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Best Practices for Promoting Teachers’ Professional Development

in Malaysia

Article in UMT Education Review · December 2019

DOI: 10.32350/uer.22.01


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2 authors, including:

Mohamad Johdi Salleh

International Islamic University Malaysia


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UMT Education Review (UER)
Volume No.2, Issue No. 2, Fall 2019
ISSN(P): 2616-9738 ISSN(E): 2616-9746
Journal DOI:
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Best Practices for Promoting Teachers’ Professional

Development in Malaysia

Dr. Mohamad Johdi Salleh

Muhammad Hatta

Online Published: Fall 2019

Article DOI:

Article QR Code:

Salleh, M. J. (2019). Best practices for promoting teachers’

To cite this professional development in Malaysia. UMT Education
article: Review, 2(2), 01-26.

42 00 02

A publication of the
Department of Education, School of Social Sciences and Humanities,
University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.
Best Practices for Promoting Teachers’ Professional Development in
Dr. Mohamad Johdi Salleh1*
Muhammad Hatta2
Cluster schools in Malaysia were formed to employ best teachers to achieve
educational outcomes corresponding to the 4th industrial revolution (IR).
This study examines the best practices of promoting teachers’ professional
development prevalent among principals of cluster secondary schools in
Malaysia. The Principal Instructional Management Rating Scale (PIMRS)
was used as the data collection instrument. A diverse sample of 871
respondents belonging to both genders, different ethnicities and types of
schools, and having various designations at schools was drawn randomly
using cluster sampling. The researcher employed descriptive statistical
procedures involving frequency count and percentage distribution as the
means to analyze the collected data. The use of such data is a standard
practice in Malaysia which is employed to plan professional development
among principals of cluster secondary schools. The study indicated that the
best practice of developing teacher professionalism among principals of
cluster secondary schools in Malaysia according to principals’ and teachers’
perceptions was ‘setting aside time at faculty meetings for teachers to share
ideas about instruction or information from in-service activities.’ The
findings will effectively assist the process of promoting a positive school
learning climate among the principals and teachers of secondary schools in
Malaysia in the wake of meeting the goals of National Philosophy of
Education, Vision 2020 and the aspirations of the Malaysia Education
Development Plan 2013-2025 in the era of IR 4. Other school principals
may use the outcomes of this research to facilitate and improve students’
academic performance in their respective schools and join hands in the
collective effort of raising the work force capable of meeting national goals
at par with international standards.

International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
University of Acheh, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Salleh and Hatta

Keywords: cluster schools in Malaysia, principals’ best practice, teacher

The Ministry of Education (MOE), Malaysia announced the
implementation of cluster secondary schools and the aim was to develop
and produce excellent students meeting learning outcomes stated in the
Education Blueprint 2013-2025 of Malaysian National Curriculum. Every
school is a collection of performing and non-performing students; however,
in specially designated cluster schools the principals are fully empowered
to enhance student achievement using effective instructional leadership
practices (Day, Gu, & Sammons, 2016). MOE affirmed that the purpose of
higher secondary education in Malaysia is to enable the Malaysian society
to gain command on the knowledge, skills, and values which are vital for
sustainable development in the cut throat competition instigated by the 4th
IR. The mission of the cluster school system is to achieve these national
objectives by developing and producing excellent graduates who are
internationally competitive and accepted in internationally acclaimed
institutions of higher education across the globe to pursue higher studies.
1.1 Education development plan Malaysia 2013-2025
The prioritization is driven both by the system’s starting point as well
as international evidence about the factors that make the most difference in
improving student outcomes. Given the need to build the system’s capacity
and capability successively, MOE has sequenced the transformation to
occur in three waves.
1.1.1 Wave 1 (2013-2015): turn around the system by supporting
teachers and focusing on core skills. By the end of Wave 1, MOE will
ensure that all teachers, principals, and schools achieve a minimum
1.1.2 Wave 2 (2016-2020): accelerate system improvement. During
the second wave, MOE will roll out structural changes aimed at accelerating
the pace of change (planning for all these initiatives will likely begin during
Wave 1).

