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1. (a)(i) No! The dimensional analysis does not tell the relation is completely right because;- It does
not give the numerical values of dimensionless constants such as π and numerical constants
(02 marks)
(ii) Consider the dimensions of;-
  L  ,  
h  ML2T 1 and p  MLT 1   (01 mark)

The equation in terms of dimension

L   ML T 
2 1

MLT  1

 L   L 
From above; the dimension in right hand side is the same as that of left hand side. So
equation is dimensional correct as proved. (01 mark)

(b) Consider the average of collected results of the value of t

19 .78  20 .10  20 .11  19 .88  20 .09
t  19 .99 s (01 mark)
The average values of deviation from the true value
0.22  0.10  0.11  0.12  0.09
t   0.13 s (02 marks)
The results should be written as t  t  19.99  0.13s (02 marks)

2. (a) (i) From Newton’s 1st law F  0 , means there is no external force on a body. The body is
either at rest or moving with uniform velocity in a straight line. In order to change the state of
the body an external force is required. So everybody has a tendency to maintain its state of
rest or of uniform velocity. For this reason the Newton’s 1st law is called the law of inertia.
(02 marks)
(ii) Three situations in which a body can experience weightless when standing on a spring
balance are;-
 When a body is placed at free space (out of gravitational field).
 When a body is descending with an elevator with acceleration due to gravity.
 When a body is passed at highest position on a rotating wheel of radius r with the
speed equal to rg . (@ 01 mark)
(b) (i) Consider the value of initial kinetic energy

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1 1
KE initial  Mu 2   30  48 2  34560 J (01 mark)
2 2
Final kinetic energy KE final  mv 2
Mu 30  48
But v   120 ms 1
m 12
KE final  mv 2  12  120 2  86400 J (01 mark)
Only momentum was conserved but kinetic energy was not conserved (01 mark)
(ii) From principle of conservation of linear momentum
Mu  0  mv (01 mark)
Mu 30  48
Then v   120 ms 1 (01 mark)
m 12

3. (a) (i) - The path described by a projectile is a trajectory while that described by a circular
motion is a circular path.
- The magnitude and direction of the velocity in projectile motion changes while that of
circular motion only direction is changing (Any one 2 marks)
2u sin 
(ii) For time of flight, t (001/2 mark)
u 2 sin 2
For the range R (001/2 mark)
u 2 sin 2 
For the maximum height hmax  (001/2 mark)
From above sin 2(30 )  sin 2(60 ) (001/2 mark)
So the value of range will be the same (01 mark)

4 2 m
(b) From, T2  (01 mark)
4 2 mt
T1 
(01 mark)
4 2 (mt  m)
T12  (01 mark)
T2 32
( mt  m )  22 mt   12 kg  81kg
T1 1 .5 2
m  81  12  69 kg (02 marks)
4. (a) (i) - The satellite should revolve the same direction as the direction of rotation of the earth.
- The period of revolution of the satellite should be the same as that of rotation of the earth.
(@ 01 mark)
(ii) The escape velocity from the earth’s surface for a piece of mass of 1g is 11.2kms-1. What
would it be for a block of mass 5kg? Justify your answer.
Since escape velocity of an object from the surface of the earth is given as, v  2 RE g , so it
does not depends on the mass of the object. The escape velocity will be the same
(03 marks)
(b) From principle of conservation of Angular momentum; I 11  I 2 2 (01 mark)

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When he allows his arms to fall until they are horizontal his moments of inertia is increased and
the angular velocity will decrease. (02 marks)
Since rotational kinetic energy is given as KE rotational  I 2
His rotational kinetic energy will decrease because the rotational kinetic energy depends
highly with angular velocity compared to its moment of inertia. (02 marks)

5. (a) (i) This due to the fact that the specific heat capacity of the tiles materials is higher compared to
that of wood. So more heat will be absorbed in tiles than in the wood. So the tile floor feels
colder than the wooden floor. (03 marks)
X  X0
(ii) From    100 o C (01 mark)
X 100  X 0
59  0
  100 o C (01 mark)
95  0
 62 .1o C (01 mark)

(b) From mc  KS (   R ) (01 mark)
(70  50 )  70  50  
From 70oC to 50oC, mc  KS    20  (01 mark)
4  2  
(50  40 )  50  40  
From 50oC to 40oC, mc  KS    20  (01 mark)
t  2  
t  20 40
Divide the two equations, 
4  10 25
t  3.2 min (01 mark)

