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©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800
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2 Playing the War of the Lance 27 8. Occupied Haven

4 Autumn, Winter and Spring 28 9. Slave Caravan

5 Events Before The Adventure 30 10. Qualinesti

7 Red Dragon Composition 36 11. Road to Pax Tharkas

8 Original Timeline 38 12. Pax Tharkas

9 1. Solace 48 13. Tharkadan Mountains

12 2. Attack on Solace 57 14. Thorbardin Northgate

13 3. Abanasinian Plains 61 15. Thorbardin

17 4. Darken Wood 67 16. King Duncan’s Tomb

19 5. Haven 71 17. Thorbardin Southgate

21 6. Xak Tsaroth 78 Narrative Options

24 7. Occupied Solace


Written by Stephen Bull

Original Art and Maps by Stephen Bull
Additional Art and Maps courtesy of DM’s Guild

Based on the Dragonlance setting for Dungeons and

Dragons, updated for Fifth Edition.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
The WAR OF THE LANCE is a major war between the The gods eventually decided that the Kingpriest had gone
forces of good and evil, mortals and dragons fighting for the too far, and that his ambition was too wild and would lead
gods – the good returning to the world after a long absence the world to ruin. They sent warnings to the Kingpriest and
and the evil trying to conquer it once again. the people of Krynn to stop their current actions, but the
The setting is the continent of ANSALON, on the world of Kingpriest refused to comply. He shouted to the gods of
KRYNN. Light that they had failed to defeat the gods of Darkness,
The world's major gods are the High God and his children: and so he was taking on the fight himself. He began making
good Paladine, neutral Gilean, and evil Takhisis, opposed demands of the gods, commanding them to support him
by Chaos, who seeks to destroy Krynn. Evil chromatic and and grant him gifts to fight the evil gods.
the good metallic dragons are things of legend, and tied to When the warnings of the gods were ignored, the entire
the gods as their incarnations, agents in the world and tools pantheon at last chose to act, infuriated by this act of hubris.
of warfare. They withdrew their power from the world, and sent a
Humans are Krynn's most common humanoid race, but flaming mountain from the sky to destroy Istar entirely, the
Elves, Dwarves, Kender, Gnomes, and Minotaurs occupy impact breaking many areas of the world.
the world as well. Clerics derive magical powers from their
gods, and wizards derive their power from the three goods Divine magic was lost as the gods no longer granted their
who also represent the world’s three moons. blessing, but Wizards and Sorcerers retained their powers.
Some say this was an act of atonement from the gods for
At this point in history, it has been three hundred years ignoring the persecution of the mages for so long.
since the Cataclysm obliterated the great empire of Istar and
changes the entire surface of Krynn. The Age of Despair THE AGE OF DESPAIR
followed, during which the gods were entirely absent, having The fallout from the Cataclysm lasted centuries. The land
left behind the world they felt had abandoned and shunned was broken, plague and famine became common, and
them. The disrespect of the Kingpriest went on, ignoring lawlessness ran rampant. New religions founded by
the thirteen warnings sent, convinced by his own hubris that charlatans rose and took over the major nations, and war
only he – a mortal – could defeat evil. became commonplace as people moved about searching for
The gods sent a “fiery mountain” to completely destroy Istar food and shelter. Every group of people about Krynn
and the Kingpriest, the impact shattering other areas of breaks and splinters into new groups, founding new
Ansalon, drowning some areas and raising new mountains. settlements away from their cousins.
Following that, contact with the gods was cut off entirely.
This is the current age, in which old brotherhoods and
THE CATACLYSM friendships are broken, and the true gods are absent from
In the early ages the gods were keen to involve themselves the world.
in the mortal world, offering blessings and boons in Into this world Takhisis comes again to conquer.
exchange for prayer and faith. _______________________________________________
Then came the rise of the Holy Empire of Istar. The
Kingpriest, devoted to the gods of Light, decided that all
arcane spellcasters were evil and a danger to the entire
world. He sought first to limit them, believing to have the
blessing of the gods of Light, and the protests of the gods of
magic fell on deaf ears.
Eventually the Kingpriest destroyed the Tower of High
Sorcery at Daltigoth, and demanded that the Wizards
abandon the towers of Palanthas and Istar.
The black robed Wizards wanted war, the whites
understanding but feeling that though they may win battles,
they likely would not win a war. Most of the population
supported the Kingpriest through religious fervor, and any
victory for the orders would come at the expense on many

The Conclave eventually decided to surrender the towers, _______________________________________________

removing their books and artifacts to their last outpost at
Wayreth, and the gods of magic were incensed that their RACE AND CLASS RESTRICTIONS
followers were being treated this way. They went before the The War of the Lance is a pivotal moment in the history of
pantheon to urge action against the Kingpriest, their rage Krynn, as it marks the return of the true gods – though
shaking the heavens when the Kingpriest took residence in whether this is for good or ill is down to the actions taken by
the Tower of Istar. the heroes of the age.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
When setting up characters for this adventure, a few notable
restrictions should be taken into account – partly because
some races simply do not exist in the lore of Krynn (though THE ORIGINAL COMPANIONS
you are free to add them) but also because some races and A question that may be asked, given that this
class archetypes themselves have important roles to play in adventure is heavily based on a series of novels, is
the story as originally written. what becomes of the original characters from
Though a DM should feel free to make what alterations those novels? Are they involved in some way, or
they wish, a few important rules should be adhered to when absent? A few options are available:
preparing new characters for this adventure:
• Lizardmen and Dragonborn should be prohibited as There is no reason why a group of players could
playable races. In Krynn there are no such creatures, but not play as the actual Companions themselves.
servants of the dark goddess Takhisis will create them in This means taking on the specific personality
the form of her Draconians to serve as the core of their traits and abilities of the original characters and
army. Their arrival in Krynn is new, and part of a greater limiting freedom in character creation, but it
mystery that unfolds over the course of the adventure. resolves the question in the neatest way.
• Kyrie (Aaracokra), Dargonesti (Sea Elves) and
Phaethons (Aasimar) are very rare and reclusive peoples THE COMPANIONS ARE IN THE BACKGROUND
in Ansalon, and should be played only with a good The characters can still be part of the story, but
reason why they would walk the lands of other peoples. act as background characters rather than the leads
in their own narrative. The player characters
• No magic or magic-like special abilities can be used to instead step into the role of protagonists, with the
heal (including a Paladine’s Healing Hands). For three Companion’s individual stories serving as
hundred years the gods have been absent, and healing additional material for side quests and world
magic has come only from them. Bringing the gods back exploration.
and returning healing magic is a miracle to the people of In this version of events, the Companions can
Krynn, and an event the party should have an active either be allies who travel with the party, or can be
hand in causing. scattered across Ansalon as quest-givers or sources
• Levels can not be taken in the Cleric class for the same of exposition.
reason as above, as there are no gods to grant them their
powers. Only after the true gods properly return during THE COMPANIONS ARE ABSENT
gameplay can levels be taken in Cleric again. The simple solution is merely not to mention the
_______________________________________________ Companions at all. Have them absent as though
they never existed, and allow the players to take
PLAYING THE ADVENTURE on the story with fresh characters. This of course
Details on locations, what can be found there and how to creatures an alternate history to the one given in
get around can be found in the other Aesthetics Guides the novels, but still allows the party to play the
guidebooks. This module focuses purely on the story adventure unrestricted by canon.
elements that make up the War of the Lance.
The story elements given here are presented in the order RAISTLIN’S GAMBIT
they were originally given – both in the Dragonlance novels Author’s Note: This is the version I opted for
and older modules for previous editions of the game. when I ran this adventure for the first time, thus
beginning the project to create these guidebooks
As a party progresses through the story, there is a good for the War of the Lance. In this sequence of
chance that they will want to do things in different orders, events, it was assumed that all of the events of the
skip sections entirely, or go off in entirely other directions to novels took place, except that in the final
follow new leads into a variety of side quests or goose moments the Companions failed and Takhisis
chases. The Aesthetics Guides try where possible to present prevailed.
the setting and adventure in an open-world way so that a Raistlin Majere, having accessed the Tower of
player party have the freedom to chose their own path, so High Sorcery in Palanthas, therefore did the
the DM should not feel restricted to follow the exact order unspeakable and reversed time, removing his
of adventures and story elements given here. They should allies from history so that a new band of heroes
rather feel free to mix and match, reorder and improvise could attempt to win the war.
whatever they think is necessary to make the game as By doing this, Raistlin became a useful NPC who
enjoyable as possible for everyone. could tell the party what was going on, and where
they needed to go in order to start their
STARTING LEVEL adventure. He would lend no direct help, but
The Aesthetics Guides start the player party off at level four, when my party was lost Raistlin could reappear to
assuming that they have had some previous adventures of exposit, give important historical information on a
their own, and are now reconvening during one of person or location, and otherwise fill in what the
Ansalon’s darkest hours. party’s characters “should” know themselves.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
The core adventure is divided into three parts as the original novels were, and as the narrative of the war itself is.
These parts begin in the Autumn of the year 351AC (After Cataclysm, Ansalon’s current calander) continue in
Winter, and then conclude in Spring.

These adventure modules are designed to work in conjunction with the other Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon books –
those books giving all of the information for a location whilst this one adds only the narrative information and
important changes for the War of the Lance.

Whilst later volumes give the player party a lot more freedom to explore Ansalon and pursue multiple narrative
paths, Autumn follows a straighter line putting the party on a specific narrative that introduces them both to the
world and to the unfolding events of the war from a position of otherwise ignorance.
There is some freedom in how directly the party choose to address some story elements, and others may be skipped
entirely if the party wish to push forward and avoid some of the wider politics and personal issues going on around
the region.




The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
In preparing for the War of the lance, a few prior events are and White wings. The White wing also conquers
important to know, as they lay out where the greatest danger Goodlund, Khur and Balifor, bringing the Black
in Krynn is, where the party themselves are, and what wing to reinforce the region when it moves on.
danger has come directly to them. The Green wing moves in Khur, and sends a
_______________________________________________ splinter group south to Silvanesti.

A PARTY FORMS AND DISPERSES 350AC The White wing’s command forces take Icewall,
An optional introduction to the adventure is to form the whilst the Black wing takes Blöde. The Green
party the same way the original Companions were – as an wing’s northern forces subsequently conquer Kern
early adventuring group who had a few short adventures whilst it’s southern forces position themselves near
before breaking up again in order the search the continent Silvanesti as a magical barrier rises to block the
for something they all truly wanted – evidence that the true borders of the Elven realm.
gods were not truly and entirely gone.
351AC The Red wing moves quickly along the southern
If the DM and party wish to use this option, they can coast of Estwilde and Lemish before turning south
assemble their party as level one characters, and they devise to cross the sea and take Abanasinia. The Blue
together a few short adventures. If there is such an wing crosses the Dargaard Mountains and begins
adventure based in Ansalon that does not take place during the first attack on Solamnia. The White wing
the War of the Lance, it could be played to firm up the meanwhile establishes their case at Icewall Castle
relationships between the party. and sends troops west to Southern Ergoth.
If possible, this formation and subsequent adventure should
take place in Abanasinia, close to the town of Solace. Solace In Autumn of 351AC, events of the War of the Lance
itself should be strongly suggested as a base of operations adventure begin.
that the party collectively come to like, thus making it the _______________________________________________
best place for them to later gather again.
Following this, the party would split up for a period of time. Much of that is to come is predicated on one item of great
For the Companions this would be five years, but any power, the first piece of proof that the power of the true
suitable length for individuals to explore the continent gods of good still remains in Krynn – a staff of blue crystal
would be enough. Each character could then advance to bless and empower by Mishakal, goddess of healing.
level four during their time away, and at the end have made
discoveries of their own. Across Ansalon the characters can As some point before the party assembles in Solace, the
discover current news of armies and political intrigue, staff should be discovered – either by a member of the party
individually learn the geography of the continent, and return or by an NPC who is then likely to become a permanent
to reunite with their allies just as they are starting to hear companion for the rest of the party’s campaign. Whoever
rumours of a new power rising – one that has dragons on the chosen characters is should be someone who is going to
their side. want to be a Cleric at some point, as being chosen by
_______________________________________________ Mishakal marks them as a key figure in returning good
magic to the world.
As the party move to reunite, they may hear rumours of a How the staff is found can be extremely variable, but it will
new empire being created, and their armies moving across be certain that in the years prior to the war the staff will be
Ansalon. hidden in the ruins of Xak Tsaroth. There it is found and
These are the Dragonarmies – the servants of Takhisis guarded by the dragon Khisanth, until one day it simply
under the command of Emperor Ariakas and his loyal disappears, much to the dragon’s fury.
Dragon Highlords. Given here are their earliest movements After that time, the staff could be found anywhere. It is safe
and conquests, laying the ground for the world the party will to assume that if the good gods want the staff found by a
find themselves in. These events take place over three years, particular person then they can secretly spirit it away and
but news travels slowly in the politically fragmented leave it anywhere in Ansalon. Once a character has it
Ansalon. though, it should be made clear that being caught with the
staff will be extremely dangerous for them. Strange new
348AC The Dragonarmies march from Sanction in creatures will be sent out hunting for it, and a bounty entices
Taman Busak. The Red and Green wins sweep adventurers and bandits all over the region to start hunting
through Nordmaar quickly, whilst the Blue wing for whoever has it.
moves into the New Sea and takes Schallsea.
That the staff has magical properties will be readily
349AC The Red wing is defeated during it’s first attempt at apparent, as too will be that the staff can be used to magical
invading Silvanesti, and is reinforced by the Blue healing, something not seen in Ansalon for three centuries

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
and likely to cause a stir by those who witness or experience main leadership role and doing everything for the players. It
it. is best then that the prophet be young, and somewhat naive
as to the ways of the wider world. They can then be a
BLUE CRYSTAL STAFF character the party can guide and escort through the greater
Attunement Required dangers of the world and protect from the approaching
Cleric or Paladin only Dragonarmies.
They are likely local, though probably outcast or able to
+1 Quarterstaff. seek help from their own people. They will however know
1/day teleport on target but the wielder has no that the staff is a blessed thing and in some way linked to the
control over its use of destination. older gods that the Seekers deny. They also know that the
1/day deflect the breath weapon of a dragon, staff allows them to do something that has not been on
creating a 10ft radius sphere of safety. Krynn in the three hundred years since the Cataclysm –
Neutral creatures take 2d6 radiant damage each perform true magical healing.
round they hold the staff, evil creatures take 4d6. _______________________________________________

Can hold 20 charges, and regains 1 charge each THE PARTY GATHERS
day. At will: spare the dying, detect poison and To begin the War of the Lance adventure, the party should
disease, assemble itself at Solace, in the Inn of the Last Home. Here
2/c: command, cure wounds, remove fear, they can find warmth and comfort before the coming storm,
6/c: continual flame, lesser restoration, remove and make the first great discoveries that will set them on
curse, their path.
8/c: mass healing word, greater restoration, The party can simply arrive here together (having no
10/c: revivify, separated) if that is the easiest path, or they can reconvene
14/c: mass cure wounds, resurrection, after a period of travelling Ansalon individually. They may
even all come to the Inn of the Last Home entirely unaware
of each other – whether by coincidence, providence of the
design of powerful beings.
In the original version of the story, the staff is Whatever has caused their gathering, it should be in the Inn
discovered when the Abanasinian tribesman of the Last Home in Solace, in the Autumn of 351AC.
Riverwind travels into Xak Tsaroth hoping to _______________________________________________
prove his worthiness to marry the chieftain’s
daughter. He returns wounded and with fractured FIRST OMEN
memories, but in his hands he holds the Blue Whether discovered during their individual travels or after
Crystal Staff. the party gathers together, the first great omen of evil, or
perhaps adventure, will be seen in the first cloudless night
Riverwind gives this staff to his love Goldmoon sky.
who finds that it allows her to heal Riverwind’s
wounds, but not his memory. High above, the constellations representing the gods of the
The tribe suspected evil influence however, as three pantheons will shine as they always have, with two
they knew of and feared Xak Tsaroth as a cursed exceptions. Two constellations will be missing – the Queen
place. They attacked Goldmoon and Riverwind of Darkness representing Takhisis, and the Valiant Warrior
and forced them out of the village. representing Paladine. Where the stars of these
constellations should be there are now patches of empty,
Desperate, the two travelled east to the developed black space.
towns, hoping to seek a wise man who could help _______________________________________________
them to discover what the staff was and where it
came from. Goldmoon had heard of such a wise
man in Haven by the name of Elistan, so
Riverwind agreed to escort her there. Along the
way however they stopped for the night in Solace
and met with the Companions, and they paths
were drastically diverted.

If the Prophet – as the staff wielder is called – is not to be a

member of the party, then it should be an NPC who can
join the party on their travels.

The wielder of the Blue Crystal Staff can be any sex, and
any race, though it best that they not be an overpowering or
too knowledgeable resource for the players. Unless they are
a player character, the Prophet should not be taking on the

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
Given below is the composition of the Red Wing of the Dragonarmy that came over the Straits of Schallsea and
invaded Abanasinia. This represents the full force that invaded the region, and might be encountered if a party track
the movements of their primary forces.


Army Commander Verminaard of Nidus, Red Dragon Highlord

Composition Two flights and ogre auxiliary


1st Flight Flight Marshal Tethys

9th Red Dragonarmy (Draconian army)
10th Red Dragonarmy (Draconian army)
11th Red Dragonarmy (goblin infantry)
12th Red Dragonarmy (goblin infantry),
1st Red Dragonwing (2 mature adult, 1 old)

2nd Flight Flight Marshal Hajj

13th Red Dragonarmy (Draconian army)
14th Red Dragonarmy (Draconian army)
15th Red Dragonarmy (goblin infantry)
2nd Red Dragonwing (2 adult, 1 old)

1st Ogre Auxiliary Chieftain Emir Spineripper

3rd Ogres [Crimson Ogres] (ogre infantry)
4th Ogres [Spineripper’s Brutes] (ogre infantry)
1st Giants (30 hill giants)


Each of the army detachments given above are divided into several Brigades, each led by a ranking officer in the
Dragonarmy. It is not uncommon to see human commanders leading Draconian and even Goblin brigades.


Draconian Army: 1st Brigade: one company of 240 Baaz infantry, two companies of 150 Baaz infantry.
2nd Brigade: two companies of 150 Kapak infantry, one company of 90 Kapak archers.
3rd Brigade: one company of 240 Baaz infantry, one company of 150 Baaz infantry, one
company of 150 Baaz archers.

Goblin Infantry: 1st Brigade: one company of 150 hobgoblin heavy infantry, two companies of 150 goblin
light infantry.
2nd Brigade: one company of 150 hobgoblin heavy infantry, one company of 100 goblin
worg cavalry, one company of 100 goblin archers.
3rd Brigade: one company of 150 hobgoblin heavy infantry, one company of 100 goblin
worg cavalry, one company of 100 goblin archers.

Ogre Infantry: 1st Brigade: two sub-commanders, three companies of 120 ogre infantry, one company
of 120 human heavy infantry, two companies of 120 human light infantry.


The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
Given here is the original sequence of event by date as the red wing of the Dragonarmies sweeps south through
Abanasinia. For the opening parts of the adventure this can serve as an effective guide for when certain areas of the
Abanasinia region become more dangerous, and when certain areas become accessible to greater adventures.

Autumn Harvest 13th The Companions of the Chronicles trilogy flee Solace after being discovered with the
Blue Crystal Staff.

Autumn Harvest 15th Plainsmen from the north of Abanasinia start moving south, telling stories of dragon-
men invading from across the Straits of Schallsea.

Autumn Harvest 17th The red Dragonarmy begins marching south. Ships bearing Draconians move down the
eastern coast towards Newports.

Autumn Harvest 18th Jakanth Vale, Sentinel Gap, Twin Peaks and Twin Flat are occupied by the

Autumn Harvest 19th Solace, Qué-Kiri and Qué-Shu occupied by Dragonarmies. Ships arrive at Newports and
take the city.

Autumn Harvest 20th Shadow Canyon, Seeker Reaches and Haven Vale occupied by Dragonarmy.

Autumn Harvest 21st Haven and Gateway occupied by Dragonarmy. Qué-Teh destroyed. Pax Tharkas is
claimed by the Dragonarmies.

Autumn Harvest 22nd The Cursed lands, Eastwall Mountains and Forsaken Pass are occupied by Dragonarmy.

Autumn Harvest 24th Lands from the Oldbridge Road to New Ports are occupied by Dragonarmy.

Autumn Twilight 1st Armies occupying northern areas march south for the invasion of Qualinesti.

Autumn Twilight 2nd The Companions rescue prisoners in Pax Tharkas and fled south into the Tharkadan
Mountains. They had a two day head-start on pursuing Dragonarmies which turned back
from their invasion of Qualinesti.

Autumn Twilight 5th Ice Passages, Canyon Trail, Fallen Forest and Southern Road occupied by Dragonarmy.

Autumn Twilight 6th The Spire, Neidar Trails, High Valley, Blackened Wood and Winterfruit Grove are
occupied by Dragonarmy.

Autumn Twilight 7th Mountain Bowls, Honey Cliffs, Road of Kith-Kanan and Eye of Elar are occupied by
Dragonarmy. Invasion of Dwarven lands begins with Lake Valley.

Autumn Twilight 8th Way of the Warrior, Trampled Plain, Valley of the Clouds, Southern Exit and northern
Snow Passage are occupied by Dragonarmy.

Autumn Twilight 9th Derkin Canyon occupied by Dragonarmy.

Autumn Twilight 10th Hills of Blood and Plains of Dergoth are occupied by Dragonarmy.

Autumn Twilight 11th Southern Bowl, Southern Moors southern Snow Passage are occupied by Dragonarmy.

Autumn Twilight 14th Dragonarmies start to move towards Thorbardin and the Valley of the Thanes.

Autumn Twilight 15th Night of the Eye. Dragonarmy attacks Northgate.

Autumn Twilight 17th Dragonarmy discovers and destroys the Hopeful Vale.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
A STRANGER COMES TO SOLACE Fizban will be in the Inn of the Last Home when the party
On the morning of the party’s arrive in Solace, long before start to gather, and may seem like an innocent part of the
the first of them arrives, Otik and Tika open their door to tavern’s decor or the town’s character.
find an unfamiliar face waiting outside – an elderly man in _______________________________________________
olive-gray robes. He has a long white beads, a large-
brimmed pointed hat, and carries a wooden staff. Aside RUMOURS OF THE BLUE CRYSTAL STAFF
from not wearing the traditional three colours of the Orders Much of the opening of the War of the Lance relates to the
of High Sorcery, he looks every bit like a stereotypical story- story of the Blue Crystal Staff, it’s discovery being the
book wizard. This is Fizban the Fabulous. catalyst for the first encounters that lead into the greater
Despite Tika still cleaning she allowed the old man to come As the party approach and being to gather in Solace, they
in and sit by the sire, and Fizban immediately took a seat will have the opportunity to hear rumours of it spreading all
and started to tell stories – first to Tika and Otik and then to over town. What they hear will vary though, depending on
the children of Solace as evening closed and they began to who they ask:
gather in the fireside’s warmth.
▪ “Now that you mention it, a Holy Guard—one of them
FIZBAN THE FABULOUS stuffed-shirt Seeker types from Haven—rode through
Lawful Good Male Human town two days ago, hassling people about some crystal
The old storyteller seems like a befuddled mage, staff or some such thing. He said that anyone who knew
telling ancient stories to children and adults alike. anything should get to Haven, posthaste, and
Fizban appears much advanced in years, but his tell...uh...Seeker High-and-mighty about it. Let me tell
exact age is extremely hard to tell. At first guess he you, Hederick seemed none to happy about that guy
could be estimated as being somewhere in his being here. Bah! Politics! Don’t get involved, that’s what
sixties or seventies physically, but he has the spirit I say.”
of someone much younger, the decayed sense of
awareness of someone much older, and a twinkle TOWNSFOLK
in his eye that shifts between the wisdom of a ▪ “Well, some folk might not like the Seekers much, but
newborn and an ancient. there’s one of them that’s not all bad. That Elistan
fellow, the High Seeker. He’s down there in Haven, on
Befuddled and often forgetful, having a the council. He’s a decent man, was kind to my family
conversation with Fizban can be difficult when we went down there last spring. Wise, too. He’ll
sometimes as he will go off on unrelated tangents. know what to do.”

▪ “Once upon a time, the great god TEENAGER

Paladine…..Paladine was one of the ancient ▪ “A staff they say? It was probably from Darken Wood. I
gods, child, no-one has worshipped him in a hear the ruins there are full of gems and steel
long time....anyway. Paladine heard a prayer of pieces...‘Course, I never heard of anyone coming out of
a very great knight, Huma. Huma became lost there alive, so who knows?”
in the forest. He wandered and wandered until
he despaired because he thought he would CHILD
never see his homeland again. He prayed to ▪ “I saw the White Stag up on Prayer’s Eye Peak just a few
Paladine for help, and then suddenly days ago! My Nana used to say that anyone who could
appeared before him a white stag!” catch the White Stag would be blessed by the old gods.
He started to shoot it, but his heart failed him. When I was little I used to believe her.”
He could not shoot an animal so magnificant. _______________________________________________
The stag bounded away. Then it stopped and
looked back at him, as if waiting. Huma began ARRIVAL OF THE PROPHET
to follow it. Day and night he followed the stag Unless the wielder of the Blue Crystal Staff is a member of
until it led him to his homeland. He offered the party, then as the party’s gathering is almost complete, a
thanks to the god Paladine.” second stranger to the area arrives. They seem lost, tired,
▪ “Paladine did not leave us. Men left him after and happy to have found a comfortable looking inn where
the dark days of the Cataclysm. They blamed they eat warm food and sleep in a comfortable bed.
the destruction of the world on the gods, They are overly paranoid though, and not very talkative.
instead of on themselves, as they should have This figure sits alone in a corner of the room trying to avoid
done. Have you ever heard the Canticle of the to much contact with others, and keeps very careful watch
Dragon?” on their pack, next to which rests a ling staff bound in cloth.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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OLD FRIENDS AND MYSTERIOUS STRANGERS will at some point frow sick of Fizban telling stories about
This is where the party’s adventure truly begins. the old gods. He denounces such as heresy and blasphemy,
Finally, after a long and tiring journey, the party arrives in which Fizban dismisses in a calm manner. If unchallenged,
Solace and soon finds their way to the (possibly familiar) Hederick will eventually storm out of the inn and Fizban
comfort Inn of the Last Home, the best place in town for will return to his stories.
warm food, fine ale and a soft bed.
▪ “Blasphemy! Heretic! Corrupting our youth! I’ll bring
Sitting high in the boughs of a vallenwood tree, worn steps you before the council, old man!”
wind around the heavy trunk up to the beautifully carved
door. Laughter and the smell of roasting meat and potatoes Fizban seems to casually dismiss these threats and carries on
drift out into the town, enticing travelers to take a rest from with his stories, much to the ire of Hederick. The Theocrat
their journey. For those who visited the inn before, it seems shouts a few last insults, but when he realizes that nobody is
a timeless and unchanging place, comfortable in its familiar paying any attention to him, he returns to his drinks.
The wooden building wraps around the living branches of If the staff-bearer is not a member of the party, then this is
the tree, its burnished glow deepening with each year that the ideal time to meet them. They will be in desperate need
passes. Delicate windows of stained glass are currently being of help and not sure what to do, so they cautiously keep to
polished by the inn’s proprietor Otik Sandath, and he turns themselves.
and waves, smiling at you as he does to all visitors who are If convinced that the party are friendly or capable of helping
welcome in his hall. them, the prophet will speak to them of dreams and
A murmur of voices fill the inn. Next to the roaring
fireplace in the hearth an old man tells ancient stories to the ▪ “I have seen visions of the six assembled. I have felt the
delight of a small crowd gathered about him. At a far table a goodness. I know that the gods are there, waiting for
man and a woman sit together and speak quietly. A small someone to call to them!”
boy stares thoughtfully into the fire a few paces away from ▪ “I have seen a city, buried and sunken. I feel that this is
the storyteller, lost in the words and the flames. where the gods wish me to go, but I do not know where
The barmaid, a beautiful young woman named Tika it is.”
Waylan, finishes delivering a tray of drinks to a group close ▪ “I thought to seek Elistan in Haven. He is a Seeker, but
to the door, and then she turns to the party with a warm I hear he is a wise and fair man.”
smile and greets them. ▪ “I fear for my life though. The road is watched, and what
I carry is being sought by many.”
The party arrive at the Inn of the last Home, and have a ▪ “It seems that everyone wants the staff.”
chance now to rest and eat good food. Here they can
reunite with old friends, meet some new ones, and hear COMPLACENCY
stories from the road including rumours of what is An inciting incident will at some be necessary to push the
happening in the wider world. party into the greater adventure of the War of the Lance,
and the staff is the cause.
PEOPLE TO MEET If the Prophet is an NPC, then when they finally feel
Otik Sandath and Tika Waylan are here working in their comfortable telling the party about it they will want to show
bar. Several other townsfolk enjoy their evening and are the staff to them. Doing so invites danger though, as across
happy to speak with travelers, whilst others are caught by the the room, Theocrat Hederick will be watching and will
captivating stories of Fizban, an old man who sits next to the catch sight of blue crystal.
High Theocrat Hederick is also in the Inn, getting drunk as If the staff bearer is a party member, then at some point in
he commonly does each evening. the evening a drunken theocrat will take an interest in the
staff they carry, whether it is covered or not. Drunk and
Despite the busy atmosphere, the Inn of the Last Home has convinced that there is a reward to be gathered, he will claw
never been a rowdy place, and seems a calm oasis amongst at the staff to prove that it is what he assumes. If he can get
all other troubles. The patrons are mostly locals, but even some of the covering aside and sees blue crystal, this will be
those who come to door feel that it is a place where violence all that he needs.
doesn’t and shouldn’t happen. Troublemakers are quickly
shown the door (though that rarely happens these days) and With certainly etched into his mind, Theocrat Hederick
any spellcasting in the inn will be met with a glare from Tika demands that the staff be handed to him, and this racing
and discomfort from patrons. Otik will then loudly declare: causes the entire inn to fall silent. Everyone either wants to
watch the Theocrat rave, or has also heard rumours of the
▪ “Hey, hey, none of that here. Take it outside, if you Blue Crystal Staff and wants to know if they are true.
please.” Hederick puts up a brave and hostile face, but at the end of
the day he knows that he is no match for a party of
A DRUNKEN THEOCRAT adventurers. He will eventually flee the inn, but his nuisance
Theocrat Hederick – a loyal and mostly devout Seeker – will not end there. Hederick heads directly for Fewmaster
getting drunk, and at some point is
The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
Toede to report that he has seen the staff, hoping to claim pursuers for a little while.
the promised reward. _______________________________________________


Getting out of Solace in the company of the staff bearer will
In the original version, a struggle with Goldmoon
not easy, as once the attention of the Hobgoblins has been
over the staff causes Hederick to fall into the inn’s
raised they will muster their full force and surround the Inn
fire. He is pulled free and Goldmoon heals him,
of the Last Home. The Blue Crystal Staff nis much more
but everyone sees the staff and Hederick repays
than a valuable curio to them – it is a prize beyond compare
the kindness by racing out to fetch Fewmaster
offering a reward far greater than mere treasure.
Hobgoblin mercenaries will come directly to the party first,
If Hederick is incapacitated, then it will be someone else and try to block every possible exit. If they find that the
who goes to Toede. Not everyone will be as trustworthy as party have fled however, or if the party have managed to
Otik and Tika, and anyone in the inn that night might fight their way out already, the Hobgoblins spread out into
decide that the reward is too good an offer to turn down. the forest to search for them. Pursuit will be relentless, as
failure in recovering the staff will result in their Captain
TOEDE COMES CALLING being punished far worse than anything any mortal can
If there is significant trouble that paints the party as a achieve.
problem, of it they are seen to ally themselves to the wielder
of the Blue Crystal Staff, the party will quickly draw Creatures: 6x Hobgoblin
attention and someone will go to fetch Fewmaster Toede [Medium] 1200xp
and the Hobgoblin mercenaries.
There will be a few minutes before the Hobgoblins arrive If the party are successful in defending themselves whilst
though, giving the party that little time to organize an fleeing, the numbers of Hobgoblins per unit should
escape. The other townspeople will likely flee the inn to increase.
avoid being caught up in a fight, and Otik will suggest a
quick retreat if the party can manage it. He wants no trouble Creatures: 8x Hobgoblin
in his inn, but also fears that he and Tika will be arrested or [Deadly] 2000xp
killed alongside the party.
If the staff bearer is an NPC, they too will want to escape
rather than fight, feeling an overwhelming urge to keep the
When the Companions fled Solace, they went
staff out of evil hands.
west towards Crystalmir Lake. Though the dwarf
Flint Fireforge objected, the party took a boat
Suddenly and without warning the party will also discover
across the lake and took shelter in a cave there
that the old storyteller Fizban is also still in the room with
while they worked out their next move.
them, and he comes right up to the staff bearer’s face,
shouting prophecy. _______________________________________________

▪ “I foresee a great and terrible destiny in your eyes! The

Blue Crystal Staff must return to Xak Tsaroth! There, a
few days hence, you shall face your greatest peril in a
contest for the greatest gift given to man.”

After these words Fizban acts like he has no idea what is

going on, shrugs his shoulders, and asks Otik for more
spiced potatoes.

If the party stay in the inn they will quickly see a lot of
Hobgoblins coming towards them from all directions.
There will be multiple patrol groups gathering around the
base of the inn’s tree and starting to climb the stairs whilst
more come over every bridge that connects to the inn.

