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RULE 1150


1150.01: General Provisions

(1) Use of Mechanical where mechanical handling equipment is used, sufficient

safe clearance shall be allowed for aisles, at loading docks, through dooways and wherever

tums or passage must be made. Aisles and passageways shall be kept clear and in good

repair, with no obstruction across or in alses that could create a hazard. Permanent aisles

and passageways shall be approprlately marked.

2. Secure Storage. Storage of material shall not create a hazard. Bag containers, bundle, etc.

in tiers shall be stacked, blocked, Interlocked and lirnited in height so that they are

stable and secure against sliding or oollapse.

(3) Housekeeping. Storage areas shall be kept free from accurmulations of materials that constitute

hazards from tripping, fire, explosion, or pest harborage. Vegetation control shall be exercised

when necessary.

(4) Clearance Limits. Clearance signs to wan of clearance limits shall be provided.

(5) Roling Railroad Cars. Derail and/or bumper blocks shall be provided on spur railroad

tracks where a rlling car could contact other cars being worked, enter a building, work or

traffic area.

(6) Guarding. Covers and/or guardrails shall be provided to protect personnel from the hazards

of open pits, tanks, vats, ditches, etc.

RULE 1160


() "Seam Boller shall mean any closed vessel wherein steam or other vapor is or is intended

1161: Definitions
to be generated above atmospheric pressure by the application of fire, by the product of

combustion, by electrical means, or by other heat source.

(2) "Power Boiler" shall meana steam boller with a working pressure exceeding 1.055-ka/cm

(3) "Miniature Boiler" shall mean a pOwer boiler, which does not exceed any of the following

gauge (15 psig).


40.5 cm (16 in.) inside diameter of shel;

106.5 cm (42 in.) overall length of the shel;


1.85 m.2 (20 ) water heating surface, or;

7.03 kg/an (100 psig) maximum allowable working pressure.


(4) "Low Pressure Heating Boiler" shall mean a steam boller used exclusively for operation at

a pressure not exceeding 1.055 kg/cm² (15 psig) or a temperature not exceeding 121°C).


(5) "Hot Water Boiler" a vessel completely filled with water and is intended to be heated above

atmospheric pressure by the application of fire or such products of combustion, by electrical

means, or other heat source.

(6) "Working Pressure" shall mean gauge pressure above atımospheric pressure in kg./cm²(psig).

(7) "Boiler Horsepower" in the absence of Manufacturer's Data, Boiler Horsepower shall mean

the equivalent of 0.95 sq. m. (10 sq. ft.) of heating surface for vertical tube boilers and the

equivalent of 0.46 sq. m. (5 sq. ft.) of heating surface for other types.

1162: General Provisions

(1) No boler shal be installed and/or operated in the Philippines without the permit issued for

the purpose by the Secretary of Labor or his/her authorized representative.

(2) Application for installation of a new boiler shall be filed with the Bureau or in the

Regional Office with available professional mechanical engineer (PME) for processing and

verification accompanied by the manufacturer's data sheets, working drawings, foundation

design computation, installation and location plans, all in five (5) copies (with print).

(3) Application to locally fabricate boilers shall be filed in five (5) copies with the Bureau or

in the Regional Office concerned, accompanied by design drawings, computations

and specifications.

(4) Major repair work on pressure parts of bollers shall be done after the details of the repair

and the design plan shall have been processed and cleared by the Bureau or Regional

Office. After repairs, the boler shall not be operated or used without the permit issued by

the Secretary.

(5) Any removal and/or change of location or ownership of a steam boiler shall be reported to

the Bureau or Reglonal Office Concerned by the old and new Owners not later than thirty

(30) days after the sale or transfer. Such boilers shall not be operated or used without

the required permit.

(o Al portable pressure vescels with operating permit issued by the Secretary or his/her

uthorired representattve shall be honored in the Philippines during the perlod covering

the permit.

e minimum personnel requirement in the operation of bollers shall be in accordance

with Section 36, Articde V of R.A, 8495, oftherwise known as "The Philippine Mechanical

Engineering Act of 1998


Standands Requirements

For purposes of fabrlcation, as well as inspection, checking, test and other consideration prior to the
approva/ciearance of any of the fabrication and installation application and plans and of any

balfer, the following in acoordance with the latest revision, are hereby adapted:

() ASME Boller and Pressure Vessel Code;

(2) ASME Code for Pressure Plping:

(3) API Code for Petroleum Gases and Liquids;

(4) ISO Code; and

(5) The Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers (PSME) Code.


