Can all three ever be at the same point on the road ?
iii) When B passes A, where is C ?
iv) How far did B travel between the time B passed C ?

12 B


Distance 87
(km) →

0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6
Time (hours) →

6. What conclusion can you draw about the velocity of the following displacement - time graphs?

a) b) c) d)

s s s s

t t t t


Motion 1. 47
7. Which of the following distance time graph is not possible?

1) 2) 3) 4)

s s s

t t t

8. Which of the following time-displacement graph is not possible in nature?

1) 2) 3) 4)

s s s s

t t t t

13. Speed time graph

The geometrical relationship between the speed of a body and the time from the start is called a
speed-time graph and that between velocity and time as velocity-time graph.

The figure of the speed-time graph of a body depends upon the nature of its motion. For a motion along
a straight line in a particular direction the slope of a speed-time or velocity time graph is equal to the
acceleration of the body.
Different types of speed-time (or velocity-time) graphs

For a straight line motion, there can be eight different types of speed-time(or velocity-time) graphs.
These are described below:

1. 48 9th Class Physics

Conditions under Description of the Speed–time graph, or Velocity-
which the body moves graph time graph
1. When the Straight line parallel to Speed/velocity of the

Speed / velocity →
speed/velocity the time-axis (x-axis) moving body remains
remains constant constant
Slope of the speed-time
graph gives A B
acceleration of the (slope = 0)
body. Therefore, the
acceleration of a body
moving with a constant
O Time →
speed (or velocity) is
2. When the initial Straight line sloping Speed/velocity of the body

Speed / velocity →
speed/velocity is upwards and passing increases at a constant
zero, and the through the origin. rate (uniformly)
speed/velocity Slope of the straight slope
increases uniformly line is positive. = acceleration
(at a constant rate) Therefore, the body C B
with time. moving with a
uniformly increasing
speed/velocity has O Time →
uniform acceleration.
3. When the initial Straight line sloping
Speed / velocity →

speed/velocity is upwards and making an Speed/velocity

not zero, and the intercept of the speed Increases
speed/velocity axis (y-axis).
Slope of line AB = + v e
increases uniformly Slope of the straight (body is under uniform
with time. θ acceleration)
line is positive. A
Therefore, the body Initial speed is not zero
whose speed increase s
O Time →
uniformly has un iform
4. When the body is Straight line sloping
Speed / velocity →

moving at a certain downwards. Slope of decreases uniformly

velocity/speed, and the straight line is
the velocity/speed negative. So, the
decreases uniformly acceleration of the The body is under
uniform retardation
with time. body is negative. In
other words, the body Slope = − ve
is under uniform
retardation. O Time →

Motion 1. 49
5. When the Speed–time or velocity–

Speed / velocity→
velocity/speed time graph in this case is a
increases non- curve moving upwards. Speed/velocity
uniformly i.e., when Slope of the curve is increases
the body is under positive and increases with non-uniformly
non-uniform time. Positive slope of the
acceleration curve at any point is equal
slope is +ve
to the acceleration of the
body. So, the acceleration O Time →
of the body increases i.e.,
body is under non-uniform
6. When the velocity/ Speed-time or velocity-time Speed/velocity
speed increases non- graph is a curve moving increases

Speed / velocity→
uniformly i.e., when downwards. Slope of the non-uniformly
the body is under curve is negative, and Slope is –ve
the body is
non-uniform increases with time. under
retardation Negative slope of a speed- non-uniform
time (or velocity-time) retardation
curve gives retardation
(negative acceleration ) of O Time →
the body. Here, the
retardation increases with
time, i.e., the body in under
non-uniform retardation .
7. When the Speed-time or velocity-time
Speed / velocity→

speed/velocity graph in a zig-zag curve. Speed / velocity changes

increases and The body is under uniform irregularly
decreases acceleration and retardation
alternatively, alternatively.
i.e,, the
O Time →
changes alternatively.
8. When the The speed-time or velocity-
Speed / velocity →

speed/velocity time graph looks like a

increases in a staircase. The body has
stepwise manner. alternatively infinitely large
acceleration (vertical
motion) and zero
acceleration (horizontal
O Time →

What are the uses of speed-time or velocity -time graphs of a straight line motion?

