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DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual,
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©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800
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2 Playing the War of the Lance

4 Autumn, Winter and Spring

5 35. Sanction

9 36. The Dragon Isles

11 37. War in the Skies

15 38. Kalaman

22 39. Taman Busak

24 40. The Glitterpalace

29 41. Nerakan Plains

32 42. Neraka

34 43. Dark Queen’s Temple

39 Endings

40 - - - - All Out Warfare

43 - - - - Berem And His Sister

44 - - - - Berem Is Paladine

45 - - - - Betrayal Of The Gem

46 - - - - Destroy The Gem

47 - - - - Fizban Is Paladine

48 - - - - Sacrifice Self

49 - - - - Waylorn Is Huma Reborn

50 Epilogues

51 - - - - The Dark Queen Defeated

53 - - - - The Dark Queen Triumphant

54 Narrative Options


Written by Stephen Bull

Original Art and Maps by Stephen Bull
Additional Art and Maps courtesy of DM’s Guild

Based on the Dragonlance setting for Dungeons and

Dragons, updated for Fifth Edition.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
The WAR OF THE LANCE is a major war between the The gods eventually decided that the Kingpriest had gone
forces of good and evil, mortals and dragons fighting for the too far, and that his ambition was too wild and would lead
gods – the good returning to the world after a long absence the world to ruin. They sent warnings to the Kingpriest and
and the evil trying to conquer it once again. the people of Krynn to stop their current actions, but the
The setting is the continent of ANSALON, on the world of Kingpriest refused to comply. He shouted to the gods of
KRYNN. Light that they had failed to defeat the gods of Darkness,
The world's major gods are the High God and his children: and so he was taking on the fight himself. He began making
good Paladine, neutral Gilean, and evil Takhisis, opposed demands of the gods, commanding them to support him
by Chaos, who seeks to destroy Krynn. Evil chromatic and and grant him gifts to fight the evil gods.
the good metallic dragons are things of legend, and tied to When the warnings of the gods were ignored, the entire
the gods as their incarnations, agents in the world and tools pantheon at last chose to act, infuriated by this act of hubris.
of warfare. They withdrew their power from the world, and sent a
Humans are Krynn's most common humanoid race, but flaming mountain from the sky to destroy Istar entirely, the
Elves, Dwarves, Kender, Gnomes, and Minotaurs occupy impact breaking many areas of the world.
the world as well. Clerics derive magical powers from their
gods, and wizards derive their power from the three goods Divine magic was lost as the gods no longer granted their
who also represent the world’s three moons. blessing, but Wizards and Sorcerers retained their powers.
Some say this was an act of atonement from the gods for
At this point in history, it has been three hundred years ignoring the persecution of the mages for so long.
since the Cataclysm obliterated the great empire of Istar and
changes the entire surface of Krynn. The Age of Despair THE AGE OF DESPAIR
followed, during which the gods were entirely absent, having The fallout from the Cataclysm lasted centuries. The land
left behind the world they felt had abandoned and shunned was broken, plague and famine became common, and
them. The disrespect of the Kingpriest went on, ignoring lawlessness ran rampant. New religions founded by
the thirteen warnings sent, convinced by his own hubris that charlatans rose and took over the major nations, and war
only he – a mortal – could defeat evil. became commonplace as people moved about searching for
The gods sent a “fiery mountain” to completely destroy Istar food and shelter. Every group of people about Krynn
and the Kingpriest, the impact shattering other areas of breaks and splinters into new groups, founding new
Ansalon, drowning some areas and raising new mountains. settlements away from their cousins.
Following that, contact with the gods was cut off entirely.
This is the current age, in which old brotherhoods and
THE CATACLYSM friendships are broken, and the true gods are absent from
In the early ages the gods were keen to involve themselves the world.
in the mortal world, offering blessings and boons in Into this world Takhisis comes again to conquer.
exchange for prayer and faith. _______________________________________________
Then came the rise of the Holy Empire of Istar. The
Kingpriest, devoted to the gods of Light, decided that all
arcane spellcasters were evil and a danger to the entire
world. He sought first to limit them, believing to have the
blessing of the gods of Light, and the protests of the gods of
magic fell on deaf ears.
Eventually the Kingpriest destroyed the Tower of High
Sorcery at Daltigoth, and demanded that the Wizards
abandon the towers of Palanthas and Istar.
The black robed Wizards wanted war, the whites
understanding but feeling that though they may win battles,
they likely would not win a war. Most of the population
supported the Kingpriest through religious fervor, and any
victory for the orders would come at the expense on many

The Conclave eventually decided to surrender the towers, _______________________________________________

removing their books and artifacts to their last outpost at
Wayreth, and the gods of magic were incensed that their RACE AND CLASS RESTRICTIONS
followers were being treated this way. They went before the The War of the Lance is a pivotal moment in the history of
pantheon to urge action against the Kingpriest, their rage Krynn, as it marks the return of the true gods – though
shaking the heavens when the Kingpriest took residence in whether this is for good or ill is down to the actions taken by
the Tower of Istar. the heroes of the age.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
When setting up characters for this adventure, a few notable
restrictions should be taken into account – partly because
some races simply do not exist in the lore of Krynn (though THE ORIGINAL COMPANIONS
you are free to add them) but also because some races and A question that may be asked, given that this
class archetypes themselves have important roles to play in adventure is heavily based on a series of novels, is
the story as originally written. what becomes of the original characters from
Though a DM should feel free to make what alterations those novels? Are they involved in some way, or
they wish, a few important rules should be adhered to when absent? A few options are available:
preparing new characters for this adventure:
• Lizardmen and Dragonborn should be prohibited as There is no reason why a group of players could
playable races. In Krynn there are no such creatures, but not play as the actual Companions themselves.
servants of the dark goddess Takhisis will create them in This means taking on the specific personality
the form of her Draconians to serve as the core of their traits and abilities of the original characters and
army. Their arrival in Krynn is new, and part of a greater limiting freedom in character creation, but it
mystery that unfolds over the course of the adventure. resolves the question in the neatest way.
• Kyrie (Aaracokra), Dargonesti (Sea Elves) and
Phaethons (Aasimar) are very rare and reclusive peoples THE COMPANIONS ARE IN THE BACKGROUND
in Ansalon, and should be played only with a good The characters can still be part of the story, but
reason why they would walk the lands of other peoples. act as background characters rather than the leads
in their own narrative. The player characters
• No magic or magic-like special abilities can be used to instead step into the role of protagonists, with the
heal (including a Paladine’s Healing Hands). For three Companion’s individual stories serving as
hundred years the gods have been absent, and healing additional material for side quests and world
magic has come only from them. Bringing the gods back exploration.
and returning healing magic is a miracle to the people of In this version of events, the Companions can
Krynn, and an event the party should have an active either be allies who travel with the party, or can be
hand in causing. scattered across Ansalon as quest-givers or sources
• Levels can not be taken in the Cleric class for the same of exposition.
reason as above, as there are no gods to grant them their
powers. Only after the true gods properly return during THE COMPANIONS ARE ABSENT
gameplay can levels be taken in Cleric again. The simple solution is merely not to mention the
_______________________________________________ Companions at all. Have them absent as though
they never existed, and allow the players to take
PLAYING THE ADVENTURE on the story with fresh characters. This of course
Details on locations, what can be found there and how to creatures an alternate history to the one given in
get around can be found in the other Aesthetics Guides the novels, but still allows the party to play the
guidebooks. This module focuses purely on the story adventure unrestricted by canon.
elements that make up the War of the Lance.
The story elements given here are presented in the order RAISTLIN’S GAMBIT
they were originally given – both in the Dragonlance novels Author’s Note: This is the version I opted for
and older modules for previous editions of the game. when I ran this adventure for the first time, thus
beginning the project to create these guidebooks
As a party progresses through the story, there is a good for the War of the Lance. In this sequence of
chance that they will want to do things in different orders, events, it was assumed that all of the events of the
skip sections entirely, or go off in entirely other directions to novels took place, except that in the final
follow new leads into a variety of side quests or goose moments the Companions failed and Takhisis
chases. The Aesthetics Guides try where possible to present prevailed.
the setting and adventure in an open-world way so that a Raistlin Majere, having accessed the Tower of
player party have the freedom to chose their own path, so High Sorcery in Palanthas, therefore did the
the DM should not feel restricted to follow the exact order unspeakable and reversed time, removing his
of adventures and story elements given here. They should allies from history so that a new band of heroes
rather feel free to mix and match, reorder and improvise could attempt to win the war.
whatever they think is necessary to make the game as By doing this, Raistlin became a useful NPC who
enjoyable as possible for everyone. could tell the party what was going on, and where
they needed to go in order to start their
STARTING LEVEL adventure. He would lend no direct help, but
The Aesthetics Guides start the player party off at level four, when my party was lost Raistlin could reappear to
assuming that they have had some previous adventures of exposit, give important historical information on a
their own, and are now reconvening during one of person or location, and otherwise fill in what the
Ansalon’s darkest hours. party’s characters “should” know themselves.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
The core adventure is divided into three parts as the original novels were, and as the narrative of the war itself is.
These parts begin in the Autumn of the year 351AC (After Cataclysm, Ansalon’s current calander) continue in
Winter, and then conclude in Spring.

These adventure modules are designed to work in conjunction with the other Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon books –
those books giving all of the information for a location whilst this one adds only the narrative information and
important changes for the War of the Lance.

When Spring begins, the party could be anywhere across Ansalon, but the most likely case if that they are either at
the High Clerist’s Tower having fought in the Battle of the Reaper, or they are in Karthay of the Blood Sea, having
possibly visited the Ruins of Istar.

The party remain free to move around and pursue any plot threads and side quests they wish, but throughout these
stories their paths will inevitably lead them to one final destination – the Dark Queen’s Temple in Neraka.

Where Autumn set a narrower path, Winter allows the party to leave Abanasinia and explore Ansalon at their
leisure, although it strongly suggests that the party make for the city of Tarsis if they wish to follow the specific story
arch of the Companions in the War of the Lance. It is in this city that the party will find some of the foundational
plot hooks that the Companions of the novels also found, and lead them into the grander adventures the war offers.




Author’s Note: As with the adventures in Winter, the locations in Spring can be mixed and matched if the party
decide to approach them in a different order to the original material, although they are slightly more limited as they
lead into the endgame of the Chronicles/War of the Lance narrative. Missing areas now can result in the party not
having essential information for their final battle against the Dragon Empire’s leadership, so they may have to face
these challenges before they reach Neraka.

Travelling to Sanction is optional for example, but without the knowledge that can be found there the Metallic
Dragons won’t join the war. Likewise the party do not have to travel to Godshome, but if they do they can gain
valuable insight into the war and their opponents, and what they need to do to bring the war to an end.
These are valid options of course, but it will stack the deck against the party.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
The War of the lance was, from the start, heavily weighted
in favour of the Dragonarmies solely because they have the THE OATH
fearsome Chromatic Dragons on their side. These servants If the party require reminding or have not yet
of Takhisis can destroy armies and fortresses with ease, and found out, then the hope of fighting back may
have done so since the start of the war. Though there have prompt any Metallic Dragon to reveal the details
been some successful defences and counter-attacks, all of of the Oath (though any Dragon who has been
those in power know that without help from someone to contained for a long time may be unaware of it).
counteract the Evil Dragons, they will eventually lose the
war Before Paladine and the Good Dragons even
knew that Takhisis had returned, she had woken
If the party want any chance of effectively fighting back, they many of her own servants from ancient slumbers
will need to uncover the truth behind the absence of the and ordered them to gather the eggs of their
metallic Dragons. In ages past the Metallics have found Metallic cousins. Finding the Metallic’s hiding
alongside mortals against the forces of Takhisis, but for places, the Chromatics took the next generation
some unknown reason they have not come this time. and brought them to Sanction where they would
be placed under heavy guard.
If there is to be any hope, the party must find out why, and
seek a way to reverse it. When Paladine woke the Metallic Dragons, they
went to Takhisis to ask in their fury and despair
FINDING THE TRAIL what price they would have to pay for the return
The path to uncovering this mystery must inevitably lead the of their children.
party to one place – the city of Sanction. That is where the Takhisis demanded a terrible price – that the
secret keeping the Metallics lays, but the party will be metallic Dragons would remain in isolation, and
unlikely to discover this on their own. would participate in the coming war.

To make this happen, the party will need to be directed This is the Oath.
towards Sanction by someone with a vested interest in
uncovering the secrets there. This will either mean a _______________________________________________
Metallic Dragon who has broken the Oath, or an ally of
theirs who is more than meets the eye. FIZBAN AT SEA
If Fizban the wizard is not with the party as they are sailing
• The Silver Dragon D’Argent has long stood as guardian towards Sanction, the party’s journey will be briefly
of the Tomb of Huma, whilst also keeping watch over disturbed by a sudden bump on the outer hull of their ship,
mortal civilizations since the Cataclysm. She is already as though they hit something solid. Suddenly, an enraged
known to be in violation of the Oath, and may be the voice will start shouting at them from the water.
most aware as to what is happening in Sanction. At this
stage in the war, she may be the best option to direct the ▪ “Get this confounded thing out of my way! I’ve got
party there. places to go, and I can’t have every wreck on the high
• The bumbling wizard Fizban will definitely know what seas thundering into me! Move, I say!”
has really happened, but outright saying so would betray
his true breadth of knowledge. He can simply identify The voice is coming from an old man in olive-grey robes,
Sanction as the capital of the Dragon Empire though, with a large white beard and a floppy brimmed pointed hat
and the best source of valuable information. – Fizban, the bungling old wizard. He is sitting in a very
• The Gold Dragon Evenstar sits in King Duncan’s Tomb small row-boat roughly the size of a bathtub, shaking his fist
keeping close watch on affairs. He is bound by duty to up at the crew of the party’s ship.
maintain his watch though, and has little information on
what is happening in Sanction. ▪ “Get out of my way, you idiots! I’ve got important things
• Any other Metallic Dragon still in Ansalon can tell the to do! Move, or I’ll ram you again!”
party that the Lords of Doom were where their people
once stored a great many eggs – an entire new With that Fizban uses his single oar to push his boat back
generation safely housed ready for a future age. They away from the ship, and then deliberately rows himself back
remain inaccessible though, as the Dragonarmies have to ram into the ship’s hull, doing no damage at all.
fortified the city and Chromatic Dragons patrol the He does this a second time, and then a third, but this third
skies. time the side of his rowboat splits and begins to take on
• If need be, then the leaders of the Knights of Solamnia water.
(or the Whitestone Council) can instead suggest that
some powerful secret is being held in Sanction. ▪ “Take that!”
_______________________________________________ ▪ “Now move, before I get really rough!”

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
Fizban’s boat rapidly begins to sink with him on it, and if Creatures: 6x Sivak Master
not rescued both will disappear below the waves, leaving [Hard] 13,200xp
Fizban’s hat floating on the surface.

If offered a ride or pulled out of the water, Fizban continues This is the secret.
to be grumpy, but thanks the party for offering him a larger Not only did the Chromatics steal the eggs, but
ship. When asked where he is going, Fizban bumbles and the eggs have been used as part of an unholy
mumbles for a moment, and then responds. ritual to create Draconians. Before the party is
the secret of where this brand new species came
▪ “Well, the same place you are, obviously.” from, and where Takhisis got her new army
▪ “Lucky for you I found you!” from.

DC14 Wisdom (Insight): Fizban does not seem to know If the Metallic Dragons were to discover that
where he is going at all, or he has forgotten. A twinkle in his their eggs were being corrupted in some foul a
eye suggests that he may be wondering if a fireball will help manner, they would consider the Oath
him to remember. immediately broken, and join the war as quickly
as possible.
Unless prevented from doing so, Fizban will now stay with
the party until they are next captured, or until they reach the If the party interrupt the ritual, it will be too late and the
temples in Sanction. For whatever reason, Fizban will not next new batch of Draconians will be born. They will then
enter any of the temples, and may simply wander off if left have a tough fight if they wish to put a stop to the trio of egg
alone. corruptors.
The Draconians will attack first whilst the other three
TEMPLE OF LUERKHISIS restore themselves after the effort of the ritual and take a
Anything and anyone else the party can encounter or moment to study the tactics of the intruders. They will not
investigate in Sanction will be much the same as any other involve themselves them in the fight unless directly attacked.
time – with the major exception being if they make their way The Draconians will not be armed as they have not had
into the underground chambers beneath the Temple of time to equip themselves.
This is where they will discover the secret that may finally When only two of the Draconians are left, Parkane and
bring the Metallic Dragons into the war. Dracart will enter the fight, targeting anyone who single-
handedly dealt a lot of damage to the Draconians.
TL23: ALTAR OF CORRUPTION Harkiel continues to stay out of the fight unless attacked
As the party approach this chamber, they start to hear three first, and enters the fray only when one of either Parkane or
chanting voices, alert a party to the presence of creatures in Dracart is defeated and the other is at half their starting hit
this chamber before they even reach it, and as they get their points.
first look inside they discover one of the great secrets of the
War of the Lance. Having discovered the truth the party may sneak out of the
temple without alerting the ritual casters, and doing so gives
This area is a shrine to Takhisis, with a low, slime covered them a much better chance of escape. If they fight though,
altar sitting on a short-stepped dais. Two humanoids – Dracart will use the spell message to alert the rest of the
Wyrllish Parkane and Harrawell Dracart, stand to either temple guard that they are under attack. Though they may
side of the alter chanting in low voices. Parkane is reciting be defeated and killed, the area will soon be swarming with
prayer to Takhisis, whilst Dracart is reciting a complicated an overwhelming number of Draconians.
spell that also calls on the power of Takhisis.
Between them, sitting on the altar, is a silver dragon egg, and ALARM RAISED
above them stands Harkiel the Binder in dragon form. He If the party cause a ruckus in the ritual room and kill the
also chants, and as the party watch opens his mouth over three ritual casters, then Ariakas will be aware of a problem
the egg and allows his saliva to fall over the egg. and sends hundreds of Draconians to deal with it as a
matter of high priority.
Creatures: 1x Adult Red Dragon
[Hard] 18,000xp If he is still alive, Cymbol will keep all Draconians from
passing TL20: Cell of Sorrow, so the closest place where the
Creatures: 1x Wyrllish Parkane & 1x Harrawell Dracart party will encounter any resistance will be TK19: Red
[Deadly] 18,000xp Watch Deathguard.

The party will have arrived at the climax of ritual, the touch Creatures: 1x Bozak Elite & 8x Sivak Legionnaire
of Harkiel’s saliva causing the egg to pulse and swell as [Hard] 13,500xp
though infected with a living tumor. The egg warps,
stretches, and then bursts like a slime-filled sack, and from Hundreds more Draconians will be on their way though,
within emerge a group of Draconians of the Sivak breed. and if this group is defeated the party will turn the next

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
corner to see more descending the stairs from the upper
Lawful Evil Human Male
Creatures: 1x Bozak Elite & 8x Sivak Legionnaire
A fanatical worshipper and cleric of Takhisis,
[Hard] 13,500xp
Parkane is one of the highest ranking members of
the church of the Queen or Darkness. Ugly, and
One unit will descend the stairs and hold the bottom steps,
misshapen, Parkane truly and deeply hates all
but this group be constantly refreshed by hundreds more
other people and prefers to live in isolation,
crowded upstairs. If the party are forced back, these forward
tolerating the presence of others only as a
Draconian unit will advance to take each new junction or
necessity imposed on him by Takhisis.
room one at a time until they defeat their enemies.
isolation, tolerating the presence of others only as
a necessity imposed on him by Takhisis. He lives
in a subterranean chamber beneath the Temple of
If the party escape through 24: Secret Passage, then this will
Luerkhisis, and there focuses on worship and
make the Draconians aware of the passage too, and they will
follow shortly after the party.
The Draconians will hesitate briefly, giving the party a little
Parkane is one of the three people credited for
head start, but then follow soon after so if the party choose
discovering the means to turn a dragon egg into a
to stop they stand a good chance of being attacked.
clutch of Draconians, and is responsible for setting
the pace and tone for clerical chanting that is an
Creatures: 8x Baaz Soldier
essential component of the corruption ritual.
[Hard] 14,000xp
If the party continue to be chased through the Cavern of
Fire, then Draconians will emerge from the higher entrance
Lawful Evil Human Male
closer to the Temple of Luerkhisis three rounds after the
A black-robed wizard, Harrawell Dracart has
party enter, or when the party reach one third of their way
enthusiastically sworn himself to the cause of evil
across the bridge.
in it’s purest form, despising all acts of kindness
and all people who perform even a single act of
Creatures: 4x Sivak Master & 4x Baaz Soldier
[Deadly] 18,000xp
He prefers a life of solitude, living in a
subterranean chamber below the Temple of
The height difference between the two ends of the bridge
allow Draconians to jump from the upper areas and glide
quickly down to the bottom, launched frighteningly fast
Dracart is one of three who discovered the means
attacks on the party as they retreat.
to turn dragon eggs into Draconians, and takes
As half of the Draconians are killed, they will be replaced by
part in daily rituals to do just that. It is Dracart’s
more identical warriors, all emerging from the upper
magic that shapes the nascent embryos within the
entrance. A band of Shadowpeople wait at the lower entry,
eggs and forms the corruption within into
and wave the party towards them. As Draconians come
close the Shadowpeople block their passage, so all the party
need to do is fight their way to the lower entry, and the
Shadowpeople will stop the Draconians there.
Chaotic Evil Dragon Female
As the party pass the Shadowpeople, one of them will shout
The third member of the team who conducts the
after them.
dragon egg corruption ritual is Harkiel, an
extraordinarily intelligent red dragon with a
▪ “Please, for the sake of us all, reach the cavern of the
fanatical hatred of all good peoples, especially the
Old One.”
metallic dragons. It was Harkiel who, after
confirming that the egg corruption ritual work,
If necessary, one of the Shadowpeople will guide the party
flew to the Dragon Isles and confronted her
to where they need to go – right to the Cavern of the Old
metallic cousins and forced on them the Oath that
One where the Revered Ancient One resides.
keeps them out of the war.
Harkiel is known to be hot-tempered. Usually she
will be extremely focused on her goals, but if
frustrated or distracted she is prone to berserk

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
The main group of Companion do not travel to
Sanction in the original stories, but the city is
visited by prince Gilthanas of Qualinesti in the
company of the disguised silver dragon Silvara.
They together discover the secrets of the city,
including that the metallic dragon eggs are being
used to create Draconians, and with the help of
the Revered Ancient One they travel to the
Dragon Isles to reveal the truth.

