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Carmen Fariña, Chancellor

NYC Department of Education
NYC STEM Education Framework
Carmen Fariña

Phil Weinberg
Deputy Chancellor
Division of Teaching & Learning

Anna Commitante
Senior Executive Director
Curriculum, Instruction & Professional Learning

Linda Curtis-Bey, Ed.D.

Executive Director

52 Chambers Street
New York, NY 10007
Acknowledgments Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
This Framework is a publication of the
Office of Curriculum, Instruction & Professional Learning. Domain I: School Vision and Structures for Success . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1 STEM Mission and Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
PRIMARY WRITING & RESEARCH 1.2 STEM-centric Culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Teneika Benn, Ed.D.
Citywide Instructional Lead, MSP and STEM 1.3 STEM Program Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.4 Budget/Management of Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Domain II: STEM Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment . . . 10
2.1 Academic Rigor and Instructional Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
NYCDOE Department of STEM: 2.2 STEM-centric Curriculum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Linda Curtis-Bey, Ed.D., George Georgilakis, Nadya Awadallah,
Ingrid Buntschuh, Rosanna Castro, Kerry Cunningham, Rodbert Ellis, 2.3 Authentic Assessments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Tracy Fray-Oliver, Adaliz Gonzalez, Denise McNamara, Ph.D., Carol 2.4 Staff Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Mosesson-Teig, John Tom, Nicola Vitale, Mary Lou Wainwright, Beth
Wehner, Nancy Woods Domain III: Strategic Partnerships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

STEM Common Core Fellows: 3.1 STEM Partnerships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Rayhan Ahmed, Maria Baidan, Alise Braick, Shelley Burt, Nancy Cande, Domain IV: STEM College and Career Readiness . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Sharon Holliday, Catherine Inniss, Diane Joyce, Jacquii Leveine, Eileen
McManus, Kerri Moser, Lauren Ravit-Franceskin, Brandon Sabogal, 4.1 STEM Pathway Preparation for Elementary School . . . . . . 20
Diana Sanchez, Amanda Solarsh, Samantha Stouber, Edward Talentti,
Edward Taveras, Luis Tejada, Gina Tesoriero, Katherine Tsamasiros 4.2 Access to STEM college and career opportunities
for middle and high school students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.3 Planning Student Outreach and Support for
Special thanks to all of the non-profit organizations and external organizations who gave us feedback, Pre-K–12 STEM Initiatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
especially Saskia Traill, Ph.D. (Vice President, Policy & Research | TASC)
Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Suggested Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
The New York City Department of Education
STEM Framework
An Introduction to the NYC STEM Education Framework With almost daily advances in technology, the world keeps shrinking and becoming
more and more accessible to its citizens. Today there are libraries with no visible
STEM is an acronym for the integration of the four disciplines of Science, Technology,
books, and students make e-appointments with their advisors and take MOOCs
Engineering, and Mathematics. In practice, STEM education involves both formal
(Massive Open Online Courses) to name a few ways in which technology has changed
(classroom) and informal (after school) instruction across all grade levels (Pre-K–12).
how people learn. Many younger students are known as “digital natives”—those who
STEM education prioritizes the study of science and mathematics, plus the meaningful
are born with a sixth sense for technology, as opposed to older adults who are viewed
integration of technology and engineering design that offers opportunities for innovative
as “digital immigrants” in need of user guides and often the help of their students and
problem solving while making science and mathematics relevant and engaging. STEM
children to operate everything from their smartphones to their entertainment systems.
education includes a variety of course options that integrate curriculum across content
Being STEM-ready and digitally literate is what our students need to be prepared for
areas such as computer science, robotics, sustainability, environmental studies,
this new global reality.
marine science, urban transportation, financial literacy, urban gardening and farming,
communication, green construction, facility maintenance, and health and wellness,
to name a few. Many advocates of STEM also incorporate the arts (as in STEAM), in
Which students need to be prepared for STEM careers?
addition to history and literacy. The simple answer is that ALL students need to be prepared for STEM careers.
Currently in the United States, there are concerns about the achievement gaps that exist
Why STEM education? among the various demographic groups, our rankings on international assessments,
and the ability of all American students to meet the skills demanded by the 21st-
“An editorial in the New York Daily News notes that “by 2020, the…” U.S. economy
century STEM labor force. (Gonzalez and Kuenzi, 2012) Although there has been an
will demand 123 million high-skilled workers with strong backgrounds in science,
increase in the number of people working in STEM occupations, recruiting women and
technology, engineering and math—a set of skills commonly called STEM. The problem
underrepresented minorities to complete degrees and pursue careers in STEM remains
is, only 50 million Americans will qualify for those jobs.” (
challenging. (Chen and Thomas 2009) The research suggests that many women and
com/new-york/guest-stem-education-priority-article-1.1548624) STEM jobs are
underrepresented minority students enrolled in college switch from STEM majors to non-
overwhelmingly in high demand and will account for about 38% of all the high-skill
STEM majors prior to graduation, citing a lack of pre-college preparation or sensitivity to
jobs created; they are also typically among the highest paid. (
their less-than-average grades received in STEM courses. (Griffith, 2010)
com/story/money/2014/10/14/jobs-for-college-grads-by-metro/16046989/) The
jobs that are available today are not the jobs that were available to workers in the 20th, Because of these higher education challenges, STEM education in K-12 must provide
century and a 20th century education will not adequately prepare today’s students access to students that have been traditionally disengaged. The goals for all learners
for the world they will need to navigate. The “new” 21st-century jobs require a growth to acquire the necessary content knowledge and skills in all core disciplines; become
mind-set, the ability to solve problems, think critically, be innovative, multitask and work digitally literate, critical, and innovative thinkers; master 21st Century competencies;
collaboratively with a diverse group of colleagues—colleagues who may be younger, and to be ready and highly motivated to pursue college (two and four year degrees)
older, of a different cultural or racial background, or with different levels of education and subsequently STEM careers. In 2010, 13 United States federal agencies invested
and experience. As educators, it’s important that we learn and embrace the content over 10 billion dollars in programs designated to improve knowledge within STEM fields
and skills our students need to be competitive not only in NYC or in the United States, and to increase the attainment of STEM degrees. (U.S. Government Accountability
but globally. Office, 2012). In May 2014, Mayor de Blasio announced the development of a tech
talent pipeline to train New Yorkers for the tech sector, which represents 291,000 jobs
and $30 billion in wages annually. ( continued

