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Machine Learning Techniques

and Analytics for Cloud Security

Scrivener Publishing
100 Cummings Center, Suite 541J
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Advances in Learning Analytics for Intelligent Cloud-IoT Systems

Series Editor: Dr. Souvik Pal and Dr. Dac-Nhuong Le

The role of adaptation, learning analytics, computational Intelligence, and data analytics in the field
of cloud-IoT systems is becoming increasingly essential and intertwined. The capability of an
intelligent system depends on various self-decision-making algorithms in IoT devices. IoT-based
smart systems generate a large amount of data (big data) that cannot be processed by traditional data
processing algorithms and applications. Hence, this book series involves different computational
methods incorporated within the system with the help of analytics reasoning and sense-making in big
data, which is centered in the cloud and IoT-enabled environments. The series publishes volumes that
are empirical studies, theoretical and numerical analysis, and novel research findings.

Submission to the series:

Please send proposals to Dr. Souvik Pal, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Global Institute of Management and Technology, Krishna Nagar, West Bengal, India.
E-mail: [email protected]

Publishers at Scrivener
Martin Scrivener ([email protected])
Phillip Carmical ([email protected])
Machine Learning Techniques
and Analytics for Cloud Security

Edited by
Rajdeep Chakraborty
Anupam Ghosh
Jyotsna Kumar Mandal
This edition first published 2022 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, USA and Scrivener
Publishing LLC, 100 Cummings Center, Suite 541J, Beverly, MA 01915, USA
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Preface xix
Part I: Conceptual Aspects on Cloud and Applications
of Machine Learning 1
1 Hybrid Cloud: A New Paradigm in Cloud Computing 3
Moumita Deb and Abantika Choudhury
1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 Hybrid Cloud 5
1.2.1 Architecture 6
1.2.2 Why Hybrid Cloud is Required? 6
1.2.3 Business and Hybrid Cloud 7
1.2.4 Things to Remember When Deploying Hybrid Cloud 8
1.3 Comparison Among Different Hybrid Cloud Providers 9
1.3.1 Cloud Storage and Backup Benefits 11
1.3.2 Pros and Cons of Different Service Providers 11 AWS Outpost 12 Microsoft Azure Stack 12 Google Cloud Anthos 12
1.3.3 Review on Storage of the Providers 13 AWS Outpost Storage 13 Google Cloud Anthos Storage 13
1.3.4 Pricing 15
1.4 Hybrid Cloud in Education 15
1.5 Significance of Hybrid Cloud Post-Pandemic 15
1.6 Security in Hybrid Cloud 16
1.6.1 Role of Human Error in Cloud Security 18
1.6.2 Handling Security Challenges 18
1.7 Use of AI in Hybrid Cloud 19
1.8 Future Research Direction 21
1.9 Conclusion 22
References 22

vi Contents

2 Recognition of Differentially Expressed Glycan Structure

of H1N1 Virus Using Unsupervised Learning Framework 25
Shillpi Mishrra
2.1 Introduction 25
2.2 Proposed Methodology 27
2.3 Result 28
2.3.1 Description of Datasets 29
2.3.2 Analysis of Result 29
2.3.3 Validation of Results 31 T-Test (Statistical Validation) 31 Statistical Validation 33
2.3.4 Glycan Cloud 37
2.4 Conclusions and Future Work 38
References 39
3 Selection of Certain Cancer Mediating Genes Using a Hybrid
Model Logistic Regression Supported by Principal Component
Analysis (PC-LR) 41
Subir Hazra, Alia Nikhat Khurshid and Akriti
3.1 Introduction 41
3.2 Related Methods 44
3.3 Methodology 46
3.3.1 Description 47
3.3.2 Flowchart 49
3.3.3 Algorithm 49
3.3.4 Interpretation of the Algorithm 50
3.3.5 Illustration 50
3.4 Result 51
3.4.1 Description of the Dataset 51
3.4.2 Result Analysis 51
3.4.3 Result Set Validation 52
3.5 Application in Cloud Domain 56
3.6 Conclusion 58
References 59

Part II: Cloud Security Systems Using Machine Learning

Techniques 61
4 Cost-Effective Voice-Controlled Real-Time Smart Informative
Interface Design With Google Assistance Technology 63
Soumen Santra, Partha Mukherjee and Arpan Deyasi
4.1 Introduction 64
4.2 Home Automation System 65
4.2.1 Sensors 65
4.2.2 Protocols 66
4.2.3 Technologies 66
Contents vii

4.2.4 Advantages 67
4.2.5 Disadvantages 67
4.3 Literature Review 67
4.4 Role of Sensors and Microcontrollers in Smart Home Design 68
4.5 Motivation of the Project 70
4.6 Smart Informative and Command Accepting Interface 70
4.7 Data Flow Diagram 71
4.8 Components of Informative Interface 72
4.9 Results 73
4.9.1 Circuit Design 73
4.9.2 LDR Data 76
4.9.3 API Data 76
4.10 Conclusion 78
4.11 Future Scope 78
References 78
5 Symmetric Key and Artificial Neural Network With Mealy Machine:
A Neoteric Model of Cryptosystem for Cloud Security 81
Anirban Bhowmik, Sunil Karforma and Joydeep Dey
5.1 Introduction 81
5.2 Literature Review 85
5.3 The Problem 86
5.4 Objectives and Contributions 86
5.5 Methodology 87
5.6 Results and Discussions 91
5.6.1 Statistical Analysis 93
5.6.2 Randomness Test of Key 94
5.6.3 Key Sensitivity Analysis 95
5.6.4 Security Analysis 96
5.6.5 Dataset Used on ANN 96
5.6.6 Comparisons 98
5.7 Conclusions 99
References 99
6 An Efficient Intrusion Detection System on Various Datasets Using
Machine Learning Techniques 103
Debraj Chatterjee
6.1 Introduction 103
6.2 Motivation and Justification of the Proposed Work 104
6.3 Terminology Related to IDS 105
6.3.1 Network 105
6.3.2 Network Traffic 105
6.3.3 Intrusion 106
6.3.4 Intrusion Detection System 106 Various Types of IDS 108 Working Methodology of IDS 108
viii Contents Characteristics of IDS 109 Advantages of IDS 110 Disadvantages of IDS 111
6.3.5 Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) 111 Network-Based Intrusion Prevention System (NIPS) 111 Wireless Intrusion Prevention System (WIPS) 112 Network Behavior Analysis (NBA) 112 Host-Based Intrusion Prevention System (HIPS) 112
6.3.6 Comparison of IPS With IDS/Relation Between IDS and IPS 112
6.3.7 Different Methods of Evasion in Networks 113
6.4 Intrusion Attacks on Cloud Environment 114
6.5 Comparative Studies 116
6.6 Proposed Methodology 121
6.7 Result 122
6.8 Conclusion and Future Scope 125
References 126
7 You Are Known by Your Mood: A Text-Based Sentiment Analysis
for Cloud Security 129
Abhijit Roy and Parthajit Roy
7.1 Introduction 129
7.2 Literature Review 131
7.3 Essential Prerequisites 133
7.3.1 Security Aspects 133
7.3.2 Machine Learning Tools 135 Naïve Bayes Classifier 135 Artificial Neural Network 136
7.4 Proposed Model 136
7.5 Experimental Setup 138
7.6 Results and Discussions 139
7.7 Application in Cloud Security 142
7.7.1 Ask an Intelligent Security Question 142
7.7.2 Homomorphic Data Storage 142
7.7.3 Information Diffusion 144
7.8 Conclusion and Future Scope 144
References 145
8 The State-of-the-Art in Zero-Knowledge Authentication Proof
for Cloud 149
Priyanka Ghosh
8.1 Introduction 149
8.2 Attacks and Countermeasures 153
8.2.1 Malware and Ransomware Breaches 154
8.2.2 Prevention of Distributing Denial of Service 154
8.2.3 Threat Detection 154
8.3 Zero-Knowledge Proof 154
Contents ix

8.4 Machine Learning for Cloud Computing 156

8.4.1 Types of Learning Algorithms 156 Supervised Learning 156 Supervised Learning Approach 156 Unsupervised Learning 157
8.4.2 Application on Machine Learning for Cloud Computing 157 Image Recognition 157 Speech Recognition 157 Medical Diagnosis 158 Learning Associations 158 Classification 158 Prediction 158 Extraction 158 Regression 158 Financial Services 159
8.5 Zero-Knowledge Proof: Details 159
8.5.1 Comparative Study 159 Fiat-Shamir ZKP Protocol 159
8.5.2 Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Algorithm 161 Discrete Logarithm Attack 161 Man-in-the-Middle Attack 162
8.5.3 ZKP Version 1 162
8.5.4 ZKP Version 2 162
8.5.5 Analysis 164
8.5.6 Cloud Security Architecture 166
8.5.7 Existing Cloud Computing Architectures 167
8.5.8 Issues With Current Clouds 167
8.6 Conclusion 168
References 169
9 A Robust Approach for Effective Spam Detection Using Supervised
Learning Techniques 171
Amartya Chakraborty, Suvendu Chattaraj, Sangita Karmakar
and Shillpi Mishrra
9.1 Introduction 171
9.2 Literature Review 173
9.3 Motivation 174
9.4 System Overview 175
9.5 Data Description 176
9.6 Data Processing 176
9.7 Feature Extraction 178
9.8 Learning Techniques Used 179
9.8.1 Support Vector Machine 179
9.8.2 k-Nearest Neighbors 180
9.8.3 Decision Tree 180
9.8.4 Convolutional Neural Network 180
x Contents

9.9 Experimental Setup 182

9.10 Evaluation Metrics 183
9.11 Experimental Results 185
9.11.1 Observations in Comparison With State-of-the-Art 187
9.12 Application in Cloud Architecture 188
9.13 Conclusion 189
References 190
10 An Intelligent System for Securing Network From Intrusion Detection
and Prevention of Phishing Attack Using Machine Learning Approaches 193
Sumit Banik, Sagar Banik and Anupam Mukherjee
10.1 Introduction 193
10.1.1 Types of Phishing 195 Spear Phishing 195 Whaling 195 Catphishing and Catfishing 195 Clone Phishing 196 Voice Phishing 196
10.1.2 Techniques of Phishing 196 Link Manipulation 196 Filter Evasion 196 Website Forgery 196 Covert Redirect 197
10.2 Literature Review 197
10.3 Materials and Methods 199
10.3.1 Dataset and Attributes 199
10.3.2 Proposed Methodology 199 Logistic Regression 202 Naïve Bayes 202 Support Vector Machine 203 Voting Classification 203
10.4 Result Analysis 204
10.4.1 Analysis of Different Parameters for ML Models 204
10.4.2 Predictive Outcome Analysis in Phishing URLs Dataset 205
10.4.3 Analysis of Performance Metrics 206
10.4.4 Statistical Analysis of Results 210
‌ ANOVA: Two-Factor Without Replication 210 ANOVA: Single Factor 210
10.5 Conclusion 210
References 211

Part III: Cloud Security Analysis Using Machine Learning

Techniques 213
11 Cloud Security Using Honeypot Network and Blockchain: A Review 215
Smarta Sangui and Swarup Kr Ghosh

11.1 Introduction 215

Contents xi

11.2 Cloud Computing Overview 216

11.2.1 Types of Cloud Computing Services 216 Software as a Service 216 Infrastructure as a Service 218 Platform as a Service 218
11.2.2 Deployment Models of Cloud Computing 218 Public Cloud 218 Private Cloud 218 Community Cloud 219 Hybrid Cloud 219
11.2.3 Security Concerns in Cloud Computing 219 Data Breaches 219 Insufficient Change Control and Misconfiguration 219 Lack of Strategy and Security Architecture 220 Insufficient Identity, Credential, Access,
and Key Management 220 Account Hijacking 220 Insider Threat 220 Insecure Interfaces and APIs 220 Weak Control Plane 221
11.3 Honeypot System 221
11.3.1 VM (Virtual Machine) as Honeypot in the Cloud 221
11.3.2 Attack Sensing and Analyzing Framework 222
11.3.3 A Fuzzy Technique Against Fingerprinting Attacks 223
11.3.4 Detecting and Classifying Malicious Access 224
11.3.5 A Bayesian Defense Model for Deceptive Attack 224
11.3.6 Strategic Game Model for DDoS Attacks in Smart Grid 226
11.4 Blockchain 227
11.4.1 Blockchain-Based Encrypted Cloud Storage 228
11.4.2 Cloud-Assisted EHR Sharing via Consortium Blockchain 229
11.4.3 Blockchain-Secured Cloud Storage 230
11.4.4 Blockchain and Edge Computing–Based Security Architecture 230
11.4.5 Data Provenance Architecture in Cloud Ecosystem
Using Blockchain 231
11.6 Comparative Analysis 233
11.7 Conclusion 233
References 234
12 Machine Learning–Based Security in Cloud Database—A Survey 239
Utsav Vora, Jayleena Mahato, Hrishav Dasgupta, Anand Kumar
and Swarup Kr Ghosh
12.1 Introduction 239
12.2 Security Threats and Attacks 241
12.3 Dataset Description 244
12.3.1 NSL-KDD Dataset 244
12.3.2 UNSW-NB15 Dataset 244
xii Contents

12.4 Machine Learning for Cloud Security 245

12.4.1 Supervised Learning Techniques 245 Support Vector Machine 245 Artificial Neural Network 247 Deep Learning 249 Random Forest 250
12.4.2 Unsupervised Learning Techniques 251 K-Means Clustering 252 Fuzzy C-Means Clustering 253 Expectation-Maximization Clustering 253 Cuckoo Search With Particle Swarm
Optimization (PSO) 254
12.4.3 Hybrid Learning Techniques 256 HIDCC: Hybrid Intrusion Detection Approach
in Cloud Computing 256 Clustering-Based Hybrid Model in Deep Learning
Framework 257 K-Nearest Neighbor–Based Fuzzy C-Means
Mechanism 258 K-Means Clustering Using Support Vector Machine 260 K-Nearest Neighbor–Based Artificial Neural
Network Mechanism 260 Artificial Neural Network Fused With Support
Vector Machine 261 Particle Swarm Optimization–Based Probabilistic
Neural Network 261
12.5 Comparative Analysis 262
12.6 Conclusion 264
References 267
13 Machine Learning Adversarial Attacks: A Survey Beyond 271
Chandni Magoo and Puneet Garg
13.1 Introduction 271
13.2 Adversarial Learning 272
13.2.1 Concept 272
13.3 Taxonomy of Adversarial Attacks 273
13.3.1 Attacks Based on Knowledge 273 Black Box Attack (Transferable Attack) 273 White Box Attack 274
13.3.2 Attacks Based on Goals 275 Target Attacks 275 Non-Target Attacks 275
13.3.3 Attacks Based on Strategies 275 Poisoning Attacks 275 Evasion Attacks 276
Contents xiii

13.3.4 Textual-Based Attacks (NLP) 276 Character Level Attacks 276 Word-Level Attacks 276 Sentence-Level Attacks 276
13.4 Review of Adversarial Attack Methods 276
13.4.1 L-BFGS 277
13.4.2 Feedforward Derivation Attack (Jacobian Attack) 277
13.4.3 Fast Gradient Sign Method 278
13.4.4 Methods of Different Text-Based Adversarial Attacks 278
13.4.5 Adversarial Attacks Methods Based on Language Models 284
13.4.6 Adversarial Attacks on Recommender Systems 284 Random Attack 284 Average Attack 286 Bandwagon Attack 286 Reverse Bandwagon Attack 286
13.5 Adversarial Attacks on Cloud-Based Platforms 287
13.6 Conclusion 288
References 288
14 Protocols for Cloud Security 293
Weijing You and Bo Chen
14.1 Introduction 293
14.2 System and Adversarial Model 295
14.2.1 System Model 295
14.2.2 Adversarial Model 295
14.3 Protocols for Data Protection in Secure Cloud Computing 296
14.3.1 Homomorphic Encryption 297
14.3.2 Searchable Encryption 298
14.3.3 Attribute-Based Encryption 299
14.3.4 Secure Multi-Party Computation 300
14.4 Protocols for Data Protection in Secure Cloud Storage 301
14.4.1 Proofs of Encryption 301
14.4.2 Secure Message-Locked Encryption 303
14.4.3 Proofs of Storage 303
14.4.4 Proofs of Ownership 305
14.4.5 Proofs of Reliability 306
14.5 Protocols for Secure Cloud Systems 309
14.6 Protocols for Cloud Security in the Future 309
14.7 Conclusion 310
References 311
xiv Contents

Part IV: Case Studies Focused on Cloud Security 313

15 A Study on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Its Security 315
Agniswar Roy, Abhik Banerjee and Navneet Bhardwaj
15.1 Introduction 315
15.1.1 Google Cloud Platform Current Market Holding 316 The Forrester Wave 317 Gartner Magic Quadrant 317
15.1.2 Google Cloud Platform Work Distribution 317 SaaS 318 PaaS 318 IaaS 318 On-Premise 318
15.2 Google Cloud Platform’s Security Features Basic Overview 318
15.2.1 Physical Premises Security 319
15.2.2 Hardware Security 319
15.2.3 Inter-Service Security 319
15.2.4 Data Security 320
15.2.5 Internet Security 320
15.2.6 In-Software Security 320
15.2.7 End User Access Security 321
15.3 Google Cloud Platform’s Architecture 321
15.3.1 Geographic Zone 321
15.3.2 Resource Management 322 IAM 322 Roles 323 Billing 323
15.4 Key Security Features 324
15.4.1 IAP 324
15.4.2 Compliance 325
15.4.3 Policy Analyzer 326
15.4.4 Security Command Center 326 Standard Tier 326 Premium Tier 326
15.4.5 Data Loss Protection 329
15.4.6 Key Management 329
15.4.7 Secret Manager 330
15.4.8 Monitoring 330
15.5 Key Application Features 330
15.5.1 Stackdriver (Currently Operations) 330 Profiler 330 Cloud Debugger 330 Trace 331
15.5.2 Network 331
15.5.3 Virtual Machine Specifications 332
Contents xv

15.5.4 Preemptible VMs 332

15.6 Computation in Google Cloud Platform 332
15.6.1 Compute Engine 332
15.6.2 App Engine 333
15.6.3 Container Engine 333
15.6.4 Cloud Functions 333
15.7 Storage in Google Cloud Platform 333
15.8 Network in Google Cloud Platform 334
15.9 Data in Google Cloud Platform 334
15.10 Machine Learning in Google Cloud Platform 335
15.11 Conclusion 335
References 337
16 Case Study of Azure and Azure Security Practices 339
Navneet Bhardwaj, Abhik Banerjee and Agniswar Roy
16.1 Introduction 339
16.1.1 Azure Current Market Holding 340
16.1.2 The Forrester Wave 340
16.1.3 Gartner Magic Quadrant 340
16.2 Microsoft Azure—The Security Infrastructure 341
16.2.1 Azure Security Features and Tools 341
16.2.2 Network Security 342
16.3 Data Encryption 342
16.3.1 Data Encryption at Rest 342
16.3.2 Data Encryption at Transit 342
16.3.3 Asset and Inventory Management 343
16.3.4 Azure Marketplace 343
16.4 Azure Cloud Security Architecture 344
16.4.1 Working 344
16.4.2 Design Principles 344 Alignment of Security Policies 344 Building a Comprehensive Strategy 345 Simplicity Driven 345 Leveraging Native Controls 345 Identification-Based Authentication 345 Accountability 345 Embracing Automation 345 Stress on Information Protection 345 Continuous Evaluation 346 Skilled Workforce 346
16.5 Azure Architecture 346
16.5.1 Components 346 Azure Api Gateway 346 Azure Functions 346
16.5.2 Services 347 Azure Virtual Machine 347
xvi Contents Blob Storage 347 Azure Virtual Network 348 Content Delivery Network 348 Azure SQL Database 349
16.6 Features of Azure 350
16.6.1 Key Features 350 Data Resiliency 350 Data Security 350 BCDR Integration 350 Storage Management 351 Single Pane View 351
16.7 Common Azure Security Features 351
16.7.1 Security Center 351
16.7.2 Key Vault 351
16.7.3 Azure Active Directory 352 Application Management 352 Conditional Access 352 Device Identity Management 352
​ Identity Protection 353 Azure Sentinel 353 Privileged Identity Management 354 Multifactor Authentication 354 Single Sign On 354
16.8 Conclusion 355
References 355
17 Nutanix Hybrid Cloud From Security Perspective 357
Abhik Banerjee, Agniswar Roy, Amar Kalvikatte and Navneet Bhardwaj
17.1 Introduction 357
17.2 Growth of Nutanix 358
17.2.1 Gartner Magic Quadrant 358
17.2.2 The Forrester Wave 358
17.2.3 Consumer Acquisition 359
17.2.4 Revenue 359
17.3 Introductory Concepts 361
17.3.1 Plane Concepts 361 Control Plane 361 Data Plane 361
17.3.2 Security Technical Implementation Guides 362
17.3.3 SaltStack and SCMA 362
17.4 Nutanix Hybrid Cloud 362
17.4.1 Prism 362 Prism Element 363 Prism Central 364
17.4.2 Acropolis 365 Distributed Storage Fabric 365
Contents xvii AHV 367

17.5 Reinforcing AHV and Controller VM 367
17.6 Disaster Management and Recovery 368
17.6.1 Protection Domains and Consistent Groups 368
17.6.2 Nutanix DSF Replication of OpLog 369
17.6.3 DSF Snapshots and VmQueisced Snapshot Service 370
17.6.4 Nutanix Cerebro 370
17.7 Security and Policy Management on Nutanix Hybrid Cloud 371
17.7.1 Authentication on Nutanix 372
17.7.2 Nutanix Data Encryption 372
17.7.3 Security Policy Management 373 Enforcing a Policy 374 Priority of a Policy 374 Automated Enforcement 374
17.8 Network Security and Log Management 374
17.8.1 Segmented and Unsegmented Network 375
17.9 Conclusion 376
References 376

Part V: Policy Aspects 379

18 A Data Science Approach Based on User Interactions to Generate
Access Control Policies for Large Collections of Documents 381
Jedidiah Yanez-Sierra, Arturo Diaz-Perez and Victor Sosa-Sosa
18.1 Introduction 381
18.2 Related Work 383
18.3 Network Science Theory 384
18.4 Approach to Spread Policies Using Networks Science 387
18.4.1 Finding the Most Relevant Spreaders 388 Weighting Users 389 Selecting the Top  Spreaders 390
18.4.2 Assign and Spread the Access Control Policies 390 Access Control Policies 391 Horizontal Spreading 391 Vertical Spreading (Bottom-Up) 392 Policies Refinement 395
18.4.3 Structural Complexity Analysis of CP-ABE Policies 395 Assessing the WSC for ABE Policies 396 Assessing the Policies Generated in the Spreading
Process 397
18.4.4 Effectiveness Analysis 398 Evaluation Metrics 399 Adjusting the Interaction Graph to Assess Policy
Effectiveness 400 Method to Complement the User Interactions
(Synthetic Edges Generation) 400
xviii Contents

18.4.5 Measuring Policy Effectiveness in the User Interaction Graph 403 Simple Node-Based Strategy 403 Weighted Node-Based Strategy 404
18.5 Evaluation 405
18.5.1 Dataset Description 405
18.5.2 Results of the Complexity Evaluation 406
18.5.3 Effectiveness Results From the Real Edges 407
18.5.4 Effectiveness Results Using Real and Synthetic Edges 408 Results of the Effectiveness Metrics for the Enhanced
G+ Graph 410
18.6 Conclusions 413
References 414
19 AI, ML, & Robotics in iSchools: An Academic Analysis for an Intelligent
Societal Systems 417
P. K. Paul
19.1 Introduction 417
19.2 Objective 419
19.3 Methodology 420
19.3.1 iSchools, Technologies, and Artificial Intelligence,
ML, and Robotics 420
19.4 Artificial Intelligence, ML, and Robotics: An Overview 427
19.5 Artificial Intelligence, ML, and Robotics as an Academic Program:
A Case on iSchools—North American Region 428
19.6 Suggestions 431
19.7 Motivation and Future Works 435
19.8 Conclusion 435
References 436
Index 439

Our objective in writing this book was to provide the reader with an in-depth knowledge
of how to integrate machine learning (ML) approaches to meet various analytical issues
in cloud security deemed necessary due to the advancement of IoT networks. Although
one of the ways to achieve cloud security is by using ML, the technique has long-­standing
challenges that require methodological and theoretical approaches. Therefore, because the
conventional cryptographic approach is less frequently applied in resource-constrained
devices, the ML approach may be effectively used in providing security in the constantly
growing cloud environment. Machine learning algorithms can also be used to meet various
cloud security issues for effective intrusion detection and zero-knowledge authentication
systems. Moreover, these algorithms can also be used in applications and for much more,
including measuring passive attacks and designing protocols and privacy systems. This
book contains case studies/projects for implementing some security features based on ML
algorithms and analytics. It will provide learning paradigms for the field of artificial intelli-
gence and the deep learning community, with related datasets to help delve deeper into ML
for cloud security.
This book is organized into five parts. As the entire book is based on ML techniques,
the three chapters contained in “Part I: Conceptual Aspects of Cloud and Applications of
Machine Learning,” describe cloud environments and ML methods and techniques. The
seven chapters in “Part II: Cloud Security Systems Using Machine Learning Techniques,”
describe ML algorithms and techniques which are hard coded and implemented for pro-
viding various security aspects of cloud environments. The four chapters of “Part III: Cloud
Security Analysis Using Machine Learning Techniques,” present some of the recent studies
and surveys of ML techniques and analytics for providing cloud security. The next three
chapters in “Part IV: Case Studies Focused on Cloud Security,” are unique to this book as
they contain three case studies of three cloud products from a security perspective. These
three products are mainly in the domains of public cloud, private cloud and hybrid cloud.
Finally, the two chapters in “Part V: Policy Aspects,” pertain to policy aspects related to
the cloud environment and cloud security using ML techniques and analytics. Each of the
chapters mentioned above are individually highlighted chapter by chapter below.

Part I: Conceptual Aspects of Cloud and Applications of Machine Learning

–– Chapter 1 begins with an introduction to various parameters of cloud such
as scalability, cost, speed, reliability, performance and security. Next, hybrid
cloud is discussed in detail along with cloud architecture and how it func-
tions. A brief comparison of various cloud providers is given next. After the

xx Preface

use of cloud in education, finance, etc., is described, the chapter concludes

with a discussion of security aspects of a cloud environment.
–– Chapter 2 discusses how to recognize differentially expressed glycan struc-
ture of H1N1 virus using unsupervised learning framework. This chap-
ter gives the reader a better understanding of machine learning (ML) and
analytics. Next, the detailed workings of an ML methodology are presented
along with a flowchart. The result part of this chapter contains the analytics
for the ML technique.
–– Chapter 3 presents a hybrid model of logistic regression supported by PC-LR
to select cancer mediating genes. This is another good chapter to help bet-
ter understand ML techniques and analytics. It provides the details of an
ML learning methodology and algorithms with results and analysis using

Part II: Cloud Security Systems Using Machine Learning Techniques

–– Chapter 4 shows the implementation of a voice-controlled real-time smart
informative interface design with Google assistance technology that is more
cost-effective than the existing products on the market. This system can be
used for various cloud-based applications such as home automation. It uses
microcontrollers and sensors in smart home design which can be connected
through cloud database. Security concerns are also discussed in this chapter.
–– Chapter 5 discusses a neoteric model of a cryptosystem for cloud security
by using symmetric key and artificial neural network with Mealy machine.
A cryptosystem is used to provide data or information confidentiality and a
state-based cryptosystem is implemented using Mealy machine. This chapter
gives a detailed algorithm with results generated using Lenovo G80 with pro-
cessor Intel® Pentium® CPU B950@210GHz and RAM 2GB and program-
ming language Turbo C, DebC++ and disc drive SA 9500326AS ATA and
Windows 7 Ultimate (32 Bits) OS.
–– Chapter 6 describes the implementation of an effective intrusion detection
system using ML techniques through various datasets. The chapter begins
with a description of an intrusion detection system and how it is beneficial
for cloud environment. Next, various intrusion attacks on cloud environment
are described along with a comparative study. Finally, a proposed methodol-
ogy of IDS in cloud environment is given along with implementation results.
–– Chapter 7 beautifully describes text-based sentiment analysis for cloud secu-
rity that extracts the mood of users in a cloud environment, which is an
evolving topic in ML. A proposed model for text-based sentiment analysis
is presented along with an experimental setup with implementation results.
Since text-based sentiment analysis potentially identifies malicious users in a
cloud environment, the chapter concludes with applications of this method
and implementation for cloud security.
–– Chapter 8 discusses zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) for cloud, which is a
method for identifying legitimate users without revealing their identity. The
ZKP consist of three parts: the first is ticket generator, the second is user,
Preface xxi

and the third is verifier. For example, to see a movie in a theater we purchase
ticket. So, the theater counter is the ticket generator; and while purchasing
a ticket here we generally don’t reveal our identifying information such as
name, address or social security number. We are allowed to enter the theater
when this ticket is verified at the gate, so, this is the verifier algorithm. This
chapter also discusses ZKP for cloud security.
–– Chapter 9 discusses an effective spam detection system for cloud secu-
rity using supervised ML techniques. Spam, which is an unwanted mes-
sage that contains malicious links, viral attachments, unwelcome images
and misinformation, is a major security concern for any digital system and
requires an effective spam detection system. Therefore, this chapter begins
by discussing the requirements for such a system. Then, it gradually moves
towards a supervised ML-technique-based spam detection system, mainly
using a support vector machine (SVM) and convolutional neural network
(CNN). Implementation results are also given with application in cloud
–– Chapter 10 describes an intelligent system for securing network from intru-
sion detection and phishing attacks using ML approaches, with a focus on
phishing attacks on the cloud environment. It begins by describing different
fishing attacks on cloud environment and then proposes a method for detect-
ing these attacks using ML. Next, analysis of different parameters for ML
models, predictive outcome analysis in phishing URLs dataset, analysis of
performance metrics and statistical analysis of results are presented.

Part III: Cloud Security Analysis Using Machine Learning Techniques

–– Chapter 11 discusses cloud security using honeypot network and blockchain.
It begins with an overview of cloud computing and then describes cloud
computing deployment models and security concerns in cloud computing.
Then the honeypot network and its system design are discussed, followed by
the use of blockchain-based honeypot network. A good comparative analysis
is given at the end of the chapter.
–– Chapter 12 includes a survey on ML-based security in cloud database. The
chapter starts with a discussion of the various ML techniques used to provide
security in a cloud database. Then a study is presented which mainly con-
sists of three parts: first, supervised learning methods, such as support vector
machine (SVM), artificial neural network, etc., are given; second, unsuper-
vised learning methods, such as K-means clustering, fuzzy C-means cluster-
ing, etc., are given; third, hybrid learning techniques, such as hybrid intrusion
detection approach (HIDCC) in cloud computing, clustering-based hybrid
model in deep learning framework, etc., are given. Comparative analyses are
also given at the end.
–– Chapter 13 provides a survey on ML-based adversarial attacks on cloud
environment. The chapter starts with the concepts of adversarial learning
followed by the taxonomy of adversarial attacks. Various algorithms found
in the literature for ML-based adversarial attacks on cloud environment are
xxii Preface

also presented. Then, various studies on adversarial attacks on cloud-based

platforms and their comparative studies are discussed.
–– Chapter 14 provides a detailed study of the protocols used for cloud secu-
rity. The chapter starts by discussing the system and adversarial models, and
then the protocols for data protection in secure cloud computing are given
followed by a discussion of the protocols for data protection in secure cloud
storage. Finally, various protocols for secure cloud systems are discussed. The
authors also attempt to give a futuristic view of the protocols that may be
implemented for cloud security.

Part IV: Case Studies Focused on Cloud Security

–– Chapter 15 is a detailed presentation of the Google cloud platform (GCP) and
its security features. It begins by discussing GCP’s current market holdings
and then describes the work distribution in GCP. Next, the chapter gradually
moves towards a basic overview of security features in GCP and describes the
GCP architecture along with its key security and application features. Then,
an interesting part is presented that describes various computations used in
GCP, followed by a discussion of the storage, network, data and ML policies
used in GCP.
–– Chapter 16 presents a case study of Microsoft Azure cloud and its security
features. The beginning of the chapter covers Azure’s current market hold-
ings and the Forrester Wave and Gartner Magic Quadrant reports. Then, the
security infrastructure of Azure is given, which covers its security features
and tools, Azure network security, data encryption used in Azure, asset and
inventory management, and the Azure marketplace. Next, details of Azure
cloud security architecture are presented along with its working and design
principles, followed by the components and services of Azure architecture.
The chapter ends with a discussion of its various features and why Azure is
gaining popularity.
–– Chapter 17 presents a case study on Nutanix hybrid cloud from a security
perspective. Nutanix is a fast-growing hybrid cloud in the current scenario.
The chapter begins with the growth of Nutanix and then presents introduc-
tory concepts about it. Next, Nutanix hybrid cloud architecture is discussed
in relation to computation, storage and networking. Then, reinforcing AHV
and controller VM are described, followed by disaster management and
recovery used in Nutanix hybrid cloud. A detailed study on security and pol-
icy management in Nutanix hybrid cloud is then presented. The chapter con-
cludes with a discussion of network security and log management in Nutanix
hybrid cloud.

Part V: Policy Aspects

–– Chapter 18 describes a data science approach based on user interactions to
generate access control policies for large collections of documents in cloud
environment. After a general introduction to network science theory, various
Preface xxiii

approaches for spreading policies using network science are discussed. Then,
evaluations and matrices to evaluate policies for cloud security are described.
This chapter concludes with a presentation of all the simulation results.
–– Chapter 19 discusses the policies of iSchools with artificial intelligence,
machine learning, and robotics through analysis of programs, curriculum and
potentialities towards intelligent societal systems on cloud platform. iSchools
are a kind of consortium that develops with the collection of information and
technology-related schools and academic units. In the last decade there has
been a significant growth in the development of such academic bodies. This
chapter provides a policy framework for iSchools, the methodology involved
and a list of available iSchools. The chapter concludes with some policy sug-
gestions and future work related to iSchools.

The Editors
October 2021
Part I
Hybrid Cloud: A New Paradigm
in Cloud Computing
Moumita Deb* and Abantika Choudhury†

RCC Institute of Information Technology, Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Hybrid cloud computing is basically a combination of cloud computing with on-premise resources
to provide work portability, load distribution, and security. Hybrid cloud may include one public
and one private cloud, or it may contain two or more private clouds or may have two or more public
clouds depending on the requirement. Public clouds are generally provided by third party vendors
like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft. These clouds traditionally ran off premise and provide ser-
vices through internet. Whereas private clouds also offer computing services to selected user either
over the internet or within a private internal network and conventionally ran on-premise. But this
scenario is changing nowadays. Earlier distinction between private and public clouds can be done
on the location and ownership information, but currently, public clouds are running in on-premise
data centers of customer and private clouds are constructed on off premise rented, vendor-owned
data centers as well. So, the architecture is becoming complex. Hybrid cloud reduces the potential
exposure of sensitive or crucial data from the public while keeping non-sensitive data into the cloud.
Thus, secure access to data while enjoying attractive services of the public cloud is the key factor in
hybrid cloud. Here, we have done a survey on hybrid cloud as it is one of the most promising areas
in cloud computing, discuss all insight details. Security issues and measures in hybrid cloud are also
discussed along with the use of artificial intelligence. We do not intend to propose any new findings
rather we will figure out some of future research directions.

Keywords: PaaS, SaaS, IaaS, SLA, agility, encryption, middleware, AI

1.1 Introduction
Cloud computing is catering computing services such as storage, networking, servers, ana-
lytics, intelligence, and software though the internet on demand basis. We typically have
to pay for only for the services we use. IT is a growing industry and catering its service
requirement is challenging. On-premise resources are not sufficient always, so leveraging
attractive facilities provided by cloud service providers is often required. Typical services

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

†Corresponding author: [email protected]

Rajdeep Chakraborty, Anupam Ghosh and Jyotsna Kumar Mandal (eds.) Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for
Cloud Security, (3–24) © 2022 Scrivener Publishing LLC

4 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

provided by cloud computing are Platform as a service (PaaS), Software as a service (SaaS),
and Infrastructure as a service (IaaS). But all the clouds are not same and no one particular
cloud can satisfy all the customer. As a result, various types of services are emerging to cater
the need of any organization. The following are the facilities cater by cloud computing.

• Scalability: IT services are not restricted to offline resources anymore,

online cloud services can do a wonder. Any business can be extended
based on the market need through the use of cloud computing services. A
client needs almost nothing but a computer with internet connection, rest
of the services can be borrowed from cloud vendors. Business can grow
according to the requirement. Scalability is the key factor in adoption of
any new paradigm. An organization meant for 100 people can be easily
scaled up to 1,000 (ideally any number) people with the help of the cloud
computing services.
• Cost: Since cloud provides services pay as you use basis, cost of setting up a
business has reduced manifolds. Capital expense in buying server, software,
and experts for managing infrastructure is not mandatory anymore; vendors
can provide all these services. Cost saving is one of the most lucrative features
of cloud computing. Any startup company can afford the cost of the setup
price required for the orchestration of public cloud; thus, they can engage
their selves exclusively for the development of their business.
• Speed: Cloud computing helps to speed up the overall functioning of any
organization. Several lucrative easy-to-use options are just one click away, so
designers and programmers can freely think about their innovations, and as a
result, the speed and performance can be enhanced. Moreover, since most of
the background hazards are handled by the cloud service providers as a result
implementation of any advanced thinking can be made possible quickly and
• Reliability: Reliability is a key factor where huge data need to handle all the
time. Periodic data backup and use of disaster recovery methods helps to
increase the data reliability in cloud computing. Also, since space is not a
constraint anymore, clients can keep mirrored data. A reliable system often
leads to a secure system. Any organizations need to handle huge user centric
sensitive data as well as business related data. Maintaining the reliability in
the data need several rules and regulations to be enforced.
• Performance: Improved operation, better customer support, and flexible
workplace aid companies to perform better than conventional on-premise
system. Amazon helps Car company Toyota to build cloud-based data cen-
ters. The company is going to use the behavioral data of the user of the car,
and based on that, they will send service and insurance related data [1]. User
can also use Facebook or Twitter in their car dashboard. This is only an exam-
ple; there is lot more. Adaptation of advanced technology excels the perfor-
mance of existing system as cloud plays a crucial role here.
Hybrid Cloud: New Paradigm in Cloud Computing 5

• Security: Cloud service providers use many security mechanisms like

encryption, authentication of user, authorization, and use of some Artificial
Intelligence (AI)–based method to secure their app, data, and infrastructure
from possible threats.
A combination of secure open source technologies along with integrated network may
be used for secure hybrid cloud deployment like it does in HCDM [16]. But, before deploy-
ment, the customer need to determine what type of cloud computing architecture is best
suitable. There are three different ways to organize cloud: private, public, and hybrid. Here,
we will discuss about hybrid cloud, its benefits, and security aspects.
Thus, motivation of this review is to provide a broad details of hybrid cloud computing,
why it is gaining popularity, how business is going to be affected through the use of cloud
adaption in near future, what security aspects need to dealt by vendors, and how AI can
help in this regard. The following sections deal with all this topics.

1.2 Hybrid Cloud

If we go by the definition of National Institute of Standards and Technology [3], hybrid
cloud is a “composition of two or more different types of cloud infrastructure that are bind
together with the help of proprietary and standardized technology for the purpose of data
and application portability. So, Simple amalgamation of cloud and on-premise data should
not misinterpret as hybrid cloud. It should also provide the following facilities [2]:

• Workload distribution by portability.

• Networking between system and devices, by the use of LAN, WAN, or VPN.
• Use of a comprehensive unified automation tool.
• A complex powerful middleware for abstracting the background details.
• Incorporating availability and scalability of resources.
• Integrating disaster management and recovery strategies.

Thus, it enables the customer to extend their business by leveraging the attractive services
provided by public cloud as well as securing the delicate data through the use of private
cloud. When the demand of a business fluctuates that may be sudden peak in the business
come or sudden fall down, in those scenarios, hybrid cloud is the best possible option as
it has that flexibility [8]. Organizations can seamlessly use public cloud amenities without
directly giving access to their data centers which are part of their on-premise servers. So,
business critical data and applications can be kept safe behind, while computing power of
the public cloud can be used for doing complex tasks. Organizations will only have to pay
for the services it is using without considering the capital expenditure involve in purchasing,
programming and maintaining new resources which can be used for a short span of time and
may remain idle for long. Private cloud on the other hand is more like public cloud, but gen-
erally installed on clients datacenter and mainly focus on self-servicing, scalable structure.
Single tone service nature, service-level agreement (SLA), and similar association make the
relationship between client and cloud stronger and less demanding [33, 34].
6 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

1.2.1 Architecture
There may be any combination of cloud services when to deploy a hybrid cloud. It may
the client has its own on-premise private cloud as IaaS and leverage public cloud as SaaS.
Private cloud may be on premise or sometimes off premise on a dedicated server [10]. There
is no fixed fits for all architecture. Private clouds can be made individually, whereas public
cloud can be hired from vendors like Amazon, Microsoft, Alibaba, Google, and IBM. Next,
a middleware is required to combine public and private cloud mostly provided by the cloud
vendors as a part of their package. Figure 1.1 gives general diagram of a hybrid cloud.
In case of hybrid cloud architecture, the following is a list of properties that must to be
kept in mind [4]:

a. Multiple devices need to be connected via LAN, WAN, or VPN with a com-
mon middleware that provides an API for user services. Rather than using a
vast network of API, a single operating system must be used throughout the
network and APIs can be built on top of that.
b. Resources are made available to all the connected devices via virtualization
and it can be scaled up to any limit.
c. The middleware does all the coordination between devices and resources are
made available on demand basis with proper authentication.

1.2.2 Why Hybrid Cloud is Required?

Hybrid cloud means different service to different people [5]. Need of an organization
depends on diverse aspects of IT. As the perspective of application designer, business devel-
oper, and infrastructure support personnel is different from one another, their expectation
from the system also varies.


On-Premise Apps


Off-Premise Apps
SaaS, Iaas and PasS

Mobile Applications


Figure 1.1 General architecture of hybrid cloud.

Hybrid Cloud: New Paradigm in Cloud Computing 7

• Application programmer always requires support for edge technologies.

Availability of high-end resources and cutting edge technology support is
the primary concern of a developer. Off premise support for such is essential.
Flexibility in deployment of changing technology services, speedy availability
of the new resources required by the solution, peak support for on-premise
system, and seamless and continuous integration of system services are key
issues need to be dealt in hybrid cloud. Disaster management is also an inte-
gral part of it.
• On the contrary, infrastructure support personnel always look for a steady
build in support for smooth execution of overall activities of the organiza-
tion. Off premise support for virtualized computing resources is often nec-
essary in IT. In this scenario, the role of infrastructure support team is very
crucial. Visibility of all the resources wherever it is, monitoring them in fed-
erated way following SLA, management of deployed setup for auditing and
security management, accessibility of all resources, and control provisioning
are key consideration in case of hybrid cloud.
• Business developer, on the other hand, focuses on consumer marketing in
cost-effective manner [6]. The need of IT business has manifolds. Support
for newly growing technology like mobile or web-based application requires
agile and easy to extend network, and at the same time, consistent system and
stable process management services cannot be replaced. So, business devel-
opers have to look into all these aspects, and at the same time, they have to
focus on the cost. The maintenance and management cost should not exceed
the overall financial budget. Looking at the SLAs and software license expo-
sure, they need to design financial plans that can fulfill the whole organiza-
tion’s prerequisites.

No matter how well we plan the future, it still remains uncertain and hybrid cloud pro-
vides the facility to use cloud services as and when it is required. It is also quite unlikely
that workload of an organization remains same throughout the whole year. Suppose an
organization is working on big data analytics, it can take help of public cloud computing
resources for high complex computations but that too is not needed for long run, may be
require for few months. Here, public cloud resources can be borrowed for few months only.
In the same way, startup companies can start with some trivial private resources and take
cloud services for rest of the processing. Then, based on the performance, they can plan
to expand the business with the help of public cloud. All these are possible only in case of
hybrid cloud as it has agility, scalability, data reliability, speedy recovery, and improved
connectivity and security.

1.2.3 Business and Hybrid Cloud

According to Hybrid Cloud Market report, in 2018, hybrid cloud market was USD 44.6 bil-
lion and expected to grow to USD 97.6 billion by the end of 2023 with Compound Annual
Growth Rate (CAGR) of 17.0% [9]. IaaS is expected to hold a large market in the fore-
cast period as it facilitates to migrate workload from on premise to off premise in high
peak hours. Hybrid web hosting also hold a big market as it provides management of all
8 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Hybrid Cloud Market - Growth Rate by Region (2020 - 2025)

Regional Growth Rates

Source: Mordor Intelligence

Figure 1.2 Market trend of hybrid cloud [14].

hosting services in just single point of contact. North America was the most promising
hybrid cloud market place in 2018 and Asia Pacific areas shows the highest CAGR. So,
hybrid cloud is a promising area in business. Major sectors using hybrid cloud computing
are healthcare, retail, government, or public sectors, banking, entertainment media, insur-
ance, finance, communication media, etc. [14]. According to a report published by Mordor
Intelligence, North America, Middle East, Africa, Europe, and Asia Pacific are top growing
regions worldwide. Figure 1.2 shows the hybrid cloud market. Green portions represent
highly growing market. Hybrid cloud management software solution is the main reason of
this popularity. Starting from deployment to quota management, customization of service
library, costing, performance management, and governance, everything is taken care of,
like the software management tool. Mostly, the services provided by public providers are
restricted to some architecture or technology and vendor specific. But the management
tool provided by hybrid providers helps to amalgamate different services provided by var-
ious vendors. Amazon and Microsoft, the giants in this field, are working hard in the up
gradation of their management software by including advanced infrastructure templates,
libraries, API, and apps. In India, IBM is also approaching toward hybrid cloud and AI [15].
IBM invested $1 billion into a cloud ecosystem project in the month of August. They are
expected to invest more in the coming time. In India, 17% of organizations are planning to
spend investment from 42% to 49% on hybrid cloud by 2023 according to a study by IBM
IBV. Since India is heading toward a digital transformation and self-reliant camping, so the
opportunity of new technology adaptation also increasing.

1.2.4 Things to Remember When Deploying Hybrid Cloud

Having an understanding what hybrid cloud is and how it facilitates the activities of any
organization, now, we need to understand some factors that have to be considered before
the deployment of hybrid cloud.

• Selection of best suitable platform for cloud: As discussed, the need of every
organization is not same. Before deployment of the hybrid cloud, organi-
zations need to have a plan for the services; it will borrow from the public
Hybrid Cloud: New Paradigm in Cloud Computing 9

cloud. If it is going to use only SaaS, then it is not a problem but it is going
to use IaaS or PaaS and then it is very important to take the correct decision
from the commencement of the service as building a hybrid structure that
would not be able to handle additional workload generates severe problem.
• Whether to use unified OS or not: In true hybrid cloud, a unified OS is
installed in the middleware that basically governs the overall functionalities.
But in some cases, on-premise system may be operated by its own OS then
just with the help of internet they can connect to public cloud. The perfor-
mance of this architecture will be vast different from unified OS. OpenStack,
VMWare cloud, Nutanix, and Kubernetes are some example of cloud OS
framework. These frameworks are sufficient building the middleware and it
provides OS and all supporting application for the smooth execution of all
activities in hybrid cloud.
• How to manage different activity: Huge amount of data need to be handled
in case of hybrid cloud. A hybrid system should look into smooth accessi-
bility of data, and at the same time, security of data needs to be guaranteed.
Anyone cannot host any data onto the public cloud. Proper personnel with
adequate experience need to be engaged for the management of dedicated
• How security of data will be guaranteed: Since data is moving in between
public and private cloud, it needs to be secured. Through security mecha-
nisms of public cloud, it has developed much from its early date but still it is
not 100% secure. There are always threats of data breach. Migration of sensi-
tive need special care as sight alteration in business sensitive data might cause
severe problem in the business.
• How to integrate public cloud with existing on-premise system: Amalgamation
of public cloud onto an existing on-premise system often needs several alter-
ations in the working of the existing on-premise system. Overall performance
of the system should always improve with the addition of the public cloud,
and it should not degrade.
• How to manage common backup and disaster recovery: Data need to be
backed up to ensure reliability and availability. Backing up of all the data both
in private and public cloud need to be done. At the same time, the system
should be able to handle catastrophic failure or disaster. How to maintain a
common routine for all the operational data to accommodate those situa-
tions is key to the success of hybrid cloud deployment.

Building a hybrid cloud is a complex procedure but successful implementation will pro-
vide scalability, flexibility, security, and cost saving. More and more organizations approach-
ing toward hybrid cloud for the current benefit and future growth.

1.3 Comparison Among Different Hybrid Cloud Providers

The major famous leading cloud computing vendors are Google Cloud, AWS, and
Microsoft Azure. They have their some advantages and disadvantages. These three leading
10 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

cloud providers have important role in the PaaS and IaaS markets. Synergy Research Group
reported that the growth of Amazon is very significantly high in overall growth of market.
It possesses a share of 33% of cloud market throughout the world. In second position, there
is Microsoft. Microsoft is very fast growing and in the last four quarters, and its share has
been increased by 3% and it reaches at 18%. Nowadays, cloud computing is become much
matured. It is becoming hybrid cloud, and it also becomes more enhanced as market share.
New trends have come to improve cloud computing system in 2020 than that of 2017, 2018,
and 2019 [17].
Hybrid cloud [17] provides strategy for enterprises that involve operational part of vari-
eties of job in varieties infrastructure, whether on private cloud and public cloud with a
proprietary different layers at the top level. Multi-cloud concept is similar kind of but not
to involve any private cloud. Hybrid cloud is the most popular strategy among enterprises;
58% of respondents stated that it is their choice able approach while 10% for a single public
cloud provider and 17% for multiple public clouds.

• Microsoft Azure Stack: Microsoft is a popular vendor that provides

hybrid cloud. Because it has huge on-premises legacy. The services of MS
Azure are developed on Windows Server. The .Net framework and the
Visual Studio provide better features of on apps for their smoother ser-
vices [17].
• AWS Outposts: Amazon’s Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a one of the best
product. It is one of the most popular in market and its share is next to the
Microsoft leading competitor. This company has variety of services and larg-
est data center that continues to provide facilities to billions of customers.
AWS is very well-known public cloud that offers many services to connect
for installations to the cloud. It also serves everything like disaster recovery
and burst capacity [17].
• Google Cloud Anthos: The Google Cloud Platform is another one popular in
hybrid cloud. It is a competitor of Microsoft AWS and IBM. Google primarily
made pure cloud system, but later, they changed policy and started to work
with on-premise systems for disaster recovery, elastic infrastructure, Big
Data, and DevOps. It also provides a huge number of cloud-based services.
The services are based on AI efforts based on AI processor and TensorFlow.
No one can buy TensorFlow system but can run AI and machine learning
apps on Google Cloud [17, 18].
• Oracle Cloud at Customer: This is another one popular hybrid cloud ser-
vice provider. It provides mostly on-demand service, in its own cloud system.
Unlike Azure, AWS, and GCP, this provider does not allow its software to
execute in virtual instances for any operation. But it runs on metal servers;
Oracle also offers this kind of service. Oracle cloud is also very easy to run its
apps on-premise on the cloud [18].
• IBM: IBM merged all of its cloud services, called IBM Cloud. It possesses
more than 170 types of services for public cloud and on-premise. These ser-
vices are not only limited to bare metal hosting and virtualized mode, con-
tainers, and server less computing, DevOps, AI/ML, HPC, and blockchain.
Hybrid Cloud: New Paradigm in Cloud Computing 11

It also offers to do lift and shift on-premise apps, executing on IBM plat-
forms [18].
• Cisco Cloud Center: Cisco is popular for private cloud that also offers hybrid
solutions via its partner. Cisco Cloud Center is more secured to manage and
deploy the applications in different data centers in both private and public
cloud environments. Cisco’s partner networks are Google, CDW, Accenture,
and AT&T. Google is the biggest partner among them. It offers the hybrid
connectivity and their solutions [18].
• VMware vCloud Suite: VMware provides vendor for virtualized services.
It is relatively new than that of other service providers. VMware has the
vSphere hypervisor. Customers can run in some known public clouds or
their own data centers or cloud provider partners. These cloud providers
are able to run vSphere on-premise that creates a stable hybrid cloud infra-
structure [19].

1.3.1 Cloud Storage and Backup Benefits

Protection of the confidential data is very difficult. Automatic backup of cloud storage is
flexible. It also provides data security.
Microsoft Azure is very effective in SaaS. Whereas, Google Cloud is strong in AI [18].
Table 1.1 gives a comparison among them.

1.3.2 Pros and Cons of Different Service Providers

All the cloud service providers have their own pros and cons. Their make themselves a suit-
able choice for different purposes. Here, the advantages and disadvantages are described for
all the providers. Table 1.2 provides a comparative study on this.

Table 1.1 Comparison between AWS Outpost, Microsoft Azure Stack, and Google Cloud Anthos.
AWS Outpost Microsoft Azure Stack Google Cloud Anthos
Amazon has a huge tool set The customer can run in Google has come to the
and that too is rapidly their own data center. cloud market later. So,
growing. No service Azure tries to incorporate it does not have that
providers can match with that. It provides the much level of focus to
with it. But the pricing facility of hybrid cloud incorporate the customers.
is bit puzzling. Though [19]. But the strength is its
providing service for A customer can replicate technical efficiency. Some
hybrid or public cloud is his environment in Azure of its efficient tools are
not amazon’s primary focus Stack. This is very useful in applicable in data analytics,
thus incorporation of cloud case of backup disaster and machine learning, and
services with on-premise for cutting cost. deep learning.
data is not in top priority
[20]. They primarily focus
on public cloud.
12 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Table 1.2 Pros and cons between AWS Outpost, Microsoft Azure Stack, and Google Cloud Anthos.
Vendor Strength Weakness
AWS Outpost 1. Dominant market position 1. Managing cost
2. Extensive, mature offerings 2. Very difficult for using
3. Effective use in large organizations 3. Options are overwhelming
Microsoft 1. Second largest service provider 1. Poor documentation
Azure Stack 2. Coupling with Microsoft software 2. Management tooling is incomplete
3. Set of features is vast
4. Provides Hybrid cloud
5. Open source supported
Google Cloud 1. Designed to serve for cloud-native 1. Enters late in IaaS market
Anthos enterprises 2. Less services and features
2. Provides portability and allows 3. Not focused for enterprise
open source
3. Huge discounts and suitable
4. Expertise in DevOps AWS Outpost

The strongest strength of Amazon is its effectiveness in public cloud. They provide services
through the world for its public cloud infrastructure. This cloud provider is very popular
because of its varieties operational scope. AWS provides different kind of services. It also
has a large network for worldwide data centers. The “Gartner” reported that this provider
is the most mature and enterprise-ready. It also has capabilities to govern a large amount of
resources and customers. But the weakness is its cost. Customers face difficulty to under-
stand its cost structure. It is also difficult to manage the costs while running a large volume
of workloads. Microsoft Azure Stack

Microsoft provides on-premises software—SQL Server, Windows Server, SharePoint,
Office, .Net, Dynamics Active Directory, etc. The reason of its success is most of the
enterprises uses Windows and its related software. As Azure is tightly coupled with its
other software applications, the enterprises, that use many Microsoft software, they
find Azure as a suitable platform. This is how it builds good relationship with their
existing customers. They also provide a remarkable discount on variety of services to
their existing customer. But, Gartner also reported some faults in their some of the
platforms [21]. Google Cloud Anthos

AWS and Azure offer the Kubernetes standard which is developed by Google. GCP is expert
in machine learning and Big Data analytics. It provides huge offers on that. It also provides
Hybrid Cloud: New Paradigm in Cloud Computing 13

offers in load balancing and considerable scale. Google is also efficient knowledge about
different data centers and quick response time. Google stands in third in the field of market
share [21]. But, it is rapidly increasing its offers. As per Gartner, clients choose GCP as a
secondary provider than that of primary provider.

1.3.3 Review on Storage of the Providers AWS Outpost Storage
• SSS to EFS: The storage services of AWS include its Elastic Block Storage
(EBS), Simple Storage Service (S3), and Elastic File System (EFS) for persistent
block storage, object storage, and file storage, respectively. It also provides
some new innovative products for storage that includes the Snowball and
Storage Gateway. Snowball is a physical hardware device, whereas Storage
Gateway creates a hybrid storage environment.
• Database and archiving: Aurora is a compatible database of SQL by
Amazon. It consists of different services like DynamoDB NoSQL database,
Relational Database Service (RDS), Redshift data warehouse, ElastiCache
in-memory data store, Neptune graph database, and Database Migration
Service. Amazon also offers long term storage known as Glacier. It is having
very low charges [20].
• Storage services: The storage services of Microsoft Azure include Queue
Storage, Blob Storage, File and Disk Storage for large-volume workloads, and
REST-based object storage of unstructured data respectively. Data Lake Store
is another storage that is used for big data applications.
• Extensive database: This extensive database provides three SQL-based
options. They are Database for MySQL, SQL Database, and Database for
PostgreSQL. Data Warehouse service is also provided as well. The services
are Table Storage for NoSQL and Cosmos DB. Its in-memory service is Redis
Cache and the hybrid storage service is Server Stretch Database. Those are
designed for the organizations that use Microsoft SQL Servers [22]. Unlike
AWS, Microsoft offers an actual Site Recovery service, Archive Storage, and
Backup service. Google Cloud Anthos Storage

• Unified storage and more: GCP has enormous level of storage services. The
unified object storage service is cloud storage. It also provides persistent disk
storage. It also offers a Transfer Appliance which is a similar kind of AWS
Snowball and online transfer services.
• SQL and NoSQL: GCP possesses the SQL-based Cloud and also provides
a relational database known as Cloud Spanner. Cloud Spanner is designed
for critical and complex workloads. It also provides NoSQL. They are Cloud
Datastore and Cloud Bigtable. No backup services and archive services are
14 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Table 1.3 Comparison between VMware Microsoft Amazon AWS.

Category VMware Microsoft Amazon AWS
Delivery mode Very simple Easy to follow Very easy
Ability to apply the Cost-effective Estimated cost Very affordable, $32 to
technology virtualization was around $255 per month [19]
solution, manage $4.99 per
to virtualize the month [19]
X86 computer
Integration It is an Edge PC Computes engine Web application,
with other Virtualization, for networking, website and database
applications Workstation 12.5 virtual storefront.
Pro, Fusion 8.5 - machines,
Windows on Mac®, SQL databases,
Workstation 12 storage,
Player- streamlined containers,
PC Virtualization security, API
for Business integration, etc.
Security Secure virtual box is Reliable Tight
possible to create,
manages files, using
SSL, SSH, etc.
Operating system Many operating Windows 8 and Both Linux and
and mobile systems like Windows 10 Windows.
compatibility Windows, Linux Able to compute, storage,
and Mac, etc. database, networking,
and content delivery.
Upgrades On demand Products Able to run
available at less updates.
Service-level Azure Cloud Easy
agreements provides
speedily and in
simple way.
Training/support Auditing, monitoring/
logging, storage creating
Scalability and Vendor is dependable
vendor reliability and revenue growth is
stable for Elastic Cloud
Compute (EC2) and
database usage [19]
Hybrid Cloud: New Paradigm in Cloud Computing 15

1.3.4 Pricing
Pricing is one of the challenging scenarios among these three hybrid cloud providers. Table
1.3 lists all the pricing related issues involved here.

• AWS Outpost: The pricing of Amazon is very inscrutable. Though it offers a

cost calculator, many variables involved here make it very difficult for proper
estimation [23].
• Azure Stack: Microsoft Azure is also complicated software. The licensing
options and their uses are applicable in specified case discounts. The pricing
structure is also difficult to understand of this provider.
• Google Cloud Anthos: The pricing of Google is different. It offers are
customer-friendly. So, it provides the least price than that of the other pro-
viders. It also provides huge discounts and flexible contracts to fulfill the pur-
pose of customers.

1.4 Hybrid Cloud in Education

Apart from business sectors, educational institutions can also take help of the hybrid
cloud for extending their on-premise legacy system [31]. They can build some appli-
cation on to the public cloud to student data management, resource management,
employee data management, etc., at ease releasing their IT team to do some other jobs.
An example can be some database of the student can be kept on-premise server while
front end web applications for the students can run onto the public cloud. Based on
specific performance or regularity needs, they can also move workloads dynamically
between public and private cloud may be for the specific period of time. Student and
staff and institutional data are very sensitive; they can be kept secure behind with their
own firewall and antivirus. Whereas with the help of the public cloud, several attractive
features can be provided, like job getting opportunity trend, research work prospect, and
study and lecture material of renowned professors, virtual labs, etc., without installing
any additional hardware or software solution system. Thus, by using “Build the base rent
the spike” deployment model, they can save the money. But security policies have to be
strict. Applications and infrastructures should be guided by different security policies.
Edge systems like email server, web server, and routers should be kept protected as they
can communicate with inside and outside the organization.

1.5 Significance of Hybrid Cloud Post-Pandemic

Adaptation of cloud-based services has grown tremendously after pandemic. Due to
COVID-19, every sector faces losses. Rapid shifting of business into online mode is the
current requirement. Organizations that have legacy infrastructure on premise cannot shift
to public cloud in a day and security also is a matter of consideration. As a result, hybrid
cloud is the most preferred solution.
16 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

• In COVID-19 pandemic situation, the world is compelled to move for

remote work. So, the video conferencing is tremendously increasing and all
the related data moves to the cloud. Enterprises are considering the cloud as
a digital transformation engine and as well. As the work is done remotely, the
jobs are majorly done in cloud infrastructure. Collaboration with Microsoft
Teams or Google Meet becomes very strong with the companies in broader
cloud ecosystem [17].
• Hybrid cloud has an aspiration to achieve target for companies. Companies
are well aware about their vendors and they want to transfer their applica-
tions to clouds. The multi-cloud conception is yielded among different ven-
dors. The vendor plug with many clouds like VMware or Red Hat [17, 18].
• Customers are getting tackier to the cloud service providers as more and
more corporate data are stored on the cloud. It is known that cloud comput-
ing vendors are trying enterprises to use their platforms to accumulate data
from everywhere.
• IoT, AI, edge computing, and data analytics will make difference among
the top cloud service providers. The market share grab has largely gone to
AWS, which was early, adds services at a rapid clip, and is the go-to cloud
service provider. AWS’ ability to upsell to AI, IoT, and analytics will be criti-
cal. Microsoft Azure Stack is also looking to differentiate via AI and machine
learning [18].
• If we look at the records provided by IDC, in the year 2020, public cloud
expenses have made a mark, for the first time, it has left behind old-style IT
structure. An increase of 34.4% has been recorded in cloud including private
and public. Whereas traditional IT infra fall out by 8%.
• Public hybrid cloud providers have the gap of capability between hyper scale
cloud providers. Competition for enterprise workloads yields secondary
markets throughout the world. The cloud service providers like Microsoft
Azure Stack, AWS Outpost, and Google Cloud Anthos have become finan-
cially strong.

1.6 Security in Hybrid Cloud

A properly designed, managed, and integrated hybrid cloud is considered to be as
secure as on-premise infrastructure. But reality is bit different. Gartner and WSJ [7]
have recently reported that 95% data breaches occur in cloud computing due to human
error. Here, in hybrid cloud, also human error plays a crucial role. Misconfiguration,
misunderstanding of system use, and accidental data sharing all results threat to secu-
rity. Security is essential in all application areas. Suppose in healthcare organizations
patients’ data should be kept hidden. Pathological reports of any patient are not expected
to be accessed by any unauthenticated person. Similarly in financial industry, trust is the
most important factors. Details of all customers’ sensitive data have been kept like their
income related info; their identification info their tax related document everything has
been kept there. Customer should feel protected about their data. It happens in all sec-
tors. With the help of public server and data centers, the business world is forwarding
Hybrid Cloud: New Paradigm in Cloud Computing 17

toward a new server free era but security measures have to be adjusted so that it can reap
up ultimate technological and financial benefits. Since hybrid cloud is a “one size fits for
all” solution for business development, it is advisable to look into the security issues
more closely as threats to sensitive data might cause problem. Here is a list of issues
specific to hybrid cloud security [11]:

• Authority: In hybrid environment, multiple functioning components scat-

tered through private and public cloud. Multiple services can also be taken
from multiple public clouds. So, customers of hybrid cloud should decide the
governance rule for components, functions, and data beforehand both for
private and public cloud.
• Portability: Supporting infrastructure must be there so that applications and
data may move between public and private cloud. Data portability causes
additional risk in hybrid cloud. Private data can be made secure by apply-
ing encryption techniques but when portability is allowed then who will be
responsible for the protection of data in transit need to be addressed.
• Presence of multiple interface: Multiple cloud may be present in a network
and each of them most likely is to have their own set of security and privacy
policy compounds. This acts as a back door for data breaching in case of
hybrid cloud.
• Lack of separation wall: Cloud customers have seamless access to private
and public resources. As a result of that, sometimes, intruders take an indi-
rect entry to penetrate the delicate data.
• Security issues handling: Reporting and subsequent measures for security
issues need to be shared to the customer as well as service providers so that
they will be extra cautious from the next access. Sometimes, customers face
unacceptable delay due to security issues, so in the SLA, it should be men-
tioned when and how they will be notified.
• Application and data protection: Protections offered by the cloud provid-
ers are getting stronger day by day but still they are not enough. Advanced
security information and event management (SIEM) solution need to be
• Vendor lock-in: Sometimes, due to lack of scalability or security issues, cloud
needs to be shifted from one vendor to other vendor. If the cost of switching
is so high that the customer is forced to stick to the origin, it is known as
vendor lock-in. Avoiding vendor lock-in needs to be included in the business
• Guard against shadow IT practice: Sometimes, within the organization,
some person or departments are using sensitive data without the knowledge
of the security group. This is called shadow IT practice, and often severe risks
are associated with it.

Although hybrid cloud is considered more secure than public cloud as it provides greater
control over the data but still data leakage, corruption, improper or unauthorized access,
and data deletion can only be handled by secure channel, access control, data validation,
18 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

and encryption. By doing the vulnerability management also security can be enhanced [32].
Risk assessment is often done to reduce vulnerability.

