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STAMBUK : B1B121048




Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) merupakan perilaku sukarela karyawan

yang melebihi deskripsi pekerjaan formal mereka, namun berkontribusi pada

efektivitas dan keefisienan organisasi secara keseluruhan. Penelitian menunjukkan

bahwa kepuasan kerja dan komitmen organisasi para karyawan dapat mempengaruhi

tingkat OCB mereka.

➢ Kepuasan Kerja: Karyawan yang merasa puas dengan pekerjaan, gaji, rekan

kerja, dan aspek lainnya cenderung lebih termotivasi untuk melakukan

tindakan melebihi tugasnya, seperti membantu rekan kerja, sukarela dalam

proyek, dan memberikan saran untuk perbaikan.

➢ Komitmen Organisasi: Karyawan yang memiliki tingkat komitmen organisasi

yang tinggi, baik komitmen afektif (keterikatan emosional), komitmen

kontinuan (kebutuhan untuk tetap tinggal), dan komitmen normatif (kewajiban

moral), cenderung lebih bersedia untuk melakukan OCB demi kebaikan


➢ Hubungan Timbal Balik: Karyawan yang merasa puas dan berkomitmen

terhadap organisasi mereka, pada gilirannya, akan lebih cenderung

menunjukkan perilaku OCB. Sebaliknya, karyawan yang terlibat dalam OCB

juga akan mendapatkan pengakuan dan penghargaan yang dapat meningkatkan

kepuasan dan komitmen mereka.

Dengan demikian, pemahaman tentang bagaimana kepuasan kerja dan komitmen

organisasi mempengaruhi OCB dapat membantu organisasi dalam mengembangkan

strategi untuk mendorong perilaku positif karyawan yang mendukung efektivitas

organisasi secara keseluruhan.


a. Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Maswanih Wanih dan Muhammad Iqbal yang




TANGERANG” kepuasan kerja,komitmen organisasi,dan motivasi kerja

secara posotif mempengaruhi perilaku kewarganegaraan organisasi (OCB)

dikalangan guru di SMA Negeri 9 tenggerang, sesuai temuan penelitian.

b. Penelitian ini dilakukan oleh Lenie Febriyani yang berjudul” The Effect

Motivation and Job Satisfaction on Organizational Citizenship Behavior

(OCB)” kepuasaan kerja secara signifikan mempengaruhi perilaku

kewarganegaraan organisasi (OCB) menurut penelitian,menunjukkan

hubungan positif antara kepuasan kerja dan OCB.

c. Penelitian ini dilakukan oleh Sutiyem et al , 2020 yang berjudul” THE


ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT” ditemukan bahwa hasil penelitian ini

menghsilkan menemukan bahwa varibael kepuasan kerja memiliki pengaruh negatif

dan tidak signifikan terhadap OCB.

Volume 2, Issue 1, October 2020 E-ISSN : 2686-6331, P-ISSN : 2686-6358

DOI: 10.31933/DIJEMSS
Received: 23 August 2020, Revised: 25 September 2020, Publish: 18st November 2020
th th


Maswanih Wanih1, Muhammad Iqbal2
1) Master of Management at Mercu Buana University, Jakarta, Indonesia, [email protected]
2) Mercu Buana University Graduate Lecture, Jakarta, Indonesia, [email protected]

Abstract: This research aims to examine and analyze the effect of job satisfaction,
organizational commitment and work motivation on the organizational citizenship behavior
of teachers in SMA Negeri 9 Tangerang. The study approach is a quantitative approach
through data collection method using a questionnaire with a sample of 56 respondents with
the sampling technique used is census. The method of analysis used is multiple linear
regression conducted through SPSS software version 25. The results show that the variables
of job satisfaction, organizational commitment and work motivation partly have a positive
and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior. At the same time, all three
variables independent of job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job motivation
have a positive and significant impact on organizational citizenship behavior.
teacher at SMA Negeri 9 Tangerang.

Keywords: job satisfaction, organizational commitment, job motivation and organizational

citizenship behavior.

Teachers as one of the resources of a school who are teaching staff in schools carry
out three main tasks, namely educating, guiding and teaching / training students (Depdiknas:
2002). According to PP 74 of 2008 concerning teachers article 1, what is meant by teachers
are professional educators with the main task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing,
training, assessing and evaluating students in formal education, basic education and
secondary education. Education provides a very large contribution to the progress of the
nation and the development of the character of the nation. Among the many agendas for
nation-building, education is one of the important and strategic agendas that requires real
attention from all parties, because education is a determining factor for the nation's progress
in the future.
Human resource is the most important asset in an organization, because it is the source
that controls the organization and maintains and develops the organization in facing the
various demands of the times. Therefore, human resources must be considered, maintained
and developed. Likewise with educational institutions, must pay attention to, maintain, and

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Volume 2, Issue 1, October 2020 E-ISSN : 2686-6331, P-ISSN : 2686-6358

develop human resources. Quality human resources so that the work carried out will produce
something desired.
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is an individual's contribution that
exceeds the demands of a role in the workplace and is rewarded based on individual
performance results. Organizations will be successful if employees do not only do their main
tasks, but also want to do extra tasks such as cooperating, helping, giving advice, participating
actively, providing extra services to customers, and willing to use their work time effectively.
Organ in Hermaningsih (2012: 128) argues that citizenship behavior or extra role is
implemented in 5 forms of behavior, namely: 1) Altruism, 2) Conscientiousness, 3)
Sportmanship, 4) Courtesy, 5) Civic Virtue
Job satisfaction is basically something that is individual. According to Robbins in
Ningsih (2014: 42) explains that job satisfaction is a general individual feeling that is
associated with work. Positive or negative feelings about work are the result of an internal
evaluation process within a person. According to Laster in Aditya (2011: 19), there are nine
factors of teacher job satisfaction, namely: 1) Supervision, 2) Colleagues, 3) Working
Conditions, 4) Rewards, 5) Responsibility, 6) The work itself, 7) Promotion, 8) Security, 9)
Organizational commitment is a work attitude. Because it reflects a person's feelings
(like it or not) towards the organization where he works, organizational commitment is an
individual orientation towards the organization that includes loyalty, identification and
involvement. Moorhead and Griffin (2013: 73) say that: "Organization commitment is an
attitude that reflects the extent to which an individual knows and is tied to his organization".
According to Meyer and Allen in Sari (2014: 10) there are three components in
organizational commitment, namely 1) Affective Commitment, 2) Continuance Commitment
and 3) Normative Commitment.
Motivation comes from the word motive. Motive can be described as something
behind someone acting. According to Hamzah B. Uno (2013: 72), "teacher work motivation
is nothing but a process carried out to move teachers so that their behavior can be directed
towards real efforts to achieve predetermined goals". Teacher work motivation is something
that teachers need to mobilize and direct teachers in doing work in order to achieve
predetermined goals. The teacher will move to do work if there is motivation both from
within and from outside with components 1) Responsibility in doing work, 2) Achievements,
3) Self-development, 4) Independence in acting.
This study aims to determine the EFFECT OF JOB SATISFACTION,
ORGANIZATIONAL CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIOR (OCB), either separately or collectively.

According to Robbins & Judge in Waspodo (2012: 4) in his book Organizational
Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as an optional behavior that is not part of an employee's formal
work obligations, but supports the functioning of the organization effectively. Another
opinion regarding the notion of OCB was put forward by Garay in Waspodo (2012: 5)
explaining that OCB is a voluntary behavior of a worker to want to carry out a task or job
outside of his or her responsibility or obligation for the advancement or benefit of his
organization. Meanwhile, according to the Organ in waspodo (2012: 5) explains that OCB is
a form of individual choice and initiative, not related to formal organizational rewards. This

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Volume 2, Issue 1, October 2020 E-ISSN : 2686-6331, P-ISSN : 2686-6358

means that the behavior is included in the employee's job requirements or job description so
that if it is not displayed there will be no penalty.

Organ in Hermaningsih (2012: 128) argues that citizenship behavior or extra role is
implemented in 5 forms of behavior, namely: 1. Altruism (behavior to help others) 2.
Conscientiousness (thoroughness and caution), 3. Sportmanship (behavior that is
sportsmanship), 4. Courtesy (maintaining good relations), 6. Civil Virtue (citizen wisdom)

Job satisfaction is basically something that is individual. Each individual has a
different level of satisfaction according to the value system that applies to him. The higher
the assessment of the perceived activities according to the wishes of the individual, the higher
the satisfaction with these activities. Job satisfaction is an expression of employee satisfaction
about how their work can provide benefits to the organization, which means that what is
obtained at work fulfills what is considered important (Luthans in Waspodo 2012: 3).
According to Robbins in Ningsih (2014: 42) explains that job satisfaction is a general
individual feeling that is associated with work. Positive or negative feelings about work are
the result of an internal evaluation process within a person.