The New York City Department of Education STEM Framework 1

The New York City Department of Education STEM Framework 2

What is STEM education? Inquiry is at the heart of the transdisciplinary approach, as students seek answers
to questions raised by the curriculum and themselves. Within a transdisciplinary
STEM education is a methodology that encourages students to pursue inquiries and
framework, students are still expected to meet content-area standards (Stevens 2012),
solve problems that are relevant to the world in which they live. Using the engineering
but this approach also nurtures a student’s cognitive growth and involves a greater
design process, students identify problems, design possible solutions, and test and
degree of collaboration than other instructional models. It also requires integrated
evaluate those solutions until an optimal one is found. Classroom experiences mimic
teacher teams who share roles and systematically and intentionally plan to cross
real-world scenarios and expose students to problem-solving in a significant way.
discipline boundaries. (NCREL 1994)
According to the National Research Council (2013), “providing students a foundation
in engineering design allows them to better engage in and aspire to solve the major
societal and environmental challenges they will face in the decades ahead” is pivotal.
How is the NYC STEM Framework used?
The integration of mathematics, science, and engineering practices in conjunction The NYC STEM Education Framework is a tool that provides a structured approach
with digital literacy helps students recognize and utilize the variety of perspectives that for schools seeking to organize and develop the implementation of a STEM initiative
can be tapped into to help unravel complex inquiries. These interdisciplinary forms of whose results are repeatable. It includes a readiness checklist of structures, criteria,
exploration are compelling, as they promote student engagement, agency, advocacy, and systems and is not intended to be judgmental or evaluative.
and learning. (NSF 2010) The architecture of the Framework is presented as a structure of domains,
For teachers, STEM education provides unique opportunities to grow their practice indicators, and criteria to support the evolution of a school’s initiative over time.
with their peers. It encourages risk-taking, innovation, and collaboration that enhances The Framework is designed to work alongside other data and qualitative tools
their professional learning experiences and growth. Building a collaborative learning to help schools develop a STEM culture that integrates well with a school’s
community, where teachers work together with each other, with partners, and across existing instructional mission and vision, while shifting the disciplinary paradigm
disciplines, is necessary for a school to develop a fully integrated STEM program. from multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary toward instruction and learning that is
This includes providing opportunities for meaningful integration of technology, where ultimately transdisciplinary [See Fig. 1].
technology is in the hands of the students and not controlled by the adults in the
Figure 1. Disciplinary Spectrum
room. Providing computer science and digital literacy learning experiences at all
grade levels helps students understand the technology they use every day, think Disciplinary Multidisciplinary
creatively, communicate with others, persist in problem-solving, and gain skills that are
critically important in the 21st century. Students are not only consumers of the World
Wide Web but producers, innovators, and makers who contribute to the web and to
the growing portfolio of social media tools. Computer science includes robotics,
web and app design, programming, coding, media design, computational thinking,
and more. Cornell University’s Digital Literacy Resource website reminds us that
Interdisciplinary Transdisciplinary
“Digital literacy is the ability to find, evaluate, utilize, share and create content using
information technologies and the Internet.” (
Digital literacy, real-world experiences, an understanding of the content of each
discipline, authentic problem-based learning experiences, and the integration of
technology and engineering design call for a transdisciplinary approach to learning that
supports student inquiry and moves curriculum and instruction beyond content-area
literacy and interdisciplinary connections. This moving beyond is a transdisciplinary
approach that involves the organization of curriculum and instruction around authentic
student questions where concepts and skills are developed within real-world contexts.
Architecture of the NYC STEM Framework
The architecture of the STEM Education Framework is based on four domains which
are each subdivided into indicators with corresponding criteria.
Domain I: School Vision and Structures for Success articulates a coherent
STEM vision that is clear to all school constituents and is successfully sustained by an
innovative STEM culture, budget, and program evaluation system.
Domain II: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment encourages a
transdisciplinary approach to curriculum and instruction that promotes student-
centered inquiry, problem-based learning, and teacher collaboration.
Domain III: Strategic Partnerships engages community-based organizations
(CBOs), higher education institutions, businesses, and other external partners who
offer STEM education programs and support as a means of encouraging school
communities (administrators, teachers, and students) and families in STEM learning.
Domain IV: College and Career Readiness prepares students for STEM
post-secondary education and careers by providing equitable access to all students
and provides STEM educational experiences, beginning in elementary school and
continuing through middle and high school.
The criteria under each indicator describe the conditions necessary to maximize the
domain’s potential. The criteria suggest a continuum of evolution, development, and
readiness which ranges from “Early” to “Emerging” to “Integrated” to “Fully Integrated.”
Building and sustaining a viable STEM program requires vital actions which include:
■■ articulating a coherent mission and vision for the STEM program that is integrated
within the existing school’s mission and vision and evident to all stakeholders;
■■ creating structures and time for strategic planning that builds capacity for continuous
improvement; growing partnerships with families and external STEM organizations;
■■ ensuring the availability of STEM funding beyond the planning and implementation
phase; and providing dedicated professional learning opportunities that allow for teacher
support and transdisciplinary curriculum development. (Hanover Research 2011)
■■ implementing structured Cycles of Learning that allow schools to plan, implement,
reflect, and adjust and to share lessons learned, thus creating an ongoing feedback
loop that tracks, measures and modifies STEM instructional models and teacher
professional learning based on student and teacher needs.

The New York City Department of Education STEM Framework 3

The New York City Department of Education STEM Framework 4

Domain I: School Vision and Structures for Success


1.1 a) The school’s STEM mission a) The school’s STEM mission and a) The school’s STEM mission a) The school’s STEM mission
and vision are being vision are developing and in the and vision are established and vision are established and
STEM Mission
developed. There is little process of being integrated into and are well-integrated into explicitly integrated into school-
and Vision evidence of a sense of school-wide goals. There is a school-wide goals. There is a wide goals. There is an obvious
A STEM mission and vision passion and urgency among limited sense of passion and sense of passion and urgency sense of passion and urgency
is integrated into the staff members that focuses urgency among selected among many staff members throughout the school that
existing mission and vision on preparing students to staff members that focuses on that focuses on preparing focuses on preparing students
be STEM- and 21st-century preparing students to be STEM- students to be STEM- and to be STEM- and 21st-
of the school and reflects
ready. and 21st-century ready. 21st-century ready. century ready.
a consensus among all
b) Discussions about the b) The school’s STEM mission b) The school’s STEM mission b) The school’s STEM mission
school’s STEM mission and and vision have been and vision are communicated and vision are regularly
vision are still taking place communicated and are to all staff and accessible to communicated and
among some staff. known by some staff. all stakeholders. articulated by all stakeholders.

c) A few members of the school c) Some members of the school c) Many members of the school c) All members of the school
community are committed community are committed community are committed community are committed
to STEM education and to STEM education, and to STEM education and to STEM education and
few understand the value some understand the value understand the value of understand the value of
of collaborative practices of collaborative practices and collaborative practices and collaborative practices and
and problem-based learning problem-based learning for problem-based learning problem-based learning
for the overall benefit of the overall benefit of for the overall benefit of for the overall benefit of
the school community, the school community, the school community, the school community,
especially students. especially students. especially students. especially students.