Whilst in Sanction, Gilthanas also manages to

spy on Ariakas, and overhears the blue
Highlord Kitara bragging about Companions
member Tanis Half-Elven becoming both her
officer and her lover. This news breaks the
heart of Laurana, and pushes her to actions that
eventually lead to her capture.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
At some point, the party will need to try to convince the
Metallic Dragons to break the Oath and to involve Examples of beings likely to have the sort of
themselves in the war. There are a good handful of Metallic knowledge and power needed to reach the
Dragons scattered and in hiding around Ansalon, but none Dragon Isles without the help of a Metallic
of them are members of the leadership. Dragon include:
To speak to the leaders of the Metallics, the party will need
to find a way to get to the Dragon Isles far to the north of • Par Salian, the Highmage of the Orders of
the mainland. High Sorcery, found at the tower in Wayreth.
_______________________________________________ • The Revered Ancient One, leader of the
Shadowpeople who live in the tunnels
The Dragon Isles are protected by the power of Paladine • Fizban the Fabulous, the bungling wizard
and the other gods of good so that they exist just out of who usually knows a lot more about what is
synch with normal reality, inside a pocket dimension going on than he reveals.
adjacent to the material plane of Krynn.

By design, it can be found and entered only by Metallic Such powerful beings are more likely able to teleport to the
Dragons, those granted the power and permission to enter islands, bypassing the magical protections.
by Metallics, or those with a strong sympathetic bond to the
islands or the people’s that live on them. Evil aligned creatures can never enter the same dimension
as the Dragon Isles unless physically brought in by a Good
A blessing can be granted by any metallic dragon that is aligned Metallic Dragon.
adult or older that will last for ten days, during which a
creature can reach the Dragon Isles freely by magical or
mundane means as though they were part of the same A handful of evil characters may know where the
plane. Any creature riding on a metallic dragon can also Dragon Isles are, but being Evil (or Undead) they
enter the isles freely, as they under escort and granted the will be unable to actually use that knowledge
same permission to enter as the dragon they are riding on. themselves, though they can pass that knowledge
on (or it can be taken from them).

Finding a dragon already in Ansalon at the start These could include:

of the War of the Lance can be a challenge, but
there are a few the party may be able to convince • Feal-Thas, Highlord of the white wing and
to help them. lord of Icewall Castle.
• Fistandantilus, the ancient black-robe wizard
These include: is long dead, but his spellbooks can be found
in the Tower of High Sorcery in Palanthas.
• D’Argent, an adult Silver who guards
Foghaven Vale and sometimes lives amongst
the Kagonesti of Southern Ergoth in the
disguise of Silvara.
• Blaize, a young Brass trapped in a time stasis
If a party can reach any of the Dragons on the Dragon Isles
field inside Skullcap.
to tell them about the war, they will of course know all about
• Evenstar, an adult Gold who defends King
it, but refuse to intervene. Most are tight-lipped, but there is
Duncan’s Tomb.
bound to be at least one dragon on each island willing to
• Cymbol, an adult Copper chained up in the
explain that it is all because of the Oath.
Temple of Luerkhisis in Sanction.
• Clarion, an adult Bronze who lives in a
The Metallics have been shaken so much by the Oath that
secluded cave called the Dragon’s Den on
any act that would break it – even if forced on them – would
take extreme measures on the part of the party, or some
grand event that made it clear to the Metallics that the Oath
In Ansalon, very few even know of the Dragon Isles outside has already been broken, or can no longer be held against
of the most learned and most powerful, and few amongst them. The Metallics are honourable beings of good after all,
them have the power to transport themselves or others to and their word is their bond. Violating their word has never
the Dragon Isles without need of a metallic dragon’s even crossed most of the minds.
blessing. Those that can are all Good aligned, and beings of
either particular power or with deep ties to the gods If the party do come claiming to have such an argument, the
themselves. Dragons they speak to will insist that it made to a council of

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
the Metallics. Even getting such a meeting will require some
doing though, and at the very least will need some form of
physical evidence to support the idea that the oath is already

A council – if called – will take place at Aurialastican, and

will feature an elder member of each of the five Metallic
clans, all of whom are elected and authorized to speak on
behalf of their people. The council will take at minimum a
day to organize, and may require further effort on the
party’s part.

Once a council is convened, it will be an elder of the Gold

Dragons who presides over it, holding the meeting in a
grand audience hall in Aurialastican with a massive podium
seat for each of the assembled elders.
There the party will be invited to present their argument,
and whatever physical proof they have.

Given that it was the safety of their young that forced the
Metallics to accept the oath, it will likely need to be a threat
to those same young that brings them to break it. The
Metallics though are bound to their word, and if no actual
proof of wrong-doing is presented, the answer will be no.
Presenting an actual threat to the Dragon’s young will spurn
them to almost instant action though, and bring about
almost instant mobilization and preparations for war.

How the party achieve this goal can vary greatly,

and it depends on what information or evidence
they can present to the council of Metallic

In the original story, the testimony of a

trustworthy source – in that case Gilthanas
Kanan and the Silver Dragon Silvara/D’Argent –
is enough to convince the Metallic Dragons that
their eggs have been corrupted and used in a
foul ritual to create the Draconian race.

This personal threat to their own young will

convince the metallics to join the fight, but
another party may find other information they
would be willing to accept as a good reason. The
safety of their eggs though, is of paramount


The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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Once the Metallic Dragons finally join the fight, an effective past towards Kalaman.
counterattack can begin. Emboldened by both their own
victories and now the presence of the warriors and SOLANTHUS
messengers of Paladine, the free peoples of Ansalon find The capital city of Solamnia is a ruin, having faced
new strength to take the fight to the Dragonarmies. destruction at the hands of Red Dragons early in the war.
Having been forewarned by the Dwarves however, many of
What immediately follows is a campaign of strikes against it’s citizens fled south and took refuge in the tunnels and
Dragonarmy positions, forcing the Highlords and their caves of Kayolin, whilst the Knights and Dwarves took the
forces out of Solamnia and back to the eastern realms. fight to the Dragonarmies.
As Solamnian’s and their allies march across the fields and
retake their lands, the Knighthood’s leadership is planning a Relieving these forces and retaking the capital would be a
second Whitestone Council to discuss an offensive that will major boon to the morale of the Whitestone forces, and
bring the war to a swift end. This requires greater success in would provide a new forward base for future attacks.
battle however. At minimum, the city of Kalaman must be
retaken to act as a staging ground for a push into Taman THELGAARD KEEP
Busak. This city is all but a smoldering heap of rubble, having been
destroyed by the Dragonarmies early in the war. The
The next stage of the party’s adventure then is likely to be a Knights of Solamnia – led by Lord Regenald – has retaken
series of battles across Solamnia, and perhaps across the ruins and fortified the position, but after numerous
Ansalon as they try to weak the Dragonarmies in attacks the city fell again. Ergothian soldiers, mercenaries
preparation for a final push against Takhisis in Neraka. and commoners fled before the last attack, but the
Knighthood stood firm as the Measure teaches never to
One thing that should be stressed is that this will be the retreat from battle.
party’s last opportunity to travel the continent and wrap up
loose ends – either by gathering magical supplies or artifacts, The Dragonarmies will by now have slaughtered the
aiding allies still in trouble, or searching for new potential defenders, but may have a few prisoners they intend to
allies or weapons that they have previously not had a chance sacrifice to Takhisis.
to track down.
At some point however, the eyes of the forces of Good turn Retaking Thelgaard Keep and rescuing the prisoners will
to the liberation of Kalaman, and once the party are there help to raise the morale of the overall Knighthood, and cost
the endgame of the War of the Lance can begin. the Dragonarmies an important forward position.


Listed here are some potential battlefields the party may The party may now have access to magical (or Draconic)
wish to engage in other than those that are already part of means to travel quickly around Ansalon, so they may wish
the War of the Lance adventure. to return to Thorbardin to check on the Dwarves and
Abanasinian refugees.
DALTIGOTH If they do, they fight the South Gate under siege by the Red
The Ogres of Southern Ergoth continue to harass the Wing. Coming to the mountain’s aid will free the Dwarves
Elfrealms in Exile, so now is a good chance to rescue the to join in the attack on Neraka.
Elves by defeating the Giant leaders of Daltigoth. _______________________________________________

Doing so frees the Elves from their own existential threat for Whatever battles do occur, the final push of this chapter will
the time being, and allows them to join the attack on be towards Kalaman.
Neraka. _______________________________________________

This dreaded fort is heavily defended, both because the
Blue Wing use it as their headquarters and because it is the
home of Lord Soth – the Death Knight. It’s halls are filled
with Draconians, Undead, and other foul creatures who
serve their Lord unquestioningly, often marching out into
the field to bring despair and death to the peoples of

Defeating Lord Soth and clearing his keep would clear the
north-eastern lands and allow Solamnian forces to march

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
As the War for the Lance reaches its pinnacle, the forces INITIATIVE SCORES
of Chromatic and Metallic Dragons meet at last in the Dragon and Rider use the same initiative score, based
skies above Ansalon, both sides making use of riders and on the Rider’s initiative roll at the start of each combat.
powerful weapons. ___________________________________________

The Highlords and their minions come armed with MOVEMENT

powerful magic and weapons blessed by their dark • Each round, a Dragon must move its full base
goddess of evil Takhisis, whilst the forces of good come movement speed, as their flight requires
armed with the might dragonlances, weapons specifically momentum.
created by the gods for the purpose of slaying Dragons. • Each turn, as it moves, a dragon may not renter a
space it has been in this round.
Should the party involve themselves in these battles, they • For each 20ft space moved forward, a dragon can
can come to earn the respect and acceptance of Metallic either increase or decrease its height by 20ft.
Dragons who will bear them as riders, and take part in
one of these aerial battles. • A dragon does have the option to not move at all,
______________________________________________ but it does it falls directly downwards, decreasing its
height by 60ft, but can not move forward.
Dragons may choose to join the war on behalf of the party • Riders can take an additional move at any point to
for a number of reasons – a sense of duty, revenge, etc, – dismount their dragon steed, however doing so
but they will try to sense kindred spirits in their riders whilst in the air would be extremely hazardous to
wherever possible. A warrior spirit will look for another the character’s health, as they would immediately
like itself, whereas one with religious leanings will want a begin falling at a rate of 500ft per round.
rider who shares its devoutness.
• Dragons can move through a space containing one
Metallics will also want their riders to be, like them, good ally, but not through enemies. Only two dragons can
at heart and wanting to restore goodness to the world. occupy the same space at any time.
They will judge characters, and mostly demand to be ___________________________________________
treated with respect.
Chances are that if a character is religious, they will find a • Dragons can attack normally at any point during
dragon partner who feels the same, but if a character is a their turn, with some range limitations.
reckless and obnoxious person, there will be a dragon • Dragons may make melee weapon attacks against
who matches them as well. creatures in adjacent spaces.
• Dragons may us their breathe weapon as normal
Partnerships should on the whole be complementary. against creatures within range.

A Dragon who takes a rider will consent to wearing a • When using Multiattack, dragons have their usual
specially made leather saddle, many of which the dragons bite and two claw attacks. Any of these can be
have kept stored since the last dragonwar. replaced by an attack from the rider, up to the
These saddles are equipped with a shield of Dragon-scales rider’s normal maximum number of attacks.
which protect the rider form the effects of another • Other actions such as breathe weapons and casting
Dragon’s breathe weapon, and a brace on which a spells take up the dragon and rider’s entire action,
dragonlance can be mounted. These braces can only hold as normal.
a dragonlance, and are essential for the proper use of true
dragonlances. • Riders can attack with lances, however only attack
______________________________________________ can be made with one a turn, and only after the
dragon moves.
Dragon-mounted combat is best run using a Hex-Grid • Legendary Resistances can not be used during aerial
map, each hex representing a 20ft area. The rules below combat.
are designed with that in mind. • Frightful Presence has no effect during aerial
When placed on the hex-grid map, it is important to
designate in what direction the dragon is facing, which will • Attacks of Opportunity are not made whilst engaged
always be towards a straight edge (and not a corner). in aerial combat.
______________________________________________ ___________________________________________

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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TARGETS Dragons in thick cloud cover are complete blinded, but
• When a dragon or rider declares a target for an attack, also completely invisible to other creatures (unless they
spell or ability, or determines which creatures are have a special form of vision that can see through solid
within the area of an effect, they target a dragon and objects).
rider as a single entity.
• Attacks will always be against the dragon’s AC, Hit TERRAIN
Points and saves. Aerial battles on dragons can take place at any height,
either high in the clouds or directly above a city. If over
• Conditions effect riders and dragons separately, so a settlement such as a city or through a range of
whilst a dragon might be effected with a condition, its mountains, rocks and buildings of various heights can
rider may not be. get in the way of a dragon’ flight path. This can add new
• Any attack, spell, ability or other effect that causes a dangers such as terrain and cover to the fight. In the
condition are saved against separately by dragon and case of buildings, these could also be destroyed by
rider, although as normal only the dragon takes direct direct attacks from dragons or breath weapons harming
damage. both those caught below and civilians inside.
Battles in the skies directly over a settlement may also
• The exception to these rules, is if a dragon is riderless, add the threat of ballista firing into the air. These follow
or a character in flight without being mounted on a the rules in the Dungeon Master’s Guide, p255.
dragon. In these cases, a dragon or other creature can
be targeted separately. DEATH AND FALLING
______________________________________________ A dragon who dies or is immobilized immediately
plummets to the ground, descending at a rate of 500ft
ENCOUNTER BALANCE per round. If still living, they will take 2d6 bludgeoning
Battles in the sky between flights of dragons should be damage on impact, as will their rider unless they find a
reasonably balanced if created on a like-for-like basis, way to save themselves before making impact.
meaning one Adult Dragons should be a balanced fight If high enough, a player should have an opportunity to
for another Adult Dragon. save themselves from a plummeting dragon they are
Dragon Challenge Ratings should also roughly equate to riding, though there may be little they can do if they
balanced battles in the sly, so for example four characters lack magical abilities.
riding Adult Silver Dragons would be 60,000xp worth of ___________________________________________
creatures, having an Easy fight with three Adult Red
Dragons (50,000xp), a Medium fight with Multitrack eight
Young Blue Dragons (50,000xp), or a Hard battle with
two Ancient green Dragons (82,000xp).

There are a few additional elements that may effect how a
battle plays out. These include:

At the start of an encounter, the wind may be blowing with
great force. The DM can designate its direction, which
should follow along a straight path through a row of hexes.
This will be obvious, so the party should be made aware
of it.
At the end of every dragon’s movement, they will always
move an additional 20ft (one hex) in the direction the
wind is blowing in to represent the force of the wind
blowing the dragons of course.
A canny rider will take account of the wind however, and
move so that it works to their favour.

Thick water vapor may be adrift in the skies, giving
dragons somewhere to escape notice, but doing so also
limits their own visibility. A dragon in thin cloud cover has
disadvantage to its attacks, and attacks against it have

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
Having fought to defend Palanthas, the
Companions managed to convinced D’Argent
to take a message to her people on the Dragon
isles, along with proof that the Draconians have
been turning metallic eggs into new Draconians.

From there, the dragons came to join the war

and after speaking with the Knights of Solamnia,
the battle began in earnest.
The Companions joined the fight on the backs
of metallic dragons, fighting back the Highlords
and helping to wipe out large swathes of the

This continued until a messenger came from

the Dragonarmies claiming to have taken
captives – most notably the love of the
defender’s general. She agreed to leave the
dragons behind and to travel to save her love,
and faced the final battle without their mounts.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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One of the key cities in northern Ansalon and to the eastern of Kalaman will start to gather for his speech.
border of Solamnia, Kalaman is a key trading port, and an
important place to liberate if the armies of Good want to ▪ “Good people of Kalaman, it has been a long and
attack the Dragonarmies directly. terrible winter. All of you have struggled to make it
through and you have done it once again.”
If the war is going well and the Knights of Solamnia have ▪ “We are here not only to celebrate the end of that long
successfully retaken much of their nation, then they turn winter, but to a new and bright future.”
their attentions north to this city.
_______________________________________________ The rest of the speech will be more tailored depending on
the current state of Kalaman, and whether the
THE BLUE WING WITHDRAWS Dragonarmies are still occupying the area. If all is going well
With the Knights of Solamnia finding more and more for the party, and the Knights of Solamnia with draconic
success on the battlefield, the Dragonarmies across Ansalon allies have begun pushing the Dragonarmies back, then the
will have to take stock of their current situation. governor’s speech continues with great hope.

If the party successfully aided in the defence of the High ▪ “The Knights of Solamnia have joined forces with fabled
Clerist’s Tower, and have managed to rally the Knights of good dragons and now ride into battle bearing great
Solamnia, then the Dragonarmies will retreat from magical lances!”
Solamnia and Estwilde and begin moving back to Taman ▪ “They are driving back the dark forces to the south
Busak. Their intention may seem to be to fortify their much as the coming spring ends the death of winter! We
positions around Neraka, but they are also moving to shall prevail!”
prepare for the arrival of Takhisis. Her coming approaches, ▪ “Even now we have heroes among us that have rallied
and any retreat now is merely a temporary withdrawal. against those dark forces and survived to tell the tale.”
“There are many heroes among us now, and I don’t
As the Dragonarmies retreat, the Blue Wing also quickly only refer to those who wield swords or cast spells. You,
withdraws from Kalaman. They gather outside the city one the people of Kalaman, have proven to be heroic in
morning without announcement or warning, and are on the these troubled times. It is to all of you that I drink
march by midday, leaving the people of Kalaman extremely tonight and to all the heroes that have had a hand in
confused and then celebratory at their newfound freedom. driving back the winter and bringing in the spring!”
When word reaches them that the knighthood is on the
move too and quickly approaching, they will be even more If the party have proven themselves are particular heroes of
excited and even put plans in motion to stage the Spring the war, then the governor also invites them onto the stage
Dawning Festival to coincide with their arrival. to be properly applauded.

The Knights of Solamnia arrive to find the city already free, GOOD FOOD AND BRIGHT COLOURS
and welcoming them with open arms. The party enter the The entire city becomes caught up in one massive party.
city to find a festival set up and underway, as the first days of Smoke starts to hover over the city as food vendors move
spring bring new hope to the people. out of their shops and the Open Air Market to start selling
all sorts of delicious and exotic foods on every street corner.
The Blue Wing meanwhile pulls right back to Neraka Children scream and run through the streets playing freely
under the direction of their Highlord, and for a time it while bards perform on every street corner. No matter
seems like peace has come to Kalaman. where a person goes in Kalaman, they smell delicious food,
_______________________________________________ hear joyous music, and people either performing, dancing,
or playing games.
One way or another, the people of Kalaman have done The party should have the opportunity to meet the locals,
their best to keep to their ways and traditions throughout enjoy some good entertainment, to dance with interesting
the war, and as winter comes to an end the population has local people and to get involved in interesting local stories.
been eagerly awaiting the Spring Dawning Festival to
welcome the start of spring to the world. For many this is a If Kalaman has been liberated by this point, and the
time of hope, as a long darkness comes to an end, and hope Dragonarmies forced out, then the most popular topic for
is something in great demand right now. the local Bards to sing or reenact on stage will be the most
recent victories against the Dragonarmies. The arrival of the
GOVERNOR’S SPEECH metallic dragons or the defence of the High Clerist’s Tower
Shortly after midday on the first day of the festival, the would be particularly favoured topics.
governor of Kalaman will ascend a wooden stage set up
outside of Castle Kalaman, accompanied by his family. A ACTIVITIES
bell will be wrung to announce the governor’s arrival, and all There will be several activities that party members can get

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
involved with during the course of the festival, all with sweet If a character chooses to dance, they may make a DC15
treats or trinkets as prizes. Charisma (Performance) check to really show off. If the
In each game, the character will have to compete on their check is failed, there may be some sniggering and mockery,
own, with the benefit of other creature’s abilities, against a but a successful check really impresses the crowd and the
local opponent. Everyone running a game will be on the dance is accompanied by claps and cheers.
lookout for cheating, and will ban the party from taking part
in their game if they see any spellcasting or use of abilities to DRINKING
aid each other. Barrel of ale have been set up in various places around
Kalaman, and some party members may find themselves
ARCHERY CONTEST challenged to a drinking contest.
The character and their opponent get three arrows to shoot If they accept, they will be handed a tankard and shown to
into a distant target against AC20-30. If the ranged weapon the barrel where an opponent – a brawny local – will step
attack scores at least 20,m the arrow hits the target, whilst up and take a second tankard. They will be expected to
scoring a 30 or more is required to strike the bullseye. keep up tankard for tankard, and the last person standing
For each shot that hits, record how much under 30 the wins!
attack roll scored (for example, record 4 if the result was 26.
After both archers have fired three timed, add up the totals, After each tankard is drunk, each drinker makes a DC15
and the archer with the lowest score wins! Constitution save. Drinkers continue to make these saves
for each fresh tankard, taking a level of exhaustion for each
ARM WRESTLER failed save. These max out at the third level, at which point
The character competes against Reagen Steelshod, the the character either loses their balance or their stomach
large, thick-armed blacksmith. The match is judged using an contents and collapses, unable to drink another bit. These
opposed grapple check, Steelshod applying a modifier of levels of exhaustion last until the character completes a long
+10 to his rolls. With each opposed check, the advantage of rest. If the character lost the match, they are also poisoned
the match moves back and forth, spectators cheering on until two hours after they complete a long rest.
their favourite to win and possible placing bets on who they
think looks the strongest. RACING
The two participants continue until one of them rolls a Some of the younger, more athletic citizens have set up race
check that is 12 or more higher than their opponent, at courses through the docklands, and happily welcome
which point they win! outsiders to compete. These courses are more than just
At the end of every three checks however, both participants speed races though, and also feature a number of specially
will suffer one level of exhaustion (each level recovering designed obstacles.
after half an hour). There will be a total of four racing at one time, including
any party member who chooses to take part. For each roll
COUNT THE BEANS made, whichever creature scores the lowest will fall back far
A creature can make a DC25 Wisdom (Insight) check to enough that they will effectively be eliminated from the race.
guess how many coloured beans have been put in large If a check is failed a creature may stumble, but it doesn’t
glass jar. If they guess right, they win! necessarily mean that they are out of the race if every other
racer rolled lower scores – it just means that the crowd will
mock them.
To make this game more interesting, tell the
guessing player that the jar is 8” wide, and 12” tall, Three rolls will be made for the race, the first being a
and allow them to guess five times. straight forward DC15 Dexterity check as the racers run
After each, if they passed the Wisdom (Insight) along the dockland before turning out onto one of the
check, give the a number by which they are out. jetties.
(For example, “about three hundred too few”). Each racer must then make a DC18 Dexterity (Acrobatics)
check as they run along gangways and jump from post to
Only give these clues in multiple of fifty.” post and raft to raft over the water itself.
If the check was failed, instead gives clues based This brings the racers to a long jetty with the finish line in
on whether the guess is hot (close) or cold (too sight, but a series of obstacles such as hanging nets and
high or low). swinging logs have been arranged, requiring each racer to
make a DC18 Dexterity save.
For the 8”x12” jar, the answer would be 6540.

