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(12) United
States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9 ,926 ,470 B2
(45 ) Date of Patent: Mar. 27 , 2018
( 54 ) HYBRID MATERIAL OF CROSSLINKED (56 ) References Cited
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B32B 43/00 ( 2006 .01) Primary Examiner — Marc S Zimmer
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C08G 77/ 12 ( 2006 .01) Hill & Clark LLP
C08G 77 / 20 ( 2006 .01 )
C09J 133/00 (2006 .01) (57 ) ABSTRACT
(52 ) U . S . CI. A two - phase adhesive composition and selective debonding
CPC ........... C09J 7 /0246 ( 2013 .01) ; A61L 15 / 585 agent are described . The adhesive composition comprises a
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C08G 77 /20 ( 2013. 01 ); C09J 133/ 00 applied , the selective debonding agent is absorbed by the gel
( 2013 .01) ; CO9J 2201/606 ( 2013 .01); C09 ) microparticles. The gel microparticles change size or shape
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CO9J 2205/ 302 ( 2013 .01) ; CO9J 2433 /00 decreasing the contact area between the adhesive and the
( 2013 .01 ) ; C09 ) 2467 / 005 ( 2013 .01 ); C09 ) substrate . Methods to selectively debond pressure sensitive
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(2015 .01); Y10T 428 / 2891 (2015 .01) pressure sensitive adhesive composition , adhesive systems,
(58 ) Field of Classification Search and kits that include an article containing the pressure
sensitive adhesive composition and the selective debonding
CPC .............. ...... C09J 11/08 ; C09J 183/04 ; CO9J agent, are also described .
133/00 – 133 / 16
See application file for complete search history . 47 Claims, 9 Drawing Sheets
US 9,926 ,470 B2
Page 2

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U . S . Patent Mar . 27, 2018 Sheet 1 of 9 US 9 , 926 ,470 B2

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FIG . 2 .

2 - 3
— — — — — — — — — — -— - - - - - - - — — -

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FIG . 3
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Looo 0 O NOOoo O
22 + 00 : 00 Loo
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FIG . 4

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FIG . 5
U . S . Patent Mar . 27, 2018 Sheet 3 of 9 US 9 ,926 ,470 B2

FIG . 6A

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FIG . 7
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100% START



103 V






FIG . 8
atent Mar . 27 , 2018 Sheet 6 of 9 US 9 ,926 ,470 B2

80 78

76 FIG . 9 77

91 2785


FIG . 10
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FIG . 11
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500 um
FIG . 12

