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3 marca 2023 r. godz. 10:00

1. Arkusz składa się z 11 zadań, na których rozwiązanie masz 90 minut.
2. Pisz długopisem/piórem - dozwolony czarny lub niebieski kolor tuszu.
3. Nie używaj ołówka ani korektora. Jeżeli się pomylisz, przekreśl błąd i napisz inną odpowiedź.
4. Pisz czytelnie i zamieszczaj odpowiedzi w miejscu do tego przeznaczonym.
5. Przenieś wszystkie rozwiązania na kartę odpowiedzi.
6. Zapisy w arkuszu i w brudnopisie nie podlegają ocenie.
Życzymy powodzenia!

Maksymalna liczba punktów 60 100%

Uzyskana liczba punktów %

Podpis Przewodniczącej WKK

Konkurs języka angielskiego 2022/2023. Etap wojewódzki.

Zadanie 1. (0–5)
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie nagranie. Zaznacz znakiem X w tabeli, które zdania (1.1.–1.5.) są
zgodne z treścią nagrania (T – True), które są z nią niezgodne (F – False) oraz które
zawierają informacje niepodane w tekście nagrania (NI – No Information). Przenieś
rozwiązania na kartę odpowiedzi.

There are two criteria regarding titles that are allowed to be in the

1.2. The final selection of titles for the Registry is made by the public.

The first podcast was added to the National Recording Registry

in 2021.

The interview with Robin Williams is the most popular of all

Maron’s podcasts.
There are more songs than historical programs in the 2022

Zadanie 2. (0-5)
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie nagranie. Na podstawie informacji w nim zawartych uzupełnij luki
(2.1. –2.5.) tak, aby jak najbardziej precyzyjnie oddać sens wysłuchanego nagrania
i°otrzymać poprawne zdania. Przenieś rozwiązania na kartę odpowiedzi.

2.1. The title of the exhibition is (name)__________________________________________.

2.2. The museum which originally organised the exhibition is (name) ___________________

_____________________________________________________________ in London.

2.3. There are (how many) ____________________________ photos shown in the exhibition.

2.4. The ‘Wildlife Photographer of the Year’ competition took place in (year) _____________

for the first time.

2.5. Apart from the authentic representation of nature and artistic composition, (what)

_______________________________________ is also taken into consideration when

choosing the winner.

Konkurs języka angielskiego 2022/2023. Etap wojewódzki.

Zadanie 3. (0–5)
Przeczytaj tekst. Do każdej luki (3.1.–3.5.) dopasuj właściwe zdanie (A–G) tak, aby
powstał logiczny i spójny tekst. Dwa zdania zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują
do żadnej luki. Przenieś rozwiązania na kartę odpowiedzi.


Traditionally, the history of the harmonica was believed to begin around 1100 B.C. with the
sheng, a Chinese instrument consisting of a bundle of bamboo tubes attached to a curving pipe.
The instrument contains a free reed, a strip of flexible metal that flaps up and down when
a player blows through the sheng’s holes, thus creating musical tones. But most present-day
historians are of a different opinion. 3.1. __________ In 1780, he used the free reed to create
a device meant to imitate human speech. His aim was to better understand the mechanics of
voice. He called his invention, which was the size of an upright piano, a “talking machine.”

Over the next century, more musically minded inventors reduced the size of his device, calling
their various creations a terpodian or harmonium. The pocket-size “mouth organ” arrived in
the 1820s and would spread throughout Europe, followed by the United States. One man who
profited was the German instrument maker Matthias Hohner, who formed his namesake
company in 1857. 3.2. __________ The company remains the leading harmonica brand to this

According to Kim Field’s Harmonicas, Harps and Heavy Breathers: The Evolution of the
People’s Instrument, “the golden age of the mouth organ” came between the world wars.
3.3. __________ In 1944, a former Marine from Chicago, Jerry Murad, formed a trio of
harmonizing harmonica players in dinner jackets and ties, called the Harmonicats. Not long
after, Sonny Boy Williamson II and Little Walter were pioneering a wow-wow-wow technique,
the heart of the Chicago blues. 3.4. __________ If you are a careful listener, you will trace them
in dozens of songs – from Bob Dylan to Stevie Wonder and John Popper of Blues Traveler.

