Business Plan

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Gingoog City Colleges

Gingoog City



“Gingoog City Colleges Campus”

A Business Plan submitted to the Department-

of Accountancy Business and Management

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

for the subject Entrepreneurship

Submitted by:







Submitted to:


Date Submitted:

April 8, 2024

I. Acknowledgement
II. Introduction
a. Description of the Business
b. Location of the Business
c. Funding Requirements and Source of Funds

III. Executive Summary

a. Vision
b. Mission
c. Problem we solve
d. Our solution
e. Goals and Objective
f. Business Model
g. Business and Product Position
h. Wealth Improvement and Approaches
i. Parties Supporting the Business

IV. Environmental Analysis

a. Trend in the Industry
b. Consumer Analysis
c. Market Segmentation and Targeting
d. Demand Analysis
e. Competitor Analysis
f. Supply Analysis
g. Market Analysis
h. Market Forecast
i. Demand and Supply Forecast
j. Market Position
k. Marketing Strategy

V. Business Description
a. Product Description
b. Equipment or Materials Need
c. Size of the Business

VI. Organizational Plan

a. Forms and Business Organization
b. Liability of the Owner
c. Role of the Owner
d. Proposed Salary
e. Sources of Materials

VII. Marketing Plan

a. Product
b. Place
c. Pricing strategy
d. Promotion
e. People
f. Packaging
g. Positioning
h. SWOT analysis

VIII. Financial Statement

a. Projected Profit and Loss
b. Projected Balance Sheet
c. Projected Cash Flow
IX. Glossary of terms
X. Appendix

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the following people who

help us throughout making this Business Plan.

First and foremost, we would like to thank our Almighty God for giving us

the strength to make this project and for the guidance. Giving us the

wisdom and the patience to finish this project.

We would also like to express our gratitude to our Entrepreneurship

Teacher, Charlouied Lacaran for the knowledge and guidance that he had

given us. Giving us advice and his knowledge in making our Business Plan.

For our Parents who give financial and emotional support. Thank you for

allowing us to go to our other members house to make the business plan

and for encouraging us to never give up.

And last but not the least, we would like to thank ourselves for the job well

done. For constantly being cooperative in making this project. May we all

be successful in the future.


a. Description of the Business

Sweet Potato Rolls is a business that will be operated in the Gingoog
City Colleges, a business where it sells unique lumpia filled with
smash sweet potato with lot of cheeze and has a sauce of some
spicy and savory mayonaise and some scallion, pepper and lastly
condense to balance the taste of sauce, Our sweet potato rolls are a
perfect combination of delicate sweet potato filling and a crispy,
golden brown wrapper, Each bite is a piece of tastes, mixing sweet
potatoes’ inherent sweetness with savory and fragrant spices for a
remarkable experience. Also Sweet Potato Rolls is planning to sell
more products in the future. Like other businesses, Sweet Potato
Rolls is operated through face-to-face and aims to be profitable as
they let their customers experience fun as they eat the product.

b. Location of the Business

Location: R3CX+QF6, Macopa St., Paz Village Subdivision, Gingoog

City, 9014 Lalawigan ng Misamis Oriental
c. Funding Requirements and Source of Funds

Since Sweet Potato Rolls is a partnership business run by six

entrepreneurs, the funding requirement for the business’ beginning
balance, or the capital, is about ₱60.00 each, for a total of ₱360.00. The
business’ source of funds comes from the owners’ allowance given by
their respective parents. The money also comes from voluntary
donations provided by the owners or a friend, as well as the owners'
own savings.

