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NUMS,UHS, NTS & other Higher Tests


Assistant Comissioner
Sir. Naseer Abbas

Written By:
Izat ullah wazir
Gifted to Sir NASEER ABBAS sahab and all his students from IZAT ULLAH WAZIR

Unique Grammar
QUALITY CAOCHING ACADEMY PESHAWAR Opposite Islamia College Gate# 2, near Ups school Wahid Abad, Peshawar, 25000

Email:[email protected], [email protected] Phone: (091) 5601624.


Special Grammar by SIR NASEER ABBAS SAHAB Assistant Commissioner Peshawar

Grammar consists of two types:

• Theoretical perspective

• Practical perspective

Theoretical perspective consists of definitions and theory like; Define Adjective, Adverb, Noun, Pronoun etc.

Practical perspective of grammar consists of Usage of grammar like; ETEA, NMDCAT, NTS, EXAM MCQS etc.


AND is used when there are positive or negative cases, qualities or disabilities.

AND: [+, +/-, -]

Example: He is intelligent ____________hardworking. (And, but)

He is stupid ___________ill behaved. (And, but)

BUT: is used when there are positive negative or negative positive aspects (qualities, cases, abilities).

BUT: [+,-/-, +]

Example: He is stupid____________ well behaved. (But, and)

She is intelligent ________ ill behaved. (But, and)

Usage of WITH and TO

WITH: is used with living things. When there is a comparison of living things we will use WITH between

Example: Compare Zahab khan__________ Amir Khan. (With, to)

TO: Is used with non living things. When there is comparison of a living and non living thing/non living
to non living we will use to between them.

Example: Compare Jack __________ a stone. (With, to)

Usage of Nearby and Near.

Near: is used with two places. When there are two places compared or discussed in a
sentences, then we will use Near between them.

Example: Islamia College is _________ QCA. (Near, Nearby)

Peshawar is __________ Islamabad. (Near, Nearby)

Nearby: is used when there is only one place discussed in a sentence.

Example: Quality Coaching Academy is _________. (Nearby, Near)

Danish Abad is ____________. (Near, Nearby)


• Conditional sentences

• Voices

• Narration

• Parts of speech

• Tenses

• Vocabulary

• Two words If and When is used in conditional sentences.

• It consists of two parts. Cause and effect/reason and result

• Mainly conditionals sentences are of two types. Real and Unreal.

• Real conditionals Consists of Zero and 1st condition

• Unreal conditional consists of 2nd and 3rd conditionals

• We will use comma if cause/reason is before the effect/result in a sentence and
if cause/reason is after the effect/result than we will not use comma between

Eg: if I see him, I will inform him.

I will inform him If I see him.

Types of conditionals
• Real conditional Sentences

• Unreal conditional sentences

A real conditional sentence consists of two types.

Zero conditional sentences and 1st conditional sentence

A real conditional sentence can be observed in real life.

Zero conditional sentences

Usage: Universal truth, scientific truth (100 % results when it occurs)

E.g. When the sun rises, light spreads.

Structure: if/when+ present indefinite + present indefinite(s, es)

Cause/reason + effect/result

E.g.1. when it rains, ___________________________

• Soil gets wet.

• Soil will get wet.

• Soil would get wet.

• Soil will get wet.

2. When the sun sets, ___________________________

• night started

• night has started

• night starts
3. If you press the button, _______________________________

• a machine starts

• a machine started

• a machine has started

• a machine will start

1st conditionals sentences

Usage: probable actions (70 % chances to occur)

E.g. If I see him, I will inform him.

Structure: if/when+ present indefinite+ will, shall, may, can, going to, + V1+ (future indefinite).

• When I receive call, _____________________________

• I say Assalam-o-Allikum

• I will say Assalam-o-Allikum

• I would say Assalam-o-Allikum

• I might say Assalam-o-Allikum

• When she reaches home, _____________________________

• She may go her room directly.

• She would go her room directly

• She goes to her room directly

• She would have gone to room directly

• He will clean the board ______________________________

• When the teacher will enter into class

• When the teacher enters into the class

• When the teacher would enter the room

• When the teacher shall left the class.

• I am going to buy new books_______________________

• When I go to the market.

• When I went to market

• When I shall go to the market

• When I would go to the market

Unreal conditionals sentences

Unreal sentences consists of two types

• 2nd conditional sentences

• 3rd conditional sentences

2nd conditional sentences

Usage: Improbable actions [0 % chances to be occurring]

Note: when is not used in 2nd and 3rd conditional sentences (unreal
E.g. if I were a bird, I would fly high.

Structure: if + past indefinite tense + would, could, should, might, must, ought to + v1

Exception: Instead of was we can use were → (If, would that, as If, as though) is

• E.g. If I were you, __________________________

• I forgive him

• I will forgive him

• I would forgive him

• I shall forgiven him

• I would not feel anything_________________________

• If I was a stone

• If I were a stone

• If I would a stone

• If I would have been a stone

• If she won prize, __________________________

• She give me a gift

• She will give me a gift

• She may give a gift

• She would give me a gift

3rd conditional sentences

Usage: Past regret (0%)

If I had given him money, he would have taken admission.

Structure: if + past perfect tense + would have, could have, should have, might have, must have,
ought to + v3

Cause= had + v3

Note: when be/have is used after modal verbs we will always use 3rd form of verb.

• If he had studied hard, ____________________________

• He qualified the test

• He qualify the test

• He would have qualified the test

• He will have qualify

• He would have bought a new car_______________________

• If he has save money

• If he had saved money

• If he would saved money

• If I had money, ___________________________________

• I buy new books

• I will buy new books

• I would buy new books

• I would have bought new books.

Note: Incase of no verb is used with had it will be considered as 2nd conditional.


Rules for active and passive voices

Subject: The doer of an action

Object: The receiver of an action
Verb: Express an action
• Identification (s + v+ o)

• Subject → object

• Object → subject

• Put by before the subject

• Use 3rd form of verb

• Change of tense


He wrote a novel. A novel was written by him.

He has cleaned her room. Her room has been cleaned by him.
They will win the match. The match will be won by them.
She has washed the clothes. The clothes have been washed by her.
Change of pronouns

Subject pronouns Object pronouns

1.I Me
2. We Us
3. you You
4.He Him
5. She Her
6.. They Them
7.. It It
• I called him.→ He was called by me.

• We stopped them. → They were stopped by us.

Home task:

• She has captured the a picture. → A picture has been captured by her.

• Father has beaten him. → He has been beaten by his father.

• He has broken the chair. → A chair has been broken by him.

• You have knocked the door. → The door has been knocked by you.

• Zahab has locked his room. → His room has been locked by Zahab.

Tense markers / Identification

Tense Present Past future

Indefinite Do, does Did, (2nd Will, shall
Continue Is, am, are Was, were Will be, shall be
Perfect Has, have Had Will have, shall
Perfect Has been, Had been Will have been,
continues have been shall have been
Arrow down technique is used
Present tense conversion

• present indefinite → present continues

• Present continues → present continues+ being

• Present perfect → present perfect continues tense.

Past tense conversion

• Past indefinite tense → past continues tense

• Past continues tense → past continues tense+ being

• Past perfect tense → past perfect continues tense

Future tense conversion

• Future indefinite tense → future continues tense

• Future continues tense → No change

• Future perfect tense → future perfect continues tense

Examples: He plays tennis → Tennis is played by him

They smoke cigarette. → Cigarette is smoked by them.

