KEY - Lesson 23

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L E S S O N 23 Developing your network & Youth subculture



1 intern (n) /ˈɪn.tɜːn/ thực tập sinh

2 subculture (n) /ˈsʌbˌkʌl.tʃər/ tiểu văn hóa

3 beard (n) /bɪəd/ râu

4 mustache (n) /məˈstɑːʃ/ ria mép

5 necklace (n) /ˈnek.ləs/ vòng đeo cổ

6 costume (n) /ˈkɒs.tʃuːm/ trang phục

7 job-hunt (v) /dʒɒb hʌnt/ tìm việc

8 look forward to (v.p) /lʊk ˈfɔː.wəd tʊ/ mong chờ, chờ đợi

9 get to know (v.p) /ɡet tʊ nəʊ/ làm quen

10 make time for (v.p) /meɪk taɪm fɔːr/ dành thời gian cho

11 stay in touch (v.p) /steɪ ɪn tʌtʃ/ giữ liên lạc

Practice 1. Choose the correct answer.

1. It’s important to get to know / make time for / stay in touch with networking at a conference.
It’s the best way to meet new people.
2. We have a new intern / contact / job hunting in the sales department. She’s here for work
3. Did you say that we need a new lawyer? I have an intern / stay in touch / a contact I met in
Chicago. She might be able to help.
4. Delia’s been with the company for ten years now, so she’s job hunting / contacting / introducing
herself, because she wants to move on.
5. Hey, it was great to meet you! Let’s stay in touch / get to know / make time for!
6. I’m looking forward to the conference dinner tonight. I love to job hunt / contact / get to know
new people by talking to them.
7. Have you met the regional director yet? You should really get to know / introduce yourself /
make time for to him.

Practice 2. Complete each sentence with a word or phrase from the box.

contact intern job hunting stay in touch

get to know introduce yourself make time for

1. job hunting
I really want to develop my career, so I’m going to start ___________________ next week.
2. Do you have a ___________________ in the Rio office? I need to know how they do this in Brazil.
make time for meeting new people. It’s
3. You’ll be very busy at the conference, but you must ___________________
very important for your career.
introduce yourself to a large group of people. It makes me feel very embarrassed!
4. It’s hard to _______________________

94 Unit 6: Use and Reuse & I’m a Member

Jaxtina - The Pioneer in Coaching 4 English Skills

5. Are you the new _______________________? Great – can you check these figures for me, please?
get to know
6. When you join a new company, it’s important to _______________________ your team as soon as
stay in touch with all the new people I meet. I might need to contact them in the
7. I try to ___________________

Practice 3. Match the questions (1 – 6) to the photos (a – c).

a b c

1. Who has a costume, tight clothes, and makeup? a

2. Who has dark clothes and a necklace? a
3. Who has glasses and short hair? c
4. Who has bright clothes, long hair, and a cap? b
5. Who has a loose, short skirt and makeup? b
6. Who has no jewelry, and no makeup? c

Practice 4. Complete each sentence with words and phrases from the box.

beard costume bright dark earrings jewelry long

loose makeup mustache necklace short hair tight

1. bright
Jenny likes wearing _______________ clothes in colors like yellow and orange, and she likes
_______________ clothes, because they are more comfortable, especially on hot days. She has
short hair because she cut it herself last week.
costume to look like her
2. Victoria goes to a lot of cosplay events. She likes wearing a _______________
favourite anime character. Her costume is very _______________, so it can be uncomfortable,
especially when it’s hot!
3. Miles has _______________ necklace around
hair. He has not cut his hair for years! He wears a _______________
his neck that his girlfriend gave to him.
4. I lost my _______________, because they fell off my ears at a party! I need to borrow some
_______________ for this evening. Can I look through yours?
5. I’m a goth, and I like wearing _______________ clothes most of the time, like black T-shirts and dress-
makeup as well when I go out at night. My favourite is my blue lipstick.
es. I wear _______________
6. I really don’t like that _______________ mustache on your face, David. All that hair doesn’t
and _______________
look good!

Unit 6: Use and Reuse & I’m a Member 95

Jaxtina - The Pioneer in Coaching 4 English Skills



Function and form

Use Example

We use the simple present to talk about a present

I share an apartment with some friends.
state or habit.
We also use the simple present to talk about a fu-
The train leaves at three in the afternoon.
ture scheduled event.

We use the present progressive to talk about an

I’m waiting for my taxi to get here.
action in progress now.
We also use the present progressive to talk about a
We’re meeting each other this afternoon.
future arrangement.

We use the simple past to talk about a past state or

I loved that TV show when I was younger!

We use the past progressive to talk about an action It was snowing when we were at the
in progress at a past moment. shops.

We use the present perfect to talk about a situation

that started in the past and continues to the pres- She’s been my teacher for three years now.
ent moment.

Practice 5. Choose the correct answer.

1. John and I are staying / have stayed / stayed in touch for years until he got a job with a different
2. Francisco loves networking. He gets to know / was getting to know / has gotten to know so
many people at conferences this year.
3. Yes, I introduce / introduced / have introduced myself to her last week. She seems like she’s
going to be a good manager.
4. Do you travel / Did you travel / Are you traveling around Boston right now? You should watch
the Red Sox play at Fenway Park. They’re the best!
5. The intern is / was / is being very happy at our company at the moment, apparently!

Practice 6. There is a mistake in each sentence. Find and correct it.

1. Amber works at a software company, but she looks for a new job at the moment. is looking
2. We have seen a great film at the movie theatre last week. saw
3. Yes, I think I can help, because I am having a contact in that office. have
4. Sorry, I was work with Celia when the meeting started, so I was late. working
5. Has Donald ever went to New York City before? been

96 Unit 6: Use and Reuse & I’m a Member

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