Inspection of Boilers

(1) The Regional Office concermed through its authorized technical safety inspectors shall

conduct inspection, both internally and externally on all boler parts and appliances on the

following phases of work:

During construction or fabrication if manufactured in the Philippines and

hydrostatically tested at 1.5 times the design pressure after completion of work;

Before being placed into service after completion of installation and hydrostatically


tested at 1.5 times the design pressure;

Before placed into service after completion of reconstruction or repair and

hydrostatically tested 1.2 times the maximum working or operating pressure; and

Periodically at intervals of not exceeding twelve (12) months.

The Regional Office concerned shall serve Notice of Inspection for the annual inspection of

boiler to the owner/user thirty (30) days before the expiration of the permit to operate the

boiler and at exact date of scheduled inspection, the owner/user shall have the boiler

drained, cooled, opened-up and thoroughly cleaned for the conduct of internal and external

inspection on all boiler parts and appliances. Hydrostatic pump shall always be made ready
just in case the boiler is to be subjected to a hydrostatic test.

(2) The result of internal and external conduct of inspection on all boiler parts and appliances,

may upon the discretionary power/privilege of the technical safety inspection authority, decide

whether or not to subject the boiler to a hydrostatic test.

(3) Boiler subjected to hydrostatic test shal be:

with a test pressure equal to 1,2 times the maximum working or operating pressure.


The minimum temperature of the water used shall not be less than 21°C (70°F)

and a maximum temperature not to exceed 71°C (160°F)

under proper control, to reach the required test pressure gradually and in no case

shall this test pressure be exceeded by more than six percent (6%).

(4) During hydrostatic test, the safety valves shall be removed and the valves disc held down

by means of testing clamps and not by screwing down the compression screw upon the


(5) In leu of hydrostatic test, radographic, uftrasonic, thickness gauging magnetic particle,

oer head, shell and hubee nvaant non -destructive test shall he

performed on the

g operational test on boller Instruments and applianCes.

liquld penetrant and/or other

The test results shal

All test shall be performed in the presence of the inspection authority.

be certified true and correct, and sealed by a professional mechanical engineer (PME) and

slgned by the owner/user as well.

(6) Bollers found unsafe shall not be operated until the boler defect/s is/are corrected arnd their

ittings are in good condition to ensure safe operation.

Age Limit of Lap-Riveted Boilers


The age Hmit of a horizontal return tubular boiler having a longitudinal lap joint and carrying over

3.5 kg/cm.g. (50 psig.) pressure shall be twenty-five (25) years. No riveted joint boiler shall be

discontinued from service solely on account of age. However, within a period of five (5) years after

the effectivity of this Standards, a joint lap-riveted boller maybe used provided that the lap-joints

are thoroughly investigated particularly for cracks in the lap-joints, the boiler tested hydrostatically

to 1.2 times Its working pressure and the general condition of the shell, tubes, sheets, joints, rivets

and other parts warant further use of the boiler, as found by the safety engineer in the presence of

the owner's/establishment's plant mechanical engineer provided however that the total service age

of the boiler is not more than twenty five (25) years.

Construction of Steam Boilers


(1) Steam boilers are to be constructed in accordance with the procedures/processs of the

standards requirements provided under rule 1162.01

(2) Steam boilers, their fittings and attachments shall be:

designed to adopt to the condition of their use; and

constructed of sufficlent strength to sustain internal pressure to which they are

normaly subjected.

Boiler Records


(1) Every boiler shall be accompanied by a certificate showing all the technical specifications

used by the manufacturers including all the design standards and dimensions and the maker's
nameplate affixed on the boiler.

(2) Al second hand or rehabilitated boilers shall be accompanied by detalled working drawings

and certificates executed by a Professional Mechanical Engineer calculating the ultimate

tensile stress which shall not exceed 3,873 kg./cm.² and (55,000 psi), the joint efficiency

of not more than 90% for radio graphed and heat-treated butt fusion weld, and a factor of

safety of not less than five (5).

(3) The certificates shall also contain the results of all the control test conducted during the

manufacture of the material and the construction of the boiler.