1. 50 9th Class Physics

Speed-time or velocity-time graphs can be used for

i) determining the speed or velocity of the body at any particular point of time.

ii) determining the acceleration of the body. The slope of a speed-time (or velocity-time) graph
equals the acceleration of the body.
iii) determining the total distance (or displacement) travelled by the body in a given time interval.

Calculation of distance travelled from speed-time graphs

How to calculate the distance travelled in a certain time interval from a speed-time graph
Speed-time graphs can be used for calculating the distance travelled by the moving body in a certain
time. The methods of calculating distance from speed-time graphs in some typical cases are described
i) When a body moves with a constant speed in a straight line
The speed-time graph for a body moving with a constant speed is a straight line parallel to the
Constant speed, v
Speed →

Area of
O t1 t2
Time →

Calculation of the distance

travelled by a body moving at
constant speed in the time interval,
t2 – t1

Calculation of the distance travelled by a body moving at constant speed in the time interval,
t2 – t 1

Speed of a body is given by,

Distance travelled
Speed =
Time taken

or, Distance travelled = Speed × Time taken

Let us consider a body moving with a constant speed v. If the body travels from time t 1 to time
t 2 , then

Motion 1. 51
Time interval = (t 2 – t 1 )

Distance travelled by the body in the time interval t 1 to t 2 = v × (t 2 – t 1 ) ---------(1)

To get the values of v, t 1 and t 2 from the speed-time graph proceed as follows.

Draw perpendiculars from the points A and D on the time-axis. Let these perpendicular intersect the
straight-line graph at points B and C respectively. Then,

Speed of the body = v = OY = AB = CD

Time, t 1 = OA

Time, t 2 = OD
or, (t2 – t1 ) = OD – OA = AD

Substituting the values of v and (t 2 – t 1 ) in the equation, we get

Distance travelled in the time interval t1 to t2

= AB × AD = Area of the rectangle ABCD

The area of rectangle ABCD is also called the area under the graph.
Thus, the distance travelled by a body in a certain time interval is equal to the area under the
speed-time graph for the given time interval.

Note: The area of the rectangle under the graph in a speed-time graph is not area in the mathematical
sense of the word. To understand this, let us recall that in geometry, the area of a rectangle is given by
the product of length × breadth and both are measured in units of distance e.g., metre. So, the unit of
area is (distance)2 e.g., square metre.

In speed-time graphs, the lengths on the two axes do not describe the ‘distance’. In the speed-time
graphs, the length on the x-axis describes the time interval, and the length on the y-axis describes
speed. The time interval is measured in units of time, generally second, and the speed in units of distance
per unit time, generally metre per second. Therefore,
Area of the rectangle in a speed-time graph is given by Area = Speed × Time

Area = × Time

1. 52 9th Class Physics

ii) When a body moves with uniform acceleration

v A

Speed →
Area of the
triangle OAB
= Distance
travelled B
O Time → t

Calculation of the distance

travelled by a body when the
speed increases uniformly
with time

The above figure shows the speed-time graph of a body when its speed increases uniformly from
zero to v in time t. Then, the average speed is given by.

Initialspeed + Finalspeed
AverageSpeed =

u + v 0+ v u
= = =
2 2 2

The distance travelled by the body is then given by,

Distance moved by the body

= Average speed × Time interval

v 1
= ×t = vt
2 2

From the speed-time graph,

v = AB
and t = OB

Then, Distance travelled in time

1 1
t= × AB × OB = × Perpendicular × Base
2 2

or, Distance travelled in time t = Area of the triangle OAB

Motion 1. 53
iii) When a body moves with uniform retardation

u A

Speed →
Area of the
triangle OAB
= Distance travelled
O Time → t

Calculation of the distance

travelled by a body when its speed
decreases uniformly to zero

The above figure shows the speed-time graph of a body when its speed decreases uniformly to
zero in time t. Then, the average speed of the body is given by.