500 um
FIG . 13
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- 126

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FIG . 14
US 9 ,926 ,470 B2
HYBRID MATERIAL OF CROSSLINKED While prior efforts have been undertaken to incorporate
MICROGEL PARTICLES DISPERSED IN AN microparticles or microcapsules in a pressure sensitive adhe
ADHESIVE sive , such efforts have had limitations and problems. Various
types of microparticles and microcapsules have included
CROSS -REFERENCE TO RELATED 5 blowing agents , water soluble tackifiers , or hydrocolloid
APPLICATION particles . These strategies have led to two problems: 1 ) a
significant decrease in the initial bonding strength of the
The present application is a 371 of International Appli adhesive ; and 2 ) a need to use an undesirable debonding
cation No . PCT/US2013 /065812claims
, which was publishedUSin agent such as heat, ultraviolet light, or acidic or basic
English on May 1, 2014 , and claims the the benefit
benefit of
of U . S . 10 solutions
son .Pressure sensitive adhesives have been incorporated into
Provisional Patent Application No .61/716 ,828 filed Oct. 22 , a wide variety of products including those used in medical
2012 , both of which are incorporated herein by reference in applications, automobile applications, and adhesive tapes .
their entireties. While many commercial products are known to facilitate
FIELD 15 removing an adhesive article from a substrate , there remains
a need to utilize a selective debonding agent to facilitate the
The present subject matter relates to a two -phase adhesive removal of such articles .
composition including microparticles, a selective debonding SUMMARY
agent for debonding the adhesive , a method of using the 20
adhesive , a method of debonding the adhesive with the The difficulties and drawbacks associated with previously
selective debonding agent,methods ofmaking the adhesive , known adhesives and strategies are overcome in the present
articles that utilize the adhesive , systems of adhesive and compositions , adhesives , articles using such , and related
debonding agents , and a kit that includes an adhesive article methods.
and a selective debonding agent. 25 The present subject matter relates to crosslinked silicone
gel microparticles (also referred to herein as “microgel
BACKGROUND particles” , "microgels ” , and / or " microparticles” ) that
expand upon exposure to a debonding fluid to assist in
Adhesives are widely used for securing a variety of adhesive removal.
articles to substrates. Pressure sensitive adhesives (PSA ) are 30 In one aspect, the present subject matter provides a
well known and are used for a variety of industrial, con - pressure sensitive adhesive composition adapted for selec
sumer, and medical applications . Pressure sensitive adhe - tive debonding comprising a pressure sensitive adhesive and
sives are characterized as being normally tacky and exhib crosslinked silicone gel microparticles dispersed therein .
iting instant tack when applied to a substrate . A variety of The microparticles are such that they undergo a change in at
polymers have been used to manufacture pressure sensitive 35 least one of shape and volume when exposed to a selective
adhesives , for example , acrylic and methacrylic ester homo- debonding agent.
or copolymers , butyl rubber -based systems, silicones , In another aspect, the present subject matter provides a
nitriles , styrene block copolymers, ethylene - vinyl acetate , selectively debondable adhesive system . The system com
urethanes, vinyl esters and amides, olefin copolymer mate prises a selective debonding agent and a pressure sensitive
rials , natural or synthetic rubbers, and the like. 40 adhesive composition . The pressure sensitive adhesive com
Pressure sensitive adhesives have been widely studied in position includes a pressure sensitive adhesive and cross
an attempt to tailor their properties so that they readily linked silicone gel microparticles dispersed therein . The
debond from a given substrate . It is especially desirable for microparticles are such that they undergo a change in at least
skin -contact adhesives, such as those used in wound dress - one of shape and volume when exposed to the selective
ings , to have very high initial adhesion . This enables them 45 debonding agent.
to be easily applied , remain securely attached in place, and In another aspect, the present subject matter provides a
act as good barriers against externalmicrobial contaminants. method of preparing a pressure sensitive adhesive compo
At the same time, it is preferred that the adhesive be easy to sition adapted for selective debonding comprising a pressure
remove. Tissue trauma resulting from removal of adhesive sensitive adhesive and crosslinked silicone gel micropar
articles is a well -documented phenomenon that can delay 50 ticles dispersed therein . The microparticles are such that
wound healing , increase wound size , and cause significant they undergo a change in at least one of shape and volume
pain . when exposed to a selective debonding agent.
There are numerous strategies for mitigating the trauma In another aspect, the present subject matter provides a
associated with removing skin adhesives. Some strategies method of debonding an article containing a pressure sen
employ a debonding agent to the article that reacts with the 55 sitive adhesive composition adapted for selective debond
adhesive causing a loss of adhesion . Other strategies deac - ing. The method comprises providing an article which is
tivate the adhesive on demand by using an external trigger, adhesively bonded to a substrate, selecting a debonding
such as temperature changes, light exposure , hydration , or agent, applying the debonding agent to the pressure sensitive
the like . Other strategies simply rely on striking a compro adhesive, and peeling the article from the substrate . The
mise between adhesive strength and ease of removal, soft 60 pressure sensitive adhesive composition comprises a pres
silicone adhesives being an excellent example . These efforts sure sensitive adhesive and crosslinked silicone gel
have often led to less than optimum results . The problems microparticles dispersed therein . The microparticles are
include unsatisfactory reduction in bonding strength or the such that they undergo a change in at least one of shape and
dissolution of the pressure sensitive adhesive in the debond volume when exposed to a selective debonding agent . The
ing agent. When the pressure sensitive adhesive dissolves, it 65 method includes selecting a debonding agent that will be
can leave a tacky residue on the substrate subsequent to absorbed by the crosslinked silicone gel microparticles and
removal. change their shape and /or volume, thus reducing the adhe
US 9 ,926 ,470 B2
sion between the pressure sensitive adhesive and the sub FIG . 9 is a schematic view of a preferred embodiment
strate . The debonding agent is such that it will not be adhesive article with a release liner partially removed in
absorbed by, or dissolve the pressure sensitive adhesive . accordance with the subject matter .
In another aspect, the present subject matter provides an FIG . 10 is a schematic view of another preferred embodi
article comprising a backing material having first and second 5 ment adhesive article without a release liner in accordance
oppositely directed surfaces , a pressure sensitive adhesive with the subject matter.
composition disposed on the first surface of the backing FIG . 11 is a perspective view of a preferred embodiment
material, and a product release liner adhered to the exposed adhesive tape in accordance with the present subjectmatter.
surface of the pressure sensitive adhesive composition . The FIG . 12 is a photograph taken under magnification of a
pressure sensitive adhesive composition is adapted for selec - 10 pressure sensitive adhesive matrix containing 1 % silicone
tive debonding and comprises a pressure sensitive adhesive microgel particles by weight, prepared in accordance with
and crosslinked silicone gel microparticles dispersed the present subject matter.
therein . The microparticles are such that they undergo a FIG . 13 is a photograph taken under magnification of a
change in at least one of shape and volume when exposed to pressure sensitive adhesive matrix containing 10 % silicone
a selective debonding agent. 15 microgel particles by weight, prepared in accordance with
In another aspect, the present subjectmatter provides a kit the present subject matter .
comprising a backing material , a pressure sensitive adhesive FIG . 14 is a schematic view of a preferred embodimentkit
composition disposed on the backing material for applying comprising an adhesive article with a release liner, a selec
the backing material to a substrate , and a selective debond - tive debonding agent, a container for the selective debond
ing agent for removing the backing material from a sub - 20 ing agent, and a package in accordance with the subject
strate. The pressure sensitive adhesive composition is matter.
adapted for selective debonding and includes a pressure
sensitive adhesive matrix , crosslinked silicone gelmicropar DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
ticles dispersed in the pressure sensitive adhesive matrix EMBODIMENTS
with a characteristic such that upon exposure to a debonding 25
agent, the microparticles undergo a change in at least one of The subject matter described herein provides composi
shape and volume. tions for adhesively bonding an article to a substrate and
As will be realized , the subject matter described herein is easily and selectively removing the article from the sub
capable of other and different embodiments and its several strate . The adhesive compositions comprise particular
details are capable ofmodifications in various respects, all 30 microparticles dispersed within an adhesive matrix . The
without departing from the claimed subject matter. Accord - microparticles of the present subject matter change shape
ingly , the drawings and description are to be regarded as and/or increase in size when exposed to a selective debond
illustrative and not restrictive . ing agent. A change in shape and/ or size is generally referred
to herein as “ swelling.” Exposure to aqueous solutions, such
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 35 as water or exudate from a wound , typically will not cause
size or shape changes in the microparticles. The selective
These , as well as other features, aspects , and advantages debonding agent typically does not dissolve the adhesive
of this present subject matter, will be more completely matrix .
understood and appreciated by referring to the following related method of using and debonding the adhesive
more detailed description of the exemplary embodiments of 40 article from a substrate is described . The method to debond
the present subject matter in conjunction with the accom - the article from a substrate is inexpensive, practical, and can
panying drawings . be readily controlled by the user. The method does not
FIG . 1 is a schematic , cross sectional view of a preferred require the use of heat, light, or a change in pH to facilitate
embodiment adhesive in accordance with the present subject debonding . An adhesive article comprising the adhesive
matter. 45 composition of the present subject matter is provided and
FIG . 2 is a schematic , cross sectional view of another applied to a substrate . When removal of the article is desired ,
preferred embodiment adhesive in accordance with the a selective debonding agent is applied to the adhesive
present subject matter. composition at the interface between the substrate and the
FIG . 3 is a schematic perspective view of another pre - article . The microparticles at the interface that are exposed
ferred embodiment adhesive in accordance with the present 50 to the debonding agent will absorb at least a portion of the
subject matter. debonding agent and expand and/or change shape . As the
FIG . 4 is a schematic, cross sectional view of a preferred microparticles swell at the interface, they push or otherwise
embodiment adhesive article adhered to a substrate in accor - displace the adhesive matrix away from the substrate caus
dance with the present subject matter. ing the adhesive matrix to partially debond from the sub
FIG . 5 is a schematic , cross sectional view of another 55 strate . This produces a reduction in the surface contact area
preferred embodiment adhesive article adhered to a substrate between the substrate and the adhesive matrix . As less of the
in accordance with the present subject matter. surface of the adhesive matrix is contacting the substrate ,
FIGS. 6A - 6C are schematic , cross sectional view dia - less force is required for removal of the adhesive article .
grams of an exemplary system in accordance with the This allows for easy removal.
present subject matter for debonding an article from a 60 A related method of preparing the adhesive composition
substrate . of the present subject matter has another advantage in its
FIG . 7 is a flowchart of an exemplary method for prepar simple and inexpensive means of production . The prepara
ing the pressure sensitive adhesive composition is accor tion is accomplished by mixing a two -part silicone gel
dance with the subject matter. component system in a solution of water and surfactant. The
FIG . 8 is a flowchart of an exemplary method for using an 65 two -part silicone gel components are combined just prior to
adhesive article and selective debonding agent in accordance mixing them in the water and surfactant solution . Once the
with the subject matter. gel components are mixed with the solution , the mixture is
US 9 ,926 ,470 B2
agitated and heated to uniformly disperse droplets of Alternatively, in other applications, itmay become desir
uncured silicone gel in the water solution . The silicone gel able to generally disperse the microparticles within the
droplets cure and at least partially crosslink to form silicone pressure sensitive adhesive. This could be desirable where a
gelmicroparticles in suspension in the aqueous solution . The pressure sensitive adhesive composition is intended to be
suspension is optionally cooled . The microparticles are then 5 left on the substrate with no backing layer . The pressure
extracted using a solvent. The solvent containing silicone gel sensitive adhesive could then be applied via a carrier layer ,
microparticles is then combined with a pressure sensitive by spraying means , by brushing means, or the like.
adhesive . At least a portion of the excess solvent is evapo Microparticles, in accordance with the present subject
rated to produce a pressure sensitive adhesive with cured matter, are preferably dispersed uniformly within the pres
and crosslinked silicone gel microparticles dispersed 10 sure sensitive adhesive composition . In another preferred
therein .
A preferred embodiment of the present subjectmatter is a embodiment, the microparticles are concentrated near one or
more regions of the pressure sensitive adhesive matrix layer.
pressure sensitive adhesive composition adapted for selec Referring to the figures wherein the drawings are for
tive debonding. The composition comprises a solvent acrylic
pressure sensitive adhesive and crosslinked silicone gel 15 purposes of illustrating the preferred embodiments of the
microparticles dispersed in the pressure sensitive adhesive . present subjectmatter only and not for purposes of limiting
The silicone gel, in the form of microparticles, has charac - same, and initially to FIG . 1 and FIG . 2 , there is shown a
teristics such that upon exposure to a selective debonding pressure sensitive adhesive matrix 1 , 10 respectively , com
agent, the microparticles undergo a change in shape and /or prising a pressure sensitive adhesive 2 , 11 respectively , and
increase in volume. These and other aspects are described in 20 microparticles 3 , 12 respectively , dispersed therein and in