Muthuveloo in Chasanah (2012: 220) Commitment is defined as "an employee level
of attachment to some aspect of work". This means that commitment is described as a level
of employee / employee engagement in several aspects of work. Work commitment refers
neither to the organization nor to one's career, but to employment itself ”. That is, work
commitment refers not to the organization or to one's career, but to the job itself.
Organizational commitment is a work attitude. Because it reflects a person's feelings
(like it or not) towards the organization where he works, organizational commitment is an
individual orientation towards the organization that includes loyalty, identification and
involvement. So organizational commitment is an active relationship orientation between
individuals and their organizations. This relationship orientation results in the individual
(employee) willing to give something and something that is given illustrates his support for
the achievement of organizational goals. So high organizational commitment is shown by a
strong belief and acceptance of the values and goals of the organization. Meanwhile, the
behavioral approach (behavior commitment) is related to the process in which the individual
is bound to a certain organization.

Hamzah B. Uno (2013: 72) states that the indicators of teacher work motivation
consist of responsibility in doing work, achievements, self-development and independence
in action.
1) Responsibility for doing work
Teachers who have high activation can be seen from their responsibilities in doing work. The
teacher will complete the work with maximum results in accordance with the predetermined
time limit. The teacher will plan, implement, and evaluate learning according to applicable
regulations. Indicators of the value of the character of responsibility at work, namely: (1)

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submitting assignments on time; (2) working according to instructions; (3) do picket

according to the set schedule.
2) The achievements it has achieved
The teacher's achievements show that the teacher has high work motivation. This
achievement can be in the form of an award from the principal, educational institution, or the
work created. The indicators are: (1) quality of work; (2) quantity of work; (3) period of time;
(4) the effectiveness of teacher self-development costs in carrying out their profession, it is
very necessary to carry out teacher self-development in carrying out their profession, it is
very necessary to carry out self-development. The participation of teachers in trainings held
by educational institutions shows that teachers have enthusiasm so as to create high work
motivation. The indicators are (1) active in the activities of professional organizations; (2)
conduct scientific publications and (3) find and create innovative works.
3) Independence in action
Someone who has entered the productive age certainly has an independent attitude in acting.
This independence is reflected in the attitude of teachers who always carry out their duties
and responsibilities even though they are not ordered to. The teacher consciously does the
work that is their obligation. The indicators are (1) able to think critically, creatively and
innovatively; (2) not easily influenced by the opinions of others; (3) solving problems by
thinking deeply; (4) trying to work with full diligence and discipline.

This type of research is quantitative research using primary data in the form of
surveys. This study uses a survey as a method of data collection. The method of collecting
data through surveys has the following characteristics; (1) information is obtained from a
group of people; (2) the information obtained from a group of people is a sample, and (3) the
information is obtained through asking questions and several questions.
And according to Sugiyono (2010: 132), data collection methods commonly used in
a study are interviews, questionnaires and observations. The data collection technique used
in this study was by filling out a closed questionnaire. According to Siregar (2010: 132) a
questionnaire is a technique of collecting information that allows analysis to study the
attitudes, beliefs, behavior and characteristics of some people, especially in organizations
who are biased by the proposed system or by existing systems. According to Arikunto (2010:
112), if the research population is less than 100, the samples taken are all. However, if the
population is more than 100 people, the sample is taken 10% - 15% or 20% - 25% or more.
Based on these opinions, the samples of this study were all 56 teachers of SMAN 9


Validity test
The validity test uses a 95% confidence level, where df = n-2. The value of n in this study is
56, so the value of df = 54. That way, the value of r table = 0.268 is obtained
The basis for making decisions on this validity test is as follows:
a. If rcount ≥ 0.268 then the statement item is valid
b. If rcount <0.268 then the statement item is invalid.

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Volume 2, Issue 1, October 2020 E-ISSN : 2686-6331, P-ISSN : 2686-6358

Table 1. Instrument Validity Test Results

Variable/Dimension r count r table Inform
Job Satisfaction (X1)
Supervision 0,934 0,268 Valid
Co-workers 0,623 0,268 Valid
Working condition 0,771 0,268 Valid
Rewards 0,878 0,268 Valid
Responsibilities 0,897 0,268 Valid
The job itself 0,775 0,268 Valid
Promotion 0,840 0,268 Valid
Security 0,878 0,268 Valid
Rewards 0,822 0,268 Valid

Organization Commitment (X2)

Affective Commitment 0,950 0,268 Valid
Continuance Commitment 0,940 0,268 Valid
Normative Commitment 0,669 0,268 Valid

Work Motivation (X3)

Responsibility in doing work 0,967 0,268 Valid
Achievements 0,982 0,268 Valid
Self-development 0,977 0,268 Valid
Independence in action 0,959 0,268 Valid

Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Y)

Altruism 0,849 0,268 Valid
Conscientiousness 0,734 0,268 Valid
Sportsmanship 0,834 0,268 Valid
Courtesy 0,857 0,268 Valid
Civic Virtue 0,846 0,268 Valid

Normality Test Results

The normality test is carried out to determine whether the data population is normally
distributed. The normality test for each variable is carried out by looking at the data
distribution points in the P-P Plot graphic image. Data from variables can be said to be
normal, if the data distribution is in a straight line, the distribution of plot points.
The basis for making decisions on this normality test is as follows:
a. If the significance value of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is Sig ≥ 0.05, the data is normally
b. If the significance value of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test Sig <0.05, the data is not
normally distributed.

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The results of the Normality test can be seen in Table 4:11 below:

Table 2. Normality Test Results

One Sample Kolmogorov Smirnov Test

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 0,064
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) 0,200

Based on Table 2. from the results of the One Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test on
the residuals the results are normally distributed. This can be seen from the total sample size
of 56 people, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z value of 0.064 and a significance of 0.200> 0.05,
so Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that it can be concluded that the data is
normally distributed.

Multicollinearity Test
Multicollinearity test is to see the correlation between independent variables. In this
test, it can be seen in the Coefficients table of the regression results of the Job Satisfaction
variable (X1), the Organizational Commitment variable (X2), the Work Motivation variable
(X3) and the Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Y) variable as shown in Table 4.10 below:

Table 3. Multicollinearity Test Results

Variabel Tolerance VIF

Job Satisfaction 0,824 1,214
Organization commitment 0,874 1,145
Work motivation 0,939 1,065

Heteroscedasticity Test
Heteroscedasticity test is to determine the presence or absence of heteroscedasticity,
one of which is by using a plot graph between the bound and residual values.
Heteroscedasticity to show the variance (Y-Y) between Y values is not constant or the same
from one observation to another.

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Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Test

Based on Table 3., it can be seen that the regression equation is:
Y ̂ = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3 + e
Information :
Constant value of Organization Citizenship Behavior (a) = 1.454
Job Satisfaction Constant Value (b1) = 0.265
Organizational Commitment Constant Value (b2) = 0.218
Constant Value of Work Motivation (b3) = 0.137
So the regression equation is as follows:
KO = 1.454 + 0.265KK + 0.218KO + 0.137MK + e

Table 4. Results of Testing the Effect of Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment

and Work Motivation on Teacher Organizational Citizenship Behavior in SMA
Negeri 9 Tangerang

Variable t count Sig.
Fcount 9,616 0,000b
R2 0,357
Constant 1,454 2,979 0,004
Job Satisfaction 0,265 2,465 0,017
Organization Commitment 0,218 2,514 0,015
Work Motivation 0,137 2,217 0,031

Partial Test (t test)

The t test in multiple linear regression is intended to test whether the parameters
(regression coefficients and constants) which are assumed to estimate the equation / multiple
linear regression model are the correct parameters or not. The precise point here is that these
parameters are able to explain the behavior of the independent variables in influencing the
dependent variable.
Based on Table 4. above, it can be seen from the variable job satisfaction, the value
of t count 2.465> t table 2.005 and a significance level of 0.017 <0.05 or Ho is rejected and
Ha is accepted, it can be stated partially that the job satisfaction variable has a significant
effect on the organization citizenship behavior of teachers in SMA Negeri 9 Tangerang

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Volume 2, Issue 1, October 2020 E-ISSN : 2686-6331, P-ISSN : 2686-6358

Based on Table 2. above, it can be seen from the variable organizational commitment, the
value of tcount 2.514> ttable 2.005 and a significance level of 0.015 <0.05 or Ho is rejected
and Ha is accepted, it can be stated partially that organizational commitment variables have
a significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior of teachers in high school Negeri
9 Tangerang.
Based on Table 3 above, it can be seen from the work motivation variable, the value of t
count 2.217> t table 2.005 and a significance level of 0.031 <0.05 or Ho is rejected and Ha
is accepted, it can be stated partially work motivation variable has a significant effect on
organizational citizenship behavior of teachers in high school Negeri 9 Tangerang.