Initialspeed + Finalspeed
Averagespeed =

u+0 u
= =
2 2


u 1
Distance travelled by the body in time t = Average speed × Time interval = × t = u t
t 2
From the speed–time graph,
u = OA and t = OB
Substituting the values of v and t in above equation, we get
Distance travelled in time t from the start

= × OA × OB

= × Perpendicular × Base
Distance travelled in time t from the start = Area of the triangle OAB

Note: When the initial or the final speed of a body is zero, and the speed increases or decreases
uniformly, then the area of the triangle formed by the speed-time graph and the time-axis is equal
to the distance travelled by the moving body in time t.
1. 54 9th Class Physics
iv) When the initial speed is not zero and the speed increases uniformly

v B

Speed →
Area of
trapezium =
Distance travelled C
0 Time → t

Calculation of the distance

travelled by a body when its
initial velocity is not zero, and
the speed increases uniformly.

Let the initial speed of the body be u, and let it increase uniformly to v in time t.

Distance travelled by the body in t = Average speed × Time interval

But, Average speed =

So, Distance travelled by the body in time t= ×t

From the speed-time graph

u = OA

v = BC and, t = OC

Substituting these values in above equation, we get

( OA + BC) × OC
Distance travelled by the body in time t =

or, Distance travelled by the body in time

t = Area of the trapezium OABC

v) When the speed decreases uniformly and the final speed is not zero
Let the initial speed of the body be u, and decrease uniformly to v in time t. Then,

Distance travelled by the body in time t = Average speed × Time interval

Motion 1. 55
( u + v)
But, Average speed =


Distance travelled by the body in time

( u + v) × t

From the speed-time graph

A (initial speed)
Speed →

B (final speed)
Area of
v trapezium
= distance travelled C
0 Time → t

Calculation of the distance travelled by a

body in time t when its speed decreases
uniformly and the final speed is not zero

u = OA, v = BC, and t = OC

Substituting these quantities in the above equation, we get

Distance travelled by the body in time

(OA + BC ) × OC

or, Distance travelled by the body in time t = Area of the trapezium OABC.

Note: When the speed of a body increases or decreases uniformly and its initial or the final speed is not
zero, then the area of the trapezium formed by the speed time graph for the given time interval is
equal to the distance travelled by the body in that time interval.
Speed-time and velocity-time graphs of a body thrown vertically upward.

1. 56 9th Class Physics



Upward and downward

motion of a body thrown
vertically up from the

Consider a body thrown vertically upwards. As it goes up, its speed decreases, becomes zero at the
highest point and then increases while coming down. The speed-time graph of such a body is shown in

Taking upward direction as the positive direction, the velocity of the body in the upward direction is
positive. As the body moves upwards, its velocity decreases, becomes zero at the highest point, and
then becomes negative while coming down. The velocity-time graph of such a body is shown in figure.

A C +
Speed →

Velocity →

t 2t

0 −
O t 2t
Time C
a) Speed–time graph
(b) Velocity–time graph
The shaded area gives the distance The shaded area in the graph
travelled by the body. gives the displacement.
Distance travelled
= Area OAB + Area BCD Displacement
= Area OAB + Area BCD
= Area OAB – Area OAB = 0

Speed-time and velocity-time graphs of a body thrown upwards.

It should be noted that the distance travelled by the body is positive while the displacement is zero.

Motion 1. 57
1. A car travels with a uniform velocity of 20 m/s for 5 seconds. The brakes are then applied and the car
is uniformly retarded. It comes to rest in further 8 seconds. Draw a graph of velocity against time.

2. A train starts from rest and accelerates uniformly at 100 m/minute2 for 10 minutes. Find the velocity
acquired by the train. It then maintains a constant velocity for 20 minutes. The brakes are then applied
and the train is uniformly retarded. It comes to rest in next 5 minutes. Draw the velocity-time graph.

3. What happens to the step wise increasing speed-time graph when the size of each step becomes very
small ?
4. The velocity - time graph of a body moving in a straight line is as shown in figure.