III. Executive Summary

a. Vision
Our Vision:

To offer our cherished customers excellent snacks with an unique

and mouthwatering taste. And an appetizer that can satisfy a
person's appetites while providing a tasty and nutritious snack of this
high-quality goods

b. Mission
Our Mission:

To present a good quality product at a very affordable price. To

provide a delicious healthy snack in the campus. Product not just
money saving, but health benefiting. To satisfy the customers and let
them experience the fun.

c. Problem we solve
The problem that the business wants and needs to solve is to make a
product that will temporarily fill the stomachs of the customers and to
make a product that is budget-friendly for the customers. And to
serve a delicious and affordable snack to the customer. To bring
enjoyment and satisfaction to every bite.
Providing first-rate customer service that makes every customer's
experience unforgettable.

d. Our solution
The business can create a menu of sweet potato rolls that can be
customised with different fillings and sizes to accommodate a
range of price points. To keep quality high, utilize cheap goods like
locally farmed sweet potatoes, and try different sauces and spices.
The experience can also be improved by providing exceptional customer
service, such as kind welcomes and timely replies. These strategies
seek to exceed client expectations by offering tasty snacks that are

e. Goals and Objective

The following are the goals and objectives of Sweet Potato Rolls business:
1. To be recognized by offering high-quality products, providing
excellent customer service, and marketing the business effectively;
2. To expand the business by selling outside the school such as in the
barangays of the entrepreneurs;
3. And to provide a positive customer experience by offering high-
quality products, prompt service, and responsive customer support.
4. Customer Experience Goals: Deliver exceptional dining experiences
that leave customers satisfied and eager to return. And offer
nutritious food.

f. Business Model
Sweet Potato Rolls uses a business-to-consumer model in which the
owners sell their goods directly to customers. In Gingoog City
Colleges, where students are their target market, the company will
sell sweet potato roll products. The entrepreneurs will be around the
campus during the selling time. We met a lot of people who have an
interest in our product, including teachers, students, and parents, and
we will guarantee that the goods are delicious and of high quality.
g. Business and Product Position
Sweet Potato Rolls processing offers the most delicious sweet lumpia
in campus for individuals looking for high-quality crispy and tasty
creating a positive experience for customers when they enjoy every
crunch of the sweet lumpia from SWEET POTATO ROLLS
Processing Unlike other sweet lumpia product ours inspire happiness
and make a position different in the lives for our customers, and our
business is intensely focused on their needs. We choose to sell our
products at Gingoog City Colleges because there are a lot of
opportunities to promote our product directly and easily. We sold our
products, by roaming around the school, we appreciated every
student regardless of Their age and gender. Additionally, it helps as a
create a direct marketing campaign and build a relationship with the

h. Wealth Improvement and Approaches

The business utilizes this two strategy as their wealth improvement
approaches as they sell one fillings of lumpia that are common to the
market. First is the Maintain a Competitive Advantage, to maintain a
good competitive advantage is first to know your COMPETITION To
overcome the competition at their own game, you must know them
well. Like try their product and know who you have a competition of
and observe them well like how do they work things out so you can
counter it and have the advantage. Next is PRICE THE MENU
RIGHT your menu is your most powerful tool. Like in your product like
we example in the Sweet Potato Lumpia if we have a chance to
make a lot of choices on our product like there will be an Sweet ube
Rolls, Banana Rolls, and etc. and make sure to lower your price not
to much pricey so the customer would buy on our product cause they
think it’s cheap and train your staff or your business partners on how
to do business and how to carry their positions and to know a
competitive advantage. And make use of Technology cause right now
social media is a friend it’s easy cause you just take a picture and
upload it on social media like Facebook, Instagram, twitter etc. so
some people would notice your products. And surely don’t forget the
quality of your product it must be a good quality so people would love
it. Second is Improve the Market Share when purchasing our
ingredients, we made sure that the prices will matched our capital
precisely. Since our product has a good texture and is beneficial for
keeping our mind sharp and well-functioning, this may be the ideal
justification for the development and better movement of our

i. Parties Supporting the Business

1. Consumers - A costumer/consumer is an individual or business that

purchases our VLAN MAC’s goods and services. The Gingoog City
Colleges students’ most specifically the elementary and high school
students are our main consumers. Our consumers made our business
grow big since their love and support by purchasing our product is so
much helpful to our business. Most of the high school students
patronized our product according to their good feedbacks. Customers
are important because they are the main source of demand for all the
goods, they drive revenues; without them, Sweet Potato Rolls business
cannot continue to exist.