greater detail herein as follows. accordance with preferred embodiments of the present sub
Microparticles ject matter.
In one aspect, the present subject matter relates to In accordance with one preferred embodiment and as
microparticles that are contained within the pressure sensi- shown in FIG . 1 , themicroparticles 3 are dispersed generally
tive adhesive matrix . The microparticles provide for the 25 uniformly within the pressure sensitive adhesive 2 . In accor
debonding of an adhesive article from a substrate . Several dance with another preferred embodiment and as shown in
characteristics of the microparticles can be tailored to opti FIG . 2 , the microparticles 12 can be dispersed generally
mize debonding. Depending on the intended application, one along one surface or region of the pressure sensitive adhe
or all of these characteristics can be adjusted to accommo sive 11 .
date the particular needs of the user. Some of these charac - 30 With both embodiments respectively, the microparticles
teristics are dependent on or at least influenced by other 3 , 12 constitute a distinct phase from the pressure sensitive
characteristics of the microparticles , by traits of the pressure adhesives 2 , 11 and are not dissolved in the pressure
sensitive adhesive , and by qualities of the debonding agent. sensitive adhesives . The microparticles have their own dis
These relationships and related characteristics are as fol crete shape , independent from the overall contour of the
lows. 35 pressure sensitive adhesive layer.
1 . Dispersion within a Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Localized microparticle dispersion within the pressure
Microparticle dispersion within a pressure sensitive adhe - sensitive adhesive matrix as generally shown in FIG . 2 can
sive matrix is one factor that could affect the debonding be related to the ratio of microparticle size to pressure
mechanism of the present subject matter. Microparticles can sensitive adhesive layer thickness . Pressure sensitive adhe
be dispersed either uniformly throughout or localized to one 40 sives are usually layered in adhesive articles at thicknesses
region of the pressure sensitive adhesive matrix . The chosen between 30 and 100 micrometers . If the size of the micropar
configuration of microparticles within the pressure sensitive ticles approaches the thickness of the pressure sensitive
adhesive composition will depend on a number of factors adhesive layer, then the microparticles could not be dis
including but not limited to : cost, time, intended purpose , persed generally along an outer surface or region of the
method of combining the microparticles to the pressure 45 pressure sensitive adhesive matrix and thereby define one or
sensitive adhesive , method of applying the pressure sensi- more other regions within the pressure sensitive adhesive
tive adhesive composition to an adhesive article, and the which are free or substantially free of the microparticles.
like. The relatively large microparticles would then extend com
Limiting or not limiting microparticle dispersion to cer - pletely through the pressure sensitive adhesive layer from
tain regionswithin the pressure sensitive adhesive matrix for 50 one surface or region to another. To achieve microparticle
example could depend on intended application . dispersion on a surface of the pressure sensitive adhesive ,
Localizing microparticles at or near a surface of a pres- microparticle size should be tailored in relation to the
sure sensitive adhesive layer may become preferred in thickness of the pressure sensitive adhesive layer . A pressure
certain applications where a backing layer of an adhesive sensitive adhesive matrix as shown in FIG . 2 could then be
article is present . Generally dispersingmicroparticles within 55 prepared .
the pressure sensitive adhesive composition may lead to Microparticle dispersion is also related to the amount of
debonding of the backing material from the pressure sensi- particles added to the pressure sensitive adhesive matrix .
tive adhesive composition . If microparticles that are adja Increasing the amount of microparticles could prevent local
cent to a backing layer become exposed to a debonding ized dispersion of themicroparticles to certain regions of the
agent, swelling of themicroparticles may cause the backing 60 pressure sensitive adhesive composition .
layer to debond from the pressure sensitive adhesive com - The methods used to combine the microparticles to the
position rather than having the adhesive article and pressure pressure sensitive adhesive will also influence the dispersion
sensitive adhesive composition debond collectively from the arrangement. Techniques of combining the microparticles
substrate . This would undesirably leave the pressure sensi- and the pressure sensitive adhesive can be customized in
tive adhesive composition adhered to the substrate . Restrict - 65 order to prepare the dispersion arrangements as depicted in
ing the microparticles to the substrate side of the pressure FIG . 1 and FIG . 2 . These techniques will be discussed
sensitive adhesive composition would limit this result. further under the Methods of Preparation section herein .
US 9 ,926 ,470 B2
2 . Material Composition component system is comprised of a reactive silicone poly
Choice of materials used to prepare the microparticles in mer ( A ) and crosslinking agent (B ). Typically , parts A and B
accordance with the present subject matter is dependent on include a vinyl- substituted polydimethylsiloxane base .
a number of considerations. In accordance with the present Preferably, both parts A and B have the same vinyl
subject matter, the composition of the microparticles is 5 substituted polydimethylsiloxane base . The reactive silicone
preferably chosen in relation to the debonding agent polymer ( A ) contains hydrogen atoms bonded directly to the
employed , the type of pressure sensitive adhesive in which silicon atom .
the microparticles will be incorporated , and the intended use The crosslinking agent ( B ) contains at least one vinyl
of the composition . substituted polydimethylsiloxane as well as a catalyst. The
The microparticles preferably respond to a specific 10 catalyst contains a platinum or rhodium metal complex , and
debonding agent, causing them to swell. When included in more preferably organometallic compounds. Organometallic
a pressure sensitive adhesive composition that is part of an compounds are characterized by a metal-carbon bond that is
adhesive article , the change in the microparticles aids in the generally of character intermediate between ionic and cova
debonding process . lent.
The microparticles preferably do not dissolve in or chemi- 15 Both parts A and B are easily mixed , and when handled
cally react with the pressure sensitive adhesive. This will separately , do not cure .
prevent the microparticles from dissolving or swelling when The end product is prepared by a temperature -activated
incorporated into the pressure sensitive adhesive and at a addition polymerization reaction . The tacky silicone gel is
time before the adhesive is applied to a substrate . Cross - produced by thoroughly mixing parts A and B in a ratio of
reactivity between the pressure sensitive adhesive and the 20 about 1 : 1 , thereby enabling the vinyl- group on the vinyl
microparticles could cause a number of problems. The substituted silicone to be activated by the catalyst and the
pressure sensitive adhesive could lose an amount of tacki- hydride containing silicone. This results in crosslinking the
ness due to the dissolving microparticles, inhibiting full silicone so that it will begin to cure . The resultant silicone
adhesion . The pressure sensitive adhesive could otherwise gel is comprised of elastomeric crosslinked silicone poly
be dissolved by the microparticles, leaving a sticky film on 25 mers . The time required for the desired curing depends on
a substrate upon removal of the adhesive article . If the various factors , such as , for example , the reaction tempera
microparticles expanded from reacting with the pressure ture or the catalyst concentration . The polymerization reac
sensitive adhesive, they could create a non - smooth adhesive tion may be inhibited by the presence of amines, sulfur,
surface on the adhesive article . This could reduce bonding nitrogen oxide , organotin compounds, and carbon monox
between the adhesive article and a substrate . 30 ide .
The microparticles preferably conform to intended use The properties of the fully cured silicone can be influ
requirements for the end product. For example , if wound enced in various differentways. For example , the properties
dressings are the intended use , microparticles that do not can be influenced through varying the ratio of the compo
absorb sweat or exudate are preferred for the pressure nent parts A and B , by modifying the stoichiometric ratios of
sensitive adhesive composition . Silicone gel microparticles 35 the groups responsible for the crosslinking such as the vinyl
would be suitable for such application . The silicone gel groups and silicon -hydrogen groups, through the molecular
microparticles preferably do not absorb exudate from a weights of the polysiloxanes used or through the concen
wound , sweat from a user ' s skin , or water from the envi - tration of the filling agent ( s ) used . In this way silicon gels
ronment such as from bathing or meteorological precipita - can be made available that are soft, very adhesive and not
tion . Silicone gel microparticles are also advantageous in 40 friable and exhibit significant adhesion to the skin .
that they also exhibit initial tackiness separate and apart The silicone gel product is preferably a soft, clear, tacky
from the pressure sensitive adhesive matrix . Upon exposure silicone gel that is at least partially crosslinked with medium
to a selective debonding agent, the silicone gel micropar - crosslink density .
ticles preferably change shape and /or increase in volume. The silicone gel microparticles preferably swell to from
The silicone gel microparticles also lose tackiness after 45 about 3 to about 20 times their original size upon exposure
exposure to the debonding agent. Their increase in volume to volatile small molecule silicone fluids such as hexameth
and loss of tackiness both assist in debonding the adhesive yldisiloxane (HDMS ) and do not swell upon exposure to
article from a substrate. aqueous fluids.
In a preferred embodiment in accordance with the present The silicone gel microparticles preferably do not react
subject matter, the microparticles are of certain material 50 with the pressure sensitive adhesive. The silicone gel
composition such that they react with the debonding agent microparticles do not swell or change shape as a result of
causing the microparticles to change shape and /or increase being exposed to the pressure sensitive adhesive.
in volume. The silicone gel microparticles preferably do not react
In another preferred embodiment in accordance with the with aqueous solutions. The silicone gel microparticles do
present subject matter , the microparticles of the pressure 55 not swell or change shape as a result of being exposed to
sensitive adhesive matrix are of a certain material compo - aqueous solutions.
sition such that they do not react with or dissolve in the NuSil Technology LLC (Carpenteria , Calif.) provides one
pressure sensitive adhesive. such silicone gel component system that is provided in a two
In another preferred embodiment in accordance with the part formula : MED -6345 Part A (reactive silicone polymer )
present subject matter, the microparticles of the pressure 60 and Part B (crosslinking agent ).
sensitive adhesive matrix are of a certain material compo - MED -6345 Part A is a clear, stable liquid that is substan
sition that they do not react with or dissolve in aqueous tially odorless and is insoluble in water. It has molecular
solutions. weights of Mn (number average ) =62, 900 ; Mw (weight
In another preferred embodiment, the microparticles of average ) = 98 , 200 ; and Mz (z average) = 145 , 000 . It has a flash
the present subject matter preferably include a silicone gel. 65 point of greater than 135º C ., contains polydimethylsilox
A two -part (part A and part B ) silicone gel component ane, and has a specific gravity of about 0 .97.MED -6345 Part
system is used to prepare the microparticles . The multi- B is a clear, stable liquid that can have a slight odor. It has
US 9 ,926 ,470 B2
molecular weights of Mn (number average )= 35, 100 ; Mw result in a softer gel that has increased tackiness and
(weight average )= 52,000 ; and Mz(z average )= 69,200 . It has dissolves more in the presence of the selective debonding
a vapor pressure of less than about 5 mm Hg and is less than agent.
0 . 1 % soluble in water. MED -6345 Part B contains 10 % In a preferred embodiment in accordance with the present
dimethyl, methylhydrogen siloxane copolymer and has a 5 subjectmatter, an intermediate crosslink density is utilized .
This is achieved by using a ratio of about 1:1 of reactive
flash point higher than about60° C . It has a specific gravity silicone
of about 0 .94. polymer to silicone crosslinker by weight, respec
Both silicone gel components have an uncured viscosity in accordance . This results in clear, tacky , silicone gel microparticles
of about 12,750 cP or 12 ,750 milliPascal. seconds (mPa.s ) at 10 In another embodiment with the present subject matter.
25° C . The cure may be inhibited by traces of amines, sulfur, erable . This is achieved by, a increasing
high crosslink density is pref
the ratio of silicone
nitrogen oxide, organotin compounds , and carbon monox crosslinker to reactive silicone polymer by weight. This
ide . The silicone gel components cure in three hours at 60° results in clear silicone gel microparticles in accordance
C . to form a silicone gel that exhibits 5 mm penetration after with the present subject matter. As compared to the inter
15 seconds on a GCA Precision Penetrometer with a 19.5 g 15 mediate crosslink " density microgel particles these
shaft and 6 .35 mm diameter foot. microparticles will be less tacky and firmer ; they will both
Silicone gels with other characteristics could also be used dissolve and swell less in the presence of the debonding
A firmer or softer gel could be incorporated which would agent.
affect the resulting pressure sensitive adhesive composition . In yet another embodiment, a low crosslink density is
Adding more initial tack , creating a larger particle swell, and 20 preferable . This is achieved by increasing the ratio of
decreasing cost are all considerations that could determine reactive silicone polymer to silicone crosslinker by weight.
component material. This results in clear silicone gel microparticles in accor
Alternatively, and depending on the application and dance with the present subject matter . As compared to the
intended debonding agent, the microparticles also preferably intermediate crosslink density microgel particles , these
comprise hydrogels , heat -responsive gels , or pH -responsive 25 microparticles will be more tacky and softer; they will both
gels in accordance with the present subject matter. dissolve and swell more in the presence of the debonding
3 . Crosslinking agent.
Crosslinking refers to the linking of one polymer chain to leastIn partially
all embodiments the silicone gel microparticles are at
crosslinked , meaning that at least some of the
another. When polymer chains are linked together by cross dua 30 silicone polymer molecules are joined together with cross
linking, they lose some of their ability to move as individual 30 links.
polymer chains.
The extent of crosslinking (" crosslink density ” or " per areIndescribedcertain embodiments , the silicone gel microparticles
in termsofthe extent of their crosslinking. The
cent cosslinked ” ) affects the properties of the resulting gel. extent of crosslinking
Low crosslink densities decrease the viscosity sity of