2 A

Speed 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 Time (s)


-2 C

5. Refer Figure, find the ratio of speed in first two seconds to the speed in the next 4 seconds.
Distance (m)


2 3 4 5 6 Time (s)

6. From the graph find the total distance travelled by the particle and its average velocity.


1. 58 9th Class Physics

7. The graph given below is the distance-time graph of an object. Do you think it represents a real situation?


in km

0 2 4 6 8 10 D 12 14
Time in hours

8 Speed-time graph for a car is shown in the figure given below.

a) How far does the car travel in the first 4 seconds ? Shade the area on the graph.
b) What does the straight part of the graph represent ?
800 –
700 –
600 –
Speed (m/s) →

500 –
400 –
300 –
200 –
100 –

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (s) →

9. Which graph represents uniform motion ?

1) 2) 3) 4)

s v s s

t t t t

10. A body thrown vertically upward. Which of the following graphs represent the velocity of the body with
time correctly ?
v v v
1) v 2) 3) 4)

t t t

Motion 1. 59
1. Which of the following is the characteristic of distance travelled by an object?
1) It has magnitude as well as specific direction

2) It can be zero
3) It has only magnitude and no specific direction

4) The distance travelled by an object is less than the magnitude of the displacement of the object.

2. Which of the following is the characteristic of displacement of an object?

1) Displacement cannot be zero.

2) The magnitude of the displacement is greater than the distance travelled by a moving object.
3) Displacement has only magnitude and no specific direction.

4) Displacement has magnitude as well as specific direction.

3. A body travels a distance of 3km towards east, then 5 km towards north and finally 9 km towards east
a) What is the total distance travelled ?

b) What is the magnitude of displacement?

4. A car’s odometer reads 22687 km at the start of a trip and 22791 km at the end of the trip. If the trip
takes 4 hours, find the average speed of the car in (i) km h–1 (ii) ms–1 .

5. A toy car travels from A to B at a constant speed of 20 kmh–1 and, without stopping at B, returns to A
at a constant speed v. If the average speed of the car is 24 kmh–1 , find the value of v.

6. A boy walks from A to B (AB = 6km) with a speed of 2.5 kmh–1 and walks back to A with a constant
speed of 4 km h–1 . What is his average speed?
7. A bus covers a distance of 250 km from Delhi to Jaipur towards west in 5 hours in the morning and
returns to Delhi in the evening covering the same distance in the same time. Find the magnitude of
average velocity of the bus for the whole journey.

8. A body moving with an initial velocity of 36km h–1 accelerated uniformly at the rate of 5ms–2 for
20seconds. Calculate the total distance travelled in 20seconds.
9. A car starting from rest acquires a velocity of 36km/h in 5seconds. Calculate the distance covered by

1. 60 9th Class Physics

10. A wooden slab, starting from rest, slides down an inclined plane of length 10m with an acceleration of
5ms–2 . What would be its speed at the bottom of the inclined plane?

11. A body is released from rest from a height of 20m. If a is 10ms–2 , what is the velocity of the body when
it hits the ground ?

12. A and B start their journey towards their homes ‘P’ and ‘Q’ from different points. Which of the following
statements is not represented by the graph given here?

1) A starts his journey earlier

2) B is faster than A

3) A and B meet during their journey

4) A and B reach their homes at the same time

Study the distance-time graph of a girl on a cycle ride as shown in the graph and answer the questions
from 13to 15.

13. What was the total distance covered by her ?

14. How long did she take to complete her journey?

15. How many stops did she make ?

16. The figure given here shows the velocity-time graph of a one-dimensional motion. Which of the following
characteristics of the particle is represented by the shaded area ?

Motion 1. 61
1) Velocity 2) Acceleration 3) Displacement 4) Speed

The velocity of a body in four different situations is shown below. Based on these, answer the questions
from 17 to 20..

2) 3) 4)

17. Which of the above graphs represent uniform velocity?

18. Which one represents uniform acceleration of the body from rest?

19. Which one represents body (initially not at rest) but moving with uniform acceleration?
20. Body starting with uniform acceleration that becomes zero after some time.