Creatures: 6x Hobgoblin
[Medium] 1200xp

Though Otik will take what steps he can to keep Tika safe,
the two of them will be happy to provide some small
distraction if it helps the party to escape. Otik may start a
small fire for example (not too large that he can’t quickly
put it out), or Tika might drop a tray of dishes to slow

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
As the dragons continue their attack, the forces of the red
In the original timeline, this event takes place late Dragonarmy arrive through the valley.
into the evening of Autumn Harvest 19th. Around in squads of about a dozen, armoured soldiers as
scaled as the dragons above arrive and start subjugating the
There is almost no warning that Solace is in immediate people of Solace. These are probably the first Draconians
danger, other than the suspicious fact that Fewmaster Toede the party will have seen – armed bipedal dragon-men with
and Hobgoblin mercenary band suddenly left Solace at murderous intent, each 5-6ft tall with brass scale and small
nightfall. gliding wings covered by cloaks.
The evening would go on like any other, with the day’s work Their intent, under the command of none other than
ending and many finding their way to either the Inn of the Fewmaster Toede, is to capture every single member of the
Last Home or The Trough for a final day’s meal or a drink population and enslave them.
to relax, whilst still others would head straight home to
spend time with their families or to rest their weary bodies. Creatures: Several units of 12x Kapak Skirmisher &
Fewmaster Toede.
If they are still in Solace on the day of the attack, the party [Deadly] 4750xp per unit of twelve Kapaks, 700xp for
are likely to find themselves caught up in the attack, and Toede
fighting for their very survival.
_______________________________________________ The Draconians number over a hundred, and are just as
impossible a battle as the dragons above unless they can
DRAGONS ATTACK somehow be separated into individuals. They can be easily
Close to midnight, as Otik was closing the inn at last, the reinforced, but because they are being directed with
first attacks came. Strange noises were heard overhead, like purpose they could be evaded.
the beating of the wings of a gigantic bird. These grew If he can avoid if, Toede will not engage in an actual fight,
louder, and frequent, causing many people still out on the and will command some of his Draconian forces to do it for
streets to stop and look to try to find out what creature him.
could be making such a noise. _______________________________________________

DC20 Wisdom (Perception): A character who can pass this The battle for Solace is extremely short, the Seeker
check will be the first to see what is in the sky above Solace Militiamen who attempt to stand against the Draconians
– great flying beasts straight out of legends and fairy tales, being incinerated as Ember swoops past, and the survivors
with scaled hides of deep crimson that look like enormous picked off by the advancing Draconians.
lizards. Dragons! Before too long the town is occupied, and the dragons land
amidst the tree. They continue to breathe fire everywhere,
Suddenly the attack begins, torrents of flame bursting sparing only a few buildings but setting alight to anything
through the treetops and striking buildings. With fiery non-essential, including every tree they can see.
impact the flame breathe destroys houses and businesses, Ember eventually comes up to the Inn of the Last Home,
setting them alight and causing the debris of what was once and with mighty strength lifts it out of its place in a
homes to fall to the ground below. vallenwood tree and places it with care upon the ground,
Otik still inside.
Creatures: 2x Red Dragon Wyrmlings & 1x Adult Red Ember then burns the tree the inn once stood in, and forces
Dragon. it to the ground.
[Impossible] 40,400xp
A large group of the population are then herded into cages
Fighting these dragons is impossible for the party given their mounted on carts which Toede’s Hobgoblins wheeled into
anticipated level, and that the dragons themselves keep to town and are taken out of Solace.
the skies above the vallenwood trees. Only a few are left behind to do essential work as the
It is best that this encounter be staged as an escape, fire Dragonarmy sets to occupying Solace.
pouring down to destroy trees and buildings around the
party as they try to get out of Solace by any route they can. As the sun rises the next morning, the last of the vallenwood
If you want to set a difficult combat encounter, then the trees falls, the dragons ripping the surviving trunks apart
party could face of the Red Dragon Wyrmlings as a [Hard before taking to the skies and flying south to meet up with
1,100xp] battle, the dragon landing amongst the collapsing the rest of the army.
buildings to feed on Solace’s inhabitants as they attempt to _______________________________________________
If the party are able to slay a Wyrmling here however, it
should enrage the remaining dragons, making escape even
harder and further torrents of flame fall around them.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
The events listed here comprise encounters a party can REFUGEES IN HAVEN VALE
have whilst travelling through the Abanasinian Plains after If the party approach the Lordcity of Haven, they find the
the Dragonarmies have started to move through the region. Haven Vale littered with small camps of refugees. A stream
Each is listed with the date they could or would occur based of more refugees comes down the long road from the north
on the original timeline, however these can be variable if the seeking the safety of the Seekers in Haven.
party choose to take a longer road. In the surrounding area, Haven’s fertile lands have been
_______________________________________________ left, the harvest rotting in its field as more and more people
move through, occasionally breaking into their own small
THE NEW LORDS squabbles over limited resources or a space to rest.
The party are unlikely to encounter these characters in the
open fields of Abanasinia, but there are three new powerful These refugees are too occupied to speak with the party
figures leading the charge of the Dragonarmies and by doing except to beg for food or coin, but even these beggars are
so are now some of the most important figures in the area. routinely moved away as Holy Guards ride up and down the
line to keep the people ordered (and to keep an eye out for
Before the Dragonarmies start to march, Fewmaster Toede the Blue Crystal Staff).
is already in Abanasinia. This Hobgoblin captain has been The guards can be called to, and will speak to the party.
hired to keep order in Solace, and is heavily involved in
events there. On Autumn Harvest 19th he is involved in the ▪ “If you’re from the north, join the line. Someone will
attack and destruction of that town, and on Autumn Harvest speak to you when you reach the gate.”
21st travels south with a caravan of slaves to meet with his ▪ “We’ve few resources ourselves, but the gods will protect
master in Pax Tharkas. us if these “dragon armies” do indeed reach us. But this
sounds like nonsense to me. Likely some hysteria
The human Dragon Highlord Verminaard has already sent caused by a prank up north has caused this panic. These
scouts and emissaries ahead to delivery messages to the people will soon head back, and pay for the privilege of
Seekers and to initiate the search for the Blue Crystal Staff, staying in our lands.”
but personally stays with the army. ▪ “If you’ve news of a Blue Crystal Staff, head inside the
He crosses the Straits of Schallsea on Autumn Harvest 155h city and speak to Deputy Highseeker Locar. He is
with the bulk of the army, and on Autumn Harvest 21st coordinating the search. Find him at the Highseeker’s
leads the force that capture Pax Tharkas, taking the fortress Council Hall.”
as his temporary base of operations.
Flight Marshal Tethys, a Baaz Draconian, is a primary Any time after Autumn Harvest 18th.
military leader under the Highlord. He leads the force From the moment the first refugees entered the Haven
which capture Haven on Autumn Harvest 205h and is Vale, Deputy Highseeker Locar gave the order to instituted
installed as governor of the region after that, governing from Martial Law in the region around the city.
Haven while the rest of the Dragonarmy turns its attention
to Elven and dwarven lands. The Holy Guard are now on the streets besides the militia,
and both are moving in military units rather than the pairs
Any time after Autumn Harvest 18th.
As the party move about the plains and northern parts of The law in Haven, in the surrounding Haven and up and
Abanasinia, is possible that they will encounter refugees down the roads leading out of it, the guards of Haven are
fleeing from the north. These could be from civilized acting much stricter and enforcing their law at the point of a
settlements, plains nomads or coastal communities, but all hasty blade. They will now strike without little provocation,
come with similar stories of dragonmen allied with goblins, and give no quarter
ogres and human mercenaries, coming over the water from
Lemish and Goodlund and burning everything they find. JAKANTH VALE DISCOVERY
Any time after Autumn Harvest 18th.
These people flee south, intent on nothing else but finding Travelling this road north of Haven, the party come across a
refuge. Their eyes fixed to the road ahead of them, they set of tracks leading away from thee road.
refugees are reluctant stop to talk with the party.
DC15 Wisdom (Investigation): The tracks were made by
▪ “See the smoke rising from the valley yonder? Devils large feet wrapped in cloth, perhaps linen. If the party have
from the Cataclysm, they were, that started the fires! already encountered the Hooded Strangers or been victims
Came down from the north, only three days ago, and of a Baaz Ambush, then these tracks can be recognized as
ever since they’ve plundered and killed. Now we’re similar to those of the disguised priests.
fleeing south to the capital, to Haven. Surely from there The tracks lead about a mile away from the road into the
we can get to happier and safer country.” Jakanth Vale.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
DC16 Wisdom (Survival): The tracks can be followed to places to hide in the old ruins or dried river canyons.
the edge of the forest, where a stillness has settled, along
with a heaviness in the air. In Qué-Shu, there is enough warning of the coming attack
The tracks lead to a campsite that smells oddly of burned that many are able to flee into the Eastwall Mountains,
hair. Charred bones lie about in the ashes of the fire pit, taking refuge in hidden caves under those hills and ridges.
and it is clear that the ground has been trampled by several
feet. If the party are in or near one of these villages, they will
Searching the area further uncovers a bright silver bracer likely find themselves having to escape along with the rest of
fitted with four gems, inside which is an engraving in the the tribes folk. This will likely mean a fight against many
language of the plains tribes. Draconians, Goblins or Ogres.

A character from the plains tribes, or who has spent much QUÉ-SHU ABANDONED
time amongst them, can identify the bracelet as one usually Any time after Autumn Harvest 19th.
crafted directly around a warrior’s arm when they accept the Coming to Qué-Shu after Autumn Harvest 19th, the party
task of defending the village. The bracelet is form fitted will first see a great deal of black smoke rising from within it.
such that it can only be removed after the warrior’s death. As they get nearer, great swathes of trampled grass like
The name engraved inside it translates as “Firehawk, those in Mysterious Tracks will suggest that a host of some
warrior of the Qué-Shu”. kind has moved through here.
Crows circle the village, and as the party get closer chill
DRAGON PATROL winds start to part the smoke revealing dying fires amidst
Any time after Autumn Harvest 18th. ruined buildings. Buzzards and other carrion now walk
A young red dragon flies above the plains of conquered between the torn, burned and trampled tents within the still
lands keeping an eye out for stragglers and survivors from and empty settlement, the only sounds from within the last
the Dragonarmy’s attacks. cracks of flame from the remaining fires, and the occasional
This dragon has a large saddle strapped to its back on which “Caw” of a crow.
two Baaz Draconians ride. Oddly missing are any signs of corpses or blood. Whatever
happened here, the majority of the people must have left.
Creatures: 1x Kapak Skirmisher and 1x Red Dragon
Wyrmling DC18 Wisdom (Investigation): From the signs around, the
[Deadly] 2700xp Qué-Shu have gone entirely. Amidst the rubble are few
signs of wasted food or broken weapons, nor are there any
The dragon is in charge, and if it suspects that there are signs of battle. This is suggestive that most of the tribes folk
people below, it will land close by and command the Baaz managed to leave before the Dragonarmy arrived.
to search the area.
The group will give the party a chance to surrender at first. DC15 Wisdom (Survival): The attacker’s tracks obscure
If the party do then they will be disarmed, and led either to much, but humanoid tracks are found a little way away from
the nearest settlement or to the road where a Slave Caravan the village. They seem to be laden, consisting of adults and
from Solace will soon pass by. The party will be thrown into children, and heading into the wilderness of the Eastwall
one of the cages, and taken to Pax Tharkas. Mountains.

ATTACKS ON THE PLAINS TRIBES As they explore the ruins, a creaking sound catches their
Qué-Shu and Qué-Kiri are attacked by the Dragonarmies attention from the centre of the village. A hastily constructed
on Autumn Harvest 19th, and Qué-Teh shortly follows on wooden gallows has been erected there in the middle of the
Autumn Harvest 20th. arena, two stout posts driven into the ground, their bases
nearly splintered as though the logs were merely forced into
The forces which attack these villages are overwhelming the stone and dirt by something of great strength.
large, being entire Brigades from the 2nd Flight of the Red A beam crosses between these posts, and from this hang
Dragonarmy. This means Draconians and Goblins (and three oddly proportioned corpses, chained to the beam.
possibly Ogres) in their hundreds marching past or through, Posts, beam, corpses and chain are all damaged by fire.
with some members breaking off to storm through the Though blackened and eared, the bodies are clearly not one
villages themselves. of the more common races in Abanasinia. The fire damage
Some brave warriors may attempt to hold them back, but makes it difficult to discern details, but close examination
such action is entirely futile at this point. reveals them to be Hobgoblins.

As such, in each village the chieftains will give the order to A shield has been nailed forcefully into the top of the beam,
evacuate whilst the shamans declare the end of the world, and upon it words have been carved as though by a massive
their visions of destruction having come true. blade.
Tribes folk will scatter from their villages, many being The words are in Nerakese (a form of Draconian), and
captured straight away to eventually be taken to Pax Tharkas read:
as slaves, whilst those who escape find themselves lost and
wandering as far south as they can, unaware that the ▪ “Be it known, servants of Highlord Verminaard, the fate
Dragonarmies will continue to follow. Some tribes folk may of ye who disobey his commands or show cowardice.”
even head straight into the Plains Of Dust, hoping to find
The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
These are in reality a trio of Hobgoblins who managed to QUÉ-TEH AFLAME
botch their task of scouting the village. They were spotted, Any time after Autumn Harvest 21 st.
giving the Qué-Shu advance warning and allowing them As the party approach this village, they find much of it
time to escape the village before the army arrived. For this aflame. Pillars of smoke can be seen from across the plains
incompetence, they were severely punished. and once at its wall the party find signs that there was in fact
a short, violent, but ultimately futile battle here.
DC15 Wisdom (Investigation): The words carved into the
shield were done so with an extremely large claw. This is Several human skeletons lie about the burning ruins of the
further suggestive that the creature that did so is not only village, and many broken weapons and tools are thrown
large and intelligent, but dexterous enough to carve small about.
words with its own claw.
DC12 Wisdom (Investigation): Several lizard-like footprints
QUÉ-KIRI: THE WITNESS are scattered through the area suggesting dozens of attackers
Any time after Autumn Harvest 19 h. against the few hundred humans who fell here.
As the party pass by or through the village of Que-Kiri, a Several human footprints also seem to have been led away
faint moan from a pile of rubble that was once a common from the village, including those of children.
building attracts their attention. Searching the rubble, they
quickly find an old man dying of grievous wounds. DC18 Wisdom (Investigation): Amongst the ruins and
bodies, a character can also discover a pair of odd pools of
The village is burned to cinders, with only the wooden mildly acidic slime - formally a Kapak Draconian. Towards
skeleton of tents and buildings left standing. The bodies of the centre of the village, they also find a small pile of rubble
warriors and civilians alike lie scattered about - burns, sword which, if pieced together, reveals the broken stone form of a
wounds and arrows making their cause of death obvious. dead Baaz Draconian.

The old man’s wounds are beyond the help of mundane As the party begin their investigation of Qué-The, a figure
medicine, his existing infirmity making natural healing emerges from one of the semi-permanent huts. A young
nearly impossible. Only magic can save him, though he has man in the garb of a plainsman warrior limps towards the
no other life to go to if he is healed, and nobody to care for party, a wound on his leg making movement difficult.
him. At his age and in his current state, he may prefer to Behind him, four other larger figures lumber into view.
join his family in death. Dressed in large, hooded cloaks that flow in the autumn
breeze and menacingly brandishing cruel looking swords,
▪ “From the north...they came from the north! From they advance towards the man, laughing and toying with him
between the mountains. First the terrors that rode the as they get closer.
great wyrms...they came into our town and fear filled our
breasts. We fought, though. Yes!” Creatures: 4x Baaz Scouts
▪ “We fought long and hard, but still more of them came [Hard] 1600xp
on leather wings...straight out of the old legends they
came, fire splashing like waves over our homes.” The Baaz will attack the party as soon as they see them,
▪ “Many fled...many died. Those who ran fell among the though one of the four might take the opportunity to finish
small demons — man-sized but looking like their larger their sport and kill the tribesman.
masters.” Their attempts to coordinate are somewhat feeble as they
▪ “I don’t know where they took my people...I was too are lacking in proper leadership.
clever for them. I hid! Yes, I hid!”
▪ “When shall my people return? What shall become of If the party can defeat the Draconians (or drive them away)
my garden?” before they kill the wounded tribesman, then they will have
his undying gratitude. Gasping for breathe, he will greet
A few Draconians still lurk in the ruins of Que-Kiri, waiting them as best he can.
to ambush anyone who comes to the village to help or loot
the remains. ▪ “I am Nightshade of the Que-Teh, and I am in your
Creatures: 4x Kapak Skirmisher ▪ “The dragonmen came upon us like fiends of the Abyss,
[Hard] 1600xp killing any who resisted and capturing the rest. They
ransacked the village and interrogated us, asking about
These Kapak are dawdling over the site of their recent some crystal staff. Many more died in the questioning.
victory. These may come to reinforce their allies if there are Apparently they were satisfied that we had no idea what
significant sounds of battle. they wanted.
▪ “They’re taking the people south. They say we are to be
The Draconians are overconfident from their recent put to work as slaves.”
victories and stride out into plain sight, blocking the party’s ▪ “The elders of the tribe held a secret council, chained as
path out of the village and seeking to toy with them. They they were, and I was chosen to attempt to escape and go
brandish their weapons loosely and show off, until they to Que- Shu to seek aid. Those four intercepted me
discover that they have encounter able fighters. before I could reach them.”
The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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▪ “Wherever you are headed, you must be careful. A great have set a Tripwire Trap underneath the bridge.
evil lies to the south, and in their idle chatter, they This wire has been set a few feet above water level and is set
mentioned another host of fiends in the north poised to to drop a net on those who trigger it. Characters in the water
strike against the Seeker lands. They hold back only for can avoid it with a DC15 Dexterity save, but characters on a
fear of this crystal staff they’re looking for.” raft will have disadvantage on that save.

Regardless of what the party say or plan to do, Nightshade If any characters fail, the net drops from the underside of
intends on continuing to Qué-Shu. Even if the party are the bridge and ensnares everyone underneath. The Ogre
able to tell him that Qué-Shu is also destroyed, he is bound then grabs the net with a pole, and pulls it ashore where it
by his word of honour to reach the village and see for and the Draconians can immediately attack its occupants.
Despite his debt to the party, he says he will repay them NEW PORTS CLOSED
when he is able, but his duty to his tribe must come first. Any time after Autumn Harvest 24th.
As the Dragonarmy advances further south, refugees from
After an hour or two of rest, or some magical healing (which the north and surrounding New Ports will become busy as
will stun him, and perhaps help to convert him to the old its own occupants try to sail away from the danger, taking
gods) he will be ready to continue on. anyone who can pay with them.
Either way, he will be further grateful for any further Once the Dragonarmy arrives however, the port is
assistance the party can offer him. completely closed off, No new ships will sail to or from here
other than those that serve the Dragonarmy.
If the party show him the Blue Crystal Staff, he warns them
to not allow it to fall into the hands of the Dragonarmies. The Dragonarmy will now use the port as a way out to sea,
and for storing their own supplies. There are many
▪ “Keep it safe, at any cost.” Draconians here, almost entirely Baaz and Kapak, including
▪ “You make for Xak Tsaroth? That is probably for the some of their brigade commanders, Goblins and Ogres.
best. Surely that is where the secret of the staff lies, being If the party try to enter the town, they will have to take
as it is a place filled with ghosts from the past. extreme care. Otherwise capture is inevitable at the hands of
innumerable opponents.
If the party offer to help in rescuing his people, Nightshade The Draconians here will prefer live captives to toy with,
politely declines, saying that so few could not possibly hope and after some immediate torture the party will be loaded
to fight against so many of the dragonmen. He must into wagons and taken to Pax Tharkas.
summon the Qué -Shu tribe, who are great in number and _______________________________________________
fierce in battle.


Any time after Autumn Harvest 21 st. The heroes of the Dragonlance Chronicles trilogy
The approach to the town of Gateway is a scene of of novels – the Companions – followed these
devastation. The entire town is in ruins, every building adventures as presented. They arrived at the Inn
collapsing having been set ablaze. of the Last Home for a reunion, where they
encounter Goldmoon and Riverwind of the plains
Not a single structure remains intact, with even crops and tribes.
livestock having been pillaged and either destroyed or taken Goldmoon played the role of The Prophet, and
away. There is nothing left here, besides burning embers. wishing to restore the old gods they fled Solace in
her company after being harassed by Fewmaster
Any time after Autumn Harvest 24th. After evading search parties, they tried to take her
Of vital strategic importance, the Oldroad Bridge is and the Blue Crystal Staff to Haven, but were
garrisoned by the Dragonarmies after they pass it to allow attacked on the road by Draconians disguised as
their own forces to cross easily, to stop enemy forces moving priests. They were forced to flee into the haunted
about, and to continue keeping an eye out for the Blue Darken Wood, where the magic of Raistlin
Crystal Staff. Majere allowed them passage to speak with the
The Draconians who guard the bridge are attached to the Forestmaster, who advised them to head for the
forces in New Ports, and can be reinforced or relieved from ruined city of Xak Tsaroth.
that city. The Companions followed this plan, and in doing
so recovered the Disks of Mishakal and brought
Creatures: 2x Baaz Scout and 1x Ogre about Goldmoon’s ascension as a true cleric –
[Hard] 1700xp something not seen in three centuries.
Only after this did they return to Solace, where
These guards will attack anyone who isn’t loyal to the they found it in ruins and under Dragonarmy
Dragonarmies, planning to kill them. If the party wash occupation. They too were captured by Toede,
underneath the bridge, either on a raft or in the water itself, and freed by Porthios.
the guards which watch with glee as they

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
Normally, dark spectral forces keep all creatures out of Captain will no longer merely demand that the party leave
Darken Wood, but with the coming of the Dragonarmies as fast as possible.
and the first omens of coming war, those forces will be on Now, the Captain will demand to know the party’s purpose
the lookout for signs that the gods of good are acting. for trespassing in “his” woods.

The following encounters are possible if the party come into ▪ “Who are you who speak to the dead whilst intruding in
Darken Wood in possession of, or in the company of, the their domain?”
Blue Crystal Staff. ▪ “We are doomed to eternally hunt these woods for the
_______________________________________________ white stag, to be free only if we can catch it. Such was the
word of Paladine.”
Once the Dragonarmies start moving through Abanasinia, If the party inform the Spectral Minions that they were in
the more divinely inspired creatures of the region will start fact led into the woods by the White Stag, then the Captain
to act in an effort to guide heroes towards fighting back. demands to know where it is, and will send three of his
Characters out on the road close to Darken Wood (perhaps soldiers in an indicated direction after it.
on the New Haven Road to the west, of the Old Road to the
east) may catch sight of the White Stag, a beautiful creature Mention of the Blue Crystal Staff draws the Captain’s full
who stands directly in their path as if waiting for them. attention. He demands to see it, and if refused resorts to
threatening death if the party do not leave the wood
Depending on when the party see the stag, they immediately.
may by this point have already heard a story If shown the staff however, the specters gasp is amazement.
relating to White Stags close to Darken Wood.
Fizban, the old storyteller in the Inn of the Last ▪ “Come with us. The Master has need of you. You will
Home, could have been overheard telling one not be harmed.”
such story in which the great hero of legend
Huma came to be lost in Darken Wood. He The Captain says no more, but instead gestures for the party
prayed for guidance, and so Paladine appeared to to follow as his troops depart and he personally leads them
him in the form of a white stag to lead the hero to to the Centaur Reaches.
If the party do not try to parlay, then the Spectral Minions
Divinely inspired characters may perceive the stag as an will fight as normal, though will stop and pull back should
omen, as might a plains folk character whose people revere they see someone use the Blue Crystal Staff. In this case
such rare creatures. they sheathe their weapons, and the Captain gestures for the
party to follow him.
When first seen, it is roughly 300ft. Away, and should the
party approach it will walk directly into Darken Wood. If CENTAUR REACHES
the party walk away, it will follow them as though seeking Evading of managing to successfully parlay with the Spectral
their attention, but never come closer than 300ft. Minions, the party may instead find themselves being led to
Inside the wood it will lead them on a merry chase amongst or encountering a unit of Centaur Defenders out on patrol.
the trees, always a few steps ahead. The Centaurs emerge from dense foliage to either side and
immediately dismiss any Spectral Minions still near the
Should a character seem to act hostile towards it, perhaps by party.
nocking an arrow or preparing a spell, then suddenly the The Centaur leader speaks in Common, but with a heavy
woods around them will seem extremely menacing, like the accent and a rough demeanor.
eyes of the wood itself was upon them and glaring
aggressively. The Blue Crystal Staff vibrates alarmingly at ▪ “Ye be trapped. Ye will be taken to the Master to be
such action, judged. Ye will not be harmed unless ye attempt to
escape, so cometh peacefully.”
Ultimately, the white stag intends to lose the party within the
trees, leading them on a chase only until such time as they These centaurs have been specifically tasked with taking the
catch the attention of either the specters or the Centaurs party to the Unicorn’s Grove. They are not enemies and
who guard this place. seek only to escort the party to a safe place, though their
aggressive attitude may not make that entirely clear.
SPECTRAL PARLAY If a fight does start, the Centaurs will fight to the death and
By this time, when thee party have means to evade seek to hunt down any characters who try to escape. In
Dragonarmies of might have been led into the wood by the some cases, Spectral Minions may also appear to aid them.
White Stag, it is possible to speak to the Spectral Minions. Centaurs may try to use horns to call for reinforcements if
They will still act as before in Spectral Minions, but the things go badly.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
Regardless, the party will no longer find peace in this wood. ▪ “You must fly straight away across the Eastwall
Mountains. Within two days, you must be within Xak
THE FORESTMASTER Tsaroth. There, if you prove worthy, you shall receive
The party eventually find themselves in the open field of the the greatest gift given to the world.” Those were his very
Unicorn’s Grove, a wide and beautiful clearing in which life words — “the greatest gift given to the world!”
of all kinds find peace and prosperity. Merely being here
washes every character with a feeling of peace and good. ▪ “The being who came appeared to us in human guise,
At the centre of this clearing sits a large granite rock that but I could sense it had more power than such a shell
rises up, forming a ledge on which sits the Forestmaster – a normally would. It seemed to be an older of their males,
resplendent and magnificent Unicorn with silver fur. She though I can’t speak for its identity.”
lounges upon the ledge, relaxing in the sun and waiting for ▪ “The Blue Crystal Staff is an item of great power, a relic
the arrival of the party. of days most have long forgotten. Its secrets can be
If the party have come peacefully under escort, the found in Xak Tsaroth and within the hearts of those who
Forestmaster will speak to them. If not, she will retreat and remember.”
Spectral Minions will come to drive the party away. ▪ “Shortly, a terrible evil will descend upon us and destroy
my domain. I have foreseen it, and this brings me
Lawful Good Unicorn Female
▪ “I do not know of these dragonmen. I know very little
The unicorn lord of Darken Wood makes her
about what goes on beyond my forest’s borders. I have
home in the Unicorn’s Grove, and is leader to all
seen that a great evil is coming, but I do not know its
creatures within the wood and known amongst
them and other knowledgeable sources as a font
of great wisdom.
The Forestmaster is welcoming, and happy to speak on a
great many subjects.
Silver furred and deep voiced, she is said to be as
If the party request aid, she is also willing to help get them
old as the wood itself. A divine being in service to
to Xak Tsaroth in time for the “great and glorious being’s”
the gods of good, the Forestmaster does not
prophecy. She will call out, and from the Starlight Grove
speak with those who stumble into its home
enough Pegasi will arrive for every character in the party.
unless she has been divinely inspired, or the need
is great. Usually, she will try to avoid being seen at
With the Forestmaster’s blessing, the Pegasi will carry the
party to the mountains outside Xak Tsaroth, on the
southern end of the Swamps, and close to the far eastern
▪ “Welcome. I am the Forestmaster. You have entered end of the Forsaken Pass.
my great forest, and I grant you safe passage and the aid
of all creatures while you remain within our borders.” If the party do not request aid, then once they have eaten
they will be escorted out of Darken Wood in the direction
With this blessing, the party will now face no hostility from of their choice. The confusion effect normally upon the
any creature within Darken Wood unless they initiate it or forest will not apply until they are once more outside the
do harm to the wood itself. borders of the wood, after which it will resume should the
The Forestmaster knows a great many things, and can party try to find their way back in.
advise the party on matters divine and prophetic.

▪ “Rest yourselves. You are tired and hungry, Food will be PATH OF THE COMPANIONS
brought and fresh water for cleansing. You may put The Companions only enter the forest after
aside your watchfulness and fears. Safety exists here, if it encountering a band of Draconians disguised as
exists anywhere in this land.” priests on the New Haven Road.

At this, a group of Centaurs will emerge from the wood They are almost immediately harassed however
carrying a number straw baskets. They lay a cloth down by the Spectral Guardians, but through magic
upon the ground, and begin to spread out a meal of fresh they are able to communicate with the dead
fruits and roasted meat, as well as providing jugs of sweet warriors. Showing them the Blue Crystal Staff, the
mead. Companions convince the specters that they are
friendly, and the specters escort them directly to
▪ “Fear not about eating meat here. The deer fulfills its the Forestmaster.
purpose in life by providing sustenance for the hunter – After a comfortable rest and conversation, the
be it wolf or man. We do not mourn the loss those who Companions take the Forestmaster’s advice and
die fulfilling their destinies.” agree to make for Xak Tsaroth. To this end, the
▪ “I wished to see you, because some days ago, a great and Forestmaster calls on a group of Pegasi to fly the
glorious being came among us. He held great wisdom Companions to the edge of the Eastern Swamps.
and power rare in the land today. He foretold your
coming and left you a message.” _______________________________________________

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
COUNCIL WITH THE HIGHSEEKERS If the party are unable to tell them of the staff, then the
At some point a party may wish to try to speak to the Highseekers ultimately have little reason to want to talk to
Highseekers – the rulers of Haven and some of the wisest them, though Elistan may show compassion to the plight of
and most knowledgeable people in the region. the people and offer to divert some essential supplies if
Currently the streets and hillside around the Council Hall of
the Highseekers is packed with refugees all calling on the If the party therefore produce the staff, a wave of gasps
Highseekers and their gods to deliver them, making access ripple through the room. All eye it with interest, except for
difficult, but any with important business to bring to the Elistan who seems more captivated with its wonder.
Seekers can be escorted inside by members of the Holy At this point another Highseeker named Locar, with a
Guard who have surrounded the outer grounds and towers. greedy glean in his eye will stand.
This means that access relies on convincing the guard to
bring them inside. ▪ “This thing has long been on my lips, and many now
This can be accomplished by charm, diplomacy or deceit, seek it. It is clear that it is a wonder, and should
however one thing sure to convince them is news (or the therefore be in the hands of those who best protect it.
actual presentation) of the Blue Crystal Staff. Having been On behalf of the Seekers, I demand that you hand it to
told to watch for it, any Militia of Holy Guard who catches us now!”
sight or word of the staff will immediately seek to escort the
party to the Highseekers. Locar’s ambition to fulfill the deal he believes that he
brokered with Gildentongue, and perhaps see to his own
Once escorted within, they are asked to wait a few minutes rise as a political figure, is on full display here. Elistan
in a spacious chamber with a high vaulted ceiling held aloft remains quiet in contemplation whilst the other
by columns lining the walls. The guards will remain until a Highseekers remain subserviently quiet.
minor administrator comes to dismiss them and take the Locar’s demand is forceful, and repeated if ignored, and if it
party deeper into the building to the council chamber. is eventually refused Locar becomes angry and attempts to
Through a set of ornate double doors engraved with images seize the staff himself. Before any reaction is possible
of the Seeker gods, the party are led through into a wide however, Locar’s hand is upon the staff and the staff itself
circular chamber surrounded by more pillars and topped begins to glow and becomes warm in its wielder’s hand. A
with a high domed ceiling beautifully painted in a scene of bolt of blue energy ripples out of it and strikes Locar’s hand,
magnificence from the Seeker religion. Benches ring forcing him to back away in pain.
around the outer area making the hall resemble a senate
chamber of more democratic lands, but the hall is ▪ “Evil! Evil! Remove this abomination from the house of
dominated by nine large chairs arrayed in a semi-circle the news gods! Blasphemy!”
around the centre of the room, all facing the door.
The party are directed to the centre of the round chamber Other Highseekers join in this call of blasphemy until
to be regarded by the nine middle-aged to older human Elistan merely raises a hand and all falls silent out of respect
men who sit on those chairs – these being Elistan and the for his wisdom. Even Locar falls silent, though he glares
other Highseekers currently in residence in Haven. with hatred at his elder as he nurses his wounded hand.
Elistan ignored Locar however, and addresses the party
Elistan is first and most likely to speak throughout this only.
meeting, remaining silent if the party have come on business Though he does not fully understand what is happening,
of their own but speaking first if he has already been told Elistan speaks with compassion and determinism.
that the party come with news of the Blue Crystal Staff.
▪ “Please, I beg you, take this...artifact to Xak Tsaroth.
▪ “We are told that you have news of the Blue Crystal Restore it to its rightful resting place.”
Staff, that many now seek. Please, enlighten us, for we ▪ “I wish the blessings of the gods upon you, and I hope
are very eager to hear what you have to say.” that we shall meet again.”

The Highseekers have little interest in other matters, A character trained in religion will known from local
believing that the coming army from the north poses little experience that the Seekers always use the term “New
danger to them. Though they will not confirm it nor speak Gods” when they address such beings, and might find it
of it directly, the Highseekers have been visited already by interesting that Elistan has left out the “new” and referred
an emissary of these “Dragonarmies” named Gildentongue, only to “gods”.
who appeared to them to be in some way related to the
great golden dragons of legend. With his final word though, the doors to the hall open and
This Gildentongue offered them peace in exchange for the two Holy Guard come to escort the party out. The rest of
Blue Crystal Staff, or for ensuring that the staff found its way the Highseekers remain silent as the party leave.
to the ruins of Xak Tsaroth in north-east Abanasinia.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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DRAGONARMY ASSAULT Haven never really had much chance of holding against the
On Autumn Harvest 21st. might of the Red Dragonarmies.
Despite whatever deals the Highseekers (and Locar in
particular) may have believed they had with the As the party try to move about in this chaos, they have a few
Dragonarmies, it was never the intention of Gildentongue minutes before the Dragonarmy will be a direct threat to the
or Verminaard to allow the city to stand. centre of the city, but from the start any attempt to get
The Dragonarmy continues its march south during Autumn outside will likely result in a battle. Such battles should not
Harvest, and eventually comes to the Haven Vale at sun be impossible, but it will be hard for the party to find shelter
down on Autumn Harvest 21st. immediately.

Scout reports may come to the party if they still have allies Creatures: 6x Hobgoblin
out in the field, but other than that the only warning that the [Medium] 1200xp
attack is imminent comes the morning before the army, as
the emissary Gildentongue is seen departing the city. Creatures: 6x Baaz Scout or Kapak Skirmisher
Though he tried to hide, some guards noticed him leaving [Deadly] 2400xp
in the early hours, heading along the New Haven Road.
Should the party remain in the city and try to fight the army
That evening, the Dragonarmy marches down the western away however, or should their plans to escape fail, they will
New Haven Road straight into the vale, and in doing so have much larger and more powerful forces to deal with.
scatters the long queue of refugees still huddled outside the
city. The refugees are forced to flee in all directions, some Creatures: 2x Red Dragon Wyrmling & 1x Adult Red
running clear past the city, others towards Qualinesti (where Dragon
they are redirected by Elven border guards and a brave few [Impossible] 40,400xp
risking the nightmare of Darken Wood. Each direction is
fraught with peril and likely death, but holds better chances Creatures: 10x Hobgoblin
than those who are unable to flee and find themselves [Medium] 2500xp
slaughtered or captured by the advancing army.
Creatures: 10x Baaz Scout or Kapak Skirmisher
As the refugees flee and the army approaches, the Seeker [Deadly] 5000xp
Militia hide themselves behind the city gates, but they are
well aware that the defences of the city were never intended Creatures: 2x Kapak Hunter and 1x Aurak Initiate
to hold off armies, especially not ones that large and [Deadly] 5300xp
fearsome in appearance. The guard are entirely unprepared
and unskilled for this kind of fight, and most attempt to flee. Any of these fights can easily result in the deaths of the
entire party, however the Dragonarmies are also on the
If the party become caught in Haven during the attack, it lookout for slaves to take to Pax Tharkas.
should be clear to them that even they are unlikely to be If the party do find themselves overwhelmed by the
able to stand against an entire army of Draconians. As many Dragonarmies, then the final attacks against them should be
of the Militia, Holy Guard and Seekers attempt to escape non-lethal.
the city, the party will likely need to find their way out as Though rendered unconscious, the party are captured and
well. awaken later to find that they are caged prisoners of the
They will have the same geographical options as everyone Dragonarmies, their equipment having been taken from
else at this point, though are likely to have better luck than them (including the Blue Crystal Staff if they still have it)
the regular citizenry once they get there. Darken Wood lies and loaded onto a cart ready to be taken to Pax Tharkas.
to the north and east, Qualinesti to the south, or the _______________________________________________
dangerously rapid waters of the Whiterage River running
south-east (upon which they might encounter Centaurs of
Qualinesti Elves who can advise them on their journey).

Whatever plan the party choose to follow, they will have the
Dragonarmy to contend with.
The attack in Haven begins as it did in Solace, with the
terrifying presence of a wing of Red Dragons. Led by
Ember, they swoop lower over Haven just as the first alarms
are raised and lay waste to swathes of the city, obliterating
homes, businesses and entire streets.
The dragonfear they instill in people drives many refugees
and citizens to panic, creating bedlam in the streets as the
Draconians and their Hobgoblin allies start battering on the
weak and ineffectual gates. Few of the Militia and Holy
Guard remain there to try to hold the army at bay, so it is
with ease that the gates and walls are breached.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
Bringing the Blue Crystal Staff to Xak Tsaroth is a part of The statue speaks it’s message, but does not respond to
an important destiny that tests the races of Krynn and helps questions. Once it is done speaking, it returns to its original
in bringing about the return of the gods to the world. If the form, and speaks no more.
staff can be brought to Xak Tsaroth, it will set in motion an
event of grand magnitude that results in the rebirth of the The statue’s outstretch arms and open hands are capable of
first God cleric Ansalon has seen in three centuries. holding a staff, but it will respond only to the Blue Crystal
Staff. If the Blue Crystal Staff is placed within the hands of
The staff and it’s wielder are not essential to the running of the state, it will shine with white light for thirty seconds, after
the War of the Lance, as the party can come to Xak which it will be recharged.
Tsaroth purely to retrieve the Disks of Mishakal and see to The statue can only do this once per day.
the restoration of the gods and their clerics that way, but the
staff is the easiest (and original) way of directing a party UXT16: TEMPLE OF THE DEAD
towards Xak Tsaroth – their first great dungeon area in this The statue’s arms can accommodate the Blue Crystal Staff,
adventure. but unlike the statue in the upper temple, nothing happens
______________________________________________ if the staff is placed in the arms of this one.

The Dragonarmies first occupy the sunken city on Autumn LXT44: COURT OF THE BALANCE
Harvest 18th, a force of Draconians coming under the From the start of this encounter with Khisanth, whilst the
command of the disgraced black dragon Khisanth. The black dragon attempts to speak to the party, the character
party ideally should not visit Xak Tsaroth before this date. bearing the Blue Crystal Staff will hear a female voice in
______________________________________________ their mind, speaking softly and calmly. It is the same voice
that the statue used to speak in the Temple of Mishakal,
At various locations within Xak Tsaroth, a character and it comes across extremely reassuringly.
wielding the Blue Crystal Staff activates additional scenes in
which their destiny is further reveal. Those are listed here. ▪ “Have courage. Present the staff boldly, strike the
______________________________________________ dragon, and all will be well.”