2. Parents- Parents are among the most important people in the lives of
young children. Parents are responsible to provide our needs,necessary
food, clothing, shelter, and more. Our parents provide us allowance in
order for us to buy what we need and wants. Our parents are our
providers without them we would have hard time to buy and afford
something, without their support we can’t stand our business.

3. Suppliers- Our main supplier of our needed ingredients is Sheena’s

Trading which is located at Agora Market, Gingoog City. Sheena’s
Trading is a store which provides us with products from a manufacturer
at a good price to a retailer for resale. Their store is always open and
their products are sellable to the other customers because of the store’s
popularity and the support that they’ve patronized from the customers.
The needed ingredients for our ice candy are always available from
their store, which is good because we don’t need to visit another store
to buy the needed ingredients.

4. Employee and Staff- We, the owners of Sweet Potato Rolls, are the
only employees and staff of our business. We personally made our
sweet lumpia and we personally do the work we’re hired to do and each
and every one of us have our own skill, knowledge, and expertise to
fulfill our role in our business.

IV. Environmental Analysis

a. Trend in the Industry

The sweet lumpia business has been trending upwards in recent
years because, in our country, we love to eat snacks, especially
when Filipinos make them at home like turon or others’s sweet
lumpia. It was not only affordable, but it was also delicious, and the
taste was remarkable. Sweet lumpia has become trending because of
its mouthwatering taste of sugar and because some of its fruits
combine perfectly.The industry is constantly evolving, with new
flavors and variations being introduced regularly.Through our version
of the snack, we are able to display its new, convenient way of being
a snack; and it is not commonly sold in the area.

b. Consumer Analysis
Consumers are considered as the lifeblood of a business, that is why
identifying their needs and wants is very crucial to a business. We
aim to provide customers with supreme taste, impressive quality that
continue to challenge ourselves. One of the biggest when we make
our product is predicting how it will be accepted by our customers.
However, their feedback is overwhelming for us, they're saying that
our product is good. Additionally, the feedbacks for those who bought
our product was going so great and touchable when they taste our
product. The survey also helps the entrepreneurs to know their other
preferences which will help them in improving their products in the

c. Market Segmentation and Targeting

Our business is at the Gingoog City Colleges and we dispose our
product by roaming around within the school campus to attract target
consumer which are the GCC students. The consumers of the
business will be the students, teachers, and guardians/parents of the
students of the said school. It will be a budget-friendly product as the
main consumers are students.
d. Demand Analysis

Every time we sell our product by roaming around within the school
campus, it is immediately sold out within 2 hours, especially when the
sweet lumpia is freshly cooked. Sometimes we couldn’t leave our
room because our product was already sold out. Most of our loyal
customers would request that we make more whenever we dispose of
our product. And we have loyal customers who really want more

e. Competitor Analysis

We sold our products in Gingoog City Colleges at the Paz Village,

Barangay 24-A, Macopa Street, Gingoog City. There were lots of
students that were selling their foods too. And their food was common
to us, like dry food like dynamite, fries, and junk food. And truly, it was
hard to sell a product if you had many competitors. But we look at
them as inspiration to improve and be competitive with our product.
Although there were no huge threats, we were very eager to improve
our product so that we could gain more customers. To make our
products stand out, we would make a lot of changes and
developments. One of these is adding more flavors so that customers
have more options on what to buy.

f. Supply Analysis
The business conducted a survey to know their direct competitors.
There are three(3) lumpia sellers with different lumpia variety
products from ours. However, one of the businesses does not offer
the product everyday, which is why the business will be the supply to
meet the demand of the market. Sweet Lumpia projected to supply
50-100 products per day to meet the demand.