(4) The certificates shall be kept on file by the owner, ready and available to present during the

COurse of inspection.

(5) Every boiler owner/user shall keep a boiler maintenance register which shall show the dates

of all the tests, internal and external inspections, replacements and repairs.

1163: Power Boilers


Boiler ROoms

(1) Clearance around the boiler to the boiler room wall or any equipment shall be at least 100

Cm. (3.28 ft.). Boiler room shall have two independent doors for easy access.

s of fire-resistant materials used for no other purpose and

frorn buldings not forrning part of the

In sepaate bulam, (10 ft) away

situated not less

factory, or

materials if situated in the same factory buildings or

in structure of fine resistant


in close proximity to other factory buildings

in which flanmable or explosive substances

Where power boller room adjoins wokroore shall be no exits or other wall openings


are manufactured, used, handled, or

in the intervening walls.

(3) Power boiler rooms, blow-offis, ash pits or high pressure steam line tunnels and other

places where there is danger or workers being trapped in the event of explosion or rupture

of steam lines, shall be provided with not less than (2) adequate exits which shall be kept

cdear of any obstructions.

(4) Rails, walls, runways and stairs of iron or steel construction with non-slip surface shall be

provided for convenient and safe access to overhead valves, water columns, feed water

regulators and other fittings.

(6) Runways located on top or alongside a battery of power bollers shall be provided with not

less than two (2) means of descent.

(6) Power boiler rooms shall be of sufficdent height to permit installation and operation of all

valves and safety devices with a minimum clearance of 90 cm. (3 ft.) above the highest

valve fitting or levers.

() Pits in power boiler rooms shall be covered or guaded by standard railings and toeboards.

(8) Where power boilers are supported by structural steel work, the support shal be located

or Insulated that the heat from the furnace cannot impair the strength of the steel.

(9) Power boiler settings shall be provided with suitably packed openings or sleeves of sufficient

size to permit the expansion and contraction of the pipes.

(10) Wet-bottom stationary boiler shall have a space of not less than 30 cm. (12 in.) between
the bottorm of the boiler and the floor line to provide acoess for maintenance or inspection.

(11) Clearance around the boiler to the boiler room wall or any equipment shall be at least 90

cm. (3 ft.). Boiler room shall have two independent doors for easy access.

Factors of Safety


The working pressure shall be reduced to maintain a factor of safety of not less than five (5) of such

other factor as may have been specified/fixed in the specification, toD which the boiler was made by

increasing the factor of safety by ten percent (10%) or more as determined by the enforcing authority

under the following conditions:

the inspection shows signs of deterioration affecting the integrity of the boiler/s unless

repair is/are undertaken: and

after twenty five (25) years of service


Access and Inspection


Power boler or parts thereof shall be equipped with suitable manholes or other openings for inspection,

examination and deaning.

(1) Hand-hole openings in heads or shells of power boilers shall not be less than 70mm.

x 90 mm. (2/, in 3/, in).

( tach power boiler shal be eguipped with at least one (1) safety valve if the heating surface

S 6.5 sq.m. (500 sq.ft.) or less and two (2) or more if the heating surface is over. The

safety valves shall be:

a.) place as close as possible to the boller:

b.) connected to the boler indeperndent of any other steam connection; and
c) place between the boiler and the discharge point when installed in the pipeline.

(3) The safety vave or valves on power boilers shall be of suffclent capacity to discharge all

the steam generated by the boiler without allowing the pressure to rise to more than:

a.) six percent (6%) above the maximum allowable working pressure; or

b.) six percent (6%) above the highest pressure to which any valve is set.

(4) Seats and discs of safety valve for power bollers shall be of suitable corrosion-resistant

materials and the seat shall be secured on the valve body to avoid the possibility of the

seat lifting off.

(5) Safety valves for power boilers shall be constructed, tested and maintained in the following


the failure of any part will not obstruct the free and full discharge of steam from

the valves;

no shock injurious to the valves or to the boiler shall resort from its operations: and

the valve can be turned on its seat.


(6) Safety valves for power boilers shall be:

a.) capable of being adjusted and set to operate without chattering.

b.) sealed or otherwise protected to prevent tampering by any unauthorized person;

c.) provided witha special means for lifting the valve for testing purposes; and

d.) located to enable the boiler attendant to hear readily the discharge.