DANCING After each roll, rank every racer and give them
Characters can enter the spaces where locals are dancing, points based on the order of their roles – for
and show off their moves. They may dance on their own, or example the racer with the second highest roll
with each other, or they may be approached by locals receiving two points, and the character in first
looking to dance. Depending on the party’s makeup, they place getting one point.
may be approached by young men or women who Racers with the same score in one round receive
flirtatiously ask for a dance, or older citizens looking for a the lower value (one instead of two for example).
little bit of fun with a brawny fighter.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
meeting is arranged for the afternoon after the party’s
arrival. This should give delegates time to arrive, the knights
At the end of the race, whichever racer has the
time to establish their camp outside of the city, and for the
lowest total score wins, with ties broken by their
party to look around the festival and relax for a time if they
placing in the final roll.
If this still results in a tie, have the two racers
The meeting takes place in the Grand Council Chamber
only make on last DC18 Dexterity (Acrobatics)
inside Castle Kalaman, which the party find well guarded by
to decide which of them just narrowly manages
the local militia. As they are invited to attend however, the
to pull ahead.
militia know to escort the party directly to the meeting
where they will find the other delegates already gathered
RIDDLES and awaiting them.
A bard has set up close to the Guild Hall challenging
passers by to games of riddles. For each person who accepts A table with three chairs has been placed at the far end, and
the challenge, the bard puts on a performance as he recites a semi-circle of chairs arranged in front of them so that all
a riddle, asking the challenger to come to an answer within attendees can see each other. Half are already filled when
two minutes, and turning a large sand-timer to show the the party arrive, but there are enough chairs for everyone.
time they have left.
If the challenger gets the right answers, they win a sweet ATTENDEES
treat! If they fail, they are jeered by the crowd and given This meeting is attended first and foremost by leaders of the
good-natured mockery. local region and the Knights of Solamnia. These occupy the
three chairs behind the table.
The bard seems to have an unlimited supply of riddles to
offer, and if the party come his way he will lay the challenge • The Knights are represented either by Gunthar Uth
at the feet of one of them. Wistan or Derek Crownguard. By this point in the story
one should have risen to prominence and become
Grand Master of the knighthood, and so speaks with full
The bard will have an unlimited supply of riddles
authority. This is likely to be Uth Wistan, as
to offer, never using the same one twice over the
Crownguard is more likely to have ridden headlong into
course of the festival, but also never allowing the
a foolhardy battle he could not win at the High Clerist’s
same challenger to try more than once.
Tower, however the party’s actions may have altered
For each riddle, if it is difficult, allow a player to
• Lord Lerrin Miat is governor of Kalaman, so attends to
make a DC15 Wisdom (Insight) check for a clue
represent his city.
as to the answer.
• Mir Kar-Thon attends as a representative of Northern
Ergoth, a major ally to the knighthood.
Over the course of the festival, the party should have an The meeting will also be attended by representatives from
opportunity to win something of significance – perhaps a the major peoples of Ansalon, however these will be more
handful of common or a single uncommon or rare magic varied depending on who the party have encountered in
item for example. their travels, who they have helped, and who they have
This opportunity can be presented by a grand raffle, with offended.
every citizen who won an event in the festival having their
names put into a jar, and a random name being pulled to • Qualinesti will be represented by a member of the royal
win a prize. family. The first choice is prince Porthios as heir to the
throne, but if he is unavailable Gilthanas will attend
To pull the final name, simply roll 1d10. For each game a instead. If neither of these two are alive or available, a
party member won, they may claim one number from 1 to senator will attend.
10, and if that score if rolled, that character wins the prize! • Silvanesti will be represented by Alhana Starbreeze if she
_______________________________________________ is not already with the party, or by Lord Quinath if
Alhana is dead, unavailable, or already there as a
If he is still alive at this point in the adventure, the Gunthar • The Dwarves of Kayolin are represented by Lemi
Uth Wistan makes sure that the city is secure before putting Silverbinder, though if the party have successfully
together plans for a second Whitestone Council – a meeting liberated and made friends with the Dwarves of
of all leaders able to bring forces to bear against the Thorbardin they will also send a representative – likely
Dragonarmies. Here in Kalaman he believes that the final Arman Kharas if he is still alive.
offensive can be launched, but he needs allies to assemble
in order to do this. If the party know of these two individuals, then Sheriff
Farland and Sir Stark Ravenfield will be conspicuous in
Fast routes of travel have been established thanks to mages their absence, though this is explained by their merely
who have chosen to involve themselves in the war, so the having other duties to perform.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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GOVERNOR LERRIN MIAT she comes across as cold and aloof to many, but is well
Lawful Neutral Human Male regarded by her people as a good leader.
A wise and honest man, Miat is one of the most respected
and influential men in Solamnia. Recognizing that Alhana wants more than anything than not lead her
Kalaman is in immediate danger and having suffered people home to Silvanesti, but that can not happen
already under Dragonarmy control, he wants to see the until the Dragonarmies are defeated.
war ended decisively, so supports the idea of attacking
Neraka directly. LORD QUINATH
Neutral Good Elf (Silvanesti) Male
GUNTHAR UTH WISTAN A haughty and proud ambassador of the Silvanesti
Lawful Good Human Male people, Quinath speaks bluntly and forcefully, though
Gunthar Uth Wistan is an effective leader and the often without thinking things through. He believes his
figurehead of a reformist movement who have believed in advice should always be followed, but he lacks the
recent years that the knighthood has lost it’s way and intelligence to back up his arguments.
become bloated with a list of rules too impractical to allow As such he is often ignored.
for true justice to prevail.
He long advocated a cautious strategy against the LEMI SILVERBINDER
Dragonarmies, advising a defensive posture as the Lawful Neutral Dwarf (Neidar) Female
knighthood built it’s forces and secured alliances with the Attending the meeting purely in an advisory role, Lemi
other nations of Ansalon. Now he sees the opportunity to is a shrewd negotiator, and is primarily concerned with
act decisively, and proposes a direct attack against the ensuring that the Dwarven peoples are not left out of
enemy’s homeland. talks between Humans and Elves.

MIR KAR-THON Having received intelligence reports from her own

Neutral Good Human Male people’s scouts, Lemi is highly knowledgeable about
An ambassador from the former Empire of Ergoth Mir current Dragonarmy positions and movements, and has
sees the alliance with Solamnia as one of convenience. His carefully studied the enemy’s leadership structure.
people are not so foolish as to think that the ___________________________________________
Dragonarmies won’t come for them once Solamnia is
defeated, so he puts his full support behind any effort to Further attendees can include characters from all over
defeat them before the threat spreads any further. Ansalon who owe the party some favour or debt, or
who have been brought into the war by the party’s
A former soldier himself, he has long since retired from actions. This could include:
front-line fighting and now fights with razor sharp words
instead of blades. • Any other notable Knight of Solamnia.
• Elistan of Abanasinia, or any remnant of the
PORTHIOS Seekers, speaking on behalf of the Abanasinian
Lawful Good Elf (Qualinesti) Male refugees.
The eldest son of Solostaran, Porthios is handsome, yet • Arman Kharas, or any other thane of Thorbardin.
also haughty and arrogant. His distaste for non-elves is • Kronin Thistleknot of the Kender.
much greater than his fathers, though he too has learned • Waylorn Wyvernsbane.
to keep his true feelings restrained. • Fizban the Fabulous.
His primary interests are his own people, and he will • Berem the Everman.
support any goal that ends the threat to them. He ___________________________________________
advocates strongly for the complete destruction of the
Dragonarmy’s leadership, after which he believes the
armies will be in disarray and unable to function.

Porthios’s arrogance is such that he scoffs at disagreement

and believes his ideas irrefutable.

Lawful Good Elf (Silvanesti) Female
Alhana lived a pampered life until she was forced to
become a leader for her people, but even then she
focused on the rescue of her father above all else. A lean
figure with long black hair and porcelain white skin,

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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Once the party are seated, Lord Gunthar announces that
the meeting will begin, and asks everyone to be seated. If the party agree to the mission, then this opens
up most of the possible endings to the
▪ “Welcome and well met, to all brave and mighty heroes adventure, as they can take specialist weapons
who have fought against the Dragon Empire of Takhisis. and tools inside the Dark Queen’s Temple to
I greet you and welcome you in the name of the Knights bring up the defeat of Takhisis and her armies.
of Solamnia and all free and good peoples of Ansalon.”
If the part opt not to undertake this mission
Lord Gunthar then introduces ever delegate by name, though, then the only choice remaining is to
including the party. accompany the armies as they march. The only
ending that can result from this is The Battle of
Lord Gunthar then asks the party if they will begin by telling Neraka.
the council of their exploits, and their most recent battles
against the Dragonarmies. His intention is to stir the
assembled ambassadors with tales of heroism against the If the party agree to the mission as the council advises, then
Dragonarmies, but he has underestimated the haughtiness conversation quickly turns to ways that Neraka could be
of the Elven delegates. infiltrated.

The Qualinesti representative interrupts the party very early • The Silvanesti representative suggests magically
in their story, uninterested in their stories and more disguising some Dragons as Chromatics. His people’s
concerned with the immediate threat. mages could accomplish such illusions.
• Governor Miat suggests instead disguising the party as
▪ “Let us get on with this, we don’t have time for idleness. merchants. Caravans go in and out of Neraka all of the
The problem, as we have been discussing it, is that the time, so another would not be strange. Miat can even
Highlord’s army has been pressed back toward its provide three wagons if requested.
homeland for the moment.” • The Dwarven representative suggests instead that the
▪ “The good dragons and dragonlances have helped, but party be disguised as Dragonarmy officers. The Dwarf
they have not solved our problem. Now there have been claims that this has worked before, and they can instruct
reports of the enemy possessing great flying castles!” the party on proper protocol.
▪ “No more stories! We must resolve on what to do now!” • Mir Kar-Thon suggests that the easiest way is to have a
mage teleport the party directly into the temple.
If the party are happy to stop their story, Lord Gunthar will • The Qualinesti representative believes that the entire
address the floor to open the discussion properly. idea is stupid and contrived, and bound to fail.
The discussion inevitably leads in two directions though –
first that a direct assault is required with as many armies as Lord Gunthar leaves the decisions on how to accomplish
can be assembled at one time, and second that the most this mission entirely up to the party, but he will make sure
effective way to ensure victory is to strike directly that the that they have whatever resources they require.
Dragonarmy’s leadership. He meanwhile will muster what forces he can, and prepare
to engage the Dragonarmies in open battle. If nothing else
On this the council turns towards the party, thinking them this will provide an adequate distraction so that the party can
the best candidates to sneak into Neraka and to attack the do their work.
Highlords themselves.
Lord Gunthar will make the case to the party. FINAL WORDS OF ADVICE
Should the party choose to enter the city of Neraka to
▪ “We need people with your skills to strike at the heart of pursue an ending within the Dark Queen’s Temple, then a
that dark empire.” few members of the council can offer some further words of
▪ “This council would like you to travel to Neraka and see advice if consulted.
if you can find a way to somehow manage its overthrow.”
▪ “A direct strike would be most effective. With no-one • Waylorn Wyvernsbane, any character of a spiritual
giving orders, the Dragonarmies will be disordered.” leaning such as Elistan or an elven elder will suggest that,
▪ “Our spies tell us that the Dragonarmies are gathering if the party are undecided as to the best way to defeat
around Neraka. The Highlords will all be there, likely in Takhsis, that the seek out a place called Godshome. In
council as we now are. You could hit them all at once.” ancient days the holy could undergo trialshere to earn
the favour of the gods and be shown prophecy of the
The party can be given some time to discuss and debate this future.
tactic, but it is the preferred choice for the council as it • Lemi Silverbinder or any other dwarf will have
allows for a strike within the Dragonarmies at the same time intelligence on the inner working of the Dragonarmies.
as a strike without. Seeking this advice gives any party member advantage on
any Charisma check made when speaking with a
The choice lies with the party though, and they should be member of the Dragonarmies who believes that the
given time to come to their own decision. character is an ally.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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• Kronin Thistleknot has had spies in the region of ▪ “Her Dark Majesty has foreseen that these demands will
Neraka for a few weeks, and has learned of the Hidden need time to be acted upon. You have three weeks. If
Light resistance movement. He suggests seeking them within that time, you have not found the man, Berem,
out amongst the bar owners of the city, though cautions and if you have not sent away the good dragons, you will
that not all bar owners are members, and many of the face the consequences.”
bars and pubs are frequented by draconians. He also
suggests that there is a butcher’s shop run by a member The Blue Highlord trades a little banter during her
of the resistance, though he does not know the shop or pronouncements but ends when a guard on the wall calls
the man by name. out in fear as another shadow – much larger than Skie –
begins to emerge from the clouds. As the Highlord finishes
Finally, the council offers whatever non-magical supplies the her speech, a great mountain descends from the skie with a
party need for their journey, including food, mounts and fortified castle on it’s top – a Flying Citadel, raised by dark
ammunition. magics to act as a floating military base for the
______________________________________________ Dragonarmies.

THREAT OF THE DRAGONARMIES Panic grips many in the city, the joy of celebration quickly
The morning after the second Whitestone Council, there forgotten, as the citadel takes a position roughly a mile away
will be a small commotion amongst the defenders of the from Kalaman. Officers with eyeglasses report seeing the
city. A messenger will move quickly from the southern wall top of the citadel swarming with humanoid creatures, the
to Castle Kalaman bearing a message that was brought by a outer area swarming with smaller dragons.
The message is brought directly to Governor Miat, who The Blue Highlord shouts back once more, to emphasis the
receives the messengers in his official audience hall. Word danger that now holds Kalaman in it’s grip.
is sent to the leaders of any faction that have come to
Kalaman for the Second Whitestone Council, and to the ▪ “Three weeks!”
party if they have announced and introduced themselves
properly. Skie and his rider then quickly depart, taking to the skies
and flying south-east.
The message is short and brief – the Blue Highlord wishes
to parlay with the governor, and will arrive at mid-morning THE FLYING CITADEL
for that purpose. The citadel waits a mile from Kalaman for a week, it’s forces
waiting patiently for word to attack.
When the appointed time approaches, the guards on the It’s forces are from the Red Wing of the Dragonarmies,
gate will be on high alert, and then a bell will sound from comprising red wing Draconians, mercenaries and dragons.
the Warrior’s Gate. A guard stationed there will shout and If the party choose to assault it directly they will face heavy
point up to where a dark shadow is descending from the resistance from a well trained and battle-hungry force.
clouds. Very quickly the shadow begins clear as a large ______________________________________________
Blue Dragon – this being Skie, the personal mount of the
The Blue Highlord gave Kalaman only three weeks, but has
Skie lands 300ft from the city walls and then approaches the very little belief that the city will or even can accede to her
last distance by foot. The Blue Highlord remains seated on demands. She fully expects that Kalaman will falter, and that
Skie’s back, and speaks from her saddle once within 100ft the citadel will have to follow through on her threats.
of the wall.
Three weeks after the Blue Lady makes her demands, or if
▪ “Governor of Kalaman, hear this.” the Flying Citadel is directly attack beforehand, it will slowly
▪ “The Queen of Darkness, my majesty, has given me start to move towards Kalaman to launch it’s attack.
leave to show you mercy. If you follow her demands
your lives will be spared and your city taken with the An attack from a Flying Citadel is a terrifying prospect, as
least amount of bloodshed.” the citadel can bypass any ground defences such as arrayed
armies or city walls. It hovers overhead roughly 500ft from
▪ “First, the Queen demands that a human named Berem the ground, it’s armies descending down from it.
the Everman, be turned over to her immediately.” Draconians swiftly glide from it’s top, whilst red dragons
▪ “Second, she demands that any good dragons who have swoop down to launch direct attacks on key strongholds.
fought besides or for you make their way to Sanction,
where they will give themselves up to Lord Ariakas.” When attacking Kalaman, a Flying Citadel will attack as
▪ “Finally, the Knights of Solamnia and the forces of the follows:
Whitestone Council will lay down their arms and • The citadel itself will cross over the wall and take
surrender.” position directly over Castle Kalaman.
• Human and Goblin mercenaries – plus a small
▪ “The Dark Queen is not unreasonable.” contingent of Ogres – will descend onto the roof of the

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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palace by ropes. Units will land on top of both wings,
and start to work their way through it’s levels one by one
taking control.
• Aurak and Kapak Draconians will glide down to the four
city gates and assault them from the inside, securing
those positions and then moving along the walls to
secure them.
• Baaz Draconians will fall into the streets and attack the
people directly, claiming major junctions and killing any
citizen who puts up significant resistance.
• Kapak and Sivak Draconians will land in the Barracks
and Harbour, taking control of them as quickly as
possible and killing everyone they find there.

The battle will continue until either resistance has been

eliminated, or the Draconians have been defeated. The
leader of the Red Wing force – a Dragonarmy Highmaster
– will remain in the citadel until the city is secured, and
only then uses magic to descend safely to the palace where
he names himself governor.


The Companions reunite in Kalaman, half of
them having come with the Whitestone armies
and the other half taking a route through the
Blood Sea that led them to discover Berem The

Here they learned of the kidnap of Laurana, the

golden general who has so far been leading the
Whitestone armies to victory, and made plans to
travel to Neraka while the Knights of Solamnia
mustered for the final battle.

A few years later, Gilthanas Kanan – the

Qualinesti prince and member of the
Companions – returned to free Kalaman and was
asked to become it’s new governor.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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Neraka lies at the heart of the region known as Taman The dragon lands a little distance away behind a rocky
Busak – a mostly arid, mountainous environment with only outcrop. There it has found a watering hole, and is taking a
a handful of settlements, and dangerous creatures around moment to rest and have a quick drink before continuing
any corner. on it’s way. It’s rider, a leather-clad woman with long black
This is the heartland of the Dragon Empire, and as such is hair, also dismounts to stretch her legs, check the straps on
the most heavily defended area. The skies will be routinely her saddle packs, and to fill her own waterskin.
full of Dragon scouts with Dragonarmy riders keeping
watch, but the roads are also constantly full of caravans Creatures: 1x Gladiator & 1x Adult Red Dragon
coming and going from the city of Neraka. These usually [Deadly] 23,550xp
carry supplies, but commonly these days import large
number of slaves captured from across Ansalon. If left alone, the woman remounts the dragon and flies away
______________________________________________ again, heading west towards Schallsea.
If attacked, dragon and rider fight ferociously, but if the
As the party walk these grounds, they find the area far more rider is reduced to half health she will try to break away
guarded than before. The ceremony to welcome Takhisis from combat and mount the dragon, who will then flee the
into the world is approaching, so the Dragonarmies are battlefield. Only with it’s rider will the dragon retreat.
assembling in their full to greet her.
If approached and spoken to the pair are cautious, but can
The following additional encounters will be possible and be convinced of friendly intentioned. The woman therefore
highly likely in the lead up to the arrival of Takhisis. introduces herself as Veera Kazgo, and the dragon as
Brimstone. They are the personal messengers of Lord
DRAGON ABOVE Ariakas, and are on a mission for him right now. They can
Dragons with Dragonarmy riders regularly patrol the skies say no more, other than to joke that the knighthood is soon
above Taman Busak, keeping closer watch here than in any doomed.
other place around Ansalon. These scouts are well trained
members of the blue wing, and know to watch for revels or If searched, Veera is found to possess a baton that contains
knights in areas that should be unoccupied. If anything is a message written in Nerakese.
out of the ordinary, they will swoop down suddenly to
investigate. ▪ “Her Dark Majesty commands your presence and that
of your personal legion to attend her. Arrive at the
Creatures: 2x Veteran & 2x Young Blue Dragon Temple of Neraka within two weeks or feel her wrath.”
[Deadly] 22,800xp
The message is intended for a high ranking member of the
Creatures: 1x Veteran & 1x Adult Blue Dragon Dragonarmies currently stationed to the east, and is one of
[Deadly] 23,550xp many that have been sent out in recent weeks.