21. A train starting from rest, picks up a speed of 20ms –1 in 200s. It continues to move at the same rate for
next 500s, and is then brought to rest in another 100s. Which of the following represents above data?
1) Y 2)
Speed (in m/s)

Speed (in m/s)

A B 20
X O 200s 700s 800s
O 200s 700s 800s
Time (in seconds)
Time in seconds
3) Y 4) Y

Speed (in m/s)

Speed (in m/s)


O 200s 500s 100s O 200s 500s 100s
Time (in seconds) Time (in seconds)

22. In the above problem, calculate the total distance covered before stopping and average speed
1. 62 9th Class Physics
23. A body covers one half of its journey at 40 ms–1 and the next half at 50 ms–1 . Its average speed is

1) 44.44 ms –1 2) 50 ms –1 3) 45 ms –1 4) 40 ms –1

24. There is a square field of side a units. An insect starts from one corner and reaches the diagonally
opposite corner in a time t. The magnitude of its average velocity is

2a 2a 4 2a
1) 2) 3) 4) 2at
t t t

25. Diagram shows velocity - time graphs of car P and Q, starting from same place and in same direction.

35 A
Velocity in m/s

25 E


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 B

Which car is ahead after 10s and by how much ?

1) both cars have the same distance and at the same time
2) car P is ahead by 12.5 m

3) car Q is ahead by 12.5 m

4) none of these

Motion 1. 63
1. A person travels along a straight road for the first half length with constant speed v1 and the second half
length with a constant speed v2 . Average speed v is

v1 v2 2(v1 + v2 ) 2(vv
1 2) v1 + v 2
1) 2(v + v ) 2) v1 v2 3) v + v 4) 2(vv )
1 2 1 2 1 2

2. A motorist travels from A to B at a speed of 40 kmph and returns back at a speed of 60 kmph. His
average speed will be
1) 40 kmph 2) 48 kmph 3) 50 kmph 4) 60 kmph

3. A point moves with uniform acceleration v1 ,v2 and v3 . Denote the average velocities in three successive
intervals of time t1 , t2 and t3 . Correct relation among the following is
1) (v1 -v2 ) : (v2 -v3 ) = (t1 -t2 ) : (t2 -t3 ) 2) (v1 -v2 ) : (v2 -v3 ) = (t1 +t2 ) : (t2 +t3 )

3) (v1 -v2 ) : (v2 -v3 ) = (t1 -t2 ) : (t2 +t3 ) 4) (v1 -v2 ) : (v2 -v3 ) = (t1 +t2 ) : (t2 -t3 )

4. A car moving at a speed of 20 m/s undergoes uniform retardation of 5 m/s2 . It stops in a time of
1) 100s 2) 4s 3) 3s 4) 5s

5. A car is moving along a straight road with a uniform acceleration. It passes through two points P and Q
separated by a certain distance with velocity of 30 kmph and 40 kmph respectively. Velocity of the car,
exactly midway between P and Q, is
1) 33.3 kmph 2) 20 kmph 3) 25 kmph 4) 35 kmph

6. A car travelling at a speed of 30 kmph is brought to rest in 8m by applying brakes. If the same car is
travelling at 60 kmph, it can be brought to a halt with the same braking force in a distance of:

1) 8m 2) 16m 3) 24m 4) 32m

7. A body, freely falling under gravity, will have uniform

1) speed 2) velocity 3) momentum 4) acceleration

8. If a body loses half of its velocity on penetrating 3cm in a wooden block, how much will it penetrate
more before coming to rest?