(7) Safety valves discharge outlets for pover boiler shall be located or piped out away from

running boards and platforms, preferably not less than 3 meters. (10 ft.) above the platforms.

When the discharge pipes are used on safety valves for power boilers, they shall be:

a.) not less in cross-sectional area than the full area of the valve outlets, and

b.) fitted with open drains to prevent water lagging in the upper part of the valves or

in the pipes.

9) When mufflers are used on safety valves for power boilers, they shall:

a) have sufficient outlet area to prevent back pressure from interfering with the proper

operation and discharge capacity of the valves and

b.) be constructed to avoid any possibility of obstruction of the steam passage due to


10.) Superheaters arranged in a manner that they can be isolated from power boilers shall be

located near the steam outlet. However, valve or valves maybe located anywhere in the

lengths of the outlet heater if there is a uniform flow of steam through the supertheater

ubes and heater.

) Economizers used on power boilers shall be equipped with at least one (1) safety vave

Drovided with seats and discs of corrosion resistant materials, if there is an isolating valve

between the drum and economizer.

(2) Miniature boilers shall be equpped with sealed safety valves connected directly to the

boler. Minlature bolers wth no extraction of steam (dosed system), may in addition to

safety valves, be provided with a rupture disc relieving device.


Stop Valves

) Steam discharge outlets on boilers, except safety valves, shall be equipped with stop

valves located at an accessible point In the steam delivery line and as near the boiler as


(2) Quick and convenient means of manipulating the principal stop valves on power boilers
shall be provided:

by extending the valve spindles so that the valve wheels may be operated:

from the floors of the boiler roons by means of chains, gears or other

mechanical devices, or

from outside the boiler rooms in case of emergency.

by installing remote control stations for electrically operated valves ina protected

space where they may be operated without danger.

(3) When two or more power boilers are connected to a common steam main, the steam

onnection from each boiler equipped with a manually opened valve shall be fitted with

two stop valves having between them an ample free-flow drain. The discharge shall be

visible to the operator while manipulating the valves.

(9) When stop valves on power boilers are located where water may accumulate, ample drain

shall be provided.


Water Column Pipes

(1) Pipes connecting water columns to power boilers shall not be less than 25 mm. (1 in.) pipe

size, and as short and direct as possible.

(2) Hoízontal return to water columns shall be taken from the top of the shell in the upper

part of the head and the water connections from a point not less than 15 cm. (6 in.) below

the lowest center line of the shell.

(3) On the fire box type of power boilers, the water connections shall be taken from a point not

less than 25 cm. (10 in.) below the lowest water line or as near thereto as possible, and in

no case less than 45 cm. (18 in.) above the mud ring.

(4) Whenever practicable, water connection from power boilers to water column shall be
provided with a cross at each right angle turn, to facilitate cleaning.

(5) Water columns on power boilers shall be fitted with drain cocks or drain valves with suitable

Connections to a safe point of disposal.

(6) No outlet connection allowing the escape of an appreclable amount of steam or water shall

be placed on pipes connecting water column to medium and high pressure boilers, except

for damper regulators or feed water regulators, drain, steam gauges or apparatus of similar


Shenm Gges


U ENh poer boller chalt be egiood with tes pressore gauge placed as follows:

free fom vibratiors;

afford a cear and unobstructed view to the attendant from the usual operating

covenlently austed, and

positlon, In front or at the skde.

( Steam gauoes, in satisfactory working condition for power bollers, shall be connected to

the steam space or to the water column on its steam connection by siphons or equvalent

devices, which shall be:

of sufficent capacoity to keep the gaUge tube lled with water; and

aranged that the gauge cannot be shut-off fronm the boiler, except:

by a cock placed near the gauge and provided with the level handle

fitted parallel to the pipe when the cock is open, or

by a cock or shut-off valve of 35 kg/cm'g (500 psig.) rating or over.

6) Steam gauges connection for power boilers shall be as short as practicable.

() Dials of steam gauges for power boilers shall:

be of a size and marked that the graduations of the pointer can be clearly determined

by a person with normal vision from a distance equal to one and one half(1 /)

times the width of the boiler front;

be graduated to not less than 1/, times the pressure at which the safety valve

Is set, preferably to about double such pressure. The graduation shall be so arranged

that the pointer will be at neariy vertical position when indicating the working

pressure; and

have the working pressure indicated in red on the dial.


