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/ɪ/, /i:/, /ʌ/, /ɑ:/

Sound /i:/ /ɪ/

How to make the /i:/ is a long sound. Make /ɪ/ is a short sound. Make
sound your mouth wide, like a your mouth a bit less wide
smile. Your tongue touches than for /i:/. Your tongue is
the sides of your teeth. a bit further back in your
mouth than for /i:/

Sound and /i:/ is usually spelled ee or /ɪ/ is usually spelled i.

spelling ea. It is sometimes spelled ie, It is sometimes spelled u
e or ey or y

Example see, agree, eat, seat, peach, if, listen, miss, busy,
field, these, key business, system

Practice 1. A piece of pizza, please. 1. The dinner is in the

2. Can you see a peach in kitchen.
the ice cream? 2. It’s a picture of me
3. My team agrees to speak swimming.
Chinese in the evening. 3. I listen to the cinema’s
4. Those people like skiing. sound.
5. This magazine is about 4. There’s a big business in
the police’s secret. the building.
5. Fifty six tickets were
Sound /ɑ:/ /ʌ/

How to make the /ɑ:/ is a long sound. Open /ʌ/ is a short sound. Open
sound your mouth wide. your mouth wide.

Sound and /ɑ:/ is usually spelled a or ar /ʌ/ is usually spelled u. It

spelling is sometimes spelled ou
or o.

Example after, ask, answer, glass, bus, colour, come, cup,

tomato, car, bar, card, start front, luck, Monday, sun,

Practice 1. How far is the car park? 1. Good luck with your
2. We went to a large bar. exam next month.
3. The car is full of stars. 2. Take the number one
4. We start in half an hour. bus.
5. The class has to answer 3. I said: “Come on
this question in the Monday”, not “Come on
afternoon. Sunday”.
4. My brother’s studying
in London.
5. The cup is in front of
my mother.

1. Match the words with their correct definitions.
1. a person who is starting to learn something and cannot do it a. beginner
very well yet

2. liked or enjoyed by a large number of people b. friendly

3. having more than a basic knowledge of something but not yet c. study program

4. the system of communication in speech and writing that is d. canteen

used by people of a particular country or area

5. a place where food or drink are served in a factory, a school, etc e. intermediate

6. one of the systems of faith that are based on the belief in the f. religion
existence of a particular god or gods

7. behaving in a kind and pleasant way because you like g. exciting

somebody or want to help them

8. a set of classes h. university

9. causing great interest or excitement i. language

10. an institution at the highest level of education where you j. popular

can study for a degree or do research


1. Choose the correct answer

1. What is Japan ... for?

- It has sushi. The Japanese make it from raw fish.

A. famous B. bad C. safe D. responsible

2. Anna is going to graduate in June and she’s planning to go on … in


A. street B. road C. holiday D. foot

3. Excuse me. I’m here ... Professor Albus. Is he in the office?
- He was out 15 minutes ago. I will call you when he is back.

A. seeing B. saw C. to see D. see

4. It has been 3 days and my head hasn’t got any better.

- Here, try this! It’s ... for your headache.

A. famous B. great C. bad D. possible

5. What is this?
- It is ... a gramophone – an old music player since the 1940s.

A.announced B. told C. said D. called

6. He ... as a chief engineer for 5 years, then he retired.

A. worked B. did C. made D. done


1. Read the conversations and put the verbs in brackets in the correct tenses.

David and Peter just met each other after they had taken the entrance exam and
got accepted to two different universities.

David: Hi Peter! How are you? It’s been 6 months since we last (1)
..................(talk). Where (2) .................. you ..................(study) now?

Peter: Oh I got accepted to Leeds. It was really hard work for me. How about

David: Congratulations! I am studying at Oxford. I intend to enroll in religion

and languages. Are you still interested in Physics?

Peter: Oh yes. I (3) ..................(attend) a Physics course and it is really exciting.

My professor, Sir Alfred Holmes, (4) .................. (be) a friendly and very good
teacher. In fact he is quite popular among physicists.
David: That sounds great! My professor is nice, too. Oh I (5) .................. (hear)
you are registering for a study program for beginners. What is it about?

