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In Unit 1, we learnt how to work on Objects in CorelDraw. Objects are drawn on
pages. So in Unit 2 we will be learning to work with pages. In this, Page Layout forms
the first part, which we will be studying in Lesson 4. Then we will take up insertion,
deletion, renaming and setting orientation of a page in Lesson 5. After that we will study
using guidelines and rulers on a page in Lesson 6.

4.0 Objectives
After going through this lesson you should be able to:-

• Define page layout or workspace area in Corel Draw.

• Set page size, background and its orientation.

4.1 Introduction
Depending on the type of document we want to create, there are a number of
possibilities as regards page size, background, etc from which we have to make
a selection. The layout of the workspace area has to be carefully worked out and
Corel draw graphic software gives us a very wide option including insertion of
more than one page in a single Corel draw graphic. In this Lesson, we will learn
to handle these pages in an efficient and productive manner.

Choose New Graphic. What you get is a new work space.

4.2 Page Layout

Let Us Open Corel Draw to start a new drawing.
Choose LAYOUT.

Choose Page Setup under Layout Tool Menu.

All of your workspace and document options are controlled from this dialog box.
The white section on the left of the dialog box is a multi-tiered explorer like menu.
Selecting + expands the option, while selection - closes the option.

Set Page Size: Choose Size from the Options list. Select preset page size from the
Paper fly-out, or set width and height values manually. You can also choose the unit of
measure for the page size from the fly-out bedside the Width setting. There are
standard sizes available to define Page Size such as Letter, A4, A3, etc. Here we have
taken the default as Letter Head Size. (Letter)

Set Page Orientation: The Page display can be oriented in two forms, Portrait or
Landscape. Portrait(taller than wide) or Landscape (wider than tall). Let us choose

Open Options Window: Click Layout, Page Setup from the Main Menu. The Options
window will open.

Open Page Layout Window. Select Page Layout from the Options list. Select
Page Layout Type. Click the Layout selection box to display the type of document you
would like to create. Let us create a booklet with pages printed on both sides and final
size 8½" x 5½". Choose Booklet. Check the Facing Pages box (meaning pages printed
on both sides). Note the illustration beside the selection area. This diagram shows how
the pages will be put together when the document is complete.

Select Page Size for Booklet. Choose Page Size from the options list and specify
Landscape, Letter. A booklet of this type is compiled by folding the printed letter size
page in the middle, forming 8½" x 5½" pages, therefore page must be set to landscape

Create Document. Click OK to return to the document. Insert the number of
pages you require, but the number must be a multiple of 4 if you are using facing pages.
Keep in mind that each page on the screen only covers half a page when printed. In the
screen shot here, note that the Paper is specified as Letter, or 8½" x 11", yet the ruler
shows the size of the page as 5½"x8½"


Self-check Question
1. How is page Setup done in Corel Draw?


Add Page Frame: Selecting this option creates an editable frame the precise size
of the page. In actuality, this is nothing other than a standard rectangle, with one
exception. When created as a Page Frame, it is placed behind everything else on the
page. You can edit both the outline and fill of this frame.

Open the Layout Option. Choose Add Page Frame if you would like to have a
rectangle outlining the edge of your page. Without this checked, the page area is shown
on the screen, but there is no printed definition of the page area. If you are going to be
proofing your pages at a reduced size, this setting will define the edges of the page area
exactly. Choose OK to save changes.

Save Your Settings: Choose OK to save all settings you have adjusted on the Layout
Options screen.

4.3 Label Setup

Open Options Window: Click Layout, Page

Setup from the Main Menu. The Options window will

Specify Paper as Labels: Click Labels in the Size

dialog area.

Choose Label Type: Locate the manufacturer of your labels and click on the + beside
their name to expand the selection of label types. Identify the product number of your
labels, which should be clearly marked on your label packaging. The illustration beside
the label list shows an approximation of the highlighted label sheet.

Customize Labels: Click on the Customize Label button. You can adjust Label Size,
Page Margins, Gutters and how many rows and columns will be printed on a sheet. This
is commonly used to adjust for different margins in printers, or if you are not able to find
the exact model of label you wish to use. Click on OK to save custom settings.

Create Labels: Click OK to return to the workspace which will now show one label. Note
the ruler illustrating the size of the page which is the same as the size of one label (2" x
4" in this example). When you print, the information on your label will be repeated on
every label according to the label settings you specified in the Options window.

4.4 Setting Page Background
Open Options window: Setting the page background can simulate paper color or
pattern. Click Layout, Page Setup from the Main Menu. The Options window will open.

Choose Background Window: Choose Background from the Options List.

Create Solid Background: Choose Solid Background and click on the fly-out to select
the colour.