Best Practices for Promoting Teachers’ Professional Development…

1.1.3 Wave 3 (2021-2025): move towards excellence with increased

operational flexibility. By the start of the third wave, all schools, teachers,
and principals should be performing well above the minimum standard.
Hence, it is worthwhile to study the practices used for promoting teachers’
professional development among the principals of cluster secondary schools
for the realization of Education Blueprint 2013-2025, Malaysia in the era of
IR 4.0 (Ministry of Education Malaysia, 2012).
2. Literature Review
This section discusses the literature related to the role of principal in
promoting professional development of instructional leadership formulated,
modified and adapted by Hallinger and Murphy and their associates.
2.1 Role of Principal
The studies of the principal’s role in the 1970s were more concerned
with the principal’s role in supervising and administering the school
(Southworth, 2002). In the 1990s and 2000s, the studies became more
focused on the principal’s role as school administrator and instructional
leader (Hallinger, Wang, Chen, & Liare, 2015; Harris, Jones, Cheah,
Devadason, & Adams, 2017); transformational leader (Day et al., 2016;
Salleh & Saidova, 2013), strategic leader (Hairuddin, 2016; Ryan, 2016)
and exemplary leader (Salleh & Khalid, 2018).
These days, the role of principal is getting more complex because it is
always linked with change. According to Fullan (2016), the principal’s role
is critical because the implementation of change is a slow and laborious
task. In this situation, the principal is required to be a professional leader
who takes appropriate action. Salleh and Hatta (2018) stated that an
effective leader is always visible in school surroundings, focuses on the
teaching and learning processes, monitors classrooms and gives feedback.
The principal should provide a positive learning environment for excellent
academic achievement as well as balanced and holistic personality
development and should also pave the way for a harmonious and well-
adjusted society as stipulated in the National Philosophy of Education,
McCarley, Peters and Decman (2016) perceived that the future role of
the principal will be to encourage collaboration and teamwork among

Salleh and Hatta

teachers according to the norms of instructional leadership. This, however,

will require the active participation of school principals to facilitate change
by motivating their staff and students, by reaching out to the community,
and by indulging in continuous improvement of their schools. The
assumption inherent here is that effective leaders manage and lead and more
importantly, indulge in capacity building and professional development to
prepare future educational leadership to meet national needs (Salleh, 2014,
2017). Thus, there are many researchers who found and documented the
functions of instructional, strategic and transformational leadership in order
to improve the quality of education within schools and to enhance student
achievement and teachers’ professional development for maximum
commitment and excellent performance (Hallinger et al., 2015; Day et al.,
2016; Haris et al., 2017).
2.2 Promoting Teachers’ Professional Development
According to Fullan, Quinn, and McEachen (2017), to ensure deeper
learning by encouraging problem-solving and critical thinking skills and to
develop and nurture highly motivated and engaged learners requires
mobilizing the energy and capacities of teachers to the maximum.
Following the guidelines recommended by Fullan and his associates, Salleh
(2017) suggested that school leaders in Malaysia need to fundamentally
transform the learning culture of schools and the teaching profession itself.
Following Southworth (2002), Hairuddin (2016) stated that principals
have several ways of supporting teachers’ efforts to improve instruction.
They can inform teachers of opportunities for staff development and lead
in-service teacher training activities. They can ensure that staff development
activities are closely linked to school goals and can also ensure that teacher
participation is either school wide or encompasses a specific tier of
education, such as primary, elementary or secondary education. This
function also involves helping teachers to integrate skills learned during
staff development programs and assisting them in their classroom
implementation (Ahamad & Kasim, 2016).
Promoting teachers’ professional development is the most influential
type of instructional leadership behavior at both the elementary and high
school levels. Supporting this statement, O’Malley, Voight, Renshaw and

Best Practices for Promoting Teachers’ Professional Development…

Eklund (2015) noted that in order to be a successful instructional leader, the

principal must give primary attention to the planning of the professional
development programs for his / her staff; special emphasis should be put
upon specific leadership techniques and procedures needed for teachers’
capacity building and for overall improvement in teachers’ performance.
The principal’s role in this regard includes classroom visits, observation,
arranging in-service educational programs, conferences, seminars and
workshops, introducing the membership of professional associations, etc.
The principal is expected to provide the appropriate leadership which
will assist each staff member to make the maximum contribution in the
school’s effort to provide quality and up-to-date education (Hoy & Hoy,
2006; Salleh & Hatta, 2010). S/he is expected to have experience in this
area because, according to Hairuddin (2016), knowledge about teaching and
learning and the ability to share these insights with teachers is a key factor
in the selection process of any good principal.
Tajasom and Ariffin (2011) stated that leaders in successful schools are
more concerned and focused on teachers’ professional development and
teaching strategies employed to address areas in which student achievement
is lacking. Thus, Bear, Yang and Pasipanodya (2015) emphasized three
conditions for principals to help flourish site-based professional
development over time including 1) the need for a strong principal or a
strong superintendent who supports the principal; 2) the need to focus on
the end result, that is, improvement in student learning; and 3) the need to
maintain focus over time.
Professional development for teachers should be based on a framework
of research-based instructional strategies (Danielson, Doolittle, & Bradley,
2007). These skills help teachers to bridge theory and practice and create
high quality learning environment in their classrooms. Hairuddin (2016)
suggested that these strategies fall into three categories namely
organization, instruction, and assessment. Organizing strategies include
planning, lesson design, time use (time management, time on task, and
pacing), advanced work, and classroom management. Instructional
strategies exist on a continuum from most teacher-centered to most student-
centered and include lecture, demonstration, questioning, discussion,
guided practice, independent practice, grouping, role play, simulation, and