of the result- 35 basis such as 1 % , 10 % ,canandbeso expressed
the resull on .
on a percentage
Various references are
ing gel. Intermediate densities produce materials with elas noted herein regarding crosslinking percentage . These ref
tomeric properties. High crosslink densities can result in erences refer to the extent to which a crosslinkable material
firm products. such as a polymeric material is crosslinked . The percentages
When applied to silicone polymers, this crosslinking are expressed on a scale of 0 % to 100 % in which 0 %
process " cures” the two liquid silicone components to form 40 represents the state of the material having the minimum
a silicone gel. This requires the presence of a crosslinker. An extent of crosslinks, and 100 % represents the state of the
example of a typical crosslinker is a silicone molecule with material having the maximum extent of crosslinks .
multiple functional sites that can react or link with another 4 . Shape
silicone polymer. Under appropriate conditions (heat, Microparticles can be of differing shapes, including : cres
humidity , or ultraviolet light) and in the presence of the 45 cent- shaped , L - shaped , star - shaped , spherical, cubic , cylin
crosslinker and a catalyst, the individual polymer chains will drical, cup - shaped, and the like. These shapes largely
link together to form a more complex material. Depending depend on the process of manufacture and involve consid
on the base polymer, the crosslink density , and the presence eration of cost, time, means, and material components .
of any reinforcing fillers , this material can range from a rigid Non - spherical microparticles are often more difficult and
film to a flexible rubber or a spongy gel. 50 expensive to manufacture . Spherical microparticles on the
Depending on the application , one can adjust the charac - other hand , and silicone microgel particles in particular , can
teristics of the silicon gel microparticles by controlling the be easily and inexpensively manufactured . They are effec
crosslink density . Controlling the amount of crosslink den - tive when applied in the present subject matter.
sity can be done by varying the ratio of the silicone cross - In preferred embodiments as depicted in FIG . 1 and FIG .
linker component to the reactive silicone polymer. Increas - 55 2 , the microparticles 3 , 12 respectively of the present subject
ing the ratio of the reactive silicone polymer to the silicone matter are generally spherical in shape .
crosslinker will result in a softer gel. Conversely, increasing In another aspect, the microparticles can be of any arbi
the ratio of silicone crosslinker to the reactive silicone trary shape . FIG . 3 depicts a pressure sensitive adhesive
polymer will result in a firmer gel . composition 15 comprising a pressure sensitive adhesive 16
Increased crosslink density will result in less swelling of 60 and cylindrical- shaped microparticles 17 dispersed therein .
the microgel particles upon exposure to the selective 5 . Initial Size
debonding agent. Increased crosslink density will also result Pressure sensitive adhesives are usually layered in adhe
in a harder gel that has reduced tackiness and dissolves less sive articles at thicknesses from about 30 to about 100
in the presence of the selective debonding agent. micrometers . When applied to adhesive articles , the exposed
Decreased crosslink density will result in more swelling 65 face of the pressure sensitive adhesive is releasably attached
of the microgel particles upon exposure to the selective to a substrate . To be effective in securing the adhesive article
debonding agent. Decreased crosslink density will also to a substrate, the exposed face of the pressure sensitive
US 9,926 ,470 B2
adhesive generally comprises a smooth surface . This gen contact area at the interface between the pressure sensitive
erally smooth surface of the pressure sensitive adhesive adhesive and the substrate . This decrease in surface area
promotes a relatively large surface area between the adhe - reduces the adhesion of the pressure sensitive adhesive and
sive article and the substrate . The more surface area present reduces the peel force required to remove the adhesive
between the adhesive article and the substrate , the more 5 article from the substrate .
adhesion is exhibited between the pressure sensitive adhe - In one preferred embodiment in accordance with the
sive and the substrate. present subject matter, upon exposure to a selective debond
Because of this phenomenon , it is preferable to have ing agent, the microparticles at the interface increase in
microparticles that are smaller in size at their widest cross volume. Generally, when exposed to a selective debonding
section than the thickness of the pressure sensitive adhesive 10 agent, themicroparticles will uniformly expand their spheri
layer in which they are contained . When the size of the cal shape . This will result in microparticles of larger spheri
particles is thus maintained , they are completely surrounded cal size at the interface . The expanded spheres at the
by the pressure sensitive adhesive and the smooth exposed interface decrease the contact surface area between the
surface of the pressure sensitive adhesive layer is preserved . pressure sensitive adhesive composition and the substrate ,
The smooth surface allows for proper initial adhesion of the 15 causing a decrease in adhesion .
pressure sensitive adhesive to the substrate . In another preferred embodiment in accordance with the
If relatively large microparticles were used , they could present subjectmatter, upon exposure to a selective debond
potentially stack upon one another and protrude from the ing agent, the microparticles change shape . The micropar
pressure sensitive adhesive layer. If they were larger still, ticles can divert from their normal spherical size expansion
single microparticles could , on their own , protrude from the 20 when a portion of the microparticle extends out of the
pressure sensitive adhesive layer and compromise the gen - pressure sensitive adhesive that partially surrounds the
erally smooth surface ideally suited to adhere the adhesive microparticles. The portion that extends out of the pressure
article to a substrate . sensitive adhesive may “ balloon ” while the portion of the
To maintain these benefits, and in one embodiment in microparticle still contained in the pressure sensitive adhe
accordance with the present subject matter, the original size 25 sive may not balloon as much or at all . The term “ balloon "
of the microparticles is preferably between 1 and 50 as used herein refers to an expansion of the microparticle
micrometers at the largest cross section and more preferably and typically in an irregular manner so as to form at least one
between 5 and 10 micrometers at their largest cross section . distended or bulging region . This can create a mushroom
In accordance with the present subject matter, in appli - shaped microparticle or particles of other varying shapes
cations where the pressure sensitive adhesive is applied in 30 that decrease the surface area at the interface between the
layers thicker than 30 to 100 micrometers , it is possible to pressure sensitive adhesive composition and the substrate ,
utilize microparticles larger than 50 micrometers at their causing a decrease in adhesion .
largest cross section . In yet another preferred embodiment in accordance with
It is also contemplated to utilize combinations of differ- the present subject matter , upon exposure to a selective
ently sized microparticles . For example , a first population of 35 debonding agent, the microparticles at the interface increase
relatively large microparticles can be used in combination in volume. When exposed to a selective debonding agent,
with a second population of smaller microparticles , all of the microparticles will generally uniformly expand their
which are dispersed in a pressure sensitive adhesive , such as arbitrary shape , which includes spherical, crescent- shape ,
shown in FIGS. 1 and 2 . The use of additional populations L -shape, star-shape, cubic , cylindrical, cup -shape, and the
of differently sized microparticles is also contemplated . 40 like . This will result in microparticles of larger size . The
6 . Expanded Size expanded shaped particles at the interface decrease the
After initial application to a substrate , itmay be desirable contact surface area between the pressure sensitive adhesive
to remove an adhesive article that utilizes the pressure composition and the substrate , causing a decrease in adhe
sensitive adhesive matrix containing the microparticles . sion .
Removal of the article is aided when the microparticles 45 In accordance with the present subject matter, the pref
either change shape , increase their size , or a combination of erable expanded size of the microparticles at their largest
these changes. The microparticles change shape or increase cross section is between about 3 and about 20 times their
in volume when they are exposed to and/or respond to a original size and more preferably 20 or more times their
selective debonding agent. original size .
The change in size is affected by the debonding agent 50 In another embodiment in accordance with the present
chosen and how well the debonding agent is absorbed or subject matter, the microparticles both change shape and
reacts with the microparticles. A more complete reaction or increase in diameter at their largest cross section .
absorption will increase the swell size of the microparticles. Expanded microparticles are depicted in FIGS. 6A -6C .
As discussed herein , the extent of crosslinking will also FIGS. 6A - 6C depict sectional view diagrams of an exem
affect the expanded size of the microparticles . 55 plary system in accordance with the present subject matter
To debond the adhesive article , one simply has to expose for debonding an article from a substrate . FIG . 6A shows an
the microparticles to a selective debonding agent at the adhesive article 48 in accordance with the present subject
interface between the article and substrate . The debonding matter, bonded to a substrate 49. FIG . 6B depicts a selective
agent can be delivered by using a dropper or other liquid debonding agent 50 being applied to the substrate - side of the
dispenser at the interface , relying on capillary action , spray - 60 adhesive article 48 . An optional fluid conduit layer or
ing, painting, foaming , rubbing, soaking , submerging, member 51 may be utilized along at least a portion of the
brushing , pouring , vapor depositing, syringing , dabbing, interface between the adhesive article 48 and the substrate
squirting, immersing , and misting, or the like. 49 . The fluid conduit layer 51 promotes distribution of the
When the microparticles at the interface are exposed to a debonding agent 50 along the interface . The fluid conduit
debonding agent, they change shape , become larger , or both . 65 layer can be formed of porous materials having interior
They protrude from the smooth adhesive layer creating an voids, channels or the like. The debonding agent 50 is
uneven surface. These altered microparticles decrease the exposed to or otherwise contacted with microparticles 52
US 9 ,926 ,470 B2
13 14
within the pressure sensitive adhesive matrix, and causes the pressure sensitive adhesive composition is between about
microparticles 52 to expand. The expanded microparticles 1 % and about 50 % by weight, and more preferably 10 % by
52 partially debond, as shown by arrow 55 , the adhesive weight based upon the total weight of the pressure sensitive
article 48 from the substrate 49 as depicted in FIG . 6C . adhesive composition .
7 . Tackiness 5 Referring now to FIG . 12 and FIG . 13 . There is shown
The crosslinked silicone gel microparticles of the present optical micrographs of representative silicone microgels
subject matter, preferably exhibit their own discrete or dispersed in an acrylic adhesive matrix prepared in accor
inherent tackiness. As discussed herein , their degree of dance with the present subject matter. FIG . 12 is a view of
tackiness can be influenced by the extent ofcrosslinking and an exposed surface layer of a pressure sensitive adhesive
the composition of silicone gel used to prepare themicropar- 10 composition containing 1 % silicone gel microparticles by
ticles. Less crosslink density generally leads to more tacki- weight. FIG . 13 is a view of an exposed surface layer of a
ness, while greater crosslink density generally leads to less pressure sensitive adhesive composition containing 10 %
tackiness . silicone gelmicroparticles by weight. In both FIGS. 12 and
If the microparticles did not exhibit their own tackiness , 13 , the silicone gel microparticles have not been exposed to
then their inclusion could significantly reduce the overall 15 a debonding agent and are not in their swollen state .
tackiness of the pressure sensitive adhesive composition . Adhesive Matrix
The tackiness of the pressure sensitive adhesive composition Pressure sensitive adhesives are adhesives that bond to a
though is not compromised as much by the crosslinked substrate with the application of pressure . Solvents , water,
silicone gel microparticles. When compared to non - tacky chemical reaction , or heat are not required to activate the
microparticles , silicone gel microparticles do not detract as 20 adhesive . The degree of bonding strength is influenced by
much from the tackiness of the pressure sensitive adhesive the amount of pressure which is used to apply the adhesive
composition as a whole . to the surface. Bonding strength is also affected by substrate
Another feature of the preferred silicone gel is that when characteristics such as smoothness , surface energy , presence
exposed to a small molecule volatile silicone liquid , the of contaminants, and the like. Pressure sensitive adhesives
silicone gel loses its tackiness . This mechanism , combined 25 are usually designed for use at room temperature . They
with the swelling effect of the silicone microgel particles, normally display a total or partial loss of bonding strength at
contributes to the debonding effect of the microparticles low temperatures and shear holding ability at high tempera
within the pressure sensitive adhesive composition . tures .
In a preferred embodiment in accordance with the present Pressure sensitive adhesives exhibit viscoelastic proper
subjectmatter , the siliconemicrogel particles have their own 30 ties , which are tailored to ensure proper adhesion . Pressure
tackiness separate and apart from the pressure sensitive sensitive adhesives are designed to balance their tendency to
adhesive within which they are contained . Upon exposure to flow (adhesive forces) and their resistance to flow ( cohesive
the debonding agent, the microparticles lose their adhesive forces ). Pressure sensitive adhesives form a bond to a
properties . surface because their adhesive forces are such that they flow ,
8 . Proportion to Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Matrix 35 or wet the substrate . The bond maintains strength because
The proportion of the crosslinked silicone gel micropar - the cohesive forces of the pressure sensitive adhesive are
ticles dispersed in the pressure sensitive adhesive matrix can such that they resist flow when stress is applied to the bond .
change the initial overall tackiness of the pressure sensitive Once the substrate and the pressure sensitive adhesive are
adhesive composition . The proportion of microparticles can in proximity , there are also molecular interactions , such as
also change the peel force required for removal of an 40 van der Waals forces involved in the bond , which contribute
adhesive article from a substrate . These are competing significantly to the bond strength .
interests involved in choosing the amount ofmicroparticles Pressure sensitive adhesives are usually composed of
to incorporate into the pressure sensitive adhesive compo - elastomeric polymers with or without tackifiers . A variety of
