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[G.R. No. 236381. August 27, 2020.]





Before the Court is the Petition 1 under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court
filed by petitioner Republic of the Philippines (Republic), represented by the
Office of the Solicitor General (OSG), assailing the Decision 2 dated
December 19, 2017 of the Court of Appeals 3 in CA-G.R. CV No. 107773
affirming the Order 4 dated October 7, 2015 of the Regional Trial Court of
Angeles City, Branch 56 (RTC) in Civil Case No. 79-3209, dismissing the
reversion complaint filed by the Republic on the ground of equitable
The Facts and Antecedent Proceedings
The CA Decision narrates the facts of the case as follows:
In a Complaint dated [October 16, 1979] filed before then Court
of First Instance of Pampanga [(CFI)], the Republic, through the
[OSG], alleged that a portion of the Fort Stotstenberg Military
Reservation in Pampanga, now Clark Air Force Base, was surveyed,
segregated and designated as Lot 727, Psd-528, Angeles Cadastre, in
favor of one Jose P. Henzon. It was further subdivided into seven (7)
lots, including Lot 727-G, allegedly without the approval or signature
of the Director of Lands.
On [October 27, 1967], Lot No. 727-G was further subdivided
into 63 lots, known as Csd-11198 and approved by the Director of
Lands. One of the registered owners thereof, Sixto Sundiam
[(Sundiam)], [respondent] herein, caused the registration of Lot No.
986 and thus, [Original Certificate of Title (OCT)] No. 80 was issued.
Later on, Sundiam sold the said property to [respondent] L & F
Marketing, Inc. [(L & F, Inc.)], which in turn sold the same, until the
property passed on to [respondent] Liberty Engineering Corporation
[(Liberty Corp.)], now under [Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT)] No.
34959. However, it was later on discovered that the said lot is within
the Clark Air Force Base, a military reservation, prompting the
Republic to file a reversion case to declare the titles on the said
property null and void.
After the CFI issued summons, [respondents] Jose Ma. Lopez,
Rosendo D. Bondoc, Augusto F. del Rosario and Liberty [Corp.], as
transferees of the property, filed an Urgent Motion praying that the
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court direct the Republic to furnish them a copy of the sketch plan
showing the disputed lot being within the Clark Air Force Base. The
CFI granted the same through an Order dated [March 10, 1980],
suspending the filing of the Answer until the said sketch plan had
been furnished [respondents].
The Republic, however, failed to comply, hence, the CFI ordered
the case be sent to the archives via an Order dated [April 30, 1982].
A year thereafter, the Republic filed a Motion to Declare Defendants
in Default but the CFI issued an Order on [February 17, 1983] holding
in abeyance action thereon pending motion from the Republic for the
revival of the case.
Now, after twenty-four (24) years, the Republic, through the
OSG, filed a Manifestation and Motion before the [RTC] praying for
the revival of the case and the service of summons through
publication on [respondents] Sundiam and L & F, Inc.
[Respondent] Liberty [Corp.] filed a Motion to Dismiss, arguing
that the Republic's cause of action was already barred by prescription
and laches. Moreover, the disputed property had already passed on
to innocent purchasers for value, including Liberty [Corp.] The
Republic opposed the same and maintained that neither prescription
nor laches would bar its claims.
On [October 7, 2015], the [RTC] rendered the assailed Order
dismissing the Complaint of the Republic, the dispositive portion of
which states:
xxx xxx xxx
WHEREFORE, in view of the above considerations,
the motion to dismiss is hereby granted. The complaint is
xxx xxx xxx
xxx xxx xxx
The Republic sought a reconsideration, but the same was
denied in an Order dated [March 15, 2016.]
xxx xxx xxx
The Republic filed its Notice of Appeal which was given due
course by the [RTC]. Hence, the x x x Appeal [to the CA.] 5
[Petitioner, then, filed an appeal to the CA, raising the sole
issue that the RTC erred in applying the doctrine of equitable
estoppel against the Government to bar it from recovering land
covered by a military reservation.] 6
Ruling of the CA
In its Decision dated December 19, 2017, the CA denied the Republic's
appeal. The CA agreed with the RTC's disquisition that the Republic is guilty
of laches. 7
The CA admitted that:
x x x [It] is aware that prescription does not run against the
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government. When the government is the real party in interest, and
is proceeding mainly to assert its own rights and recover its own
property, there can be no defense on the ground of laches or
limitation. And, [j]urisprudence also recognizes the State's immunity
from estoppel as a result of the mistakes or errors of its officials and
agents. 8
However, the CA pointed out that the disputed property, which the
Republic has alleged to be within the Clark Air Base, 9 a military reservation,
had already passed on to several third persons. 10 The CA stated that it is
only fair and reasonable to apply the equitable principle of estoppel by
laches against the government to avoid an injustice to innocent purchasers
for value. 11 Further, the CA expressed that it adheres to the Court's ruling in
Republic v. Umali , 12 that the government cannot institute reversion
proceedings against transferees in good faith and for value, upholding the
indefeasibility of a Torrens title. 13
The dispositive portion of the CA Decision states:
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant Appeal is
hereby DENIED. Accordingly, the assailed Order dated [October 7,
2015] issued by Branch 56, Regional Trial Court of Angeles City is
AFFIRMED in toto.