UXT2: SANCTUARY AND STATUE If Khisanth is struck with the Blue Crystal Staff, all of the
When a character wielding the Blue Crystal Staff enter this staff’s remaining charges are used at once, unleashing a blast
room, their eyes are drawn immediately to the statue of of bright light and energy that engulfs the room. For a
Mishakal, sensing great love from it. The staff tingles in their moment the entire cavern and city are illuminated by this
hands, and seems to glow from within with a faint white light that spreads to all corners of the sunken areas of Xak
light. Tsaroth.
Magically, or perhaps by divine force, the approach of the The blast is such that it obliterates Khisanth, consuming her
staff and Prophet cause the statue of Mishakal to come to in a brilliant radiance. To the great surprise of the party
life, its polished surface moving like flesh, her facial features however, the bright blast also consumes the staff bearer,
turning to a look of joy and warmth. Though her face shows leaving no trace of them behind.
emotion, her mouth does not open as she speaks, but her
voice resounds about the chamber like a single voice with With both staff bearer and dragon destroyed, the cavern
the power of a beautiful choir. begins to shake. The blast of light and energy did more than
just defeat Khisanth, but it also destabilized the entire
▪ “Beloved disciple, the gods have not turned away from cavern, giving the party very little time to escape before it
man. Man turned away from the true gods and now collapsed entirely.
seeks gods who do not truly exist.” Parts of the city start to fall apart at last, and fissures in the
▪ “But the end of darkness nears. Krynn is about to face walls break open to allow gallons of water to rush into the
its greatest test. Men will need truth more than ever. You streets, slowly flooding the ruins. The lower ruins, and the
must return the truth and restore the balance.” entire cavern, will flood at a rate of 1ft per ten minutes, and
▪ “To gain the power, you shall need the truth of the large sections of rock will start to fall from the roof of the
gods.” cavern and crash down onto the ruins.
▪ “Far below this temple lie the Disks of Mishakal, circular
plates of platinum that are all you need to call upon my Between the additional water and shaking of the ground and
power. You must recover these Disks.” walls, any attempt to climb or perform any athletic or
▪ “But your way will not be easy. The Disks now lie in the acrobatic stunt will be at disadvantage until the party escape
lair of the dragon. Therefore I bless your staff. If you the caverns.
present it boldly, never wavering, you shall prevail.”
▪ “Even then, your journey is not complete. You must The Draconians still throughout Xak Tsaroth will panic as
leave here and search for a true Leader of the People.” they no longer have a leader giving them orders, and will
scrabble towards the pot and chain mechanism hoping it

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
can get some of them out. with anger at ever having been cast out.
They will have trouble with it however, as every Gully Dwarf
in Xak Tsaroth will have abandoned their job there and be Regardless of the nature of the threat (though Draconian is
making their way to the surface by other means. the most obvious and fitting), the party should find the way
out as dangerous as getting in. They should feel the need to
The destruction will go on for hours, but once it is done, the find a quick way to escape, whether that means riding the
cavern will be completely flooded up to the Upper Ruins, elevator, using the dimension doors in the Treasury, or
leaving only the ground level Temple of Mishakal diving into the outflow of water to emerge out in the New
untouched. Sea.
If the party are following the path of the Blue Crystal Staff
THE FATE OF THE STAFF BEARER however, there may be a more immediate threat, and the
The destruction of the Blue Crystal Staff and subsequent cavern begins to shake and fall apart around them.
disappearance of the bearer is not the end for that
character, but their time of rebirth. The danger will not end with escape either, as the world will
A few moments after they are destroyed, they reappear have moved on whilst the party was in Xak Tsaroth. If they
unconscious at the feet of the statue of Mishakal within the entered the city whilst the threat of the Red Dragonarmies
ground level temple. Here they are remade and reborn as was new, then they emerge to find plumes of smoke in the
the first true cleric of good upon Krynn in three centuries. air, as the Dragonarmies have already successfully launched
their attacks on Abanasinia and conquered Solace and
Should the rest of the party manage to make their way back Haven.
through the upper ruins and back to the temple, they find ______________________________________________
their comrade there, seemingly asleep and easy to waken.
If the party escape by a different means a bypass the temple When the staff bearer is reborn, this should be a
however, the character awakes on their own after the grand celebratory moment, but also one of
destruction has ended, and steps out into the Eastern transformation. The player (if there is one) of the
Swamps of their own accord as they slowly remember what staff bearer should at this point have the
happened. opportunity to retool their character to fit their
new role. This could mean the replacement of a
The blast seemed like a great wave washing over them, but few levels in a particular divine spellcasting class,
what followed was a comforting embrace unlike anything or an entirely remade character from the ground
they had ever felt before. Beautiful voices sang to them, and up.
they woke, to them mere moments after striking Khisanth.
The staff now is gone, but in its place the character finds a They will retain their memories and personality,
silver medallion hanging about their neck bearing the but now have access to all divine spellcasting
emblem of Mishakal. classes, including cleric and paladin. They should
be encouraged to adapt their character to suit this
They are a staff bearer no longer, but have been blessed by rebirth, so that, at minimum, they are able to cast
the gods and are now a cleric. healing spells (the minimum thing required for
______________________________________________ this would be the addition of the Magic Initiate
feat, taking cleric spells).
If a character does find themselves reborn but alone (their
comrades finding another means of escape) it is suggested Being able to heal is what will help the character
that they be reunited quickly. The gods will want their and the party convince others that the good gods
prophet to be with allies, especially in these dangerous are back, and in the end it is these abilities that
lands, and so will guide them together again. will help them to eventually gather allies and
For example when next the party makes camp, the reborn defeat the forces of Takhisis.
character can merely approach from the darkness of night _______________________________________
as though nothing is wrong, weary and groggy but otherwise
in perfect health. The character who is reborn should also have the
______________________________________________ opportunity to choose the god they wish to serve.
Though the original story and modules make the
character a Cleric of Mishakal, a player character
EPILOGUE should have the opportunity to dedicate
Even defeating Khisanth is not the end of the danger for the themselves to any god of good who better suits
party, as they will still need to escape Xak Tsaroth. Further their character’s personality and goals.
Draconian forces may well have arrived in the time it took
to recover the Disks of Mishakal, meaning the party may If the staff bearer is an NPC, then they will
have to find a way to fight through them. become a Cleric of Mishakal.
If every Draconian in Xak Tsaroth has been slain, then its
also possible that the former occupants of the ruins – the ______________________________________________
spectral remains of the former citizens – will return, burning

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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The Companions pass through the Eastern
Swamps on their way to Xak Tsaroth, following
the fractured memories of the plainsman
Riverwind. They are captured crossing one of the
many bridges and brought to the Temple of
Baaz, where at first they believe a real dragon
stands before them, especially when it starts
In reality the dragon is a wicker statue, and the
speech is nothing more than the Kender rogue
Tasslehoff Burrfoot. He had climbed inside and
started projecting his voice, tricking the
Draconian guards into believing that Takhisis was
speaking to them. This gave the Companions a
chance to escape from their cage and attack their

The group then make their way to the Plaza of

Death and encounter Onyx, their first real
dragon. They flee into the Temple of Mishakal,
but as they do Riverwind is slain by the dragon’s
acidic breath.

Having been waylaid into Darken Wood and

born to the Eastern Swamps by winged horses,
the Companions quickly met the Gully Dwarf
named Bubu who was reluctant to help them
until the wizard Raistlin cast a friendship
enchantment upon her.
Bupu led the party through the ruins by secret
ways, taking them directly to Highbulp Phudge I
and forcing him to help them. For his own ends,
the Highbulp provided the party with a map that
led them to the Court of the Balance and a
confrontation with Onyx/Khisanth.

Goldmoon felt her faith in Mishakal surge, so she

struck the dragon with the Blue Crystal Staff, and
both were seemingly destroyed. The Companions
grabbed the Disks of Mishakal and fled as the
cavern started to collapse, finding the reborn
Goldmoon back up in the Temple of Mishakal,
now a true cleric not only able to heal without
need of the staff, but also able to restore
Riverwind to life.

During this adventure, Raistlin had also been

searching for the spellbook of the legendary
wizard Fistandantilus. He left frustrated at not
finding it, but was then pleasantly surprised when
Bupu reemerged, her people escaping the
destruction of Xak Tsaroth. She reached into her
satchel and produced the very book he had been
looking for, presenting it as a gift to the often
arrogant and spiteful mage. By doing so, she
became one of the few creatures in the world he
would care even a little bit about as he continued
along a very dark path.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
Following the Dragonarmy attack, the forest town of Solace to take their orders so that she can talk with them.
is entirely unrecognizable. The trees have all been hacked No matter what they order, she will bring them Spice Roast
apart or burned down, and now only a handful of Potatoes.
ramshackle huts sit amidst the devastation.
Fires still smolder all over the town, as survivors not being The Blacksmith of Theros Ironfeld still stands, with Theros
forced to work search desperately to the bodies of loved and his apprentices now pressed into service for the
ones or for valued possessions. Moans of sorrow, cries of Dragonarmy, repairing and maintains the Draconian’s
pain, and the wails of children carry across the town. weapons and armour.
Very few healthy men or women capable of fighting remain The party will be unable to approach as the building it
with the town. guarded by Kapak Draconians at all times.

To the south, what remains of the vallenwood forest is being The Trough has been completely destroyed, but where it
cut up and converted into posts, and used to erect a tall pole stood a group of Kapak dig through the rubble for dwarven
fence. The Dragonarmy intend to fence in the ravaged spirits having developed a taste for them. They discuss
community. rebuilding the tavern.

A few small lights still twinkle in the windows of some of NEW AND FAMILIAR FACES
buildings, and humans, dwarves, and Elves can all be seen Theocrat Hederick, having been deposed, was found early
aiding in the construction of the fence, though they do so on and taken out of Solace with one of the first slave
with Hobgoblin and Draconian whips at their backs, all caravans. What became of him after that is unknown to the
under the watchful eye of Fewmaster Toede. people still Solace.

There is no longer any tree cover in Solace, ad there are still Otik Sandath is still in the Inn of the Last Home. He works
several dozen Hobgoblins and Kapak Draconians walking hard in the kitchen, but has next to no supplies to make
around, keeping their new slaves in line. These can be great works anymore, and is forced to serve only his spice
encountered independently and fought, however they can potatoes and ale. The damage to his prized inn has close to
easily call for aid if need be. broken him, and having been inside when it was
The occupying force is supremely confident in their victory unceremoniously lifted out of its tree, he has sustained a
however, and will not both the party if they enter Solace. serious injury to his leg. It has been bandaged, but he now
Frequent patrols move about Solace to bully the locals, but limps and fears having to walk with a cane for the rest of his
the party will only encounter trouble if they are belligerent life.
towards the Draconian guards, or if they try to speak with
key figures whom the Dragonarmy has any surveillance. Tika Waylan is doing what she can to care for Otik, whilst
_______________________________________________ also serving anyone who comes into the wrecked inn in an
attempt to comfort them as well.
An area of the Town Square has been cleared, and a She is the most readily available and together person the
number of blackened stakes have been driven into the party might recognize, and is able to give them her account
ground to form a dark parody of a temple to the true gods. of what happened if they were not in Solace at the time of
the attack.
The Inn of the Last Home is damaged, but mostly intact. It
now sits on the ground, with makeshift walls around the ▪ “You’re going to think I’m cracked, but it was dragons.
kitchen allowing it to continue operating. This seems to Yeah, as in big lizards from children’s stories. They flew
have been part of Toede’s plan, as his Hobgoblins now in and burned the town. What buildings they didn’t
frequent the place, and survivors go there to rest and drink, burn, they knocked down out of the trees.
which keeps them more compliant. I wouldn’t believe it unless I’d seen it with my own eyes,
The inn can now only offer Poor meals. but this big red monster actually lifted the Inn out of the
If the party enter, they find a feeble fire struggling for life in tree, set it down, then torched the tree with its breath.”
the stove and doing little to light the now gloomy
atmosphere. ▪ “A battle? Not a long one. A bunch of the Seeker
A thin, cloaked figure sits near the door with an untouched soldiers were incinerated by the dragons, and anyone
glass of ale in front of them, and three old men crouch else who resisted was killed by the dragonmen. It was
around a table at the back staring silently at an empty over before the local muster could even form up
tabletop. good’n’proper. We never stood a chance. So many
Otik continues to work in the kitchen, doing what he can to dead...”
keep to normality, whilst Tika moves about as if she doesn’t ▪ “The dragonmen took the surviving warriors off in
know what to do. On seeing the party, she will want to guide wagons with big cages on them; they headed south a day
them to the back of the inn and sits them down, pretending or two ago. They also took all the healthy young men

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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and women who didn’t have a trade or a skill useful A hooded figure sits near the door inside the Inn of the last
here in town. Theros is still working the smithy; they Home. This is Gilthanas, Prince of Qualinesti. He remain
haven’t sent him south because he can fix their armor stoic and silent where he can, unwilling to enter into
and keep their swords sharp. He’s a grouchy old bear, conversation, and if his hood is removed and he is revealed
though; it’s only a matter of time before he says as an elf he will attempt to escape, believing that his cover
something stupid and gets himself killed.” has been blown. It is however highly likely that he will be
captured whilst trying to leave Solace.
▪ “There are dozens of the dragonmen still around.
Maybe hundreds. I don’t know. There are a lot of KAPAK BULLIES
goblins and hobgoblins, too. They’re led by that creepy As soon as she sees them, Tika will want desperately to
hobgoblin that was Hederick’s right hand before the speak the party to tell them what has happened, and to beg
battle. Froggy? Whatever his name is.” them to take her out of Solace.
As they talk however, a group of three Kapak Draconians
▪ “We need to get out of here. Otik and I have about two burst into the Inn, sit at a table near the heroes, and loudly
days’ worth of potatoes and ale left. Once that’s gone, demand service. Tika moans, gets some more potatoes
and the dragonmen don’t get to come in here and tie from the kitchen, and begins serving the rowdy Draconians.
one on anymore, we’re as good as dead.” As she does, if not previously approached then the cloaked
▪ “I want to leave with you.” figure seated near the door chooses this moment to try to
approach the heroes. The robe still covers his head and
Theros Ironfeld is forced to work in his blacksmith shop, most of his face, but as soon as he walks near the
making and maintaining weapons for the Dragonarmy. He Draconians, one of them pulls the garment off to reveal a
has not been seen much outside of his smithy, nor have his handsome elf.
two apprentices. The Dragonarmy keep him under close
guard, and constantly working. Immediately the Draconians begin to shove the unfortunate
man around, gleefully bullying him.
Fizban, the old storyteller, is nowhere to be seen. Some This is Tika’s breaking point. She slams her pan filled hot
people claim to have seen him leaving town before the potatoes into a Kapak’s head.
attack began.
Creatures: 4x Kapak Skirmisher
[Hard] 1600xp
Chaotic Good Elf (Qualinesti) Male One of the three Kapaks will grab hold of and subdue Tika
Like many Elves, Gilthanas blames humanity for whilst the other two focus their attention on their Elven
both the Cataclysm and the newly arrived victim. Such is their arrogance that they pay little attention
invasion by the Dragonarmies, but unlike others to the party, so if the party choose to intervene they may be
he is more willing to work with humans who able to get a round of Surprise.
oppose the forces of evil. He has come out of
the forest to scout and spy on human lands as his
people prepare to leave Abanasinia. Depending on your party’s choices, they may
He remains stoic, and gives little away when he attempt to get to the blacksmiths to speak with
speaks, but he will try to give counsel and cheer Theros rather than Tika. If so, this encounter can
people up where he can. He already knows that be moved to there instead, and a Kapak can be
his brother Porthios plan rescue, but he will not attacked by one of the apprentices instead of
say so out loud. Tika.

▪ “We’re prisoners, going to the slave mines of FEWMASTER TOEDE

Pax Tharkas. It is bitter indeed that a The fight with the Kapak bullies will very likely cause a lot
monument to peace has been perverted to of noise which alerts other members of the Dragonarmy to
the evil purposes of slavery.” trouble.
▪ “I heard Theros Ironfeld had been betrayed.
I returned to warn him. But for him I never Heavy feet will be heard stomping and clattering about
would have left Solace alive. I was meant to outside, and then door will slam open, a crowd of
meet him in the inn last night. When he did Draconians forcing their way in. Shortly after, the flabby and
not come, I was afraid…” unwashed form of Fewmaster Toede will enter as well,
▪ “Lord Verminaard has sworn to exterminate more Draconians and Hobgoblins visible behind him
the Elves.” surrounding the building.
▪ “I advise against hatching any kind of escape
plan. It is best I think to wait until Whilst keeping out of harm’s reach, he demands to know
circumstances are more favourable. what has happened here, but then his eyes spy the Elven
Remember, things are not always what they prince and he at orders that the entire party be arrested and
seem.” their equipment taken from them.
He declares that these are enemies of the Highlord

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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Verminaard, and they should be taken as slaves to Pax
Tharkas with the others.

Creatures: 6x Kapak Skirmisher & Fewmaster Toede

[Deadly] 4750xp for the Kapaks, 700xp for Toede

Gilthanas surrenders immediately, gesturing to the party to

do the same.
If the party do resist, they face a nearly impossible fight, but
Gilthanas suggests that “not everything is as it seems”.

The Kapaks fight to subdue, following orders to take the

party alive as slaves. If the party do choose to fight, then it is
almost certain that they will eventually be overwhelmed.
Regardless, as prisoners of the Dragonarmy their equipment
will be taken from them and loaded into a wagon. The party
themselves, along with Tika and Gilthanas, will be taken to
one of three waiting cages just outside the town mounted
onto the backs of stag-drawn wagons.
The wagons are guarded, and the prisoners left in their
cages overnight so that the caravan can leave at dawn.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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Should the party arrive at Haven after the attack of the Red Given the circumstances, these Draconian will seek to
Dragonarmy (or should they awaken in cages having been captured the party rather than kill. Once captured, the party
defeated in battle), they find the city a smoldering ruin. will be thrown into cages on carts, their equipment stripped
Many sections have been completely destroyed, long lines from them and stored on a separate cart.
showing where dragonfire was poured onto the streets from
above. Of the structures that remain, few are serviceable, If not captured, the party will find the ruined city almost
though a good section of the Council Hall of the impossible to move around in given constant Draconian
Highseekers remains intact, the attackers wanting the patrols, Goblin presence throughout the city, and the
Highseekers are prisoners for Lord Verminaard. dragon Inferno taking occasional flights about Haven’s
The walls however are completely gone and its once proud skies.
towers pulverized. The city is now occupied by thousands of
Draconians, Goblins, Hobgoblins and Ogres, all waiting for CAPTURED
words on their next move and anticipating finally getting If captured in Haven the party will find themselves loaded
stuck into the Elven lands to the south. into the same cage (or the same group of cages) as
Highseeker Elistan and two member of the Holy Guard.
Supply wagons can be seen everywhere, many being loaded Elistan is broken at recent events, and laments that the
by humans working under the whips of Draconians. A great Seekers could not in fact hold back the darkness. His mood
deal more residents of the city have been and are still being grows darker, and results in him falling sick within a day.
loaded into cages on the backs of carts ready to be
transported to Pax Tharkas. The cages containing Elistan and party depart Haven fairly
_______________________________________________ soon after the party are put inside them, but whilst the
majority of the cages and supply carts head south towards
NEW LEADERSHIP Pax Tharkas, the party find that they (and the cart with the
Haven is now controlled by a Bozak Draconian named equipment) turns north instead.
Tethys, a high ranking Flight Marshall of the Red The caravan of cages makes for the ruins of Solace, where
Dragonarmy. As leader of the arrayed forces in Haven, he Fewmaster Toede led the successful attack that has totally
has taken governorship of Abanasinia and now sits back on destroyed the great vallenwood forest.
the field of his victory.
His personal mount, the red dragon named Inferno, nestles In Solace, further slaves including characters such as Tika,
inside the broken domed chamber where once the Gilthanas and Theros are added to the cages, and under
Highseekers held their court, awaiting his next command. escort the carts finally head south again towards Pax
CONFRONTATION AT THE GATES _______________________________________________
If the party have come to haven in its occupied state, they
will certainly be challenged by guards positioned around the
gapping holes in the city walls.

Creatures: 2x Baaz Soldier

[Deadly] 2100xp

Humans, and other “enemies of the Dark Queen” are

entirely forbidden from carrying weapons into occupied
Haven, and any attempt to do so will result in the Baaz
Draconians at the entrances demanding that the weapons be
handed over.

They will further demand to know what work-gang the party

are assigned to, and where their taskmaster is.
It will be exceptionally difficult for the gate guards to be
tricked or deceived, as they think everything in Haven has
been strictly ordered following the attack. Charisma
(Deception) checks will at minimum face DC30 to succeed.
If the party does not bluff their way past or dispatch the
guards quickly, the Baaz will sound an alarm and more of
their kind will come to assist them.

Creatures: 10x Baaz Scout or Kapak Skirmisher

[Deadly] 5000xp

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
The events of the Slave Caravan take place after the Theros will die.
destruction of Solace on 19th Autumn Harvest, and can Once the guards realize that Theros is dead, they will drag
occur whether the party are captured or not. If the party are the body out of thee cage and throw him on a nearby pile of
captured, they have an opportunity to speak with other rubble.
prisoners, but if not they can take part in an effort to save
the prisoners from Dragonarmy slavery. If any character uses magical healing to bind the wound,
_____________________________________________ then this will cause some commotion. Theros and Gilthanas
will be stunned, whilst Elistan will be astonished. The
PRISONERS OF THE DRAGONARMY militiamen start to murmur about “miracles”, but Elistan
If captured in Solace, then the party are caged along with quickly calls for them to be quiet and to keep their
other figures from Solace, their equipment taken from them amazements restrained, lest their guards notice.
and put in a separate cart.
The caravan consists of five wagons, the three largest being The slave caravan sets out, leaving the ruins of Solace
in the middle and housing the three cages which contain the behind. Guards remain on watch throughout the
party. Behind these three another smaller wagon carries surprisingly warm day, but no new prisoners are added to
supplies such as wheat and grain, and ahead the forward the cages.
wagon contains a few bags of looted supplies, as well as all of
the party’s equipment. With guards flanking either side, the caravan of five stag-
Each cage is locked with a strong metal padlock (DC25). drawn wagons sets out on the three day journey to Pax
Tharkas. He also makes reference to a troupe of 45 Kapaks
The party are all put together in the forward-most cage, marching a half-mile ahead of the caravan, and a line of 100
along with Tika and Gilthanas. This cage already contains Goblins trailing behind. Toede will gleefully claim that there
two other Seeker militiamen and Elistan. is no escape.

Once they get going, each wagon is driven by a Hobgoblin, Fewmaster Toede rides alongside the wagons taunting the
and the caravan is protected by further forces of Hobgoblins prisoners with stories of the dungeons of Pax Tharkas and
and Goblins, led by Fewmaster Toede himself who seeks to of the Dragon Highlord who now rules there. His servant,
impress his master Verminaard in Pax Tharkas. an unkempt gully dwarf called Sestun, follows behind as
best as he can, though he keeps falling down into the mud
Creatures: 16x Hobgoblin, 20x Goblin & Fewmaster Toede because of the weight of a battle-axe hanging at his side, and
[Deadly] 10,400xp for the Hobgoblins and Goblins, and a new metal helmet which covers his eyes and obscures his
700xp for Toede vision.

A CHILLY SUNRISE Through the long first day and night, the caravan moves
The morning that the slave caravan plans to depart Solace is steadily southward, passing by the Twin Peaks Pass and the
a bitterly cold one. Dawn breaks over a blanket of dew and ruined city of Gateway where the Dragonarmies have clearly
mist. Draconian, Goblins and Hobgoblins move about in been busy.
the early light, pouring a foul slop into buckets on each The caravan keeps moving, coming soon to the rushing
wagon – this bitter tasting gruel the only meal they plan to waters of thee Whiterage River which rushes out of the
provide for their captives. forest Elvenhome of Qualinesti.

Suddenly, across the misty ruins of Solace, the sounds of FIZBAN IS FOUND
combat ring out. The chime of metal on metal mixes with At some point during the journey, likely as they pass the
the yelps of dragonmen and the shouts of a human known forest and move to the bridge which crosses the Whiterage
to Gilthanas as Theros Ironfeld. River, the caravan comes upon a strange, ragged old man
The sounds of fighting seem to be coming from the with a long beard and a floppy hat who appears to be deeply
blacksmiths shop, but then stop abruptly. A few moments involved in conversation with a nearby tree that doesn’t look
later a group of Draconians emerges dragging the bleeding like its responding.
forms of Theros between them, blood dripping from the
stump where his right arm used to be. At Toede’s orders the man is immediately captured and
thrown into the front wagon, alongside the party.
Theros – still alive but badly hurt and weakened – is thrown As he recovers, it becomes clear that the old man is the
into the front wagon. same old storyteller they met in the Inn of the Last Home!
The smith is bleeding out and will soon die if his wound is If he has not already, he introduces himself as Fizban The
not treated. If no player character comes forward to help Fabulous, itinerant wizard.
him, then Gilthanas will jump up to do what he can, but he
does not have a healer’s hands. His efforts will fail, and ▪ “I wield immense arcane power!”

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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▪ “Would you like to see?” two hundred feet from the road, the Dragonarmy troops
▪ “I have one…...a fireball......let’s see, how did that go?” will be unable to follow further.

If the heroes don’t say no, Gilthanas will. The last thing he If they follow Gilthanas, he will lead them along with the
wants is someone to jeopardize the coming rescue mission. scouts towards the safety of Qualinesti.
Fizban will somehow have completely disappeared during
On the third morning of travel, the caravan will have passed _____________________________________________
by the Whiterage River and moving down a road adjacent to
the border of Qualinesti.
As the wagons trundle onwards, a bird call will sound out to
the west. Gilthanas stiffens, his hand reaching instinctively
for his empty sword-belt. Realizing his foolishness,
Gilthanas cups his hands around his mouth and responds to
with a similarly mimicked bird call.
Suddenly a loud whoosh is heard, followed by a sharp thud,
and the driver of the party’s wagon slumps off of the side of
the wagon with a long arrow shaft in its neck.
Porthios of Qualinesti has led a unit of Elven scouts to this
point to ambush the caravan and set free anyone inside,
most notably his younger brother Gilthanas.

Further arrows fly from the tree line and strike other
Hobgoblins and Goblins. Fewmaster Toede gallops up the
line of wagons calling for his troops to prepare for battle,
and threatening his gully dwarf assistant Sestun to keep an
eye on the prisoners “or else its your head I’ll take next”.
After giving these orders however, an arrow flies
uncomfortably close to his head, so the Fewmaster turns his
pony and flees towards Pax Tharkas.

The Elven scouts engage in battle with the guards, giving the
party an opportunity to escape.

• The locks on the cages are strong, and can only be

picked with a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand): DC25 check.
• The cages are equally strong, but bars can be broken out
with a Strength: DC25 check. Alternatively the bars or
door can be damaged enough to pry them out by dealing
25hp damage in a single hit. Fizban is more than willing
to attempt this using a Fireball (and his aim is not good).
• Sestun is sick of the way Toede treats him and could be
convinced to betray the Fewmaster, either by breaking
the lock himself of handing over his battle- axe.

Once free, Gilthanas urges everyone to escape into the

woods while the Elves lay down covering fire. The one
hundred Goblins behind the caravan are roughly one
minute away and will no doubt have realized that there is
trouble ahead. There is time for the party to free others and
to grab their equipment though, but there will be roughly
twenty Goblins and Hobgoblins in their immediate area
who will have to be fought through.

Creatures: 16x Hobgoblin & 20x Goblin

[Deadly] 10,400xp

The fight might be a bit more than the party can handle, as
the Elven scouts led by Porthios will likely want to retreat as
soon as most of the people have escaped. They will call to
the party to get into the forest, and once everyone is at least

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
These events are possible after Autumn Harvest 19th, as the Solace adventure module, including characters who can be
Qualinesti people face the coming Dragonarmy and prepare met whilst inside the cages being escorted south by
to leave their homeland. Fewmaster Toede and his forces.
If the party have evaded capture in Solace, and instead
DESPERATE GUARDS AT THE GATE joined up with Porthios at the edge of the forest of
Following the fall and destruction of Haven and Solace, the Qualinesti, then they find themselves taking part in the Fight
Elves of Qualinesti start putting their plans to abandon the For Freedom event from that module, but from the outside.
forest in faster action, but lack the time they need for a full Porthios leads them to forest’s edge to join up with another
evacuation. band of his rangers already lying in ambush, who point to
Word will have reached them of the Blue Crystal Staff, and the Old Road leading down from the northern lands
quite likely of the actions of a group of adventurers in the towards Pax Tharkas.
northern part of Abanasinia, and this will give the Elves an
opportunity to make sure that their plans work out. ▪ “They seem to be making for the old fortress. Once that
place was a beacon of peace in these lands, but it has
Should the party attempt to cross into the border of long since been fouled by betrayal and distrust. It seems
Qualinesti during this time, they are once again met at the fitting that the Dragonarmies make their home their
edge of the forest by Prince Porthios and his Elven rangers, now.”
just as if they had tried to enter before now through the ▪ “My scouts report nearly fifty Dragon-men about half a
Guarded Ways. mile ahead of the caravan, and a hundred Goblins a little
way behind. We must fend off these guards and escape
Creatures: Porthios & 14x Qualinesti Wildrunner quickly.”
[Deadly] 8400xp ▪ “Wait for my command. When I give the call, attack
and try to reach the rear cage. Open as many as you can,
This time however, Porthios is in a hurry with another get the people out, and then flee.”
mission to fulfill, and senses a chance to bolster his
numbers. Porthios’ plan is to free as many people as possible, and get
them into the forest, though his primary concern appears to
▪ “Halt! You trespass in Qualinesti! You are surrounded. be one prisoner only - his younger brother Gilthanas who
Take no steps, reach not for your weapons, and you will has been captured whilst scouting in Solace.
live. Let us speak before it comes to bloodshed!”
Porthios waits until the caravan - five wagons, the front and
Porthios remains suspicious of all strangers, especially of rear ones containing supplies and captured loot, surrounded
humans, but in these darker days he needs all of the help he by Goblins and Hobgoblins led by Fewmaster Toede riding
can get. Should the party be able to convince him that they a mule - comes roughly alongside his position, and then
are also in danger, and at least not evil in heart, Porthios will sounds out an exotic bird call. After a short time someone
sympathize and ask the party for their help. in the caravan responds, and a grim smile crosses the
prince’s lips. He calls out in Elven “attack”, and the ambush
▪ “We, too, are enemies of the dragonmen. We have seen is sprung.
them on our borders in growing numbers. In fact, they
have taken a great many prisoners in your towns north of At once a hail of arrows flies into the caravan’s guards,
our forest.” followed by Elven rangers charging out of the forest. The
▪ “A caravan carries many to slavery even as we speak. If rangers head for the front two cages, leaving the rear cage
you are truly of goodwill, you will aid us in our mission for the party to free. This will mean battling through a
to rescue these prisoners. Another score of my warriors decent sized force of Goblins and Hobgoblins, but they will
awaits us to join with them;. They lie in ambush.” have some support from archers still in the forest.

Porthios has no time to escort the party directly to Creatures: 16x Hobgoblin & 20x Goblin
Qualinost, as he must head towards the slave caravan to [Deadly] 10,400xp
rescue the people there. He won’t allow any to walk the
forest unescorted though, so if the party refuse to help he If any characters are able to reach the cage, they find it
will make sure they leave the forest. securely locked, but also containing some possibly familiar
If the party agree to help however, Porthios will lead them faces. The cage contains Tika Waylan, the barmaid from
along with his own rangers towards the eastern border to the Inn Of The Last Home, Prince Gilthanas of Qualinesti,
attack the Slave Caravan. Highseeker Elistan of Haven, and the odd old storyteller
Fizban. The cage will also contain the body of the recently
ATTACKING THE SLAVE CARAVAN deceased blacksmith Theros Ironfeld, whose arm had been
The events from inside the Slave Caravan are detailed in the brutally severed after trying to escape Solace.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
▪ The locks on the cages are strong, and can only be ▪ “Let us at least tell you, that we have learned that the
picked with a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand): DC25 check. caravan was indeed heading for the fortress of Pax
▪ The cages are equally strong, but bars can be broken out Tharkas. There the Dragon Highlord known as
with a Strength: DC25 check. Alternatively the bars or Verminaard has made a base from which he plans to
door can be damaged enough to pry them out by dealing attack out borders and eventually claim the rest of these
25hp damage in a single hit. Fizban is more than willing lands.”
to attempt this using a Fireball (and his aim is not good).
A great many have already been taken to Pax Tharkas,
The fight might be a bit more than the party can handle, as including peoples of the plains tribes, the human cities, and
the Elven scouts led by Porthios will likely want to retreat as other travelers unlucky enough to be in Abanasinia during
soon as they see that Gilthanas has escaped. They will call to the invasion. If you have friends missing it is highly possible
the party to get into the forest, and once everyone is at least they are there, being used as slave labour in the mines
two hundred feet from the road, the Dragonarmy troops behind the fortress.”
will be unable to follow further.
If the party follow, they will be lead into the forest, but On arrival in Qualinost, after being escorted through The
Fizban will somehow have completely disappeared during Secret Ways, the party find highly unusual levels of activity
the battle. within the city. Those who have been here before or trace
their background to this city may be alarmed by the frantic
THE PROTECTION OF PORTHIOS coming and going of the populace and the break in the
First meeting normally serene Elven homeland.
Adults and children alike rush about carrying bundles in
Once the prisoners are safely within the borders of their arms towards the Hall of the Sky, or simply moving
Qualinesti, the rangers come to a stop and give them time to around the houses packing what goods they can.
rest and catch their breath. The rescued people of
Abanasinia take a moment amidst the tall pines whilst Porthios and Gilthanas ask the party to follow them directly
Gilthanas and his brother Porthios reunite and talk away to the Tower of the Sun for an audience with the Speaker,
from the party. Though they make every attempt to avoid wanting them to meet with their father as soon as possible.
being eavesdropped on, the conversation clearly grows They don’t want to waste any time in delivering news of the
animated. wider world, and also wish to avoid the party interacting with
the local population.
If any character can speak Elven and get close enough, they Through gilded doors that glide silently open, the party are
overhear Gilthanas arguing that all of the people should be led into a large chamber designed through architecture and
offered sanctuary, but Porthios will have none of it. magic to seem larger within that without, a single chamber
Ultimately they seem to come to a compromise, and both of white marble walls and floor dominating the entire lower
return to the main group. level, all lit by a multitude of open spaced portals that admit
both sunlight and fresh forest air.
▪ “People of Abanasinia, I am Porthios. The Dragon Within is Solostaran, surrounded by many other Elves of
Highlord hold you no longer; you are free to go where thee Qualinesti who were previously engaged in
you please. Where that is I cannot say, for the land is conversation on the subject of the evacuation. Close to the
wracked by their evil.” Speaker is also his daughter, Lauralanthalasa, who stands
▪ “We cannot offer you sanctuary in Qualinesti, for our silently and attends to her father dutifully.
land is under as much danger as yours. However, we can
offer you safe passage through our forest. You may find Upon arrival at the tower, the party find Solostaran aloof
safety in lands south of Pax Tharkas. Those who so towards all except other Elves. He is seems warmer to those
desire, go with my scouts— they will guide you swiftly and of the Qualinesti, respectful to Silvanesti but only out of
safely.” duty, and honestly surprised should there be a Kagonesti
Porthios then turns to directly address the party. amongst the party, believing it to be extremely rare that they
ever leave their homelands.
▪ “I would ask that your group accompany my brother and He is not insulting however, and offers his full hospitality,
I back to Qualinost. It would please our father, the honouring the word of his sons.
Speaker of the Sun, to learn more of your tale and what
you have seen of the Dragonarmies. The full hospitality As the group enter the tower, they seem to draw the
of the people of Qualinesti is yours.” Speaker’s attention immediately, but his attention is in fact
directly on his own sons first and foremost.
Both Porthios and Gilthanas try to convince the party that
this is the best course for them, but will not press them if ▪ “My sons! I thought I would never meet you in this
they absolutely refuse to travel to Qualinost. Though they world again.”
are happy to escort the party to the capital to speak with the ▪ “Gilthanas, what of your raid?”
Speaker, they will allow the party to depart in peace, though
may give a warning as they go. Gilthanas then responds to report on his activities.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
▪ “Lord Speaker, my father, I have failed. We traveled be intruded upon. There are pools for bathing, and a
with all stealth southward as was planned, yet fate had us number of mats and rugs have been laid down along with
meet a northbound army of the Dragon Highlord. I was plates of fruits, nuts and fresh bread.
struck upon my head and fell into a ravine, thinking that Laurana is happy to stay a little while and relate information
to be the end of my days upon the face of Krynn.” on the city and its history if the party are curious, and if they
▪ “Some time later I awoke and found tracks leading ask about how the Elves fared after the Cataclysm, she may
northward to Solace. Thinking to free my warriors who well recite the Canticle of the Dragon to tell the story in
may have been taken prisoner, I followed. I found that verse.
Solace has been taken and its vallenwood forest razed.”
If there are no further questions, Laurana will dismiss
▪ “I found my companions in the square, tied to stakes herself, and part with a few final words.
made from the fallen trees. A large red dragon soared
above them. A great and evil leader, hidden by a ▪ “My father will most likely call on you this evening, after
beastlike mask, rode the red dragon downward beside he has had a chance to speak with the council. Please,
the stakes in the square. He spoke as the serpent landed: rest here peacefully until then.”
‘I am Verminaard, Dragon Highlord of this realm. I
have need of all mortal beings in the great work of the HIGH COUNCIL
Dragon Highlords. Those who obey shall serve me. When dusk next approaches Qualinost, servants will come
Those who do not shall feel my wrath!’ Then the dragon to rouse the party from their rest. They bring fine, new
breathed flame upon my fellows...” clothing of Elven silk, and ask that if the party have any
▪ “See here, I have brought others from those lands who clothing, armour or weapons that need repair, that they be
saw some of what I described, and more. I urge you to trusted with the task.
hear what they have to say.” Meanwhile, Laurana will take them to the Hall of the Sky to
meet with the Speaker and have council with him a final
Solostaran softens noticeably as the tragic tale is told, and time.
then turns his attention to the party to ask them of their
experiences. He will quiz them on any details the party can With their consent, Laurana leads the part towards the
give on the movements of the Dragonarmy and whether or centre of the city, an open square inlaid with a mosaic map
not they are close to the forest. of Ansalon before the Cataclysm.
He is particularly interested in rumours of the Blue Crystal There, Solostaran is surrounded by a great many Qualinesti
Staff or of divine magic, though will grow noticeably upset, Elves, quite possibly the entire population of the city. The
perhaps even furious, if he sees any member of the party Speaker himself stands in the centre of the mosaic
openly displaying a sigil or medallion of the old gods - surrounded by a ring of warriors, his chief lieutenants and
particularly Mishakal (whom the Qualinesti also call Quen advisors with him, and other civilians outside the warrior
Illumini). ring (including the children).
A path is opened as Laurana approaches with the party,
If the party have been to Xak Tsaroth and one of them has allowing them access directly to the Speaker who watches
been made a true Cleric, having been granted a true and waits as the party come closer. Once the party are
Medallion of Faith, then Solostaran may try to snatch it within the inner ring and standing atop the mosaic,
from them in his rage. As he touches it however, a blinding Solostaran addresses them slowly.
flash will sear his hand. he is not injured, but definitely
humbled and apologetic. The flash comes as a great shock, ▪ “Forgive our somber air. These are heavy times, and we
but Solostaran recognizes immediately that it is a sign that face the beginning of a long and lonely road.”
the medallion is true, and so too must the be the power of ▪ “Look, if you will, upon our situation.”
this cleric.
He offers his full apologies, and determines that he must With that last statement, Solostaran gestures to the mosaic.
think on this matter and a great many other things. All other Qualinesti draw back so that the lands of
Qualinesti can be clearly seen, and Solostaran continues.
▪ “I have had a place prepared for you while you are
among us. Follow my daughter, and she shall see you ▪ “We have learned from captives that the Dragon
comfortably tended. After you have had a chance to Highlord would like to see the race of Elves driven from
wash, eat, and sleep, I shall send for you. Time is indeed Ansalon. They have nearly succeeded with respect to
short.” our Silvanesti kin, who face great evil and have been
forced out of their homeland. Now they mean to do the
Laurana then steps forward from amongst the onlookers same to us.”
and gives a slight curtsy to her father before smiling at the ▪ “Here and here, at Haven and Solace, two huge armies
party. She gestures towards the towards the gilded doors of the Dragon Highlord Verminaard have gathered.
and asks the party to follow her, the doors seeming to Even now they prepare to invade the Qualinesti. We
magically part for her. She then leads them out of the tower might be able to stand against them, if it is but those
towards The Glade. Though a public space usually, it has two armies that we face. But it is not. A third army
been made available for the party to rest in and contains poises against us here, in Pax Tharkas.”
enough places of seclusion and privacy so that they will not

