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Group 1 SEA

I. Medieval/Middle Ages Before the seeds could be planted, land had to be

The Medieval Period, 5th-15th century, was a ploughed. Ploughs were shared by the villagers
time of resourcefulness, art, culture, and and were pulled by teams of oxen. The fields
inventions, shaping the modern world. were ploughed in the early spring and also in the
Autumn after the harvest had been gathered in.
● Farm production Inventions The village plough or ploughs were often kept in
1. Revolutionizing Farming Plows the church. As the plough is pulled across the
field, the two metal projections dig into the soil
and break it up ready for planting.

Heavy plow “carruca” a plow capable of digging 2. Sowing

deeply into the soil and turning it over, bringing
air into the topsoil and refreshing its mineral and
nutrient content. Whole new areas were opened
to cultivation, thanks to the ability of the carruca
to cut through rocky soil As a result, there was a
major expansion between 1000 – 1300 from the The sowing of seeds was another important job
middle latitudes of Europe farther north and that had to be done during the Medieval farming
east, as the farming population took advantage year. Once the fields had been ploughed, seeds
of the new technology had to be scattered into the earth. It was
important to spread the seeds evenly so that
2. Padded horse collar there was a good crop. There were no machines
to do this job so it had to be done by hand.

● Health Inventions
1. Eyeglasses and Magnifying Lenses

The padded horse collar, introduced in the 8th

and 9th centuries, was a leather strap that
allowed horses to breathe. Unlike oxen, horses
were smarter and faster, but their neck angle cut
Eyeglasses and Magnifying Lenses: The
off their air supply, causing decreased
invention of eyeglasses and magnifying lenses in
productivity and potentially animal death. The
the later Middle Ages improved the ability to
use of horses in medieval farming led to more
read and study medical texts, enhancing the
efficient soil cutting and increased land plowing
accuracy of medical observations and diagnoses.
in northern Europe.

2. Surgical tools
● Farm production Discoveries
1. Ploughing

Surgical tools during the Middle Ages were

basic instruments that doctors used to try to fix
certain medical problems. These tools were not
Group 1 SEA

as advanced as today's tools and were often

simple, like knives and hooks. Doctors would ● Modern Inventions
use these tools to cut into the body, remove 1. CabinIITz disinfection cabin by MSU-IIT
things causing trouble, or try to fix injuries.
While they did their best, surgeries back then
were risky and not as safe as they are now.

● Health Discoveries
1. Cesarean For those of us at home, disinfecting mostly
means washing our hands and spraying every
surface with Lysol. For healthcare workers, it
means layers of protective gear, washing or even
disposing of PPEs, and taking long showers
before going anywhere else after work. To make
the process quicker and more effective for
In the Middle Ages, Cesarean sections were only
frontliners, Mindanao State University-Iligan
performed on dead mothers with their infants
Institute of Technology invented CabinIITZ, a
still within; the practice risked the newborn
disinfection cabin inspired by Vietnam’s
dying as soon as it was removed from the dead
scientists, which people can walk through to get
mother. However, in the year 1500, a Cesarean
themselves sanitized.
section is performed on a mother who had been
having difficulty giving birth for several days; as
2. 3D-printed face shields by different groups
a result, her husband chose to conduct a cesarean
section, and the procedure was a success,
allowing both the baby and the mother to live a
healthy life. This revelation was used in the
medical field for many years and established a
standard for how effective cesarean sections are.
Different groups from all over the country have
2. Dental Fillings
been using 3D printers to create face shields
made of 3D printer filament, acetate film, and
rubber. Some volunteers have even found a more
eco-friendly option, swapping out the filament, a
type of plastic, for polylactic acid to make the
shields biodegradable.
● Modern Discoveries
The Chinese used dental fillings in the Middle
1. Solar Window
Ages. In this day and age, silver and tin are used
as dental fillings to treat dental cracks. This was
reported in the year 659 and is now used by
persons in the dental field.