Hence, the instant Petition, without the Republic seeking

reconsideration of the CA Decision. Respondent Liberty Engineering
Corporation filed a Comment/Opposition 15 dated July 20, 2018.
The Issue
The Petition raises the sole issue: whether the CA erred in a question of
law in ruling that the Republic is guilty of estoppel by laches. 16
The Court's Ruling
The Petition is impressed with merit.
The Republic's interest in reversion cases is statutorily recognized.
Section 101 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, 17 as amended, or the Public
Land Act provides: "All actions for the reversion to the Government of lands
of the public domain or improvements thereon shall be instituted by the
Solicitor-General or the officer acting in his stead, in the proper courts, in the
name of the Commonwealth of the Philippines." Since this reversion case
was filed in 1979, the Complaint was verified by the then Director of Lands,
Ramon N. Casanova. 18 The Court takes judicial notice that the Clark Air
Base was transferred in 1993 to the Bases Conversion and Development
Authority by virtue of Proclamation No. 163, 19 series of 1993.
Pursuant to Article 1431 of the Civil Code, "[t]hrough estoppel an
admission or representation is rendered conclusive upon the party making it,
and cannot be denied or disproved as against the person relying thereon."
Article 1433, in turn, classifies estoppel as either in pais (by conduct) or by
deed. The classification is based on the common classification of estoppels
into equitable and technical estoppel. 20 In addition to estoppel in pais and
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by deed or record, estoppel may be by laches. 21 Thus, laches is but a form
of estoppel. It is in the concept of laches that estoppel is to be understood in
this ruling of the Court.
In a general sense, laches is the failure or neglect, for an unreasonable
and unexplained length of time, to do that which, by exercising due
diligence, could or should have been done earlier. Stated differently, it is
negligence or omission to assert a right within a reasonable time, warranting
a presumption that the party entitled to assert it either has abandoned it or
declined to assert it. 22 The doctrine of laches or of "stale demands" is based
upon grounds of public policy which requires, for the peace of society, the
discouragement of stale claims, and is not a mere question of time but is
principally a question of the inequity or unfairness of permitting a right or
claim to be enforced or asserted. 23
The four elements of the equitable defense of laches as held by the
Court in Go Chi Gun v. Co Cho 24 are: (1) conduct on the part of the
defendant, or of one under whom he claims, giving rise to the situation of
which complaint is made and for which the complaint seeks a remedy; (2)
delay in asserting the complainant's rights, the complainant having had
knowledge or notice of the defendant's conduct and having been afforded an
opportunity to institute a suit; (3) lack of knowledge or notice on the part of
the defendant that the complainant would assert the right on which he bases
his suit; and (4) injury or prejudice to the defendant in the event relief is
accorded to the complainant, or the suit is not held to be barred. 25
The scope of the application of estoppel is, however, limited by Article
1432 of the Civil Code, which provides:
ART. 1432. The principles of estoppel are hereby adopted
insofar as they are not in conflict with the provisions of this Code, the
Code of Commerce, the Rules of Court and special laws.
As well, jurisprudence on whether laches may bar the government from
instituting a reversion case has been consistent. In the 1926 case of
Government of the United States of America v. The Judge of the Court of First
Instance of Pampanga, 26 it was ruled that:
The contention that the petitioner was guilty of laches in not
taking timely advantage of the various other remedies available may
be best answered by quoting the language of the Supreme Court of
the United States in the case of United States vs. Des Moines
Navigation & Railroad Company, 142 U.S., 510 (citing U.S. vs.
Nashville, Chattanoga and St. Louis Railway Company, 118 U.S., 120;
U.S. vs. Insley, 130 U.S., 263): "When the government is the real
party in interest, and is proceeding simply to assert its own rights and
recover its own property, there can be no defense on the ground of
laches or limitation." x x x 27
This doctrine is the general rule and has been reiterated in, among others,
Land Bank of the Philippines v. Republic, 28 Reyes v. Court of Appeals 29 and
Republic v. Court of Appeals. 30