He is coming. → No change because no object.

10 Tenses Are Those Who Cannot Make Their Sentences Without Tense Makers
Only Two Are: Present And Past Indefinite Tenses.

I buy a book.
I bought a book.
I will buy a book.
I inform the teacher..
They will arrange a party.
Zahab has broken the records.
I have played cricket.
She has invited some guests.
They had sent many gifts.
He has cleaned the room.
Is he writing her hometask?
Mahi is writing a book.
He will play guiter.
I invited Ambreen.

Modal verbs

List No:01 List No:02 List No: 03 List No: 04

Can Can be Could have Could have been

May Might be Might be Might have

Could Could have Could have Could have been

should Should be Must have Must have been

Would Would be Would have Would have been

Ought to Ought to be Ought to have Ought to have been

Must Must be Must have Must have been

Verb 1st form 3rd form of verb 3rd form of verb 3rd form of verb

List No: 01

He may come

She may play

They must go to school

We should write
Zahab may call her

List No: 02,03,04

Always 3rd form of verb with the list 02,03,04 modal verbs

Active to passive voices of modal verbs

1. I can read novels. Novels can be read by me.

• He might play cricket. Cricket might be played by him.

• She must have served the guests. The guests must have been served by her.

• They could have cleaned the room. The room could have been cleaned by her.

• Zahab can edit videos. Videos can be edited by Zahab.

• Samad should prepared the test. Test should be prepared by samad.

• Zohaib should have brought some tea. Tea should have been brought by Zohaib.

• I would help them. They would be helped by me.

• He is in the class

• She came late

• He runs fast NO CHANGE BECAUSE OF PATAP present in these sentences

• He is fast

• I wrote in copy

PATAP stands for:

• place expression

• Adjective

• Time

• Adverb

• preposition

• He wrote a story in classroom.

• A story was written by him in class.

• I play cricket in the ground.

• Cricket was played by me in the ground.

• She cleans her room very quickly.

• Her room is cleaned by her very quickly.

• She wrote examples in the notebook.

• Examples were written by her in the note book.

Exceptions in Active and passive voices

Instead of by we can use the following words in some cases

List no : 01 List no: 02 List no :03 List no :04

Astonished +at Covered +with interested+in Know + to

Annoyed +at Crowded +with contained+in Married+to

Agitated +at disgusted+with Consists+in

Alarmed +at lined+with

Disappointed+at overgrown+with

Displaced +at thronged+with

Rejoiced +at pleased+with

Vexed +at Filled+with


• His presence astonished me.

• I was astonished at his presence.

• The result disappointed them.

• They were disappointed at the result.

• Snow has covered the hills.

• The hills have been covered with snow.

• Water fills the tub.

• The tub is filled with water.

• This bottle contains milk.

• Milk is contained in this bottle.

• Zahab married Mahi.

• Mahi was married to Zahab.

• I know him.

• He is known to me.

• Hajra married Amir.

• Amir was married to Hajra.

Imperative sentences
In imperative sentences LOB3 formula is used

• LOB3 stands for: Let, object, be, verb 3rd form

Note: imperative sentences always starts with 1st form of verb


Call the teacher.

Let the teacher be called.

Stop the car.

Let the car be stopped.

Exceptions: move, start (no object is present)

Formula: you are(suitable words+v3) + to____________


You are ordered to move.


You are requested to start.

In negative sentences NOT is used between OBJECT and BE

• Don’t create disturbance.

• Let the disturbance not be created.

• Don’t tease him.

• Let he not be teased.

• Don’t talk.

• You are ordered not to talk.

• Invite the guests.

• Let the guests should be invited.

• Don’t talk.

• You are forbidden to talk.

Interrogative sentences

There are three ways to make interrogative sentences

Who+AV(auxalliry verbs)+ MV(main verb)+? to By whom+AV+object+v3+?

• Who is knocking the door?

• By whom the door is knocked?

• Who has written the letter?

• By whom has the letter been written?

• Whom did you invite?

• Who was invited by you? (who+AV+MV+by+subject)

• Whom has the principal awarded?

• Who has been awarded by the principal?

• [When, why, how, what]

• When + object+ MV+by+sub+?

• When will they announce the result?

• When will the result be announced by them?

• Why do you create disturbance?

• Why is disturbance created by you?

• Is samad creating disturbance?

• Is disturbance being created by samad?

• Have you qualified the test?

• Has the test been qualified by you?

Sentence with two objects

Gul khan sent a gift to Gul mina.

Non-living living obj

A gift was sent to Gul mina by Gul khan.

Gul mina was sent a gift by Gul khan.

He gave him a certificate.

Living obj non-living obj

She was given a certificate by him.

A certificate was given him by her.


Narration: saying

It has two basic types

• DIRCT: without change

• INDIRCT: with changing

He said,” ………………………..” …………….”I am coming”

Reporting speech reported speech

• Reporting verb reported verb

[“..………….“] direct speech [………………….“ “] indirect

Reporting speech: The part of the sentence which is giving information

• Reported speech: The information part of the sentence which is enclosed in the inverted

Rules/steps of narration=Identification

Identification of reporting and reported speech

• Removal of inverted commas

• Put that in place of the inverted commas

• The starting of the reported speech should be made small

• Change of pronouns

• Change of tense

• Change of certain words

Changes of pronouns

SON :- formula is used

Persons pronouns SON formula

1st person I ,we 1st person according to the subject

2nd person you 2nd person according to the object

3rd person He ,she,they, it 3rd person will no change


• He said, “I am coming”

• He said that he was coming.

• They said,” we are playing”

• They said that they were playing

• Zahab said,” I am coming”

• Zahab said that he was coming.

• The players said,” we have some demands”

• The players said that they have some demands.

• He said to me,” you are late”

• He said that I was late.

• He said to them, ”You are intelligent”

• He said to them that they were intelligent

• I said,” He is playing”

• I said that he was playing.

• I said,” She is writing”

• I said that she was playing.

• We said,” It is raining”
• I said that it was raining.


There are three types of situation

He says,” she is coming” [reporting speech is in present tense]

He says that she is coming.

He said,” The sun is a star” [reporting speech is in past tense]

He said that the sun is a star.

They will say,” We are playing” [reporting speech is in future tense]

They will say that they are playing.

Present Past Future

Indefinite Do, does Did Will, shall

Continues Is,am are Was,were Will have, shall


Perfect Has, have Had Will have, shall


Perfect continues Have been, has Had been Will have been,shall
been have been

Tense markers

Horizontal arrow technique is used in narrations to convert a tense.

He said,” I play tennis”

He said that he was playing.

He said,” I am playing soccer”

He said that he was playing soccer.

She said,” He has been playing chess”

She said that he had been playing chess.

She said,” They were reading”

She said that they had been reading.

We said,” It has been raining”

We said that it had been raining.

Zahab said,” I completed it”

Zahab said that he had completed it.

Mahi said,” I had completed it”

Mahi said that she had completed it.

Ambreen said,” I had been completing it”

Ambreen said that she had been completing it.

They said,” She will come”

They said that she would come.

We said,” He will be reading”

We said that he would be reading.