Salleh and Hatta

reflective inquiry. Finally, assessment strategies cover student assessment

and self-assessment.
According to Wright, Wilson, Gordon and Stallworth (2002), through
site-based professional development programs teachers will obtain i) fresh
teaching ideas and management strategies; ii) samples of successful lesson
plans and the time needed to practice them; iii) time to share resources and
personal stories (for validation and rejuvenation); iv) time to read useful
material on issues that directly affect their teaching and learning, such as
multiculturalism; v) time to reflect; and vi) opportunities to reinvent
themselves. Blasé and Blasé (2000) noted that through professional
development, teachers can learn to expand their powers in the classroom in
order to 1) analyze practice – both their own and other teachers’; 2) get the
exposure to alternatives; and 3) acquire the judgment to know when to
employ which method. Those who have taken part in professional
development are more likely to include interdisciplinary problems and
assessments than their counterparts who have not (Allen, Grigsby & Peters,
2015; Drury, 2018).
Pursuant to the above, Hairuddin (2016) suggested that strategic leaders
have to think beyond the present in order to meet the vision and achieve the
future missions of school improvement. In other words, the principals
should have a strategic plan to promote and develop teachers’
professionalism and to equip them with significant knowledge, effective
communication skills, exemplary behavior, high motivation, and
appropriate decision-making with high accountability and integrity in their
job commitment. One formal professional development experience
regarding the use of technology is reported to increase the use of computers
and other gadgets; similarly, a training workshop on assessment may lead
to making portfolios (Castillo, March, Tan, Stockslager, Brundage,
Mccullough, & Sabnis, 2018). These include moving all 410,000 teachers
and 10,000 principals onto a new career package, restructuring the federal,
state, and district offices to align with the revised roles laid out in Wave 1,
and introducing a new secondary and a revised primary curriculum that
together address concerns about the knowledge, skills, and values needed
to thrive in today’s global economy.

Best Practices for Promoting Teachers’ Professional Development…

2.1.1 Wave 3 (2021-2025): move toward excellence with increased

operational flexibility. By the start of the third wave, all schools, teachers,
and principals should be performing well above the minimum standard. As
such, MOE will focus on increasing the operational flexibility to cultivate a
peer-led culture of professional excellence. It will also move most, if not all
schools, onto a school-based management model and will scale up
successful models of instructional innovation. The goal is to create a self-
sustaining system that is capable of innovating and taking achievements to
greater heights.
Every education system must be anchored into a set of aspirations that
are closely tied to its particular national context. Although there are many
different perspectives on what will make Malaysia’s education system
great, almost all stakeholders agree that Malaysia’s education system must
do much better if it is to live up to the ambitions of all Malaysians. All
teachers should have the opportunity to attain an excellent education that is
both uniquely Malaysian and remains comparable to the best international
3. Research Questions
The study seeks answers to the following research questions.
1. What are the best practices of promoting teachers’ professional
development prevalent among the principals of cluster secondary
schools of Malaysia according to principals’ and teachers’
2. What is the level of implementation of promoting teachers’
professional development among the principals of cluster secondary
schools of Malaysia according to principals’ and teachers’
3. What is the significance of the best practices used for developing
teachers’ professionalism among the principals of cluster secondary
schools for the realization of Education Blueprint 2013-2025,
Malaysia in the era of IR 4.0?
4. Research Methodology
The study was based on the quantitative paradigm and a survey was
designed for data collection. The Principal Instructional Management

