Duties of A Firewatch - Restored

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Duties of a Firewatch

A firewatch plays a very important role in the safe execution of a job. It is the duty of the
supervisor to see that employees are instructed as to what their duties are and to the
location of the safety equipment to be used in case of an emergency.

Before any employee is used as a firewatch, they shall be thoroughly indoctrinated as to

their duties and responsibilities and shall acknowledge this indoctrination by their
signature. The following are guidelines for firewatching.

 Know what’s going on around you.

Stay alert.
Be aware of other work going on in areas around you, especially line breaking, spills, leaks,
 Stay in contact with the people doing the work. Make it a point to know what type of
work they are doing.
 Know where emergency equipment is located and how to use it.
Know where fire-fighting equipment is located and check it before beginning work.
Do not use unit fire extinguishers for firewatch. Check one out of the tool room.
Know where the nearest phone, radio, or control room is located in case of an emergency.
 Know where the welding machines and the oxygen and acetylene bottles are located
and how to turn them off.
 Keep the area around your jobsite clean at all times. Do not allow trash, material, and
tools to pile up.
 Check all sewer openings in your area.
 Make sure all sewer openings are plugged or properly covered.
Check sewer openings before resuming work after breaks.
Never leave your job unattended.
 Stay within sight of your job.
If you must leave, either stop the hot work or have another trained person take over.
In case of a spill, fire, leak, evacuation, or other emergency, perform all of the following:
 Tell the people on your job.
 Shutoff all machines and gas cylinders.
 Make sure everyone is properly evacuated.
Notify emergency personnel and supervision immediately.
Firewatch personnel are responsible for their jobsites, and it is part of their job to report
unsafe conditions and unsafe acts to supervision immediately.
 The firewatch should keep the work permit on them at all times.
 Firewatch personnel may be required to wear a color-coded vest while on duty to
identify themselves (i.e., fluorescent orange vest).
Demonstrate the proper operation of a standard 20- or 30-lb. dry chemical fire extinguisher
and warn workers not to activate it until actually needed.

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