He said,” We shall have been doing it”

He said that they should have been doing.

He said,” I shall have done it”

He said that he would have done it.

They said, “We shall have been doing it”

They said that they should have been doing it

He said to me,” you will come”

He said to me that I should come

Modal verbs
Can Could

May Might

Must Must/had to

Could,would,should,might,ought to No change


He said,” She may come”.

He said that she might come.

Zahab said,” I might arrange a party”.

Zahab said that he might arrange a party.

Amir said,” I must kill the snake”.

Amir said that he must kill the snake.

He said,” Madam I am coming”.

He said respectfully he was coming.

She said,” Sir has reached in the class”.

She said respectfully he had reached in the class.

Note: Sir, Madam ======>into====> respectfully

She said,” Sir they are playing tennis”.

She said respectfully that they were playing.

He said;” Yes I am coming”.

He said that he was coming.

She said,” Well I will inform them”.

She said that she would inform them.

Omitted words or words to be omitted

Yes He said,” yes I am coming” He said that he was coming.







Well She said,”Well I will handle him” She said that she would handle

Good morning He said,”Good morning” He greeted.

Good noon She said,” Good noon” She greeted

Good afternoon They said,” good afternoon everyone”

Good evening I said,” Good evening” I greeted

No change may occur to convert into indirect

Good night He said,”Good night” He said good night

Good bye Mother said to me,” Good bye” Mother said good bye to me.

Farewell They said,” Farewell” They said farewell

He said,” I am sorry” ======>>>>> He apologized

Imperative sentences
The sentences in which an order, command, advice and suggestion is given.

The teacher said to me,” Get out of the class”.

The teacher ordered me to get out of the class.

Father said, “Always speak the truth”.

Father advised to speak the truth.

He said to me,” Respect elders”.

He ordered me to respect elders.

He said,” Kindly forgive me”

He requested to forgive him.

He said,” Please help them”

He requested to help them.

The teacher said, “Don’t create disturbance”.

The teacher ordered not to create disturbance.

Mother said,” Don’t spit on the floor”

Mother forbade to spit on the floor.

He said to his friend,” Stand up”

He told his friend to stand up.

I said to the shopkeeper,” Give toffees to me”

I asked the shopkeeper to give toffees to me.

He said,” Let us go outside”

He suggested to go outside.

I said,” Let us write a letter”

I suggested writing a letter.

The commander said,” Stay in line”

The commander commanded to stay in line.

Interrogative sentences
The sentences in which a question is asked or something is to be demanded.

• In this type of sentences SAID is changed into ASKED, WANTED TO KNOW, INQUIRED

He said to me,” Where are you going?”

He asked me where I was going.

Note: whenever an interrogative direct sentence is converted into indirect (?) question
mark is changed into full stop.(.)

She said to me, “What is your name?”

She inquired to me what my name was.

He said,” Are they coming?”

He wanted to know if they were coming.

She said, “Is it easy?”

She interrogated whether it was easy.

He said,” Is it good?”

He asked if it was good.

He said,” Is it good or bad?”

He asked if it was good or bad.

Optative sentences

Those sentences, in which we express, wish, desire, pray and sorrow.

• In these type of SAID is converted into WISHED, PRAYED, DESIRED.

Mother said,” May you live long”

Mother prayed that I might live long.

Note: might will be after pronoun.

The teacher said,” May they qualify the test”

The teacher wished that they might qualify the test.

The old man said,” Would that I were a young boy”

The old man said that he had been a young boy.

She said,” would that they were present”

She wished that they had been present.

He said,” Would that she had passed the test”

He wished that she had passed the test.

I said,” Would that he had worked hard”

I desired that he had worked hard.

Exclamatory sentences

The sentences in which happiness, joy or sorrow is expressed.

In these type of sentences said is converted into exclaimed with joy.

She said,” Hurrah! I have passed the test”.

She exclaimed with joy that she has passed the test.

He said,” Oh Yea! He has topped the class”.

He exclaimed with joy that he had topped the class.

The poor man said,” I have no money”.

The poor man exclaimed with sorrow that he had no money.

Note: WHAT , HOW ] + verb = interrogative pronoun

What is your name? How is it?

Note: WHAT , HOW ]……………..verb(verb is used at last)= interrogative adjective

How dark the night is. How tall the mountains are.
The captain said,” What! a shot it will be”

The captain exclaimed with joy or surprise that it would be a great shot.

The climber said,”How! tall the mountains are”

The climber exclaimed with wonder that the mountains were very tall.

The girl said,” Oh God! The house is burning”.

The girl exclaimed with fear that the house was burning.

The child said,” How! Dark the night is”.

The child exclaimed with fear that the night was very dark.

Change of certain words

This That

These Those

Here There

Now Then

Today That day

Tonight That night

Tomorrow The next day, the following day

Yesterday Last day, previous day, the day before

Hence Thence

Ago Before


He said,” This is a book.”

He said that that was a book.

He said, “This is a new book.”

He said that the book was new.

She said,” This is my bag”

She said that that was my bag.

They said,” This bag is white”

They said the bag was white.

Note: if verb is used just after the THIS it will be a DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUN. If noun is
used just after THIS it will be DEMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVE.

CASE 1: DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUN this will be changed into THAT

CASE 2: DEMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVE this will be changed into THE.

He said,” These are good boys”

He said that those were good boys.

She said,”This is an interesting topic”

She said that that was an interesting topic.

Javeria said,”This topic is an interesting”

Javeria said that the topic was interesting.

Zahab said,” She is coming today”

Zahab said that she was that day.

She said,” Now I am going to school”

She said that then she was going to school.

Parts of speech
The division of words on the basis of their function in a sentence in known as parts of speech.

Two types of questions may be asked from parts of speech.


• Identification


He is a boy. Here he(pronoun) is (verb) a(article) boy(noun).

Which way is right? Here which works as interrogative adjective

Which is the right way? Here which works as an interrogative pronoun

I bought a book which is new. Here which works as a Relative pronoun

Its usage depends upon their function in a sentence.

He has not arrived yet. Here yet works as an adjective

Although he is poor yet he is honest. Here yet works as conjunction.

Usage of SOME and ANY.

SOME will be used with >>>>>>>Positive aspects

ANY will be used with >>>>>>>> Negative and Interrogative aspects

I need___________ books. (some, any)

I don’t need__________books. (some, any)

Do I need ____________ books. (some, any)

Usage of MANY and MUCH.

MANY: is used with countable noun

MUCH: is used with uncountable noun.

I need __________books. (many, much).

I need_______sugar. (many, much).

A. Noun

B. Pronoun

C. Verb

D. Adverb

E. Adjective

F. Articles

G. Preposition

H. Interjection

I. Conjunction

Any naming word is called Noun. It may be the name of a person, place, thing and idea.

• Person: Zahab khan, Aiman, Haseena, Mahi etc

• Animal: cow, bird, tiger

• Place: Pakistan, Peshawar, Waziristan, Chishtian.