Salleh and Hatta

Rating Scale (PIMRS) developed by Hallinger and Murphy (1987) and

modified by others (Latip, 2006; Hatta, 2010) was used as the data
collection instrument. Prior permission to conduct this study was obtained
from the EPRD – Education, Planning, and Research Division of the
Ministry of Education, Malaysia. Cluster sampling was used to collect data;
four cluster secondary schools participated in this study and each one was
treated as an independent cluster. These were National Secondary School
(Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan – SMK), National Religious Secondary
School (Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama – SMKA), Integrated
Boarding School (Sekolah Berasrama Penuh Integrasi – SBPI), and Full
Boarding School (Sekolah Menengah Berasrama Penuh). All teachers were
invited to participate according to their own willingness and everyone was
assured of the privacy of the information collected.
4.1 Scale of Practice and Implementation
In this study, the practice of promoting teachers’ professional
development by principals of cluster secondary schools of Malaysia was
categorized into five levels based on the mean scores. Mean = 0.00 – 0.99
was categorized as ‘Very Low’, Mean = 1.00 – 1.99 was categorized as
‘Low’, Mean 2.00 – 2.99 was categorized as ‘Simple High’, Mean 3.00 –
3.99 was categorized as ‘High’, and Mean = 4.00 – 5.00 was categorized as
‘Very High’. These categories correspond with the categories of responses
classifying Mean = 0 – 0.99 as ‘Never’, Mean = 1.00 – 1.99 as ‘Seldom’,
Mean = 2.00 – 2.99 as ‘Sometimes’, Mean = 3.00 – 3.99 as ‘Frequent’, and
Mean = 4.00 – 5.00 as ‘Always’.
5. Results and Analysis
The findings of the current research are elaborated below.
5.1 Best Practices of Promoting Teachers’ Professional Development
among Principals
Table 1 displays in detail the frequency and percentage of responses for
each task involved in the practice of promoting teachers’ professional
development among principals of cluster secondary schools of Malaysia
according to principals’ and teachers’ perceptions.

Best Practices for Promoting Teachers’ Professional Development…

Table 1
The Practices of Promoting Teachers’ Professional Development among
Principals of Cluster Secondary Schools of Malaysia According to
Principals’ and Teachers’ Perceptions (N = 871)
Frequency/ Percentage

No. Items N S R F A
1. Informs teachers of 22 108 214 333 194
opportunities for (2.5) (12.4) (24.6) (38.2) (22.3)
professional development
2. Selects in-service activities 8 32 208 336 287
that are consistent with the (0.9) (3.7) (23.9) (38.6) (33.0)
school’s academic goals
3. Supports teachers’ requests 9 57 174 354 277
for in-service training that (1.0) (6.5) (20.0) (40.6) (31.8)
is directly related to the
school’s academic goals
4. Distributes journal articles 41 181 232 272 145
to teachers on a regular (4.7) (20.8) (26.6) (31.2) (16.6)
5. Actively supports the use 7 54 225 328 257
of skills acquired during (0.8) (6.2) (25.8) (37.7) (29.5)
in-service training in the
6. Ensures that instructional 24 89 289 279 190
aides receive appropriate (2.8) (10.2) (33.2) (32.0) (21.8)
training to help students
meet instructional
7. Arranges for outside 7 52 236 282 294
speakers to make (6.0) (27.1) (32.4) (33.8)
presentations about (0.8)
instruction at faculty
8. Provides time to meet 9 119 240 300 203
individually with teachers (1.0) (13.7) (27.6) (34.4) (23.3)

Salleh and Hatta

to discuss instructional
9. Sits in on teachers’ in- 12 42 232 358 227
service activities (1.4) (4.8) (26.6) (41.1) (26.1)
concerned with instruction
10. Sets aside time at faculty 9 30 192 340 300
meetings for teachers to (1.0) (3.4) (22.0) (39.0) (34.4)
share ideas about
instruction or information
emanating from in-service
Key: N = Never, S = Seldom, R = Rarely, F = Frequently, A = Always
Table 1 demonstrates that the highest score of responses for item 1
‘informs teachers of opportunities for professional development’ is ‘F-
Frequently’ by 333 or 38.2% respondents. It is followed by ‘R-Rarely’ by
214 or 24.6% respondents, ‘A-Always’ by 194 or 22.3% respondents, ‘S-
Seldom’ by 108 or 12.4% respondents, and ‘N-Never’ by 22 or 2.5%
Table 1 shows that the highest score of responses for item 2 ‘selects in-
service activities that are consistent with the school’s academic goals’ is ‘F-
Frequently’ by 336 or 38.6% respondents. The following scores are ‘A-
Always’ by 287 or 33.0% respondents, ‘R-Rarely’ by 208 or 23.9%
respondents, ‘S-Seldom’ by 32 or 3.7% respondents, and ‘N-Never’ by only
8 or 0.9% respondents.
As shown in Table 1, the highest score of responses for item 3 ‘supports
teachers’ requests for in-service training that is directly related to the
school’s academic goals’ is ‘F-Frequently’ by 354 or 40.6% respondents. It
is followed by ‘A-Always’ by 277 or 31.8% respondents, ‘R-Rarely’ by 174
or 20.0% respondents, ‘S-Seldom’ by 57 or 6.5% respondents, and ‘N-
Never’ by only 9 or 1.0% respondents.
Table 1 indicates that the highest score of responses for item 4
‘distributes journal articles to teachers on a regular basis’ is ‘F-Frequently’
by 272 or 31.2% respondents. The following scores are ‘R-Rarely’ by 232
or 26.6% respondents, ‘A-Always’ by 145 or 16.6% respondents, ‘S-