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
Solostaran’s staff strikes sharply on the narrow pass near to subterfuge. He wishes the party to make for Pax Tharkas
Pax Tharkas, the sound ringing out and bringing hushed and to lead a revolt of the slaves there so that the armies
silence to the assembled crowd. He continues, though not soon to march from that fortress will turn back to prevent
willing to make eye contact with the party. it seems as their escape.
though he is ashamed of the truth he must speak out loud. This in turn will give the Qualinesti time to leave the forest
and make over the sea for some unknown sanctuary.
▪ “They have us outflanked, outnumbered, and without
allies.” If the party are willing to taker on this quest, then Gilthanas
▪ “We cannot defeat such a force. Our only choice is to will offer to take them directly to the secret passage known
flee Qualinesti to the west and hope to bring our people as the Sla-Mori, though if he is unavailable at this point,
safely to some land in that region.” Porthios can also be commanded by the Speaker to lead the
party there.
Solostaran pauses to let that pronouncement sink in. On these terms, the prince who takes on the job will
Though most of Qualinesti have known and expected this, recommend that they leave at first light. By this time any
to hear the order given is startling and upsetting to them all. repairs being made to the party’s equipment will be
▪ “It is indeed stunning to think of the Elves of this fabled The mood amongst the people will raise a little at the news
wood - a people who have lived here since the Age of that the mission will go ahead (especially as it is at little risk
Dreams - forced from their ancestral home by the cruel to further Elven lives) and some will celebrate and bid
might of the Dragonarmies.” farewell to the forest by singing the ancient chant of the
Elvenhome. Soon enough, everyone assembled will join in
▪ “I now come to how I wish to ask you to help us. Here, with the song.
in the depths of Pax Tharkas, work the warriors of
Solace, Haven, and the other northern lands. Why If the party refuse, then Solostaran is disappointed, even
would they slave in the mines, gaining iron for the forges distraught. If no words he offers will convince the party, he
of the evil Dragon Highlords?” “Because within the will ask them to leave Qualinesti at first light. In their place
fortress of Pax Tharkas “are their families. Their Gilthanas will lead a band of Elven rangers into the fortress
children. All held as hostages, lest the warriors display instead.
the rage and hatred that they must feel against their
villainous masters. This was the reason for Gilthanas’ Either way, the prisoners who were rescued from the Slave
mission only a few short days ago. He and his band were Caravan will be given provisions and allowed to travel to the
to enter Pax Tharkas by a hidden route - the Sla-Mori - forest’s southern border. Those who wish may travel with
known only to the Elves. They would free the hostages the party.
and lead the slaves in a revolt, escaping to the south and
drawing the Dragonarmy in pursuit. They failed - but DRAGONARMY RAID
Gilthanas believes a second attempt may succeed.” Once the council has ended, regardless of whether the party
▪ “The humans can reach safety and elude the dragon- accept the mission to Pax Tharkas or not, they will be
men, for the mountainous route contains many secluded escorted back to their provided quarters amongst the aspen
valleys where they can hide. Far to the south may yet lie grove by Laurana.
free lands where safety could be found.” “We ask you She will likely take the time to try to convince them to help
to accept this heavy task. We will show you the ways of if they have not already agreed, but will not press too hard.
the Sla-Mori, even the room of the Great Chain - the On their return the party find that the equipment that
quickest entrance to the fortress itself. If you accept this needed repairs has been left for them, all as good and as
opportunity, you not only offer freedom to those of your clean as though they were new. Blades have been
kin trapped within the walls of the fortress, but you offer sharpened, bows restrung and quivers filled ready for
our beleaguered folk a chance to escape Qualinesti alive, whatever path lies ahead of them.
for the army in Pax Tharkas, which even now prepares
to crush our spirit, will think twice about marching if the Laurana bids the party good night and departs, but mere
slaves rebel and escape.” moments later dark shapes appear in the night sky above
and a sudden shriek sounds out from the direction Laurana
▪ “Verminaard will never rest while a potential enemy went.
lurks behind his advance. This distraction will give our Without warning three dragon-men fall from the treetops
shipwrights time to finish building the fleet we need to between the party and the source of the shriek, their
evacuate our people.” weapons drawn and ready for a fight.
▪ “This chance before you is one that none of ours were
given when your people caused the Cataclysm, the These Draconians have been dropped in by a wyvern that
turning away of the gods. This is a chance to hand the just flew overhead, having been held in its claws ready for a
Dragonarmies their first significant defeat, earn the sudden night-time raid such as this. The Draconians
friendship of the Elves, and save countless lives—both elf ambush the party (unless the party are particularly
and human.” observant) and fight to keep them occupied whilst the
Wyvern’s rider - none other than Fewmaster Toede -
Solostaran’s intention is clear and direct, and without attempts to kidnap Laurana.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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Creatures: Fewmaster Toede, 3x Kapak Skirmisher & 1x
Lesser Wyvern
[Hard] 3500xp
Elvenhome is an ancient and honoured song
amongst the people of Qualinesti. It is a haunting
Toede has come seeking any kind of valuable prize, and
tune that the Elves have sung and taught to their
upon seeing Laurana seizes the opportunity. She is no great
children for a thousand years.
fighter and has no choice but to cooperate after seeing the
wyvern, unless the party can stop it.
“The sun, the splendid eye of all our heavens,
dives from the day
Toede is still the same abject coward he was in Solace and
will try to flee if attacked, but if he is able to stay on the
And leaves the dozing sun dappled with fireflies,
ground until his forth turn then the Wyvern will
deepening in gray.
automatically grapple Laurana and take to the skies, leaving
the Kapak distraction behind to kill whoever they can. As
Now sleep, our oldest friend, lies on the
Toede flies away with his prize, the furious Draconians (who
deepwood trees and calls us in.
thought they would be leaving as well) fight to the death in
the name of Takhisis.
The leaves are fiery cold, they blaze into ash at
end of year.
Scouts will report the wyvern heading east, and surmise that
she has most likely been taken to Pax Tharkas to be
The birds caress the wind, they wheel to the
presented to Lord Verminaard.
north when autumn ends.
If the party are able to rescue Laurana before she carried
The day grows dark with sunset’s pyre, so we
away however, then Toede looks to his own safety first and
await the sun’s green fire upon the trees.
tries to get his mount into the air again so that they can
escape. If captured he is happy to lay out his entire plan of
The wind blows through the days, by season, by
taking some prize to Verminaard, and with pitifully beg for
moon, great kingdoms rise.
The breath of fire flies, the trees of mankind fade
The party may wish to kill him there and then, but if they
in a word.
do Porthios will beg them not to. Toede could be a valuable
source of information, and Porthios would prefer to be able
Now sleep, our oldest friend, lies on the
to interrogate the little worm.
deepwood trees and calls us in.
He leaves the ultimate choice up to the party however.
The age!
As the first light of the sun hits the Tower of the Sun, the
The thousand lives of men and their tales go to
party are roused from their rest and told by dour guards that
their graves,
it is time to be on their way.
If they have refused the quest into Pax Tharkas, even after
But we, the people long in poem and story, fade
Laurana was attacked (and possibly kidnapped) then they
from the song. “
are led by rangers to the eastern border and sent on their
If they accepted however, then Gilthanas (or whoever is able
to replace him should he not be available) will personally
lead the party to the eastern border and proceed to show PATH OF THE COMPANIONS
them the way over southern Abanasinia towards Pax The story of the Companions sees them pass
Tharkas and the hidden passage. through Qualinesti only briefly. having been
_______________________________________________ captured in Solace, they are part of the Slave
Caravan that is attacked by Porthios and his
rangers. As their leader is a half-elf of Qualinesti
lineage (with a deeper backstory linking him to
the Speaker of the Sun, the Companions enter
the forest and have council with the Speaker.
Eventually, though they are dismayed that the
Elves are leaving and not willing to fight, they
accept the quest to Sla-Mori. Gilthanas
accompanies them, but Laurana chooses to
follow in order to prove her worthiness to the
man she loves - Tanis Half-Elven, leader of the

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
The Canticle of the Dragon is one of the most famous poems in all of Ansalon, relating the tale of Huma and the
events leading up to the Age of Despair. Its original author is unknown, and some variation across cultures is to be
expected, but the text below relates the version most commonly known and written.


“Out of the darkness of dragons, Yet in the fullness of sunlight

Out of our cries for light The Kingpriest of Istar saw shadows:
In the blank face of the black moon soaring, At night he saw the trees as things with daggers, the
A banked light flared in Solamnia, streams
A knight of truth and of power, Blackened and thickened under the silent moon.
Who called down the gods themselves He searched books for the paths of Huma
And forged the mighty Dragonlance, For scrolls, signs, and spells
Piercing the soul Of dragonkind, So that he, too, might summon the gods, might find
Driving the shade of their wings Their aid in his holy aims, Might purge the world of sin.
From the brightening shores of Krynn.
Then came the time of dark and death
Paladine, the Great God of Good As the gods turned from the world.
Shone at the side of Huma, A mountain of fire crashed like a comet through Istar,
Strengthening the lance of his strong right arm, The city split like a skull in the flames,
And Huma, ablaze in a thousand moons, Mountains burst from once-fertile valleys,
Banished the Queen of Darkness, Seas poured into the graves of mountains,
Banished the swarm of her shrieking hosts The deserts sighed on abandoned floors of the seas,
Back to the senseless kingdom of death, where their curses The highways of Krynn erupted
Swooped upon nothing and nothing And became the paths of the dead.
Deep below the brightening land.
Thus began the Age of Despair.
Thus ended in thunder the Age of Dreams The roads were tangled.
And began the Age of Might, The winds and the sandstorms dwelt in the husks of
When Istar, kingdom of light and truth, arose in the east, cities,
Where minarets of white and gold The plains and mountains became our home.
Spired to the sun and to the sun’s glory, As the old gods lost their power,
Announcing the passing of evil, We called to the blank sky
And Istar, who mothered and cradled the long summers of good, Into the cold, dividing gray to the ears of new gods.
Shone like a meteor The sky is calm, silent, unmoving.
In the white skies of the just. We had yet to hear their answer.


Much later, two additional verses were added to include the story of the Companions who came to fight the War of
the Lance. At this point in that story, these events will not have happened (as your party will be playing them out
right now) so these verses will not yet exist, but are included here for completeness.


Then to the east, to the Sunken City From there, pursued by the armies,
Scarred in its loss of blue light, The cold and glittering legions, they came
Came the party, the Innfellows, heirs to the burdens, Bearing the staff to the arms of the shattered city,
Out of their tunnels and their arching forests, Where below the weeds and the birdcall,
Out of the lowness of plains, the lowness Below the vallenwood, below forever,
Of huts in the valleys, Below the riding darkness itself,
The stunned farms under the warlords and darkness. A hole in the darkness called to the source of the light,
They came serving the light, Drawing all light to the core of light,
The covered flames of healing and grace. To the first fullness of its godly dazzle.”


The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
These events are possible after Autumn Harvest 21st,, after Any member of the Qualinesti royal family, or a Qualinesti
the Dragonarmies have claimed the fortress. elf who was alive at the time of the construction of Pax
_______________________________________________ Tharkas, will know that this valley leads to a wall
underneath the fortress. Hidden in that wall, appearing as
THE MERCENARY an unassuming piece of rock, is the door that leads into a
At the foot of the Tharkadan Mountains, the road to Pax hidden Sla-Mori. Only they would know of it though, and
Tharkas is blocked first by a scene of destruction. The would know that it can be an opportunity given the new
ground here has been churned by combat, the bodies of occupants of the fortress.
slain humans and hobgoblins littering the ground.
In the centre of this scene of slaughter, a low groan can be The valley floor has, some years since, become home to a
heard beneath a pile of hobgoblins - a sign of life amidst a family of trolls who dislike intruders in their home. Since
field of death. If investigated, a single living human can be the arrival of the Dragonarmies they have been guaranteed
found - an lightly armoured mercenary with superficial that nobody would encroach on their territory so long at
wounds but heavily exhausted seemingly from a desperate they guarded the paths.
battle. Barely able to stand he raises a hand as though to Seeing a party move through now, the trolls would be
gesture his thanks for being discovered and rescued, but aggressive, and unkind.
that hand quickly becomes a pointing figure as the man calls
out a frantic warning. Creatures: 1x Troll
[Easy] 1800xp
▪ “Look out! Draconians!”
To make this encounter more interesting, it is
Behind the party, a group of Draconians approaches. having recommended that the Loathsome Limbs variant of Troll
been tasked with recovering the wounded and killing any be used.
enemies still alive, they are keen to put their swords to
anyone in their way. There will be more than one Troll in the valley, but due to
their difficulty it is recommended that the party encounter
Creatures: 6x Baaz Scout them one at a time, in different areas of the valley. The first
[Medium] 2,400xp will be out in the open, where the party can see it.
The second will be in hiding, having covered itself in a large
The mercenary is too tired to join the fight, but if it goes clump of moss at the base of a large tree. Approaching it
well he will drag himself to his feet and thank the party for and succeeding at a DC16 Wisdom (Perception) check will
saving him. He introduces himself as Eben Shatterstone, a see it for what it is. This Troll will try to jump out and
mercenary from Gateway. He graciously accepts any help ambush the party as they pass.
they can give him, though will turn down magical healing as The third Troll will be seen by the party after the defeat of
he is not really wounded. If the party make their intentions the second. It will immediately flee, and if followed will lead
to go to Pax Tharkas clear, Eben will ask or offer to join the party back to a small cave in the side of the valley where
them, saying that an extra sword should give them more of the Trolls have made their lair.
an advantage.
If the party search the lair, they will find within a +1 heavy
In truth Eben is a spy working for the Dragonarmy, the few steel shield, and a broken strongbox containing 257sp, a
minor injuries he has having been self-inflicted, and the 150sp diamond, a 110sp pearl, a pair of gloves of dexterity
blood on him taken from bodies on the ground. He has (+1 to acrobatics) and a set of masterwork lock picks
staged this scene, including the attacking Draconians, in (advantage to picking locks).
order to infiltrate the party and reach Pax Tharkas himself ______________________________________________
so that he can report back to Highlord Verminaard and
Ember. If allowed to join the party, he will subtly sow seeds CAPTURED
of doubt in any other NPC accompanying the party, Any characters that are captured either on the road towards
suggesting that they might be spies. Pax Tharkas or elsewhere in Abanasinia are disarmed,
______________________________________________ bound by iron manacles (pinned, not locked) and brought
into the fortress. They are taken to PT13: Prison Cell, and
THE HIDDEN VALLEY their belongings are taken to PT14: Throne Room.
There are many mountain paths, some natural and other A few hours after they arrive and are imprisoned, they will
constructed, that lead towards the fortress of Pax Tharkas. be taken to see Verminaard themselves, to be questioned
By following one of the rougher paths, a party can find and tortured. The Highlord will demand that they tell him
their way down into a low, wooded valley that runs around everything they know, and to betray their friends and allies.
the foot of the mountains that form part of the fortress. Should they refuse, he will feed the prisoners to Ember.
The valley floor is muddy, with moss growing on almost ______________________________________________
every rock and at the base of each tree.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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Neutral Human Male
A soldier of fortune, Eben was born a nobleman
in Gateway and led a comfortable, wealthy life
until his family business soured and his fortune
suddenly evaporated. Finding himself in need of
work, Eben offered his sword to anyone who
could pay, and the highest bidder to come along
was the Dragonarmies. Under the command of
Highlord Verminaard, Eben has remained
amongst the Seeker Militia and mercenary groups
throughout Abanasinia acting as a spy amongst
the defenders of the region. He has also secretly
taken orders orders from Ember to search for the
“Green Gemstone Man”, believed to be
somewhere in Abanasinia.
Ruggedly handsome, Eben is a skilled liar and
talented spy.

▪ “My name is Eben Shatterstone. I come from

Gateway. You’ll have heard of my family,”
▪ “I killed a few hobgoblins, then fell to
overwhelming numbers. The rest must have
assumed I was dead and left me. But, enough
of my heroics.”
▪ “My party and I were tracking these
Draconians through the woods when we were
attacked by at least forty hobgoblins.”
▪ “As long as you’re fighting Draconians, your
fight is my fight.”

▪ “You really have a cleric among you? That’s

wonderful, but don’t waste her healing powers
on me. Just a scratch. It’s more their blood
than mine.”
▪ “This is madness. Trolls live in this valley -
who do you think made that trail?”

▪ “There were some of us who didn’t believe

that Draconian army stumbled onto us by
accident, if you take my meaning. My boys
and I had been hiding in the hills, fighting the
Dragonarmies ever since they hit Gateway.
Last week, these Elves showed up out of
nowhere. They told us they were going to raid
one of the Dragon Highlord’s fortresses and
would we like to come along and help? We
said, sure, why not - anything to stick a bone in
the Dragon High Man’s craw.”
▪ “As we hiked, we began to get really nervous.
There were Draconian tracks all over the
place! But it didn’t bother the Elves. Gilthanas
said the tracks were old. That night we made
camp and posted a watch. It didn’t do us a lot
of good, just gave us about twenty seconds
warning before the Draconians hit. And while
we were trying to wake up, grab our weapons,
and fight those foul creatures, I heard the
Elves calling out, as if someone was lost.”

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
These events are possible after Autumn Harvest 21st,, after PT3: CELL
the Dragonarmies have claimed the fortress. Thirty-four women from Solace, Gateway and Haven are
_______________________________________________ locked in the cells, with a few crude straw mats and simple
low chairs the only comfort.
If the party approach Pax Tharkas from the tunnel of the Amongst the women, one has taken charge and acted to
Sla-Mori while the Dragonarmy are in the fortress, them as keep the others calm and plotting a way of keeping their
they reach the door they are likely to hear sounds of struggle children safe. Her name is Maritta, formally a seamstress
from beyond it. from Haven, and she can tell the party the most about the
fortress. The children she knows are kept in a room beyond
PT2: LOWER GUARDROOM PT20: Chamber of the Nursemaid, guarded by an ancient
The first time the party come to this room whilst the fortress dragon known to them as Flamestrike. The idea that she
is occupied by the red Dragonarmy, they will find a band of would present a danger to children is laughable to Maritta
Draconians toying with a prisoner. One of them will be though, as she can explain that Flamestrike is old and quite
roughing up a young woman taken in one of the likely senile.
Dragonarmy’s many raids through Abanasinia, throwing her
to the ground and taunting her as she bravely but uselessly ▪ “Fight Flamestrike? Pah! There’s no need to fight the
struggles to fight back. pitiful critter. In fact, were you to hurt her, you’d have
half the children ready to tear you apart, they’re that
▪ “My lord Verminaard requires your presence! Who are fond of her.”
you to refuse his noble calling?” ▪ “The poor critter’s more than half-mad. Her own
children were killed in some great war or other and now
Creatures: 6x Kapak Skirmisher she’s got it in her head that our children are her
[Medium] 2,400xp children. I don’t know where his lordship dug her up,
but it was a sorry thing to do and I hope he pays for it
The Draconians fight to the death until there is only one of someday!”
them left, at which point this last survivor will attempt to ▪ “T’won’t be difficult to free the children. Flamestrike
escape to raise the alarm throughout the fortress. One of always sleeps late of a morning. We feed the children
the Draconians, the leader who was assaulting the prisoner, their breakfast, take them out for their exercise, and she
carries a key on it’s person that opens all of the doors on never stirs. She’ll never know they’re gone till she wakes,
this floor of the western tower (PT2-7). poor thing.”

If rescued, the young woman will be extremely grateful. She As well as the women, there is one man in the room - a
can tell the party that other women and the infirm have wounded figure lying on a straw mat at the back of the cell
been kept in nearby cells at PT3, 4 and 5, and that most of being tended to. He is a wasted figure, an illness having
the men have been taken to the Iron Mines. The children gripped him since the attack on Haven and left him open to
are elsewhere, but other prisoners in the nearby cells are injury in the Iron Mines.
more likely to know exactly where they are. This is Highseeker Elistan, formally a leader amongst the
Seekers and now suffering from both illness and a crisis of
faith. He is close to death.
If the party have any links with the Qualinesti, or
have visited the forest and met with the royal family If the party are able to magically heal Elistan, he is instantly
of the Elves, then they may discover what the amazed and humbled by the miracle and open to
original Companions did - that this young woman knowledge of the true gods. He will offer to repay the
being roughed is princess Laurana, the daughter of kindness, and to immediately serve the true gods in
the Qualinesti Speaker of the Sun. whatever way he can. If healed, Elistan can offer the party
knowledge of the layout of the Iron Mines, and the people
Having heard all about the troubles of the outside who are kept there. If he will be allowed, he offers to help
world and the plan, Laurana has ventured out to organize and lead the prisoners out of their confinement.
see the war for herself. She may well be motivated
by love for specific people (her brothers, or an PT4: Cell
actual lover) and by doing so has foolishly walked This chamber is much like PT3, except that it contains
into a Draconian trap. Rescuing Laurana does roughly sixty women from the northern tribespeople.
provide an opportunity for the party to better
ingratiate themselves with the Qualinesti people, PT5: Cell
but also presents the added burden of protecting a This chamber is much like PT3, except that it contains
key figure in continental politics. roughly forty-five younger women, all maidens between
twenty and thirty and unwed, without children of their own.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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The Gully Dwarves remain friendly and helpful, and will
give what information they can though they do not know
ELISTAN where the Dragonarmy have positioned themselves.
Lawful Good Male Human
A rarity amongst Seekers, Elistan actually has a If the party were not part of any Slave Caravan and have not
desire to seek out truth wherever he might find it yet met the gully dwarf Sestun, then the Klahd clan will also
rather than dogmatically follow scripture. Thin know of him, and might inform the party that he is being
and sickly because of a wasting disease, this man held captive in PT13: Prison Cell.
in his forties was a Highseeker of Haven, a leader Apparently this member of their clan was serving Lord
amongst the Seekers. Toede, but decided to try to help a group of prisoners in
Since the attack on Haven and destruction of the one of the caravans when they tried to escape. He waits to
Seekers, Elistan has suffered a profound crisis of be judged, and being a mere gully dwarf will likely simply be
faith. On top of this and his illness, he has been fed to Ember.
injured in the mines and left imprisoned If the party are willing to help Sestun, then the Klahd clan
afterwards, likely to die if not properly treated. will be willing to take more risks on their behalf.
Elistan’s mind remains open to new possibilities PT8: UPPER HALLWAY
though, and will still accept any proof that there is Two Hobgoblins lazily guard the hallway directly outside the
a grander truth to be learned about gods and the huge double-doors to PT14: Throne Room, paying little
nature of the world. attention to anything going on. At first these two are unlikely
to be suspicious even if they see the human members of the
▪ “You claim to bring word from ancient gods. party, as a lot of people are currently in the fortress
If it truly was we humans who turned from including many mercenaries dressed just as strangely. They
them, not the gods who turned from us as will only be suspicious however if they see any armed
we’ve always thought, then why have they dwarves or Elves.
waited so long to make their presence
known?” Creatures: 2x Hobgoblin
▪ “Of course, I now understand the lesson. [Easy] 300xp
What fools we have been! I wish I had time If attacked or they realize that the party are hostile, one of
to learn of your gods.” the Hobgoblins will shout a warning to Verminaard inside
the throne room whilst the other will try to escape, heading
REUNION: Once reunited, the women kept imprisoned are for PT28: The Great Wall to raise the alarm. If alerted, the
overjoyed though express themselves cautiously and quietly. guards inside PT14: Throne Room will come out to attack
Their joy is cool however, when they remember that the the party, Verminaard and Ember remaining inside at first
dragon Flamestrike still watches over the children, and the and joining the battle only after they have studied the
men are trapped in the Iron Mines. If Maritta has not intruders and worked out if any of them are targets of
already discussed that situation with the party, she will do so
There are five Draconians in this room, crouched around
▪ “Each night, the dragon-men have twelve of us carry an open keg greedily consuming it’s contents and getting
food out to the mines for the prisoners there.” quite drunk. Another open keg lies on it’s side in the
▪ “They don’t seem to have their own servants yet. middle of the room spilling the last remnants of the beer
Though I guess that is what we’re here for now.” within into the carpet, making the room stink.
▪ “It’s chilly out there, so we dress in these heavy shawls as
we trek across the courtyard.” Creatures: 5x Kapak Skirmisher
▪ “The guards seem to pay little attention to us when we [Easy] 300xp
move about, either making our way to the mines or the
children. They’re wary of us if we walk where we’re not These Draconians are drunk and aggressive, and will attack
supposed to though.” anyone they don’t personally know. They will aim to kill,
though it three are slain the other two will panic and think
PT6: CHAMBER OF THE AGHAR to escape and raise an alarm rather than carry on fighting.
The Aghar of Pax Tharkas have long had the run of the
fortress, but the recent arrival of the Dragonarmies has
forced them into the lower reaches. These Draconians are under multiple effects that
Highklahd Drooth somehow managed to convince effect their attacks. First they are drunk, giving
Verminaard and the Draconians not to kill them all though, them disadvantage on their attack rolls, but they
and instead has arranged for the Aghar to serve the also fight recklessly, giving them advantage. This
residents of the fortress as cooks, waiters and messengers. means that during the fight they can not receive
any further advantage or disadvantage. Attacks
▪ “Other big ones come, and they take over. We serve, against them however are granted advantage given
because it mean we get stay in ancient home. Ancient, their reduced ability to defend themselves.
back to beginning!”
The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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The dining room table has even been set for a meal, spaces This chamber is being used as the quarters for the
set for two people using fine china and silver. A metal hobgoblin contingent stationed in Pax Tharkas, under the
pitcher stands near these settings filled with iced water. direct command of Lord Toede. They are officially part of
Verminaard’s personal guard, though the Highlord much
DC12 Wisdom (Insight): It seems fairly clear that these prefers to be guarded by Draconians than hobgoblins.
spaces were set and the candles lit mere moments ago. The room is filled with furniture and supplies for twenty-
four rowdy warriors, though two of the hobgoblins who
PT11: KITCHEN occupy the room are on duty outside PT14: Throne Room
The counter in the middle of the kitchen is covered in a at all times, rotating duties every few hours. Weapons in
variety of foodstuffs, and the ovens are lit, spewing smoke disrepair, dirty laundry and filthy dishes cover everything.
into the air with only a part of it escaping through the thin
chimneys. Creatures: 22x Hobgoblin
[Deadly] 9,300xp
It is clear that a large amount of food is being prepared on a
regular basis, several items cooking at the moment and Approaching the unlocked doors, the sounds of boisterous
more in various states of preparation. laughter can be heard within as the hobgoblins laugh and
Four gully dwarves are constantly running back and forth argue within. If disturbed, the hobgoblins will be found
from the kitchen carrying trays of food - from steaming playing games, eating, carousing, or simply sleeping having
venison to assorted fruits, vegetables, cheeses and cakes. recently come off their shift. They are initially unwary and
The food is always surprisingly well presented, looking and unarmed, but will arm themselves and respond aggressively
smelling extremely appetizing. if intruded upon.
If these gully dwarves find someone else in their kitchen If a fight starts, two hobgoblins will attempt to force
they will be immediately flustered and concerned that they themselves out of the room to reach PT28: The Great Wall
might get into trouble. where they can raise the alarm.
If the room is searched, dozens of mundane swords,
▪ “You not the Highlord! None of you are!” daggers and light crossbows can be found, as well as 253sp
▪ “You gotta leave before he comes!” on the gaming table.
▪ “Dinner ain’t ready yet! If we can’t get some privacy
what to work in! Now get lost and let us cook what needs PT13: PRISON CELL
cookin’!” The small cell is filthy, and if any characters have been
captured either elsewhere in Abanasinia or throughout Pax
Creatures: 4x Gully Dwarf Sneak Tharkas, they will be put into this cell until thy come before
[Easy] 800xp the Highlord.

These gully dwarves are Verminaard’s personal cooks, If the party were not part of any Slave Caravan and have not
though they also provide meals for other Dragonarmy yet met the gully dwarf Sestun, then he will be in this cell.
officers at his command. They’re friendly, but deathly afraid Sestun is a gully dwarf of unusual determination and
of the Highlord, offering him no great love nor loyalty. bravery, having been captured by Draconians after helping
Their fear overrides all else though, and they are constantly some prisoners to escape a Slave Caravan. He wants to end
afraid of upsetting him. They want no trouble, and will give the suffering of his race under the Dragonarmy, and is
no direct aid to the party (and will not allow the food to be willing to offer his aid in any action the party wish to take, so
tampered with if they can help it), but if asked can give long as they can first rescue him from certain death in the
some details on Verminaard’s eating habits. gullet of Ember.

▪ “Highlord eat few meals a day, always something tasty. If Sestun is left alone, of player characters stay in the cell for
He say if not tasty, he see if dragon find US tasty! Yikes!” more than a few hours, the door will be unlocked and a
▪ “His next meal in hour or two. Hour or two? Oh no! group of Draconians (the guards from PT14: Throne
The desert! We not made it yet!” Room) will drag them out and take them to stand before
▪ “Highlord always have guest for dinner. Says it honour Highlord Verminaard.
for one of prisoners down below to join him. He like it
when young lady join him for dinner.” PT14: THRONE ROOM
Unless the party have caused a major nuisance in the
If the party were not part of any Slave Caravan and have not fortress and made the Dragonarmy aware of them, their first
yet met the gully dwarf Sestun, then these gully dwarves will visit to the throne room allows a party to witness
also know of him, and might inform the party that he is Verminaard in conversation with some of his officers.
being held captive in PT13: Prison Cell. Apparently this Verminaard sits upon the throne with Fewmaster Toede
member of their clan was serving Lord Toede, but decided cowering in front of him. A group of Draconians surround
to try to help a group of prisoners in one of the caravans the chamber watching for trouble, whilst Ember watches
when they tried to escape. He waits to be judged, and being from through the western doors, having made the hollow
a mere gully dwarf will likely simply be fed to Ember. within the fortress his lair.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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Creatures: Verminaard, Adult Red Dragon & 6x Kapak
[Deadly] 60,500xp
Lawful Evil Male Human
Verminaard is the last of the bloodline of the
▪ “Toede, you miserable rodent, you have the gift of
legendary Huma Dragonbane, and therefore a
ruining the simplest plans! As if kidnapping an elf
powerful ally for Takhisis. At a young age,
maiden wasn’t bad enough. Now thanks to your idiocy,
Paladine prophesized that Verminaard and his
your incompetence, that cleric has been allowed to live,
brother would achieve great things, though this
bringing my opposite power back among men! Find
became tainted when Verminaard was turned
them and slay them all. Bring me their heads before the
towards worship and service to Takhisis.
day is out! Hear me well, Toede. Either your head or
theirs will decorate my throne room tonight!”
A physically powerful man with shoulder-length
fair hair and light blue eyes, Verminaard is an
Toede cowers even lower and respond frightfully.
imposing figure, especially when clad in his form-
fitting dragon-armour. Since donning it for the
▪ “Your most worshipful lord, I offer my hopelessly
first time, Verminaard has never removed the
inadequate apology. If I had known that the ones you
helm in public, distaining the features so linked
seek were within my grasp, I would have brought you
with a noble and legendary lineage.
their heads personally. If not for the treachery of one of
Born the unwanted second son, Verminaard was
the loathsome gully dwarves, they would even now be
raised under knightly principles, though he
kneeling before you, prisoners to your tender mercies...”
always believed he could hear a voice guiding
him towards greater glories. This voice led him to
Angrily Verminaard disinserted, warning the hobgoblin not
the powerful mace Nightbringer, asking that he
to fail him again. Toede scuttles out of the room and seeks
swear himself to Takhisis in exchange for its
to leave Pax Tharkas as soon as possible, leaving
power. Upon his return home, he would defend
Verminaard to speak with Ember on the progress of the
the keep from various attackers before eventually
war, and their plan to attack Qualinesti.
becoming lord of the castle. His adopted brother
Aglaca would try to convince him to turn from
If the party have been brought into the throne room as
the path of evil, but the mage Cerestes kept
prisoners, they will be thrown to their knees and witness
Verminaard true, finally revealing itself to be the
this scene as it plays out, and then Verminaard will turn his
red dragon Ember.
attention to them. The Highlord will question them,
showing obvious hatred towards dwarves, and twice as much
Verminaard would become one of the first new
towards Elves. In the end, if he doesn’t get satisfactory
clerics of Takhisis, joining the army being
answers, he will command that the entire group be sent to
assembled by Emperor Ariakas as the leader of
the Iron Mines to see if hard labour will loosen their
the red wing. With his new partner - the red
dragon Ember - he would lead the red wing
across the north of the new sea and through
DC16 Wisdom (Perception): A small pile covered in a
Lemish, eventually turning south to cross the sea
leather throw rests next to the wall next to the main doors.
and invade Abanasinia, eventually settling his
What catches the eye is that the throw doesn’t cover
banner on the fortress of Pax Tharkas.
everything, and a few telltale signs indicate that it is their
equipment piled in the corner and covered.
▪ “Kill or be killed.”
▪ “I am Verminaard, Dragon Highlord. You
If characters watching the throne room from who stand before me now have defied me.
PT26: Chamber of the Chain make a noise or You chose to fight me and therefore your
catch the attention of the throne room’s punishment will serve as an example to any
occupants, then Ember will attack the crack with others who choose folly over wisdom.”
his breathe weapon, the fire bursting through and
into the room beyond. This will more than likely ▪ “Be it known by this act that I, Verminaard,
hit the great chain running over the top of Pax will destroy the Elven race utterly as decreed
Tharkas, heating the metal and causing it to break. by my goddess. Humans can be taught to see
Any creature within 5ft of the chain when it breaks the errors of their ways, but Elves - never!”
must succeed at a DC16 Dexterity save or be hit ▪ “This is your final act of defiance! I offered
by the flailing metal, taking 2d6 bludgeoning you a chance to work to further the glory of
damage. As the chain breaks, it releases the great my Queen. I cared for you and your families.
stones held over the main gates of the fortress. But you are stubborn and foolish. You will
Every creature in PT28: The Great Wall is pay with your lives!”
crushed to death instantly, and the entire passage ▪ “I will destroy the men. I will destroy the
is blocked from all directions. women! I will destroy the children!”

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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over a village.
Chaotic Evil Red Dragon Male PT16: PRIVATE DINING ROOM
Chief amongst the allies of Highlord Verminaard The two golden chandeliers hanging from the ceiling have
is Ember, called Pyros in ancient times, a been lit, and the glass-fronted cabinets now display priceless
fearsome red dragon who believes himself silver and crystal dishes and utensils taken from all over
superior to all others, holding a harsh arrogance Abanasinia.
even over Verminaard and others of his kin. He A pair of tapestries have recently been hung on the eastern
currently serves as partner and mount to and southern walls - the eastern one showing a red dragon
Highlord Verminaard, but in truth is acting as the landing amidst a line of armoured cavalry, and the southern
Dark Queen’s spy in all things. Not only does he one shown a region of black mountains partially obscured
watch Verminaard closely, reporting on all of his with mist, a fortress looming in the distance. This second
mistakes and failings, but Ember is also tasked tapestry shows the Temple of the Dark Queen at Neraka.
with the hunt for the Green Gemstone Man, a
mysterious figure vital to the plans of Takhisis. PT17: BEDCHAMBER
Ember is highly aggressive, having been walking The huge belt has been quilted and covered in a lush
Ansalon in human form for many years and now canopy. The closet now contains several robes, black cloaks,
overly eager to remain in his true form and get to a pair of riding boots and a suit of dragonarmour, all
the act of killing. perfectly tailored to Verminaard’s physique. The floor is
coated in fur rugs from bears, jaguars, wolves and tigers, and
▪ “There will be no mercy no respite. Your a massive gorgon horn adorns one wall held up by red
reward will be all that you deserve.” velvet ropes. The other walls are decorated with further
▪ “Do not worry about Verminaard. I will see tapestries showing scenes of draconic destruction.
he learns of this when I am ready for him to
learn of it. Much greater matters are brewing. The long desk is covered in several unfurled maps of
Much greater.” Abanasinia, Qualinesti and the Plains of Dust. Hand-written
_______________________________________ notes describe troop movements in the area, and three
daggers have been pierced into the maps of Qualinesti
FEWMASTER TOEDE showing the three prongs of his attack on the forest. Other
Lawful Evil Male Hobgoblin notes found on the desk describe the historic defences of
A stout and flabby mercenary captain and Pax Tharkas, including how the chain mechanism works
effectively sheriff of Solace, Toede is the chief of and where to find the level that releases the gate-blocking
his Hobgoblin Tribe and made a pact with the rocks.
Dragonarmies at the first opportunity. The desk’s drawer remains unlocked, but Verminaard has
As one of the earliest to swear allegiance to the protected it magically with a glyph of warding. The password
Dragonarmies, he was given the title Fewmaster, required to open the drawer is known only to Verminaard
a group leader within the Dragonarmies) and (the word “nightfall” spoken in nerakese), but if not spoken
became a key advisor to Dragon Highlord the creature opening the drawer will be targeted by a spell of
Verminaard. bestow curse targeting a random ability score, (save DC15).
The drawer contains two scrolls created by Verminaard –
▪ “I live to serve my lord. Command me and I one that can cast either cure wounds or find traps, and
shall obey.” another that can cast either light, augury, or cure wounds.
▪ “Enemies! To alert! I will not be made a
mockery again!” PT18: CHILDREN’S PLAYROOM
Pieces of wood and rags of cloth that roughly resemble
attempts to make dolls and toys are scattered about the
PT15-17: LORD’S QUARTERS floor. This is where the children captured from across
Verminaard has claimed these three rooms for his own, and Abanasinia are sometimes allowed to play while their
keeps the only key to the outer door on his person. He warden Flamestrike is sleeping.
does not even allow servants into those rooms unless he is
present. This room will usually be empty, but if the fortress is on
alert then a group of Draconians will guard this chamber to
PT15: OUTER FOYER make sure no-one gets through to Flamestrike.
New chairs and couches line the border of this candle-lit
room, a pair of crystal goblets set on top of the central table Creatures: 6x Kapak Skirmisher
alongside with a crystal decanter filled with a golden, [Deadly] 2,400xp
sparkling liquid. If tasted, a character discovers that this is
fresh sparkling wine. A character with a discerning palette Sounds of combat in this room will alert Flamestrike to
might recognize it as coming from Balifor, and being quite danger, and make her ready for any fight that comes her
expensive. way. Deceiving the dragon will no longer be an option at
A large tapestry has recently been hung on the wall opposite this point.
the outer door displaying a huge red dragon breathing fire ______________________________________________

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
PT19: STOREROOM defenders of the fortress however, putting the Dragonarmy
As well as blankets, this room also contains simple on alert.
children’s clothing and makeshift toys like those scattered
about PT18: Children’s Playroom. PT21: KITCHEN AND LAUNDRY
The prisoners kept in the lower level of Pax Tharkas have
PT20: CHAMBER OF THE NURSEMAID been allowed to prepare meals for the captive children in
Those who can see in darkness, whether by their own light this room, and to wash their clothing when they have the
or by darkvision, discover a massive red figure curled up on chance.
the floor of this large room - a red dragon! Fresh food and water for the basin has been provided,
though not much.
Creatures: 1x Adult Red Dragon
[Deadly] 18,000xp PT22: CHILDREN’S ROOM
The old armoury has been set up as a nursery, and contains
She is currently asleep, but the sight of it is still frightful to nearly one hundred and eighty children of various ages
behold and inspires dragonfear in all those who look upon from all over Abanasinia. It is filled with cots, blankets and
it for the first time. Creatures must succeed at a DC18 a few wash basins, as well as various poor quality games and
Wisdom save or else be frightened of the dragon for one toys.
minute. At the end of this minute, or if a creature succeeds
at the check, it will be immune to this effect for the next Most of the younger ones don’t really know what is going
twenty-four hours. on, whilst some are confused or upset because they miss
their true parents. The eldest and most mature - those
This hall is the lair of Flamestrike, the elderly dragon who around the age of eleven and twelve - have effectively taken
guards the captive children. She is currently sleeping, but charge of the room and are doing what they can to manage
can be passed by creatures that can succeed at a DC12 the younger children. If anyone enters the room
Dexterity (Stealth) check. Any noise however, and she is unexpectedly, they are the ones who come forward to ask
awoken with questions and concerns for the children who the visitors are, where they came from and what they
(believing them to be her own, whom she lost many years want. They are also the most aware of being captive, though
ago). A new check will need to be made each time a still young enough to want to jump at any chance of escape.
creature crosses the room. If a character is escorting a group They are fearful of angering the dragon outside, but can
of children, then they can make one check to guide up the quite easily be convinced to follow the more trustworthy
children, however it will be at disadvantage. There will also advice of adults so long as the party also promise to rescue
be a 20% that, a very young and confused child might call their parents.
out to Flamestrike as they leave.
If Maritta is with the party, the children will all immediately
▪ “Goodbye, auntie dragon!” do what she says.

