Rks Mock Exam Final

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ROYAL SCHOOLS 5. Find the sum of 1576, 125 and 64.


JSS1 FOR 2024/2025
B. 1701
C. 1765
D. 2341
6. There are 34 mangoes on a tree. If only 9 of
1. Find the least common multiple of 3,4, and 5. them are ripe, how many unripe mangoes are
A. 120
A. 43
B. 60
B. 41
C. 30
C. 26
D. 24
D. 25
2. Write 48 in Roman Numerals
7. Exprees 17/20 as a decimal
A. 0.085
B. 0.175
C. 0.85
D. 1.75
3. What is the value of 4³ × 3?
8. The length of a rectangle is 40cm and it's
A. 192 breadth is 25cm. Find it's perimeter.
B. 128 A. 1000cm
C. 64 B. 130cm
D. 36 C. 105cm
4. If 4x - 3 = 21. What is x? D. 90cm
A. 21 9. Express 72 as a product of it's prime factors
B. 7 A. 2 x 2 x 2 x3 x 3
C. 6 B. 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3
D. 5½ C. 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3
D. 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 A. 12m³

10. Write in Figure: Sixty Four thousand, six B. 120m³

hundred and four:
C. 30m³
A. 6,464
D. 60m³
B. 64,064
15. If 25p= 625, what is 55p?
C. 60,604
A. 1375
D. 64,604
B. 1360
11. Find the mean of 6, 2, 5, 3, 2
C. 1350
A. 43
D. 1345
B. 2⅖
16. There are four boys whose ages are 10years,
C. 3⅗ 13years, 12years and 15 years. What is the
product of the even numbers in the ages?
D. 25
A. 120 years
12. What is the simple interest on €360.00 for
2years at 5% per annum B. 130 years

A. €3.60 C. 180 years

B. €9.00 D. 195 years

C. €18.00 17. A boy built a kite and flew it high into

space . What shape is the kite?.
D. €36.00
A. Quadrilateral
13. My mother bought kerosene at $26 per
liter. If my mother fills the stove with $1300. B. Circle
How many litres did she buy?.
C. Polygon
A. 126 litres
D. Sphere
B. 130 litres
18. A bicycle wheel has a diameter of 21cm.
C. 100 litres Find it's circumference ( take π to be 22/7 )

D. 50 litres A. 66cm

14. A rectangular tank 6m by 4m by 5m is half B. 132cm

full. What is the volume of water in the tank?.
C. 264 cm
D. 88cm A. 30

19. In a class of 64 pupils, 8 pupils were absent. B. 31

What percentage of the pupils were absent?
C. 32
A. 25%
D. 33
B. 12½%
24. A carton of biscuits has ............... Vertices.
C. 50%
A. 8
D. 10%
B. 10
20. In a crate of 30 eggs, ⅓ of the eggs got
broken. How many eggs did not break?. C. 12

A. 30 eggs D. 6

B. 20 eggs 25. In a rectangular school hall with capacity of

600. The length is 32cm and the width is 28cm.
C. 10 eggs Find it's area

D. 5 eggs A. 607cm²

21. A mother shared 156 apples among her 3 B. 896cm²

children in the ratio 1:2:3. How many apples did
the youngest have. C. 067cm²

A. 52 apples D. 076cm²

B. 26 apples


D. 78 apples

22. Mr Wunmi Sax recorded a music for 230

minutes. How many hours and minutes did he
spend for recording

A. 4 hours 50 minutes

B. 3 hours 30 minutes
C. 3 hours 40 minutes
D. 3 hours 50 minutes GENERAL PAPER
23. If X = 4, Y= 5. Find 3X + 4Y
Read the following passages carefully and 2. The stranger that was watching Bankole in
answer the questions that follow by choosing the street was a
the most appropriate of the options lettered A-
E A. Magician

PASSAGE A B. Spinner

In the large city in Nigeria there once lived a C. Tailor

tailor called Ahmed. He was very poor and D. Trader
found it hard to provide enough food for
himself, his wife and his son, Bankole. E. Widow

When Bankole was old enough to learn a trade, 3. The passage implies that Ahmed's
Ahmed began to teach him how to use a death ...............
needle. But Bankole was lazy and preferred to
A. Did not cahngw Bankole's attitude
play in the streets with his friends. There was
nothing Ahmed could do to make Bankole work. B. Did not surprise his wife and son
The poor tailor became I'll with "worry", and
soon he died. C. Made Bankole's mother lose hope in him

Bankole's mother thought that surely now D. Made his wife start selling clothes
Bankole would earn some money. But time
E. Was caused by Poverty
went by, and Bankole was just as lazy as ever.
They had to manage with only the money the 4. A word that can replace"worry" as it is used
widow earned herself by selling clothes. in the passage is...........