II. Philippine Inventions

The Philippines, Southeast Asia, has a rich
Solar Window, developed by Carvey
history of invention, blending diverse cultures,
Ehren Maigue, uses Luminescent Solar
and fostering creativity through its landscapes
Concentrators (LSCs) to turn windows
and interactions with the Western world.
Group 1 SEA

into solar panels. LSCs absorb sunlight, 2. Two-way Video Telephone

re-emit it at a longer wavelength, and
direct it to solar cells at the window
edges, generating electricity. This tech
integrates seamlessly into buildings,
converting sunlight into energy without
compromising aesthetics. Carvey Ehren
Maigue won the James Dyson Award in
Gregorio Y. Zara, a Filipino engineer and
2020 for this innovative and sustainable
physicist, created the first two-way video
approach to renewable energy.
telephone. The groundwork for video
conferencing was laid by Zara's development of
2. Salinity-Powered Lamp (SALt)
the video telephone, which allowed the caller
and recipient to see each other while speaking.

● Past Discoveries
1. Metal Eating Plant

Invented by brother and sister Raphael and Asia

Mijeno, developed a lamp that runs on saltwater.
It's an eco-friendly and cheap alternative to
traditional lighting
The plant, known as Rinorea niccolite, was
found by researchers at the University of the
● Past Inventions Philippines in Los Banos. It can absorb nickel
1. Bamboo Incubator without becoming poisonous. The plant's
extremely uncommon capacity to consume
poisonous nickel and other minerals may be
utilized to purge polluted soil, particularly in
regions where nickel is produced. Using the
metal-eating plant could also lead to an entirely
novel mining method. Instead of excavating the
ground to get the minerals, harvesting the plants
would be viable. Sadly, there is a chance that the
Fe del Mundo is the first Asian to enter the metal-eating plant will go extinct.
Harvard University School of Medicine and is
2. The Butchered Rhino
known as the inventor of the bamboo incubator.
The improvised incubator comprised two native
laundry baskets placed one inside the other, hot
water bottles arranged around and between the
two baskets to provide warmth, and a makeshift
hood over the overlapping baskets so that
oxygen could circulate within. This was created It tossed the whole table over and whacked the
scientists in the head, appearing to say, "Forget
to address the needs of families in rural areas
everything you know." This is one of the
with no electricity needed to regulate the body Philippines ' most prominent and significant
temperature of newborn babies. finds because it completely contradicts what we
know about the history of humanity in Asia. The
butchered rhino provides indirect evidence of
Group 1 SEA

human presence in the Philippines from 709,000 Limos, M. A. (1970). The decade’s greatest discoveries in
years ago when there were not supposed to be the Philippines.
any people in the archipelago. Most scientists
had previously agreed that the earliest people coveries-in-the-philippines-a00293-20191219-lfrm
entered the Philippines 67,000 years ago.
Top 10 Medical Advances from the Middle Ages.
References (2015, November 8). Retrieved
Medieval Surgery: History, Tools & Problems | August 23, 2023, from
StudySmarter. (n.d.). StudySmarter UK. advances-from-the-middle-ages/

The History of Eyeglasses | Advantage Dental+.

(2022b, May 12).

Santos, C. (n.d).
Lumbre, H. (2020, May 6).

Honadmin, & Honadmin. (2023). Medieval Farming and

the Farming Year: How did it work? History.

Brooks, Christopher. “1.6: The Medieval Agricultural

Revolution.” Humanities LibreTexts, 26 August 2022,
Accessed 22 August 2023.

Daileader, Philip, and Georgius Agricola. “Medieval

Farming Technology Transforms Europe.” Wondrium
Daily, 3 October 2019,
ogy-transforms-europe/. Accessed 22 August 2023.

Asia Research News. (2019). The father of

videoconferencing (special series - giants in research). Asia
Research News.
Santos, C. (2021). Surprising filipino inventions you might
want to know about. GineersNow.

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