Artifacts that demonstrate a STEM-infused Mission and Vision

■■ Agendas and minutes of meetings evidencing discussions of STEM integration into mission and vision
■■ Evidence of the integration of STEM education within the Comprehensive Education Plan
■■ Visibility and articulation of a STEM-infused mission and vision by stakeholders (e.g., social media postings, posters, newsletter, bulletin boards)
■■ Explicit opportunities for planning and professional learning to enhance STEM education within the school community
Domain I: School Vision and Structures for Success

1.2 a) There is a positive a) There is a positive a) There is a positive a) There is a positive

atmosphere supportive of atmosphere supportive of atmosphere supportive of atmosphere supportive
STEM-centric Culture
innovation and risk-taking innovation and risk-taking innovation and risk-taking of innovation and risk-
A school fosters among a few members of the among some members of the among most members of the taking among all school
an environment of school community. school community. school community. stakeholders, including
innovation, risk-taking, students.
and transdisciplinary
collaboration that supports b) The school rarely encourages b) The school occasionally b) School leaders and staff often b) School leaders and staff
student-centered inquiry the importance of a growth encourages the importance encourage the importance of understand and emphasize
use of engineering practices, mind-set and the role of failure of a growth mind-set and the a growth mind-set and the the importance of a growth
digital literacy and and productive struggle in role of failure and productive role of failure and productive mind-set and the role of failure
project-based learning. STEM education. struggle in STEM education. struggle in STEM education. and productive struggle in
STEM education.

c) Few school leaders, staff, c) Some school leaders, staff, c) Most school leaders, staff, c) School leaders, staff,
students, and parents students, and parents students, and parents students, and parents
understand the importance of understand the importance of understand the importance of understand the importance of
leaving the school building to leaving the school building to leaving the school building to leaving the school building to
explore the built and natural explore the built and natural explore the built and natural explore the built and natural
world and the amazing world and the amazing world and the amazing world and the amazing
resources NYC offers. resources NYC offers. resources NYC offers. resources NYC offers.

d) School leaders and staff d) School leaders and staff d) School leaders and staff d) School leaders and staff
are developing a process to occasionally monitor the regularly monitor and review consistently monitor and
evaluate the quality of their quality of their STEM-centric the quality of their STEM- refine the quality of STEM-
STEM-centric culture and culture and how goals and centric culture and how centric culture and how
how goals and expectations expectations are developed goals and expectations are goals and expectations
are developed and shared and shared among school developed and shared among are communicated among
among school stakeholders. stakeholders. school stakeholders. school stakeholders
including students.


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Domain I: School Vision and Structures for Success


1.2 e) Few or no classrooms/labs e) Limited classrooms/labs are e) Some classrooms/labs are e) Most classrooms/labs are
are designed and arranged designed and arranged with designed and arranged with designed and arranged with
STEM-centric Culture
with flat tables and access to flat tables and access to flat tables and access to flat tables and access to
electricity to support group electricity to support group electricity to support group electricity to support group
work, project-based learning, work, project-based learning, work, project-based learning, work, project-based learning,
and collaboration. and collaboration. and collaboration. and collaboration.

f) Few structures for f) Limited structures for f) Some structures for f) Multiple structures for
interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary and
transdisciplinary work are transdisciplinary work are transdisciplinary work are transdisciplinary work are
established, such as teacher established, such as teacher established, such as teacher established, such as teacher
teams, Professional Learning teams, Professional Learning teams, Professional Learning teams, Professional Learning
Communities (PLCs), and Communities (PLCs), and Communities (PLCs), and Communities (PLCs), and
Cycles of Learning. Cycles of Learning. Cycles of Learning. Cycles of Learning.
There are few opportunities There are limited opportunities There are regular There are regular
for educators to collaborate for educators to collaborate opportunities for opportunities for
on the development of on the development of educators to collaborate educators to collaborate
interdisciplinary lessons, interdisciplinary lessons, on the development of on the development of
units, and curricula. units, and curricula. interdisciplinary lessons, interdisciplinary lessons,
units, and curricula. units, and curricula.

Artifacts that demonstrate a STEM-centric Culture

■■ Evidence of lesson plans, unit plans, course descriptions, and/or curriculum maps that integrate STEM content
■■ Analysis and application of school survey data to support the development of a STEM-centric culture
■■ Evidence of STEM-centric Professional Learning Communities and opportunities for participants to share their ongoing learning
■■ Student STEM-centric work posted throughout the school and shared with stakeholders and families
Domain I: School Vision and Structures for Success

1.3 a) The school is developing a a) The school has a process in a) The school has a process a) The school has a process
process to monitor, evaluate, place to monitor, evaluate, in place to regularly monitor, in place to purposefully and
STEM Program
and/or adjust STEM curricular and/or adjust STEM curricular evaluate, and adjust STEM effectively monitor, evaluate,
Evaluation and instructional practices and instructional practices curricular and instructional and adjust STEM curricular
A school assesses the level in response to student in response to student practices in response to and instructional practices
of implementation of its learning needs, progress, learning needs, progress, student learning needs, in response to student
STEM-integrated mission and achievement. and achievement. teacher team feedback, learning needs, and teacher
and student progress and team feedback, and student
and vision and is able to
achievement. progress and achievement.
make adjustments as needed
to increase the coherence of
b) The school is establishing b) The STEM leadership team b) The STEM leadership b) The STEM leadership team
policies and practices across
a STEM leadership team includes families and school team includes families, includes families, school
the school’s daily functions.
including families and school administration and meets school administration, administration, and all key
administration to engage in infrequently, which fosters and key stakeholders and stakeholders and meets
the implementation of STEM limited implementation of meets regularly to foster regularly to effectively support
education initiatives. STEM education initiatives. implementation of STEM and direct the implementation
education initiatives. of STEM education initiatives.