1.6.1 Role of Human Error in Cloud Security

As discussed, 95% of error in cloud security happens because of human error. Most of the
time errors are not intentional but lack of seriousness, lack of overall knowledge of the
system, poorly configured servers, misconfiguration, absence of proper authorization, etc.,
are players behind error generation. As a result, human expertise is not always believed
to make safeguards against security threats. New kind of services and technologies are
evolving every day for providing better services. There are automated security tools which
can scan cloud configuration regularly and can enforce security policies which will not let
intruders to get access.

1.6.2 Handling Security Challenges

When any organization is planning to deploy hybrid cloud, some box of tricks needs to
apply to reduce the security threats. Though cloud vendors generally provide security mea-
sures but still they see the task as shared responsibility, also in case of multi-tenant cloud
security algorithms are not same for all vendors. So, planning and standardization of all
activities can handle security challenges to a great extent. Some best ever practices are as

• Encrypt all data: Best possible means to secure data is to do the encryp-
tion. Encrypt all data irrespective of their location. In hybrid cloud, data
often move between two or more clouds and in transit data is vulnerable.
Encrypted data is less likely to be compromised. Selective encryption can be
more vulnerable as it is easy to identify which is encrypted and which is not.
Target selection becomes easier in this case and data becomes more suscep-
tible to threats.
• Strengthen authentication and authorization process: Access to data should
only be provided to authenticated user. Unnecessary and unauthorized access
has to be prevented. In hybrid cloud, different applications run on different
cloud, so access rights of different customer will not be same.
• Customer awareness: One of the most important part in security as it
can reduce human error to some extent. Customers should follow com-
mon guidelines for accessing data and services. They should be aware of
the security threats and will take measures accordingly. They should use
strong passwords and prevent access to sensitive data by any unauthenti-
cated application.
• Application of standardized process: Uniform standards have to be main-
tained; it should not be like any one can use anything. Network configuration,
password structure, firewall setup, auditing and monitoring, and database
maintenance everything need to be regulated. Regular updation of OS and
applications is essential.
Hybrid Cloud: New Paradigm in Cloud Computing 19

• Strong disaster recovery plan: Though event of system or application failure

in hybrid cloud is much less than other cloud, but still it can happen. Disaster
recovery plans should take action in those scenarios. Regular backup and
configuration of failover system should be a part of disaster recovery plan.
• Employ right security personnel: Infra and network administrators have the
most vital role to play in hybrid cloud computing. Employment of correct
personnel with adequate knowledge and experience can apprehend potential
threats beforehand and therefore can accommodate the system accordingly.
• Endpoint security: Hybrid cloud has more endpoints than on-premise sys-
tem. Each open endpoint is also entrance for potential attackers. Strict secu-
rity measures should be application for all inbound data.
• Multi-faced approach: It basically deals with both internal and external
vulnerabilities. Protecting our network from external threats is not enough
here, we need to concentrate on the internal threats also as the frequency of
internal threats is higher than external and also it has bigger effect onto the
• Pervasive encryption: It is a consumable approach for in flight and in rest
data encryption. Huge amount of data can be encrypted easily and in cost-­
effective way. IBM Z15 is a platform which provides pervasive encryption in
digital enterprise [26].

1.7 Use of AI in Hybrid Cloud

Organizations now completes for the customer satisfactions and operational efficiency. AI
and machine learning are the light bearer in this regard [12, 13]. A term in this regard
often circulated, i.e., “AI in the cloud”. Most of the cloud-based services provider designs
their management tool where some AI-based technologies are incorporated. This helps the
customer a range of facilities starting from image recognition to big data analysis [24]. The
biggest advantage of this adaptation is that you do not need expertise for deployment, or
configuration or management of the architecture models and prototypes are already there
for the developers. Banking sectors, automobile industries, e-commerce trades, etc., all the
approaching toward hybrid cloud and AI. For example in case of banking sector, they can
keep their customer details in private datacenters and can leverage public cloud services
for operational need. AI will help to analyze customer specific data, which can help the
organization to provide loans or offers customized according to the present need of the
customer. Also with help of the AI, 24x7 service can be provided, without actual interven-
tion of customer care executives. AI can also help in incident analysis. If sometimes the
system became irresponsive, AI can judge the situation and can suggest recovery measures.
Disaster recovery plans can also be toughen with the help of AI. Based on the previous
observations, AI can generate the pattern of the system might causes disaster, and there-
fore, preventive actions can be taken in advance. Automobile industries also approaching
toward adaptation of AI and hybrid cloud to provide best ever services and hazard free
maintenance. In case of e-commerce business, AI has most lucrative role to play. Analyzing
the buying pattern of the customer not only helps business to expand, it also can serve the
customer need in best possible way.
20 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

But is this adaptation sustainable is a million dollar question. Some experts commented
that use of AI is a fashion. But the easy-to-use nature and strong data mining methods
makes is worthy. Now, what about data privacy? Is the use of AI has any role to play in
data privacy? The answer is yes. In this case, AI has a major role to play. It can analyze the
attacker’s behavior and attacking pattern and accordingly can guide the network admin to
take corrective steps and measures.
Mainly, AI requires large amount of data for their data mining operations and these data
may come from several sources some internal and some external. When AI is used in public
cloud, we might hesitate to use the data which is highly secure. But the quest for data of
an AI engine is huge, as a result potential threats may arise. In July 2019, an incident was
happen between AWS and financial giant Capital One. A person was arrested for hacking
the data from the server of Capital One containing customer financial information. That
person was a former employee of AWS. Capital One uses AWS for sorting the data and
also on top of cloud; they built their app for analyzing the data. FBI then called and they
investigated that there was some issue in the firewall of Capital One, buy using which the
intruder has gain access to the data. AWS quickly responded that there was no issue from
their end and Capital One rectifies the misconfiguration in the firewall. But the data breach
has already happened. So, cloud security still in immature state as old approaches for secur-
ing internal data does not go the cloud. Here comes the hybrid cloud. Data security can be
ensured efficiently and adaptation of AI-based technologies is also possible as internal data
are kept hidden in private data centers, public cloud has no access to it.
Nutanix [27] provides a solution which is a turnkey for infra, aps, ops, and disaster
recovery. A ready-made platform which helps to make a secure private cloud, streamline
manual boring data operations, provides less complex management of database by using a
single policy for all data, manages data in a better way by storing all data in a single storage,
secures all data by providing visualization of policy and traffic works in different segments,
detects and quarantines infected portion of the network, automates IT operations with the
help of AI and ML, and does periodic backup of all data. This type of solution is highly
acceptable in the industry. Special use of AI makes Nutanix very attractive for building
secure hybrid cloud.
The amalgamation of AI into cloud has bring an evolution as AI was still complex, expen-
sive, and high-end technology which was out of the reach of the general masses [25]. But
now services of AI can be utilized by general masses without actually knowing the back-
ground technology. Several mobile apps and IoT work in this regard in an effective way.
Human like interfaces, self-service, and customer-oriented application are made possible
through the use of hybrid cloud and AI.
Use of AI made hybrid cloud more intelligence by playing a key part in cost analysis,
real-time decision-making, policy optimization, and workload distribution leaving the IT
experts to work on complex things rather than doing trivial tasks. AI-as-a-service is head-
ing toward next level. Cloud giants AWS, Microsoft, IBM, and Google all are doing invest-
ments on this to make their service better as this is a competitive world. Whoever will
provide better service in less cost will be more popular.
Quantifi [28] is one such solution. They are using AI/ML to perform risk analysis, data
analytics, portfolio management, and trading predictions. Some major banking sectors,
asset management companies, pension funds, and financial institutions are their customer.
By the use of AI, big data, Lamda architecture, and in-memory computing, Quantifi is one
Hybrid Cloud: New Paradigm in Cloud Computing 21

of the front benchers in risk assessment. Cross platform which supports Windows, Linux,
MacOS, and Adaptation of ELT layer provides various external data sources to commu-
nicate bi-directionally at ease; rich API helps to provide tools and functionalities to cli-
ents so that they can extend their business without knowing much of the technical details;
real-time business analysis and predictions are just one click away. Quantifi uses Microsoft
Azure for its cross platform application development.
IBM Watson [29, 30] is another pioneer in this regard. It a tool where can give their
instructions using natural language. This AI-powered search engine can answer complex
business queries on demand. The natural language understanding capability makes it
more interesting as otherwise for getting high-end business insight may be lines of code
has to be written. Watson is also used with other AI-based tools for providing a platform
which provides better customer services. This allows client to run all Watson products,
IBM’s own AI products on IBM cloud or any cloud from other vendors. It can club pri-
vate cloud services also.
Lots of other tools are also available which use AI and hybrid cloud for better customer

1.8 Future Research Direction

The adaptation of hybrid cloud still is in nurture state. It is not exhaust in nature. High pos-
sibility of amalgamation of different technologies makes it useful and difficult to handle also
in some cases. Here is a list of future research directions:

• Standardization is a vital part of cloud architecture. No uniform standard is

there for setting up the hybrid cloud architecture. Research can be done in
this direction.
• Orchestration of hybrid cloud often requires huge power consumption
and high-end networking. Use of green energy sources can be kept as an
• Security is always a concert. Intrusion detection and encryption techniques
should be able to handle advanced threats. The pattern of attacks is changing
every day so to cope up with that security measures also need to be updated
also. Thus, it a subject of research all the time.
• Use of AI and data analytics can do wonders. Many researches are already
going on in this direction but still scopes are there.
• Reliability still is a major issue in hybrid cloud computing, some portion of
the network may remain unavailable for some period of time. How failover
plans can be made stronger so that it can handle these issues in transparent
way is a matter of consideration.
• SLA is a portion where more research should be done. Miscommunication,
misinterpretation, and lack of information often cause problem. In multi-
cloud system, it is more prominent.
22 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

1.9 Conclusion
Hybrid cloud offer several benefits but complex large and distributed nature makes it hard
to handle. It keeps business sensitive data in private data centers for their protection and
use public cloud for additional services. But still, management and monitoring of all in
bound data is not always possible. As a result, security issues always happen. IT security is
always challenging, and in case of hybrid platform it seems more complicated. Use of AI
can do miracles in cloud computing. Adaptation of AI and hybrid cloud is new trend in
the industry. So, by taking reasonable thoughts and with judiciously designed automation
system in middleware hybrid cloud can offer exciting features in cost-effective way. Leading
organizations are moving forward the adaptation of hybrid cloud and AI as it can provide
scalable, cost-effective, flexible, user friendly, and secure solution.

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Recognition of Differentially Expressed
Glycan Structure of H1N1 Virus Using
Unsupervised Learning Framework
Shillpi Mishrra *

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Techno India University, Kolkata, India

Influenza A (H1N1) virus created a pandemic situation around the world from 1918 to 1919. More
than 10,000 cases have been reported to the World Health Organization (WHO). It affects species
and sometimes in humans. Binding of hemagglutinin and some types of glycan receptors is the
major ingredients for virus infections. In this work, we take both H1N1 infected human and non-
infected human glycan datasets and identify differentially expressed glycans. In this work, we narrate
a computational frame work using the cluster algorithm, namely, k-means, hierarchical, and fuzzy
c-means. The entire methodology has been demonstrated on glycan datasets and recognizes the set
of glycans that are significantly expressed from normal state to infected state. The result of the meth-
odology has been validated using t-test and F-score.

Keywords: Glycan receptors, differentially expressed glycan, clustering, k-means, fuzzy, F-score,
glycan cloud

2.1 Introduction
Influenza A is a widespread infectious disease caused by the influenza virus that can easily
spread from one person to another by coughing, sneezing, etc. This virus infects hosts like
humans, sea-mammals, and swine. The first reported pandemic from 1918 to 1919 and the
other two pandemics occurred in the 20th century [1–3]. Every year, 250,000 to 500,000
deaths occurred worldwide for this virus. In the past few years, there are lots of disasters that
occurred, for example, pandemic named “Spanish Flu” caused the global death of 60 to 100
million people in the 1918. In 2009, scientists recognized a particular strain of influenza A
virus which is known as H1N1 [4, 5]. H1N1 is normally found in swine. For this reason, it is
also called “Swine Flu” or “Pig Flu” or “Swine influenza viruses (SIVs)”. It is a human respi-
ratory infection caused by the H1N1 influenza that is basically started in pigs and contains
RNA virus with a segmented genome. It is also called orthomyxovirus because it contains
haemagglutinin and neuraminidase glycoproteins. Transmission of swine flu to humans is

*Email: [email protected]

Rajdeep Chakraborty, Anupam Ghosh and Jyotsna Kumar Mandal (eds.) Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for
Cloud Security, (25–40) © 2022 Scrivener Publishing LLC

26 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

rare. But, swine flu can be transmitted to humans via contact with infected swine or envi-
ronments contaminated. Once a human gets infected, humans can then spread this virus
to other humans, and in the same way, swine flu is spread (i.e., cough or sneezing). It is a
mystery that when and where pandemic reassortments will happen. Lots of reports suggest
that this type of reassortments is very frequent between human viruses [6]. Influenza has
been found very frequently with co-infections and reassortment of swine and human. Cell
surface oligosaccharide receptors of the swine windpipe present a NeuAcalpha2, 6 Gal link-
ages, and preferred by human viruses. Some glycans with sialic acid α2,6-linked (SA2,6Gal)
are detected more immense in the upper airways than the lower airways in the human body
[7–10]. According to the “central dogma” biological concept, double-stranded DNA is sim-
ulated into RNA and this RNA carries some instructions for making proteins that mean
DNA to RNA to protein. Glycosylation and phosphorylation are the post-translational
modifications techniques that are required to estimate for the accurate regulation that is
required by the living system. Every cell is wrapper up with a coat (solid) of glycans to create
interface of molecular between the cells and environment of cells. Glycosylation is basically
enzymatic techniques where this technique is the key factors to establish the connection of
carbohydrates to proteins through nitrogen and oxygen links. Whole process happens with
the Endoplasmic Reticulum (cell) that arranged with different types of glycol-sialyltransfer-
ases and glycosidases [9–16]. The immune system is an important component to keep up a
hygenic and well balanced system that is very organized by a sequence of stimulatory and
restrictive ways. If whole system is broken down, then autoimmunity can occur for loss of
immune tolerance and it can also effect in unusual costimulatory signals. The proper growth
and function of the immune system confide pair on the glycan-structures (expression) and
glycan-binding proteins, and the association between them. Innate immune is responsible
to identify the molecular “patterns” that basically find on microbes. Microbes are responsi-
ble to bind by pattern recognition receptors that is one kind of protein to identify molecules
in pathogen, C-type (calcium-dependent), lectins (types are Dectin-1 and DC-SIGN), and
mannose-binding lectin. The glycans that are found on sensors of innate immune system
can be classified by two effects they are “direct” and “indirect” effects [11–15] and these are
playing important role in influencing microbe-host interactions and T and B cell identi-
fication. Glycan-binding proteins known as GBP are very important within the immune
systems that are basically the lectins and the sialic acid-binding immunoglobulin (Siglecs).
Within the lectin family, lots of pattern recognition receptors are present like as DC-SIGN
and Dectin-1 and the selectins that are L-selectin, E-selectin, and P-selectin. For leukocyte
function, lectins are very complex to communicate with the glycans of cell surface that
are basically sialyl-LewisX and 6′-sulfo-sialyl-LewisX. To bind the glycoprotein as counter
receptors, L-lectins are expressed by leukocytes on endothelial cells for directing naive T
cells. In contrast, on endothelial cells, E-lectins and P-lectins are both expressed as a impact
of inflammation. The selectins and their glycan ligands interactions facilitate adherence of
leukocytes along the endothelium and allowing the cells to migrate into tissues in response
to chemokines that are bound to glycol-saminoglycans [12–18]. This way, communica-
tion of glycans and selectins are responsible for leukocyte function by arranging restricted
to the ideal anatomic field. Another group of glycan-binding molecules are siglecs. But
siglecs’ function is perfectly separate from lectins (c-type) and galectins. Siglecs are also
receptors of cell surface for recognizing sialic acids and high-ranking vertebrates. It has
also cytoplasmic tails that holds more than immune-receptor inhibitory motif sequences
RDEG H1N1 Virus 27

(tyrosine-based). Glycans holds different types of effects (indirect) on lymphocyte function

[12–19]. To reduce the N-glycans’ complexity on T-cell receptors, these effects are resulted
to raised T-cell receptors clustering and signaling at antigen density (lower). In the T-cell
receptors signaling process, galectin is not directly engaged and Mgat5 enzyme plays an
important role to contribute of N-glycan complexity that increase autoimmune disorders of
H1N1 disease and had raised sensibility to empirical autoimmune encephalitis. Similarly,
decease of N-glycan complexity on glycoproteins of the cell surface is changed the signaling
via lectins and cytokine receptors [17–22].
In 2015, a framework has been proposed of the genetics of the new strain and recognized
its nearest relatives in swine using a cluster analysis approach like as the PCA and k-means
clustering algorithm and suitable with a reassortment of Eurasian and North American swine
viruses [5, 20]. Glycoproteins are the key elements of human pathogenic viruses and perform
important roles in infection and immunity. The influenza A virus contains two surface gly-
coproteins which consist of hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) that dominate the
virion exterior and form antibodies. One major of the components of the outermost layer of
viruses is glycans. The communication between the viral pathogens with pathogens’ hosts is
affected by the glycans’ pattern and glycan-binding receptors. Due to the mass branching of
carbohydrates, they are the complex bio-molecules, and in this process, various glycopro-
teins are used to recognize with human pathogens (virus). Infectious glycans can be either
virus-encoded or can be host-derived that usually obtained by humoral immune responses
(high) within the human body. HA and NA both are responsible for creating a connection with
envelope glycoproteins of the influenza virus. When HA communicates with terminal sialyl
residues of oligosaccharides that ensure the binding of the virion to the cell surface. To elimi-
nate sialyl residues from oligosaccharides contained in cell and virus components, NA is also
needed. It is a receptor-destroying enzyme that prevents aggregation of virus particles [7, 25].
In this paper, our goal is to identify differentially expressed glycan. The clustering algo-
rithms have been applied to H1N1 infected human datasets and non-infected human data-
set. After that, we compare infected with the non-infected dataset and identify differentially
expressed glycan.

2.2 Proposed Methodology

Input: Let, the dataset D consists of “n” number of glycan with “m” number of parame-
ter values like RFU (relative fluorescence units), STDEV (standard deviation), and SEM
(squared error mean). Each glycan is a vector and is represented by g1, g2, g3, …, gi, …, gn.
The dataset D has two states normal (represented by DN) and diseased or H1N1 infected
state (represented by DI).

Output: Differentially expressed glycan identification G’

Step-1: Apply clustering algorithm “C” on normal (represented by DN) and diseased or
H1N1 infected state (represented by DI).

( )
Step-2: Result for normal state = C N = C1N ,C 2N ,C 3N , … ,C Nj , … ,C Nk ; similarly, result for
infected state = C I = ( C1I ,C I2 ,, … ,C Ik ) ; Here, clusters number is k.
28 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Step-3: Find out the identical clusters or matched clusters between normal states to infected

Step-4: Perform cluster comparison and identify the differentially expressed glycan set G
that has been changed quite significantly.

G = ( C1N  C I2 ) U ( C1N  C I3 ) U( C1N  C Ik ) U( C Nk −1  C Ik )

Step-5: For multiple glycan datasets D1, D2,…, Dt, the resultant glycan set will be repre-
sented as G’= G1∩G2…∩Gt; here, G1 is the differentially expressed glycan set obtained in
Step 4 for dataset D1.

The entire methodology has been depicted in Figure 2.1. In this paper, three clustering
algorithms are used:
The first algorithm has been applied that is the k-means clustering and was proposed by
scientist J.B. Macqueen. The actual idea behind this algorithm is to identify k centroids one
for each cluster or group.

(1) At first, choose some points to represent initial cluster focal points.
(2) Secondly, assign each object to a cluster that has closed centroids.
(3) Thirdly, when all objects are assigned, then recalculate the position of the k
centroids, and lastly, this process will be continued until the centroids no lon-
ger move and this basically produces separation of the objects into clusters
from which the metric is to be minimized can be calculated [23].

The hierarchical clustering is the second algorithm. It groups similar objects into groups
(cluster). In this algorithm, it basically treats every observation as an individual cluster.
After that, it iterates the following steps continuously:

(1) At first, consider the two clusters or groups that are closest together.
(2) Then, combine the two most similar clusters. Until all the clusters are com-
bined together, this process continues [24].

The fuzzy c-means clustering is the last and third algorithm. This algorithm’s concept is
very like to the k-means clustering. The algorithm is as follows:

(1) At first, identify clusters number.

(2) Then, randomly assign coefficients to each data point for being in the clusters.
(3) Until the algorithm has converged, repeats (1) and (2) step:
(i) Compute centroid of each cluster or group.
(ii) For every data point, compute the coefficient of being in the cluster.

2.3 Result
Result section consists of description of datasets, analysis of results, and validation of results.
RDEG H1N1 Virus 29


Collection data for Human

Load data into R console

K-means clustering Hierarchical Clustering Fuzzy C means

Result 1 Result 2 Result 3

Normal Infected Normal Infected Normal Infected

Compare Compare Compare

Dif ferentially Expressed Glycans

Figure 2.1 Flowchart of the methodology.

2.3.1 Description of Datasets

Influenza sequences (glycan dataset) are taken from the National Centre for Biotechnology
Information. At first, to perform searching operation, Basic Local Alignment Search Tool
(BLAST) has been applied on H1N1 infected human datasets of Influenza A/447/08 at
Oklahoma, Influenza A/1138/08 at Oklahoma, and Influenza A/447/08 at Oklahoma and
on non-infected normal human of Influenza A/California/04/2009-4C. The dataset of
H1N1 contains glycan data in Oklahoma City and the dataset of normal human contains
glycan data in California City. The dataset consists of 442 different glycans and list of linkers
are sp0, sp8, sp9, sp12, etc. Individual columns of the dataset represent the glycan numbers,
glycan structure, the RFU, the STDEV value, and the SEM.

2.3.2 Analysis of Result

In this paper, unsupervised machine learning method like as k-means, hierarchical, and
fuzzy c-means algorithm are shown to prove excellent classification performance and
have been successfully applied in data analysis of H1N1 infected and non-infected data-
sets. At first, k-means clustering algorithm are applied on H1N1 infected dataset Influenza
30 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

A/447/08 at Oklahoma, Influenza A/1138/08 at Oklahoma, and Influenza A/447/08 at

Oklahoma and on non-infected dataset Influenza A/California/04/2009-4C that are shown
in Figures 2.2 to 2.5. Same process will be repeated for hierarchical clustering algorithms
that are shown in Figures 2.6 to 2.8. Fuzzy c-means has applied on above-mentioned datasets
that are shown in Figures 2.9 to 2.11. After completing cluster analysis, we have collected
those glycan structures where the value of RFU, STDEV, and SEM has been significantly
changed from normal state to infected state.


0 5 10

Figure 2.2 K-means cluster analysis of Influenza A (H1N1) non-infected human.


0 5 10

Figure 2.3 K-means cluster analysis of Influenza A (H1N1) infected human.

RDEG H1N1 Virus 31



-2 0 2 4 6 8 10

Figure 2.4 K-means cluster analysis of Influenza A (H1N1) infected human.


0 5 10

Figure 2.5 K-means cluster analysis of Influenza A (H1N1) infected human.

2.3.3 Validation of Results T-Test (Statistical Validation)
The t-test statistical validation has been applied for comparing the means of two samples
(infected and normal), even if they have different number of glycans. The following steps
are used to solve t-test validation:

a) List H1N1 infected datasets for sample 1.

32 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

b) List normal dataset for sample 2.

c) Record the number replicates (in the data set, n = 3) for sample (The number
of replicates for sample1, i.e., n1 is 3, the number of replicates for sample2,
i.e., n2 is 3).
d) Compute the mean of both n1 and n2 (x1’, x2’). [mean = total/n]
e) Compute the standard deviation (σ) for each sample (σ1, σ2). Where, σ2 =
∑d2/(n − 1)
f) Compute the variance that is the difference between the two means ( σ 2b ) .
Where σ 2b = σ12 /n1 + σ 22 /n2
g) Compute σb (square root of σ 2b).
h) Compute the p value as follows:

p = (x1’ – x2’) / σb

Cluster Dendrogram
0 5000 10000

dist(a[, 1:3])
hclust (*, ‘complete”)

Figure 2.6 Hierarchical cluster analysis of Influenza A (H1N1) infected human.

Cluster Dendrogram
2000 4000 6000 8000 10000

dist(a[, 1:3])
hclust (*, “complte”)

Figure 2.7 Hierarchical cluster analysis of Influenza A (H1N1) infected human.

RDEG H1N1 Virus 33

Cluster Dendrogram

dist(a[, 1:3])
hclust (*, “complete”)

Figure 2.8 Hierarchical cluster analysis of Influenza A (H1N1) infected human.

Cluster plot
5.0 260

262 259
241 220
2.5 314
341246 315 300292
362 257 51
255 54
240 244
320 343 340 53
Dim2 (13.7%)

130 250254 242 310

437230 363 43 256 cluster
128 321 263 1
0.0 325 2
356 245 52
70373 247 327 3
261 311
285 407

0 5 10
Dim1 (86.3%)

Figure 2.9 Fuzzy c-means cluster analysis of Influenza A (H1N1) infected human. Statistical Validation

In this article, on both datasets, k-means algorithm has been applied where k value is 3.
Secondly, on the same datasets, hierarchical algorithm has been applied. At last, on the
same datasets, fuzzy c-means algorithm has been applied where cluster number is 3. Total
numbers of glycans are 442 that are present in all datasets. On host cell surfaces, these 442
glycans are displayed and act as sensory receptors that basically identify the glycoproteins
of the viral surface. Consider an example where these 442 glycan structures concluded by
sialic acid a2, 3- or a2, 6-linked that is called N-acetyl neuraminic acid which acts as recep-
tors for H1N1. The upper respiratory surface of human mainly displays sialylated glycan
receptors that are executed with a2 to 6-linked sialic acid. Moreover, various types of glycan
receptors are responsible to identify the hemagglutinin glycoprotein (HA) on the outermost
34 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Cluster plot
262 241

348 340313
53 362
299 128 246 327
319 243
Dim2 (10.5%)

433 51 cluster
310 242 341
300 342 258
320 245261 292 1
256 2
321 325
240343 311315 260 3
244 36343 257
233 314
263 255 407
254 220



0 5 10
Dim1 (89.5%)

Figure 2.10 Fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm of Influenza A (H1N1) infected human.

Cluster plot

249 327 242
2 255
239222 437 310
245 43
225 223
232 300 221 321
Dim2 (11.3%)

290 257 407 236 343 272 cluster

292 233 252 260
244 1
215 254 228 238
52 315 332 323 214
241256 271 2
0 240 53 342 221 341
259 3
374 362 54 273
216 314 340262 256
234 253 51
311 320
58 313 250
19 263 372
114 363


0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0

Dim1 (88.7%)

Figure 2.11 Fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm of Influenza A (H1N1) infected human.

part of influenza A viruses. This way, human can be infected and H1N1 viruses transmit
via respiratory droplets in humans. Nineteen differentially expressed glycans are found out
of 442 after applying three clustering algorithms. After that, t-test statistical validations are
applied on the infected and non-infected (normal) datasets. In Table 2.1, nineteen differen-
tially expressed glycans are found after t-test validation.
After that, type-I and type-II errors are used for finding the accuracy and predicting the
output between the actual and predicted values. Table 2.2 is represented as rows and columns
where rows are experiment and columns are represented as gold set. The meaning of true
positive (TP) is that the set of glycans are identified by our experiment as same as the result
mentioned in the gold set. True negative (TN) means that the set of glycans are identified by
RDEG H1N1 Virus 35

Table 2.1 Significant glycan list.

Sr. no. Structure
1 Neu5Aca2-3(6-O-Su)Galb1-4(Fuca1-3)GlcNAcb-Sp8
2 Neu5Aca2-6Galb1-4GlcNAcb1-3Galb1-4(Fuca1-3)GlcNAcb1-3Galb1-4(Fuca1-3)

3 Galb1-4GlcNAcb1-2Mana1-3(Neu5Aca2-6Galb1-4GlcNAcb1-2Mana1-6)
4 GlcAb1-3GlcNAcb-Sp8
5 Mana1-2Mana1-2Mana1-3(Mana1-2Mana1-6(Mana1-2Mana1-3)Mana1-6)Mana-Sp9
6 GlcNAcb1-2Mana1-3(Galb1-4GlcNAcb1-2Mana1-6)

7 Galb1-4GlcNacb1-2(Galb1-4GlcNacb1-4)Mana1-3(Galb1-4GlcNacb1-2(Galb1-
8 Galb1-3Galb1-4GlcNAcb-Sp8
9 Galb1-3(Neu5Aca2-6)GalNAca-Sp14
10 Neu5Aca2-6Galb1-4Glcb-Sp0
11 Neu5Aca2-3Galb1-4GlcNAcb1-2Mana1-3(Neu5Aca2-3Galb1-4GlcNAcb1-
12 Neu5Aca2-6Galb1-4GlcNAcb1-2Mana1-3(Neu5Aca2-3Galb1-4GlcNAcb1-
13 Neu5Aca2-6GlcNAcb1-4GlcNAcb1-4GlcNAc-Sp21
14 Neu5Aca2-3Galb1-4GlcNAcb-Sp8
15 Neu5Aca2-6Galb1-4GlcNAcb-Sp0
16 Neu5Gca2-3Galb1-4(Fuca1-3)GlcNAcb-Sp0
17 Neu5Aca2-3Galb1-4GlcNAcb1-3Galb1-3GlcNAcb-Sp0
18 Neu5Aca2-6Galb1-4GlcNAcb1-3Galb1-6GlcNAcb-Sp8
19 Neu5Aca2-3Galb1-3GalNAcb1-4(Neu5Aca2-8Neu5Aca2-3)Galb1-4Glcb-Sp0

Table 2.2 The tabular format has been created from the
above diagram.
Gold Set

Positive (+) Negative (−)

Positive (+) T_Pos F_Pos

Negative (−) F_Neg T_Neg

36 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

our experiment not same as the result mentioned in the gold set. False negative (FN) means
that the set of glycans are identified by our experiment which is missing in our experiment.
False positive (FP) means that the set of glycans are identified by our experiment that positive
but missing in the gold set. Type-I and Type-II errors are described in Figure 2.12.
The performance of the method has been validated using various statistical measure-
ments & metrices. For details, please refer to Table 2.3. The visual representation of the
method's performance has also been depicted in Figure 2.13.
In our experiment, the value of t-pos = 14, F_pos = 5, F_Neg = 5, and T_neg = 418.
Performance of our method using various metrices.




Figure 2.12 Concepts of type-I and type-II error in terms set.

Table 2.3 Performance of the method using various metrices.

Parameter Value
Sensitivity 0.736
True negative rate 0.976
Precision 0.736
Negative-predictive value 0.163
Miss rate 0.263
Fall out 0.011
False discovery rate 0.357
False omission rate 0.011
Threat score 0.583
Prevalence threshold 0.149
Accuracy 0.977
Balance accuracy 0.856
Matthews correlation coefficient 0.725
Fowlkes-Mallows index 0.736
Informedness or bookmarker informedness 0.712
Markedness −0.101
F-score 0.736
RDEG H1N1 Virus 37





0.7 Matthews correlation

coef f icient
ACCURACY correlation
coef f icient

Figure 2.13 Performance measurements of the F-score, balance accuracy, and Matthews correlation

Glycan Dataset
Application Data Compression


Exact, transform and load

Tool (ETL Tool)
& upload
Third Party Storage f iles
Auditor for backup



Users (Data Storage)

Figure 2.14 Block diagram of glycan cloud.

2.3.4 Glycan Cloud

There are two types of data sets stored in the cloud, namely, glycan dataset and result data.
In Figure 2.14, dataset can be stored either. Dataset can be stored either in the form of files
or in form of blocks in the cloud. Accessing the cloud is based on internet or intranet. To
store the glycan dataset in the cloud storage system, one can move to any location that
supports internet access. To save and recover the information, it is not essential to carry
38 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

physical storage device or use the same computing systems. In this cloud system, security
is also a major issue. When data will be stored securely in the cloud, security measures will
be followed by authentication, encryption, tokens, and data replication. Authentication is
the key security features where authorized user can access this glycan dataset stored in the
cloud storage. Dataset of glycan and generated data should be encrypted first and store in
the cloud. Only authorized user should know about the decryption key to access the dataset
and final resulting framework. Tokens are generated by the third party auditor to check all
data set and certify that whether the resultant information is corrupted or not. Hence, the
data compression is used to speed up file transfer and decrease the cost of storage hardware,
whereas the Exact, Transpose, and Load tool (ETL tool) is used to avoid redundancy, save
space, and filter data for data replication. Moreover, data replication is used to back up mul-
tiple copies of data at different locations.

2.4 Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper, the deep study of epidemic models and methodologies has been investi-
gated, and hence, we proposed a new model that has not been used in the earlier studies.
This model will include unsupervised algorithms in which the system will be trained in
order to capture and react to influenza-like activities so that the preventive measures can
be taken to get rid of the epidemic as early as possible and we have established a proposed
method for identifying of differentially expressed glycans. We will extend this work in
future to find bonding between glycoproteins structure and moreover how the structure
of glycan will change from host to host and estimate the mathematical parameters for
the molecular insight of epidemiological characteristics in pandemic H1N1 influenza
virus and also find the relationship between biosecurity and glycan. Biosecurity basi-
cally defines lots of attempts that secure biological dynamism, abnormality, and future
of biology. In this article, we have to take some biosecurity concerns to control arising
infectious diseases and pandemic flu and also organize some biosecurity events for the
swine flu pandemic. The novel H1N1 virus has been recognized within swine in vari-
ous countries like as Asia and Europe. Swine producers should be responsible to save
themselves, farm workers, and swines from the further develop of H1N1. They should
take biosecurity precautions that are respecting to the virus. The National Pork Board is
requesting farm producers and veterinarians to maintain the precautions. At first, main-
tain biosecurity cultures to prevent the H1N1 to take entry their swineherd and also pay
attention thoroughly for swines’ health, and take some necessary precautions to reduce
its spread. Farm producers need to follow up all rules to prevent spread of the H1N1
virus between human to human.
Several of the herds have been infected with the H1N1 virus that infected farm workers
likely passed the virus to pigs. If producers restrict the crowd of people in their swine farm,
also spread and implement bio-security rules for farm workers like as do not allow peo-
ple who suffer flu-like symptoms, this way they can prevent H1N1. It is also essential that
when workers will enter the pig farm, they require valveless respirators mask, gloves, and
other personal protective equipment to prevent it. Before entering the pig farm, all people
must clean up hands and arms with hot water and soap and produces should arrange the
clothing and shoe (farm-specific) for entering within the pig farm. Cheer up farm workers
RDEG H1N1 Virus 39

to maintain all rules of biosecurity. Symptoms of the H1N1 influenza virus are basically
fever, cough, body aches, and sometimes vomiting. They should provide farm workers with
personal protective equipment and training. Vaccination is very important to stop human
infections from stain of seasonal human influenza. Still, vaccination will decrease the
amount of spreading H1N1 and virus shed if infected during outbreaks of human influenza
and will give a boundary for human influenza virus infection of swines.

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Selection of Certain Cancer Mediating Genes Using
a Hybrid Model Logistic Regression Supported
by Principal Component Analysis (PC-LR)
Subir Hazra*, Alia Nikhat Khurshid and Akriti

Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology, Kolkata, India

In recent times, gene selection whose mutation is associated with some cancers is a promising
research area. An important tool to progress in this research work is analyzing microarray gene
expression data. Literature survey shows that different algorithms based on Machine Learning
have been found effective in cancer classification and gene selection. The selected genes play a
significant role as a clinical decision-making support system. It becomes helpful in diagnosing
cancer by identifying genes whose expression level changes significantly. As microarray gene
expression data is huge in number, so developing gene selection algorithm through Machine
Learning approach incurs high computational complexity. Too many features can cause of over
fitting and gives poor performance for the algorithm. In the present article, we developed a hybrid
approach where we reduced number of features using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and
then applied Logistic Regression model for prediction of genes. After fitting Logistic Regression
on test data, it is compared with an accuracy score. By checking the accuracy score, finally, the
set of candidate genes is selected whose expression levels are manifested disproportionately. The
generated sets of genes are identified for having correlation with certain cancers. The proposed
method is demonstrated with two datasets, viz., colon and lung cancer. The result has been finally
validated biologically using NCBI database. The efficacy and robustness of the method have also
been evaluated.

Keywords: Gene expression, PCA, Logistic Regression, dimensionality reduction, accuracy score,
classification, F-score

3.1 Introduction
All cancer is the result of gene mutations. Mutations may be caused by several factors.
Normal cells turn into cancerous cells largely due to mutations in their genes. Often, it is
observed that a cell becomes cancer cell, when several mutations are involved. The muta-
tions can influence various genes that control the division and growth of cells. Identifying

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Rajdeep Chakraborty, Anupam Ghosh and Jyotsna Kumar Mandal (eds.) Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for
Cloud Security, (41–60) © 2022 Scrivener Publishing LLC

42 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

the genes having correlation with certain cancer is a challenging task. Gene expression
data obtained by high-performance–based technology, viz., DNA sequencing and DNA
microarray, both have been proven to have high impact in cancer research [1]. Gene selec-
tion can help in many ways like cancer treatment, proper diagnosis, and drug discovery [2].
With the invention and advancement of DNA microarray technology, monitoring the levels
of expression of thousands of genes is possible but the key task is to derive information from
the vast amount of biological data and realizing the underlying patterns [3]. Over the past
few decades, a lot of tools based on various computational techniques have been developed
in the domain of cancer classification for making advancement in medical science which
essentially improves the competence of biologists and physicians for detecting cancer medi-
ating biomarkers [4].
Cancer classification with the help of analyzing microarray gene expression data is a
conventional method nowadays. The biological relevance of genes substantially influences
the accuracy of cancer classification. Thus, selection of genes plays a pivotal role and might
be observed as main factor for classification of cancer on the basis of microarray data. The
process of gene selection relates to the task of selecting a few significant genes that better
characterizes the variations [5]. It is always effective to put focus some important genes
which are obviously smaller in number and might differ in their expression levels from
non-cancerous state to cancerous one. Thus, from the whole genome, only a few number of
genes which are dominant should be identified by using effective gene selection method [6].
But extracting information from the vast amount of biological data and understanding the
patterns is the most appealing task. This correlation is more pronounced when these genes
are located on the same biological path. In this situation, the procedures traditionally used
for feature selection often overlook the relationships between genes and select only a few
the set of genes which are mostly linked. The irrelevant genes not only contribute to lower
output of the classification but also bring additional difficulties in locating genes which are
descriptive in nature [7].
Analyze microarray data and selection of informative genes is always a demanding
task. Due to presence of diversity and complexity in different types of cancer, the task
is more challenging. With the emergence in the field of biotechnology a bulk amount
of data is being generated by utilizing high-density oli-gonucleotide chips and cDNA
arrays [8, 9]. Researchers now can measure thousands of gene expression data simul-
taneously. But there is lack of suitable algorithm to extract knowledge and mine the
information from this type of biological data source which is very much significant. So,
the increased demand always persists to explore and design suitable algorithm/s. While
analyzing microarray data, one of the most significant applications is to classify the tis-
sue samples that belong to normal and cancerous state. Nevertheless, during such appli-
cation, it has always been observed that a large number of genes are identified which
are irrelevant. So, this genes has got no impact on clinical application, and as a result,
the efficiency of the method gets compromised [10, 11]. On the other side of the coin,
working and interpreting with the huge number of genes incurs lack of feasibility. Thus,
it is obvious to select accurate number of relevant genes by analyzing microarray data
and has become really a promising one. Selecting these important genes is very much
important from different angles of medical science which includes drug discovery, tar-
geted therapy, prognosis, and sometimes early detection [12, 13].
Selection of Cancer Mediating Genes by PC-LR 43

Gene expression data generated through high-throughput technology comes in the form
of matrix where each rows represents gene expression level but columns are the samples. As
gene expression is considered as the features which is a very large but the experimental data,
i.e., the samples are very few in numbers so it becomes really a complex task to work with.
This is a real problem to start with the work with such huge dimensionality. Many algorithms
based on different Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques have been experimented over the
years to find solution. Different algorithm based on Machine Learning (ML) approach, a
branch of AI has been used over the years as an effective analytical tool this type data [14]. In
ML technique model, data used in past is utilized in order to predict future result. Different
learning methods based on statistical and probabilistic model and optimization techniques
can be implemented for analyzing data. Learning methods like Logistic Regression (LR),
artificial neural networks (ANN), K-nearest neighbor (KNN), decision trees (DT) and Naïve
Bayes are widely used in different context [15, 16]. Two categories of learning in ML tech-
niques are mainly used, i.e., supervised and unsupervised learning. The learning model imple-
mented through learning from known classes (labeled training data) is termed as supervised
learning. On the other hand, unsupervised learning methods learn from unknown class data
often termed as unlabeled training data [17]. Algorithms designed by ML approach have
been used for different purpose like classification of groups and key feature training and rec-
ognition. The real power of ML algorithms is it could recognize patterns from datasets which
are large, noisy, and difficult to discern. This property is very much useful to process complex
genomic data, specifically in the field of cancer related studies [18, 19].
While building a prediction model, LR is reckoned as a popular method where the out-
come is binary and has been expanded to provide classification of disease with microarray
data. Here, it is necessary to incorporate a feature (gene) selection technique and should
be induced to penalize the logistic model. The fundamental reason is that, here, the num-
ber of genes is very large compare to number of samples. So, selection of proper model
in this procedure needs new statistical methods. This is important because while pre-
dicting error assessment, the step for selecting features if ignored, could have impact of
severely downward biased. The widely used methods which are mostly generic like cross-
validation and non-parametric bootstrap may be not so effective owing to the huge vul-
nerability in predicting the error estimation process. The classification of diseases like can-
cer using microarray data has been considered the subject of extensive research in order
to provide more precise diagnostic methods than the conventional pathological approach
alone can provide. The expression of genes can also be used to predict survival time, dis-
ease prognosis and treatment response. The overall impact is very much significant as all
the factors are having major clinical consequences. To design a logistic prediction model
using microarray data, however, has got a fundamental difference from the standard logistic
model owing to the observed number of genes, which often becomes thousands in number
while the number of arrays (samples) observed is generally very lesser which is often less
than one hundred. A common wise used approach is to combine a step in gene selection
with a penalized inference of probability, called selection of features, which selects a subset
of genes for inclusion in the LR model.
LR is a tool borrowed from the domain of statistics by ML. This method is used for clas-
sification problems which are binary in nature (problems having two values in the class).
LR is widely used in the biological sciences where the dependent variable is categorical,
44 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

i.e., it is a widely used method to build predictive models where the outcome is binary
and is extended for utilizing as disease classification using microarray data [20]. In the
present article, we have developed an algorithms using LR model to select feature (gene)
whose mutation is having correlation with certain cancers. While designing proper gene
selection algorithm using a ML model, it is a challenging task to reduce the computational
complexity as because the dataset is of huge volume. The total number of genes (features)
is very large in number. In the LR model, having too many features can cause of over fitting
and performance of the algorithm is compromised [21]. There are many standard tech-
niques which are widely used to reduce the dimensionality such as Kernel PCA, Linear
Discriminant Analysis (LDA), and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). It is observed
that, when the number of samples per class is smaller, PCA performs better, while LDA
operates better for large datasets of multiple classes. While minimizing the dimensionality
class repairability is considered as an essential factor. As our aim is to develop a binary
classifier model, where we have overcome this by developing a hybrid approach where the
number of features has been reduced using PCA. Although there are many techniques to
do this, with PCA, loss of data is minimum in the context of the dataset it is appropriate
to get better outcome. After that, the output of PCA is applied LR model for prediction of
genes. A threshold value has been calculated and set for this binary classification which is
applied on some test data to select which genes are selected as candidate genes or cancer
mediating genes. The statistical and biological validation of obtained resultant set of genes
has been accomplished at end.

3.2 Related Methods

Linear regression and LR both are statistical methods widely used by ML algorithms.
Linear regression is effective for regression or for prediction of values continuous in nature,
whereas LR is effective in both regression and classification problems. However, it is widely
used mainly in the domain of classification algorithm. Models of regression seek to project
values on the basis of independent characteristics. The key distinction which makes them
different is when the dependent variables are assumed to be binary; LR is useful. However,
when dependent variables are continuous, linear regression seems to be more effective.
In mathematics, linear models are well defined. For the purpose of predictive analysis,
this model is commonly used nowadays. It uses a straight line to primarily address the
relationship between a predictor and a dependent variable used as target. Basically, there
exists two categories of linear regression, one is known as simple linear regression and the
other one is known as multiple regressions. In linear regression, there could be independent
variables which are either of type discrete or continuous, but it will have the dependent
variables of type continuous in nature. If we assume that we have two variables, X as an
independent variable and Y as a dependent variable, then a perfectly suited straight line is
fit in linear regression model which is determined by applying a mean square method for
finding the association between the independent variable X and the dependent variable Y.
The relationship between them is always found to be linear. The key point is that in linear
regression, the number of independent variable is one, but in case of multiple regressions,
it can be one or more.
Selection of Cancer Mediating Genes by PC-LR 45

Although LR is commonly utilized for classification but it can effectively be applied

in the field of regression also. The respondent variable being binary in nature can appear
to any of the classes. The dependent variables aid in the process of predicting categorical
variables. When there exists two classes and it is required to check where a new data
point should belong, then a computing algorithm can determine the probability which
ranges 0 to 1. LR model calculates the score of weighted summation of input and is
given to the sigmoid function which activates a curve. The generated curve is popularly
known as sigmoid curve (Figure 3.1). The sigmoid function also known as logistic func-
tion generates a curve appears as a shapes like “S” and acquires any value which gets
converted in the span of 0 and 1. The traditional method followed here is that when the
output generated by sigmoid function is greater than 0.5, then it classifies it as 1, and if
the resultant value is lower than 0.5, then it classifies it to 0. In case the generated graph
proceeds toward negative direction, then predicted value of y will be considered as 0
and vice versa.
Building predictions by applying LR is quiet a simple task and is similar to numbers that
are being plugged into the equation of LR for calculating the result. During the operating
phase, both LR and linear regression proceeds in the same way for making assumptions of
relationship and distribution lying within the dataset. Ultimately, when any ML projects
are developed using prediction-based model then accuracy of prediction is always given
preference over the result interpretation. Hence, any model if works good enough and be
persistent in nature, then breaking few assumptions can be considered as relevant. As we
have to work with gene expression, data belong to both normal and cancerous state and
at the end want to identify the candidate genes whose expression level changes beyond a
threshold level. This group of collected genes will be determined as genes correlated to can-
cer. So, the rest of the genes will automatically be excluded from the list of candidate genes.
So, the whole task becomes a binary classification where LR fit well and has been used in
the present work.
While learning the pattern with given data, then data with larger dimension makes the
process complex. In ML, there are two main reasons why a greater number of features do

1 sig(t)
sig(t) = 1+e t 1.0





–8 –6 –4 –2 2 4 6 8

Figure 3.1 Sigmoid curve.

46 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

not always work in favor. Firstly, we may fall victim to the “curse of dimensionality” that
results in exponentially decreasing sample density, i.e., sparser feature space. Secondly,
the more features we have, the more storage space and computation time we require. So, it
can be concluded that excess amount of information is bad because the factors like qual-
ity and computational time complexity make the model inappropriate to fit. If the data is
having huge dimension, then we should find a process for reduction of the same. But the
process should be accomplished in such a manner where we can maintain the informa-
tion which is significant as found in the original data. In this article, we are proposing an
algorithm which serves that particular task. This is a very prominent algorithm and has
been used extensively in different domain of work. It is named as Principal Component
Analysis (PCA). PCA is primarily used to detect the highest variance dimensions of data
and reshape it to lower dimensions. This is done in such a manner that the required infor-
mation will be present, and when used by ML algorithms, it will have little impact on the
PCA transforms the data of higher dimension to lower dimension by incorporating a
new coordinate system. In that newly introduced system, one axis is tagged as principal
component which can express the largest amount of variance the data is having. In other
way, it can simply be stated that the method PCA extracts the most significant variables
from a large set of variables found in any available dataset and is marked as principal
components. It retains most of the critical information from the actual dataset having
higher dimension. The space defined in the new dimension designates the actual data in
the form of principal component. It is important to understand how PCA is used to speed
up the running time of the algorithm, without sacrificing much of the model performance
and sometimes even improving it. As the most challenging part is which features are to
be considered, the common tendency is to feed all the features in the model going to be
developed. But doing so, the problem of over fitting in developed model will be intro-
duced which is unlikely. So, to eliminate this problem two major things are considered, i.e.,
feature elimination and feature extraction. Feature elimination, i.e., somewhat arbitrarily
dropping features, is problematic, given that, we will not obtain any information from the
eliminated variables at all. Feature extraction, however, seems to circumvent this problem
by creating new independent variables from the combination of existing variables. PCA
is one such algorithm for feature extraction. In the process, it also drops the least import-
ant variables (i.e., performs feature elimination) but retains the combinations of the most
important variables.

3.3 Methodology
The aim of the proposed methodology presented in this article is to select a set of genes
whose mutations have been observed in certain cancers. For accurate analysis and proper
identification, the dataset belong to both carcinogenic and normal state has been exam-
ined. The main focus is to pick out some genes whose variations is observed in exper-
iment and can be considered the most significant. These genes might be termed as the
genes having association with cancer as because their expression level has been observed
Selection of Cancer Mediating Genes by PC-LR 47

as crucially changed from their initial state. Finding these genes can have contribution in
different ways to biologists, medical practitioners, pathologists, and many more. As we
know that all genes do not mutate in all cancers, so our target is to segregate the genes
which are mutated notably from their original state. The method first used PCA to reduce
number of features (genes) which overcomes the curse of dimensionality and then LR is
used for binary classification and identifies the set of genes which are expressed differen-
tially [22, 23].

3.3.1 Description
The implementation of our work started with gene expression data which is mathematically
viewed as a set G = {g1, g2, g3,…, ga}. Each member gi of G can be further expressed as gi =
{gi1, gi2, gi3, …, gib}. Thus, the entire mathematical expression G can be considered as vector
of vectors. In this context, gi can be thought as a vector/gene comprising of feature. More
specifically, the entire dataset is represented in a matrix format of dimension a × b where a
is number of genes and b is number of samples and a >> b. So, the number of samples is very
less in compare to number of genes, considered as features. Two separate sets of data belong
to two different states: normal and carcinogenic are taken here for generating the result
from the proposed method. The whole dataset is represented mathematically as a set G =
{GN, GC} where the dataset GN represents normal or non-cancerous state and GC belongs to
cancerous state. Two such datasets, viz., lung and colon pertaining to non-cancerous and
cancerous states, are studied to get experimental result, i.e., the set of genes whose muta-
tions have been observed.
In the present work, PCA is applied for the purpose of subgrouping the variables that
preserves as much information present in the complete data as possible and also to speed
up ML algorithm. The gene expression data G is presented here as a mathematical notation
depicted as G = {g1, g2, g3,…, ga}. The dataset used here belongs to two states, i.e., normal
and cancerous states and treated here for determining the genes associated with cancer. The
proposed algorithm works by reducing the size of features using PCA and then applying LR
model on both datasets.
Here, we have applied LR as because the dependent variable (target) is categorical in
nature. A threshold value has been considered here which helps to predict the class belong-
ingness of a data. On the basis of the set threshold value, the predicted probability is real-
ized for classification. After calculating the predicted value if found ≥ threshold limit, then
gene is said to be cancerous in nature, otherwise non-cancerous. Considering x as indepen-
dent variable and y as dependent variable in our LR model, the hypothesis function h⊖(x)
ranges between 0 and 1. As it works as a binary classifier, the result of prediction with the
classification becomes y = 0 or y = 1. The hypothesis function h⊖(x) actually can have val-
ues <0 or > 1. The mathematical expression in logistic classification used in the method is
defined as 0 ≤ h⊖(x) ≤ 1.
As in our Logistic Regression model, we want 0 ≤ h⊖(x) ≤ 1, so our hypothesis function
might be expressed as

h⊖(x) = g( ⊖Tx ) (3.1)

48 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Replacing ⊖Tx by t, the equation becomes

g(t) = (3.2)
1 + e −t

The above equation is known as sigmoid function

h⊖(x) = sig (t) (3.3)

If “t” proceeds toward infinity, then the predicted variable Y will become 1. On the other
hand, if “t” moves to infinity toward negative direction, then prediction of Y will be 0.
Mathematically this can be written as

hθ(x) = P(y = 1 |x; θ) (3.4)

Computing the probability that y = 1 when x is given and it is parameterized by θ

p(y = 1|x; θ) + p(y = 0|x; θ) = 1 (3.5)

p(y = 0|x; θ) = 1 − p(y = 1|x; θ) (3.6)

While implementing the proposed method, we are selecting a bunch of r genes at ran-
dom. This dataset of r × n (r denotes number of genes and n denotes number of samples)
is partitioned into two sets, i.e., train and test. A certain percentage, say, p%, of the data is
chosen as training set and rest is used as test set.
Features need to be scaled down before applying PCA. Standard scalar is used here for
standardizing the features of the available dataset. Here, it is taken a onto unit scale (mean
value is taken as 0 and variance is taken as 1). Now, PCA is applied with α as the number of
parameters signified as components. It means that scikit-learn choose the minimum num-
ber of principal such that α% of the variance is retained.
After applying PCA, selected genes are fitted into the LR model. Test data and pre-
dicted data values are compared, and accuracy score is calculated. To obtain the gene
with good accuracy score, the iterative LR and PCA was fitted at each iteration step and
every time r random genes were selected. After the completion of the iterative process,
the final list was sorted in descending order of the calculated accuracy score and top
genes were selected.
From then “a” number of genes aCr different combinations can be made by selecting r
genes at random. Our algorithm works on M such combinations.
Selection of Cancer Mediating Genes by PC-LR 49

3.3.2 Flowchart


Gene expression Dividing data into

data preprocessing dependent and
GN and GC independent variable



if n < M


Selection of r random
gene (dependent variable) and
standardization of variable

Storing the selected gene Pca f it on training data to

in a list. retain x% of variance

if accuracy_score > LR model f it and prediction

n = n+1
threshold_value? of test data


Figure 3.2 Flowchart of PC-LR algorithm.

3.3.3 Algorithm
Step 1: Read dataset G = {GN, GC} and make G = (GN)T∪(GC)T.
Step 2: Partition dataset into training and test dataset with a ratio.
Step 3: Standardize the dataset’s value onto unit scale.
Step 4: Repeat steps 5 to 9 till all genes are selected and processed.
50 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Step 5: Selecting r genes at random and mark them.

Step 6: Applying PCA on selected genes to retain α% of the variance.
Step 7: Training the selected gene on Logistic Regression model.
Step 8: Predicting accuracy score by comparing the test data and predicted data
Step 9: If accuracy_score>threshold_value, then
store these genes in a new list as resultant set of gene.
[end if]
Step 9: Stop

3.3.4 Interpretation of the Algorithm

The pictorial representation of the algorithm gives clear idea of the working model (Figure
3.2). The proposed algorithm works with gene expression dataset that belongs to both nor-
mal and cancerous state which is available in the form of a matrix where rows are genes and
columns are the samples. The matrix is transposed so that samples were made as rows and
all the genes were made as columns. So, this transposed matrix is given as the input. The
whole dataset is partitioned into two categories: one is used for training purpose and the
other one is for testing purpose. The model gets trained with the help of training data, and
then, test data is used to measure the correctness of the model. The division of the data is
done with the ratio 0.2 that means for training, 80% of the data is applied for training the
model where as 20% data is applied for testing the same model.
The gene expression data values in the dataset vary in size. The numerical columns of
the dataset need to be reduced to a common scale without any distortion of the differences
lying in the range of values; therefore, standardization is needed to be used. Standardization
is a form of scaling where the values are considered as centered on the basis of mean with
a standard deviation taken as another component. Now, to start the iterative process for
working a set of “r” genes were selected at random, and these genes were passed to train
the model. Once these genes are selected, these are marked so that they will not be selected
again in the iterative process. As in the dataset, it is observed that number of features (genes)
is very large in compare to number of samples. In order to reduce curse of dimensionality,
PCA was applied on the above selected “r” genes and a certain percentage, say, α%, of the
variance is tried to be retained. Applying PCA, these genes were passed to train LR model.
After training the model, test data is used to predict the outcome. Now, these predicted out-
comes were checked against the actual outcomes of the test data and accuracy is calculated.
If its accuracy level founds to be more than 85%, then these genes are extracted and stored
in a list of candidate genes. The entire process gets repeated until all the genes were marked
as selected in the dataset and accuracy was found to be considerate.

3.3.5 Illustration
The accessible dataset persists in two states, i.e., GN and GC, where GN denotes dataset of
non-cancerous and GC denotes dataset of cancerous state. The designed algorithm is exam-
ined on both lung and colon dataset. Both GN and GC are combined and grouped together
as one dataset G. Then, the dataset was transposed, i.e., rows became columns and columns
became rows. A target variable Y was chosen and dataset was divided into dependent (Y)
and independent (X) data.
Selection of Cancer Mediating Genes by PC-LR 51

In an M iterative process, a group of five genes is selected at random from the indepen-
dent (X) data. Now, these five selected gene become X, i.e., dependent data, and Y, i.e., inde-
pendent data, which is the same as earlier. This X × Y matrix is then divided into training
and test data in 80:20 ratios.
After dividing into training and test data, the feature of the dataset is scaled down onto
unit scale. Then, PCA is fitted onto training and test data of X to retain 95% of the variance.
Then, LR was fitted on the training data of X and Y and predicted value is calculated using
test data of X. At last, accuracy score was calculated by comparing the test data of Y and
the predicted values. If the accuracy was found to be more than 85%, then those genes are
considered as cancer mediating genes and stored in a new list as result set.

3.4 Result
The output of the proposed algorithm is a set of genes which are identified as their expres-
sion level changes significantly and can be referred as genes having correlation with cancer.
The algorithm actually is experimented with some authentic dataset accessible from NCBI
database. Two datasets, viz., lung and colon, have been utilized for examination purpose.
Data of both normal and carcinogenic states are given as the input of the algorithm to gen-
erate the target output. The algorithm follows a hybrid approach where PCA has been incor-
porated for minimization of dimensionality of the dataset. Then, prepared logistic model
is applied as a binary classifier to detect the collection of genes which might have possible
relation with cancer. Our developed PC-LR model is applied on both lung and colon data.

3.4.1 Description of the Dataset

In our algorithm, two datasets, viz., lung and colon, are considered for testing and getting
the output. With the help of microarray experiments, human gene expression is measured
for lung and the data is obtained for tumor and normal sample. Total of 96 samples are
collected of which 86 samples belong to tumor and 10 as normal state. In a more descrip-
tive manner, it can be stated that among 86 samples of lung adenocarcinoma, 67 belong to
stage I and 19 is of stage III. Ten lung samples are identified as neoplastic sample. The colon
data consists of 7,464 genes with 18 samples that belong to carcinogenic state and 18 with
normal state. More detailed information can be accessed from the site

3.4.2 Result Analysis

While executing the algorithm taking r = 5, i.e., a group of five genes is selected at random
at a time. So, for lung dataset, it consisting of 5 cols (genes/features) and 96 rows (sam-
ples), which is divided into test and training dataset. For colon, it is 5 and 36, divided in
same manner. Here, test data consist of 20% of the dataset and rest 80% belongs to training
dataset. This dataset is scaled down by applying standard scalar and features of dataset is
brought down onto unit scale. Then, PCA is applied on the selected 5 × 96 matrix. While
applying PCA, the variance α is taken as 0.95 as number of components, parameter on both
lung and colon datasets.
52 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

After reducing the dimensionality of the dataset, LR is applied using “sag” method for
faster convergence. Predictive value is calculated based on the training dataset and then
accuracy is calculated by comparing this predicted value and test data. When the accuracy
was found to be more than 85%, those genes were selected as cancer mediating gene and
stored in a new list.
For lung dataset, 886 genes were selected. When these genes were matched with the
genes in the NCBI database, 102 were found to be true positive (TP). For colon dataset,
207 genes were selected out of which 85 were found to be TP when matched with NCBI

3.4.3 Result Set Validation

The generated result set genes for lung and colon dataset having correlation with cancers
have been validated biologically using NCBI database. NCBI provides a gene database
( where the disease mediating gene list correspond-
ing to a specific disease can be obtained. The list is arranged in terms of relevance of the
genes. We have got different sets of genes for lung cancer and colon cancer. The algorithm
has selected 886 genes for lung and 207 for colon cancer as mutated genes. For lung expres-
sion data, we have compared this set of genes with 1,067 genes from NCBI. Here, we have
identified 102 common in both the sets. We call these genes TP genes (Figure 3.4). Thus,
784 (886 − 102) genes are not in the list of genes obtained from NCBI. We denote these
genes as false positive (FP) and 965 (1,067 − 102) genes are identified as false negative (FN).
Likewise, for colon data, 1,223 genes are in the NCBI database. In this case, our algorithm
has identified 207 genes. So, when compared with NCBI database, 85 genes got matched
and marked as TP and 1,138 (1,223 − 85) genes are identified as FN and 122 (207 − 85)
genes are FP (Figure 3.3).
It is very important while developing an efficient algorithm using ML model with a
skewed dataset. For example, if the dataset is about cancer detection, then the task becomes
more significant. Accuracy alone cannot decide for a skewed dataset whether the algorithm
is working efficiently or not. What happens is that if we see in the dataset that in 99% of the
time, then there is no cancer. In a binary classification problem, we can easily predict 0 all
the time (predicting 1 if cancer and 0 if no cancer) to get a 99% accuracy. If we implement
that model, then we will have a 99% accurate model based on ML algorithm but we will
never detect cancer. If someone has cancer, then s/he will never get detected and will not
get treatment. In our problem, we want to detect cancer mediating genes whose expression

FP = 122 TP = 85 FN = 1138

PC-LR = 207
NCBI = 1223

Figure 3.3 FN, TP, and FP values for colon.

Selection of Cancer Mediating Genes by PC-LR 53

FP = 784 TP = 102 FN = 965

PC-LR = 886 NCBI = 1067

Figure 3.4 FN, TP, and FP values for lung.

level changes significantly from normal state to cancerous state. So, here also, only accu-
racy is not going to work. There are different evaluation matrices that can help with these
types of datasets. Those evaluation metrics are called precision-recall evaluation metrics.
The F-score is a way of combining the precision and recall of the model, and it is defined
as the harmonic mean of the model’s precision and recall. The F-score is commonly used
effectively for many kinds of ML models. Moreover, for a binary classification problem, it
is very much significant to analyze the accuracy vs. F-score to evaluate the efficiency of the
model. Accuracy is defined as simply the number of correctly categorized examples divided
by the total number of examples. Accuracy can be useful but does not take into account the
subtleties of class imbalances, or differing costs of FN and FP. On the other hand, F-score
is an effective measure when there are either differing costs of FP or FN or where there is
a large class imbalance. As our proposed method works with gene expression data where
number of genes is very large in number but the number of genes whose mutation is cor-
related to cancer will be very less, so in this case, the accuracy would be misleading, since
a classifier that classifies set of genes not related to cancer would automatically get 90%
accuracy but would be useless for the proposed work and hence will have little contribution
in real-world application specially in the field of medical science. As a result, F-score has
been given importance to evaluate the efficacy of the proposed model by proper application
precision and recall.
Precision is the fraction of TP examples among the examples that the model classified
as positive. In other words, it is the number of true positives divided by the number of FP
plus true positives. Recall, also known as sensitivity, is the fraction of examples classified as
positive, among the total number of positive examples. In other words, this is the number of
true positives divided by the number of true positives plus FN. In our model, the resultant
set of genes has been validated using NCBI database for both colon and lung. From the dia-
gram, the intersection part for colon dataset (Figure 3.3), and for lung dataset (Figure 3.4),
the number of TP genes is identified. At the same time, FP and FN values are also identified
from the figures in the same way.
Further, we have calculated the precision, recall, and F-score values to check how good
our model is. Precision tells us how precise/accurate our model is out of those predicted as
positive and how many of them are actual positive. The formula that is used to calculate for
precision [Equation (3.7)] and recall [Equation (3.8)] is clearly mentioned.

True positive True positiive

True positive False positive Total predicted positive (3.7)
54 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Recall calculates the actual number of positives recorded by our model, i.e., what propor-
tions of actual positives was identified correctly.

True positive True positive

Recall = = (3.8)
True Positive + False Negative Total Actual + Positive

Unfortunately, a trade-off was seen between both precision and recall. With higher the
value of Recall, then lower will be the precision value and vice versa. As a result, we are
getting different impression of the outcome in the result set found for two different datasets
(Figures 3.5 and 3.6). In order to overcome this trade-off, F1-score has been calculated, to
find an optimum point where both the precision and recall values are high.

Comparison of PC-LR model of different datasets using Precision


Lung Colon Datasets

Figure 3.5 F-score for lung and colon using precision.

Comparison of PC-LR model of different datasets using Recall


Lung Colon Datasets

Figure 3.6 F-score for lung and colon dataset using recall.
Selection of Cancer Mediating Genes by PC-LR 55

Comparison of PC-LR model of different datasets using F1 Score


Lung Colon Datasets

Figure 3.7 F1 score for lung and colon dataset.

Further, we have computed F1 score values using the formula [Equation (3.9)] for two
datasets considered here and it is observed that our PC-LR method generates optimal result
for colon dataset compared to lung dataset (Figure 3.7).