Peter: It is quantum physics. It is not really a study program, just an

introduction course. There’s another course for intermediate level. I (6)
..................(apply) for an internship at CERN next week.

David: Do you mean the world’s largest scientific research center in France?

Peter: Yes, that’s true.

David: Wow! That is amazing! I do hope you (7) ..................(succeed)!

Peter: Thank you! My university has a fantastic canteen. You should visit

David: Absolutely! I (8) ..................(call) you by then.

Peter: Sure! See you later then.

David: Good bye!

What are the standards for a good university?

● What qualities must the teachers have? (degrees, achievements,

experience, etc.)
● How should its facility be? (classrooms, laboratories, campus, canteen,
● Who should its founder be? (famous? successful? dedicated?)
● How large should the campus be?

Model structures to use:

● In my opinion/I think there are 3 standards for a good university.

● A good university should meet at least 3 standards.
● Firstly, …
● Secondly, …
● …
● Then/Besides,... etc.
● In conclusion/To sum up

1. (Video 1) Watch the video named “Meet the students” and fill in the gaps.

Hello. I’m Elicia. Today I’m in

Brighton. Brighton is in the South of
England. It’s on the coast. It’s a (1)
......................... town. And it’s famous
for the Royal Pavilion, the pier, and the
(2) .......................... But I’m not on (3)
.......................... I’m here to visit an
English language school.
This is the school. It’s a big school with
about 350 students. Rica and Wu are
students at the school. Wu is 23 years
old. He’s from Korea. He’s a (4)
......................... student.

His class is small with only 5 students. His

(5)......................... is Steven. He’s English. He’s
very (6) ........................., and he’s a very good
teacher. Rica is 19 years old. She’s from
Germany. She’s an intermediate student. And
her class is big with 11 students. Her teacher is
Laura. She’s English. She’s really nice. And
she’s a very good teacher too. When Rica and
Wu aren’t in class, they’re in the computer
room, or here, in the (7) ..........................
In the evening, they’re at home. Rica and Wu live in a
student house. It’s near the school. It’s a big house with 5
bedrooms, a (8)........................., and a (9)..........................
Brighton is great for students like Rica and Hyong Wu. The
people are friendly and the town is exciting and

2. (Video 2) Watch the video named “Erasmus” and fill in the gaps.

Hi, I’m Patrick. And I’m a student.

I’m from Canterbury in the UK. At
the moment, I’m studying at the
Erasmus University Rotterdam in
Holland. The (1).........................
opened in 1913. And today it has
over 20.000 students. I’m studying
here for 1 year. The (2) ..............
............................ is called the
Erasmus program. The Erasmus
University and the Erasmus
program. So who was Erasmus?

Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus was born here in Rotterdam in 1466. When he was 9, he
went to school. He studied religion and (3) ......................... like Latin and Greek. His teachers
were excellent. The young Erasmus was very (4) ......................... and he learnt quickly. When
he was 25, he became a Catholic priest.
But he didn’t work as a priest for very long. Instead,
he (5) .........................studying. He went to
universities all over Europe, including Paris, Turin,
and Cambridge. He studied languages and made
and made new (6) .........................of the Bible in Latin
and Greek. He also wrote a lot of books. Erasmus
believed in (7) .........................and understanding.
And his ideas became (8) .........................all over
Europe. He died in Basel, Switzerland in 1536.

Today there are places all over the world with Eramus’s name. For example, there’s the
Erasmus bridge, and there’s Erasmus Medical (9) .......................... Erasmus is a good name
for the program because Erasmus worked and studied all over Europe. And he believed that
people work well when they work (10).......................

3. Answer the following questions with information from the two videos.
1. How many students are there in the English language school?
2. Where are Rica and Wu when they aren’t in class?
3. Why is Brighton great for students like Rica and Wu?
4. What did Erasmus study?
5. What was he famous for?
6. Which places are named after Erasmus?
Write down the answer for the BIG QUESTION: “What are the factors that
make you want to study in your/your dream university?”


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