The scouts will dive to perform a visual check from a HIGHLORD ENCAMPMENT
distance of 200ft. If they see nothing at that time, they will Halfway between Jelek and Neraka, a party may round a
fly away again. If they find the party though, a failed attempt corner or cross a rise in the mountains and see the grand
at hiding will be taken as a sign of trouble and the scouts will might of the Dragonarmies spread out before them. On a
attack quickly and without mercy. wide, flat plain ahead is a massive contingent of thousands
If properly disguised or able to bluff the scouts, a party may of soldiers of the blue wing inhabiting a city of black tents
be able to convince the dragon and rider that they are allies, arranged into neat squares by battalion.
though this will not be without difficulty (requiring a
successful DC20 Charisma (Persuasion) check at The party can look on and see smoke plumes for numerous
minimum). campfires, Draconians and mercenaries from other races
using them to cook broth meals in large metal cauldrons,
If badly wounded and reduced to one quarter of it’s own hit whilst the sound of metal hitting metal alerts the party to
points, the dragon will take to the skies and seek out many soldiers training for battle.
another patrol, warning them of the danger and tasking One large tent – far more extravagant than the others – sits
them with investigating. at then centre of the camp with the symbology of the Blue
Wing emblazoned on it. This large tent is under heavy
DRAGON MESSENGER guard, as this is the tent of the Highlord herself.
The party suddenly see a dragon descending towards them
– a large red with a rider on it’s back. As the dragon gets If the party spend too long on the outskirts of the camp, it is
closer it suddenly banks, and it seems that it wasn’t heading highly probable that they will encounter a lone guard - one
for them at all. Somehow the dragon and rider hadn’t even of many posted to patrol the outer edge of the camp. This
seen the party. will be a Draconian, though it’s type and strength can be

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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variable. now, as myself. They’ll never suspect.”
The guard’s first instinct will be to call for the party to
identify itself, and to raise an alarm, if it discovers danger. If ▪ “If you don’t really know what you’re doing, I suggest
convinced that the party are hostile it will blow a horn to heading down to the misty vale. There’s a place in there
summon reinforcements, which will cause the weight of a where people used to go to get answers. Not much of it
legion to fall on the party in numbers too great for them to is left, but maybe there’s an answer or two still in the
handle. ruins.”

Creatures: 1x Baaz Captain & 5x Baaz Soldier Here, Fizban is trying to directed the party towards
[Hard] 10,600xp Godshome where they can find an entrance to the mystical
realm of the Glitterpalace. This is a celestial dimension
Creatures: 3x Kapak Hunter where the party can gain knowledge directly from the gods,
[Hard] 10,800xp and possibly learn of a weakness in the Dragonarmies they
can exploit.
Creatures: 1x Bozak Elite & 7x Bozak Guard
[Hard] 12,375xp ▪ “I’ll tell you what, it’s a good thing you came by when
you did. These are dangerous time, what with wicked
Creatures: 1x Sivak Master & 7x Sivak Legionnaire dragons and goblins running about the place.”
[Hard] 10,625xp ▪ “Tell you what, I’ll come with you. It’d be nice to stretch
my legs again.”
It is possible that the party can talk their way past an
individual guard, but any subsequent guard or group of Fizban is insistent on coming with the party, but he won’t
Draconians may still challenge them and demand to see force himself on them. If they say “no” he will wander off
proof of their ide on his own. Pyrite will not come at all, as he has “better
______________________________________________ things to do than fly around with young hooligans who won’t
let as dragon sleep in peace”.
FIZBAN THE FABULOUS If the party agree to let Fizban come he will have another
If the party has not yet worked out how they are going to argument with Pyrite about manners, strongly featuring the
stop or defeat Takhisis, then this encounter will help them historical characters of Huma and the high ogre Igraine. He
to discover the best way available to them. then spends a few minutes searching for his hat, which turns
out to be on his head.
Whilst travelling through the mountains, the party suddenly
become aware of a large creature curled up on the top of a Regardless of what Fizban does or doesn’t do, Pyrite goes
plateau ahead. As they get closer and have a better look, back to sleep.
they discover that it is a large Gold Dragon. It breathes ______________________________________________
extremely heavily, having fallen asleep.
Oddly, there seems to be two sets of snoring. As the party
move around the side of the dragon, they discover an old PATH OF THE COMPANIONS
man with a long white beard, olive grey robes and a large The Companion’s time in Taman Busak is
pointed hat sleeping against the dragon’s side – the old short and relatively direct, beginning with them
wizard Fizban. fleeing from Draconian guards and eventually
finding their way to the centre of the ancient site
If the party wake either of the two sleepers, the noise they known as Godshome. There they learn that the
make will startle the other and suddenly both will be giving wizard Fizban is actually Paladine in disguise, as
the party an earful. The Dragon – named Pyrite – they find him sitting in the middle of a polished
complains about the audacity of mortals whilst Fizban stone crater with a gold dragon who gives the
shakes his finger towards the party, warning them about old man away.
having a lack of manners.
Within minutes this becomes an argument between the two After the tragic death of Flint Fireforge, the
of them about what good manners actually means. Both Companions make directly for Neraka where
agree however, that interrupting a debate is extremely bad the Dragonarmies are gathering. Here they
manners. spilt, with Tanis Half-Elven maintaining a
disguise as a member of the blue wing to
Once the two stop, Fizban is happy to talk to the party and infiltrate Takhisis’ arrival ceremony in the hope
lend what advice he can. of rescuing Lauralanthalasa of Qualinesti, whilst
Caramon Majere takes Berem the Everman
▪ “Heading into the bad places are you? Well, I hope you into the depths of the temple to face his fate.
have a good plan.”
▪ “This here is Pyrite, an old friend. He and I have been
through quite a lot together.”
▪ “There are dragons all over at the moment. It’s best to
keep low, or better to be in disguise. I’m in disguise right
The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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The ultimate purpose of traveling to the Glitterpalace is to FLAMES/HEART – BEREM AND HIS SISTER
determined the destiny of the party, and the options Berem the Everman has a tragic tale to tell, of his sister’s
available to them to defeat Takhisis and end the War of the death and his close link to the Dark Queen. Paladine as
Lance. Fizban reveals to the party that Berem is the key to closing
The first and most obvious path is to have the party take on the gate forever, and that he must be reunited with his
the challenges of the tests (either one that specifically suits sister’s spirit in Neraka in order to break the ties Takhisis
them, or all three in sequence) and then present the party has with the world.
with whatever option best suits how they have played so far,
and what roles in the history of Krynn they have been filling. Doing this will make Neraka once more a holy place,
Alternatively, the party may discover that the gods show however Berem has become lost somewhere around the
them multiple possible futures, and by doing so provide Blood Sea, so will need to be found and rescued.
multiple different ways they can defeat Takhisis.
When the party come to The Nexus Chamber, they will Fizban, revealed to be Paladine, reveals that bringing Berem
find a talis deck sitting on a large marble throne. They will to Neraka and reuniting it with his sister will not in fact close
draw cards from the deck, each card drawn creating a portal the gate, but instead permanently open it. This is truly why
into one of three tests that have been prepared for them by Takhisis is searching for him.
the gods.
The only way to prevent this from ever happening then and
A talis deck has six suits, and the suit drawn from it by the to seal Takhisis away forever is to destroy the gem, however
party will determine which ending their epic story will have, this can only be done at the Anvil of Might, beneath the
or at least which option they will be offered to achieve Dark Queen’s Temple.
victory. When the party comes to the heart of each test, Berem must therefore be found and taken to Neraka.
different scenes will play out to reveal this hope for the
future to the party, and set the stage for the final WINDS/VALOR – SELF SACRIFICE
confrontation. The gods have imbued one of the party with their blessings
and their hopes. This is likely the prophet, their first cleric
Whatever suit is drawn will determine which test is opened on Krynn in three centuries, though it does not need to be.
– Waves and Beast for Wisdom, Flames and Heart for
Heart, Winds and Fates for Valor. Fizban is revealed to be Paladine once again, but only to
Once a particular portal is open, drawing more of the same deliver the message that he can not interfere directly, lest
corresponding suits will do nothing, but drawing new suits the universal balance allow Takhisis more power to
can open entrances to the three tests. interfere herself (the actions so far, including the war, being
_______________________________________________ the work of mortals). Paladine reveals that one here (or any
of the party) are blessed, and may step through the portal to
WAVES/WISDOM – FIZBAN IS PALADINE the abyss when it opens, and keep Takhisis at bay. Doing so
In this destiny, the wizard Fizban is reveled to be Paladine is a sacrifice however, as once through there is no return.
himself. Though appearing as a bumbling old fool, he is in
fact the highest of all the gods of good, and only his direct, FATES/VALOR – BEREM AND THE GATE
physical intervention will stop Takhisis. He must be taken Fizban really is just a crazy old wizard, but he knows that
to the council hall of the Dark Queen’s Temple in Neraka, Paladine truly is in mortal form. Paladine is currently
and when the portal opens he must step through. There, he disguised as a man named Berem, who bears a green
can close the portal, and prevent Takhisis from entering gemstone in his chest. Paladine’s plan was to use the form
Krynn. of Berem to reclaim the power of Berem’s sister from the
Dark Queen’s Temple, and with this close the gate.
Should he be revealed too early however, and Takhisis
discover that he is walking in mortal form, then she will have Pursued by Takhisis and her forces however, he has
time to prepare, and this plan will not work. become lost somewhere around the Blood Sea.
He must be found, and taken to Neraka for the Highlord’s
BEAST/WISDOM – WAYLORN IS HUMA Council so that he can succeed.
In a tower in the forest of Silvanesti there sleeps a man _______________________________________________
named Waylorn. Preserved, he sleeps away the ages waiting
for a lost love to be reborn that he might redeem her. TEST OF VALOR
Though he is unaware of this, he is in fact Huma In this test, the party will have to fight through a distorted
reincarnated, the reborn ancient hero who once before version of events from the sacking of Castle Brightblade
defeated Takhisis. many years before during the Lemish Rebellion. They meet
If he is brought to the Dark Queen’s Temple with a a young Sturm Brightblade who takes them into catacombs
dragonlance in his hand, he can close the gate and seal it. beneath his keep, all the while pursued by Draconians.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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At the end of this test, the party will stand before a host of BEREM AND THE GATE
Knights and their king, who protects the Gem of Valor from If the Fates card was drawn to open this test.
any who would steal it. The door opens into a grand chamber containing a massive
Beyond these Knights and their leader is a door that leads portal filled with an imposing and intimidating darkness that
to different places depending on whether or not the party seems to draw the attention of anyone who looks towards it.
retrieved the gem. From it’s depths a shadowy five-headed dragon emerges –a
dreamshadow aspect of the Dark Queen.
If the party’s fate is not revealed in this test. Creatures: 1x Takhisis (Dragon Avatar)
An otherwise bare room contains only one item of note – a [Deadly] 155,000xp
tapestry hanging on one wall depicting the same great
throne the party saw in The Nexus Chamber. Takhisis attacks for three rounds only, starting by
If the party have the Gem of Valor, then approaching with it unleashing one of her breath weapons. Following this, she
causes the tapestry to glow brighter and brighter until the attacks as normal, but intends only demonstrate her power
light is painfully overwhelming. The light then suddenly rather than outright kill everyone.
stops, and the party find themselves back in The Nexus At the beginning of the fourth round, a new figure suddenly
Chamber. runs into the room – a man with a large green gemstone
Without the gem, the tapestry does nothing. embedded in his chest. He runs forward with focus and
The tapestry can neither be moved or damaged by any purpose and cries out at Takhisis, attracting her attention.
▪ “In this guise have I chosen to come, Takhisis! Return to
SACRIFICE SELF: your own realms!”
If the Winds card was drawn to open this test.
The door opens into a grand chamber containing a massive With these words he walks forward, Takhisis cowering and
portal filled with an imposing and intimidating darkness that retracting from him. The man – Berem in form but also
seems to draw the attention of anyone who looks towards it. Paladine in truth – chases the Dark Queen through the
From it’s depths a shadowy five-headed dragon emerges –a portal, and with that all three disappear – portal, Takhisis
dreamshadow aspect of the Dark Queen. and Berem. Where the portal was, there is now a brilliant
white diamond lying in the centre of the chamber, shining
Creatures: 1x Takhisis (Dragon Avatar) with it’s own brilliant inner light.
[Deadly] 155,000xp
Picking it up will cause a shining golden door to appear in
Takhisis attacks for three rounds only, starting by the far wall opposite the door they entered through. In
unleashing one of her breath weapons. Following this, she appearance it looks very much like the one that the party
attacks as normal, but intends only demonstrate her power entered from Godshome.
rather than outright kill everyone.
Going through the door returns the party to the entrance of
At the beginning of the fourth round, the young Sturm The Nexus Chamber.
strides forward, a dragonlance magically appearing in his _______________________________________________
hands. Light streams from him and the lance, pushing back
the darkness of the Dark Queen. She screams and reels TEST OF HEART
backwards through the portal, Sturm following and pressing In a strange dark realm, the party are confronted by
her further and further back. As she withdraws entirely she illusions showing those they love and left behind, suggesting
screams a curse out to the party. to them that their cause is failed and their loved ones dead.
The boy Sturm turns back to the party as he passes into the
portal and speaks one final time to them before the portal At the far end of this realm is a single point of light, a
closes. pavilion in which sits a throne and a pedestal. Different
scenes will play out if this pavillion is reached, depending on
▪ “The gate may only be closed from the other side! As I the card drawn to reach it.
do, so must you do also, else the world is lost!”
With that they all disappear – portal, Takhisis and boy. If the party’s fate is not revealed in this test.
Where the portal was, there is now a brilliant white A long, gentle slope leads up to a white pavilion – a large
diamond lying in the centre of the chamber, shining with it’s open-walled white tent that shines with brilliant light that
own brilliant inner light. makes the immediate area seem to be in daylight. Inside
there is a white marble throne with a similar white marble
Picking it up will cause a shining golden door to appear in pedestal next to it. The throne is empty, but the pedestal
the far wall opposite the door they entered through. In holds a large red gemstone.
appearance it looks very much like the one that the party
entered from Godshome. Behind the throne, a shining golden door hangs in the air
Going through the door returns the party to the entrance of expectantly. Walking through it leads back to The Nexus
The Nexus Chamber. Chamber.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
BEREM AND THIS SISTER Suddenly the sky outside explodes with light, night
If the Flames card was drawn to open this test. becoming day in an instant. Outside of the pavilion grass
A long, gentle slope leads up to a white pavilion – a large grows and flowers bloom, as Berem and his sister disappear
open-walled white tent that shines with brilliant light that entirely.
makes the immediate area seem to be in daylight. Inside When the party next emerge back in The Nexus Room
there is a white marble throne with a similar white marble after Berem disappears, they will find him there with no
pedestal next to it. The throne is empty, but the pedestal memory of having been in the Test of Heart.
holds a large red gemstone.

Behind the throne, a shining golden door hangs in the air The two endings that can be discovered in the
expectantly. Walking through it leads back to The Nexus Test of Heart are contingent on the party
Chamber. recognizing at least the rumour of Berem the
Everman, of the “green-gemstone man” as some
On the other side of the throne to the pedestal there stands of his Dragonarmy pursuers will be calling him.
a rock pillar, though as any creature comes closer to it To
seems to take on the form of a young woman. She speaks in If he is not with the party, of they have no
a soft and youthful voice. knowledge of him, then it may be a good idea to
have his spectral image appear during the scene
▪ “Come Berem, all is forgiven. Let us walk the heavens that plays out here so that the party can see him,
together and shut the door on this world’s misery.” and importantly the green gemstone in his chest.
This gives them a clue as to a person they must
If Berem is with the party he looks away in shame at the track down to finally defeat Takhisis and end the
sight of the stone woman, alternating between wanting to War of the Lance.
run to her or away. When she speaks, he walks to her and
embraces the stone. Suddenly the sky outside explodes with Berem should materialize behind the party,
light, night becoming day in an instant. Outside of the enter the pavilion, and then play out his part as
pavilion grass grows and flowers bloom, as Berem and the though he were there in the party’s company,
stone woman disappear entirely. though when he disappears he will not return
back to The Nexus Chamber.
When the party next emerge back in The Nexus Room
after Berem disappears, they will find him there with no ______________________________________________
memory of having been in the Test of Heart.
DESTRUCTION OF THE GEM This test takes place in a Gnome-built keep lost somewhere
If the Earth card was drawn to open this test. in the River of Time, it’s halls constantly turning and
A long, gentle slope leads up to a white pavilion – a large looping on each other to turn it’s occupants upside down.
open-walled white tent that shines with brilliant light that Long abandoned, it’s defences and mistakes have been left
makes the immediate area seem to be in daylight. Inside idle to pose a danger to anyone who comes along.
there is a white marble throne with a similar white marble
pedestal next to it holding a large red gemstone. TOW S: DEPTHS OF FREEDOM
If the party’s fate is not revealed in this test.
Behind the throne, a shining golden door hangs in the air The spiral stair ends at a 5ft-square trap door. Wisps of
expectantly. Walking through it leads back to The Nexus sulfuric smoke swirl up from it’s edges, and if opened
Chamber. assaults the sense though not harmfully so.
On the other side of the throne to the pedestal there stands If opened, the trap door leads to an inverted rock dome
a brilliantly crafted anvil. above the magma field in ToW R: False Dawn. Smoke
boils around it, rising from the magma but lit in a deep red
A young woman sits on the throne weeping quietly to almost creating the illusion of a dawn sun shining through
herself. When she sees the party approach however, she the smoke.
looks up and addresses them as though Berem were
amongst them. The dome rests 50ft below the trap door, but the reverse
gravity field ends after 10ft, so any creature that jumps down
▪ “I weep for you, my brother. If you return the gem you finds themselves falling, and then suddenly reversing
will open the door to a great evil. Instead you must direction and falling back into the tower. Rope thrown
destroy it on the anvil to prevent the evil from passing down coils 10ft down, caught between the two inverted
into this world.” gravity fields.
The reverse gravity field only extends down in a column the
If Berem is with the party, he rushes forward after hearing width of the trap door however, and if moved out of a
his sister speak and throws himself upon the anvil. There he creature will drop to the rock dome below.
suddenly goes limp and dies, falling from the anvil as he
does revealing that the gemstone in his chest has been The tower sits, upside down, in the side wall of a volcanic
crushed and shattered by the impact. cavern and can be seen from the outside once creatures

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
start moving towards the centre of the dome. forward, he drives the point of the lance into Takhisis,
As the centre of the inverted dome is approached, the driving her back through the portal and into the Abyss.
broiling smoke overhead will shift, thinning and giving a Waylorn enter the portal as well, and with a sudden flash of
clearer view of the magma pool far overhead. From this light all three are gone – portal, Takhisis and Waylorn.
angle, it seems like a single cloud is coalescing and moving Where the portal was, there is now a brilliant white
towards the party at speed. It is on them before they know diamond lying in the centre of the chamber, shining with it’s
it, enveloping them entirely. The cloud quickly dissipates own brilliant inner light.
however, and the party find themselves standing back in
The Nexus Chamber. Picking it up will cause a shining golden door to appear in
the far wall opposite the door they entered through. In
FIZBAN IS PALADINE appearance it looks very much like the one that the party
If the Waves card was drawn to open this test. entered from Godshome.
The bottom of the stair opens suddenly into a vast circular
chamber containing a massive portal filled with an imposing Going through the door returns the party to the entrance of
and intimidating darkness that seems to draw the attention The Nexus Chamber.
of anyone who looks towards it. ______________________________________________
From it’s depths a shadowy five-headed dragon emerges –a
dreamshadow aspect of the Dark Queen. AWAKENING
Once the party have completed all of the tests and placed
Creatures: 1x Takhisis (Dragon Avatar) the gems they found within the recesses of the throne, the
[Deadly] 155,000xp Glitterpalace fades away around them like an illusion slowly
losing it’s structure. The party find themselves right back
Takhisis attacks for three rounds only, starting by where they started in Godshome in the real world, as
unleashing one of her breath weapons. Following this, she though the palace had never been there.
attacks as normal, but intends only demonstrate her power
rather than outright kill everyone. As the world resolves itself and the Glitterpalace finishes
At the beginning of the fourth round, a new figure suddenly fading away, a voice calls out to the party. It seems to sound
runs into the room – the bumbling old wizard Fizban, out from the stone pillars surrounding the area,
wielding a powerful white light in his hand. This light materializing in the air all around.
presses against the Dark Queen’s darkness, the two doing
battle with power far beyond the mundanely magical. Fizban The gods have chosen to speak to the heroes who passed
pushes Takhisis back, the dragon queen roaring in anger, through their tests.
before the wizard’s light closes the portal and seals her away.
Fizban falls to the ground, his body flaring and suddenly ▪ “Welcome, heroes of Krynn! The gods of good greet
disappearing in a flash of white light. you and offer words of hope and caution.”
▪ “Now is the time for all to prepare for the final assault
A gleaming white diamond remains where Fizban’s body against the darkness that oppresses Krynn.”
used to be.
▪ “The haughty armies of the Dragon Highlords will not
WAYLORN IS HUMA allow defeat, so there is every chance of a titanic battle to
If the Beast card was drawn to open this test. come.”
The bottom of the stair opens suddenly into a vast circular ▪ “Your presence will be needed at Neraka.”
chamber containing a massive portal filled with an imposing
and intimidating darkness that seems to draw the attention ▪ “You must decide where your talents would be best
of anyone who looks towards it. used: leading the armies of good or quietly entering the
From it’s depths a shadowy five-headed dragon emerges –a city and destroying the source of the evil plaguing
dreamshadow aspect of the Dark Queen. Krynn.”
▪ “Each of you must decide which way you choose to aid
Creatures: 1x Takhisis (Dragon Avatar) this final battle.”
[Deadly] 155,000xp
The gods of good have chosen the party as their champions,
Takhisis attacks for three rounds only, starting by and blessed them for the road ahead. They see an end
unleashing one of her breath weapons. Following this, she coming to the War of the Lance and wish to give guidance
attacks as normal, but intends only demonstrate her power to the party and the prophet to suggest their next actions.
rather than outright kill everyone.
At the beginning of the fourth round, a new figure suddenly ▪ “Hear me now, mortals of Krynn, and receive the
runs into the room – a man in finely made leather armour council of the creators. The end of your journey is
that the party may recognize as Waylorn Wyvernsbane (if before you, but the road is uncertain and treacherous.”
they met him in Silvanesti).
He strides forward with purpose and confidence, raising his ▪ “Know that good redeems its own. If the blessed are
hands and into them summoning a majestic dragonlance of true, then shall the might of the gods go with them. Go
ancient design that shines with divine light. Charging with the hopes many.”
The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
▪ “Know that evil consumes its own. If the temptress The party must now decide how they play out the final acts
entangles you, then you are lost. Deny all temptation to of the epic, and confront the Dark Queen.
renounce your quest.”
▪ “Know that the balance must be. If the darkness hides
the lamp, the lamp does not die. Seek for the good amid BLESSINGS
the evil. Know that man’s will swings the balance. When Following the tests and the guidance given by
you choose your destiny, the destiny of the world is the gods, the party receive the blessings of the
decided. Choose your path wisely.” gods of good to aid them in their future
endeavors, so long as they remain true to the
Finally, the gods of Good will speak a last piece of advice. goal of defeating Takhisis and her
This will be based on the final fate they determined during Dragonarmies
their time in the Glitterpalace.
These blessings confer the following effects:
▪ “Greatness walks among you. If the mage be no wizard, • Fortuitous Meetings: If the party search for
then his power is of us. Spend not his strength until he help to defeat Takhisis, and need to find
comes before the Queen.” friendly faces in unwelcome quarters, then
they will find that help nearby.
BEAST/WISDOM – WAYLORN IS HUMA • Presence: If the party are in hiding, then
▪ “The madman walks the world twice. If the lance be in enemies find it twice as hard to find them.
his hand, he will again do the deed. He seals the gates in • Sincerity: All party members have advantage
the council of evil.” to any Charisma checks to convince people
to help them in their efforts to defeat
▪ “The lance may close the gate. If a life is forfeit to save • Dragonlances: Two footman’s Dragonlances
the world, it is not lost in vain. With the lance through will appear staked in the ground beside the
the portal a character may destroy evil.” party.