2 ∗ Recall ∗ Precision
F1 Score = (3.9)
Recall + Precision

It should be noted that the generalized formula for F-score is actually known as Fβ-score.
The F-score when used in a regulated manner helps us to weight recall and precision more
accurately for our working model. The equation in that becomes little different.

precision ∗ recall
Fβ = (1 + β 2 ) ∗ 2 (3.10)
(β ∗ precision) + recall

Here in the equation of Fβ-score [Equation (3.10)], the factors are indicating about in
what extent recall is having more importance over precision. For instance, setting the value
of β to 2 indicates that recall is being given importance two times higher than precision.
The standard practice is to set the value of β to 1, while using in F-score [Equation (3.10)]
which causes our equation to be as Equation (3.9) and by observing the comparative study
by giving different weigh on precession and recall, it can be concluded that F1 score can
measure the performance of the working model more accurately.
The proposed method has identified 102 genes for lung cancer and 85 genes for colon
cancer as cancer mediating genes. The result is generated by validating with NCBI data-
base where some already identified genes are available. Some of the gene symbols are
given in the tables below generated by our developed methodology. Table 3.1 contains
56 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Table 3.1 Resultant genes (gene symbols) identified by PC-LR method.

Significant true positive genes for lung cancer

some the significant TP gene symbols for lung cancer and Table 3.2 contains the same
for colon cancer.

3.5 Application in Cloud Domain

Cloud computing is a terminology widely used in the field of information technology. It
illustrates the basic idea about how an end user can avail different types of resources related
to IT like software services and hardware resources. There is no standard accepted defini-
tion about cloud is available. But still, it could be defined as a set of virtualized computers
which are interconnected and provisions are made dynamically to make them available as
computing resources depending on service level agreement. Several categories of services
are available in cloud computing domain.

• Infrastructural service: Here, different computational resources like proces-

sors and storage are provided to the end users in raw format. In this model,
users are allowed to install different supplications as well as the operating
system in the infrastructure provided to them. This can be thought as users
are getting some space for computational purpose on a rental basis. So, the
cloud domain can be effectively utilized as research tool for genomic study.
• Platform service: While developing and launching new software applications
this type of service becomes very important as it needs proper platform for
the purpose of implementation.

Table 3.2 Resultant genes (gene symbols) identified by PC-LR method.

Significant true positive genes for colon cancer
Selection of Cancer Mediating Genes by PC-LR 57

• Software services: This type of service is required by users for different appli-
cations like Dropbox if storage is an issue or Google Docs in case the require-
ment is an application which is as good as word processor.

In the present article, our focus is to avail infrastructural service in the field of cloud
computing or more specifically storage as a service. Our study is based on processing of bio-
logical data and generates resultant bio markers. As we have developed a model where gene
expression data of both normal and cancerous state is analyzed and identified, the cancer
mediating genes can be beneficial in the field of medical science and can help biologists in
different perspective.
The biggest challenge for research community in the field of genomic science is to
develop infrastructure with a huge number of computers and some efficient software tools
for analyzing the genomic datasets more exhaustively in the field biomedical research and
to some extent in clinical practice. People who are doing research in this domain are get-
ting toward cloud domain. To find a solution of different biomedical problems, it is very
much important to analyze data effectively. Thus, integrating data from genomics, systems
biology, and biomedical data mining always becomes promising one [24]. In our proposed
model, we have worked on a dataset as a file (.csv format), and after processing by the devel-
oped methodology, we have produced a resultant dataset which is again sorted in a text file.
So, our concerns how all these data can be made available in cloud environment so that it
can be accessed by other user of the research community for further progress. But there are
some parameters of concern [25].
In the domain of cloud computing maintaining the secrecy of the data is a major concern
that needs special attention with utmost priority. As we are here only concerned about the
confidentiality of the data at the same time in a simplified manner without going insight
the architectural detail. This also attracts the other benefits and advantages of cloud com-
puting like lowering cost and greater efficiency. Besides, these other points of concern are
data security and confidentiality. In cloud service, there are many commercial offering but
these are heterogeneous in nature and deals with different needs which depends on the
customers. The primary contestants in this field are Microsoft Azure, Google AppEngine,
Amazone Web Service (AWS), IBM cloud, and many more. Amazon Simple Storage Service
also known as Amazon S3 provides an object-based storage service that offers scalability
considered as industry-leading, security, performance, and, of course, the availability of
data. As our requirement is to store the files and get the security over the dataset so Amazon
Web Service can be a good choice as because, AWS provides a Simple Storage Service (S3)
for storing of data. It provides object storage to all the software developers and group of
people related to IT which is highly secured, scalable, and durable as well. It offers a web
interface which is easy to use and provides facility to store and retrieve data from anywhere
on the web without considering the amount of data being consumed. It is a place where we
can store our files on the AWS cloud Dropbox by simplifying the user interface of S3. The
Dropbox here acts as a layer built on top of S3. Data is spread across multiple devices and
facilities. Although S3 can be used for many purposes but in the present context, it can be
used as storing files in Buckets/Folders in a secured way.
It is to be noted that as security is a major issue so storing the data in Amazon S3 and
keeping it secure from the other users is a major parameter to be considered. It has to be
implemented by applying encryption features and with different access management tools.
58 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Access Denied

Users Amazon CloudFront Amazon S3

Figure 3.8 Storing and accessing the data values in Amazon S3.

The only available object-based storage service is S3 that can block public access to all the
objects stored in the bucket. It can also perform the account level restriction with S3 Block
Public Access mechanism. In order to ensure that different objects will never have public
access, presently or in the future, S3 Block Public Access provides various controls across
in different level like the entire AWS Account or at the individual bucket stage. Objects and
buckets are given public access either by access control lists (ACLs), or policies framed for
the bucket, or sometimes by using both. For ensuring blocking of public access to all the S3
buckets and objects, it is required that at account level we should switch on block all public
access. These settings are utilized will all the account for all the buckets used in present or
in future. Although restricting the public access is suggested by AWS by turning on the
block option but while doing so it must be ensured that all applications can run properly
without having public access. We can configure the settings as per the requirement at indi-
vidual level below to fit our unique storage use cases for some degree of public access for the
objects and buckets. Public access permission of S3 can be redefined by Block Public Access
defined by S3. By doing so, it becomes easier for the administrator for setting up a cen-
tralized control system which can prevent any changes in the configuration of the security
mechanism, no matter in which way the insertion of an object or bucket is formed. While
writing an object to an S3 bucket or AWS Account having S3 Public Access Block, and if
some form of public permission is designated by any object through ACL or by means of
any Policy, then blocking of those public permissions will still remain. Figure 3.8 gives the
idea about how to store/access the data in AWS S3.

3.6 Conclusion
The proposed method PC-LR uses a hybrid approach which is chosen as a ML technique
to generate the target output. As our task is to select the driver genes which are related to
certain cancers, so it is better to design an algorithm which can act as a binary classifier and
identify the relevant genes. It is to be noted that LR always works well for this model. But
the gene expression data is of huge volume and so to get rid of the curse of dimensionality
Selection of Cancer Mediating Genes by PC-LR 59

is mandatory before start working with LR. This is done using PCA. Our implemented
approach has established a group of genes very precisely that are expressed differentially
and are correlated to some cancers. The experimentation is executed over two datasets, viz.,
colon and lung, and has determined a gene set. The creativity and robustness of the system
is clearly defined. It is to be noted that mutations of genes might have correlations among
themselves and it may or may not vary with different stages of cancer. So, identifying these
is also a challenging task. Those genes can effectively be examined by research scientists and
biologists for the purpose of laboratory testing by focusing on less number of genes instead
of whole genome.
Our work is having scope of extension in future for identifying more genes which might
be correlated to mutations. Further identifying interactions among those genes can be very
much helpful in prognosis, cancer prevention and treatment. Analyzing interactions of
Gene-Gene will be beneficial for finding out more TP genes having key role for mediating
cancer. The extension of our study using other omics data might help researchers and biol-
ogists to concentrate on cancer study in a targeted way.

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Part II
Cost-Effective Voice-Controlled Real‑Time
Smart Informative Interface Design With
Google Assistance Technology
Soumen Santra1, Partha Mukherjee2 and Arpan Deyasi3* *

Department of Computer Application, Techno International Newtown, Kolkata, India


Infiflex Technologies Pvt Ltd, Kolkata, India
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, RCC Institute of Information
Technology, Kolkata, India

In 21st century, passive intelligence makes a new surrounding around humans through various nat-
ural and intelligent interfaces which are interconnected with different computing devices. It creates
a user-authenticated and also authorized smart milieu for endowing efficient support to individual
communications and convenience. This technology integrates reasoning, processing, sensing, and
capabilities of network formation along with other diverse relevance and applications, supports, and
services, providing easy access to web contents (audio, video, text, and other file formats). The pres-
ent work as proposed here is directed and sharply focused toward architectural design and improve-
ment of a mirror boundary with smart informative system embedded within it for the smart terrain
environment of home.
Here, we propose a smart real-time interface in such a way that even though it provides us with
the mirror like effect, it also smart enough to view us multiple information like news, clock, calendar
events, and fitness tracking on the background. The information is relayed with the help of a LCD
screen behind the glass. The proposed automation system is associated where voice instructions
(Google Assistance) in alliance with sensors are utilized for controlled authoritarian measures.
The proposed system/architecture has high reliability for the senior citizen and also for handi-
capped or especially able people moving with wheelchair and is dependent on others. It is also appli-
cable on the areas where you need your appliance to work without reaching the switch board and for
saving energy. By virtue of its real-time nature due to application of machine intelligence, it may be
the system can be implemented in households with very less cost.

Keywords: Informative interface, passive intelligence, real-time smart system, voice-controlled

mechanism, Google Assistant technology, cloud console

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Rajdeep Chakraborty, Anupam Ghosh and Jyotsna Kumar Mandal (eds.) Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for
Cloud Security, (63–80) © 2022 Scrivener Publishing LLC

64 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

4.1 Introduction
The rapid evolution of smart industry [1] in the first part of 21st century is in synchro-
nous with growth of semiconductor industry, and as per the latest available data, it is
close to a 50 billion industry. This exponential advancement becomes realizable due to
the growth of information and communication technology which ensures the transform
of ­computer-aided industry to embedded system-based industry [2, 3], where decision-­
making becomes totally data-driven, augmented with emotional intelligence, and senti-
ment analysis. The role of Internet of Things (IoT) here is to make sustainable connection
between corporeal industrial environments [4, 5] with cyberspace of calculating systems.
The proper augmentation generates a new system, termed as Cyber-Physical System (CPS),
which makes a large paradigm shift in the industrial progress. The rapid multidisciplinary
industrial wings as obtained after inclusion of IoT, in terms of living, manufacturing, food
industry, travel, and utilities, improve the efficacy of production by enhancing work flow
[6, 7], whereas machine effort reduces the physical manpower requirement, and therefore,
quality of output is enhanced. The major challenges that the emerging industry face can
effectively subdued through [i] proper decentralization of systems, [ii] assortment of sys-
tems and associated devices, [iii] data complexity and heterogeneity, and [iv] complexity of
existing network. Major security issues are nullified through incorporation of these features
[8, 9]. In particular, IoT-enabled system contains the following assets:

• Across various IoT-based devices, the ability to exchange information

between the systems/devices applied in households/industrial sectors plays
the key role in making it suitable for all classes of candidates. This unique
property can be achieved through network-composite layer which enables to
provide uniform access to all systems. This is made on the top of an overlay
P2P (peer-to-peer) network.
• IoT data can be traceable, i.e., its temporal and spatial information can be
detected and verified/authenticated/validated when saved inside the memory
device. This memory device is always associated to the timestamp which effi-
ciently makes the data tracing at real-time. Also historical information can
easily be retrieved.
• Another combined features associated closely with IoT data are reliability
and flexibility. It is the data which is considered as asset. Novel cryptographic
mechanisms are incorporated in order to ensure the data integrity. This can
be achieved through inclusion of hash functions, asymmetric encryption
algorithms, and digital signature.
• Interactions in automatic mode are another important property which
ensures the capability of the system under consideration for mutual interac-
tion with similar kind of systems, and the major advantage is that any trusted
third party intervention is not at all required.

In today’s developing world, living in a house has become an important part of our day-
to-day life. A substantial amount of resources as well as expenditure that we would carry
might not always be pleasurable as there are various problems such as accidents caused in
house with the lonely child or old-aged person. These accidents happened due to various
Smart Real-Time Interface Design 65

human errors. Also, the problem that haunts all the people is the possibility of theft of
the household appliances by unauthorized people. To overcome these challenges, there is a
pressing need to develop automated smart home system [10] or smart homes. This can be
reached using the IoT-based platforms and services.
Many applications have been developed using IoT methodologies. The platform for
developing such technologies is Raspberry Pi, Arduino, or other microcontrollers [11, 12]
which are responsible for controlling various operations. These systems can be controlled
and monitored from a registered device which is present with the user and install with the
household devices.

4.2 Home Automation System

In today’s life, we are very much comfortable to use wireless system, i.e., Wi-Fi. It is very
much general for home network or public network system. Our traditional home system
totally based on wired system. Every home appliances system such as light, fan, television,
and refrigeration through connected wired system. A home automation system means con-
trolling all home appliances through a Wi-Fi system which varying as per environment.
Most of the traditional home electricity system based on wired and depends on inner build-
ing construction. To avoid this building and wiring cost, we can move toward an automated
system based on Wi-Fi system to access the appliances from anywhere of the home as well
as from the outside of the home also. An automated home electricity system defines as an
automated one which not only accesses the electric devices for turn on and off even this
system but also notifies about the status and internal condition of the system.
In India, most of the accident of electric appliances happened due to internal fault of wired
system. In wired system, we have to maintain lots of control points. In most of the cases, the
short falls happen from these control points. To avoid this type of accident, home automation
system is one of the ways especially for those people who are aged and staying alone.
Home automation is a building automation for home. Home automation system will
command or observe the home aspects such as various electrical appliances including light-
ing arrangements and entertainment systems. These automation devices are the essential
parts of IoT. Centrally located server can control these automated systems, with proper
internet connectivity and simultaneously the mobile-based applications also. Before getting
into the details of home automation, let us take a closer look on IoT.
Automation means controlling several objects or tasks with minimum human labor.
Home automation system using IoT refers to the way of operating our home appliances
such as lights, fans, air conditioners, televisions, security, fire alarm, and many more appli-
ances using our mobile phones, computers, or other gadgets through a connection to the
internet. Several components are used to make such a model. Few of them are sensors, pro-
tocols, IoT clouds, and databases. We are making a primary list for significant components
for the automation system.

4.2.1 Sensors
There are many sensors which can be used in our home automation system. A few of them
are as follows:
66 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Temperature sensors: They directly sense temperature and adjust our home temperature for
us. They are also used in several appliances where they can automatically switch it off when
it reaches a certain temperature.
Lux sensors: They measure the intensity of the lights and adjust it accordingly. For example,
if we are watching any horror movie, then it senses and it dims the light to give us a theatre
like movie experience. We can control it manually from our connected devices as well.
Sound detection sensor: They are very helpful in monitoring babies and switching the lights
on or off for them. It can also automatically recognize the voices of the householders and
open the gates for them.
There are also sensors which can open the blinds and windows during sunrise and shut
them at sunset. Sensors can switch on our coffee machine and switch to our favourite news
channel in the morning.
The commonly used programming languages in the development of automated homes
are Python, C, JavaScript, Shell, etc.
Development of ancient homes to automated homes using IoT is making our lives much
easier and comfortable. It is also converting our house to a smart home. It appears to be a
very useful advancement in technology and is expected to grow in the near future. Though
it is expensive, but it is also helping us in saving energies in different forms.

4.2.2 Protocols
The protocols considered for making any gateways, sensory systems, or servers are most
important while dealing with any arbitrary home automation product. These protocols are
used by all types of devices. At the end part of 20th century, these problems are solved by
mostly using Bluetooth. Also, Wi-Fi and GSM networks are used but are not appropriate
due to cellular internet connectivity. However, looking at the commonly preferred home
automation protocols as follows:

• Bluetooth low energy or Bluetooth smart: data encryption and decryption

algorithms are embedded with different protocols used for wireless commu-
nications, and essentially security and mesh size become the crucial factors.
• From security perspective, Z-wave is specialized for all types of home auto-
mation system.
• Royalty is ensured with free protocol.

4.2.3 Technologies
Home automation is prevailing in a variety of domain; some of them includes the

• Thermostat and air monitoring: Internet connectivity is essential to satisfy

this requirement, and user-friendly device with that facility is incorporated
for controlling purpose.
Smart Real-Time Interface Design 67

• Lighting: Central computing systems or devices are incorporated through

any smart network in order to provide efficient communication between dif-
ferent lighting inputs and outputs.
• Home automation for elderly and disabled: It primarily concentrates on com-
pleting the required things/instructions which makes life easier for elderly and
people with disabilities, so that they can make their livelihood comfortable.
• Voice control: Amazon Alexa or Google home are very accepted devices for
controlling as well as providing proper execution of instructions which are
very much common and popular.

4.2.4 Advantages
• Error probability reduced when IoT is implemented, as it senses the data per-
fectly, and corresponding actions are performed.
• Ease of access for all age f people, provided put at convenient location.
• Reduces human effort, so brigs home comfort for all classes of people.
• Smarter processing and services which increases its popularity.
• Alert system is quick in any case of an emergency.

4.2.5 Disadvantages
• Security concerns, as data may be trapped by hackers.
• Most of the times range is restricted, because every router has its own periph-
ery of operation.
• High dependency on sensor which makes the system vulnerable if sensor
• System compatibility is major concern, as microcontrollers with different
architecture require different types of memory.
• Cost of implementation t the initial level is not in the reach of all classes of
people (financially).

4.3 Literature Review

Very recently, literatures are available on home automation system where Wi-Fi–based
microcontrollers are embedded [13] along with authentication facility. Energy management
perspectives are also considered [14] for multiple users. A voice recognition characteristic
[15] is also invoked to operate primary electrical appliances, and this particular facility is
precisely helpful for blind people. Facial recognition is also proposed [16], but it contains
some practical limitations, which is generally ignored. Earlier people tried to include differ-
ent facial gestures like sad and angry for the same purpose [17], but complexity of the algo-
rithm and time-variant of the expressions makes it little successful. OpenHAB framework
is also considered for secure wireless network design [18] and is in experimental stage.
For complex data transmission condition, various sensor nodes are considered [19] where
encryption algorithm is incorporated for security purpose. Thermal comfort is prioritized
68 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

[20] by a few groups of workers, whereas others prioritized the mobile app development
[21]. Temperature sensor plays an important part for automatic truing of air-conditioner
system [22] under closed door arrangement. GPS facility is also added for tracking the
person [23]. However, the present system also deals with the cost of the total system, and
therefore proposed novel architecture for the purpose of improvement of the quality of
operation along with multiple feature facility.

4.4 Role of Sensors and Microcontrollers in Smart Home Design

A smart home was designed using components such as an Arduino module, ultrasonic sen-
sor, GPS receiver, sound sensor, IR sensor, GSM shield, LCD, LED, and buzzer. There were
three sections: input section, processing unit, and output section. The ultrasonic sensors
were installed to detect any signal such as movement, sound, or gesture that come in the
way. The range of operation was to be increased when detecting signal which was achieved
by the RF module. For determining the exact location of the household appliances, a GPS-
enabled Wi-Fi receiver was used in order to track the target device’s (household appliances)
condition and signal. To sense the sound honking in the surrounding, a sound sensor was
used. To sense the motion moving in the surrounding, a motion sensor was used. The
Arduino module, which is the main platform, has four loops, namely, loop 1, loop 2, loop
3, and loop 4. Loop 1 activated when the target device was powered ON and the also true
key was present. It also contained loop 2 which ran when the mode or context switches was
enabled. Loop 3 initiated when the conditions of Loop 1 were negated. Loop 4 started when
the target device was turned on even though the true key was absent.
There are several sensors present in the system, each having specific task as follows:

[i] Level sensor: It checks the oxygen–carbon dioxide level in the room.
[ii] Humidity sensor: It checks the humidity level of the room.
[iii] Light sensor: It measures intensity, technically called luminance.
[iv] Door lock sensor: It checks whether the door is locked or not.
[v] Temperature sensor: It checks the temperature of the room.
[vi] Motion sensor: It calculates the speed or RPM of fan which is moving in
the room.
[vii] Ultrasonic sensor: It calculates the distance of any object from the target

In this module, we will be making a home automation system controlled using IoT
embedded with advanced level microcontroller (Raspberry Pi) and cloud architecture
(Particle Cloud) or Blynk application using IFTTT or Mosquito agent. Here, we will be
creating a raspberry pi application to control home AC, fan, light (staircase or bedroom or
corridor or front door, etc.), television, mirror, and appliances using Particle Mobile app
and online particle IDE. It requires the following components:

[i] Raspberry Pi 3 with Raspbian installed in it

[ii] Relay Module
[iii] 220v bulbs
Smart Real-Time Interface Design 69

Clock Pulse

Phone App
IoT Target Google
CPU Unit Cloud API
Device Travel App Controller

Music App
Message App

Figure 4.1 IoT-based smart home automation system.

[iv] Jumper wires

[v] Motor

First, we will make an account on the Then, particle agent will be installed with
the Raspberry Pi of the embedded system so that interface can be made with particle cloud.
This is background software which is able to interact with the Raspberry pi through GPIO
pin. Here, we can add new devices as well as create mesh networks, integrated with IFTTT,
Microsoft Azure, and web IDE. A block diagram is presented below.
In Figure 4.1, household appliances (fan, light, TV, AC, etc.) represent as target devices
which connect with IoT devices or smart sensors which embedded with code. When this
IoT device connects with mobile network, it can directly attach with Google API through
Google Cloud Console. Using this mobile network, every application of smart phone which
acts as tune device can connect with IoT device and can use every module or technique of
Google Cloud Console.
Voice-operated room switching control system is the smarter version of the remote-­
controlled switching system. As titled, these systems are controlled over voice commands
over the internet, thus providing you with no bound for the control. Home is a place where
people incline to at the day end. After a long tiring day when people return exhausted, they
may find it tough to move around the corner of the room where the switch board for the
room appliance control is situated at the convenient locations, closer to the sitting or bed
arrangement. It is also difficult for a person to locate the switch board of the staircase, or the
room main entrance in the dark. So, if a small technology helps them to switch their room
light and fan or other electrical appliances of low wattage or read out the news to them, with
a single voice command through their smart phone or table or the control dock settled in
their room, it will enhance the comfort experience to next level.
Earlier days, millionaires used to keep housekeepers and other sorts of human assistance for
easing up their day. But, for the common man in the society, they were not eligible to taste the
crunch of that facility. Even today, when technology is so close by, only established and wealthy
people in this contemporary civilization are benefited with these new technologies of elegant
house, as these devices are still too expensive. Since everyone in this society are not so wealthy
enough to afford smart home kit, thus the need for these in expensive smart kits keeps growing.
70 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

4.5 Motivation of the Project

This project proposes one very low-priced economical system, where Google Assistant tech-
nology (provided by Google to all their OS, and if necessary, it can be downloaded to other
smart phone makers too like IOS by Apple) is utilized: the IFTTT server and application,
The Blynk application, and Google Cloud Console. In the hardware part, The NodeMCU
8266 micro-controller acts as the major communicator as it receives and sends data to our
apps and server, along with a relay board of 4/8 channel, whose regulatory voltage is 5 V and
has the capability for handling 10-A current through it. We use our natural language to give
command to our Google Assistance and receive data on our Blynk app. We have hereby seg-
regated the total manuscript into two parts: at first, the device, and second, the control unit.

4.6 Smart Informative and Command Accepting Interface

Passive Intelligence (PI) is a very important aspect in today’s world and makes a paradigm
shift in view of industry initiatives for realizing smart environments. Everyday’s smart
devices like smart bag, smart watch, and smart wallet provide that required heterogeneous
intelligent interfaces along with other natural devices, and these together makes a com-
plex computing scenario, which, thereafter, generates the vision of PI. The environment
becomes respondent to each individual, and therefore, anyone can interact with the sur-
rounding with 1:1 basis. Therefore, user-empowered smart environment can be generated
using PI, which provides the required support to human for various interactions.
In this connection, it should be mentioned that the environment, interfaced with PI,
may be the home (comfortable) or a distributed one. For the said purpose, different smart
technologies are considered as per the demand. All these technologies are integrated with
the environment, for the purpose of sensing and data processing. Networking is also an
important phase of this integration in order to provide remote service and also of digital
materials. The actual question comes to the embedding of all these smart devices, and here
lies the real challenge of PI.
PI can be obtained at the home comfort when proper key technological fruits are per-
fectly blended with virus smart interfaces (programmable). For the purpose, several smart

Clock Google Spotify

Google Fit
CPU Unit Push Bullet
Uber Controller
News RSS Assistant
Notif ications

Figure 4.2 Command accepting interface.

Smart Real-Time Interface Design 71

devices and appliances are invoked, and anyone can be considered as an interface with the
real world. In this particular work, authors have tried and successfully implemented a mir-
ror interface with proper incorporation of smart informative system, precisely to get smart
home environment. This is depicted in Figure 4.2, embedded with Google Cloud Console.
The console has an interface with API controller.
The major objective of making a PI at the home is originated from the safety and security
concern, associated with efficiency of the system along with convenience. Precisely, elderly
people and people with physical disabilities required better attention, when other family
members are absent. PI greatly influences not only home automation systems, but also
socialization, communication, entertainment, refreshment, proper rest, and various physi-
cal activities like sports, working, online learning through MOOCs or in general YouTube
Another aspect that will engage their footstep with these PI modules will be digital
marketing. Henceforth, proper architecture should be considered for convenient and user-
friendly PI design where both the technological advancement should be clubbed with home
comfort and convenient for the residents.

4.7 Data Flow Diagram

The workflow for the proposed work can be explained using the dataflow diagram described
in Figure 4.3. A bidirectional network is established between mosquito server and IoT con-
troller where data is continuously flowing and periodic update is taking place. The mosquito
server is fed through IFTTT, whereas all the applets (including triggering applet) are given
similar instructions by the same. Google Cloud Console is the heart of this total workflow,

IOT Controller

Data Updates Triggering Applet

Mosquito Server/
Command Fetching
Requesting Search Applet Body
Sending IFTTT
Receiving Message
Requesting Search

Console APIs
Google Cloud Console APIs Command
Message Receiving Results Requesting
Requesting Search Search Web
Console Results

Receiving Results

Figure 4.3 Dataflow diagram for the message, command, and data transfer.
72 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

which always dynamically interacts with command interface. It also makes a bidirectional
communication with IFTTT, console APIs, and search console. Console APIs receives and
also sends commands to command APIs. Web results are retrieved from the search console.
The transfer of data and different messages are schematically represented in the diagram
given below (Figure 4.2).

4.8 Components of Informative Interface

The most important interface is the mirror. The mirror considered here is architecture for
doing multiple functions in same time slot, i.e., the concept of multiplexing is applied. The
interface is made in such a way that even though it provides us with the mirror like effect,
it also smart enough to view us multiple information like news, clock, calendar events, and
fitness tracking on the background. Information is relayed with the help of a LCD screen
behind the glass. The key factor is the smoothness of the surface, as rough surfaces scatter
light instead of reflecting it. Since the propositions of installing multiple smart informatics
are embedded inside the system as per user’s choice.
One of the major interfaces is clock, which is real time and updates itself using time
server of Google NTP (Network Time Protocol). NTP provides accurate and synchronized
time across the Internet.
On the top left position of the mirror, we have the email sync option. This uses SMTP
protocol to receive mails from your mailing servers to the screen. Our mirror has only the
option of incoming mailing view notification feature for obvious reasons.
Uber is the largest cab industry business globally recognized. Uber has multiple inte-
grations with Google and other smart device manufacturers. Uber has free API distribu-
tion developer platform that provides us with the API keys for free. So, we have used that
API interface along with our cloud server to be more specified, Google Cloud Console. To
obtain the data against our Uber account that are sync to the Uber Technologies Servers
from our mobile phones, we have used a buffer mosquito server in between UBER and our
Google Cloud Console. Schematic block diagram is given in Figure 4.4.
Now, we consider a music streaming device in digital form, called Spotify that provides
access of digital audio and video files from a normally huge database along with podcasts
and videos. The major acceptance and corresponding overwhelming response to Spotify is
due to the fact that all the contents under this umbrella are free with a simple authentication

Uber Server

Mobile Phone Google Cloud Mirror

(Booking Uber) Console

Mosquito IFTTT Server


Figure 4.4 Block diagram that exhibits the linkage between Uber server and IFTTT server.
Smart Real-Time Interface Design 73

Playback Spotify Google Cloud

Console Mirror
Device Server

Figure 4.5 Block diagram for Spotify server connection.

Google Fit Data

Server Mirror

Tracking devices (i.e

Mobiles or any wearables) Google Cloud

Figure 4.6 Block diagram for fitness tracking using Google Fit.

through email or Facebook account. This module shows user the current playback on
Spotify app from any devices like iPad, iPhone, any Android Phones, and computers using
the same Spotify account. Block diagram is given in Figure 4.5.
Fitness-freak persons are increasing in day by day in the modern lifestyle and therefore
can be considered an essential part while making the present proposal. The embedded fit-
ness tracker does the same. Google Fit is a free-to-use application developed by Google for
multiple devices like mobile phones based on Android and IOS. It also has extended its
support to multiple wearable operating system and devices like iWatch, MI watch, Fitbit,
and other smart watches. Data of one’s daily activity are stored through these devices and
are synced to the cloud via internet. Here, the user can sync his/her account of Google Fit
to the mirror by replicating the data from Google Fit server to our Cloud Console and then
viewing the data on owns Mirror. Block diagram is given in Figure 4.6.
News updates are fetched within the mirror directly from Times of India world news
with 1 hour interval. The present proposal deals with one extremely essential feature which
is given at free of cost; that is weather predictions with utmost accuracy. This is helpful for
making daily routine for people with whatever professions. Phone notifications are fetched
into the mirror and stayed tuned.

4.9 Results
The total result section in this manuscript is subdivided into three parts: circuit design, LDR
data display, and API data from the informative interface. In the circuit design section, we
have discussed about PIR sensor and its connections, LDR, control unit design, and Rasberry
Pi configuration. In the display section, we have shown the variation of data in LDR, and API
data using Google Cloud Console is exhibited in the last phase of this section.

4.9.1 Circuit Design

We have started with the setting up of Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, which operates at 1.4GHz.
This is supported by Bluetooth 4.2.1, along with wireless ac Wi-Fi. The process begins with
connecting the microphone and speaker to the Raspberry Pi and then by inserting the SD
card into it. Thereafter, USB keyboard, mouse, and HDMI monitor are added sequentially.
74 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

12v DC
+v -v

PIR Sensor IN +v NO
100 µF

IN4148 1 Kohm B BC 547

+ve AC Power LOAD
220-230 V -ve

Figure 4.7 Implementation of PIR sensor in our system.


5v DC
D4 Power
Gn Supply
-v IN3

ESP 8266 Relay Module -v



Figure 4.8 Block diagram of the control unit.

Smart Real-Time Interface Design 75

Figure 4.9 Live streaming results of the LDR sensor.

76 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

At last, Ethernet cable is connected to Wi-Fi network. After successful configuration, date
and time will be set.
The next important hardware part is the Pyroelectric Infrared (PIR) Sensor Module, required
for human body detection. Its implementation into the interface circuit is shown in Figure 4.7.
In the next phase, control unit is designed. Microcontroller is connected with relay mod-
ule and LDR, where proper power supply is required. Block diagram is given in Figure 4.8.

4.9.2 LDR Data

After finalizing the circuit, LDR gives data as output which is a series of pulses. Plots are
shown in Figure 4.8. The first two plots of Figure 4.9 show the variation of pulses in LDR
where the third diagram shows the reading across the device.

4.9.3 API Data

At first, we analyze the results obtained from Google Cloud Console and provided them
sequentially (Figures 4.10, 4.11, 4.12, and 4.13) below. Figure 4.10 exhibits the operational

Figure 4.10 API keys operational workbook.

Traf f ic Errors Median latency

0.008/s 120% 8

0.006/s 6

0.004/s 60% 4

0.002/s 2

0 0 0
Apr 21 Apr 28 May 05 May 12 Apr 21 Apr 28 May 05 May 12 Apr 21 Apr 28 May 05 May 12

Figure 4.11 API graphs from Google Cloud Console.

20 04-
19 26
20 -04- 20:
19 27 11
- T :


20 04 14 41:
19 -28 :11 20
- T 4
20 04- 00 :41: Z
19 28 :59 20
T 4
20 -04 15 :41: Z
19 -29 :23 20
-0 T1 :41 4Z
20 4- 2
19 29 :59 :204

20 -05 20 :41: Z
19 -03 :11 20
-0 T1 :41 4Z

Figure 4.12 API data call counter log.

20 5- 7

19 05 :47 :204
20 -05- 20 :41: Z
19 06 :11 20
T : 4
20 -05- 17 41:2 Z
19 07 :47 04
- T :
20 05- 00 41: Z
19 07 :59 20
20 -05 T08 :41: Z

Figure 4.13 API data push and pull traffic data graph.
19 -07 :11 20
20 -05- T15 :41: Z
19 07 :23 20
- T : 4
20 05- 22 41: Z


19 10 :35 20
- T : 4
20 05- 18 41:2 Z
19 11 :59 04
T :

20 -05- 05 41:2 Z
19 11 :47 04
T :

custom search
20 -05- 12 41:2 Z
19 11 :59 04
20 -05 T20 :41: Z
19 -12 :11 20
- T 4
20 05- 17 :41: Z
19 13 :47 20
- T : 4
20 05- 18: 41:2 Z
19 14 59 04
T :
20 -05- 09 41:2 Z
19 14 :23 04
-0 T1 :41 Z
5- 6:
15 35 :20
T1 :4 4Z
4: 1:2
35 0
:4 4Z
Smart Real-Time Interface Design
78 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

workbook with API keys, whereas in Figure 4.11, corresponding graphs are provided in
different days, as obtained from cloud console. Traffic variations, corresponding error, and
median latency for the same days are provided in that plot.
For different APIs, call log is extremely important in order to note down the busy sched-
ule. Therefore, important APIs like Google Assistance, JavaScript, Directions, YouTube, and
custom search are noted. This is shown in Figure 4.12. In this case, it is also important to get
view about the variations of traffic, as shown in Figure 4.13.

4.10 Conclusion
The smart real-time prototype developed as explained in this manuscript is really inter-
esting and efficient in terms of the ease of response and accuracy, precisely for old age
people, and also for people who needs special care. Total informative interface is designed
using Google Cloud Console so that the operation can be possible for the android users.
In absence of any help, people can operate basic electrical appliances using the interface,
which is precisely voice-controlled. Moreover, it can search the web for your query and read
out the results or inform you about the weather when you ask for it. It also smartly helps you
to reduce the energy consumption by switching off the device when not needed. At extreme
urgent condition, people can take help of cab service, which can save time and life. Interface
with personal mosquito server can also be possible through IFTTT server, and that makes
the system more robust. The most important part is that it can be integrated with the exist-
ing electrical circuit of one’s home, and therefore, it makes huge cost saving.

4.11 Future Scope

The present prototype can be augmented in near future to generate a large complex yet com-
pact system with smart incorporation of artificial intelligence and therefore can be made
scalable for embedding with future controllers. This adds with the benefit of less power
requirement and ideal for modern home automation system. Several new and essential fea-
tures can be easily ties up with the proposed system architecture like coffee machine opera-
tion, speed control of fan, and operation of air-conditioner. If private Mosquitto server can
replace the original public server, then obviously faster response can be expected.

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Symmetric Key and Artificial Neural Network
With Mealy Machine: A Neoteric Model
of Cryptosystem for Cloud Security
Anirban Bhowmik1*, Sunil Karforma2 and Joydeep Dey1 *

State Aided College Teacher, Dept. of Comp. Science, M.U.C. Women’s College,

Purba Bardhaman, WB, India

HoD, Dept. of Computer Science, The University of Burdwan, Purba Bardhaman, WB, India

Cloud computing is defined as the distribution of computing which include hardware and software
program to the patron through the Internet. In the technology of ICT, cloud computing has encour-
aged via many industries which includes technology, enterprise, management, logistics, and numer-
ous other enterprises. But some new kind of risks and vulnerabilities exist in cloud environment.
Users of cloud services are under constant threat. Hence, security-related risks are the main draw-
back of cloud computing. The aim of this paper is to enhance the cloud security by designing a secure
cryptosystem. At first, we have emphasized on secure key generation algorithm based on coupled
artificial neural network (ANN) with Mealy machine and then weight vector-based authentication
mechanism. We have used coupled multilayer feedforward neural network and Mealy machine for
security issues of cloud computing. Machine learning is done “n” times between two ANNs, and
after several steps, we have generated session key for encryption. A novel key wrapping protocol
has also introduced using one way function. For encryption and decryption, we have used XOR and
CLS (Circular Left Shift) operation and for authentication purpose weight vectors of ANN with hash
function is used. Different types of experimental results and analysis prove the efficiency and robust-
ness of our technique in the field of artificial intelligence.

Keywords: Cloud computing, Mealy machine, machine learning, ANN, symmetric key, key
wrapping, authentication

5.1 Introduction
In today’s time, cloud computing is a quick flourishing area in computational studies
and Industry 4.0. It is an Internet-based computing that offers services using IT assets on
call for of the users. It employs parallel processing, distributed processing, grid comput-
ing, and allotted database to enhance processing. Cloud computing means distribution of

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Rajdeep Chakraborty, Anupam Ghosh and Jyotsna Kumar Mandal (eds.) Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for
Cloud Security, (81–102) © 2022 Scrivener Publishing LLC

82 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

computing to the consumers through the Internet. Many organizations like technology,
business, management, and logistics are influenced by cloud computing. According to the
company’s need, cloud computing has three specific provider fashions which includes plat-
form as a provider (PaaS), software as a carrier (SaaS), and infrastructure as a carrier (IaaS)
[6]. It has four deployment models that are public cloud, hybrid cloud, and private cloud
and community cloud. The main drawback in cloud computing is security attacks because
it stores data from the different geographical locations. There are different types of attacks
and their security issues exist in cloud computing environment. All these security prob-
lems are of categories which can be safety issues confronted through cloud carriers and
safety issues confronted by way of their customers. Both have exceptional set of equipment
like encryption, robust password and authentication virtual signature and so on to guard
towards safety breach. At present, machine learning, deep learning, etc., are latest trends
in computer science. The amalgamation of machine learning and deep learning with cloud
computing is an interesting area in the field of research and commercial implementation.
The concept of neural network in machine learning is an attracted field for developer and

Machine learning and artificial neural network (ANN): The idea of ANNs is based defi-
nitely on the perception that operating of human mind by using making the proper connec-
tions may be imitated the usage of silicon and wires as residing neurons and dendrites. The
human brain consists of 86 billion nerve cells known as neurons. They are related through
the use of Axons to other thousand cells [1].
ANNs are composed of more than one node, which imitate organic neurons of human
brain. The neurons are linked with the aid of links and they have interaction with every
distinct. The nodes can take input information and perform easy operations on the records.
The give up end result of these operations is exceeded to other neurons. The output at each
node is referred to as its activation or node cost. Each link is associated with weight. ANNs
are capable of mastering, which takes region through changing weight values. Figure 5.1
illustrates a simple ANN structure.

Types of ANNs: There are two forms of ANN topologies: feedforward and feedback.


X2 W2

X3 Σ F Y Output

Inputs W3

Activation function


Figure 5.1 Diagram of ANN [5].

Symmetric Key & ANN-MM for Cloud Security 83

Feedforward ANN: In this ANN, the information float is unidirectional. A unit sends
records or data to different unit from which it does not get preserve of any statistics. There
are no feedback loops. They are used for pattern generation or pattern reorganization or
class. They have steady inputs and outputs [14].

Feedback ANN: Here, comments loops are allowed. They are utilized in content material
addressable memories.

Working of ANNs: It receives n-inputs and every accelerated with weights. Now, activation
function is applied to the sum of expanded results and output cease result is received [15].
If the community generates a “high-quality or preferred” output, then there is no need
to adjust the weights. However, if the network generates a “negative or undesired” out-
put or a blunder, then the machine alters the weights in an effort to improve subsequent

Machine Learning in ANNs:

ANNs are able to getting to know and that they need to learn. There are numerous getting
to know techniques as follows.

1. Supervised Learning: It involves a teacher this is pupil than the ANN itself.
For instance, the trainer feeds a few example information approximately
which the teacher already knows the answers. For example, pattern spot-
ting. The ANN comes up with guesses at the same time as recognizing. Then,
the teacher gives the ANN with the answers. The network then compares it
guesses with the instructor’s “accurate” answers and makes adjustments in
step with mistakes.
2. Unsupervised Learning: It is required while there is no instance facts set with
identified answers. In this situation, clustering, i.e., Dividing a set of things
into organizations regular with some unknown pattern is finished based
totally on the prevailing statistics units present [19].
3. Reinforcement Learning: This strategy built on remark. The ANN makes a
selection with the aid of way of looking at its surroundings. If the statement is
negative, then the community adjusts its weights so that it will make a nota-
ble required choice the subsequent time [2, 3].

Mealy Machine: Finite automata might also have outputs similar to each transition and this
is called transducer. There are sorts of finite nation machines that generate output: i. Mealy
Machine and ii. Moore Machine [26].

Mealy Machine:
A Mealy Machine is an FSM whose output depends on the present state as well as the
present input.
It can be described by a 6 tuple (Q, ∑, O, δ, X, q0) where

• Q is a finite set of internal states, and ∑ is a finite set of input alphabet.

• O is a finite set of the output alphabet, and q0 is the initial state (q0 ∈ Q).
84 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

• δ is the transition function where δ: Q × ∑ → Q.

• X is the output transition function where X: Q × ∑ → O.

The state Table 5.1 of a Mealy machine is shown below.

Table 5.1 Mealy machine.

Next state
Present state input = 0 input = 1
State Output State Output
→A B x1 C x1
B B x2 D x3
C D x3 C x1
D D x3 D x2

The state diagram of the above Mealy machine is shown if Figure 5.2.

q0 q1





Figure 5.2 State diagram of Mealy machine [26].

Cryptography: Cryptography is the have a look at of mathematical techniques associated

with elements of records security which includes confidentiality, statistics integrity, entity
authentication, and information starting place authentication. The cryptographic dreams
are 1. privacy, 2. data integrity, 3. authentication, and 4. non-repudiation. These desires are
measured by way of stage of safety, capability, strategies of operation, overall performance,
and ease of implementation [4, 5].
An encryption scheme is said to be breakable if a third party, without earlier under-
standing of the important thing pair (e, d), can systematically recover plaintext from corre-
sponding cipher text inside some suitable time frame. A finite set referred to as the alphabet
of definition. For instance, A = 0, 1, the binary alphabet, is a frequently used alphabet of
Symmetric Key & ANN-MM for Cloud Security 85

definition. A set called the message area. The message region consists of strings of symbols
from an alphabet of definition. A set referred to as the cipher textual content place which
incorporates strings of symbols from an alphabet of definition, which may also additionally
range from the alphabet of definition shape message space. Each element e ∈ key vicinity (K)
uniquely determines a bijection from message place to cipher textual content area, denoted
through Ee. Ee is known as an encryption function or an encryption transformation. Now,
each d ∈ K, Dd denotes a bijection from cipher text area to message space, Dd is referred to
as a decryption function or decryption transformation.
The encryption scheme is stated to be symmetric key if for every associated encryption/
decryption key pair (e, d), its miles computationally smooth to decide d information best e,
and to determine e from d. Since e = d in most realistic symmetric key encryption schemes,
the time period symmetric key becomes appropriate. There are classes of symmetric key
encryption schemes which might be generally outstanding: block ciphers and move ciphers.
An identification or entity authentication approach assures one birthday party of each the
identity of a second birthday celebration involved, and that the second became lively at the
time the proof turn out to be created or received. Consider an encryption scheme which
includes the sets of encryption and decryption modifications. The encryption technique is
stated to be a public-key encryption scheme if for every related encryption/decryption pair
(e, d), one key e (the general public key) is made publicly to be had, while the alternative d
(the non-public key) is stored mystery. For the scheme to be cozy, it must be computation-
ally infeasible to compute d from e.
In this paper, we have emphasized on symmetric key, session key, multi-layer neural
community, and mealy machine.

5.2 Literature Review

Moghaddam F. et al. [8] proposed a hybrid encryption model wherein category index-
ing attributes and time-based procedures are focused mainly. The idea of hybrid ring and
­attribute-based statistics classifications are used. This technique securely protect the illegal
access of data. The end result and evaluation show that the hybrid ring model is efficient and
reliable for facts safety applications.
Dhamija Ankit et al. [9] proposed cloud structure in which the technique of cryptogra-
phy and steganography are mixed for at ease facts transmission. In this paper, a two-way
facts safety has proposed. First, the records that are received are transformed into cipher
textual content through the usage of encryption algorithm and then this cipher text code
layout is again transformed into a difficult picture through the usage of steganography.
Steganography also hides the existence of the message and this ensures that the minimum
chances of statistics.
Neetha Xavier, V. Chandrasekar [10] described a holistic view cloud computing via
authentication and encryption. An authentication method is proposed for cloud companies.
Li et al. (2017) [11] provided a message that outsourcing is an excellent option for
machine learning. Machine learning processes large amount of data; also, it requires com-
plex and powerful computer system. A huge amount of storage is required for designing
such advanced and complex computing system. Hence, cloud computing provides all the
necessary resource and also offers large storage.
86 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Kaur K., Zandu V [12] addressed different types of security risks related to cloud com-
puting. They proposed a frame work to address these security issues at the authentication
and storage level in cloud computing. A data classification approach based on confidential-
ity of data in machine learning is described in this paper.
Dhivya R and Dharshana R [13] have particularly emphasized on numerous security
attacks like denial-of-service (DOS) attack, malware injection assault, side-channel assault,
man-in-the-middle attack, authentication attack inside the cloud, and the machine learning
algorithms used for detecting the attacks.
Awodele O. et al. [16] indentified the key security and privacy problems of cloud and its
solutions. They have also addressed cloud deployment fashions consist of public, private,
network, and hybrid clouds.
Sundharakumar KB et al. [17] defined a singular cloud-based totally fitness care system
where the Wireless Body Area Networks aggregate the records to the non-public server that
encompasses STORM. It is a real-time computation gadget with Fuzzy inference gadget.
Yunchuan Sun et al. [18] have studied exceptional security techniques and challenges
from both the nook of software program and hardware for shielding facts within the cloud
the intention of this have a look at is to decorate the facts protection and privacy protection
for the trustworthy cloud environment.

5.3 The Problem

The literature review section provides some advanced techniques and solutions for cloud
security but till security-related problems are exists in cloud system. Data security and
network security are two main issues in cloud system. Different types of privacy and
­security-related issues have long-term significance for cloud computing which are gover-
nance, compliance, malicious insiders, and account or service hijacking, hypervisor vul-
nerabilities, insecure APIs, etc. [9]. Cloud computing loses its popularity till now for these
problems. The above literatures have tried to overcome these problems using different types
of concepts and computational tools like fuzzy concepts, data classification, and hybrid ring
but not fully successful. These literatures cannot provide a specific direction or model in
security issues.

5.4 Objectives and Contributions

In this paper, our objectives is to develop a secure cryptosystem for cloud data security
because the security issue is one of the parameter among different parameters of cloud com-
puting that control the usage of cloud in different platforms. So, we should focus on secu-
rity issues of cloud computing. Any cryptosystem has three basic modules: key generation
and key transmission, encryption-decryption algorithm, and authentication [7]. Although
above literatures provide different types of cryptosystem for security issues but all the mod-
ules are not under one umbrella.

Novelty of Proposed System: Here, we have proposed a cryptosystem which includes all
the three basic modules using the concept of coupled ANN, transducer, and digital logic.
Symmetric Key & ANN-MM for Cloud Security 87

The machine learning–based algorithm is more secured and efficient because of its ability
to recognize data as per the priority and sensitivity. Our new concept about cloud security
is given below.
If we want to transmit data or information through wireless channel, then sender sends
some input data to the receiver via public channel; this input data is transformed to another
data via transducer. The significance of use of transducer is the data transformation and
this transformation is hidden from outside by using specific Mealy machine structure. The
output of transducer is treated as input of ANN. In this way, we have secured the input of
ANN, i.e, first level security.
A specific learning method is used for weight vector updating in both side. The weight
vectors of layer2 are used as session key, and weight vectors of layer1are used for key trans-
mission purpose and also authentication purpose. The weight vectors of layer1 are same for
both sides. The output of last layer (output layer) is compared between sender and receiver
and for different output, a specific learning method is used in both side for weight vector
updating. This process is continued for “n” times. After “n” times, we have assumed that
both the machines are coupled and ready for session key generation. Thus, in our article,
we have used coupled ANN to generate encryption key as well as key transmission protocol
and authentication.

5.5 Methodology
Here, our concept of cryptosystem is divided into four modules. The details of each module
are given below. After proper integration of each module, we can get a secured cryptosys-
tem for cloud computing.
Concept: Here, we have designed a Mealy machine (design may change, not fixed) for
data transformation and output of the machine is input vector to ANN. The structure of
Mealy machine is same for both sender and receiver.
Input: Any numbers in binary format which are same for both sender and receiver.
Output: Transformed numbers which are used as input to ANN.
Step1: Let M= (Q, q0, ∑, O, σ,λ) where Q is finite set of internal states, q0 is the initial state,
∑ is the finite set of input alphabet, O is the output alphabet, σ is the transition function
which maps Q x ∑ → Q, and λ is the output function which maps Q x ∑ → O.
Step2: Transition function for input 0, q0 → q1 Output 0 q1→q1 output 0 q2 → q1
output 1
Step3: Transition function for input 1, q0 → q2 Output 0 q1→q2 output 1 q2 → q2
output 0
Step4: Strings of {0, 1} as output.
Step5: End.
The output of module-1 is transferred to module-2 as input.
Concept: Here, we have developed a coupled multi-layer feedforward ANN for receiver
and sender. Using this coupled ANN, session key is generated for encryption-decryption.
88 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

A 4 – 4 – 4 − 1 ANN structure is used in this work. Let there be r processing units in each
hidden layer (r < N). The expression for the network input to the hidden layer units and the
output units are obtained as HL1_in = X x W, HL2in = HL1outx V and HL3_in = HL2_out
x U where X = [x1, x2,…,xN], X is the input vector. HL1_in = [hl1_in1, hl1_in2,…,hl1_inr] is
the input vector to the hidden layer1. HL1_out = [hl1_out1, hl1_out2,…,hl1_outr] output
vector from the hidden layer1. HL2_in = [hl2_in1, hl2_in2,…,hl2_inr] is the input vector to
the hidden layer 2. HL2_out = [hl2_out1, hl2_out2,…,hl2_outr] is the output vector from the
hidden layer2. OL_in = [ol_in1, ol_in2,…,ol_inr] is the input vector to the output layer (OL).
The layer1 weight vectors (W) are same for both ends and it is generated from symmet-
ric key via a functional unit (combination of non-linear function and modulo operation)
but layer2 weight vectors (V) and output layer weight vectors (U) are not same. At each
iteration on ANN the outputs for the both sides are compared. According to the result of
comparison, the appropriate rules are applied for updating weight vectors. This iteration is
continued up to “n” times. Now, we have saved k1th, k2th (1 < k1 and k2 < n) vector of layer1
for key transmission purposes. The values of “n”, k1, and k2 are generated from symmetric
key and these are same for both ends.
Activation function: Two activation functions are used in our proposed technique. Activation
function2 (activFunc2) is used in layer1 and layer2, and activation function1 (activFunc1) is
used in output layer. They are actually threshold function. Its design is given below:

Activation function1 (activFunc1): Activation function2 (activFunc2):

 1 if x > 0  b − ( x %(b − a)) if x > b
 
F(x) =  0 if x = 0 F(x) =  a + ( x %(b − a)) if x < 0
 −1 if x < 0  x if a ≤ x ≤ b
 

The values of a and b are the range within which functional values lies. These values need
not negotiated between two parties, it is fixed for ANN structure.

w11 w12 … w1m v11 v12 … v1m u1

w21 w22 … w2m v21 v22 … v2m u2
… … … … … … … … …
wN1 wN2 … wNm vr1 vr2 … vrm ur
W matrix V matrix U matrix

Input: output of module-1.

Output: session key
Step1: set k as integer, input [ ] [ ] as integer array.
{/* Calculation for input values of hidden layer 1 */}
Symmetric Key & ANN-MM for Cloud Security 89

Step2: set [x1, x2, …, xN] ← get_values ( ). //same for both sender and receiver.
Step3: for i = 1 to N //’N’ numbers of vector.
Step4: for j = 1 to m // “m” dimension vector.
Step5: input[i][j] ← (w[i][j] * k).
End for
End for
Step6: for i = 1 to m
Step7: for j = 1 to N
Step8: hl1_in1 ← cal_sum (input[j][i]), hl1_in2← cal_sum (input[j][i]),…, hl1_inr← cal_
sum (input[j][i]).
End for
End for
Step9: hl1_out1← activFunc2 ( hl1_in1), hl1_out2← activFunc2 ( hl1_in2)… hl1_outr ←
activFunc2 (
{/* Calculation for hidden layer 2 */}
Step10: for i = 1 to r
Step11: for j = 1 to m
Step12: input[i][j]←(v[i][j] ∗ p).
End for
End for
Step13: for i = 1 to m
Step14: for j = 1 to r
Step15: hl2_in1← cal_sum (input[j][i]), hl2_in2← cal_sum (input[j][i])… hl2_inr← cal_
sum (input[j][i]).
End for
End for
Step16: hl2_out1← activFunc2 ( hl2_in1), hl2_out2← activFunc2 ( hl2_in2)… hl2_outr←
activFunc2 (
{/* Calculation for output layer */}
Step17: for i = 1 to r
Step18: ol_ini ← (u[i] ∗ p).
End for
Step19: for i = 1 to r
Step20: OL_in ← cal_sum (ol_ini).
End for
Step21: OL_out ← activFunc1 (ol_in).
Step22: End
Following is the pseudo code of activation function.

activFunc1 (integer x): x is a parameter. activFunc2 (integer x): x is a parameter

90 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Step1: set f_val as integer. Step1: set f_val as integer.

Step2: if (x > 0) Step2: if (x > b)
f_val ← 1. f_val ← b - (x % (b – a)).
Step3: else if (x = 0) Step3: else if (x < a)
f_val ← 0. f_val ← a + ((x % (b – a)).
Step4: else f_val ← (−1) Step4: else if (a≤ x ≤ b) f_val ← x
Step5: Return (f_val) Step5: Return (f_val)
Step6: End Step6: End
Same algorithm is used and processed in both ends in parallel. Now, we have compared
the output i.e, OL_out “n” times between sender and receiver. Here, we have used two rules
for weight vector updating. If the value of output layer of ANN is same, then we have used
rule-1, and otherwise, we have used rule-2. The unsupervised learning concept is used in
the design of rule-1 and rule-2.
Rule-1: wij(new) = wij(old) + floor(µ X [xi – wij(old)]) where µ = 0.4.
Rule-2: wij(new) = wij(old) + ceiling(µ X [xi – wij(old)]) where µ = 0.5.
Thus, after comparing and iterating the above process “n” times, the required session key
is generated from weight vectors of layer2 of sender’s ANN. We have saved k1th and k2th
weight vectors of layer1 for key transmission purposes.
Limitations: i. the values of W and Input are not same for ANN. The row wise values of
W must be different.
ii. Weight vector (U) may contain negative weight vectors.

Concept: In this module, we have checked authentication specially user authentication
mutually. In module 2, we have saved k1th, k2th vector of layer1of sender’s and receiver’s
ANN. Now, XOR operation is done between k1 and k2th vectors and MD5 hash algorithm is
used on XOR operation.
Input: k1th and k2th weight vectors.
Output: Authentication check.

Step1: set Ra [ ], Pa [ ] as character.

Step2: Ra[]=k1 XOR k2.
Step3: Pa[]= MD5 (Ra[]).
Step4: End

This Pa [ ] is exchanged between sender and receiver sides. Each side checks it is calcu-
lated Pa [ ] and received Pa [ ], if it is same, then authentication proved and encryption key
can be transmitted.

Concept: In this module, we have discussed on key wrapping protocol that transmit ses-
sion key between sender and receiver. In this protocol, modulo operation is used between
k1th, k2th weight vectors of layer1of sender’s ANN. These k1th, k2th weight vectors of lay-
er1of sender’s ANN have already saved, and in the receiver end, k1th, k2th weight vectors of
Symmetric Key & ANN-MM for Cloud Security 91

layer1of ANN have also saved at the same time. An output weight vector is generated after
modulo operation between k1th, k2th weight vectors, and XOR operation is done between
output weight vector and session key. The output weight vectors are generated in both sides,
so we have only shared the output of XOR via secure channel.
Input: k1th and k2th weight vectors, session key.
Algorithm: (Key Wrapping Algorithm)

Step1: set Pk [ ], Rk [ ] as character array.

Step2: Pk [ ] ← K1 MOD K2.
Step3: Rk [ ] ← Pk [] xor Session key.
Step4: End

Rk [ ] is transmitted to the receiver end through secure channel. Using unwrapping pro-
tocol, the session key is redeemed. This session key is used to generate plain text.

Concept: This module mainly focuses on cipher text generation. XOR and CLS (circular left
shift) operation is done between plain text and session key for generating cipher text. In
recipient end, the plain text is generated using decryption process.
Input: Session key, Plain text
Output: Cipher text.
Algorithm (Encryption):

Step1: set pt [ ], ct [ ], tmp [ ], session key [ ], s_key [ ] as character.

Step2: tmp [ ] ← pt [] xor session key.
Step3: s_key [ ] ← get_CLS (session key, 1st element (k1th vector)) // Circular left
shift operation on session key.
Step4: ct [ ] ←tmp [] xor s_key[]. // ct [ ] is cipher text.
Step5: End.

This ct [ ] is transmitted to recipient end where decryption algorithm (reverse of encryp-

tion algorithm) is used for plain text generation.
Details ANN structure and a complete flowchart are given below for clear understand-
ing the proposed technique.
The input values and the weight vectors of first layer (W) are same for both ends Figure
5.3 represents the ANN structure of sender & receiver. Figure 5.4 represents the flow chart
of proposed technique.

5.6 Results and Discussions

A good cryptosystem should be designed in such a way that it must robust against different
types of cryptanalytic, statistical, and brute-force attacks. In this section, we have discussed
different types of security analysis of our proposed scheme [11].
92 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

ANN Structure of Sender’s End ANN Structure of Receiver’s End

w U U W


1 U W


Figure 5.3 ANN structure [27].



MODULE-1: Mealy
Machine MODULE-1: Mealy

MODULE-2: Multi layer

MODULE-2: Multi layer
feed forward ANN & n
feed forward ANN & n
time iteration.
time iteration.

W vectors of k 1 & k 2th iterations

Session key generation & W vectors of
k1& k2th iteration MODULE-3:
Authentication Check by
MODULE-3: Authentication Vectors of k1& k 2th iteration W Vector
Check by W Vector for authentication

unwrapping protocol
Key Wrapping Protocol Wrapped session key

MODULE-5: Decryption
Process & plain text generation

MODULE-5: Encryption Cipher text transmission

process & cipher text generation


Figure 5.4 Flow chart of our proposed technique.

Symmetric Key & ANN-MM for Cloud Security 93

Table 5.2 Specifications of H/w and S/w used in the experiment.

Computer Lenovo G80
Processor Intel® Pentium® CPU B950@210GHz
Compiler Turbo C, DebC + +
Disc Drive SA 9500326AS·ATA
Operating System Windows 7 Ultimate (32 Bits)

The Table 5.2 shows specifications of H/w and S/w.

5.6.1 Statistical Analysis

Nowadays, different sorts of statistical assaults and statistical evaluation are utilized by
intruders or hackers to analyze the cipher text for decryption. Therefore, a great cipher text
ought to be robust towards any statistical attacks. To prove the robustness of our proposed
scheme, we have accomplished the histogram evaluation, avalanche impact evaluation, and
randomness test [20].

(a) Histogram Analysis: A textual content-histogram describes [21] how distinc-

tive characters in a text are disbursed with the aid of graphing the variety of
characters at every stage. Here, histogram analysis is finished on the numer-
ous encrypted as well as its authentic textual content documents which
have extensively unique content. We have proven the encrypted documents
of the authentic documents (simple textual content) using the secret keys
ApMn1808AB81 (in decimal) in Figure 5.5.

Used Keys: - ApMn1808AB81


TEXT(.txt) Frequency (%) ASCII Histogram of <test> (377569 characters) Frequency (%) ASCII Histogram of <RESULITE> [165523 characters]
10 7
8 6
6 5
2 2
0 1
Value A C E G I K M O Q S V W Y

Binary Histogram of <WM2> [2436498 characters]

PDF (.pdf)
ASCII Histogram of <RESULTWM> [213 characters]
Frequency (%) Frequency (%)

1 5
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 A C E G I K M O Q S V W Y
Value Value

WORD Frequency (%) Binary Histogram of <VB> [1304384 characters] Heading

y label

(.docx) 2
1 4
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 A C E G I K M O Q S V W Y
Value Value

Figure 5.5 Histogram analysis [27].

94 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Observations: It is plain from Figure 5.5 that the histograms of the encrypted documents
are quite uniform and significantly changed from the respective histograms of the unique
files (plain text) and consequently does no longer provide any clue to hire any statistical
attack on the proposed encryption process.

5.6.2 Randomness Test of Key

Randomness approach all factors of the series that are generated independently of every
other and the value of the following element within the series cannot be predicted, no mat-
ter how many elements have already been produced. Random and pseudorandom numbers
that are generated for cryptographic programs have to be unpredictable (ahead and back-
ward). The outputs of a PRNG are deterministic capabilities of the seed; i.e., all authentic
randomness is depended on seed generation. An RNG uses a nondeterministic source, i.e.,
the entropy supply. Here, we have used RNG for generating weight vectors of ANN, and
after some learning process, the weight values of a particular layer of ANN are used for
session key generation. To prove the randomness of our session key, we have used serial test
[3, 10]. The following statics is used for serial test [13].

X= (n002 + n012 + n102 + n112 ) − 2 (n02 + n12 ) + 1
(n − 1) n

which approximately follows a χ2 distribution with two degrees of freedom if n ≥ 21. Table
5.3 is given below.

Observation: For a significance level of α = 0.05, the threshold values of X for serial test
are 1.11, 1.2, 1.26, 2.12, 11.01, and 19.04, respectively. Thus, the sequence generated by the
above algorithm passes serial test. Table 5.3 and Figure 5.6 prove that our proposed tech-
nique is secure against different statistical attacks and differential attacks.

Table 5.3 Serial test.

Result of Result of only Result of only
Key size (byte) proposed tech. PRNG() [3] RNG() [10]
16 1.11 1.08 1.08
24 1.2 1 1.02
36 1.26 1.25 1.20
48 2.12 2.14 2.13
56 11.01 8.99 10
64 19.04 17.02 18.04
Symmetric Key & ANN-MM for Cloud Security 95

Key Size (byte)
40 Test result of
proposed tech.
Test result of only
20 PRNG()
10 Test result of only
1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 5.6 Graph of Table 5.3.

5.6.3 Key Sensitivity Analysis

An ideal encryption technique should be sensitive with recognize to the name of the secret
key, i.e., a single bit trade within the mystery key have to produce a very unique cipher text.
For checking out the sensitivity of the proposed encryption technique, we have completed
the encryption scheme within the documents (.txt) with moderate adjustments using the
secret key. The avalanche effect is shown below only for changed session key and with fixed
session key. Table 5.4 and Figure 5.7 show the total scenario [15, 22].

Observation: We have got shown the effects of a few attempts to decrypt an encrypted file
with barely one of kind secret keys than the only used for the encryption of the unique
report. Table 5.4 shows the added characters, deleted characters, and changed characters

Table 5.4 Avalanche effect: change in session key.

Total number Total number Total number
Ascii of added of deleted of changed
Key difference characters characters characters
cryptann@12345 0 3,526 3,540 2,541
cyyptann@12345 8 3,717 3,714 2,363
cryptBnn@12345 9 3,862 3,836 2,272
cryptann@12346 108 3,929 3,878 2,219
cryptann#12345 30 3,614 3,612 2,456
crystann@12345 81 4,263 4,247 1,893
cryptann@1234z 8 3,794 3,776 2,315
cryptann@12445 120 3,867 3,843 2,247
cryptann@02345 6 4,108 4,082 2,044
Aryptann@12345 69 4,094 4,089 2,031
96 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Ascii Difference

3000 Total number of

added characters
Total number of
1000 deleted characters
Total number of
changed characters
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 5.7 Graph of Table 5.4.

with slight change (one byte or two bytes) in session key, and the above graph (Figure 5.7)
also shows the increasing and decreasing performance among added characters, deleted
characters, and changed characters for one byte change in key. It is obvious that the decryp-
tion with a slightly extraordinary key fails absolutely and hence the proposed encryption
system is highly key touchy.

5.6.4 Security Analysis

Key Space Analysis: The required belongings of a terrific encryption algorithm are the
massive key area by way of which algorithm can face up to distinct types of attacks.
The total range of various keys in encryption procedure shows the dimensions of key area.
The brute-pressure assault is impractical in such crypto structures where key area is huge.
Now, we do not forget a general case in which the dimensions of secret keys k bits, i.e., k the
length of key in bits. Now, the key space is 2k, and if the important thing space is large, then
attack is not possible. There is a proportional relation among key space and key size [17, 23].

Brute-Force Attack: The massive key space makes the brute force assault [24] infeasible. In
this attack, attacker attempts to translate the cipher textual content into undeniable textual
content using every possible key. On common, half of all viable keys are enough for attain-
ing success. Algorithms are recognized to all in maximum networking machine however
brute-force assault will not possible if the algorithm uses massive key space.
If an eavesdropper listen this coupled feedforward ANN structure and accessing every
public parameter (input values), then it can act as genuine participant. But it is very difficult
for eavesdropper to get access of the symmetric key, and since the weight vectors of each
layer is not publicly accessible, then the attacker link weight may not be same at the of time
learning process in each iteration [27].

5.6.5 Dataset Used on ANN

The values of input vectors and W weight vectors are same for both sides and V weight vec-
tors and U weight vectors are different in Table 5.5. These weight vectors are updated using
rule-1 and rule-2 in both sides according to the values of output layer of ANN.
Symmetric Key & ANN-MM for Cloud Security 97

Table 5.5 Input vector and initial weight vectors.