6. (a) (i) - Isothermal process takes place at constant temperature while adiabatic process takes
place if there is no heat given out or enter to the system.
- Isothermal process takes place slowly while adiabatic process takes place quickly.
- In isothermal process the container is not insulated heat can enter or leaves the system while
in the adiabatic process the container is thick and insulated no heat enters or leaves the
system. (Any two @ 01 mark)
(ii) Consider a container filled with gas heated at constant pressure, the heat goes to increase
internal energy and to expand the gas. From the first law of thermodynamic the equation will
be;- Q  U  W
nc p T  ncv T  PV (01 mark)
But PV  PV2  PV1  nRT 2  nRT1  nR T
nc p T  ncv T  nRT (01 mark)
c p  cv  R , Deduced (01 mark)
(b) (i) Sketched P-V diagram for this process

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(02 marks)
(ii) Since the process is isothermal
Q  W (001/2 mark)
V  P 
But W  nRT ln  2   nRT ln  1  (01 mark)
 V1   P2 
 2  8.31  338 ln   (001/2 mark)
 6171 .5J (01 mark)

7. (a) (i) Soil permeability is the property of the soil to transmit water and air while soil porosity is the
gap between solid particles of the soil which contains water and air (02 marks)
(ii) - Nature of the soil
- Solar radiation
- Microorganisms activities in the soil
- Mulching
- Shading (Any four @ 01 mark)

(b) Lunar tidal period is 12 hours; Number of tidal cycles per year is;
( 24  365 .25 ) h
n  731 (01 mark)
12 h
Number of times the tide to drives the turbines become N  2n  2  731  1462
tidal energy  (01 mark)
1462  100  10 6  10  4 2
 (01 mark)
 2.39  10 6 J (01 mark)

8. (a)(i) This is due to the fact that in the switch’s conducting materials in the wire and in the lamp
filament there are electrons at static condition, but when the switch is closed the electrons are
in electric potential difference so each electron start drifting that’s why the lamp lights up as
soon as a switch is closed (03 marks)

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(ii) When current through G is zero, the current flowing through loop AHCBA is the same as
that flowing through loop FGDEF. (01 mark)

Consider Kirchhoff’s voltage law round loop AHCBA

2  10 I  90 I (001/2 mark)
I   0.02 A (01 mark)
100 
Consider Kirchhoff’s voltage law round loop FGDEF
1.2  0.02 R  (0.02  10 ) (001/2 mark)
1 .2  0 .2
R  50  (01 mark)
(b) (i) Reactance is the opposition of flowing of alternating current through the inductor while
Resistance is the opposition of both alternating current and direct current through the resistor.
(02 marks)
(ii) Consider the flow of ac through the inductor
V L
But I  I o sin t
d ( I o sin t )
V L  LI o cos t
V  Vo cos t
So Vo  LI o
But R  o , also o  L  2fL (01 mark)
Io Io
Both have the same SI unit which is ohm (Ω) (01 mark)
(c) From X L  2fL  2  3.14  50  0.6  188 .4 (01 mark)
Vo  I o X L  188 .4  2  376 .8V (01 mark)
Vr .m.s  o (01 mark)
376 .8V
  266 .4V (01 mark)

9. (a) (i) In copper when the temperature increases its conductivity decreases while in silicon when the
temperature increases its conductivity also increases. (03 marks)
(ii) Light emitting diode produce light when it is conducting electric current while photodiode
conducts electric current when it is exposed to light.
Photodiode is used as a sensor to light during darkness while light emitting diode is used as
indicators in different appliance. . (Any one, 02 marks)

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(b) Diagram of the full wave rectification circuit using two diodes.

(04 marks)
(c) (i) From I  IR  (01 mark)

But Q  CVin
dV in
I C (01 mark)
Since I R   (01 mark)
Vo dV in
 C
R dt
dV in
Vo   RC (01 mark)

(ii) This amplifier is used as differentiator. (02 mark)

10 (a) (i) - OR gate

- AND gate
- NOT gate (@ 01 mark)
(ii) Consider a truth table
A B A B A B ( A  B)  B
0 0 1 1 0 1
0 1 1 0 1 1
1 0 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 0 0 0

The Boolean expression will be ( A  B)  B (04 marks)

(b) Consider a truth

A B C A B BC ( A  B)  ( B  C )  B  ( A  C )
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 0

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1 0 1 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 1

(02 marks)
Logic circuit

(Any 02 marks)
(c) Consider the upper sideband  f o  f m
 500  15  515 kHz (01 mark)
Lower sideband  f o  f m
 500  15  485 kHz (01 mark)
Bandwidth required = Upper sideband –Lower sideband frequency (01 mark)
 515  485  30 kHz (01 mark)

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