A character leading a group of children may realize that that PT24: GALLERY
one is about to speak, and can make a DC16 Dexterity save Whether out of taboo or orders from officers, the gallery is
to reach them in time to stop them. never visited by Dragonarmy soldiers or servants, allowing
visitors to take their time here and take a rest if they need to
From the across the hall, beyond the dragon, the sounds of without fear of being found.
boisterous playing and laughing can be heard. This is the
children in PT22: Children’s Room, mostly unaware of the PT25: BALCONY
danger they are facing. This noise does not disturb The larger eastern pit is well-lit by numerous sconces
Flamestrike, actually seeming to sooth and comfort her, around the walls (though how these are lit is a mystery) and
however any cry of pain or fear will immediately alert the light that spills through an open set of double-doors on the
dragon to the children being in danger. ground floor that lead into PT14: Throne Room.

If the dragon is awoken, it is once alert and confused, The smaller western pit has become the lair of the red
questioning what is going on. Flamestrike’s head rears up dragon Ember. If not already encounter he can be found
suddenly, her failing eye-sight making it hard for her to see here slumbering, waiting for the next time he is called to
where the children are, but she can make out sources of action. He will only be seen by those who can see in the
light and figures that move about in light. Flamestrike will dark or if a light is dropped into the pit, those who see him
question where the children are going and who is taking for the first time will be inspired by dragonfear. Creatures
them, responding favourably only to the one voice she must succeed at a DC18 Wisdom save or else be frightened
recognizes amongst the captive women - Maritta. If she is of the dragon for one minute. At the end of this minute, or
attacked or believes the children to be in danger, if a creature succeeds at the check, it will be immune to this
Flamestrike will attack with melee attacks only, her own effect for the next twenty-four hours.
fiery breathe having long worn out. She will take great care
not to harm the children, and should the party escape she If Ember is disturbed by any large noise (or having
will for the time being be stuck inside this chamber, unable something dropped on him) he will wake and be extremely
to pursue. Her rage will be enough to alert the other angry, climbing up the pit to attack whoever is on the

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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balcony. He will happily use his breathe weapon in an PT33: WESTERN SUPPLY ROOM
attempt to slaughter whoever has intruded in the fortress, The racks and shelves in this supply room are covered in
but he can not follow if the party retreat out of the balcony. suits of leather armour tailored either for Draconian
physiology or hobgoblin tastes. Racks also hold several
Creatures: 1x Adult Red Dragon simple wooden shields, rows of heavy boots, cloaks and
[Deadly] 18,000xp capes.

PT30: WESTERN GUARDROOM There are also several sealed crates containing hundreds of
As any creature approaches the door to this room, they hear pounds of spiced jerky (made from multiple different meats,
gruff voices from the other side of the door. It sounds like a some of which are suspicious). Several sealed barrels
conversation in common, followed by bouts of laughter, as contain either lamp oil of vegetable oil for cooking.
though someone were telling a funny story at length. The
door is so thick however, that the exact words can not be PT34: KITCHEN
made out. This kitchen looks as though a battle has been fought in it.
Stale food covers every counter, the stoves are filthy, ashes
A group of hobgoblins are in this room sitting and standing from fires cover the ground, and many pots and pans are
around a brutish-looking leader named Galang. A powerful simply thrown around without care.
figure, Galang is a hobgoblin mercenary who prefers fighting After the bulk of the army moved out to march north to
with his hands, and getting them soaked in blood when he Qualinesti, hobgoblin servants merely left the kitchen as it
can. was, deciding that cleaning it was somebody else’s problem.

Creatures: 8x Hobgoblin PT35: ARMOURY

[Deadly] 2000xp The Dragonarmies have left a few weapons behind here,
including maces, morningstars, longswords, shortswords,
The hobgoblins are enjoying themselves telling stories of daggers, spears, and a few quivers of arrows and crossbow
war (or at least listening to Galang tell stories) so a stealthy bolts. All are of poor to serviceable quality.
party could get the drop on them. Once a fight starts though ______________________________________________
the hobgoblins will fight to the death, all except one whom
Galang will direct to try to sneak out of the room to and COURTYARD
bring reinforcements from either PT28: The Great Wall or A few crates are scattered about, and the ground is churned
PT33: Western Supply Room. Galang will try to cover this as though a great many people were recently camped or
sneaker as best he can by engaging the party directly. assembled in the open grounds behind Pax Tharkas, but
the space is now mostly empty.
This chamber is being used to contain hundreds of women, The Dragonarmies currently have numerous Human and
all cramped in the otherwise large space. Elven slaves near the Tharkadan Mines, forced to work
In total there are one hundred and fifty seven women here, both within the caves and on the side of the rock-face.
all from the northern plains tribes. As soon as anyone not
part of the Dragonarmy enters, the women are at once PT36: SMELTER AND MILL
active and questioning, primarily concerned for their The mines, and smelter are all active – yellow sulphureous
children and other members of their individual tribes. They smoke billowing out of the furnaces at up the rear chimney.
will ask about sons, daughters, husbands and siblings,
bombarding rescuers with questions and risking making so A large number of gully dwarves run back and forth from
much so noise that other guards may hear. the mines and work within under the whip lashes of the
Dragonarmies. Some push carts or ore back and forth while
PT32: MESS HALL others smash the ore with large hammers almost too large
The mess hall’s fireplaces are all lit, bathing the chamber in for them, while more still operate the great bellows that
dim light and filling the air with yellow smoke. There will provide air to the smelter. More gully dwarves stoke the
always be at least some Draconians and hobgoblins eating in fires, constantly shoveling coal in, working furiously (despite
here at any time, occupied by their food but ready to fight if being unsupervised) for fear or upsetting the Draconian
disturbed. “masters”.
The iron, once smelted, is formed into ingots and stacked
Creatures: 7x Baaz Scout & 6x Hobgoblin on palettes on the northern side of the cave.
[Deadly] 6000xp ______________________________________________

If a fight breaks out, one of the Draconians will try to escape PT37: SLAVE QUARTERS
to raise the alarm with the nearest group it is aware of (or The floor here is covered in dirty straw pallets, broken only
thinks are nearby). occasionally by piles of rags or smoldering fires. A few
rotten buckets leaks dirty water onto the floor.
The entire chamber is empty, as the soldiers who were This cavern is used as quarters for the slaves who are forced
staying here will have begun gathering for the march towards to work in the mines. It will be empty for most of the day, a
Qualinesti. normal working day being 16-18 hours, but for the few

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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hours of night the slaves are allowed to rest, they will be ▪ “They plan to free the slaves and lead them in revolt,
here sleeping. forcing Verminaard to recall the army marching on
After a full day’s work, any slaves found here at night will ▪ “They fear you a great deal, as all must.”
have two levels of exhaustion. ▪ “They will wait until you and Lord Verminaard have
flown to Qualinesti. Then they will free the children and
Amongst these slaves is Berem the Everman, escape into the mountains before you return.”
better known to the Draconians as the “green
gemstone man”. He keeps his nature and identity To this Ember seems mostly uninterested, waving off any
a secret from everyone. threat to Verminaard and mocking any possible threat to
More about him can be found in the story module himself. Rather he seems more interested in another
The Everman. prisoner whom the dragon believes has just been taken to
the Iron Mines.
▪ “Much greater matters are brewing. Much greater. Now
PT38: IRON MINES listen closely. A prisoner was brought in today by that
Hundreds of people are forced to work on the imbecile Toede. It is he! The one we seek!”
mountainside, hacking and scraping at rock with picks and ▪ “I see this man in my dreams! He is here, within my
shovels to dislodge chunks of iron ore. Dozens of grasp! When all of Krynn is searching for him, I have
Draconians guard the area, watching over the slaves and found him!”
whipping those who slack off. They watch is slack however, ▪ “I dare not trust a messenger. I must deliver this man in
as they know that those who work here all have loved ones person, but I cannot leave now. Verminaard cannot deal
or children being kept captive inside the fortress. with Qualinesti alone. Even if the war is just a ruse, we
must keep up appearances, and the world will be better
Creatures: 12x Baaz Scout & 12x Kapak Skirmisher for the absence of Elves anyway. I will take the Everman
[Deadly] 19,200xp to the Queen when time permits.”

There are roughly three hundred workers on the ▪ “You must keep him safe!”
mountainside, working 16-18 hour days hacking at ▪ “It is a measure of Her Dark Majesty’s power that the
mountain rock or dragging substantial palettes of ore to the green gemstone is now my reach! I will allow
top of a shaft above PT36: Smelter and Mill. These workers Verminaard the pleasure of dealing with the intruders.”
all fear for their friends and families being kept inside the ▪ “In fact this may work out quite well! We can remove
fortress, so are unwilling to risk an escape attempt unless the green gemstone man in the confusion and
they know that everyone else has been rescued as well. If Verminaard will know nothing! When the slaves attack,
the women and children are set free however, the slaves can you must find the Green Gemstone Man. Bring him
quickly and easily be convinced to revolt against the back here and hide him in the lower chambers. When
Draconians. the humans have all been destroyed, and the army has
______________________________________________ wiped out Qualinesti, I will deliver him to my Dark
If the party enter Pax Tharkas in the company of the Ember’s interest is entirely with this “green gemstone man”
mercenary Eben Shatterstone, then shortly after their arrival in the mines, and he commands Eben to secure this person.
he will take the opportunity to slip away and leave the party After this Eben does not return to the party, but rather
behind. The party might search for him, but he will simply makes his way directly to the mines to search for this
vanish, having been in the fortress before and having already specific individual. Should he encounter a member of the
found a few good hiding spots. party along the way he will deny any wrong-doing, claiming
he merely got lost. If confronted with actual knowledge of
This was part of his plan however, as Eben now makes his his meeting with Ember however, he will turn and flee,
way directly to PT14: Throne Room to report that the party looking to raise the alarm so that he can reach the Iron
are inside the fortress. In this, he is attempting to set a trap Mines and find Berem.
for those members of the party who may be clerics or
divinely inspired. Once h reaches the mines, Eben will spend some time
Any character who finds a place where they can spy on searching, and may still be looking by the time the party get
PT14: Throne Room while Verminaard is talking to there and plant the seeds of the Slave Revolt. If
Fewmaster Toede can witness a further seen after the uninterrupted though he will eventually find Berem the
hobgoblin departs. Verminaard himself also leaves to head “green gemstone man” and start to drag the exhausted man
for his private quarters, but then Eben arrives to make his back to Pax Tharkas to be imprisoned in PT13: Prison Cell
report not to the Highlord but to Ember. until Ember is ready to take him.
▪ “I have only limited time, royal one. I must return
before they suspect. And I should report to Lord SLAVE REVOLT
Verminaard.” Rescuing the women and children inside Pax Tharkas is

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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enough to convince the slaves in the mines to revolt and
attack their Draconian captors. Though tired, they are
The fight between Ember and Flamestrike can go
desperate and have found a small amount of hope now that
one of two ways. First is the outcome given in the
their loved ones are free and reunited with them.
novels, in which the two dragons manage to kill
each other, their bodies landing together on the
The slaves immediately attack the closest Draconians,
side of the mountain. The second option is thee
overpowering the guards by their sheer numbers. The
one given in the original modules, in which Ember
workers descend the mountain side and gather at the far
emerges victorious, but not fast enough to prevent
end of the courtyard, embracing and celebrating with their
the party and slaves from escaping south into the
friends and families, reuniting with all of their loved ones.
mountains. He will then next be encountered
Even the gully dwarves see that there is something
should the party ascend King Duncan’s Tomb.
happening, and take the opportunity to leave the Smelter
and Mill and join the gathering of captives in the courtyard.
If overwhelmed, Verminaard will try to escape the battle in
The joy everyone feels is short-lived however, as such a the courtyard either by using surviving Draconians as a
commotion can not go unnoticed by those still inside the shield, or using magic to teleport away before the killing
fortress. blow falls on him. If he can escape, he will lead a force that
Unless the party have been particularly crafty in their rescue searches to the slaves as they escape over the mountains, but
of the captives, the gathering will be noticed by the fortress will not be actively encountered again unless specifically
and further Dragonarmy forces will start making their way hunted for, or when he launches his attack on the south gate
towards the party to prevent their escape. of Thorbardin and reaches the Temple of the Stars.


If the Highlord is still alive and not yet encountered by the It is possible that Verminaard could have been defeated,
party, it is he and Ember who will come now to attack and imprisoned or held back, or even that the party have timed
put down the slave revolt. Rising out of the hole in the roof their infiltration of Pax Tharkas for when Verminaard and
of the eastern tower, the dragon will soar into the sky with Ember have left for the attack on Qualinesti. In these cases,
Verminaard on his back, and then dive down towards the it is instead a force of Draconians who emerge from the
courtyard ready to slaughter anyone they find there. fortress to launch the attack on the party and slaves. Their
Angered by the uprising, they have no patience nor mercy interest is simply slaughter, wanting to put down the
for those who defy them. rebellion before Ember blamed them for it.

Creatures: 1x Verminaard & 1x Adult Red Dragon Creatures: 12x Baaz Scout & 12x Kapak Skirmisher
[Deadly] 34,500xp [Deadly] 19,200xp

Verminaard’s first priority will be killing any rival clerics Even if this fight can be won, horns to the distance north
amongst the party, especially if they serve gods of good. He make it clear that a part of the Dragonarmy is returning, and
will have no threats to the Dark Queen walking the world, that they will soon arrive to kill anyone they find. By their
but his pride will not allow him to back down from a direct best guess, the party have maybe ten to twelve hours before
challenge made by a cleric or a true warrior. As soon as the army arrives, giving them a small head start. If they drop
Ember first lands, Verminaard will leap down and attack on the rocks that form the gate-blocking mechanism, it will take
foot, killing his way through any slaves who get in his way. the Dragonarmy four days to work their way around the
fortress entirely.
Ember meanwhile will slaughter for the fun of it, however ______________________________________________
he will be distracted and act on his own accord should he
catch sight of Berem the Everman. If this happens, Ember ESCAPE SOUTH
will focus on the capture of Berem even against the If the party are able to rescue the enslaved people of
commands of Verminaard. Abanasinia, the only real route for them to escape now is to
the south. The Great South Road leads down through the
One reprieve may come if the party have rescued the mountains, but doesn’t provide a safe route to the east until
captive children, but not slain Flamestrike. As Verminaard it reaches the distant Plains of Dergoth,
dismounts and Ember prepares to attack, the wall of the The group is tired, hungry, and have very few supplies other
eastern tower explodes in a burst of flame and the dragon than what was to hand at the mines, and they are fleeing
Flamestrike dives out, heading straight for Ember. now into the freezing mountains during late autumn. The
valley will provide some shelter, but as they get further south
Screaming that her children are endangered, and they will have to contend with the climate and the
remembering vividly the deaths of her won brood many Dragonarmy that will no doubt march south to catch up
years ago, Flamestrike engages Ember directly and tears into with them.
him. The two red dragons take to the air and do battle, ______________________________________________
forgetting anything else happening below. This situation
leaves the party only having to deal with Verminaard.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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The Companions reach Pax Tharkas only after
speaking to the Speaker of the Sun, leader of the
Qualinesti. Thy convince the group to help the
slaves to escape, and in doing so delay the attack
on Qualinesti itself, giving the Elves time to

The Companions are escorted to the Sla-Mori by

prince Gilthanas, though are also joined by Eben
Shatterstone, a mercenary who claimed to have
escaped Pax Tharkas but in reality was a spy
working for Highlord Verminaard. They venture
first into the Sla-Mori where they discover the
tomb of Kith-Kanan and are attacked by a
monstrous slug. It was during this fight that Tanis
Half-Elven lost his weapon, but suddenly felt an
arm touch his. Looking down, he realized that as
the battle went on, the skeletal remains of Kith-
Kanan were actually offering him his sword
Wyrmslayer, choosing his for greater things.

The Companion proceeded through the Sla-Mori

until the chain, where they came across the ghost
of a Drow thief. ,They were forced to flee through
the secret passage and into Pax Tharkas, but as
they fled the group did not notice that the Kender
Tasslehoff and the befuddled old wizard Fizban
were being left behind. These two were left with
no choice but to climb the chain, though Fizban
only realized later that he had left his staff behind.

The Companions rescued princess

Lauralanthalasa from Draconians, and then
rescued the other captives within the fortress
before reaching the mines and freeing the men
Along the way they discover the treachery of Eben
Shatterstone and have their first sighting (fleeting
though it is) of the green gemstone man shortly
before the chain mechanism is activated, and both
Eben and Berem are crushed to death.

During this encounter, the Companions also battle

and slay the Highlord Verminaard, leaving his
body amongst the fallen in the courtyard as Ember
and Flamestrike kill each other in the skies and
crash against the mountains.

The Companions then lead the refugees together

to the south towards a sheltered area called the
Hopeful Vale, but knowing all too well that the
Dragonarmies are closing in behind them.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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These events are intended to be run if there is a slave revolt Days out
Regions reached and occupied by the
in Pax Tharkas, and the party are with a group of refugees from Pax
fleeing south. The encounters and challenges listed Tharkas
represent the Dragonarmy pursuing those refugees south
across the mountains. 1 TM2: Ice Caverns,
_______________________________________________ TM3: Great South Road,
TM4: Canyon Trail,
Hundreds of refugees have been imprisoned in Pax TM6: Neidar Trails,
Tharkas, but in a daring rescue the party have aided them in TM22-23: Northern Woods,
escaping. As they flee south though, distant horns alert them TM27: Winterfruit Grove,
to the Dragonarmies. A force only recently sent out to
invade Qualinesti is on it’s way back, having been alerted to 3 TM7: Lake Valley,
the revolt and now ordered to push south instead to wipe TM12: Honey Caves,
out the refugees before they can find a place of shelter. TM16: Mountain Bowls,
TM24: Road of Kith-Kanan,
The Dragonarmies will advance at what speed they can TM25: The Eye of Elar,
manage, slowly taking sections of the Tharkadan Mountains 4 TM8: Valley of Clouds,
until the reach the south end and the gates of Thorbardin. TM9: Southern Exit,
They will leave nowhere for the refugees to hide or find Steam Caverns,
safety, so the fleeing peoples of Abanasinia will have to TM18: Snow Passage,
move quickly to escape them. TM26: Way of the Warrior,
TM28: Trampled Plain,
The Dragonarmies will return to TM1: Pax Tharkas two
days after the refugees escape the fortress and if they can 5 TM11: Ice Cathedral,
will immediately pass through the gates and march south, TM12: Crystal Lake,
spreading out into the mountains to search for any possible TM13: Dirkin Canyon,
shelters, and to slaughter anyone they find within. If the TM14: Glacial Canyon,
gate-blocking mechanism was activated and the mighty TM15: Ice Forest,
stones dropped into the gates, the Dragonarmies will be TM17: High Valley,
delayed a further two days after that as they work to clear
the blockage or to go around it. 6 TM29: Hills of Blood,
TM30: Plains of Dergoth,
Once they start moving, whether two or four days after the 7 TM19: Southern Bowl,
refugees escape, they Dragonarmies will move methodically TM21: Southern Moors,
south, taking each area piece by piece.
13 TM20: Hopeful Vale
The table here shows which area areas are taken by the ______________________________________________
Dragonarmies after how many days march from TM1: Pax
Tharkas. As the Dragonarmies take each area, they enter in REFUGEE FACTIONS
force and kill anything they find, having no patience for If a party aid the captives of Pax Tharkas in escaping then
capture or quarter. fleeing south through the Tharkadan Mountains, they will
have to contend with the fractured nature of the refugee
Quite simply, if the Dragonarmies catch up with the group. This is not a single people mounting an exodus, but
refugees, all is lost. Though the party and a few favoured several peoples forced to band together against their will,
characters might be able to escape, the rest will either be and acting only in mutual self-interest, for as long as it
slaughtered or routed. remains mutual.
The refugees will break up and scatter, every individual or The party will need to manage these various factions in an
family trying to find their own escape route, but most attempt to keep some form of unity, many looking to the
finding only Draconians in their path. party for guidance given their hand in freeing them all. Each
faction has also come to rally around leaders of their from
The size of the Dragonarmy will simply be too large to be amidst their own number, so it may be that the party need
fought, though small sections can probably be fought hard only convince these leaders to follow any particular path.
enough to rescue individuals in danger, but the party will There may be some difficulties and prejudices to overcome
have to see to their own escape and survival at this point. before this can be achieved though.
There are nearly 800 refugees who escape from Pax
Tharkas, organized into five distinct groups:

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
TOWNSPEOPLE (180 people approx.) tribal elder of the Que-Teh. He respects other warriors first
The Townspeople are made up of citizens of the towns and and foremost, and also has a respectful, trusting relationship
cities of Abanasinia - those from Gateway, Solace, New with Elves (specifically with the Qualinesti).
Ports and more. These peoples have long resented the
meddling and interference of Seeker rule, as see this as a FREE FOLK (50 people approx.)
chance to free themselves from it. Having escaped captivity, This final faction comprises people who were just in the
the concept of entering it or serving other rules again angers wrong place at the wrong time - travelers, merchants, sailors
them, making them less likely to follow authoritative leaders and mercenaries who were in Abanasinia at the time of the
and more likely to turn to the charismatic who promise invasion, and simply couldn’t escape fast enough. There is a
them freedom. good deal of fighting experience amongst them, and they are
Brooke Stonemason, formally a town elder of Gateway, has willing to take on patrols and watches to do their share given
earned the respect of many amongst the towns of the current situation.
Abanasinia, and so many look to her for guidance and This group are led by a mercenary captain used to
leadership. Like many others of the Townspeople, Brooke managing troops and supplies, but is efficient enough to
Stonemason harbors a distrust of the Plains folk, and are keep a handful of people together. They are friendly
reasonable and friendly towards Elistan of the Seekers. She enough towards the Townspeople and the Plainsfolk, but
is also friendly towards the party, given that they aided in the distrustful of the Seekers (though more than happy to take
escape from Pax Tharkas. Seeker coin). At this stage, they regard the Believers as naive
dreamers, and have little concern for them.
SEEKERS (250 people approx.)
The Seekers mostly come from the Lordcity of Haven and
the lands or farms around it, these people naturally putting If his treacherous nature has not yet been
their continued trust and faith in the Highseekers and their uncovered, then the Free Folk will be led by
teachings. Given recent events however, the people of Eben Shatterstone. As a mercenary himself he
Haven are shaky in their loyalty, not quite putting their full would class amongst them, and can easily work
faith in leaders or defenders who have so recently failed his way into a trusted role amongst those looking
them. To make matters worse, Highseeker Locar is an for leadership and direction. As before however,
uninspiring leader who tries too hard to assert authority Eben will try to lead the party into traps or delay
using whatever members of the Seeker Militia remain loyal them long enough for the Dragonarmies to
to him, and trying where he can to downplay any talk of arrive.
Losar true gods.
Many members of the faction however feel that they have His advice will be poor, but designed to leave the
more in common with the Townsfolk, yet they are held refugees and the party vulnerable. He will also
back due to the distrust of the Plains folk that they share more easily befriend Locar of the Seekers, being
with Locar. clever enough to recognize that if anyone is going
to make the mistakes that cost lives, it will be
BELIEVERS (340 people approx.) him.
It is highly likely that some amongst the refuges will have
seen acts of divine magic during their short time with the ______________________________________________
party, unless the Prophet has been killed or not yet been
able to accomplish their destiny and be reborn as the first REFUGEE MORALE AND PROVISIONS
true cleric of the age. As the refugees flee the mines of Pax Tharkas, they were
Though small in number, those few who have heard or seen able to carry with them a small amount of food and drinking
signs of the return of Paladine, Mishakal and other gods of water, but not much - nowhere near enough to feed
Good will rally behind a leader who develops the strongest everyone for the journey ahead.
newfound faith in the true gods. This is most likely
Highseeker Elistan, a seeker who actually sought truth and The group has enough blankets for everyone, and food
is willing to accept it when it comes for him. He preaches enough to feed the entire refugee group for two days.
peace, and friendship with anyone who will be friendly in Beyond that however, the refugees will need to find further
kind. He hopes to rise above petty politics, but can not provisions for themselves, otherwise they may start to lose
accept his associations with the Seekers in the past. numbers.

PLAINSFOLK (300 people approx.) At the end of each night, there is a chance a number of
The largest faction are made up of members of the refugees will die, either of the cold conditions or from
northern plains tribes and western forest-folk, several tribes starvation. The conditions of each are as follows, with
worth coming together under a common banner as they casualties taken randomly from any of the five factions:
have more in common with one another than with any of
the other refugees. The Plainsfolk do not get on overly well • If the refugees do not have cover at night, there is a
with the Townspeople, and care little for what the Seekers 100% chance of 2d10 refugees dying. This is decreased
think of them, so don’t return the distrust in the same way. to 80% if they light campfires for warmth, but doing so
The Plainsfolk count many warriors and outdoorsmen increases the chances of the refugees being found at
amongst their number, and have rallied behind Briar, a night and ambushed by dragons or Draconians.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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• If the refugees remain stationary for the day, there is a TM2: ICE PASSAGES
further 60% chance of losing 1d10 refugees. Though the red Dragonarmies have not pushed south yet,
• If a day ends without sufficient food to feed the entire they scouts have explored the southern mountains and will
group, there is a cumulative 20% chance of 1d10 be prepared to hunt down any escaped mine workers.
refugees dying (increasing to 40% on the second day, Faced with a larger group, they are trained to harass and
60% on the third, etc.). delay any escape until reinforcements can arrive.
• If the refugees are attacked and are unable to find
proper shelter, up to 4d10 of them will be killed. Creatures: 8x Baaz Scout
[Hard] 4000xp
Roughly one hundred of the refugees have some training in
outdoor and wilderness survival and can help the party in These Draconians can recognize strength, and will try to
gathering supplies from the local environment, but the draw the party away from any groups they are protecting in
terrain is not best suited to find abundant game and order to kill the strongest members first.
vegetation. Between them, they can probably do enough If the refugees do not move on after this encounter, they
work during a single day to feed half of the refugees, leaving will be prime targets for a second group of Draconians of
the party only having to worry about feeding the other half. equal strength only one hour later.


Finally, the morale of the refugees and the influence of their DC10 Wisdom (Survival): A set of footprints cross the road
leaders can have a catastrophic effect on their numbers, bad and head down the south-west trail towards TM4: Canyon
decisions and stubbornness leading many to their deaths. Trail. The tracks are fresh, made perhaps only three or four
At the beginning of each day, a morale check will need to be hours ago, and have the size, gait and deepness to suggest
made for each faction based on whether their leaders have that they were made by a dwarf. If these tracks are followed,
been properly convinced of a correct course. Some may be they continue down the pass for half a mile before diverting
stubborn, others outright hostile when the party come to to a small campfire to the side of the road. It has gone out,
them to tell them which direction they will be heading in. If but was definitely used within the last day.
this becomes the case, some leaders may take their people
in different directions, or lead them onto bad paths that TM5: THE SPIRE
result in more deaths than would otherwise have been the The tracks from TM4: Canyon Trail lead into the southern
case. valleys.

Each morning a check is made for each faction with a base TM6: NEIDAR TRAILS
chance of 0% that the faction loses 1d10 of their number Tracks are obvious leading back and forth across both
over the course of the day. This chance is modified if any of valleys. A party of Neidar (Hill Dwarf) woodsman are
the following circumstances occurred the previous day: currently moving through this area with a recently cut load
of logs, but having heard the echoing calls and horns of the
The party did not come to their faction +10% Dragonarmies, and having seen dragons in the skies above
specifically to convince them of the path ahead the mountains, they are extremely cautious and unfriendly.
Deeply suspicious of outsiders, they act to defend
The refugees had to break camp and move after +10%
themselves as soon as they are aware of intruders in “their”
setting up camp
For each hour beyond the eighth the refugees had +5%
marched Creatures: 8x Dwarf Warrior
The refugees were attacked by Dragonarmy forces +10% [Hard] 4000xp

The refugees were attacked by bandits or other +5% The groups leader, a warrior named Zirkan, is willing to talk
monsters at first but remains unfriendly and suspicious. He is no
mood for nonsense, will not give anyone the benefit of the
For each refugee seriously wounded or killed in +1%
doubt, and at best can only be convinced to let the party
If more than 10% of the refugees went without +20% He will offer no supplies nor aid other than to point the
food party east towards his village at TM7: Lake Valley, but
The party used violence towards a faction leader +50% under no circumstances will he suggest a way to Hillhome
or Thorbardin.
The party threatened or intimidated a faction +30%
leader If he can not be convinced to allow the party to pass, Zirkan
will command his group to attack, preferring to kill the party
100% of the refugees were fed -10%
rather than allow agents of evil to find a way into Hillhome
The refugees reached TM20: Hopeful Vale -20% or Thorbardin.

Each night spent on the road (cumulative) +5% TM7: LAKE VALLEY
______________________________________________ The party be directed to this Neidar village by Zirkan, and

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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this introduction will allow Stenkast to welcome them, if meeting to offer their advice.
somewhat begrudgingly.
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the way forward,
If a member of the party engages Stenkast in conversation, now that the refugees have escaped Pax Tharkas. The party
they may learn more about the war and how the Dwarves will arrive to the meeting with a heated discussion already in
are reacting. progress, with some insults and prejudices preventing the
conversation from moving forward.
▪ “My people have seen the abominations patrolling Pax
Tharkas, and their dragon flying through the skies.” Locar of the Seekers and Briar of the Plainsfolk, despite
▪ “Our ancestors fought the dragons once before, and their other disagreements on a personal level, advocate for
we’re willing to do it again, but these smaller ones are turning north and retaking Abanasinia. Neither is fully
something new.” convinced that the war that has now reach them is in fact
raging across the rest of the continent, and both have faith in
▪ “No, we’ve not tried to warn Thorbardin. I don’t think different gods that they can fight back and defeat the
anyone there would listen to a Neidar.” Dragonarmies.
▪ “I do not believe that humans can survive climbing these
mountains, but you might find help in Thorbardin. I Meanwhile, Brooke of the Townsfolk suggests going east to
sincerely doubt it, as they even refused aid to the Neidar, find a ship that can take them all out to sea, but a sailor
their own kin, three hundred years ago.” amongst the Freefolk will suggest that seas are controlled by
corsairs working with the Dragonarmies. Besides, what
▪ “Legend tells of a key to getting into Thorbardin could the refugees possibly use to pay for passage? With
somewhere in Skullcap.” this rebuke Brooke suggests west to Qualinesti instead, but
▪ “We have no food spare, especially if an army is everyone agrees that there is very little chance of the Elves
coming.” helping, and it is very likely that the Dragonarmies will
march into that forest soon anyway.
Rolling fog conceals low valleys and the surrounding peaks, Elistan of the Believers proposes going south, to
the air warming a little as the party move towards the centre Thorbardin. Though the mountain dwarves closed their
of each valley. A faint smell of sulphur drifts through the air. gates hundreds of years ago and the exact location of those
The fog permeating the area is caused by snow and rain gates is long forgotten, if the dwarves can be found and
being melted by geothermal vents that litter this valley. convinced to take the refugees in, then it is likely that they
will have the strength to hold the Dragonarmies back, at
On the south-eastern wall of each valley, a large archway has least for a little while. Even if the Dwarves refuse though,
been carved into stone. Obviously of dwarven make, they the safest path Elistan sees is south, even if they have to go
are inscribed with dwarven runes which read: beyond the mountains and seek shelter in the lands beyond
“Enter ye hereby the lands of Thorbardin. Follow the road The leader of the Freefolk watches and listens, but does not
that lies beyond into the Justice of the Nine Thanes below.” offer a path of their own.

Through the archways, long tunnels descend into the Steam The meeting will vote on the best course, the five leaders
Caverns. each having a vote, but they can be swayed by input from
the party.
DC14 Wisdom (Survival): Even a passing glance over the ELISTAN IS CALLED
ground reveals tracks that anyone could identity as
belonging to Ogres - likely scouts from the Dragonarmies. This event is possible if the former Highseeker
Elistan is amongst the refugees and has been
TM28: GRASSY PLAINS shown the truth of the true gods, perhaps even
The grassland here has been trampled by hundreds of feet healed of his illness and injury by divine magic.
within the last few days. The party will also need to include a character
playing the role of the Prophet.
DC16 Wisdom (Survival): The tracks can be distinguished
as Draconian.
______________________________________________ Immediately following the meeting of faction leaders in The
First Night, the former Highseeker Elistan returns to the
THE FIRST NIGHT camping grounds of the Believers and finds a place to sit
As the first day’s flight from Pax Tharkas comes to a close and rest his weary bones. There he drifts off to sleep.
and the refugees camp for the first time, it will already be
clear that the factions between them will be forming, and That night, a character that has been awakened as a true
leaders will be emerging for each faction. These five cleric receives a dream from the gods. In it, they see Elistan
individuals will attempt to meet on the first night as their dressed in white robes, a medallion around his neck bearing
peoples make camp, and will, invite the party to attend this a platinum triangle - the icon of Paladine. Elistan stands

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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atop a mountain peak, holding in his outstretched hands a risk engaging in direct and elongated conflict. Instead the
set of platinum disks that can only be he Disks of Mishakal. dragon will simply harass the refugees briefly and then
Slowly, the dreamer realizes that Elistan is reading from withdraw to inform the Dragonarmies where the party are.
them, preaching their word to a gathered mass of people at Ember will either stay high in the sky out of arrow range,
the foot of the mountain. Another voice breaks through his mocking and laughing whilst also using it’s Frightful
though, speaking to the dreamer directly. Presence ability on the entire group of refugees, or he will
descend and make a single pass over the road with his
▪ “My dear one, introduce my husband’s servant to his breathe weapon, killing 2d10 refugees. There is a 5%
master.” chance that when he makes such an attack that a random
party member will also be caught in the flames.
The cleric then wakes the next morning fully rested, with
full recollection of this dream. CANYON AMBUSH

If the character who received the dream tells Elistan about This event takes place if the party enter a long
it, he will be humbled, reluctant, and considers himself canyon or pass without effectively scouting it’s rim.
unworthy. He is taken aback, and responds with downcast It can be run multiple times in different variations.
As the party make their way through any canyon or pass,
▪ “I am not worthy to read the Disks of Mishakal.” they suddenly become aware that some mounds in the snow
▪ “I have sinned against the heavens and against men. My around them are not naturally, but are fallen bodies
time as a Seeker was foolishly misspent, convincing concealed beneath recent snowfall. Easily mistaken for
myself and others that new gods were replacing the old. I boulders with a layering of snow on top, closer inspection
had no faith that the old gods would remember us or reveals that they are actually Draconians of the Baaz variety,
that we would find them again. I’m afraid I do not having turned to stone upon their deaths.
deserve the luxury of faith now.”
DC14 Wisdom (Investigation): These Draconians died only
Although reluctant, Elistan can be convinced that he is recently. They are of the Baaz variety, and as usual turned
wrong and to attempt to read the Disks of Mishakal. He will to stone on death, but their manner of death can still be
ask to study them for some time, and will begin reading the worked out. Their injuries seem to mostly be broken bones
very next time the refugees are able to stop and rest. He will and beaten armour, suggesting a severe and brutal beating.
then devour the words of the gods as though parched in the Furthermore, from the amount of snow that rests on them,
desert, and after each night will personally be completely a creature examining these bodies can work out that these
refreshed, his soul having been a little more enlightened. Draconians died only minutes ago, half an hour at the most.