g. Market Analysis
Before the business starts, the entrepreneurs make sure that they are
ready for competition. Sweet Potato Rolls will continue to improve in
order to satisfy their customers. Their target market are the students
of Gingoog City Colleges, and they have conducted a market
research in order to know the value of their products to the

h. Market Forecast
Sweet Potato Rolls sells lumpia items with prices starting at ₱8.00,
and it anticipates selling 50 to 120 goods per day. In the corporate
world, it's important to be responsive because sales figures could
differ from projections. Because of this, it is our responsibility as
entrepreneurs to make the right decisions and to be responsive to
changes in the market.

i. Demand and Supply Forecast

Diri pako taman haaytsss
As seen from the graph, there are at least 50 pieces of lumpia in
demand for the day. Most of the competitors do not meet the demand
which is why 3E1A Eats plans on meeting the demand by supplying
enough products to the market. In addition, although all sellers,
including ours, have a 50 pieces per day demand, 3E1A Eats is seen
to be the only seller that is able to meet such. for the day. Most of the
competitors do not meet the demand that is why 3E1A Eats plans on
meeting the demand by its supply.

j. Market Position
The marketing research determined the perception of the target
market to our products. As they taste our product, the results of the
research found out that they prefer Corn N’ Cheese as it is a unique
product and it is really not common to the market. It differs from the
product of the competitors because most of the 3E1A Eats products
are hardly heard of by the consumers. It gives a great advantage to
the business as they can easily recognize the business because of
the products that it sells.
k. Marketing Strategy
3E1A Eats marketing plan aims to ensure that the product's quality
can compete with their competitors. It ensures that the business only
provides products that have high quality and are tasty. One of our
strategies also is to continue improving the quality of our product by
inventing and introducing new products to the market. It can also be
done by listening to the feedback of the consumers. The business is
willing to grow and recommendations are greatly appreciated by the

V. Business Description

a. Product Description
The main product of the business is Lumpia filled with Corn and
Cheese. It’s a snack that is best to eat during recess and also in the
afternoon. A crunchy yet very tasty snack that one could ever eat.
There are also other varieties of the product which are the lumpia
with chocolate and marshmallows, vegetables, and sweet potato. All
of these products have their own uniqueness which makes them
stand out from other products.

b. Equipment or Materials Need - Pia

Equipment/ Quantity Unit Price Total

Ingredients ₱534.00 ₱534.00
Squeezable 1 ₱50.00 ₱50.00
TOTAL ₱584.00
c. Size of the Business

3E1A Eats is a micro-sized partnership business where it consists of

four(4) entrepreneurs. The starting capital is ₱800.00 where the
entrepreneurs all contribute to with ₱200.00 each. Production of the
products will be done in the house of one of the entrepreneurs and
will be sold to Gingoog City Colleges where the entrepreneurs put up
a stall.

VI. Organizational Plan

a. Forms and Business Organization

3E1A Eats is a partnership kind of business between four (4)
entrepreneurs namely Pia Palad, Nichole Sabit, Daphne Galamiton,
and Richelle Bantiad. The partners have equal contribution to the
business as they agreed and share the same profit equally.

b. Liability of the Owner

As 3E1A Eats is a partnership business, all of the entrepreneurs are
responsible for the liability of the business. They share the profits and
also the debts and obligations of business as well. The business is
still starting

c. Role of the Owner

● MANAGER: PIA MARIE V. PALAD- the one who’s managing the
organization. She supervised the daily operations of the business and
made sure that the business had no problems.

● ASSISTANT MANAGER: NICHOLE SABIT- the one who assists the

manager in handling the business. She will be incharge once the
manager is out and the one making sure that the services and
product offered suits the customers.
● FINANCIAL MANAGER- the one who is responsible for monitoring,
organizing, and controlling the financial of the business. She’s the
one who’s gonna handle the finance once the business starts.