sition . polymers have been used to manufacture pressure sensitive
If the pressure sensitive adhesive is more tacky than the 45 adhesives; for example , acrylic and methacrylic ester homo
silicone gel microparticles , which will likely be the situa - or copolymers , butyl rubber- based systems, silicones ,
tion , then incorporating microparticles will decrease the nitriles , styrene block copolymers , ethylene -vinyl acetate ,
overall tackiness of the pressure sensitive adhesive compo - urethanes , vinyl esters and amides , olefin copolymer mate
sition . The addition of a large proportion ofmicroparticles to rials , natural or synthetic rubbers, and the like.
the pressure sensitive adhesive composition could decrease 50 Pressure sensitive adhesives are typically classified in one
the initial adhesion of the pressure sensitive adhesive com - of two categories , permanent and removable .
position ; while the addition of fewer microparticles will Permanent pressure sensitive adhesives are adhesives
increase the peel force required for removal. which do not allow for the removal of an adhesive article
Specific applications will require tailoring the proportions from a substrate without considerable damage to the article ,
of microparticles in a pressure sensitive adhesive composi- 55 adhesive failure at the article surface , cohesive failure in the
tion . Where more initial adhesion is required , fewer body of the adhesive , or residual transfer of the adhesive to
microparticles will be incorporated into the pressure sensi the substrate .
tive adhesive composition . Where a larger debonding effect The adhesion of removable pressure sensitive adhesives is
is desired , more microparticles will be incorporated into the considerably lower, allowing removal of the article from the
composition . 60 substrate even after a protracted period of contact. Removal
As discussed herein , a benefit of the present subjectmatter is accomplished without significant damage to the article or
is that the addition of tacky microparticles to the pressure substrate . Removable pressure sensitive adhesives form a
sensitive adhesive will not reduce the adhesion of the temporary bond and can be removed without leaving any
pressure sensitive adhesive composition as much as the residue on the substrate . Removable pressure sensitive adhe
addition of non -tacky microparticles. 65 sives can be applied to surface protection films, masking
In a preferred embodiment in accordance with the present tapes, bookmark and note papers , price marking labels ,
subject matter, the amount of microparticles added to the promotional graphics materials , and skin contacting articles ,
US 9,926 ,470 B2
15 16
i.e., wound dressings, EKG electrodes, analgesic and trans debonding agent. The adhesive composition will preferably
dermal drug patches , medical or athletic tape , etc. be applied in layers having a thickness of about 30 to about
Pressure sensitive adhesives can be prepared with either a 100 micrometers .
liquid carrier or in solid form . Articles made from liquid Regardless of the pressure sensitive adhesive chosen for
pressure sensitive adhesives are coated with the adhesive 5 the adhesive matrix , it is preferred that the pressure sensitive
and the solvent or water carrier is evaporated . They may be adhesive be insoluble in the selective debonding agent . To
further heated to initiate a crosslinking reaction in the choose a pressure sensitive adhesive that could dissolve in
polymer and increase molecular weight. Solid form pressure the debonding agent would lead to undesirable conse
sensitive adhesives may be low viscosity polymers that are quences. When the debonding agent is applied to an article
coated and then reacted with radiation to increase molecular 10 containing the pressure sensitive adhesive, the pressure
weight and form the adhesive ; or they may be high viscosity sensitive adhesive could partially or totally dissolve; leaving
materials that are heated to reduce viscosity enough to allow a residue on the substrate after removal of the article . The
coating, and then cooled to their final form . present subject matter and related embodiments alleviate
The specific application for the adhesive composition will this problem by incorporating a pressure sensitive adhesive
determine the properties necessary for the pressure sensitive 15 that does not chemically react with the selective debonding
adhesive . agent.
Adhesives may be applied directly to a substrate or by a In a preferred embodiment, the pressure sensitive adhe
carrier , and depending upon the utility , can be applied to a sive will not damage the adhesive article , will not undergo
backing material or carrier layer using techniques such as adhesive failure at the article surface , undergo cohesive
spraying , wire coating, knife coating, Meyer Bar coating , 20 failure in the body of the adhesive, or transfer residue to the
curtain coating, extrusion coating , or gravure print coating . substrate upon debonding in accordance with the present
The preferred embodiment for the adhesive matrix of the debonding techniques.
present subject matter is comprised of a pressure sensitive Selective Debonding Agents
adhesive . The pressure sensitive adhesive is a continuous Debonding agents assist in removing an adhesive article
first phase of the adhesive composition that contains a 25 from a substrate . Debonding agents can include fluids, heat,
discontinuous second phase of microparticles . The pressure pH changes , chemical reactions, or the like . At their most
sensitive adhesive will preferably not chemically react or basic level, debonding agents are exposed to an adhesive and
dissolve the microparticles. The microparticles will readily reduce or eliminate its adhesive properties.
blend into the adhesive upon mixing . The pressure sensitive Additives can be incorporated into the adhesive , such as
adhesive is preferably not soluble in aqueous solutions or in 30 microparticles , which provide a mechanism to assist in
the selective debonding agent. The matrix maintains the debonding. Where additives are incorporated , the debonding
general uniform dispersion of microparticles in suspension agent acts on the additive to bring about the debonding
over time. The particles will not settle out of or migrate to effect. In these systems, it is also possible that the debonding
a particular region of the adhesive matrix . agent acts on the adhesive itself to assist in debonding.
The pressure sensitive adhesive is preferably comprised 35 The debonding agent can be " selective” in that it chemi
of a solvent acrylic adhesive . Other pressure sensitive adhe- cally reacts with the debonding additive such as the
sives can be used ; such as an acrylic polymer, a polyurethane microparticles yet does not react with the adhesive.
adhesive , a rubber adhesive, or the like . The pressure The selection of the debonding agent will be determined
sensitive adhesive may be formed by solvent, bulk and based on the type of adhesive, the intended application , the
emulsion polymerization including dispersion and suspen - 40 type of additive, cost of production , cost of debonding ,
sion polymerization and formed of any combination of environmental factors , and the like.
polymers and additives which when combined will provide In one embodiment of the present subject matter, the
a pressure sensitive adhesive product having a glass transi- debonding agent will preferably be absorbed and react with
tion temperature less than about 10° C . below use tempera - the microparticles, causing them to expand . When incorpo
ture , typically less than about 30° C . below use temperature . 45 rated into an adhesive article , the expanded microparticles
As used herein , the phrase " use temperature” is the tem decrease the bonding force at the interface between the
perature at which the adhesive is normally bonded to a substrate and adhesive composition and assist in debonding
substrate. Use temperature is normally ambient ( 259) but in accordance with the present subject matter.
may be 0° C . or less for low temperature applications and In another preferred embodiment, the debonding agent
higher than 25° C . for high temperature applications . 50 will preferably be absorbed and react with the micropar
The copolymers for the adhesive of the instant subject ticles , causing them to change shape. When incorporated
matter can be stabilized against UV and oxidative degrada- into an adhesive article , the shape change in the micropar
tion by using UV stabilizers and antioxidants. Fillers , colo - ticles decreases the bonding force at the interface between
rants, tackifiers , plasticizers, oils, and the like ,may also be the substrate and adhesive composition and assists in
added. 55 debonding in accordance with the present subject matter.
When applied to an adhesive article , the matrix preferably In both embodiments, it is preferred that the debonding
completely contains the microparticles and forms a practi agent be " selective ” in that it will not chemically react with
cally smooth substrate - contacting surface . The pressure sen - the adhesive and only react with the microparticles of the
sitive adhesive will preferably be more tacky than the adhesive composition. If the debonding agent reacts with the
microparticles and provide the majority of adhesion when 60 adhesive matrix , it could leave an undesirable tacky residue
used as part of an adhesive article. on the substrate subsequent to removal.
The adhesive composition will be applied to an adhesive The selective debonding agent preferably includes hex
article by any practical means, such as spraying , wire amethyldisiloxane (HMDS ) . Other suitable debonding
coating, dip coating, knife coating, Meyer Bar coating agents preferably include silicone oil, a hydrocarbon oil, a
curtain coating, extrusion coating, or gravure print coating. 65 mineral oil, or other small molecule silicones . The term
The adhesive composition will remain affixed to the backing " small molecule ” refers to molecules having a molecular
material of an adhesive article even upon exposure to the weight of less than about 200 ,more preferably less than 175 ,
US 9, 926 ,470 B2
17 18
and more preferably less than 165 . Additional examples of of the entire suspension . The resultant combined silicone
the selective debonding agent include but are not limited to will be uncured and in liquid form at this point.
silicones , perfluoroalkyl derivatives, low molecular weight Operation 62 of the method 60 preferably includes uti
oils , aqueous compositions , alkyl esters, limonene deriva - lizing sodium lauryl sulfate as a surfactant in the amount of
tives, paraffin solvents , hydrocarbon solvents , alkyl ethers , 5 about 0 . 6 % by weight of the entire suspension and water in
aromatic esters, surfactants , and combinations thereof. Com the amount of about 86 .2 % by weight of the entire suspen
binations of one or more of these agents are also included in sion . The water and surfactant are mixed thoroughly in a
the present subject matter. beaker or other appropriate container before the uncured
Adhesive Systems liquid silicone is added. Other anionic sulfate surfactants in
The present subject matter also includes various adhesive 10 similar amounts can preferably be used such as ammonium
systems which are selectively debondable upon exposure to , lauryl sulfate , sodium laureth sulfate, sodium myreth sulfate ,
or administration of, one or more debonding agents . The or the like.
adhesive systems comprise the adhesive compositions as Operation 63 of the method 60 preferably includes mixing
described herein , and the debonding agent(s ) as described the uncured liquid silicone from the operation 61 with the
herein . 15 solution of water and surfactant of the operation 62 . The
Specifically, the present subject matter provides a selec - mixing is accomplished by pouring , or other like means , the
tively debondable adhesive system . The system comprises a uncured liquid silicone into the water and surfactant solution
selective debonding agent and a pressure sensitive adhesive which is contained in a beaker or other appropriate con
composition . The pressure sensitive adhesive composition tainer.
includes a pressure sensitive adhesive and crosslinked sili- 20 Once combined , the agitation operation 64 of the method
cone gel microparticles dispersed therein . The micropar - 60 preferably includes agitating the mixture. This preferably
ticles are such that they undergo an increase in volume can include stirring , shaking, mixing, beating , folding , swirl
and /or a change in shape when exposed to the selective ing , whipping, whisking or blending the uncured liquid
debonding agent. silicone gel and water and surfactant solution at a rate so as
Methods of Preparation 25 to disperse the uncured liquid silicone uniformly throughout
Pressure sensitive adhesive matrices containing silicone the water and surfactant solution .
gel microparticles in accordance with the present subject Operation 65 of the method 60 preferably includes heat
matter are depicted in FIGS. 1 2 , and 3 . In one aspect of the ing the dispersion of the operation 64 to a temperature within
present subject matter, a methods of preparing such adhesive a range of about 30° C . to about 35° C . for about three hours
compositions are provided . The methods comprise certain 30 while preferably continuing to agitate the dispersion . This
operations as described herein . The methods provide for a can be accomplished on a hot plate with a stir bar mecha
simple production process that easily forms and combines nism or by other conventional heating and agitating means .
the silicone gel microparticles with the pressure sensitive Industrial mixers and heaters can be employed for large
adhesive . scale batch production . The heating actuates the curing of
Referring now to FIG . 7 , a preferred method 60 generally 35 the liquid silicone into a gel. It is preferable that a complete
comprises the operations of: providing uncured silicone gel cure is attained . Alternatively , and for other various appli
depicted as operation 61; providing a solution ofwater and cations, a partial cure will be desired . The time required for
surfactant, shown as operation 62 ; mixing the uncured the desired curing amount depends on various factors , such
silicone gel with the solution of water and surfactant, shown as, for example, the reaction temperature or the catalyst
as operation 63 ; agitating the resulting mixture to uniformly 40 concentration . The continued agitation in this step will keep
disperse the uncured silicone gel in the solution ofwater and the liquid silicone gel dispersed in solution during the gel
surfactant, depicted as operation 64 ; heating the dispersion , curing process .
while continuing agitation , until the silicone gel cures to The rate of agitation will affect the size of the final
form suspended silicone gel microparticles in the solution , product of silicone gel microparticles . Increasing the agita
shown as operation 65 ; cooling the suspension to ambient 45 tion will decrease the size of the silicone gel microparticles.
temperature , shown as operation 66 ; extracting the Conversely , decreasing the agitation will increase the size of
microparticles using a solvent, depicted as operation 67 ; the silicone gelmicroparticles. Preferably , the agitation rate
combining the solvent and microparticles to a pressure will be such as to produce microparticles having a span of
sensitive adhesive , noted as operation 68 ; and evaporating from about 10 to about 50 micrometers at their largest cross
the solvent, shown as operation 69 . 50 section . Since pressure sensitive adhesives are normally
The operation 61 of the method 60 preferably includes layered in 30 to 100 micrometer layers , the microgel par
utilizing a two - part (parts A and B ) silicone gel component ticles are more preferably between 5 and 30 micrometers in