Simultaneous Test (Test F)

Model reliability test or model feasibility test is the initial stage of identifying
regression models that are estimated to be feasible or not feasible (reliable), which means
that the estimated model is suitable for use to explain the effect of independent variables on
the dependent variable. To determine whether or not the influence of the independent
variables is feasible (Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Work Motivation
collectively on a dependent variable (Organizational Citizenship Behavior), then the F test is
Based on Table 3. above in column F, it is obtained that the Fcount value is 9.616, in
the Sig column is a probability or significant value of 0.000 or a significance of 0%. The
value of Ftable for the significance level (α) = 5% two tailed with a sample of 56 obtained
by the df of the numerator using k-1 or the number of variables minus 1, namely the df of the
numerator 4-1 = 3, and the df of the denominator using nk or the number of samples minus
the number of variables, namely df denominator 56-4 = 52, then the obtained Ftable is 2.78.
The assessment is based on the F test: if Fcount> Ftable then Ho is rejected which means
significant, from the calculation of the results of the analysis above is 9.616> 2.78 then Ho
is rejected which means significant. Based on the probability: if <0.05 then Ho is rejected,
the analysis results obtained a value of 0.000 <0.05 means that Ho is rejected and Ha is
accepted. Thus it can be concluded that Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and
Work Motivation simultaneously have a significant effect on the Organizational Citizenship
Behavior of Teachers in SMA Negeri 9 Tangerang.

Coefficient of Determination
The coefficient of determination explains the variation in the influence of the
independent variables on the dependent variable. Or it can also be said as the proportion of
the influence of all independent variables on the dependent variable. If the independent
variable is more than one, the coefficient of determination can be measured by the value of
R Square.
From Table 3. the results of the coefficient of determination R Square (R2) are 0.357
or 35.7%. This shows that the percentage of the contribution of the influence of the
independent variables (Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Work Motivation)
on the dependent variable of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Y) is 35.7%, while the
remaining 64.3% is influenced by other variables not included in this study.

Inter-Dimensional Correlation Analysis

Dimensional analysis is used to determine the strength of the relationship between
the dimensions of the independent variable and the dependent variable, for that we need a
dimensional correlation matrix between variables which can be seen in Table 5.

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Table 5. Dimensional Correlation Matrix Between Research Variables

Organization Citizenship Behavior (Y)

Variable Dimension Civic

Altruism Conscientiousness Sportsmanship Courtesy

0,333 0,367 0,494 0,505 0,453

Co-worker 0,110 0,267 0,359 0,439 0,207

Working conditions 0,472 0,484 0,678 0,642 0,578

Rewards 0,193 0,245 0,304 0,278 0,164

Job Satisfaction
Responsibilities 0,142 0,212 0,289 0,222 0,197
The job itself 0,089 0,277 0,210 0,203 0,157

Promotion 0,187 0,436 0,273 0,273 0,190

Security 0,178 0,294 0,276 0,283 0,184

Rewards 0,254 0,258 0,372 0,268 0,347

Organization Affective Commitment 0.297 0.158 0.317 0.294 0.254

Commitment Continuance Commitment 0,263 0,109 0,336 0,269 0,286

(X2) Normative Commitment 0,513 0,441 0,356 0,523 0,365

Responsibility in doing work 0,304 0,320 0,238 0,233 0,102

Work Motivation Achievements 0,325 0,304 0,290 0,254 0,208
(X3) Self -development 0,330 0,285 0,300 0,242 0,162
Independence in action 0,323 0,361 0,313 0,261 0,214

The results of the correlation analysis made in table 5. are as follows:

Correlation of Job Satisfaction with Organizational Citizenship Behavior

In the table, it is explained that the results of the strongest dimensional correlation test with
the level of the strong relationship are shown by the working conditions dimension with the
sportmanship dimension of 0.678 and the correlation of the working conditions dimension
with the courtesy dimension of 0.642. The weakest dimension with a very weak level of
relationship is shown by the work dimension itself with the altruism dimension of 0.089 and
the correlation of the co-worker dimensions with the altruism dimension of 0.110.

Correlation of Organizational Commitment to Organizational Citizenship Behavior

The results of the correlation between dimensions in the variable organizational commitment
to Organizational Citizenship Behavior are the strongest dimensional correlation with the
level of moderate relationship shown by the normative commitment dimension with the
courtesy dimension of 0.523 and the correlation of the normative commitment dimension
with the altruism dimension of 0.513. The weakest dimension with a very weak level of
relationship is shown by the continuance commitment dimension with the conscientiousness

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Volume 2, Issue 1, October 2020 E-ISSN : 2686-6331, P-ISSN : 2686-6358

dimension of 0.109 and the correlation of the affective commitment dimension with the
conscientiousness dimension of 0.158.

Correlation of Work Motivation on Organizational Citizenship Behavior

The result of the correlation between dimensions in the work motivation variable towards
Organizational Citizenship Behavior is the strongest correlation with the level of weak
relationship shown by the dimension of independence in acting with the dimension of
conscientiousness of 0.361 and the correlation of the dimensions of self-development with
the altruism dimension of 0.330. The weakest dimension with a very weak level of
relationship is shown by the responsibility dimension in doing work with the civic virtue
dimension of 0.102 and the correlation of the self-development dimension with the civic
virtue dimension of 0.162.


Based on the results of the analysis and discussion described in the previous chapter,
the following conclusions can be drawn :
Job satisfaction
organizational commitment and work motivation simultaneously have a significant
effect on the organizational citizenship behavior of teachers at SMA Negeri 9 Tangerang.
The coefficient value of positive correlation with interpretation of the level of the relationship
is strong. The contribution of the variable job satisfaction, organizational commitment and
work motivation to organizational citizenship behavior of 35.7%, the remaining is influenced
by other variables. Thus, if job satisfaction, organizational commitment and work motivation
are getting better, it will be able to increase teacher organizational citizenship behavior to be
better too.

Teacher job satisfaction

has a significant and positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior of teachers
at SMA Negeri 9 Tangerang. The correlation value or positive relationship level is strong.
The amount of influence of job satisfaction on organizational citizenship behavior is 26.5%.
This shows that the better the job satisfaction of the teachers, the better the organizational
citizenship behavior of teachers. The influence is shown by the dimensions of working
conditions with the sportsmanship dimension.
Teacher organizational
commitment has a significant and positive effect on organizational citizenship
behavior of teachers at SMA Negeri 9 Tangerang. Moderate correlation value or positive
relationship. The magnitude of the influence of organizational commitment on organizational
citizenship behavior is 21.8%. This shows that the better the commitment of the teacher's
organization, the better the teacher's organizational membership behavior will be. The
influence is shown by the normative commitment dimension with the courtesy dimension.

Work motivation
has a significant and positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior at SMA
Negeri 9 Tangerang. The correlation value or positive relationship is weak. The amount of
influence of work motivation on organization citizenship behavior is 13.7%. This shows that
the better the work motivation, the better the organizational citizenship behavior of teachers.
The influence is shown by the dimension of independence in acting with the dimension of

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Volume 2, Issue 1, October 2020 E-ISSN : 2686-6331, P-ISSN : 2686-6358

Based on the results of the research and discussion as well as the conclusions
previously described, the authors put forward some suggestions as follows:
 To increase the organization citizenship behavior of teachers in schools, the principal
needs to pay attention to working conditions by instructing teachers to pay more
attention to the cleanliness and beauty of the school environment, office space,
teacher's room, classrooms, libraries, yards, gardens and neat school gardens. and
beautiful, impressed fun and art so that teachers can feel comfortable in carrying out
the learning process at school.
 To increase the commitment of the teacher's organization, the school can make
written rules between the teacher and the school, clarify and communicate the vision,
mission and goals of the school and build a sense of community based on the value
of school goals.
 It is expected that the school can make improvements to the responsibility of teachers
in doing their work by providing job responsibilities according to the competence and
expertise of the teacher and also the need for supervision of the results of the work
and if the work is not satisfactory, the school can provide verbal and written warning
to the teacher.
 It is hoped that the school can make improvements to teacher self-development
activities by further intensifying teachers in participating in scientific meeting
activities or joint activities aimed at achieving predetermined professional
competency standards such as workshops, training and other collective activities in
accordance with their duties and obligations. teacher.