• Thing: Marker, board, laptop, pen

• Idea: Two nation theory, big bang theory

Types of Noun

Proper noun Common noun

Individual / Group • Individual • Group

• Ali is a boy • Ali is a boy

Plural / singular • Singular • Plural

• Peshawar is a city • UK has many cities

Articles × cannot be used • Can be used

×He is a Imran • She is a girl

× The Zahab is playing • I need the book

Capital letters/ small Always use capital Use small letters

letters In case of start of a sentence

Examples: Zahab is a doctor Hina is my friend

Waziristan is a beautiful area He is going to school

Exceptions: Due to quantifiers (many, much, numbers) we can make the plural form of
proper noun.


• There are many Haseens in the class.

• There are four Hinas in the class.

Case 2: when two proper nouns are compared (Article will be used with the second

• Haseena is the Sherbanu of Pashto literature.

• Khan is the Ragu of QCA.

• Ghani khan is the John Keats of Pashto language.

• Zahab is the Sheikh Atif of the class.

Material and Concrete noun

Material Concrete Noun


Can be seen YES YES

Can be touched YES YES

Can be shown to others YES YES

Other things can be formed YES NO

Articles NO YES

Plural NO YES


1. I need a wood (×) 2. I need a chair

2. I need a plastic (×) 3. I need a plastic table.

4. I need waters (×) 5. I want woods. (×)

Concrete noun and abstract noun

Concrete noun Abstract noun

Can be seen Yes No

Can be touched Yes No

Can be shown to others Yes No

Can be felt Yes Yes

Plural Yes No (sometime)

Shadows, ghosts, souls etc

Articles Yes No
For example:

A love is a part of life (×)

The hate was shown (×).

The ghosts were disappeared at once. (×)

Countable and uncountable

Countable Noun Uncountable Noun

Can be seen Yes No

Can be counted on finger Yes No


Articles Yes No

Plural Yes No

Many will be used Much will be used

Many and Much

Examples: I need a marker.

I need a sugar. (×)

• Tables , computers, boards

• Waters, rices (×)

He brought many books. (Many, much)

He bought much sugar. (Many, much)

• All liquids are uncountable noun

• Gases are uncountable noun

• Substances with many small particles are uncountable noun.

Possessive case of noun
Apostrophe is used in this case.


Ali car is new

• Ali and wali`s cars is new.

• Ali`s and wali`s car are new.

• Sudais` car is new. (no apostrophe is used due to S at the last)

• The chair`s leg is broken. (is wrong) due to (apostrophe is only used with the living

• Samad, Imran, Abd ullah and Zahab`s house is marvelous.

• Samad`s, Imran`s, Abd ullah and Zahab`s houses are big.

Examples: Keat`s poetry is interesting.

Zahab`s writing is fantastic.

Possessive case of nonliving things.

We will use the word OF before the thing.

Examples: leg of the chair is broken.

Screen of the laptop is black.

Pages of the book is torn.

Genders of the noun

Masculine [male, boy, man]

Feminine [female, girl, woman]

Neuter [non living things eg. Board, class, pen]

Common gender [both male and female eg. Doctor, teacher]


A boy is coming._________ is a student. A) he b) she c) they d) it

• A girl is going to school. _______ is good girl. A) she B) he c) they d) it

• I bought a pen. ______ is made up of plastic. A) it b) he c) its d) none

Exception cases

Natural things which are powerful, destructive, damaging (they will be considered as
Masculine gender).

The sun has spread __________ light.

His b. its c. her d. none

Hate has shown ____________ power.

Its b. his c. her d. none

Storm has spread _____________destruction.

Its b. her c. his d. none

Pakistan is a Muslim atomic country.___________ has five provinces.

She b. he c. it d. they

Case no: 02

Natural things that are (fragile,constructive, beautiful, freshness) will be considered as

The moon has revealed_____________ beauty.

His b. her c. its d. none

2. Breeze has spread___________ freshness.

His b. her c. its d. none

The Titanic was a ship. ___________drowned in the sea.

She b. he c. his d. none

He hits the ball. _______________is moving towards the boundary.

He b. she c. it D. they

In place: Pronoun are the words which are using instead or in place of noun.

• To avoid repetition

Types of Pronoun

• Subject pronoun

• Object pronoun

Note: if [pronoun] is used before the verb will be considered as subjective pronoun

If [pronoun] is used after the verb will be considered as objective pronoun.

Subject pronoun Use Object pronoun

I Both Me

We Both Us

You Both You

He Male Him

She Female Her

It Neuter It

They Both Them

Reflexive and Emphatic pronoun

Self: Singular

Salves: plural

If Myself/ourselves etc are used before verb it will be= Emphatic Pronoun

If Myself/ourselves etc are used after verb it will be= Reflexive Pronoun

Subject pronoun Reflexive/Emphatic pronoun

I Myself/myself

We Ourselves

You Yourselves

He Himself

She Herself

It Itself

They Themselves


I did it myself. (RP) 2. I myself did it. (EP)

They themselves played the game.(RP) 3. They played the game themselves. (EP)

He did it________________

Herself b. himself c. himselves d. none

I _____________did it.

Myselves b. myself c. himself d. itself

I served the guests______________

My self b. myself c. itself d. myselves

She has completed her task___________________

Herslves b. her self c. herself d. himself

Possessive Pronoun/Possessive Adjective

Possessive pronoun Possessive Adjective

It shows temporary ownership It shows permanent ownership

Mine My

Ours Our

Yours Your

His His

Hers Her

Its Its

Theirs Their


it is mine

• This is yours

• Yours obediently

Note: Apostrophe is not used in Possessive Pronoun/Adjective

This is my car.

This car is mine.

This is my friend Mahi.

Relative Pronoun


• Who,Whom,Whose [human beings ]

• Which [animal]

• That [non Living things]


I met Zahab______________is my best friend. [who, whom, whose,that]

He met Aslam_____________he appreciated a lot. [who, whom, whose, which]

She saw Zabih______________is a teacher. [who, whom, whose, that]

I bought a cat____________is expensive. [which, that, who, whose]

She bought a book_____________is precious. [that, which, who, whom]

Indefinite pronoun

There is no space between the Indefinite pronouns except (No One).

Someone Anybody Everyone Nobody

Somebody Anyone Everybody No one(space

between )

Something Anything Everything One


Someone is coming

Everybody has gone to school

Anyone of you can tell me the address

Nobody is absent today.

Reciprocal pronoun

Space is present between Reciprocal Pronouns

Each other Used for two persons

One another Used for more than two persons

The teacher and the student looked at_____________

Each other 2. Eachother 3. one another 4. oneanother

The teacher and the students looked at _________________

Each other 2. Eachother 3. one another 4. oneanother

The captain and coach discussed the the issue with______________

Each other 2. Eachother 3. one another 4. oneanother

The captain and the players discussed the issue with_________________

Each other 2. Eachother 3. one another 4. oneanother

Demonstrative pronoun

This Singular and near These Plural and far

That Singular and near Those Plural and far


This is marker

These are markers

These are chairs.

This is my laptop

Demonstrative Pronoun

When verb is used directly after [this, that, these,those] it will be demonstrative pronoun

This, That, These, Those + verb= dem. Pronoun

when noun is used just after the [this, that, these,these] it will be demonstrative adjective

This, That, These, Those + verb= Dem. Adjective


This is a chair
This chair is mine

That is a good book

That book is good.

These are good questions

The questions are good.

Interrogative pronoun

Interrogative Pronoun Relative pronoun Interrogative Exclamatory Adj.


