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(a) Explain how an arteriole can reduce the blood flow into capillaries.







The image below shows heart valves during one stage of a cardiac cycle.

Ventricles are visible through the open valves.

(b) What can you conclude from the appearance of valves in the image above about heart
muscle activity and blood movement between:

1. ventricles and arteries?







2. atria and ventricles?






(c) Tick (✓) one box next to the blood vessel carrying blood at the lowest blood pressure.


Pulmonary vein

Renal vein

Vena cava


(d) A scientist measured the heart rate and the volume of blood pumped in a single heart
beat (stroke volume) of an athlete before exercise and calculated the cardiac output.

Cardiac output is calculated using this equation.

cardiac output = heart rate × stroke volume

Her results are shown in the table below.

Heart rate / beats Cardiac output / cm3

Stroke volume / cm3
minute−1 minute−1

62 80 4960

After exercise, the athlete’s stroke volume increased by 30% and the cardiac output was
13 832 cm3 minute –1

Calculate the athlete’s heart rate after exercise.

Give the answer to 2 significant figures. Show your working.

Heart rate _______________ beats minute –1
(Total 9 marks)

The diagram below shows pressure and blood flow during the cardiac cycle in a dog.

(a) At P on the diagram above, the pressure in the left ventricle is increasing. At this time, the
rate of blood flow has not yet started to increase in the aorta.

Use evidence from diagram above to explain why.






(b) At Q on the diagram above there is a small increase in pressure and in rate of blood flow
in the aorta.

Explain how this happens and its importance.





(c) A student correctly plotted the right ventricle pressure on the same grid as the left
ventricle pressure in diagram above.

Describe one way in which the student’s curve would be similar to and one way it would
be different from the curve shown in the diagram above.

Similarity ___________________________________________________________




Difference __________________________________________________________




(d) Use information from the diagram above to calculate the heart rate of this dog.

Heart rate _______________ beats minute-1

(Total 7 marks)

The table shows pressure changes in the left side of the heart during one cardiac cycle.

Blood pressure / k Pa

Time / s Left atrium Left ventricle

0.0 0.7 0.3

0.1 1.0 2.0

0.2 0.2 12.5

0.3 0.2 15.3

0.4 1.0 4.5

0.5 0.5 1.0

0.6 0.6 0.3

0.7 0.7 0.3

(a) Between which times is the valve between the atrium and the ventricle closed?

Explain your answer.

Times ____________________ s and ____________________ s

Explanation _________________________________________________________




(b) The maximum pressure in the ventricle is much higher than that in the atrium.

Explain what causes this.





(c) Use the information in the table to calculate the heart rate in beats per minute.

Answer ____________________ beats per minute

(Total 5 marks)

An electrocardiogram is made by attaching recording electrodes to a person’s chest. It shows
the electrical changes that take place in a person’s heart each time it beats. A sports
physiologist produced electrocardiograms for a fit adult male.

Chart X shows an electrocardiogram from this man after 10 minutes of complete rest.
A cardiac cycle consists of the filling time and the contraction time. The filling time and the
contraction time for one cardiac cycle are shown on this chart.

Chart X

Chart Y shows an electrocardiogram from the same man immediately after a period of exercise.

Chart Y

(a) Give one way in which an electrocardiogram could have produced more reliable results
than counting the pulse.



(b) (i) Chart X shows that the man’s resting heart rate was 67 beats per minute. What was
his pulse rate? Explain your answer.




(ii) Use chart Y to calculate the man’s heart rate after the period of exercise.
Show your working.

Answer ____________________ beats per minute


(c) Use charts X and Y to describe how exercise affected filling time.






(d) The physiologist used electrocardiograms to investigate the effect of increasing heart rate
on filling time.
Describe how she could have modified the method of exercising you used to produce a
range of increases in heart rate.





(Total 9 marks)
The graph shows the volume changes in the left ventricle of a human heart during two cardiac
cycles. The numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 represent times when heart valves open or close.

(a) Use information from the graph to complete the table in part (a). Place the number 1, 2, 3
or 4 in the appropriate box.

Valve opens Valve closes

Semi-lunar valve

Atrioventricular valve

(b) Use the diagram above to calculate the volume of blood pumped per minute by the left

Answer = ____________________ cm3 min−1


(c) Explain the role of the heart in the formation of tissue fluid.









(d) Lymphoedema is a swelling in the legs which may be caused by a blockage in the
lymphatic system.
Suggest how a blockage in the lymphatic system could cause lymphoedema.




(Total 7 marks)

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