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The Photograph

by Sefi Atta
A didactic unit designed by Laura Rins ([email protected])
included in the project Literature as a Breeze for adult learners

Level: Anglès 3

Term: 2nd term

Length: 2 sessions

1. The context:

Reading for pleasure is great, but literature is also a powerful tool to raise awareness
on the question of identity and building cultural bridges. Tagging people as being from
a particular country or ethnic group usually arouses associated ideas from our Western
mental maps.

In her short story The Photograph, Sefi Atta, a prize-winning writer who was born and
raised in Nigeria and educated in England and the United States, makes us reflect on
the unfair distribution of riches and resources in the world and its connection with
different types of necessities, thus challenging our points of view.

Students will read an adaptation of this short story, work on vocabulary and grammar,
and also reflect on the proposed ideas through oral and written expression activities.

2. Objectives, contents and assessment criteria:

a. Objectives:
Teaching objectives:
- To boost reading in English for pleasure and for learning.
- To raise awareness on the value of literary texts as a tool to build cultural bridges.
- To offer students a opportunity to reflect on Western values.
- To provide students with a meaningful context to practice English and improve their
Learning outcomes: The students will be able to
- Undestand a written text, reflecting their comprehension not only of vocabulary and
structures but also of the main ideas the text allegedly aims at.
- Value literature as a possible source of reflection about culture and identity.

b. Subject own competences (as embodied in RESOLUCIÓ de 10 de maig de 2013)

The Photograph by Sefi Atta
Level: Anglès 3 for adult learners

Communicative dimension
- Llegir, comprendre i obtenir informació de textos escrits, sobre temes habituals o
propers, amb l'ajut del context i del suport visual i icònic.
- Desenvolupar estratègies de comprensió de textos per obtenir informació i interpretar-
Literary dimension:
- Transmetre les percepcions personals que sorgeixen de la lectura de textos literaris, i
- Valorar el text literari com a recurs per transmetre emocions, sentiments, realitats i
ficcions, tot reconeixent el seu valor estètic.
Attitudinal dimension:
- Manifestar respecte, interès i comprensió envers la llengua que s’aprèn i la diversitat
lingüística i cultural d’arreu.

c. Contents
- Connecting ideas: because, so, but, although.
- Words and sentences that come across throughout the lessons.

d. Assessment criteria
Regarding the objectives, we will know whether students have achieved them if they are
able to:
- Read and understand the text.
- Organize their ideas and discuss the topic properly in oral and written English, making
themselves understood.
- Use correct vocabulary, word order, verbal forms, spelling and punctuation.
- Show their command of specific connectors seen during the sessions: because, so, but,

3. Activities
Session one
a. Presentation:
Presenting the topic and what is expected from this unit. (15’)
Oral comprehension.
b. Warm up:
- Speaking in class, questions and answers (for instance: Have you read any
book by an African writer, Have you ever been to Africa? Do you know

The Photograph by Sefi Atta
Level: Anglès 3 for adult learners

Nigeria? Does the country appeal to you? Why/Why not? Do you know the
writer?. Free participation from students. (30’)
- Video on the history of Nigeria and its connection to English culture.
Questions and answers on the video. (30’)

Oral comprehension
c. Reading:
Playing the audio in class for students to follow with the text, focusing on
drawing the main ideas. (10’)
d. Vocabulary:
In pairs or small groups, deducing or looking up unknown words. (20’)
Commenting on difficulties regarding unknown words or structures from the text.

Session two
Reading comprehension
a. Detailed reading:
Different students read the text aloud, paragraph by paragraph, paying attention
to pronunciation and intonation. (30’)
Use of Language: linking words
b. Linking words: because, so, but, although.
Explaining the use of these four connectors and practising them through
relevant exercises. (30’)
(See worksheet 2).
Use of the language.
Reading comprehension
c. Comment on the main ideas of the text:
In pairs or small groups, by using the previous connectors. (15’)
d. Answer reading comprehension questions:
Students will answer questions to show their understanding of the text. (30’)
They will write and submit their answers, which will be assessed.
(See worksheet 3).

The Photograph by Sefi Atta
Level: Anglès 3 for adult learners

Oral expression
e. Giving opinion:
Did you like the text? Why/Why not? Asking for student participation on an
individual basis and involving the whole group (15’)
Oral expression.

Further work (optional):

- Write a short text on the proposed topic (see worksheet 3).

- Review of A Bit of Difference, a novel by Sefi Atta:
- TED Talk: The Danger of a Single Story by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie:

4. Assessment:
From the beginning, students will be made aware of the objectives of the unit and
the assessment criteria.
The output of some activities will be used for formative evaluation while a final task
will provide material for summative evaluation. Regarding that, the teacher will
share a rubric for students to know in detail what is expected from them in order to
fulfill the task and obtain a good grade.
There is also a possibility for students to use a rubric in order to grade themselves
or/and their peers, so that they participate actively in the revision of the tasks.
(See worksheet 1).

5. Class management and methodology:

The student’s level will be taken into account along with the objectives of the
unit. The assessment criteria will be transparent so that students know what is
expected from them.
The proposed activities follow a logical order; the sequence has been thought
to guide students through their learning and help them integrate new
information and be able to use it beyond mechanical exercises. Firstly,
students will be introduced to the topic through a presentation and warming up

The Photograph by Sefi Atta
Level: Anglès 3 for adult learners

discussion, then they will get familiar with the text and finally they will reflect
and comment on the main ideas and show their comprehension.
The reading of the short story will take place by stages. First, students will
listen to the recorded story while reading individually; at this stage they are
only expected to get a flavour, apart from hearing the sound of words and
sentences. Then, they will read the text again while paying attention to
unknown/difficult words and structures. Finally, after asking/answering
questions regarding vocabulary and structures, the text will be read in class for
the third time, aloud and paragraph by paragraph, stopping to consider all the
important ideas and working on pronunciation.
Students will have the opportunity to practise their oral skills through class and
pair/small group discussion.
Students will show their understanding of the text and their writing skills
through answering comprehension questions.
These activities are designed for students to fulfill the learning objectives of the
unit so they can be assessed accordingly.
ICTs are present from the very beginning as a Popplet and a video will be
used to introduce the unit, apart from listening to the audio recording of the
short story.
Some complementary activities may be designed for students to record
themselves giving opinion on some of the ideas discussed in class. One of the
sessions may also be designed as a flip class, asking students to previously
watch a documentary/presentation on the history of Nigeria or even listening to
the recorded short story at home.

6. Final thought:
This short story has been selected for its beauty as well as its power to raise
questions on important issues affecting mankind. Our role as teachers offers
us the possibility of raising awareness on these questions and work on values
while we do it on contents. Particularly, being an English teacher, one feels
compelled to broaden cultural horizons and present the English speaking
reality with all its richness.

7. Resources:
- Atta, Sefi The Photograph, in Cries from the Heart, Oxford Bookworms Library,
Stage 2.

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