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Available Online: Page 184

Journal of Business Management and Economic Research (JOBMER), vol.3, issue.7, pp.16-30

Journal of Business Management and

Economic Research
2019, 3 (7): 17-32 DOI: 10.29226/TR1001.2019.141
Journal Homepage:

The Effect Motivation and Job Satisfaction on Organizational

Citizenship Behavior (OCB)

Department Of Management, Faculty Of Economics, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati,
Cirebon City, West Java, Indonesia
[email protected]

Lenie Febriyani
Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Cirebon
City, West Java, Indonesia

This research is intended to study the influence of; motivation on organizational citizenship; job satisfaction
on organizational citizenship behavior; and motivation and job satisfaction (simultaneously) on
organizational citizenship behavior of the employees. The method used in this research is associative
research aiming to identify the causal relationship between the independent and dependent variable. Data
collection techniques used in this research are field study using questionnaire and literature study. The
population in this research consists of 58 employees, and the sample was determined using a saturated
sample technique. The result of this research shows that motivation has a significant effect on organizational
citizenship behavior with a significance value of 0.000 < 0.05. Job satisfaction significantly affects
organizational citizenship behavior with a significance value of 0.000 < 0.05. Motivation and job
satisfaction simultaneously have a significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior with a
significance value of 0.000 < 0.05. The extent of the influence of motivation and job satisfaction on
organizational citizenship behavior is 45.8%. It indicates that the rest (44.2%) is influenced by other
variables not examined in this research

Keywords:Motivation; Job Satisfaction, Organizational Citizenship Behavior

Journal of Business Management and Economic Research (JOBMER), vol.3, issue.7, pp.16-30

1. Introduction
In this globalization era, business competition is getting tighter. Companies must be able to keep

up with the current development in order to compete with their competitors. In order to compete,

companies must focus on paying attention to their human resources. Good human resources are

valuable assets and capital owned by the company because human resources drive the companies

to develop, survive, and improve in advancing the company to achieve their organizational goals.

Human resources with a maximum contribution to the company will support the attainment of

companies’ goals.

Good human resources can be seen from their citizenship behavior to the organization. The

organizational citizenship behavior is freedom of behavior to determine something that is not

part of the formal requirements of the work but contributes to the psychological and social

environment of the workplace (Robbins and Judge, 2017: 46). Employees with organizational

citizenship behavior will significantly benefit the company in maintaining organizational

stability and functions.

Organizational citizenship behavior is not so familiar in the business of Indonesia’s context.

Nonetheless, many employees in Indonesia show organizational citizenship behavior by

contributing more to organizations beyond their written responsibilities as employees. This

behavior can be reflected in several examples, namely, willing to work overtime without asking

for more rewards if the company has important activities outside of the formal responsibilities of

workers, carrying out unsolicited tasks, helping coworkers in solving problems, helping new

employees to adapt in the work environment, trying not to complain and swear at any situation,

participating in the event organized by the company, taking extra responsibility voluntarily,

coming on time, emphasizing details and quality of the task, and generally working above the

call of duty.

To nurture and improve organizational citizenship behavior, the company can increase the work

motivation of the employees. Motivation is something that increases encouragement to work

(Sedarmayanti, 2017: 154). Motivated employees will be more enthusiastic and strive to carry out

their duties and responsibilities. Motivation can encourage employees to work harder so they can

achieve their goals. One of the sources of motivation is the pride of being a part of the company.

This sense of pride will bring positive encouragement to the employees so their productivity will

be better (Rivai et al., 2015: 608).

Journal of Business Management and Economic Research (JOBMER), vol.3, issue.7, pp.17-32

In addition to motivation, job satisfaction is also closely related to the quality of human resources

that can streamline an organization. Satisfaction is an evaluation that describes a person with a

feeling of being happy or unhappy, and satisfied or not satisfied at work (Rivai et al., 2015: 620).

The organizations which have many satisfied workers tend to be more effective than

organizations which have fewer satisfied workers (Robbins and Judge, 2017: 46). Employees who

feel satisfied with the company they are working for will speak positively about it, talk to the

company when facing external criticism, and trust the company as well as its management that

they do the right things. The employees who feel satisfied tend to be involved in organizational

behavior, work outside of their job description and help other members in reducing workload

and stress level (Kartono, Mahadianto, dan Mardi, 2015).

PT. JasaMarga (Persero) Tbk. also expects its employees to show more performance in order the

company to survive and be renowned as an excellent company offering toll road service as stated

in its vision and mission. To align organizational goals and individual goal of employees in

achieving the vision and mission of the company, PT. JasaMarga (Persero) Tbk. conducts

employee satisfaction survey regularly so the company can receive direct feedback from

employees. Through this survey, the company expects each employee to convey views on various

aspects that determine the level of job satisfaction and can submit suggestions and input to the

management regarding matters that can improve employee satisfaction and productivity. Figure

1 shows the result of Engagement Ratio Index (ERI) conducted by PT. JasaMarga (Persero) Tbk.

in the last four years (2013-2016).



1,97 1,97


2013 2014 2015 2016
Figure1. Engagement Ratio Index Employee PT. JasaMarga (Persero) Tbk.Yaers 2013 – 2016
Sumber: Suistanbility Report PT. JasaMarga (Persero) Tbk

Journal of Business Management and Economic Research (JOBMER), vol.3, issue.7, pp.17-32

Engagement Ratio Index (ERI) is the result of employee satisfaction survey indicating attachment,

satisfaction, andenthusiasm of employees to their jobs. Based on Figure 1, it shows that the ERI

chart has fluctuated over the past four years. So, it can be identified that organizational

citizenship behavior at PT. JasaMarga (Persero) Tbk. was still low, caused by less

optimalemployee motivation and job satisfaction.

Some research shows that organizational citizenship behavior is influenced by motivation and

job satisfaction of employees. Job satisfaction is moderately correlated with OCB; people who are

more satisfied with their jobs are more likely to be involved in OCB (Robbins and Judge, 2017:

53). This notion is in line with the research of Yuliati(2016) indicating that job satisfaction has a

positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior. That research used five

dimensions in measuring OCB variable, namely altruism, courtesy,civic virtue,conscientiousness,


Another research shows a different result from the previous research. Vania and

Purba(2014)indicate that job satisfaction variable partiallydoes not have a significant effect on

organizational citizenship behavior. Their research used four dimensions of Moorman and

Brakley for measuring OCB variable, namely, personal industry, interpersonal helping,

individual initiative, and loyal boosterism.

Based on the phenomenon explained earlier, we are motivated to study the Organizational

Citizenship Behavior among the employees of PT. JasaMarga (Persero) Tbk. Palikanci Cirebon.

This research aims to; 1) identify and analyze the effect of motivation on organizational

citizenship behavior, 2) identify and analyze the effect of job satisfaction on organizational

citizenship behavior, and 3) identify and analyze the simultaneous effect of motivation and job

satisfaction on organizational citizenship behavior of the employees.

2. Literature review and hypotheses

2.1. Motivation
According to Rivai et al., (2015, 607) “motivation is a series of behavior and values affecting

individual to attain specific things in line with his life’s goals.” Motivation means giving the

driving force which can create enthusiasm to the people so they can cooperate, work effectively,

and be integrated with all their efforts to achieve satisfaction (Hasibuan, 2013, 143). While

Robbins and Judge (Robbins & Judge, 2017) argued that motivation is a willingness to make

Journal of Business Management and Economic Research (JOBMER), vol.3, issue.7, pp.17-32

maximum efforts towards organizational goals, conditioned by the ability of those efforts to meet

individual needs. Thus, it can be concluded that motivation is a series of attitudes, willingness,

high values and drivers that exist within a person to influence, encourage, move and excite

individuals so that they are willing to work together effectively, integrated with all efforts to

achieve goals and satisfaction as well as to meet individual needs.

Meanwhile, Osman et al., (2015) stated that “motivation is the real effort and energy of employees

included in their daily work to complete tasks or jobs.”

Motivation is defined by Khadija et al., (2014) as a process of giving direction to the individuals

in achieving goals. Meanwhile, Bessel et al., (2015) explained that motivation is an essential tool

used by a manager at a workplace to inspire people to work both individually and in a group to

produce the best results for the company effectively and efficiently.

Thus, based on those three opinions, it can be concluded that motivation is the process of real

effort and energy of the employees which are put into work to provide direction to individuals

in achieving their goals. Managers use motivation as a tool to direct employees to produce the

best results for business most efficiently and effectively.

Many experts and psychologists have suggested the dimensions of the motivational variable.

According to the Theory of Needs put forward by McClelland (1973), there are three needs of

human which are crucial in an organization (Rivai et al., 2015: 610), namely:

1. Need for achievement. It is the need to achieve success, the ability to achieve something

predetermined by the company’s standards, and employees’ struggle to succeed.

2. Need for power. It is the need for power or work authorization and the need to make

people behave reasonably and wisely in conducting their duties.

3. Need for affiliation. It is the need or desire to be friends and get to know more about

coworkers or employees in the organization.

2.2. Job satisfaction

According to Mangkunegara(2016, p. 117), job satisfaction is a feeling which supports or does not

support an employee related to his work or other conditions. Hasibuan(Hasibuan, 2013)

explained that job satisfaction is an emotional behavior in loving and liking the job. Meanwhile,

Sinambela(2017, p. 301) defined that job satisfaction is a set of employees’ feelings about whether

or not their job is pleasant.

Based on those three definitions, it can be concluded that job satisfaction is a set of feelings and

Journal of Business Management and Economic Research (JOBMER), vol.3, issue.7, pp.17-32

emotional behavior that arise in the employees describing a pleasant or not pleasant feeling

related to their job or condition.

