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(Affiliated to Bank Employees Federation of India)

H.Q. 18A Brabourne Road, Kolkata : 700001
Phone :+91 9748149086
e-mail :[email protected]
CIRCULAR NO. 16/2024 21ST June 2024

Dear Comrades,
Discussion at Head Office

On 11th & 12th instant, we had an opportunity to have a meeting with the Authorities of HRMD and subsequently
with the General Manager Shri Sumesh Kumar at the Head Office at Dwarka and the undersigned accompanied
by Secretary Abani Chatterjee & Jt.Secretary Abhijit Sarkar dealt with some important issues of the members
after the implementation of the 12th Bipartite settlement job profiles in our Bank.We placed our views at length
for 2 days on the following issues related to different states ::::

 To revisit the man power planning to provide need based man power at all places so that branches can
cope with the practical difficulties and can discharge their services effectively to bank’s clientele base.
In this compulsive situation workload on every CSA with singular number in most of the branches,
introduction of so many duties associated with arduous increase in Passing powers will put inhuman
incumbrance in the branches.In this circumstances the present man power exists in the branches are
totally mismatched with the new Job profiles introduced in the 12 th bipartite settlement for CSAs.
 Our Bank is suffering from the acute shortage of Man power reduced substantially in different branches
minus any mathematical basis including that of Subordinate staff also. After the 12th Bipartite
implemented with the revised job profile of CSAs,we demanded the fresh recruitment is very much
necessary to maintain the kudos of our Bank so far as the smooth customer service are concern.

 In most of the branches the Branch Heads are urbitrarily running the branches with single cash counter
without having any single window counter in spite of having 2/3 clerks in the branch in addition to H/C
hampering the smooth customer service heavily.We demanded for introducing the Dedicated cash
counter in every branch in addition to H/C counter after the introduction of non sensible job profile in
12th Bipartite settlement.

 Filling up for vacancies for subordinate staffs & PTSs in different branches. Position is very much
alarming so far as the acute shortage of sub staffs in branches are concern.

 Violation of Transfer guidelines for workmen staffs as mentioned in HRMD Circular no. 494/2020 on many
occasions by different Cos in the different part of the country.

 In case of transfer application within the same circle the employees have no option but to apply for one
branch only. We demanded for revisit on this method and there should be an opportunity to apply in at
least three branches for an employee in the HRMS window.

 On the subject of Gold Loans and the retaintion of the same, recently several Branch Heads in some
circles particularly in Chennai & West Bengal have been trying to issuing some instructions to the Head
Cashiers of the respective branches which are enough contrary to the Bank guidelines, vide RAD
Consolidated Circular no. 100/2022 dated 30.08.2022.We demanded for taking some urgent steps so
that the Branch Heads of the respective circles to comply with the Bank`s mentioned Circular regarding
making the arrangements of separate Safe for preserving the Golds & keeping the Keys of that safe
under Joint Custodian as per Bank`s guidelines.
 Filling up of Special Allowance carrying posts in different branches in Kolkata town in West Bengal lying
vacant despite specific bank guidelines as a result which the senior employees are being deprived for
getting Special Allowances which is to be reconed for Superannuation benefits.

 Unnecessary harassment to the employees by the Branch Heads by denying leave even 1 day casual leave
also without any valid reason.

 Non payment of Officiating /Pro-rata allowances for the post of Senior Office Assistants( Daftary) in
different circles without any valid reasons.

 We demanded to take immediate steps to resolve the pending proposals for Compassionate appointments
lying at HO till date.

 We raised some gross irregularities committed from the part of the Management in various circles in the
State of West Bengal so far as the Disciplinary proceedings are concern.

The authorities of HRMD at Head Office assured us to redress the above mentioned issues with a positive note.
The meeting was concluded after Shri Sumesh Kumar,GM,HRMD met with us and some broad issues were
discussed with him having with cordial approach and we also submitted a memorandum to him on behalf of our
Federation. The meeting has been meaningful and we hope positive outcome. In case, however, it is otherwise
we will have to move organizationally depend upon future developments.

We reproduce hereunder the copy of the Memorandum submitted to General Manager,HRMD Shri Sumesh Kumar
on behalf of our federation for your information.

With greetings,

Comradely yours,

(Srijit Sengupta)
General Secretary
( Text of the memorandum submitted to GM,HRMD from PNBEFI)
We invite your kind attention on the above matter, which is serious in nature and your intervention is very
much necessary so far as the post implementation continuity of the 12th Bipartite Settlement in our Bank are
concern. The synopsis is as under:
 That in the name of changing economic scenario and Stiff competition,expanding duties of Clerical staff
have been introduced from 1st instant. In this compulsive situation workload on every CSA with singular
number in most of the branches, introduction of so many duties associated with arduous increase in
Passing powers will put inhuman incumbrance in the branches.In this circumstances the serious review
of Man power planning in the branches is urgently necessary.Recent allotment of Clerical staffs from
the IBPS in all over the country is not even close to necessary at all.

 That in the revised job profile of CSA(cash),the passing powers have been jumped to double,triple and
somewhere more than that.In most of the branches the Branch authorities are urbitrarily running the
branches with single cash counter hampering the smooth customer service heavily. Now as per the
present settlement, the dedicated and exclusive cash counters in the branches must be introduced over
and above the Senior CSA (cash) counters and Banks need to move away immediately from the concept
of having only one cash counter in branches otherwise the Customer services in the branches will
graphically decrease day by day.


 That in the post mega merger scenario in PNB 2.0 especially in big cities like Kolkata & others where
more than one circle are exists in a Town/area, the special allowance related posts as Head cashiers
(Senior CSA,Cash) and Daftary ( Senior Office Assistant) are lying vacant since

 merger even though we have requested the Head Office authorities several times earlier to intervene
into this matter. In addition to that so many Town/cities are there like Chennai, Coimbatore, Trichy,Patna
& others till today where the long pending Special allowances vacancies are not being filled up yet. After
the implementation of the 12th Bipartite settlement, there may be a chaotic situation in those above
mentioned branches where the Special pay vacancies are still exists and for which the responsibility will
be arrayed entirely on the respective Circle authorities.


 Our Bank is suffering from the acute shortage of Man power reduced substantially in different branches
minus any mathematical basis including that of Subordinate staff also.After the 12th Bipartite
implemented with the revised job profile of CSAs,the fresh recruitment is very much necessary to
maintain the kudos of our Bank so far as the smooth customer service are concern.

In this present scenario the employees are working with tremendous pressure and under the excruciating
circumstances in the branches.The basic working infrastructure is absolutely needed in the branches for
rendering smooth customer service after the implementation of the 12th Biparttite settlement in the industry.
We, therefore, earnestly request you to intervene into the matter to review the man power planning urgently to
provide the need based man power consistent to the latest job profiles and making arrangement for fresh
recruitment in our Bank and to filled up the vacant Special Allowance carrying posts at all places otherwise
customer services will be dilapidated in the coming days in our Bank.
Your favourable action in the matter is solicited.



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