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Journal of Computer Science 7 (1): 27-31, 2011

ISSN 1549-3636
© 2011 Science Publications

Design and Implementation of Medical Information Systems

For Managing and Following up Work Flaw in Hospitals and Clinics

Hassan Mohammed M. Elmetwaly

Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, King Faisal University
P.O. Box 5372, Alhasa 31982, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Abstract: Problem statement: This research study deals with the problem of maintaining data,
deemed to be one of the biggest problems of health entities. Most hospitals and clinic suffer loss of
data saved in this databases and unavailability of strong cohesive information systems. Approach: Our
need for such databases and information systems motivates us to seek solutions and technologies that
might enable us accomplish and complete our works easily and fast. Results: Potential medical system
is deemed as one of the unique systems that attempted to reach solutions for some problems faced by
leaders and decision makers and by those concerned with medical information systems proposed
systems has been structured utilizing Oracle database. Conclusion/Recommendations: Structure of
this system focused on connecting it to internet, due to unlimited e-services provided by this
international network that facilitates. Accordingly this facilitates exchange of medical information to
all beneficiaries.

Key words: Oracle database, web-based, Laboratory Information System (LIS), Organization for
Standardization (ISO), Hospital Information Systems (HIS), Picture Archiving and
Communication System (PACS)

INTRODUCTION and patterns which can improve patient assistance and a

better use of resources and pharmaceutical expense
Process of developing medical information systems (Riano et al., 2000). From a managerial perspective,
is deemed to be one of the most critical objectives for understanding the hospitals cost structure and their
professionals in this domain. It is known that any inefficiency in utilizing resources is crucial for making
information systems are in need for development and health care policies and budgeting decisions. The cost of
processing in all contingent work problems. This medical services in hospitals is likely control by higher
proposed system had been structured several years ago operational efficiency and to provide more affordable
and had been experienced in several hospitals and care and improved access to the public (Hollingsworth,
clinics in Saudi Arabia. This research discusses how to 1999). And provide application-level interface for
utilize modern technologies available and how to use managing readers and process large volumes of RFID
Oracle databases in saving all medical information and data for their medical applications. This layer is also
data that might be used. Design of this software allows monitoring physical layer components and supports
easy and fast reach to information and hence fast International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
execution of orders and easy recall for patients' standard (Glover and Bhatt, 2006). Thus, the success of
information. One of the core objectives is to support e-health depends critically on the collection, analysis and
receptionists, physicians, nursing, laboratory and seamless exchange of clinical and medical information or
radiology staffs in hospitals to exchange data and knowledge within and across the above organizational
information is deemed to be one of the most important boundaries (Bose, 2003). Developing programming and
objectives and priorities. This is due to importance of information systems are considered the most important
time that helps decision makers implement necessary goals sought by everyone. Most information systems are
and most appropriate procedure for patient, especially if modified and developed in order to keep up with work
provided by internet. Oracle databases facilitates needs and meet the needs of all people (Hassan, 2010).
sharing required data and information easily and fast at
any time and subject to authorities and powers vested to MATERIALS AND METHODS
each user of such potential information systems. as a
fundamental tool to analyze the data gathered by Structuring potential medical information systems,
Hospital Information Systems (HIS) and obtain models gave due concern to satisfaction of all prerequisites of
J. Computer Sci., 7 (1): 27-31, 2011