Who Who Which How

Whose Whom What What

Whom Whom

When Whose

Why Which




Interrogative Pronoun








+ verb= Interrogative Pronoun
When it comes in the start of a sentence and verb is used after it. Than it will be considered
as Interrogative Pronoun







When it comes in the middle of a sentence it will be Relative Pronoun




When noun is used just after [which, what] it will be adjective




When[how, what] comes in the start of a sentence and verb is used at the last of the sentence(!).

I saw Zahab khan who was writing a letter.

Who is coming?

When will they reach here?

Which is the right way?

Which way is right?

Which class is yours?

What! A book it is.

How! Nice a man Zahab is.

What! A beautiful car it is.

Subject verb Agreement

There are many rules for subject verb agreement.

Singular noun takes singular verb

Plural verb takes plural verb

Two nouns connected by `and` take plural verb

Two nouns connected by `and` and referring to a singular person/thing take singular verb.

Two nouns are connected by`and` but qualified by `each` every` take singular verb.


A boy and a girl are talking.

Each boy and girl is talking.

Note: Each, Every comes in the start of sentence of a sentence we will use singular verb.

Eg: Each boy and man is responsible of himself.

Every boy and girl knows very well about this issue.
A boy is coming.

• They are playing.

• He play cricket.

• Zahab types fast.

• Boys ask question

• Zahab and Mahi are good partners.

• A boy and a girl were talking in the class.

• The coach and captain is coming.(when it refers to same person)

• The coach and the captain are discussing.(when article is used with the nouns it will be
plural.means refers to two persons)

• The director and the secretory is coming.

• The director and the secretory are coming.

• A teacher and a shopkeeper is standing outside.

• A teacher and a shopkeeper are standing.

Either , Or

Neither, Nor

Not only, But also

Either the coach or the players were respected.

Neither the students nor the teacher was present.

Not only his brother but also his parents are opposing.

The book or the notebooks were burnt.

The teacher nor the students are happy.

As well as

Together with

Along with


In accordance with





Rather than

No less than

In these cases verb agrees with the first noun.

Zahab along with his friends was enjoying the party

The subjects besides the topics are interesting

He in accordance with the rules is working hard.

The minutes like the leader are honest.

The children unlikely like their parents.

Indefinite pronouns take singular verb.

Someone Anybody Everyone Nobody

Somebody Anyone Everybody No one(space

between )

Something Anything Everything One

Someone is coming.

No one is playing.

Paired nouns take plural verb.

My spectacles are new.

Scissors are used for cutting.

Note: we cannot make directly the plural of paired nouns . we will use number/quantity
and word pair will be used.

• Plural proper noun takes

singular verb.

Great Expectations is hurting.

Great expectations are hurting.

The Arabian Nights is full of fun.

The Arabian nights are full of fun.

Names of


• Games

• Colors

• Days

• Months

• Countries

• Cities

• Seasons

• Meals

These all take SINGULAR VERB after it.

Biology is interesting

Football is good for health

Blue is my favourite color

Monday is rainy day

August is the month of my birth

Pakistan has five provinces

Peshawar is the city of flower.

Spring reveals flowers and beauty

Dinner is late tonight

Nouns such as hundred, thousand, million, dozen etc. Are used as plural when alone
and used as singular when preceded by number.

_______________ students protested against the bill.

a.Hundred b. hundreds

Five_________________students protested against the bill.

a.Hundred b. Hundreds

The department has solved____________________ of cases.

a.Thousands b. thousand

The department has solved has solved ten_______________of cases.

a.Thousand b. thousands

He bought ________________ of eggs.

a.Dozen b. dozens

She brought two __________________of eggs.

a.Dozen b. dozens

One + of+plural noun+ singular verb.

One, None, Either, Neither, All, Each + of + Plural Noun+ singular verb
One of my _________________has contacted me.

a.Friends b. friend

Each of the_____________________ should be solved.

a.Problems b. problem

Either of the parents_______________present.

a. Were b. was

a. Neither of the players____________happy.

a.Am b. is c. are

The verb agrees with real subject when two nouns are connected by prepositon.
Verb agrees with the first noun.

1. The knowledge of social series is important.

2. The thories of language are important.

3. kingdom after kingdoms was conquer.

4. Zahab khan besides his other activities is sparing time for other activities.

15. A number of + plural verb / a majority of + plural verb.

A number of students _____________unhappy.

a. is b. are c. Am

A majority of players are unfit.

The number of students is increasing day by day.

The majority of players is unfit.

16. There/Here +verb+Noun

Here is the solution for this problem.

There are the solutions for this problems.

There is a palyer outside the ground.

There are players outside.

17. After Gerund singular verb is used.

=> ing form acting as a noun.

1. He is smoking.

2. Smoking is a bad habit.

3. listening improves our understanding.

4. He is listening.

18. After infinitive singular verb is used.

1. To nwalk is a good habit.

2. To listen improves our understanding.

19. If a mathematical No is used before money.

Money, Time, distance, volume, weight, measurement etc + singular verb

1. Five millions dollors is a huge amount.

2. Ten hours discussion was conducted.

3. Two mintues walk is good for health.

4. Five Kilometers is a very long distance.

5. A twelve feet long rod was bought.

6. Five kgs bag was given to a poor.

7. A ten inches rod is required.

20. Adjective of Number :

it is of two types:

1. Cardinals= used for numbers 2. Ordinals(used for order).

one,two,three,four etc First, 2nd, 3rd etc

1. The first student was stopped.

before ordinals the word "The" is used.

2. The tenth chapter is easy.

3. The twenty first century is the century of science.

=> Cardinals: one, two, three, four ................ + plural verb.

1. One boy called me.

2. Two girls asked me.

3. A three day seminar was conducted.

4. A ten student deligation was sent.

Note: IF hyphen is used between cardinals and Noun + singular verb will be used.

5. A twelve men group was received.

6. A twelve-man group was called on.

[QQ.SAS.COM] order of adjecive.

Adjective is a word that talks about......


Quality-------------Intelligent, Attractive

Size----------------Big, small

Age--------------Old, Young

Shape---------- Round, Square, circle

Color------------Reb, Yellow, Blue

Origen-----------Pakistan, Pakhtoonistan, Iran

Purpose--------Driving, dinning

Material--------------Wooden, silk

He is fast.

He runs fast.

Adjective // Adverb

Adjective, Adverb, Verb Noun, Pronoun

I saw a big boy.

I met an Afghani student.

He is dinning on the dinning table.

Dinning is a part of life.

Fill According to order of Adjective.

I saw______________students.

a. Some b. Afghani c. Tall d. Young

A baby was wearing _____________________shirt.

a. an b. silk c. expensive d. brown e. small

There are _________________cars in the street.

a. Japanese b. old c. big d. white e. beautiful

He is dinning on a _______________table.

a. wooden b. Iranian c. Strong d. round e. brown

DEGREES of Adjective

• Positive Degree: Talks about the quality of a person, place, thing and animal.


Zahab is a strong boy.

Peshawar is a big city.

A knife is a sharp instrument.

Leopard is a fast animal.

• Comparative Degree:

Compares between two

Things, Places, Animals, Persons.

Than is used.

• Zahab is stronger than Amir.

• Peshawar is bigger than Mardan.

• A knife is sharper than a sword.