One day, a stranger stood watching Bankole as A. Anxiety

he played in the street. The stranger was a
magician and though that Bankole appeared to B. Discomfort
be the kind of boy he was seeking to carry out
C. Hunger
his plan.
D. Poverty
1. How many people are mentioned in the
passage?. E. Problem

A. Two 5. In what city did the family live in?.

B. Three A. Kano

C. Four B. In a large city in Nigeria

D. Five C. Nigeria

E. Seven D.Lagos

E. Kaduna
PASSAGE 2 A. Super Sonic

Read the following passages carefully and B. Super computing

answer the questions that follow by choosing
the most appropriate of the options lettered A- C. Super Computer.
E D. Super Calculator
One of the best inventions in the internet, also 9. Emeagwali nickname in school was...........
called the World Wide Web. It is a huge store of
written information, pictures and sounds that A. Calculator
can be sent to computers anywhere in the
B. Calculus
world in seconds. It is difficult to decide who
invented the internet but Philips Emeagwali C. Confucius
who was a Mathematics genius created the
program that allowed a very large number of D. Internet
computers to communicate together. This is
10. Who is credited with creating the internet
called super computing.
A. Emeagwali Philip
Emeagwali was born to a poor family in Akure in
1954. He grew up in Onitsha and was called B. Albert Einstein
Calculus by his schoolmates because he was so
good at mathematics C. Anthony Excel

6. Emeagwali was born to a poor family in. D. We are not told


B. Ikare Choose from the words lettered A-D, the word

that is nearest in meaning to the underlined
C. Akoko word in each of the sentences below

D. Igando 11. The function of a chairman is to lead and

control the meeting
7. What does W.W.W mean
A. Right
A. World Wide Web t
B. Duty
B. World Wide Work
C. Purpose
C. World Web Wide
D. Part
D. Wide Web World
12. More and more people are becoming
8. The Program that allowed a very large
literate these days
number of computers to communicate together
is called. A. Educated
B. Wise D. Strong

C. Illiterate 17. Wale is the ...........of the twins.

D. Knowledge A. Most tall

13. The buildings were demolished within thirty B. Tall

C. Taller.
A. Erected
D. Tallest
B. Destroyed
18. The boy...........a lot of stories.
C. Finished
A. Has writing
D. Completed
B. Has written
14. It was difficult to mark Amanda's essay
because his writing is illegible. C. Have written

A. Ambiguous D. Have write

B. Unreadable 19. My mother ........rice every Saturday night

C. Illegitimate A. Prepared

D. Painstaking B. Cooked

15. The lies Pemisire told could no longer be C. Cooks

concealed D. Prepare
A. Hidden 20. My sister prefers fried rice........yam.
B. Contained A. Than
C. Revealed B. For.
D. Doubted C. To
Choose from the words lettered A-D, the word D. By
that best completes the following sentences
Choose from the options lettered A-D one
16. Samson was the ..........man in the bible which correctly answers the following
A. Stronger questions.

B. Strongest 21. One who mends shoes is a......

C. Most strongest A. Shoe mender

B. Shoe maker INSTRUCTIONS: One word in each group of the
following set is a group name for the rest.
C. Cobbler Choose the one which best answers the
D. Designer following questions from the options lettered A-
22. One who sells fish is called .............
1.. A. Moon
A. Fisherman
B. Light
B. Fishmonger
C. Sun
C. Fish seller
D. Torch
D. Fish maker
2. A. Iron
23. Someone who draws and designs building's
is called a/an B. Lead

A. House maker C. Metal

B. Designer D. Zinc

C. Artist 3. A. Water

D. Architect B. Liquid

24. A .........makes dresses for women. C. Petrol

A. Seamstress D. Lemonade

B. Mason 4. A. Buck

C. Milliner B. Cock

D. Oculist C. Boar

25. One who speaks in favor of a suspect in the D. Male

court is called........... 5. A. Instrument
A. Detective B. Piano
B. Inspector C. Flute
C. Lawyer D. Organ
D. Policeman In each of the following items, a word is
VERBAL REASONING missing. Choose from the given alternatives the
word that is most suitable for the gap
Example B. Look

Mother and Daughter, father and .......... C. Feel

A. Son D. Hear

B. Brother 10. Hunger and Food, sickness and.........

C. Sister A. Doctor

D. Uncle B. Medicine

The missing word is Son . We therefore shade C. Nurse

space A.
D. Hospital
6. Dog and kennel, horse and.......
In each of the following words, choose the one
A. Nest that cannot be formed with all or some of the
letters of the word in capital.
B. Stable
C. Sty
A. Pooches
D. Den
B. Choice
7. Bread and Bakery, beer and........
C. Tropics
A. Hotel
D. Stripe
B. Brewery
C. Diary
A. Under
D. Factory
B. Umpire
8. Concert and audience, football match
and .......... C. Red