system . The component system is comprised of a reactive size. According to this process the microgel particles have a
silicone polymer (A ) and crosslinking agent (B ). Both parts homogeneous, essentially monodispersed size distribution .
A and B have a similar vinyl-substituted polydimethylsilox - 55 In heating and agitation operation 65 , one can control the
ane bases . The reactive silicone polymer ( A ) contains hydro - characteristics of the silicon gel microparticles by adjusting
gen atoms bonded directly to the silicon atom . The cross the extent of crosslinking . Controlling the amount of cross
linking agent (B ) contains at least one vinyl-substituted linking can be done by varying the ratio of the silicone
polydimethylsiloxane as well as a catalyst. The catalyst crosslinker (part B ) to the reactive silicone polymer (part A ).
contains a platinum or rhodium metal complex , and more 60 Increasing the amount of silicone crosslinker will increase
preferably organometallic compounds. The reactive silicone the crosslink density . This will result in less swelling of the
polymer ( A ) and the crosslinking agent ( B ) are typically microgel particles , a harder gel, and microgel particles that
combined thoroughly in a beaker or other appropriate con will dissolve less in the selective debonding agent.
tainer just prior to mixing them into the solution of water and The cooling operation 66 of the method 60 includes
surfactant. Part A is preferably combined in the amount of 65 removing the suspension from the heat and agitation source
about 6 . 5 % by weight of the entire suspension . Part B is after the silicone gel has cured . The suspension is allowed or
preferably combined in the amount of about 6 .7 % by weight induced to cool to ambient temperature . In another aspect,
US 9 ,926 ,470 B2
19 20
this operation is removed and the suspension is kept at an solvent and microgels will migrate into the pressure sensi
elevated temperature above ambient. This will aid in the tive adhesive layer covering them . The solvent will then
evaporation of the solvent in subsequent operation (s ) of the evaporate leaving the microgels in the face initially exposed
method 60 . to the solvent suspension .
The extraction operation 67 of the method 60 preferably 5 A third process to attain the pressure sensitive adhesive
includes using toluene as the solvent in the extraction step . configuration depicted in FIG . 2 involves combining the
In other preferred embodiments , other water - insoluble solvent and microgels to a pressure sensitive adhesive and
organic solvents can be used . Ordinary extraction proce - mixing to distribute the microgel in the pressure sensitive
dures are employed and include adding an amount of liquid adhesive . The excess solvent is then evaporated from the
solvent to the suspension . The suspension is then agitated to 10 pressure sensitive adhesive matrix . A thin layer, approxi
an extent to evenly distribute the solvent throughout the mately 10 to 30 microns in thickness, of this pressure
suspension . The agitation is then discontinued and the sensitive adhesive matrix is applied over a thick layer,
suspension is allowed to settle . This will result in the solvent approximately 20 to 70 microns in thickness , of pressure
and water essentially separating into two layers within the sensitive adhesive that does not contain the microgels . The
container. A portion of the silicone gel microparticles will 15 two layers of pressure sensitive adhesive form one cohesive
migrate into the layer of solvent that has separated from the layer with microgels at one surface of the pressure sensitive
water solution . After settling, the solvent and silicone micro - adhesive as depicted in FIG . 2 .
gel particles can be removed from the container with a Preferably, a solvent acrylic adhesive is used for the
pipette or other suitable means. The ratio by weight of matrix . A solvent acrylic adhesive allows for blending into
silicone gel microparticles in the solvent suspension can be 20 the adhesive of the solvent and silicone gel microparticles .
controlled with the adjustment of the amount of solvent The evaporation operation 69 of the method 60 preferably
initially added . More solvent will result in a lower concen - includes evaporating at least a portion of and typically , the
tration of silicone gel microparticles . Less solvent will result excess solvent from the pressure sensitive adhesive compo
in a higher concentration of silicone gel microparticles . In sition . The evaporation of the excess solvent allows the
another aspect, where the cooling operation 66 is not per- 25 pressure sensitive adhesive to function properly and main
formed , extraction will take place directly after the heating t ain its proper adhesive and cohesive forces . Excess solvent
and agitation operation 65 in which the silicone gel cures to disturbs the balance between these two characteristics and
form microparticles. diminish the effectiveness of the pressure sensitive adhesive .
The combining operation 68 of the method 60 preferably The evaporation step can be done by providing time for
includes combining the solvent and silicone microgel par - 30 the excess solvent to evaporate on its own or by speeding up
ticles with the pressure sensitive adhesive by physicalmix the process by the application of external heat or energy.
ing. In one aspect , the combining is performed in a manner In one aspect, the preferred method 60 can produce
that provides dispersion throughout the adhesive matrix of silicone gel microparticles that are dispersed within the
silicone gel microparticles . In another aspect, the combining pressure sensitive adhesive at an amount between 1 to 50 %
is performed in a manner that provides microparticle dis - 35 by weight. The amount of time required to dissolve the
persion confined to one surface or region of the pressure excess solvent is dependent on the amount of solvent used
sensitive adhesive layer. Combining techniques will influ - in the extraction operation 67 , the temperature , and agitation
ence the dispersion of microparticles within the pressure rate . Agitation during evaporation (operation 69 ) can con
se adhesive composition . tinue and would aid in the evaporation of excess solvent. In
Combining techniques are preferably customized in order 40 another aspect, and to attain dispersion according to FIG . 2 ,
to prepare the dispersion arrangements as depicted in FIG . agitation of the pressure sensitive adhesive matrix would not
1 and FIG . 2 . To attain dispersion as shown in FIG . 1 , the be incorporated .
solvent and microgels are physically mixed into a solvent Increasing the temperature of the pressure sensitive adhe
acrylic pressure sensitive adhesive. The mixing can be sivematrix would also aid in solvent evaporation. This could
attained by simple physical stirring or like means. The 45 be done by utilizing an external heat source or by skipping
mixing will continue until the suspension and pressure the cooling operation 66 of the method 60 and maintaining
sensitive adhesive are thoroughly combined . The resulting the elevated temperature of the pressure sensitive adhesive
combined composition is periodically referred to herein as matrix during all subsequent operations 67, 68 and 69.
an intermediate product. It will be understood that the aforementioned steps for
To attain the pressure sensitive adhesive configuration 50 preparing a tacky silicone gel are provided for exemplary
depicted in FIG . 2 , a number of techniques can be used . One purposes and the subject matter is notmeant to be limited by
preferred embodiment includes applying a layer of pressure such steps or operations. Any suitable steps for preparing
sensitive adhesive to a backing material. The solvent con - silicone gel microparticles dispersed in a pressure sensitive
taining the microgels is then poured onto the exposed adhesive may be used while still being within the scope of
pressure sensitive adhesive . The solvent will partially dis - 55 the present subject matter. Thus, the present subject matter
solve the exposed face of the pressure sensitive adhesive and includes variations of method 60 in which one or more of
also begin to evaporate . During this process , the microgels operations 61- 69 are not utilized . The subject matter also
will migrate into the exposed face of the pressure sensitive includes variations of method 60 including one or more
adhesive . When a majority of the solvent is evaporated , the additional operations.
microgels will be contained within just the exposed face of 60 The silicone gel microparticles formed from the method
the pressure sensitive adhesive and not throughout the layer 60 are preferably soft, clear , tacky silicone gel micropar
of pressure sensitive adhesive . ticles that are at least partially crosslinked with medium
Another technique to attain the pressure sensitive adhe - crosslink density . The silicone gelmicroparticles preferably
sive configuration depicted in FIG . 2 includes pouring the swell to about 3 to about 20 times their original size upon
solvent and suspended microgels into a container so as to 65 exposure to volatile small molecule silicone fluids such as
form a thin layer of liquid . A pressure sensitive adhesive is hexamethyldisiloxane (HDMS ) and do not swell upon expo
then applied over the solvent microgel liquid layer. The sure to aqueous fluids . The silicone gelmicroparticles pref
US 9, 926 ,470 B2
erably do not react with the pressure sensitive adhesive could be included in accordance with the present subject
matrix . The silicone gel microparticles do not swell or matter and the figure in no way limits the embodiment.
change shape as a result of being exposed to the pressure FIG . 11 depicts a roll of tape in accordance with another
sensitive adhesive . The silicone gel microparticles prefer - preferred embodiment of the present subject matter. The tape
ably do not react with aqueous solutions . The silicone gel 5 95 comprises an elongated backing layer 96 rolled around a
microparticles do not swell or change shape as a result of central cylindrical core 97 . The backing layer 96 defines a
being exposed to aqueous solutions. first surface 98 and second oppositely directed surface 99 . A
The tacky silicone gel is produced by thoroughly mixing subject mattersensitive adhesive composition 94 of the present
parts A and B in a ratio of about 1: 1. The properties of the is disposed on the first surface 98 of the
fully cured silicone can be influenced in various different 10 backing layer 96 and optionally on the second surface 99
wayse.g . through varying the ratio of the components A can optionally).have
(not depicted The second surface 99 of the backing layer
a product release coating or layer , such
and B , by modifying the stoichiometric ratios of the groups as Teflon or other silicon base , applied to it so as to allow the
responsible for the crosslinking — such as the vinyl groups pressure sensitive adhesive composition 94 to easily release
and silicon -hydrogen groups, through the molecular weights 15 from it. The tape 95 could optionally include a product
of the polysiloxanes used or through the concentration of the release liner ( not depicted ) adhered over the pressure sen
filling agent(s ) used . In this way silicon gels can be made
sitive adhesive composition 94 along its entire length or
available that are soft, very adhesive and not friable and portions thereof.
exhibit significant adhesion to the skin . The backing layer of the preferred embodiments is pref
Articles 20 erably comprised of a thin polymeric elastic or flexible film
Another embodiment of the present subject matter coating providing a bacterial barrier formed from a water
includes articles utilizing the pressure sensitive adhesive vapor permeable pliable elastomer material. The film is
composition . Referring now to FIGS. 4 , 5 , 9 , 10 and 11 , continuous in that it has no perforations or pores which
shown are preferred embodiment articles of the present extend through the thickness of the film . Films of this type
subject matter. In particular, FIG . 4 depicts a sectional view 25 are known and generally are hydrophilic polymeric materi
of a preferred embodiment adhesive article 20 adhered to a als through which water may diffuse . The backing layer is
substrate 26 in accordance with the present subject matter. preferably selected from the group consisting of polyure
The article 20 comprises a backing layer 21 with a first side thane , microporous films of polyolefin , polyester, poly
24 and a second oppositely directed side 25 . A pressure ( caprolactam ), poly (N - vinylidene fluoride), nylon , cellu
sensitive adhesive matrix 22 containing dispersed micropar - 30 lous acetate . Combinations of these materials can also be
ticles 23 is disposed or positioned on the first side 24 of the used . Other layers or material can optionally be incorporated
backing layer 21. An exposed adhesive face 28 of the article into the articles of the present subject matter, including a
20 is applied to the substrate 26 forming an article -substrate carrier layer.
interface 27 . Suitable continuous conformable backing layers have a
FIG . 5 depicts a sectional view of a preferred embodiment 35 moisture vapor transmission rate (MVTR ) of the backing
adhesive article 35 adhered to a substrate 41 in accordance layer alone of about 1, 500 to about 14 ,600 g /m ^ 2 /24 hrs,
with the present subject matter. The article 35 comprises a preferably 2500 to 2700 g/ m ^ 2 /24 hrs at 38° C . The backing
backing layer 36 with a first side 39 and a second oppositely layer thickness is preferably in the range of about 15 to about
directed side 40 . A pressure sensitive adhesive matrix 37 45 micrometers , more preferably 30 micrometers .
containing microparticles 32 dispersed along or proximate to 40 In certain embodiments , the pressure sensitive adhesive
an exposed adhesive face 42 is disposed on the first side 39 matrix is disposed on the backing layer at a thickness of
of the backing layer 36 . An exposed adhesive face 42 of the from about 30 to about 100 micrometers.
article 35 is applied to the substrate 41 forming an article Another preferred embodiment article incorporating the
substrate interface 43 . pressure sensitive adhesive composition of the present sub
FIG . 9 depicts a polygonalmulti-layer wound dressing 74 . 45 ject matter is a glue . The glue is enclosed in a container that
The dressing comprises a backing layer 75 that has a first has a sealing mechanism . The sealing mechanism alternates
surface 76 and an oppositely directed second surface 77 . A between an open and closed position . When opened , the
pressure sensitive adhesive composition 78 of the present pressure sensitive adhesive composition is accessible to a
subject matter is disposed along the first surface 76 of the user. In one embodiment the closure mechanism includes a
backing layer 75 . A dressing 79 , such as gauze , is also 50 dispensing means . In another embodiment the container is a
located on the first surface 76 of the backing layer 75 . This squeezable container with a dispensing top that and has
comprises the wound contacting side 80 of the wound means for the glue to exit the container. In another embodi
dressing 74 . A product release liner 81 is optionally ment, the glue is contained in a rigid container and the
included . The release liner 81 preferably covers the adhesive sealing mechanism includes a top with incorporated brush
composition 78 . 55 means to apply the pressure sensitive adhesive composition
FIG . 10 depicts an elliptical wound dressing in accor - to a substrate .
dance with another preferred embodiment of the present The microgel particles contained within the preferred
subject matter. The elliptical wound dressing 85 comprises embodiment pressure sensitive adhesive compositions are
a backing layer 86 that has a first surface 87 and a second between 5 and 30 micrometers in diameter. Depending on