Hohner and other brands were hit hard during the pandemic. 3.5. __________ You may wonder
why. The answer is simple: It is intuitive, it is easy and it is cheap.

Adapted from:

Konkurs języka angielskiego 2022/2023. Etap wojewódzki.

A. During this period, vaudevillians toured with harmonicas and Hollywood westerns put
them between the lips of glamorous cowboys.
B. Customers avoided retail stores then, and sales fell by 25 percent, but the harmonica
continues to enchant.
C. Each of these trends had a significant influence on players of many different types of
music, including folk, rock and soul.
D. A Hohner marketing executive, Morgan Franke, is a producer of the forthcoming
harmonica documentary In the Reeds.
E. They say the harmonica’s more immediate forerunner was invented by a Dutch physician
and physicist.
F. Even Taylor Swift employed the instrument when performing her new song “Betty” at the
Academy of Country Music Awards.
G. He found a huge market for harmonicas in America, particularly among immigrants from
his native land.

Zadanie 4. (0–10)
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Zaznacz znakiem X w tabeli, które zdania (4.1.–4.5.) są zgodne
z treścią tekstu (T – True), które są z nią niezgodne (F – False) oraz które zawierają
informacje niepodane w tekście (NI – No Information). Następnie znajdź w tekście wyrazy
i wyrażenia, które odpowiadają definicjom podanym w punktach 4.6.–4.10., wpisując je
w formie odpowiadającej podanej definicji (np. bezokolicznika). Przenieś rozwiązania na
kartę odpowiedzi.


My father was a doctor, so naturally, I thought my calling was to be a doctor too. But during
my first semester of pre-med, while sledding on a cafeteria tray with friends, I fell off a 10-foot
drop and broke my back. I was in a hospital for a month. Being unable to move and surrounded
by sick people was depressing. It made me not want to work in hospitals.
I minored in creative writing, and the summer after graduation I started to work at Allure beauty
magazine. They paid for employees to take classes in anything relevant work-wise, so I took
a hat design class. I liked the fact that hats could be made quickly – in one sitting period – and
by hand, instead of on a machine.
One night, I thought it would be a good idea to cut my own hair, but it ended up very crooked,
so I shaved my head. I then started making hats resembling hair, and feathered ones too, to feel
more feminine. What happened next is very ‘90s, because this wouldn’t happen today. I was
shopping in SoHo, and employees at two stores commented on my hat and asked to see my

Konkurs języka angielskiego 2022/2023. Etap wojewódzki.

collection. Nowadays, you need to have thousands of followers on social media to even get
noticed as a designer! I didn’t know how to create a collection, so I just made the same hat in
different colors. One store, Bond07, bought my whole “collection” and created an entire
window display of my hats. Then, someone from Barneys saw my collection in Bond07’s
window. I got an appointment with them. It went well and the buyer said she really liked the
collection; she didn’t say they were definitely placing an order, just alluded to it. But I was
naive and told the Times that my collection would be available at Barneys. Right after the article
came out, the Barneys buyer called me and said, “You need to get your hats into our store
ASAP.” Maybe they were planning on ordering, maybe they weren’t, but that’s how I got my
first big order.
I didn’t know how to run a business. I delivered smaller orders to boutiques by bike. I didn’t
know how to read a shipping manual when sending Barneys my order, so I packed one hat per
box in 18 massive boxes and I rented a limo to deliver the collection.
I lived then with three girls in a loft and tried to pretend I wasn’t running a hat business from
the apartment. My roommates complained about finding feathers everywhere: in the rice
cooker, in the toilet. The landlord didn’t let us renew our lease after a year because of my
“suspicious paint lines” on the walls, which I drew to create the hats. So I found a live-work
storefront on East 4th Street and my store opened.
I wish I could say I had a strategy, but I was just really motivated and opportunities came by
me, mainly thanks to a lot of chutzpah and a very open mind. My business was lean and grew
slowly. One day, Jennifer Lopez’s stylist, Andrea Lieberman, just walked by my store and came
in. I designed some big, floppy hats with gold chain detail for Jennifer. Soon I got dubbed the
celebrity milliner in the media – even though I only had a few celebrity clients. I started getting
requests from other celebrities’ stylists. One season, I was busy with fashion shows and Andrea
Lieberman wanted a big band hat for a Gwen Stefani video. It didn’t seem worth it, so I turned
it down, but the video ended up being her huge hit “Hollaback Girl.” That’s one of my regrets in life.
A few years ago, we did a sassy sunhat with “Do Not Disturb” on the brim; it’s our bestselling
hat ever, and a viral Instagram hit. I scrambled to fill huge reorders. We also launched straw
handbags. They were a natural extension, since we do straw hats. Our most successful bag, the
Flavia, resembles an upside-down straw hat.
I’m like the triangle player in the orchestra of fashion. Being a designer of high-end hats is very
niche, but I’ve grown steadily, and the brand’s evolved. I learn every year – every day, really –
and that’s why I love my job.
Adapted from:

Konkurs języka angielskiego 2022/2023. Etap wojewódzki.


4.1. An accident influenced Eugenia’s career decision.

4.2. The hat design course was related to Eugenia’s job.

4.3. Barneys were impressed by the way Eugenia delivered her hats.

4.4. Eugenia left her flat due to objections from her roommates.

Eugenia thinks that refusing the order for a Gwen Stefani video
4.5. was a sensible decision.

4.6. to try to do something difficult very quickly __________________________________

4.7. expensive and of good quality __________________________________

4.8. to give somebody/something a particular name, often in a humorous or critical way


4.9. a person’s behaviour or attitude that offends or shocks people, but is so confident that

they may admire it __________________________________

4.10. to mention something in an indirect way __________________________________

Zadanie 5. (0–5)
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (5.1.–5.10.) jednym wyrazem tak, aby
otrzymać spójny i poprawny językowo tekst. Wymagana jest całkowita poprawność
ortograficzna wpisywanych słów. Przenieś rozwiązania na kartę odpowiedzi.


Every weekday 5.1. _________________ BBC Radio 3’s breakfast show, we have a feature

called Bach Before 7. For just thirty minutes, 5.2. _________________ 6.30 and 7.00, we play

a few 5.3. _________________ of music by Johann Sebastian Bach – usually something

requested by our listeners, who tune 5.4. _________________ from all over the globe. It’s

Konkurs języka angielskiego 2022/2023. Etap wojewódzki.

impossible that another composer could 5.5. _________________ Bach’s place in that slot.

Even Mozart or Beethoven would not cut it.

This is not to say that JS Bach is everybody’s favourite composer – of course not. But he is the

ultimate composer. Trying to explain why is a fool’s game: it’s like the famous quote attributed

5.6. _________________ several authors that “writing about music is

5.7. _________________ dancing about architecture”. It is hard to think of a more refined brain

than Albert Einstein’s, and yet it was he 5.8. _________________ famously uttered, “This is

what I have to say about Bach – listen, play, love, revere – and keep your trap shut.”

It is good advice. I am only ignoring it because so many people I meet, from all walks of life,

who are immediately moved by Bach, ask me: just what is it about him? Why

5.9. _________________ his music do that – and how? So here are a few reasons

5.10. _________________ I think he is the godfather of classical music. All music…

Adapted from:

Zadanie 6. (0–4)
Uzupełnij każde z poniższych zdań (6.1.–6.4.) jednym pasującym słowem. Wymagana jest
całkowita poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych słów. Liczba kresek odpowiada liczbie
brakujących liter w słowie, a niektóre litery zostały już podane. Przenieś rozwiązania na
kartę odpowiedzi.

6.1. A top model fell down on the __ __ __ w __ __ __ during Stella McCartney’s fashion

6.2. This novel is internationally __ __ __ __ g __ __ __ __ __ as a masterpiece of

English literature.

6.3. The interview will be __ __ __ __ d __ __ __ __ live tomorrow evening.

6.4. The cookbook is beautifully __ __ l __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ with colour


Konkurs języka angielskiego 2022/2023. Etap wojewódzki.