Best Practices for Promoting Teachers’ Professional Development…

Seldom’ by 181 or 20.8% respondents and finally, ‘N-Never’ by 41 or 4.7%

Table 1 shows that the highest score of responses for item 5 ‘actively
supports the use of skills acquired during in-service training in the
classroom’ is ‘F-Frequently’ by 328 or 37.7% respondents. It is followed
by ‘A-Always’ by 257 or 29.5% respondents, ‘R-Rarely’ by 225 or 25.8%
respondents, ‘S-Seldom’ by 54 or 6.2% respondents, and ‘N-Never’ by only
7 or 0.8% respondents.
Table 1 demonstrates that the highest score of responses for item 6
‘ensures that instructional aides receive appropriate training to help students
meet instructional objectives’ is ‘R-Rarely’ by 289 or 33.2% respondents.
It is followed by ‘F-Frequently’ by 279 or 32.0% respondents, ‘A-Always’
by 190 or 21.8% respondents, ‘S-Seldom’ by 89 or 10.2% respondents, and
‘N-Never’ by 24 or 2.8% respondents.
Interestingly, as shown in Table 1, the highest score of responses for
item 7 ‘arranges for outside speakers to make presentations on instruction
at faculty meetings’ is ‘A-Always’ by 294 or 33.8% respondents. It is
followed by ‘F-Frequently’ by 282 or 32.4% respondents, ‘R-Rarely’ by
236 or 27.1% respondents, ‘S-Seldom’ by 52 or 6.0% respondents, and ‘N-
Never’ by only 7 or 0.8% respondents.
Table 1 shows that the highest score of responses for item 8 ‘provides
time to meet individually with teachers to discuss instructional issues’ is ‘F-
Frequently’ by 300 or 34.4% respondents. It is followed by ‘R-Rarely’ by
240 or 27.6% respondents, ‘A-Always’ by 203 or 23.3% respondents, ‘S-
Seldom’ by 119 or 13.7% respondents, and ‘N-Never’ by only 9 or 1.0%
Table 1 demonstrates that the highest score of responses for item 9 ‘sits
in on teachers’ in-service activities concerned with instruction’ is ‘F-
Frequently’ by 358 or 41.1% respondents. The following scores are ‘R-
Rarely’ by 232 or 26.6% respondents, ‘A-Always’ by 227 or 26.1%
respondents, ‘S-Seldom’ by 42 or 4.8% respondents, and ‘N-Never’ by only
12 or 1.4% respondents.

Salleh and Hatta

Finally, Table 1 shows that the highest score of responses for item 10
‘sets aside time at faculty meetings for teachers to share ideas about
instruction or information emanating from in-service activities’ is ‘F-
Frequently’ by 340 or 39.0% respondents. It is followed by ‘A-Always’ by
300 or 34.4% respondents, ‘R-Rarely’ by 192 or 22.0% respondents, ‘S-
Seldom’ by 30 or 3.4% respondents, and ‘N-Never’ by only 9 or 1.0%
Table 2 describes in detail the mean, standard deviation, rank, and level
of implementation of each task involved in the practice of promoting
professional development among principals of cluster secondary schools of
Malaysia according to the principals’ and teachers’ perceptions.
Table 2
Level of Implementation in Promoting Teachers’ Professional Development
among Principals of Cluster Secondary Schools of Malaysia According to
Principals’ and Teachers’ Perceptions (N = 871)
No. Items Mean Std. Level of
Dev. Rank Implementation
1. Informs teachers of 3.65 1.036 8 High
opportunities for
2. Selects in-service 4.00 .898 Very High
activities that are 2
consistent with the
school’s academic
3. Supports teachers’ 3.96 .934 3 High
requests for in-service
training that is directly
related to the school’s
academic goals
4. Distributes journal 3.34 1.122 10 High
articles to teachers on
a regular basis

Best Practices for Promoting Teachers’ Professional Development…

5. Actively supports the 3.89 .929 5 High

use of skills acquired
during in-service
training in the
6. Ensures that 3.60 1.023 9 High
instructional aides
receive appropriate
training to help
students meet
7. Arranges for outside 3.92 .956 High
speakers to make 4
presentations about
instruction at faculty
8. Provides time to meet 3.65 1.014 7 High
individually with
teachers to discuss
instructional issues
9. Sits in on teachers’ in- 3.86 .908 6 High
service activities
concerned with
10. Sets aside time at 4.02 .892 Very High
faculty meetings for 1
teachers to share ideas
about instruction or
emanating from in-
service activities
Total 3.788 0.971 High
* Implementation Key:
Very Low = 1.00-1.99; Low 2.00–2.99; High = 3.00-3.99; Very High =
4.00- 5.00.