Over the course of the days that follow, Elistan will read and This band of Draconians were attacked and killed by Ogres
preach what he learns to his followers and to anyone else only minutes ago, and those ogres are still in the area. If the
who will listen. Each morning, 1d6 members of each of the party do not immediately leave, they too will be attacked by
other factions will join the Believers instead. As the ranks of a roving band of ogres clad in furs and well used to living in
If he can not be convinced to allow the party to pass, Zirkan these snowy peaks. This band will emerge from the nearby
will command his group to attack, preferring to kill the party trees and charge into the party, targeting whoever is closest
rather than allow agents of evil to find a way into in a bestial rage.
Creatures: 1x Ogre & 6x Half-Ogre
the Believers grow, most will be accepting or not be [Hard] 4125xp
concerned, but Highseeker Locar will be enraged at the
idea of losing people to Elistan. These ogres will fight to the death. There will be another
band of ogres nearby, drawn to the sounds of battle. They
On the fifth night after starting to read the Disks of will arrive ten minutes after the first fight starts, and attack in
Mishakal, Elistan will wake and find himself mysteriously a similar way.
wearing a Medallion of Faith bearing the icon of Paladine.
EMBER SCOUTS THE MOUNTAINS The party passes a snow-covered mountainside just as part
Once the Dragonarmy is able to pass by Pax Tharkas, either of the snow breaks away and starts to tumble down on top
two days after the refugees leave or four days if the party of them. Hundreds of tons of snow and ice collapse onto
were able to activate the gate-blocking mechanism, then the the path, forcing every creature in a 50ft section of road
skies will begin to be patrolled to search the mountains for (including 1d4 randomly selected player characters) to make
the escaped refugees. A red dragon (Ember, if he is still a DC18 Dexterity save. Those that succeed manage to
alive) will take to skies and search the roads and paths evade the landslide and move out of it’s way. Those who fail
below. immediately take 2d6 cold damage, and are restrained
under 50ft deep snow (where they are also effectively
There is a very high chance that he will see the long line of blinded and deafened). Those characters will then take a
refugees as they trek along the long road south, but will not take further 1d4 cold damage each turn and start to

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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suffocate as long as they trapped. Other must dig them out.
Note that this can be made more personal by
When this occurs, 2d10 refugees will also be caught in the
accepting small acts, such as a character picking
snowstorm, and will each die in five turns if not all dug out.
up a child that has fallen and carrying it to safety.
This can be reduced to only 1d10 refugees if characters who
Though this does not save a great many refugees,
would be caught in the avalanche voluntarily fail their save
it is narratively dramatic and can speak to a
and act to save others instead.
character’s personality and morals. This can
make the event more personal, and can be
accepted as a party “acting’ to mitigate one turn’s
death count.
A boulder suddenly flies through the air, landing with a dull
thud in the snowy ground right near the party. It obviously
did not fly of it’s own volitions, but it is miraculous that no- Once the bison pass, the heard keeps moving towards the
one was actually hit. other end of the valley, continuing until they are out of sight.
One-hundred feet away, a massive humanoid steps up onto The sounds of their thundering hooves eventually fades into
a rise at the side of the road. Clad in thick furs and wielding the distance.
a massive tree-trunk as a club, this giant bellows towards the ______________________________________________
party a challenge.
▪ “Halt!” A sudden and unexpected warm breeze blows from the
▪ “You trespass! I require reparations for the damage you east, quickly picking up speed.
have caused my mountains!”
DC16 Wisdom (Survival) or Intelligence (Nature): These
Creatures: 1x Stone Giant conditions usually immediately precede a squall - a sudden
[Medium] 2900xp and violent gust of wind that can causes torrential rains,
storms, and blizzards. Realizing this, the party have roughly
Stone Giants have lived in the Tharkadan Mountains for a minute to prepare.
over a century, possibly longer, and this particular one is
unhappy at the prospect of a large number of people A minute after the breeze, the wind picks up to a strong gale
walking their lands without permission. He is immediately that clashes with the cold air of the mountains. Snow and ice
hostile, but does not attack unless the party turn hostile are picked up into the air, creating blizzard conditions
towards him. For now he is content to intimidate and try to throughout the region for the next hour.
gain some treasure in exchange for passage through his If he For player characters, this has the same effect as both
can not be convinced to allow the party to pass, Zirkan will difficult terrain and extreme cold. They’re movement speed
command his group to attack, preferring to kill the party is halved, and at the end of the hour each character must
rather than allow agents of evil to find a way into succeed at a DC10 Constitution save or gain one level of
Thorbardin. exhaustion. Creatures with resistance or immunity to the
______________________________________________ cold, or wearing cold weather gear automatically succeed at
this save.
BISON HERD For a group of refugees, their survival depends on the
Distant thundering can be heard from further down the party’s actions. A single save with no modifier and at
valley, putting the party in mind of either a thunderstorm or disadvantage should be made for the whole group, and if it
an avalanche. It continues to get louder and louder though, is failed 2d10 refugees die in the blizzard. If the party take
until suddenly a herd of hundreds of panicked bison charge any direct action or give explicit instructions to do
over a distant rise, bearing directly down on the party and something to protect themselves from thee blizzard, the save
refugees. Frightened by dragons scouting overhead, this also gains advantage, cancelling out the normal
herd are in full panic and storming away from any perceived disadvantage.
threat. ______________________________________________
The herd will reach the party and refugees in five turns, and
there are far too many to kill before they arrive. The only WINTER WOLVES
hope is to get out of the way quickly, which will be For roughly thirty minutes, an unease and the sense of being
extremely difficult for a large group of refugees. watched falls on the party and many refugees. Every now
and then a Tarakan faint outline of a grey-white figure can
For each of the five turns the party has before the herd hits be seen moving through the snow in the distance before it
them, 2d10 refugees will be killed in the stampede when it disappears again, hiding in snowdrifts and behind boulders,
does hit. For each of those turns that the party spend in stalking the group.
harm’s way making sure that the refugees clear the area, that Suddenly, on a ledge above the group, four canines step
turn’s death count is prevented. Simply shouting at the out. They seem much like wolves, but they are larger than
refugees is not enough though, as they too will panic at the any the party have seen before, and their eyes glow with an
sight of the incoming herd. The party will need to take intelligence malevolence. Faintly, one of theme an even be
more direct action to force the refugees to seek shelter. heard speaking in a low, gravely voice.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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▪ “Lowland fools. Twilight is upon you, and winter is ▪ “Well, this is how you build igloos, isn’t it?”
nigh.” ▪ “Spell? Magic? Where?”

With howls of joy the pack bound down the rock face and Most of the faction leaders amongst thee refugees will
attack. They instinctively target the weak and infirm, each question and doubt the course of action, but it is up to the
turn being capable of killing a refugee as an action, but they party if they take Fizban’s advice or get the refugees to keep
are not merely hunting for food. These are servants of moving. Shortly afterwards however (long enough for the
Takhisis who have been patrolling the mountains for weeks, majority of refugees to get into the igloo if they wish to) the
and who delight in causing misery. They will attack refugees reason behind Fizban’s warning presents itself. Far behind,
where they can, and avoid direct battle with well-armed at the other end of the narrow pass the party and refugees
fighters or distant spellcasters. have just come through, the sudden stomping of hundreds
______________________________________________ of feet in snow can be heard. Nearly two hundred
Draconians - merely a scouting force - are coming having
FIZBAN’S FABULOUS SNOWFORT followed the refugee’s trail, and will catch up within
This event occurs if the party approach TM20:
Hopeful Vale. If the party have never met Creatures: 200x Baaz Scout
Fizban the Fabulous before then this will be [Deadly] 160,000xp
their first encounter with bumbling wizard. If
they have, his presence here will cause great This is not a fight the party can hope to win, and if they
confusion, especially if he was thought to have catch up no matter what the party does, it will be the end of
died in Pax Tharkas. It will be all the more the refugees. Faced with such numbers, the refugees will be
confusing if the party thought he was with them, fully routed and break apart, fleeing individually into the
as part of the refugees. mountains where only a miracle will see them find a path to
safety. They will either be caught and killed by Draconians,
or face death in the extreme conditions of the mountains.
Walking along a narrow mountain path, the group comes
over a high rise and sees TM20: Hopeful Vale in the Oddly however, the Draconians will not pay any attention to
lowlands far below. To their sides, towering peaks threaten Fizban’s igloo, acting as though it is not there at all. The
to dump hundreds of tons of snow on top of their group, igloo itself will also be entirely impervious to harm of any
but it seems to be holding as the mountains descend into kind, including if an avalanche were to fall on the region.
the flat and barren TM30: Plains of Dergoth. Triggering an avalanche is a sure way to stop the entire
Draconian scouting force in one go, closing off the narrow
As the party make their way through the pass, they suddenly pass and burying many of the pursuers. Such an avalanche
become aware of a humanoid figure in the distance. The would fall on the whole region however, requiring anyone
pass starts to widen a little, and roughly two hundred feet standing in the open to find a place of safety. Luckily, there
away a humanoid in long grey robes and a large pointed hat is nearby igloo.
seems to be scurrying around in the snow. It is gathering up
large mounds of snow, and using them to put the finishing Once the Draconians have passed or been buried in snow,
touches on a large igloo, next to which stands a neat pile of the igloo can be left at the party’s leisure., though a few
snowballs. minutes after the last person leaves it, the igloo will tremble
Suddenly a gust of chilly wind blows up the pass, snatching and then fall apart.
the figure’s large-brimmed hat away from him and dropping If the Draconians passed by they are seen turning east
it at the feet of the party at the head of the refugees. towards TM29: Hills of Blood.
The humanoid is Fizban the Fabulous. He shouts hurriedly, ______________________________________________
as if expecting real danger but picking up only a snowball to
defend himself with. CAMPING IN THE HOPEFUL VALE

▪ “Hurry up! Get the people into the fort!” This event takes place if the refugees arrive in
▪ “Come on, we’ll show ‘em!” TM20: Hopeful Vale and the refugees start to
▪ “Oh ye of little faith.” make camp.

Fizban insists that everyone is in great danger and must

enter his snow fort quickly, even though it appears to be The Hopeful Vale is an ideal place to stop and rest after a
only ten feet across and five feet high. He will be frustrated long flight from Pax Tharkas, and many refugees will want
and annoyed with any creature who doubts him and refuses. to stop whether the party advise it or not. From a brief
Any creature that looks inside however will see a cavernous examination, the area seems reasonably safe for a time and
space hundreds of feet in diameter and easily large enough concealed by the mountains, so it might be a good place to
to fit all of the refugees (although they will have to crawl hide from the Dragonarmies for a short while.
through the low entrance). Fizban offers no explanation for
this, suggestion merely: Elistan will send out word that he gathering leaders of the
factions, and at this point will repeat his earlier advise of

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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seeking refuge from the dwarves of Thorbardin. Though curses
there is still doubt, Elistan offers more detail advice now. Swooped upon nothing and nothing
Deep below the brightening land.
▪ “We have been simply running for so long, I fear we Thus ended in thunder the Age of Dreams
have forgotten to have a destination.” And began the Age of Might,
▪ “Yes yes, the dwarves of the mountain long closed their When Istar, kingdom of light and truth, arose in the
doors to the world, but this is a danger that will come to east,
them whether they hide behind their doors or not.” Where minarets of white and gold
▪ “We are so close to Thorbardin now though. Is there Spired to the sun and to the sun’s glory,
harm in asking? Could anything truly go badly if we Announcing the passing of evil,
simply ask, given the size and security the mountain halls And Istar, who mothered and cradled the long summers
can offer?” of good,
Shone like a meteor
▪ “This place seems safe for a time. It seems likely that we In the white skies of the just.
can all hide here, using the woodland to evade being Yet in the fullness of sunlight
seen from above.” The Kingpriest of Istar saw shadows:
▪ “I think we can wait here, whilst our heroes go ahead to At night he saw the trees as things with daggers, the
Thorbardin. If the dwarves say yes we can quickly make streams
our way to the gate, and if they say no we can just as Blackened and thickened under the silent moon.
quickly head elsewhere.” He searched books for the paths of Huma
▪ “At the very least let us rest, so that scouts can be sure of For scrolls, signs, and spells
our current situation and find the best route away from So that he, too, might summon the gods, might find
here.” Their aid in his holy aims,
Might purge the world of sin.
Elistan suggests Thorbardin as a sanctuary, and by this point Then came the time of dark and death
most of the other leaders will be hard-pressed to argue any As the gods turned from the world.
of path. At the very least thy can concede that it is a good A mountain of fire crashed like a comet through Istar,
idea, and that the people should be allowed to rest while The city split like a skull in the flames,
others at minimum ask the dwarves if they will open their Mountains burst from once-fertile valleys,
doors. Seas poured into the graves of mountains,
This decision rests with the party. The assembled leaders The deserts sighed on abandoned floors of the seas,
will give their thoughts and advice based on their starting The highways of Krynn erupted
positions and the dangers they have faced over their journey And became the paths of the dead.
south, but the decision will finally rest with the party. Thus began the Age of Despair.
The roads were tangled.
ELISTAN PRAYS The winds and the sandstorms dwelt in the husks of
During the first night in TM20: Hopeful Vale, Elistan will Cities,
have gathered an audience of his own followers - the The plains and mountains became our home.
Believers - plus many more from other factions who are As the old gods lost their power,
simply happy to join in. Standing next to a crackling fire We called to the blank sky
with rings of people around him, Elistan will speak in a Into the cold, dividing gray to the ears of new gods.
solemn voice, commanding a quiet majesty. The sky is calm, silent, unmoving.
We had yet to hear their answer.
▪ “So that our children may never forget, we tell our story, Then to the east, to the Sunken City
the Canticle of our people. Let us retell it often.” Scarred in its loss of blue light,
Came the party, the Innfellows, heirs to the burdens,
▪ “Out of the darkness of dragons, Out of their tunnels and their arching forests,
Out of our cries for light Out of the lowness of plains, the lowness
In the blank face of the black moon soaring, Of huts in the valleys,
A banked light flared in Solamnia, The stunned farms under the warlords and darkness.
A knight of truth and of power, They came serving the light,
Who called down the gods themselves The covered flames of healing and grace.
And forged the mighty Dragonlance, piercing the soul From there, pursued by the armies,
Of dragonkind, driving the shade of their wings The cold and glittering legions, they came
From the brightening shores of Krynn. Bearing the staff to the arms of the shattered city,
Paladine, the Great God of Good Where below the weeds and the birdcall,
Shone at the side of Huma, Below the vallenwood, below forever,
Strengthening the lance of his strong right arm, Below the riding darkness itself,
And Huma, ablaze in a thousand moons, A hole in the darkness called to the source of the light,
Banished the Queen of Darkness, Drawing all light to the core of light,
Banished the swarm of her shrieking hosts B To the first fullness of its godly dazzle.”
ack to the senseless kingdom of death, where their
The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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This event takes place if Highlord Verminaard is PATH OF THE COMPANIONS

still alive, Elistan has been awakened, and the The Companions faced very little immediate
refugees have set up camp in the Hopeful Vale. danger after leaving Pax Tharkas. Verminaard
and Ember were slain in the escape, as was Eben
On the morning before the party head out of the Hopeful Shatterstone. The Dragonarmies were recalled,
Vale, they hear Elistan cry out, disturbed out of his night’s but in disarray, allowing the Companions to
rest by disturbing, prophetic dreams. The former reach the safety of the Hopeful Vale quickly.
Highseeker stumbles out into the open air with tears in his The refugees camped there and found relative
eyes, searching for the party. safety, songs and joy filling the air as hope
returned to many.
▪ “I have had a dream, a most terrible dream! You must In this environment, the Companion’s two tribal
know it! I saw him, the servant of the dark queen. members - Goldmoon and Riverwind - finally
Verminaard! We met on the plane of dreams, and saw through their love for each other and
confronted one another!” married, asking Elistan to perform a new
▪ “He had lost sight of us and demanded to know where ceremony using what he had learned from study
we were. I refused to tell him.” of the Disks of Mishakal.
▪ “He saw in me that there is strength yet in the free
people of Ansalon, and this angered him!” In this moment of peace, the Companion’s
leader Tanis consulted the mage Raistlin about
▪ “I think he now knows that just as he does not travel what he sees in their future, Raistlin’s advice
alone, but bears the power of his Dark Queen with him, suggesting only war and destruction ahead.
so we do not travel alone either.” Hope, Raistlin tells him, is merely the denial of
▪ “He withdrew, both of us exhausted, but I suspect he reality.
retreated to consider rather than to escape. He is a
cunning and intelligent monster, and I fear that he may From here, the Companions travel to
now re-evaluate his strategy now that he knows we have Thorbardin to ask the dwarves to take in the
strength!” refugees.

▪ “I seem unscathed, but shaken. My sleep was disturbed.

I woke, and before I knew it I had been sitting in my
bed for some time, murmuring that He was there…”


This event takes place if Highlord Verminaard is still alive
and Elistan has been awakened as a cleric. It takes place
after the party have already left, but it is something they may
hear about at a later time. Alternatively, if the party have
convinced Elistan to accompany them to Thorbardin, then
it occurs just as they enter the mountain for the first time.

Without warning, Elistan cries out and collapses, seemingly

in a dream-state and barely conscious. This is no illness that
can be quickly remedies however, as Elistan has been
contacted and assaulted again through divine means by
Verminaard. The evil cleric seeks to attack the leaders of
Good, and in doing so incapacitates Elistan making him
useless for the road ahead into Thorbardin.

If this has occurred at the gates to Thorbardin and Fizban is

there, having not fallen into the gorge, he will offer to stay
behind to tend to Elistan. If he is not there, then the gully
dwarf Sestun (who has been following Elistan) will do it
instead. If neither are there, Elistan insists that he be left
behind, confident that Paladine will keep him safe.

He will recover in time for the party to conclude their

business in Thorbardin, having resisted the dark
temptations of Takhisis.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
These events take place if a party comes to Thorbardin, nervous as he describes the route. In truth he is trying to
either seeking aid or shelter from the Dragonarmies that are lure the party into a trap, thinking that by doing so he can
sweeping through the Tharkadan Mountains. win back some favour by winning a great victory against
_______________________________________________ outsiders.

If Arman Kharas is with the party, he tells the party
If the party come to the Northgate in the company of
that he does not trust Krothgar, but there is a
Fizban, the old wizard will immediately insist that fire opens
definite element of racial bias in his words.
any magical door. He claims that the application of a fireball
He never trusts a Theiwar.
is the obvious way to open dwarven doors, and will mumble
and grumble if told no.
If the party follow the path Krothgar gave them, or follow
▪ “Young people these days. Entirely afraid of taking a him through the streets, they will quite soon come to a plaza
direct approach to problem solving.” at the centre of a wide crossroads. Immediately, the party
spot movement from the side streets - a lumbering creature
KROTHGAR THE OPPORTUNIST emerging from the darkness, and then another suddenly
As a party wanders around the city, they have a chance to coming from the opposite direction.
come across a Theiwar officer, recently disgraced and cast These large, bipedal, insect-like beings amble out of hiding
out. and then charge.

Having been exiled from the Theiwar, this officer has been Creatures: 2x Umber Hulk
skulking about the city for a the past hour scrounging what [Hard] 5400xp
supplies he can, all the while plotting his revenge. The party
find him leaning against a wall somewhere in the city, Krothgar has lured the party into an Umber Hulk nest
seemingly completely oblivious to everything around him thinking that he can pick their bodies clean for trophies
and making no effort to conceal himself. As he sees the once the Umber Hulks have fed. As soon as the fight starts
party approaching him, he starts suddenly and takes a he darts to one side, giving the party a sly little wave so that
defensive posture. they know that he did this on purpose.

Creatures: 1x Theiwar Warrior Krothgar dives into the closest cover, from which he
[Easy] 200xp watches the entire fight. As the first Hulk’s are defeated, he
grins and giggles as two more emerge and charge the party
▪ “What, who is that there? Come out where I can see before they have a chance to recover.
▪ “Krothgar. That’s my name. What’s it to you?” Creatures: 2x Umber Hulk
▪ “I’m Theiwar! Through and through! But that damned [Hard] 5400xp
Jakkar accused me of cowardice, and now I’ve been cast
out! I bet Jakkar is already making himself comfortable If the Umber Hulks are all defeated, Krothgar will panic
in my chambers, prancing around like he’s in charge and try to escape. He is cagey and smart, but can still be
now. Bastard.” caught if the party are persistent and can easily be
intimidated if outnumbered.
▪ “I want vengeance! I want to prove I’m no coward and
get my rank back!” ▪ “Let me live! Let me live and I’ll tell you whatever you
▪ “Maybe I can get a low rank amongst the Hylar. That’ll need to know!”
show them how brave I really am.” ▪ “The Hylar lord loses influence, his talk of going
outdoors weakens him, and strengthens my thane
▪ “I’m no fan of the garrison now that Jakkar is in charge. Raelgar! My thane is smarter than the Hylar give him
If word gets back to the than that such as you got credit for, you’ll see!”
through the outposts, it’ll be his head, and I can come in
and tell them all that I told him so.” ▪ “Yes, yes. The true path! Go south through the great
arch fashioned in the image of the accursed kings of old.
If the party allow him, Krothgar describes a route by which That road, beyond the bridge. That leads out!”
the party can pass through the Northgate Complex whilst
avoiding any Theiwar outposts. He will even offer to show ▪ “Down below, in the low areas, my people have captives!
them the way himself, given his plans to head towards Dwarves of the rotten Hylar we caught trespassing.
Hybardin to find some position amongst their militia. They’re in the north part, below the temple, and I think
one was a son of the Hylar thane!”
DC15 Wisdom (Insight): Krothgar seems extremely

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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ARMAN KHARAS This encounter with Arman Kharas can easily be
Lawful Good Dwarf Male moved to any other location than the bridge, and
The eldest son of thane Glade Hornfel, Arman is advised to be run should the party discover the
Kharas believes himself a great warrior who has the Theiwar prisoners by some other means (such as
power to unite his people under a single rule, from Krothgar or by exploring the lower level
though his talk of unity even with the Neidar (Hill themselves.
Dwarves) has caused him much derision and lost
him many who would otherwise be allies. It is for If the party reach the area around TH11:
this belief though that he carries with him a replica Dungeons having not yet met Arman, then it
of the Hammer of Kharas, believing that it is his would be a good idea to find him and his men
destiny to one day find and reclaim the real thing. there sneaking up on the dungeons and preparing
Arman Kharas is a powerfully built dwarf who to attack. Sudden confusion can cause the two
serves as a captain in the Hylar army. He is curt yet sides to very quietly banter as the rest of this
polite, thought of as honest and absolutely loyal to encounter describes.
his people.

His greatest secret is that his true name, given to DC15 Intelligence (History): Dwarves have advantage on
him at birth, is actually Pike. He gave himself the this roll. These warriors bear the emblems of the Hylar
name “Kharas” because he thought it was a better clan, most respected and respectable of the Thorbardin
name for a hero, the name Arman meaning clans.
“second” or “lesser” - therefore “Arman Kharas”
being a “second Kharas”. “What business have you strangers among the halls of the
▪ “I am a Hylar prince. I ask the questions, and I
give the commands. Still, I will permit you to The captain is Arman Kharas, son of the thane of the Hylar
explain, if you can. Introduce yourselves.” and a proud dwarf with a strong sense of both duty and
▪ “I am, as I said, Arman Kharas, the son of history. He believes that he has a role to play in history, and
Hornfel, Thane of the Hylar. I am the hero of that he was born to be a great ruler.
the dwarves reborn. When I was given this
name, a hallowed light surrounded me — the Creatures: 1x Arman Kharas & 12x Dwarven Warrior
spirit of Kharas entered my body. I am the [Deadly] 9300xp
living embodiment of him, and as such, I am
destined to find the Hammer, unify the Arman is in Northgate on a rescue mission, but the sudden
dwarven nations, and make my father, Hornfel, light of the northern gate being opened and the presence of
king.” outsiders in the city put them on high alert, and Arman
decided to divert to investigate. If they find the party they
▪ “My father is a wise dwarf. He’ll make the right will issue an immediate challenge and then do what they can
decision, and he has enough strength on the to force the party back out of Thorbardin until a solution
council to push it through.” for the broken gate can be found.
The party will need to convince Arman to let them pass, or
▪ “I do not wield the true hammer. It is a replica. to take them to the Council of the Thanes. Otherwise he
I had the hammer made when I took my name, will command his squadron to force the outsiders back to
for I am Kharas, Arman Kharas. The lesser the gate and out of the city, killing if the have to. Arman will
Kharas. Kharas reborn. One day, I will be order his troops to surrender if it looks like they’re losing,
given the knowledge of how to find the true but will still insist that nobody enters Thorbardin.
hammer. Until that day, I carry this with me as
a reminder to all that I am destined for There are a few means by which Arman can be immediately
greatness.” convinced. The first is if the party have a mountain dwarf in
their ranks. Though it will be strongly questioned why this
character was outside of the mountain, and why they have
ARMAN KHARAS brought outsiders in, another mountain dwarf will have the
As the party first cross the bridge that spans TH4: Anvil’s right to plead a case before the thanes. Second, Arman can
Echo, but after they contended with any ropers and passed not help but be convinced of the authenticity of the Helm of
beyond TH9: Murderholes, the party catch sight of an small Grallen if the spirit of the prince himself speaks. Such
armoured column moving towards them. They march two changes are only possible if Arman is spoken to and treated
abreast, with a captain leading the way, all armed and with respect, as he will suffer no insults to himself or his
armoured ready for a fight. people.

They step onto the bridge and then halt 60ft away, the If Arman’s attitude can be turned more towards a
warriors amongst them assembling into a phalanx as the cooperative stance, he is willing to listen to the party’s full
captain stands forward, proud and confident. story, and tell a little of his own. He will promise to take the

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
party directly to his father - Glade Hornfel of the Hylar -
and the other thanes, but he must first complete a mission
of his own. The encounter given here is balanced for the
party alone, and not for a group that includes a
▪ “The damned Theiwar, dark dwarves to such as you, dozen dwarven warriors plus Arman Kharas.
have kidnapped my half-brother Pick. He was on a fair It should be assumed that there are many more
road on proper business and they had no right to take this number of Theiwar in the dungeon facility,
him, but now he is their hostage.” and that as the party attacks Arman and his
▪ “I am searching for him of course, and I now believe troops break away to fight the others.
him to be on the lower level. The dark ones have turned
an area below into a dungeon complex, and it is my This gives the player party a balanced encounter
intention to go there and free whomever we find.” of their own, whilst the Hylar and Theiwar battle
▪ “We would have gone directly there, had not the light around them as background flavour. The success
you created distracted us.” of the Hylar attack should match the success of
the party - victorious if the party are, and forced
▪ “Usually we will avoid Northgate altogether, but where to retreat as well if the party are, though in any
my kin is concerned, the need is paramount.” case the bravery and almost foolish heroism of
▪ “If I’m to take you to the council of thanes, I ask you Arman Kharas should be pointed out.
wait here while I rescue my half-brother. There is a
place up ahead called Kingsgate. It is hard to mistake it.
Wait there until I return.” The Theiwar fight in calculated means similar to guerrilla
tactics, spreading out to avoid making groups of themselves
Despite his request, Arman would very happily welcome the easy targets and employing dark magic to weaken and curse
party if they offered to help rescue Pick. their enemies. Half will keep back to use ranged attacks,
His plan is to head back south to continue as he was before whilst the other half (and the dogs) will rush forward to hold
he came to investigate the outsiders. He takes his troops attackers back as much as they can.
(and the party if they willing join his mission) back to TH7:
Transport Shafts where he plans to jump onto one of the The five prisoners are being held in five separate cells, all
idle platforms and ride it down to the lower level. squalid and damp. They have barely been fed in the day
since they have been captured, causing one of them to
PRISONERS develop a wasting sickness that will kill him within the next
As Arman and his unit approach TH11: Dungeons, coming hour. If healed magically the other dwarves will be
through a side street and reaching an intersection in front of awestruck, and their attitude towards the party will
the needer dungeon entrance, he waves them and the party dramatically improve.
down and motions for quiet. Arman creeps to a corner Arman’s half-brother Pick will also be amongst the
where he signals that there is someone ahead. prisoners, and will be extremely grateful for the rescue.
Around the corner, a low wall surrounds a set of single-file
barracks, each room heavily barred with iron. A few ESCAPE
indistinct figures can be seen inside these makeshift cells, Once the prisoners are released and the Theiwar defeated,
and Theiwar patrol the grounds. A raspy voice is heard Arman will warn that more Theiwar are bound to come and
shouting at one of the prisoners. reinforce the garrison. It would be highly unlikely that the
dark dwarves would have missed the northern gate opening,
▪ “Quiet in there, or I’ll come in and give you something so they will be alert enough to send more troops at some
to gripe about, you Hylar slime!” point.
Commanding his own troops to follow and expecting the
TH11: Dungeons is a large complex, but currently mostly party to do the same, Arman leads the way back south
empty. Only a small section in the nearby corner is towards the lower TH8: Great Hall.
occupied by five prisoners, all Hylar dwarves, and guarded
by a number of Theiwar, some of whom have vicious, LEAVING NORTHGATE WITH ARMAN KHARAS
double-headed hounds with them who snarl at any non- Following the Hylar captains lead, the party follow the
Hylar. dwarves with their rescued comrades to TH7: Transport
Shafts, where Arman engages the chain’s locking
The area is extremely well defended, the Theiwar taking mechanism and orders his people to start climbing. The
special care having finally caught some Hylar after many presence of the Hylar and the party has not gone unnoticed
centuries of trying. Arman therefore plans a direct assault. however, and the group will be attacked. Depending on if
With the party here to help however, he suggests that his the party go up the chain first or last, they will be attacked
own men fight the more distant Theiwar groups whilst the while Arman and his troops are climbing, leaving the party
party head directly for the cells and free the prisoners. with the task of defending the transport station.
The Theiwar will come in two waves, first a group of
Creatures: 8x Theiwar Warrior & 2x Death Dog warriors with dogs, and then a second unit led by a raggedly-
[Hard] 5000xp dressed captain. They step out from all directions, emerging
from inside buildings, out of alleys, and even on

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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rooftops. They seek to kill all of the “invaders”, and will give
no quarter.

Creatures: 8x Theiwar Warrior & 2x Death Dog

[Hard] 5000xp

Creatures: 1x Theiwar War Leader, 4x Theiwar Warrior &

2x Death Dog
[Hard] 4750xp

After this attack, the Theiwar keep back a little, but

continue to press and attack from ranged positions. Arman
calls for retreat. As soon as all of his people (and the party)
have ascended and are on the middle level, Arman sets a
brisk pace heading directly to TH8: Great Hall and the
entrance to the 2nd Road leading to the North Halls of
Justice, thinking to use secret passages to pass onto the 1st
Road from there. He is aware of a large creature at the
entrance to the 1st road, and would rather take the 2nd
Road given that he and his men got into the Northgate
Complex by that route.
For the entire sprint however, there will almost always be a
minimum of two Theiwar nearby, taking shelter in buildings
and from rooftops to attack at a safe distance.

Creatures: 2x Theiwar Warrior

[Easy] 600xp

For the distance run, the party are likely to

encounter 3d4 such pairs of Theiwar. Though
they are easily defeated the party will have to take
at least one set of ranged attacks from each pair
as they pass.

Arman Kharas guides the party to the middle level access to

the 2nd road which leads to the North Hall of Justice. If the
party leave the area alone however, they also have the
option of taking the lower level passage to the 1st Road
which leads to the West Warrens.
Once on the road Arman will be relaxed enough to be
willing to discuss the dwarven kingdom, the thanes, his
father and the current state of Thorbardin politics.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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These events take place if a party comes to Thorbardin, common-speaking interpreter will be provided.
either seeking aid or shelter from the Dragonarmies that are
sweeping through the Tharkadan Mountains. Once brought forward, the party will be introduced to the
_______________________________________________ council by name. If Arman Kharas has brought them party
he will do the introducing, otherwise it will be a nearby
COUNCIL OF THE THANES Hylar guard. Once this is done, Arman (or the guard) will
At some point, either as prisoners or as guests of Arman announce each council member by name. As is tradition
Kharas, the party will be brought before the assembled they will also announce each of the empty seats, declaring
council of thanes to plead their case. them “vacant”.
The council comprises of six members - the thanes of the
six clans of Thorbardin. These are:
• Glade Hornfel of the Hylar Lawful Good Dwarf Male
• Raelgar Ironface of the Theiwar For many years Glade Hornfel has been thane
• Rance Coalmount of the Daergar of the Hylar and effective ruler of all of
• Gneiss Truesilver of the Daewar Thorbardin, and has a reputation for prudence
• Tufa Bloodeye of the Klar and wisdom. He is a fair and reasonable man,
• Bluph of the Aghar ever seeking to establish peace between the
clans, even going so far as to welcome those
The council meets in a grand circular chamber inscribed at clans that oppose him the councils and to have a
it’s heart with a dwarven symbol that denotes all of their voice in government.
kind, mountain and hammer motifs lining the walls. The He has long proposed reopening the doors of
single 10ft entryway is blocked by solid golden double- Thorbardin to the world again, but this has been
doors that glide open on an intricate mechanism when a the one issue on which the moderate thanes
self-righting lever is pulled from either side. Through this have not sided with him.
passage, a visitor comes face to face with a raised semi- Hornfel is thought to be an impeccable judge of
circular table behind which are nine high-back chairs character, a master debater and a master of both
inscribed with the symbols of the nine ancient clans. the sword and the tongue. He is most likely to
Although each of the nine clans are entitled to their seat, be sympathetic towards outsiders and to the
this is not the case in practice, and only six are occupied. plight of refugees.

• The seat of the Neidar is absent since the hill dwarves ▪ “I am thane Glade Hornfel. I permit you to
split from Thorbardin. Given that the Neidar sided with speak in this chamber.”
Fistandantilus during the Dwarfgate War, it is highly ▪ “How did you find the gate that has been
unlikely that the council would allow a hill dwarf to take hidden these three hundred years?”
the seat now under any circumstances. ▪ “The charges made against you and your
• The 8th seat, the Kingdom of the Dead, has remained friends are very serious. You have entered
empty since the Cataclysm since it’s membership our realm without permission. You have
formally comprised only of the dwarven clerics. destroyed the gate. You bring among us the
• The final seat was held by the Kingdom of the High accursed helm…”
King, given to whichever dwarf of any clan was crowned ▪ “Our nation is divided and soon, I fear, we
king. This seat has been empty since the Dwarfgate War must end up in a civil war. I do not know
and the death of King Duncan. what more harm can come to us, unless the
mountain comes down on top of us.”
Glade Hornfel leads the council as a wise and prudent ▪ “It is true that you humans brought the
speaker, and his leadership is accepted by all. The Cataclysm upon the world, and it is true that
moderate thanes - Gneiss and Tufa - are more sympathetic the Neidar made war on Thorbardin. But
to his positions than to Raelgar, though worry that Hornfel’s dark times are here again, and ancient
son Arman is not yet shaping up to a good prospect as a grudges must not control our destiny. Here is
future thane. the decision of the Council: whosoever
Raelgar holds the allegiance of Rance Coalmount, both men recovers the Hammer of Kharas, that person
secretly in negotiations with the Dragonarmies to take will the dwarves of Thorbardin befriend. If
control of Thorbardin. you agree to our terms, and bring the
Bluph sides with whichever side scares him the most at the hammer to us, your people may pass.”
time. ▪ “I have lived too long sealed up inside the
mountain,” Hornfel said sadly. “I need to see
From the start, the entire meeting will be conducted in the sunshine once again, breathe fresh air.”
dwarven. If the party has no dwarven speakers then a

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
Lawful Evil Dwarf Male Neutral Good Dwarf Male
Thane of the Theiwar, Raelgar is scrawny and The aged thane of the Daewar almost always has
short even for a dwarf, but also a talented and a jovial expression on his face, and always tries to
powerful black robed mage specialized in defuse tense situations and bring joy where anger
obfuscation and the inflicting of pain. and frustration have taken hold. He is a trusted
friend to Glade Hornfel, but continues to
A worshipper of Takhisis, he became thane advocate for keeping the gates of the mountain
through deceit and murder, having an intense sealed.
jealousy for anyone more powerful than he, even
other mages. In most things Gneiss takes a moderate position
seeking compromise, whilst also trying to stick to
In absolute secrecy, Raelgar has been negotiating the rules of proper procedure.
with the
Dragonarmies to betray Thorbardin. In ▪ “Our priests would have certainly known if
exchange for the False Metal (Takhisis) had returned. We
Hammer of Kharas and kingship that will grant have seen no signs.”
him, he has agreed to open the southern gates at ▪ “Rule of order good thanes, rule of order!
an appointed time to allow the red Dragonarmy We must speak according to the rules!”
into the mountain. ▪ “No one sits on the Throne of the Dead! It
can be used only by one who is dead to
▪ “Why aren’t these criminals in chains and leg speak to the council!”
irons? They destroyed the Northgate. They ▪ “It is not fair that we should all be cursed for
are assassins and spies. Why aren’t they in the actions of a few.”
the dungeon?” ______________________________________
▪ “I will prove they are spies! My people tried
to arrest this lot, but they were driven off by TUFA BLOODEYE
Arman Kharas and his thugs, who had no Neutral Good Dwarf Male
right to be in our realm.” Tufa Bloodeye, thane of the Klar clan, has the
▪ “The Talls are spies. They tried to sneak into special wisdom of knowing that he is not very
Thorbardin unseen, bringing with them the smart, enabling him to carefully study a situation
accursed helm in order to destroy us. They without diving in and making mistakes. He is
would have succeeded, but their crime was wild-eyed as most of his afflicted clan, but more
foiled by my people!” controlled and tempered, and manages to
maintain a cheerfulness and enthusiasm for life,
▪ “These Talls opened the gate in order that even if he is prone to occasional outbursts of
an army of humans, which now lies hidden in madness.
the foothills, can launch at attack against us!”” Most of the time Tufa takes a moderate position,
▪ “Arman is a wanted criminal in my Kingdom. but mainly because he is trying to control
I object to him being allowed to speak, and I himself. When faced with an important decision,
certainly object to the mere presence of these he will look to Glade Hornfel to see what the
outsiders in our hall!” best path is.