1) 1 cm 2) 2cm 3) 3cm 4) 4cm

1. 64 9th Class Physics

9. Speeds of two identical cars are u and 4u at a specific instant. The ratio of the respective distances in
which the two cars are stopped from that instant is
1) 1:1 2) 1:4 3) 1:8 4) 1:16

10. A car moving with a speed of 50km/hr can be stopped by brakes after atleast 6m. If the same car is
moving at a speed of 100km/hr, the minimum stopping distance is
1) 12m 2) 18m 3) 24m 4) 6m

11. The distances travelled by a body, starting from rest and travelling with uniform acceleration in successive
intervals of time of equal duration, will be in the ratio of

1) 1:2:3 2) 1:2:4 3) 1:3:5 4) 1:4:9

12. A bus accelerates uniformly from rest and acquires a speed of 36 kmph in 10s. The acceleration is

1) 1 m/s2 2) 2 m/s2 3) 1/2 m/s2 4) 3 m/s2

13. The velocity time graphs of a body is as shown. The displacement suffered by it is

10 m/s

O 10 20 30 50 t

1) 300m 2) 400m 3) 250m 4) 200m

14. Tripling the speed of a motor car multiples the distance needed for stopping it by
1) 3 2) 6 3) 9 4) some other number
15. A bus accelerates uniformly from rest and acquires a speed of 75 km/hr in 20seconds. The acceleration
of the bus is
1) 10 m / s 2 2) 5 m / s 2 3) 2 m / s 2 4) 1 m / s 2
16. If a body looses half of its velocity on penetrating 3cm in a wooden block, then how much will it
penetrate more before coming to rest
1) 1 cm 2) 2cm 3) 3cm 4) 4cm
17. Speeds of two identical cars are u and 4u at a specific instant. The ratio of the respective deistance in
which the two cars are stopped from that instant is
1) 1:1 2) 1:4 3) 1:8 4) 1:16

Motion 1. 65
18. A car moving with a speed of 50km/hr can be stopped by brakes after atleast 6m. If the same car is
moving at a speed of 100km/hr, the minimum stopping distance is
1) 12m 2) 18m 3) 24m 4) 6m
19. An automobile travelling with a speed of 60km/h. can brake to stop with in a distance of 20m. If the car
is going twice as fast i.e., 120km/h the stopping distance will be
1) 20 m 2) 40 m 3) 60 m 4) 80 m
20. A car, starting from rest, accelerates at the rate f through a distance S, then continues at constant speed
for time t and then decelerate at the rate to come to rest. If the total distance travelled is 15 S, then
1 2 1 2 1 2
1) S = ft 2) S = ft 3) S = ft 4) S = ft
6 72 4

1. Distance of only magnitude and no specific direction.

2. Displacement has magnitude as well as specific direction.
9 km

5 km
3. N


S A 3 km B

Distance = AB + BC + CD
= 3 km + 5 km + 9 km = 17 km

Displacement = AD = 12 2 + 5 2 = 13 km

22791 − 22687
4. Average speed = kmh −1

= 26 km/h–1 = 26 × ms−1
= 7.22ms –1 .

1. 66 9th Class Physics

Total distance
5. Average speed =
Total time

S+ S
⇒ 24 =
20 v

24 =
S ( v + 20 )

24 = 24v + 480 = 40v
v + 20

480 = 16v v = 30 kmph.

6. Proceeding as in the problem no.3, we get Average speed as below:

Average speed

6+ 6 −1 2 × 4× 2.5
= 6 6 kmh = kmh−1
+ 4 + 2.5
2.5 4

20 40
= kmh −1 = kmh −1
6.5 13
7. The bus travels 250 km from Delhi to Jaipur towards west and then comes back to starting point Delhi in
the reverse direction. So, the total displacement (or total distance travelled in a specified direction) will be
250 km-250 km = 0 km Now,

Average velocity = Totaltimetaken

250km − 250km
= 5 h + 5h

= 10h = 0 k m / h

Thus, the average velocity of the bus for the whole journey (both ways) is 0 .

8. u = 36km/h = 36 × = 10ms–1
a = 5ms –2 , t = 20seconds

Motion 1. 67
1 2 1
S = ut + at = 10 × 20 + × 5 × (20) 2
2 2
= 200 + 1000 = 1200m

9. u = 0, v = 36km/h = 36 × =10m/s,
t = 5s
Using v = u + at

v − u 10 − 0
a = = = 2ms–2
t 5

1 2 1
S = ut + at = 0 × 5 + × 2 × (5) 2 = 25m
2 2
10. Given, initial velocity (u) = 0
Distance (S) = 10m
Acceleration (a)= 5ms –2
We know v2 – u2 = 2as
v2 = u2 + 2as
= 0 + 2 × 5 × 10
v = 100m/s
v = 10ms–1
The speed of wooden slab at the bottom of the inclined plane is 10ms –1 .
11. S = 20m, a = 10m/s2 ,
u = 0, v=?
We know, v2 = u2 + 2aS
= 0 + 2 × 10 × 20
v = 400
⇒ v = 20m/s.
12. Option (4) is not represented in the graph.

