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105 b3,二年級英語科試題,第 1 頁,共 5 頁

臺南市立復興國中 105 學年度第二學期二年級第 3 次定期考英語科試

範圍:康軒版 B4 L7~R3 二年( )班( )號 姓名( )
壹、聽力測驗:20% (每題唸兩次)
一、每題均有三張圖片,請依據所聽到的句子,選出符合描述的圖片:8 % (每題二分)

1. ___ (A) (B) (C)

2. ___ (A) (B) (C)

3. ___ (A) (B) (C)

4. ___ (A) (B) (C)

二、 每題均有三個選項,請依據所聽到的內容,選出一個最適合的回應:6 % (每題二分)
1. (A) Ken did. He did it slowly. (B) Ken finished it happily.
(C) Ken did. He finished it in only two hours.
2. (A) Most of them are lonely. (B) I love the last one. (C) Both of them are unhappy.
3. (A) I paid the bill. (B) Almost three hours. (C) It is forty-five minutes.
三、 每題均有三個選項,請依據所聽到的對話與問題,選出一個最適當的答案:6% (每題二分)
1. (A) The mother called her son a loser.
(B) The boy feels sad now.
(C) The boy might do something wrong at school.
2. (A) Both of his brothers are good at basketball.
(B) All of them are good at baseball.
(C) All of them are good at English.
3. (A) Trying to do some magic tricks.
(B) Inviting the man to join a program.
(C) Showing her body shape to the man.
105 b3,二年級英語科試題,第 2 頁,共 5 頁

貳、 紙筆測驗:80%
一、 文意字彙:請根據前後文意,寫出最適合的單字:10 %(每題一分)
1. Judy and Meggy are big f of Justin Bieber. They have all his CDs.
2. When Mr. Zeng drew a circle on the b , the students thought he was writing the letter O.
3. Hank always stays home and watches TV all day on weekends. He is really a c potato.
4. Kevin likes to pick on his classmates. He’s really a t maker to his homeroom teacher.
5. Jacky always c when he plays games, so we don’t like playing with him.
6. All the audiences cheered and c for the movie star at the end of the show.
7. Yesterday was Moon Festival, and the full moon s brightly in the sky.
8. Johnny can run 100 meters in eleven s . He runs as fast as wind.
9. The ball fell from the desk and r slowly to a corner of the room.
10. Andy: A car hits a dog! Bill: The dog is d and the vet is trying to save its life.
二、 單題:請根據文意,選出一個最適合的答案:30%(每題二分)
1. Why not the trash? It smells really bad.
(A) taking out (B) take out (C) to take out (D) took
2. All of my lovely fish in the pond gone. I think someone took ________ away.
(A) is; it (B) are; it (C) was; them (D) were; them
3. Junior high school students usually four hours English every week.
(A) take ; to study (B) spend; to study (C) spend; studying (D) cost; studying
4. We’d better on a typhoon day.
(A) not go out (B) not to go out (C) don’t go out (D) not going out
5. of my hands is dirty.
(A) Both (B) Many (C) One (D) Some
6. The apples me ___________.
(A) cost; five hundred dollars (B) spent; five hundreds (C) took; five
hundreds of dollars (D) cost; five hundreds dollars
7. Kimico is a dancer, and she dances ___________.
(A) beauty; good (B) beautifully; better (C) beautiful; well (D) beautiful; goodly
8. George wants his daughter about her poor grades.
(A) to not worry (B) not to worry (C) not worry (D) not worrying
9. the test _______ me forty-five minutes.
(A) Finish ; cost (B) Finishing; spent (C) Finish; took (D) To finish; took
10. He looked ______ at Brenda last Saturday; however, Brenda didn’t look ______ at that time.
(A) happily; happy (B) happy; happily (C) happily; happily (D) happy; happy
11. ________ of the money in the drawer is mine.
(A) Many (B) One (C) Few (D) All
12. Juliet: The department store is _________. Let’s go buy some clothes.
Romeo: You can buy everything you want. All the things are __________.
(A) having a sale; having sales (B) having a sale; on sale
(C) for sale; having sales (D) on sales; on sale
13. Which is right?
(A) She studies more hardly than Susan. (B) Eddy always gets up lately than his parents.
(C) My father works hardest in my family (D) Lucky, Michael won the biggest prize.
14. Which is right?
(A) Much of the beef in the supermarket is from America.
(B) Because his mother, he wrote one of the best hits of all time.
(C) Many of the sheep is cute and tame. (D) “My heart will
105 b3,二年級英語科試題,第 3 頁,共 5 頁
go on.” is one of the most popular song in history.
15. Which is Not right?
(A) Our washing machine can make your “black” shirts become “white” again.
(B) Our refrigerators can keep your food fresh for one and a half years. (C)
Jolin spent much money on the dress. (D) Cody paid six
hundreds dollars for the dictionary.
三、 克漏字選擇:請依據選文,選出一個正確或最佳的答案:8% (每題二分)

A Brave Teenager
Larry is a brave teenager, and he saved a little girl’s life yesterday. When Larry was taking a
walk with his parents yesterday morning, they saw a little girl 1. out for help in a pond. Larry
ran 2. and jumped bravely into the pond. Then he 3. He held on to her clothes with his hands
and pulled her to the shore. And his father pulled the six-year-old girl out of the pond. The girl
thanked Larry and his parents 4. her life.
 brave 勇敢的 shore 岸邊