While Kartono, Mahardianto, and Mardi (Kartono et al., 2015) defined job satisfaction as a

situation where emotion and positive condition are held by job evaluation or work experience of

somebody. Job satisfaction is defined by Osman et al.(Osman et al., 2015) as a general reaction

owned by somebody to a particular job. Traditionally, job satisfaction relates to coworkers, salary,

working condition, job supervision, and benefits. Whereas, Mohammad, Habib, and Alias (2011)

defined job satisfaction as pleasure from a positive emotional state resulted from an assessment

of work experience of someone. Based on those explanations, it can be concluded that job

satisfaction is a situation where emotions and positive general reactions resulted from the

assessment of work and experience possessed by someone to a particular job.

Some experts have pointed out the dimensions of job satisfaction variable. Herzberg (1964) in the

Two Factor Theory enlightened that there are two factors which may affect satisfaction or

dissatisfaction, namely (Syptak et al., 2018):

1. Hygiene Issue (dissatisfiers). This issue relates to the inability to motivate employees, but

the company still can minimize dissatisfaction if it is managed correctly. In other words,

employees will feel dissatisfied if they are not appropriately treated. Hygiene issue

includes the firm policies, supervision, salary, interpersonal relationship, and working

condition. These are the issues related to the environment of the employees.

2. Motivators (satisfiers). Motivators create satisfaction by fulfilling individual needs for

meaning and personal growth. Motivators include achievement, recognition, the job itself,

responsibility and improvement.

2.3. Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)

(Robbins & Judge, 2017) defined Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as freedom in

behavior for determining something which is not part of the formal requirement of an employee

but it has a contribution to the psychological and social environment of a workplace. (Dyne,

Graham, & Dienesch, 1994) defined OCB as a conceptualization of a global concept that includes

all positive organizational behavior from individuals/members of the organization.

Whereas, (Organ, Podsakoff, & MacKenzie, 2006) defined OCB as freedom of individual behavior

which is indirectly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and contributes to the

Journal of Business Management and Economic Research (JOBMER), vol.3, issue.7, pp.17-32

effectiveness and efficiency of organizational functions.

Based on the explanations above, it can be concluded that OCB is freedom of behavior and

positive actions carried out voluntarily by individuals in an organization. These behavior and

positive actions are outside the requirement of formal work that can contribute to the

psychological, social, effectiveness and efficiency of organizational functions. Whereas, Islam et

al., (2014) asserted that OCB is a concept which describes the voluntary commitment of a person

in an organization or company that is not part of his contractual duties.

Riantini and Iriawan(2016) defined OCB as the individual contribution which exceeds the

requirement of his job, andhis performance is rewarded by the completion of the job. Other

researchers, Jahangir, Akbar, andHaq(2004) defined OCB as a work behavior that exceeds the

basic needs of a worker.

Based on the above explanation it can be concluded that OCB is work behavior and the

contribution that describes voluntary commitment of somebody to the organization or company.

This commitment exceeds the requirement and not part of his conceptual tasks. He is rewarded

by the completion of the task performance.

Some researchers differ in opinion about the dimensions of OCB. Bateman and Organ introduced

“Organizational Citizenship Behavior” in 1983. In 1983, Smith, Organ and Near analyzed 16 OCB

measurements and resulted in two factors, namely altruism, and conscientiousness.

Subsequently, Organ developed those two factors to be five model factors in five dimensions,

namely: altruism, courtesy, conscientiousness, sportsmanship, and civic virtue. In 1991, William

and Anderson developed OCB in the behavioral target, dividing the dimension of OCB construct

to be two dimensions, namely OCBI and OCBO.

Van Dyne, Graham and Dienesh (1994) had a different point of view proposing the dimensions

of obedience, loyalty, and participation. Moorman and Blakely (1995) revealed four dimensions

of OCB which were the mixed between OCB based on Graham (1998) and Organ et al. (2006).

These four dimensions of OCB are personal industry, interpersonal helping, individual initiative,


Williams and Anderson (1991) proposed two dimensions of OCB as follows (Mohammad, Habib,

and Alias, 2011):

1. Citizenship behaviors directed toward individuals (OCB-I). OCBI refers to behaviors that

benefit certain individuals in an organization and, thus, contribute indirectly to

Journal of Business Management and Economic Research (JOBMER), vol.3, issue.7, pp.17-32

organizational effectiveness. OCBI is behavior directed at particular individuals in the

organization, such as courtesy and altruism.

2. Citizenship behaviorsdirected towards the organization (OCB-O). OCBO includes

behaviors which benefit organizations without actions explicitly aimed at the members

of the organization. OCBO is behavior that is related to the benefits of the organization

as a whole, such as conscientiousness, sportsmanship, andcivic virtue.

2.4. Research hypothesis

Based on the explanation outlined earlier, the hypotheses in this research are formulated as


H1: Motivation (X1) affects Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Y) of employees.

H2: Job satisfaction (X2) affects Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Y) of employees.

H3: Motivation (X1) and Job satisfaction (X2) affect Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Y)

of employees.

3. Methods

This study uses an associative method of causal relationship because this study aims to determine

the causal relationship between the independent variables (influencing variables) and the

dependent variable (the affected variables). Associative research is research which aims to find

out the relationship between two or more variables. This type of study has a higher quality when

compared to the descriptive and comparative research. This research is expected to build a theory

for explaining, forecasting, and controllingspecific phenomenon (Sugiyono, 2017: 11).

We used a Likert scale in measuring the variables consisting of strongly agree (5), agree (4), neuter

(3), disagree (2), and strongly disagree (1). Likert scale allows the set variables to be explained in

more detail as the indicator of the variable. Then, the indicator of the variableis used as a keyword

in compiling a question or statement that will be used in making a research questionnaire.

The population in this study consisted of employees of PT. JasaMarga (Persero) Tbk.

PalikanciCirebon totaling to 58 employees. The sampling technique used is saturated sampling

in determining the members of the population that will be used as a sample.

Data collection techniques are the ways used to collect data and other information related to the

research problems which become the object of the research. The sources and data collection

Journal of Business Management and Economic Research (JOBMER), vol.3, issue.7, pp.17-32

techniques used in this study are interviews, questionnaires, and observations.

Regression analysis was conducted to determine whether there was a relationship or not between

the independent variables (motivation and job satisfaction) and the dependent variable

(organizational citizenship behavior). Multiple regression analysis is commonly used to measure

the effect of the linear relationship between two or more independent variables with the

dependent variable.

4. Results and discussion

4.1. Characteristic of respondents based on gender

Employee characteristic based on the gender of PT JasaMarga (persero) Tbk. Palikanci Cirebon is

shown in figure 2.

Figure 2 shows that respondents in this research are mostly men consisting of 44 people or 76%

of the total employees. The rest is female respondents consisting of 14 women or 24%.



Figure 2 Characteristics of Respondents by Gender

4.2. Characteristic of respondents based on age

Employee characteristic based on the age of PT JasaMarga (persero) Tbk. Palikanci Cirebon is

shown in table 1.

Table1. shows that the respondents participating in this research consisted of four persons (6,9%)

aged less than 25 years old, two persons (3,4%) aged between 25 – 35 years old, 21 persons (36,2%)

aged between 36 – 45 years old, and 31 persons (53,5%) aged more than 45 years old.

Table 1. Characteristics of Age-Based Respondents

No Age Number of Presentase

Journal of Business Management and Economic Research (JOBMER), vol.3, issue.7, pp.17-32

Respondents (%)
1. < 25 Years 4 6,9 %
2. 25 – 35 2 3,4 %
3. 36 – 45 21 36,2 %
4. > 45 Years 31 53,5%
Total 58 100 %
Source: data processed, 2019

4.3. Characteristic of respondents based on education

Employee characteristic based on education of PT JasaMarga (Persero) Tbk. Palikanci Cirebon is

shown in figure 3.

Figure 3 shows that the respondents participating in this study consisted of 26 persons (45%) with

a senior high school level, one person (2%) with diploma degree, and 31 persons (53%) with an

undergraduate degree (S1).

High 45%
Edu (26)
(31) Bachelor

Figure 3. Characteristics of Respondents by Education

4.4. Characteristic of respondents based on working experience

Employee characteristic based on the working experience of PT JasaMarga (Persero) Tbk.

Palikanci Cirebon is shown in figure 3.

Figure 3 shows that the respondents participating in this research consisted of six employees

(10.3%) with 1-5 years working experience, four employees (6.9%) with 16-20 years working

experience, 48 employees (82.8%) with working experience of more than 20 years. None of the

employees has a working experience of 6-10 years and 11-15 years.