● AUDITOR: RICHELLE BANTIAD- the one who is responsible for

verify, inspect, and review the accuracy of the financial records of the

d. Proposed Salary
The proposed salary of the employees is Php 50.00 per day as there
is only a limited amount of time for selling like 1-2 hours per day.
Since there are four employees, the total salary per day would be
Php 200.00 and Php 4,000.00 a month.

e. Sources of Materials
The sources of materials and ingredients of the business were
acquired from a local market place and from Gaisano Mall:Gingoog
Branch. It was then transferred to the house of the entrepreneur to
prepare the products.

VII. Marketing Plan

a. Product
Lumpia is one of the most well-known snacks/dishes that can be
seen on any table on any occasion. There are many traditional
recipes for lumpia, and newer ones are being tested. 3E1A Eat’s
lumpia features flavors that are not commonly seen. The quality will
be like any other lumpia, crunchy, savory, and piping hot. This way,
the customer will be able to enjoy a good snack/meal with flavors that
have yet to be mixed into a lumpia recipe.
Corn N’ Cheese
3E1A Eat’s Sweet Potato
Product Mix Desserts Munchkin

b. Place
It is located in one of the institutions of Gingoog City. To the Paz
Village Subdivision, Barangay 24-A, Macopa Street, stands the well-
known educational establishment, Gingoog City Colleges. Within the
premises of the institution, on the right side of the gate, in front of the
elementary building, stands the 3E1A Eat’s stand.

c. Pricing strategy
The pricing strategy utilized by the entrepreneurs is the cost-based
pricing. It is because the price is determined based on the cost of the

d. Promotion
3E1A Eat’s way of promotion is through media advertising and
broadcasting in front of the school.

e. People
The business consists of Four Entrepreneurs namely Pia Marie V.
Palad as the Financial Manager, Nichole M. Sabit as the Auditor,
Daphne Blance D. Galamiton as the Manager, and Richelle A.
Bantiad as the Assistant Manager.

f. Packaging
The package used to hold the product is the small silver paper trays
which are commonly used to hold snacks such as fish balls or fries.
g. Positioning
The business is located in Gingoog City Colleges, positioned to the
front of the elementary building. The entrepreneurs put up a stall in
order to be seen immediately.

h. SWOT analysis

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

Unique Products Uncommon Innovative Competitors
Budget-friendly Due to being School Ecological factors
products uncommon, it advertisement
might be to the
market’s liking.
Cheap and Public market retail Holidays

VIII. Financial Statement

a. Projected Profit and Loss

Projected Profit and Loss

Sales ₱40,829.00
Cost of Sales ₱21,864.00
Gross Profit ₱18,965.00

Salary ₱4,000.00
Operating Expenses ₱2,100.00
Equipment/Materials ₱584.00
Total Expenses ₱6,684.00
Net Profit ₱12,281.00

b. Projected Balance Sheet

3E1A Eats
Statement of Financial Position
Pre-operating Period

Current Assets
Cash on Hand ₱216.00
Total Current Assets ₱216.00

Non-Current Assets
Equipment/Materials ₱584.00
Total Non-Current Assets ₱584.00
Total Assets ₱800.00
Total Liabilities ₱0.00

Owner’s Equity
Palad, Capital ₱200.00
Sabit, Capital ₱200.00
Bantiad, Capital ₱200.00
Galamiton, Capital ₱200.00

Total Liabilities and Owner’s ₱800.00


c. Projected Cash Flow

3E1A Eats
Statement of Cash Flow
Pre - Operating period

Cash Flows From Operating Activities

Cash Payment To Supplier (₱216.00)

Cash Payment To Transportation (₱0.00)

Net cash provided by operating (₱216.00)