oppositely directed surface 88 . A pressure sensitive adhesive 60 the application , the crosslink density and size of the silicone
composition 89 of the present subject matter is disposed or gelmicroparticles can be adjusted for the intended use . After
positioned along the first surface 87 of the backing layer 86 . being exposed to the selective debonding agent, the
A dressing 90 , such as gauze , is also located centrally on the expanded size of the silicone gel microparticles should be
first surface 87 of the backing layer 86 . This comprises the between 5 and 20 times their original size, and preferably
wound contacting side 91 of the wound dressing 85 . 65 greater than 20 times their original size . The amount of
Although the wound dressing 85 in FIG . 10 is depicted with silicone gel microparticles dispersed in the pressure sensi
no product release liner, it will be appreciated that such liner tive adhesive should be between 1 % and 50 % by weight.
US 9, 926 ,470 B2
23 24
When incorporated into an article, the microgel particles are of the wound contacting side of the article can also introduce
preferably uniformly dispersed within the pressure sensitive bacteria and other contaminants into the wound area.
adhesive composition or alternatively preferably situated In the applying operation 103, the wound dressing is
primarily at the exposed surface of the pressure sensitive applied to a substrate of human skin . The application is
adhesive composition . 5 performed by pressing the exposed surface of the pressure
The pressure sensitive adhesive is preferably a solvent sensitive adhesive composition against the skin . For other
acrylic adhesive and alternatively a polyurethane adhesive , article types this step is performed in a similar manner. To
a rubber adhesive , etc. Combinationsof one ormore of these apply a pressure sensitive adhesive composition that is not
adhesives are also included in the present subject matter. It associated with a layered article to a substrate , this operation
is preferred that the adhesive not debond or dissolve when " is preferably performed by spraying, spreading, painting, or
exposed to water or exudate . Combinations of one or more the like . The substrate can include human skin , plastic ,
pressure sensitive adhesives are also included in the present paper, wood , masonry , metal , stone , etc . Combinations of
subject matter. one or more of these operations are also contemplated .
Other articles incorporating the pressure sensitive adhe - 15 The operation 104 includes providing a debonding fluid .
sive composition of the present subject matter include a In this step , the debonding fluid is preferably “ selective” in
surface protective film or sheet, an ostomy adhesive article, that it will be absorbed by the crosslinked silicone gel
a temporary fixing film or sheet , a fixing film or sheet, a microparticles causing them to change shape or size from
package closure , a carrier tape , a seal tape or sheet, a label, their original shape and size and at the same time, not
a medical dressing , a bandage, a drape , or mechanical 20 dissolve the pressure sensitive adhesive . In a preferred
assembly . embodiment, the debonding agent preferably comprises
Methods of Using hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDS ), but can alternatively be
Pressure sensitive adhesive matrices containing silicone comprised of silicone oil , a hydrocarbon oil , or a mineral oil.
gel microparticles in accordance with the present subject HDMS will not dissolve the solvent acrylic pressure sensi
matter are depicted in FIGS. 1 2 , and 3 . Articles incorpo - 25 tive adhesive . HDMS will be absorbed by the silicone gel
rating the pressure sensitive adhesive compositions contain - microparticles and cause them to expand .
ing silicone gel microparticles in accordance with the pres- The exposing operation 105 of the method 100 includes
ent subject matter are depicted in FIGS. 4 , 5 , 9 , 10 and 11 . exposing the pressure sensitive adhesive composition of the
In one aspect of the present subjectmatter, a method of using wound dressing to the selective HDMS. The debonding
such adhesive compositions and articles is provided . 30 agent is applied to the interface between the pressure sen
Referring now to FIG . 8 , a preferred method 100 is shown sitive adhesive composition and the substrate . The method
comprising : providing an article , shown as operation 101; of applying preferably includes using a dropper at the peel
exposing the adhesive face , shown as operation 102 ; apply interface , relying on capillary action , spraying, painting,
ing the article to a substrate, depicted as operation 103 ; foaming, rubbing, soaking, submerging, brushing, pouring ,
providing a debonding fluid , shown as operation 104 ; expos - 35 vapor depositing , syringing, dabbing , squirting, immersing ,
ing adhesive of article to the debonding fluid , depicted as and misting. This operation is also depicted graphically in
operation 105 ; and removing the article from the substrate , FIG . 6B discussed previously .
shown as operation 106 . This exposing operation 105 includes allowing the
In operation 101, the article is any adhesive type article, debonding agent to change the shape or size of the silicone
such as a wound dressing or tape ; or alternatively the article 40 gel microparticles within the solvent acrylic adhesive so as
is the pressure sensitive adhesive composition alone . In to decrease the bonding force of the pressure sensitive
other aspects the article is any of surface protection films, adhesive composition . The HDMS will come into contact
masking tapes, bookmark and note papers , price marking with the silicone gel microparticles at the matrix - substrate
labels, promotional graphics materials , and skin contacting interface . The silicone gel microparticles will absorb the
articles ( i. e ., wound dressings , ostomy adhesive articles , 45 HDMS and expand to from about 3 to about 20 times their
EKG electrodes, analgesic and transdermal drug patches , original size and preferably 20 or more times their original
medical or athletic tape , etc .). In a preferred embodiment, size . Exposing the adhesive of the wound dressing to the
and as discussed in the subsequent operations , the article debonding fluid can continue during the next removal step .
comprises a wound dressing with solvent acrylic pressure This step is also depicted graphically in FIG . 6B discussed
sensitive adhesive containing silicon gel microparticles dis - 50 previously .
persed therein . It will be recognized that these operations The removing operation 106 of the method 100 includes
can be incorporated to apply to any article containing a removing the wound dressing from the skin . Removal of the
pressure sensitive adhesive composition in accordance with wound dressing from the skin is assisted by the silicone
the present subjectmatter without diverting from the teach microgels undergoing a change in shape or size . The cross
ing provided herein . 55 linked gel particles will expand to about 3 to about 20 times
In the exposing operation 102, the article preferably has their original size and preferably 20 or more times their
a product release liner. The liner is removed to expose the original size . This increase in size reduces the and at the
wound contacting side of the wound dressing. This exposes same time reduces the adhesion properties of the silicone
the pressure sensitive adhesive composition and allows for microgel particles. In other embodiments , the debonding
adhesion of the article to a substrate of human skin . The 60 agent chosen will preferably correspond to the gel that is
release liners are films that easily detach from the exposed selected for the pressure sensitive adhesive composition . It
adhesive of the article . The product release liners protect the is preferred to select a debonding agent that will not dissolve
adhesive from contacting a substrate , dirt, or aqueous solu - the pressure sensitive adhesive itself but only expand the
tions before that intended by the user. Inadvertent contact to microgel particles contained within . This will allow for
environmental elements can decrease the tackiness of adhe- 65 debonding of the article without leaving any adhesive resi
sives and prevent the desired adhesion . The product release due on the substrate . This operation is also depicted graphi
liner maintains the adhesive tackiness . Premature exposure cally in FIG . 6C discussed previously .
US 9 ,926 ,470 B2
25 26
The present subject matter includes variations of method contents. Other preferred embodiment containers for the
100 in which one or more of operations 101 - 106 are not selective debonding agent can be utilized in the kit.
utilized . The subject matter also includes variations of The package 122 is shown to be a box with a compartment
method 100 including one or more additional operations. 127 for the selective debonding agent 121 and bottle 125 ,
When exposed to the selective debonding agent, the 5 and a separate compartment 128 for the wound dressings
microparticles will change shape and /or size . The microgel 120 . Both compartments are divided by an interior wall 129
particles will absorb a portion of the debonding agent . This that vertically divides the package 122 . The package 122 has
can expand the particles in generally a uniform manner. One four sides , a bottom , and a top capable of alternating
exception to that is when a microgel particle is only partially between a closed and open position . The box is depicted to
contained within the adhesive composition . The portion of 10 have an open window for viewing of the selective debonding
the microgel that is free from the adhesive matrix and fluid . The package can alternatively and alternately be
exposed to the debonding agent will deform in a different configured without an interior dividing wall 129 or comprise
manner than the portion of the microgel particle that is still other usual forms.
contained within the matrix . This will result in a " balloon The kit is assembled by placing the adhesive article 120
ing " effect on the portion of the microgel particle that is free 15 into its corresponding compartment 128 as depicted by
of the adhesive matrix . This allows for a change , not only in arrow 130 . The selective debonding agent 121 and bottle
size , but in shape as well. This change in shape could result 125 are placed into corresponding compartment 127 as
in a mushroom -shaped particle . depicted by arrow 131. The top of the package is then closed
Once the silicone microgels swell or change shape, and to form the completed kit.
the adhesion of the solvent acrylic pressure sensitive adhe - 20 Within all the above mentioned embodiments of the
sive is reduced , the wound dressing can be more easily present subject matter, one will realize that the microgel
removed from the skin . The force required for removal, particles have their own tackiness separate and apart from
being reduced by the swollen microgels , will produce less
wound and skin irritation than ordinary wound dressing the tackiness of the pressure sensitive adhesive . Upon expo
sure to the debonding agent and the expansion of the
removal. In other embodiments , such as paper -to -paper 25 microgelparticles , the particles lose tackiness and provide a
interfaces , the reduction in peel force required for removal separate and distinctmechanism for decreasing the bonding
will allow for the backing layer and/ or substrate to remain strength of the pressure sensitive adhesive matrix . This
totally intact. feature is preferred in that the microgel particles themselves
Kits do not significantly detract initially from the tackiness or
Another aspect of the present subject matter includes a kit. 30 bonding strength of the pressure sensitive adhesive in which
The preferred embodiment kits comprise an adhesive article they are contained . Again , by varying the amount of cross
and a selective debonding agent. In a preferred embodiment, linking in the silicone gel microparticles , the tackiness of the
the kit includes an adhesive article that utilizes a pressure particles themselves can be adjusted for each particular
sensitive adhesive matrix with silicone
silicone gel
gel microparticles
microparticles application. It is known in the instant embodiments that after
and a selective debonding agent comprising HDMS. The 35 application of the debonding agent there is almost an
type of microgel could be altered and the debonding agent instantaneous expansion in the size of the silicone gel
should preferably then be selected to correspond to the type microparticles .
of microgel particle chosen . The debonding fluid is prefer
ably contained within a container with dropper component EXAMPLES
cap , a spray container , a container with brush component 40
cap , a vapor-depositing mechanism , a syringe, a squirter, or Preferred embodiment compositions comprising silicone
equivalent. microgels dispersed in an acrylic adhesive matrix were
Referring now to FIG . 14 , shown is a preferred embodi prepared . Silicone microgels were synthesized by curing a
mentkit 115 of the present subject matter. In particular, FIG . two -part tacky silicone gel in suspension with water. Equal
14 depicts a polygonal multi-layer adhesive article 120 , a 45 parts of NuSil MED -6345 silicone gel ( Part A and B ) were
selective debonding agent 121 contained within a bottle 125 mixed together and then dispersed in a solution ofwater and
with dropper component cap 126 , and a package 122 to hold sodium lauryl sulfate by vigorously agitating for several
these and optionally other contents of the kit. minutes ( Table 1 ). The suspended material was then heated
The adhesive article 120 is shown to comprise a backing to approximately 35º C . and cured for three hours while
layer 123 with the pressure sensitive adhesive composition 50 vigorously stirring. The resulting silicone microgels were
of the present subject matter disposed on a first surface and extracted from the water and sodium lauryl sulfate solution
a product release liner 124 positioned over the exposed into toluene, yielding a suspension containing approxi
surface of the pressure sensitive adhesive composition . The mately 2 . 5 % solids by weight. Microscopy revealed the
wound dressing 120 optionally includes an outer individual microgels to have a distribution of diameters centered
wrapper (not shown ) enclosing the individual wound dress - 55 around an average of 20 m ( standard deviation = 6 m ).
ing and identifying its contents. The kit 115 preferably
includes more than one wound dressings or other types of TABLE 1
adhesive articles. Other preferred embodiments of the adhe
sive article, such as tape or surgical draping , can be utilized Representative Formulation to Synthesize Silicone
in the kit 115 . 60 Microgels by Suspension Curing
The selective debonding agent 121 is shown to be con Material Amount [g ] Amount [wt- % ]
tained within a bottle 125 . The bottle is shown to have a cap
126 with integrated dropper component. The dropper is used NuSil MED -6345 Part A
NuSil MED -6345 Part B
0 .62
0 .63
6 .5
6 .7
to apply the selective debonding agent 121 to the adhesive Sodium Lauryl Sulfate 0 .06 0 .6
substrate interface . The dropper cap 126 gives the user 65 Water 8 . 16 86 . 2
control over the amount and location of the application
means . The bottle optionally has a label identifying its
US 9 ,926 ,470 B2
The resulting suspension of silicone microgels in toluene 4 . The pressure sensitive adhesive composition of claim 1
was blended with wet acrylic adhesive ( Avery Dennison wherein the crosslinked silicone gel particles are at least 1 %
AS- 967) to create the hybrid material . Coatings approxi crosslinked .
mately 80 um thick were deposited on glass slides and 5 . A pressure sensitive adhesive composition adapted for
imaged in a microscope to verify that silicone microgels 5 selective debonding , the pressure sensitive adhesive com