Input vector W vector V vector Input vector
3 2 1 3 2 1 2 3 2 8
6 1 2 1 4 2 2 1 4 2
10 3 4 0 1 2 1 2 3 5
5 1 3 2 2 1 2 4 1 3

Table 5.6 Updated weight vectors.

W Vector V Vector
Iteration-1 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 4
3 3 2 5 5 6 5 4
6 7 4 5 2 2 3 6
3 4 3 2 1 1 5 4

Iteration-2 2 5 4 1 4 8 2 5
5 7 3 6 6 4 6 1
4 4 9 1 2 9 4 6
2 5 3 4 3 4 7 1

Iteration-3 5 6 8 2 5 8 1 6
3 1 2 6 2 3 4 9
4 7 4 2 1 6 7 5
3 6 5 2 4 10 6 11

Iteration-4 2 5 4 1 4 7 6 2
2 7 6 5 1 2 10 5
3 2 11 4 4 11 6 5
6 4 1 2 6 3 12 2

Iteration-5 2 4 1 3 1 5 4 2
5 7 6 10 8 9 7 1
2 3 4 6 3 6 4 9
7 1 6 2 11 4 6 12

Observation: Table 5.6 shows the updated weight vectors of layer1 and layer2 in each
iteration. Let n = 5, i.e., according to our proposed rule, 5 iterations are done on both
sides. Weight vector updating is done according to the result of the output layer of ANN.
98 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

The unsupervised learning concept is used in weight vectors updating. The values of V vec-
tors at iteration-5 are the required session key in sender end and this key is transmitted to
the receiver end by amalgamating the values of W vectors of iteration-k1 and iteration –k2.
It is seen that there is no correlation between input vectors and session key. This session key
is used for encryption decryption purposes.

5.6.6 Comparisons
In comparisons with tree parity machine (TPM), our proposed scheme shows good result
with respect to time and complexity. Many research papers has used coupled TPM for
machine synchronization and encryption key generation but we have used the concept of
coupled feedforward ANN instead of TPM which improves the quality of protocol for syn-
chronization and key generation (Table 5.7).
Table 5.8 shows comparative study among different existing techniques and our pro-
posed technique. This study also proves the efficiency of our protocol (Table 5.8).

Table 5.7 Comparison between coupled TPM and coupled feedforward ANN.
Scheme using coupled TPM [25] Scheme using coupled feedforward ANN
Each time weight vectors are exchanged. Weight vectors are exchanged one time in the
whole process.
Input vectors are changed frequently Input vectors are not changed for whole
depending on output. process.
More time consuming for machine Less time consuming for machine
synchronization. synchronization.
Less structural complexity. More structural complexity.

Table 5.8 Comparison table.

Security Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Proposed
properties↓ [7] [15] [21] [22] [23] [27] technique
Confidentiality Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes
Integrity No No No No Yes Yes Yes
Authenticity (user Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes
Defend against man- No No No No No No Yes
Symmetric Key & ANN-MM for Cloud Security 99

Table 5.8 Comparison table. (Continued)

Security Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Proposed
properties↓ [7] [15] [21] [22] [23] [27] technique
Defend against No No No No No No Yes
replay attack
Vulnerability No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Defend against No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes
Cryptanalysis (linear No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
and differential)
Session key No No No No Yes Yes Yes
Secure against Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
leakage attack

5.7 Conclusions
The data security and privacy issues are main barrier toward the rapid growth of cloud com-
puting. A number of techniques have been proposed for data protection and these tech-
niques also attain highest level of data security in the cloud. However, there are still many
gaps in this field and need more researches to make these techniques more effective. Our
proposed technique shows a novelty in neural cryptography and also provides a new direc-
tion in key generation and authentication using coupled feedforward ANN. Here, ANN
generates outputs using few iterations of unsupervised learning process. So, this technique
is faster and effective than other TPM-based techniques. Different types of analysis prove its
robustness in security issues and it also improves various limitations of previous techniques
in neural cryptography. It is not only applicable in cloud security but also in big data secu-
rity or any other information security system.

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An Efficient Intrusion Detection System on Various
Datasets Using Machine Learning Techniques
Debraj Chatterjee *

Department of CSE, Techno International New Town, Kolkata, India

The sudden surge in the relentless usage of networks in the last few years has compelled the creation
of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs), which are distinctively used to identify various irregulari-
ties and outbreaks persisting in these networks. To eradicate the existing problems of IDSs, various
machine learning and data mining techniques are being employed to ease the detection process.
This work aims to traverse through the various IDSs and some state-of-the-art machine learning
classifiers that can be deployed to enhance the performance of the IDSs. The author also proposes
a machine learning classifier–based model of an effective IDS that can detect a network good or
bad with the help of different machine learning techniques. The Logistic Regression, Naïve Bayes,
Stochastic Gradient Descent, K-Nearest Neighbours, Decision Tree, Random Forest, and Support
Vector Machine classifiers have been implemented to calculate the accuracy of the models. Popular
yet standard datasets KDD 1999, NSL KDD, and DARPA have been used for the implementation.
The model gives a permissible accuracy of over 80% when tested for each of the attacks.

Keywords: Network, attacks, intrusion, detection, feature selection, machine learning, accuracy

6.1 Introduction
With the vast increase of networks and its associated ancillaries, maintaining the security
of these networks is a big issue. It is implied that an attack of any manner in the network
can lead to a loss, however small it might be. In an organization, it is always anticipated
that there will never arise a situation in which the security is breached through any means.
Maintaining security should be one of the top priorities of any organization that plan to
run fruitfully in the long run. Compared to the amount of security trespassing mechanisms
that has been rising from attackers, the market has been substantial enough to deploy a
good number of tools which can detect attacks in the networks from intruders. Generally,
various methods like firewalls, spam filters, and anti-malware programs are arranged to
save the terminals from intruders. Keeping the security line of control intact is one of the

*Email: [email protected]

Rajdeep Chakraborty, Anupam Ghosh and Jyotsna Kumar Mandal (eds.) Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for
Cloud Security, (103–128) © 2022 Scrivener Publishing LLC

104 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

major concerns of organizations worldwide, irrespective of its size. Other than the popu-
larity of the mentioned attack prevention systems, the network fraternity has seen the rise
of a superior tool named Intrusion Detection System (IDS) [1] in recent times. Just like the
traffic police who maintain the traffic of the road and reports of any unwanted incident to
its immediate superior, the same happens in case of IDS. IDS may be termed as a program
utilized to identify the overall scenario of the passage through the particular network and
which subsequently awakes the user when an illegal admission takes place. By implement-
ing such attack identification systems, the attacks generating within the network and those
that have by some means skipped through the firewall can be alerted to the administrator.
As no network security is infallible and neither is any firewall, intruders are on the constant
search for devising mechanisms to intrude into the network and dodge the precautions
made at entry points. The main aim of arranging IDSs in a system is that through it, the
company is made aware of the presence of wary activities in the network. Hence, the con-
cerned person can take proper action to prevent further entry of the attack. Referring to the
current situation of the world, there has been a revolution in digitization. Each transaction
in all types of business is bound to go online and hence any minor unwanted malicious
behavior in the network should be monitored. Shielding is becoming a necessity with the
incessant rise of online banking and e-commerce business. Monitoring must be done in
both the network level and within the host machine also.
According to study the use of traditional methods responds to selective attacks. Though
sometimes, passive threats also arise and for which a generalized system can be prepared
that will detect and treat all attacks equally. Hence, the idea of machine learning technique
is applied for intrusion detection. Though many machine learning techniques like SVM and
feedforward networks are having some loopholes like time factor or size of data access, but
ultimately by reducing redundancy or false negative alarms, the accuracy becomes higher.
This work hence implements various hyper-parametric state-of-the-art machine learning
classifiers and find out the accuracy after executing them with three different datasets.
The rest of the manuscript is arranged as follows: Section 6.2 contains the motivation
and justification of the work done. Section 6.3 contains brief descriptions about the terms
that are related to IDSs. Section 6.4 mentions some of the intrusion attacks on cloud envi-
ronment. Section 6.5 contains the literature survey of the work done. Section 6.6 describes
the proposed methodology along with its implementation details followed by Section 6.7
containing the comparative results executed on the datasets. Finally, Section 6.8 contains
the conclusion and future scope.

6.2 Motivation and Justification of the Proposed Work

With the growth of new technologies and ecommerce, it was observed that threats and sus-
picious attacks increased a lot. The intruders or hackers with the hacking tools are invading
any system profusely. The attackers by using a camouflage enter through the backdoor of
the network to gain access of the system. This results in a huge data loss as well as security
breach which can inadvertently lead to a breakdown of the organization. The primary goal
to stop this unauthorized access is tightening the security. This is the main reason why the
author decided to work in this field to devise methods to efficiently handle intrusions in
computer networks through latest technologies.
IDS on Various Datasets Using ML Techniques 105

IDS and IPS came into being to encounter the attacks made to the vulnerabilities in the
infrastructure securities. As traditional mechanism to secure networks is not capable of
effectively identifying security breaches, the author prioritizes the proposal of IDS to inves-
tigate and identify the security of the system. As it is inherent that IDS deal with a lot of
data, machine learning techniques are utilized to deal with the huge. Clustering techniques
like KNN [2], Naïve Bayes [3], and SVM [4] are widely used for the construction of IDS. But
the exact machine learning algorithm that is to be used in a particular problem is entirely
dependent on the nature of the data set that is used. Hence, the usage of the machine learn-
ing classifiers has been stressed in this work. It is anticipated that this can solve the per-
sisting problem of unavailability of proper benchmarked dataset in the field of intrusion
detection or detection of attacks in networks.

6.3 Terminology Related to IDS

Theoretically, IDS is the technique which is able to detect the occurrence of invasive activi-
ties. It includes all the methods which are utilized to search for unauthorized access within
a network and its components. Hence, a brief description of the terms associated with IDS
is presented in the section below.

6.3.1 Network
Network is an amalgamation of threads or wires connecting different machines such as
computers [5]. It can be hailed as a connection through twisted pair cables, telephone
lines, radio waves, satellites, or optical fibre cables. It basically is a man-made system
having certain patterns or topologies. Some examples of topologies are ring, bus, mesh,
tree, and star. The end-to-end connection established in networks helps in transmitting
or receiving information to and from various devices within the networks. Reportedly,
the first network was designed by the United States Department of Defence and it was
named as the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) [6]. Currently,
there are several network technologies like LAN, MAN, WAN, IAN, SAN, WLAN, GAN,
PAN, and CAN [7].

6.3.2 Network Traffic

Network traffic and its consequent analysis are very important to strengthen the network
by identifying and averting obstruction and searching suspicious data packets by detecting
inconsistencies. It is responsible for displaying the amount of data transferring in the net-
work within a specified time. Generally, the data present in the network is encapsulated in
form of packets. In order to measure the efficiency of a network through controlling and
simulation, network traffic plays an important role [8]. Quality of service greatly depends
on the existing network traffic. Network traffic can be classified into busy traffic where the
consumption of bandwidth is high, interactive traffic where prioritization of bandwidth on
application is necessary, and non-real time traffic where utilization of bandwidth is during
working hours. Regular traffic analysis has taken a toll in recent times as they result in pro-
viding proper network security.
106 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

6.3.3 Intrusion
Anomaly and abnormality in network traffic can be termed as intrusion which directly
threatens the entire security system of an organization. The network intrusion is basically
the access of a system by an unauthorized user. This access without having any prior defence
breaches the security of the system which results in loss of information [9]. Some of the
well-known attacks are Asymmetric routing, Buffer overflow, Common gateway interface
attack, Protocol specific attack, Traffic flooding, Trojans, and Worms [10–14]. Through
these attacks, they invade into the file repositories or overload the system server and thus
break the smooth flow of data packets.

6.3.4 Intrusion Detection System

An IDS can be said to be a tool or software or a technology to monitor intrusion in net-
work traffic [15]. Various malicious or unwanted activities occur in a system for which
the systems are thoroughly scanned. It detects the threat that occurs in the commu-
nication path of the network. It analyzes both inbound and outbound network traffic
by checking the threats. If there are any types of abnormalities regarding breaching of
network, then it eventually gives an alert. This malicious threat or violation is reported
either to an administrator or stored centrally using a security information and event
management (SIEM) system. A SIEM system checks the threats from the stored collec-
tion and segregates the result from false alarms. Figure 6.1 represents the functionalities
IDS in a nutshell.

traf f ic Threat
monitoring alert and

Matching Checks
Intrusion regular traf f i c
threats Detection
with signature with
System input network
signatures signature

Acts in
Classify threats the nature
according to of the
nature of threat

Figure 6.1 Intrusion detection system in a nutshell.

IDS on Various Datasets Using ML Techniques 107

There are several tools available for IDS [16]. Some of them are as follows:

Snort: It was developed by Cisco. It is an open-source tool which can be easily installed in
windows operating system. It is the leading network-based IDS software which also acts
as an intrusion prevention system (IPS). There are three modes of Snort. They are Sniffer
mode, Packet logger, and Intrusion detection.

OSSEC: It is known as open-source host IDS. It is entirely free to use in both windows
operating system and Linux operating system. The prime focus of it is the log files instal-
lation location. It checks all the log files for error detection before concluding. It monitors
the attempt to enter the root location in Linux. The main features of OSSEC are Log file
analyzer, Free policies and Alerting system.

Suricata: It is an alternative to snort. The main advantage is that it collects data at the
application layer. It works in the application layer but also monitors the lower-level proto-
col activity such as ICMP, TCP, and UDP. It also inspects instantaneous traffic for several
network applications that includes FTP and HTTP. It also focuses on the DNS calls and the
requests made by HTTP.

Zeek: It was previously known as BRO. Though it is a free network IDS, it also monitors
the network traffic. There are two phases of Zeek: traffic logging and analysis. A major
advantage of Zeek is that the packet analysis operates on the application layer. This provides
a clear understanding of packets to analyze network protocol activity. The main features of
Zeek are signature detection and anomaly analysis. It can be used in Unix, Linux, and Mac
operating system.

Sagan: It is a host-based IDS tool for log analysis. It can be available freely and an alterna-
tive for OSSEC. Sagan is independent of dedicated hardware. It can analyze both network
traffic data and host logs. It also helps to monitor the geographical location of the suspicious
IP addresses.

Security Onion: Its idea is to monitor the network for suspicious activities and check the
security of the network for any unexpected occurrences.

AIDE: The Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment is a host IDS. It is used in operating
systems like Unix, Linux, and Mac. It monitors and rolls back any unauthorized changes
done in the system.

OpenWIPS-NG: It is a wireless network IPS that runs on Linux. It is a free software. After
gathering information through wireless channel by the server, the intrusion pattern is
detected and monitored by the analysis engine in the server program.

Samhain: It is a simple host-based IDS. It can be carried out in more than one host. It uses
a centralized data gathering by monitoring on the events identified by the agents present
on each host. The agents in the individual system monitors the port and log files. Samhain
uses a technology, known as steganography, to prevent its processes from the attack or
108 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

manipulation of log files by unauthorized users. It is used in operating systems like Linux,
Unix, and Mac OS.

Fail2Ban: It is a simple and free host-based IDS. It focuses mainly on identifying problem-
atic events recorded in logs. Excessive login failure is an example of this. If any suspicious
actions are reported, then the system blocks the IP address. Various Types of IDS

IDS can be classified into five categories depending on the types of nature of incident they
monitor and the type of attack they handle:

1. Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) [17]:

It is placed within the network to analyze traffic from all devices on the net-
work. It inspects the traffic on the entire network and matches the traffic that
is forwarded on the subnets to the set of known attacks. Once an attack is
detected or abnormalities are observed, the alert is transferred to the admin-
istrator. It is installed on the subnet where firewalls are present to look at if
somebody is trying to crack the firewall.
2. Host Intrusion Detection System (HIDS) [18, 19]:
It operates on individual hosts or devices on the network. It examines both
the arriving and departing packets from the device only. If any irregularities
or abnormalities come, then it will notify the administrator. It takes a view
of the existing files in the system and goes for a comparison with the previ-
ous ones. If any change in the file system were done, then the administrator
receives an alert.
3. Protocol-based Intrusion Detection System (PIDS) [20]:
It consists of a system that controls and check the protocol between a device
and a server. Its aim is to secure the web server by frequent monitoring of the
HTTPS protocol.
4. Application Protocol-based Intrusion Detection System (APIDS) [21]:
This system resides within a group of servers. The intrusion in this case is
identified by thorough checking and monitoring the communication over
the specific protocols.
5. Hybrid Intrusion Detection System [22]:
This system is an amalgamation of many approaches of the IDS where host is
merged with network information to create a thorough view of the network
system. It is more effective than other IDSs.
Table 6.1 illustrates a comparative table of NIDS and HIDS based on various criteria. Working Methodology of IDS

An IDS detects planned and prospective attacks based on two methodologies.
Signature-Based Detection
In this method [23, 24], it compares signatures with monitored actions to detect prob-
able events. If by default any of the event matches, then immediately it issues an alert.
IDS on Various Datasets Using ML Techniques 109

Table 6.1 Comparative table of NIDS and HIDS.

Type of Area to be
IDS Consists of monitored Advantages and Disadvantages
NIDS A network sensor Monitors • Flexible and portable compared to
along with a the entire other IDSs and is generally self-
Network Interface network or regulating by nature.
Card incorporated the segment • Easier to implement and incorporate in
on the boundary in whose networks.
of a network to be boundary • Auto-updation of attacks is not
able to track the the NIDS has possible in many cases.
entire network. been placed.
HIDS Sensors which Keeps track for • Versatile in many cases as they are able
are installed trespassing to function in encrypted situations
in particular in the also.
machines which is workplace • Unable to monitor multiple
to be monitored. where it has workstations at a single time.
been placed. • Can be rendered inoperative by
intruders easily

The advantage of this detection is that it gives more accuracy and generates an alarm easily
understandable by user. The probable events or alerts can be a malware, server attack, or network
attack. Attackers frequently change information regarding place of attack or possible occur-
rences of the attack to access the signature-based IDS which results in loss of signature from the
database. If the database is large, then processing speed increases to analyze the workflow.

Anomaly-Based Detection
This method [25, 26] compares characteristics of regular activity with monitored events to
detect the substantial deviations. It looks for unknown attacks that signature-based IDS were
unable to check. It frequently observes and compares the network traffic with the statistical
model. If any fault or breaching occurs, then the admin receives and alert. Anomaly-based
IDS network behavior are always predictable and can easily be guessed which one is a good
traffic and which one is bad traffic. One disadvantage of anomaly-based IDS is that it looks
at the nature of traffic and not the payload. If a network is operating on a basic pattern, then
the IDS faces problems of guessing which traffic to flag. Generally, most IDSs nowadays
work on the hybrid models combining both signature-based and anomaly-based detec-
tion systems. While signature-based IDSs match the attack faced to a database of identified
intrusion techniques, anomaly-based IDSs work on the principle of searching for doubtful
behavior in the network to identify threats. Table 6.2 illustrates a comparative table of the
above mentioned intrusion detection mechanisms. Characteristics of IDS

• It analyzes and monitors different activities of system. Before any real damage
occurs to a system, it catches the unauthenticated user.
110 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Table 6.2 Comparative table of signature-based and anomaly-based IDS.

Type of IDS Characteristics Advantages Disadvantages
Signature- It attempts to track • Simple and efficient • A matching pattern
Based IDS intrusion by in nature needs to exist in order
matching patterns on • Less time is to identify the attack.
trials of attacks made required. • Updation of new attacks
to the system. Based requires unnecessary
on the assumption time wastage caused
of various attempts after the attack.
made on the system, • Excess traffic in the
the intrusion is network may lead to
detected. problem as the method
requires one-to-one
packet inspection.
Anomaly- It prioritizes abnormal • There is no necessity • While the system is
Based IDS intrusions focussing for upgradation creating its profile
mainly on the of attacks in the based on the attacks,
software aspects. It database. the system can
is specifically used to • Extensive usage of be susceptible for
track the veracity of the system leads to intrusion.
the data during the more efficiency in • Attacks poised as
attack. identifying threats. normal traffic may lead
• Little or no to no alarm generation
maintenance is in the system.

• If any notification regarding security arises, then it generates an alarm to

inform security admin. The key objectives for an IDS implementation are to
decrease risk, detect error, enhance network, give a view to threat levels, and
alter user behavior.
• It also detects breaches and faults in system configuration. It needs human or
system interaction to work as it does not act on its own.
• If any alteration in the data files occurs, then the IDS detects it and sponta-
neously reports to the admin. Deciding where to set the probes is not easy. It
can be placed outside the firewall tocollect data on attacks from the Internet,
but normally they are placed near servers, or interfaces between safe regions.
• An IDS helps to explore odd traffic on the network. It is mainly used in an
investigated mode but can also be used in a defensive mode (through inter-
rupting system calls for the host-based result or avoiding the network prod-
uct). It reviews the reliability of the data files and the system. Advantages of IDS

There are numerous advantages of IDS. IDSs when placed tactically over a network, deploy-
ing appropriate hardware sensors or if deployed in a single system can efficiently supervise
trespassing activities within a network. Not only that attacks are identified, but also patterns
IDS on Various Datasets Using ML Techniques 111

of security infringements are also detected leading to a low-risk network system. The fol-
lowing points may be considered as advantages of IDS:

1. It allows admin to organize and analyze the logs and events done in the system.
2. Provides a user-friendly system for non-expert users.
3. It can detect any change occurring in the data file.
4. It reacts very first by blocking the intruders breaching into the system by
giving an alert to the admin.
5. It easily recognizes the intruder and the data files altered by the intruder time
to time.
6. The HIDS monitors and analyze encrypted data and by which it informs
whether an intrusion will occur or not.
7. As host IDS never uses extra hardware facility, hence it is easy to use.
8. Wireless IDS manages the wireless protocol activity. Disadvantages of IDS

The major disadvantage of IDS is that it secures the entire network when it fails to identify
the source of the intrusion. It also needs the permission to access the entire network to
perform monitoring for intrusion. In many cases, IDS requires immense amount of storage
space. Apart from these, the following maybe considered as the disadvantages of IDS:

1. Sometimes, single information does not give a clear view of the intruder.
2. One main disadvantage is that whether the message was sent securely or not
is unclear.
3. High chances of false alarm can be observed due to fixed user profile.
4. If the operating system fails, then the host intrusion detection also fails.
5. The host IDS fails to monitor denial-of-service (DoS) attack.
6. The network IDS cannot analyze or detect encrypted traffic.
7. The network IDS has a restricted view on the host system.

6.3.5 Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)

The IPS helps in monitoring malicious activities, identify them, gather information about
those activities, and take actions to block them. Here, IDS also operate on the network traf-
fic for monitoring the activities. Hence, IPS [27] is an extended version of the IDS.
The IPS is divided into four categories as follows. Network-Based Intrusion Prevention System (NIPS)

It examines the entire network for unwanted traffic by investigating the protocol activity.
It is the system used for monitoring a network as well as protecting the reliability, privacy,
and accessibility of a network. It protects the network from various risks, such as DoS and
unauthorized access or usage of the network.
112 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security Wireless Intrusion Prevention System (WIPS)

It investigates a wireless network for unwanted traffic by checking the wireless networking
protocols. This system observes network connections for the trait of a malicious attack,
links a series of actions to identify an unwanted attack, and takes specified actions to pre-
vent the malicious attack. Network Behavior Analysis (NBA)

It monitors the network traffic to recognize risks that breaks the normal flow of traffic.
An example of such risk is distributed DoS (DDoS) attacks and violations of policy. It is a
system for network monitoring that certifies the security of a private network. This analysis
improves network safety by acutely monitoring traffic for suspicious activity. Traditional
ways of securing a network against malicious data involves signature detection, data packet
testing, and periodic checking of infected sites. Host-Based Intrusion Prevention System (HIPS)

It checks the activities that are occurring inside a host. If any threats are scanned, then it
immediately takes actions within that host. The HIPS is a software package built inside the
system. It runs on a single host having a problem. This method is used to protect systems
containing essential data against known as well as unknown malicious threats and attacks.
This system frequently verifies the traits of a particular host and the several actions that
appear inside the host for irregular activities. There are some detection methods for IPS.
Some of them are as follows:

Signature-Based Detection
It is a method where a unique key is created on a recognized risk so that the risk can be
detected further. A distinct form of a code pattern can be used for scanning code or it may be
simply a characteristic of a recognized infected file. If that specific form is detected again,
then the file is recognized as infected one. It manages packets in the network with the help of
signatures. It compares the packets with existing patterns.

Statistical Anomaly-Based Detection

This method analyzes network traffic and compares it with a pre-existing one baseline. The
work of this baseline is to identify which is suitable for the network and with respect to that
which protocol is to be used. If the baseline is not configured properly, then it might give a false

Stateful Protocol Analysis Detection

This method identifies deviation of protocols by comparing monitored events with existing
ones showing no threat or risks. The crucial features of it are that it detects sudden change in
pattern of commands and checks for regular protocol analysis.

6.3.6 Comparison of IPS With IDS/Relation Between IDS and IPS

The difference between IPS with IDSs is as follows:
IDS on Various Datasets Using ML Techniques 113

System with Firewall Area Network

Intruder Deployed Switch



Figure 6.2 (a) Basic architecture of intrusion detection system (IDS).

System with Firewall Area Network

Intruder Internet Deployed Switch


Figure 6.2 (b) Basic architecture of intrusion prevention system (IPS).

1. IDSs are monitoring and detection tool, whereas IPSs are a control system
that can actively prevent or block intrusions that are detected.
2. IDS cannot take actions on their own, whereas IPS can take actions by send-
ing an alarm, dropping the identified malicious packets, re-establishing a
connection, or preventing traffic from the infected IP address.
3. IDS requires the intervention of another system or human to check the
results, whereas IPS helps in checking cyclic redundancy check (CRC) errors,
reduces TCP issues, and removes unnecessary transport layer and network
layer options.
4. Both IDS and IPS interpret network packets and relate the contents to a
known threat database.

Figures 6.2a and b depict the difference in the basic architecture of IDS and IPs.

6.3.7 Different Methods of Evasion in Networks

An IDS can be evaded in many ways. Without informing the host, an attacker can easily
manipulate the host. Some of the evading methods are described as follows:

1. Encoding and encryption: The IDS should be aware of all the encrypted pack-
ets. But the IDSs were unable to read the attacks of some protocols like HTTPs
unless it has a copy of the private key that was previously used by the server.
The server uses this private key for encrypting the communication. If the sig-
natures were unable to match with the traffic, then attackers invade the system.
114 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

2. Polymorphism: The attacker forms a series of innovative attack patterns. A

decoder is placed in front of the payload and finally encoded in a typical
pattern. When the user executes the payload, the decoder starts its work thus
affecting the IDS.
3. Fragmentation and small packets: The attackers can attack the IDS by chang-
ing the packets in such a way that the packets can be splitted into multiple
small fragments.
4. Overlapping of fragments: It is an evasion process of overlapping the TCP/
IP packets sequence number. There is a sequence of the TCP packets where
the first packet and the second packets are containing some bytes which are
different. If the IDS were unable to match this TCP stream, then it can be
easily manipulated by inserting malicious data, thus breaking the signature.
5. Protocol ambiguities: If the IDS was unable to provide proper TCP and IP
protocols, then ambiguity occurs, and attackers can invade the system easily.
6. Low bandwidth attack: This type of attack is basically a password cracker where
the hacker matches a password with all the users individually. If by any how the
user makes a password type wrong, then it takes the fault and matches it.
7. CPU exhaustion: This is DoS attack. Here, captured packets are stored in a
buffer if the CPU is overloaded with previous packets. With prolonged wait
of the new packets, they eventually lead to packet drop. The attacker matches
the pattern of the incoming and outgoing packets thus making the CPU time
maximum and overloads it.
8. Memory exhaustion: Here, the signatures of certain malicious packets are
monitored and then compared. The IDS monitors TCP blocks (TCB) that
contain information of the protocol in chunks inside the memory. Many
times, when transferring of data in the memory packets are dropped which
leads to memory exhaustion and attacker at this point overloads the memory
by repetitive connections of TCP or fragmenting larger packets into smaller
ones. This is an example of DoS attack.
9. Operator fatigue: Here, the attacker generates huge alert signatures. Thus,
threat increases in the IDS. But it will not hamper the IDS where the applica-
tion protocol context is present.

6.4 Intrusion Attacks on Cloud Environment

Cloud computing refers to the mechanism that allows easy, demand-based entry to a net-
work which contains a shared pool of organized computing sources that can be readily
prepared and utilized with minimum amount of manpower involvement or service supplier
dealings [28]. Due to the virtualization idea, cloud security works on standard internet
protocols. This gives a loophole as well as a weakness in the cloud environment and thus
unauthenticated users breach the system. The use of firewall is a traditional method which
protects the system from the access of the unauthenticated users by allowing or blocking IP
addresses. But it becomes hard to detect the insider attacks or threats as they are too com-
plicated. Thus, the idea of IDS comes into limelight for cloud security. Some of the IDS for
cloud security are as follows:
IDS on Various Datasets Using ML Techniques 115

1. Host Intrusion Detection System

This IDS monitors and inspects the accumulated data like system calls, network
activities, and type of host file system from a particular host. It also monitors
the changes done in the host file system or unusual behavior of the system. If it
observes any change, then it confirms and report to the admin that an attack or
a threat is present in the host [29]. For the cloud security, it monitors keenly on
the log files, access control, and the login phase of the user.
2. Network Intrusion Detection System
This IDS aims to identify unwanted activities like DoS attacks, scanning of
ports and accessing system in an unauthenticated way. The data absorbed
first from the network and scanned thoroughly. Through rigorous checking,
it is matched with some known threats in real time analysis. It utilizes both
signature-based and anomaly-based intrusion detection procedure. But if a
network is already encrypted, then NIDS cannot work on that network. It
mainly highlights IP monitoring for detecting intrusion on individual pack-
ets. One disadvantage of network intrusion in cloud is that it has inadequate
access within the host system. It is the sole responsibility of the cloud pro-
vider or owner to install the network intrusion detection system inside.
3. Distributed Intrusion Detection System
It is a combination of all IDS which works on large networks. There can be a
master server which controls or monitors all the other machines or systems
or there can be a connection between individual ones. They gather and fil-
ter the information received from the systems and produce it to a uniform
method which is then transferred to the key analyzer. Both anomaly- and sig-
nature-based procedures are used for analyzing the information. The advan-
tage of using a distributed intrusion detection system is that it can be applied
in both host system and acting server processing the information in a cloud.
4. Hypervisor-Based IDS
A hypervisor can also be said to be a virtual machine (VM) monitor. It is
software for creating VMs. A hypervisor shares its resources like memory
and thus forms a relation between one host with multiple guest VMs. This
system specifically designed for hypervisors which monitors and identifies
network communications between the VMs. This technique is one of the best
for detecting intrusion or breach in cloud environment.
Usually, intrusion detection is performed at the network layer in case of gen-
eral environments. Unprocessed data is collected, and prototype matched for
the relevant type of signature-based or anomaly-based attacks. But this is not
possible for cloud environments. The limitation of clouds resists the users from
collecting raw data for further matching [30]. Hence, the nature of intrusion
detection always depends on the type of cloud service that is being used.
a) Software as a Service (SaaS): Unfortunately, the service providers of SaaS
extensively perform detection of intrusion.
b) Platform as a Service (PaaS): It works almost same as SaaS, where the pro-
vider is responsible for most of the detection for trespassing within the
cloud, but certain mechanisms can be deployed wherefrom monitoring of
the network can be done.
116 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

c) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): This is the only method through which

consumers get a maximum opportunity of deploying intrusion detection
within networks. The monitoring is generally done in the VM, host sys-
tem, virtual network as well as in the traditional network.

6.5 Comparative Studies

Researchers are constantly on the move to devise latest mechanisms to propose efficient
IDSs. Table 6.3 presents a tabular view of few of the latest research made in this field.

Table 6.3 Some of the works pertaining to IDS in recent years.

Outcome, future
Ref. Methodologies scope, and
no. Aim of the work used Dataset limitations
[31] For calculating A unique idea of The updated It can be said that the
and the Bagging version of Bagging machine
improving the method along KDD99 dataset, learning method
classification with REP Tree that is, NSL- detects highest
accuracy by is used for KDD dataset has classification
reducing false implementing been used. accuracy on the
positive rate, intrusion NSL-KDD dataset.
an ensemble detection But in this method
method for system. only one data set
intrusion was taken for the
detection test.
system is used.
[32] To identify the With K-means Due to the dearth When the correct
number of algorithm and of latest datasets, number of clusters
clusters by unsupervised the NSL-KDD is identified, then
lessening the machine dataset was the efficiency
false negative learning used. rate of the system
rate. technique, increases, whereas
the Intrusion fluctuations in the
Detection cluster number
was carried leads to a loss in
out. Here, efficiency. But
the proposed if the number
model follows of clusters
a signature- is described
based approach previously, then it
along with can run properly;
the K-means otherwise, it will
clustering. be very complex.
IDS on Various Datasets Using ML Techniques 117

Table 6.3 Some of the works pertaining to IDS in recent years. (Continued)
Outcome, future
Ref. Methodologies scope, and
no. Aim of the work used Dataset limitations
[33] The main aim is In this work, an Self-extracted Due to some issues
to reduce the idea of outlier datasets from like excess
attack before detection Big data– training time, low
it occurs technique is enabled systems accuracy checking
and identify used where were collected and attack
the threats the dataset is and compared classification,
properly. The evaluated by to the popular high speed model
idea is to find a factor called KDD dataset comes into.
the anomalies the NOF. Large to show the The proposed
present in the datasets are efficiency of the model for IDS is
system and utilized for proposed model. giving a higher
to reduce the this process performance speed
training time of intrusion and detecting all
by preparing detection. the anomaly data
a high-speed present in the
algorithm. network system.
This idea is better
than the remaining
approaches of
machine learning.
[34] To find the best Decision Trees The standardized The proposed
possible set of and Differential NSL-KDD method was able
characteristics Evolution Cup’99 dataset to efficiently
with the help methods have was used. identify sixteen
of methods been used in features to be able
like discretized the proposed to categorize the
differential model. associations. The
evolution model yielded an
(DDE) and accuracy of 88.73%
C4.5 ML. while detecting
novel attacks.
As a limitation
to the work, the
generalization of
the features was
required to be
eradicated in future
work. Also, live
networks could be
explored to retrieve
118 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Table 6.3 Some of the works pertaining to IDS in recent years. (Continued)
Outcome, future
Ref. Methodologies scope, and
no. Aim of the work used Dataset limitations
[35] A network Three-layer The NID dataset It was anticipated
intrusion structure is used has been used that the adaptive
detection is comprising of but comparisons method used
proposed with inlet, concealed have also been in adding the
constructive and outlet made with the neurons would
approach layers. Random mostly used save time and
to existing weights were KDD Cup’99 cost of composing
extreme taken as input dataset. an efficient
learning along with the C-ELM. The only
(C-ELM) bias. drawback of the
machines method is that
in which much amount of
concealed time is consumed
neurons are to find the exact
added in such number of hidden
a augmented neurons through
way that trial-and-error
the hidden method.
may not be
recreated from
scratch every
time that it is
being tested.
[36] Machine Logistic Regression Malware and non- Attacks are
Learning– and propagation malware samples efficiently detected
based methods have from Packet in real time
techniques been deployed storm were with the help of
have been to find out the examined with machine learning
applied occurrence of the proposed mechanisms
to detect attacks in the method. through the use
interference network. of anomaly-based
and to recognition
afford more schemes. The
security-based work could
solutions to further be
cloud-based implemented with
environments. deep learning
techniques to
identify an attack.
IDS on Various Datasets Using ML Techniques 119

Table 6.3 Some of the works pertaining to IDS in recent years. (Continued)
Outcome, future
Ref. Methodologies scope, and
no. Aim of the work used Dataset limitations
[37] An effective An assortment of NSL-KDD, the Significant accuracy
IDS has been classifiers and adapted version was achieved
proposed feature selection of the KDD99 implementing
based on methods were dataset, was the mix of
machine used to detect reduced and the classifiers
learning attacks in the used for the and selection
dataset. purpose. techniques. A
requirement of a
system which can
efficiently detect
an attack in the
entire dataset can
be treated as a
future scope of
this work.
[38] To create a A testbed had The dataset This work was the
Machine been developed was gathered first to initiate
Learning– impersonating through Argus machine learning
supported an actual and Wireshark oriented IDS in
IDS to survey industrial plant. network SCADA systems
the problem Attacks have instruments. for backdoor
of invasion been performed attacks. A
identification deliberately to hybrid model
in industrial gather real data implementing
IOT devices. for the purpose. various types
of algorithms is
referred to as a
future scope in
this work.
120 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Table 6.3 Some of the works pertaining to IDS in recent years. (Continued)
Outcome, future
Ref. Methodologies scope, and
no. Aim of the work used Dataset limitations
[39] To authenticate Supervised Raw data is taken The system is
and create machine as input and fed proposed to offer
a model for learning to the system, a threat analysis
intrusion algorithm maybe in the in the case of
detection in is used form of a packet. wireless sensor
wireless sensor considering networks with the
networks back-ends help of security
using like OFMC, verification tool.
Automated CL-AtSe,
Validation SATMC, and
of Internet TA4SP as
Security a protocol
Protocols and analyzer.
(AVISPA) tool
and a high-
level protocol
[40] Decision Tree REP Tree, JRip CICIDS2017 Both regular and
and rule-based algorithm, dataset has been irregular attacks
algorithms and Forest PA considered and can be identified
are used to classifiers which compared to with a low false
devise a new are widely other existing alarm rate and
intrusion recognized are datasets in this high detection
detection used in the field. rate. The method
method to work. resulted in high
help efficiently accuracy with the
identify dataset.
attacks within
the system.
IDS on Various Datasets Using ML Techniques 121

6.6 Proposed Methodology

It has been observed that the huge rise of data generated from existing networks and its
peripherals compels the usage of machine learning mechanisms on IDSs for proficient
identification of attacks within the system. The machine learning–based model with an
assortment of classifiers which has been used in this paper has been illustrated in Figure 6.3.


Load the datasets

Data Collection &


Feature Selection

Appropriate characteristic is determined based on its

relationship with labels

Training Dataset Test Dataset

Training using
Various machine Classif ication
learning classif ier

Proposed IDS model

Predictions made for attacks


Figure 6.3 The flowchart of the proposed IDS used in this work.
122 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Three standard datasets have been used in this work to establish the result variation in
the proposed model, namely, the DARPA 2000, KDD Cup’99, and the improvised NSL-
KDD [41]. While KDD99 is the characteristic removed version of DARPA dataset, NSL-
KDD is eliminated of redundancy abolishing the chance of the classifiers being biased while
producing the results. As these are very commonly used datasets, much description about
the same is not included here. The attacks in the datasets are generalized and categorized
into four classes of DoS attack, Probe attack, User-to-Root attack (U2R), and Remote-to-
Local attack (R2L) [42]. The DoS attack is a threat where the target machine is over flooded
with trash information and thus making the expected users to be on a hold by crashing the
system or shutting down the network.
The probe is a threat or an attack where the hacker tries to detect an open port. It is cre-
ated in such a way that the target identifies it and informs it with a familiar identification.
The hacker then tries to find out the details of the detector and invade in the system. A
U2R attack first gains access over the remote system as a normal user through TELNET.
Gradually with a combination of patterns, it tries to access the system as a super-user. A
R2L attack is like the U2R attack but is more limited to its work. Here, the intruder sends a
packet to the target with the intention of making the host vulnerable to attack by disclosing
all the target systems information.
The data in all the cases has initially been pre-processed for transforming of the unqual-
ified data into its numerical counterpart and ultimately helping enhance the performance
of the classifiers. The diminution of the data has been performed by Principal Component
Analysis to convert the dataset into a compact form. This particular method has been cho-
sen as though PCA reduces the number of variables in a data set, it performs the trick by
retaining the maximum amount of data possible. PCA standardizes the continuous values
of the data set so that there is equal contribution of all the variables to the analysis. Then,
the co-variance matrix is computed to get the idea of how the input variables are varying
from the mean in comparison to its peers. The eigen vectors and eigen values are calculated
next to find out the principal components of the dataset. By this method, the principal
components are found out by representing them in terms of linear components of the input
variables. This method is followed by the decision-making phase of abandoning the com-
ponents which are of comparatively lower significance, leading to the creation of feature
vectors. The final step comprises of redistribution of the values from the initial axes to the
principal component ones. This method is obtained by performing the multiplication of the
transpose of the dataset along with the transpose of the obtained feature vector.

6.7 Result
The datasets are fed through various state-of-the-art classifiers. Etymologically, classifica-
tion is the method where data is divided into various classes. Through classification, it is
easier to depict the classes in which the variables belong. This work presents the compar-
ative result of various state-of-the-art classifiers used in machine learning. The process of
classification involves the classifier to be initialized, train it, forecast the target and finally
evaluate the model. The hyper-parametric classifiers [43] like Logistic Regression, Naïve
Bayes, Stochastic Gradient Descent, K-Nearest Neighbors, Decision Tree, Random Forest,
and Support Vector Machine have been implemented in this work. It is to keep in mind that
IDS on Various Datasets Using ML Techniques 123

the linear models provide the same output each time the data is fed to the model. In some
case of classifiers, random weights are considered, which initially may not be optimum, but
on continuous training performed on the model, the results improve. This work intends
to present a thorough performance evaluation of different classifiers on the datasets. Out
of the classifiers executed in this experiment, Logistic Regression is an algorithm based
on machine learning. It is based on a logistic function and is very effective in categorizing
as it very well understands the pressure of multiple autonomous variables on a particular
output variable. Naïve Bayes algorithm works based on the Bayes theorem assuming that
there is no dependency between any pair of characteristics. This is treated as one of the
most efficient classifier providing excellent results in innumerable real-time cases. They
require a small amount of data and produces result in less amount of time. The stochastic
gradient descent classifier is very straightforward and is very well suited for linear models.
For neighbor-related classification, the k-Nearest Neighbor classifier computes result for
storing instances of the trained data. Decision Tree classifiers are easy to implement and
are able to deal with both numbers and classified data. It provides a succession of rules
which is eventually used to classify the data. Random Forest Classifier uses the technique
of averaging to fit decision trees on multiple data samples. This is an effectual classifier that
is responsible for controlling over-fitting and gives more precise results than decision trees.
Finally, Support Vector Machine works by embodying trained data in the form of points
in space and is divided into different classes which are highly separated from one another.
The new samples of data are ultimately mapped to that particular space and the forecast is
done depending on the class in which they lie. Tables 6.4a, b, and c illustrate the accuracies
obtained on the three different datasets using the above-mentioned classifiers.
Further to exploit the utility of the data, cross-validation has been introduced further in
this experiment. Generally, when a machine learning model is created the data is divided

Table 6.4 (a) The accuracies yielded through various state-of-the-art classifiers
implemented in DARPA dataset.
Classifiers DOS (%) Probe (%) U2R (%) R2L (%)

Logistic Regression 87 85 85 83
Naïve Bayes 86 84 86 84
Stochastic Gradient Descent 85 83 84 84
k-Nearest Neighbor 80 79 81 81
Decision Tree 82 81 82 83
Random Forest Classifier 85 82 84 81
Support Vector Machine 86 86 83 83
124 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Table 6.4 (b) The accuracies yielded through various state-of-the-art classifiers
implemented in KDD Cup’99 dataset.
Classifiers DOS (%) Probe (%) U2R (%) R2L (%)

Logistic Regression 94 94 92 92
Naïve Bayes 94 93 91 93
Stochastic Gradient Descent 92 92 91 92
k-nearest neighbor 89 91 88 91
Decision Tree 92 90 91 92
Random Forest Classifier 93 93 92 91
Support Vector Machine 93 91 92 91

Table 6.4 (c) The accuracies yielded through various state-of-the-art classifiers
implemented in NSL-KDD dataset.
Classifiers DOS (%) Probe (%) U2R (%) R2L (%)

Logistic Regression 95 92 92 93
Naïve Bayes 93 93 91 92
Stochastic Gradient Descent 92 89 91 90
k-Nearest Neighbor 91 92 92 90
Decision Tree 92 91 90 91
Random Forest Classifier 93 90 88 92
Support Vector Machine 93 93 92 91

into train and test sets. While the set for training is utilized to train the model, the set
is used to authenticate the data to be tested. Traditionally, the data is divided into 80%
and 20%, and it may vary with 70% and 30%, 90% and 10% also. The difference in the
cross-validation method is that multiple divisions are made of the dataset. The number of
splits varies from 2, 5, 10, 30, and 50 or any random number of splits. The number of splits
is termed as K. The splits or divisions are also called as folds, and hence, a dataset with 10
splits is called as a 10-fold cross-validation. There are various ways in which the folds are
IDS on Various Datasets Using ML Techniques 125

Table 6.5 The accuracies yielded through various state-of-the-

art classifiers implemented in NSL-KDD dataset.
Cross-validation folds
2 5 10 30 50
DoS Attack 0.995 0.996 0.9974 0.9968 0.9971
Probe Attack 0.9908 0.992 0.9907 0.9916 0.9909
U-to-R Attack 0.995 0.996 0.9965 0.997 0.9964
R-to-L Attack 0.981 0.988 0.984 0.983 0.9853

created. The simple k-folds method comprises of dividing the dataset into K parts, and the
models are trained with up to (K − 1)th parts and tested with Kth part. Another method
is the leave one out method, in which a model is built using all data in the dataset and the
same is done for each data in the dataset. The final testing is done on the chosen dataset.
It is to be made sure that the dividing of data into folds is done in such a manner that
the whole dataset is properly present within those folds. Though most of the times this is
done in a haphazard manner, but in cases where there is large amount of data associated, a
proper distribution should be imposed on the dataset. This method is known as stratified
cross-validation. Table 6.5 represents the accuracies in decimal places yielded after apply-
ing stratified cross-validation on the NSL-KDD dataset. The number of folds has been
taken randomly as 2, 5, 10, 30, and 50.

6.8 Conclusion and Future Scope

The comparative tables provide a clear view of the fact that the NSL-KDD dataset performs
better that the other two existing datasets. The reason for this might be the elimination of
redundancy in the NSL-KDD dataset compared to its earlier KDD Cup’99 datasets. As every
work comes with limitations, this also is not an exception. The number of attacks could be
further explored in the experiment. As is evident from the table, the logistic regression
classifiers show the best performance, but it carries with itself overhead, which is a disad-
vantage. The most important point of this model is that it is extremely simple and easier to
One of the future works in this field is to prepare a generalized dataset with minimum
error and duplicity. More robust mechanisms using deep learning approaches should be
applied to efficiently find out attacks in real time. The main challenge in this field lies in
collecting and utilizing data in real time and then check for attacks accurately. This work
also could be further extended by employing mechanisms to prevent the IDS itself being
infected with various attacks. Big data and deep learning can also be deployed to further
extend this work.
126 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

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You Are Known by Your Mood: A Text-Based
Sentiment Analysis for Cloud Security
Abhijit Roy1 and Parthajit Roy2*
Dr. Bhupendra Nath Dutta Smriti Mahavidyalaya, Burdwan, West Bengal, India
Department of Computer Science, The University of Burdwan, Burdwan,
Purba Bardhaman, West Bengal, India

Context is an important aspect for security decisions. Contexts like spatial and temporal are used
for analysis of patterns but the context which is often ignored in the realm of cloud security is the
human sentiment or mood. In a complex cloud-based distributed environment, end-users are often
lucrative targets and pose a high risk of getting contaminated with intruders. Behaviors or moods
are highly individual traits and thus carries a potential as identification tools. So, the idea of context
sensitive behavior analysis and providing security based upon that can be a major achievement for
fair usage of the cloud platform.
In the present paper, we propose a novel web-text–based sentiment analysis for understanding
the mood, and based upon that, some access-control/secrecy protocol in cloud architecture. For the
present study, we have considered stock market persons and their behaviors. This is because stock
market buyers and sellers always remain under pressure and suffer from anxiety for their invested
money, profits and losses. In the present study, we have analyzed web-texts for stockists using state-
of-the art machine learning tools like Support Vector Machine, Artificial Neural Network, and Naïve
Bayes Classifier and have tried to identify their usage patterns and have used them for security mon-
itoring. We have also proposed some cryptographic remedies to the problems for cloud-based plat-
forms using homomorphic computations.

Keywords: Sentiment analysis, mood detection, machine learning, homomorphic computations,

cloud computing, financial stock market, web-text analysis, natural language processing

7.1 Introduction
Context is an important aspect for security decisions. The common applications of con-
texts are time of the day (temporal context), geographical locations (spatial contexts), user
ID, user defined security questions (execution context) [1, 2], etc. The context which is of
immense potential but often ignored in the realm of cloud security is the human sentiment
or mood. In the internet domain, users generate a lot of textual data that can be meaningfully

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Rajdeep Chakraborty, Anupam Ghosh and Jyotsna Kumar Mandal (eds.) Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for
Cloud Security, (129–148) © 2022 Scrivener Publishing LLC

130 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

classified in different human sentiments and moods using natural language processing
algorithms [3]. When these texts are analyzed in certain contexts, the security aspects get a
different dimension. Certain words or sentences, which are absolutely acceptable in some
context, may be suspicious in some other context. As a second example, a person’s pattern
of operations or pattern of word selection for expression may easily be understood and can
be a point of threat to him. So, the analysis of the context-sensitive behavior of users may
be a potential domain of research work. The importance becomes exponential, if the under-
lying platform is cloud and the concern is cloud security. The identification of suspicious
groups and informing the same to the vulnerable groups though context-sensitive behavior
analysis may be a major achievement for fair usage. The application of such type of mood
analysis ranges from product reviews, stock market investment discussions, special purpose
social media groups, business news discussion forums, etc.
In the present paper, we propose a novel web-text–based sentiment analysis for under-
standing the behavior of the user. Then, we have proposed some methods as an access-control
protocol in cloud architecture [4]. In a complex cloud-based environment, the operations
are very complex. End-users are not (in most of the cases) experts in internet security. So,
with their naïve knowledge, end-users are often lucrative targets and pose a high risk of get-
ting contaminated with intruders. This is because behavioral, sentimental, or mood-based
aspects are highly individual specific traits. This fact carries a great potential as an identifi-
cation tool [5]. An intruder or the competitor of the person may follow her web-texts and
can impersonate as the original person and can do the cloud related activities. The present
study handles this in the following way.
The objectives of the present study is as follows. The first objective is to analyze whether
the web-texts reveal any pattern/mood or not. If there is a clear pattern and the mood can
easily be detected from his web-texts, then the second objective is how to protect cloud
related important activity as secret. Also, if there is a strong pattern, then to provide a sec-
ond layer of access control to her in the cloud domain. For detection of the mood, we have
considered machine learning tools, and for the security, we have considered homomorphic
computation–based [6] cryptographic model.
In the present research, we have Twitter texts around the discussions about stock market
investments. Stock markets are a bit more interesting because buyers and sellers always
remain under pressure and always suffer from anxiety for their invested money, profit and
loss. So, their mood transitions are momentary and sharp and do not sustain for a long
time. Further, if they get an outcome (success or failure), then they generally switch to
their next level of planning (which is their trading strategy and that is different for different
persons depending upon their experiences, expertise and information asymmetry), and so,
their behavior on the trading and texts generated in the discussion forum becomes remark-
ably different. In the present paper, we have tried to address two security aspects. Firstly,
whether the real person is doing the transactions, or the account has been controlled by
some anonymous intruder, based on their present and past text patterns. Secondly, whether
they are changing their patterns for a certain period and to inform them about the fact. The
second situation is important because they may be influenced by someone unconsciously.
Finally, we propose how to formalize the access control so that the intruder cannot win.
The rest of the chapter is structured in the following way. A state-of-the-art review in the
domain of machine learning, sentiment analysis, and security aspects have been presented
in Section 7.2. The backgrounds which are needed to understand the proposal is presented
Text-Based Sentiment Analysis 131

in Section 7.3. The proposed work has been explored in Section 7.4. We have discussed the
data that we have taken and the performance measurement tools in Section 7.5. The results
of the sentiment analysis has been discussed in Section 7.6, and the possible remedies to the
threats in the cloud architecture have been proposed in Section 7.7. The conclusion as well
as the future research directions are given in Section 7.8.

7.2 Literature Review

Access control rules form the basis of information security. In an automated environment,
an access control protocol decides who can have access to particular resources and this is
considered to be a critical issue in security aspect [7]. Temporal context for information
security considers a newer piece of Information to be more relevant [8]. The temporal con-
text when combined with spatial footprints makes the access control mechanism much
more robust. It is now well accepted fact that there are three basic features for secured access
control mechanisms, these are consistency, completeness, and accuracy [9] which are sat-
isfied by the combination of different contexts. Considering these key features, extracting
access control rules from natural language processing (NLP) has been gaining prominence.
Empirical approach of NLP has got momentum with large datasets of annotated texts and
application of probabilistic methods for analysis [3]. These form the foundation of modern
NLP where the empiric is based on certain formalization like tokenization of text, lemma-
tization, and parts-of-speech tagging. Tokenization is a simple task of separation or identi-
fication of words. After this, parts-of-speech is identified for each word. Lemmatization is
about finding the original word that reduces the noise in language processing.
Apart from software-based security protocols, the NLP is also proposed for implemen-
tation of privacy policies of organizations [5]. In this paradigm, privacy policies of organi-
zations are empirically investigated with the help of machine algorithm and later mapped
with compliance tools to find out if the proposed policy is working as intended. The map-
ping mechanism is very similar to the access control protocol of the information security
systems. Using NLP, Xiao et al. [10] studied the consistency and correctness of this access
control protocol studying software documents which are usually written in natural lan-
guages. In a similar work, natural language descriptions of mobile applications are analyzed
using NLP for risk assessment [11].
In the present paper, we use NLP for user pattern identification by studying the mood or
sentiment patterns of user created texts. So, we resort to more of sentiment analysis of texts
which will be used for user identification as an added layer of security. As a use-case, we
have taken twitter texts for mapping “positive” and “negative” sentiments of the users. So,
for the present study, apart from access control policy and information security related lit-
erature, we have extensively drawn social media analytics to classify moods or sentiments of
users. In an interesting study by Antweiler and Frank [12], the Yahoo stock message board
is analyzed to understand investors’ sentiment about stock market investment. Analyzing
1.5 million small talk messages using Bayes classifier and Support Vector Machine (SVM),
the study predicts the intention of investors to buy, hold or sell a particular stock. This user
specific information is dynamic and highly valuable for user authentication purpose. In
another study, a social networking application for investors called “StockTwits” is studied
to identify disagreements between different investors for a given stock [13]. Sourav and
132 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Dey [14] studied a large Twitter data from UK-based users to identify the mood dimen-
sions of users and how these are related to stock market movements. The study finds that
the predictability of Artificial Neural Network (ANN)–based model is higher in compared
to decision tree, discriminant analysis, or SVM. In different context, Twitter sentiments
are analyzed for retail brands [15]. Giannini and Irvine [16] studied the Twitter dataset
to identify the divergence of opinion and the impact of such divergence. So, the users of
social media release a substantial amount of personalized, sentiment or mood-based iden-
tifiers that may be immensely helpful for authentication purposes. The volume of person-
alized information is the strength as well as weakness of NLP using social media texts.
Personalized information contains a lot of noise that reduces the predictability of the mod-
els used. In probabilistic models like Naïve Bayes Classifier, a text sentiment is classified
using a pre-identified special purpose lexicon. So, in a primarily English language text,
a mix of meaningful word from a different language becomes a noise if the lexicon is in
English language. This indicates toward the unrealistic assumption of independent predic-
tor [17] of Naïve Bayes Classifier. On the other hand, SVM underperforms when the target
classes are overlapping though it does not suffer the problem of data dimensionality [18]. In
the next section, we discuss these classification tools in detail.
While sentiment is one dimension of our work, security is another dimension also. We
may view the research work from two aspects. One is sentiment vs. security and the other
is problem vs. solution. So, if sentiment and the pattern is the problem, then breaking that
pattern and providing security is the solution. Security is an important context in the cloud
domain. There are handful of symmetric key ciphers that successfully solves the problem
of encryption. 3DES and AES are a few to name [19]. There are mathematical tools that
successfully solves the problem of digital signature [20–22] and the problem of integrity
using hash [23, 24]. But the cryptographic community now believes that the most challeng-
ing part of security protocol design is the operational security. The problem becomes even
more challenging when it is the question of cloud-based computing. We will first discuss
a brief introduction of the cloud architecture and thereafter we will identity the potential
areas where the security may be compromised and then we shall go further in the context
of our work.
According to NIST [4], cloud has three main types of service models. These are Software
as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). In all
of the cases, a third party offers the service (Software, Platform, or Infrastructure) [25, 26].
So, in front of the user or customer, there are several parties. Parties who provide software,
parties who provide platform or the parties who provide infrastructure. The main problem
here is that the presence of third party for storage of the data and computations. Here comes
the two major issues in cloud computing. The first one is whether the data and the storage
provider can see your data, and whether the entire operational procedure is secure or not.
The effect of cloud architecture in service performance has been addressed by Zhang [27].
We shall discuss these two problems in detail.
The cloud is a great opportunity for storing the user data. While this can be a fantastic
solution for location transparent storage, there is also threat. This threat is related to pri-
vacy. The fundamental question is whether the provider of the cloud can be trusted or not
and how not to reveal the information to the provider. There has been several attempts in
this line. The first one is obviously the use of traditional encryption. While this is good,
we cannot do computations on encrypted data. The most popular attempt is based on
Text-Based Sentiment Analysis 133

homomorphic computations [6, 28]. In this model, data is transferred from one domain
into another domain in such a way that the computation is possible in that domain without
knowing the actual data. Further, the reversibility of the data is also possible after compu-
tation. There are several interesting application of homomorphic computations. Purchase
history analysis using homomorphic comoutation has been done by Yasuda [29]. Statistical
learning–based homomorphic computations have been proposed by Jiang et al. [30].

7.3 Essential Prerequisites

Up to this, we have learned about the objective of the present work. This is simply ana-
lyzing the patterns and providing the security based on that. Now, we shall discuss the
backgrounds that are needed to understand the model. As security (on cloud domain) is
the main goal of our work, we shall first present security related or specially cryptography
related backgrounds and thereafter we shall present the machine learning tools.

7.3.1 Security Aspects

The cryptography related tool that we shall use for security is homomorphism. Let us now
discuss the homomorphic computations that is needed for the solutions to the problem of
pattern revealing. Homomorphic computation means computations will be performed in
some transformed domain, i.e., instead of multiplying a number a with b directly, we shall
first transfer both a and a into their corresponding homomorphic images as follows:

a = H (a)

b = H (b)

where H(·) is the homomorphic transformation function and that a and b are the
homomorphic images of a and b, respectively. Then, we shall perform some suitable oper-
ation on a and b as follows:

 ab = a  b

thereafter, we shall perform the reverse computation on ab and we shall get back the
resultant multiplication of a and b as follows:

H −1 (ab ) = a × b

The main advantage is, if we cannot guess a from a or b from b, i.e., if the homomor-
phism acts like a one-way function, then we can successfully put the homomorphic image
to the cloud and still do computations on the cloud. This will help us a lot in the security.
Mainly, the cloud information need not be decrypted for computations and thus will sig-
nificantly reduce the threat of information revealing. To work with this, we really do not
need a true one-way function. We need a one-way trapdoor function. So, that whenever
needed, the owner can do the reverse computations using the trapdoor information. In our
134 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

proposal, we have given RSA-based model as a proposal. In real cloud, we need many other
homomorphic models for computations but in all the cases the working principle will be
same. RSA-based homomorphism has been used by Chaum [31] for signature purposes.
We will now present the model.
In RSA-based homomorphic model, we select two large primes p and q. These are large
primes of more than 1,000 bits. Then, we compute Euler’s Totient function ϕ(n) = (p − 1)
(q − 1). Then, we compute the homomorphic forward transformation exponent h. h should
be such that gcd(h, ϕ(n)) = 1, i.e., they are co-prime to each other1. After this, we compute

the inverse of h as d. In our proposal, both h and d will be kept secret by the owner. Now,
transferring an integer into homomorhic domain can he done using Equation (7.1) and the
reverse computation is done by Equation (7.2). Clearly, we cannot learn about a from a
because this is RSA encryption and its security is based upon primer factorization which is
extremely hard.

a = ah (mod n) (7.1)

a = ad (mod n) (7.2)

Let us now try to multiply two numbers in homomorphic domain. We want to multiply
a and b. What we will do, is we will first transfer both a and b to their respective homomor-
phic images. Equations (7.3) and (7.4) show these operations.

a = ah (mod n) (7.3)

b = bh (mod n) (7.4)

After this, we multiply the a and b in homomorphic domain using the operation
“multiplication modulo n” and and get

 a × b = a × b (mod n)
= ab (mod n) (7.5)
= ab
then we try to reverse the result obtained in Equation (7.5). The process is shown in
Equation (7.6).
( ab ) =( a × b )d (mod n)
= (ah × bh )d (mod n) follow Equations (7.3) and (7.4).
= (ah × bh )d (mod n) (7.6)
= (a × b)hd (mod n) but h × d(mod n) = 1. So,
= a×b


This constrain is essential because it ensures the existence of the inverse computation key!
Text-Based Sentiment Analysis 135

It can be noted that we have multiplied the numbers a and b in the homomorphic domain
without knowing the actual numbers. In this method, we are going to use in our proposed

7.3.2 Machine Learning Tools

Access control policies based on texts depend on the ability of the machine to classify
texts based on contexts. The contexts may vary depending on the use-case. For example,
if we consider texts of product reviews, then it may be features of products that are pre-
ferred or not, associated product ratings or related attributes should be analyzed. In case
of banking transactions, the most common size of transactions may form the context for
the access control policies. In the context of social media like Twitter, the sentiment or
mood of the texts may form the basis for a good classifier. If the social media platforms
are focused, like political or business news related groups, then texts may be analyzed
in the context of politics or business to identify the orientation of the user to be used as
access control protocol. So, the key aspect in the context specific text analysis for secu-
rity protocol is to classify the text-based sentiments of users and thus to understand the
behavioral patterns of such users in relation to certain contexts and to use such patterns
as the authentication of identity of users. Now, we discuss the classification tools that we
use in this study. Naïve Bayes Classifier

This is supervised model of classification where we use training data to define prior proba-
bilities and use those probabilities to measure posterior probabilities of documents falling
into certain category. In text classification context, we normally use lexicon. A context
specific lexicon, for example, lexicons for movie reviews, or for stock market, small dis-
cussions, etc., lead to more accurate classification outcome. Now, let us assume there are
D documents to be classified into C categories based on a lexicon of T words with polar-
ity tags. So, we have di documents where i = 1, 2,…,D, lexicon with tj words, where j =
1,2,…,T, to be classified into ck classes, where k = 1, 2,…,C. Suppose we are analyzing
texts related to stock market–related discussions and we wish to classify the mood of the
texts as bullish (c1) or neutral (c2) or bearish (c3). This means we have three classes of
text documents, that is bullish, neutral, and bearish, and so, C = 3. Now, we train Bayes
classifier with pre-classified documents. The total numbers of documents are D. So, if we
are working on Twitter texts, then total number of twits pre-classified for training is D.
Now, we take a word tj, and we find the probability of that word to be present in training
documents classified as ck. Thus, we calculate the prior probability of each word from the
lexicon to be present in the document class ck. We denote this probability as p(t | c). For
example, in bullish documents, if the word “grab” appears to be 15% of all the words in
the specific document class, then p(t | c) = 0.15 becomes the prior probability of the word
“grab”. Technically, we compute p(t | c) as follows:
n(t | c ) + 1
p(t | c ) = (7.7)
n(c ) + T
136 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Here, n(t | c) is the frequency of word t in the document class c and n(c) is the total word
count in the document class c. Note that, if any term in the lexicon does not appear in the
document class altogether, then it carries a non-zero probability of 1 / (n(c) + T) for such
term. So, the multinomial probability of a document di to appear in class ck is measured in
the following way:

n(d )!
p(d | c ) = × p(t1 | c ). p(t 2 | c ) p(tT | c ) (7.8)
n(t1 | d )!.n(t 2 | d )!n(tT | d )!

This p(d | c) is the prior probability of the training data. Here, n(d) denotes the total
number of words in a document di and p(tj | d) is the frequency of word tj in the document
di. Now, we calculate posterior probability on the testing dataset, using this prior probability
in Bayes classifier. The procedure is as follows:

p(d | c ). p(c )
p(c | d ) = , ∀k = 1,2,, C (7.9)
∑ k
p(d | ck ). p(ck )

Here, we assign a class to document d for which the posterior probability for the class ck
is maximum. When text data is informal and ambiguous Bayes classifier is expected to give
better results given a good lexicon with prior probabilities for each words. Artificial Neural Network

ANN has been a highly popular tool in machine learning. ANN is a computational system
which is inspired by structure and processing methods of biological brains for learning
about patterns. This is a non-parametric approach to make sense out of fuzzy and unclear
information. It uses a large number of weighted connections between elements with distrib-
uted representations. In our proposal, we have used ADAM Optimizer [32] and Gradient
Descent–based Neural Network Model [33]. We have chosen these two models because
they are very stable optimizer. Further, ADAM Optimizer learns and adjusts learning rates

7.4 Proposed Model

In this section, we shall discuss the proposed model of sentiment analysis and the remedies
to the possible threats to behavioral pattern due to that. Figure 7.1 gives an outline of the
proposed model and its working principle. Here, we have taken twit data for sentiment anal-
ysis. If we want to understand the behavioral pattern of a person, then we need some of his
past twits in the related domain. In our case, this is stock market–related twits. As we have
stated earlier, this research work identified three models of machine learning, namely, Naïve
Bayes Classifier, Neural Network (NN), and SVM. All these are training-based ­classifier.
That means we need training and testing samples. The proposed model is a word-based
sentiment analysis model. Meaning some predefined set of words tagged with positive or
negative sentiment will be used for analysis purposes. In our proposed model, we have
Text-Based Sentiment Analysis 137

Social Media Platform

Machine Learning Web Texts

Tools Past

Mood Revealed? Yes User

Sensitive Activity?
Access Control
Store Data
Store Transformed Data

Cloud Platform

Figure 7.1 A block diagram of the proposed mood-based sentiment analysis and the solution to the related
threat in the cloud domain.

taken two sets of words: a standard “bag of words” [34, 35] and a dynamically generated
“bag of words”. The dynamically generated set is generated from the testing sample every
time we need to understand the pattern. So, the analyzer is supposed to maintain a data-
base of labeled data for stock related data also. The advantage here is that the model will
consider some text styles that are unique to every person and which do not follow grammar
or dictionary. As an example, “zzzactly”, “comin!!!” (coming), and “#WOW!” are specific to
a person. So, not only we have considered the standard set of words but also we have used
a set of domain specific words. To make the system more informative, we have excluded
the sentiment neutral punctuation marks like dot and comma and included the sentiment
specific punctuation marks like exclamatory sign and hash tag.
Once the “bag of words” have been identified, we pre-process the twit data. Here, we
match the each and every twit to four different sets. Namely,

1. positive standard “bag of words”

2. negative standard “bag of words”
3. positive dynamic “bag of words”
4. negative dynamic “bag of words”

and we count the number of matches. Thus, we generate a four-dimensional vector (n1, n2
n3, n4) for every twit where n1 is the number of words matches with positive standard “bag of
words”, n2 is the number of words matches with negative standard “bag of words”, and so on.
The idea is if the twit is having a “positive” sentiment, then values of n1 and n3 will be larger
than n2 and n4. The dual statement it true for negative sentiment twit also, i.e., if n2 and n4
contains larger number than n1 and n3, then the sentiment is “negative”.
We have used three types of machine learning models, namely, Naïve Bayes Classifier, NN,
and SVM. In NN, we have further considered two variants, namely, ADAM Optimizer [32]
and Gradient Descent–based Neural Network. In both cases, we have run the NN with 10
138 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

neurons and 5 neurons. The number of hidden layers, however, has been fixed to 2 for all the
cases. We call them ADAM10, ADAM5, GD10, and GD5, respectively, in our paper. So, all
together, we have six different models: Bayes, GD5, GD10, ADAM5, ADAM10, and SVM.
We first train each model with 80% data and thereafter test the performance of the model for
the rest 20% of the data. The proposed model in algorithmic form is given in Algorithm 7.1.