1. 68 9th Class Physics

13. The total distance covered by her is 60km.
14. 6hrs – 1hr = 5hrs.
15. BC and DE.
16. Area covered will be the product of quantities taken on x and y axes.
Velocity × time = displacement
17. The first one, as the velocity remains constant w.r.t time.
18. The second one, as the velocity increases constantly with time.
19. The third one, as the body has velocity initially and thereafter it increases continuously.
20. The fourth graph, as the velocity remains constant for some time.
21. Option ‘1’ is a correctly plotted graph
22. Total distance = Area covered under graph
= Area of trapezium OABC

= × 20 × (500 + 800)
= 10 × 1300 = 13000 m = 13 km

Totaldistance 13000
Average Speed= totaltimetaken = 800

= =16.25m/s

2v1 v 2
23. Average speed = v + v
1 2

x 80 ×100
v= = = 44.44ms −1
x x 180
80 100
24. Let ABCD is a square. Each side of the square is a units
D a C


We assume, the body starts from one corner i.e. A and reaches the opposite corner i.e.,C.

Motion 1. 69
The shortest distance from ‘A’ to ‘C’ is one diagonal of a square i.e. AC i.e the displacement of a body
from ‘A’ to ‘C’. From pythagorous theorem in ∆ ABC
(diagonal) 2 = (Side)2 + (side)2
(AC)2 = (AB)2 + (BC)2 = (a)2 + (a)2
AC = 2a

∴ Average velocity =
total timetaken

25. The distance travelled by car ‘P’
= Area of triangle ‘OAB’

1 1
= × OB × AB = × 10 × 35 = 175 m
2 2
Distance travelled by car Q
= Area of trapezium CDEB

1 1
= × EB × (DE + CB) = × 25 × (5+8)
2 2
= 162.5 m
car ‘P’ is ahead by = (175-162.5)m=12.5m
∴ car P is ahead by 12.5m.

2v1 v 2
1. v=
v1 + v 2

2 × 40 × 60
2. v= = 48 kmph
60 + 40
3. Let u be the initial velocity
∴ v1 ' = u + at1 , v2 ' = u + a (t1 + t2 ) and
v3 ' = u + a (t1 + t2 + t3 )

u + v1 ' u + ( u + at1 ) 1
Now v1 = = = u + at1
2 2 2

1. 70 9th Class Physics

v'1 + v'2 1
v2 = = u + at1 + at 2
2 2

v '2 + v3' 1
v3 = = u + at1 + at 2 + at 3
2 2

So, v1 – v2 = − a (t1 + t2 ) and

v2 – v3 = − a (t2 + t3 )
∴ (v1 – v2 ) : (v2 – v3 ) = (t1 + t2 ) : (t2 + t3 ).
4. u = 20 m/s, v = 0,
a = –5 m/s2 , t = ?

v − u 0 − 20
t= = = 4s.
a −5

v12 + v 22 30 2 + 402 2500

5. V= = =
2 2 2

= = 35 kmph

v2 − u2
6. a= = constant

S2 v 22 − u 22
S ∝ v2 − u2 S1 v 2 − u 2

S2 0 2 − 602
(or) =
8 0 2 − 30 2

60 × 60 × 8
⇒ S2 = = 32m
30 × 30
7. A freely falling body has uniform acceleration.
8. 3cm
v v 0
2 2
v – u = 2 as

Motion 1. 71
v2 – u2 ∝ S

S2 v 22 − u 22
S1 v12 − u 12

02 −  
= 2
3  v 2
  −v



= 42
3 3v

⇒ S2 = 1 = 1 cm
9. Car – 1 Car – 2
u1 = u u2 = 4u
v1 = 0 v2 = 0
S1 : S2 = ?
v2 – u2 ∝ S