▪ “Was it not men who brought the Cataclysm ▪ “Shut your mouth, or I will shut it for you!
down upon us and sent the gods away in We are to listen, so we will listen!”
disgust? Was it not a man, a human, who ▪ “I stand with Lord Hylar, wherever it is he
destroyed so many valiant dwarves when the wishes me to stand.”
War Between Brethren came to such a tragic ▪ “I will talk, or I will draw my blade and my
end? And was it not the Neidar, the hill knife will talk!”
dwarves, who started that war and brought so ▪ “To battle!”
much death upon us? No, my friends, my
fellow Thanes of Dwarvendom, I believe we
should have these creatures put to the axe
immediately. We sealed our gates, and it is
my people, the Theiwar, who defend them
against outsiders in the north. Let us deal
with them as we do all intruders.”

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
If the party are in the company of Arman Kharas and have
RANCE COALMOUNT convinced him that they are friendly and well meaning, he
Neutral Evil Dwarf Male will give them an honourable yet extremely formal
The Daergar thane has always aligned his clan introduction on top of giving their names to the council.
with the Theiwar and against the Hylar. Rance is
a large dwarf, but has always deferred to the ▪ “My beloved lord father, my lords the great and noble
thane of the Theiwar because he is not very Thanes of Thorbardin, I thank you for receiving me and
smart. Despite this he thinks he has clever plans allowing me to speak before you.”
of his own, and believes that he has made a deal ▪ “I present to you my friends who provided invaluable
with the Dragonarmies to help but then betray assistance in the rescue of my brother Pick and fought
Raelgar, though he too is simply being used. bravely at our sides against many foes.”
Rance is currently thane only because his
particular gang of thugs is larger than any others THE MEETING
amongst the Daergar, but he always feels like a The council will want to proceed through matters one thing
small change can cause his downfall. He is at a time, and will have set their own agenda. They will allow
known to have a very short temper, and will no deviation from the schedule of talk they have agreed on,
tolerate no insults. shouting down any advancement without their direct
questioning by saying “it is not yet time for that”.
▪ “I will remain an enemy of the Neidar’s
enemy just because that was how it had ARMAN BRINGS OUTSIDERS
always been and always would be.” Realgar of the Theiwar is quick to turn around and make
▪ “Dragons and dragon-men! Are we children accusation against Arman, claiming him as a criminal.
to believe such tales?”
▪ “Hornfel, you are Grallen’s descendant. ▪ “My lords, Arman is a wanted criminal in my Kingdom.
Your family brought the curse upon us. You I object to him being allowed to speak here, and I
are the one who should speak to him. We certainly object to the mere presence of these...creatures
Daergar had nothing to do with what in our hall!”
happened to him, just so you know.”
▪ “I agree with Realgar. Cloudseeker has He is quickly put down by Gneiss of the Daewar.
shaken before now, and none of us claimed
it was anything more than the way of the ▪ “We’re all well aware of your standing disagreement with
mountain. Why should this time be Arman, son of Hornfel, my lord Raelgar. I, for one,
different?” would like to hear what these people have to say.
▪ “The Theiwar is telling the truth, Hornfel. Agreed?”
These humans and their friends the Elves are
the real danger. Don’t listen to the lies of A quick show of hands puts the Hylar, Daewar and Klar in
Talls.” favour of letting the outsider speak, with the Theiwar and
______________________________________ Daergar against, and Bluph asleep. Arman and Raelgar
share a hateful glare at each other, but the council call the
HIGHBULP BLUPH party forward to speak.
Neutral Good Dwarf (Any sex)
The name Highbulp Bluph is a ceremonial one, THE OUTSIDER’S CASE
or at least that is how the other thanes have The party are invited to make their case to the council for
reasoned it given that every Aghar thane to ever whatever it is they have come for.
come to their councils has always had the same
name. If they are seeking refuge for those fleeing the
The current Hughbulp seems to have a little Dragonarmies, then the party finds both sympathy,
sense and knows to be quiet during important moderation and objection. On the question of helping
meetings, but is easily scared into making bad outsiders, specifically humans, Raelgar is the most vocal
decisions. They are prone to sleep though, and speaking against, and his passion is enough to create doubt
snore loudly. in even the moderate thanes.

▪ “zzzzzzzzzzzz………..” ▪ “Was it not men who brought the Cataclysm down upon
▪ “What is this? Why is everyone shouting?!” us and sent the gods away in disgust? Was it not a man,
▪ “Oh, is it lunchtime?” a human, who destroyed so many valiant dwarves when
the War Between Brethren came to such a tragic end?
And was it not the Neidar, the hill dwarves, who started
that war and brought so much death upon us? No, my
friends, my fellow Thanes of Dwarvendom, I believe we
should have these creatures put to the axe immediately.
We sealed our gates, and it is my people, the Theiwar,
The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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who defend them against outsiders in the north. Let us would overlook them, leaving the rulership of
deal with them as we do all intruders.” Thorbardin to me.”
▪ “While it is true their hands did not deal my death blow,
This speech comes across as extremely well planned and yet by their hands I died.”
rehearsed, as though Raelgar knew exactly what to say.
Hornfel listens to all sides with interest, and suggests that the ▪ “I was young. I was fighting in my first battle. My elder
matter requires much more than an immediate decision. brothers vowed to watch over and protect me. Instead
The council must debate this for some time. In the they sent me to my doom. They ordered me to march
meantime, he asks if there are any other matters the party with a small force on the fortress of Zhaman, the evil
wishes to bring to the council. wizard’s stronghold. I did what they told me. How could
I not?”
THE HELM OF GRALLEN ▪ “I loved them and admired them. I longed to impress
Presenting the Helm of Grallen causes a stir amongst the them. My own men tried to warn me. They told me the
council. Hornfel asks that a guard bring it to him directly. A mission was suicidal, but I would not heed them. I
guard will comply, not allowing any party member to trusted my brothers, who said that my men lied, the
approach themselves. battle was as good as won. I was to have the honor of
Raelgar shouts that he believes the helm to be cursed - an capturing the wizard and bringing him back in chains.”
object infused with dark, necromantic magic, but Arman ▪ “They gifted me with this helm, saying that it would
claims it to be a great relic of the ancient days and worth make me invincible. They knew the truth - the helm
considering. would not make me invincible. Crafted by the Theiwar,
the magic of the gem would capture my soul and keep it
If the party wish, they can have the spirit of Grallen speak imprisoned so that even my vengeful ghost would not
directly to the council by donning it, at which point Grallen return to tell the truth of what happened.”
takes over their body and speaks for himself. Raelgar
continues to argue against allowing this, whilst Hornfel Hornfel looks distraught, feeling responsibility to every king
swallows hard knowing that speaking to Grallen means and thane of the Hylar who came before him. He tries to
confronting an ancient crime. explain that King Duncan was distraught and ashamed,
burying his treacherous sons in unmarked graves as
▪ “I am home ...” punishment for their crimes, but Hornfel’s words come
across like excuses to Grallen.
As he speaks his first to the council, the creature wearing
the Helm of Grallen will make his way unchallenged to the ▪ “And yet, my father never again spoke my name,”
council seat of the 8th Kingdom, that of the Kingdom of the ▪ “There was a time when I would have taken out my
Dead. Rance shouts that this is a great blasphemy, but vengeance upon you, but my soul has learned much
Gneiss points out that as one of the dead Grallen has the over the centuries.”
right to sit in that seat.
Now, Grallen’s voice eases, and with a sigh he relaxes, and
▪ “I am Prince Grallen, and I have returned to the hall of rises to his feet.
my fathers. Is this how I am welcomed? To shouting
and curses?” ▪ “I have learned to forgive.”
▪ “There was a time when I would have cursed you. There ▪ “My brothers’ spirits have gone on to the next part of
was a time when my rage would have brought down this their life’s journey. My father’s soul has done the same,
mountain.” and with him traveled the soul of the noble Kharas.
▪ “How dare you bandy words with me. How dare you Soon I will join them, for I am now free of the cruel
further affront my ghost, untimely murdered, my life cut enchantment that bound me.”
off by my own kin!” ▪ “Before I leave, I give you a gift - a warning. False Metal
has returned, but so have Reorx and the other gods.”
With these words the creature wearing the helm brings their
fist down had on the throne, and suddenly the entire ▪ “The gate of Thorbardin is once more open. The light
mountain shakes and a crack forms in the ceiling. Though it of the sun shines into the mountain. Shut the gate again,
is a smaller tremor much like those that occur frequently in shut out the light, and the darkness will consume you.”
Thorbardin, the timing is enough to convince most that this
was Grallen’s doing. Raelgar continues to claim this all to be a trick - a show put
Hornfel tries to calm the spirit prince, telling him that the on with cantrips and illusion - but he is silenced by curses
brothers who had tricked him to his death had confessed from Tufa.
their crime to the original Kharas, and taken responsibility Hornfel meanwhile thanks the prince for his message,
by taking their own lives, throwing themselves recklessly into forgiveness and warning regarding False Metal (the dwarven
battle. name for Takhisis.
Grallen responds coldly. Arman however is not done with the prince. Despite
Grallen going silent for good now. He asks forcefully if that
▪ “And so they were responsible.” is all the prince has to say, and despite his father calling for
▪ “I was the youngest, my father’s favorite. They feared he him to be quiet Arman demands more answers.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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▪ “The prince has said the gods are with us again! This is
the time of which Kharas spoke: ‘When the power of
the gods returns, then shall the Hammer go forth to If Eben Shatterstone is with the party at this
forge once again the freedom of Krynn.’” point and has not been discovered as a traitor,
then Hornfel adds a final condition to the quest.
Arman’s interest is in the Hammer of Kharas, which he
believes he is destined to find and claim, but prince Grallen “There is one other condition - one of your party
no longer responds. remain here as a hostage for your safe return.
We choose this man here.”
The party are eventually asked to leave the chamber so that Hornfel points to Eben, but it is clear as he is
the council can discuss the matters at hand between speaking that he is glancing towards Raelgar, who
themselves. They are given comfortable rooms to wait in, has a sly smile in the corner of his mouth. This is
but could be there for some time. because he knows that Eben, like him, is
working for the Dragonarmies. He has imposed
However the party choose to pass the time, they will this condition as a compromise to the council
eventually be called for in one hour. Guards will escort knowing that Eben can help him further the
them back to the council chamber where Arman will once plans of the Dragonarmies.
more meet them. As they enter, they see the thanes
conflicted - Raelgar and Rance especially infuriated but
Glade Hornfel will deliver the judgment of the council. THE SONG OF KHARAS
“Out of the darkness of dragons,
▪ “It is true that you humans brought the Cataclysm upon Out of our cries for light
the world, and it is true that the Neidar made war on In the blank face of the black moon soaring,
Thorbardin.” A banked light flared in Solamnia,
▪ “But dark times are here again, and ancient grudges A knight of truth and of power,
must not control our destiny.” Who called down the gods themselves
▪ “Here is the decision of the Council: whosoever recovers And forged the mighty Dragonlance,
the Hammer of Kharas, that person will the dwarves of Piercing the soul Of dragonkind,
Thorbardin befriend. If you agree to our terms, and Driving the shade of their wings
bring the hammer to us, your people may pass.” From the brightening shores of Krynn.
▪ “We know that the hammer is lost somewhere in the 8th
kingdom - the Valley of the Thanes, but we do not know Paladine, the Great God of Good
where.” Shone at the side of Huma,
▪ “The valley can be reached by travelling along either the Strengthening the lance of his strong right arm,
7th, 8th or 9th roads.” And Huma, ablaze in a thousand moons,
▪ “As you have brought the Helm of Grallen back to us, I Banished the Queen of Darkness,
would ask that you see it to a final rest in that same Banished the swarm of her shrieking hosts
valley. Take it for us to the Tomb of Grallen so that the Back to the senseless kingdom of death, where
last remnant of the prince might find final rest.” their curses
Swooped upon nothing and nothing
If the party refuse the quest, the thanes have little choice but Deep below the brightening land.
to name them enemies. They will have battled and killed
some Theiwar by now, and this will make them criminals in Thus ended in thunder the Age of Dreams
the eyes of Thorbardin. Hornfel will reluctantly order that And began the Age of Might,
the party be stripped of all their possessions, imprisoned, When Istar, kingdom of light and truth, arose in
and eventually stand trial for trespass and murder. They will the east,
not be allowed to go free. Where minarets of white and gold
Spired to the sun and to the sun’s glory,
If they agree Hornfel raises an arm in signal, and two guards Announcing the passing of evil,
will enter the chamber. one carries a drum, and the other a And Istar, who mothered and cradled the long
scroll. The scroll is unraveled, and together, they chant the summers of good,
Song of Kharas in recognition of the quest. Shone like a meteor
In the white skies of the just.
If he has become friendly with the party, Arman asks to
accompany the quest. He strongly feels that he must be part
of the quest, as it is his destiny to find the hammer and to
unite the clans under a common rule. Only Raelgar objects
given his claims of Arman’s criminality, but the council
leaves the decision with the party.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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The party depart the Hopeful Vale together and
explore Skull before coming to Thorbardin and
meeting with Arman Kharas in the Northgate
Complex. There they have the spirit of prince
Grallen speak to Arman, which is easily enough
to convince him that the Companions have
come on honourable business.

After helping to rescue Arman’s half-brother,

the Companions meet with the Council of the
Thanes where Flint Fireforge dons the Helm of
Grallen to allow the prince to speak with the
council. The thanes have no choice but to
believe it is real. Following this, Flint proposes a
wager (Reorx being famously fond of wagers).
The dwarves would give aid to the refugees if
the Hammer of Kharas can be recovered. The
council agrees, taking half the group as hostages
until the quest is completed.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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These events take place if a party has been sent into King where it could be). He has a generally good idea of the
Duncan’s Tomb to search for the Hammer of Kharas as a layout of the floating tomb, though acts extremely surprised
sign that the dwarven people should trust and help them. the first time he discovers that it is floating, and any arcane
_______________________________________________ lock will open for him. Regardless he will invite himself to
join them as the party explore the tomb further, following
DT6: OVERLOOK behind if they tell him to stay back.
As the party look out over the terrain, their attention can
not help but be drawn north-west, where huge lines of
soldiers can be seen marching around the mountain, EVENSTAR
presumably towards the south gate. The Dragonarmies are Neutral Good Dragon Male
moving into position to strike against Thorbardin. An adult golden dragon, Evenstar refused to
take the Oath when the metallic dragons were
DT7: FOUNTAIN OF TIME deceived into staying away from Ansalon. He
Resting against the western side of the moss-covered advocated and pleaded for his people to fight,
fountain, his head leaning against the outer wall, the party but when he was defeated Evenstar vowed not to
find a dwarf in ancient and regal attire dozing and snoring be bound by the folly of his brethren. As
softly, his breathe causing his long, white beard to waver punishment, and in an effort to keep him from
with each wheeze. breaking the oath and endangering all of their
eggs, the metallic dragons exiled Evenstar and
DC14 Intelligence (Wisdom): Dwarves have advantage on set him to guarding King Duncan’s Tomb.
this check. This sleeping dwarf, in facial features and the
clothing he wears, matches exactly ancient descriptions and Evenstar is a world-weary dragon who loves
paintings of the hero Kharas himself. The only difference things of light and beauty. In truth he wants
between him now and when he was last seen is the beard, nothing more than peace, and enjoys playing
which Kharas shaved off at the beginning of the Dwarfgate tricks on the unwary purely for fun. He will
War in shame at having to fight their own kind. invariably disguise himself on any first meeting,
having maintained the disguise of Kharas himself
In truth this dwarf is not Kharas at all, but a golden dragon since arriving at the tomb.
in disguise. His true name is Evenstar, an exile of his people
who has lived in this tomb for hundreds of years, guarding it ▪ “I am called Evenstar.”
with tricks and magical illusions. He is not really asleep, but ▪ “I am the guardian of the Hammer of
has decided at this time to be found by the party in order to Kharas. I have kept it safe until the gods
test them and learn their value as heroes. Under no returned and a dwarven hero of honor and
circumstances will he tell visitors his true name yet. righteousness came to claim it. Now my duty
is done, my punishment is ended. They
The sleeping dwarf can be easily woken with a slight nudge, cannot keep me here.”
after which he seems dazed but not overly shocked. He acts ______________________________________________
surprised at having guests, but seems immediately friendly
and not against their presence. DT15: SHRINE OF REORX THE FORGE
The disguised Evenstar is willing to identify the potion,
▪ “What? Who is that? Oh, dear me, I seem to have scro9ll and incense found on the altar here, and suggests
dozed off. Who are you?” that they must have been provided by Reorx for them
▪ “I’m sorry, I’m really not sure how long I’ve been specifically. He encourages the party to take the items,
asleep.” knowing full well that he put them there himself.
▪ “I had just laid Duncan to rest, and I thought to stop
here for a rest. I had a drink from the fountain, and DT20: COURTYARD
suddenly felt sleep, so I thought I would take a nap.” Normally the flagstone courtyard is clear, cold and serene,
but as the Dragonarmies begin their march through the
▪ “Name? My name? Yes, it’s Kharas. I doubt an outsider region and start to move around to the south of
will know my name.” Thorbardin, they will have set lesser drakes to patrol the
▪ “Wait a moment, where is my hammer? It was here a skies. These will be passing over Thorbardin and King
moment ago…..” Duncan’s Tomb, and attack whatever enemies they can
▪ “Sorry, that’s all I remember. Everything else is a before reporting back what they have found to their
little….foggy.” superiors.

Evenstar, pretending to be Kharas, will act as though he has Creatures: 4x Lesser Wyvern
trouble understanding that a lot of time has passed, and will [Hard] 3600xp
seem concerned with his missing hammer (with no idea

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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These wyverns are smart enough to know when they are ▪ “No man holds me back now!”
outmatched, and when they attack will keep to the edge of
the courtyard at all times so that they can easily jump off the Evenstar responds with a smile and shouts back at Ember,
edge to make a quick retreat. They will try to pick off and betraying his true form for the first time.
grab hold of weaker creatures, dragging them off the tomb
and hoping to carry their victims back to a nearby ▪ “Begone, child! Do not tempt my anger. Do you desire
mountainside to feast on. death so?”

If the fight goes badly, at least one will try to escape as Ember’s lips curl into a cruel snarl.
quickly as possible to take news back to the Dragonarmies
that the tomb has been found and that there are already ▪ “No, Old One! It is you who tempt fate! I know the
trespassers there. The rest of the pack will try to escape if Oath; the power of your word binds you! Not even the
wounded, preferring not to fight to the death. terror of the dragonlance could bind one so well.”
▪ “Come, Evenstar, show these puny mortals what
Evenstar will not take part in this fight, but will instead stay company they keep or has the Council stripped you of
back and watch. He will respond only if the wyverns manage your pride, too?”
to damage the tomb, in which case he will start to use spells
to retaliate, still trying to disguise his true identity to the Evenstar’s face clouds over now with anger, Ember’s words
party. striking him hard. In his rage Evenstar gives up on all
pretences, and his form swells. The dwarf suddenly grows
DT24: VESTIBULE and his body mishaps, his sky suddenly taking on a shining
The skeleton found here is the true skeleton of the hero golden hue, until finally he is revealed in his true form - a
Kharas himself. He died here, and never left the tomb. golden dragon.

If Evenstar is with the party, he chuckles lightly and admits Despite his bluster however, Evenstar does not advance. He
now that he is not really Kharas, but is merely the guardian looks ready for a fight, but makes no deliberate move to
of the tomb. He claims to have been testing the party to see attack Ember, causing the red dragon to laugh at the display
if they were truly “heroes”, however he does not yet reveal of feeble weakness.
his true name or form.
Evenstar turns to the party, his face a vision of panic.
▪ “It’s not time for you to learn that just yet.”
▪ “Ember is right. I may not interfere.”
DT29: DUNCAN’S FINAL PEACE ▪ “There are greater mysteries than even I am to you.”
If the party have not yet met Evenstar disguised as Kharas, ▪ “I am sorry. I simply can not fight him.”
then they will find him sitting here instead.
_______________________________________________ With that Ember laughs again and spreads his wings wide.

RAGING EMBER ▪ “Prepare to die!”

This encounter requires that Ember has survived past
encounters with the party, and as part of the Dragonarmies Creatures: 1x Adult Red Dragon
has been hunting the party and the refugees, and appearing [Deadly] 18,000xp
the attack on Thorbardin. If Ember has already been slain,
replace him in this encounter with any other red dragon of This battle has the potential to be drastically deadly for the
the Dragonarmies. party given the size and power of Ember, but thankfully for
the party Ember has not revealed to his allies that the senile
Once the party have found and collected the Hammer of dragon Flamestrike had badly wounded him in their earlier
Kharas, they will be free to leave but also confronted by confrontation. He is therefore already wounded, his hit
their worst fear. The red dragon Ember has been waiting for points being depleted by at least half.
them, biding his time and keeping himself hidden whilst
patiently waiting for the party to recover the hammer before Ember favours hit and run tactics, swooping in, attacking for
attacking. As the party most recently entered the tomb, a round or two, and then breaking away to circle the tomb
Ember has perched himself atop one of the towers and is and dive in again.
watching from there.
Evenstar may also be able to offer some help to the party.
As the party come out into the air, the disguised Evenstar Though he will not directly fight Ember, he may help with a
will walk ahead, and a dark shadow will cross his face. He healing spell or use his wings to shield creatures from
looks upwards, and the strength of his gaze betrays great Ember’s breathe weapon if it looks like the battle is going
apprehension. Above, the hissing voice of Ember roars badly. Evenstar is still ultimately on the side of Good, even
down at Evenstar in mocking rage. if he is prevented from fighting.
The one thing that will cause Evenstar to fight however is if
▪ “So Old One, you consort with my enemies! More, you Ember deals significant damage to the tomb itself. This will
hide behind their puny form! Step aside; they are mine!” send Evenstar into a rage and attacks.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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The battle can be influenced by two items found in the means the crafting of dragonlances.
If the Hammer of Kharas is thrown at Ember, then DISTANT HORNS
Evenstar will retrieve it at the end of each round. He will The air becomes filled with the distant sound of war horns.
willingly hand it to any creature who comes to him for it Recognizable as draconian horns, they draw the attention
after that. south to where the Dragonarmies have started to amass.
Additionally, for this encounter only, the flagpole at DT20: Forces who moved around the western side of the mountain
Courtyard fashioned like a dragonlance will function as a have met with those who moved around the east, and now
real dragonlance, however it has a cumulative 20% chance the gather and muster ready to launch their attack on
of breaking after each use. If he sees it, Ember will avoid the Thorbardin’s Southgate Complex.
lance as much as he can. In the skies above them, six smaller figures dance about on
leathery wings. There are the heirs of Ember, his brood.
Having realized that Ember has fallen, these young dragons
now fly towards the King Duncan’s Tomb.
Very Rare
The ancient lances of legend were a gift from
Creatures: 6x Red Dragon Wyrmling
Paladine to the warriors of good who fought
[Deadly] 13,200xp
Takhisis in the Third Dragon War, and are
enchanted in such a way that they can easily
Fighting a wounded Ember was one thing, but the
pierce the hide of a mighty dragon.
murderous intent of this flight of dragons may make this a
fight that the party do not have the strength for.
Greater Dragonlances must be made of
Dragonmetal, and created using both the
Hammer of Kharas and the Silver Arm of
Seeing the smaller dragons approaching, Evenstar’s
Ergoth, and it is said that a master smith working
condition worsens, and his voice becomes rasping. He
with masters of magic can enchant them with
reaches into his pouch, and offers the party one final gift.
additional properties.
To each he hands a small wooden statuette of a horse, each
about 3” long.
+2 Lance
Attacks against dragons deal an additional +2d6
▪ “Throw these down, and say these words.”
weapon damage. Each hit against an evil aligned
▪ “Branchala Guide Me.”
dragon deals 1 temporary Constitution damage.
On a critical hit, the attack deals permanent
Doing as Evenstar suggests will transform the statues into
Constitution damage equal to the lance wielder’s
horses of various colours. Evenstar encourages the party to
mount them immediately, and to trust in the gods. If they
Evil creatures that try to hold a Greater
seem hesitant, Evenstar tries to tell them that all will be well.
Dragonlance count as having three levels of
exhaustion until they release it.
▪ “Call it an act of faith.”

As soon as Ember is defeated, his body slumps close to the BRANCHALA’S STEEDS
tomb’s edge, and then slides over, dropping into the Valley When the specific phrase “Branchala guide me”
of the Thanes below. is uttered and this statue thrown to the ground,
the statuette transforms into a Riding Horse.
Evenstar then reverts to his dwarven form, once again This horse retains it’s living form for up to
resembling Kharas, and quickly finds himself somewhere to twenty-four hours, at which point it will revert to
sit and tries to breathe calmly. For some reason though, it’s statuette form and can not transform again
despite being able to change his shape, Evenstar’s dwarven until two dawns have passed. It can also revert to
form now appears to be rapidly aging. The tomb also starts it’s statuette form at it’s rider’s will, and will
to shake lightly as though affected by a light tremor. revert if slain in combat (in which case it can not
be used again until four dawns have passed).
▪ “I have completed at last my fateful mission, and now I
must rest.” Each horse, whilst in it’s living form, can cast the
▪ “Take the Hammer—let it not fall into the enemy’s spell feather fall on itself once per day, and it
hands!” will do so whenever it faces anything greater
▪ “Flee east and fail not.” than a 10ft fall

Feeling his mission is complete, Evenstar now encourages Once all of the party are mounted, or it seems like all of
the party to guard the hammer at all costs, and to allow it to those who will accept the gift have mounted, Evenstar will
fulfill it’s destiny. Though it may be inferred that this refers clap his hands and all of the horses will suddenly panic and
to the prophecy of Kharas which declares that the wielder of run straight for the closest edge. They run off and drop to
the hammer will be the next true king, Evenstar actually the Valley of the Thanes, but quickly use their ability to cast

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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feather fall on themselves so that the drop is slow, steady
and safe.


As the fledgling dragons make for the tomb and start to
circle it, the structure begins to shudder more violently.
Slowly, it starts to descend, losing altitude at a rate of 20ft
per minute at first but then quickly starting to break apart.
Towers crack and walls fall down, ancient artwork being
ruined as the tomb eventually comes crashing back down,
once more taking it’s place in the valley.
As it lands, the tomb displaces the lake and sends a flood of
water across the valley, washing over many tombs and into a
great many crypts.


Flint Fireforge, accompanied by Arman Kharas
and Tasslehoff Burrfoot, ventured into King
Duncan’s Tomb to retrieve the hammer having
been told by the thanes of Thorbardin that if he
does, they will allow passage and provide
protection for the refugees from Abanasinia.
With the rest of his companions held hostage
within Thorbardin, the three explored the tomb
before finding Kharas himself in the tomb of the
king, standing guard.

Arman ends up lost, but Evenstar leads Flint

directly to the hammer where the true body of
Kharas is found. Evenstar then reveals his true
form to Tasslehoff only, and asks that his secret
be kept. Flint recovers the hammer, much to the
distaste of Arman, and immediately resolves to
take it to the Temple of the Stars to dedicate it
once more to Reorx.

Evenstar provides a teleportation tune to quickly

reach the temple, before he descends the tomb
to tell the dwarves gathered at the gates that the
hammer has been recovered.

War of the Lance 5e: VALLEY OF THE THANES by Stephen Bull

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While the party are away from Thorbardin - either because the Valley of the Thanes.
they have chosen to leave, have escaped pursuit, or because The Draconians also seem to imply that they are waiting for
they have undertaken the quest to recover the Hammer of Verminaard to pull a double-cross, and that the entire
Kharas - those traitors within Thorbardin who have been Dragonarmy knows that they will eventually be killing
conspiring with agents of the Dragonarmies will make their absolutely every dwarf in the mountain.
The Daergar, lead by Raelgar Ironface, control all of the The Dragonarmies will be bringing their supplies inside the
southern areas of Thorbardin and have agreed to open the Southgate Complex to make it easier to press further in, and
southern gates to allow the Dragonarmies to enter. A the party can find these supplies in various places through
significant force of the red Dragonarmy, visible from the the city. Each will be guarded by at least one unit of
heights of King Duncan’s Tomb, will have amassed at the Draconians at all time, but will contain any mundane
southern gate awaiting their entry, led by Highlord weapons they can think of as well as good stocks of food
Verminaard. and drinking water. The Daergar will also have provided
several crates of dwarven ales to help placate the draconian
Verminaard’s presence here should occur
whether he was previously slain or not. The dark Creatures: 1x Baaz Soldier & 6x Baaz Scout
powers of Takhisis could have resurrected him [Hard] 4750xp
for force him to continue serving, though he will
now be motivated out of fear of what the Dark DUNGEONS
Queen will do if he continues to fail her. In the lower level of the Southgate Complex, the Daergar
_______________________________________________ have constructed a set of dungeons in which they have
imprisoned a number of dwarves of other clans. A unit of
SOUTHGATE COMPLEX Daergar guard this dungeon, and the nearly one hundred
The Southgate Complex is arranged in exactly the same prisoners kept there.
fashion as the Northgate Complex, except that it faces the
opposite direction and not contain any Theiwar Creatures: 1x Dwarven Captain & 8x Dwarven Warrior
encampments. The 17th Road will lead away from the [Hard] 2125
middle level towards Daerbardin, whilst the 9th Road leads
to the South Hall of Justice and the Temple of the Stars. If these Daergar see trespassers they will demand that the
By the time any party reaches it, the gate will already have party surrender, and will attack to kill if their order is not
been opened and breached, the Dragonarmies having move obeyed.
in. As any party passes through here, they are likely to find
the Dragonarmy establishing a forward base, supply depots
and arranging themselves into units to push further into the There are two possible oddities amongst the
city. prisoners kept by the Daergar, who turn up
depending on the party’s previous actions and
Creatures: 1x Baaz Soldier & 6x Baaz Scout path through the adventure.
[Hard] 4750xp
If, in the Council of the Thanes, the party were
Creatures: 1x Aurak Initiate & 6x Kapak Skirmisher asked to leave Eben Shatterstone as a hostage
[Hard] 4125xp until the quest for the Hammer of Kharas is
complete, then he is amongst the prisoners. He
If the party are able to take any prisoners, they can claims that Raelgar brought him here after the
successful gain intelligence from they with a successful council and meant to give him to the
DC15 Charisma (Intimidation) check. They same Dragonarmies, but in truth he, as a fellow traitor,
information can also be gathered is a character can succeed has been secretly questioning the other prisoners
at a DC15 Dexterity (Stealth) check and sneak up on groups pretending to be their friend whilst searching for
of draconian guards talking as they drink dwarven spirits. Berem the Everman.
In either case it can be learned that it was Daergar dwarves
who opened the gate and welcomed the Dragonarmy in, The prisoners might also include Berem the
and that both Raelgar Ironface and Highlord Verminaard Everman. If not yet encountered or thought dead
have gone to the Temple of the Stars to secure their at Pax Tharkas, his appearance here could either
position and to discuss a “hammer”. be extremely surprising or intriguing as his story
is an odd on, and is covered in the story module
The implication is that they are after the Hammer of Kharas The Everman.
and might be planning to take the 9th Road further towards

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
THANE RANCE AT THE GREAT HALL ▪ “They want the hammer! Whatever dwarf wields is rules
The Southgate Complex has, like the Northgate Complex, a the mountain!”
pair of Great Halls at the far ends of the middle and lower ▪ “The Highlord plans to betray Raelgar! I know because I
levels marking the end of the city and the start of the roads made a deal with him too. He wants the hammer for
deeper into Thorbardin. Each is a wide plaza with stone himself, and won’t let Raelgar’s ambition stand in the
arches bowing overhead like the inside of a massive ribcage. way of conquest!”
These are space at 10ft intervals, the space between each
being filled with identical 10ft tall statues of dwarven SEVENTEENTH ROAD TO DAERBARDIN
warriors with broad double-headed axes pressed to their The road from the middle layer of the Southgate Complex
chests. leads to Daerbardin, the main city of the Daergar. If the
party head this way, they will very quickly discover that it is
As a party approaches the lower Great Hall, they find it filled with hundreds of Draconians. Having entered the city,
heavily guarded by Daergar who have been warned that they are laying in this tunnel waiting for word from the
intruders are approaching. The Daergar are lined up having Highlord to begin the attack. As far as thee Daergar know
set up a strong phalanx across the Great Hall, led by thane they have a deal with the Dragonarmies and will join the
Rance of the Daergar himself. attack to claim Hybardin, but the Dragonarmies will not be
making alliances with dwarves, and will burn Daerbardin
Creatures: 1x Dwarven Captain (Rance) & 20x Dwarven before destroying the rest of the mountain.
[Deadly] 18,850 This way is blocked for now though, by a supremely
overpowering force of Draconians. If the party attack here
If the party are spotted, Rance immediately demands their their capture is all but inevitable, attrition eventually tilting in
surrender. favour of the side with the greatest numbers. The party will
be beaten down and captured, and then taken to the North
“I know you are out there! Come out and surrender, or you Hall of Justice.
will die.”
“You have retrieved the Hammer! Splendid.” NINTH ROAD GUARDIAN HALL
“I require your surrender. Please come with us.” A few hundred feet down the 9th Road from the Southgate
Complex, the party come to one of the Guardian Halls -
If the party surrender, they will be disarmed but not bound, small keeps that serve as checkpoints along the roads of
and then led by Rance to the Temple of the Stars. No-one Thorbardin.
will be willing to handle the Hammer of Kharas though, and The gateway through this Guardian Hall is defended by a
the character carrying that will be allowed to keep it. Daergar leader named Henrik Quartzhall, who has already
If the party choose to fight, Rance orders his warriors to decided to disregard his thane’s orders to take intruders
capture the outsiders rather than kill them. The Daergar captive. If the party come to this Guardian Hall of their own
will do everything they can to make that happen, hoping volition, then they find a line of dwarves in a phalanx ready
that the reinforcements who should already be on their way not just to delay, but also to kill them and to take their
arrive to help. Six rounds after the fight starts, a further treasures for themselves. As the party approach, they hear
force arrives to back up the Daergar, and Rance (who stays the voice of Quartzhall bellow out e
near the back and tries not to engage in direct combat) will
offer another chance of surrender. ▪ “Hold the line, lads! We’re the anvil, and the hammer is
coming down! We’ll smash them like white-hot iron!”
Creatures: 20x Dwarven Warrior
[Deadly] 16,000 Creatures: 1x Dwarven Captain (Quartzhall) & 8x Dwarven
If all of the Daergar are overwhelmed and reduced to only [Hard] 2125
six fighters, Rance (if not incapacitated) will sound a horn to
call for reinforcements. This will call a draconian If on their own, there is no doubt that further Dragonarmy
detachment. reinforcements are coming from behind, their horns blaring
through the tunnels to announce the approach of more
Creatures: 10x Baaz Spy Draconians. This is the hammer Quartzhall is speaking
[Hard] 5000xp about.

He will try to escape if his warriors and entirely defeated. If If the party pass this way as prisoners however, Quartzhall
captured, Rance can give the exact location of Raelgar and grumbles but says nothing, allowing the prisoners and their
Verminaard. captors to pass unchallenged.
▪ “It was Raelgar’s idea, I swear!”
▪ “He and that Highlord, the dragon commander, went SOUTH HALL OF JUSTICE
that way! Up the ninth road towards the Temple of the The 9th Road meets the South Hall of Justice on it’s
Stars!” southern side and leaves from it’s north, the road passing
through the Temple of the Stars, a wide hall with a domed

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
ceiling covered in diamonds that display the constellations Creatures: 40x Dwarven Warrior, 1x Dwarven Captain
of the gods, over a deep chasm with no bottom that is (Rance), 20x Theiwar Warrior, 28x Baaz Scout & 12x Ogre
believe to lead to the centre of the world and the home of
Reorx. Rance looks extremely impatient, pacing back and forth,
until his and everyone assembled's attention is caught by the
Having entered Thorbardin, Verminaard has made his way arrival of Verminaard by the western entrance. He strides
to the temple where he has intended to meet with thane towards the ledge overlooking the pit to take in the view of
Rance. The Highlord has decided that the Hammer of the entire room, removes his cloak and hands it to a nearby
Kharas is the key to controlling Thorbardin, and although draconian, and then addresses Rance in an imperious tone.
Raelgar has willing offered to hand it over in exchange for
becoming a thrall of the Dragonarmy, and taking rulership ▪ “I, have had just about enough of you.”
of the mountain in their name, Rance has decided that he ▪ “I thank you for most graciously playing directly into my
wants the hammer for himself, and the throne that comes plan, opening Thorbardin for me.
with it. ▪ “And soon I will have the Hammer of Kharas, with
which I will control this nation.”
If the party come to the South Hall of Justice on their own, Rance balks at this, believing it is he who should be taking
they arrive by the southern entrance and find the majority of the hammer.
the area abandoned. The dwarves who had garrisoned the
area and the Dragonarmy troops who have come to escort ▪ “The agreement was for me to take the Hammer and
Verminaard have made directly for the Temple of the Stars rule, not you!”
where the leaders of each faction are in conversation.
At this rant the Theiwar assembled begin to chuckle,
If captured, the party are brought into the Temple of the knowing full well that this was always the plan. The
Stars by their captors and forced to their knees. They will assembled Daergar meanwhile start to become agitated.
notice that their equipment has been brought into the room Verminaard turns to the Daergar thane quickly and shouts
as well, and piled behind them by the southern entrance to him down, putting Raelgar in his place almost instantly.
the temple.
▪ “Hold your tongue, lackey.”
In either case the party find the temple occupied by a great ▪ “You are simply a pawn, and you will serve your
number enemies, including a host of Daergar warriors (led betters!”
by Rance if he managed to escape the party earlier), a ▪ “Thorbardin is mine, in the name of the Dark Queen!”
similar host of Theiwar warriors, more than two dozen
Draconians and a troops of ogres.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
A CAPTIVE PARTY Verminaard was never going to honour the deal made with
If the party have been brought in any captives, they will have him or with Raelgar, and so orders that his men attack so
the Hammer of Kharas with them, and at this stage that he can make his way to the Valley of the Thanes,
Verminaard will demand that they bring it to him and hand thinking that the hammer must still be there.
it over. At this point however, the hammer will begin to ______________________________________________
glow. The Theiwar react with discomfort, whilst the Daergar
see it as a great sign and fall to their knees. BATTLE OF THE TEMPLE OF THE STARS
From this point, there are a few different ways this can go, What follows next is a scene of chaos, as the Daergar
but they will all result in a battle. suddenly turn on the Dragonarmies that they have aided to
enter Thorbardin. Their own ambition and need for power
Any delay makes Verminaard livid. He roars and demands has led thane Rance to make a move to claim the Hammer
that the Hammer of Kharas be handed to him immediately, of Kharas for himself, which now causes a battle in the one
any delay angering him more and more. Eventually, Rance of Thorbardin’s most sacred places. Any captives have a
will step forward to whoever has the hammer and try to grab sudden chance to break free as their guards lose interest,
it. focusing on the fight instead.