Based on output Coefficientsin table 2, the following regression equation can be formulated:

Journal of Business Management and Economic Research (JOBMER), vol.3, issue.7, pp.17-32

Y = 10.897 + 0.189X1 + 0.213X2


1. Based on that equation, if motivation (X1) and job satisfaction (X2) are not present or zero,

the value of organizational citizenship behavior (Y) is 10,897.

2. The regression coefficient of motivation variable (X1) is 0.189 which means if the other

variable remains constant and motivation (X1) increases by 1, the variable of organizational

citizenship behavior (Y) will increase by 0.189. The positive sign of this coefficient means

that there is a positive relationship between motivation (X1) and organizational citizenship

behavior (Y). The higher the motivation (X2) is, the higher the organizational citizenship

behaviorbecomes (Y)

6 4
10 0 0
1-5 6 - 10 11 - 15 16 - 20 > 20
Year Year Year Year Year

Figure 3. Characteristics of Respondents Based on Working Period

Based on output Model Summary in table 3, the value of adjusted R Square (R2) is 0.458, meaning

that motivation (X1) and job satisfaction (X2) affect organizational citizenship behavior (Y) by

45.8%. While the rest of 54.2% is affected by other variables outside this research.

The output Anova in table 4 shows that Fcalculated value is 25.129 with sig value of 0.000 and Ftableof3.16.

As the sig value is less than alpha 5% (0.000 < 0.05) and Fcalculated value is larger than Ftable(25.129>

3.16), H0 is rejected,and Ha is accepted. Therefore, it can be said that motivation and job

satisfaction simultaneously affect organizational citizenship behavior.

Tabel 2 Coefficients

Journal of Business Management and Economic Research (JOBMER), vol.3, issue.7, pp.17-32

Unstandardized Standardized
Model Coefficients Coefficients T Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 10.897 5.050 2.158 .035
Motivation .189 .122 .336 1.547 .128
Job .213 .124 .374 1.725 .090
a. Dependent Variable: OCB
Source: SPSS 21.0 for Windows output

Table 3. Model Summary

Model Sum of Df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Regression 604.190 2 302.095 25.129 .000b
1 Residual 661.207 55 12.022
Total 1265.397 57

a. Dependent Variable: OCB

b. Predictors: (Constant), Job Satisfaction, Motivation

4.5. Influence of Motivation on Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Employees

Based on the result of hypothesis testing, it can be shown that the value of sig is less than an alpha

of 5% (0.000 < 0.05) and tcalculated value is larger thanFtable (6.758 > 2.003). So, H0 is rejected,and Ha is

accepted. Thus, it can be said that motivation positively and significantly affects organizational

citizenship behavior.

This result is in line with Riantini and Iriawan(2016) stating that motivation has a positive and

significant influence on organizational citizenship behavior at Revenue and Financial

Management Office of Surabaya. Thus, it can be interpreted that the higher the motivation is, the

higher the organizational citizenship behavior of employees becomes.

Based on the frequency distribution table, the lowest average score is found in the 13th statement

regarding the respect of 3.88 and the highest average score is found in the 7th statement regarding

the achievement of targets of 4.76. Thus, it can be stated that the indicator of respect in motivation

variable (X1) is fair while the indicator of target achievement can be said to be very good in

influencing organizational citizenship behavior (Y) of employees at PT JasaMarga (Persero) Tbk.

Palikanci Cirebon.

Journal of Business Management and Economic Research (JOBMER), vol.3, issue.7, pp.17-32

4.6. Influence of Job Satisfaction on Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Employees

Based on the result of hypothesis testing, it can be shown that the value of sig is less than an alpha

of 5% (0.000 < 0.05) and tcalculated value of(6.834) is larger thanFtable. So, H0 is rejected,and Ha is

accepted. Thus, it can be said that job satisfaction affects organizational citizenship behavior.

This result supports Antonio and Susanto(2007) who stated that job satisfaction positively and

significantly affects organizational citizenship behavior at CV Supratex. Thus, it can be statedthat

the higher the job satisfaction is, the higher the organizational citizenship behavior of the

employees at CV Supratex becomes.

Based on the frequency distribution table, the lowest average score is found in the 6th statement

regarding the salary of 4.33 and the highest average score is found in the 11th statement regarding

the job itself of 4.65. Thus, it can be stated that the indicators of salary and job in job satisfaction

variable (X2) can be said to be very good in influencing organizational citizenship behavior (Y)

of employees at PT JasaMarga (Persero) Tbk. Palikanci Cirebon.

4.7. Influence of Motivation and Job Satisfaction on Organizational Citizenship Behavior of


In this research, we found the R coefficient of 0.691 showing that the influence of motivation (X1)

and job satisfaction (X2) on organizational citizenship behavior (Y) is strong. The determination

coefficient or R2 (Adjusted R Square) is 0.458 which means that motivation (X1) and job

satisfaction (X2) affect organizational citizenship behavior (Y) variable by 45.8%. The rest of 54.2%

in organizational citizenship behavior is affected by other variables outside this research. Based

on hypothesis testing, it is found that sig. value is less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05) (this research uses

alpha of 5%) and Fcaclucated value of25.129 which is larger than Ftable of 3.16. Therefore, H0 is

rejectedand Ha is accepted, stating that motivation and job satisfaction simultaneously affect

organizational citizenship behavior.

This result is in line with Susmiati and Jajuk(2017) who stated that motivation and job satisfaction

positively and significantly affect organizational citizenship behavior with a determination

coefficient (R2) of 0.949. Their research showed that 94.9% of OCB is influenced by job satisfaction

and motivation of the employees.

Journal of Business Management and Economic Research (JOBMER), vol.3, issue.7, pp.17-32

5. Conclusion and Limitation

In this research, we conclude that:

1. Motivation, job satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behavior of employees at PT

JasaMarga (Persero) Tbk. Palikanci Cirebon areexcellent.

2. Partially, motivation has a positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship

behavior of employees at PT JasaMarga (Persero) Tbk. Palikanci Cirebon. It means that if

the motivation of employees increases, their organizational citizenship behavior will also


3. Partially, job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship

behavior of employees at PT JasaMarga (Persero) Tbk. Palikanci Cirebon. It means that if

the job satisfaction of employees increases, their organizational citizenship behavior will

also increase.

4. Simultaneously, motivation and job satisfaction have a positive and significant effect on

organizational citizenship behavior of employees at PT JasaMarga (Persero) Tbk. Palikanci

Cirebon. It means, motivation and job satisfaction of employees simultaneously affect

organizational citizenship behavior.

This research was carried out under the proper research procedure. Nonetheless, this study still

has a limitationbecause the factors influencing organizational citizenship behavior that we

studied only consist of two variables, namely motivation and job satisfaction. There are still many

other factors that may influence organizational citizenship behavior which can be studied in

further research.

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Volume 2, Issue 1, October 2020 E-ISSN : 2686-6331, P-ISSN : 2686-6358

DOI: 10.31933/DIJEMSS
Received: 15th July 2020, Revised: 15th September 2020, Publish: 17th November 2020



Sutiyem1, Dessy Trismiyanti2, Muthia Roza Linda3, Riza Yonita4, Suheri5

STIE Perdagangan, Indonesia
STIE Perdagangan, Indonesia
Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia, [email protected]
Universitas Putra Indonesia “YPTK”, Indonesia
STIE Perdagangan, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Muthia Roza Linda

Abstrak: This study aimed to analyze the influence organization comitment, Job
Satisfaction and Employee Engagement. The research was conducted by taking samples
of banking employees who had worked for more than 2 years. Then, the sample of this
study was 125 respondents. The sampling technique was carried out based on a non-
probability sampling method with a purposive sampling technique. It is a method that is
based on certain criteria met by respondents with the data analysis technique used for
hypotheses testing was multiple linear regression analysis through the program of SPSS
ver. 24. The results showed that Job satisfaction does not significantly influence the
organizational commitment of banking employees in Padang. The results of this study
showed that sig. value of job satisfaction on organizational commitment was 0.592 >
0.05 but Employee engagement has a positive and significant effect on the organizational
commitment of banking employees in Padang. The results of this study revealed that sig.
The value of employee engagement on organizational commitment was 0.000 < 0.05.

Keywords: Organization Commitment, Job Satisfaction, and Employee Engagement.

Banking is a company with high technology and high service. Excellent service has
always been a demand for banking companies to be more competitive. This requires a
high level of employee commitment so that a company can provide excellent service for
its customers. Employee commitment is very necessary for a company even though this is
crucial in the banking industry because employees in the banking industry are also faced
with a lot of workloads, which sometimes require them to work on holidays.