Artifacts that demonstrate STEM Program Evaluation

■■ Needs assessment and reflections by the school community (including but not limited to administrators, teachers, students, and families) that represent the implementation of
STEM education
■■ Evidence of adjustments and/or modifications of STEM-centric curricular resources
■■ Evidence of a STEM leadership team implementation plan

The New York City Department of Education STEM Framework 7

The New York City Department of Education STEM Framework 8

Domain I: School Vision and Structures for Success


1.4 a) The STEM leadership a) The STEM leadership team, a) The STEM leadership team, a) The STEM leadership team,
team, including families and including families and school including families and school including families and school
school administration, has administration, meets to administration, meets regularly administration, meets
of Resources been assembled to support support a STEM program’s to support a STEM program’s regularly to effectively support
School-based decisions discussion of funding needs, long-term funding needs, long-term funding and resource a STEM program’s long-
regarding the allocation allocations, and resources for allocations, and resources; needs. These individuals may term funding and resource
of STEM funding develop STEM education. these individuals may include include but are not limited to needs. These individuals may
but are not limited to the the school leadership team, include but are not limited to
and sustain an integrated
school leadership team, community partners, and other the school leadership team,
STEM mission and vision
community partners, and stakeholders. community partners, and
to address students’
other stakeholders. other stakeholders.
learning needs.

b) There are no discussions b) Discussions to work with b) Decisions have been made b) The school is part of a
about working with other other schools or partners and to work with other schools or collaborative partnership.
schools or partners and share costs are considered. partners and share resources Decisions have been made to
sharing costs. and/or costs. Plans are in work with other schools and
place to visit nearby schools partners and share resources
with similar STEM initiatives to and/or costs. Regular
discuss possibilities. opportunities to visit and plan
with schools and partners
with similar STEM initiatives
are in place.

c) Plans are not in place to c) A plan is in place to secure c) A plan is in place to secure c) Needed grants, donations,
secure needed funding. needed grants, donations, needed grants, donations, and other outside funding
and other outside funding to and other outside funding are in place to support and
support a variety of initiatives, to support and advance the advance the implementation
but the plan is not STEM- dedication to STEM education of STEM education initiatives.
specific. initiatives.

d) Limited tax levy funds d) Moderate tax levy funding d) Sufficient tax levy funds d) Ample tax levy funds
are allocated to STEM is allocated to STEM are allocated to STEM are allocated to STEM
education initiatives. education initiatives. education initiatives. education initiatives.

Domain I: School Vision and Structures for Success

1.4 e) Funds for STEM education e) Funds for STEM education are e) Funds for STEM education e) Funds for STEM education
are limited to the cost of limited to the cost of materials include, but are not limited include, but are not limited
needed materials. Teachers and STEM-specific resources. to, the cost of personnel, to, the cost of personnel,
of Resources often compete for funding. materials, STEM-specific materials, STEM-specific
(continued) resources, and professional resources, professional
development. development, new technology,
funding for STEM partners,
and for travel to STEM
conferences and events.

f) Staff has limited access to f) Technology is sometimes f) Technology is regularly f) Staff has on-demand access
technology and maintenance. inoperable for extended maintained. Support has to needed technology,
Equipment is often inoperable periods of time. Support to be requested. maintenance, and support.
for extended periods of time. is lacking.

g) No other resources are g) Some other resources are g) Other resources are aligned g) Many other resources are
aligned to STEM activities aligned to STEM activities to STEM activities and aligned to STEM activities
and a STEM-centric culture. and a STEM-centric culture. a STEM-centric culture. and a STEM-centric culture.

Artifacts that demonstrate Budget/Management of Resources

■■ Budget including the allocation of funds used for STEM education initiatives
■■ STEM leadership team meeting agendas, minutes, etc.
■■ Evidence of keeping accurate records of STEM resources being maintained
■■ STEM grant award letters and records of donations given to STEM programs

The New York City Department of Education STEM Framework 9

The New York City Department of Education STEM Framework 10

Domain II: STEM Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment


2.1 a) A culture of inquiry, a) A culture of inquiry, a) A culture of inquiry, a) A culture of inquiry,

engineering design and engineering design and engineering design and engineering design and
Academic Rigor and
practice, innovation, and practice, innovation, and risk- practice, innovation, and practice, innovation, and risk-
Instructional Quality risk-taking is developing taking is developing in some risk-taking exists in many taking is evident across the
A well-defined STEM in selected classrooms. classrooms. Instruction is classrooms (including with school community (including
education program Instruction is usually teacher- sometimes student-centered, students). Instruction is often with students) and among all
promotes cognitively centered, and students and some students are student-centered, and most stakeholders. Instruction is
are often unable to clearly able to clearly articulate students are able to clearly always student-centered, and
challenging, relevant,
articulate the purpose and the purpose and content articulate the purpose and all students are able to clearly
and authentic learning
content of their work. of their work. content of their work. articulate the purpose and
experiences that encourage
content of their work.
students to apply
STEM concepts to real-
b) STEM curricula and b) STEM curricula and b) STEM curricula and b) STEM curricula and
world situations.
instructional supports do not instructional supports provide instructional supports instructional supports
adequately provide emphasis limited emphasis on academic emphasize academic rigor consistently emphasize
on academic rigor and the rigor and the use of 21st- and the use of 21st-century academic rigor, the use of
use of 21st-century skills. century skills. Some supports skills. Adequate supports are 21st-century skills and provide
Supports for differentiation are provided for differentiation provided for differentiation to effective and high-quality
to improve the achievement to improve the achievement improve the achievement and supports for differentiation to
and inclusion of female and inclusion of female inclusion of female students, improve the achievement and
students, underrepresented students, underrepresented underrepresented minorities, inclusion of female students,
minorities, English Language minorities, English Language English Language Learners, underrepresented minorities,
Learners, students with Learners, students with students with disabilities, and English Language Learners,
disabilities, and struggling disabilities, and struggling struggling students. students with disabilities, and
students are not evident. students. struggling students.

c) Teaching practices are c) Teaching practices are aligned c) Teaching practices are aligned c) Teaching practices are
partially aligned to the to the school’s STEM mission, to the school’s STEM mission, purposefully and effectively
school’s STEM mission, vision, and expectations in vision, and expectations in aligned to the school’s
vision, and expectations in some STEM classrooms. most STEM classrooms. STEM mission, vision,
selected STEM classrooms. and expectations in all
STEM classrooms.

Domain II: STEM Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Academic Rigor and
Instructional Quality

Artifacts that demonstrate Academic Rigor and Instructional Quality

■■ Evidence of the integration and application of two or more STEM disciplines into curriculum maps, lessons, units, and/or syllabi
■■ Evidence of instructional strategies promoting critical thinking skills and real-world problem solving, active learning and/or the use of 21st-century skills
(e.g., whole-group and small-group discussions, Socratic seminars, and project-based inquiry)
■■ Evidence of lesson plans, teaching practices, student work, student contracts and/or parent/teacher conferences that demonstrate alignment to school expectations in their STEM
integrated mission and vision
■■ Academic Intervention Services (AIS) programs geared toward STEM enrichment through the use of research validated teaching practices