EARTH/HEART – DESTRUCTION OF THE GEM ______________________________________________

▪ “The stoneman walks in disguise. When taken before
the Queen his nature shall be revealed. In the council
chamber he shall prevail. If the Foundation is found,
then the souls can be one. His fate lies far below evil PATH OF THE COMPANIONS
councils.” The Companions followed an old map of
Tasslehoff’s whilst lost in the Khalkist
WINDS/VALOR – SELF SACRIFICE Mountains and trying to avoid the
▪ “The stone-hearted one holds the key. If the Foundation Dragonarmies. With the help of the wizard
is found, then the souls can be one. His fate lies far Fizban they reached the long-lost mountain
below evil councils.” crater.
Though they lost their friend and ally Flint
FATES/VALOR – BEREM AND THE GATE upon reaching Godshome, the Companions did
▪ “The life-giving stone threatens peace. If the stone is discover the true identity of Fizban as Paladine,
taken whole, then shall the Queen rejoice. An anvil on and learned the truth of Berem’s past here.
high shall crush its power.”
The Companions did not however enter the
The voice will conclude with a last line. Glitterpalace, nor did they go through the tests
of Heart, Valor or Wisdom.
▪ “Now our blessing goes with you. Your fate is in your
hands, yet shall our influence guide your decisions.
Choose for yourselves the paths you take. May your
choices be wise for the sake of the world.”

After this the voice falls silent, but it’s effects on the world at
large will be much greater than merely speaking to the party
and offering them guidance.
From the moment the gods speak to the party, a chain of
events is set in motion across Ansalon. Forces previously at
stalemate find themselves urged into action, and armies start
to move towards a final confrontation. By speaking, the gods
have triggered an endgame in the War of the Lance.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
In the week leading up to the arrival of Takhisis in the different wagon in the caravan.
material world, the plains around the city of Neraka
gradually become filled with camps from all five wings of the If the party are able to either sneak or fight their way
Dragonarmies, making passage through the area even more towards the central tent, they will find themselves
dangerous. surrounded by hundreds of Draconians, as well having the
_______________________________________________ Highmaster themselves and their personal guard to deal
The party spy a camp up ahead, a ring of guard posts set out Creatures: 1x Highmaster & 2x Kapak Hunter
at 150ft intervals half a mile from a military camp occupied [Hard] 15,000xp
by Draconians. Hundreds of tents can be seen, each
containing half a dozen Draconians from any wing of the GUARD POST
Dragonarmy, and therefore any colour, with either their In the distance the party spot a square stone building
own troops stationed in the picket ring or using human and topped with a tall wooden tower. Each building is roughly
goblin mercenaries as guards. 40ft square, with no windows but two sturdy doors on
opposite walls. There are many such towers dotted around
Creatures: 6x Knight the plains, and even from a distance Dragonarmy troops
[Medium] 8,400xp can be seen moving about the tower and keeping watch over
the local terrain.
Creatures: 4x Veteran & 4x Goblin Boss Each Guard Post tends to be occupied by a different branch
[Medium] 9,00xp from the Dragonarmies, and could include either
Draconians, Humans, Ogres, Minotaurs or Hill Giants.
Creatures: 1x Baaz Captain & 5x Baaz Soldier
[Hard] 10,600xp Creatures: 6x Knight
[Medium] 8,400xp
Creatures: 3x Kapak Hunter
[Hard] 10,800xp Creatures: 5x Ogre Veteran
[Hard] 11,000xp
Creatures: 2x Kapak Hunter & 2x Young White Dragon
[Deadly] 16,400xp Creatures: 8x Minotaur
[Hard] 15,000xp
The outer tents all surround a single large ornate tent in the
centre, set aside for this force’s Highmaster. Creatures: 4x Hill Giant
[Deadly] 14,400xp
Any approach to the camp will be spotted by at least one of
the picket guards, likely more, and met with suspicion and Creatures: 1x Baaz Captain & 5x Baaz Soldier
aggression. Only a Writ of Passage or other Dragonarmy [Hard] 10,600xp
documentation will stay immediate violence, although the
picket guards will scrutinize any documents very carefully. Creatures: 1x Sivak Master & 9x Sivak Legionnaire
If the party can convince the guards, they are allowed to [Hard] 12,875xp
pass but told that they will be watched carefully.
If they can not convince the guards, then they will attack the There will always be at least two guards manning the tower
party. The guards will open by sending a warning signal to at all times ready to sound a horn they carry with them to
other nearby guard posts to call for reinforcements before raise an alarm to any danger they see on the plains. This
attacking with the intention of subduing and capturing the brings the remains of the group out from the stone building
party. It is unlikely that even in victory a party will be able to where they can be directed.
keep their actions secret, so afterwards the party will find The only cover in the approach to these towers is the
themselves hunted by other guard groups, or by the troops fissures that can be found all over the plains. There will
occupying the encampment usually be at least one within 100ft of the tower, though the
nearest to the tower will end 5d10ft away from it’s base.
If the party are defeated, they will be captured and
disarmed, their equipment taken to a different tent whilst If approached, presenting the guards with a Writ of Passage
the party are taken to the centre tent of the Highmaster. or other official documents can convince the guards to let
The Highmaster takes them to be enemies of the the party past, but any aggression or suspicious activity will
Dragonarmy and dismisses them quickly, ordering that they cause the guards to attack with the intention of capturing the
be taken to the dungeons of Neraka. The party will be held intruders.
only a short time before loaded onto wagon-mounted cages
in the next passing caravan, their equipment put onto a A search of the stone building will reveal a small cooking

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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area and a few simple cots, as well as some crates of food, their retinues.
drinking water and basic weapons on a rack.
_______________________________________________ After this time, all citizens and merchants are commanded
to stay in their homes or places of business, movement on
COUNCIL OF THE HIGHLORDS the street being banned and taken as a sign of sedition.
The Council of the Highlords is a major event in the War Those caught breaking this rule are taken to Joras Gelt who
of the Lance narrative, and forms the backdrop for the orders they be imprisoned until such time as the temple
grand finale in which the Dark Queen Takhisis makes her reopens.
way from the Abyss into Krynn.
As the sun begins to set at the end of this day, Highlord
During this time, the five Dragonarmies have gathered at Toede of the White Dragonarmy arrives. He is late, and
Neraka, their respective Highlords coming together for a must contend with the sealed gates, but after some effort
rare meeting of the entire leadership of the Dragon Empire. and mockery from the Draconians he will be able to get into
They have come to discuss the war, to make plans, hear the the temple.
commands of their Emperor, and to be there to greet
Takhisis in person as her chosen champions in Ansalon. DAY FOUR
From first light the Green and White Wing Army Camps
The Council of the Highlords consists of multiple events begin to rearrange, the troops approaching the city and
over seven days, and as it goes on many changes occur beginning to organize into long columns that reach from the
within Neraka. Security is tightened, and special rituals are Inner City’s Minor Gates outwards from the city. The
performed to prepare the land for their god to arrive. whites march from the south, whilst the greens comes from
their camps in the southeast.
Emperor Ariakas of the Red Dragonarmy, Highlord Kitiara By Second Watch the lines will be assembled and the
Uth Matar of the Blue Wing and Highlord Lucien of the troops all raise their voices in a throbbing, husky marching
Black Wing will already be in Neraka before the first day, song in a minor key, exalting their victories in the name of
quartering in their rooms with the Dark Queen’s Temple. the Dark Queen.

DAY ONE As they sing, two wings of dragons soar into the skies above
Storm clouds collect over the city, blackening the sky by Neraka. For each colour, twenty-four Dragons arrive to
midafternoon. Bolts of lightning begin to flash at the same wheel back and forth over their coloured column, roaring in
time, a sudden downpour washing over the city and plains, exaltation.
soaking the terrain. The ground of the Outer City becomes After an hour of this, the columns disperse and the
extremely muddy, and the wash of rain fills the sewers Dragonarmies establish new camps at the very border of the
raising the level of the filthy water that runs through them. Outer City, the Dragons coming to rest at the outer edge of
At night the lightning becomes so frequent and intense that these new camps. After a further hour the troops are all
it becomes possible to move about without light and still released from duty and allowed into the Outer City, pouring
find your way without issue. into the inns and taverns in the green and white districts to
This storm continues for the rest of the week with only a celebrate the coming of the Dark Majesty
few breaks in the rain.
DAY TWO From first light, the events of the previous day are repeated,
Just after midnight between the first and second days, the except that it is the Black Dragonarmy alone who perform
dead rise from the Undercity and venture out onto the the ritual, marching into Neraka from the northeast and
surface. joining their white and green comrades for a night of
Thus begins the first Nightwalk, an event that will occur at revelry.
the start of each day for the next week, the procession
walking the length of The Queen’s Way to the Dark DAY SIX
Queen’s Temple. This takes a little over one hour. Day six begins as the two previous did, this time with the
At midday of the second day, Highlord Salah Khan of the Red and Blue Dragonarmies performing the ritual of
Green Dragonarmy arrives at Neraka. He passes through arranging in columns, with the reds approaching from the
his army’s camp and district before making for his quarters southwest and the blues from the north.
in the temple.
This time however, the two armies meet at an intersection
DAY THREE to the northwest of the city, and a chaotic traffic jam ensues.
Three hours after dawn, the gates of the Inner City are As trumpets blare and marching songs thrum, the Red and
closed and locked for the rest of the week, the guard Blue Wings Draconians press up against one another trying
increasing to prevent any access. Now, only those on to force their way through the streets and continue on their
legitimate business for the Emperor or Takhisis may pass – own parades.
such as army officers of those with a Writ of Passage. Small skirmishes break out between the red and blue
troops, as officers struggle to reassert control as both sides
Simultaneously the gates of the Dark Queen’s Temple are end up surging into NIC11: Emperor’s Court.
closed and sealed, entry allowed only for a Highlord and For nearly ten minutes this chaos continues, completely

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
distracting the guards who are forced to instead deal with
this mess. Soon enough though Dragonarmy officers are
able to untangle their troops and get back to their respective
routes, exalting to Takhisis and welcoming the arrival of
twenty-four dragons apiece before setting new camps and
joining the night’s revels.
This night, with all five Dragonarmies in attendance, those
revels come close to riotous proportions.

As the sun sets on day six, the first Council of the Highlords
takes place in DQT7: Council Chamber inside the Dark
Queen’s Temple.

Shortly after dawn on the seventh day, officers of the
Dragonarmies begin gathering their hung-over troops,
joining with the city guards to search the city for any missing
soldiers and returning them to their units (for punishment
These armies are expected to stand to attention on the day
of the Dark Queen’s victorious arrival, due to occur at
sunset at the climax of the Second Council of the

If the forces of Good have chosen to attack

Neraka, then this is the day they should arrive
to do battle.

It is the day of greatest narrative impact, causing

the Dragonarmy not to stand to attention for the
day, but to instead march away from Neraka to
do battle with the coming enemy army.

The five Dragonarmies will march together, the

white Dragonarmy under Highlord Toede
departing last, leaving large parts of Neraka less
guarded than they were before.
Those Highlords who depart to take part in the
fighting will make sure that they are back for late
afternoon to be properly bathed and clothed for
the arrival of Takhisis.


The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
During this last week, the city of Neraka is a hive of activity.
All five of the Dragonarmies have brought the bulk of their PATH OF THE COMPANIONS
forces for a massive ceremony to welcome the Dark Queen The Companions of the novels arrived at
Takhisis herself into the material plane, creating the largest Neraka by different means, some having been
military gathering Ansalon has seen in centuries. captured and others infiltrating the city in order
to reach the temple and stop Takhisis.
A party entering the city will find the streets full of officers
and Draconians celebrating, but also butting heads with Princess Laurana was threatened and taken
each other and with locals. Businesses are pushed to their hostage, whilst Tanis Half-Elven used his prior
limits, and many worry that they may not survive what is relationship with Highlord Kitiara Uth Matar
supposed to be a celebration. to feign service to Takhisis and enter that way.
______________________________________________ Others such as Caramon Majere crept through
the city during the confusion of the various
NIGHTWALK rituals being performed, whilst his twin Raistlin
During the week leading up to Takhisis arriving through the simply service to Takhsis and was invited,
portal within the Dark Queen’s Temple, the dead who though he was working to plans of his own.
dwell beneath the city begin to rise to pay homage to their
queen. In the end however, all managed to find their
own way into the Dark Queen’s Temple for
Starting from Dark Watch of the first day (at midnight, as the final moments of the War of the Lance.
the second day begins), a wide variety of undead begin to
crawl out from the Undercity, having crawled through the
sewers to reach the entrances out into the Outer City,
gathering in the centre of each district.

From here their leaders – a cabal of five liches – emerge

with one taking charge of the gathering in each district. The
various city gates also then opened to allow the dead
through into the Inner City where they wind their way
through it’s streets to gather in the NIC13: Temple Square.

This slow advance through the city takes roughly an hour, at

which point the cabal of liches say a short prayer, box, and
then the entire group turns back and returns to the
Undercity by the way they all individually came.

These processions are accompanied by wailing and

screaming from the undead, each creature taking this
opportunity to vent it’s rage and despair to the surface

Other than the disruption of noise the undead do not

disturb anyone who stays indoors, nor do they damage
Anything or emerge through indoors access routes to the
Undercity. They ignore any of the living who choose to
either stand aside or hide indoors, but will attack any
creature with a good alignment they find on the street,
sensing their goodness by supernatural means.

Creatures: 1x Lich, 6x Ghoul, 10x Skeleton, 10x Zombie,

10x Wight & 5x Ogre Zombie
[Deadly] 177,800xp

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
DUULKET ARIAKAS friendship of the green dragons, primarily for the great
Lawful Evil Human Male of freedom he gives them to pursue their own agendas.
Evil to his core and ambitious to destruction, Ariakas cast
aside his early sorcerous training for the blessing of the LUCIEN OF TAKAR
Dark Queen. A life in service and seen him rise to power, Neutral Evil Half-Ogre Male
both in authority and arcane power granted to him by The commander of the Black Dragonarmy is patient
Takhisis. and competent in his command, rising to power due to
the mistakes and demises of his predecessors rather
He is now Emperor of the Dragon Empire, highest of the than his own skill. Determined to avoid the mistakes of
Dragon Highlords and answerable only to the Dark his forebears, Lucien plots to advance his station by a
majesty herself. His power is immense, and untempered. slow and methodical process, though his caution and
This has made him supremely arrogant and self-assured, lack of aggression means that his forces have conquered
though also extremely over-confident in his own abilities the least and been stagnant the longest.
and disrespectful of the abilities of his enemies. Lucien is short for a half-ogre, usually with a curious
and not entirely unfriendly expression upon his face
Neutral Evil Human Female TOEDE
Known to some as The Blue Lady, Kitiara has risen to Lawful Evil Goblin Male
power through her strength as a military leader, This hobgoblin has risen to power part through
supplanting the former Highlord of the Blue Dragonarmy. ambition, but also in part to the mistakes of his
She is a wild and passionate spirit with drastic mood commanders bringing him to levels of authority. Once
swings, keen both on personal combat and any physical a servant of Verminaard, he has risen to command all
pleasures she can gain access to, and as a Highlord she has Hobgoblin forces, and since been handed the title of
the power to claim anything she desires on a whim. Highlord by Emperor Ariakas. Toede sees this as a
great honour, however Ariakas intends this to be a
Kitiara is merciless, self-assured and highly competitive, temporary position to last only until after the arrival of
never satisfied for long and always looking to the next the Dark Queen into Ansalon. It would not do after all
highest accolade she can attain. As a Highlord she is to have a seat vacant when the Dark Majesty steps
almost at the pinnacle of ambition, but there is still a title through the portal.
higher she can aspire to.
Toede himself is a whining, pathetic figure who sucks
FEAL-THAS up to whoever he believes is the strongest in any given
Neutral Evil Elf (Silvanesti) Male room. He is the living epitome of succeeding by
Formally of Silvanesti before the Cataclysm, this Elven hanging to the coattails of others, though recently he
wizard was falsely accused of a crime of passion and exiled has become resentful of both Ariakas and Kitiara and
from his home. It was this action which led him to despise will happily aid any plot to kill and usurp them.
his own people, and pushed him towards the darkness of
the black-robes. LORD SOTH
Lawful Evil Undead (Human) Male
Since the Dragonarmies started their attacks on Ansalon, The Death Knight, a former Knight of Solamnia, has
Feal-Thas has sworn himself to their cause and became walked as an undead being since the Cataclysm, an
Highlord of the White Dragonarmies solely in order to event for which he shoulders some of the blame.
see his former homeland of Silvanesti burned to the
ground. At heart he would rather remain isolated and Loren Soth is a truly evil being, commander of a vast
continue his studies, but now finds himself actively having horde of the undead yet tormented endlessly for the
to take action in the war, including securing an alliance misdeeds that have led him to his current state.
with the Ogres of Daltigoth. Highlord Kitiara Uth Matar was drawn to him almost
immediately upon becoming a Highlord, promising
SALAH-KHAN him an elven princess in exchange for his service in
Lawful Evil Human Male war. Soth agreed, but his true motivation is now an
A tall, muscular bronze-skinned warrior from the infatuation with Kitiara herself, whom he wishes to
northern realms of Khur, Salah-Khan rose to power by make his undead bride.
defeating the uprisings in his own lands against the ___________________________________________
Dragonarmies. By right of conquest he impressed the
Highlords and claimed the title for his own, becoming
lord of the Green Dragonarmy. As a skilled tactician and
cavalier, Salah-Khan has earned the respect and

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
The final events of the War of the lance take place within SANCTIFICATIONS
the Dark Queen’s Temple, over the course of two grand Before the council an begin, six groups of priests enter the
ceremonial councils attended by the Highlords and their chamber, one from each of the regimental entrances, to
personal guards. mutter prayers and wave incense about under the watchful
eye of the Hallkeeper to bless the council chamber in the
During these events, the Highlords reassert their own name of Takhisis. These groups then assemble directly
positions of power and vie for greater recognition from underneath the extended platform on which the portal
Emperor Ariakas and the Dark Queen, who manifests stands, remaining rigidly still there for the entire duration of
within DQT7: Council Chamber to oversee proceedings. the council and leaving only when the Highlords at their
honour guards have left.
These two key events take place on the sixth and seventh
days of the great ceremony – the days the party themselves Creatures: 1x Dark Pilgrim Revered, 6x Dark Pilgrim Priest
are likely to be able to infiltrate the temple and act to & 12x Dark Pilgrim
prevent the ascension of Takhisis. [Deadly] 19,200xp

In case below, events will lead the party towards one of the ENTRANCE OF THE HONOUR GUARDS: The primary
possible endings, requiring certain actions to be fulfilled guard, made up of officers of each legion, then enter by
based on which tactics are available to the party or which order of status amongst the Dragonarmies. They file in
they have chosen to employ. from DQT5: Regimental Barracks and take positions at the
_______________________________________________ stairwell beneath their Highlord’s throne, standing to
attention facing inwards to the council chamber.
The Council of the Highlords is a major event in the War The order they enter are White first, then Black, Green,
of the Lance narrative, and forms the backdrop for the Blue, and finally Red.
grand finale in which the Dark Queen Takhisis makes her
way from the Abyss into Krynn. Creatures: 20x Aurak Mage
[Deadly] 184,000xp
During this time, the five Dragonarmies have gathered at
Neraka, their respective Highlords coming together for a Creatures: 20x Baaz Captain
rare meeting of the entire leadership of the Dragon Empire. [Deadly] 144,000xp
They have come to discuss the war, to make plans, hear the
commands of their Emperor, and to be there to greet Creatures: 20x Bozak Elite
Takhisis in person as her chosen champions in Ansalon. [Deadly] 144,000xp

