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Republic of the Philippines 6.

It is the key to the success in making

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Division of Zamboanga Del Sur
a. Focus
THIRD QUARTER TEST c. Mise- en- place
TLE- COOKERY 9 d. Proper storing

Name___________ Date:____________
7. Which of the following cooking method is
Yr & Sec. Score:__________ commonly used for preparing hot sandwiches?
a. grill
Directions: Read each question carefully. ENCIRCLE b. boil
the letter of the correct answer. c. broil
1. This ingredient of sandwich should be d. steam
crisped and proportioned to the size of
sandwich. It adds texture, flavor and color to 8. The following types of sandwiches are not to
the sandwich. be grilled before serving, EXCEPT ONE.
A. cheese a. cream sandwich
B. condiments b. hot sandwich
C. spreads c. wheat meal
D. vegetables d. sliced white sandwich
2. _____ is an ingredient of sandwich that 9. These are flavored breads, served with dips
moistens the bread and compliments the flavors like quesadillas and burrito.
of other ingredients. They should be served A. Wrap-rolled sandwich
immediately and kept refrigerated to preserve B. Hot open-faced sandwich
its color and flavor. C. Filled-rolled focaccia or pita bread
A. cheese D. Grilled sandwich
B. condiments
C. spreads 10. _______ are simple hot sandwiches consist
D. vegetables of hot filling, usually meats, but sometimes
fish, vegetable between two slices of bread.
3. Which of the following ingredient of A. Regular hot sandwich
sandwich is highly perishable and should be B. Deep fried sandwich
kept chilled to maintain quality? C. Hot open-faced sandwich
A. cheese D. Grilled sandwich
B. poultry
C. meats 11. All of these are classifications of
D. fish and shellfish sandwiches. Which of these is the popular
multi-decker sandwich from the list below.
4. All of these are ingredients of sandwich a. canape
EXCEPT ONE that has a firm texture, easily b. hamburger
sliced, and act as binder, moistener of other c. clubhouse sandwich
ingredients, and it should be refrigerated and d. open faced sandwich
remain covered until ready to serve to avoid
drying out? 12. It is meant to bind the sandwich providing
A. cheese an improvement of both flavor and texture.
B. meats a. Moistening agent
C. poultry b. Structure
D. fish and shellfish c. Filling
d. base
5. Mise en place for making sandwiches
includes: 13. It is the part of a sandwich upon which the
A. Preparing the ingredients ahead of service ingredients are placed, consists of some form of
B. Arranging and storing ingredients within bread or dough produce that is whole or sliced.
easy reach a. Vegetables
C. Selecting and arranging the proper b. Structure
equipment c. Moistening agent
D. All of these d. Filling
14. It consists of one or more ingredients that 22. _______ refers to ingredients mixed with
are stacked, layered or folded within or on the salad dressing or mayonnaise
structure to form the sandwich. A. sandwich
a. Moistening agent B. filling
b. Structure C. dry filling
c. Filling D. moist filling
d. base
23. The following are example of dry filling
15. It acts as the protective layer between the EXCEPT for ________.
filling and the structure, preventing the filling A. sliced meat
from softening or wetting the bread. B. bread
a. Base C. cheese
b. Structure D. poultry meat
c. Filling
d. Moistening agent 24. The following are the purpose of spread
EXCEPT ONE ________.
16. Meat is an example of what component of a A. to protect the bread from soaking up
sandwich? moisture from the filling
a. Moistening agent B. they add flavor
b. Structure C. they add color
c. Base D. they add moisture
d. Filling
25. Thinly sliced meats are more tender and
17. These are long rectangular loaves that juicier than thickly sliced.
provide square slices. A. true
a. Whole wheat bread B. false
b. Rye Bread C. maybe
c. White Bread D. not at all
d. French and Italian bread
26. A thin layer of beaten egg, evaporated milk
18. These are made from flatten often and other liquid used to spread