The New York City Department of Education STEM Framework 11

The New York City Department of Education STEM Framework 12

Domain II: STEM Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment


2.2 a) Discipline-specific content a) Discipline-specific content is a) Discipline-specific content is a) Discipline-specific content is

is rarely integrated across sometimes integrated across regularly integrated across purposefully and effectively
STEM disciplines or focuses STEM disciplines and focuses STEM disciplines and focuses integrated across STEM
Curriculum on creativity, innovation and on creativity, innovation and on creativity, innovation and disciplines and focuses on
A well-defined STEM the explicit and meaningful the explicit and meaningful the explicit and meaningful creativity, innovation and
education program integration of technology integration of technology integration of technology the explicit and meaningful
establishes a culture of to find solutions to real- to find solutions to real- to find solutions to real- integration of technology
world problems. world problems. world problems. to find solutions to real-
inquiry that promotes and
world problems.
supports the development
of innovative thinking,
b) Teachers sporadically b) Teachers occasionally b) Teachers consistently b) Teachers purposefully and
engineering design,
differentiate STEM curricula differentiate STEM curricula differentiate STEM curricula effectively differentiate STEM
scientific and digital literacy,
to meet the needs of all to meet the needs of all to meet the needs of all curricula to meet the needs
computational thinking,
students. Student-centered students. Student-centered students. Instruction is of all students. Instruction
problem solving, and 21st-
instruction is rare. The instruction is limited. The often student-centered. is mostly student-centered.
century skills, which align
STEM curriculum sparks STEM curriculum sparks The STEM curriculum sparks The STEM curriculum sparks
to State and Common Core
few students’ interest and some students’ interest and many students’ interest and all students’ interest and
Learning Standards.
engages few students. engages some students. engages many students. engages all students.
STEM programs provide
opportunities for students c) Minimal time is allotted to c) Limited time is allotted to c) Adequate time is allotted c) Significant time is allotted
to engage in extracurricular support STEM education support STEM education during and/or after school during and after school to
activities in school or including the integration and including the integration and to support STEM education support STEM education
after school with partner application across two or application across two or including the integration and including the integration and
more STEM disciplines. more STEM disciplines. application across two or application across two or
organizations where
more STEM disciplines. more STEM disciplines.
they are able to learn
and apply STEM concepts
d) STEM teachers minimally d) STEM teachers occasionally d) STEM teachers regularly d) STEM teachers purposefully
in real-world situations.
provide access to ALL provide access to ALL provide access to ALL and effectively provide access
students to engage in students to engage in students to engage in to ALL students to engage
authentic STEM education authentic STEM education authentic STEM education in authentic STEM education
experiences including but experiences including but experiences including but experiences including but
not limited to the use of not limited to the use of not limited to the use of not limited to the use of
engineering design practices, engineering design practices, engineering design practices, engineering design practices,
the meaningful integration the meaningful integration the meaningful integration the meaningful integration
of technology, and project- of technology, and project- of technology, and project- of technology, and project-
based learning. based learning. based learning. based learning.

Domain II: STEM Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
STEM-centric Curriculum

Artifacts that demonstrate a STEM-centric Curriculum

■■ Evidence of STEM-enriched curriculum maps, unit plans, and lessons illustrating opportunities for the student application of STEM content and 21st-century skills
utilizing the engineering design process and/or inquiry and that are aligned to appropriate standards
■■ Evidence of a pacing calendar that explicitly indicates the amount of time that is devoted to STEM curricula and the integration of the four STEM disciplines
■■ Evidence of STEM curricula that is differentiated via content, product, and/or process to meet the needs of all learners
■■ Evidence of authentic learning experiences, such as project-based learning (PBL), for students to interact w/STEM professionals, universities, and/or partners in STEM

The New York City Department of Education STEM Framework 13

The New York City Department of Education STEM Framework 14

Domain II: STEM Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment


2.3 a) Teachers sporadically a) Teachers occasionally a) Teachers regularly collaborate a) Teachers consistently and
collaborate to identify or collaborate to identify or to identify or develop relevant, effectively collaborate to
develop relevant, authentic, develop relevant, authentic, authentic, performance-based identify or develop relevant,
Assessments performance-based performance-based assessments. authentic, performance-based
A well-defined STEM assessments. assessments. assessments.
education program
b) Teachers sporadically b) Teachers occasionally b) Teachers (and students) b) Teachers (and students)
engages students in
use rubrics and authentic use rubrics and authentic regularly use rubrics and consistently and effectively
relevant and authentic
assessments (projects, assessments (projects, authentic assessments use rubrics and authentic
STEM aligned assessments
portfolios, oral presentations, portfolios, oral presentations, (projects, portfolios, oral assessments (projects,
and consistently monitors
journals, etc.) to measure journals, etc.) to measure presentations, journals, etc.) portfolios, oral presentations,
student progress in order
success. There are no success. There are infrequent to measure success. There journals, etc.) to measure
to guide and encourage
opportunities for students opportunities for students are some opportunities for success. There are regular
student reflection and
to self-assess and to to self-assess and to students to self-assess opportunities for students
present their work to present their work and to present their work to reflect, self-assess
authentic audiences to authentic audiences to authentic audiences and present their work to
(their peers, families (their peers, families and (their peers, families and authentic audiences (their
and other stakeholders), other stakeholders), other stakeholders), answer peers, families and other
answer questions and answer questions and questions and receive stakeholders).
receive feedback. receive feedback. feedback.

c) Teachers sporadically use c) Teachers occasionally use c) Teachers regularly use c) Teachers consistently and
authentic formative and authentic periodic formative authentic periodic formative effectively use authentic
culminating summative and culminating summative and culminating summative periodic formative and
assessments to periodically assessments to periodically assessments to check for culminating summative
check for understanding check for understanding understanding, provide assessments to check for
guide next-step decisions guide next-step decisions feedback and guide next- understanding, provide
for instruction and make for instruction and make step decisions for instruction students with specific
curricular adjustments. curricular adjustments. and making curricular feedback and guide next-
adjustments. step decisions for instruction
and making curricular

Domain II: STEM Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

2.3 d) Cycles of Learning are d) Cycles of Learning are d) Cycles of Learning are d) Cycles of Learning are
rarely used by teachers occasionally used by teachers regularly used by teachers used effectively by teachers
and stakeholders to plan, and stakeholders to plan, and stakeholders to plan, and stakeholders to plan,
Assessments implement, reflect, adjust implement, reflect, adjust and implement, reflect, adjust and implement, reflect, adjust and
(continued) and share lessons learned. share lessons learned. share lessons learned. share lessons learned.