Salleh and Hatta

It is interesting to observe that according to Table 2, all items for

promoting teachers’ professional development among principals of cluster
secondary schools of Malaysia according to the principals’ and teachers’
perceptions have a ‘High’ level of implementation and only one item enjoys
a ‘Very High’ level of implementation.
Table 2 indicates that the highest score for promoting professional
development of teachers among principals of cluster secondary schools of
Malaysia according to the principals’ and teachers’ perceptions is given to
statement 10, that is, ‘sets aside time at faculty meetings for teachers to
share ideas about instruction or information emanating from in-service
activities’. It enjoys a ‘Very High’ level of implementation and ranks
number one with mean = 4.02 and standard deviation = 0.892.
The second highest score is given to statement 2, that is, ‘selects in-
service activities that are consistent with the school’s academic goals’ with
mean = 4.00 and standard deviation = 0.898 and it also enjoys a ‘Very High’
level of implementation. The third highest score is given to statement 3, that
is, ‘supports teachers’ requests for in-service training that is directly related
to the school’s academic goals’ with mean = 3.96 and standard deviation =
0.934 and it enjoys a ‘High’ level of implementation.
Consecutively, the fourth highest score is given to statement 7, that is,
‘arranges for outside speakers to make presentations on instruction at
faculty meetings.’ The fifth highest score is given to statement 5, that is,
‘actively supports the use of skills acquired during in-service training in the
classroom.’ The sixth highest score is given to statement 9, that is, ‘sits in
on teachers’ in-service activities concerned with instruction’ and finally, the
seventh highest score is given to statement 8, that is, ‘provides time to meet
individually with teachers to discuss instructional issues’.
On the other hand, Table 2 determines that the third lowest score is
given to statement 1, that is, ‘informs teachers of opportunities for
professional development.’ It is followed by statement 6, that is, ‘ensures
that instructional aides receive appropriate training to help students meet
instructional objectives’.
Finally, Table 2 indicates that the lowest score for promoting teachers’
professional development among principals of cluster secondary schools of

Best Practices for Promoting Teachers’ Professional Development…

Malaysia according to principals’ and teachers’ perceptions is given to the

statement 4, that is, ‘distributes journal articles to teachers on a regular
basis’. The average mean in the level of implementation is 3.788 and
standard deviation is 0.971.
6. Conclusion
The best practice for promoting teachers’ professional development was
“setting aside time at faculty meetings for teachers to share ideas about
instruction or information emanating from in-service activities” and it was
appreciated by 73% teachers. Other best practices were “selecting in-service
activities that are consistent with the school’s academic goals” and
“supporting teachers’ requests for in-service training that is directly related
to the school’s academic goals”; both affirmed by 71% teachers as occurring
‘Frequently’ or ‘Always’.
Only 2 out of 10 practices were categorized with a ‘Very High’ level of
implementation for promoting teachers’ professional development and
these were “setting aside time at faculty meetings for teachers to share ideas
about instruction or information emanating from in-service activities” and
“selecting in-service activities that are consistent with the school’s
academic goals.” All others were categorized as ‘High’. None was
categorized as a low level practice.
School principals’ communication with school teachers and their
empowering the teachers to give their input will lead to successful
implementation of professional development programs. It is also obvious
that teachers prefer in-house trainings with specific goals to synchronize
with schools’ over all goals. Both teachers and principals made it clear that
the goals and content of professional development must not be imposed
from the outside; rather, it should be a home grown agenda developed
through in-house consensus.
7. Discussion
The study indicated the best practices of developing teachers’ professional
development among principals of cluster secondary schools of Malaysia as
identified by school teachers and principals. In this section, the researchers

