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ISSN: 3033-3512

Journal of Traditional Medicine and

Chinese Medicine

Case Report Open Access

Ayurveda Approach for Adhd Through ‘Medhya, Hridya & Rasayana

(a Case Study)
Avatar Singh and Venkata N Joshi*

College of Ayurveda, UK

According to the centres for disease control and prevention statistics (CDC) reports that ADHD among 3-17 years of age represent to 9.8% population
reaching up to 16% at higher scale of its progression. Children from 0-3 years group of post natal growth and development is also important for the
prevention of syndrome where much improvments are suggesting to the present therapeutic protocols been followed in above traditonal systems of health
and wellness. Based on the given literature in Sanskrit in Ayurveda is an attempt made to bring down the symptoms of agrression and irritability with
poor orientation in contrast to the normal brain body image at chronoogical age to biological. The therapeutics above are connecting from physiological
heart (Hridya) at centre being pleased with qualities of nourishment through live blood assessments indirectly through the sensory functions, skin colour
and complexion and visual acuqity etc, for the effect over Brain (Medhya) through the process known under rejuvenation or renovation (Rasayana) the
same sequence is followed for this case study preventing further progression of the condition is discussed.

*Corresponding author
Venkata N Joshi MD, College of Ayurveda, UK

Received: April 14, 2023; Accepted: April 25, 2023; Published: May 17, 2023

Introduction case study through dietary modulation, life style recommendations,

Conditions in relationship with mental health as above is a growing therapies and herbal intervention in nutshell.
concern for a healthy society. According to many health surveys
the outgrowing mind or mental health issues is a big concern Methods and Means for Evaluation
like pandemic. In order to find alternative means to CBT and weekly reviewing of the patient for four weeks duration is modelled
conventional care in existence, can be an Ayurveda approach adds through case history, constitutional assessment, questionnaire and
on to the significance reduction in incidence control or prevention direct or indirect observations made with recorded presence in
to therapeutic benefits. Among selective patients been reported above centre in south Croydon. Eight fold examinations like
to a herbal clinic in south Croydon, present case has improved pulse readings, urine analysis, stool history, tongue examination,
significantly in four weeks of Ayurveda interventions through sound or vocal testing, touch or palpation where necessary, visual
above approach. In Sanskrit literature and in Ayurveda treatises, information or signs and general bodily assessments like built
Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita & Astanga Hridaya etc, a in or physical frame, age, gender etc for their interpretation for
detailed descriptions for mental health restoration is narrated. therapeutic protocols build on the basis. And also, there are tenfold
For the present case, we have selected a model as above [1,2]. examinations which does cover additional information about
‘MEDHYA’ in Sanskrit does literally relate to that what circumvent born, brought up, migration history, family background or history,
through blood brain barrier. ‘HRIDYA’ being a model work personal history, strength and tolerances to food habits etc.
through from Heart and circulation. ‘RASAYANA’ is that connect
both through Rejuvenation in simple explanation. Observations & Interpretations
Progression of health benefits are observed through behavioural
There in Ayurveda the concept of ‘TRI MARMA’(BRAIN- changes in current case history report for a seven years old boy
HEART-BLADDER) is the trio functional units or control needs in four weeks of total assessment is here under:
for the balance of bodily to mind control. In fact, the gut-brain 1. Shouting and crying or spontaneously aggressive behaviour
axis here is the link to above three vital areas. What is digested, is gradually coming to a state of calmness and improvised
absorbed and circulated through portal to liver and then to heart sleeping patterns.
etc. upwards in to the brain through circulation through blood 2. Interactive and social life in learning at school is observed
brain barrier. Downwards its cleansing or elimination with by the teachers been reported a positive change.
sensory higher brain or cortical control.Permeability through 3. Intimacy with friend and relatives circle is improvised with
several selective transmission or effusion, transfusion, exudate, bondage with mother was first developed positive sign, sitting
osmosis, etc in capillary or arterio-venous anastomoses is the key with her or asking her to sit with him and be with him etc.
for understanding cellular and extra cellular component balances 4. Daily observation made by parents reported to the centre and
are from ‘RASAYANA THERAPIES’. Summarising with applied on weekly visits.
aspects of Ayurveda above principles are executed in this present
J Tradi Med and Chin Med, 2023 Volume 1(2): 1-2
Citation: Avatar Singh, Venkata N Joshi (2023) Ayurveda Approach for Adhd Through ‘Medhya, Hridya & Rasayana (a Case Study). Journal of Traditional Medicine
and Chinese Medicine. SRC/JTMCM-106. DOI:

Summmary of Interpretations Conclusion

As Ayurveda’s first protocols of changes are observed with dietary Above kind of approach is a holistic approach should begin with
based simple formulations been used at first to report as an example food and supplements or preparations from it as tasty combinations
here. Lucknau variety fennel seeds to chew or food preparations for for better palatability and acceptance is the important for growing
gut activities to regulate at the beginning goes in combinations of children. There are several hundreds of suitable recommended
fresh ginger and Himalayan pink salt blends in different fatty acids dietary-based formulations been found in Sanskrit literature of
or lipid profiles selective from sesame, olive, pumpkin, nigella, Ayurveda. Considering a short review of a case history should it be
linseed, coconut etc. Second dietary modulations for example of any interest to develop suitable models for food and nutritional
targeting heart or ‘HRIDYA’ through fresh and dry as applicable evaluation and research projects on the basis for growing children
dietary recipes from Indian gooseberries (AMLA) available in certainly improve and prevent several mental health issues for the
local Asian groceries and vegetable markets along with varieties benefit of mankind.
of pomegranates from middle east countries been selected.
The third being for blood brain barrier according to Ayurveda 1. Charaka samhita, Chowkhambha orientalia Sanskrit series
supplementation is the standard of lipids coming from modification and publications, Varansai India
made for unsalted butter varieties. Among several brands in super com/.
markets to select carefully for spreading aroma or aliphatic 2. Astanga Hridaya, Chowkhambha orientalia, Sanskrit series of
compounds on slow or low heat transformation or cooking in publications, Varanasi, India
fresh betel leaves, fresh moringa leaves and fresh turmeric two
varieties available in market. Curcuma longa and curcuma amada,
Moringa pterygosperma, Piper betel, Emblica officinalis etc.
making to food as medicine basis formulations.

Copyright: ©2023 Venkata N Joshi. This is an open-access article distributed

under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original author and source are credited.

J Tradi Med and Chin Med, 2023 Volume 1(2): 2-2

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