Artifacts that demonstrate Authentic Assessments

■■ Evidence of opportunities within curricula that allow students to demonstrate understanding of STEM content through the development of
innovative solutions to community-based projects
■■ Evidence of engaging STEM professionals in the evaluation of authentic performance-based assessments
■■ Evidence of the use of formative assessment to monitor student progress and benchmark (interim) assessments to enhance student understanding and curricula
■■ Evidence of a school schedule that provides time for teachers to regularly collaborate and develop authentic performance based assessments

The New York City Department of Education STEM Framework 15

The New York City Department of Education STEM Framework 16

Domain II: STEM Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment


2.4 a) A plan is being developed by a) A collaborative plan is being a) A collaborative plan has been a) A high-quality and effective
the school leadership team developed by the school developed by the school collaborative plan has been
Staff Capacity
to build teacher content and leadership team and a group leadership team and lead developed by the school
A well-defined STEM pedagogical knowledge of interested teachers to teachers to build teacher leadership team and all STEM
education program builds throughout the school year build teacher content and content and pedagogical teachers to build teacher
teacher content and to support the school’s pedagogical knowledge knowledge throughout the content and pedagogical
pedagogical knowledge capacity to implement STEM throughout the school year school year and enhance knowledge throughout the
in order to support the education. to support the school’s the school’s capacity to school year and enhance
successful implementation of capacity to implement STEM implement STEM education. the school’s capacity to
STEM learning experiences. education. implement STEM education.

b) School stakeholders b) School stakeholders b) School stakeholders b) School stakeholders

sporadically share research occasionally share research consistently share research purposefully and effectively
and best practices but have and best practices and and best practices and share research and best
no plans to participate in participate in at least one participate in twice yearly practices and participate in
learning experiences (on- or learning experience (on- or learning experiences (on- or multiple learning experiences
off-site) to increase STEM off-site) to increase STEM off-site) to increase STEM (on- or off-site) to increase
content and pedagogical content and pedagogical content and pedagogical STEM content and
knowledge. knowledge. knowledge. pedagogical knowledge.

c) Information about STEM c) Information about STEM c) Information about STEM c) Information about STEM
programs and/or STEM programs and/or STEM programs and/or STEM programs and/or STEM
opportunities are shared opportunities are shared opportunities are consistently opportunities are shared
sporadically with school occasionally among school shared among all school purposefully and effectively
stakeholders and with stakeholders and with stakeholders and with among all school stakeholders
educators from partner educators from partner educators from partner and with educators from
organizations. organizations. organizations. partner organizations.

Artifacts that demonstrate Staff Capacity

■■ Evidence of opportunities (on- and off-site) that support professional learning in STEM content and pedagogy
■■ Evidence of collaborative professional learning communities that support the implementation and refinement of best practices through the use of inter-visitation
■■ Evidence of digital (such as social media) or print media that inform all stakeholders of STEM programs and opportunities
Domain III: Strategic Partnerships

3.1 a) The STEM leadership a) The STEM leadership a) The STEM leadership a) The STEM leadership
team, including families and team, including families and team, including families and team, including families and
STEM Partnerships
school administration, are school administration, are school administration, have school administration, have
A well-defined STEM formulating a strategy to developing a process to established partnerships established purposeful and
education program develop partnerships with establish partnerships with with local community-based effective partnerships with
identifies and secures key local community-based local community-based organizations (CBOs), informal local community-based
partnerships with families, organizations (CBOs), informal organizations (CBOs), informal institutions of learning , and organizations (CBOs), informal
local community-based institutions of learning , and institutions of learning , and schools of higher education institutions of learning , and
organizations (CBOs), schools of higher education schools of higher education (two- and four-year programs) schools of higher education
businesses, informal (two- and four-year programs) (two- and four-year programs) to enhance students’ (two- and four-year programs)
institutions of learning, to enhance students’ to enhance students’ learning experiences in to enhance students’
and schools of higher learning experiences in learning experiences in STEM education. learning experiences in
education (two- and STEM education. STEM education. STEM education.
four-year programs) to
enhance students’ learning b) Family members and other b) Family members and other b) Family members and other b) Family members and other
experiences in STEM mentors working in STEM mentors working in STEM mentors working in STEM mentors working in STEM
career fields are minimally career fields are encouraged career fields are engaged career fields are engaged as
engaged in supporting to support a school’s as partners in supporting a partners and key stakeholders
*See Conversation Tools a school’s approach to approach to STEM education. school’s approach to STEM in supporting a school’s
for Building and STEM education. education. Opportunities for approach to STEM education.
Sustaining Partnerships. them to speak to students Opportunities for them to
about their careers happen speak to students about their
yearly on Career Day. careers happen regularly.

c) There are limited opportunities c) There are some opportunities c) There are regular c) There are purposeful and
for the development of for the development of opportunities to foster the effective partnerships with
partnerships with other partnerships with other development of partnerships other schools pre-K–12 that
pre-K–12 local schools that schools pre-K–12 that with other schools pre-K–12 demonstrate similar interests
demonstrate similar interests demonstrate similar interests that demonstrate similar in STEM education.
in STEM education. in STEM education. interests in STEM education.


The New York City Department of Education STEM Framework 17

The New York City Department of Education STEM Framework 18

Domain III: Strategic Partnerships


3.1 d) There are limited opportunities d) There are some opportunities d) There are regular d) There are purposeful and
leading to student and leading to student and opportunities for student and effective opportunities
STEM Partnerships
family participation in off-site family participation in off-site family participation in off-site for student and family
learning opportunities with learning opportunities with learning opportunities with participation in off-site
STEM-centric organizations. STEM-centric organizations. STEM-centric organizations learning opportunities with
and higher education STEM-centric organizations
institutions. and higher education

e) The school is developing e) The school has developed a e) The school regularly e) The school purposefully and
a plan that maps out a plan that maps out a process communicates with all effectively communicates
communication process of communication with stakeholders, including information with all
with some stakeholders stakeholders focused families, about the school’s stakeholders, including
focused on supporting on supporting STEM STEM education initiatives. families, about the school’s
STEM education. educations but communication Tools such as emails, STEM education initiatives.
is irregular. websites, and newsletters, are Tools such as emails,
used to share information. websites, newsletters and
social media platforms are
used to share information.

f) The school does not f) The school has a plan f) The school occasionally f) The school regularly
use information from to use information from uses information from uses information from
local community-based local community-based local community-based local community-based
organizations (CBOs), organizations (CBOs), organizations (CBOs), organizations (CBOs),
science-rich institutions, and science-rich institutions, and science-rich institutions, and science-rich institutions, and
schools of higher education schools of higher education schools of higher education schools of higher education
(two- and four-year programs) (two- and four-year programs) (two- and four-year programs) (two- and four-year programs)
to assess students’ progress to assess students’ progress to assess students’ progress to assess students’ progress
about student’s experiences about student’s experiences about student’s experiences about student’s experiences
in STEM education. in STEM education. in STEM education. in STEM education.

