UNIT 02 Video Worksheets

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Name José Monroy Date 23/06/2024


Sitcom: There’s a great movie playing at the Glenwood.


A. Write the name of each person next to the event he or she likes.

Cheryl Paul Bob Marie

1. Bob would like to see a movie.

2. Marie would like to see an opera.
3. Paul would like to go to a rock concert.
4. Cheryl would like to go to a play.

B. Complete the sentences with words from the box.

a play a movie a rock band an opera

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1. Blue City is the name of a rock band .

2. Conversations with Food is the name of a play .
3. Carmen is the name of an opera .
4. A Time to Run is the name of a movie .

C. Complete the sentences. Circle the correct answers.

1. They don’t want to go to the opera because .
a. it’s boring b. it’s expensive c. it’s late
2. is not a French film fan.
a. Paul b. The waitress c. Bob
3. The French film is about .
a. two singers b. two actors c. two dancers
4. doesn’t want to see the French film.
a. Paul b. Bob c. Marie

Top Notch TV 1, Third Edition Activity Worksheet 2

Name Date


Sitcom: There’s a great movie playing at the Glenwood.


✓ each statement True or False.

A. Check ❏
True False
1. The woman is looking for the Rose Café. ❏ ❏
2. The woman asks for directions. ❏ ❏
3. Bob helps the woman. ❏ ❏
4. Paul gives clear directions. ❏ ❏
5. Paul thinks the Rose Cinema is on Market Street. ❏ ❏

B. Listen to Paul’s directions. Check ❏ ✓ the sentences he says.

❏ That’s on the corner of Market Street and Park Street.
❏ It’s on Market between First and Second Avenue.
❏ Go down Green Street.
❏ Go around the corner.
❏ It’s on the right side of Pine Avenue.
❏ Go straight two more blocks.
❏ The cinema is on your right.
Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

C. Complete the sentences. Circle the correct answers.

1. Paul uses to give directions. 4. Rose Cinema is .

a. a map a. on the corner of Market Street and
b. a pencil Park Street
c. his hands b. across the street from the café
c. on Market between First and Second
2. The woman Paul’s directions.
a. writes down
5. When Bob says, “And you’re a tour
b. listens to guide?” he means .
c. repeats
a. Paul is good at giving directions
3. Paul gives the woman directions. b. Paul is a good tour guide
a. good c. Paul isn’t a good tour guide
b. bad
c. short

Top Notch TV 1, Third Edition Activity Worksheet 2

Name Date


Interview: Are you a music fan?

✓ the types of music you hear in the Interview.

A. Check ❏
❏ classic rock ❏ classical ❏ Latin ❏ rock and roll ❏ rap
❏ hip-hop ❏ R&B ❏ jazz ❏ pop ❏ opera

B. Read each question. Then circle the response you hear in the video segment.
1. “When do you usually listen to music?” 2. “Where are you when you listen to music?”
a. “Whenever I’m getting a. “At home.”
ready to go out in the b. “In my office or in the
evening.” car.”
b. “When I’m driving.”

3. “What concerts do you like to go to?” 4. “Do you have a lot of CDs or cassettes?”
a. “Rock and hip-hop.” a. “Yes, quite a lot.”
b. “Classical music and b. “I don’t own very many
opera.” CDs.”
Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

C. Complete the statements. Circle the correct answers.

1. Martin has CDs.
a. a hundred b. less than a hundred c. a few hundred
2. Natalie listens to her CDs.
a. husband’s b. brother’s c. friend’s
3. Natalie likes .
a. opera b. rock and roll c. classical
4. Mauro likes music.
a. Italian b. American c. Latin
5. have a lot of CDs.
a. Natalie and Ian b. Natalie and Martin c. Martin and Mauro

Top Notch TV 1, Third Edition Activity Worksheet 2

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