• A leopard is faster than lion.

• Superlative Degree:

Compare one with a group of;

Persons, places, things, animals

“The” is used before superlative degree

• Habib is the tallest boy of the class.

• Peshawar is the biggest city of KpK

• Chatgpta is the fastest browser.

Note: the adjective who ends at (ior) eg. Senior, Junior, Inferior, superior, interior,
exterior etc

Instead of THAN word PREFER will be used followed by TO.

• He prefers tea to coffee.

• She prefers me to him.

Make up of Degrees of adjective:

Positive Comparative Superlative

Tall Taller Tallest

Big Bigger biggest
Intelligent More intelligent Most intelligent
Beautiful More beautiful Most beautiful
Good Better Best
Bad Worse Worst

Examples: no double comparative degrees are used together.. like

• He is more sharper than you. B. She is more faster than you.

• She is the most fastest girl in the class.

1.(Some) (any)

Some is used in positive sentences (+)

Any is used in negative sentences (-) and interrogative sentences (?).


• I need some sugar.

• I don`t need any sugar.

• Do I need any sugar.

• She give me some books.

2.(As---As), (So-----As)

As---as will be used in positive sentences.

So---as will be used in negative sentences.


Zahab is as fast as jole.

Mahab is not good as Mahi.

3.. Much and Many

Much: is used with uncountable noun.

Many: is used with countable noun.

I need much sugar.

I need many markers.

He asked many questions. It will be considered wrong

Noun after MANY must be plural. To emphasize on comparative degree we use MUCH.

This place is much better than that place.

He is much shaper than you.

She is much more intelligent than you.

4.. AMOUNT, Number

Amount: is used with uncountable noun

Number: is used with countable noun.

A great number of students are playing.

A great amount of sugar is required.

5..Too, Very

Too:is used in positive sense

Very: is used in negative sense.

The temperature is very hot but I will go for walk.

The temperature is too hot that I can`t even go outside.


BOTH: is used for two things. (always plural verb)

All: is used for 100% (always plural verb)

None: is used for 0 % (singular verb).


• Both are playing

• Both will reach on time.

• All are running

• None is here playing

• None of these is correct.


SEVERAL: Normal range

A lot of: exceeding the normal range

Zahab remained well dressed. He has several dresses.

Mahi wears new clothes daily. She has a lot of dresses.


EITHER: One of the two

NEITHER: None of the two

They asked one person to come either of the parents should.

They asked one person to come neither of the parents should.


EACH: is used for definite countable noun

EVERY: is used for indefinite countable noun.


Every apple turns red in October.

Each apple in the bag is red.

She wears a ring on each finger.

10.. Few, a few/ little, a little

• Few, a few: is used with countable nouns

• Little, a little: is used with uncountable noun

• Few, little: these both are used with not sufficient.

• A few, a little: these both are used with sufficient


• There are five chairs and seven students.

• There are few chairs.

• There are five students and three chairs. A few

• There are 5 cups of tea and 50 spoons of sugar. There is a little.

• There are 5 cups of tea and 2 spoons of sugar little.

It consists of two types.

• Definite (known) used for specific, particular “The”

• Indefinite: (unknown) used for General, common “An, A”

• Open a book. (unknown)

• Open the book. (known)

• A boy is coming.

• The boy is coming.

Indefinite (a ,an)

I need a pen.

I need an umbrella. (used with the vowels sound)

They have made a union.

He is an honest man.

He has registered an FIR.

His father Is an S.S.P

He is a DSP.

I saw a lion.

I saw an eagle.

Indefinite articles are not used in the following cases.

• I need marker.

• He brought oranges.

• I play football.

• She died from T.B

• Today is Monday.

• This is spring season.

• It is August.

• I met Zahab.

• I took breakfast.

• I need sugar.

• Oxygen is a gas.

• He drank water.

• She brought gold.

• Honesty is the best policy.

• I like brown color.

The unique things in nature we will use definite articles

• Sun is a star.

• Earth is a planet.

• Venus is the hottest planet.

We can use article only with earth planet.

• I met Bilal.

With proper noun we shall use no articles.

Bilal is the Newton of the class 21st century

• When there are comparison of two proper nouns we will use article with the second P

Ghani khan is the John keats of Pashto literature.

The Arabian Sea flows through Pakistan.

• Name of sea:” THE” will be used

• Only sea: “A” will be used

I saw a boat in a sea.

The Pacific Ocean is very deep.

• Name of ocean: THE

• Only ocean: An

An Ocean is very deep.

The Pacific Ocean is very deep.

• Name of gulf: THE

• Only gulf: A

The Persian Gulf is famous for trade.

A Gulf is used for trade.

• Name of river: THE

• Only river: A

• The Ravi is river.

• A river is very deep.

• The Sahara is a desert.

• A desert is a dry place.

Name: THE Only Desert: A

• The Turkish island is very beautiful.

• An island is beautiful place.

Name of Island: THE Only Island: An

• The Swiz canal is a busy trade.

• A canal is used for trade.

We will use “THE” with water bodies whose name are mentioned, while those in which only water
bodies are mentioned we will use “A” with them.

The Himalayas has many high mountains.

Mountains Ranges: THE

………. K.2 is the 2nd highest mountain in the world.

No article is used.

We will not use any article with the single name of mountains.

We will use THE with historic place.

The Qilla Balla Hissar is in Peshawar.

The Islamia college is a historic college.

The migration to Madina was a good step.

Historical Events: THE

The independence of Pakistan took place in 1947.

I need The NEWS.

We will use definite article with NEWS.

I read………DAWN. Zero articles.

We will use THE with all the names of Newspaper except “DAWN” newspaper.

I read the New York times.

I read a magazine.

We will use “the” with the names of magazine.

Definite Articles

Adjective of numbers are of two types:

• Ordinals: 1st, 2nd, 3rd we will use THE

• 2. Cardinals: one, two, three, four We will use no article means ZERO ARTICLE

For example: 1. We discussed the fourth chapter.

• We discussed ____five chapters. (zero article)

• His house is on the 10th floor.

• Millions of people died in the World War 1.

Name of war: we will use THE

• Millions of people have died in _____wars. (Zero Article)

• We are living in the 21st century.

Name of century: ’’THE” is used

We are living in the modern age. Name of age: we will use “THE”

• The Stone Age is famous for barbarism.

• The subcontinent has a lot of countries. Name of Geographical location: THE will be used

• Situation in the Middle East is not good.

• I saw a boy, the boy was playing.

Indefinite article + definite article

• Turn towards the East. Names of directions: THE is used

• The car turned towards the left.

• The British fought against the Sikhs.

• The Wazir Express provides good services. Names of express/train: THE will be used

• The Emirates provides good facilities during travel. Names of Airoplanes : THE will be used

• The Rabab is played along with the Mangi. Names of Musical Instruments: The will
be used

• The Violin is a musical instrument.

• I live in _____ Waziristan. No Article is used

• I live in the republic Pakistan. The is used

• He visited ______USA. The is used

• He visited the KSA.

• They are staying in the UK. THE is used before abbrevtions

Definite articles

We will not use any definite article in the following cases.

• ___hate has revealed his aspects.

• ___wood is used for making chairs.

• I met _____ Ambreen.

• ____mother called me.

• ____man is mortal.

• I took _____lunch.