Algorithm 7.1 The algorithm for ADAM Optimizer–based neural network model.

1. procedure Sentiment-Analysis (TrainingDataset, TestingDataset)

2.  stdWordSet ← Std-Bag-of-Word (WordList)
3.  dynamicWordSet ← Dynamic-Bag-of-Word (WordList)
4.  Algorithm ← ADAM
5.  Set-Num-Neuron (ADAM, 10)
6.  Set-Hidden-Layer (ADAM, 2)
7.  Train-Neural-Net(ADAM),TrainingData,stdWordSet, dynamicWordSet)
8.  for twiti ∈ TestingSet do
9.  result ← Neural-Network (ADAM10, twiti)
10.  if result = Positive then
11.  Add-twit (PositiveSet, twiti)
12.  else
13.  Add-twit (NegativeSet, twiti)
14.  end if
15.  end for
16.  Generate Accuracy Percentage
17. end procedure

After this, we have run all the models ans have generated the results. We compare the
performances of the different algorithms in different indexes also. The experimental setups,
i.e., dataset and indexes, have been given in Section 7.5, whereas, the results and the analysis
of the proposed sentiment-based analysis is given in Section 7.6.

7.5 Experimental Setup

To test the strength of our proposed model, we have carefully chosen the dataset. We have
taken standard twitter dataset for finance market [36, 37]. This dataset has 5,000 twit dataset.
They are preprocessed manually and has been labeled with positive and negative tags. Also,
we have taken a standard “bag-of-words” [34, 35]. Further, we have generated a dynamic
“bag-of-words” for our training purposes. We have developed in-house program (partly in
C language and partly in python) for the entire process. The data cleaning and processing
part as well as feature vector extraction part has been done using C program. The machine
learning–based mood analysis part has been done in Python.
We have used eight indexes for comparison purposes. These are Czekanowski-Dice
index, Jaccard index, Folkes-Mallow index, Kulczynski index, and Rogers-Tanimoto index
for measuring the performances. Further, to know the false negative and false positive, we
have used two other indexes, namely, precision index and recall index. Finally, to check if
Text-Based Sentiment Analysis 139

the result is like randomly opted results or is truly gathering the sentiment, then we have
used rand index. A good literature review of all such indexes is given in [38]. All these index
values vary from 0 to 1. The more the value, the better the performance.

7.6 Results and Discussions

Let us now consider the results of the proposed model. As we have said, we have taken a
set of 5,000 twits and have used 80% of the same for training and 20% for testing, i.e., we
have taken 4,000 twits for training and 1,000 data for testing. As the dataset is a standard
benchmark dataset and the labels are given by the domain experts, we did not validate the
dataset; instead, we have assumed that it is validated. The results of sentiment analysis is
presented in this section.
The performance of the proposed models have been shown in the form of confusion
matrix in Figures 7.2a–c and 7.3a–c. These matrices show the percentage of true positive,
true negative, false positive, and false negative detection out of 1,000 testing samples. For
example, consider Figure 7.2a. This is the confusion matrix for Naïve Bayes Classifier. Here,
64.1% is positive and identified by the model as positive. In addition, 3% however are actu-
ally positive but the model has been misclassified them. On the other hand, 5.8% negative
sentiment has been predicted successfully, whereas 27.1% are misclassified. So, the accu-
racy is (64.1 + 5.8) = 69.9%. On the other hand, in Figure 7.3c, the performance of SVM
model has been given. Using the same logic, we can say that the accuracy percentage for
this model is (66.6+21.3) = 87.9%. The colors also play an informative role. The smaller the
number in the cell, the whiter the color. The larger the number in the cell, the deeper blue
is the color. So, from that, also, we can identify the accuracy levels.
Now, let us come to the comparative study of the proposed models. Confusion matrices are
good as an indicator, but we need some well established indexes for measuring the performances.
We have measured the performances in various indexes. Figures 7.4 and 7.5 show the perfor-
mances of the models in Czekanowski-Dice and Jaccard index, respectively. Figure 7.4 shows
that only Naïve Bayes Classifier is having a bit poor performance. The rest of the models are
above 0.8 range. In Jaccard Index, the same trend is observed. The performances are significant.
Gradient Descent ANN with 5 Neuron Gradient Descent ANN with 10 Neuron
Bayesian Classif ier and 2 Hidden Layers and 2 Hidden Layers
600 600
True 64.1% 3.0% 500 True 67.5% 1.4% True 65.2% 2.6% 500
400 400 400



300 300 300

False 27.1% 5.8% 200 False 11.1% 20.0% 200 False 11.3% 20.9% 200

100 100 100

True False True False True False

Predicted Predicted Predicted
(a) Confusion matrix for Naïve Bayes (b) Confusion matrix for Gradient (c) Confusion matrix for Gradient Descent
Model. In this model a Bayes classifier Descent Neutral Network with 5 Neural Network with 10 neuron and 2
has been used for classification. neuron and 2 hidden layers. hidden layers.

Figure 7.2 Confusion matrices for Bayes, Gradient Descent with five neuron, and Gradient Descent Descent
model with 10 neurons, respectively. The colors indicate the percentage values. The deeper blue color indicates
higher percentages, whereas whitish colors indicate lower percentage.
140 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

ADAM Neural Net with 5 Neuron and ADAM Neural Net with 10 Neuron and
2 Hidden Layers 2 Hidden Layers Support Vector Machine based Model

600 600 600

True 64.4% 1.6% 500 True 64.4% 1.9% 500 True 66.6% 0.9% 500
400 400 400


300 300 300

10.4% 23.6% 200 10.2% 23.5% 200 11.2% 21.3% 200

False False False
100 100 100

True False True False True False

Predicted Predicted Predicted
(a) Confusion matrix for ADAM Opti- (b) Confusion matrix for ADAM Optimizer (c) Confusion matrix for support vector
mizer Neural Network with 5 neuron Neural Network with 10 neuron and machine model. The SVM shows best
and 2 hidden layers. 2 hidden layers. performance.

Figure 7.3 Confusion matrices for ADAM Optimizer with 5 neuron, ADAM Optimizer with 10 neurons and
Support Vector Machine model, respectively. The colors indicate the percentage values. The deeper blue color
indicates higher percentages whereas whitish colors indicate lower percentage.

Comparative Study of Different Models

(In Czekanowski Dice Index)




Bayes Adam5 Adam10 GD5 GD10 SVM

Figure 7.4 Performance of the proposed Naïve Bayes, Adam5, Adam10, GD5, GD10, and SVM models in
Czekanowski-Dice index. Higher value means better performance. The best performance is 1.00.

Comparative Study of Different Models

(In Jaccard Index)

Bayes Adam5 Adam10 GD5 GD10 SVM

Figure 7.5 Performance of the proposed Naïve Bayes, ADAM5, ADAM10, GD5, GD10 and SVM models in
Jaccard index. Higher value means better performance. The best performance is 1.00.
Text-Based Sentiment Analysis 141

In Table 7.1, the performances of the proposed models have been shown on Folkes-
Mallows, Kulczynski, and Rogers-Tanimoto index. Overall, the performances are good.
Rogers-Tanimoto index considers true-negative counts where as Kulczynski index consid-
ers precision and recall with equal weight-age. The reason we have used so many indexes
is because several index gives several aspects of the results. Some considers true positive,
some gives more weight to true positive than to true-negative, etc. We wanted to see the
results from all such aspects to come to an unbiased decision.
The measurement precision and recall has been given in Figure 7.6. Precision is measur-
ing the true classification out of total points and Recall is the measurement of true classifi-
cation out of total true points. In our proposed models, except, Naïve Bayes Classifier, in all
cases, the precision is near 0.8 and recall is near 0.9, respectively. This shows that the results
are really very impressive.
The Final index is Rand index. The performances of the proposed models have been
shown for Rand index in Figure 7.7. If Rand index value is around 0.5, then it is believed
that the result is no better than randomly selected decisions. But in our case, all the results
(Except Naïve Bayes Classifier) are well beyond random. So, this Rand index essentially
proves that the proposed models truly learns and understands, and then, it predicts the
results like an intelligent system.

Table 7.1 Performance in different indexes.

Model Folkes-Mallows Kulczynski Rogers-Tanimoto
Bayes 0.7131606 0.7280641 0.4072424
ADAM5 0.8213698 0.8229153 0.6509668
ADAM10 0.8199028 0.8212817 0.6488985
GD5 0.8248989 0.8272122 0.6407309
GD10 0.802489 0.8041447 0.6134268
SVM 0.8272011 0.8296567 0.6488985

Comparative Study of Different Models

(In Precision and Recell Index)

0.6 Precision
0.5 Recall
Bayes Adam5 Adam10 GD5 GD10 SVM

Figure 7.6 Performance of the proposed Naïve Bayes, ADAM5, ADAM10, GD5, GD10, and SVM models in
precision and recall index. Higher value means better performance. The best performance is 1.00.
142 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Comparative Study of Different Models

(In Rand Index)

0.5 Rand
Bayes Adam5 Adam10 GD5 GD10 SVM

Figure 7.7 Performance of the proposed Naïve Bayes, ADAM5, ADAM10, GD5, GD10, and SVM models in
Rand index. Higher value means better performance. The best performance is 1.00.

7.7 Application in Cloud Security

Now, we have understood that there are strong patterns in the behavior of the persons in
the stock market. But the responsibility of every positive research work is not only to iden-
tify the problem but also to suggest the remedies. What to do then? We cannot control the
emotions of the persons because that is inherent. So, we will propose some different paths
of solutions. We will once again note that we are working on a cloud platform. Considering
that, we shall suggest three solutions. These solutions may be used alternatively or may be
used as a combination. The solutions are as follows:

1. Ask an intelligent security question.

2. Homomorphic Data Storage
3. Data Diffusion.

7.7.1 Ask an Intelligent Security Question

In this proposal, cloud platform will ask an intelligent security question based on the past
twits or past web-texts. The questions will be such that the answers will be personalized and
that is based upon the behavioral pattern of the person. For example, the security question
may be “How will you express the feeling of making $10,000 profit in a single sentence?”
Now, based upon one’s behavior, certain words are frequent and some are rare. These words
vary from user to user. So, we may add such type of access control questions and can ana-
lyze them intelligently using machine learning tools. This can be added as another layer of

7.7.2 Homomorphic Data Storage

The next solution that we shall propose is the selective homomorphic data storage. It
can be noted that all the text and their patterns are not that important for all aspects.
For example, whenever we are concentrating on stock market and the persons related to
that, then the main concern of the competitors is which stock a peron is dealing with.
Text-Based Sentiment Analysis 143

For example, let Alice be a stock trader and Eve be a competitor of Alice. Eve and Alice
have information asymmetry, i.e., Alice is better informed about the stock market. Now,
Eve’s main concern will be how many units Alice is selling or buying and for which com-
pany. If Alice stores only these information secret, then her purchase habit can be kept
secret. As we are dealing with cloud, we have to store our data in the cloud. eve is not
concerned with all the cloud data. Eve is concerned only about the numbers, i.e., how
many units Alice is purchasing. So, instead of keeping all the things secret, we shall keep
only those numbers secret.
We will do that using homomorphism. Encryption scheme is not suitable for such type
of cases because we cannot compute (add or multiply etc.) on encrypted data. But in the
homomorphic domain, we can. Let us suppose, initially, Alice decided to purchase 1423
units of share and later changed her mind and has made the number triple. How she is
going to update her cloud data. In the homomorphic domain, we do not need to decrypt
the data. We can directly update the data in the homomorphic domain. This reduces a sig-
nificant amount risk of information leakage.
To understand this, we have selected an Integer Ring–based homomorphic domain. The
domain on which RSA model relies. Let p and q be two 50 bit numbers. (We have taken
small integer for better understanding purposes.) Let p and q be two primes.

p = 945717688523953 and

q = 655049301394981

The public component n can be computed as

n = p * q = 619491711184491652737732479893

Let us suppose we have selected forward homomorphic transformation key

h = 59. as gcd(h, ϕ(p*q)) = 1.

Using extended Euclidean algorithm, the inverse of h for ϕ(p*q) has been computed. The
computed value is

d = 346495363882850368051432279859

Now, suppose Alice wants to buy 1423 units of share and wants to store this information
in the cloud. So,

m = 1423

She is going to store the homomorphic image of the number 1423, i.e., she is going to
store me (mod n), i.e., homomorphic image,

m = 142359 (mod n) = 600534975958695264032041441627

144 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Note that from the homomorphic image m in the cloud, Eve will not get any idea about
Alice’s purchase. Now, come to the second step. Let us suppose Alice has changed her mind
and has finally purchase three times the initial decision, i.e., 4269 units of share. To do this,
she is not going to decrypt the m . What she is going to do is she is going to take forward
homomorphic image if 3, i.e., she is going to compute 3h(mod n), i.e.,

3 = 359 (mod n) = 14130386091738734504764811067

and she is going to multiply this number with previous number, i.e.,

600534975958695264032041441627*14130386091738734504764811067 (mod n)

So, her updated information is

mnew = 131205292277813554852760451329

The beauty of this model is that whenever she decrypts, she gets back 4269, i.e.,
−1 −1
 = 4269 = 3 × 1423 = 3 ×

mnew m [ follow Equation (7.6)]

In this way, we can reduce the understanding of purchase habit even if we store the data
in the cloud and perform update operation on the cloud data. This is an example of multi-
plication, and we can do addition also.

7.7.3 Information Diffusion

The final solution is information diffusion. Suppose Eve has somehow managed to own
a very powerful cryptanalytic method by which she can mount an attack to the previ-
ously proposed homomorphic model if she provides very hard work. Now, here comes the
idea of information diffusion. Instead of putting only essential numbers into homomor-
phic domains, we are proposing to put many other unnecessary parts into homomorphic
domains. We know that text and numbers all will be transferred to numbers in the homo-
morphic domain when texts are treated as ASCII numbers. So, Eve’s task will just become
much much more harder by many factors. Eve will eventually use cryptanalytic methods on
the numbers which will end up with unnecessary text. This will waste her time and effort
and the information will remain secret for longer time.

7.8 Conclusion and Future Scope

In this research work, we have shown that the Twitter-based sentiment analysis for
stock traders is definitely possible. Several methods of machine learning have been
applied. Several performance measurement tools have been used ti judge the results.
In all of the cases, the only outcome is that the mood or patterns are revealed. We have
also shown that in cloud domain, pattern of a person’s behavior is a potential threat.
Text-Based Sentiment Analysis 145

So, in our present research work, we have also suggested some of the remedies to reduce
the threats.
Though this research work shows potential, there are scopes of improvements also. The
first improvement can be made in understanding the patterns themselves. As of now, we
have only positive and negative classifications, i.e., two valued classifications, multi-class
classification will greatly help us understanding subpatterns within the patterns also. The
introduction of more sophisticated lexicons may be another research dimensions. The sec-
ond improvement is toward the solutions. Here, instead of RSA-based homomorphic mod-
els, some more recent models can be incorporated. Further breaking of pattern may also be
a very good future research direction.

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The State-of-the-Art in Zero-Knowledge
Authentication Proof for Cloud
Priyanka Ghosh *

Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering, Brainware University, Kolkata, India

The security of information has now become the utmost priority for the users as breach of infor-
mation may cause significant losses to individuals and organizations. To ensure the security and
privacy of information, Zero-Knowledge Authentication technique will play a vital role. The Zero-
Knowledge Proof (ZKP) operates on the concept that the system will have zero knowledge about the
content of the data transactions. With the technical advancement, the computing needs has taken
a new shape. Data accessibility from any point and at any given time has become a primary need
for any technology which can only be served through cloud computing. The cloud computing has
become a sustainable, scalable, and reliable platform for computing for millions of technologies.
Cloud computing is not impeccable; it poses a significant threat of data leakage. In this paper, a sur-
vey of ZKP algorithms and comparative study will be done while focusing on the concept of cloud

Keywords: Zero-knowledge proof, authentication, IoT, security, cloud security, cryptographic, key,
cloud architecture

8.1 Introduction
With the advancement of technology, the mobility has increased by many folds and the need
to access the same data from different devices and locations has become primary require-
ment. This multiple access of data from multiple locations and devices could have possible
by cloud technology. In cloud technology, all the computing and storages are done on cen-
trally located servers or data centers instead of local devices. As the interaction between
human and technology is becoming more prevalent, a user wants to access data from smart
phones, computers, and in other platforms for overwhelming number of applications like
mails, documents, social media, shopping, food delivery, cab service, news, and a lot more.
The cloud servers support a user to access his personal data anytime, anywhere, and for any
platform he uses.

Email: [email protected]

Rajdeep Chakraborty, Anupam Ghosh and Jyotsna Kumar Mandal (eds.) Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for
Cloud Security, (149–170) © 2022 Scrivener Publishing LLC

150 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

The cloud technology has also helped several small and medium IT enterprises to reduce
the cost of keeping and maintaining local servers. Small and medium companies are storing
their data into the cloud servers; they are also becoming free of location restrictions. Through
cloud technology every employee of company can access the data at the same time from
almost anywhere in the world. This brings ease of doing business and readiness of data.
The cloud technology has completely changed the way people use to perceive internet.
Earlier, the cloud term was meant to demonstrate a network of servers and machines. With
the increasing ease of shifting more of the computing processes to cloud, the cloud tech-
nology has become new style of computing. Thus, the cloud technology is now widely rec-
ognized by the word cloud computing. Cloud computing mainly works upon technology
called virtualization. The virtualization mimics the existence of a physical computer in the
form of purely simulated and digital only computers, called virtual machines. Several vir-
tual machines can be implemented in a single computer. These virtual machines can behave
as per the requirement of the user. If required, the virtual machines can be sandboxed from
one another, so that they do not have any interaction and access of data of other virtual
machines while existing in the same physical machine. This way, optimum utilization of
hardware can be done, where a number of virtual machines can be implemented in a single
physical machine. Via cloud technology, servers will also be able to act as multiple servers,
and thus, data centers will also be able to serve multiple organizations simultaneously.
Cloud also supports users to access the service from any device they use through brows-
ers or apps. With the increasing number of users, the concern of maintenance, readiness,
and availability of cloud servers are also increasing. The cloud vendors take back up of
the servers in multiple machines, in multiple locations to avoid any chance of data loss.
The degrees of readiness of these servers are also way better than the local servers as they
are continuously monitored and kept under controlled conditions. Though the technology
seems very costly, but as the numbers of users are significantly high, the technology cost
gets evenly distributed among all and the individual cost becomes reasonable.
With the huge amount of data and services provided by cloud technology, the security
concerns also rise simultaneously. The data in the cloud storage may be of different kind and
highly important to individuals, corporations, and governments. Leakage or theft of data
from data centers can cause unimaginable complex problems possibly to the whole world. So,
cloud security is an equally important process which is provided using combination of differ-
ent methods to safeguard the data. To maintain the cloud security, Firewall plays a vital role.
Firewall helps to protect the organization and the users from several fatal threats. It also helps
in controlling data transfers and threats imposed by different applications in cloud.
Access controls is used to distribute the access rights among the users. By this process, a
set of access rules can be applied for different group of users or individuals. For example, in
an organization, only accounts staff can access the financial data and it is restricted for any
other user. This will help to protect confidential business insights from ignorant or mali-
cious insiders, who can pose a threat to the organization. Cloud service providers make sure
to implement access control quite efficiently to handle the flow of data.
Information security systems use Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and Encryption tech-
niques to provide security. VPN like micronetworks within a network ensures security and
access of data for a particular set of users. For example, an employee can access all his
assigned data of his organization without any physical barrier. The employee will be able to
State-of-the-Art in ZKP for Cloud 151

work from any device as if he is seating in the office. The VPN also helps in controlling the
data flow.
Data masking is a technique that provides and extra layer of privacy. It helps in keeping
data parameters hidden from unwanted users. Like an organization can publish opinions,
feedbacks, and other information without disclosing the name or identity of the person.
Disaster restoration is vital to security since it encourages user recuperate information
that are lost or stolen. While not a security segment fundamentally, the cloud administra-
tions supplier may have to consent to information stockpiling guidelines. A few nations
necessitate that information should be put away inside their nation. On the off chance that
a nation has this necessity, one needs to check that a cloud supplier has server farms in the
same nation.
Cloud Security Provided Following Field:
Data center security: Data center security (Figure 8.1) is of highest priority for any cloud
provider. The data center holds sensitive and critically important information of clients
which can be leaked or theft via different avenues. There are two different aspects of data
center security like physical security and network security. A proper location planning
for data center establishment is required to prevent any physical break-ins and breaches.
Recently, renowned cloud providers are considering sea beds as the safest place for data
center establishment. The network security of the data centers is equally vital. Several fire-
walls and anti-malware systems have been in place to prevent any threat or breaches. This
security system also includes the user education and awareness, lack of which can impose
critical threat to the data centers.
Access control: In this era, the data has become the most valuable asset for any company,
safeguarding which is of the utmost priority. Access control system (Figure 8.1) is used to
store, observe, and control the flow of data for different users. Company can make different
policies to restrict or allow user to access the data as per the company policy. The data access
control can be implemented for specific device, time, IP address, browsers, and other tech-
nical conditions. This provides a complete control to company to safeguard their business
data and control the flow of information at different levels.
Threat prevention: With the increasing number of cloud service users, the vulnerability is
also increasing. As the cloud provider does not have the control over choosing the users, the
risk of data leakage and breaches is increasing day by day. To prevent the risk caused by the
behavior of users, training and awareness programs need to be setup. The employees need
to develop the sense of obligation for the data security. Routine network security checks,
frequent change of passwords, access allowed, and SOP in case of breach need to be readily
available with the employees to reduce the risk of data breaches.

Data Security

Availability Cloud Security Governance

Idenfy and Access


Figure 8.1 Requirement of cloud security.

152 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Threat mitigation: Though the threats and attacks remain same for the cloud data centers
and traditional data centers, there is an advantage of using cloud services, (Figure 8.1) i.e.,
threat mitigation. The liability of threat mitigation is shared between the cloud service pro-
vider and the user. Though the core architecture of the cloud is still exposed to different
threats, the mitigation strategies bring a sense of responsibility and reliability to the system.
Redundancy: With the increasing security threats and technical complexities, the availabil-
ity of data centers is always being challenged. To hedge the risk of corruption and system
failures, data are being stored in duplicates to back up in any such situations. This strategy is
called redundancy. The cloud service providers are cognizant of such situations and provide
four level of redundancy to handle any unwanted scenarios.
Hardware-level redundancy: The hardware redundancy is a solution toward the hardware
failures. In this modern age where most of the business are contingent of software and
computing services, hardware tolerance is something which is a concern for every business.
Process redundancy: A business runs upon a number of processes which may be physi-
cal or can be implemented using software. At this age of digitization, most of the business
has migrated their processes to software. To function smoothly, a business needs all these
processes to be up and working continuously or to be ready whenever asked. To gain this
reliability and stability, a business might think of complete redundant solution but that will
quickly add up to the cost. As a solution, a business will need to priorities the processes as
per their criticality and can design redundant solution for the required vital processes.
Network redundancy: Availability of network is the primary requirement for any organi-
zation to function. While procuring network services, redundancy is one of the features
which most sought for by the consumers. The network redundancy service provides multi-
ple routes of connectivity and reduces the risk of network failures. An organization should
understand the criticality of this service while choosing the network service provider.
Geographic Redundancy: Geographic redundancy is the technique to safeguard the data
and data centers from any natural disasters or physical threats. The data centers are strate-
gically placed and at a sufficient space that no one natural disaster or any unwanted threat
can affect both the data centers at once.
Cloud-based security system has below mentioned benefits:
Protection to business from threats: Most of the data centers have not event implemented
proper encryption techniques to protect their database. To ensure the business information,
the underneath referenced measures can be taken to accomplish a more significant level of
Conduct a cloud security assessment regularly: Choose reliable cloud service providers
to prevent data leaks. A regular security assessment of cloud infrastructures required to re
ensure the network security.
Implement cloud security monitoring: With the advancement of technology, now,
Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be implemented for auto detection of threats and also helps
in minimizing the cost of monitoring.
Establish solid access management policies: Data access control is a healthy strategy to
control and monitor the flow of information. Restriction of data access for different level
of employees will improve the security. A closer look and routine check-up are required to
restructure the flow of information within and outside of the organization.
State-of-the-Art in ZKP for Cloud 153

Create a disaster recovery plan: Redundancy strategy is always helpful to quickly recover
from the disasters. A regular back up of data and SOP in case of data breach is helpful as
recovery plan.
Encrypt data: A business always need to use standard encryption techniques before
uploading any data over cloud.
Consider edge computing for IoT: Data need to be decentralized to increase the data pro-
tection. It is always recommended to store the data at the edge of the network rather than
put everything one place that is cloud.
Raise employee awareness: Regular employee training and awareness sessions are needed
to be conducted to develop the sense of obligation among the employees. Every employee
should understand the criticality of data security and standard procedures to be maintained
while handling business data.
Preventing data loss: Though the cloud technology has been in the picture for a long time
but still there are huge security loopholes mainly caused by ignorance. The online threats
and attacks are becoming more sophisticated and eminent. Here are some steps that can be
followed to prevent data loss.

1. P erform a cloud risk assessment: Company should focus and be curious

about to understand how the data is being stored and how the cloud archi-
tecture is operating.
2. Evaluation of deficits between suggested security and implemented secu-
rity: The business should be aware of the PCI and HIPAA guidelines and
need to assess regularly to the gaps between implemented and suggested
security guideline.
3. Prevention plan for shadow IT: With the overwhelming number of appli-
cations and services, the threat of shadow IT has become prevalent. The
employees while using unauthorized applications may end up with leaking
important data to third parties which can create severe security problems for
the organization.
4. Choose a cloud framework to deploy: The business will need to choose reli-
able service providers who can offer all the security features planned and
assessed by the organization.
5. Determine and implement cloud best practices: Every business should
come up with well though and curated business policies to implement the
best practices to prevent network security threats.
6. The shadow IT and unauthorized application users have proved to be a major
threat for the organizations these days.

8.2 Attacks and Countermeasures

This section explains the different types of attacks and the counter measures can be taken.
Some prominent threats and attacks have been taken into consideration for better under-
standing of the scenario.
154 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

8.2.1 Malware and Ransomware Breaches

Malware is a type of attack which most of the organizations face today. The malwares are
generally received through e-mails, which employees could not recognize and download
them in system. The malwares are sophisticated enough to be under disguise and perceived
as attractive. After being downloaded, it can seize or steal data from the organizations.
Ransomwares are a type of malware which demands monetary settlement in exchange of
seized data. In recent times, a number of renowned organizations faced this issue and ended
up paying a significantly huge amount to recover what was seized. Most of the could service
providers implement prevention strategies like spam channels, firewalls, and other methods
to identify the malwares and keep them away from the user’s mailbox.

8.2.2 Prevention of Distributing Denial of Service

DDOs or Distributing Denial of Service is a kind of attack which tries blocked websites
to be available to its users, which can cause severe reputational damage and business loss
to the organizations. In DDOs attack, a website gets overloaded with zombie requests and
makes your slow and unstable for loading. These attacks may get continued from few hours
to weeks, causing severe business losses. The government organizations, telecom, IT, and
e-commerce websites are mostly in targets of such kind of attacks causing harassment and
losses for a number of people. The attacker creates a zombie network and starts sending
overwhelming number of requests to the website which is much higher than the webservers
handling capacity causing the website functions slow or completely crashed. Cyber security
systems can be implemented to filter out the junk requests and safeguard the cloud service
providers from DDOs attacks.

8.2.3 Threat Detection

Security is distributed computing can ensure better security and threat detection capabili-
ties. The cloud servers filter out the threats before sending it to the clients which enhances
the entry point level of security for the organizations.
Cloud technology has clear advantages over individual servers. As the cloud server sup-
ports higher number of users, the requirement of threat detection technique is more critical.
Cloud service providers look for most sophisticated technologies like Machine Learning
(ML) for threat detection. Through cloud any small and medium enterprises can afford the
higher level of security for their data.

8.3 Zero-Knowledge Proof

The traditional authenticating process, where a user produces its password to the verifier,
can be vulnerable if the password gets leaked over the network. To handle this threat, a
new user authentication technique was conceptualized where the user does not have to
disclose any secret information over the network the authentication can take place without
compromising on security standards. The Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) process was first
State-of-the-Art in ZKP for Cloud 155

introduced in 1985 by Goldwasser et al. [1], where the authentication can happen without
sharing any secret key or password.
With the new technology new threats are also emerging. As the cloud provider handles
a huge amount of data, most of the time they spread the data in different servers to lower
the risk of hardware failures and data loss due to same. This, in turn, increases the risk of
data leakage due to the untrustworthy servers. In most of the time, cloud server stores data
in redundancy protect to prevent data loss that also adds up to risk of data theft. The data
center becomes the primary targets for most of the cyber criminals as well.
ZKP is an interactive authentication system (P, V), where the Prover (P) and Verifier (V)
prove their legitimacy through exchanging Language (L) Statements {0,1}.
The membership instance can be considered as x ϵ L. x is the common input shared by
both prover and verifier, connected through a common communication channel. The P and
V exchange a sequence of numbers to prove the authenticity. This sequence is represented
as proof transcript, which has a predefined set of exchange sequences a1, b1, a2, b2, …, an,
bn. Here, the one party (prover) tries to proof the other party (verifier) that they hold the
secret information without actually sharing it. The implementation of ZKP is still far to
go, though a lot has been done as Mathematical Models and toward its applications. More
about Zero-Knowledge Protocols can be found in [3].
Peggy, the prover: Peggy holds a secret key S, which she will prove to Victor without actu-
ally sharing it.
Victor, the verifier: Victor is verifier who requests a set of information from Peggy to verify
the authenticity and confirms that Peggy holds the secret key S. By this process, Victor will
have zero knowledge about the S key.
Eave, the eavesdropper: Eave is untrusted third party who listens to the complete conver-
sation. A complete zero conversation will make sure that Eave will not be able to crack the
S key out of the conversation.
An efficient ZKP system will satisfy two conditions:

1. Completeness: Peggy in priority will try to convince Victor that she knows S.
2. Soundness: Peggy will have very little chance to fake Victor if she does not
know S.

Zero-knowledge protocols make sure that the verifier will have zero knowledge about
the secret.
The concept PDP was conceptualized by Ateniese et al. in [4]. In this scheme, the user
divides the data D into blocks and tag them with cryptographic tag s bi as Ti,b = (H(Wi)
gbi )d)modN, where N is an RSA modulus, g is a public parameter, d is the secret key of the
user, and H(Wi) is chosen randomly. In this scheme, the data blocks need not be recovered
for verification. Though the scheme is effective, but the computational complexity with the
random numbers and verification of the user by secret key creates hurdle for actualiza-
tion. In [2], Ateniese et al. introduced a newer version which allows open verification sys-
tem where any user can reach cloud server for verification. This system has loopholes in
dynamic scenarios where it loses the homomorphism and the verification standard falls, as
it [5] depends upon the index of data blocks for proofing and verification.
156 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Xu et al. [6] have proposed a unique concept of server data possession. In this system, the
user uses polynomials for tagging and uses coefficient of polynomials for tagging the data
blocks. This improves the standard the proof generation procedure as it uses the evalua-
tions of polynomials. L. Krzywiecki and M. Kutylowski [7] have also focused on Lagrangian
Interpolation for designing the similar scheme. Simari, Gerardo I in 2002 [8] explained
in research about identity-based encryption system to implement access control in cloud-
based computing systems.

8.4 Machine Learning for Cloud Computing

ML technology is serving the humanity in a best possible way by reading patterns, behav-
iors, predictions, and calculated moves backed up by data. ML itself requires expert sup-
port of data, computing, and storages to function efficiently. Cloud, on the hand, is capable
of providing most versatile computing and storage services. When ML is implemented
with cloud, the leverage can be amplified by many folds. This model is called “Intelligent
Cloud”. By using cloud technology, ML complexities can be simplified, and processes can
be accelerated.

8.4.1 Types of Learning Algorithms Supervised Learning
This is one of most important branch of ML. Every model comprises of learning agent and
supervisor. The supervisor possesses a concealed a desired copy of output. The learning
agent produces an actual output based on calculations. The performance of the learning
agent is evaluated based on difference between the desired output and the actual output.
The learning agent will learn from the environment and the error. The learning agent recti-
fies its further output focusing on to produce closest of desired output. Supervised Learning Approach

To train a machine to produce a desired output, supervised learning model can be imple-
mented to train the machine. This includes a labeled data set as input and the desired
output. The output can be defined by human experts or measurements. The labeled data
set can be in a table format indicating different features of the input to design a structure
of understanding indicating toward the output. The input features cannot be very detailed
due to the challenge of complexity but has to be detailed enough to train the machine.
These set of labeled input and the defined output are considered as trends, based on which
the future output will be generated. The accuracy of the learning function depends upon
the input features used. For example, to create a model of recognizing handwriting, the
input data set should have enough parameters that can be a single letter, a word, or a sen-
tence. The input data set can include numeric data and categorical data. Some supervised
learning algorithm requires user intervention to define the control parameters. There are
two types of supervised learning: classification and regression. After optimizing the input
data set, a test run is done on test data set before running on the actual training dataset.
State-of-the-Art in ZKP for Cloud 157

The evaluation and correction of learning function is done repetitively to achieve the
desired level of functionality. Unsupervised Learning

Unsupervised learning, as the name implies, the model is not supervised for training
but rather model is left to learn itself from the unnoticed parameters and invisible infor-
mation to the human eye. Unsupervised learning uses ML algorithms that draw calcu-
lations on unlabeled data. It uses more sophisticated algorithms for analysis as the very
little of zero knowledge is available about the data set and the desired outcome to be
expected. The unsupervised learning is used for cluster or group analysis for what they
performed, estimation of density, and reduction of dimensionality [14]. As the input
data is unlabeled, a few tests and few models exist for unsupervised learning. The con-
trolling parameters for unsupervised learning are also minimal as the machine itself
generates the outcome.

8.4.2 Application on Machine Learning for Cloud Computing

• In the age of Industry 4.0, ML has become one of the most prominent tech-
nologies which are helping humanity in diverse areas. Data has become the
language of the 21st century. To implement ML efficiently, it requires contin-
uous support of data and computing, which has become possible due to the
existence of cloud technology.
• As the cloud technology is cost efficient, it has become affordable for the
small and medium enterprises to implement ML technology without spend-
ing much on the servers.
• Cloud being one of the emerging technologies is able to support the user with
various services, which reduces the higher order of technical capabilities. Image Recognition

Image recognition is one of the most effective uses of ML. The image recognition technique
can be deployed for a variety of purpose like authentication, identification, analysis, atten-
dance, human emotions, and in other several purposes. The technique identifies pixels as
black and white or as red, green, and blue for identifying an image. It creates different cat-
egories for every set of attributes. The recognition is also called classification as it classifies
almost everything as per the attributes. The attributes depend upon the objects it is iden-
tifying. This can be used for recognizing any living or non-living objects like human face,
buildings, cars, or even handwriting and letters. Speech Recognition

Speech recognition broadly use for recognition and translation of human language to
text. The inputs can be taken from the human speech, recorded files, or other sources. The
emerging tech corporations have implemented speech recognition technologies in a num-
ber of devices to get operated using voice commands. Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant or
Translate are one of the most common applications of this category.
158 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security Medical Diagnosis

ML has a wide application in the field of medical sciences. ML can be used to monitor
health conditions and to create an alarm for the medical supervisors in case of emergency
health situations of a patient. It monitors a number of parameters to detect and trigger out-
put. The information gathered in different cases can be used to predict disease progression
and knowledge creation through research. Learning Associations

ML algorithms can be used in defining associations between products which have been
perceived as unassociated so far. For example, this includes study of human purchasing
behavior and micro and macro market conditions to define associations. Classification
Classification is a process of segregating each object under study in different classes as per
the features. The features help to analyze any object and classify them. To make the analysis
effective, a number of relevant features or measurements are defined. For example, stock
broker company can analyze a number of parameters of a company before suggesting their
clients to invest. The features in this case may be quarterly profits, dividends, NPA, assets,
and liabilities of the company and its trend of performances. Prediction
ML is used in a wide variety of fields for predictions. The predictions done by the ML are
scientific, based on data and based on past records and trends that make it a reliable applica-
tion. A lot of sectors like trade, banking, health science, meteorology, and psychology have
a great level of dependency on ML predictions. Extraction
Extraction is one of the most common uses of ML. This process helps to analyze a huge
chunk of unstructured data and creates a structured database and insights which can be
used in a lot of fields. In extractions, a huge number of documents are taken as inputs
and the output will be a structured dataset. E-commerce, financial corporations, media
houses, and a lot other fields have a major dependency over this feature. Regression
It can be likewise actualized that the AI in the relapse too. In relapse, the rule of AI can be
utilized to upgrade the boundaries. It can likewise be utilized to diminish the estimation
blunder and compute the nearest conceivable result. Likewise, the streamlining capacity of
AI can be utilized. One can likewise decide to modify the contributions to request to get the
nearest conceivable result.
State-of-the-Art in ZKP for Cloud 159 Financial Services

AI has a ton of potential in the monetary and banking area. It is the main thrust behind the
prevalence of the monetary administrations. AI can help the banks and monetary establish-
ments to settle on more astute choices. AI can assist the monetary administrations with rec-
ognizing a record conclusion before it happens. It can likewise follow the spending example
of the clients. AI can likewise play out the market examination. Shrewd machines can be
prepared to follow spending designs. The calculations can distinguish the trends effectively
and can respond continuously.

8.5 Zero-Knowledge Proof: Details

In straightforward secret key conventions, an inquirer A gives his secret phrase to a verifier
B. In the event that specific safeguards are not taken, a snoop can get the secret word that
was moved, and from that point on, he can imitate A to his advantage. Different conven-
tions attempt to enhance this, as on account of challenge reaction frameworks [8]. The ZKP
is an interactive system where the one party tries to prove that it holds a secret key, without
actually revealing it. As per [9], the two parties can be denoted as P (prover) and V (veri-
fier). The prover (P) tries to prove that it holds the secret key and the verifier (V) validates
the statement of the prover through some mathematical transactions. Typical utilization of
zero-information evidence is in verification frameworks where a substance demonstrates
his character to the prover without revealing his mystery [10].

8.5.1 Comparative Study

Diffie-Hellman (D-H) key exchange algorithm is known as one of the earliest practical
instances of Zero-Knowledge Protocol where two sides share one non-private communi-
cation channel to interact and the authentication process takes place without sharing any
secret information. No side will require any prior information to authenticate and the
transaction lefts no traces of the secret information. Each side uses a common shared key
which is a symmetric key cipher to encrypt the communications.
Quite possibly the most entrancing employments of zero-information evidence inside
cryptographic conventions is to uphold legit conduct while looking after protection.
Generally, the thought is to authorize a client to demonstrate, utilizing a zero-information
verification, that its conduct is right as indicated by the convention. Due to adequacy, it is
realized that the client should truly act really to have the option to give a legitimate confir-
mation. Due to zero information, it is evident that the client does not bargain the protection
of its privileged insights during the time spent giving the confirmation [11, 12]. Fiat-Shamir ZKP Protocol

In Fiat-Shamir ZKP protocol, it satisfies the condition of zero knowledge, where the two par-
ties (prover and verifier) complete the authentication process without any prior knowledge
and sharing the secret information. The prover focuses on proving that it holds the secret
information and does not need to reveal it for authentication process [13]. In Fiat-Shamir
160 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

protocol, a trusted third party chooses to large random numbers, p and q and calculates n
(n = p * q). The third party reveals the value of n as public key while keeping the value of p
and q secret. Figure 8.2 illustrates the transactions take place in the process. The prover P
and verifier B follows the below mentioned steps to complete the process [21].

1. The prover Alice (P) chooses a random number r and calculates {x = r2 mod n},
where n is the shared public key.
2. Alice shares the value of x with the verifier Bob (b) as witness.
3. Bob chooses a number between 0 and 1 and sends it as challenge (C) to Alice.
4. With the help of value of C, Alice calculates Y {Y = r2 mod n}.
5. Alice shares the Y with Bob as response to the challenge.
6. Bob the verifier calculates Y2 mod n and xvc mod n.
7. Bob compares both the values, if they are same, then Alice is authentic; oth-
erwise, Bob considers this as a failure of authentication.
8. The process gets iterated for one to six times with different values of C as 0 or
1. The prover needs get through every time to prove its authenticity.

There is another similar protocol as Feige-Fiat-Shamir protocol, which follows a series of

private keys and public key and array of challenges for the authentication process.

Third party Chooses p & q. n=p*q, n is public key

and p & q are kept secret

Bob (Verif ier)

Alice (Prover)

Random secret number (r).

X = r2 mod n Witness x

Alice (Y=rsc mod n) Challenge C (0 or 1)

Response Y

xvc mod n

Y2 mod n

No (Reject)
Yes (Accept)

Figure 8.2 Fiat-Shamir protocol.

State-of-the-Art in ZKP for Cloud 161

8.5.2 Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Algorithm

D-H key exchange program was conceptualized in 1976 by Whitfield Diffie and Martin
Hellman, which was the first practical ZKP protocol. Here, the prover and the verifier estab-
lish communication over a public communication channel and performs a set of mathe-
matical transactions to authenticate the prover without revealing the secret. This algorithm
uses multiplicative group of integers modulo p(Zp*, x), where P is a prime number, and 1 to
p − 1 is used for different mathematical operations. The two parties choose random value of
p and g. g is a primitive root in the group. The value of p and g are made public and follows
the procedure as shown in Figure 8.3 [14, 20, 21].

1. Alice chooses a random value for x between 0 and p and calculates R1 = gx mod p.
2. Bob the verifier picks up another random value for y and calculates R2 = gy
mod p.
3. Bob and Alice exchange R1 and R2.
4. Bob and Alice decode and calculate KAlice, Kbob, respectively.
The D-H key exchange algorithm is prone to “man-in-the-middle” and “discrete algo-
rithm” attacks [6]. These operations of these two attacks are described as below. Discrete Logarithm Attack [6]

Any untrusted third party can overhear the value of R1 and R2 by placing itself in the mid-
dle. It can then recalculate the value of x and y by performing (R1 = gxmod p and R2 = gy mod
p). These values will reveal the value of K = gxy mod p.
As preventive measure, the below mentioned changes can be done:

1. The value of P has to be large enough.

5 6
Alice (Prover) Bob (Verif ier)
1 2
Random Secret Number y.
Random Secret Number x. R2 = gy mod P
R1=gx mod P 3 4

KBob = (R1)y mod P

KAlice = (R2)x mod P

7 8

K = (g)xy mod P
Shared Secret Key

Figure 8.3 Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm.

162 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

2. g should be able to be beyond the group limit.

3. The values of x and y chosen by prover and verifier has to be for single use
and extremely large.
As these measures will increase the mathematical complexity by multiple times, thus
practical implementation will not be possible [22, 23]. Man-in-the-Middle Attack

The untrusted third party can replicate the prover and the verifier by placing itself in the
middle. It will receive R1 from Alice and R2 from Bob.

1. The prover selects random value of x, and calculates R1 = gxmod p, then

transmits the R1to Bob.
2. Eve, untrusted third party, selects random number z and calculates R2 =
gzmod p then transmits R2 to both Alice and Bob.
3. Bob chooses random number y and calculates R3 = gymod p and then trans-
mits R3 to Alice.
4. R3 is blocked and captured by Eve, which then never reaches Alice.
5. Alice and Eve both calculate K1 = gxzmod p, which will then work as a shared
key between them.
6. Eve and Bob both calculates K2 = gzymod p, which will then work as a shared
key between them. The man-in-the-middle attack can be prevented by imple-
menting a two-way validating technique where both prover and verifier prove
to each other that they are authentic [14].

8.5.3 ZKP Version 1

In this protocol [17], a trusted third party chooses two random numbers p and g and
makes them public, where p is a large prime number and g is primitive root of order p − 1.
Figure 8.4 illustrates the working principle of the model.

1. Alice, the prover, chooses a random number x and calculates R1 = gxmod p

and sends the R1 to the Bob (the verifier).
2. Bob, the prover, chooses another random number Y and calculates R1 =
gymod p and sends the R2 to Alice.
3. Then, Alice calculates the value of secret key K1 using the R2 received from
the verifier K1 = (R2)xmodp. Alice encrypts the K1 and R2 and generates C1 =
E(K1, R2).
4. Alice sends C1 to Bob for verification.
5. Bob generates K = (R1)y mod p and generates C2 = E(K1, R2).
6. If C1 and C2 are same, then it proves that the prover, Alice, is authentic.

8.5.4 ZKP Version 2

The proposed ZKP1 model is vulnerable to the man-in-the-middle attack as an intercep-
tor can place itself in the middle and can replicate the opposite parties and retrieve the
State-of-the-Art in ZKP for Cloud 163

Alice Prover Bob Verif ier

1 2

P and G are Public

Random Secret Number x Random Secret Number y
R1=gx mod P R2=gv mod P

3 R1

R2 4

5 6

K=(R2)x mod P C1=E(KaR2) K=(R1)y mod P

C2=E(K1 R2)

Y (Accept)

N Reject

Figure 8.4 ZKP version 1 [17].

secret key K. To avoid the situation, the proposed ZKP model 2 [17] added one extra layer
of authentication to verify the authenticity of the verifier. Same as the previous model, a
trusted third party selects two random numbers p and g and makes them as public key.
Figure 8.5 illustrates the working principal of the model.

1. Alice selects a random number x and calculates R1 = gxmod p and sends the
R1 to Bob, the verifier.
2. Bob chooses a random number y and calculates R2 = gymod p.
3. Bob calculates the secret key K = (R1)ymod p and encrypts it with R2.
Encrypted C1 = E(K1R2).
4. Bob sends the R2 and C1 to Alice.
5. Alice then generates secret Key K2 = (R2)x mod p.
6. Alice calculates R2’ by decrypting the C1 and checks whether R2 = R2’. If the
values are same, then the verifier is authentic; otherwise, it stops the process.
7. If the prover finds the verifier is authentic, then it sends K1R1 and R2 by
encrypting as C2.
8. Bob receives the C2 and decrypts it. Bob will be able to calculate R1.
164 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

P and G are public Key

Random Secret Number x. Random Secret Number Y.

R1= gx mod P R2= gy mod P

K= (R1)y mod P
R2 | C 1 C1= E(K1R2)
K= (R2)x mod P
R2’= D(K1C1)

R2=R2’ No
Verif ier Dishonest D(K1C2)

C2= E(K1 R1|R2) C2

Yes (Accept)

No (Reject)

Figure 8.5 ZKP Version 2 [17].

9. If the verifier finds that the R1 is equal to R2, then it satisfies the conditions and
the authentication process gets completed; otherwise, the transaction is rejected.

8.5.5 Analysis
According to the meaning of ZKP, the proposed conventions are intelligent framework,
where a mix prover and verifier (P, V) is executed for confirmation and for demonstrating
a language participation proclamation over {G}, where G is a gathering <zp*,x>. R1, R2, C1,
and C2 are participation occurrences of G gathering and verification record. Prover (P) and
verifier (V) ascertain and trade a predefined set of number arrangements while blending
them with new contributions from each new exchange. After the cooperation is finished,
the yield of the conventions is thought about, and choices are made for acknowledgement
or rejection. These depicted conventions ready to meet the ZKP properties and are suffi-
ciently productive to oppose regular assaults with its functionalities. See Table 8.1.

1. Completeness: The prover and the verifier register the mystery key K by fol-
lowing the predefined convention, which is equivalent to (k = gxy mod P).
On the off chance that both the prover and the verifier are an endless supply
of the association, they will wind up with producing a similar mystery key
Table 8.1 Comparative study.
Interaction Third party Encryption
Techniques technique involvement Possible threats technique Operating technique Limitations
Fiat-Shamir Exchange Yes Discrete logarithm No Utilizations measured Repetitive and
ZKP Protocol challenge attack and man-in- number juggling and infeasible
and witness the-middle attack equal check measure
Diffie-Hellman Exchange keys No Discrete logarithm No Utilizations a Infeasible due
Key Exchange attack and man-in- multiplicative to technical
Algorithm the-middle attack gathering of whole complexity
numbers module
ZKP Proposed Exchange Keys No Man-in-the-middle Yes Utilizations a Vulnerable
Model 1 in encrypted attack multiplicative to man-in-
format gathering of whole the-middle
numbers module attack
ZKP Proposed Exchange Keys No None Yes Uses multiplicative None
Model 2 in encrypted group of integers
format module
State-of-the-Art in ZKP for Cloud
166 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

K and the confirmation will be acknowledged. Else, they will produce dis-
tinctive mystery key which will prompt dismissal of the verification. In this
way, the convention is fit to produce unmistakable choices upon finish and
accordingly fulfils the culmination property.
2. If the prover neglects to process the right mystery key K, the scrambled
answer [C2 = E(KAlice, R2)] will be unique in relation to the worth registered
by the verifier [C2 = E(KBob, R2)]. As the cycle fuses irregular choice of
numbers, speculating the C1 and C2 is practically incomprehensible, which
guarantees just two prospects; either equivalent (C2 = C2’) or extraor-
dinary (C1 ≠ C2’). So the convention is sound and does not founded on
3. Zero knowledge: In this convention, the prover and the verifier are not
needed to share or uncover any data which can force danger of assaults or
pantomime. Both the gatherings will be left distinctly with their own mys-
tery number and the determined mystery key which gets changed after every
exchange. The mystery numbers like x, y, and K were not uncovered to the
next gathering during the cycle and each gathering is left with zero informa-
tion about the other.
4. The proposed convention form - 2 is protected from man-in-the-center
assault, as the assailant would not have the option to figure or ascertain two
mystery keys; ( K1 = R 1z mod p ) and ( K 2 = R z2 mod p ) to be imparted to Alice
and Bob.
5. The proposed convention can be secured against discrete logarithm assault,
by applying the suggestion.

8.5.6 Cloud Security Architecture

Cloud computing is the modern technique of computing in which the data and computing
services can be made readily available to any user at any geographical location. The user
does not have to be involved in the active management of the servers.
Cloud technology is capable of providing great scalability, device independency, location
independency, and agility to any user in very low cost. By cloud technology, a user is free
from managing the risk of data security and readiness.
A large portion of the current mists are based on top of present-day server farms. It
redesigns its Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software
as a Service (SaaS) and offers them to the end user. The end user pays only for its usage
and thus reduces the burden of cost. Figure 8.6 shows a various leveled see for distributed
Information centers: The information centers are the locations where the data servers are
established to support cloud services. These centers are strategically placed where resources
can be made available in optimum cost. While looking at the geographical locations of the
information centers, it is important to choose locations which are less prone to natural
Foundation as a service: It exists in the data centers to support consumers with computing
capabilities and storage and other facilities to function as per their requirements. This helps
the consumers their preferred scheme to further cut down the cost [24].
State-of-the-Art in ZKP for Cloud 167

Software as a service
Platform as a service
Infrastructure as a service
Data center

Figure 8.6 Cloud architecture.

Stage as a service: This is also known as PaaS and provides platform services to the con-
sumer, where the consumer doe not need to download or install any application in their
local system and can work collaboratively in any project irrespective of their geographical
locations [25].
Programming as a service: This is also known as SaaS and is service generally provided
to the end user as per requirements. This enables users to access a software without local
maintenance and monitoring. There are a number of large-scale software and Enterprise
Resource Management software are preferably deployed by this layer to serve a large num-
ber of employees without the physical barrier. The layer supports to integrate these software
packages with other software to increase their productivity and utility.

8.5.7 Existing Cloud Computing Architectures

Examination on distributed computing has pulled in both the scholarly community and
industry to concoct inventive and viable distributed computing models. A great deal has
been done here and a few distributed computing structures have been proposed.
A number of modern day cloud architectures do not interact with other clouds which
makes the resources limited and utility goes down due to the rigidity in the structures.

8.5.8 Issues With Current Clouds

Migration from cloud provider: Though cloud services helps to reduce a significant
amount of time and money for different services but when an organization wishes to
move its applications to another, it becomes more expensive and time consuming to
migrate [15].
Rigidity of computing components: The computing needs of a user may changeover the
time and the user may wish to include or discard feature to a system. In physical machines,
a user can build its own computer or can buy a system as per the current requirements, but
in case of cloud computing, the user will need to choose the components only from offer-
ings of its cloud provider [16].
Lack of multi-tenancy supports: To achieve the low cost goals the cloud services are often
shared with multiple clients [18]: While sharing the cloud services with other clients, the
three major issues are often faced:

1. Resource sharing: The cost of management, maintenance, and equipment

needs to be reduced for each client.
168 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

2. Security confinement: To ensure the security protocols are maintained

between the clients.
3. Localization: To ensure to meet the individual need of each client in terms of
data access, user interface, and usability.

Lack of flexibility for user interface: The user interface defines the usability of system
to a user. As every customer has a different perseverance toward systems, the user interface
needs will be unique each time. Due the cloud rigid framework, this need cannot be made
most of the time [19].

8.6 Conclusion
With the modernization of workplace, mobility has increased immensely and the traditional
way of computing has become a bottleneck for many functionalities and services. The cloud
technology offers applications, computing, and storage services irrespective of the physical
machines and geographical locations. This flexibility has helped millions of people to enter the
globalization process of their business. It is evident from the current style of living that tech-
nology has flooded in every aspects of human life. Staring from social media, banking, online
marketplace, medical facilities, food delivery, and other several services entirely depend upon
the cloud services. Any user can access their data from any location by using any device of their
choice. This has reshaped the world of work entirely and moving faster than ever before. Cloud
services can be hold responsible for bringing the paradigm shift in the way the companies cus-
tomize their promotions and sales. Consumerism has reached at its zenith and will continue to
go up for at least several decades. Not only through its own services but also cloud has served a
platform to other wonderful technologies like AI and ML which has brought a drastic change in
the way human use to think. AI and ML, which are considered as the technology of the future,
are heavily dependent on the cloud services. The cloud has made us able to store immense vol-
ume of data and to analyze them to generate business intelligence, national security, and medical
attention and has opened several avenues in the field of research and academia. The cloud tech-
nology has several distinct advantages over the traditional computing style.
The cloud technology is cost effective as it does not impose a heavy burden of procuring
hardware to offer any service. This encourages small and medium business to go online
and flourish. The data centers maintain 99.9% availability which ensures maximum uptime
and minimizes the risk of losing business. The features like redundancy adds extra layer
of prevention from data loss, which makes cloud services more versatile and reliable. A
business can customize the services, to solve its purpose and make changes to the service
requirements without being worried about adding extra hardware or cost. As per the busi-
ness needs, services can be prioritized and hedged to ensure the functionality. As the data
centers can achieve higher degree of security and safeguarding data, it reassures the cli-
ents about the data security. Now, business can rely upon the cloud services without being
worried about the external threats. Cloud computing handles critically important data for
businesses and other important clients but still the cloud architecture is exposed to several
internet threats. To overcome through critical security threats, Zero-Knowledge Proof tech-
niques can be implemented. This section illustrates Zero-Knowledge Proof in details and
the existing protocols like fait Shamir Protocol and D-H Protocol. This paper also explains
State-of-the-Art in ZKP for Cloud 169

about different Cloud Computing Architectures, applications of cloud computing. A survey

of zero-knowledge existing algorithm has also been explained in this paper.
This survey paper has a future scope to explore further work on existing algorithms of
Zero-Knowledge Proof with cloud computing and modification of the existing algorithm to
achieve higher degree of security.

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A Robust Approach for Effective Spam Detection
Using Supervised Learning Techniques
Amartya Chakraborty1*, Suvendu Chattaraj2, Sangita Karmakar2 and Shillpi Mishrra2†
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Engineering and Management,
Kolkata, India
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Techno India University, Kolkata, India

In this age of popular instant messaging applications, Short Message Service or SMS has lost rele-
vance and has turned into the forte of service providers, business houses, and different organizations
that use this service to target common users for marketing and spamming. A recent trend in spam
messaging is the use of content in regional language typed in English, which makes the detection
and filtering of such messages more challenging. In this work, an extended version of a standard
SMS corpus containing spam and non-spam messages that is extended by the inclusion of labeled
text messages in regional languages like Hindi or Bengali typed in English has been used, as gath-
ered from local mobile users. Monte Carlo approach is utilized for learning and classification in a
supervised approach, using a set of features and machine learning algorithms commonly used by
researchers. The results illustrate how different algorithms perform in addressing the given challenge

Keywords: Spam detection, supervised learning, regional spam, Monte Carlo approach,
deep learning, convolutional neural networks, SMS spam, TF-IDF vectorization

9.1 Introduction
Man is a social animal, and the very essence of this socializing nature lies in their ability to
effectively communicate. From the cave drawings in early ages to the blazingly fast instant
messaging applications prevalent in these times, the need for effective and timely commu-
nication has always been a priority in human life.
The basic components of a typical communication are as shown in Figure 9.1 where a
communication medium is used by sender(s) to communicate with the receiver(s). This
medium of communication has taken several forms over the many decades of human civi-
lization. For instance, cave walls, letters (pages), and text messages are all different forms of
communication medium that man has used.

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Corresponding authors: [email protected]

Rajdeep Chakraborty, Anupam Ghosh and Jyotsna Kumar Mandal (eds.) Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for
Cloud Security, (171–192) © 2022 Scrivener Publishing LLC

172 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

sender receiver

Figure 9.1 Components of a communication.

With the onset of mobile technology in human lives, the concept of hand-written let-
ters was replaced by a new form of communication, referred to as the Short Message
Service or SMS. The first instance of sending a mobile device–based text message was
recorded in the year 1992 [1], and it has come a long way since then. This service gained
popularity at a very rapid rate, and became an integral part of technology enriched human
life in the last two decades. Using the SMS, each mobile device user can compose a textual
message of length up to 160 characters including alphabets, numeric values, and special
symbols [2]. This constitutes the “short message” that can be sent to a recipient (another
mobile device user). This mode of communication has utility especially in cases where
short pieces of information need to be urgently conveyed or where attending calls is not
However, the last decade has witnessed the meteoric rise in the use of internet-based
messaging services which are faster and cheaper than SMS in most cases. Also, such ser-
vices are made more attractive with no message length limit, inclusion of stickers, GIFs,
and other application specific enhancements to make them the primary choice of mobile-
based communication. This has pushed the erstwhile default communication medium
to a secondary position, and nowadays it is seldom used in day-to-day communication
by general mobile users. Instead, this service has become a handy tool for different ser-
vice and/or product-based companies, who use it to implement their strategy of direct
The SMS-based marketing strategy adapted by different companies provides a unique
opportunity to identify and incite their potential clients by providing them attractive incen-
tives and offers on chosen products or services. A recent survey revealed that 96% of the
participants from India admitted they receive unwanted spam message every day, of which
42% receive almost 7 such SMS per day [3]. Despite the regulatory and preventive norms
put in place by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) on the broadcast of
unwanted messages, only about 6% of Indian mobile users find the Do Not Disturb (DND)
service useful [4].
A general understanding of spam as unwanted or unsolicited messages is essential in
order to effectively prevent or detect and filter such messages at the user end. Oblivious
mobile users are highly prone to signing up for such irritating SMS automatically when they
are availing a service or purchasing a product of their choice. Online marketing, banking,
telecom service, etc., constitute a bulk of the unwanted or spam messages that Indian users
usually receive. Yet more harmful is the set of fraudulent spam messages that target inno-
cent users and aim to lure them and extract crucial information regarding their personal
details, banking passwords, etc., as shown in Figure 9.2.
On the other hand, the desired electronic texts that a mobile user expects to receive are
called ham messages. Such SMS could be bank account related updates or travel ticket-­
based information, etc. So, it is essential to accurately distinguish between these two types
of SMS. Typically, the SMS-based communication including spam filtering may be illus-
trated as represented as shown in Figure 9.3.
Robust Approach for Effective Spam Detection 173

Figure 9.2 An example of malicious spam message.

spam? no
sender receiver



Figure 9.3 Flowchart of spam filtered communication system.

Over the years, there has been extensive research on different spam detection and fil-
tering techniques, though not all of them have resulted in efficient and productive end
user applications. The current work deals with the determination of robustness of the com-
monly used classification algorithms consisting of conventional machine learning classifier
models as well as contemporary Deep Neural Network architecture–based models. This is
undertaken by utilizing the Monte Carlo approach by performing the training and classifi-
cation tasks on different combinations of both spam and ham data for up to 100 times. As a
result, the definitive performance statistics for each classification model can be realized and
the best performing model may be chosen as the ideal one. The state of the art of research
on spam identification has been discussed in the following Literature Review.

9.2 Literature Review

In this section, the authors have discussed some recent state of the art research works in
the field of spam detection on SMS messages, going up to the last 5 years. The discussed
works have proposed and implemented novel features, effective processing techniques and
different advanced machine learning algorithms toward developing an efficient SMS spam
recognition system.
Back in 2015, Agarwal et al. [5] utilized the comprehensive data corpus consolidated
by [6] and extended it by adding a set of spam and ham SMS collected from Indian mobile
users. They demonstrated how different learning algorithms like Support Vector Machine
(SVM) and Multinomial Naïve Bayes (MNB) performed on the Term Frequency–Inverse
174 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Document Frequency (TF-IDF)–based features extracted from the corpora. Starting at

around this time, a plethora of research works have used the same corpus and similar set
of features and learning algorithms for designing spam detection systems. In the follow-
ing set of similar works, it is observed that a set of learning and classification algorithms
are used for a performance comparison study. Also, there is a paradigm shift toward neu-
ral network-based learning algorithms in more recent times.
In such a work in 2017, Suleiman et al. [7] demonstrated a comparative study of the
performance of MNB, Random Forest, and Deep Learning algorithm–based models by
using the H2O framework and a self-determined set of novel features on the same SMS
Using word embedding features, Jain et al. [8] showed in 2018 how Convolutional Neural
Network (CNN) can be utilized to achieve a better performance than a number of other
baseline machine learning models in determining the spam messages from the corpus of
[6]. In the same year, Popovac et al. [9] illustrated how CNN algorithm performs on the
same SMS corpus using TD-IDF features.
In 2019, Gupta et al. [10] proposed a voting ensemble technique on different learning
algorithms, namely, MNB, Gaussian Naïve Bayes (GNB), Bernoulli Naïve Bayes (BNB), and
Decision Tree (DT) for spam identification using the same corpus.
The trend of classifier performance comparison continues till recent times in 2020,
where the work by Hlouli et al. [11], illustrated how Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), SVM,
k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN), and Random Forest algorithms perform on the same SMS
corpus for detecting spam and ham using Bag of Words and TF-IDF–based features. In a
similar contemporary work, GuangJun et al. [12] highlighted the performance of kNN, DT,
and Logistic Regression (LR) models on SMS spam corpus, though the feature extraction
techniques were not discussed.
A recent but different type of work by Roy et al. [13] shows how the same SMS corpus
by Hidalgo et al. [6] is classified using Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) and CNN-based
machine learning models with a high accuracy. The authors also noted that dependence
on manual feature selection and extraction results often influences the efficacy of the spam
detection system and consequently utilized the inherent features determined by the LSTM
and CNN algorithms.
Another interesting observation stems from the inclusion of SMS content in languages
other than English for spam and ham identification, as undertaken by Ghourabi et al. [14]
in their recent work. The authors used TF-IDF and word embedding–based features for the
conventional machine learning models (such as SVM, kNN, DT, and MNB) and proposed
CNN-LSTM hybrid model, respectively. This is the only recent research work that intends
to identify the spam content in non-English language from a multi-lingual corpus.

9.3 Motivation
It is observed that in spite of the comparative study of classification performance under-
taken by the aforementioned state-of-the-art works, none of them have attempted to deter-
mine and establish the robustness of the classification techniques in spam identification.
Also, the abundance of spam messages in regional language (typed in English) is largely
ignored in such works.
Robust Approach for Effective Spam Detection 175

Taking cue from the aforementioned observations, the authors have made the following
contributions in the current work:

1. We introduce the novel context of identifying spam and ham SMS in regional
languages that are typed in English, along with the general English corpus of
spam and ham by extending it.
2. We employ a Monte Carlo approach to repeatedly perform classification
using different machine learning algorithms on different combinations of
spam and ham text from the extended corpus (with k-fold cross-validation
for a large value of k = 100) in order to determine the efficiency of baseline
learning algorithms in comparison to the CNN-based model.