Domain III: Strategic Partnerships
STEM Partnerships

Artifacts that demonstrate STEM Partnerships

■■ Evidence of off-site learning for students and families at STEM institutions and/or university partners
■■ Evidence of collaboration, communication, and implementation between educators and STEM partners
■■ Evidence of family engagement including but not limited to STEM family outreach surveys, STEM family events, STEM maker fairs, and family communications
■■ Attending ongoing professional learning experiences such as the DOE STEM Institute, which fosters forming new partnerships and collaborations
■■ Ongoing collaboration and inter-visitation among schools with similar interests in STEM education

The New York City Department of Education STEM Framework 19

The New York City Department of Education STEM Framework 20

Domain IV: STEM College and Career Readiness


4.1 a) A process is being developed a) There are limited opportunities a) There are regular a) There are ongoing
to provide opportunities for for teachers and students to opportunities for teachers and opportunities for teachers and
STEM Pathway
teachers and students to visit visit middle and high school students to visit middle and students to visit middle and
Preparation for middle and high school STEM STEM education programs high school STEM education high school STEM education
Elementary School education programs and and interact with middle and programs and interact with programs and interact with
interact with middle and high high school teachers and middle and high school middle and high school
A well-defined STEM
school teachers and students. students. teachers and students. teachers and students.
education program provides
early college awareness to
b) There are few opportunities b) There are limited opportunities b) There are regular b) There are ongoing
all students, introducing
in and out of school time that in and out of school time that opportunities in and out of opportunities in and out of
them to the preparation support families in helping support families in helping school time that support school time that support
required to pursue a STEM their children develop positive their children develop positive families in helping their families in helping their
degree (two- or four- growth mind-sets and growth mind-sets and children develop positive children develop positive
year) and/or STEM career aspirations. aspirations. growth mind-sets and growth mind-sets and
and includes learning aspirations. aspirations.
experiences outside the
school. c) The school, staff, and c) The school, staff, and c) The school, staff, and c) The school, staff, and
stakeholders provide limited stakeholders provide some stakeholders provide stakeholders provide
guidance to families to guidance to families to regular guidance to families ongoing guidance to families
raise awareness about raise awareness about to raise awareness about to raise awareness about
the importance of learning the importance of learning the importance of learning the importance of learning
opportunities in museums, opportunities in museums, opportunities in museums, opportunities in museums,
parks, gardens, etc. parks, gardens, etc. parks, gardens, etc. parks, gardens, etc.

Domain IV: STEM College and Career Readiness

4.1 d) There are limited or no d) There are some opportunities d) There are regular d) There are ongoing on going
opportunities for the for the administration and opportunities for the opportunities for
STEM Pathway
administration and staff, staff, including guidance administration and staff, the administration and
Preparation for including guidance counselors, to talk to students including guidance staff including guidance
Elementary School counselors, to talk to students and families about the counselors, to talk to counselors to talk to
(continued) and families about the important roles attendance, students and families students and families
important roles attendance, punctuality, homework, about the important roles about the important roles
punctuality, homework, collaboration, effort, self- attendance, punctuality, attendance, punctuality,
collaboration, effort, self- discipline, persistence, homework, collaboration, homework, collaboration,
discipline, persistence, resilience, promotion, and effort, self-discipline, effort, self-discipline,
resilience, promotion, and self-management play in persistence, resilience, persistence, resilience,
self-management play in college and career readiness. promotion and self- promotion and self-
college and career readiness. management play management play
in college and in college and
career readiness. career readiness.

Artifacts that demonstrate student access to STEM Pathway Preparation for Elementary School
■■ Evidence of student voices during the preparation and facilitation of STEM-centric events (e.g., STEM career expo)
■■ Evidence of middle and high school students tutoring and/or mentoring elementary students in STEM disciplines
■■ “College Knowledge” and “College Talk” assemblies in which students gather to learn information about preparation for college and STEM careers

The New York City Department of Education STEM Framework 21

The New York City Department of Education STEM Framework 22

Domain IV: STEM College and Career Readiness


4.2 a) The school prepares a a) The school prepares Some a) The school sufficiently a) The school fully prepares all
minimal amount of students students for post-secondary prepares all students for post- students for post-secondary
Access to STEM
for post-secondary STEM STEM education and/ secondary STEM education STEM education and STEM
college and career education and/or STEM or STEM career tracks by and/or STEM career tracks by career tracks by providing all
opportunities for career tracks by providing providing Some access to providing all students access students access to purposeful
middle and high limited access to electives, electives, extracurricular to electives, extracurricular electives, extracurricular
school students extracurricular activities, and activities, and STEM courses and enrichment activities, and enrichment activities,
STEM courses. Few STEM (on and off campus). Some STEM courses (on and off STEM courses (on- and off-
A well-defined STEM mentorships and internship STEM mentorships and campus); face-to-face and campus); face-to-face and
education program opportunities are identified. internship opportunities are virtually. STEM mentorship virtually. STEM mentoring
provides all students with Only high-achieving students identified. High-achieving and internship opportunities and internship opportunities
opportunities to broaden are placed. Most families are students are placed. Other (with stipends or incentives (with stipends or incentives)
their understanding of the unaware of the value of the students need to apply to be if possible) are identified are identified and matched
requirements of pursuing internships. considered. Many families are and are available to most with all students Who apply.
and obtaining degrees unaware of the value of the students. Most families are All families are made aware
and/or careers in STEM internships. aware of and know the value of and know the value of
and includes learning of internships. internships.
experiences outside the
school and engagement with b) There are limited opportunities b) There are some opportunities b) There are regular b) There are ongoing
external partners. for the administration and for the administration and opportunities for the opportunities for the
staff including guidance staff including guidance administration and staff administration and staff
The STEM program provides counselors to talk to students counselors to talk to students including guidance counselors including guidance counselors
opportunities for students and families about the and families about the to talk to students and to talk to students and
to engage in extracurricular importance of attendance, importance of attendance, families about the importance families about the importance
activities, mentorships, and punctuality, homework, punctuality, homework, of attendance, punctuality, of attendance, punctuality,
internships where they are collaboration, effort, self- collaboration, effort, self- homework, collaboration, homework, collaboration,
able to apply STEM concepts discipline, persistence, discipline, persistence, effort, self-discipline, effort, self-discipline,
in real-world situations. resilience, promotion, GPA resilience, promotion, GPA persistence, resilience, persistence, resilience,
and self-management that and self-management that promotion, GPA and self- promotion, GPA and self-
play a critical role in college play a critical role in college management that play a management that play a
and career readiness. and career readiness. critical role in college and critical role in college and
career readiness. career readiness.

Domain IV: STEM College and Career Readiness


Opportunities for students The administration and The administration and The administration and
Access to STEM
and families to learn about the staff including guidance staff including guidance staff including guidance
college and career importance of taking STEM counselors talk to students counselors regularly talk to counselors talk to students
opportunities for courses are limited. and families at least twice students and families about and families often about the
middle and high yearly about the importance the importance of taking STEM importance of taking STEM
school students of taking STEM courses courses beginning in grade six. courses beginning in grade six.
(continued) beginning in grade six.