Zadanie 7. (0–8)
Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (7.1.–7.8.) jednym wyrazem, przekształcając
wyrazy podane w ramce, tak aby otrzymać spójny, logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny
tekst. Dwa wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki. Wybrany wyraz
może być użyty tylko raz. W każdą lukę można wpisać tylko jeden wyraz. Wymagana jest
pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów. Przenieś
rozwiązania na kartę odpowiedzi.




In a new virtual reality exhibition, five famous paintings that were stolen from museums over

the last 50 or so years are now on view in stunning detail. The Stolen Art Gallery is not

a physical gallery space; it is an app designed by the Brazilian company Compass UOL. It is

now available on smartphones, though its 7.1. _______________________ recommend using

a VR headset.

“7.2. _______________________ when we thought about the exhibition environment, we

thought about building something similar to a typical museum, but we ended up choosing

a minimalist approach. Wearing a VR headset, standing in 7.3. _______________________,

the only thing you really are paying attention to is the art piece,” Compass’ co-founder explains.

Some of the interactive elements are similar to what users might expect to find in a museum.

For example, audio descriptions or seeing other people’s avatars. Other elements, however,

7.4. _______________________ from the museum experience.

Compass is just one of the many companies 7.5. _______________________ with art and VR.

The metaverse, as virtual reality space is called, will 7.6. _______________________ the way

we experience the internet. Our physical world will become more and more

7.7. _______________________ with the virtual one. It will impact industries just as the

internet did in the early ’90s and 7.8. _______________________, it will also have an influence

on the art world.

Adapted from:

Konkurs języka angielskiego 2022/2023. Etap wojewódzki.

Zadanie 8. (0–8)
Przeczytaj zdania (8.1.–8.8.). Wykorzystując wyrazy podane wielkimi literami, uzupełnij
każde zdanie z luką, tak aby precyzyjnie oddać sens zdania wyjściowego. Wymagana jest
pełna poprawność ortograficzna i gramatyczna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań. Uwaga:
nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie pięć
wyrazów, wliczając w to wyraz już podany. Formy skrócone (np. needn’t, they’re) są
liczone jako dwa wyrazy. Przenieś rozwiązania na kartę odpowiedzi.

8.1. I didn’t want to lie on the beach all day long as I had to practise the scales on the piano.
I ________________________________________________________ on the beach all
day long as I had to practise the scales on the piano.

8.2. I'd prefer you to be hired as a choreographer, not a dancer, for next year’s world tour.
I _____________________________________________________ as a choreographer,
not a dancer, for next year’s world tour.

8.3. First, she must get some rest and then she will be able to rehearse for tonight's concert.
She will rehearse for tonight's concert _____________________________________

8.4. She definitely composed that song. HAVE

That song ________________________________________________________ by her.

8.5. Local newspapers report that they are returning to the stage shortly. REPORTED
They __________________________________________________ to the stage shortly.

8.6. His parents told him that he had wasted his talents and abilities. ACCUSED
His parents _____________________________________________________ his talents
and abilities.

8.7. The band made their debut and received a prestigious prize in 2021. ONLY
Not _____________________________________________________ their debut, but
they also received a prestigious prize in 2021.

8.8. Fans always ask famous people for a selfie, no matter what they do. AVOID
Famous people _________________________________________________ for a selfie
by their fans, no matter what they do.

Konkurs języka angielskiego 2022/2023. Etap wojewódzki.

Zadanie 9. (0–5)
Do nazwisk pisarzy (9.1.–9.5.) dopasuj tytuły książek ich autorstwa (A–G). Dwa tytuły
zostały podane dodatkowo i nie odnoszą się do żadnego autora. Przenieś rozwiązania na
kartę odpowiedzi.

9.1. George Orwell A. The Great Gatsby

9.2. Ernest Hemingway B. Animal Farm
9.3. Jack London C. Pride and Prejudice
9.4. F. Scott Fitzgerald D. The Picture of Dorian Gray
9.5. Oscar Wilde E. White Fang
F. The Catcher in the Rye
G. For Whom the Bell Tolls

9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 9.4. 9.5.

Zadanie 10. (0–3)

Odpowiedz na pytania (10.1.–10.3.), wybierając jeden z podanych wariantów odpowiedzi.
Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D. Przenieś rozwiązania na kartę odpowiedzi.