• Today is ____Friday.

• It is _____ August.

• It is __________summer.

• I like _____brown color.

• She died from _______fever.

Note: we will use no article when (TO+ BUILDING) comes in a sentence.

• He is going to _____school.

Repetition of article

• The captain and the opener are coming. Two nouns + plural verb

• The captain and ____ opener is coming. Two nouns + singular verb

• The Black and the white shirts are expensive. Adj+and+adj+P. Verb(are) = THE will be used

• The higher you go, the cool it gets.

• The more you read, the more you learn.

• The later, the better.

• The healthier you the more you receive.

Note: when there is comparison of two comparative degree we will use ARTICLE “THE” with both the
Def: A word that join words, phrases, idioms and clauses.
• He is intelligent

• He is hardworking

He is intelligent and hardworking.

• She is stupid.

She is intelligent but stupid.

Types of conjuction

Coordinating conjunction: are used to join two independent clauses.

FANBOYS formula is used in this case. FANBOYS

F ……. For








And: used in the aspects when both are positive or both the aspects are negative.

Means: +, + or -, -

But: is used when one of the aspects is positive and the other one is negative.

Means: +, - or - , +

Examples: He is intelligent________hardworking. (and, But)

He is stupid __________dull. (and, but)

She is intelligent ________ ill behaved. (But, And)

Aslam is stupid___________ well behaved. (and . but)

General sentences

• He is playing and she is writing.

• He is not playing and she is not writing.

• He is playing but she is not interested.

• He is not playing but she is writing.


OR: is used when something is possible. Means used for possibility.

NOR: is used there is zero percent possibility.

• Zahab or Amir is coming.

• Ali nor Aslam is coming.


For: is used for effect and cause. (inference)

SO: is used for cause and effect.

I was _____ tired I leave the class. (For, So)

I left the class ______ I was tired. (For, so)

There is noise in the class for the students are fighting.


Because: is used when something is confirmed.

Teacher is not coming for he is not in Peshawar.

The teacher is not coming because he is not in Peshawar as he has texted me.


YET: opposite to expectation

When we are considering that it will be done but it does not occur.
STILL: is when we are considering that it will not occur but it occurs.

• He is qualified yet he did not get the job.

• He is not qualified still he got the job.


Used to join independent and dependent clauses.

• Still

• Although

• Since

• Unless

• As

• While

• When

• Because

• Consequently

• Otherwise

• Further more

• Therefore

Note: Untill, till : is used when the end is known. (known end)

Since: is used for the start of time.

I stayed there until I finished my work.

I haven’t seen him since he left for abroad.

Unless: . (Shows the condition)

As, when, While: (used for two actions)

• You can`t pass the exam unless you work hard.

• A stranger entered as I opened the door. (Used for completed actions)

• The teacher is writing while the students are talking. (used for incomplete actions going at
the same time)

• The student stopped the writing when the teacher entered the class. (1st action is
interrupted due to the 2nd action)

• Imran came late(effect) because he was stopped (Reason)by Usman. (because: for confirm

Although, Though: are used for any weakness, both has no difference but Although is used in the
start while though is used at the last.

Consequently: used as a result (by force done).

• There was rush i the street, consequently we changed the route.

Otherwise: is used for two actions.(due to the 1st action 2nd action can or can`t be completed)

• You do hurry up; otherwise, you will miss the train.

Furthermore, More over: used in help in addition to anything.

• Zahab is intelligent furthermore he is cooperative.

Therefore: is used for logical conclusion

• He wore rain boats , therefore his feet remained dry.

Paired/ Coorelative Conjunctions



Not Only-----But also







No sooner----than






• Although he is poor, yet he is honest.

• No sooner had I reached my office than I received a call.

• Scarcely had he reached his destination, when he was stopped by some people.

• Both the students as well as (no use here) the teachers were happy.

And is used here in this case.

• Both the students as well as (no use due to plural verb). And is used

• The student as well as the teacher is happy.

• Wait until the rain does not stop. (wrong)……… wait until rain stops. (correct)

Till, until, lest, least,( forbidden) [ negative sentence can`t be formed] always positive

Asad is forbidden not to create disturbance. (no use of not here).

Khan Niaz is forbidden to waste his time.

Till, Until, lest, least ] only should will be used after these.
• Help Aftab least he should call the police.

• Call him until she should wait you.

• Neither Asad nor Aslam is coming either.

• Either Asad or Khan Niaz is not arranging the breakfast.

Either-----Or, Neither----Nor, Both----And, Not Only------But also] No
negative sentence.

Neither Asad nor Khan is arranging the breakfast.

He is so poor that he can`t educate his child.

So----that, So----as] No positive sentence always Negative sense

He behaves as, if he is a king.

She talked as though she were the owner of the house.

If, would that, as if, as though] were rather, singular or plural

Pre: before but here (to show)
Position: place, position

• The book is on the table.

• The book is in the table.

• The book is under the table.

In all these cases shows different location of thing.

Prepositions are of two type:

• Static preposition: Stationary

• Dynamic preposition: moveable

The book is on the table. Static Preposition

He threw the book onto the table. Dynamic Preposition

She is in the room.

She entered into the room.

There was some meat on the table so the cat humped onto the table.

There was some meat on the floor on the table so the cat jumped off the table.
Samad jumped off the table.

From: is used for starting an action To: End of action

The flight reached to Karachi from Kabul.

The flight moved from Karachi to Kabul.

The bank will be opened from 9:00 to 5:00

The Express bus provides services from Peshawar to Islamabad.

QCA is near YCA.

Near: used for two places discussed

Nearby: used for one place

He sat beside me.

We discussed voices besides narrations.

Besides: used for place/ somewhere near.

Besides: in addition to for extra details.

I will come on Sunday.

I will come at 4PM

I will come in summer.

At: small/short time

On: medium/ middle time

In: long time

He lives on QCA street.

He lives in Peshawar.

He lives at 96 B sector A phase 6.

At: small place On: medium In: long time/ large

He was killed by a man. By: doer of an action

He was killed with a knife. With: used with the instrument used by doer

This paper is made from wood. From: used for invisible source

This chair is made of wood. Of: source visible

Human is made from clay.

This wall is made of clay.

Between &Among

Between: is used for definite number means exact number is known

Among:is used for indefinite numbers means exact number is not known. If they are less but unknown

Maheen is setting between two trees.

Mahab is sitting between two girls.

Anila is setting among trees.

Abd ullah is sitting between Zahab, Anas, Amir and Irshad.

He distributed the sweets among the boys.

She distributed the sweets amongst us.

Among: Is used before Consonant sound

Amongst: Is used before vowel sound

Across, along, through

Across: is used to cross or went from one location to another but not along

Along: is used to go with means side by side

Through: Along: is used to go inside means it has in and out like pipe or tunnel.

He was walking along the road.

The boat went across the river.

The bus went through the Kohat Tunnel.

Water runs through the forest.

Infront of, opposite to, behind

In front of: in urdu samny

Opposite to: face to face

Behind: ones face and the other ones back side.

A infront of B.

C is opposite to D.

E is behind D.

With, In

With: if the material of expression is solid ”with” is used.

In: if the material of expression is liquid “In” is used.

He wrote with pen.

He wrote it in ink.