However, in the case of Estate of the Late Jesus S. Yujuico v. Republic,
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31 the Court cited the following instance when estoppel by laches may be
raised as a defense against the State or its agents:
Assuming that the Parañaque RTC has jurisdiction over the
reversion case, still the lapse of almost three decades in filing the
instant case, the inexplicable lack of action of the Republic and the
inquiry this would cause constrain us to rule for petitioners. While it
may be true that estoppel does not operate against the state or its
agents, 32 deviations have been allowed. In Manila Lodge No. 761 v.
Court of Appeals, we said:
"Estoppels against the public are little favored. They
should not be invoked except in rare and unusual
circumstances, and may not be invoked where they
would operate to defeat the effective operation of a policy
adopted to protect the public. They must be applied with
circumspection and should be applied only in those
special cases where the interests of justice clearly require
i t . Nevertheless, the government must not be
allowed to deal dishonorably or capriciously with
its citizens, and must not play an ignoble part or
do a shabby thing; and subject to limitations x x x,
the doctrine of equitable estoppel may be invoked
against public authorities as well as against
private individuals." 33 (Emphasis supplied.)
Equitable estoppel may be invoked against public authorities
when as in this case, the lot was already alienated to innocent buyers
for value and the government did not undertake any act to contest
the title for an unreasonable length of time.
I n Republic v. Court of Appeals , where the title of an innocent
purchaser for value who relied on the clean certificates of the title
was sought to be cancelled and the excess land to be reverted to the
Government, we ruled that "[i]t is only fair and reasonable to
apply the equitable principle of estoppel by laches against
the government to avoid an injustice to innocent purchasers
for value (emphasis supplied)." 34 x x x
xxx xxx xxx
Republic v. Court of Appeals is reinforced by our ruling in
Republic v. Umali , 35 where, in a reversion case, we held that even if
the original grantee of a patent and title has obtained the same
through fraud, reversion will no longer prosper as the land had
become private land and the fraudulent acquisition cannot affect the
titles of innocent purchasers for value. 36
From the foregoing, it thus is clear that only innocent purchasers for
value (IPV) are afforded the right to raise the equitable principle of estoppel
by laches in their defense against the government to avoid injustice to them.
However, it should be noted that the party who claims the status of an
IPV has the burden of proving such assertion, and the invocation of the
ordinary presumption of good faith, i.e., that everyone is presumed to act in
good faith, 37 is not enough. 38 To be sure, proof of good faith is, as it should
be, required of the party asserting it. Stated differently, the party who seeks
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the protection of the Torrens system has the obligation to prove his good
faith as a purchaser for value. This requirement should be applied without
exception because only the IPV is insulated from any fraud perpetrated upon
the registered owner which results in the latter being divested of his title
(i.e., he loses ownership) to the contested property and recognizing the
same in the name of the IPV.
The determination of whether respondents are indeed IPVs can only
proceed from a factual inquiry to be conducted by the RTC. As the instant
proceedings stand, no evidence has been adduced by the parties on this
factual issue because the Republic's complaint for reversion was dismissed
without reception of evidence. Without evidence proving that respondents
are indeed IPVs, laches cannot be applied to bar the Republic from pursuing
the present reversion case against them. A remand to the RTC for reception
of evidence is thus in order.
WHEREFORE, the Petition is hereby GRANTED. Accordingly, the
Decision dated December 19, 2017 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No.
107773 is REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The Complaint for reversion and
cancellation of title filed by the Republic of the Philippines in Civil Case No.
79-3209 with the Regional Trial Court of Angeles City, Branch 56 is
REINSTATED and the said Regional Trial Court is directed to hear and
resolve the case with immediate dispatch.
Peralta, C.J., J.C. Reyes, Jr., Lazaro-Javier and Lopez, JJ., concur.