Create Patterned Background: Click Bitmap and select Browse to locate the pattern you
desire for your background. The Files of Type list shows the file types you can use as

your background. Choose the file and click Open. Click OK to return to your document
which will now have the chosen background.

Printing with a Background: Click the Print and Export Background checkbox to turn off
the printing and export for your background. You can see the pattern or color as you
work, but it will not print or be included in export backgrounds.

Working with Backgrounds: When you specify a background, it will appear on every
page in your document. You cannot edit the background from within the document. The
background will not show when you are working in Wireframe view, and will be jagged
when working in Draft view.


Self-check Questions
2. What does Add Page Frame option mean?

3. How do you set up Page Background?


4.5 Exercise
4.5.1 Setting up a Page

Pages in a CorelDRAW document can have mixed orientation. Some can be

portrait and some can be landscape. In these exercises, you will explore the various
options on the Page setup up dialog. When you print the document, DRAW will adjust
the orientation so the page prints properly, in other words, you will see the pages as
mixed orientation but they will print with the all pages rotated to either landscape or

• Go to the Standard Toolbar and select the ‘New’ button.

Or use (Crtl+N) or the button on the Standard toolbar.
• Go to the Property Bar and choose the Landscape button. Notice the two buttons
to the right of the Landscape button. When the icon at the top is pressed, the
page orientation change applies to all pages of the document. When the lower
icon is depressed, the change applied only to the active page. In other words, if
you add a page when the bottom icon is depressed, that page will be portrait, not

• Go to the Layout menu and select Page Setup. This activates the Page Size
dialog box within the Options dialog. You can also double-click on the page
border in the drawing area to activate the Page Size dialog box.

• Change the orientation to Portrait. Notice the preview window that shows your

• Drop down the Paper menu and explore the various sizes of paper available. If
you choose the Custom size, you can set a specific page size then save that size
for future projects. Notice the option to apply the change only to the current page
of the document.

• Go to the dialog window on the left and change to the Page option. Clear the box
in front of Show page border.

• This is the default parameter. ‘Show printable area’ puts a dotted line on your
page based on the currently selected default printer.

• Click OK. Notice the page is no longer visible. The Show page border gives the
illusion that the page is floating above the Desktop.

• Go to the Tools  Options  Page and turn the Show page border back on.
• This is a third way of accessing the Page Setup dialog. Change to the Layout
dialog window under Page. This allows you to set up publications such as

newsletters, two sided documents or other page arrangements. Leave the
parameters at default.

• Change to the Label dialog. Templates for almost every type of label stock
available worldwide are accessible on this dialog. CorelDraw opens the page
with only one label showing, then prints as the labels are located on the page. It
also has templates for such things as perforated business cards and CD labels.

• Change to the Background dialog window. Leave the parameters at default but
look at the possibilities, not only can you change the color of the page, you can
assign a bitmap as a background. This is a web friendly feature to assist you in
designing graphics that are compatible with your background on a Web site.

• Click OK to return to the page.

Add a page into your Corel file, change the color of the page, you can also assign a
bitmap as a background.

4.5 Assignments
4.5.1 Class assignment

i) Try all other Options covered during the Video Lecture / Class.

4.5.2 Home assignment

i) Write about all the options which you have learnt today.

4.7 Summing Up
In Lesson 4, we have learnt how to define a Page Layout in terms of page size
and page orientation. Then we discussed adding page fame so as to have a rectangle
outlining the edge of the page. How to set up Labels and by choosing label type is dealt
with. We also learnt setting up page background. And in the last section some
exercises on these functions has been prescribed.

4.8 Possible Answers to Self-check Questions

1. Page setup done by selecting Layout Option from the menu bar and choosing
Page Setup option and then the page can be set up or modified.

2. Add Page setup option means to create an editable frame of the precise size of
the page. Actually, this is a standard rectangle, with one exception. When
created as a page frame, it is placed behind everything else on the page. You
can edit both the outline and fill of this frame.

To add a frame one has to open layout option, choose Add Page Frame if one
would like to have a rectangle outlining the edge of the page.

3. 1.Click Layout, Page Setup from the Main Menu. Page Option contains
background option

2. Clicking ‘Page Setup’ from the Main Menu, the Options window will open.

3. Choose Background Window: Choose Background from the Options List. The
page backgrounds can be modified either with Solid or Pattern Background.

4.9 Terminal Questions

1. What is the difference between Portrait and Landscape?

2. When you specify background will it appear on all pages?

4.10 References and Suggested Further Reading

Help Menu of CorelDraw

4.11 Glossary
1. Orientation Position or alignment relative to points
of the compass or other specific directions

2. Layout Present

3. Default An option that is selected automatically

unless an alternative is specified

4. Parameter Any factor that defines a system and

determines (or limits) its performance

5. Templates A model or standard for making

6. Label A brief description given for purposes of



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