(5) All steam gauges in any power boiler room shall be of the same type, size and graduation.

(6) Each power boiler shall be provided with a valve connection near the regular connection of

the steam gauges for the exclusive purpose of attaching gauge set.


Water Gauge Glasses

(1) Each power boller, except once-through boilers with no fixed steam and water-lines, shall

be equipped with at least one (1) water gauge glass which shall be:

located within the range of vision of the boiler attendant;


fitted at top and bottom with quick closing valves easily closed from the floor

in case the glass breaks;

connected to the water column or directly to the boiler by piping of not less than

12 mm. (15/32 in.) diameter;

equipped with a valve drain piped to a safe point of disposal; and

provided with a wire glass or other suitable guard for the protection of workers

from flying glass or escaping hot water in case of breakage, and such guard shall

not obstruct free observation of water level.

( Water gauge olacees on power bollers shalt be ocated in such a way that when the visible

Water level is at its kowest rending n the glass, the reading should not be less than:

75 mm (3 fn.) of water over the highest polnt of the tubes, fles or crwn sheets

in horizontal ire e tube power boflers; or

S0 mm. (2 in) of water above the lowest permissible level in water tube power



(8) Miniature bolers operating on the dosed 5ystern, where there is insufficent space for the usual

water gauge glass, may be provided with water level indicators of the glass bull's eye type.

Gauge Cocks



each power boiler

Subject to the provisions of the succeeding sub-paragrapns

within the range df the

shall be equipped with three or more gauge cocks

visible length of the water glass;

When the boiler is equipped with water gauge independently oonnected to the


boiler and located not less than 70 cm. (28 in.) apart on the same horizontal line

may not be provided with gauge cocks;

Gauge oocks shall be equipped with at least one (1) try-cock each; and

For boilers of the locomotive type not over 90 cm. (35 in.) diameter, and for boilers


of the fire box and watering types with a heating surface not exceeding 5 sq. m.

(53 sq. ft.) only two (2) gauge cocks shall be required.

(2) Gauge cocks located above nomal reaching distance from the floor or working level shall

be provided with:

permanently attached rods with chains for operation from the floor, and

suitable means to prevent water or steam. discharging on workers manipulating


the rods or chains.

Fusible Plugs


(1) Fusible plugs, when used on power boilers, as additional low water alarms, shall be renewed

at intervals not exceeding twelve (12) months. Casings which have been used shall not be


(2) Fusible plugs, after inspection, should be replaced with the same or equivalent specifications

of the original plug.

(3) Fusible plugs shal not be used on power bolers operating at pressures exceeding 17.5 kg/

cm'g (250 psig)

(4) Steam actuated fusible plugs, when used in power bollers, shall be located that they can
be operated when the water level is at a point where a fire actuated fusible plug is located.

Blow-off Requirement


(1) Each power boiler, except once-through boilers with no fixed steam and water line, shall be

equipped with at least one (1) blow-off pipe fitted with valve cock directly connected to the

lowest water space, and the boller shall be designed and installed that all water can be

drained from it.

(2) Each bottom blow-off pipe on a power boiler formning a part of a range of boilers having a

Common blow-off pipe, drain or pump, shall be fitted with:

(b) one (1) slow openina valve, and one (1) qulck opening valve or cock, or

(a) heo (2) sloe opening vaves, or

(avalve operated by a key whch can only be removed when the valve is closed.

The key shst be the only one avatable for the blow-off valves of the range of the bollers

(3) Vahves for bottom blow-oft pipes on pover bollers shalf be free from dams or pockets which

may colect sediment and restrict the fow of water.

(4) When exposed to direct urmace heat, bottom blow-off pipes on power boilers shall be

protected by fire bricks or other heat-resistant materials arranged that the pipes can be

readily inspected.

(5) Blow-off pipings on power boilers shall discharge at a point where there is no darnger of

injury to workers, and shall not be connected to the sewer or the boiler, unless first passed

througha blow-off tank.

(6) Blow-off tanks when used, shal be:

provided with a vent pipe of sufficient size to prevent the accumulation of pressure

a. in the tank; and

b. located that all parts are accessible for inspection.

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