10.1. Which Irish writer did not receive the Nobel Prize for Literature?
A. W.B. Yeats.
B. James Joyce.
C. Seamus Heaney.
D. George Bernard Shaw.
10.2. Which movie award is in the shape of a theatrical mask?
A. The Academy Award.
C. The BAFTA Award.
D. The Golden Globe Award.
10.3. Who was Joseph Pulitzer, the founder of the Pulitzer Prize, by profession?
A. A successful poet.
B. A French ambassador.
C. A newspaper publisher.
D. A pioneer of the mystery genre.

Konkurs języka angielskiego 2022/2023. Etap wojewódzki.

Zadanie 11. (0–2)

Rozwiąż zadania (11.1.–11.2.), udzielając odpowiedzi w języku angielskim. Wymagana
jest pełna poprawność merytoryczna i językowa odpowiedzi. Przenieś rozwiązania na
kartę odpowiedzi.

11.1. What is the largest independent film festival in the U.S.?



11.2. Who was a leading female modernist writer in the 20th century, involved in early feminist
movements, and known for the use of stream of consciousness in her works? Give her
name and surname.



Upewnij się, że wszystkie odpowiedzi zostały poprawnie przeniesione

na kartę odpowiedzi.

Konkurs języka angielskiego 2022/2023. Etap wojewódzki.

Zadanie 1.
1.1. _____ 1.2. _____ 1.3. _____ 1.4. _____ 1.5. _____ _______/5
Zadanie 2.
2.1. __________________________________________________________________

2.2. __________________________________________________________________

2.3. __________________________________________________________________

2.4. __________________________________________________________________

Pola na szarym tle wypełnia osoba sprawdzająca.

2.5. __________________________________________________________________ _______/5
Zadanie 3.
3.1. _____ 3.2. _____ 3.3. _____ 3.4. _____ 3.5. _____ _______/5
Zadanie 4.
4.1. _____ 4.2. _____ 4.3. _____ 4.4. _____ 4.5. _____

4.6. __________________________

4.7. __________________________

4.8. _________________________

4.9. _________________________

4.10. ____________________________ _______/10

Zadanie 5.

5.1. _________________________ 5.6. _________________________

5.2. _________________________ 5.7. _________________________

5.3. _________________________ 5.8. _________________________

5.4. _________________________ 5.9. _________________________

5.5 _________________________ 5.10 _________________________ _______/5

Konkurs języka angielskiego 2022/2023. Etap wojewódzki.

Zadanie 6.

6.1. __ __ __ w __ __ __

6.2. __ __ __ __ g __ __ __ __ __

6.3. __ __ __ __ d __ __ __ __

6.4. __ __ l __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _______/4
Zadanie 7.
7.1. _________________________ 7.5. _________________________

7.2. _______________________ 7.6. _______________________

7.3. _______________________ 7.7. _______________________

Pola na szarym tle wypełnia osoba sprawdzająca.

7.4. _______________________ 7.8. _______________________ _______/8
Zadanie 8.

8.1. I ________________________________________________________ on

the beach all day long as I had to practise the scales on the piano.

8.2. I ________________________________________________________ as

a choreographer, not a dancer, for next year’s world tour.

8.3. She will rehearse before tonight's concert __________________________

_______________________________________________________ first.

8.4. That song _____________________________________________ by her.

8.5. They _____________________________________________________ to

the stage shortly.

8.6. His parents _________________________________________ his talents

and abilities.

8.7. Not ___________________________________________ their debut but

they also received a prestigious prize in 2021.

8.8. Famous people _______________________________________________

for a selfie by their fans, no matter what they do. _______/8

Konkurs języka angielskiego 2022/2023. Etap wojewódzki.

Zadanie 9.

9.1. _____ 9.2. _____ 9.3. _____ 9.4. _____ 9.5. _____ _______/5

Pola na szarym tle wypełnia osoba sprawdzająca.

Zadanie 10.

10.1. _____ 10.2. _____ 10.3. _____ _______/3

Zadanie 11.






_____________________________________________________________ _______/2


Konkurs języka angielskiego 2022/2023. Etap wojewódzki.

(Zapisy w brudnopisie nie podlegają ocenie.)


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