There are two councils which occur in the week leading up Creatures: 20x Kapak Hunter
to the arrival ceremony for Takhisis, on the sixth and [Deadly] 144,000xp
seventh days after five days of other ceremonies, rituals and
celebrations amongst the Dragonarmies. Creatures: 20x Sivak Master
Ariakas, Kitiara and Lucien will already be in Neraka before [Deadly] 88,000xp
the beginning of the Council of the Highlords. Highlord
Salah-Khan arrives at midday of the second day, whilst the ENTRANCE OF THE HIGHLORDS: Once all five honour
white Dragonarmy arrives at the end of the third led either guards are in position, the five Highlords enter by the same
by Highlord Feal-Thas or Toede. order of status, entering through the upper doorway from
the Highlord apartments. Each Highlord descends the stairs
DAY SIX - THE FIRST COUNCIL under their throne and performs a single parade lap of the
As the sun sets on day six, the first Council of the Highlords chamber to the applause of their own Dragonarmy.
takes place in DQT7: Council Chamber.
During this time each Highlord is expected to respectfully
The intent of this council is to discuss strategy and to make acknowledge other Highlords already in attendance. Once
the final preparations for the arrival of the Dark Queen. their lap is complete, the Highlord ascends their steps again
The Highlords and their officers, despite recent losses and and is seated upon their own throne.
failings, are all supremely confident in future victories now
that they know that their goddess is herself coming to lead There are two exceptions to this, and those are for Toede
them to victory. In many way the first council is a rehearsal and Ariakas. When Toede enters (if he is a Highlord)
for the second to be held the following night, the Emperor nobody applauds for him, not even his own Dragonarmy.
wanting to be absolutely sure that nothing goes wrong, so When Ariakas enters, as the last to arrive and as the highest
the entire event must be tested beforehand and run with the status Highlord (and therefore recognized as Emperor) he is
pace and pageantry of a true ceremony. applauded by all present.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
Creatures: Feal-Thas Kitiara: “Fine enough gifts, but I give you a prize.
[Medium] 8400xp A broken dragonlance, taken from a
fallen enemy when my mount tore them
Creatures: Highlord Toede from the sky.”
[Medium] 8400xp
DARK JUSTICE: Once all gifts have been given, the floor is
Creatures: Lucien of Takar opened and the Emperor sits in judgment on any matters of
[Medium] 8400xp dispute or hostility between the Dragonarmies, each
Highlord being allowed to bring what charges they feel are
Creatures: Emperor Ariakas warranted. In this court, the word of Emperor is absolutely
[Deadly] 15,000xp final and to be taken as law.
During the first council, this stage begins with officers of the
Creatures: Salah-Khan Red Watch dragging a group of human sergeants. The
[Hard] 11,500xp Hallkeeper announces the charges against them as they
As Kitiara enters, she will be shadowed by Lord Soth at all
times. He will accompany her at all times, including on her ▪ “These scum have been accused of concealing riches
ceremonial lap of the council chamber. None of the other from the regimental tally!”
Highlords are particularly pleased with his presence, but all
fear to argue against it. Ariakas then asks:

Creatures: Kitiara Uth Matar & Lord Soth ▪ “Who accuses them?”
[Deadly] 55,500xp
To this a shout comes from a huge ogre who comes striding
SWEARING OF FEALTY: During this first council, Takhisis from one of the hallways.
manifests as a shadowy outline of her dragon form directly
above her throne at the end of the central platform. As she ▪ “I, your Excellency!”
materializes, every person assembled turns towards her and
calls out in a unified chorus. As captain of a regiment, the ogre comes forward to the hall
and declares that himself found flasks of ale that these
▪ “All hail Takhisis, Queen of Darkness, and mistress of sergeants had concealed for themselves. The humans
the world!” protest their innocence, but Ariakas ignores their pleas and
jumps straight to passing sentence.
Each Highlord then swears themselves individually, again in
order of status - white, black, green, blue then red. ▪ “Take them to the dungeons! The Inquisitor shall have
his way with them!”
▪ “Takhisis, my Queen, my life is yours to command!
Should you demand it, it is yours!” ORDERS ISSUED: With those matters done, Ariakas
addresses the other Highlords, laying out his plans and
SPOILS FOR THE EMPIRE: With the oaths given, each of orders for the campaign moving forward.
thee other Highlords is then expected to present a gift to
Emperor Ariakas under the watchful eyes of the Queen of ▪ “Prepare your forces to march at an hour past the
Darkness. As each Highlord knows that they are being sunrise. All five of our armies will take the field
watched they will use this opportunity to try to outdo each tomorrow, that we may prepare to mount an assault that
other and gain both the favour of the Emperor and that of will grant our Queen a victory for her arrival upon
the Dark Majesty. Krynn!”

Toede: “My lord, great majesty, I gift to you this

hoard of coin. It is……one hun…, In the Chronicles trilogy, at this point the
um…..nearly two thousand (1800) pieces Whitestone army led by Gunther Uth Wistan
of steel!” is approaching, the nights of Solamnia
preparing a grand assault against the city and
Lucien: “I present to you a mighty stallion, white temple.
as snow and trained for war, from the
fields of Goodlund. May it bear the If this is the case then the army’s mustering is to
Emperor to victory.” stage a defence against this attack. If the
Knights of Solamnia are not advancing on
Salah-Khan: “I present no trinkets, but instead offer Neraka, then the mustering of the army is the
the head of Kolnios, a prince of the first step in a planned attack on Kalaman and
cursed Silvanesti and instigator of Solamnia, a second siege on the High Clerist’s
rebellion. This enemy I felled in your Tower being the eventual goal of Ariakas.
The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
With these orders given, the hall erupts in cheers and SEQUENCE OF EVENTS
praises for the Dark Queen. The course of events for the council follows the same as the
first, starting with the entry of each Honour Guard (which
ADJOURNEMENT: Finally, the Hallkeeper announces that may have include new officers following a battle), the entry
the council has finished. The Highlords now depart in of the Highlords, and then the swearing of fealty. This
reverse order from their entrance, with Ariakas leaving first. council will be attended by the same number of Dark
After the Highlords have departed the honour guards will Pilgrims and members of each Honour Guards as the first
file out in the same reversed order, and finally the council.
ceremonial priests depart as well, leaving the hall empty for When it comes to giving gifts, each Highlord once again
a few minutes until the regular guard garrison return to their tries to outdo each other.
_______________________________________________ Toede: “For the arrival of the mighty queen, I
present this statue of precious steel, in her
The seventh day of the Councils is the pivotal moment in
which the Dark Queen Takhisis, Queen of Darkness, Lucien: “To celebrate this grandest day, I offer
makes her move to enter Krynn at last. This is the final day the dark majesty a sample of the prizes
as it comes to the party’s adventure, as failure to prevent the she might indulge in upon our world - a
arrival of Takhisis will surely doom all the world. dozen casks of finest Solanthian wine.”

BATTLE OF NERAKA Salah-Khan: “From the field of victory, I offer a string

The morning of the seventh day could potentially bring of a dozen elven slaves, who I have linked
both an feeling of impending doom, but also a ray of hope together by platinum chain and collars.”
upon the horizon. Should the Knights of Solamnia have
been successful in defending their lands, the High Clerist’s Kitiara: “I have taken a prisoner on the field of
Tower and Palanthas from Dragonarmy attacks, then they battle this very day, a hero of the forces of
may have chosen to muster their own forces and march into good!”
the heartlands of the Dragon Empire.

With clear direction and leadership the forces of good, The character offered by Kitiara should ideally
assembled as the Whitestone army, come to Neraka to be someone the party are familiar with and
prevent the final ceremony and to deal a devastating defeat might be shocked to discover was taken.
on the Dragonarmies that they surely can not recover from.
The best choice is whichever Knight rose to
This event is covered in the module The Knighthood, as take charge of the Whitestone army, whether
well as the potential ending ALL OUT WARFARE. that be Gunther Uth Wistan, Derek
Crownguard, or someone else.
At sunset of the seventh day, the second council takes place,
and the Queen of Darkness Takhisis makes her move to
finally enter the material world. DARK JUSTICE: When given the opportunity,
and if Toede is alive, the other Highlords take
By Tenth Watch, any Highlords not in the temple will this chance to accuse the Hobgoblin Highlord
return knowing that no matter what they can not risk of utter incompetence. His army had arrived
offending the Dark Queen by their absence. They may have late onto the field of battle and caused problems
left for the own business, or to take part in the Battle of for the entire Dragonarmy, though many are
Neraka, but those able will still depart the field to get back taking this merely as an opportunity to be rid of
to DQT7: Council Chamber on time for the second the disgusting creature.
council. Toede will protest his innocence and whine that
his army had the furthest to travel around the
city to reach the battle. This whining has little
Note that depending on what happened in the effect on Ariakas though, who listens for a little
Battle of Neraka (if this battle took place), it is while before passing sentence.
possible that some Highlords might have had to
be replaced very quickly before the second ▪ “Take him to the dungeons! The Inquisitor
council. shall work his magic upon him!”

One way or another Ariakas would want to Despite his groveling and protesting, Toede is
make sure that the five thrones of the Highlords dragged from the hall, and an officer from his
were filled, even if by inexperienced Dragonarmy takes his place upon the throne as
Dragonarmy officers. a temporary replacement.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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It is now time for the final culmination of the week long the god Paladine in disguise. Knowing this, they could have
ceremony and celebration - the arrival of Takhisis. discovered that Paladine is able to stop Takhisis, but only if
they can get him to the portal and allow him to pass
This is the grand event that serves as the climax of the War through.
of the Lance and will decide whether good or evil finally
triumphs. This event leads directly into the possible endings WAYLORN IS HUMA REBORN: The party have discovered
Fizban is Paladine, Berem is Paladine, Waylorn is Huma the sleeping form of Waylorn Wyvernsbane and revealed
Reborn, Sacrifice Self, or Berem Seals the Gate. that he is in fact Huma himself, reborn in a later age.
Wielding a dragonlance, he can use the same power he
THE FINAL RITUAL used to defeat Takhisis once before and seal her away in the
With the room settled, Ariakas stands and begins to Abyss again.
descend the stairs. All other Highlords also now stand,
Kitiara and Lord Soth then descend their stairs as well to SACRIFICE SELF: The only other way to prevent Takhisis
join the Emperor. They together cross the council chamber emerging is the method used by Huma once before -
floor and climb the northern stairs to mount the central someone will have to sacrifice themselves. A character -
platform and walk towards the throne of Takhisis. reaching either a prophet of the gods of good or a Good aligned
the end the three all turn and bow to the spectral form creature wielding a dragonlance - must step through the
seated on the throne, showing reverence for Takhisis. portal and use their own will to keep the Dark Queen back.
All eyes will be turned towards the dais and the five-headed
dragon hovering above it in a shadowy, unearthly form. As No matter what, the forces of the Dragon Empire will fight
they watch, a small circle of fiery colours begins to form in to keep any intruders away and to ensure the coming of
the air directly before the throne, the circle of white, red, their queen. They need only hold the party back for ten
black, green and blue flames swirling and growing over the rounds, and then each round after that at initiative step 1
course of a minute until it seems to be about 10ft in there will be a cumulative 10% that Takhisis has reached the
diameter. portal (s0 10% at the end of round 11, 20% at the end of
round 12, and so on), and will arrive at the end of the
Cheers erupt from the assembled Dragonarmy troops as following round.
they look through the flaming ring and see the blasted
wasteland of the Abyss beyond, and moving towards them Ariakas is supremely arrogant as he attacks, using magic first
not a shadowy illusion of the five-headed dragon, but the and then attacking with his sword Drakmatta. His attitude
very real and physical form of Takhisis herself. and mocking tone towards Kitiara however pushes the Blue
Highlord away and makes her decide not to help the
Any creature that looks into the portal for the first time Emperor directly in combat. Instead she targets other
must make a DC25 Wisdom save due to the sheer horror characters away from the portal, toying with them if she can
of what they see beyond. Failure causes them to be while Lord Soth stands coldly nearby preventing others
frightened of the portal. from interfering with whatever duel he belies Kitiara has set
______________________________________________ up. The rivalry between the two and mocking tones as they
address each other speaks a lot to why they don’t just
The party must now fight for their lives, and this is the collectively destroy the party.
moment that decides everything. If Takhisis reaches the
portal on her side and passes through (moving south from Any other Highlords present (likely Lucien and Salah-
the portal), then her victory is assured, so she must be Khan) will make every attempt to draw characters away
stopped at all costs. from the portal platform, seeing a chance to show their
quality separately from each other, though if greater dangers
There are several options that could have been suggested to come up such as the advance of an enemy army, these two
the party by this point, either through their own deductions Highlords may flee the chamber.
or divine visits, or perhaps even by visits either to an oracle
or the Glitterpalace. This battle will continue until a final outcome is determined.
Either one of the methods available to the party will be
Options for endings available to the party include: accomplished and the Dark Queen preventing from passing
through the portal, or the party will not reach the portal in
FIZBAN IS PALADINE: The party may have worked out that time, and Takhisis will win.
the bumbling wizard Fizban the Fabulous is in fact the god
Paladine in disguise, having been wandering Krynn setting Once an outcome is decided, the party should now move to
heroes on the path to save the world from the Dark Queen. the appropriate Ending and Epilogue.
Knowing this, they could have discovered that Paladine is ______________________________________________
able to stop Takhisis, but only if they can get him to the
portal and allow him to pass through. AVOIDING BATTLE
There are two other places the party can go within the Dark
BEREM IS PALADINE: After wandering the continent, the Queen’s Temple that present options for defeating Takhisis
party have discovered that Berem The Everman is in fact without having to fight through the Council Chamber and

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
the veritable army assembled there.
These are deep beneath the temple in TDL18: The
Foundation Stone, and high in it’s uppermost chambers in
DQT22: Anvil of Might.


There are two possible campaign endings in this chamber –
Berem And His Sister and Betrayal of The Gem.

In Berem And His Sister, the Everman (or “Green-

Gemstone Man”) can be reunited with the spirit of his sister,
restoring the gem in Berem’s chest to the column and thus
sealing the Dark Queen’s fate.

In Betrayal Of The Gem however, restoring the gem to the

column is the key to the success of the Dark Majesty, and
bringing Berem to this chamber may in fact seal the fate of
Ansalon and allow Takhisis to emerge at last.

If neither of these narratives or endings have been explored,

or Berem is not with the party, then they will have to
explore further and find other ways to defeat Takhisis.


In this chamber, using the Anvil of Might, it is possible to
destroy the green gemstone embedded in the chest of
Berem the Everman, thus completing the ending Destroy
The Gem.


The Companions of the novels arrived at
Neraka by different means, some having been
captured and others infiltrating the city in order
to reach the temple and stop Takhisis.

Princess Laurana was threatened and taken

hostage, whilst Tanis Half-Elven used his prior
relationship with Highlord Kitiara Uth Matar to
feign service to Takhisis and enter that way.
Others such as Caramon Majere crept through
the city during the confusion of the various
rituals being performed, whilst his twin Raistlin
simply service to Takhsis and was invited,
though he was working to plans of his own.

In the end however, all managed to find their

own way into the Dark Queen’s Temple for
the final moments of the War of the Lance.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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This ending is possible if the party have chosen to march then the other.
with the Knights of Solamnia in a direct attack against the
city of Neraka. Units describe the core blocks of the Dragonarmies, and in
this battle will be made up almost exclusively of Draconians.
Alongside the Knights of Solamnia, the party meet the
Dragonarmies on an open plain before the city of Neraka. Creatures: 1x Baaz Captain & 5x Baaz Soldier
In this set of scenes, the party choose that the best way to [Hard] 10,600xp
bring the adventure to a close is to confront the bulk of the
main army in a direct conflict, hoping that Takhisis will not Creatures: 1x Bozak Elite & 7x Bozak Guard
be able to assert control over Ansalon without her armies. [Hard] 12,375xp

To make the battle of Neraka the most dramatic finale it Creatures: 1x Sivak Master & 7x Sivak Legionnaire
can be for the War of the Lance campaign, it is best that this [Hard] 10,625xp
ending be timed to coincide with the seven day ceremony
that culminates in Takhisis arriving into the world. Creatures: 1x Aurak Mage & 2x Kapak Hunter
The armies of Good should arrive either at the same time [Hard] 11,800xp
or just after the First Council of the Highlords. If the army
arrive any earlier, it is best to bring the ceremony forward, Creatures: 1x Adult Black Dragon
the Highlords wanting to get it completed as fast as possible [Hard] 11,500xp
so that all of their plans don’t come to an abrupt end (and
to make this ending as interesting and climactic as possible). Creatures: 1x Adult Blue Dragon
[Deadly] 15,000xp
The army of Good breaks camp and marches onto the Creatures: 1x Adult White Dragon
fields around Neraka, ready for a final confrontation with [Hard] 10,000xp
the Dragonarmies. They array themselves against the city
miles distant, and as they approach they see the Creatures: 2x Young Red Dragon
Dragonarmies hastily moving out into the open plains to [Deadly] 17,700xp
meet them. The army’s long range scouts report that it
looks like the red and blue wings of the Dragonarmies are Creatures: 2x Young Green Dragon
coming out first, the others having some trouble getting their [Hard] 11,700xp
troops organized quickly.
At the start of the battle, it is the red and blue wings of the
For the party, the battle should be staged as a series of Dragonarmy who come out to meet the knighthood and
individual battles in which the player characters face units of their allies first. As the armies clash, the party will face two
Draconians, followed by key leadership figures who have units from each – two from the red Dragonarmy and two
come out onto the field themselves to meet the party head- from the blue. They can be any combination of units given,
on. Not every Highlord will come out or seek to engage in though it is suggested that the enemy alternate Draconians
direct battle, as their minds are turned exclusively towards with dragons.
the ceremony and to the Dark Queen, but some will come The red Highlord (Emperor Ariakas himself) will not lead
looking for a direct fight. their own troops into battle, his attention is instead focus on
Takhisis and the portal to the Abyss.

Much of the Battle for Neraka will require the The blue Highlord does lead, but remains in the air and
DM to narrate scenes of combat going on keeps away from thee player party. If the battle goes poorly
around the party, describing units clashing, they will turn away and return to the Dark Queen’s Temple.
cavalry charges, and flights of dragons clashing
in the air high above. Next onto the field will be the black wing. After the party
have battled red and blue units, they should face two units
It is highly encouraged that these descriptions from the black wing, and then come face to face with Lucien
be as vibrant and over the top as possible, of Takar. The half-ogre arrives on the back of a black
painting a picture of a mass melee completely dragon steed, and lands directly in the centre of the party as
surrounding the party. soon as their previous battle ends.

Creatures: 1x Lucien of Takar & 1x Young Black Dragon

ENEMY UNITS & LEADERS [Deadly] 16,950xp
Fights against groups of enemy creatures should be split into
units and leaders, the party alternating between fighting one The conflict in the skies intensifies as reinforcements arrive

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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for both sides, chromatic and metallic dragons striking at Depending on whether the army waited for these allies to
each other and breathe weapons colouring the sky is a arrive (as Gunthar Uth Wistan would prefer, but Derek
vibrant display of power. Crownguard wouldn’t), the party will be able to use these
The green Dragonarmy reaches the field next, joining the allies to great effect during the battle.
battle with fervor. The party again fight two units, before a
noise like thunder alerts them to an approaching group on For each faction that the party have actively aided during
horseback, a cavalry charge bearing down on them – their adventures, they may call on a friendly unit to fight an
Draconians on horseback. enemy unit for them, a rush of dwarves or a barrage of elven
arrows cutting down one enemy unit before they reach the
Creatures: 4x Kapak Hunter & 4x Riding Horse party.
[Deadly] 18,500xp
The party should be aware that they have this
This group does not stop to fight, but rather continues
ability from the start of the battle, and that it
running through and past the party, bearing down on other
allows them to skip a fight with an enemy unit
enemies deeper into the field. They serve as a momentary
(but not a leader).
distraction however, as a second charge comes up behind
them, this time including the green Highlord – Salah-Khan
– sweeping low on dragon-back. DEFEAT IN BATTLE
The success or failure of the army of Good depends on the
Creatures: 1x Salah Khan & 1x Young Green Dragon success or failure of the party. If the player characters do
[Deadly] 23,100xp well, the army does well, but as the party start to weaken or
are defeated, so too their allies start to fall around them.
The defeat of Salah-Khan is the final toll that convinces the Should the party be defeated entirely, the forces of Good
Dragonarmies that they can not succeed, and so bosses and are routed, and the Battle for Neraka becomes a great
rung and horns blown to command a retreat. The four wing victory for the Dragonarmies.
of the Dragonarmies start an organized retreat, their troops
getting back inside the gates of the Inner City of Neraka. Draconians and dragons roar in triumph as the armies are
Inside they are confident that they can hold an attack back forced to withdraw towards the northern passes, there
long enough for Takhisis herself to come and bring victory hoping to regroup and gather reinforcements, though hope
for the forces of Evil. is extremely low.