S1 v12 − u 12 02 − u2
⇒ = =
0 2 − ( 4u )
S2 v22 − u12

S1 1
⇒ =
S2 16

S1 v12 − u 12
10. =
S2 v 22 − u 22

6 0 2 − 50 2
⇒ =
x 0 2 − 100 2

6 × 100 × 100
⇒x= = 24m
50 × 50
11. S = ut + at2
⇒ S ∝ t 2 (Q a = k,u = 0 )
S1 : S2 : S3 : .......... Sn = 12 : 22 : 32 : ...........................n2
= 1 : 4 : 9 .......................... n2

1. 72 9th Class Physics

12. u=0

v = 36 kmph = 36× =10m/s
t = 105 , a = ?

v − u 10 − 0
a= = = 1 m/s2
t 10

10 m/s

10 20 30 50

Q velocity × Time = Displacement

Displacement is area under velocity time graph.
Area of ∆ ABC

× 10 × 10 = 50 m/s
Area of square BCDE
10 × 10 = 100 m/s

Area of ∆ DEF × 20 × 10 = 100 m/s
50 + 100 + 100 = 250 m/s
14. v2 – u 2 = 2as

u= 2as

uα S

u 2α s

v12 s1
v 2 2 s2

v 2 s1
u 2 s2
Motion 1. 73
1 s1
9 s2

s2 = 9s1
so the distance needed for stopping it by 9.
15. Given speed = 75 km/hr

= 75 × m/s
= 20.8 m/s
v = u + at
= 0 + at
v = at

a= = 1.04 m/s2
≈ 1 m/s2

16. v/2

3 cm

Case (i) Case (ii)

u1 = u u2 = u –

u u
v1 = =
2 2
v2 = 0
a1 = – a a2 = – a
S 1 = 3 cm S2 = ?

u2 u2
– u2 O2 – =2×(–a) ×S 2
4 4
= 2 × (–a) × 3

3 u2
− u 2 = – 6a − = – 2as2
4 4

3u 2 u2
=6a ... (1) = 2aS 2 ...(2)
4 4
1. 74 9th Class Physics
4 = 2 as 2
3u 2 6a

1 1
= S2
3 3
S 2 = 1cm.
17. S ∝ t2
S1 ∝ u2 S2 ∝ 16u2

S1 u2
S 2 160 2

S1 1
S 2 16

18. Case (i)

u = 50 km/hr = 50 ×
From equation v2 = u2 + 2aS1

 5
 50 ×  50 ×
18  18 m/s2 ..........(1)
2×6 12
Case (ii)
u = 100 km/hr v=0

 5
100 × 
S2 = 
18 
 5 from (1)
2 ×  50 ×  /12
 18 

= = 24 m
19. Case (i)

u = 60 km/h = 60× m/s

Motion 1. 75
S1 = 20m

 5

 60 × 
18  m/s2 ............(1)
2 × 20

Case (ii)
u = 120 km/h
S2 = ?

 5
120 × 18 
 
S2 = 2
 60 × 5
 
2× 
18 
2 × 20

120 ×120
= × 40 = 80m
2 × 60 × 60

A C f/2 D
f B
20. t1 t 2t 1
15 S

Car is starting from rest so

1 2
Distance from A to B = S = f t1
For time t it travels a distance
Distance from B to C = (f t1 ) t
[Q acceleration × time = velocity]
For time t2 distance travelled
v2 – u2 = 2as

  f  
o – u2 =  −2  s 
 2  

Distance from C to D = S3 =  f 
2a  

1. 76 9th Class Physics

( f t1 )

 f  = f t1 2 = 2s
2 
 2

Total distance = s + ft1 t + 2s

15s= 3s + ft1 t
12s = ft1 t ................(1)

1 2
S= ft .................(2)
2 1

by dividing (1) and (2) , we get t1 =

1  t2 
s= 2 f 
 36 

ft 2

Motion 1. 77

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