▪ “With this Hammer, I control the dwarven realms, not A Daergar suddenly shouts out a battle cry, and conflict
Verminaard!” erupts.

This is a call to action, the Daergar immediately recognizing ▪ “For Rance! To the Thane!”
that their leader has turned on the Highlord. They arm
themselves and start to attack the Theiwar and Dragonarmy With that the Daergar attack, and the Theiwar respond, the
forces. If Rance takes the hammer, he hurls it as two groups meeting and coming into conflict with the
Verminaard thinking to strike a mighty blow, but the Draconians and ogres too.
hammer merely bounces off his armour and lands with a The battle breaks into the halls and corridors surrounding
crash at his feet. If he is unable to take the hammer because the temple, but the primary action is at the heart of the
whoever is holding it resists, then the battle begins around Temple of the Stars - various parties trying to do everything
them as the character and Rance struggle over possession of they can to claim control of the Hammer of Kharas.
the hammer. Verminaard (or another Dragonarmy leader) needs the
hammer as it symbolically represents control of the
The party also have the option of directly attacking to mountain. If he has it, then the dwarves of Thorbardin will
escape their captivity. either be demoralised, or so paralyzed by duty and honour
The party’s weapons and equipment are a mere 20ft behind that they will be unable to fight back. Further, merely having
them in a pile guarded by a group of Draconians. If they it keeps a great power away from the dwarves and making
choose to attack, the only weapon immediately to hand is any resistance even harder to maintain.
the Hammer of Kharas, and it’s special properties will work
only for an attuned dwarven wielder. Rance meanwhile wants to be king, and he likewise wants
the hammer as a symbol of the throne he was falsely
Starting the fight causes Verminaard great aggravation, but promised. He has betrayed his people, but claiming the
he also relishes a chance to prove himself in battle. Rance hammer and taking control of Thorbardin will, at this point,
meanwhile charges straight for the wielder of the hammer be the only thing to make that treason worth it.
trying to claim it for himself, he shouts as described above, Finally, if he is with the party, then Arman Kharas also
and his Daergar warriors respond by attacking the greatly desires the Hammer of Kharas, having believed for
Dragonarmy troops. all of his life that it was his destiny to find and wield it as
leader of his people. Hubris aside, he charges in to the fray
A CONCEALED PARTY to lay claim to the hammer.
If the party have managed to avoid capture and come to the
Temple of the Stars in secret, then they see the opening
interaction between Verminaard and Rance, but neither If you want to add an extra layer of complication,
knows the current location of the Hammer of Kharas, so then thane Raelgar of the Theiwar can join the
the discussion turns more towards finding and obtaining it. battle as well. In the original versions of the story
In this exchange, Verminaard makes it clear that the he does not come to the temple, but his treason is
hammer will be his, whilst Rance reveals that he wants the discovered by the thanes in council.
hammer for himself as was promised. Though he arrives late, he too seeks the hammer
having discovered that Verminaard never had any
If the party attack, Rance sees his chance and calls for his intention of honouring their deal.
Daergar warriors to defend him while he claims the
hammer, and the scene will play out as before. For much of this battle, the background chaos of the
Daergar, Theiwar and Dragonarmy should remain in the
If the party choose to instead avoid a fight and try to escape, background, taking place in the edges of the temple and
the heated exchange between Verminaard and Rance preventing escape (except down the bottomless pit that
results in a fight regardless. Rance sees now that leads to the centre of the planet). Those involved in this

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
fight will not pay any attention to the struggle for the
hammer or to the party. IMPORTANT NOTE ON VERMINAARD
The party’s attention should be on the fight for the The version of events given here, with Highlord
Hammer of Kharas, and the enemies who are all desperate Verminaard as the central antagonist of this stage
to claim it. Verminaard and Rance will fight back against any of the story, is the one presented in the original
enemy who tries to stop them, and mean to kill the party game modules. The novel Dragons of Dwarven
anyway, so will strike at them if they can. Depths offers a different version however, based
on the idea that Verminaard did indeed die at
Creatures: Verminaard & Dwarven Captain (Rance) Pax Tharkas.
[Deadly] 8550xp
or In this version, following Verminaard’s demise,
Creatures: Verminaard, Dwarven Captain (Rance) & two Draconians conspired to take control of the
Theiwar War Leader (Raelgar) Dragonarmy. The army was effectively
[Deadly] 12,800xp commanded by a high ranking Bozak named
Grag, whilst Verminaard eventually turned out
(during the battle of the Temple of the Stars) to
For the purposes of this battle, Verminaard will be a Aurak named Dray-yan disguising himself
have one additional spell in his spell-list - fly. He using magic. Dray-yan has been trying to
will use this only if he has more than one quarter convince Grag to take charge and become a
of his hit points remaining should he be knocked Highlord, but Grag honestly doesn’t want the
over the edge of the pit. Such is the depth of the job, fearing that it requires too much politics.
pit that he will fall 500ft in a single turn during
which he will cast fly to save himself. He will then It is perhaps the discovery of this deception that
be absent for a few rounds while he flies back up convinces Rance and Raelgar that they have been
to the temple as fast as he can. deceived.

As the fight starts, Verminaard uses his first action to break This version can be used during the battle if
open a small dragon-headed necklace from around his Verminaard was most definitely slain earlier in
neck, releasing a fireshadow trapped within - a wraith-like the adventure, Grag leading the draconian forces
dragon wreathed in green fire. It will first attack Rance. inside the temple and defending the disguised
Dray-yan as he tries to recover the Hammer of
▪ “Hear me, my Queen! Send me your servant so that Kharas.
your child may be avenged!”
Creatures: Aurak Mage (Kray-yan) & Bozak Elite
The fireshadow can be destroyed and dispersed
[Deadly] 6150xp
by a single hit from the Hammer of Kharas.

Rance meanwhile will race for the hammer just as Arman AFTERMATH
does. Rance though will happily resort to vile means to How the battle in the Temple of the Stars ends decides the
defeat his enemies, and will strike at Arman at the earliest fate of Thorbardin, and where the adventure progresses
opportunity using a dagger coated in heroesbane, a deadly from here
poison that immediately causes Arman a level of
exhaustion. He gains another level of exhaustion at the start VERMINAARD SLAIN
of each of his own turns, the fast acting poison quickly As Verminaard is finally slain, he calls out in pain.
taking his life away.
▪ “No...My Queen, do not leave me...”
If Eben Shatterstone is still with the party having not yet
been discovered as a traitor, then in this final moment he Not wanting to give the party the satisfaction of his death, or
will reveal his treacherous nature. He will make it his being able to strip his body or anything of that nature,
mission to attain the Hammer of Kharas and deliver it to Verminaard moves towards the pit and steeps off the edge,
Verminaard, or he will fight the party to keep them away plunging to his death far, far below in the unknown void.
from the Highlord. The Dragonarmy breaks at that point, turning and fleeing
If Berem the Everman is here, then he will simply try to back towards the Southgate Complex to regroup and to
escape in the confusion. If all other options are blocked, he work out who is now in charge. The remaining Daergar and
will throw himself into the pit (or he might position himself Theiwar continue to fight for a little while more before also
where he will accidentally be knocked in). retreating, their thanes likely wounded or slain.
For now, the Temple of the Stars is clear, and the party
In the end, it is Verminaard’s and Rance’s defeat that will have a clear path back to the centre of Thorbardin.
end the fight, sending the Dragonarmies and dwarves into
All flee the temple, their leadership lost. Receiving the Hammer of Kharas is a moment of great

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
solemnity for the thanes of Thorbardin, Glade Hornfel ▪ “If I am honest, I would have welcomed the refugees
stepping forward without challenge to receive it and in doing even if no deal had been made.”
become the new king of the mountain dwarves. By taking ▪ “We are glad to take them in. We are open now to them
the hammer, Hornfel effectively becomes the ruler of a and to all the world.”
united kingdom and leader of all Thorbardin, and in doing
it allows him to muster all the forces of all the clans to push Escorts will then be sent out to the refugees wherever they
into the southern cities. Despite what objections may come might be sheltering, and will guide them to Thorbardin
from the Daergar, Hornfel commands as many troops as where, after the entrance is collapsed, they are welcomed to
possible to head into Daerbardin and Daerforge to drive make themselves comfortable in the Northgate Complex.
out the Dragonarmies.
The refugees will be happy to set up a temporary home
If Arman is present, he will grumble and be unhappy as he here, though many fear that with a Dragonarmy siege
feels that it should be he holding the hammer and taking the underway they can not be safe for long. Talk will spread
throne. It is his destiny after all. His sense of duty however amongst both the refugees and the dwarves of finding some
keeps him silent, and loyal. other accommodation, with suggestions including heading
south to Tarsis to find ships that can carry them all west and
The council of thanes are united in their position that away from the conflict.
Hornfel should lead, but if the party try to give the hammer
to someone else, this will cause a political issue. The The leadership council will meet almost as soon as the
dwarves will not accept a group of outsiders choosing a king entrance to Northgate is closed and discuss their options,
by their own whim, and demand that the hammer be given with deference being given to whatever advice the party
to Hornfel. If the party hesitate or refuse, they will find the choose to give them.
dwarves of Thorbardin less friendly and cooperative to their
own issues. DEFEAT
It is a possibility that during the Battle of the Temple of the
BATTLE OF THORBARDIN Stars, the party will lose. Verminaard’s power may simply be
Once a king is decided on and they have the Hammer of too great, or the Hammer of Kharas claimed and kept from
Kharas, what follows next is an effort on the part of the their reach, leaving the party no option but surrender or
dwarves to drive the Dragonarmies out of Thorbardin. The defeat.
enemy forces will not have made great headway yet, so the
combined forces of all of the clans should have little In this case, those members of the party not killed are
difficulty in forcing the Draconians and their mercenary captured, Verminaard wanting to pay special attention to
allies back out of the Southgate Complex and resealing that capturing any awakened clerics amongst them. Captured
door. characters will be stripped of all of the their equipment and
There is an option to stage a series of combat encounters in left in only ragged clothing, and then taken to cages in the
the Southgate Complex, as the party aid the dwarves in Dragonarmy camp to the south of Thorbardin. With the
attacking and destroying as many Draconians as possible Hammer of Kharas, the Dragonarmy appoints Raelgar as
and eventually closing the gates. The forces amassed outside king of the mountain, though as a puppet ruler under the
however are vast, and though currently leaderless it looks direct command of a draconian governor left behind to
like Thorbardin is in for a long siege. enslave the dwarven people, forcing them to work day and
night to utter exhaustion making weapons and armour. The
Simultaneously to dwarven forces being sent to the other thanes are executed, as are any that try to resist the
Southgate Complex, a force will also be sent into the new rule.
Northgate Complex to permanently seal the northern gate.
having been destroyed when the party opened it and caused Further Dragonarmy forces go to the north of the mountain
the door itself to fall into a gorge, the dwarves will have no and track down any refugees that are still hiding there,
choice but to enter the Theiwar controlled city and collapse slaughtering them all. Verminaard takes great delight in
the entrance around the northern gate. Perhaps one day in having tokens gathered from the refugees, especially from
the future they can hope to rebuild that gate, but for now it leaders, and brings them to the imprisoned party to prove
is too much of a risk to leave the area exposed. what he has done.

SANCTUARY FOR REFUGEES After a day in the cages, the party are taken south with the
If the party have acted in an honourable fashion and aided army and made to bear witness as the red Dragonarmy
the dwarves of Thorbardin as much as possible, and if they meets with the blue to conquer the city of Tarsis.
have recovered and brought back the Hammer of Kharas as
was asked, then the newly ascended king will speak on LEAVING THORBARDIN
behalf of his people, and offer sanctuary to refugees from With the mountain closed, the dwarves offer the party
Abanasinia. access to a secret tunnel that leads far to the south. This was
part of the Daergar’s route to their old mines in the
▪ “Though it was the treacherous Raelgar who pushed us Thunderpeaks, but these too will soon be sealed to prevent
to make the deal, thinking you would fail or that the Dragonarmies from finding them. They are the best way
Thorbardin would fall, we will honour that deal.” out if the party wish to continue their adventures however,

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
so the dwarves ask the party to decide quickly where they
will be going next so that they can use the tunnel while it is
still there.

The dwarves furnish the party with whatever essential

supplies they ask for (but no magical equipment) and wish
the party good fortune and Reorx’s blessing.


While Flint and Arman go for the hammer, the
others learn about Raelgar’s treason, and reunite
with Flint in time to stop the Dragonarmies from
getting any further than the Temple of the Stars,
however Arman Kharas would fall in battle with
Verminaard, though not before dealing a fatal
blow himself.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
Delayed Timeline - Depending on events, it might be a good idea to delay some events as they occur in the timeline. For
example, should the party travel to Xak Tsaroth without the aid of the Forestmaster, then that journey and the subsequent
exploration of Xak Tsaroth may take many days.
It would be a good idea therefore to delay the departure of the Slave Caravan from Solace until after the party have an
opportunity to travel there and reunite with their allies. This would in turn delay the rescue by Porthios and his Qualinesti
Scouts, and as such delay all of the events that follow including the rebellion at Pax Tharkas and invasion of Qualinesti.
This can be further compounded if the party manage to reach haven or even make their way into Qualinesti (past the
guards) and only much later head for Xak Tsaroth, long after the timeline accounts generally for.
You should feel free to rearrange events such as the Slave Caravan and invasion of Qualinesti in such a way that it makes for
the most interesting story for your players to experience.

To Qualinesti - After the Dragonarmy has begun its attacks and started moving south, the party may decide to bypass going
back to Solace and head straight for Qualinesti. This may especially be the case if there are Qualinesti Elves amongst the
party. If they have not yet been to Xak Tsaroth, then the Elves will suggest that they go there.
If the advance of the Dragonarmies completes its movements down Abanasinia and now reaches the border of Qualinesti,
then the Elves may reluctantly change their attitude and allow the party, along with other refugees, across their border.

Throughout this entire time Porthios will continue to guard the border, though if his people begins to accept refugees he
will instead greet the party as potential allies and ask for their help. Slave Caravans from the north are moving down
Abanasinia, and one of them comes from Solace with Porthios’ own brother – Gilthanas. He intends to ambush that
caravan and rescue the prisoners, and hopes that the party will help him. If they agree, the party can take part in the Fight
For Freedom event in the Solace module but already free of the cages. They can measure their success instead by releasing
prisoners and meeting some familiar (and new) faces amongst them.

Gilthanas Elsewhere - After the destruction of Solace, meeting Gilthanas is a good way to link the party to Qualinesti, and
either give them cause to reach the Elven forest or a potential danger which ay result in their capture.
If the party do not return to Solace after its destruction though, Gilthanas can instead be met upon the road. He could be
found near New Ports scouting the area for his people, or escaping from Pax Tharkas having been taken there already.
In either case he will more than likely be being pursued by a band of Ogres or Trolls. Capture at the hands of these
pursuers will result in the party being taken to Pax Tharkas and quite possibly bypassing the opportunity to be rescued by
Porthios. There they are added to the slaves in the mines, and their equipment stored inside the fortress.
By successfully saving Gilthanas though, the party will be entreated to return with him to Solace in order to meet up with
Gilthanas’ allies there, unaware that these allies are already on their way to Pax Tharkas themselves.

Slaughter Toede - The Fewmaster is a character often assumed to come back later to reprise a role and a recurring
nuisance. It is highly possible however, for a player party to capture or track him, and pout him down for good.
If this is the case early on, then the later attack on Solace will more likely be led by Flight Marshall Tethys, a Bozak
Draconian spellcaster. Normally Tethys would remain in Haven after capturing the city, as he commands the armies in the
region (under Lord Verminaard), but with Toede dead he will have to take direct command and see to Solace himself.

As in the novels however, it is possible that Toede could be returned to life at a later point. The Dragonarmies have clerics
of Takhisis at their disposal, so resurrection is not ruled out for valued servants.

Of Elves and Dwarves - A heavily Elven or dwarven party may opt to take The Prophet and the Blue Crystal Staff towards
one of their respective homelands – Qualinesti or Thorbardin.
The council of wise Elves might be to direct the party towards Xak Tsaroth where the old Temple Of Mishakal might offer
some clues as to what to do with the staff, whilst the Council of Thanes may want to lock the relic away to keep it from evil
hands. A good place to lock such a relic would be the floating Tomb of King Duncan, in which the party can encounter the
dragon Evenstar, who again advises a path towards Xak Tsaroth, and cautions that much time might already have been lost.

Evil Advice - Less reputable sorts, such as black robed wizards looking at personal gain rather than serving the Dark Queen,
might suggest that the safest place to keep the Blue Crystal Staff safe and secret would be Skullcap, formally the tower of the
powerful black wizard Fistandantilus.

This opens many darker possibilities, such as the Shard of Fistandantilus acquiring the staff and in doing so resurrecting the
ancient and extremely powerful pre-cataclysm black robed wizard. Such would be disastrous for all who walk the world.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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Remain a Prisoner - It is possible that the attack by Porthios and his scouts will not be effective, and that during the
diversion the party will be unable to break free of their cages before Goblin reinforcements arrive from the rear of the
column. It is also possible that the party do not want to be broken free, and reaching Pax Tharkas is exactly what they want
to do.

In these cases, the party may end up still prisoners of the Dragonarmies as the caravan is secured and begins moving
towards Pax Tharkas. If this happens, then the party will not at this time meet with Solostaran the Speaker of the Sun, nor
any other member of the Qualinesti other than Gilthanas. Instead, they will be taken directly to Pax Tharkas and enter
through the front gates, eventually being added to the slaves working in the mines behind the fortress.

Revised Timeline - Exact dates given, such as when the Dragonarmies march from the north and when they attack the city,
should be taken as guidelines and can be changed to best suit the path your player party takes through the story.
The attack on haven can be sooner, or more likely later than defined here based on how much time the party spend in
other places and on other goals (or if they actively act to delay the Dragonarmies).

Delayed Timeline –The Red Dragonarmy approaches Xak Tsaroth and should arrive on Autumn Harvest 24th, however
this date can be delayed to better fit with the game’s narrative. The arrival of the Dragonarmies should occur after the party
have had some time to visit the swamps, explore Xak Tsaroth and uncover its great mysteries, and then start making their
way out. At most, the approaching army can be used as a sign that the party should leave the swamps swiftly, perhaps chased
by a few vanguard units.

The Dragonarmy Comes - On Autumn Harvest 24th, the Red Dragonarmy arrives at Xak Tsaroth to reinforce Onyx and
her guard within the ruined city.
If the party return to Xak Tsaroth or only visit it for the first time after this date (or at least after the uprising in Pax Tharkas
and invasion of Qualinesti) then they will more than likely find it much more heavily guarded. Encounters should be made
harder, against a greater number of Draconians for example.
Though many are left behind to guard the city, most of the Dragonarmies coming down the eastern coast are doing so only
to sweep the area for refugees and resistance fighters. They will move to the south-eastern coast and then turn towards Pax
Tharkas, either making their way through the mountains or along the Forsaken Pass.

The forces left behind are still a strong addition to the garrison, and may well take the opportunity to do away with (either
killing or driving away) the Gully Dwarf population and bringing in some bands of Goblins to take their place and do most
of the work they want done. Such Goblins would be far less helpful towards the party (though recasting the Gully Dwarf
Bupu as a rebel Goblin who wishes to be free of her servitude may be an interesting way to alter the story and give the party
an advantage.

Sunstar and Raven-Eye - Rescuing these two wayward tribes folk may not take much effort, but it could yield valuable
rewards. They will know where in the Eastern Mountains their people have gone to hide, and this could offer refuge for a
little while. Unfriendly or suspicious tribes may take the word of the two that the party can be trusted as well, giving new
places to trade, and new allies to seek out as the party move about Dragonarmy occupied Abanasinia.

Sunstar and Raven-Eye may even be names to drop with the tribes folk enslaved at Pax Tharkas if the party wish to make
friends quickly there. Finding friends and relatives and telling them that the pair are safe can help build bridges that will be
necessary to escape that fortress.

Fast Action - If a party moves fast enough, they could very well make their way to Xak Tsaroth before Autumn Harvest 18 th,
ahead of the arrival of the Dragonarmy. If this is the case, then they are more likely to find the lower ruins occupied by the
spirits of the long dead Tsarothian population rather than Draconians. These will be mostly benign, but turn violent if any
treasures are taken from the Court of the Balance (including the Disks of Mishakal).
The Gully Dwarves of Clan Bulp are still likely to be in resistance, but will be more widespread and happily looting the city.
The most interesting development in this situation would be the arrival of Khisanth and her Draconian allies whilst the
party are searching. Khisanth will dive through the well far above and start asserting her dominance, doing away with the
spectres who haunt the ruins and scaring the Gully Dwarves. If she becomes aware of a party seeking the Disks however,

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
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she will start to destroy what she can in an effort to find them, fearful that she it too late to fulfill her orders. Meanwhile her
Draconian forces will start moving through the temple and upper ruins, occupying and enslaving as they go, making escape
the party’s next challenge.

The Fate of Hugon Barker - If Hugon does accompany the party, he will stay with them only until they leave Xak Tsaroth,
at which time he will wander away to seek his own adventures. If he leaves the party in the city however, either by being
allowed or by wandering away and not being found, the party may find him along the path back through toe mountains to
Solace. He will be dead, his death something the party will have to reconcile with themselves.

It Need Not Be Mishakal - The original novels had the character of Goldmoon devoted to the goddess Mishakal, and be
reborn as a cleric of the god of healing. For your game however, the god a character devote themselves to and works
towards becoming a cleric of need not be Mishakal.
It should definitely be a god of the good pantheon, but it could just as easy be Paladine, or any of the other good gods. The
exact god chosen should be one chosen by the player who will bear the Blue Crystal Staff, and as such it should be a temple
and statues to that god that the party find in the Eastern Swamps and Xak Tsaroth.

Revised Timetable - As with any other part of this War of the Lance story, there is a set timetable of events as they happen
in the novels that can be changed at the whim or necessity of your particular game. If the party arrive later or sooner than
expected for example, the evacuation can be moved up or back so that there is always something for the party to do. Key
events such as entering Pax Tharkas should not be barred from the party merely because they were side-tracked with other

Rescuing a Princess - The raid on Qualinesti by Fewmaster Toede is audacious and sudden, so there is a good chance that
Princess Laurana may be kidnapped.
If this is the case, then the princess if taken to the fortress of Pax Tharkas where she is taunted by Toede and Verminaard
for a little while, before being locked in the lower levels with the other prisoners to be harassed by Draconian guards. The
party will most likely find her in PT2: Lower Guardroom, just past the entrance into the fortress from the secret passage of

Return to the Forest - After the evacuation, very few of the Qualinesti will remain behind. Those who do have either stayed
out of duty to distract pursuers long enough for the last ships to leave, or will likely be extremists who disobey the orders of
the Speaker and stay to fight a guerrilla war against the invading Dragonarmies.
The forest will however now be filled with Red Dragonarmy troops, including Draconians and other races. The city of
Qualinost is destroyed as a first priority, and large areas of forest are either burned or uprooted.
If the party walk these lands after the Dragonarmies have entered them, they may find danger at every turn.

Princes in Pax Tharkas - Gilthanas is the most likely character to escort the party to the Sla-Mori, though Porthios will take
on the task if he must. Whoever does, they will be willing to go as far as the party need them to, and will be willing to fight
through Pax Tharkas to make sure that the mission succeeds.
Afterwards they will want to seek out their people over the sea, but can still be convinced to stay with the party, especially if
it is made clear that they next aim to explore the forest of Silvanesti.

Captured Toede Makes A Deal - If the party concede to Porthios that Toede, after being captured, should be spared for
interrogation, the Hobgoblin will be taken away. There is an opportunity here to suggest a small amount of corruption
however, as in secret Toede can make a deal for his own release. The party may learn later that Toede makes a deal with
Solostaran to delay the invasion of Qualinesti, but only if he is allowed to go free.

As a result Toede walks free, and makes his way either to Pax Tharkas or north to where his own Hobgoblin armies await
him. If set free, Toede can continue to be a nuisance for the party in later adventures. Of course his end of the deal is
another matter entirely. Lord Verminaard certainly wouldn’t have any compulsion to honour the Hobgoblin’s word.


In and Out – The Sla-Mori offers a way in to the fortress of Pax Tharkas, but also out. It can just as easily be a means for a
party to escape from the fortress as it was to get in, though conditions might become cramped inside if filled with refugees.
If the party approach Pax Tharkas without the aid of an Elven guide, or directions from Qualinesti, they will likely not know
of the Sla-Mori at all. An Elven prisoner within the mines however probably could tell them about it, at which point it
becomes an effective way of escaping Pax Tharkas once the Highlord is aware of intruders.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
The Dragonarmies will be completely unaware of the secret way, and it can be followed so that it’s exit leads out into the
Kharkadan Mountains.

Chosen of Kith-Kanan – A party may deliberately come to the Sla-Mori for the purpose of recovering Wyrmslayer, a potent
weapon and a symbol to the Qualinesti people. The Speaker may want it as a symbol he can rally his people behind as they
evacuate their home and set out for Southern Ergoth., but the party may be able to make use of it’s power themselves.
If the sword is part of the party’s objective, then claiming it should be harder than finding the tomb and fighting a monstrous
Though the slug is still a threat to deal with, the two statues to the sides of Kith-Kanan’s throne can also come to life as
Stone Golems or some similar creature, or perhaps could release massive spirits of Kith-Kanan’s personal guard to keep all
trespassers away from the throne.

Remnant of Fistandantilus – During the Dwarfgate Wars, the evil wizard Fistandantilus had his army conquer the fortress of
Pax Tharkas, removing the last dwarves from those walls before the gates of Thorbardin were sealed.
It is possible, if your party are in need or aid or items of power, that a secret tunnel could be found somewhere in or near
the fortress leading to a dungeon or the lair of some ancient, slumbering creature. Here the party could find some lost
remnant of the wizard – a tool or weapon they can use in later battles.
The nature of this hidden place and it’s contents would be entirely at the DM’s discretion.

Verminaard’s Stronghold – It is quite possible that a party who start their adventure in Abanasinia will find another means
to escape the region, perhaps fleeing north to Solamnia, east to the New Sea, or accompanying the Elves as the evacuate
Qualinesti. As such, they may not yet encounter Highlord Verminaard as he sets up his headquarters at Pax Tharkas. He
will then attack Qualinesti as planned, besiege Thorbardin and assist the blue Dragonarmy in attacking Tarsis.
As time goes on then, the red Dragonarmy will secure it’s position in the south-west of Ansalon, and Verminaard will
continue to operate out of the fortress until he is called to the Dark Queen’s Temple for the final ceremony to welcome
Takhisis into Krynn.

A party that decides to tackle the problem of the red Dragonarmy should be able to find Verminaard at Pax Tharkas at any
later date, though his collection of slaves may have expanded since then to include new captives from Qualinesti and
Thorbardin, and his guard will have grown stronger to better defend their more successful and honoured Highlord.

Escape Through The Sla-Mori – The Dragonarmies are completely unaware of the existence of the Sla-Mori, so taking the
refugees out through there will confound them greatly and could give the party more time to escape through the mountains.

Elistan Is Not Called – There are many reasons why Elistan may not be called to service of Paladine as described here, even
though he is the character called at this point in the novels. Perhaps your players have not recovered the Disks of Mishakal
and awakened the first true clerics of Good yet, or perhaps Elistan has already died during an earlier mishap. It is quite
possible that an awakened cleric in the party chose not to heal his injuries.

In any of these or any other possible cases, the prophet may not have received a dream to bring Elistan to knowledge of the
true gods, so you can substitute him for anyone else. It is best to have someone be called at this point to add an extra
dimension to the narrative and to give the awakened Prophet a chance to develop a little as a character.
The one chosen, if not Elistan, can be any other character of religious leaning. It should be someone open to learning (so
likely not Locar) and whom the party are happy to respect in the role of a cleric of Paladine. It could even by an actual or
aspiring knight, awakening them as a full paladin rather than a cleric. Such a character, as a member of the Knights of
Solamnia, could then go on to seek the position of High Clerist and take an authoritative religious role in the Knights' war
with the Dragonarmies.

New Dangers – The events and encounters given in this module are based on those available in the old modules, and can
easily be adapted, swapped or changed around to suit new types of danger. As the party and refugees make their way
through the mountains, they could face multiple more ogres for example, or more bestial threat from bears and mountain
lions. There could be rocs nesting in the peaks of the Tharkadan Mountains, or Ropers in it’s many caves.

New Tribes – It is possible that some members of the party will come from more exotic races such as Aaracokra (known as
Kyrie in Dragonlance), usually a very rare and isolationist races that has little contact with the outside world if they manage
it. If this is the case then the Tharkadan Mountains would make an ideal place for a small tribe of Kyrie to make their

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
homes, close to Abanasinia so that a character can hail from here and still live close to the rest of the party.

Moving through the mountains, a Kyrie character might have great concern for their people should the Dragonarmies find
them, and want to divert the refugees so that they can warn the Kyrie of the danger that comes their way. Such a tribe can
reside in almost any part of the mountains, though for ease you could replace the Neidar in TM7: Lake Valley with Kyrie
instead, otherwise using the same encounter as presented there.

Ancient Battles – The Plains of Dergoth long ago played host to the final battle of the Dwarfgate War, mercenaries working
for Fistandantilus fighting the defenders of Thorbardin before the tower of Zhaman exploded, killing thousands.
To add an extra level of danger to these lands and the approach to Skullcap, the Plains can be filled with further undead
monsters. Skeletal dwarves and humans can wander the grounds, continuing to do battle with each other and mistaking
trespassers for their enemies.

Puzzling Rites of Passage –There is every chance that a party could come to SC29: Rites of Passage without the Keys of the
Guardian, and find themselves bewildered as to how to pass without danger. To make this a more interesting trial or puzzle
when the keys are not present, you could instead accept the party giving an offering to each statue that fits the particular
aspect’s nature. Each offering would be destroyed in the offering, but would deactivate the magical fields between each
statue and allow for safe passage.

Suggested offerings could include (but are not limited to):

• Chaos - something fragile and broken
• Death - a drop of blood
• Knowledge - a book or scroll
• Might - a weapon or piece of armour
• Passion - a kiss, or token of love lover
• Wealth - a coin or gem
• Youth - a seed or token of innocence

Blaize Returns – If freed, Blaize takes flight and heads north to find out where his people - the metallic dragons - have been
hiding, and why they have not joined the war.
This provides an opportunity for a character to return, seeking out the party, if they have become stuck trying to find a
reason for the absence of metallics. news of the oaths that the dragons made to protect their young can be brought to them
wherever they are by Blaize, as can the suggestion that the metallic eggs were taken to Sanction. With proof, Blaize says, he
can convince the other metallics he found on the Dragon Isles that the chromatics have broken the deal.

Whisper Returns – Whisper can easily return at a later time. If released he will fly east, but if left behind he will fester and
grow angry. Eventually however, someone else will come to Skullcap specifically to free him. Either way, he will eventually
fly east and meet back up with the other chromatic dragons, joining the black wing with whom he has the most affinity.
Having joined the Dragonarmies, Whisper is happy to serve Takhisis again and can turn up at any time in the future as an
enemy of the party, but one who has met them before and had time to think about their strategies. He might even appear
to them in humanoid form to trick them first, and lure the party into a clever trap. If exceptionally angry, he may even take
a hostage and lure them back to Skullcap, planning to trap the party there as they did when they left him behind.

The 8th Kingdom – There are three empty seats on the Council of the Thanes,, two of which )Neidar and the throne of the
king) the party can do nothing about. However the Kingdom of the Dead is the historic clan of all dwarven clerics. If a
newly awakened dwarven cleric were brought to the council, they would have no choice but to accept them as the rightful
leader of that ceremonial clan. The party would have to find a suitable candidate, but awakening a new cleric would allow
the party to tip any vote amongst the council in their favour.

Siege – After the events the party can experience in Thorbardin, whether they are able to find sanctuary for the refugees or
not, this will not be the end of the danger for the dwarves of Thorbardin. The Dragonarmy will either move in and destroy
the mountain cities, or they will lay siege to it hoping to wear the dwarven defences down. As time passes and the party have
to face other dangers elsewhere in Ansalon, Thorbardin will be under constant attack, and perhaps the party might be
needed to later lift this siege so that the dwarves can march into the open air again and aid in the final battle against the

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
Verminaard is Dead – If Verminaard is most definitely dead by this point in your campaign, then the red Dragonarmy will
temporarily be under the command of someone else. In some accounts Verminaard appeared at this time regardless but
was discovered to be an Aurak draconian in disguise. Another option could be Tethys, a high ranking Bozak who had
previously led the invasion of Haven. Finally, if still alive, this would be a good time for the hobgoblin Toede to get his first
taste of promotion, though it would be good if he can once again escape with his life to reappear later.

No Battle at the Temple – By various means it is easily possible for the party to circumvent the Temple of the Stars and to
get back to the Council of the Thanes with the Hammer of Kharas. In such an instance, they find the thanes welcoming and
grateful, all except for Raelgar who has now had the first impressions that the Dragonarmies will not be honouring the deal
he made with them.
At this time his treachery can be discovered, as the Dragonarmies have seen fit to kill Rance at the temple and simply move
into Daerbardin killing everything that moves. A battle between the dwarves and Dragonarmies will therefore take place
there, a confrontation with Verminaard being best suited to interesting locations such as the thane’s palace in Daerbardin,
an active factory, or the dockside of Daerforge.

Captured – If the party is captured at the end of the battle for the Temple of the Stars, then they will brought as prisoners to
witness the later attack on Tarsis. At this point, Verminaard plans to hand them over to the Blue Lady to be transported to
If the Blue Lady has been replaced with a character the party are familiar with however (such as an old friend) she will take
the opportunity to try to recruit her old friends rather than bring them for execution. Nostalgia being a powerful force, the
party can easily convince her that they will serve, at which point she will happily equip them and set them the task of
tracking down Berem the Everman.
Alternatively, the attack on Tarsis presents an opportunity for the party to be rescued. Alhana Starbreeze of Silvanesti might
recognize their talents and come to rescue them so long as the party agrees to return home with her to rescue her father.


Ember is Dead – If the party have earlier encountered Ember and the red dragon has definitely been slain, then he can be
replaced with any other red dragon for the battle on top of the tomb.
Alternatively, if the party have been to Skullcap, the dragon could instead be replaced by Whisper, the Young Shadow
Dragon who guarded the keep. Having escaped, he bears anger towards a great many, and the party who released him (or
chose not to) could be prime first targets. If it is Whisper who attacks, then it would be a good idea to have him try to
escape if wounded so that he can stalk the party and attack them at a later time.

Forging Dragonlances – The Hammer of Kharas is an essential tool if the crafting of true dragonlances, and may well be
needed if the party wish to forge new weapons that can help to defeat the dragons and the Dragonarmies. This may indeed
mean coming back for it some day after they leave Thorbardin, or coming to it the first time having learned that they need
the hammer. In the latter case they may be too late to stop the Dragonarmies from taking Thorbardin, but Evenstar should
still be able to defend the hammer until help arrives.

Evenstar Refused The Oath – Evenstar only briefly mentions the vow made by the metallic dragons, and although time is
very short there is a chance that the party can ask him quickly about it before they leave.

“I wish I could help you, little friends. I would like nothing better. I cannot, however. We dragons took a vow, and although
I opposed it and advised against it, I will not break the vow. Though I cannot fight at your side, I will do what I can to aid
you. These draconian creatures you describe trouble me greatly.”
“I would ask you to keep my secret, for the world must not yet know that my kind exists, but I understand that secrets can
be a great burden on ones with such light and merry hearts. Therefore it is a burden I will not inflict.”

Evenstar does not reveal the full details of the Oath of Neutrality, but can say that the metallic dragons like himself are real,
but have made a vow not to involve themselves in the new war. He implies that the chromatic dragons have something of
value that they have used to force the vow from the metallics, but the nature of it Evenstar will not reveal.

Flying Citadels – Later in their adventures, the party may come across a weapon of the enemy that is reminiscent of King
Duncan’s Tomb – the flying citadels. These great castles sit atop floating rocks, held in the air by magic but also enchanted
so that they can be directed and used to transport troops across the continent.

When confronted by these, the party may realize that with the Hammer of Kharas they can create their own, the magic of
the hammer capable of lifting rock when held by a dwarf true powerful in their will.

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
Look out for more titles in this series,
updating all old Dragonlance material for
5e, including:

• settings guides for every location in

Ansalon and beyond,
• updates of all old modules for 5e,
• a catalogue of every magic item
described in old material
• and a bestiary of creatures and
characters who appear in those classic

The Aesthetics Guide to Ansalon: The War of the Lance by Stephen Bull
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only

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