1. (A) was crying (B) crying (C) cried (D) cries

2. (A) soon (B) quick (C) fastly (D) fast
3. (A) swam quickly to the little girl (B) swam to quickly the little girl
(C) swam to the little girl fastly (D) fastly swam to the little girl
4. (A) on saving (B) save (C) for saving (D) to save

四、 閱讀測驗:請依據選文,選出一個正確或最佳的答案:12% (每題二分)
Let it be (The Beatles)
When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be
And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be
And when the night is cloudy there is still a light that shines on me
Shine until tomorrow, let it be
I wake up to the sound of music, Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be, yeah, let it be
There will be an answer, let it be
 whisper 低語 wisdom 智慧

1. What may the sentence “There is still a light that shines on me” mean?
(A) There is still a hope in life.
(B) We have to learn to be alone.
(C) Everyone needs love.
(D) We should turn on the light when it is dark.

2. What is the attitude for life in the song “Let it be”?

(A) dark and sad (B) Hopeful and easy
(C) Exciting and happy (D) Serious and worried
 attitude 態度
105 b3,二年級英語科試題,第 4 頁,共 5 頁

How much time do you spend at your desk? According to a study, your desk is dirtier than a
toilet! For example, a keyboard has 100 times more bacteria than a toilet seat. Why? It’s because of
your hands. Your hands touch many things. So your hands have lots of bacteria. And these bacteria
move from your hands to your desk. Also, you sometimes eat at your desk. You may leave small
pieces of food on “it”. These make bacteria grow much more! Why don’t you clean your desk right
now? If you don’t, you may get sick.

 according to 根據 toilet 馬桶 keyboard 鍵盤 times(倍數) bacteria 細菌

3. Which is NOT true about the reading?
(A) Your desk is dirtier than a toilet.
(B) You may get sick if you don’t clean your desk.
(C) Small pieces of food on the desk make bacteria grow much more.
(D) A toilet has 100 times more bacteria than a keyboard.
4. What does “it” mean in line 5? 
(A) your hand (B) toilet (C) desk (D) keyboard

A letter to God
A Mexican farmer, Lencho, is sad because a storm has totally destroyed his crops and his family
will have no food or money through the winter to come. He is a simple man of great faith in God and
writes a letter to ask for one hundred pesos. In the letter, he says, ”God, I need a hundred pesos in
order to restore the field and live until the next crop comes.” He mails the letter to God. After seeing
the mail, the postmaster opens it and reads the letter inside. Moved by the farmer’s simple but strong
faith, the postmaster collects sixty pesos and mails it back to Lencho. Proud of the good actions and
curious to see Lencho’s reaction to the money from “God”, the postmaster watches for the farmer’s
reaction to the gift. Lencho feels surprised and glad at first, but then he gets disappointed as he
counts the money. Lencho writes another letter to God, mails it and leaves. The postmaster opens it
and reads the following: God, thank you for the money, but please don’t send “it” through the post
office. They are thieves!

 storm 暴風雨 destroy 毀壞 crops 農作物 faith 信仰 disappointed 失望的

restore 修復 collect 收集 reaction 反應 pesos 墨西哥幣 postmaster 郵局局長

5. Why does Lencho ask God for one hundred pesos?

6. Why does Lencho say “ The post office are thieves?”

五、翻譯:20%,1~4 題為填空式翻譯,每格限填一字(每格一分),5~7 題為整句式翻譯(每題四分)

1. 我們應該更認真看待霸凌。我們現在必須採取行動去停止霸凌。
We should (1) bullying (2) (3) . We must act now to stop bullying.
2. 他們的媽媽可能已經死了,但他們對母親的愛永遠不會消失。
Their mother may be (4) , but their love for their mother never dies.
3. 大多數人記得這首歌的幾行歌詞,但只有少數人了解它們真正的意義。
Many of us remember some of its (5) , but few of us understand their true (6) .
4. 精通你的英文總共只要花費你新臺幣 2,000 元。
(7) your English will cost you only NT$2,000 in (8) .
5. 假如你們設身處地為他們著想,你們就不會對他們那樣刻薄。
6. 我表妹的朋友們想要她面對現實並解決她的問題。
105 b3,二年級英語科試題,第 5 頁,共 5 頁
7. 如果你現在馬上付款,你甚至還能獲得七折優惠。(七折用數字書寫。)

臺南市立復興國中 105 學年度第二學期二年級第 3 次定期考英語科試題答案卷

範圍:康軒版 B4L7~R3 二年( )班( )號 姓名( )

一、每題均有三張圖片,請依據所聽到的句子,選出符合描述的圖片:8 % (每題二分)
1. 2. 3. 4.
二、每題均有三個選項,請依據所聽到的內容,選出一個最適合的回應:6 % (每題二分)
1. 2. 3.
三、每題均有三個選項,請依據所聽到的對話與問題,選出一個最適當的答案:6% (每題二分)
1. 2. 3.
一、文意字彙:請根據前後文意,寫出最適合的單字 10% (每題一分)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
三、克漏字選擇:請依據選文,選出一個正確或最佳的答案:8% (每題二分)

1. 2. 3. 4.
四、閱讀測驗:請依據選文,選出一個正確或最佳的答案:12% (每題二分)

1. 2. 3. 4.
五、翻譯:20%,1~4 題為填空式翻譯,每格限填一字(每格一分),5~7 題為整句式翻譯(每題四分)

1.(1) 1.(2) 1.(3)

2.(4) 3.(5) 3.(6)

4.(7) 4.(8)




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