9.4 System Overview

The current work follows a series of steps as illustrated in Figure 9.4. The corresponding
discussions are provided in the following sections.
The SMS corpus with added Indian context, described in Section 9.5, is initially pro-
cessed in a series of operations as discussed in Section 9.6. The processed text corpus is
then vectorized and the TF-IDF vector is determined for the corpora as its feature. This
procedure is illustrated in the Section 9.7. The different supervised learning techniques that
have been trained and evaluated in this work are discussed in Section 9.8. The experimental
setup and evaluation techniques have been discussed in Sections 9.9 and 9.10, respectively.
The experimental results and analysis have been provided in Section 9.11. The adaptation of
proposed framework in cloud architecture is discussed in brief in Section 9.12. Finally, the
concluding remarks have been offered in Section 9.13.

Extended SMS Case Normalization,

Data Processing Stop Words Removal,
Removing Punctuation,
Removing Special Symbols,
Removing Numerals,

TF - IDF Feature Extraction kNN,
vectorization DT,

Performance Classif ication Training

Figure 9.4 Overview of the system.

176 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

9.5 Data Description

The authors have utilized the comprehensive and popular SMS dataset made available
by [6], which has been the choice of many state-of-the-art works in this domain even in
recent years. This spam and ham text corpus is compiled using free sources on the World
Wide Web and corresponds to SMS messages from places like the United Kingdom (UK)
and Singapore. The corpus originally consists of 5,574 texts written in English and each
such message is appropriately labeled as a spam message or a ham message. The authors
have further extended this data set during a period of 2 years by introducing the context of
Indian spam messages. The speciality of the collected corpus is that it consists of spam SMS
that the Indian companies and service providers use for marketing purposes. These mes-
sages are mostly regional language-based texts that are in typed in English (shown in Figure
9.5), while some of them are written in English (shown in Figure 9.6). This set of SMSs has
been collected from the students and faculties of Techno India University, West Bengal. The
final corpus prepared and used in this work consists of more than 7,000 text messages. The
data corpus has two columns corresponding to the message text and the label, respectively.
This corpus is processed as described in the next section.

9.6 Data Processing

As evident from the illustrated spam SMS screenshots, each text contains different types
of symbols, numeric values, as well as English and regional language–based words typed
in English. In order to be able to extract meaningful features for the classifiers to learn,
these pieces of text need to be thoroughly cleaned or normalized. Unlike usual sensory data
cleaning, in such cases, the elimination of outliers and value standardization is not appro-
priate. The process of text normalization or cleaning ensures that all possible “noise” is

Figure 9.5 A sample spam message in regional language typed in English.

Figure 9.6 A sample spam message in regional language typed in English.

Robust Approach for Effective Spam Detection 177

eliminated from the data, semantic identification and grouping is feasible, and the inherent
features of the text data may be accurately represented in a simpler manner as features for
the learning algorithms.
The data corpus used in this work is available in the form of a text file, which has been
read and converted to a data-frame in using python-based library called pandas. The two
columns of this data-frame correspond to the label and the text, and for each row in this
data-frame, a set of operations is performed which are described below:

i. Case normalization: Each text message may contain different words that
are capitalized, or some of whose alphabets are capitalized. For the current
purpose of spam identification, there is no requirement of maintaining this
distinction among words of the same meaning. For instance, different SMS
texts may contain the same word “boy” written as “BOY”, “Boy”, “BoY”,
etc. In such case, it is prudent to normalize the case of each occurrence of
this word such that all have the same common form “boy”. In this manner,
every word in every text is normalized to lower case. This is the first step
that has been used to process each text in our SMS corpus.
ii. Stop-word removal: Every piece of text commonly contains a number
of “stop-words”, a term coined by Hans Peter Luhn which signifies their
essential lack of importance in text processing. Such words are generally
removed during text processing as they only contribute to computational
complexity and hardly contribute to the task of learning spam or ham fea-
ture, while their contribution to syntactical understanding of sentence
structure is undeniable. Some common stop-words are “a”, “an”, “the”, “I”,
“to”, “because”, “for”, “in”, etc. As a second step of data processing, we have
completely eliminated the stop words from the text output of the previous
iii. Removing punctuations and special symbols: The usual messages contain a
good number of punctuation marks and special symbols such as “,”, “/”, “?”,
“!”, “@”, “%”, and “&”. These symbols, though essential for sentence struc-
turing, do not actually contribute much to the determination of spam or
ham related characteristics. Hence, as a third step of text normalization, all
such punctuation marks and special symbols are removed from each piece
of text from the previous step.
iv. Removing numerals: Numbers are also widely present in SMS text mes-
sages, both spam and ham. They, too, do not contribute to the training
of classification algorithms and subsequent identification of spam or ham
messages. Thus, we have removed all numerals present in each text message
in the extended corpus used in this work.
v. Stemming or Lemmatization: In English, there is a scope of extracting the
“root form” or “word of origin” for words in a particular piece of text. These
“root forms” are derived using the “inflected” state of the word that is in
use in the SMS text. For instance, the words “running”, “ran”, “runs”, etc.,
all have the same “word of origin” that is “run”. This operation has been
performed for each SMS text in our corpus in order to generate an inter-
mediate form of processed text. However, it is to be noted that this step is
178 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

not much instrumental on SMS texts in the current work, as most of them
are usually types in colloquial English, and in our case, they also consist of
regional words typed in English.

After the aforementioned processing techniques have been carried out on each text in
our extended corpus, it is the further used for feature extraction as discussed in the next

9.7 Feature Extraction

The processed SMS data is to be finally used by the mathematical model–based supervised
learning algorithms. These algorithms fail to deal with textual content in the data and are
more comfortable with numeric values. This method of converting a text to vector rich,
directly classifiable form is called vectorization. In essence, each piece of text is converted
to a matrix of numbers, and every row of this matrix corresponds to a particular label which
in our case is restricted to ham and spam.
Though there is a plethora of such vectorizers that may be used for transforming texts
to classifiable form, not all of them are effective in every case. For the currently under-
taken work, the authors have chosen to use a common vectorization technique called
TF-IDF [15]. Its efficiency has been noted in state-of-the-art research works studied in the
Literature Review.
In this vectorization technique, each document is transformed into a document vector,
where each element is the statistic derived between every term in the vocabulary and the
document itself. This method of textual feature extraction makes use of the importance of
each term to the document as a whole. The TF-IDF vector for a particular document j and
the number of constituent terms i is calculated after the process of determining the TF and
IDF is carried out, as discussed below:

• Term Frequency (TF): The individual words in a piece of text document

can be individually extracted as “tokens” or “terms’ in a process of “toke-
nization”. In this work, a word level tokenizer is utilized as the texts also
contain colloquial English and regional words typed in English. The num-
ber of times that each such term occurs in the document as a whole is
determined as its “Term Frequency”. Mathematically, TF can be defined as
in Equation (9.1):

Number of times a token appears in the corpus

TF = (9.1)
Total number of tokens in the corpus
• Inverse Document Frequency (IDF): The measure of the importance of any
term or token in a particular document can be analyzed using a simple logic.
In natural language processing, this importance is said to be decreasing with
the increasing frequency of the term in a particular corpus. This same logic
can be mathematically expressed as in Equation (9.2):
Robust Approach for Effective Spam Detection 179

Importance of token i ∝ (9.2)
frequency of token i in the document

It follows that the IDF can be determined as in Equation (9.3):

Total number of documents

IDF = log 10 (9.3)
Number of documents in which token i appears

• Calculation of TF-IDF: Finally, the consolidated TF-IDF value needs to be

determined. It signifies the weightage of the TF of every token i in the doc-
ument j corresponding to the IDF value of the token i. This ensures that the
least common words in the document possess more weightage and vice versa.
The mathematical expression of TF-IDF score for every word in the docu-
ment is expressed as in Equation (9.4):

TF – IDF = TF x IDF (9.4)

The vectorized data corpus is further used during experimentation by the different
mathematical learning algorithms for system performance evaluation, as discussed in the
succeeding sections.

9.8 Learning Techniques Used

The duly processed and vectorized, feature-rich, labeled text corpus is used for training
the following classification algorithms in a supervised approach. The notion of supervised
classification is that an algorithm will attempt to learn from a given set of labeled inputs
and then use that knowledge to further determine the class of a new set of observed data.
In the current work, the problem of determining spam and ham SMS has been addressed
in this manner.

9.8.1 Support Vector Machine

The SVM algorithm [16] trains a model using labeled data to find an optimal plane of
separation that can be used to classify the new test data. In our case of a binary prob-
lem, the objective is to identify a hyperplane which has maximum distance from data
points of both the classes during training. This hyperplane ensures the presence of a max-
imum number of possible points of a class on one side, given two separate classes of data.
Mathematically, the hyperplane can be represented by Equation (9.5) where the value of
||w|| is to be minimized:

wTx + b = 0 (9.5)

where, w is the weight vector, x is input vector, and b is the bias.

180 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Specific data points that lie closest to the hyperplane act as support vectors and help in
determining the performance of the classifier. These support vectors are determined by
Lagrangian multiplier method. In the current work, the SVM algorithm with a linear kernel
has been employed, as the text corpus is feature-rich and the data is linearly separable.

9.8.2 k-Nearest Neighbors

The kNN classification technique [17] attempts to learn the nearness or proximity between
a set of points, in order to determine their individual class as class label. This class label
is chosen by a simple voting mechanism where the class with maximum number of votes
in the defined neighborhood is chosen as the class of the element vector. Certain stan-
dard distance metrics are popularly used for determining this proximity, for example, the
Manhattan distance, which is calculated as in Equation (9.6):

f= |xi − yi | (9.6)
i =1

In the processed and labeled corpus, the kNN algorithm is used to learn and find the
nearest class label for every vectorized text during experimentation.

9.8.3 Decision Tree

The DT classifier is based on a cascading tree structure, where the whole corpus is broken
down into smaller subsets, with increasing depth. The leaf nodes correspond to the class
labels, and all internal decision nodes represent the tests on attributes. Beginning with the
entire data at the root node, the decision rules are applied at each node, to predict the out-
come and generate the next node.
The current work uses Classification and Regression Tree (CART)–based [18] DT algo-
rithm with Gini index as cost function, which is given by the formula in Equation (9.7):

Gini = 1 − ( pi )2 (9.7)
i =1

9.8.4 Convolutional Neural Network

Mostly used with two-dimensional vectors such as images, the Convolutional Neural
Network [19] learning mechanism can also be utilized in training a classifier to recognize
spam and ham text messages in a corpus. Inherently, every neural network has a set of lay-
ers which can be configured as required, and the layers are capable of extracting features
from the input data and map them to the respective classes/labels.
In any neural network, generally, the layers are fully connected with corresponding
activation functions, whereas in CNNs, there are convolutional layers, pooling layers, etc.,
along with fully connected layers in the end. The convolutional layers repeatedly use filters
on the input data to generate feature-based maps for the specific training data. In all the
experiments performed in this work, the CNN classifier utilizes the concept of early stop-
ping, where incremental weight updation and testing is performed until there is no loss
Robust Approach for Effective Spam Detection 181

minimization for a limit of 10 epochs. This helps to eliminate over-fitting and subsequent
poor performance of the classifier.
The architecture of CNN-based models can be customized as per requirement of the
given problem statement, and the CNN architecture used in this work is as described
The first two sections consist of convolutional layers, each of which uses the given ker-
nel values to convolve the input (or previous layer’s output stream). Also, in each layer,
the output is mapped by Rectified Linear Unit (ReLu) activation function [20], given by
Equation (9.8):

relu(x) = max (0, x) (9.8)

This activation function re-enforces non-linearity in the feature set after the convolution

• First Layer: A 1D convolutional layer that takes the vectorized spam and ham
texts as input streams of data. A total of 32 feature detectors or filters have
been used here, each with a kernel size of 3. This allows the layer to learn 32
different basic features from the input data.
• Second Layer: The neuron matrix from the first layer is fed in to this CNN
layer, and 64 new filters are used for training, with 3 kernels in use.
• Third Layer: After two convolutional layers, a max-pooling layer [21] is used,
which helps to eliminate the dependence on the feature position in the vec-
tor. This is obtained by down-sampling the data from the last layer while
retaining the effective features. The down-sampling is done with a sliding
window of height 2 across the data, such that it is replaced by the maximum
value. In the process, 50% of the data in the neuron matrix is discarded.
• Fourth Layer: The next layer is dropout [22], which makes our CNN model
ignore certain neurons randomly during training by assigning them zero
weight. This ensures that there is a proper learning of the model, less sensi-
tivity to minute variations in data or specific neuron weights, thus preventing
over-fitting. With the use of dropout, the classifier is also able to perform bet-
ter when tested with new data. The authors have experimentally determined
a dropout rate of 0.4, meaning 40% of data values are given a zero-weight
• Fifth Layer: The flatten layer is used next to convert the previous output to a
1D vector such that it can be directly fed to the succeeding fully connected
• Sixth Layer: The final section consists of two fully connected (dense) layers
with an intermediate normalization layer. The first dense layer takes the flat-
tened feature vector as input and applies the ReLu activation function on
this input, with 100 neurons as output. The result is normalized by scaling it
to a mean of zero and unit standard deviation in the intermediate layer. As
the addressed challenge is a two-class problem, the final dense layer takes
the normalized feature vector and applies the Sigmoid activation function
to predict the probability as output (between 0 and 1). These probabilistic
182 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

values along with the true labels are then used by the cost function for model
performance evaluation.

The architecture of the CNN classifier designed for this spam classification problem is
illustrated in Figure 9.7

9.9 Experimental Setup

The labeled and vectorized spam and ham SMS texts are used in the experiment where the
previously discussed classifiers are trained on the data and then their classification per-
formance is recorded. In each case, a k-fold cross-validation technique is used to split the
complete feature vector into training and testing sets randomly. This ensures that there is no
bias in the trained models, no dependence on the particular splits of data, and no persisting
holdout problem.

Input layer - vectorized text

1D Convolutional Layer - 32 feature detectors, kernel size = 3

1D Convolutional Layer - 64 feature detectors, kernel size = 3

Max Pooling Layer - 50% down sampling

Dropout Layer - dropout rate of 0.4

Flatten Layer - neuron matrix converted to ID

Dense Layer - maps output to 100 neurons

Batch Normalization Layer - standardize output

Dense Layer - maps output as probability using Sigmoid Activation function

Output - 0 or 1

Figure 9.7 Architecture of designed CNN classifier.

Robust Approach for Effective Spam Detection 183

Fold 1 Fold 1 Fold 1 Fold 1

Fold 2 Fold 2 Fold 2 Fold 2

Fold 3 Fold 3 Fold 3 Fold 3

Text Text Text Text
Corpus Fold 4 Corpus Fold 4 Corpus Fold 4 Corpus Fold 4

Fold n Fold n Fold n Fold n

Accuracy / F1 Score fold 1 Accuracy / F1 Score fold 2 Accuracy / F1 Score fold 3 Accuracy / F1 Score fold n

Figure 9.8 Illustrative example of the k-fold cross-validation technique.

The k-fold cross-validation technique may be better realized with the help of a simple
example, as shown in Figure 9.8. Assuming the determined number of folds is k, the com-
plete text corpus will be broken into k equal parts. From this point onward, an iterative
process will follow. In the first iteration, all but the first fold of data will be utilized for
training the model, while the first fold will serve the purpose of testing model performance.
Similarly, in the second iteration, all but the second fold of data will be used for model train-
ing and the second fold itself will be utilized for model evaluation via testing. This iterative
process continues for all the k-folds of data, and the model performance is expressed as the
mean of model performance in all k cases.
In this work, the classification and evaluation are designed in a Monte Carlo [23]
approach where the concept of repeated random sampling is used for training and testing
the classifiers. As already stated, the k-fold cross-validation is a standard technique that
is very popularly used with the supervised learning techniques. However, a low standard
value of 5 or 10 folds is employed in the majority of research works. This minimum number
of folds of training and evaluation, while computationally easy, is not appropriate to provide
a proper idea regarding the robustness of the classification model in use, i.e., they cannot
be judged properly.
In order to address this issue, the authors have performed the experiments using the set
of previously discussed classifiers, and by training and testing them for a high number of
randomly sampled sets of spam and ham data. For this purpose, a substantially high value
of k is used in k-fold cross-validation, which has been set at a maximum of 100. Each classi-
fier is thus trained and tested on random splits using the cross-validation technique where
the value of k is kept between 10 and 100, with intervals of 10 folds. Also, the evaluation of
classifier performance has been done with the help of a set of standard evaluation metrics,
as discussed in the next section.

9.10 Evaluation Metrics

To serve the purpose of determining classifier performance, a set of standard metrics need
to be utilized such that the results may be considered as valid. It enables a comparison of the
184 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

system performance with that of the state-of-the-art in SMS message-based spam recogni-
tion. The set of such metrics used in this work, are discussed below:

• Accuracy denotes the proper and accurate representation of each event detec-
tion, given by Equation (9.9):
Accuracy = (9.9)
TP + TN + FP + FN
• Precision denotes the correctly classified events out of all detected events,
given by Equation (9.10):

Precision = (9.10)
It is defined as ratio of all true positives to all events flagged as positives by the
• Recall denotes the ratio of correctly detected events of all true events, using
Equation (9.11):

Recall = (9.11)
It is defined as ratio of all true positives to all events flagged as positives by the
• F1 score: this is a measure of the harmonic mean of the precision and recall
determined in the previous steps, calculated using Equation (9.12):

Precision x Recall
F1 score = 2 x (9.12)
Precision + Recall
In each of the above metrics, the terms TP, TN, FP, and FN have been repeatedly
used. These can be interpreted as discussed here:

• True Positive (TP) denotes the case where the model has correctly assigned
the data to a particular class, i.e., the model has correctly determined a spam
message as spam.
• True Negative (TN) means the model has correctly determined that the data does
not belong to the class, i.e., the model has correctly determined a text as not spam.
• False Positive (FP) means the model has wrongly assigned the data to a class,
i.e., the model has wrongly determined a spam message as a ham message.
• False Negative (FN) means the model has incorrectly determined that the
data does not belong to the class, i.e., the model has incorrectly determined a
spam message as not belonging to the class of spam messages.

The results of the experiments are expressed in terms of these metrics and illustrated in
the next section.
Robust Approach for Effective Spam Detection 185

9.11 Experimental Results

The classifiers that have been previously discussed, namely, CNN, SVM, kNN and
DT, are used for the system experiments. Each classifier is trained on k − 1 out of
k randomly generated folds of data and evaluated on the remaining data by test-
ing. Also, as discussed, the k-fold cross-validation–based evaluation is repeated for
values of the fold k, where 10 ≤ k ≤ 100, k = k + 10. The motive of this methodology
is to gain clarity about the robustness of the classifier performance based on repeated
random sampling using Monte Carlo approach.
The processed and vectorized corpus of spam and ham SMS is learned and classified by
each classifier.
The mean of mean accuracies for all the determined folds of evaluation up to 100 is illus-
trated in Table 9.1. The classification accuracies for each of the 10 steps of experiments are
also visualized in the accuracy plot in Figure 9.9.
Similarly, in Table 9.2, the mean of mean F1 scores achieved by the four different classi-
fication models has been illustrated. The same has been graphically demonstrated in Figure
9.10. From the figures and the tables listed above, it is obvious that CNN has the best per-
formance in accurately classifying the extended spam and ham message corpus used in
this work. This is true in both the cases of accuracy and F1 scores. The maximum system
performance is indeed achieved by the deployed CNN classifier, with an accuracy as high
as 99.85% and a mean accuracy of 99.48%. Similarly, a maximum F1 score of 99.83% is

Table 9.1 Mean of mean accuracies of different classifiers in k-fold cross-validation.

Classifier k = 10 k = 20 k = 30 k = 40 k = 50 k = 60 k = 70 k = 80 k = 90 k = 100 Mean Std. Dev.

SVM 98.08 98.31 98.34 98.59 98.54 98.35 98.42 98.56 98.48 98.51 98.42 0.15

kNN 94.71 94.87 94.62 94.84 94.72 94.91 94.78 94.77 94.48 94.88 94.76 0.13

DT 96.11 97.12 97.24 97.11 97.29 97.17 97.03 97.11 97.25 97.25 97.17 0.08

CNN 99.35 99.27 99.39 99.38 99.83 99.41 99.28 99.77 99.71 99.64 99.50 0.2

Distribution of Mean Accuracy



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Figure 9.9 Mean of mean accuracies of the different classification models.

186 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Table 9.2 Mean of mean F1 scores of different classifiers in k-fold cross-validation.

Classifier k = 10 k = 20 k = 30 k = 40 k = 50 k = 60 k = 70 k = 80 k = 90 k = 100 Mean Std. Dev.

SVM 98.04 98.25 98.34 98.57 98.49 98.31 98.28 98.55 98.46 98.52 98.38 0.16

kNN 94.73 94.88 94.65 94.82 94.77 94.91 94.86 94.79 94.45 94.83 94.77 0.13

DT 96.94 97.01 97.29 97.13 97.26 97.16 97.04 97.13 97.21 97.22 97.16 0.08

CNN 99.31 99.20 99.42 99.37 99.85 99.44 99.28 99.75 99.65 99.57 99.48 0.2
Distribution of Mean F1 score




92 dt
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Figure 9.10 Mean of mean F1 scores of the different classification models.

exhibited by this classification model with a mean score of this observed performance is
indeed remarkable and can be attributed to the convolution-based learning, deep and con-
nected networks, and inherent error minimization capacity of the CNN model.
In contrast, the conventional machine learning algorithms fail to perform as good as the
CNN model. However, it is observed that SVM performs the best among all the machine
learning algorithms both in terms of accuracy and F1 scores, with mean of mean values of
98.38% and 98.42%, respectively. Thus, we can state that SVM performs robustly among all
the baseline machine learning algorithms that have been tested in this work.
Analysis of the DT-based classification results show that it closely follows SVM in terms
of F1 score and accuracy measures. This classifier model fairs well with mean accuracy and
F1 scores above 97%. Consequently, the worse performance is noted on the part of the kNN
algorithm–based classifier which performs with a high accuracy and F1 score of about 94%
in all cases but is comparatively poorer in spam detection from the extended SMS corpus
used in this work.
A statistical analysis of classifier performance in the overall experiment in terms of the
mean and standard deviation of the mean accuracy and F1 score values are illustrated in
Figures 9.11 and 9.12. It is evident from these figures that the CNN learning model has the
best mean performance and the maximum standard deviation among all classifiers used,
though the standard deviations in all cases in only fractional. The standard deviation for
SVM is lower, followed by that of kNN. Notably, the standard deviation for DT is the lowest
with a good classification performance. Very similar statistical values are also noted in the
case of F1 score of the classifiers. The standard deviation is the same in case of mean F1
scores for all classifiers except SVM where the value is fractionally reduced.
Robust Approach for Effective Spam Detection 187

Mean and standard deviation values

µ=98.38 σ=0.2
98 σ=0.08

96 σ=0.13



Classif iers

Figure 9.11 Statistical distribution of classifier performance in terms of mean accuracies.

Mean and standard deviation values

µ=98.42 σ=0.2
σ=0.15 µ=97.17
98 σ=0.08

96 σ=0.13



Classif iers

Figure 9.12 Statistical distribution of classifier performance in terms of mean F1 score.

Remarkably, the illustrations in Figures 9.9 and 9.10 show the efficiency and capability
of the developed spam detection framework. The graphical representations are very much
alike, which highlights that the adopted technique of k-fold cross-validation for high value
of k (=100) has helped in eliminating the inconsistency in system performance graphs for
all the classifiers, in terms of both accuracy and F1 score. Indeed, the statistical analysis in
Figures 9.11 and 9.12 is evidence of the success of our implemented Monte Carlo–based
testing mechanism that has resulted in a stable performance for all the classifiers, with a
very irrelevant and small standard deviation in each case.
Thus, on the basis of classification performance in terms of accuracy and F1 score, we
determine that the developed system is indeed robust to the underlying patterns and fea-
tures of spam and ham messages of both the types—those that are originally in English and
typed in English, and the ones that are originally in regional languages but typed in English.

9.11.1 Observations in Comparison With State-of-the-Art

A few observations can be highlighted based on results of the experiments in relation with
the state-of-the-art research works conducted in the domain of SMS spam classification, as
188 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Table 9.3 Performance comparison with contemporary works.

Article Performance achieved Dataset used Additional data (If any)
Ghourabi et al. Accuracy: 98.37% Almeida et al. [6] Arabic spam and ham
[14] messages
Roy et al. [13] Accuracy: 99.44% None
Popovac et al. [9] Accuracy: 98.40 % None
Jain et al. [8] Accuracy: 98.65% None
Barushka et al. [24] Accuracy: 98.51% None
Our work Accuracy: 99.85% Regional messages typed
in English

• The superior performance of the CNN classifier is established in our exper-

iments, and it can be deduced that CNN is the best candidate for building a
robust spam identification system. This corroborates with the recent works
[8, 9, 13, 14] that have been studied in our Literature Review. Table 9.3 high-
lights the efficient performance and provides a comparison of our proposed
system with these works.
• Among the conventional learning techniques, SVM shows the best and most
robust performance in comparison to the other models based on algorithms
of kNN and DT. This is in keeping with the observations of state-of-the-art
works by Agarwal et al. [5], Jain et al. [8], El Hlouli et al. [11], and Ghourabi
et al. [14]. In each of these works, it is noted that the SVM classifier model
achieves the highest accuracy of classification among all other learning
• The poor performance of DT classifier model is also substantiated by state-
of-the-art research works [10, 12, 14]. Thus, it is deduced that the DT clas-
sifier is not suitable for deploying a robust spam detection system. It needs
to be mentioned that this is not because of poor performance of DT, but the
superior learning and classification capability of such data as exhibited by
CNN and other baseline machine learning algorithms.

9.12 Application in Cloud Architecture

The proposed system determines that the CNN-based trained classifier performs more
robustly than the conventionally used machine learning algorithms, even when trained
with the set of spam messages including regional texts typed in English. When adapted
in the cloud, the overall system may be represented as in Figure 9.13. This architecture is
loosely based on the recent patent by Skudlard et al. [25].
As seen in the figure, the mobile or portable devices DEVICE 1 and DEVICE 2 (which
may be smartphones or tablets capable of sending and receiving SMS messages) are
Robust Approach for Effective Spam Detection 189



VM 1 VM 2


Figure 9.13 Illustration of the proposed CNN-based model in cloud architecture.

in communication with the virtual machines VIRTUAL MACHINE 1 and VIRTUAL

MACHINE 2, respectively. Each of these VMs may be sharing the same hardware or may
be based on separate pieces of hardware with the capacity for intercommunication using
all standard protocols. Also, each VM maintains the trained CNN-based classifier with the
data from the shared database DB.
All SMS messages from SMS SERVER 1 and SMS SERVER 2 to the user devices (DEVICE
1 and DEVICE 2) are intercepted by VIRTUAL MACHINE 1 and VIRTUAL MACHINE 2,
respectively. The text is processed and classified using the trained models in the VM before
transmission to the user devices. If a particular piece of SMS text is flagged as spam by the
respective VIRTUAL MACHINE, then the flagged message is forwarded to the user for
confirmation. Once the user confirms that the SMS is indeed spam, the shared database DB
is updated accordingly. On the other hand, if in case the text is not classified as spam, then it
is directly forwarded to the user. Given that the system is not ideal, i.e., it may not be 100%
accurate, there may arise a case where a particular message that the user feels is spam, it is
not flagged accurately. In any such case, the user has the option to report the text as spam
and the bi-directional feedback system ensures that the database DB is updated accordingly.
This, in turn, results in an updated classifier in the VMs, which learns the new user prefer-
ence and works more efficiently thereafter.

9.13 Conclusion
Effective spam detection and filtering is a very well visited field of research, and there is a
wide variety of feasible solutions that have been proposed. It is obvious from a review of
relevant, recent state-of-the-art literature that the most distinct progress is in the use of
newer, advanced algorithms that are capable of learning more about the inherent patterns
of different spam and ham messages in a text corpus. Such algorithms are mostly based on
Neural Networks and variants of Deep Neural Networks, such as CNN and LSTM. In the
current work, a spam detection system that takes as input a comprehensive and well tested
190 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

SMS corpus, which has been extended by including the context of regional messages typed
in English, has been designed and evaluated. The system employs a Monte Carlo approach
to determine which of the supervised classification algorithms among CNN and other con-
ventional machine learning algorithms like SVM, kNN, and DT and is the most robust
in detecting the spam messages accurately. For this purpose, k-fold cross-validation has
been utilized with a high value of k = 100, at intervals of 10 folds. It has been determined
experimentally that the proposed approach results in consistent performance in case of all
the classifiers and that CNN emerges as the most robust classification technique with an
accuracy and F1 score about 99.5%. Also, among the conventional learning algorithms,
SVM is the most robust with standard evaluation metric values of above 98%. Thus, the
given novel text corpus has been effectively classified by the designed system and CNN can
be utilized as a robust learning and classification technique. A cloud-based framework for
implementing the proposed classifier is also discussed. In future, this work can be used as
a reference for building robust, real-time spam detection and filtering systems that need to
work on SMS corpora that is challenging and contains novel contexts.

1. Hppy bthdy txt!, BBC, BBC News World Edition, UK, 3 December 2002, [Online]. Available: [Accessed October 2020].
2. Short Message Service (SMS) Message Format, Sustainability of Digital Formats, United States
of America, September 2002, [Online]. Available:
formats/fdd/fdd000431.shtml. [Accessed, October 2020].
3. India’s Spam SMS Problem: Are These Smart SMS Blocking Apps the Solution?, Dazeinfo, India,
August 2020, [Online]. Available:
are-these-smart-sms-blocking-apps-the-solution/. [Accessed October 2020].
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An Intelligent System for Securing Network From
Intrusion Detection and Prevention of Phishing
Attack Using Machine Learning Approaches
Sumit Banik*, Sagar Banik and Anupam Mukherjee

Siliguri Institute of Technology, Siliguri, West Bengal, India

Phishing attacks are one of the most popular attacks in compromising user’s data and performing
malicious activities. It was discovered during the mid-1990s, and to this present day, it is one of the
severe cybercrime methods to hijack user’s data. This is a serious issue as people still fall for the trap
of logging into a phished website and giving out all the details which result in loss of bank balance,
getting their files breached, and also the hacker trying to impersonate the person at a maximum level.
Many algorithms are proposed to counter this attack. Various machine learning approaches are used
to employ and check the detection of phishing websites. The problem is that there is no existing anal-
ysis at a detailed level about the URLs, the type of domains, origin, and other important aspects. To
date, there is no exact way of saying whether a website is genuine or phishing related but the study of
the website pattern and its structure will play an important role in dealing with the detection. In this
study, we propose the estimation of the phishing websites and put in a detailed analysis comparing
pre-existing malicious URLs which will help to filter the websites effectively and create a comparison
of all the attributes in them. The advantages, drawbacks, and the comparison with the pre-existing
research on this field have been discussed.

Keywords: Phishing, fake websites, detecting fraud, cyber-attack, vectorization, supervised

learning, Logistic Regression, Naïve Bayes

10.1 Introduction
Phishing is an attempt to trick someone and make them enter their sensitive details which
might be their bank account passwords and social media accounts which would allow the
hacker to gather the above-mentioned data in no time. The term has been derived from
the concept of fishing where the fisherman catches fishes using the “bait”, the same goes in
the case of phishing [1]. During the mid-1990s, America Online (AOL) warned its users
that there are a group of hackers who tries to trick the customers and obtain their cre-
dentials and steal their account at last. The scenario during those days was like this that a

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Rajdeep Chakraborty, Anupam Ghosh and Jyotsna Kumar Mandal (eds.) Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for
Cloud Security, (193–212) © 2022 Scrivener Publishing LLC

194 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

random member in the chat room would receive a message from another account claim-
ing it to be a bank’s executive and in turn, granting the user’s credentials which, in turn,
makes their account vulnerable to data stealing and above all stealing money from their
accounts [2]. Phishing is a crime that employs technical deception and social engineering.
Technical Deception means that the hacker will try to install malicious applications on the
victim’s side and will wait for it to get executed which, in turn, will give full access to the
hacker stealing the credentials and getting added privilege in controlling the device. Social
Engineering [37] mimics the actual service of what is provided by the official organization
such as banks and social media. The hacker designs the phishing website with similar looks
so that the victim can be trapped, when the user logs into this phished website the cre-
dentials are either emailed to the hacker or the data is stored in the database of the private
server [3]. There can be several reasons why the user might fall into this trap. Consider
there is an online sale taking place in any e-commerce website; what the hacker will do is
create a phished website of the e-commerce sale page and prompt the user to authenticate
via any social media accounts by saying that we will be getting a 50% off on the selected
product. Now, the user might fall into this trap and will eventually submit the social media
details thus getting compromised.
Despite being an old-school approach to hacking users’ accounts, phishing attacks are still
growing in numbers accounting for millions of data loss and monetary setbacks. According
to the report published by APWG [4], there were around 146,994 phished websites detected
during the second quarter of 2020. In comparison to the first quarter, there is a decline of
around 11% as, during the Q1 of 2020, the total phished websites detected were 165,772.
In Figure 10.1, we can see that the maximum number of phishing URLs was detected
in March which is approximately equal to 60,000. At this month, the whole world was
under lockdown, and due to which, there was a rise in the number of phishing websites
and malicious activities happening worldwide. In the same report, there is also an analy-
sis of the affected sector due to phishing attacks. Notably, the attacks targeting the social
media sector increased in the second quarter by about 20% as compared to the first quarter
of 2020. According to Kaspersky, the rise of social engineering will increase as the other


Number of phishing websites






January February March April May June


Figure 10.1 Phishing websites in Q1 and Q2, 2020.

Securing Network From Intrusion Detection 195

methods of hacking are now restricted to ideal scenarios only due to advanced cybersecu-
rity measures [5].

10.1.1 Types of Phishing

Though the underlying technique of phishing is to basically trick a user and give the creden-
tials deliberately, it can be further classified into five different categories. Spear Phishing

It deals with compromising a specific organization or dedicated group of people for which
the hacker gets to manipulate the users or to gain unethical access over something else [6].
For this, detailed research about the organization or specific group of people is carried out;
the reason to do this is to make further communications with the victims to sound authen-
tic. Spear phishing is the initial step for getting access to an organization for carrying out
further attacks.
Nowadays, this method has turned into a business for which many big players are using it
as a political and diplomatic tool [7]. In July and August 2018, Microsoft shut down various
malicious websites that were mimicking the political organizations [8]. The group named
APT28 was responsible for creating the fake websites which were linked to previous US
Elections of 2016. The six domains which were mimicked were created for fooling people
that one of the websites belongs to International Republican Institute, the Hudson Institute,
and the rest were vague attempts to make people realize that it belongs to US Senate. Later
in that year, Twitter had banned around 10,000 accounts which were discouraging people
not to vote during the elections [9]. Another case where a Junior Scientist’s email was com-
promised and the medical research data was sent to another company based on Indore [10]. Whaling
It refers to spear-phishing attacks that are specifically dedicated to senior executives in an
organization. Like normal spear attacks, hackers try to mimic the higher authorities of an
organization and try to make a communication with its subordinates of the same organiza-
tion or its partners. Most of the time, the employees fail to contact the actual authority of
whether they sent out the email or not thus losing data or the company’s monetary deposits.
In 2015, The Scoular Co. faced a loss of 17.5 million USD because an employee for-
warded the amount in multiple investments to banks in China [11] as the company was
having a business deal scheduled with another organization based out there for which the
mail was thought to be genuine. Catphishing and Catfishing

It is a method where the hacker gets to know someone for which information of sensitive
credentials are gained, and malicious activities are carried out pretending to be the person
who is a victim. Catfishing deals with impersonating a fake account pretending to be an
actor, sportsman, or any other celebrity and trapping various people to donate to a fake
organization, sending unsolicited pictures, etc.
196 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

In 2015, a 31-year-old person impersonated the NBA star [12] online and tried to black-
mail the actual person. Clone Phishing

In this method, the hacker copies an authentic message from a trusted organization, and in
turn, what it does is replaces the actual website link with the phished website address and
in some cases also attach malicious software in email attachments. Nowadays, this method
is used with the concept of spear-phishing attacks for which there is a huge loss in various
companies and the general person who, in turn, gets trapped in it for claiming a fake offer. Voice Phishing

Also known as Vishing [38], it is a type of phone fraud where the hacker tries to imperson-
ate that the call is from an authentic organization that is distributing financial rewards on
basis of a certain occasion. Initially, the fraudsters use to buy SIM cards in bulk, and when-
ever the limit had been reached, the card was discarded. At this moment, due to technolog-
ical advances, they prefer VoIP numbers so that it becomes more difficult to trace back to
the actual source of the call.
In August 2020, police arrested five fraudsters [13] who were trying to mimic themselves
as a part of customer care and steal the credit card information of normal people.

10.1.2 Techniques of Phishing Link Manipulation
In this technique, the hacker tries to create a similar website that has the same user inter-
face and a misleading URL having the same set of characters that is present in the original
website but in a different order for which sometimes it is hard to figure out the difference
between the phished domain and the original one. At last, the victim gets trapped and gives
out the credentials. Another type of link manipulation that is very popular nowadays is the
IDN Homograph Attack [14]. In this method, the underlying process is that there are many
set of languages, which has similar resemblance with the English characters and for which
the hacker uses it as an advantage and make the phishing website’s domain very similar to
the original website. Filter Evasion

In this method, the hacker tries to insert a phished website into any type of multimedia [15]
as in the present-day emails have smart filtering to recognize a phishing email for which the
hacker takes the help of any multimedia objects and embed the phished website link into it. Website Forgery

In this process, the hacker tries to run scripts at the client end using JavaScript which not
only redirects to the phishing website but with the help of the script the hacker tries to
Securing Network From Intrusion Detection 197

mimic the URL which will be displayed in the address bar and to which the victims give out
the data [16]. This method is normally employed on banking websites and trading websites.
Several scams have been done in the past using this method, and currently, Cryptocurrency
trading websites are the big targets due to two reasons. Firstly, crypto transactions cannot
be reversed and are very hard to trace back, and secondly, the price boom keeps on rising
the value of any crypto assets. In 2019, a security researcher cracked out one of the phishing
websites of one of the popular crypto exchanges, Binance [17]. The researcher found out
that the script which was deployed in the forged website was to collect the users’ credentials
and to fool them to give the two-factor authentication codes. Covert Redirect

It is one of the methods where it depends on the authentication token of another website.
Consider an example, where a user clicks on the phishing link posted on Facebook and on
the new tab it asks for the allowance to continue using the application, what happens is that
the hacker gets the user tokens and can now harvest any personal data such as email, birth-
date and so on. Though it is not a bigger threat, getting access to emails and phone numbers
can make the hacker easy to target via the above channels which will act as step 0 to initiate
the phishing attack on the victim. In serious cases, if the hacker gets an upscaled privilege,
another set of sensitive information might be leaked.
In the present scenario, phishing attacks have now been shifted into the cloud environ-
ment [26] too where the attacker mimics as a cloud service provider agent and tricks the
customer to feed in the details of their cloud access credentials. Moreover, the dominance of
cloud computing taking up for hosting the websites increases the chances of hosting phish-
ing websites overcloud. According to a recent report, the online prime day sale of Amazon
has led to a rise in phishing attempts [27].
In the later part of this study, we have arranged the topics as follows: Section 10.2 talks
about the previous studies conducted in this domain of detection of fake and phishing web-
sites; Section 10.3 gives a detailed understanding of the dataset and the methodology which
could make the research study possible and the list of algorithms used; Section 10.4 gives
us the analysis of the model performance and concerning other performance metrics the
comparison is made; Section 10.5 concludes the paper.

10.2 Literature Review

Subasi et al. [18] proposed a study in which the labeling of the website is done by var-
ious classification algorithms such as Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Support Vector
Machine (SVM), k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN), Random Forest (RF), and Rotation of Forest
(RoF). The dataset used in this study was taken from the UCI machine learning reposi-
tory and for furthering assessing the different model efficiencies Waikato Environment for
Knowledge Analysis (WEKA) machine learning tool was used. The parameters that were
employed to study the performance were the accuracy, ROC curve score, and F-measure,
and on conducting the study, it was concluded that the RF algorithm performed very well
as compared to the other mentioned algorithms which gave an accuracy of around 97.36%
and also has a faster runtime.
198 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Ankit et al. [23] conducted a study of detecting phishing websites based on hyperlinks
information. In this study, the specific features of the hyperlink (HL) are divided into 12
categories and further used those features to train the machine learning models. Initially,
the website structure is studied and the hyperlinks which are embedded in it were extracted.
After the extraction of all the hyperlinks included in the website, each of them is further
divided into specific attributes such as no HL, total HL, internal and external HL, internal
and external error, internal and external redirection, login link, null HL, Cascading Style
Sheet HL, and internal and external favicon HL. This study does not depend on any other
third-party service providers which make it easy to implement on the client-side. Several
models are used for this study and the most superior algorithm was the Logistic Regression
which gave an accuracy of around 98.42% and precision of 98.8%.
Ammara et al. [24] presented a framework that detects phishing websites using the
stacking model. Initially, the phishing dataset’s top attributes analysis is done using var-
ious algorithms of feature selection. On getting the strongest and weakest attributes, the
latter is stored in N1 and the former is stored in N2; then, the features were normalized;
then, using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA), the data is then fed to various
Machine Learning classifiers followed by the stacking of the highest performance algo-
rithms which were the bagging classifier, neural net, and the RF. These three algorithms
outperformed all the other algorithms and the stacking algorithm was used on these. It
also compared with the other studies and concluded that the process of stacking 97.4%
accuracy was achieved.
Ishant et al. [25] study could detect zero-hour phishing and newer types of phishing
attacks that used various machine learning models to predict the same as it stated that
present-day internet crimes need to tackle. Their dataset consisted of 30 attributes for
detection purpose which were named as having an IP address, long URL length, shortened
URL, having at the rating symbol, double slash redirects, iframe tags, prefix/suffix, anchor
tags, right-click disable, meta links and script links, domain age, records, and other prom-
inent features. It also proposed that the hacker might add the word HTTPS in the URL
itself to trick users into believing it for a legitimate website. Majorly, three algorithms were
considered to detect the output in which the RF Classification algorithm performed well to
give an accuracy of around 96.71% upon which after implementing PCA, the score turned
out to be 98.40%.
Opara et al. [35] designed a deep learning framework named WebPhish that extracts the
HTML characteristics from the input URL for which the classification has to be made and
it concatenates at the end of the domain name, then feeding it into the neural network that
will further give the desired output. On the test dataset which they have used in their study,
the accuracy score was around 94.1%.
Hakim et al. [36] used a hybrid machine learning approach where they used 56 domain
features like count of special characters, suspicious Top Level Domain, and other features
like that followed by 24 content features and seven external features of the websites such
as domain age which are obtained from a service provider like WHOIS [39]. Upon select-
ing appropriate features, several machine learning classification algorithms are used for
predicting the label of a given input website, and the accuracy of the approach came to be
The model comparison as compared to the literature survey works is shown in Table 10.1.
Securing Network From Intrusion Detection 199

Table 10.1 Model comparison.

Ref. Source of dataset Features Model implemented Accuracy score
[18] UCI Machine Learning 30 Random Forest, Rotation 97.36%
Repository Forest
[23] Phishtank, Alexa 13 SMO, Random Forest, Logistic 98.42%
[24] Kaggle 32 KNN, SVM, Random Forest, 96.9%
[25] UCI Machine Learning 30 Decision Tree, Random Forest, 98.40%
Repository GBM
[35] Phishtank, 2 Neural Network 94.1%
[36] OpenPhish, Alexa 87 Random Forest, Hybrid Model 96.61%

10.3 Materials and Methods

10.3.1 Dataset and Attributes
The dataset used in this research has been collected from the Phishtank [19] having 53,000
phishing URLs records, 2,462 phishing URLs collected from Openphish [20], 1,713 col-
lected from MalwareDomainList [21], and 100,000 collected from Alexa [22]. The dataset
provides information about the URL and whether it is a phishing URL or not. The attributes
are shown in Table 10.2. The dataset consists of two attributes: the first one is the domain
and the other output label is the outcome.
As the output of this model will give whether the URL is phishing or not, i.e. Good=1 or
Bad=0. So, this problem is treated as a Binary Classification.

10.3.2 Proposed Methodology

The work consists of detecting whether a website is phishing or not for which the data
collection is done and then the lexical analysis is done on each URL as shown in the
Figure 10.2, which is stored in another data frame consisting of the individual features as
shown in Table 10.3.
Accordingly, after that the machine learning model performance is compared and
then the appropriate model is selected and is further implemented. This is shown in
Figure 10.3.

Table 10.2 Dataset attributes and its description of phishing URLs.

Attributes Description
URL Collection Phishing and Legitimate URLs
Outcome Whether phishing URL or not (Good=1/Bad=0)
200 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Collect Phising and

Domain Analysis Lexical Feature Extraction
Legitimate URLs

Evaluate Features Using

Selection of a
Implement the classif ier Machine Learning
classif ier

Figure 10.2 Feature extraction.

Table 10.3 Dataset attributes and its description of URLs.

Attributes Description
RegistrationDate Registration date of domain
ExpiredDate Expired date of domain
UpdatedDate Update date of domain
CountDot Dot count of URL
UrlLength Length of URL
CountDigit Count of digit in URL
CountSpecial Count of Special character in URL
CountHyphen Count of hyphen in URL
DoubleSlash Count of double slash in URL
SingleSlash Count of single slash in URL
AtSign Count of at sign in URL
WebTarfiic Count of web traffic of domain
Label Phishing (0) or Legitimate (1)

In Figure 10.3, the complete method is depicted. Firstly, the URL dataset is loaded, and
all the missing and inappropriate data are removed. Secondly, only relevant features are
used for further study as compared to other features that will be beneficial for the study,
the attributes consisted of URLs features and the label as described in Table 10.3. The URL
attribute consists of string values that are then tokenized and convert into vectors so that
word-based analysis can be conducted.
It is also kept in mind that phishing websites might also have a few sets of characters to
trick the user into believing it to be the legitimate website for which after tokenization, text
stemming is performed. The dataset is then divided into two sets: one being the training set
consisting of 80% of the dataset and the other is the testing set which comprises 20% of the
Securing Network From Intrusion Detection 201


Collect Legitimate URLs Collect Phish URLs

Load into Phyton Program

Read URLs row wise

Analyze Host Name Analyze URL Analyze Path is Phish?

Yes No

Add 0 Add 1

Add all features and export in CSV format

Classif ication with different machine learning


Figure 10.3 Workflow diagram of phishing detection.

dataset. On the training set, several sets of algorithms are used to estimate the model per-
formances: (a) Logistic Regression, (b) Naïve Bayes, (c) SVM, and (d) Voting Classification,
upon then, the metric comparison is done for choosing the appropriate algorithm for URL
The collection of data is done using the APIs provided by Alexa which gives us an output
of legitimate websites, and for the malicious/phishing website, Phishtank’s API is used to
collect the corresponding labeled data, when both of the categorized data are collected, it
is merged onto a single dataset for further analysis. The step-by-step approach is discussed
in Algorithm 10.1.


Algorithm 10.1 Data collection.

Input: API endpoint for Alexa, Phishtank
Output: List of legitimate and phishing websites

1. if request (Alexa’s API).status_code is 200, then

1.1 write the legitimate URLs in data.csv
202 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

2. else
2.1 echo “Error in connection”
3. if request (Phishtank’s API).status_code is 200, then
3.1 write the phishing URLs in data.csv
4. else
4.1 echo “Error in connection”
________________________________________________________________________ Logistic Regression

This method of regression is a famous method after Linear Regression [29]. Though both
are regression algorithms, the underlying difference is that the Logistic Regression is used
for classification tasks while the other is used for predicting or forecasting data provided
to the model [28]. This algorithm also uses a linear equation to predict the value, but the
output range lies between negative and positive infinity. To have a classification output,
we will be having binary data for which 1 means Yes and 0 means No which sums it up
to have the range 0 to 1. For squeezing the output data to be in this range, the sigmoid
function is used as shown in Equation (10.1). The working of logistic regression is shown
in Figure 10.4

s(m) = (10.1)
1 + e −m

• s(m): Probabilistic Estimate (output)

• m: Input to the function
• e: Base of natural log Naïve Bayes

As the name suggests, this algorithm acts as a base to compare with the other sets of
algorithms while estimating the model performance because it assumes that the data

Inputs (X) Probabilities Value Ranging 0 to 1

X1 0.5 0.99

0.8 Zero (0) or One (1)


Linear Model Sigmoid Function


X4 0.11

Figure 10.4 Working of logistic regression.

Securing Network From Intrusion Detection 203

in the dataset are not correlated in any manner [30]. It uses the Bayes Theorem [31] to
calculate the probability of the input which we provide as shown in Equation (10.2).
The underlying concept is that it makes a probability based on any prior knowledge
provided to it.

P(Y |X )P( X )
P( X|Y ) = (10.2)
P(Y )

• P(X|Y): Conditional probability that event X occurs, given that Y has

• P(X) and P(Y): The probability of X and Y independent of each other.
• P(Y|X): Conditional probability that event Y occurs, given that X has occurred.

This means that to train our model we will need the output value P(X|Y) but the parame-
ters might exceed the count in large numbers, and due to this reason, the algorithm assumes
no correlation. Support Vector Machine

SVM [32] employs the classification for both the types of data like non-linear and linear
data. This algorithm is preferred as it may produce significant accuracy with lesser power of
computation. Though it is helpful in regression and classification tasks it is mainly used for
later purposes. Its objective to find a hyperplane [33] that will create a fine boundary within
two classes of data, if the input features count is two the boundary becomes a straight line
and if the features count is three then it becomes a 2D plane. To find the optimal hyperplane
to be fitted two more of them are used as a boundary which will bifurcate the two classes,
our objective is to minify the distance between the dedicated hyperplane with the optimal
Parameter tuning is done to various models which gives us an improved performance in
comparison to the base model. Voting Classification

In this method [34], we aggregate all the classification algorithms for which we have
two options to choose, one of which is hard voting and the other is soft voting. In the
first type of voting, we simply choose the classifier which has the highest accuracy
among others, and the latter being the one that will assign weights to different classifi-
cation algorithms and then create an average classification out of it. This is represented
in Figure 10.5.
In Figure 10.6, the complete process is shown where the dataset collection is followed
by cleaning the dataset with appropriate extraction of features and then correspondingly
separating it into two groups named as train and test dataset followed by the training using
different algorithms for which the different performance metrics are compared to decide
which model to go with.
204 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Logistic Regression

Voting Final Prediction

Naïve Bayes

Support Vector

Figure 10.5 Working of voting classification.

Collect Dataset Data Cleaning

Features Extraction

Train Dataset (80%) Test Dataset (20%)

Logistic Regression Naïve Baye’s Classif ier SVM Voting Classif ier

Optimizing Parameter

Classif ication

Performance Analysis

Phish or not

Figure 10.6 Phishing URL classification process.

10.4 Result Analysis

10.4.1 Analysis of Different Parameters for ML Models
To fine-tune the model for comparison and final classification, some parameters need to be
altered accordingly which boosts the overall performance of a model. For this study, a few
Securing Network From Intrusion Detection 205

parameters also needed to be changed in a manner so that the near about optimal result can
be achieved and help classify the URL accordingly.
In Table 10.4, the parameter values are compared for the different machine learning algo-
rithms which are used to conduct the study of predicting the URLs which belong to the
phishing category or not. The parameter tuning is done to fine-tune the model and improve
its performance which is later compared using the accuracy score and other metrics.

10.4.2 Predictive Outcome Analysis in Phishing URLs Dataset

In machine learning, the performance of individual model which is tested is measured by
the following factors:

Recall: It is one of the metrics which is defined as the count of true positives divided by the
total count of false negatives and true positives [40].

Accuracy: It is one of the metrics which is used to compare the correct predictions with all
the data points of the classifier [41].

Precision: It is one of the metrics which is defined as the count of true positives divided by
the total count of false positives and true positives [42].

F1 Score: It is one of the metrics which is explained as the weighted average of precision
and recall [43].

Table 10.4 Comparison of the parameter values for different models.

Algorithms Parameters
Logistic Regression dual = False, fit_intercept = True, random_state = 42, multi_class = ovr,
warm_start = False, n_jobs = None, verbose = 0
Naïve Bayes var_smoothing = 1e-09, priors = None
SVM gamma = ῾scale᾿, shrinking = True, probability = False, tol = 0.001, class_
weight = None, verbose = False, break_ties = False, random_state = 42
Voting Classifier voting = ῾soft᾿, weights = None, n_jobs = None, flatten_transform = True,
verbose = False

Table 10.5 Comparison of the various models for its metrics.

Algorithm/Metrics Accuracy Precision Recall F1 score
Logistic Regression 99.02% 98.62% 98.89% 98.75%
Naïve Bayes 97.49% 96.81% 97.56% 97.18%
SVM 89.70% 90.12% 89.65% 89.88%
Voting Classifier 99.52% 98.51% 98.98% 98.74%
206 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Table 10.5 shows the performance of various models compared to each other which gives us
an idea that Voting Classifier is superior to other machine learning which is used for this study.

10.4.3 Analysis of Performance Metrics

The first and the most common metric for comparison is the accuracy score which is math-
ematically depicted in Equation (10.3):

True Positive + True Negative

Accuracy = (10.3)
Total Number of data points
The accuracy score is the highest for the Voting Classification model as compared to the
other algorithms which are shown in Figure 10.7.
Next, we have the precision metric for comparison which is mathematically depicted in
Equation (10.4):

Precision = (10.4)
TruePositives + False Positives
The precision is the highest for the Logistic Regression model as compared to the other
algorithms which are shown in Figure 10.8.
Next, we have the recall metric for comparison which is mathematically depicted in
Equation (10.5):

True Positives
Recall = (10.5)
True Positives + False Negatives
The recall is the highest for the Voting Classification model as compared to the other
algorithms which are shown in Figure 10.9.
Lastly, we have the recall metric for comparison which is mathematically depicted in
Equation (10.6).

2 × ( Precision × Recall )
F1 Score = (10.6)
Precision + Recall


Logistic Regression Naïve Bayes SVM Voting
Classif iers

Figure 10.7 Comparison of accuracy scores.

Securing Network From Intrusion Detection 207


Logistic Regression Naïve Bayes SVM Voting
Classif iers

Figure 10.8 Comparison of precision scores.


Logistic Regression Naïve Bayes SVM Voting
Classif iers

Figure 10.9 Comparison of recall scores.

F1 Score
F1 Score

Logistic Regression Naïve Bayes SVM Voting
Classif iers

Figure 10.10 Comparison of F1 scores.

208 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Table 10.6 Summary.

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
0.9749 3 2.9155 0.971833333 1.40633E-05
0.897 3 2.6965 0.898833333 5.52E-06
0.9952 3 2.9623 0.987433333 5.52E-06
0.9862 3 2.8544 0.951466667 0.001967303
0.9889 3 2.8619 0.953966667 0.002527223
0.9875 3 2.858 0.952666667 0.002237053

Table 10.7 ANOVA.

Source of variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Rows 0.0134223 2 0.00671116 657.3124388 9.20E-06 6.944272
Columns 9.38E-06 2 4.69E-06 0.459353575 0.66133 6.944272
Error 4.084E-05 4 1.021E-05
Total 0.0134725 8

Table 10.8 Summary.

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
0.9902 3 2.8671 0.9557 0.002687
0.9862 3 2.8544 0.951467 0.001967
0.9889 3 2.8619 0.953967 0.002527
0.9875 3 2.858 0.952667 0.002237

Table 10.9 ANOVA.

Source of variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 2.96E-05 3 9.88E-06 0.004194 0.999593 4.066181
Within Groups 0.018838 8 0.002355
Total 0.018867 11
Securing Network From Intrusion Detection 209

Table 10.10 Descriptive statistics.

Accuracy Precision
Mean 0.964325 Mean 0.96015
Median 0.98255 Median 0.9766
Standard Deviation 0.045706555 Standard Deviation 0.040163873
Standard Error 0.022853277 Standard Error 0.020081936
Mode NA Mode NA
Sample Variance 0.002089089 Sample Variance 0.001613137
Kurtosis 3.237676171 Kurtosis 3.060722267
Skewness −1.795901295 Skewness −1.761036034
Range 0.0982 Range 0.085
Minimum 0.897 Minimum 0.9012
Maximum 0.9952 Maximum 0.9862
Sum 3.8573 Sum 3.8406
Count 4 Count 4
Confidence Level (95.0%) 0.072729328 Confidence Level (95.0%) 0.063909684
Recall F1 Score
Mean 0.9627 Mean 0.961375
Median 0.98225 Median 0.9796
Standard Deviation 0.044608295 Standard Deviation 0.042364008
Standard Error 0.022304148 Standard Error 0.021182004
Mode NA Mode NA
Sample Variance 0.0019899 Sample Variance 0.001794709
Kurtosis 3.541712156 Kurtosis 3.33600785
Skewness −1.878222658 Skewness −1.827587171
Range 0.0933 Range 0.0887
Minimum 0.8965 Minimum 0.8988
Maximum 0.9898 Maximum 0.9875
Sum 3.8508 Sum 3.8455
Count 4 Count 4
Confidence Level (95.0%) 0.070981752 Confidence Level (95.0%) 0.06741059
210 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

The F1 score is the highest for the Logistic Regression model as compared to the other
algorithms which are shown in Figure 10.10.

10.4.4 Statistical Analysis of Results

In this section, the relationship between the models is done using the ANOVA test. In
Section, the two-factor test is discussed and in Section, the single factor
test is discussed.

‌ ANOVA: Two-Factor Without Replication

The summary of the ANOVA two-factor test is summarized in Table 10.6, and the details
about the p-value and F-score are in Table 10.7 where SS denotes sum-of-squares, df means
the degree of freedom, MS means mean squares, and the p-value is the probability value. ANOVA: Single Factor

The summary of the ANOVA single factor test is summarized in Table 10.8, and the details
about the p-value and F-score are in Table 10.9.
In Table 10.10, the statistical values are listed displaying the metrics like mean, median,
and standard deviation.

10.5 Conclusion
Phishing is a technique to trick people into giving out credentials, bank details, and other
sensitive information on another website that exactly looks like the legitimate one, thus
getting access to the user’s data and, in turn, doing financial scams and another type of
crime depending on the hacker’s motive. To stop internet crime, phishing attacks need
to be controlled and mitigated at a very low level. In this study, using various machine
learning approaches, we came with an approach that detects whether a website URL is a
phishing domain or not.
Several website URLs are compared using various machine learning algorithms. To
protect the end-users from entering these phishing websites, we tried to analyze the
severity by tokenizing the URLs and also generate similar tokens related to it by stem-
ming the text. In this study, we propose the estimation of the phishing websites and also
put in a detailed analysis comparing pre-existing malicious URLs which will help to filter
the websites effectively. ML algorithms such as Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes, and
SVM were used and it came to the notice that the first algorithm performs better than the
other mentioned algorithms. The accuracy score was found to be 0.9976.
Future studies into phishing detection should utilize this study for detailed analysis about
how to proceed in labeling a website URL is in the phishing category or not. In future work,
the study will be expanded to detect phishing URLs on mobile environments as mobile
devices contribute to be more than 60% of the internet traffic which means the hackers can
also target mobile devices. Thus, detection and preventing mobile-based phishing is a chal-
lenge for further research and development on this type of internet crime.
Securing Network From Intrusion Detection 211

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Part III
Cloud Security Using Honeypot Network
and Blockchain: A Review
Smarta Sangui* and Swarup Kr Ghosh *

Department of Computer Science, Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata, India

Cloud technology has revolutionized the domain of computing in recent years. The cloud has suc-
ceeded to attract many businesses to use cloud resources or host most of their data in the cloud
with their reduced prices, accelerated application deployment, and dynamic resources. With the
COVID-19 pandemic disrupting the usual offline mode of sales, many businesses are going online
and using cloud services. Recent statistics have shown that over 80% of industry workloads will be in
the cloud by the end of 2020 and over 90% of industries already use a cloud service, with many more
to come very soon. Despite having numerous benefits, security has always been a concern for cloud
services. With the improvement of technology, related threats are also getting more complicated and
advanced. Cloud services are facing attacks more than ever and this will keep increasing in the com-
ing years. The swift development and popularity of cloud computing make cloud security an import-
ant necessity. In this paper, we have discussed security challenges and reviewed cloud security using
blockchain technology and honeypot networks. This article is focused on the recent advancement
in the implementation of honeypots to detect new attacks while minimizing resource overhead and
blockchain to enhance cloud security using it is decentralized and distributed nature.

Keywords: Cloud computing, cloud security, honeypot, blockchain, privacy, intrusion detection,
distributed storage

11.1 Introduction
Cloud services are accepted widely in this era, and they are often used to handle crucial
and confidential data which can be accessed remotely from anywhere via the internet that
makes security a very significant concern [1]. Cloud computing is invariably transforming
the way we store, utilize, and share data, applications, systems, and workloads. With these
changes, it has also induced new security threats and challenges. Cloud Security Alliance’s
(CSA) survey reveals that over 70% of the world’s businesses now use cloud technology in
some way or other [8]. As day by day, more and more data make its way to the cloud, and
resources deployed in the cloud become targets of cybercriminals.

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Rajdeep Chakraborty, Anupam Ghosh and Jyotsna Kumar Mandal (eds.) Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for
Cloud Security, (215–238) © 2022 Scrivener Publishing LLC

216 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

In this paper, we have reviewed recent progress in honeypot networks and blockchain
technology addressing cloud security concerns. A honeypot is primarily a bait (or fake sen-
sitive data) that are deliberately made very tempting and accessible. The intention is to trick
and lure attackers who attempt to get unauthorized access to the network [2, 3]. A deliber-
ately compromised computer system permits attackers to abuse the vulnerabilities so that
you can analyze them to improve your security loopholes [35]. The honeypot is monitored
by security teams. It helps us to know the activities of the attacker like how the attacker got
into the system, from where (e.g., from where the data is accessed and IP addresses of where
the stolen data is travelling to), what is being erased or added (e.g., if the intruder tries to
become an admin), keystrokes of the attacker, and the malware used. The overall purpose is
to find alerts worth investigating, alternative to thwart ransomware, identify insider threats,
and monitor decrypted data.
The main reason that clients lack trust in the cloud as a third party is due to security
loopholes. So to address this, blockchain can be used which has made its mark as a trusted
third-party (TTP) with its implementation in cryptocurrency (e.g., Bitcoin) [4]. Blockchain’s
decentralized and distributed storage system takes the client’s information and divides it up
into little lumps. They provide an additional layer of security as information is distributed
throughout the system. Blockchain technology gives us the edge via its hashing capability,
encryption, and exchange records. Each part of the data is stored in a decentralized area.

11.2 Cloud Computing Overview

Cloud computing helps us use computing services like storage, database, servers, and pro-
cessing power over the internet rather than using local solutions. Clients would typically
pay only for cloud services they use, which helps them to run their infrastructure more
efficiently, lower the operating expenses, and scale as their business requirements change.
The cloud computing architecture is shown in Figure 11.1.

11.2.1 Types of Cloud Computing Services

Primarily, there are three different types of service models in cloud computing. These
services are Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Platform
as a Service (PaaS). Each service model has its own distribution of responsibility for the
resources as shown in Figure 11.2. Software as a Service

This cloud service provides third-party applications to users via the web. On utilizing this
service, clients would not have to install and run the application on their personal comput-
ers or in their own data centres, it is hosted on a remote server, it runs on the web directly,
and it is managed from a central location. This excludes the cost of hardware procure-
ment, provisioning and maintenance and also software licensing, support, and installation.
Another advantage of SaaS is the capability to scale the use of applications based on the
Honeypot Network and Blockchain 217

Client Infrastructure



Management Service Security


Figure 11.1 Cloud computing architecture.



Operating Systems

Virtual Systems

Processing and


Network Interfaces

Data centre/Servers

IaaS PaaS SaaS

Cloud Service Provider

Client Responsibility

Figure 11.2 Entity responsible for the maintenance of cloud system resources.
218 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security Infrastructure as a Service

IaaS is the most adaptable cloud service model. It enables consumers to outsource their IT
infrastructures like servers, processing, networking, virtual machines, storage, and other
resources through virtualization technology. Clients can dynamically scale the system con-
figuration to meet their changing requirements and are charged only for the services used
using the IaaS platform layer as given in Figure 11.1. Platform as a Service

PaaS gives us a cloud platform for the end users to develop, manage, and run applications
without installing any tool. It enables developers to basically rent everything they require
to develop an application/software and count on the service provider for tools, operating
systems, and infrastructure. It also integrates the database and web services. PaaS helps us
to create applications more swiftly than would be possible if developers had to worry about
things like creating, configuring, and provisioning their platforms and backend infrastruc-
ture. The principal benefit of PaaS is its ability to be efficiently converted to hybrid.

11.2.2 Deployment Models of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing usually has four deployment models. These are public cloud, private
cloud, community cloud, and hybrid cloud. Public Cloud

Public cloud is a type of cloud computing model where the data generated or processed are
stored on third-party servers which are open to the general public. The service provider
owns the server infrastructure, they manage it and distribute pool resources, so that client
companies do not have to purchase and manage their hardware. This kind of cloud com-
puting is an example of a cloud where the cloud service providers deliver services to numer-
ous consumers. Cloud service provider companies like Amazon (AWS) and Microsoft
(Azure) offer services which are free of cost or on a pay-per-use. Users may scale computing
resources up and down as needed. Private Cloud

A third-party organization is often not trusted by companies with their private information,
so a different kind of cloud computing model is used called the private cloud. It has a
similar infrastructure as the public cloud, but it is used for a single enterprise. Only a
few authorized persons have access to the data kept in a private cloud, and the general
public is not allowed to use it. Numerous corporations prefer a close private cloud to
get better security in response to the increased breaches in recent years. A private cloud
provides broad possibilities for scaling the infrastructure to the company’s needs [2]. A
private model is particularly fitting for companies which give priority to security and
with changing requirements.
Honeypot Network and Blockchain 219 Community Cloud

A community cloud is quite similar to the private ones; the difference is only the client set.
Here, only one organization may own a cloud server but the infrastructure and resources
of the cloud are shared by several other organizations if the organizations have compara-
ble security, privacy, storage, and computing power. A community cloud is an appropriate
solution for joint business ventures, research organizations, etc., as it will enhance their
effectiveness. A centralized cloud helps in development, management, and implementation.
The clients share all the incurred expenses. Hybrid Cloud

As the name suggests a hybrid cloud consists of an architecture which combines two or
more cloud models like private, public or community. Sensitive and critical processes are
done in a private cloud to prevent data breaches while the less risky jobs are done in the
public cloud. The hybrid cloud model protects important digital assets and manages tasks
strategically and does so in a cost and resource-effective manner. This method benefits in
data and application portability.

