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DAY 1 (Toeic 550) Designed by Pham Thi Khanh



Choose the best answer to fill lin each blank below:
1. All students are welcome to _______ their
suggestions about ways to improve the 8. Disagreement over the _______ of the
teaching system. design eventually led to a court case.
(A) contribution A. own
(B) contributable B. ownership
(C) contribute C. owning
(D) contributing D. owned

2. American businesses rely on in-time delivery 9. Dr. Viella is best known for her _______
of inventory and components to improve contributions to the field of physics.
_____, reduce times, and trim costs. A. signify
(a) efficient B. significance
(b) efficiency C. significant
(c) efficiently D. significantly
(d) be efficient
10. Efforts were made to _______ train track
across Europe in the late 20th century.
3. At our board meeting, we decided to release A. standard
the funds necessary to redesign all work B. standards
areas to make the office more _______ for C. standardization
staff. D. standardize
(A) comfort
(B) comforters 11. Gift giving is considerred standard amongst
(C) comfortable hosts, and guests should feel no _______ to
(D) comfortably return the favor.
A. oblige
4. Bakerville's historic waterfront _______ B. obliged
C. obliges
thousands of tourists during the summer.
D. obligation
(a) attracts
(b) attraction
(c) attractive
12. If shipping costs are not fully covered,
______ for delivery will be the responsibility
(d) attractiveness of the recipient.
A. pay
5. Bickertons has put in bids for several B. payment
_______ construction contracts as part of its C. paid
urban renewal plan. D. to pay
A. valuably
B. values 13. If you want to take photographs, you will
C. value need to apply for a _______.
D. valuable A. permit
B. permission
6. Both financial advisors recommend investing C. permissible
in pharmaceutical companies, although Paul D. permitting
Laurinen is suggesting a wider _______ of
stocks. 14. In order to maintain its good reputation, the
A. select restaurant does its best to serve the guests
B. selected _______ and in a courteous manner.
C. selection (A) quick
D. selective (B) quicker
(C) quickness
7. Can you _______ me on the best course of (D) quickly
action to take?
A. advisory 15. In times of _______, the price of precious
metals such as gold generally increases
B. advisable
C. advice
(A) prosperity
D. advise

DAY 1 (Toeic 550) Designed by Pham Thi Khanh
(B) prospering (D) completely
(C) prosperous
(D) prosper 24. The _______ of the Board of Directors is
16. It is essential to _______ fully on the scheduled for Monday.
operation of the machinery in order to avoid A. election
accidents. B. elected
A. concentration C. elects
B. concentrating D. electable
C. concentrate
D. concentrates
25. The addition of steel girders was designed to
_______ the roof support beams.
17. Manila branch moved offices _______ after A. strong
months of preparation and planning. B. strongly
(A) ease C. strength
(B) eased D. strengthen
(C) easy
(D) easily 26. The CEO will use her _______ in
determining how the reorganization of the
18. Many environmental analysts recommend company will be conducted.
that nations reduce their _______ on non- A. discretionary
renewable energy sources. B. discrete
A. dependently C. discretely
B. dependence D. discretion
C. dependent
D. depend
27. The guests were amazed by the _______
19. No group meetings are _______ unless statues in the garden
special circumstances call for on-site A. color
evaluations of ongoing projects. B. colorful
A. necessitate C. colors
B. necessarily D. colorfully
C. necessity
D. necessary 28. The project team found it very difficult to hide
their _______ over the rejection.
A. disappoint
20. Owing to the _______ of its marketing team,
B. disappointing
Coast Magazine rose to become the most
read travel magazine this year. C. disappointedly
(A) expand D. disappointment
(B) expanded
(C) expansion 29. The rise in steel prices has resulted in a
(D) expansive _______ increase in our production costs.
A. considerably
B. consideration
21. Plans to _______ the high way from four to C. considerable
six lanes were blocked by the local D. considers
A. wide
30. To enter information on the spreadsheet you
B. width will _______ a cell by clicking on it and then
C. widely type your data.
D. widen A. select
B. selecting
22. Plastics Inc. signed a five-year _______ with C. to select
an American automobile maker to provide all D. selection
of the carmaker's plastic needs.
(A) contract 31. Visitors to this part of facilities must show
(B) contracts proper_______.
(C) contracted A. identify
(D) contracting B. identity
C. identification
23. Prior to getting off the plane, please _______ D. identifying
the in-flight service questionnaire provided
by the flight attendants. 32. We are _______ that the proposal will meet
(A) complete with the approval of all parties concerned.
(B) completion (A) confidence
(C) completed (B) confide

DAY 1 (Toeic 550) Designed by Pham Thi Khanh
(C) confident (D) confidently

DAY 2 (Toeic 550) Designed by Pham Thi Khanh

DAY 2 (Toeic 550) Designed by Pham Thi Khanh
2.1. Learning Vocabulary with word cards
2.2. Reading comprehension