On, Onto, In

On: static preposition, used when the thing lay on another back in front.

Onto: dynamic preposition used when the thing lay on another back in front but change its position.

In: if both front and back comes inside.

He threw a book onto table.

The book is on the table.

The pen is in my hand.

The stone is in water.

He threw a stone onto water.

With, To

With: is used when there is comparison between persons or between things.

To: Is used when there is comparison between Idea, view, suggestion, proposal, or comparing of living
with No living.

I agree with you.

I agree to your proposal.

Compare Maheen with Nosheen.

Compare Pathan to a rock/stone.

He corresponded with my servant.

He corresponded to my letter.

In, At, Over, above

In: is used with common noun.

At: is used with proper noun.

Over: is used with when the things touch us

Above: is used when the things didn`t touch.

I am in the college.

She is at Peshawar University.

The blanket is over her.

The clouds are above my head.

He wears sweater over shirt.

Over & under: both touch us or things together.

Above& below: both don`t touch us or together.

He was not selected as he is overage and he is over 19.

Over and Above: used for age

His age is low as he was rejected in under18.

Below and above: used for temperature

The temperature is below 20 C as I am feeling cold.

I am wet with sweats as the temperature is above 36C.

Over & above:

Over: is dynamic preposition

Above: is static preposition

The plane went over my head.

He jumped over the wall.

With in & with out

With In: is used with time

With out: is used with person

I will come with in10 minutes.

I will come without him.

At, For

At: is used for target and skill or capability

For: is used to show function

She was staring at me.

He threw the book at her.

He is good at English.

He is good at dancing.

A knife is used for cutting.

A lecture is given for making points easy.


Used in swear, division, multiplication

I swear by her love.

Twenty multiply by two is fourty.

Two divided by one is two.

Fixed preposition: surrender to, time over::: are used in phrasal verb


IN: Is usd with place, continent, country, province, city,village.

In general used with: century, decade, year, month

ON: is used in specific with street, avenue and with date or day.

AT: Is used with more specific term means give us full specific address.

• I live in Pakistan.

• Zahab has studied in Lahore.

• QCA is located on university road street.

• QCA is located at 52 B street Phase 6.

• The plane stopped at Peshawar in Pakistan.

• He called a meeting at QCA in Peshawar.

• We are living in the 21st century.

• Aliza will come here on Sunday.

• I will them on 10th August.

• My birthday is on 14th August.

• He will complete it at 5 o clock.

• Kusar meets his friend on Saturday.

Each, every, next, coming, previous, next here with these words no preposition is used.

Preposition in parallel form:

• Preposition of same category used in one sentence one preposition will be omitted.

He will come here on Sunday and Monday. Noun+Noun

We tried to solve the issue on June and July. Verb + verb +prep

He was amazed and annoyed at the situation.

She was staring and looking at me.

He comes here on Sunday in June.

He was satisfied with the event but later annoyed at the reach of public.

Tenses: time

Aspects Present Past Future

Indefinite Do, does Did Will, shall
Continuous Is , am , are Was, were Will be, shall be
Perfect Has, have Had Will have, shall have
Perfect continuous Have been, has been Had been Will have been, shall
have been

Singular Plural
He We
She They
It You

Does Do

He does not play.

They don`t write a letter.

He plays cricket.

We write a letter.

Did(+v or V2)

He did not come.

They did not come.

I played soccer.

Will, shall + V1 I, we: shall He, she, it, they, we, you: will

I shall play.

They will write

You will read the book.

Am: I Is: He, she, it Are:You, they, we, Plural noun.

He is playing cricket.

I am playing.

They are teaching.

Was: Singular pronoun Were: plural pronoun

Was + verb+ ing

He was sleeping

They were reading

I was writing

Note: if, As if, as though, would that + were will be used with these words.

Will be: he , she, it, they, you

Shall be: I , we

He will be playing soccer.

We shall be learning English.

Has: singular pronoun

Have: plural Pronoun

He has written the novel

They have read the novel.

Had: with all pronouns

Had+ V3

I had gone to school.

They had written the novel.

He, she , it, they =Will have +V3

I, WE =Shall have+V3

They will have written some points.

I shall have read the text.

He, she, it = Has been+V1+ing

They, we , you, I= have been+ V1+ing

I have been searching for signal.

They have been writing a letter.

She has been reading a book.

Had been= V1+ing with all pronouns

They had been playing soccer.

She had been writing letter.

Shall have been= I, We

Will have been= He, she , it , they, You

I shall have been walking.

They will have been listening.


I play football.

He is sitting in the class.

He is a teacher. Present indefinite Tense

1 2 3 4 , ing
Is, am, are Was,were Been Being
Has/have Had Had Been, had

Helping verb: when it is used in tense

Main verb: when used or show an action

I am coming late

I am late
They are going there
they are there.

I played

I was playing

I was absent

They were absent

They were busy

They were looking busy.

I have a car.

I have bought a car.

She has a book.

She has received a book.

I had solved some issue

TENSE= time

Aspects Present Past Future

Indefinite Do, does Did Will, shall
Continuous Is , am , are Was, were Will be, shall be
Perfect Has, have Had Will have, shall have
Perfect continuous Have been, has been Had been Will have been, shall
have been

Indefinite Tense: used for permanent actions or habitual

Present, past, future] indefinite = used for permanent or habitual tasks

Universal truth:

• The sun rise at 6:00 AM (official times, or planned)

• The class starts at 3:00 PM

• Zahab hits the ball and Amir catches it

• Present, past, future] Continuous= for temporary actions

• I am teaching grammar.
• I was reading book.

• I will be teaching Biology.

Present, past, future] Perfect= For completed actions

I have completed exercise.

I have been teaching voices.

I had finished it

She will have done home work.

Present, past, future] perfect= when the start is not known but end is known.

They will have been writing till class end.

Present, past, future] perfect= incomplete actions when the start is known but end is unknown

I have been writing since 10 O clock.


Since: used for exact time or given, known time

For: used for unknown time

I took lunch. Means I can`t eat more

I have taken Lunch. Means I have no capacity to eat any more

Past Actions which are effecting the present will be= present perfect

Past Actions which are not effecting the present will be= past indefinite tense

I played football. Means I can play

I have played football. Means I can`t play any more

Past perfect+ past Indefinite

• I had taken lunch before I entered into the class.

• The patient had died when the Doctor arrived

Alhmdu lilah by the grace of ALLLAH ALMIGHTY I have completed the grammar learnt from
AC Sir Naseer Abbas sahib.

I am very thankful to my respected sir that due to him I am able to write and give you a gift of
ETEA, NMDCAT,NTS,AMC and other higher tests grammar.

Alhmdu lilah I am the 1st one to write his whole lectures grammar in soft form

Reviewed by: Dr.Mehmood khan & Farman Ullah wazir and Gulzar Wazir.



Notes: Please Help me in removing errors and mistakes!!! I will be thankful to you and will be

Special thanks to: Mr. Amir khan, Zohaib khan, Anas khan, Usman dawar, Zabikh ullah, Dilawar khan,
Irshad ullah, Farooq wazir, Sheryar Ahmadzai wazir, Nasim Wazir, M. Jawad

You can text me on my email for any query and information about these notes:

[email protected]

Instagram: Dr.izatkhan

Twitter: Dr izat waxir

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