11.2.3 Security Concerns in Cloud Computing

Cloud computing services and platforms addressed in this chapter face the very security
threats that most internet-connected systems are facing. But due to the shared or collabora-
tive character of cloud computing, various threats, and vulnerabilities [36] have increased.
The CSA has provided a reference in their list of the top 11 cloud computing threats which
they call The Egregious Eleven [8]. Data Breaches

In case of a data breach in a system, any secured, classified, or sensitive data might be pub-
lished, viewed, stolen, or used by an unapproved entity. A breach can occur due to various
reasons, and it may be the primary intention of a targeted attack or simply application
vulnerabilities [37], bad security practices, or the consequence of human error. It usually
involves any sort of information which is not for public releases, such as personally identifi-
able information (PII), personal health information, business secrets, intellectual property,
and financial information. Insufficient Change Control and Misconfiguration

When the computing assets are set up inaccurately, frequently making them exposed to
attackers, we call this misconfiguration. For example, security controls disabled, unse-
cured storage containers, etc. Misconfiguration of cloud services is a major reason for data
breaches and it would open possibilities for alteration or deletion of resources and interrup-
tion of services. A common cause of misconfiguration in a cloud environment is the lack of
efficient change control.
220 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security Lack of Strategy and Security Architecture

Businesses are trying to get themselves online, and in order to do so, there is a migration of their
entire database being shifted to the cloud, in such event, one of the main hindrances during this
transition is to implement a proper security and a strategy in order to prevent it from breaches
and attacks. Business data may get compromised via various threats when companies do a
migration to the cloud porting their present security controls and IT stack to a cloud. Another
relevant factor is the absence of perception of the model of shared security responsibility. Risk
and cost can be reduced by leveraging the cloud-native tools to enhance visibility in cloud eco-
systems. The chance of security trade-off will reduce significantly by such precautions. Insufficient Identity, Credential, Access, and Key Management

Credential, identity, and access management systems have protocols and tools which enable
corporations to secure access, manage, and monitor important resources. Examples may
include physical resources, such as server rooms and buildings, computer systems, and
electronic files and data. Account Hijacking

In the situation of account hijacking, a malicious attacker gains access to and may misuse
accounts that are private. In a cloud-based ecosystem, the accounts are at more risk of being
hijacked due to the integration of accounts to unknown sources which may be a phishing
attack, exploitation of the cloud-based system, or compromised account [39]. These threats
are potentially strong and unique which may cause a substantial disorder of the cloud envi-
ronment, like dysfunction of operations and loss of data and assets. The delivery model of
the cloud services, as well as its governance and organization, are responsible for these risks:
applications and data in the cloud services, which reside in an account. Insider Threat

The capability of an individual with authorized access to an organization’s assets to use their
access, either maliciously or unintentionally, to behave in a manner that could adversely
affect the organization is defined as insider threat by Carnegie Mellon Computer Emergency
Response Team (CERT). Insiders can be other business partners, former or present employ-
ees, contractors, etc. Unlike the external threat players, insiders do not have to deal with the
security defense. Insiders leverage the company’s circle of trust where they get straight access
to computer systems, sensitive data, and other parts of the network [7]. Employee negligence
was the primary reason for 62% of the insider incidents reported, while 23% were associated
with criminal insiders and 13% to the theft of credentials, according to [6]. Few usual situa-
tions are employees being a victim of phishing attacks and misconfigured cloud servers. Insecure Interfaces and APIs

Clients interact and manage with cloud services via APIs and software user interfaces (UIs)
which the Cloud Service Providers (CSP) gives access. The security of these APIs is responsible
Honeypot Network and Blockchain 221

for the availability and security of the general cloud services. Authentication, activity mon-
itoring, access control and encryption, and interfaces should be devised to defend against
unintended or intended attempts to breach the security system. Exposed, hacked, or broken
APIs have resulted in many big breaches. The security requirements and protocols about cre-
ating and using these interfaces on the internet should be followed meticulously. The most
vulnerable segments of a system are the APIs and UIs and are prone to repeated attacks. Thus,
security and safety by design and sufficient controls for protection are necessary. Weak Control Plane

There are many challenges for developing an adequate data protection and storage program
while migrating to the cloud from the data centre. The user now needs to make new processes
for data duplication, storage, and migration. With the security and integrity that would com-
plete the data plane (it grants runtime and stability), a control plane is an ideal solution to
these obstacles. A weak control plane jeopardizes the data infrastructure’s logic, verification,
and security. These deficiencies may result in data unavailability, leakage or corruption [5].
The other concerns are metastructure and applistructure failures, limited cloud usage
visibility, and abuse and nefarious use of cloud services.

11.3 Honeypot System

The concept and methodology for honeypots [14] were first introduced by Lance Spitzner
in 1999. Honeypots have become a very popular tool for network security and threat mon-
itoring systems ever since. Honeypots help us to capture and analyze intruder behavior.
They are not for directly aiding cloud protection like encryptions and firewalls. Thus, the
infrastructure resources get wasted when no attacks are received. They lure the attackers
and keep them busy with fake data while keeping the main system out of attackers’ reach.
Over time, various kinds of open-source honeypots were developed. Figure 11.3 shows
a typical honeypot system. A few prominent honeypots are heralding [28], conpot, dionaea
[29], kippo [30], honeyd [31, 32], and sebek [33]. Honeypots are usually categorized into
two types: high interaction and low interaction. High-interaction honeypots [34] tend to
be costly and possess a greater probability of getting hijacked by an intruder [25]. On the
other hand, the low-interaction honeypots are economical and are less likely to be hijacked
by an attacker [25]. Nevertheless, the low-interaction honeypots emulate operating systems
and other services, and they also have a higher possibility of getting attacked by an iden-
tity probing or fingerprinting attack, which would compromise the honeypot. Wang et al.
(2008) [26] proposed an advanced peer-to-peer botnet which can help us to test a honey-
pot’s security and prepare accordingly for future attacks.

11.3.1 VM (Virtual Machine) as Honeypot in the Cloud

Lavrov et al. [11] introduced COR-Honeypot which solves critical challenges by presenting
a personalized honeypot which is similar to the victim system and it is created only if an
attack is detected so that it can be used for security while operating everything efficiently.
Thus, COR-Honeypot has proved to be effective, simulating whatever service required
222 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security




Service Server(s)



Figure 11.3 Honeypot system diagram.

including restrictive implementations, and can be implemented in real-world cloud sys-

tems for protection.
The victim system and the intruder are distinguished via their IP addresses whenever an
attack is detected by the honeypot. Then, the malicious data/traffic is restrained in a buffer,
and then, it is isolated from the network. While the COR-Honeypot method is applied to
the victim system, the cloning of the system is done using the COR-Cloning technique.
Then, the sensitive data is replaced with fake data so that, when an intrusion happens, it
makes the intruder believe that the attack was successful. Then, the honeypot is isolated
from the existing network and buffered and the active traffic is redirected to a new hon-
eypot. Lastly, the system captures the attacker activity that can be used later on for analy-
sis and improving the loopholes revealed. The implementation is done by using KVM as
Hypervisor, JITRSwitch as a software network switch, libvirt for the virtualization control
API, and Snort [12] for IDS.
The COR-Honeypot is compared with conventional honeypots on Gestalt similarity. The
client was a simulated intruder, and the server signifies the victim, COR-Honeypot, and
the usual honeypot for each case, respectively. To make the server respond to a trigger, a
request query is sent to the service repeatedly for three times. As observed after 12 hours,
this system consumed 65% lesser CPU time than Wordpot and 72% lesser than Honeyd.
The present honeypot systems just managed to obtain 6% to 47% of response similarity.
Whereas the COR-honeypot attains 100% similarity for POP3 services, FTP, and Telnet.
Usually, the error in response similarity is less than 2%. The case of MySQL was the only
exception where the honeypot gave 8% error because of the use of ephemeral keys in the
service. These results showed that the COR-Honeypot was able to produce the victim sys-
tem behavior much better than conventional Honeypot solutions.

11.3.2 Attack Sensing and Analyzing Framework

Fraunholz et al. [13] proposed an advanced method at interpreting data acquired by their
honeypot framework. The framework facilitates the accumulation and processing of data
Honeypot Network and Blockchain 223

from various honeypots. Statistical methods are applied to the collected data, familiar cre-
dentials (usernames and passwords) used by malicious users are recognized. No matches
were found in an IP comparison with anonymization services, inferring that all attacks
either used unknown anonymization services or originated on bots. Attacks targeted on
IoT-devices were identified. Apart from that, a metric of comparison between dictionaries
was established. This metric was applied to the acquired data to find relationships among
IPs adopted by malicious users. The results showed that, though none of the dictionaries
was entirely disjoint, some were a perfect match. Along with other information, it revealed
that a large number of malicious users work quite inefficiently [given in Equation (11.1)].

Login attempts − Unique Credentials

Inefficiency = (11.1)
Login attempts
The framework is formed of several modules as sensor, backend, analyzer, and frontend.
Information such as username, password, timestamp, MAC, IP, protocol, and OS are col-
lected from unauthorized login attempts by the sensor. Then, the data sent to the backend
(comprises a set of relational databases) after encryption. The received data is improved and
enhanced with geoinformation and information regarding anonymization services (like the
TOR network) from the central database. The analyzer produces simple statistics like pass-
words, usernames, password lengths and combinations, and attack efficiency. Finally, the
frontend helps to observe the statistics and raw data in a comprehensible form.
During the 111 days after deployment, they received more than 300,000 login attempts from
more than 2,000 unique IP addresses and that too from about a hundred different countries.
There was an average of 136 attempts per IP. An IP with 90,000+ login attempts was discerned,
while maximum IPs attempted to log in only once. The IPs from where the login attempts took
place were compared to known free proxy servers, TOR exit nodes, and OpenVPN servers. It
was observed that virtually no IP (<0.1%) from the dataset matched one of the above-named
services. So, it can be concluded that maximum attacks originated directly from unfamiliar
proxies, the malicious user’s system, or compromised hosts.

11.3.3 A Fuzzy Technique Against Fingerprinting Attacks

Naik et al. [18] proposed a fuzzy method to predict and identify fingerprinting attacks. It
showed an evaluation of the fingerprinting attack against a honeypot known as KFSensor
which is of low-interaction type. Based on the experimental assessment, a mechanism for
detection of fingerprinting attacks in low-interaction type honeypots, which incorporates
the fundamental ideas of modern fingerprinting attack tools, is proposed. Ultimately, a
fuzzy technique is proposed for this. It is a generic fuzzy technique which we can deploy
into any type of low-interaction honeypot to help us identify any fingerprinting attack while
it is happening.
A total of 50 fingerprinting attacks were conducted and 10 repetitions of each finger-
printing attack. Out of the 50 attacks, 47 attacks were successfully predicted by this fuzzy
technique categorizing 31 attacks as high probability and 16 attacks as a medium proba-
bility. Just three attacks were predicted as low probability attacks. Therefore, it can extend
the life of the honeypot by preventing the attacks. Though this fuzzy technique gives hope,
it might not be useful in cases wherever any new fingerprinting probes are utilized that
224 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

were not taken into consideration in this detection technique. Hence, it is crucial to con-
tinue modifying this technique and also introduce some recent attack methods. Moreover,
it would be profitable to modify this technique as an adaptive method based on Dynamic
FRI and adaptive FRI framework so that it can be more useful for varying attack patterns.

11.3.4 Detecting and Classifying Malicious Access

Saikawa et al. [21] deployed the Dionaea honeypot which is a low-interaction honeypot
on the Sakura cloud to obtain data regarding attacks and malware binaries; results are ana-
lyzed, it was also analyzed with data gathered by other researchers, and the latest trends
in attacking patterns and techniques are studied. As Dionaea has the highest amount of
available services, it was used as a core of the honeypot. Dionaea is coupled with python as
the scripting language and using libemu for shellcodes detection. It emulates services such
as SIP, SMB, TFTP, MySQL, HTTP, MSSQL, FTP, and others. These services emulated an
exposed and vulnerable server operating on Windows. The main protocol Dionaea uses is
the SMB protocol and uses the traditional port 445.
Dionaea was set up in a cloud environment (as shown in Figure 11.3) as a virtual pri-
vate server (VPS) deployment. After the setting up of Dionaea is completed, they set the
DionaeaFR. To prevent honeypot detection, an approach of study [22] was used where the
honeypot is activated every morning and stopped it every evening. The present practice in
web server connections has moved to HTTPS protocol from HTTP. The key result from this
is a notable decrease in port 80 attacks. Presently, the most prevalent malware is WannaCry
[23]. It is a combination of self-propagating worms and ransomware. It uses the vulnera-
bility of the SMB protocol which uses the SMB protocol’s vulnerability. The SMB service
(port 445) faced the highest number of attacks and their aim was to download malware
in the servers. Database attacks like on Microsoft SQL and MySQL are well known on the
Internet. Dionaea is an efficient honeypot to monitor and identify intruder access. It is
important to administer Dionaea discreetly to defend it from attacks because the honeypot
itself has a vulnerability.

11.3.5 A Bayesian Defense Model for Deceptive Attack

This paper by Guan et al. [24] proposes deception detection technologies and the game the-
ory in network security. They examined the deficiencies and benefits of the Bayesian model
and proposed a game model which is based on the historical returns and gave a complete
mathematical explanation of the results of the relative model. They took the benefits of the
two different models and designed a Bayesian improved model, and they further advanced
the enhanced model to compensate for the flaws of the Bayesian model so that the system
can get the most advantage.
Based on different possible scenarios, few income parameters in the game matrix (attack
defense) were considered. The identity of the malicious intruder is determined randomly
by the roulette bets. Every signal is correlated with two separate and distinct intruders with
a different identity. Different strategies were analyzed via Bayesian rules. There are a set of
two optimal strategies (Pb is the probability of user identity as a malicious user, and Pt is
the threshold probability). The victim’s Nash equilibrium is dependent on the exact value of
p with the comparison of Pt.
Honeypot Network and Blockchain 225

They consider X (Regular Behavior) = {(X|N), (X|M)} and Y (Suspicious Behavior) =

{(Y|N), (Y|M)}, where M represents malicious users and N represents normal users. (α, β)
is used to denote belief of a defender in a rival.

α = Pb(M|X), 1 – α = Pb(N|X); (11.2)

β = Pb(M|Y), 1 – β = Pb(N|Y); (11.3)

α [given by Equation (11.2)] and β [given by Equation (11.3)] are the probabilities of a
malicious user receiving signal X and Y, respectively.
According to Bayesian rules, α and β can be represented using the Equations (11.4) and

α= (11.4)
P(X|M) P(M) + P(X|N) P(N)

P(S| M) P(M)
β= (11.5)
P(S| M) P(M) + P(S| N) P(N)

H represents that the honeypot system is deployed and U represents the access to usual
systems. There are two strategies: X and Y, and we consider the expectation in both strat-
egies. The threshold probability (Pφ) as shown in Equation (11.6) can be considered only
when the two are equal, i.e., E(X) = E(Y),

ba c h
P (11.6)
bc ba ch ca 2e
where ba is profit after defender serves the normal user, bc is the profit after the defender
successfully captures an attack, ch is the cost of the defender arranging an extra honeypot
system, and ca is the loss after the defender was successfully attacked.
When p ≥ Pφ, strategy H is the best choice, else strategy U is better. We get inequalities
given in Equations (11.7) regardless of the attacker’s identity:

βbc > 0 > −βca – (1 − β)ct (11.7)

For avoiding the probability calculation of negative income, relative income is taken.
With the help of this income, the confidence degree can be computed. We can set p equals
to Pφ in the Relative Historical Income (RHI) model, and the actual situation determines
the value of a. Trust coefficient of the normal user in the improved model is represented
by a, the value of the coefficient changes the equilibrium between security cost and sys-
tem security. A lower value of the trust coefficient requires more cost for security. If they
concentrate more on the cost, they would have to modify the following actual situation.
The system is rarely attacked when the value of p is extremely low like p = 0.01. In actual
circumstances, the RHI model is better and more active. If p is high, then the performance
of the RHI model would be extremely close to the revised model, though this is highly
226 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

unlikely in real situations. It was found that the Bayesian model and the RHI model have an
efficiency dividing line. When the value of p is less than 0.5 (excluding when p tends to zero
RHI infinitely), the Bayesian model is more beneficial, else the RHI model would be more
helpful. This model is based on the RHI model and the Bayesian model. It was updated and
enhanced in overall performance, and even without the knowledge about the value of p, the
system can reach the best defense state.

11.3.6 Strategic Game Model for DDoS Attacks in Smart Grid

Wang et al. [27] addressed DDoS attacks in smart grids by introducing honeypots into the
AMI network. Furthermore, they have also taken the anti-honeypot issue into account. They
investigated the crucial interactivity amidst the intruder and the user. As per the observa-
tion, using the recommended system, there was an improvement in the rate of detection
and consumption of energy. Therefore, a game strategy honeypot implemented in an AMI
network can protect the data and ensure network security. However, traditional AMI(s)
used single way communication, and modern AMI(s) allows both ways: communication
among the meters and utility companies. AMI comprises data aggregators, smart meters,
meter data management system (MDMS), central system (known as AMI headend), and
enabling communication technologies and the communication networks.
The payoff of the real services for Ω1 (system provides service) is given as JZ1 (Ω1) given
by Equation (11.8) where Z1 is real communication, U1 is real users, U2 is attackers, V1 is
visitor access, λ is real user payoff, and ϕ is attack damage factor.

J z1 (Ω1 ) = P(U1 | V1 ) ∗ (−φ∗λ ) + P(U 2 | V1 ) ∗ (λ )

= (θ − φ + θφ) ∗ λ (11.8)

Likewise, the payoff of the actual services for Ω2 (the system does not provide service)
was computed by Equation (11.9).

J z1 (Ω2 ) = P(U1 | V1 ) ∗ 0 + P(U 2 | V1 ) ∗ (λ )

= −θλ

In the AMI networks, different simulations were conducted to get a proper honeypot
system for DDoS attacks. The selected one consists of smart meters, honeypots, routers,
anti-honeypots, and servers. The performance was compared with Cluster Head (CH)
model [42] and All Monitor (AM) model [43]. The proposed model was better with energy
consumption rates. The average detection rate is around 50% that indicates an unstable
detection performance. The results imply that by raising honeypots in an AMI network,
the anti-honeypots can be reduced to keep balance with the servers. In this way, the general
servers were prevented from intruders significantly.
Table 11.1 lists the few recent studies done on the advancements in honeypot the cloud
to protect the main network and analyze the attack patterns and methodology of attackers.
To apprehend the attack traffic, Wang et al. in [44] discussed distributed and hybrid archi-
tecture for honeypots. Hastings et al. [45] recorded and analyzed data on attacks on a low-­
interaction honeypot in the smart grid for six months. A new hybrid detection method is
Honeypot Network and Blockchain 227

Table 11.1 List of recent studies on the improvement of honeypots in the cloud.
number Problem addressed Techniques used
[11] Efficient use of resources, less prone Hypervisor (KVM), virtualization
error and faster control API (libvirt), IDS
(Snort), software-network switch
[13] Highly-scalable WAN network attack Encryption, relational databases,
sensing and Analyzing framework anonymization services (TOR)
[18] Identifying and inhibiting KFSensor as low-interaction honeypot,
fingerprinting attacks on low- fuzzy techniques, fingerprinting
interaction honeypots detection
[21] Detection and classification of Consortium blockchain, encryption,
malicious Access and conditional proxy re-encryption
[24] Improved defense model for deceptive Game theory, Bayesian models
[27] Preventing DDoS attacks and Game strategy, Bayesian model,
preventing anti-honeypots attacks OPNET

Shadow honeypot [46]; it checks for unusual diagnosis and uses a feedback tool to enhance
the hybrid detection algorithm. The analysis of the security of critical systems is done using
Game Theory. Reiher and Mirkovic [47] showed an analysis of DDoS attacks and defense
techniques. Chai et al. [48] suggested a continuous setting in the game model, and then, the
Nash equilibrium is calculated to resolve the attack detection issues.

11.4 Blockchain
We can define blockchain as a set of blocks that are connected via cryptography, and they
keep growing as new blocks are added. Every block comprises a cryptographic hash of the
former block, transaction data and a timestamp. A blockchain is immutable. Transactions
between various parties are recorded efficiently. Blockchain’s distributed storage splits up
the client’s data into small lumps or blocks as in Figure 11.4. Now, an additional layer of
protection is added so it gets dispersed all through the system. This is made possible using
the hashing ability, public or private key encryptions, and exchange records of the block-
chain [49]. Every bit of data is put away in a decentralized section as shown in Figure 11.4.
Blockchain gave rise to popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin [50] and Ethereum.
The three most prominent types of blockchain are public, private, and consortium block-
chain. In a public blockchain, anyone can read and access the information and developers
do not bother the users. All the information is public by default. It is primarily applied to
Ethereum, Bitcoin, Hyperledger, and other fields. In the case of a private blockchain, the
write permission is only available to an individual or organization, and the read and other
permissions are restricted. A private blockchain provides superior security in terms of data
228 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

A transaction is A block containing

initiated transaction data is The block is sent
created to every node

The block is added to

the blockchain
Consensus and
validation by network
Update is distributed and
transaction is now complete

Figure 11.4 Blockchain architecture.

privacy and faster transaction speeds in comparison to public blockchains. A consortium

blockchain gives us what we may call “partial decentralization”, the users can trade and con-
sult, but they would not be able to verify the transaction or publish smart contracts without
the permission of the consortium. In this section, a few recent papers related to blockchain
technology in management, storage, and movement of the data in the cloud are reviewed.

11.4.1 Blockchain-Based Encrypted Cloud Storage

Gochhayat et al. [9] proposed a novel encrypted cloud architecture called Yugula, which
gives file integrity and confidentiality by adopting blockchain and revised convergent
encryption. Mainly, two approaches were employed for data security and confidentiality:
one uses symmetric encryption and the other uses double hashing. The Yugala cloud ser-
vice is highly scalable as it was created over the Mystiko blockchain. As Mystiko blockchain
principally targets big data, IoT requirements can be supported and managed with Yugala
as well.
For the implementation, the authors consolidated Mystiko Blockchain’s [15] platform.
The primary reason to use Mystiko Blockchain was due to its high scalability features and
transaction throughput. The encrypted files are stored in the cloud. The encryption of the
files only allows the users to verify it is existence, not the cloud. The files in blockchain
are distributed in multiple servers and the information is irrelevant that is why the cloud
storage cannot remove the file on its own, therefore giving reliability and system integrity.
Honeypot Network and Blockchain 229

Client X

Yugala API Mystiko-aplos Mystiko-storage


Client Y

Figure 11.5 Yugala architecture.

In Mystiko blockchain, every peer has a Cassandra node; they form a ring-like cluster
architecture as they are connected with one other. When a transaction gets completed,
the state update in a peer gets shared and duplicated using sharding with the algorithm
of Cassandra’s Paxos. Figure 11.5 depicts the architecture of Yugala. Mystiko offers the
Aplos smart contract platform as a substitute for the smart contract on current block-
chains. Consistent transaction throughput is maintained by every peer in the blockchain.
When the number of Blockchain peers was increased, the transaction throughput linearly

11.4.2 Cloud-Assisted EHR Sharing via Consortium Blockchain

Wang et al. [17] introduced a blockchain-based EHR sharing system with conditional proxy
re-encryption and conjunctive keyword searchable encryption to achieve privacy and secu-
rity of the data being shared between various medical organizations. A legitimate block is
formed of a header, data admin signature, block body, and timestamp. The block header
consists of five elements: preceding block’s hash, block size, block ID, Merkle root [52], and
a random number. Data transaction consists of the transaction type, keyword ciphertext,
transaction ID, doctor’s signature, and patient’s account. A consensus mechanism called
proof of authorization is proposed to ensure high-efficiency, safety, and authenticity of the
blockchain network and create the regulation for the consortium blockchain. The protocol
is composed of three layers: a data-sharing layer, data storage layer, and data generation
The doctors encrypt the EHR with their private key and patient’s public key along with a
set of keywords. So that decryption of the ciphertext becomes impossible without the key-
words and doctor’s public key and the patient’s private key. Thus, only the appointed doc-
tor can decipher the ciphertext, which improves data confidentiality. The EHR consortium
blockchain system distinguishes various nodes and their validity. The doctor can assert the
ciphertext sent by the cloud by examining whether he/she can decrypt the ciphertext. It will
not disclose any information regarding the patient while searching for the keyword. Given
k (security parameter), the Data Provider (DP) generates a prime number q and selects a
bilinear pairing ê: C1×C1→C2, where C1 is an additive cyclic set and C2 is a multiplicative
cyclic set with an equal prime order q. The DP takes three distinct one-way collision-proof
hash functions given in Equations (11.10), (11.11), and (11.12).
230 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

H1: {0,1} *→ C1 (11.10)

H2: {0,1} *×C1×C1 → C1 (11.11)

H3: {0,1} * → Zq* (11.12)

The proposed scheme was implemented on the popular Ethereum platform to check its
performance. The consensus mechanism, network model and data structure are created for
consortium blockchain to ensure the efficient performance of the model. Further, encryp-
tion with keyword-searchable mechanism was used to assure data security including search
capabilities and proxy re-encryption (conditional) was employed to achieve privacy protec-
tion while sharing data.

11.4.3 Blockchain-Secured Cloud Storage

Zou et al. [16] proposed a cloud-based file system with enhanced security by using a
blockchain named ChainFS to fight against forking attacks. It has cloud storage for data
files and it sends crucial operations to the blockchain for file operation logging and key
distribution. The user’s important files are managed by the client’s device and a FUSE
client helps to store those securely. The SUNDR [10] protocol was considered on the data
plane that manages a pair of server elements: the block which stores the content of the
files and a consistency server. The directory of the public keys and the SUNDR server
both were hosted on insecure platforms like the public cloud. The blockchain was mainly
used to detect or prevent forking attacks and the blockchain ledger can act as a witness
The performance result with small files analyzing the typical case that operates an S3FS
without blockchain showed that with 10 KB files the ChainFS had up to 35% overhead of
performance. As the files become bigger, the overhead gets reduced. The performance is not
balanced when the files are very small. Files of size ranging from 1 MB to 1 GB were gen-
erated. The execution time was measured. The result showed the overhead rises as the files
become bigger and reach a peak of 28% (1 GB file). In the big file perspective, transferring
data over the Internet was the bottleneck.

11.4.4 Blockchain and Edge Computing–Based Security Architecture

Zhang et al. [19] introduced a novel security architecture for Vehicular Ad hoc Network
(VANET) based on Edge Computing (EC) and blockchain systems. It has a three-level
structure consisting of perception level, edge level, and cloud service level. The blockchain
solves the security challenges in the transmission of data in the perception level. The edge
computing segment gives edge cloud services and computing resources for the perception
In [53], the public key infrastructure (PKI) with the transport along with the road-
side unit (RSU) develops a blockchain network to enhance security. To prevent delay and
poor network performance when lots of consensus job of blockchain is performed in the
Roadside Unit (RSU), the computationally intensive work is offloaded to EC, and then,
the outcome is delivered to the RSU when completed. The VANET produces a lot of data
Honeypot Network and Blockchain 231

all of which we cannot store in blockchain as it will use more resources. So, only the very
important part of the data is stored in the blockchain, the rest is stored in the cloud (with
encryptions and other securities).

11.4.5 Data Provenance Architecture in Cloud Ecosystem Using Blockchain

In this paper, Liang et al. [54] introduced the architecture of a data provenance system
(ProvChain) meant for auditing in the cloud. It uses blockchain which helps in increasing
availability and preserving privacy. The blockchain helps by creating an unchangeable
timestamp and generating tokens for validation. ProvChain was developed using own-
Cloud [55] (an open-sourced app) to obtain data for provenance. Ongoing works show
that this architecture can fulfill the requirements of validation and proof in various cases.
The evaluation showed that ownCloud coupled with this architecture brought a lower
system overhead.
The critical components of ProvChain are Cloud User, Cloud Service Provider (CSP),
Provenance Database, Provenance Auditor (PA), and Blockchain Network. Files in
the cloud are used as data units. Provenance data is generated when a file operation is
detected which is uploaded in the blockchain network by the service provider. Each block
consists of a block header and a transactions list. ProvChain’s implementation is based
on a three-layered structure, comprising the storage, the blockchain network, and the
database for provenance. In addition, 6.49% of overhead is found in the proposed archi-
tecture than the original one based on response time, but considering the robust security,
it is acceptable.
Table 11.2 lists a few recent studies done on advancements on implementation of
blockchains in the cloud to solve various security issues and improve trust and credibility
of data. Zyskind et al. [56] (2015) proposed an approach of decentralized data privacy

Table 11.2 List of recent studies application of blockchain for security in the cloud.
number Problem addressed Techniques and technology used
[16] Prevention of forking attacks Ethereum, S3FS, FUSE clients and
Amazon S3 cloud storage
[19] A better security architecture of Blockchain and MEC
[9] Secured cloud storage Mystiko Blockchain, double hash,
symmetric encryption
[17] Security and privacy preservation in Consortium blockchain, encryption
EHR sharing via cloud and conditional proxy re-encryption
[20] Secured and faster Dependency Ethereum, IPFS, TPM, cloud database
Attestation Framework
[54] Data provenance with enhanced ownCloud, blockchain database
privacy and availability
232 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

which will ensure that the users have control over their data. The system consists of the
blockchain system, users, and the providers. Data sharing models based on blockchain is
an approach getting popular to preserve the privacy of the electronic medical records in
the cloud [17, 57].
In Shafagh et al. [58], a blockchain network is used by the authors to manage and securely
store the access permissions. The corresponding access permissions and the control of the
data comprise the blockchain transactions. But in applications of IoT systems, the scal-
ability and the latency issues are yet to be fixed. Ensuring data provenance in the cloud
ecosystems requires techniques that are similar to auditing and logging systems. Many of
these methods control system resources like PASS [59], S2Logger [60], and SPROVE [61].
In [62], a blockchain architecture for data provenance and tracking data accountability is
proposed by Neisse et al. Similar to [63], smart contracts are used by this approach in block-
chains to inculcate the data access protocols. The system consists of data processors, data
subjects, and data controllers.

Table 11.3 Honeypots for cloud security analysis.

number Advantages Disadvantages
[26] Can be used to address the Attackers can use this to get past
shortcomings of honeypots, test a inefficient honeypots or render them
honeypot system. useless.
[29] Gives limited access to attackers, Easy to predict, not engaging, static.
economic, low chances of being
[30] More realistic, attackers get more Harder to predict, needs more
access, and provide more analytics resources and energy, and is more
data. vulnerable.
[11] Economical, auto-detects attacks, May not withstand/detect modern
uses less computation power, less attacks.
[13] Good analytics tool, analysis from Not a direct security measure, just an
multiple honeypots can be done. analytics tool.
[18] Protection against fingerprinting Designed for low-interaction
attacks can be modified to an honeypots only, medium prediction
adaptive (D-FRI) framework. results.
[21] Detection and classification of attacks Easy to predict, not engaging, static.
in details.
[24] Improved model. More resources needed.
[27] Protection against DDoS attack, better Multiple nodes, large data exchange,
attack detection. multiple interfaces.
Honeypot Network and Blockchain 233

11.6 Comparative Analysis

Here, we present a brief outline of the benefits and drawbacks of the studies and methods
reviewed in this literature.
Table 11.3 lists some advantages and disadvantages of recent studies on using honeypot
systems for cloud security, while Table 11.4 lists the same on using blockchain for cloud
security. Although several innovative and effective techniques were introduced in the past
few years, the review demonstrates that there are still some loopholes in the proposed sys-
tems which can be addressed in future to safeguard against new and unconventional attacks.

11.7 Conclusion
We have conducted a study to review the advancement in cloud security with a focus on
honeypot networks and cloud security. We studied more than 15 techniques which aided
in strengthening cloud security in recent years. The papers we reviewed used several tech-
niques to increase security and prevent attacks. In light of the variation and frequency
of attacks in recent times, we recommend using honeypot and blockchain technology in
the cloud along with proper cryptographic encryption to ensure maximum security in
cloud environments. The improvements of honeypot networks are discussed in Table 11.1.
Honeypots will provide us with intel on attacks which can be analyzed, lure attackers, and

Table 11.4 Blockchain for cloud security analysis.

number Advantages Disadvantages
[9] Better data confidentiality using Slower when files are large.
double hash and using symmetric
[17] Highly efficient, authentic and safe The amount of the keyword set should
not be too large, gas consumption
increases with the increase of the
length of the data package.
[16] Prevents forking attacks, highly 30%–35% performance overhead
[19] Secured and less prone to failure Might be slow, yet to test in the real
[20] High accuracy, fast, and safe Network routing channel attack and
memory overflow attack might affect it
[54] Better privacy and availability 6.6% overhead in response time
[58] Secure storage and management Latency and scalability
[63] Secure and economical Mining speed affects execution duration
234 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

keep them occupied with fake information though we should take precautions so that the
attacker cannot use the honeypot as leverage. To ensure this, monitoring of honeypot is
essential. We can use multiple honeypots according to our requirement and resources.
Blockchain will help to implement the idea of distributed storage so even if the network
gets compromised the attacker would not get the whole information rather some chunks
of it which may not be of any value at all. But blockchain might bring overall system
resources overhead when dealing with big data. Table 11.2 lists the problems addressed
using blockchain in the cloud.
As the COVID- 19 pandemic changed, the usual ways of the world many businesses are
migrating online thus using cloud services. We will use this study to further dive deep into
various security concerns that will arise in the future. Since honeypots and blockchain are
developing technologies, we are expecting to see further development in recent years which
will make cloud computing more secure.

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Machine Learning–Based Security
in Cloud Database—A Survey
Utsav Vora*, Jayleena Mahato, Hrishav Dasgupta, Anand Kumar and Swarup Kr Ghosh

Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata, India

Cloud computing has grown as an innovative technology providing physical as well as logical
resources over the internet and changing the way of collecting and sharing data files. This growth
is a reflection of the rapid transition and intense interest of academic and industrial organizations
in this technology. Despite having several advantages, cloud security has always been a concern for
cloud services. With the evolution of technology worldwide, the threats are also getting more com-
plicated and advanced such as data breaching, insecure interfaces, shared technology vulnerabilities,
and distributed attacks. A safe environment for cloud services is highly essential. For this, Intrusion
Detection Systems based on various Machine Learning (ML) algorithms, Supervised, Unsupervised,
or Hybrid, have been developed. In this review, we focus on understanding the current status of ML
algorithms and emphasize those Intrusion Detection Systems which are evaluated using either of the
two worldwide recognized datasets, NSL-KDD dataset, and UNSW-NB15 dataset. Related research
papers are examined with respective experimental setups and other important factors. We stress
our research on addressing security threats, issues related to cloud security, and the advantages and
disadvantages that are faced on implementation of ML for detection of attacks in the cloud. We also
aim to deliver effective solutions and put forth some open challenges as well for future research and
development on cloud security.

Keywords: Cloud computing, cloud security, machine learning, NSL-KDD, UNSW-NB15,

intrusion detection systems

12.1 Introduction
The term “Cloud” was coined from the computer network diagrams which used it to con-
ceal the complexity of infrastructure involved [1, 49]. Cloud consists of several servers that
store customer data and for this it is also called a Data Center [2]. It can be limited to one
organization, called as Enterprise Cloud, or convenient to numerous firms, called as Public
Cloud. This technology leads us to “cloud computing” which is a popular phrase and can be
explained as a centralized pool of assets and outsourcing mechanism that provides various
services to users whenever needed [3].

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Rajdeep Chakraborty, Anupam Ghosh and Jyotsna Kumar Mandal (eds.) Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for
Cloud Security, (239–270) © 2022 Scrivener Publishing LLC

240 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

The primitive concept of time-sharing systems was mostly popularized by Remote Job
Entry (RJE). This concept was common among big companies like IBM and DEC. By the
1970s, full time-sharing solutions were available on Multics, Cambridge CTSS, and early
UNIX ports. Telecom companies in the early 1990s offered committed Point-to-Point data
services. They started Virtual Private Network (VPN) Services with well-matched services at
lower costs. The Telecom companies saw an effective increase in the usage of network band-
width and for balancing the usage of servers, switching of network traffic was used. They
started utilizing cloud symbols to distinguish between what the supplier was in charge of and
what the user was responsible for. Cloud metaphor usage is credited to David Hoffman, the
General Magic Communications Employee. Cloud computing was uplifted by Amazon with
its Elastic Compute Cloud (E2C), Google with its Google App Engine in 2008, and NASA
with its OpenNebula, which became the first open-source development software for private
and hybrid clouds.
Many sectors such as Healthcare [4, 45, 46], Transport, Social Networking, Communication
System [48], and Education are shifting their applications and data from local computers
to remote cloud environments and experiencing the benefits [5]. Cloud computing has
become a social phenomenon used by most people every day. Regardless of its advantages
in various fields, security has always been a major area of concern. While safeguarding the
security could increase the popularity of this technology extensively, compromising with
the same could lead to the abandonment of the technology [6].
Cloud security [50] can be defined as a set of several strategies and technologies utilized
to secure virtualized IP, servers, data, and other applications available under the cloud envi-
ronment. The need for cloud security is generally because of the threats such as unauthorized
data access, risk related to data theft, and many more faced by both cloud providers and cus-
tomers. Threats faced by the cloud providers are usually based on the softwares, platforms,
and infrastructures provided on the cloud, whereas issues faced by the customers are mainly
regarding the applications used to store data on the cloud. The distributive nature of the
cloud encourages information sharing but also enhances security problems related to user’s
information. A number of organizations still hesitate in using this technology just because
of a fear of compromising with the security of sensitive business information. Though full
security is difficult to achieve, it requires immense attention [7]. However, the responsibility
of being secure has to be shared by both the cloud providers and the customers. On one end,
the providers must confirm that the information-sharing infrastructure is safe and their cli-
ent’s data is secured, whereas, on the other end, customers must make sure that they protect
their information using strong password authentication measures.
With the increasing need for security, the Intrusion Detection Systems came up with a
strong defense mechanism, which the traditional Firewall failed to provide. An Intrusion
Detection System finds out the intrusions and raises alarms and warnings for the adminis-
trator [36]. These systems are of two types. First is Misuse or Signature-based mechanism
in which predefined rules or signatures of known attacks are used for detection of attacks.
However, this mechanism fails to identify any unknown attack or deviation from known
attacks. To overcome this, Anomaly-based mechanism was introduced which understands
the general behavior of the system first and, after that, detects the actions which deviate
from normal behavior. Those deviated actions were considered to be anomalies. Well, the
conventional security systems have secured cloud systems for a long time and are still doing
ML-Based Security in Cloud Database 241

To protect
Attacks & Threats


Supervised Hybrid
Learning Learning
Unsupervised Techniques
Techniques Learning

Supervised Unsupervised Hybrid

Learning Learning Learning
Techniques Techniques Techniques



Deep Expectation
Learning Maximization KDSVM

Figure 12.1 Block diagram.

it but in reality, due to several evolving threats and issues, those conventional systems are
now becoming incapable [37].
To upgrade the security system, several Machine Learning (ML)–based methodologies
have been developed as well as analyzed by many researchers in the past few decades. This
review literature emphasizes on ML approaches for cloud security as well as analyzes those
intrusion detection systems whose performance was evaluated using the NSL-KDD and
the UNSW-NB15 datasets. The workflow of the article is shown in Figure 12.1. The rest
of the literature is divided into some divisions. Section 12.2 provides knowledge about
the security threats and attacks faced in cloud environments. Then, Section 12.3 gives a
brief background of the datasets, NSL-KDD, and UNSW-NB15. In Section 12.4, we pres-
ent ML algorithms proposed by several researchers and developers that include different
Supervised, Unsupervised, and Hybrid approaches. With the descriptions, we have also
added suggested future works as well. In Section 12.5, we come up with advantages and
disadvantages of the reviewed articles. Finally, in Section 12.6, we conclude and discuss
future research scopes.

12.2 Security Threats and Attacks

With the rise in advantages and usage of cloud technology, the threats and attacks have
also evolved and their advancement has pushed all the researchers and developers to
242 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

work and develop a robust security environment for cloud and its users. In this segment,
an overview of the threats and attacks prominently faced in the cloud environment is
Tables 12.1 and 12.2 describe some of the prominent threats and attacks faced by the
cloud users. There are other threats as well that still exist in cloud environments [9–12],
such as, Loss of Governance, Threats to trust, Data Segregation, Unknown Risk Profile,
Isolation Failure, and Insufficient Due Diligence. Concerning attacks, there are plenty of
them such as Backdoor Channel Attack, Dictionary Attack, and Prefix Hijacking [8, 52].

Table 12.1 Threats faced in cloud computing.

Sr. no. Name of threat/attack Description
1. Data Loss [51] Data Loss occurs due to deletion, modification and other
software or hardware errors. The organization must
maintain proper backups of all the data to avoid such a
2. Data Breach This refers to collection of sensitive and confidential
information in an unauthorized manner. It arises
due to improper security mechanisms, unreliable
authentication, or authorization failure.
3. Shared Technology In general, these vulnerabilities are seen in multi-user
Vulnerabilities environments where different services are shared
between various users. The intruders may get control
over the virtual machines or even the host itself by
exploiting vulnerabilities in any part of the shared
framework and cause significant damage.
4. Malicious Insiders They are those trusted people in organizations who can
[42, 43] access confidential data. They may perform some
unprivileged activities to infiltrate organizational
confidential assets but showing it to be a legal activity.
5. Insecure Interfaces and This refers to those protocols and standards, in which
APIs customers connect with cloud services. The APIs should
have high standard credentials, better access mechanisms,
and active monitoring mechanisms to avoid attacks.
Cloud developers must implement strong APIs.
6. Identity Theft This takes place when the attacker acts as someone else to
collect user’s information and access the confidential
7. Abusive Use of Cloud This occurs when customers use Cloud services for
Services unethical and illegal actions. Poor Infrastructure,
high-resource provisioning, and weak registration
procedures lead to misuse. Cloud Service Providers such
as Amazon, Facebook, and Google had been used to
launch Trojans and Botnets.
ML-Based Security in Cloud Database 243

Table 12.2 Attacks faced in cloud computing.

Sr. no. Name of threat/attack Description
1. Denial-of-Service These attacks overload the system and disables the
Attacks [40] accessibility of services assigned to various users by
incorporating SYN flooding, UDP flooding, ICMP
flooding, etc. DDoS attacks are even more dangerous
among the advanced types of DoS attacks. This is
because in DDoS attacks the incoming traffic comes
from multiple sources.
2. Wrapping Attacks On a user’s request for a virtual machine, a SOAP message
gets generated. In wrapping attacks, this message gets
translated by the attacker, which then gets passed on
to the server and in this way, the attackers intrude the
services. These attacks are also considered as a good
example for Man-in-the-Middle Attack.
3. Cross Site Scripting Here, the attacker redirects a user to the attacker’s website
Attacks for accessing sensitive data.
4. Structured Query Here, the attacker manipulates standard SQL code, to get
Language Injection access to the website and gain knowledge about the
Attacks database and functionality of the website.
5. Man-in-the Middle Here, false information is injected, by the attacker, in an
Attacks ongoing conversation to access sensitive information
being shared.
6. Cookie Poisoning In these attacks, the content of the user’s cookies is
Attacks modified by the attacker for accessing unauthorized
applications and performing illegal activities.
7. Sniffer Attacks This type of attack is performed using programs that grant
permission to a host for capturing flowing packets in the
Ethernet network. The attackers insert malicious code
into the host’s Network Interface Card (NIC) in order to
launch this attack.
8. Malware Attacks Here, the attacker installs a malicious software in the
[41, 44] user’s device without taking permission. Through
that software, the attacker accesses the user’s personal
information. Different types of malware are viruses,
spyware, ransomware, and trojan horses.
9. Crypto Jacking Crypto jacking emerged intensively last year because of
the popularity cryptocurrency was getting. The attackers
use the resources of a particular user for processing
cryptocurrency transactions, simply inserting a crypto
mining script in the servers.
244 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Although security attacks are not only found in the cloud but all these attacks lead to the
fact that a robust detection system is highly essential. The technology has a composite and
dynamic nature and for this reason, it requires more than the traditional security.

12.3 Dataset Description

Intrusion detection systems are of great importance for securing the cloud environment.
A number of researchers and developers have proposed several security systems using
different ML algorithms. To understand and inspect the performance of the proposed
methodologies for the detection of intrusions, a comprehensive dataset is required. In
this literature, we analyze those intrusion detection systems whose performance and
efficiency were evaluated using the following two datasets.

12.3.1 NSL-KDD Dataset

For many years, the KDDCup99 dataset has served as a benchmark dataset for performance
evaluation, but it suffers from some disadvantages. The NSL-KDD dataset suggested by
Travallaee et al. [13] was better than KDDCup99. This dataset overcomes most of the dis-
advantages of KDDCup99 dataset, as stated below:

• In order to avoid biased behavior toward frequent records and improve the
performance for detection, all the redundant and duplicate records were
removed from the dataset.
• The dataset holds a reasonable number of train and test records that helped
the experiments to run easily without randomly selecting some portion from
the records.

The dataset has 125,973 train data instances and 22,544 test data instances. Each record
is composed of 41 features, among which 3 are non-numeric attributes and rest are numeric
ones. With respect to attacks, there are about 24 different types in the train set and addi-
tional 14 in the test set. However, it has certain problems as discussed in McHugh [14].
The major disadvantage is its failure in representation of the modern low footprint attack
scenarios. Looking at the nature of the security domain a real-world security dataset is quite
difficult to obtain, but this dataset has been widely used since proposed, despite having
some issues, for anomaly detection research [15].

12.3.2 UNSW-NB15 Dataset

The NSL-KDD and KDDCup 99 have been widely used for evaluating purposes but these
evaluations do not support the real output due to several reasons. According to Moustafa
et al. [16], the existing benchmark datasets are unable to represent the modern developing
network traffic and attacks comprehensively. Countering this challenge, they proposed the
UNSW-NB15 dataset for understanding the efficiency of various detection systems. The
ML-Based Security in Cloud Database 245

dataset contains 2.5 million records and 49 features. It is attack data can be categorized
into Fuzzers, Analysis, Backdoors, DoS, Exploits, Generic, Reconnaissance, Shellcode, and
Worms. In comparison with the dataset, the existing benchmark datasets had less attacks
and information on outdated packets.

12.4 Machine Learning for Cloud Security

ML has grown as the most important technology of the present world and will remain to
be in the future as well. It concentrates on understanding various patterns and structures
that are related to the data available and then makes decisions based on them which are
sometimes not even possible to make by humans. With its various methods, ML has put a
significant impact on various fields like Data Science, Virtual Platforms, and Medical sec-
tor. Since the past few decades, ML has also attracted several researchers and developers
for using it in developing secure cloud environments. The following subdivisions briefly
discuss different Supervised, Unsupervised, and Hybrid techniques under ML used for
securing cloud environments.

12.4.1 Supervised Learning Techniques

Supervised learning techniques are those ML techniques that require a labeled dataset. The
train and test data deployed here must be allocated to a correct label: normal or attack data
instances [17]. The detection systems based on Supervised techniques [18] are generally
signature-based detection systems. Although having significant labels in a dataset is a chal-
lenging task as the dataset can have noise that leads to high false alarm rates. Following are
some Supervised techniques introduced for developing intrusion detection systems in past
few years. Support Vector Machine

This is a strong learning method used to build several practical projects, for example, recog-
nizing patterns, classifying text and images, handwriting recognition, bioinformatics analy-
sis, and many more. It supports both multi-class and binary classifications [19].
Pervez et al. [19] applied this classifier on the NSL-KDD dataset. Their motive was
to increase the strength of intrusion classification using reduced feature sets from the
training data. For this, they proposed a feature selection algorithm that initially built
the classifier with all the features from the train set then permanently removed features
one by one, after comparing the accuracies of the initial set and the set without that
particular feature. In this way, a proper set of input features was selected. After feature
selection, SVM classifier was implemented on the dataset with selected features, 10-fold
cross-validated train set, and test set, respectively. Results showed that the highest classi-
fication accuracy achieved was 99% with 41 and 36 features, respectively. They suggested
the use of other learning classifiers along with SVM to get even better detection rates for
minority class instances.
Jing et al. [20] proposed a non-linear scaling approach with SVM classifier for classifica-
tion. To evaluate this approach, the UNSW-NB15 dataset was utilized. They used 257,673
246 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

instances of the dataset, among which 175,341 instances were for training and 82,332
instances were for testing. This scaling method was independent of the data values, unlike
the minmax normalization and that came up as an advantage because the data of UNSW had
several dissimilarities among each other.

hx ′ = log 10 ( x ) (12.1)

Equation (12.1) shows the log function used for scaling. In this model, Kernel functions
helped in mapping low and high dimensional space. Among different kernel functions, RBF
kernel got the best overall performance in terms of time and accuracy.

K(xm, xn) = exp(γ||xm – xn||2) (12.2)

The expression in Equation (12.2) is used in RBF Kernel. After scaling and preprocess-
ing, the model was implemented. For binary classification, the approach got 97.10% of
accuracy for the train set and 85.99% of accuracy for the test set. For multi-class classi-
fication, the approach got 83.59% accuracy for the train set, and 75.77% accuracy for the
test set. The detection rate for generic instances was the best but not that good for nor-
mal instances. With respect to false positive rate, worms, generic, and backdoor got better
results. However, these fluctuant values were because of imbalanced distribution of classes
in the dataset. The weighted average detection rate was 50.9% and false positive rate was
3.0%. The authors also compared this method with different detection classifiers and found
that the approach got effective results for anomaly detection.
Wang et al. [21] proposed another effective approach using Stacked Contractive
Autoencoder (SCAE) method with SVM classifier. They considered two datasets KDDCup99
and NSL-KDD datasets for performance evaluation. At first, the SCAE model was designed
which included several hidden layers for encoding and decoding.

Encoding: xa = p(waxa−1 + ba) (12.3)

Decoding: za−1 = q(w ′aza + b ′a)a = 1,…,h (12.4)

The encoding and decoding processes were expressed using Equations (12.3) and (12.4)
where p and q represented functions for activation, w and w’ were the weight matrices, b
and b’ determined the bias values, and h was the count of hidden layers. The mapping of h-th
order features was allowed layer-wise for reconstruction of z0 by considering, xh = zh. The a-th
encoder was represented by θa = {wa, ba} and decoder was represented by θ ′a = {w ′a, b ′a}.

∑ ∑ ( L(x )
h d 2
( j ,a −1)
JM = , qθ a( pθ a( x ( j ,a−1) ))) + λ a J p ( x ( j ,a−1) F
a =1 j =1

The maximization function of SCAE was expressed using Equation (12.5) where λ was
the coefficient for penalty and J p ( x ) F was the square of Jacobian matrix’s Frobenius norm.
But the objective function had some practical problems. First, it failed for deep networks
having several layers. To overcome that, the greedy layer-wise strategy was followed that
ML-Based Security in Cloud Database 247

divided the learning process into basic CAEs and then stacked them into deep neural net-
works after training separately. Second was higher values of penalty term than the recon-
struction error. To tackle that, smaller values for λ were used.

∑ 1

d d
Ja = ( x ( j ,a−1) − z ( j ,a−1) )2 + λ a
d j =1 j =1

 l ∑ ( x (1 − x )) × l l ∑
1 ln 1
( j ,a ) ( j ,a )
2 la −1 2
k k wika 
n k =1 a a −1 i =1 

The function for each CAE network was represented by Equation (12.6) where la,la−1
represented dimensions of a−1th and ath layer features. λa was the penalty coefficient of
the ath CAE network whose value was set less but order of magnitude was the same as
that of reconstruction error. Now, training was done. At first, the unsupervised greedy
layer-wise approach trained a number of basic CAEs. Then, each basic CAE was unrolled
and a deep CAE network (SCAE) was constructed. Finally, fine-tuning was performed
using multiclass cross-entropy loss function. In this way, an optimal model was deduced.
For evaluating with NSL-KDD dataset, the SCAE structure had three layers having 28,
16, and 8 features, respectively. In this way, essential features were generated and fur-
ther used for classification. However, SCAE was weaker to do classification and for this
SVM classifier was used. The SDN technology was used to develop the detection system.
For implementation with NSL-KDD dataset, five models were created and the highest
accuracy reached was 87.33%. Again, with KDDCup99, 98.11% accuracy was gained for
binary classification and 97.87% accuracy was gained for multi-class classification. The
authors concluded that the combination of SVM and deep learning methods was much
more effective than the shallow SVM alone. Artificial Neural Network

It is an approach in which several interlinked nodes, also called neurons, are used for pro-
cessing the data. Ingre et al. [22] applied this method for classification purposes using NSL-
KDD dataset. Before proceeding, data preprocessing, feature selection, and normalization
were performed to get better results. For data preprocessing, all the non-numeric attributes
were converted into numeric inputs. Then, among the 41 features of NSL-KDD, 29 features
were selected using Information Gain attribute evaluation, Gain ratio attribute evaluation,
and Correlation attribute evaluation algorithms. Finally, the dataset was normalized using
the Z-score algorithm.

x (i ) − µ( X )
x (i ) = (12.7)
σ (X )
The Z-score algorithm was denoted by Equation (12.7), where X determines the attri-
bute, x(i) was the ith value of X, µ, and σ were mean and standard deviation, respectively.
For the training process, tansig transfer function, Levenberg Marquardt (LM), and BFGS
quasi-newton backpropagation algorithms were used to change the values for weight and
bias. Since the dataset had unequal distribution of patterns among different classes, R2L
248 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

and U2R had low patterns. For equality and better training speed, 18,718 patterns were cho-
sen. Most of them were chosen from normal, DoS, and probe classes. On implementation,
results showed that for the train set, binary classification got the best accuracy of 99.3% with
LM, whereas five-class classification got the best accuracy of 98.9% with BFGS. While for
the test set, binary classification (with feature reduction) got 81.2% and five-class classifi-
cation (without feature reduction) got 79.9% accuracy. In comparison with other reputed
techniques, the approach got better binary classification accuracy. Although the detection
rate and accuracy were much better, the false positive rate was considerably higher which
may affect the utilization of the proposed method in future.
Aboueata et al. [23] explored the applicability of ANN and SVM classifier for detection
of intruders. The performances of both algorithms were assessed using the UNSW-NB15
dataset. The train set of UNSW was utilized for training the algorithms using different
parameters. The validation set incorporated 80% of the test set of UNSW and was utilized
in optimizing the algorithm parameters. The remaining data was deployed for performance
assessment of trained models. However, training of both the algorithms could be time con-
suming, especially for a large dataset. For this, at first feature categorization was applied and
five different sets of training parameters were created, basic, content, time, general, and con-
nection. Then, feature selection methods, ChiX2 and Principal Component Analysis (PCA),
were applied for generating relevant features. After feature selection, parameter tuning was
also performed. The parameters for SVM were kernel function and penalty-C coefficient
(pC) and that for ANN were activation and optimization functions, count of layers and neu-
rons. On implementation of SVM, the general category with sigmoid kernel function and
pC as 20, got the best outcome having an accuracy of 92%, precision rate of 92%, and recall
of 92%. In the case of ANN, model generation required three phases. First phase was ini-
tialization of weights (W) and bias (b) values. A random matrix Wr with dimension J × K,
where J and K represented neurons of present and previous layers, respectively, was used for
initialization of weights of the layers [Equation (12.8)].

W[L] = Wr × (12.8)

Second phase was forward propagation. Here, the values for input X were modified using
weight and bias values via Equation (12.9).

Y = W(l)X + b(l) (12.9)

Then, a simple ReLU activation function [Equation (12.10)] was applied for output gen-
eration of each hidden layer and sigmoidal function [Equation (12.11)] was utilized for the
output layer.

relu(Y) = M(0, Y) (12.10)

sigmoid(Y ) = (12.11)
1 + e −Y
ML-Based Security in Cloud Database 249


C .E = − (T (r )logt (r ) ) × ((1 − T (r ) )(1 − logt (r ) )) (12.12)
m r =0

Finally, a cross-entropy loss function was used for calculation of model evaluation cost.
It was represented using Equation (12.12), where t(r) denoted training sample r’s prediction
and T was the true label of training sample r. The third phase was backward propagation.
The weights and biases values were updated on account of the prediction errors calculated
earlier. To tackle over-fitting, regularization was used and on parameter tuning, it was found
that Adam optimization, ReLU activation function, 5 layers, and 25 neurons outperformed.
Finally, on implementation of ANN, results showed the general category got best results
again with accuracy of 91%, precision rate of 93%, and recall of 92%. Comparatively, the
authors concluded that the ANN model performed slightly better than SVM. However, both
algorithms effectively maximized the accuracy of classification. Deep Learning

With the continual progress of ML, its subset Deep Learning has also developed expedi-
tiously [47]. The approach is designed to learn better feature representations from a number
of unlabeled data and then apply those learned features to the classification. It can effectively
detect intrusions and classify them using its high dimensionality and complex features.
Zhang et al. [24] proposed an approach which learnt features of the data and also adjusted
itself according to previous undefined attacks. For evaluation, the NSL-KDD dataset was
utilized. The authors used the encoder of Autoencoder, a popular technology, and an unsu-
pervised approach of neural networks for learning and extracting features. Then, for classifi-
cation, soft-max regression was employed. After preprocessing, the dataset consisted of 122
features including 3 protocol types, 70 services, and 11 flags. Then, the dataset was normal-
ized to the range of [0, 1] with max-min operation. Now, the processed data was deployed as
input to the encoder. For activation, ReLU function [Equation (12.10)] was used.

kW,b = f(Wx + b) (12.13)

The nodes in hidden and output layers were calculated using Equation (12.13) where k
determines a nonlinear function with parameter weight (W) and bias (b). The cost function
[Equation (12.14)] minimized the reconstruction error in learning process and learnt an
output X− similar to X.


m 2
C= x j − x −j (12.14)
2m j =1

Although this neural network benefitted compression coding and feature learning in
an unsupervised form, it also constructs a simple model for faster prediction of abnormal
traffic. With encoder compression feature technique, the input of 122 features was reduced
to only 5. After which the SoftMax layer classified the data and finally the output layer
received the results. Though the accuracy evaluated the practicability of the model, due to
the unbalanced sample data, precision, recall, and f1 score were also added which eventually
250 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

represented the generalization ability of the model. For multi-class classification, the model
got an accuracy of 79.74%. This was not that poor but the individual rates for R2L and U2R
attacks were low which influenced the overall accuracy. The authors suggested modifying
and adding other classifiers to refine the detection accuracy rate and considering the prob-
lem of real-time detections as future works.
Zhiqiang et al. [25] proposed another deep learning approach based on Feed Forward
network, Back propagation, and Stochastic gradient. For evaluation, the UNSW dataset
was utilized. The deep learning classifier was trained using the entire dataset. The perfor-
mance parameters were computed using three experiments. The first experiment looked
for a suitable activation function. Then, in the next experiment, that activation function
was deployed for identification of key attributes using the Gedeon method. Finally, the last
one was understanding the unseen data, developed using the dataset, in accordance with
the findings from the previous two experiments. The proposed model had 10 hidden lay-
ers with hundred neurons. On implementation, 99.5% accuracy was achieved. For future
works, the authors recommended self-taught learning systems for reducing dimension and
lower the false alarm rates.
Yin et al. [26] proposed yet another interesting deep learning classifier based on recur-
rent networks and for performance evaluation, NSL-KDD dataset was used. The recurrent
networks introduced directional loops that memorized previous information and applied
them to current output. These loops differed them from traditional Feed Forward networks.
xk − m
xk = (12.15)
M −m
After converting all the non-numeric values into numeric ones, the dataset was nor-
malized using a logarithmic scaling method as represented by Equation (12.15), where m
denotes minimum value and M indicates maximum value for each feature (xk). The training
of the model was performed in two stages. First, forward propagation computed the output
values, and then back propagation passed the collected residuals to update the weights. On
implementation, this approach got 99.81% accuracy with the train set and 68.55% accuracy
with the test set for binary classification, on the other hand, for multi-class classification,
the model got 99.53% accuracy with the train set and 64.67% accuracy with the test set.
When compared with orthodox classifiers the proposed model obtained much higher accu-
racy and relatively less false alarm rate, especially for multiclass classification. Although
the model effectively improved accuracy for intrusion detection and recognition ability,
the training time was high, and for that, the authors advised the use of GPU acceleration.
They also recommended for avoiding exploding and vanishing gradients and use of the
Bidirectional RNNs algorithm for intrusion detection. Random Forest

An ensemble classifier, used to obtain better predictive performance, Random forest method
consists of several decision trees. In terms of classification error, the classifier is better than
other traditional classification algorithms [44].
Choudhury et al. [27] compared various classification techniques and learning algo-
rithms using WEKA tools. Among different classifiers present, nine befitting classifiers,
BayesNet, Logistic, IBK, J48, PART, JRip, Random tree, Random forest, and REPTree were
ML-Based Security in Cloud Database 251

selected. The NSL-KDD dataset was utilized for evaluation purposes. Results showed that
IBK and Random forest had the highest true positive rate (88.68%), whereas REPTree had
the lowest true positive rate (79.78%). In case of true negative rate, BayesNet got the high-
est rate (96.18%) and Logistic got the lowest rate (82.2%). For accuracy, Random forest
got the best figures, 91.52%. The authors concluded that Logistic was the worst classifier
and Random forest was optimal. Finally, the authors suggested utilizing these algorithms
for constructing an efficient intrusion detection system for security purposes in various
Salman et al. [28] investigated both identification and classification of anomalies using
Random forest and Linear regression approaches. They utilized the UNSW dataset for per-
formance evaluation. Among the attacks of dataset, Fuzzer attack was excluded due to its
scarcity in multi-cloud environments. For feature selection, the best-fit feature selection
technique was deployed which showed that the optimal performance could be reached using
Linear regression with 18 features, and using Random forest with only 11 features. After
feature selection, the models were constructed and implemented on the dataset. Results of
evaluation showed that the detection error rate was 1% for Random forest, whereas 4.5% for
Linear regression. Indeed, Random forest had the best figures for detection of anomalies.
The authors also introduced the Step-wise attack categorization method for classification
of data into different attack categories. Both classic and proposed categorization methods
were compared and results showed that the accuracy for classic categorization was 80%
and that of proposed one was 93.35%. However, for DoS, analysis, and backdoor attacks,
the accuracy was less because of feature similarities and unbalanced data. At the end, the
authors commented that although the higher detection rate may not lead to higher classi-
fication rate.
With respect to Supervised ML techniques (Table 12.3), we found the Deep Learning
approach with the best detection rates.

12.4.2 Unsupervised Learning Techniques

Unsupervised Learning Techniques are those ML techniques that do not require a labeled
dataset [17]. The detection systems based on these techniques are generally not signature
based but more anomaly based or behavior based. Although it overcomes the drawback of
supervised techniques to some extent, the percentage of false positive rates remains high.
The following are some Unsupervised techniques introduced for developing intrusion
detection systems in past few years.

Table 12.3 Supervised learning techniques with the highest accuracy.

Sr. no. Method name Dataset used Highest accuracy reached
1 Support Vector Machine [19–21] NSL-KDD 99
2 Artificial Neural Network [22, 23] NSL-KDD 81.2
3 Deep Learning [24–26] NSL-KDD 99.81
4 Random Forest [27, 28] UNSW-NB 15 99
252 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security K-Means Clustering

This clustering approach is among the most popular unsupervised techniques. It has the
ability to handle high volumes of data [31]. It classifies a given dataset using a couple of
clusters based on some predefined conditions.
Verma et al. [29] proposed an intrusion detection model using classification algo-
rithms and clustering. They compared the XGBoost and AdaBoost algorithms with and
without clustering and computed their performance using the NSL-KDD dataset. The
AdaBoost algorithm, introduced in 1996, transforms weak classifiers into strong ones.

c( x ) = sign  θ j w j ( x ) (12.16)
 j =1 

Equation (12.16) represented the classification equation for AdaBoost, where wj stands
for jth weak classifier, θj for corresponding weighs, and M indicates the total number of
weak classifiers. On the other hand, XGBoost accepts multiple forms of input data and is
also optimized for sparse input.

∂ L( y , w ( j −1) ( x ) + w j ( x ))
=0 (12.17)
∂w j ( x )

The algorithm determines the steps directly by solving Equation (12.17), where L
indicates the loss function. Before proceeding for evaluation, the dataset was prepro-
cessed. This preprocessing included removal of redundant records, factorization and one
hot encoding, and feature scaling and finding of optimal number of clusters. Thereafter,
algorithms were trained using the train set and assessed using the test set. In the first
approach, XGBoost with its default parameters (100 estimators, maximum depth = 3,
regularization alpha = 0, and lambda = 1) and AdaBoost with decision tree classifier as
base estimator and 50 other estimators were assessed. Then, the CFS subset selection
algorithm was used to choose a subset of the dataset and re-evaluate the algorithms, but
accuracy had no improvement. In the second approach, classifiers were trained for differ-
ent clusters of data points. Then, prediction was made for data points, from the test set,
about the cluster in which they were located and the corresponding classifier was selected
to classify the data points. The Grid search helped in tuning the parameters of classifiers.
Finally, the results were compared. On the train set, the XGBoost and AdaBoost algo-
rithms got the accuracy of 99.70% and 90.39%, respectively, without k-means clustering,
whereas the accuracy of 99.86% and 99.84%, respectively, was achieved with k-means
clustering. On the test set, the XGBoost and AdaBoost algorithms got the accuracy of
80.24% and 80.73%, respectively, without k-means clustering, whereas the accuracy of
84.25% and 82.01%, respectively, was achieved with k-means clustering. The authors sug-
gested improvement of the same model using hybrid approach, incorporating different
classifiers as future works.
ML-Based Security in Cloud Database 253 Fuzzy C-Means Clustering

This clustering method is also considered as a mining algorithm. In this approach, all
records are divided into different clusters based on some membership grade measured as
degrees within the range 0 and 1 [30].
Bhattacharjee et al. [30] compared two algorithms, Fuzzy C-Means and K-Means clus-
tering using the NSL-KDD dataset. The K-Means clustering, implemented over 20% dataset
and 42 features, got the accuracy of 99.90% in the fourth iteration of the first cluster and
other three clusters had comparatively much less accuracy. Thereafter, the same algorithm
was again evaluated, but now with 28 features and an accuracy of 44.72% was achieved
without biasing a particular cluster. After this observation, the Fuzzy C-Means clustering
was assessed.