respective people and departments of medical decision support systems. The availability of theses e-
professions. This included receptionists, file health applications has introduced an opportunity for
registrations, doctors' data, deciding times for systems designers to develop integrated KMSs that can
inspection, supporting nurses to register their primary support the full spectrum of knowledge needs in nursing
notes concerning patients, before referring them to process. In fact, the use of knowledge-based IT to facilitate
concerned physicians; registering all medical analyses the practice of health care promises to substantially
of the laboratory, in information systems, printing improve health care quality (Jadad et al., 2000).
results, delivering them to patient, or keeping them in
files, registering data about radiology and radio images RESULTS
needed for a certain patient, as requested by attendant
• Potential information systems had been designed
physician in addition to various and diverse processes
based on Oracle databases
managed by such systems inside hospitals or medical
• Data entry forms had been designed through oracle
entities concerned with using such systems. Oracle
developer enabling entry and registration of all
databases supported all professionals in this field, either
information and data in computer database
as programmers or databases developers to maintain
and manage information easily and fast and hence • It provides a number of reports showing daily
deliver them to those needing or requiring them as soon movement and work flaw
and easy as possible. This is guaranteed through the big • It provides availability of extracting charts from
amount of reports structured and added to medical information systems
information systems after being duly tested and • It provides an integrated system for managing and
commissioned in several hospitals and medical following up users of medical information systems
organizations. On the ground, however, HIS and • Information systems might be utilized through
especially hospital information systems development in internet-based ASP forms
developing countries has proven difficult due to • Medical information systems include systems for
organizational complexity (Littlejohns et al., 2003). following up doctors, nurses and patients
Now there are HIS, Radiology Information System • It enables users of medical information systems to
(RIS), Laboratory Information System (LIS) and exchange data easily and fast
Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) DISCUSSION
in many bigger hospitals, each system run
independently in most hospitals. With the development Potential medical information systems passed
of health researches and health standardization, this many phases the first of which is: collecting data and
problem can be solved Chang et al. (2003) in the future, information on currently available medical systems;
for the sake of medical information sharing, them the second phase comprised in making studies
teleconsulation, hospital efficiency enhancement, about such information; the third phase is converting
medical service extension, optimizing the working such information into oracle-based databases; the fourth
procedure (Haux, 2006). In order to successfully exploit phase of structuring entry forms ORFMS using Oracle
the social and economic benefits that are emerging as a Developer. This methodology is selected due to
result of E-healthcare, it is important to fully strength, power and high speed and to accuracy in
understand the developments in technology, social conclusions reached. He firth phase is structuring
reports necessary to express daily work flaw and hence
considerations, government fiscal policy and business
support decision makers take correct and accurate
objectives (Bali, 2000). E-Healthcare is fast becoming
decision that elevates potentiality and develops works.
an important issue, as managers are under increasing The fifth phase is the one concerned with structuring
pressure to provide cost-effective healthcare. reports required to reflect daily work flaw and hence take
Workflows and associated internet technologies are correct and most accurate decisions that guarantee
being seen as an invaluable means to cut administrative elevating wok efficiency and professionalism. The sixth
expenses. One way to provide cost-effective healthcare, phase is training; in this phase users are trained to
without compromising on quality, is to use IT methods of utilizing potential information systems for
implementations such as workflow tools which are acquisition of potentialities enabling them follow up and
designed specifically to automate the electronic paper manage work flaw. The seventh phase is concerned with
flow in a managed care operation-thereby cutting taking notes and suggestions of respective professionals
administrative expenses (Latamore, 1999). These processing work through medical information
systems include electronic health records, medical systems, studying them, attempting to implement them
knowledge bases, prescription ordering and clinical and adding them to medical information systems.
J. Computer Sci., 7 (1): 27-31, 2011

Fig. 3: Analysis types report

Fig. 1: System flow chart

Fig. 4: Patients data form

Fig. 2: System processes

The eighth phase is concerned with developing
medical information systems to cope up with
enormous developments in IT domain. Fig.1 flow Fig. 5: Patients table in oracle SQL
chart for following up health operations concerned
with patients, Fig. 2 processes of information Figure 5 an example for one of the tables used Patients
systems to internal systems of hospitals, Fig. 3 Table in Oracle SQL. Figure 6 Primary key, unique
Analysis Types Report (Laboratory). Figure 4 constraints. Figure 7 Patients_Data Table unique Index
Patients Data Form and new file entry and opening. constraints. Figure 8 Doctors registration form.
J. Computer Sci., 7 (1): 27-31, 2011


The core objective of potential electronic system is

to facilitate process of data entry and following up
patients files in hospitals and clinics. This system is
designed based on Oracle databases due to its
excellence in capacity of data volume, number of
potential users who can access to the same database at
any time. It is also distinguished with availability of
following up and managing work flaw in hospitals and
clinics easily and fast. The process of developing
software is always in need for more effort to reach the
desired objectives and hence facilitate procedures and
shorten time and lessen effort exerted to reach desired
objectives and conclusions.
Fig. 6: Primary key, unique constraints

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