A. Crowd D. Paper


C. Spectators A. Danger

D. Host B. Anger

9. Odour and smell, heat and........ C. Dance

A. See D. Ring

A. Ever A. Store

B. Never B. Site

C. Render C. Sue

D. River D. Tent


A. Stem A. Termite

B. System B. Step

C. Mats C. Stem

D. Martyr D. Stern

16. CONSULTANT In each of the following, choose one word

which is related to the word written in capital
A. Consult letters.
B. Contact 21.COCOA and...........
C. Salt A. Wheat
D. Soul B. Milk
17. FRACTION C. Beverage
A. Action D. Hot
B. Fact 22. FLOWER and.........
C. Frame A. Egg
D. Ration B. Rice
18. INSTINCT C. Soil
A. Tin D. Plant
B. Sit 23.. LADDER and........
C. Tint A. Climb
D. Stick B. Climbing
C. Climbs 3. One of the following is not among the colours
of the rainbow?.
D. Climmed
A. Red
24 BIRDS and.........
B. Black
A. Whistling
C. Yellow
B. Whistle
D. Blue
C. Whissttle
E. Orange
D. Whistled
4. What is Centenary?.
25.ARMY and.........
A. 10 years
A. Foot
B. 100 years
B. Booted
C. 50 years
C. Footed
D. 70 years
D. Boot
5. What are the colors of the Nigerian flag?.
A. Blue and white
1. All of the following animals breastfeed their
babies except?. B. Green and white

A. Eagle C. Green and green

B. Cow D. White and blue

C. Goat 6. One of these is not among the five oceans of

the world
D. Monkey
A. Mesopotamia ocean
E. Pig
B. Pacific ocean
2. Which of the planet is farthest to the sun?.
C. Atlantic ocean
A. Mercury
D. Indian ocean
B. Venus
7. Which year did Nigeria become
C. Neptune independent?.
D. Saturn A. 2024
E. Earth B. 1960
C. 1963 D. John Holt

D. 1966 E. George bush.

8. A place where two rivers meet is called?. 12. Which of the following is not a farm
A. Meeting point
A. Plough
B. Estuary
B. Harrow
C. Confluence
C. Tractor
D. Delta area
D. Harvester
E. Cosmopolitan
E. Manure
9. The unlawful killing of another person
without jurisdiction is called 13. Insects that cause harm to farm animals by
their bites are called
A. Rape
A. Pest
B. Murder
B. Parasite
C. Smuggling
C. Associate
D. Dishonesty
D. Family
E. Theft
E. Friends
10. What device moves a pointer arrow around
the computer screen 14. To control plants disease, we should spray
the plants with chemicals such as the following
A. Television except
B. Mouse A. Pesticide
C. Monitor B. Herbicide
D. Light pen C. Insecticide
E. Scanner D. Disinfectant
11. Who is regarded as the father of E. Genocide
15. ....... Is the oldest religion in Nigeria?.
A. Charles James
A. Christainity
B. John Cowbird
B. Islam
C. Charles Babbage
C. Buddhism C. Local government

D. Traditional D. Town government

E. Hinduism E. Council government

16. A person who is a legal member of a country 20. A man who is not married is called a .
is called
A. Teacher
A. An alien
B. Friend
B. Patriot
C. Bachelor
C. Citizen
D. Spinster
D. Resident
E. Uncle
E. Nationalist
21. The stealing of what you don't need is called
17. Which of these is not a natural resource?.
A. Kleptomania
A. Petroleum
B. Pilfering
B. Land
C. Manipulation
C. Rubber
D. Malpractice
D. Television
22. Manicure is care of.........
E. Coal
A. Mouth
18. The two horses on the Nigerian coat of arms
signify B. Teeth

A. Peace C. Hair

B. Wealth D. Face

C. Progress E. Fingernails and hands

D. Faith 23. A cardiologist takes Care of the ..........

E. Strength A. Teeth

19. The government of the people at the B. Eyes

grassroot level is referred to as C. Brains
A. Federal government D. Ears
B. State government
E. Heart.

24. How long does it take for the earth to

revolve around the sun?

A. 28 days

B. 24 hrs

C. 365 days

D. 52 days

E. 75 days

25. An insect that attacks and destroys crop is


A. Soldier

B. Insecticide

C. Parasite

D. Pest

E. Anther

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