Cash Flows From Investing


Purchase of Equipment ₱584.00

Net cash provided by Investing ₱584.00


Cash Flows From Financing


Investment by Owners ₱800.00

Net cash provided by Financing ₱800.00


Income Statement Summary

For the period ended April 18, 2023


Corn N’ Cheese Sales ₱5,736

Sweet Potato Sales ₱4,020

Munchkin Sales ₱1,835

Total Revenue: ₱11,591


Corn N’ Cheese Cost of ₱2,312.90

Goods Sold

Sweet Potato Cost of Goods ₱1,238.25


Munchkin Cost of Goods Sold ₱1,125.70

Utilities Expense ₱100

Butene ₱569

Oil ₱493

Tissue ₱92

Silver Tray ₱342

Toothpick ₱105

Sauce ₱356

Total Expenses: ₱6,733.85

Net Income ₱4,857.15

IX. Glossary of terms
Assets- resources with economic value that an individual, corporation, or
country owns or controls with the expectation that it will provide a future
Business- This refers to the selling of products and services.
Consumers- This refers to the people who are going to buy/consume the
Competitors- This refers to the direct competitors of the business. One
that has the same products as ours.
Entrepreneurs- This refers to the people who founded and run the
Funds- This refers to the money used for the capital of the business.
Goals- This refers to the objective or target of the business.
Lumpia- This refers to the product sold by the entrepreneur. It comes with
different varieties such as Corn N’ Cheese and Sweet Potato.
Market- This refers to the place where buyers and sellers can meet to
facilitate the exchange or transaction of goods and services
Materials- This refers to the things used by the business such as
Place- This refers to where the product is going to be sold.
Position- This refers to where the product is positioned in the place.
Profit- This refers to the money that the business gets with all the minuses
from the amount spent in buying, operating, or producing.
Quality- This refers to how well a product satisfies customers' needs,
serves its purpose and meets industry standards.
Salary- This refers to the amount of money that the employees get.
Satisfy- This refers to meeting the expectations of the consumers for our

X. Appendix


Age: ___________ Year Level: ___________ Other (Please

Specify): ___________

Questions Yes No
Do you have any allergies?

Have you ever heard of this product?

Are you satisfied with the product?

Is this product to your liking?

Would you recommend this to your friends?

Would you prefer this lumpia as a snack?

Would you prefer this lumpia over the

Is the price, ₱7.00, reasonable enough?

Would you buy more?

Questions Oi Vegeta Cor Chees Chocol Marshmall
l ble n e ate ow
If yes, are you allergic
Would you prefer
lumpia with
Would you recommend
lumpia with
Lumpia is not best with

On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate this product? ______

What needs to be improved in the product?

Curriculum Vitae

Name : Pia Marie V. Palad

Address : Barangay 24 Gingoog City

Gender : Female

Date of Birth : May 16, 2005

Place of Birth : Gingoog City

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

Present Position : Student

School Address : 24-A Paz Village Gingoog City


Elementary : Magallanes Elementary School


:Manuel Lugod Elementary School


Secondary : Gingoog City Colleges

Name : Nichole M. Sabit

Address : Barangay Minsapinit, Gingoog


Gender : Female

Date of Birth : October 17, 2005

Place of Birth : Gingoog City

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

Present Position : Student

School Address : 24-A Paz Village Gingoog City


Elementary : Believers Destiny Academy


Secondary : Gingoog City Colleges

Name : Daphne Blance D. Galamiton

Address : Barangay 19 Gingoog City

Gender : Female

Date of Birth : November 17, 2004

Place of Birth : Cagayan de Oro

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

Present Position : Student

School Address : 24-A Paz Village Gingoog City


Elementary : Gingoog City Colleges


Secondary : Gingoog City Colleges

Name : Richelle A. Bantiad

Address : Barangay 19, Gingoog City

Gender : Female

Date of Birth : August 10, 2004

Place of Birth : Gingoog City

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

Present Position : Student

School Address : 24-A Paz Village Gingoog City

Elementary : DRBCS


Secondary : Gingoog City Colleges


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