1. Rollo , pp. 10-38, excluding Annexes.
2. Id. at 39-49. Penned by Associate Justice Rodil V. Zalameda (now a Member of
the Court), with Associate Justices Japar B. Dimaampao and Renato C.
Francisco concurring.
3. Seventh Division.
4. Rollo , pp. 94-97. Penned by Judge Irin Zenaida S. Buan.
5. Rollo , pp. 40-43.
6. Id. at 43.

7. Id. at 45.
8. Id. at 44. Citations omitted.
9. Clark Air Force Base in some parts of the rollo.
10. See rollo, pp. 46, 47.
11. Id. at 47. Citations omitted.

12. G.R. No. 80687, April 10, 1989, 171 SCRA 647.

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13. Rollo , pp. 47-48.

14. Id. at 48.

15. Id. at 159-179.
16. Id. at 17.
PUBLIC DOMAIN, November 7, 1936.
18. Rollo , p. 81.
NO. 7227, April 3, 1993.
CONTRACTS (1987 Ninth Rev. Ed.), p. 621.

21. "A party may be estopped or barred from raising a question in different ways
and for different reasons. Thus we speak of estoppel in pais , or estoppel by
deed or by record, and of estoppel by laches." Tijam v. Sibonghanoy, No. L-
21450, April 15, 1968, 23 SCRA 29, 35.
22. Tijam v. Sibonghanoy, id. at 35.
23. Id.
24. 96 Phil. 622 (1955).

25. Id. at 637.

26. 49 Phil. 495 (1926).
27. Id. at 500.
28. G.R. No. 150824, February 4, 2008, 543 SCRA 453, 468.

29. G.R. No. 94524, September 10, 1998, 295 SCRA 296, 313.
30. G.R. No. 79582, April 10, 1989, 171 SCRA 721, 734.
31. G.R. No. 168661, October 26, 2007, 537 SCRA 513.
32. Citing Manila Lodge No. 761 v. Court of Appeals, Nos. L-41001 & L-41012,
September 30, 1976, 73 SCRA 162, 186.
33. Citing 31 CJS 675-676, cited in Republic v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 116111,
January 21, 1999, 301 SCRA 366, 377.
34. Citing Republic v. Court of Appeals, id. at 379.
35. Supra note 12, at 653.

36. Estate of the Late Jesus S. Yujuico v. Republic, supra note 31, at 529-532.
37. Article 527 of the Civil Code states: "Good faith is always presumed, and upon
him who alleges bad faith on the part of a possessor rests the burden of
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38. See Nobleza v. Nuega, G.R. No. 193038, March 11, 2015, 752 SCRA 602, 611,
citing Raymundo v. Bandong, G.R. No. 171250, July 4, 2007, 526 SCRA 514,
529 further citing Potenciano v. Reynoso, G.R. No. 140707, April 22, 2003,
401 SCRA 391, 401. See also Baltazar v. Court of Appeals, No. L-78728,
December 8, 1988, 168 SCRA 354, 367 and Santos v. Court of Appeals, G.R.
No. 90380, September 13, 1990, 189 SCRA 550, 559.

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