Task 1

DAY 2 (Toeic 550) Designed by Pham Thi Khanh
Task 2

DAY 2 (Toeic 550) Designed by Pham Thi Khanh
Task 3

DAY 2 (Toeic 550) Designed by Pham Thi Khanh
III. TOEIC LISTENING 2: Picture description
3.1. Ask-yourself strategy
In listening to part 1, you should ask yourself when analyzing a photo.
For photos of people, ask your self:
- Who are they? (job, relation, gender)
- Where are they? (pay attention to prepositions of places)
- What are they doing? (the P1 (V-ing) is often used)
- What do they look like? (describe mood, appearance)
For photos of things, ask your self:
You will see photos of things in Part 1. You will hear statements about the thing
that may give information about:
- What are they? (things)
- Where are they? (pay attention to prepositions of places)
- What was done to them? (the P2 (V-ed) is often used)
- What do they look like? (an adjective is often used)
3.2. Where are they?
There is/ there are many signs on the wall
The signs are on the wall
Other examples:
in a basement at a construction site along the roan above the fireplace
in a clinic at home beyond the bridge across the street
in a conference room at the desk/table down the road in front of a window/ armchair
in a store at the drug store from the walkway behind a desk
in an office at the hair salon over the road behind the microphones
in his hand at the podium (bục) through the city between the 2 tables
in his pocket at work through the tunnel between the plate and the cup
in the corner on the bus beside the podium
in the hall on the desk against the wall (dựa vào)
in the street on the roof by the wall
inside the supermarket on top of the cabinet next to a school
in the distance on a stand (giá, kệ) next to one another
on the walkway next to the shelf
on both sides near the sugar bowl
on/to the right close to the bed
on/to the left under the drawer
on his hand under the painting
3.3. What are they doing?
addressing crossing having a pinic paying speaking
analyzing cycling having a discussion playing standing
answering discussing having a meeting pouring studying
boarding disembarking having a party preparing taking photographs
building drawing having a presentation presenting talking
buying driving having a talk printing touching
buying examining holding pulling trying on
checking facing listening relaxing trying out

DAY 2 (Toeic 550) Designed by Pham Thi Khanh
checking in filling in/out looking repairing turning on/off
checking out fixing lying running typing
clapping flying making coffee sailing using
cleaning following moving selling waiting
clearing getting off opening serving walking
closing getting on painting shaking washing
coming getting out of parking showing watching
cooking setting paying sitting writing

3.4. What is being done to them?

being prepared being printed being made being painted being paved
being cut being served being fired is used to being cut
3.3. What do they look like?

are smaller/ lower is open is made of wood are wearing suits

are the same size is locked is on fire is wearing glasses
are all/both the same size is unlocked are reflected in is dressed casually
are different shapes is off is full of car is dressed formally
is a dark colour is on are crowded have a lot of hair
is square/ narrow is full are overcrowded has a handkerchief in her hand
is several stories tall are empty has many trees

DAY 2 (Toeic 550) Designed by Pham Thi Khanh

Now, listen to Track 1. Now, listen to Track 2. Now, listen to Track 3.

Now, listen to Track 4. Now, listen to Track 5. Now, listen to Track 6.

Now, listen to Track 7. Now, listen to Track 8. Now, listen to Track 9.

Now, listen to Track 10. Now, listen to Track 11. Now, listen to Track 12.

DAY 2 (Toeic 550) Designed by Pham Thi Khanh
Track 1 Track 7
a. The man is presenting at today’s seminar. a. These are the successful tools of any business.
b. Please take a seat now. b. Every business person needs to be professional and
c. He is attaching a name tag for the event. organized.
d. He can prepare for a business seminar ahead of time. c. It is time for a meeting.
d. These are some ways to communicate in business.
Track 2
a. She is learning more about her food. Track 8
b. This woman is on a diet. a. This couple is surfing together.
c. She likes the box of cereal. b. They are ready to go surfing.
d. This woman will buy the pasta. c. This married couple is taking a vacation.
d. They need more than one surfboard.
Track 3
a. The woman is ready to speak or listen. Track 9
b. She is taking part in a business meeting. a. She is holding the dog on her lap.
c. She is talking on the telephone. b. She must be careful when picking up the dog.
d. The woman is listening to music while she works. c. She cannot take a picture because she is standing on one leg.
d. She is going to pick some flowers from the window box.
Track 4
a. Friends like to shop together. Track 10
b. They are surprised to have met in the store. a. She is shopping at a grocery store.
c. The sisters like to shop. b. She is asking questions about her food.
d. They like to talk about their purchases. c. The woman is considering grapes at an outdoor market.
d. It is Sunday and the grocery store is closed now.
Track 5
a. The dog will require his rabies vaccination. Track 11
b. Dog bites can happen every day. a. The device is broken.
c. The vet is examining the dog’s head. b. He’s on a flight.
d. Pets make excellent companions. c. They’re waiting for a bus.
d. He spilled the coffee.
Track 6
a. The man is preparing for a meeting. Track 12
b. He is analyzing information. a. She forgot the check.
c. The computer is not working correctly. b. She is ordering dinner.
d. A file has been erased from the hard drive. c. The restaurant is closed.
d. She is paying with a credit card

DAY 2 (Toeic 450) Designed by Nguyen Hong


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