unleavened breads. onto food to make the surface shiny and look
a. Wraps attractive in appearance.
b. Rye Bread a. Butter
c. White Bread b. Egg wash
d. Flat Breads c. Glaze
d. Milk
19. These breads are raised by chemical action
of baking powder or baking soda like biscuits, 27. It is a mixture of beaten egg and liquid
banana bread, carrot bread and generally more (usually water or milk) that is
tender and crumbly than yeast bread. brushed onto baked goods like pastries and
a. Sandwich wraps breads before baking to make the top
b. Whole wheat bread crust golden brown in color.
c. Quick Breads a.) Glaze
d. French and Italian bread b.) Sauce
c.) Butter
20. It is corn or flour which are unleavened d.) Egg wash
round cornmeal breads and baked on a hot
stone. 28. The healthiest and an amazing spread for
a. Tortillas sandwiches that helps prevent cancer.
b. Flat Breads a.) Mustard-mayonnaise sauce
c. Rye Bread b.) Chipotle mayonnaise
d. White Breads c.) Wasabi mayonnaise
d.) Avocado
21. It is placed between or on top of bread.
A. Filling
B. structure or base
C. moistening agent
D. sandwich
29. Sanitary practices is the best thing to
ponder in the preparation of food. Which of
these is the most important principle for
sandwich safety preparation to avoid spoilage. 35.
a. 4 - 40 - 140 A. Carefully lay the second slice of bread onto
b. 140 - 4 - 40 the top of it.
c. 4-140 – 40 B. Finally, cut into small triangles and ready to
d. 1- 40 – 40 serve.
C. Then, on top of the tomato, put a slice of
30. There are many kinds of kitchen knives, cheese.
each with a special use. Which one is used to D. First, spread butter on the bread.
cut thick sandwiches?
a. Butcher knife 36. Sandwiches which are made up of ______
b. Paring Knife fillings are extremely perishable and need to be
c. Deli knife put in a refrigerator.
d. Sandwich Knife a. moist
b. dry
31. A small flat, round bladed utensil that is c. wet
serrated on one side and smooth on the other, d. warm
used to apply food spreads over bread slices.
a. Cutting Board 37. The work sequence to make a sandwich is:
b. Measuring Spoon a. Bread, filling, spread, garnish, cutting,
c. Sandwich Spatula wrapping
d. Serrated knife b. Bread, garnish, spread, filling, wrapping,
32. Why should we leave the chilled most c. Bread, toasting, filling, spread, wrapping,
seafood filling used in preparing sandwiches? cutting
a. Correct method of preserving d. Bread, spread, filling, garnish, cutting,
b. Easy to contaminate wrapping
c. Highly perishable
d. Standard procedure 38. The process of preserving perishable food
on a large scale by at a low temperature or
The following are the steps in preparing above the freezing point is called ________ .
Club House Sandwich. a. freezing
33. After preparing all the ingredients, Which is b. cold
the first step to follow? c. storage
a. spread butter on the bread. d. chilling
b. Slice your tomato very thinly and spread
evenly over one slice of bread. 39. All sandwiches should be stored at the
required _______ temperature of 0.5°C, shortly
c. Slice each cheese thinly. after packing.
d. On top of the cheeses, put more tomato a. chilling
on top of the cheese, laying evenly. b. cooling,
c. freezing
d. warm

40. Why do we need to store sandwiches

34. properly?
A. Next, slice each cheese thinly. A. to prevent from drying up
B. After that, slice your tomato very thinly and B. to avoid spoilage
spread evenly over one slice of bread. C. to make it yummy & tastier
C. Then, on top of the tomato, put a slice of one D. all of the above
D. Finally, cut into small triangles and ready to
“Life is like a SANDWICH, You have to fill
it with the BEST ingredients”
1. D
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. A
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. C
10. A
11. C
12. A
13. B
14. C
15. D
16. D
17. C
18. D
19. C
20. A
21. A
22. D
23. C
24. C
25. B
26. C
27. D
28. D
29. A
30. C
31. D
32. C
33. A
34. B
35. B
36. A
37. D
38. A
39. C
40. B

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