Opportunities for students The administration and staff The administration and staff The administration and staff
and families to learn about including guidance counselors including guidance counselors including guidance counselors
the importance of taking STEM talk to students and families talk to students and families talk to students and families
courses are limited. at least twice yearly about the regularly about the importance often about the importance
importance of taking STEM of taking STEM courses, of taking STEM courses,
courses, including computer including computer science, including computer science,
science, AP courses, and four AP courses, and four years of AP courses, and four years of
years of math and science math and science beginning in math and science beginning in
beginning in freshman year. freshman year. freshman year.

d) Opportunities for students d) The school provides all d) The school provides all d) The school provides all
and families to learn about students and families at least students and families with students and families with
scholarships, grants, financial once a year with opportunities regularly opportunities to learn ongoing opportunities to learn
aid and information about to learn about scholarships, about scholarships, grants, about scholarships, grants,
attending colleges; and, grants, financial aid and financial aid and information financial aid and information
pursuing STEM careers information about attending about attending 2- and 4- year about attending 2- and 4- year
are limited. 2- and 4- year colleges colleges (private and public) colleges (private and public)
(private and public)on on campuses and online; and, on campuses and online; and,
campuses and online; and, pursuing STEM careers. pursuing STEM careers.
pursuing STEM careers.

Artifacts that demonstrate Middle and High School Student access to STEM College and Career Opportunities
■■ Evidence of providing students and families with information (e.g., using social media or school website) about the processes of obtaining internships, mentoring,
and off-site learning experiences
■■ “College Knowledge” and “College Talk” assemblies in which students gather to learn information about preparation (academic and financial) for STEM college and careers
■■ Evidence of student voice during the preparation and facilitation of STEM-centric events (e.g., STEM fairs and competitions)

The New York City Department of Education STEM Framework 23

The New York City Department of Education STEM Framework 24

Domain IV: STEM College and Career Readiness


4.3 a) The school offers limited a) The school (guidance a) The school (guidance a) The school (guidance
guidance to elementary, counselor)offers some counselor)offers regular counselor)offers effective
Planning Student
middle and high school guidance to elementary, guidance to elementary, and ongoing guidance to
Outreach and students to support their middle and high school middle and high school elementary, middle and high
Support for Pre-K–12 application to and selection students and their families students and their families school students and their
STEM Initiatives of schools and colleges to support their application to support their application families to support their
that match their interests, to and selection of schools to and selection of schools application to and selection
A well-defined STEM experiences, background and and colleges that match and colleges that match of schools and colleges
education program provides abilities in STEM. their interests, experiences, their interests, experiences, that match their interests,
students with many background and abilities background and abilities experiences, background and
pathways in which to build in STEM. in STEM. abilities in STEM.
their capacity in STEM-
centric content, abilities b) There are few opportunities b) There are limited opportunities b) The school coordinates b) The school coordinates
and professions. for STEM professionals to for STEM professionals to regular visits and ongoing visits and
interact with students and interact with students and opportunities for STEM opportunities for STEM
families that provide genuine families that provide genuine professionals to interact professionals to interact
exposure and experiences in exposure and experiences in with students and families to with students and families to
STEM careers. STEM careers. provide genuine exposure and provide genuine exposure and
experiences in STEM careers. experiences in STEM careers.

c) The school provides c) The school limited c) The school provides regular c) The school provides
purposeful and ongoing opportunities for student to opportunities for student to purposeful and ongoing
opportunities for student to develop agency, advocacy develop agency, advocacy opportunities for student to
develop agency, advocacy and voice in pursuing STEM- and voice in pursuing STEM- develop agency, advocacy
and voice in pursuing STEM- related pathways. related pathways. and voice in pursuing STEM-
related pathways. related pathways.

d) The school provides d) Provide limited support d) Provide regular support d) Provide purposeful and
infrequent opportunities for toward helping students toward helping students ongoing support toward
student to develop agency, to complete STEM-related to complete STEM-related helping students to complete
advocacy and voice in pathways. pathways. STEM-related pathways.
pursuing STEM-related

Domain IV: STEM College and Career Readiness
Planning Student
Outreach and
Support for Pre-K–12
STEM Initiatives

Artifacts that demonstrate Planning Student Outreach and Support for STEM Initiatives
■■ Evidence of student participation in STEM leadership team meetings
■■ Student-generated proposals demonstrating interest in developing a particular program or initiative
■■ Student surveys that access their interest in and knowledge of STEM-related pathways
■■ Logs of internship hours and artifacts related to internship experiences
■■ Evidence of peer mentoring and tutoring in support of completing STEM pathways

The New York City Department of Education STEM Framework 25

The New York City Department of Education STEM Framework 26

Reference Suggested Readings

Chen, X., & Thomas, W. (2009). Students who study science, technology, engineering and Becker, J. H. (2001). How are Teachers Using Computers in Instruction. Retrieved from
mathematics (STEM) in post-secondary education. NCES2009-161. Washington,
D.C.: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. Teachers%20Using%20Computers%20in%20Instruction.pdf
Cornell University Digital Literacy Resource. (2009). Retrieved from Shattuck, G. (2007). The Historical Development of Instructional Technology Integration in K-12 Education. Retrieved from
Georgia STEM Education Department. n.d. STEM Program Certification rubric for Middle
School. Retrieved from
Gonzalez, B., Heather, Kuenzi, J.J “Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
(STEM) Education: A Primer.” Congressional Research Service, August 1, 2012.
Griffith, L., Amanda, “Persistence of Women and Minorities in STEM Field Majors; Is it the
School that matters?” Economics of Education Review, vol. 29, no. 6 (December
2010) p 911-922.
K-12 STEM Education Overview (2011).Hanover Research. Retrieved from www.
National Research Council. (2013). Next Generation Science Standards For States, By
States. Washington D.C. The National Academies Press.
New York City Department of Education’s Quality Review Rubric. Retrieved from http://
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction STEM Education Schools and Programs
NC STEM Attribute Implementation Rubric. Retrieved from
Texas Education Agency. (2010). T-STEM Design Blueprint Rubric. Retrieved from http://
U.S. Government Accountability Office, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Education: Strategic Planning Needed to Better Manage Overlapping Programs
across Multiple Agencies. (2012). GAO-12-108.
Stevens, K. (2012) What is Transdiciplinary Literacy and Instruction. Retrieved from https://
School-to-Work-Opportunities-Act of 1994.(1994). North Central Regional Educational
Laboratory/ Retrieved from
Transdiciplinary Projects One Contribution to STEM Education. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://
Carmen Fariña, Chancellor

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