Unfortunately for them however, it is at this time that the As the party themselves fall, those who are killed outright
white Dragonarmy has finally organized itself and started are left where they fell. Those who have not yet died at the
marching into battle. Confused by the sounds of retreat, point the last of them is incapacitated are stabilized by the
they have been pushed forward by their leaders, and as a Draconians, and all living members of the party are taken to
result have been left as a sacrificial offering to the armies of the dungeons of the Dark Queen’s Temple.
Good – a distraction that allows the other Dragonarmies to The Dragonarmies will then regroup, and resume the
retreat. ceremony to bring Takhisis to Krynn. The Highlords who
remain will return to their councils.
The party will again face two units of white Draconians or
dragons, followed by their leader, the white Highlord. This will give the party at least a day to try to escape and
seek a new way to bring the events of the campaign to a
Creatures: 1x Feal-Thas & 1x Young White Dragon close. Otherwise they will be brought out for the Second
[Deadly] 16,050xp Council of the Highlords as a sacrifice to Takhisis, at which
point they must either act, or proceed to the epilogue The
Creatures: 1x Highlord Toede & 6x Hobgoblin Captain Dark Queen Triumphant.
[Deadly] 31,500xp ______________________________________________

The identities of the Highlords can be varied if If victorious on the field of battle, the forces of Good will be
the party have already encountered and defeated joyous, but now face a difficult task. The remaining
them – especially the white Highlord who Dragonarmies will withdraw into the walls and gates of the
appears in the modules for Icewall Castle. Inner City, chromatic dragons perched atop towers or
circling in the skies above in a defensive posture ready to
attack anything that comes at the from the air. The Inner
By the time the white forces are routed, the rest of the City is locked down, and every corner watched carefully.
Dragonarmies will have reach the Inner City and secured
themselves within for an extended siege. The armies of Good will not necessarily be prepared for
breaking a siege, and gathering the necessary supplies and
ALLIES equipment will take some days – days they may not have.
By the time they reach this battle, the party will have had the The leaders of the Dragon Empire will not sit idly while
opportunity to gather allies from around Ansalon. their walls are surrounded, and are far more likely to try to

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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accelerate their rituals and to bring Takhisis to Krynn as fast
as possible.

This leaves the party with two options – to either wait for the
rituals to complete and to then battle Takhisis herself
directly, or for the party to find some way into the Inner
City while the army keeps the draconian defenders
distracted, and to stop the rituals before they are completed.

The party choose the latter, then they will need to come up
with some way into the city – either through magic or other
mundane ways. An aerial drop is possible if they can find a
way to battle or distract the circling dragon defenders, or the
party may find (or be directed to) access hatches into the
Undercity from which they can reach the lower chambers of
the Dark Queen’s Temple.

Choosing the former however, leads the party directly to the

epilogue The Dark Queen Triumphant.

Takhisis will rise and break through the upper reaches of

her temple, spreading her wings wide and roaring with five
heads that make the heavens tremble. Much of the army
panics as she descends over the city and comes to land
before the gates, where the Dark Queen then sets to
personally destroying the warriors of Good.

Once she is confronted by them, Takhisis turns towards the

party and laughs with glee, happy that she can now bring
death to her enemies in person.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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This is one of the possible endings featuring Berem the Berem breathes his last, and with that breath a flash of
Everman and can take place if the party arrive with Berem brilliant light fills the room coming both from the
in the chamber of the Foundation Stone before Takhisis Foundation Stone and from Berem himself.
successfully enters the portal into Krynn.
On arrival at The Foundation Stone, a party who have As the light recedes, the chamber grows deathly quiet and
escorted Berem this far will first have to contend with a still.
Nightwalker, a dread named Huaggaq set to guard the Then, suddenly, a shrieking cry pulses through every
chamber from intrusion but with a deep desire to escape the creature’s mind at once – the voice of a woman crying out in
light glaring from the jeweled column at the space’s heart. pain and rage.
One the Nightwalker is defeated however, Berem is free to
complete his destiny. ▪ “I have been betrayed!”
This is the voice of Takhisis, and it’s power threatens to split
For the first time since meeting him, Berem seems to relax skulls, as in The Dark Queen Defeated.
and his features become calm with a profound sense of
relief. He cries out with joy and leaps towards the column, The twisted column of the Foundation Stone then starts to
resisting attempts to hold him back but then stopping a few shift and straighten, returning to it’s original rigid form,
feet away and though suddenly stunned. straight and tall, and a feeling of peace fills the chamber.
The rage-filled voice subsides, and in it’s place there is calm
▪ “Jasla! I am coming!” for a little while.

Suddenly the green gem in Berem’s chest bursts into life, The gate has been successfully closed without ever having to
glowing with dazzling green energy that illuminates the go near it, however the party are still beneath the temple as
jeweled column and seeming to pierce through it, rendering it starts to shake and collapse.
the stone translucent, and revealing a ghostly figure trapped ______________________________________________

This figure appears as a young woman dressed in a plain

leather tunic. She seems pretty in a youthful yet fragile way,
her features very much like Berem but with eyes that bely
experience well beyond her years.

Berem stops before the form of his sister, the sister he

murdered but who now holds the hope of the world. Tears
begin to stream down Berem’s face as he whispers to her.

▪ “Jasla. Can you forgive me?”

The spirit of Jasla smiles, and answers in a sweet, melodic


▪ “My brother, between us, there is nothing to forgive.”

Jasla then opens her eyes wide, inviting Berem into her
loving embrace, and with an incoherent cry of both pain
and joy the Everman steps forward to embrace the
Foundation Stone. As he does, the green gem in his chest
shines ever brighter, slotting neatly into a small recess in the
column as it returns home at last.

Berem screams one last time in both pain and triumph, his
body then starting to convulse. Fused onto the column,
Berem is powerless to move away, and the party deep his
dark blood pouring from the wound where the green gem
had attached itself to him, quenching the light of many of
the gems below him.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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This is one of the possible endings featuring Berem the of success is again raised to 100%.
Everman. Either from Berem himself or through a vision • Any time Berem takes damage at any point whilst in
seen in the Glitterpalace, the party may have learned that Neraka of the Dark Queen’s Temple, the chance of his
Berem the Everman is actually the god Paladine in disguise. success against Takhisis is reduced by 1% for every two
hit points lost.
This will be a profound divine revelation to them, but also • The chance of success increases by 10% for each Long
an opportunity in waiting. Paladine has come to personally Rest taken by Berem.
see to the defeat of Takhisis by standing at the threshold of
her portal and preventing her access into the material world. PALADINE SUCCEEDS
______________________________________________ Takhisis is thrown back by the blast of light and screams in
unbridled fury, but it is not enough.
For this goal to be accomplished, Berem (or Paladine as he
turns out to be) must reach the Council Chamber and stand Paladine collapses to his knees, and with a roar of triumph
before the portal into the abyss before Takhisis steps she forces herself forward toward the portal. Paladine is not
through it. Then he must step through to confront the Dark so weak however, as he did not expend his full strength
Queen in her own realm, blocking the path into Krynn with towards her. As Takhisis approaches she realizes that the
his own power portal is rapidly shrinking. With every second the portal gets
smaller until it eventually blinks out of existence.
The party will have to fight their way through an assembly of
Draconians and Highlords all eagerly awaiting the arrival of Paladine has closed the gate, trapping himself inside but also
their queen to get Berem to the opening. trapping Takhisis again.
Go to The Dark Queen Defeated.
Once there Berem stands confident and steps through
willingly, standing tall on the other side of the portal. He still PALADINE FAILS
looks small however, compared to the towering five-headed Takhisis is thrown back by the blast of light and screams in
dragon that is approaching from the horizon. Even on this unbridled fury, but it is not enough.
side of the portal, her voice is heard echoing across the
plains of the Abyss, mocking who she clearly thinks is The pain subsides, and Takhisis realizes that Paladine is not
Berem the Everman. at full strength. With a roar of triumph she forces herself
forward toward the portal, Paladine struggling to hold her
▪ “So you have been delivered unto me.” back. Eventually the figure of Berem collapses to his knees,
▪ “Now that you are here I can ensure my victory. With his power spent in vein. As Takhisis approaches, her red
that stone I can complete my temple and escape this hell dragon head swoops down and snatches Berem up in it’s
once and for all.” jaws, biting down hard before rearing up and swallowing the
Everman whole.
Berem merely shakes his head however, and responds with
the smooth, powerful and confident voice of a god. Her enemy defeated, Takhisis advances towards the portal,
and if the party have no other means of stopping her she
▪ “Dear sibling, will you never learn?” will pass through and finally enter Krynn once more.
Go to The Dark Queen Triumphant.
Berem then pulls away his shirt to reveal the gemstone in ______________________________________________
his chest. No longer green, the gem shines with brilliant,
pure white light. This light bursts out of Berem’s chest,
illuminating the Abyss in a way it has never seen and striking
the Dark Queen.

This powerful act on the part of the god is not certain to

work, and can be diminished whilst he is in trapped in
human form. Thus there is a chance of failure, requiring the
party both to protect Berem and to consider other options
should Paladine fail.

• There is a base 50% chance of Paladine succeeding, his

power being evenly matched with Takhisis.
• If the party and Berem together visited Godshome, this
chance is increased to 100%.
• If the party took Berem to the Foundation Stone and
released the spirits of Jasla and Berem, then the chance

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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This is one of the possible endings featuring Berem the and can be passed through at any time. If they can not reach
Everman and can take place if the party arrive with Berem DQT7: Council Chamber and find another way to close the
at The Foundation Stone before Takhisis successfully enters portal extremely quickly, then Takhisis will step through the
the portal into Krynn. portal, her victory assured.

On arrival at The Foundation Stone, a party who have At that point, got to The Dark Queen Triumphant.
escorted Berem this far will first have to contend with a
Nightwalker, a dread named Huaggaq set to guard the If the party do try to stop Berem, he will struggle weakly
chamber from intrusion but with a deep desire to escape the against them and will need to be restrained. In his heart
light glaring from the jeweled column at the space’s heart. though, Berem, will know that his sister would never speak
One the Nightwalker is defeated however, Berem is free to to him that way, so will listen if their try to convince him that
complete his destiny. this can not be spirit of Jasla.
______________________________________________ Returning the gem to the Foundation Stone clearly will not
close the portal, so the party will need to find another way.
For the first time since meeting him, Berem seems to relax ______________________________________________
and his features become calm with a profound sense of
relief. He cries out with joy and leaps towards the column,
resisting attempts to hold him back but then stopping a few
feet away and though suddenly stunned.

▪ “Jasla! I am coming!”

Suddenly the green gem in Berem’s chest bursts into life,

glowing with dazzling green energy that illuminates the
jeweled column and seeming to pierce through it, rendering
the stone translucent, and revealing a ghostly figure trapped
This figure appears as a young woman dressed in a plain
leather tunic. She seems pretty in a youthful yet fragile way,
her features very much like Berem but with eyes that bely
experience well beyond her years.
Before Berem is able to speak though, the spirit addresses
him with scorn.

▪ “Berem, you have returned! Why did you do this to

me? How could you leave me behind? I told you not to
take the jewel. I have suffered for so long in this
torment. Please return the jewel and release me!”

Berem falters and sways, close to utter collapse at this

rebuke, the last hope he had in him being crushed beneath
despair and guilt.

The figure appearing before Berem is not the spirit of Jasla

at all, but that of the Dark Queen herself.
She wants Berem to place the gem back into the
Foundation Stone, thus rendering the column whole again
and allowing her to use it’s power freely. By this means
Takhisis can open the portal to the Abyss permanently.

If Berem is not stopped, then two rounds after being

spoken to by the form of Jasla, Berem will rush forward to
impale himself on one of the spikes surrounding the
column, thus returning the gem to it’s rightful place.
If this happens, then every creature nearby hears a
triumphant shout as the Dark Queen revels in her victory.

The party have mere moments now. The portal is open,

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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This is one of the possible endings featuring Berem the This is the voice of Takhisis, and it’s power threatens to split
Everman and can take place if the party take Berem to the skulls, as in The Dark Queen Defeated.
Anvil of Might before Takhisis successfully enters the portal
into Krynn. A great commotion can be heard in the floors below, the
Council Chamber erupting in rage and confusion.
Through their travels and communions with the gods, the Eventually, the rage-filled voice subsides, and in it’s place
party may have discovered or deduced that returning the there is calm for a little while.
gem embedded in Berem’s chest will not close the portal,
but will in fact open it fully and allow Takhisis unrestricted The gem has been successfully destroyed, and without it the
passage between the material world and the Abyss. portal can never be opened permanently to allow free
access between the material plane and the Abyss.
As such the only way to remove Berem and the gem from
the board is to destroy the gem, and the only way that can To make matters worse, the party are at the highest point of
be accomplished is by using the Anvil of Might situated at the temple as it starts to shake and collapse.
the very top of the tower that peaks the Dark Queen’s ______________________________________________
This anvil was specifically designed to destroy objects of
magical power, and has been brought to Neraka expressly to
shatter weapons captured from the enemy, especially

It is guarded by Gorzaug, an Erinyes cleric of Takhisis who

slaughters all who come to the top of the tower without
permission. Anyone who comes to the Anvil of Might will
have to contend with her first before bringing Berem to the

At the sight of the anvil and the heavy hammer resting upon
it, Berem sighs heavily with both relief and despair. He
slowly approaches it like a man walking to the gallows,
knowing that his death is there before him but also
desperately wanting that sweet release from his torment.
Berem steps up to the anvil slowly, but without hesitation,
pressing his chest against it’s side so that the gem rests just
on the edge of the anvil.
With grim determination he turns to the party, looking at
them one by one before speaking his last.

▪ “Strike true and strike swift my friends. I am ready for

this to end. Thank you.”

Destroying the gem requires a successful DC20 Strength

check, and if completed the gem shatters unleashing a wave
of magical energy. Every creature within 30ft is caught in the
blast, the pent up energies of the ancient stone washing over
everything. Creatures in range suffer 6d8 force damage, but
can reduce the damage by half with a successful DC18
Dexterity check. Failing this check also knocks a creature
Afterwards, Berem collapses, freed at last by death.

Suddenly, a shrieking cry pulses through every creature’s
mind at once – the voice of a woman crying out in pain and

▪ “I have been betrayed!”

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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This ending is possible if the party bring Fizban to the stumbling on a little as he steps into the Abyss and
Council Chamber of the Dark Queen’s Temple in Neraka. chuckling to himself as he stands upright on the far side. His
power meets hers there at the edge of the Abyss, the Dark
Queen breathing fire, lightning, ice, acid and poison down
The rivalry between Paladine and Takhisis is older than the on the wizard who raises a shining shield of purity to protect
world itself, and may Borlaug be the one way to save the himself.
world now that it is once again gripped by war.
In the guise of Fizban, Paladine has walked the world, The force of the Dark Queen’s attacks sends Fizban’s hat
leading heroes towards a destiny that will see them confront flying off of his head and back into the council chamber,
the armies of darkness, and he is willing to play his own role Takhisis then taking a moment to taunt her ancient foe.
in that conflict. The heroes are strong, but Takhisis is a god
and can only be fought or held back by another god. ▪ “You pitiful creature, all your attempts to imprison me
have failed and now you will feel the wrath of my
As such, when the portal to the abyss in Neraka opens, vengeance.”
Fizban believes that he must be there and to step through.
There, at the threshold, he can hold Takhisis back and Takhisis attacks with her five breathe weapons again, but
prevent her from entering Krynn. Fizban stands firm, raising his hands and unleashing a wave
Through his disguise he has made sure that Takhisis will of heavenly power in response.
not expect this strategy, but still requires that someone
protect his physical form long enough so that he can reach THE COMING LIGHT
the portal with his full power. This final contest between the two will last for three rounds,
______________________________________________ during which the party must fight to keep Fizban protected.
The Dragonarmy officers present – most notably the
PALADINE’S POWER Highlords – will try desperately to reach the portal so that
Whether or not Paladine can defeat Takhisis depends on they can reach through, grab hold of Fizban, and pull him
how much of his power he has at the point he reaches the out the Dark Queen’s way.
A tally should be kept, starting at 100%, from the moment The result of this comes down to a single dice roll. At the
the party set out for the final chapter of their adventure with start of the fourth round after Fizban stepped through the
Borlaug intentions set on Neraka. This can vary depending portal, check the final power tally for Paladine, adding a
on the roads taken by the party, with the best options either further 4% for each Highlord killed inside the council
being immediately following the Second Whitestone chamber, and a further 10% if Emperor Ariakas is also
Council in Kalaman, or after learning the true history and killed.
identity of Fizban at the Glitterpalace. Then roll 1d100, and compare the result.

This power tally will reduce as the adventure progresses, as If the number rolled is equal or lower than the power tally,
Fizban is forced to use his power time and again. The goal then Fizban has the strength to hold the Dark Queen back.
of the party then should be to make sure that he at much The portal begins to close, and with a sly grin Fizban looks
power as possible available for the final confrontation with back to wish his friends goodbye. The portal will still need
Takhisis, either by keeping him from using it or by giving to be held clear of enemies until the end of the round, but
him enough time to rest. at that time the portal will close entirely.
The power tally will reduce each time Fizban casts a spell by
twice the level of the spell, and by one point for every two Proceed to The Dark Queen Defeated.
points of damage taken. The tally can be refreshed by 10%
each time Fizban is able to take a long rest, and a further If the roll is higher than the power tally however, then the
10% if Fizban can go a full day without casting any spells at attempt is failed. Takhisis attacks again and this time
all. Paladine is not able to hold her back. Fizban comes flying
back through the portal, and Takhisis begins to make her
As Fizban approaches the portal, the chaos of the Council
Chamber swirling around him, his gaze is transfixed by the Proceed to The Dark Queen Triumphant.
blasted, barren landscape before him. In the distance he ______________________________________________
sees high mountains, and above them the form of the five-
headed dragon looms over the terrain, it’s gaze as fixated on
the opposite side of the portal.

Takhisis moves quickly towards the portal, but as she

reaches it’s threshold Fizban steps through to meet her,

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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This is one of the possible endings and can take place if a If however the character blocking the portal falls or
character comes to the Council Chamber either as a cleric otherwise fails before the portal closes for good, then the
or bearing a dragonlance, and does so before Takhisis Dark Queen has ample opportunity to bring her full form
successfully enters the portal into Krynn. through in the Council Chamber.

The legend of Huma Dragonbane teaches one thing very Proceed to The Dark Queen Triumphant instead.
clearly – that the Queen of Darkness can be defeated even ______________________________________________
by a mortal, so long as that mortal is strong in their belief in
the cause of Good and they are wielding a dragonlance. ETERNITY IN THE ABYSS
Regardless of whether they succeed or fail, the character
Any character with a Good alignment can make a final who made the sacrifice will afterwards find themselves
sacrifice when it comes to the last moment, giving their own trapped in the Abyss, the realm of darkness from which it
lives to hold Takhisis back so that she can not enter the took a goddess centuries to even have an opportunity to
portal in the Council Chamber. To do so, they must step escape, and even then outside interference was required to
through the portal themselves whilst bearing the lance like a make it possible.
holy symbol, giving their lives and knowing that they will not
be able to come back through. The Abyss is a vast, empty place of darkness inhabited both
______________________________________________ by dark gods and terrifying creatures of evil. Creatures here
find the landscape easy to navigate merely by thinking
As a character approaches the portal, the chaos of the yourself to a distant place, but the landscape also constantly
Council Chamber swirling around them, their gaze is shifts to suit the nightmares of it’s inhabitants, from dark
transfixed by the sight they see through the portal – a gods to demons, and the tortured souls of those who either
blasted, barren landscape under a fiery red sky. The Abyss. worship the dark gods or blasphemed against the true gods
Towering above distant mountains the form of the five- of good.
headed dragon looms over the terrain, it’s gaze as fixated on
the opposite side of the portal as the character’s. A character trapped here will witness and experience
endless torments for every moment that passes, perfectly
Takhisis is moving towards the portal with speed, and will tailored to suit their own individual fears. Forever.
reach it soon. When she does, she will be able to move into If Takhisis was defeated, then she will personally oversee
the material plane once again and assert dominion over the this torture, adding her own influence to enhance the levels
world. of pain, fear and sorrow experienced.
Once on the other side of the portal and standing with the
Abyss, the character wielding the dragonlance must hold if
aloft like a holy symbol and attempt to turn the Dark
Queen. For as long as the character is there, Takhisis can
not move past to the portal. She must destroy the blockage.

Each turn, as an action, the character must test their

Wisdom against that of Takhisis, each creature rolling and
adding their Wisdom modifier. A character has advantage
to their roll if they are wearing Miceram.

If the character is successful, Takhisis is unable to move or

attack this round, however if Takhisis is successful she will
use one of her five heads to attack with a breathe weapon,
and will continue doing so until the way through the portal
is clear.

Throughout this act, the divine energy pouring through he

character and the dragonlance are doing the work of sealing
the portal. The character need only endure and hold
Takhisis back for five rounds, after which the portal will be
closed completely, and Takhisis will be prevented from
returning to Krynn.

Proceed to The Dark Queen Defeated.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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This ending is possible if the party reach the Council channeling the spirit of Huma.
Chamber of the Dark Queen’s Temple with Waylorn
Wyvernsbane amongst them before Takhisis successfully ▪ “I’ll give you one chance to surrender and go back to
enters the portal into Krynn. where came from.”

Having discovered the sleeping form of Waylorn As he speaks shimmering armour seems to manifest around
Wyvernsbane, the party can discover that he is a hero of him, appearing more and more like the ancient Huma of
legend comparable to the great Huma who defeat Takhisis legend.
during the Third Dragon War, and that he may hold the
power to hold Takhisis at bay and prevent her from moving The fight continues for another round, and at initiative step
through her portal into the physical world. 0 Takhisis speaks one final time.