Salleh and Hatta

will discuss the level and significance of 10 practices according to the

charter given by the education ministry for charter schools.
A highly ranked practice of cluster school principals was “selecting in-
service activities that are consistent with the school’s academic goals”. It is
in accordance with the aspirations of Education Blueprint 2013-2025’,
Malaysia. Through this practice, school leaders endeavor to provide the best
possible education for every child, regardless of his / her geographical and
socioeconomic background and gender.
The Education Blueprint 2012 declares that MOE aspires to halve the
current urban rural, socioeconomic and gender achievement gaps by 2020
(Salleh, 2014; Salleh & Hatta, 2018). It is the practice of cluster secondary
schools in Malaysia to offer a place of study to students from various
socioeconomic backgrounds as long as they perform academically in public
examination conducted by MOE.
Another well-recognized practice of cluster school principals was
“supporting teachers’ requests for in-service training that is directly related
to the school’s academic goals.’ It is significant to realize that the Blueprint
values ‘quality teachers’ and aspires for enhanced teacher coaching and
support to improve the delivery of knowledge, skills, and values covering
all academic and non-academic aspects of curriculum. It calls for hiring
qualified human resource in cluster secondary schools to produce students
who are able to compete nationally and internationally, especially regarding
academic performance (O'Malley, Voight, Renshaw & Eklund, 2015;
Fancera, 2019).
It is stated in the Blueprint that MOE will also strengthen and empower
state and district offices to improve the quality of frontline support provided
to all schools. By the end of Wave 1 (2013-2015), MOE was expecting that
all teachers, principals, and schools would have achieved a minimum
standard of quality. The results affirmed that schools are indeed above the
minimum quality criterion, although keeping in view the school
improvement efforts made globally, there are miles to go. Moreover, the
program of inviting authentic speakers attracted medium attention only and
was not very well received. Though its purpose was to raise awareness and
deliver appropriate information to teachers, yet proper attention was not

Best Practices for Promoting Teachers’ Professional Development…

paid to the dissemination of such information. This practice was ranked the
A dominant practice of cluster school principals was “actively
supporting the use of skills acquired during in-service training in the
classroom”. This is in accordance with the statement in the Blueprint and
its aim was the capacity building of teachers for bringing improvement in
students’ literacy (in Bahasa, Malaysia and English) and numeracy through
intensive remedial programs. The results showed that cluster school
principals engaged a number of teachers in capacity building through in-
service training and ongoing professional development. Although training
is a particularly important mechanism for improving the quality of teachers
(Hallinger, 2005; Hallinger, Adams, Harris, & Suzette, 2018), yet the age
limit for teachers to join certified training programs became a major barrier
in this case. It is recommended that such age limits must be removed so that
school principals are successful in attracting sufficiently qualified
candidates and allowing every teacher to maintain and enhance their skills
set, including staying up-to-date with the latest developments in pedagogy
(Wang, Wang, Li, & Li, 2017; Salleh & Khalid, 2018; Rashdi & Khamis,
Next in the hierarchy were two practices. The first was “being present
in teachers’ in-service activities concerned with instruction” and the second
was “providing time to meet individually with teachers to discuss
instructional issues.” Both of these practices are significantly related to
teachers’ competency in teaching skills; a common phenomenon of interest
and an ongoing challenge for everyone. Unfortunately, these have not been
a key priority of cluster school principals so far. It is stated here based on
the results of this research that principals need to invest more time in
observation and personal follow up of the programs.
It was confirmed by other sources used by MOE that cluster school
principals “informed teachers of opportunities for professional
development” and conducted professional development programs for
teachers. According to the results of Teaching and Learning International
Survey (TALIS), participation in the professional development activities
was very good. Over 90% of teachers’ reported that they spent
approximately 10 days each year on professional development, which is

Salleh and Hatta

more than the ministry mandated requirement of seven days per year (Alatlı
& Pehlivan, 2014; Harris et al., 2017).
Although the Blueprint 2012 emphasized that cluster school principals
would ensure that instructional aides received appropriate training to help
students meet the instructional objectives; however, this practice was
ranked at the 9th level. It shows that cluster school principals paid more
attention to the professional development of teachers as compared to teacher
assistants. Since the provision of support for new teachers is mandatory,
cluster school principals must provide opportunities to novice teachers and
teaching assistants for co-teaching (Adams, Devadason, Periasamy, & Lee
2018; Harris, Jones, Adams, & Cheah, 2019).
There are several reasons for student absenteeism and poor attendance,
such as poor access, parental attitudes, and an unattractive school
environment. Day et al. (2016) promulgated that student absenteeism has a
broad range of root causes that are often context specific; not only the
cluster school principals need to know these reasons but they also need to
build effective strategies to develop interventions intended to address the
specific needs of students in their schools. These strategies may include
teachers visiting homes of the students, providing transportation, and
enhancing physical attractiveness of the schools (Nair & Jaiun, 2015).
However, cluster school principals need empowerment to take
independent actions and resources to enact such decisions. The Blueprint
2012 promises that during Wave 3 (2021 to 2025), cluster school principals
will be empowered for creating a peer-led culture of professional
excellence. By 2021, all elements of the new ‘Principal Career Package’ are
expected to be in place. MOE also expects that there will be high performing
principals and supporting school leaders in every school, who will have the
leadership skills to drive ongoing improvement and innovation.
The last statement on the ranking list was “distribution of journal articles
to teachers on a regular basis”, which shows that this practice was not a top
priority as well. Cluster school principals still find it hard to create a
research culture. It should be a top agenda in Wave 2; teachers should be
informed and updated about contemporary issues and challenges related to
the national and international educational scenario and they must be guided