were included and uniformly dispersed as shown in FIGS. position comprising :
12 and 13 . a continuous first phase comprising a pressure sensitive
Three different mixtures were prepared , each having a adhesive matrix ; and
different amount of silicone. Each mixture was coated onto a discontinuous second phase comprising crosslinked
a siliconized PET release liner and dried at elevated tem - 10 silicone gel particles dispersed in the pressure sensitive
perature before laminating to a 1 mil, corona - treated poly adhesive matrix with a characteristic such that upon
exposure to a liquid debonding agent, the particles
urethane film . Strips of the laminate were cut, the release undergo a change in at least one of shape and volume,
liner removed , and then adhered to the surface of a synthetic , wherein the crosslinked silicone gel particles are at least
non - biological material mimicking skin (Vitro -Skin N - 19 , 18 . 50 % crosslinked .
IMS, Inc., Portland , Me. ). After approximately 16 hours of 6 . The pressure sensitive composition of claim 5 wherein
dwell at room temperature , the specimens were peeled off at the crosslinked silicone gel particles are at least 90 % cross
a rate of 100 mm /min , maintaining a peel angle of 90°. linked .
Approximately halfway through the removal process, hex - 7 . A pressure sensitive adhesive composition adapted for
amethyldisiloxane (HMDS ) was added to the peel front, and 20 selective debonding, the pressure sensitive adhesive com
continually added for the remainder of the peel. The peel position comprising :
force was continuously measured throughout the removal a continuous first phase comprising a pressure sensitive
process , and an average was calculated in two regions: once adhesive matrix ; and
before the addition of HMDS and once after. a discontinuous second phase comprising crosslinked
The pre -HMDS peel force decreased monotonically with 25 silicone gel particles dispersed in the pressure sensitive
increased microgel loading . The addition of HMDS caused adhesive matrix with a characteristic such that upon
an abrupt 30 - 40 % decrease in peel force in every case . exposure to a liquid debonding agent, the particles
Although the percentage reduction in peel force did not undergo a change in at least one of shape and volume,
change dramatically with the addition of microgels, the wherein after exposure to the debonding agent, the size of
post-HMDS peel force was lowest with the highest microgel 30 the crosslinked silicone gel particles is between 3 and
loading . 20 times the size of the particles prior to exposure to the
Many other benefits will no doubt become apparent from debonding agent.
future application and development of this technology . 8 . The pressure sensitive adhesive composition of claim 7
All patents , published applications, and articles noted wherein after exposure to the debonding agent, the size of
herein are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety. 35 the crosslinked silicone gel particles is between 5 and 10
It will be appreciated that various features and functions times the size of the particles prior to exposure to the
of the above -disclosed and other subjectmatter, or alterna - debonding agent.
tives or varieties thereof, may be desirably combined into 9 . A pressure sensitive adhesive composition adapted for
many other different systems or applications. Also that selective debonding , the pressure sensitive adhesive com
various presently unforeseen or unanticipated alternatives , 40 position comprising:
modifications , variations or improvements therein may be a continuous first phase comprising a pressure sensitive
subsequently made by those skilled in the art which are also adhesive matrix ; and
intended to be encompassed by the following claims. a discontinuous second phase comprising crosslinked
silicone gel particles dispersed in the pressure sensitive
What is claimed is : 45 adhesive matrix with a characteristic such that upon
1. A pressure sensitive adhesive composition adapted for exposure to a liquid debonding agent, the particles
selective debonding , the pressure sensitive adhesive com undergo a change in at least one of shape and volume,
position comprising: wherein the proportion of the crosslinked silicone gel
a continuous first phase comprising a pressure sensitive particles dispersed in the pressure sensitive adhesive
adhesive matrix ; and 50 matrix is at least 1 % by weight;
a discontinuous second phase comprising crosslinked wherein after exposure to the debonding agent, the size of
silicone gel particles dispersed in the pressure sensitive the crosslinked silicone gel particles is between 3 and
adhesive matrix with a characteristic such that upon 20 times the size of the particles prior to exposure to the
exposure to a liquid debonding agent, the particles debonding agent.
undergo a change in at least one of shape and volume; 55 10 . A pressure sensitive adhesive composition adapted for
wherein the silicone gel particles do not swell or change selective debonding, the pressure sensitive adhesive com
shape as a result of being exposed to aqueous solutions, position comprising:
wherein the pressure sensitive adhesive matrix includes a continuous first phase comprising a pressure sensitive
an acrylic polymer insoluble in the debonding agent. adhesive matrix ; and
2 . The pressure sensitive adhesive composition of claim 1 60 a discontinuous second phase comprising crosslinked
wherein prior to exposure to the debonding agent, the size of silicone gel particles dispersed in the pressure sensitive
the crosslinked silicone gel particles is between 1 and 50 um adhesive matrix with a characteristic such that upon
at their largest cross section . exposure to a liquid debonding agent, the particles
3 . The pressure sensitive adhesive composition of claim 2 undergo a change in at least one of shape and volume,
wherein prior to exposure to the debonding agent, the size of 65 wherein the proportion of the crosslinked silicone gel
the crosslinked silicone gel particles is between 5 and 30 um particles dispersed in the pressure sensitive adhesive
at their largest cross section . matrix is at least 10 % by weight.
US 9 ,926 ,470 B2
29 30
11 . The pressure sensitive adhesive composition of claim volume and thereby reduce the adhesion between the
10 wherein the proportion of the crosslinked silicone gel pressure sensitive adhesive composition and the sub
particles dispersed in the pressure sensitive adhesive matrix strate ; and
is at least 20 % by weight . removing the article containing the pressure sensitive
12 . The pressure sensitive adhesive composition of claim 5 adhesive composition from the substrate .
11 wherein the proportion of the crosslinked silicone gel 20. The method according to claim 19 wherein the sub
particles dispersed in the pressure sensitive adhesive matrix strate is human skin .
is at least 30 % by weight. 21. The method of according to claim 19 , wherein admin
13 . The pressure sensitive adhesive composition of claim istering the debonding fluid includes at least one operation
12 wherein the proportion of the crosslinked silicone gel " selected from the group consisting of spraying, painting,
particles dispersed in the pressure sensitive adhesive matrix foaming, rubbing , soaking, submerging, brushing, pouring,
is at least 40 % by weight. vapor depositing, syringing, dabbing , squirting, immersing,
14 . The pressure sensitive adhesive composition of claim misting, and combinations thereof.
13 wherein the proportion of the crosslinked silicone gel 15 22 . A selectively debondable article , the article compris
particles dispersed in the pressure sensitive adhesive matrix ing (i) a backing material, the backing materialhaving a first
is at least 50 % by weight. surface and an oppositely directed second surface, and ( ii ) a
15 . A pressure sensitive adhesive composition adapted for pressure sensitive adhesive composition including a con
selective debonding , the pressure sensitive adhesive com tinuous first phase of a pressure sensitive adhesive matrix ,
position comprising: 20 and a discontinuous second phase having crosslinked sili
a continuous first phase comprising a pressure sensitive cone gel particles dispersed in the first phase with a char
adhesive matrix ; and acteristic such that upon exposure to a liquid debonding
a discontinuous second phase comprising crosslinked agent, the particles undergo a change in at least one of shape
silicone gel particles dispersed in the pressure sensitive and volume, the pressure sensitive adhesive composition
adhesive matrix with a characteristic such that upon 25 disposed on at least a portion of the first surface of the
exposure to a liquid debonding agent, the particles backing material
undergo a change in at least one of shape and volume, wherein the pressure sensitive adhesive matrix includes
wherein the pressure sensitive adhesive matrix includes an acrylic polymer insoluble in the debonding agent.
an acrylic polymer insoluble in the debonding agent. 23 . The selectively debondable article according to claim
16 . A selectively debondable adhesive system comprising: > 22 , wherein the article further comprises a product release
a pressure sensitive adhesive composition including (i) a liner disposed on the pressure sensitive adhesive composi
continuous first phase having a pressure sensitive adhe tion .
sive matrix , and ( ii) a discontinuous second phase 24 . The article according to claim 22 , wherein the backing
having crosslinked silicone gel particles dispersed in 35 material is selected from the group consisting of polyure
the pressure sensitive adhesive matrix with a charac - thane, microporous films of polyolefin , polyester, poly
teristic such that upon exposure to a debonding agent, (caprolactam ), poly (N -vinylidene fluoride ), nylon , cellulose
the particles undergo a change in at least one of shape acetate , and combinations thereof.
and volume; and 25 . The article according to claim 22 , wherein the cross
a liquid debonding agent. 40 linked silicone gel particles are between 1 and 50 um at their
17 . The adhesive system of claim 16 wherein the debond largest cross section .
ing agent includes hexamethyldisiloxane . 26 . The article according to claim 25 wherein the cross
18 . The adhesive system of claim 16 wherein the debond - linked silicone gel particles are between 5 and 30 um at their
ing agent is selected from the group consisting of silicone largest cross section .
oil, hydrocarbon oil, mineral oil, and combinations thereof. 45 27 . The article according to claim 22 wherein the cross
19 . A method of debonding an article containing a selec - linked silicone gel particles are at least 1 % crosslinked .
tively debondable pressure sensitive adhesive composition , 28 . The article according to claim 27 wherein the cross
the method comprising : linked silicone gel particles are at least 50 % crosslinked .
providing an article containing a selectively debondable 29 . The article according to claim 28 wherein the cross
pressure sensitive adhesive composition including a 50 linked silicone gel particles are at least 90 % crosslinked .
continuous first phase having a pressure sensitive 30 . The article according to claim 22 wherein upon
matrix and a discontinuous second phase having cross - exposure to a debonding agent the crosslinked silicone gel
linked silicone gel particles dispersed in the first phase , particles undergo a change in volume of between 3 and 20
in which the article is adhesively bonded to a substrate times the original size of the particles .
so the adhesive composition and the substrate contact 55 31 . The article according to claim 22 wherein upon
one another; exposure to a debonding agent the crosslinked silicone gel
providing a liquid debonding agent that induces the particles undergo a change in volume of 20 or more times the
crosslinked silicone gel particles to undergo at least one original size of the particles .
of a change in shape from their original shape and an 32 . The article according to claim 22 wherein the propor
increase in volume, and wherein the debonding agent 60 tion of the crosslinked silicone gel particles dispersed in the
will not be absorbed by or dissolve the pressure sen - pressure sensitive adhesive matrix is at least 1 % by weight .
sitive adhesive ; 33 . The article according to claim 32 wherein the propor
administering an effective amount of the liquid debonding tion of the crosslinked silicone gel particles dispersed in the
agent to the pressure sensitive adhesive composition , pressure sensitive adhesive matrix is at least 10 % by weight.
whereby the crosslinked silicone gel particles with in 65 34 . The article according to claim 33 wherein the propor
the pressure sensitive adhesive composition undergo at tion of the crosslinked silicone gel particles dispersed in the
least one of a change in shape and an increase in pressure sensitive adhesive matrix is at least 20 % by weight.
US 9 ,926 ,470 B2
31 32
35 . The article according to claim 34 wherein the propor a selective liquid debonding agent for removing the
tion of the crosslinked silicone gel particles dispersed in the adhesively applied backing material from the surface ;
pressure sensitive adhesive matrix is at least 30 % by weight. and
36 . The article according to claim 35 wherein the propor a container retaining the selective debonding agent.
tion of the crosslinked silicone gel particles dispersed in the 5 41. The kit of claim 40 further comprising :
pressure sensitive adhesive matrix is at least 40 % by weight. a package to contain the backingmaterial and the pressure
37 . The article according to claim 36 wherein the propor sensitive adhesive disposed thereon , the container and
tion of the crosslinked silicone gel particles dispersed in the the debonding agent.
pressure sensitive adhesive matrix is at least 50 % by weight. 42 . The kit of claim 40 wherein the pressure sensitive
38 . The article according to claim 22 wherein the pressure 110 adhesive that composition of the backing material exhibits a
sensitive adhesive composition comprises an acrylic poly tackiness
is applied .
decreases after the selective debonding agent
39 . The article of claim 22 wherein the article is selected 43. The kit of claim 40 wherein the selective debonding
from the group consisting of a surface protective film or agent is selected from the group consisting of hexamethyl
sheet, a masking film or sheet, a temporary fixing film ilm oror 15 disiloxane , silicones, perfluoroalkyl derivatives, low
sheet, a non - temporary fixing film or sheet, a carrier tape, a molecular weight oils , aqueous compositions, alkyl esters ,
seal tape or sheet , a label, a medical dressing, a bandage , and vents limonene derivatives, paraffin solvents, hydrocarbon sol
a drape. , alkyl ethers, aromatic esters , surfactants, and combi
40 . A kit comprising: nations thereof.
a backing materialhaving a first surface and an oppositely tely, 2020 44 . The kit of claim 40 wherein the container includes a
directed second surface , spray device .
a pressure sensitive adhesive composition disposed on at roll45- on. The kit of claim 40 wherein the container includes a
device .
least a portion of the first surface of the backing
material, the pressure sensitive adhesive composition 25 brush - on device . claim 40 wherein the container includes a
46 . The kit of
adapted for selective debonding and including a pres 47 . The kit of claim 40 wherein the backing material is
sure sensitive adhesive matrix , crosslinked silicone gel
particles dispersed in the pressure sensitive adhesive consisting incorporated in a medical product selected from the group
matrix with a characteristic such that upon exposure to sure coversof, closure bandages, dressings, gauze , tape , wound clo
strips, and pads .
a debonding agent, the particles undergo a change in at
least one of shape and size ; * * * * *

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