In this ending, Waylorn turns out to be either Huma ▪ “You will fail this time Huma. My power has grown too
reborn, or the fated predecessor to the ancient knight, great. This temple is my home. Paladine is not here to
chosen by the gods to play the role Huma played once save you.”
before. Whether he now contains the soul or essence, or
merely playing the role of Huma, he now stands as a hero of The fight goes on for another round. Waylorn nods his
legend through whom the gods of Good work their power. head in agreement and speaks again at initiative step 0.
▪ “This I know. Paladine is not in this unholy place, but I
For this goal to be accomplished, Waylorn must reach the am. And I am bearing his gift. I am his hand. You are
Council Chamber and stand before the portal into the abyss attempting to return to Krynn and I will not allow that to
when it opens, and must also be wielding a dragonlance. happen.”
Then he must step through to confront the Dark queen in
her own realm, blocking the path into Krynn with his own With this statement Waylorn holds his dragonlance high,
power. aiming it squarely at the Dark Queen’s breast. He readies,
preparing to charge. It seems that this is the moment of
The party will have to fight their way through an assembly of action.
Draconians and Highlords all eagerly awaiting the arrival of
their queen to get Waylorn to the opening. The forces of the Dragonarmies have this fourth and final
chance to pull Waylorn through the portal and clear the way
Once there Waylorn stands confident and boldly steps for Takhisis as at initiative step 0 on this fourth round since
through the portal without hesitation, willing to make the Waylorn stepped through the portal he will charge towards
sacrifice if it means preserving life and love all over the the Dark Queen, piercing her hide with the shining lance.
world. He stands proudly, seeming small against the massive Waylorn and the dragonlance crash into her body, causing
five-headed goddess who now approaches, but he shines her to scream out in agony. Such is the force of her cry that
with a radiance that draws the eye and makes him the centre the portal shimmers and then dissipates into mist.
of attention for anyone who gazes through the portal. Go to The Dark Queen Defeated .
The voice of Takhisis booms across the abyss and can be
heard in the Council Chamber, mocking Waylorn’s WAYLORN FAILS
foolishness. If at any time after Waylorn enters the portal an enemy is
able to reach it, then they will use their next action to grab
▪ “Is that Huma once again?” hold of the druid and pull him back through to the material
▪ “Welcome to the abyss. Paladine can not protect you plane. Here there is no great radiance or divine armour
here. You re mine.” protecting Waylorn, nor any sign of the visage of the great
▪ “Little worm, were you not supposed to die centuries Huma. There is only Waylorn the man, and now nothing
ago?” standing between Takhisis and the portal.
▪ “You could not even defeat one who loved you, what Go to The Dark Queen Triumphant .
hope have you against the dark queen of queens?” ______________________________________________

With this the battle in the Council Chamber continues, the

forces of the Highlords trying to reach the portal in order to
drag the party away from it and Waylorn back through to
this side so that Takhisis can get through.

At initiative step 0 in the round after Takhisis has spoken,

Waylorn responds in a stern and confident voice Waylorn,

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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There is a sudden silence and for a moment everything is Council Chamber can see that ceiling high above them is
still, like time has stopped and history takes a breathe falling inwards, each character having a 20% chance of being
before the silence is broken by a female voice screaming in struck by falling masonry and debris. Characters at risk are
rage, her voice beating into the mind’s of everyone in the able to make a DC18 Dexterity save for half damage,
Dark Queen’s Temple. otherwise taking the full 6d6 bludgeoning damage.
Each time a character is struck, there is a 20% chance that
▪ “I have been betrayed!” the masonry falling on them is large enough to pin them
down, causing the creature to be restrained. This can only
All assembled can feel the purest hate, fear and anger seep be lifted off of them with a successful DC28 Strength check.
into the temple from the Abyss, causing great pain and
threatening to split skulls. At the end of the third round after the temple starts to
Darkness flows from the portal into the Abyss and fills the collapse, DQT7: Council Chamber will completely fall
council chamber, quenching every light and plunging the apart, every creature within automatically being covered in
entire hall into total darkness, the fury and pain of the Dark large, pinning pieces of stone. If the party do not get out
Queen washing over everything. Many who were assembled before then, they will find themselves completely trapped.
scream in pain at the sensation, including both Draconians
and pilgrims. Outside of DQT7: Council Chamber, the party faces the
same risk of falling stone as in earlier rounds, but now have
Mere heartbeats later though the darkness suddenly recedes seven further rounds until the rest of the temple’s rooms
as though drawn by a vacuum back into the portal before also collapse.
the opening collapses in on itself, shrinking and folding in
before disappearing in a small flash of white light. Outside, the city of Neraka is slowly shaking and soon starts
to collapse along with the temple. At the start of the
The screams in the council chamber stop, and a hush falls eleventh round after the defeat of Takhisis, the city also
of the chamber. Takhisis has been prevented from entering starts to collapse. Any creature inside or within 5ft of a
the material plane. The queen of darkness has been building has the same 20% of being struck by falling
defeated. masonry.
______________________________________________ At the end of the fifteenth round, five rounds after the city
starts to shake, a loud, inhuman scream blasts out, followed
Any Dragonarmy troops and officers still in the hall scatter by a great crack that resounds through the mountains, and
at the defeat of their dark majesty, fleeing the temple. the temple explodes with volcanic force. A bright light like a
birthing son flashes and then a fireball erupts from within
Any surviving Highlords however will be furious at this turn the temple. Fragments fly through the air, landing
of events, and will want to exact revenge on those throughout the city, mountains and plains.
responsible. Creatures still inside are killed automatically, whilst
They will turn on the party now and fight to kill, all of their characters in the city are struck by rock as the entire city
greater plans having been thwarted and now they have collapses, taking 20d6 bludgeoning damage each.
thoughts only of killing. They will not have long to fight ______________________________________________
however, as three rounds after the closing of the portal the
structure of the temple itself will begin to fall apart. What follows is a period of peace. The Dragonarmies
______________________________________________ scatter, unsure of their future or even who now leads them,
splitting into disparate factions.
With one of the gems missing from the Foundation Stone, This confusion allows ample time for enemies of the
the Temple of Takhisis grew in a misshapen and distorted Dragon Empire to evade their watch and to rally for
form held together only by the power of the Dark Queen. counterattacks that drive the Dragonarmies from their
With her sealed away again, there is nothing maintaining conquered lands.
the deformed temple, and so the walls begin to groan and
shake. Every floors trembles, and massive cracks and Storm clouds that covered the local skies dissipate, and with
fissures start to form across every surface. night the world can see that the constellations of the Dark
Queen and the Valiant Warrior have returned to the
Everyone present recognizes that unless they can escape heavens. Both Takhisis and Paladine have withdrawn to
quickly, they will be trapped within when the temple their celestial abodes once again, and the War of the Lance
collapses entirely. Surviving Highlords will try to escape has ended.
immediately, leaving the fight to be won another day and
swearing vengeance on any member of the party still active. With the next dawn the sun rises to a new age of hope in
Ansalon. Metallic dragons take to the skies to drive away
Columns and ceiling start to fall first, the tower crumbling their chromatic cousins, the Knighthood working on the
and falling inwards. Straight away creatures inside DQT7: ground to push the Highlords back to their most deeply

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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entrenched territories, eventually resulting in an uneasy
truce that brings a temporary peace to Ansalon at last.

After the destruction of the Dark Queen’s Temple the party

are quickly able to find their way to friendly lands, the forces
of good on constant lookout for the heroes who saved their

They return to civilized lands hailed as heroes and

celebrated as champions of both the people and the gods of
good. The lords of the land present them with the highest
honours they have, and treasures beyond measure are gifted
to them from across the continent.
In the months after word starts to spread of clerics emerging
all over. Every people of Ansalon begin to find new
awakening of faith and blessings of the gods coming, and
with this new wave of faith comes the buildings of new
temples and the restorations of the old.

For a time, life is good, and the Age of Despair is truly

considered over, the gods guiding the people back to a path
of hope.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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There is a sudden silence and for a moment everything is The forces of good are forced into surrender or death, the
still, like time has stopped and history takes a breathe. The metallic dragons exiled from Dragonarmy lands and any
temperature in DQT7: Council Chamber drops suddenly, cleric of the gods of good put to death in brutal, public
every breathe raising vapor into the air as the lights start to displays that burn into the hearts and minds of the people
go out one by one and the room plunges into darkness. for generations to come.
Every servant of good in the chamber feels a chill creep
down their spines, and the sudden realization that they have The world now belongs to Takhisis and the darkness.
failed dawns of them. ______________________________________________

Slowly, tendrils of purest darkness push their way through

the portal and enter the material world, taking solid form as
they write about, becoming thee physical manifestation of
the five head-dragon. Takhisis has entered the world.

At this point, there is one final chance for a party – to

actively battle Takhisis herself now that she has entered the
world. This battle would be titanic, shaking the very
foundations of the temple and likely being a suicide mission
given that the council chamber more than likely still has a
large number of Dark Pilgrims, Dragonarmy officers and
Highlord within it.

Creatures: Takhisis (Dragon Avatar)

(Deadly) 155,000xp

If the party can fight and defeat Takhisis here though, they
may yet be able to pull off a miracle and destroy her
physical form, sending her spirit back into the Abyss where
it must spend time recovering before she can try again. In
this case go to Dark Queen’s Defeat.

If the party are forced to flee however, or defeated by the

Dark Queen, then all hope is truly lost, and the
Dragonarmies will march unimpeded now that they have
their queen leading them in person, for none can stand
before the full might of the dark majesty Takhisis.

Having fully manifested, Takhisis orders her armies to first

search out and kill all intruders in her temple and city, and
then to gather for a final devastating assault across Ansalon,
and then the rest of Krynn.

The universal balance has finally been completed upended,

and evil spreads across the land, and the newly remotivated
Dragonarmies fight with greater fervor than ever before.

Merely being in her presence empowers the officers of the

Dragon Army, and by her word the Highlords are ascended
to beings of vast power and authority, dividing the lands
between themselves as one by one the great peoples of the
world fall.

With her five most powerful draconic consorts at her side,

Takhisis leads her dragons in the utter destruction of the
High Clerist’s Tower and Palanthas, before turning their
attentions to the razing of the Dragon Isles.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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Old Enemies – If the party have encountered other high ranking members of the Dragonarmies and left them alive, there is
a good chance that Sanction – as the capital of the empire – could be where they next meet. Here the red Highlord
Verminaard might be begging for mercy for his failures as Lord Craven endless torture him, the Blue Lady might be
mustering more troops ready for a fresh offensive, or Lord Toede might be making his case to be promoted once again if
the title of Highlord has recently become available.

Fallen Emperor – A visit to Sanction may very well be a party’s first encounter with Emperor Ariakas, but at this stage he is
more than likely going to be a far more powerful opponent than the party. That said, there is always a chance that by some
clever ploy the party are able to incapacitate and then kill Emperor Ariakas at this early stage of the war, leaving the title of
Emperor open to whichever of the Highlords is able to claim it.

If this does happen, the first in line to seize power (after a short and possibly bloody argument) will be the Blue Lady,
Highlord of the blue wing.
After her, the new Emperor could be almost anyone, but it should ideally be someone the party have had some contact or
heard some news of so that it remains someone the party wants to track down and defeat later in the story. If he is still alive,
Verminaard would be the ideal second choice.

Under no circumstances should Toede the hobgoblin become Emperor. There are limits even to Dark Queen’s patience.

Any Dragon In Ansalon – The Revered Ancient One of the Shadowpeople has the ability to teleport the party anywhere in
Ansalon, including to the Dragon Isles. To make the adventure more interesting however, that power could be limited so
that it does not reach the Dragon Isles.

Instead, the Revered Ancient One could only be able to send the party somewhere on the mainland, so it instead sends
them to one of the few metallic dragons still in Ansalon. This could include Clarion the Dragon’s Den in Karthay, Blaze in
Skullcap, or any other metallic dragon the party may or may not have met.


Gathering the Elders – Once a party reaches the Dragon Isles and attempts to gather the dragons for a council, the
adventure can be extended by having each clan demand a service or trial be passed before their elder attends the meeting.

Traveling around the Dragon Isles, the party might be asked to complete a series of puzzles, find hidden relics, or pass
through dangerous dungeons and gauntlets that test the key principles that each clan holds to – good conversation or
magical relics (riddles) for brass, strength and loyalty for bronze, wit and humour for copper, nobility and goodness for gold,
honour and nobility for silver.

Blaize Comes Home – For hundreds of years the young brass dragon Blaize has been trapped in a temporal stasis field,
unaware that time was passing or even that the tower of Zhaman Keep was collapsing around him.

The party are first able to encounter Blaize when they pass by Skullcap, shortly after escaping Pax Tharkas, and upon his
escape Blaize is very interested to know what is going on in the world. He has no knowledge of the oath of neutrality, but
upon learning of it will want to know more as soon as possible.

Blaize will very likely fly to the Dragon Isles as soon as he can to find out what his kind have not entered the war on the side
of good, providing the party with a very early opportunity to meet the metallics themselves.
By this time in the story the party will be unlikely to have any proof to bring the metallics into the war, but with Blaize’s help
they an learn about the oath and work become aware of an opportunity to return to Ansalon and search for something they
can bring back to the council.


First Arrival – As the party first earn the assistance of the metallic dragons, it is highly likely that the dragon flights from the
Dragonarmies will be unaware that their ancient enemy is coming to join the fight.
Their first assault then is likely to be an effective ambush.

As a flight of dragons approaches a stronghold of the forces of good, the metallics (with the party rising on their backs)
descends through cloud cover over the northern sea and catches the chromatics in the flank.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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With the element of surprise, the party can strike hard before spreading further over Ansalon to weaken Dragonarmy

Long Distance – Having the help of dragons as steeds, a party will have a much longer and faster range of movement across
Ansalon. This will allow them to visit previously explored locations, recover objects they previously had to leave behind, or
deal with threats they had to leave behind.

This means they could engage in battles across the span of the continent, from the seas above Istar (where a fall could result
in landing in the maelstrom, and perhaps into the sunken city) to the storm-swept wastes of Icereach.
Scouting may also bring them close to Neraka, the heavy defences a sign that it is a fortified position.

Into The Maelstrom – Riding dragons through the skies of Ansalon presents a unique opportunity that before may have
been too dangerous – an investigation into the Maelstrom at the heart of the Blood Sea. Where a ship could easily be
destroyed by the tidal forces in that region (or the monsters, or pirates) a dragon could fly directly into the heart and take a
party right into the ruins of ancient Istar.

Befriending a bronze dragon who makes its lair along a coast would be an ideal opportunity to discover or suggest making
this journey. Clarion, who resides in The Dragon’s Den, could be a candidate for this friendship, especially if the party
explore this bronze dragon’s ;air in search of Berem.

Draconic Homeland – Far to the north of Ansalon lies the islands the metallic dragons have called home for centuries –
The Dragon Isles. With their new allies, a party might travel there to seek new treasures that will aid in their fight.
Perhaps there is a temple on which they can find the dragonlance of Huma himself, or perhaps the party might go to
convince a group of dragons who have chosen to stay out of the fight.

The Dragon isles could also act as a place of refuge should the party’s efforts be in vain. If Takhisis emerges fully into the
world and Ansalon is lost, the Dragon Isles could be somewhere the party and their metallic dragon allies (and perhaps
ships full of refugees) flee to make a last stand.

Adlatum and Taladas – Draconic steeds offers a party an opportunity they may not have had thought of before – fast
transport through the skies to the other two continents of Krynn, Adlatum in the northwest, or Taladas in the northeast.
These could be final refuges to which the party and other refugees flee if Ansalon is totally lost, or if the war enters
stalemate the party might be tempted to travel here seeking new adventures, allies to bring back to Ansalon, or lost relics
that could turn the tide of the war at last.

Perhaps, if seeking information on the Cataclysm, the party can travel to find out how it effected the other lands, or
characters could be divinely inspired to bring word of the god’s return to the rest of the world and reignite the ancient

Verminaard At Home – If Verminaard survived his early encounters with the party in Abanasinia, or if these encounters
never happened, then following his conquest of the southern lands he will return home to Castle Nidus and take that as his
seat of power. Though he will still often leave to lead attacks around Ansalon, a party making their way to Neraka may find
Verminaard in his ancestral home.

The Shifting Entrance – Depending on the path the party have been taking, they may find themselves nowhere near the
intended site of the entrance to the Glitterpalace, or it may be interesting to give them more a challenge in finding it.

The entrance to the Glitterpalace can instead move constantly, appearing all over Krynn, and require the casting of a ritual
spell to locate it. The ritual can be learned from any of the wisest or oldest people in Ansalon, including from the Library of
Astinus. It can be as simple as another other Locate spell allowing any caster to find the portal, or could be more
complicated and require multiple Clerics – one for each of the good gods. This option provides a greater challenge seeing
as how there are no Clerics anymore, but it does provide an opportunity for the party to revisit characters from their earlier
travels for those worthy of becoming a new generation of cleric.

Choose Your Fate – The nature of the Glitterpalace and the adventure encountered here dictates a final course of action
and a final encounter for the party in their campaign to defeat Takhisis. Fate is decided with the draw of a card. An option

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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to retain player agency and to give the party the choice of action is to allow - or narrate – that one card of each suit is drawn
creating six portals in The Nexus Chamber, two for each test based on their suit. In the end, the party will need to choose
one of the portals to face a final test (see The Fourth Test). By this way, the players are able to choose their final destiny
rather than having it chosen for them by a deck of cards.

You can also run the scenario as normal, but give the option of six portals after the three tests are complete.

The Fourth Test – As an alternative to finding a second gem within one of the tests, a party can work their way through the
three tests before finding themselves in The Nexus Chamber with no other path, and a gem missing. At this point, they may
reason that they need to draw a fourth card (even though there are no further suits to draw).

This card acts like the other cards drawn, whizzing around the round until it stops against the wall creating a fourth portal.
This one card draw determines the Fate Number, and gives the party their clue as to how to defeat Takhisis by leading into
one of the alternative scenes given in each test.

Waylorn’s Path – Waylorn Wyvernsbane has long slept in a magical state of stasis in the Tower of Shalost in Silvanesti. If
the party have not found him here yet, they can discover his location from any Silvanesti elf who will know the legend, and
wake him there.

If he has been found already, he will have left the tower. Witnesses may have seen him going north, some claiming to have
spoken to him and been told that he was looking for dragons to kill. The dragon Malystryx may be a prime target.
Waylorn’s eye will be on the lands around Kendermore, and word may spread there of a dragon slayer, some even
whispering the name of the long-believed-dead Waylorn Wyvernsbane.

Berem in the Maelstrom – If Berem has already been encountered by the party, it is possible that they know something of
his story. They may also know where they saw him last, or where he is currently hiding.

If they have not met with Berem the Everman yet, then they will need to follow his path and find his current whereabouts.
Investigations will find that he escaped Pax Tharkas, most likely at the same time that the party did. From there he travelled
in secret to the east and hid in Flotsam, where he found refuge as the helmsman of a ship called the Perechon.
This could be where the party find him, still serving there and keeping his true identity secret.

Alternatively, his misadventures may have led him onto a ship that was pursued by dragons, possibly on the orders of a
Highlord who discovered Berem’s true identity. Trying to escape, Berem ended up shipwrecked, and drowned in the
Blood Sea Maelstrom. He still lives, but is trapped in the Ruins of Istar.


Changing Faces – It is very possible that over the course of their adventure in Ansalon a party will have encountered some
of the Dragon Highlords and perhaps even dispatched them before they had a chance to take part in these final Councils of
the Highlords and to greet the Dark Queen.

The Companions of the novels slew the elven Highlord Feal-Thas long beforehand, and reportedly the recently promoted
Highlord Toede had just recently fallen in battle in Kendermore of all places.

As such the names and faces of the Highlords may have changed from those given here, leadership of the Dragonarmies
passing to other notable characters or officers.

It is better when this happens that the characters who are promoted be somewhat familiar to the party so that there is both a
sense of continuity and to give the new Highlords a link into the existing narrative. This won’t always be possible, but it’s a
good touch if you can. Remember also that there is precedent for officers to move between Dragonarmies – Toede was a
servant and Fewmaster amongst the red Dragonarmy before being promoted to Highlord of the white.

Finally, in scenes where the Highlords are in conversation or are arrayed against the party, priority should be given to those
Highlords most familiar to the party, ideally those the party have faced off against but who have escaped, or those Highlords
whose names have been most heard and the party has most reason to want to find.

Highlord Infighting – The Highlords, though united in service to Takhisis, also have their own internal politics and
squabbling that can hinder them. Rank and prestige is highly important to the Highlords as it is throughout the
Dragonarmies, so being able to score points over their rivals for the attentions of the Dark Queen is on top of all of their

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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Most prominent will be Kitiara Uth Matar at this point in history, her thirst for power reaching levels where she is ready to
strike and claim the lordship of the Dragon Empire for herself. She has searched near and far for the best gifts for the Dark
Queen and the best warriors to aid in her coup, and plans to topple Ariakas just before Takhisis arrives so that she can be
the one to greet the god into Ansalon.

Ariakan Ariakas – A figure who does not come up in the Chronicles trilogy but who plays a larger role later in the
Dragonlance saga is Ariakan Ariakas, the son of the Emperor and the dark goddess Zeboim.
In his early twenties and considered a bold, courageous yet hot-headed warrior, Ariakan is in the Dark Queen’s Temple at
the time of Councils of the Highlords, and if a position is available would be an ideal choice to stand in – even temporarily –
as a Highlord. Ariakan would be the one person Emperor Ariakas would care to act in the defence of, and might make
valuable mistakes if his son were threatened.

Arriving Too Late – With full knowledge that the dark rituals are approaching and that Takhisis is coming into the world,
there is a very good chance that a party might be delayed or choose a detour that takes them much longer than they
expected, and they arrive in Neraka after the arrival of Takhisis.

If this is the case, the city has erupted into 30 days of festival and celebration – Draconians drinking in the streets and blood
sports being performed daily in the arena.

The party will have to contend with this as normal, except that the streets will be far more chaotic, filled with far more
Draconians, and at the heart of the city they will have to battle an actual physical goddess with the power to destroy them all.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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Look out for more titles in this series,
updating all old Dragonlance material for
5e, including:

• settings guides for every location in

Ansalon and beyond,
• updates of all old modules for 5e,
• a catalogue of every magic item
described in old material
• and a bestiary of creatures and
characters who appear in those classic

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: Taman Busak and Neraka by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only

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