Best Practices for Promoting Teachers’ Professional Development…

to include such agenda in their personal goals (Adams et al., 2018; Jarvis,
2018; Depolo, & Vignoli, 2019). Cluster school principals need to acquire
appropriate leadership skills to work effectively and lead others, especially
in the increasingly interconnected world (Noman, Awang & Shaik, 2018).
8. Implications
Malaysia aspires to be in the top three countries in terms of performance in
international assessments as measured by outcomes in TIMSS and PISA
within 15 years. Achieving this goal will require an enormous commitment
by the entire nation. In the past decade, very few school systems have
managed to make such a step change in performance (Alatlı & Pehlivan,
2014). However, several of the world’s top performing school systems, such
as those of Singapore and South Korea, have demonstrated that it is possible
for a system to go from poor to great performance within a few decades
(Noman et al., 2018). Therefore, additional assessments that address the
relevant dimensions of quality in the Malaysian context should be included
in the Blueprint.
MOE admits transforming the teaching profession into a profession of
choice (Salleh, 2014; Adams et al., 2018). It remains committed to its long
standing policy of strengthening the teaching profession to make it a
vibrant, rewarding, and prestigious profession in Malaysia. Drawing on the
success of previous efforts and preliminary engagements with teachers and
teacher unions, it proposes rolling out a new ‘Teacher Career Package’ in
forthcoming waves. It will address challenges currently faced by teachers
at each point in a teacher’s career, from recruitment and teacher training to
retirement. It encompasses raising entry standards, increasing the number
of individualized and continuous professional development opportunities,
enabling teacher progression by increasing competencies and performance
and creating a peer-led culture of excellence (Fancera, 2019).
MOE recognizes that teachers may need assistance in gaining the new
competencies expected of them and it is deeply committed to providing
teachers with the support they need to succeed. As such, it will build up its
portfolio of training programs to address each aspect of the competency
requirements in the new instrument. Some of these modules will cover
fundamental competencies expected of all teachers, such as pedagogical

Salleh and Hatta

competence needed to support the development of higher order thinking

among students and will therefore be made compulsory (Day et al., 2016;
Buske, 2018; Harris et al., 2017). Others will be elective and teachers may
choose from depending on their personal strengths and interests or the areas
for development identified via the new instrument. In developing this
portfolio, MOE will focus more on school-based learning programs which
international research shows to be the most effective form of professional
As declared in the Blueprint 2012, MOE should establish a performance
management system that sets high expectations for individual teachers by
establishing clear KPIs. This system will invest in capability building to
help individual teachers achieve their targets (Salleh & Hatta, 2018; Harris
et al., 2019). Moreover, the performance management system must include
reinforcement strategies; it should reward top performance and should
address poor performance without creating a culture of blame. In the same
goodwill of transparency, MOE should also publish performance results
annually so that the public can track progress made on the Blueprint
programs (Salleh & Aziz, 2012; Nair & Jain, 2015).
The principals need to monitor teachers’ instructional activities in
the schools, solve problems and act promptly taking the right action
(Velarde, 2017; Okorji, Igbokwe & Ezeugbor, 2016). The Blueprint 2012
stated that there should be an ongoing dialogue between the stakeholders
about performance and its possible consequences. Hence, collective
decision-making is possible suggesting revisions and alternative actions to
continue with its implementation.
Good schools tend to have increased the lesson observation
requirements beyond the minimum threshold of twice a year (Wang et al.,
2017). Moreover, cluster school principals must assure the provision of
extra support through shared teaching of classes with more experienced
teachers, the creation of a timetabled slot each week for teachers to spend
in lesson planning workshops, and the assigning of mentors from the pool
of more experienced teachers to provide ongoing coaching and feedback
(Salleh & Hatta, 2010; Salleh, 2014; Salleh & Khalid, 2018).

Best Practices for Promoting Teachers’ Professional Development…

MOE is at the starting point of its journey to develop an education

system capable of producing Malaysians who will remain competitive in a
globalized, 21st century world (Alatlı & Pehlivan, 2014). This requires a
reconsideration of what student learning means and a re-articulation of the
kinds of skills that the Malaysian education system wants to inculcate in its
students. In order to truly transform student learning, change needs to
happen at all levels–the ministry, states, districts, schools, principals, and
teachers (Javris, 2018).
It is hoped that this study provides useful findings which will effectively
assist the process of promoting a positive school learning climate among
principals and teachers of cluster secondary schools in Malaysia.
Consequently, they will facilitate and improve students’ academic
performance, nationally and internationally, as stipulated in the National
Philosophy of Education, Vision 2020 and the aspirations of the Malaysia
Education Development Plan 2013-2025, in the era of IR 4.0.
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