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As part of high technology and high service company, banking is also supported by
the development of information technology and science in its operational activities so that
high commitment of its employees is required to carry out its business process. High
employee commitment to a company is one of the guarantees for the company to
maintain the sustainability of the company. According to Leitninger (2008) a company
with highly commited employees will bring in very good benefits for the company. It is
in line with Robbins and Judge (2013) who also state that committed employees will have
little possibility for them to be involved in things that can harm the company because
they have a high sense of loyalty. The reason of this is that work commitment of
employees to a company is defined as the emotional bond between the employees and the
company including their loyalty, job involvement and trust in company values (O'Reily in
Sopiah, 2008).
There are some factors that influence employee commitment to an organization;
therefore, knowing what factors bring about or foster employee commitment is necessary.
Van Dyne and Graham (in Coetzee, 2005) mention some factors affecting one's
organizational commitment according to multi-dimensional approach: positional factors,
situational factors, and personal factors. Additionally, employee engagement is the main
determinant of organizational commitment.
Employee engagement is a term which is popular and widely used. According to
Robbins and Judge (2013) employee engagement is an individual’s enthusiasm,
satisfaction and involvement in the work he/she does. Moreover, employee engagement
according to Harter et al. (2002) in Endres & Mancheno-Smoak, (2008) is the
involvement and satisfaction of an individual and also a sense of enthusiasm for work.
Furthermore, Schaufeli & Bakker, (2004) found that engagement was positively related to
organizational commitment.
The other factor that affects organizational commitment is job satisfaction. Previous
studies revealed that personal characteristics, job expectations and job satisfaction had
positive influence on employee commitment to the organization (Susanti, 2013;
Schwepker, 2014; Mulki et al, 2008; Fitria & Linda, 2020). According to Mathis and
Jackson (2006), job satisfaction is something interesting and crucial, basically regarding
the impact of job satisfaction on work commitment of employees. Employees may be
more productive if they have commitment towards the organization. People will be more
committed to an organization when their work makes them relatively satisfied.

Organizational Commitment
“Organizational commitment is the degree to which employees believe in and
accept organizational goals and desire to remain with the organization” (Mathis and
Jackson, 2006). Organizational commitment is defined as a certain level in which an
employee can identify the organization and the goals of the organization and then hope to
be able to maintain membership in the organization (Robbins and Judge, 2013).
Commitment causes a person's survival in an organization and has implications for the
efforts made by the employee to compete in order to maintain their membership or to

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obtain a better position in organizational membership structure. This sense of engagement

is not only shown through employees' daily attitudes but also in terms of psychological
side or employees’ way of thinking. An indication that an employee has organizational
commitment is the emotional affection of the employee to the organization that has hired
him/her (Karim and Rehman, 2012).
Organizational commitment is defined as the degree to which employees are
involved in the organization and hope to remain members, with the attitudes of loyalty
and willingness to work optimally for the organization where they work (Greenberg and
Baron, 2003). According to Daft (2003) organizational commitment is an important
attitude that influences performance. Daft defines organizational commitment as high
loyalty and involvement in an organization. Employees with a high degree of
organizational commitment will involve themselves in the organization and work on
behalf of the organization.
Mathis and Jackson (2006) suggest that organizational commitment is the level to
which an employee believes and accepts organizational goals and desires to stay with the
organization. With the commitment of a local government, he/she will have an attitude of
loyalty and desire to achieve the goals of his/her organization well. Meanwhile, according
to Luthans (2006), organizational commitment is defined as a strong desire to remain as a
member of a particular organization, a desire to strive according to the expectations of the
organization, and certain belief and acceptance of organizational values and goals.
Based on the above-mentioned definitions, it can be concluded that organizational
commitment is a condition in which an individual has encouragement or desire to remain
in an organization and believes in the values of the organization.

Indicators of Organizational Commitment

Robbins and Judge (2013) classify three separate indicators of organizational
commitment, as follows:
1. Affective commitment. Someone who has a strong affective commitment will
continue to work in an organization because he/she really wants to do that.
2. Continuance commitment. An employee may survive and commit to an organization
and the employer(s) because he/she is given quite much salary. This commitment
causes an employee to stay in an organization because he/she needs it.
3. Normative commitment. This commitment causes an employee to stay on a job
because he/she feels obliged to do it.

Job Satisfaction
Job satisfaction refers to a pleasant or unpleasant emotional state of an employee
with his/her work (Danang, 2015). Then, job satisfaction reflects a person's feeling in
his/her job. This can be seen from the positive attitude of an employee towards his/her
work and everything that is encountered in his/her work environment. Robbins and Judge
(2013) specifically describe job satisfaction as a person's positive feeling for his/her work
obtained from the evaluation on characteristics of the satisfaction itself. This positive

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feeling is generally identical to the sense of happiness and comfort because someone's
expectations from his/her work have been fulfilled.
Job satisfaction is a factor that also determines the effectiveness and productivity
of work. According to Handoko (2001) job satisfaction is a pleasant or unpleasant
emotional state with which an employee views his/her work. It is in line with the idea of
Dole and Schroedr, 2001 (in Koesmono, 2005) that job satisfaction can be defined as the
feeling and reactions of an individual to his/her work environment. Based on this
definition, it can be concluded that job satisfaction is the feeling of being happy or
unhappy about an employee’s work as a result of a comprehensive evaluation of aspects
of work.
According to Luthans (2006) there are three dimensions of job satisfaction that are
generally accepted. Firstly, job satisfaction is an emotional response to work situations.
Secondly, job satisfaction is often determined according to how well the results achieved
meet or exceed the expectations. If members of an organization feel that they work too
hard than others do in a department, but receive less appreciation, then maybe they have a
negative attitude towards their work, leaders, or colleagues. They are not satisfied.
Conversely, if they feel treated well and paid properly, then they will have a positive
attitude towards their work. They feel satisfied. Third, job satisfaction represents several
related attitudes in which an employee has affective responses, including: the job itself,
salary, promotion opportunities, supervision, colleagues. According to Luthans (2006)
high job satisfaction will not make employee turnover become low, but conversely if
there is job dissatisfaction, then employee turnover may be high.
There are various dimensions of which job satisfaction can be measured.
However, the dimensions, in general, include satisfaction from the job itself, recognition,
salary, opportunities to progress, and relationship between employees and supervisors.
Each dimension creates a feeling of satisfaction as a whole with the work itself.
Additionally, Robbins & Judge (2013) mention 5 factors supporting job satisfaction, as
1. Challenging Job
Employees tend to prefer the work which provides opportunities to use their
abilities and skills, and offers various tasks, freedom, and feedback regarding how
they do them.
2. Compensation
Perception of fairness is one of the most crucial things in examining the
relationship between job satisfaction and compensation. The determination of
fairness can be according to the size of work responsibilities and demands, the
standard of salary, the level of individual employees’ skills, and the severity of
3. Supporting working conditions
Work environment is concerned by employees for two reasons: personal comfort
and facilitating their tasks. They would rather have work environment which is
not troublesome or dangerous.
4. Supporting colleagues

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Most employees perceive that, by working, their need for social interaction is also
fulfilled. Consequently, it is clear that job satisfaction can be increased by having
friendly and supportive colleagues.
5. Compatibility of personality with work
The compatibility of personality of employees with their types of work will lead
to higher satisfaction. This will result in bigger opportunities to be successful in
their work.

Employee Engagement
Robbins and Judge (2013) define employee engagement as enthusiasm,
satisfaction and involvement of an employee in the work he/she does. In addition,
engagement actively involves emotions and behavior, and entails cognitive aspects. May
et al., (2004; in Saks, 2006). Then, Robinson, Perryman, Hayday (2004); Kular, Gatenby,
Ress, Soane, Truss (2008) in Johan, (2014) state that employee engagement is an
employee’s positive attitude to an organization and its values.
Schaufeli and Bakker, Rothbard (in Saks, 2006) define engagement as a
psychological involvement which further involves two important components, namely
attention and absorption. Attention refers to the cognitive availability and the total time
spent by an employee in thinking and performing his/her role, while absorption means
defining the role and refers to the intensity of an employee focusing on his/her role in the
organization. So, it can be concluded that employee engagement is a level of an
employee’s engagement and involvement emotionally, physically, and cognitively in an
Engagement is carried out on how individuals empower themselves to achieve
performance in their work. As stated by Macey and Schneider (2008), in Johan (2014),
employees who are engaged to an organization have the awareness of business context
and work with their colleagues in order to enhance work performance for the sake of the
organization. Similarly, Evan, 2010 in Agung (2012) says that employee engagement is
very crucial to encourage an organization accomplish its best performance.
Employee engagement can be seen as the power that provides motivation for an
employee to improve performance at a higher level than before. The power can be in the
forms of commitment for both company and his/her job, sense of belonging to the job,
feeling of pride, more effort than usual, and enthusiasm for completing the work (Wellins
& Concelman in Endres & Smoak, 2008).
Moreover, Schaufeli & Bakker, (2004) also state that engagement is positively
related to job satisfaction and organizational commitment; it is negatively associated with
intention to leave; and it is also believed to be related to performance and OCB. In
addition, Saks's (2006) study could prove that job satisfaction, intention to leave,
organizational commitment, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCBO and OCBI)
were consequences of employee engagement.
Employee engagement basically cannot be separated from employee job
satisfaction, which in turn can create positive employee morale for the sake of
organization. As stated by Schmidt, Law, Hunter, Roethsen, Pearlman, McDaniel (1993)

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in Johan (2014), employee engagement is basically based on the employee’s commitment

and job satisfaction; in other words, employee engagement is a modern version of the
concept of job satisfaction.
Characteristics of employee engagement mean characteristics considered to be
able to affect an individual’s engagement in a company. Schaufeli et al (2002) then
mention three characteristics of employee engagement, namely:
a. Vigor. The characteristics are mental toughness at work, high level of energy,
endurance in dealing with adversity, and desire to put effort into work.
b. Dedication. The characteristics are inspiration, enthusiasm, challenges and pride.
c. Absorption. The characteristics are pleasure and full concentration when involved
in work, therefore it seems that time runs fast even if faced with troubles.

Conceptual Framework
An organization needs to be aware of things that cause or improve commitment in
order to increase commitment to the organization. Previous studies have come to a
conclusion that job satisfaction and employee engagement affect employee commitment
to an organization. The conceptual framework of this study is as follows:


EngagementFigure 1. Conceptual Framework

The hypotheses of this study were:
H1. Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee
organizational commitment
H2. Employee engagement has a positive and significant effect on employee
organizational commitment.

In conducting a study, sampling is needed to simplify the process of study because it
is not possible for all existing population to be examined due to the limited ability of a
researcher. According to Arikunto (2010), sample is part or representatives of the
population under study. The number of respondents for a survey study is minimal 30
respondents (Hair, et al. 2014). This study was a survey study of which an advantage is
its generalization, the more respondents take part the better the study is (Kerlinger & Lee,
2000). So, the researchers attempted to have respondents more than the minimum
requirement in order that the precision in this study would be better.
The sampling technique was carried out based on non-probability sampling method
with purposive sampling technique. It is a method which is based on certain criteria met

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by respondents. The criterion that had to be met by the respondents were that the
respondents were banking employees who had worked for more than 2 years. Then, the
sample of this study was 125 respondents.
The data used in this study were primary data obtained in a raw and direct form
from the research respondents. The primary research data were obtained through
questionnaires distributed directly to be filled by the respondents. The data analysis
technique used for hypotheses testing was multiple linear regression analysis through the
program of SPSS ver. 24

Operational Definitions
In this study there were two types of variables, namely independent variable and
dependent variable. The independent variables were job satisfaction and employee
engagement, while the dependent variable was organizational commitment. In order to
have same understanding of the variables used in this study, the authors provide
operational definitions in Table 1 below:

Table 1. Operational Definitions

No Variable Indicator Source
1. Organizational a. Affective commitment. Mowday et al, 1982
Commitment b. Continuance commitment. (dalam Sopiah, 2008)
c. Normative commitment.
2. Job Satisfaction a. Challenging Job Robbins and Judge
b. Compensation (2013)
c. Supporting working
d. Supporting colleagues
e. Compatibility of
personality with work
3. Employee a. Vigor Schaufeli et al (2002)
Engagement b. Dedication
c. Absorption

Before testing the hypotheses, the research instruments were first tested in terms of
validity and reliability. The result of validity test showed that the overall data had the
value of corrected item-total correlation > 0.361 with Cronbach’s alpha value > 0.70.
After that, the data normality test was carried out to find out whether the data were
normally distributed or not. The data normality test was done by using a graphical
approach in the form of normal probability plot, that was by comparing cumulative
distribution of the actual data with cumulative distribution of the normal distribution.
Data is said to be normal if the data spreads around a diagonal line. The following is the
figure of normal P-P plot.

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Volume 2, Issue 1, October 2020 E-ISSN : 2686-6331, P-ISSN : 2686-6358

Figure 2. P-P Plot

Based on the figure above, it can be seen that the research data were spread along
the diagonal line, so it can be concluded that the variables used in this study were
normally distributed so that hypotheses testing could be carried out.
The regression coefficient of each independent variable and the direction of its
influence on the dependent variable could be seen from the analysis of multiple
regression data obtained by using the program of SPSS Version 24 as shown in the
following table:
Table 2. The Results of Multiple Linear Regression of Research Variables
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients t Sig.
Model B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 1.549 .456 3.397 .001
Job_Satisfaction .050 .092 .040 .537 .592
Employee_Engagement .597 .081 .555 7.368 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Organizational_Commitment
Source : The Results of Primary Data Processing (2020)

Based on the regression results seen from Table 2 above, the multiple linear
regression equation in this study could be determined as follows:
Y = 1.549 + 0.050X1 + 0.597X2 + 0.456
Y: Organizational Commitment
X1: Job Satisfaction
X2: Employee Engagement
The interpretations of the regression equation obtained are as follows:
1) The constant was signed positive by 1.549, meaning that the employees still had a
positive organizational commitment to their work even though in doing their work
the employees did not feel job satisfaction and employee engagement.
2) The regression coefficient of job satisfaction (X1) was 0.050 and positive. This
indicated that the higher the job satisfaction was felt by the employees in working,
the more increasing the employee organizational commitment would be.

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3) The regression coefficient of employee engagement (X2) was 0.597 and positive.
This indicated that the higher the employee engagement is owned by the
employees, the more increasing the employee organizational commitment would
4) The error value was 0.456, meaning that the equation obtained still had a
shortcoming in terms of predicting to what extent job satisfaction and employee
engagement influence employee organizational commitment.

Job Satisfaction on Organizational Commitment
Based on the results of regression analysis undertaken, job satisfaction did not have
a significant effect on organizational commitment with sig. 0.592 > 0.05, meaning that
organizational commitment of the banking employees was not influenced by job
satisfaction felt by the employees. This was because, for the banking employees, they had
already had organizational commitment since they joined the company. So, it was not due
to the presence or absence of job satisfaction that the employees felt when working. For
the employees themselves, the job as a banking employee had given them more value in
the form of high prestige among society.
In addition, for some employees, as long as they had a job and the job was to
support their lives, so they had a commitment to their job and the organization they
worked for. From several interviews with the employees, job satisfaction did not affect
their organizational commitment, because the employees considered their current job
only a stepping stone, then later they would change their job if they got a job as their
wish, such as being a civil servant. Even, some of the former employees had resigned
from the job to become a teacher.
This result of study is not in line with the result of study conducted by Dewa and I
Made Artha (2016) at Bali Rani Hotel that job satisfaction had a positive and significant
influence on organizational commitment. Additionally, Ni Made Dwi and I Gede Riana
(2014) in their study revealed that job satisfaction had a positive and significant impact
on organizational commitment. Nevertheless, the result of study conducted by (Eka,
2014) supports the result of this study that job satisfaction did not significantly influence
employee organizational commitment.

Employee Engagement on Organizational Commitment

In working, employees who are engaged to their work have full energy and high
mental endurance, then it can influence employee commitment since the employees
perceive that they are responsible for their work. So, employees who have employee
engagement to their work will remain in the company because for them it is an
obligation to carry out their tasks. It is supported by (Agyemang & Ofei, 2013) who say
that employee engagement has a positive and significant effect on organizational
The results of this study supported the hypothesis that employee engagement has
a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment with sig. 0,000 < 0.05,
meaning that the higher the employee engagement is felt by employees, the higher the

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employee organizational commitment is. This result of study informs that companies
need to create employee engagement so that the companies’ goals can be achieved
through the high organizational commitment of the employees.
This result of study is in line with the result of studies conducted by Schaufeli &
Bakker (2004) and Albdour & Altarawneh (2014) that employee engagement was
positively related to organizational commitment. This means that if employees are
strongly engaged to an organization it can increase job satisfaction and employee
commitment to the organization.
To find out how much influence the independent variable consisting of job
satisfaction and employee engagement on organizational commitment (Y) on employees
can be seen from the value of R square in the table below.

Tabel 3. Model Summary

R Adjusted R Std. Error of
Model Square Square the Estimate
1 .559a .313 .302 .58809
a. Predictors: (Constant), Employee_Engagement, Job_Satisfaction
b. Dependent Variable: Organizational_Commitment
Source : The Results of Primary Data Processing (2020)

From table 3 above, the R square value of 0.483 indicates that the contribution of the
independent variable consisting of job satisfaction and employee engagement to the
dependent variable, namely organizational commitment in this study was 31.3% while
68.7% was determined by other factors not examined in this study.
With regard to the research findings and the discussion elucidated in the
previous subheadings, there are some conclusions that can be drawn in this study:
1. Job satisfaction does not significantly influence organizational commitment of
banking employees in Padang. The results of this study showed that sig. value of job
satisfaction on organizational commitment was 0.592 > 0.05.
2. Employee engagement has a positive and significant effect on organizational
commitment of banking employees in Padang. The results of this study revealed that
sig. value of employee engagement on organizational commitment was 0.000 < 0.05.

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