∑ ∑
JF = v mpq ⋅ d( x p , yq )2 (12.18)
p =1 q =1

The objective function for this clustering is given by Equation (12.18), where P repre-
sented connections, Q represented clusters, vpq determines the degree of membership (0 ≤
vpq ≤ 1) of a connection xp to qth cluster center, and yq determines the center of qth cluster.

v pq = 2
 d( x p , yq ) 

(m −1)
L =1 d ( x p , y q ) 

 

v mpq x p
p =1
yq = (12.20)

v mpq
p =1

The objective function was iterated over using different values of vpq, computed using
Equation (12.19) and yq, computed using Equation (12.20), to generate the cluster center
matrix and fuzzy partition matrix. The iteration was continued until ||vl+1 – vl|| < ξ was
satisfied where 0 ≤ ξ ≤ 1. Now, on implementing this clustering with the same amount of
dataset and 42 features, accuracy of 45.93% was achieved. Again, the same algorithm was
assessed with 28 features and accuracy of 45.95% was achieved. Hence, Fuzzy C-Means
clustering got a comparatively higher accuracy for attack detection than K-Means clus-
tering. The authors recommended using hybrid variants of Fuzzy C-Means clustering in
intrusion detection systems for attack detection. Expectation-Maximization Clustering

Expectation-Maximization clustering algorithm is a clustering technique where the parame-
ter values are randomly initialized. The Expectation step allocates values to the hidden vari-
ables and the Maximization step computes the parameters based on fully observed data [31].
Sangve et al. [31] proposed a new approach using the multi-start metaheuristics method and
254 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

enhanced clustering algorithms for intrusion detection. They compared K-Means clustering
with Expectation-Maximization clustering utilizing the NSL-KDD dataset.

T − uT
TN = ,σT ≠ 0 (12.21)
TN = T – uT, σT = 0 (12.22)

In the first stage, preprocessing was performed and then normalization of train set was
done using the Equations (12.21) and (12.22), where T represented attributes of the train
set, and u and σ were mean and standard deviation, respectively. The test set was also
normalized using the same Equations (12.21) and (12.22) but the only difference here was
the use of test set attributes. In the second stage, clustering algorithms reduced the train-
ing dataset into clusters for decreasing processing and time complexity. After the division
into clusters, detector generation was done using metaheuristic algorithms. A number of
initial start points were selected from the clustered dataset using multi-start strategy and
distributed over clusters for generating a hyper-sphere shape. Then, detector radius Dr =
{r ∈ Dr | 0 < r ≤ hru} was calculated where hru was the upper bound of the radius of the

F(Di) = Nabnrml(di) − Nnrml(di) (12.23)

Equation (12.23) represented the objective function for controlling detector generation
process, where Nabnrml(di) determines those samples, covered by detector di, which were
abnormal and Nnrml(di) determines those samples, covered by detector di which were nor-
mal. For the optimization purpose of detector radius, the Genetic Algorithm was deployed
that focused on non-overlapping of hyper-sphere detectors. It generated various random
patterns and compared them with self-defined patterns; if any of them got matched with the
self-defined pattern, then they were not considered as detector patterns.

F(ri) = Nabnrml(ri) − Nnrml(ri) (12.24)

The fitness function, given by Equation (12.24), was used to optimize the detector
radius, where Nabnrml(ri) represented the hyper-sphere radius for those samples that were
abnormal and Nnrml(ri) represented the hyper-sphere radius for those samples that were
normal. Finally, on evaluation, the Expectation-Maximization clustering got 98.28%
detection accuracy and false positive rate of 0.0041, whereas K-Means got 95.18% detec-
tion accuracy and around 0.0052 false positive rate. Comparatively, detector generation
time was also less in Expectation-Maximization with respect to that in K-Means. Hence,
the Expectation-Maximization clustering performed better than K-Means clustering
algorithm. Cuckoo Search With Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)

Ghosh et al. [32] proposed an efficient approach using Cuckoo search with PSO. They used
the NSL-KDD dataset for evaluation purposes. Initially, feature selection was done on the
ML-Based Security in Cloud Database 255

preprocessed and normalized dataset. For this, N data points were selected from the dataset
and then the objective function and fitness values were computed for all the data points.
Along with the individual best values (pbest), best values produced by the group (gbest)
were also checked using particle swarm optimization technique which represented a good
example of exploitation concept.

x kpq+1 = x kpq + s pq × α × L(λ ) (12.25)

 π ×λ
 Γ (1 + λ ) × sin  2   1
L(λ ) =  (12.26)
1+ λ  λ −1  λ
Γ ×λ×s 
  2  2 

s pq = x kpq − x kfq (12.27)

Setting the limit for iterations (1 ≤ λ ≤ 3), nest positions were searched using cuckoo
search given by Equation (12.25), and levy flight technique [L(λ)] given by Equation (12.26).
Here, size, given by Equation (12.27), was the step size associated with problems of interest.
If size was large, then a far location was obtained, and if size was small, then a close location
was obtained. The cuckoo search used with levy flight technique represented a good exam-
ple of exploration concept. After this, the objective function and fitness values were again
calculated for all data points.

 0.45 × fit p   0.45 × fit p 

probp =  + + 0.1 (12.28)
 pbest p   gbest p 

Now, for each egg, a probability to be found by the host bird was computed using Equation
(12.28), where fitp was the value for fitness. For checking, whether the egg was recognized,
σ was generated. If probp value for an egg was lower than the value of σ, then that particular
egg was considered to be recognized by the host bird.

Vpqk+1 = Vpqk + c1r1 ( x pbest pq − x pq ) + c2r2 ( x gbest pq − x pq ) (12.29)

newi = x kpq + Vpqk+1 (12.30)

For each new egg, a new nest position was explored using Equations (12.29) and (12.30).
These new nest positions (newi) were added to the set of data points. Then, objective and fit-
ness functions were again calculated. Now, the fitness values were sorted in descending order
and among them, the first N number of points was selected for the next generation. After
some iterations, the feature subset with best fitness values was considered to be the most rel-
evant set of features. The proposed algorithm effectively solved the trade compromisation
between exploitation and exploration. Feature Selection from a high-­dimensional dataset
benefitted in reducing training time, memory storage and even boosted the proficiency of
the system. Now, the accuracy of three classifiers, Logistic, AdaBoost, and Random forest,
was compared. Results showed that Logistic got accuracy of 75.5%, AdaBoost got accuracy
256 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Table 12.4 Unsupervised learning techniques with the highest accuracy.

Sr. no. Method name Dataset used Highest accuracy reached
1 K-Means Clustering [29] NSL-KDD 99.86
2 Fuzzy C-Means Clustering [30] NSL-KDD 45.95 (over 28 features)
3 Expectation-Maximization Clustering NSL-KDD 98.28
4 CS-PSO [32] NSL-KDD 75.5

of 75.2%, and Random forest got accuracy of 75.3%. Hence, the two nature-inspired
approaches together formed an effective system for attack detection in cloud environments.
In the case of Unsupervised ML techniques (Table 12.4), we found the K-Means Clustering
Algorithm with the best detection rates.

12.4.3 Hybrid Learning Techniques

Hybrid Learning Techniques are the combination of multiple ML methods. They hold the
advantages of Supervised and Unsupervised learning [17]. However, these techniques also
have less detection and high false alarm rates. The following are the Hybrid approaches
introduced for developing intrusion detection systems. HIDCC: Hybrid Intrusion Detection Approach in Cloud Computing

Hatef et al. [33] proposed HIDCC which comprehensively and accurately detected intru-
sions. They performed their approach in four phases and evaluated the approach using
the NSL-KDD dataset. In the first phase, the Snort tool was applied to prevent the known
attacks. This phase compared the data packets with predefined signatures and patterns, kept
the attack log, and generated warnings for every known attack. The second phase trapped
those attacks that were not detected in the first phase. Here, at first, the Information Gain
mechanism was used for selecting that feature which had the highest Information Gain
value. For a feature, Information Gain meant the entropy reduction value generated by
separating data on the basis of that feature.

IG = E(d) − Eexp (12.31)

E(d ) = − ( P )m × log ((2 P )m ) (12.32)
m =1

∑  |ds | 
Eexp (d ) = × E(ds ) (12.33)
s =1 
 |d| 

The Information Gain was computed using Equation (12.31). The entropy and expected
entropy were calculated using Equations (12.32) and (12.33), where r determined classification
ML-Based Security in Cloud Database 257

classes, P was the packet weighted frequency, k represented different values for a feature, d was
the train set, and ds was the subset of d. After selecting the feature with best value, C4.5 algo-
rithm was applied to classify the packets.

∑  |ds |   |d | 
E f (d ) = −   × log 2  s  (12.34)
s =1  |d|   |d| 
IG( F )
IGr ( F ) = (12.35)
E f (F )

The algorithm computed the Information Gain ratio, given by Equation (12.35) where
Split Entropy was computed using Equation (12.34), for all features then selected that
feature which had the highest Information Gain ratio. Now, using the selected feature, the
train set was divided into subsets. In this way, the algorithm constructed a decision tree
from the train set and classified the packets that remained undetected in the first phase.
For the known packets, a simple warning was generated but the unknown ones were
passed to the next phases. However, in case of higher unknown instances, the decision
tree may get higher branches which may lead to overfitting problem, ultimately reduc-
ing the accuracy for the algorithm. In the third phase, the patterns of unknown one was
updated in the known attacks database, so that in future, the Snort immediately detects
it and prevents it from entering. This indeed increased the speed of detection and even
reduced the number of iterations for the second phase. Finally, the fourth phase updated
the derived attack database with derived attack patterns generated from that unknown
attack. The approach was implemented and compared with seven other methods. The
approach got the highest efficiency (up to 25%), least false positive rate, precision rate
over 99% which was an acceptable one, highest accuracy rate (up to 15%), and 0.01 to
0.14 higher values of F-Score than other methods. It proved to be one of the robust solu-
tions for the security of cloud systems. Clustering-Based Hybrid Model in Deep Learning Framework

Tao et al. [34] presented an approach applying K-Means clustering, deep networks,
and SVM classifier. To assess the method, six datasets were randomly generated from
KDDCup’99 and NSL-KDD datasets. Initially, the training sets were divided into a num-
ber of subsets. After division, the center points were calculated for each subset and then
the deep networks were trained using them. This aided in getting information about dif-
ferent characteristics of the subsets or precisely clusters. Now, the k-means algorithm
divided the testing sets using the center points calculated earlier. The subsets generated
were used with the trained deep networks for attack type detection. Every deep network
had the SVM classifier as the top layer. The approach efficiently improved detection rates
and accuracy. When compared with four other methods (SVM, BPNN, DBN-SVM, and
BAYES), the proposed one got the best results for attack detection and classification. The
algorithm also efficiently classified U2R and R2L types of attacks, whose instances were
quite low. Despite having good efficiency, the SVM parameters optimized by heuristic
algorithms and deep network parameters such as weight and threshold turned out to be
the drawbacks of the approach.
258 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security K-Nearest Neighbor–Based Fuzzy C-Means Mechanism

Ghosh et al. [35] introduced an intrusion detection method using Penalty Reward-Based
Fuzzy C-Means clustering (PRFCM) and modified K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) algo-
rithm. They utilized NSL-KDD dataset to assess the approach. Initially, non-numeric
data of the dataset was converted into numeric data. Then, the dataset was normalized
using min-max normalization. The Fuzzy C-Means clustering has a disadvantage of being
responsive to noise, due to which it stucks at local optimal values. In the training phase,
PRFCM was implemented to overcome the limitation of simple Fuzzy C-Means cluster-
ing. It efficiently handled noise by tuning the coefficient values of penalty and reward

J = JF + Jpe − JRe (12.36)

∑ ∑ ∑
J Pe = W ⋅ v mpq ⋅ v kq ⋅ ln α q (12.37)
k =1 p =1 q =1

∑ ∑ ∑
J Re = W ⋅ v mpq ⋅ (1 − v kq ) ⋅ ln(1 − α q ) (12.38)
k =1 p =1 q =1

The objective function for PRFCM was given by Equation (12.36), where JF was the
objective function for Fuzzy C-Means clustering, given by Equation (12.18), JPe and JRe
were the objective function with penalty and reward parameters added, respectively,
given by Equations (12.37) and (12.38). J was optimized by iterating the function over
different values of membership and cluster center. The membership values were updated
using Equation (12.39), where L was the collection of labels for different classes into
which a connection could be classified and the center of every cluster was updated using
Equation (12.20).

 d( x , y )2 + W
∑ (1 − v kq ) ⋅ ln(1 − α q ) 
v kq ⋅ lnaq − w ( m −1)

v pq =  p q k =1 k =1 

∑ d(x , y ) + w∑ −W∑ (1 − v kL ) ⋅ ln(1 − α L ) 

v kL ⋅ lnα L ( m −1)
L =1
p L
k =1 k =1 

For penalizing (JPe) or rewarding (JRe) a connection, KNN connections were used where
K was calculated experimentally. The accuracy of the algorithm increased with rising
values of K but after a certain limit accuracy started to decline. The algorithm was again
tested on different values for the bias constant W (between 0 and 1) but the result was
similar to that of K values. This showed clearly that if only K neighbors were considered
then the result may become biased resulting in less accuracy and for this reason, only a
part of impact was taken into account. The variable αq in Equation (12.37) and (12.38)
was the fraction of membership values of qth cluster by that of other clusters. This was
repeated until the objective function reduced or reached a convergence. After PRFCM
clustering, every connection of the cluster was assigned with a final membership value
which signifies only its decision.
ML-Based Security in Cloud Database 259


S( x p ) = C( x p , x k ) (12.40)
K k =1

A strength term, given by Equation (12.40), was also introduced to every connection
in the train set that determined trustworthiness. In the strength term, C(xp, xk) signifies
a function which returns 1 when both xp, xk belong to the same class otherwise returns
0. Finally, the training phase ended with generation of a collection of rules R using the
strength and membership values assigned. In the testing phase, an updated version of
KNN algorithm was implemented that generated the collection of best rules R' from R,
considering the closest rules to that of the incoming connection and then assigned the
weights in R’, on the basis of distance, from the incoming connection. For more distance,
the incoming connection had low influence, but for less distance, that connection had
high influence.

d( x far , ic ) − d( x p , ic )
wp = (12.41)
d( x far , ic ) − d( xne , ic )

The weight for a connection was calculated using Equation (12.41), where xfar deter-
mines the farthest rule from incoming connection (ic), xne determines the nearest rule,
and d(xp, ic) determines the Euclidean distance measure between xp connection and ic.
Along with the weight, strength of each connection was also incorporated to generate the
effective weight.

v pq
δ pq = (12.42)

v pL
L =1

After effective weight, a confidence value (δpq), given by Equation (12.42), was also gen-
erated, proportional to membership value, for each connection. Finally, the best rule set R’,
effective weights and confidence values were used as evidence in Dempster-Shafer rule for
attack and normal hypothesis. In this rule, Basic Probability Assignment (BPA), for all the
evidence in R’, was calculated to provide mass to each element in the power set, and after that,
three basic evidential functions, Belief, Plausibility, and Uncertainty, were also obtained [35].

m( L ′ )
ρ( L p ) = m( L p ) + (12.43)

Finally, the pignistic probability function, given by Equation (12.43), was computed,
where m(L ′) determines the mass assigned to the frame. Each incoming connection was
allocated to a class based on best values of pignistic function. Thereby, the incoming con-
nections were classified into normal or attack classes in the testing phase successfully. The
proposed approach was assessed in two parts. At first, it was analyzed using fixed values of
K and W. Then, the accuracy was computed. The proposed clustering method got 88.33%
accuracy, whereas on implementing the Fuzzy C-Means clustering, 82.65% accuracy was
260 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

achieved. Therefore, the authors stated that the novel approach generated an efficient and
reliable intrusion detection system. K-Means Clustering Using Support Vector Machine

Aljamal et al. [36] proposed a method that used combined K-Means Clustering and SVM
classifiers. They considered the UNSW-NB15 dataset for performance evaluation.

∀Dk| = (12.44)
10 M

At first, preprocessing was performed then Decimal scale normalization technique,

given by Equation (12.44), was used to normalize the dataset. Thereafter, for removing the
non-contributing features, PCA was used.


N −1
Cm = (D k )(D k )T (12.45)
M −1 k =0

For reducing the dataset from N-dimensions to K-dimensions, Covariance matrix (Cm)
was computed using Equation (12.45), where Dk determined the matrix from the original
dataset and (Dk)T its transpose. Then, the Singular value decomposition function was
applied on the matrix which resulted in three more matrices, U, S, and V. Finally, from
matrix U, the first K features were taken. In this work, KNIME platform was used for
data preprocessing. About 36 features were selected after applying PCA. On evaluation
of the output features using Random forest classifier and predictor, first 25 features were
selected. The approach had two parts. The first one included K-Means clustering which
labeled the data values as normal or attack class. Before implementation, the authors
adjusted the most critical parameters: α (to select small clusters), β (to select large clus-
ters), and γ (to select sparsest clusters). Reviewing some previous works and analysis,
five models were created using K-Means with 10, 16, 32, 45, and 64 numbers of clusters,
respectively. After evaluation, the model with 64 clusters got the highest accuracy. The
second part of the system used the model with 64 clusters to train the SVM classifier for
detection of intrusions. The classifier got the accuracy of 86.7%. This could have been
better if there was no variance among the data instances of the online dataset. The perfor-
mance of the system was 77% accurate, which was pretty low compared to other intrusion
detection systems. But using the test data, the SVM model achieved an accuracy of 0.847
which was sustainable for a hybrid model. The major disadvantage was high false alarm
rates that may affect the entire system. K-Nearest Neighbor–Based Artificial Neural Network Mechanism

Ghosh et al. [37] proposed a reliable and secure intrusion detection system by collabo-
rating the Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) and Host Intrusion Detection
System (HIDS). They utilized the NSL-KDD dataset for evaluation purposes. Using the
Information Gain method on the dataset, 25 features were selected. The multi-threaded
ML-Based Security in Cloud Database 261

NIDS monitored the user requests and also processed the client’s end requests. The NIDS
model was divided into three parts. The first part was Capture and Query, where captur-
ing and receiving of inbound and outbound data packets was performed, the order of the
packets was also maintained and packets were placed into a shared queue. Then, the sec-
ond part was Analysis, where multiple threads were constantly checked for any intrusion.
In this part, at first, all the packets were classified into normal or abnormal categories
using the KNN algorithm. After that, all the abnormal packets were again subdivided into
specific attack types by Neural network algorithm. On implementation, the hybrid model
of KNN and NN classifiers got a better accuracy rate in classification (76.54%) than indi-
vidual KNN (72.49%) and NN (73.03%). Finally, the third part was the Reporting mod-
ule where the Cloud administrator was notified about any intrusion. However, another
intrusion could be faced in the hypervisor server. Those intrusions were tackled using
HIDS which monitored the hypervisor. Hence, merging of both NIDS and HIDS together
made the system more secure and reliable. For any data loss or breakdown, the concept
of restore point was also used. Thereby, a secure model was generated for attack detection
in the cloud systems. Artificial Neural Network Fused With Support Vector Machine

Omrani et al. [38] presented a hybrid approach combining ANN and SVM classifiers.
These classifiers are very expensive ML algorithms if used individually and hence they
came up with this hybrid approach. They considered NSL-KDD dataset for performance
evaluation. At first, for proper balancing of attack types some DoS and probe attacks were
removed. The dataset was divided into three sets, train, test, and validation. Finally, 1,000
instances were selected for validation and test sets randomly. After preprocessing, two
types of features were extracted, low and high. The classification results of ANN, SVM,
and the combined one along with variation and replacement of flag, service, and protocol
features were collected, and it was found that the combination of classifiers outperformed.
The authors suggested modeling the attack analysis problem of network connection as a
multi-class classification issue and recommended regression for estimating the attacks. Particle Swarm Optimization–Based Probabilistic Neural Network

Rabbani et al. [39] proposed another interesting hybrid approach based on PSO and neural
networks. They utilized the UNSW-NB15 dataset for evaluation purposes. The proposed
system was divided into two parts. First one was Data preprocessing which involved fea-
ture reduction using PCA and normalization using the min-max method. Second part was
the Recognition module where a model was created based on users’ activities, for predict-
ing whether the user was normal or malicious. The model was trained using the hybrid
approach proposed. The equal numeric values of feature vectors were provided as input to
the approach.

1  || X − X p ,q ||2 
Fp ,q ( X ) = exp  −  (12.46)
π  2σ 2
(2πσ )2
262 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Table 12.5 Hybrid Learning Techniques with the highest accuracy.

Sr. no. Method name Dataset used Highest accuracy reached
1 HIDCC [33] NSL-KDD 99.38
2 Deep Neural Network, K-Means, SVM NSL-KDD 92.1
3 PRFCM [35] NSL-KDD 88.33
4 K-Means Using SVM [36] UNSW-NB 15 77
5 KNN, ANN [37] NSL-KDD 76.54 (over 25 features)
6 ANN, SVM [38] NSL-KDD 79.71
7 PSO-PNN [39] UNSW-NB15 98

The output for each neuron, in the pattern layer of the approach, was computed using
Gaussian kernel, given by Equation (12.46), where Xp,q represented the center of kernel and
σ was the spread parameter which was optimized using PSO technique.

Gp (X ) = w pq Fpq ( X ), p (1,, P ) (12.47)
q= L

After the pattern layer, the summation layer, with the help of previously obtained den-
sities, computed the approximate class probability as given by Equation (12.47).

S(X) = argmax1spsP(Gp) (12.48)

Lastly, the output was predicted after processing all the neurons using Equation (12.48).
On implementation, the proposed approach had an overall accuracy of 98% in classifica-
tion between normal and malicious attacks, whereas 96.2% in classification of attack type.
Hence, the authors successfully designed the hybrid ML system which effectively detected
With respect to Hybrid ML techniques (Table 12.5), we found the HIDCC approach with
the best detection rates.

12.5 Comparative Analysis

Here, the various advantages and disadvantages of all the works reviewed in this literature
are discussed.
Table 12.6 discusses some advantages and disadvantages about Supervised Learning
Techniques, whereas Table 12.7 discusses Unsupervised Learning Techniques and Table
12.8 discusses Hybrid Learning Techniques. Although a number of innovative and effective
techniques were introduced in past few years, the analysis demonstrates that there are still
some loopholes in the proposed systems which may harm the cloud environment and open
it to both conventional and unconventional attacks and threats.
ML-Based Security in Cloud Database 263

Table 12.6 Supervised learning analysis.

Paper Dataset used Advantages Disadvantages
Pervez et al. NSL-KDD Better classification i) False Positive Rate was much
[19] accuracy was achieved. higher, about 7%–15%
ii) Despite performing feature
selection, the highest
accuracy was achieved using
all 41 training features.
Jing et al. UNSW-NB15 Overcome the In multiclass classification,
[20] disadvantage of MinMax i) Analysis, Backdoor, DoS, and
normalization, using Worms had low detection
a non-linear scaling rates.
method. ii) Exploits and Fuzzers had high
false positive rates.
Wang et al. KDDCup99 i) Greedy-layer wise i) On doing multi-class
[21] and strategy was applied to classification task, buffer_
NSL-KDD overcome the complexity overflow, nmap, and pod had
of deep networks. low detection rate.
ii) Smaller values of ii) SVM was unable to detect
penalty-coefficient modern attacks in the test
were used to maintain set effectively hence more
its value below optimized classifiers are
reconstruction error. required.
iii) The combined iii) Controller’s bottlenecks
approach was superior could be reduced to increase
to standalone SVM. the detection rate.
Ingre et al. NSL-KDD Better accuracy was For five-class classification, the
[22] achieved for binary detection rate for R2L and
classification (99.3%). U2R was low.
Aboueata UNSW-NB15 i) Feature selection Moreover, general category
et al. [23] algorithms, ChiX2 and got the highest accuracy,
Principal Component but in terms of SVM, all
Analysis (PCA), other categories of training
effectively reduced the parameter got much lower
feature dimensionality. accuracies.
ii) The proposed model
reduced the training
time and complexity.
Zhang et al. NSL-KDD i) The proposed neural The detection rate for R2L and
[24] network benefitted in U2R was low which affected
compression coding and the overall accuracy.
feature learning.
264 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Table 12.6 Supervised learning analysis. (Continued)

Paper Dataset used Advantages Disadvantages
ii) Encoder Compression
Technique, effectively
reduced the features.
Zhiqiang UNSW-NB15 False alarm rate was much Data preprocessing and
et al. [25] better. Normalization was not
Yin et al. NSL-KDD The RNNs introduced i) The training time was high.
[26] directional loops that ii) Exploding and Vanishing
memorized previous gradients were not avoided.
information and applied
them to current output.
These loops differed
them from traditional
Feed Forward Neural
Choudhury NSL-KDD Effectively compared Weka tool, used for comparison
et al. [27] several classifiers and purpose, failed to handle
algorithms. bigger datasets.
Salman UNSW-NB15 i) For optimization, the Attack categorization for DoS,
et al. [28] Fuzzer attack was Analysis, and Backdoor was
excluded. low.
ii) To overcome the
error of single-
type categorization
model, a new Step-
wise categorization
technique was

12.6 Conclusion
With the rise in advancement of cloud technology, complexities in its services and various
threats and attacks have also been increasing day by day. Various researchers have devel-
oped several algorithms and systems to secure the cloud environment. In this article, we
have reviewed several research papers related to cloud security and highlighted the current
status of ML and intrusion detection systems. We considered two datasets, NSL-KDD and
UNSW-NB15, for their high effectiveness and popularity in intrusion detection systems.
ML is classified into Supervised, Unsupervised, and Hybrid learnings, and keeping in mind
about these three types, we categorized our review.
ML-Based Security in Cloud Database 265

Table 12.7 Unsupervised learning analysis.

Article/ Dataset
Paper used Advantages Disadvantages
Verma et al. NSL-KDD Clustering applied with False positive rate was high
[29] boosting algorithms
achieved better
Bhattacharjee NSL-KDD Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Features could be reduced for
et al. [30] was proved to be better getting better classification
than K-Means clustering and accuracy.
Sangve et al. NSL-KDD i) In comparison with Expectation-Maximization
[31] K-Means, the Expectation- converged to local optima
Maximization was only.
ii) Genetic Algorithm
effectively helped in
Ghosh et al. NSL-KDD i) Good examples for False positive rates were still
[32] exploitation and higher.
exploration concepts
were provided.
ii) Feature Selection was
effectively performed.

Among Supervised techniques, we got an accuracy of 99% in almost all the approaches.
On the other hand, among both Unsupervised and Hybrid techniques, we got an accu-
racy of around 75%–99%. Despite these high accuracies, ML techniques are still suffering
from high false alarm rates which may harm the entire cloud system and hence requires
more attention. With respect to datasets, the most used dataset by the researchers is NSL-
KDD, the modified version of KDDCup 99. However, the dataset still suffers from some
drawbacks, and for this, we suggest the use of UNSW-NB 15 Dataset which overcomes
most of the drawbacks of the NSL-KDD Dataset.
For future, we focus on proposing a hybrid detection model taking the best methods
among Supervised and Unsupervised techniques to overcome the limitations and increase
the overall performance of the intrusion detection systems which can lead to a robust solu-
tion for security in the cloud environment.
266 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Table 12.8 Hybrid learning analysis.

Paper Dataset used Advantages Disadvantages
Hatef et al. NSL-KDD i) For clustering, a low- Overfitting may occur.
[33] cost learning vector
quantization algorithm
was used.
ii) Better results were
Tao et al. [34] NSL-KDD The algorithm efficiently The SVM parameters were
classified sparse cases optimized using heuristic
of U2R and R2L. It also algorithms and DNN
improved detection parameters of weights and
accuracy in real security threshold.
Ghosh et al. NSL-KDD i) The proposed approach The false alarm rate of
[35] overcomes the drawback proposed method was
of Fuzzy C-Means slightly higher than Fuzzy
Clustering. C-Means Clustering.
ii) The introduced strength
value favored in
overcoming the drawback
of lower accuracy rates of
KNN algorithm
Aljamal et al. UNSW-NB15 Clustering accuracy was High false alarm rates.
[36] better
Ghosh et al. NSL-KDD Merging of both NIDS and HIDS are sometimes harder
[37] HIDS together made the to manage and configure.
system more secure and They can be disabled by
reliable. certain denial-of-service
Omrani et al. NSL-KDD Fusion of ANN and SVM The classifiers failed to detect
[38] effectively reduced the each network attack.
cost than using them
Rabbani et al. UNSW-NB15 The proposed approach i) Backdoor attacks had low
[39] extracted meaningful classification accuracy.
information and ii) The false positive rate was
behavioral patterns of a a little higher.
user effectively from the
network traffic and used
them for detection of
malicious behaviors in
cloud environments.
ML-Based Security in Cloud Database 267

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Machine Learning Adversarial Attacks:
A Survey Beyond
Chandni Magoo* and Puneet Garg

J.C. Bose University of Science and Technology, Faridabad, India

Machine Learning (ML) has fascinated researchers and developers to an extent that it has been now
considered as an astute to most of them. To this continuation, ML integrated with Natural Language
Processing (NLP) has yielded extraordinary results in many fields. ML began to splutter in early 2000
and has now been to its zenith. It has radically proved to be sure-fire to the human level performance
in many tasks. Many huge companies like Google and Amazon are providing Cloud-based ML as
a service (MLaaS) which can be efficiently used by an end user to perform numerous tasks in fields
like NLP and Recommender systems. However, these services and their applications like sentiment
analysis and text entailment are prone to adversarial attacks which force them to misclassify. This
issue has been considered in depth in this chapter with analysis based on comparative study of some
of the popular text-based attacks. The chapter also focuses on attacks, namely, in domains like Image,
Cloud-based services, and Recommender-based systems.

Keywords: Machine Learning, NLP, adversarial attacks, recommender systems, Cloud-based


13.1 Introduction
Machine Learning (ML) has created a niche in research field like Natural Language
Processing (NLP) [1, 2], medical diagnostic [4], human interaction systems [3], and many
more. Though they have carved their place in every field but are unable to save themselves
from adversarial attacks. These research claims that numerous Deep Neural Network (DNN)
and ML techniques are victim of severe adversary attacks leading to degradation of the per-
formance. Many classification algorithms are forced by the adversary attackers to produce
false negative results thus aiming to manipulate classification. Papernot, N. et al. [5] gen-
erated few small perturbations on the images for the classification problem and deceived
DNNs with high probability. These misclassified samples are known as adversarial examples.
In the layman’s terms, it can be said that a small imperceptible change in data can be a threat
to security and integrity of many ML algorithms [6, 7]. The scope of research in adversarial

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Rajdeep Chakraborty, Anupam Ghosh and Jyotsna Kumar Mandal (eds.) Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for
Cloud Security, (271–292) © 2022 Scrivener Publishing LLC

272 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

attacks has significantly increased from image classification [8, 9] to NLP [10] and Cloud-
based services provided by Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and other popular cloud companies.
But these companies do not pay much attention to these attacks
This chapter is organized as follows: The mathematics behind adversarial learning inter-
twined with ML is discussed in Section 13.2. Section 13.3 gives the brief introduction to
various types of attacks in ML followed by Section 13.4 which starts by highlighting the
excellent related work previously done by the researchers and analyzing some of the well-
known text-based attacks, followed by adversarial attacks on cloud-based services in Section
13.5, and finally conclusion in Section 13.6.

13.2 Adversarial Learning

We have been living in this illusion till date that ML has been an outstanding performer in
many human-related tasks by its surprising learning and efficacy. But this delusion broke
when some of its techniques started acting differently on some of the instances. This is con-
sidered as an attack and a name given to this attack is “adversarial attack” [5, 6, 10]. The idea
behind this attack is to introduce an imperceptible change in the data to fool the system (say
classifier) to produce wrong results. The change is slight that it is unnoticeable to humans
also but in case of playing with images and not for text.

13.2.1 Concept
Let us consider x as input label and y as output class label, thus defining the traditional clas-
sifier mathematically as

f(x) = y (13.1)

Now, by adding small noise (δ) to the input function results in the equation as

f(x+δ) ≠ y (13.2)

The classifier during its training aims to reduce the loss between the target and the pre-
dicted class label which can be mathematically formulated as below where h is the hypoth-
esis and X = {x1, x2,…, xn} and Y = {y1, y2,…, yn} and l is the loss function.

∑ xi ∈X
l(h(xi )(yi )) (13.3)

Whereas during the testing phase, the error is calculated as the accumulation of the loss
between the target and the predicted output label. The mathematical formulation is given
as below where A represents input test data, i.e., A= {x1, x2,…, xn} and output labels as O′ =
{y1, y2,…, yn}.

∑ xi ∈A
l( H ( xi )( yi )) (13.4)
ML Adversarial Attacks 273

correct +distort ostrich

Figure 13.1 Blind spots in neural networks (source: Szegedy et al. [11]).

Though the discussion about the concept of adversarial attacks started in early 2000,
it catches pace in recent years when ML was at its boom and security became the crucial
aspect. Many researchers came up with many hypothetical reasons of the occurrence of these
adversaries. Szegedy, C. et al. [11] made a breakthrough by discovering that even robust ML
techniques like neural network suffered from adversarial attacks. The research found that
even a small change in an image tends to misclassification as shown in Figure 13.1. It was fur-
ther added that the main reason for the occurrence of these adversaries is the non-linearity
nature in neural network by taking into consideration two main counter-intuitive properties
of DNN. The first property showed that the entire activation functions provide important
semantic information rather than some individual units. The randomness of the features
proved better than the single feature. Further to this, their research was able to identify those
parts of the inputs which are hidden and lead to the generation of adversary effect. Also, an
observation was made that the adversarial examples are not the result of overfitting and are
rather universal. To this contrary, Goodfellow et al. [12] came with the well-proved theory
that the sufficient reason for the occurrence of adversaries is the strict linearity nature of
neural network. Regularizing the model by using ways like dropout and pretraining do not
effectively contribute to the reduced vulnerability to adversarial attacks. They came out with
a technique named fast gradient sign method (FGSM) for generating adversarial examples.
This method is explained in detail in the subsequent Section 13.3.

13.3 Taxonomy of Adversarial Attacks

Different researchers and reviewers have created their own way to classify different types
of attacks. In this section, a related taxonomy is described which is mapped with different
adversarial techniques in Section 13.5.

13.3.1 Attacks Based on Knowledge

As per the generalized form, the attacks can be categorized, namely, x. Black Box Attack (Transferable Attack)

This attack basically deals with the transferability notion that adversaries generated to attack
surrogate model S can achieve good results for the targeted model T [13]. Simple steps to
perform black box attack are as follows:
274 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

1. The target model T is trained in a closed environment which is unknown to

the adversary.
2. Model A which is a surrogate form of model T is developed to generate adver-
sarial instances.
3. By using the transferable methods, the adversaries can be injected to attack
model T.
4. The attack can be used for both known and unknown dataset of model T.

In the case of the awareness of the dataset to the adversary, the model A can be easily
trained to that dataset to mimic model T. However, when the training set is not known,
then the attacker’s goal is to find the error between its behavior on the training inputs to
that of the target model’s behavior on the same input on which it is trained. Both the model
prediction is analyzed. This is called membership inference [14]. White Box Attack

This results when the attacker has complete knowledge or access to the target model. The
access is to parameters, input, output, and its architecture. It is considered more harmful
than black box attack. Many novel techniques have been proposed [15, 16].
The adversarial instances can be created by analyzing the inputs near to the decision
boundaries and learning them to modify till they cross the boundary and perform mis-
classification. In Figure 13.2, only a minor change in some of the inputs can change the
class and perform misclassification. The arrow in “red” indicates the shifting of the inputs
after perturbation. The adversarial instances are created by identifying the inputs near the
boundary of the decision line and modifying them till the misclassification occurs. In Figure
13.3, the probabilities indicate that the image is of panda, whereas Figure 13.4 indicates the
drastic change in the probabilities. As it can be seen after making small changes in the image
pixels, the value of panda is decreased and cat is increased. This indicates that making small
changes in the input image is to an extent not perceived by the human but misclassified by
the classifier. The concept of generating adversarial examples [13, 14, 16] is explained in
detail in Section 13.4.



Figure 13.2 Representing a decision boundary with two classes separated by it.
ML Adversarial Attacks 275

pixel modif ication

Initial probabilities Probabilities after modification

Panda: 0.912 Panda: 0.900
Cat: 0.056 Cat: 0.066

Figure 13.3 Panda image with initial probabilities and final probabilities.

+ .007 × =

x sign( x J (θ, x, y))

∆ x+
€sign( x J (θ, x, y))

“panda” “nematode”
57.7% conf idence 8.2% conf idence “gibbon”
99.3% conf idence

Figure 13.4 Example of adversarial effect on panda image (source: Goodfellow et al. [12]).

13.3.2 Attacks Based on Goals

The adversarial attacks can also be classified based on whether the adversarial class should
be a target specified class or any other class unknown to the classifier. Target Attacks

This attack aims to give incorrect class label for adversarial instances. The input is slightly
changed and will be classified as a target label unknown to the classifier. Non-Target Attacks

This attack misclassifies to any label unknown to the classifier. It is easy to generate a non-­
target attack rather.

13.3.3 Attacks Based on Strategies

The following is the categorization of attacks based on strategies applied on various ML
techniques. Poisoning Attacks

The attacker can pollute the data by injecting the designed instances during the training
phase to compromise the entire learning phase. This type of attack is commonly used for
276 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

recommender systems [37, 38] and supervised learning techniques like support vector
machines [16, 17]. The detailed discussion of this type of attack on recommender systems is
discussed later. Evasion Attacks

This attack is incorporated by manipulating adversary test samples but do not change the
training process. This attack is active at test time.

13.3.4 Textual-Based Attacks (NLP)

NLP models human language understanding. NLP has a widespread application like sen-
timent analysis [41], recommendation systems [38, 39], question answering systems [43],
spam detection [44], paraphrasing [23], and text summarization [42]. DNNs are the main
source of executing NLP. So, it is hard to ignore the fact that NLP is another victim of
adversarial attacks other than images. Text-based adversarial attacks are more challenging
as compared to image as a small change in the text can impact the semantics of the input.
The focus of this paper will be on English. Since English language composed of characters,
words, and sentences, it is obvious that the attack can be made at any level from characters
to sentences and the result would be intimidating. Huq et al. [18] have mentioned different
types of NLP attacks at character, word, and sentence level. The research in this field has
started taking big leaps. Character Level Attacks

Ebhramini et al. [19] performed editing at character level to create adversarial instances.
Though character level has a low impact on human understanding, but they are highly vul-
nerable to adversaries. The character level attacks involve operations like flipping, inser-
tion, and deletion. A detailed overview of these operations has been discussed in Section
13.4. Word-Level Attacks

The words are replaced by their synonyms, antonyms, or deleting the word completely or
replacing the word with an entire new word unknown to the model [20–22]. Sentence-Level Attacks

The entire sentence can be replaced by a new sentence in this type of attack. Many para-
phrasing attacks can be included in this category [23].

13.4 Review of Adversarial Attack Methods

This section reviews various adversarial attacks applied on text and images.
ML Adversarial Attacks 277

13.4.1 L-BFGS
Box constrained L-BFGS [11] can be able to find adversarial instances. It deals with the
minimization problem. The variable r should be minimum so that it can be shown that even
a small amount of noise can have adverse effect.

Minimize r (13.5)

Such that f (x + r) = l and (x + r) ∈ D (13.6)

where (x + r) is the perturbed image and r is the amount of perturbation. D is the domain
representing perturbed samples. It is computationally expensive but gives good results.

13.4.2 Feedforward Derivation Attack (Jacobian Attack)

It showed how slight input perturbations generated using the feed forward derivative can
bring large variations in the output. Papernot et al. [24] used the feedforward derivative
approach followed by saliency maps to generate adversarial instances with a small change
in the actual input. Jacobian matrix was used to define the derivative during learning by
the neural network. The forward derivative can be calculated using gradient function as
function f is given by

 ∂ f j (x) 
∇ f(x) =   for j=1,2,....N and i=1,2,.....M (13.7)
 ∂ xi 

The forward propagation of the gradient helped to find the input components leading to
change in the network outputs. Moreover, the idea of choosing saliency maps is to restrict to
limited and efficient number of input features for perturbation. They are used to solve tar-
get specific problems. It further uses the forward derivative calculated to find those inputs
which can lead to misclassification. The saliency value can be calculated by using following

 ∂ f j (x )

0 if
∂ ft (x )
∂ xi ∑
< 0 or
j ≠t ∂ x i
S(x,t)[i] =  (13.8)
∂ f (x )

 ∂ ft (x ) 
 ∂ x 
∑ ∂x otherwise
j ≠t

∂ f j (x )
where can be easily calculated using Equation (13.1). High saliency values cor-
∂ xi
respond to the input features desired for misclassification. This is a complex method
with high computational cost. The same method was applied on RNN’s and LSTM
model [25].
278 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

13.4.3 Fast Gradient Sign Method

Goodfellow et al. [12] explained that simple linear model can have adversarial instances
and how softmax function is vulnerable to attacks. The linearity of the cost function is cal-
culated by finding its gradient. Mathematically, it can be defined as

η= ϵ ( sign(∇xJ(ϴ, x, y))) (13.9)

x* = x+ ϵ (sign(∇xJ(ϴ, x, y))) (13.10)

where ∇x as its gradient w.r.t. to x(input), y(true label), ϴ (parameter), and J(cost function).
As in Figure 13.4, a small change in the original image brings no visual change in the final
image but leads to misclassification. Hence, it can be deduced that adversarial instances can be
generated through simple linearity of any model. Models which can be easily optimized can also
be easily perturbed. Even the ensemble-based models are vulnerable to adversarial attacks.

13.4.4 Methods of Different Text-Based Adversarial Attacks

Word-level attack [20] is based on sememes word substitution method as shown in Figure
13.5 and particle swarm optimization search algorithm.
This method outperformed on many factors like good quality adversarial instances, attack
success rate, and high transferability, which makes the victim model highly robust. Only the
words which carry meaning are substituted with sememes words. Li et al. [26] introduced
TextBugger that proves to be effective in generating adversarial instances and providing adver-
sarial training to defend these attacks. Both white and black box models are considered for
adversaries. The method used for white box explained in easy way below. Five proposed bugs
generated to create adversarial examples are shown in Table 13.1. White box setting has been
explained in detail as: In steps 2 to 3, the most important words are selected by calculating
the importance score of each word. The importance score is calculated by finding the partial
derivative of the confidence value C based on the predicted class y w.r.t. x(input). The confi-
dence value C is calculated by computing the Jacobian matrix for input text x = (x1, x2, x3… xm)

∂ f (x )  ∂ f j (x ) 
J(f (x )) = =  where (13.11)
∂x  ∂ xi 

Original Sentence
The f ilm’s biggest is its complete and utter lack of tension.
(Prediction = Negative)

Attacked sentence
The f ilm’s biggest is its complete and utter dearth of tension.

(Prediction = Positive)

Figure 13.5 Example of adversarial effect on word (source: Zang et al. [20]).
ML Adversarial Attacks 279

Table 13.1 Types and examples of five bugs generated methods [26].
Bug Purpose Original word Perturbed word
Insert It is generated by applying space between two Good G ood
Swap Randomly two adjacent characters are swapped Worse Wrose
except first and last character.
Delete To remove any character of a word except first Good God
and last.
Sub-C Substitute characters with similar non- Good Go0d
characters like numerals/alphanumeric.
Sub-W Replace the selected word with top(k) nearest Good Poor
neighbors in vector space.

i = 1, 2 …N, and j = 1, 2, …m and J(f(x))is Jacobian function matrix

Steps 3 to 4 determine the selection of the bug at the character level and word level. For
word-level perturbation, pretrained Glove model is used to select top five semantically sim-
ilar neighbors to the original word. In character-level and word-level perturbation, several
types of bugs are generated as mentioned in Table 13.1 like Insert, Swap, and Sub-W. From
several generated bugs, the most optimal bug is generated which reduces the confidence
value. The most favored bug replaces the word or character to new text x’. If the classifier
changes the original output, thereby maintaining the semantic similarity, then that text is
considered as an adversarial example. For black box attack, since the gradient is not known,
the method to choose the important sentences following important words among each
sentence is implemented. After selecting the preferred sentence, the important words are
selected and modified by controlling the semantic similarity. For selecting the important
words, the authors use the method of removing jth word from the text and the score is cal-
culated by evaluating the prediction, before and after removing that word. The score of each
word reflects its importance in the text.

Cwj =Fy(w1, w2, · · ·, wm) − Fy(w1, w2, · · ·, wj−1, wj+1,…wm) (13.12)

where Cwj is the function score to determine the relevance of each word. The bug generation
method is same as white box attack method.
Algorithm 13.1 TEXTBUGGER under white box setting [26].
Input: Sentence X worth its true label Y, classifier f(.) and threshold e.
Output: Adversarial Sentence xadv
Step 1: X’ ← X
Step 2: for each word Xi in X
280 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

∂f y (x)
Cx i =
∂x i
Step 3: Word= desc-sort(X1, X2, X3… Xm) by Cxi
Step4: for each wk in Word
Bug= *select_bug (Xi, X’, Y, f(.))
X’← substitute wk
if S’(X, X’) ≤ ϵ then
else if fl (X’) ≠ y then
solution found
return X’
*For select_bug function please refer [26]

Textfooler [27] is also considered as an adversarial attack generator specifically for

pretrained models like BERT. Some instances of original and adversarial sentences from
Textfooler are shown in Table 13.2. The bugs proposed in [26] resulted in some unnatural
and irrelevant words in the sentences can be considered as incorrect or irrelevant words to
humans. Huq et al. [18] was the first to challenge the robust BERT model by its attack. The
attack is based on black box model where the attacker is unaware of the architecture, train-
ing data, and victim model’s parameters. The experimental results on adversarial examples
are better as compared to [26] by considering only the word replacement feature using
cosine similarity method. Based on black box attack method, the framework of TextFooler
is applied to various state-of-the art deep learning models in five text classification tasks and
two text entailment tasks. The method is able to reduce the accuracy of the deep learning
models, namely, BERT, wordLSTM, and wordCNN to below 10% by only less than 20%
perturbed words. The TextFooler algorithm generates adversarial examples of text as shown
in Algorithm 13.2. Steps 2 to 3 correspond to selecting the most significant words that influ-
ence the final predictions and maintaining the semantic similarity. The importance score
is thus calculated as the change over after and before deletion of the word wi as shown in
step 2 of the algorithm 11.2. Steps 5 to 8 correspond to replacing the word by the most sim-
ilar option. The replacement criteria are as follows: (1) semantically similar to the original
word, (2) context-based, (3) pushing target model toward wrong prediction.

Algorithm 13.2 Textfooler [27].

Input: Sentence S ={ x1, x2, x3… xm }, true label = y, target model M, sentence similarity func-
tion sim(.), similarity threshold ϵ. Word embeddings (emb), vocabulary (voc)
Output: adversarial sentence Sadv
Step 1: Sadv ← S
Step 2: for each word xi in S do
If( M(S) = M(S \xi ) = y)
Ixi = My (S) − My (S \xi ),
Else if(M(S) = y && My (S \xi ) = y’ && y≠y’
Ixi = (My (S) − My (S \xi )) +( M y’(S \xi) − M y’ (S))
Step 3: Create set W with words in order of high importance and so on.
Step 4: Filter out stop words like “the”, “then” which are placeholders.
ML Adversarial Attacks 281

Step 5: for each word xj in W do

candidate ← cos_sim(embxj = embword ) for all words in vocab
candidate ← posfilter(candidate)
Step 6: for each ck in candidate do
Create S’ containing ck replaced for xj
if Similarity between S’ and Sadv is less then threshold then
fcandidate ← ck
yk← M(S’ )
pk ←Myk(S’)
Step 7: if there exists ck s.t. yk ≠ y then
fcandidate ← ck
Step 8: From the fcandidate set, if there exist a candidate which changes the output of target
word with maximum similar semantics is chosen from fcandidate set
choose the word with least confidence score of label y for word xi and repeat step 2.

TextTricker [28] is a white box model for text classification and is directed for both target
and non-target attacks. The gradient-based method is implemented for efficiency and loss-
based method is performed for high success rate. The performance was much better than
some previous techniques [21, 22].

Algorithm 13.3 The TextTricker [28].

Input: S = (t1,t2….tm ) and the target label y; Classifier f; Pre-trained word embeddings
Epre; Stop words Tstop; Maximum allowed valid perturbation N; Maximum nearest neigh-
bor M
Output: The adversarial example Sadv.
Step1: for each t in S do
Compute St as ||∇t loss(f, S, y)||2
Step 2: tscore ← sort t with score in decreasing order
Step 3: Let Sadv= S and count=0
Step 4: for each t in tscore
if t ε Tstop then continue
if count==N then break
Tcandidate ← k nearest neighbors of t but with same POS stored in Epre and
add special tokens “pad” and “unk”
t’, loss’ ← *calculate loss using target loss based/gradient-based loss methods
if loss’< loss(f, Sadv, y) then
Sadv ← t’
if f(Sadv) == y then
Return Sadv
Return none
*for target loss based the word which minimizes the loss is chosen.
*for gradient-based loss, the word embedding of t word should minimize the loss
*for detailed algorithm on both loss methods please refer [28].
282 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Table 13.2 Instances of original and adversarial sentences [27].

Reviews of movie [Negative (NEG) ↔ Positive (POS)]
Original (Label: Negative) The cast in impossibly contrived situations is totally estranged
from reality.
ttack (Label: Positive) The cast in impossibly engineered circumstances is fully
estranged from reality.

Gao et al. [29] proposed a technique named DeepWordBug, based on black box model to
misclassify text by generating small text perturbations. The technique is specifically designed
for non-targeted attacks. The method is a two-step process:

Step 1: Calculating score for each token and ranking it to choose the most
important one for prediction. Four scoring functions are 1 Score, Temporal
Head Score (THS), Temporal Tail Score (TTS), and Combined Score (CS).
Best k tokens to perturb are selected based on these scores.
Step 2: Transforming the token using different operations like deletion, inser-
tion, swap, and substitution, as shown in Table 13.3.

Ebrahimi et al. [19] proposed an efficient white box model for generating adversarial
examples at character level. It is a character level attacker and can be used at word level also.
Flips can be used to perform different character level operations like deletion, insertion
other than substitution (flipping) as shown in Table 13.4. The flipping takes place simply
by using a single pass to estimate the best flip. The technique chose the character flipping,
which results in maximum loss. Mathematical representation of the loss calculation is given

 ∂ y (b ) ∂ y ( a )
max∇ x J(x, y)T = vijb = max - (13.13)
ijb ∂ x ij ∂ xij
TextAttack [30] is an open source library and used as an attack model to test the robust-
ness of the NLP model. It is used for attacks on NLP applications like Text Entailment and
Text classification.

S = (x1, x2, x3… xm)  //xi can be a word or character (13.14)

Sadv= (x1, x3… xm) or  //Deletion (13.15)

Sadv = (x1, x21, x3… xm) or   //Replacement of x2 with x21 (13.16)

Table 13.3 Different transformer functions with results [29].

Original word Insert Swap Delete Substitute
Place Placer Place Plae plade
ML Adversarial Attacks 283

Table 13.4 Nearest neighbor words based on cosine similarity when hotflip
is applied on CNN-STM [19].
Deletion Substitution Insertion
actor → actr Local → loral Past → pas!t
Act Moral Pasture
Acting Floral Task
Acts Coral Pastor

Sadv = (x1, x2, x21, x3… xm)  //insertion (13.17)

The tool designed takes into considerations all important aspects required for generat-
ing an adversarial attack technique. It includes important search methods like greedy with
word importance ranking and beam search. The tool also supports various transformation
operations like word swap and composite transformation. It is integrated directly with
Transformers by Hugging Face’s and various NLP libraries. It provides pretrained data
models like BERT, wordCNN, and wordLSTM on popular datasets like Rotten Tomatoes
Movie review, quora question paraphrase, and many more. The idea behind TextAtaack is to
train various attacks for different language models on popular datasets. The c­ ommand-line
API is used to allow users to specify attack recipe and test it on different models and data-
sets. We implemented TextAttack framework to compare some of the effective text-based
adversarial methods like TextFooler, Deepwordbug, and hotflip. We explain the step-by-
step command line arguments to implement TextAttack for comparing various attacks
supported by them.
Strategy behind TextAttack:
1. The framework is designed to compare various NLP attacks on standard
models and datasets.
2. Time efficacy by simply using the command-line API for different attacks and
thus forbidding users from implementing previous work which is a tedious
and error-prone task.

Run an attack (Command)

textattack attack –-model lstm-mr --recipe textfooler --num-examples 300


View any dataset details (Command)

textattack peek-dataset --dataset-from-huggingface mr (13.19)

We have compared TextFooler, DeepwordBug, and TextBugger attacks using TextAttack

framework to show the effectiveness of each attack. Researchers can easily replicate the
recipe name (attack name) and model name in Command in Equation (13.19) to compare
various attacks for further scope.
284 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

The analysis in Table 13.5 shows that TextFooler has the highest attack success rate among
other popular attack methods and achieves a significant success rate of 90% on BERT model
and 94% on Roberta-base model, both of which are widely used language models.

13.4.5 Adversarial Attacks Methods Based on Language Models

Fursov et al. [31] proposed a strong and efficient adversarial model DILMA (Differentiable
Language Model Attack) which make use of pre-trained language models to make robust
adversarial attack model. It uses MLM (masked to masked) model used in BERT [32]. The
method includes many hyperparameters like learning rate (α) and coefficient (β) in loss
function, which are missing in [12]. Due to pretrained language models, it can perform
efficiently on variety of datasets.
Garg et al. [33] generated grammatically correct and semantically similar adversarial
instances. The technique is based on BERT and named as BAE (BERT-based Adversarial
examples) where the masked token is replaced by another word which is similar or related
to the words in the left and right position. This is possible due to the context consideration
feature of BERT which automatically replaces the word with the word based on the context.
Li et al. [34] proposed BERT-attack model which generates adversarial examples to attack
BERT model using its own pretrained model. It is based on white box attacking model. It got
a green signal by taking into considerations major qualities required to generate adversarial
attacks. Many existing models like [19] fail to keep one of the factors of preserving gram-
maticality and semantic nature of output with input. Since BERT is highly trained language
model which makes it more challenging to get attacked but besides that it is based on masked
language model technique making it to generate semantic consistent perturbed words for
attack. The model initially finds the most vulnerable words and then substituting semanti-
cally correct and similar word against it to create adversarial instances. Attacking language
models is challenging because of its robustness and is an emerging topic of research. The
method got better results than [18].

13.4.6 Adversarial Attacks on Recommender Systems

One of the most popular applications of NLP is recommender systems. Hardly any appli-
cation of NLP is left which is not affected by adversarial attacks. Recommender systems are
widely used today and so are prone to adversarial attacks. The designing of adversarial attacks
in recommendation systems are far more challenging and difficult then in image classification
domain or any other NLP domain. Many of such systems are based on collaborative filtering
where similar users rate items in similar fashion. Thus, the dependency among each other
helps in making the system robust. Random Attack

This type of attack creates a fake profile and selects randomly the items to rate and their
ratings. There can be a nuke attack where the rating of an item can be reduced or can be
push attack where the predicted rating of an item can be increased. Lam et al. [39] used this
Table 13.5 Comparison of various attacks using TextAttack framework.
Dataset Rotten tomatoes movie review
Samples taken 300
Text attack TextFooler DeepwordBug TextBugger
Bert-base- Bert-base- Bert-base-
Model Trained LSTM Roberta-Base uncased LSTM Roberta-Base uncased LSTM Roberta-Base uncased
Original Accuracy 78% 85% 81.67% 78% 85.65% 81.67% 78% 85.65% 81.67%
Accuracy under 0.67% 5% 8.0% 13.67% 19.65% 22.0% 16.67% 28.33% 30.67%
Attack Success 99.15% 94% 90.01% 82.48 % 77% 73.06 % 78.63% 66.93% 62.45%
No. of successful 232 242 221 193 198 179 184 172 153
No. of failed 2 15 24 41 59 66 50 85 92
No. of skipped 66 43 55 66 43 55 66 43 55
ML Adversarial Attacks
286 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Table 13.6 Sample output from various text attacks during execution.
Text attack Movie review (Negative (NEG) ↔ Positive (POS))
TextFooler [27] Bears could be even worse than I imagined a movie could ever be
(negative -98%)
Bears could be even greatest than I imagined a movie could ever be
(positive -53%)
DeepwordBug [29] More trifle than triumph (negative - 73%)
More Btrifle than triumph (positive - 63%)
TextBugger [26] Overburdened with complicated plotting and banal dialogue (negative -
97% →failed)

attack by creating fake users profiles and the ratings is the result of distribution of the user
ratings of the dataset. The process is called shilling. Average Attack

Like random attack but the ratings are created by the mean of each item. The shill should
be aware of the average ratings of each item. Lam et al. [39] showed that this attack is more
effective then random attack. Bandwagon Attack

In this type of attack, only limited popular items are given high ratings [40]. This type of
attack is based on zip’s law that some limited numbers of items are more likely to get in
users’ profile. Reverse Bandwagon Attack

This is just opposite of bandwagon attack [40]. In this technique, some of most non-popular
items are given low ratings.
Christakopoulou et al. [35] provide an insight to how fake user profiles can hamper the
efficiency of any recommender system. This paper addresses the issues with collaborative
recommender systems in which similar users tend to rate items in a similar way. This inter-
dependency makes the attacks cascading by affecting the single user and influencing many
others. An oblivious recommender is considered which is unaware of the adversarial attack
and is based on white box attack model. The model is formed on the Min-Max game theory
where there are two players, one is rec called recommender system and other is adv, i.e.,
adversary. Both the players have the loss function which needs to be minimized as

θ Rt+1 =argminfR (θ R ,Z t )
ML Adversarial Attacks 287

Z t+1 =argmin f A (θ tR , Z t ) (13.21)

The relying on GAN [36] leads to solving of the Min-Max problem.
Mobasher et al. [40] proposed different ways to detect fake user profile which is com-
monly called injection attack. The attributes are designed for reverse bandwagon attack
because of its effectiveness. Mean time interval (MTI) which is used to fetch the rating time
interval between two ratings so that the generic and the fake profile can be distinguished.
Weighted User Rating Distribution (WURD) emphasizes on the probability if low ratings
of items. User similarity Distribution Center (USDC) is also used to distinguish fake user
to generic user.

13.5 Adversarial Attacks on Cloud-Based Platforms

In the recent years, ML and DNN techniques have become a lifeline for many companies
like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft for their cloud-based services. To meet the require-
ments of users of not having ample amount of resources to complete their tasks efficiently
and effectively, cloud-based services have proved to be flexible and cost-effective solution.
ML cloud-based service (MLaaS) is getting recognition as unfailing solution to many real-
time applications. These applications typically utilize ML and DNNs techniques to perform
some tasks like classification and detection. The key is in the fact that user need not to
bother about the actual computation. Amazon’s Amazon ML, Microsoft’s Azure ML, IBM’s
Watson, and Google Cloud ML are some of the leading providers of MLaaS services. But it is
quite possible for an adversary to steal models from cloud-based platforms, by continuously
querying the public prediction API with malicious inputs. Tramer et al. [45] demonstrated
various model extraction attacks which hamper the confidentiality in ML models. Since the
model and the trained data is black box, the adversary’s goal is to extract near-equivalent
model by extracting exact parameters like decision tree paths. Dmitrenko et al. [46] also
proposed a model extraction attack that plays around hyperparameters selected for attacker
model. The mimicked model is an improvement to many existing attacks [45, 47]. Besides
the model, the data used for training the models can also be leaked through query process.
Shokri et al. [14] proposed an attack method based on membership inference which deter-
mines whether the training set has data records. Long et al. [47] also discuss about various
membership attacks existing in overfitting and generalized models. Most of these methods
are not worth for real world scenarios as they mainly target small-scale ML models like
support vector machines, decision trees, and massive prediction queries query.
Yu et al. [48] proposed a FeatureFool attack model thereby decreasing the queries as
compared to the previous attack models. The transfer framework for the FeatureFool attack
is shown in Figure 13.6.
In FeatureFool framework, the unlabeled dataset is generated for a specific domain and the
victim model is queried with the dataset generated. The labeled dataset is trained by the new
substitute model which consists of copied layers and layers from the new substitute model.
288 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Feature Transfer

Unlabeled MLaas Synthetic Layers Layers

Adversarial Query Dataset copied trained by
examples Model with from Prediction
as stolen victim adversary
Synthetic Labels Model Model

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Figure 13.6 Overview of FeatureFool framework [48]. (a) generate unlabeled dataset. (b) query victim model.
(c) labeled adversarial examples with the output of the victim model. (d) training substitute model with
synthetic dataset. (e) use model for prediction.

The predictions are generated which matches the performance of the victim model. The pro-
posed method was able to reduce the queries to ~3K from ~ 112K [45] and 100M [47].
The paper of Goodman et al. [49, 50] focuses on the Cloud Vision API of some popular
cloud-based companies and reviews the attacks against the ML applications and describes
effective defenses and mitigation.

13.6 Conclusion
Despite of highly effective and efficient ML techniques, the applications based on these
techniques are vulnerable to many adversarial attacks which can lead to dangerous conse-
quences. The chapter is basically the in-depth review of various types of adversarial attack-
ing techniques popular among various ML techniques in various domains like Images, NLP,
language models, recommendation systems, and various cloud-based services. The unique
part of this paper is the thorough review of various attacks on popular language models and
recommendation systems and analysis of some of the popular text-based attacks has been
done. Upon in depth review, it has been observed that the wings of adversarial attacks are
slowly spawning over cloud-based services and more often real-time applications.

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Protocols for Cloud Security
Weijing You1* and Bo Chen2

School of Computer Science and Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS),

Beijing, China
Department of Computer Science, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, United States

Nowadays, cloud service providers (CSPs), like Amazon, allow users to outsource the entire IT
infrastructures to significantly reduce their cost for running businesses. This, however, brings severe
security concerns due to the out-of-control nature of the cloud services. To ensure cloud security,
various protocols have been designed in the literature. In this chapter, we review protocols for
securing cloud data in two categories: the secure cloud computing and the secure cloud storage.
For the secure computing, we review a few protocols which can support trusted computation in the
untrusted cloud environment, including the homomorphic encryption, the searchable encryption,
the ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption, and the secure multiparty computation. For the
secure cloud storage, we review protocols ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and reliability of the
cloud data, which are defined as proofs of encryption (PoEs), proofs of storage (PoSs), and proofs of
reliability, respectively. In addition, we briefly review protocols for securing cloud systems. Lastly, we
discuss some potential future directions for cloud security.

Keywords: Cloud security, homomorphic encryption, searchable encryption, secure multi-party

computation, ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption, proofs of encryption, proofs of storage,
proofs of reliability

14.1 Introduction
The cloud computing services have been widely used nowadays. The public cloud ser-
vice providers (CSPs), e.g., Amazon, Microsoft Azure, iCloud, and Google Drive, provide
software-, platform-, or infrastructure-as-a-service online. The cloud customers (individ-
uals, companies, and organizations) host applications or store data in the public clouds
by purchasing customized cloud computing and cloud storage services conveniently and
economically. According to IDC [1], nearly half of data will be stored in the clouds by
The cloud computing has brought immense conveniences and benefits to the soci-
ety. This, however, raises significant security concerns which unseen before. In the cloud

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Rajdeep Chakraborty, Anupam Ghosh and Jyotsna Kumar Mandal (eds.) Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for
Cloud Security, (293–312) © 2022 Scrivener Publishing LLC

294 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

outsourcing, all the resources including the system and the data have been hosted by the
CSPs. This implies that the cloud users have effectively lost their control over their critical
resources. Compared to hosting everything locally, severe security concerns arise. First,
when operating resources locally, the users are clear that each operation (or execution) has
been run correctly; on the contrary, when operating remotely, how can the users ensure
that each operation will be run exactly as they wish? Second, when performing compu-
tation locally, the data are located inside the bound of the organization (e.g., behind the
firewall); but in cloud computing, when performing computation in a remote site, how can
the users ensure that the sensitive data being processed will not be leaked? Third, when
storing the resources locally, the users are sure that the resources are well maintained and
protected according to a certain policy or a regulation; however, when storing resources
in the remote clouds, how can the users be convinced that all the valuable resources are
stored, maintained, and protected in a desired manner? This chapter thus aims to discuss
the security concerns and the known protocols for cloud, including security protocols for
both cloud data and cloud systems. Considering data is more significant for machine learn-
ing, we mainly center around cloud data security from two dimensions, namely, the cloud
computing and cloud storage.
For cloud computing in the untrusted public clouds, the most significant issue is how
to perform computation securely without leaking the sensitive or even mission critical
data. This issue is especially important for strictly regulated industries such as health care
and digital economy. Therefore, the sensitive data which will be processed in the clouds
should be encrypted. But performing computation over the encrypted data would be
challenging since encryption may have removed the effective information from the data.
The homomorphic encryption [2] can support computation over the encrypted data, so
that the final results can be obtained by the cloud users through performing decryption
directly. This can enable various operations, e.g., predictive analytics and model training,
on the encrypted data. In addition, the searchable encryption (SE) [3] allows the cloud
users to conduct searching over the encrypted cloud data, without leaking the underly-
ing sensitive data to the clouds. To facilitate data sharing in cloud, the cloud users adopt
attribute-based encryption (ABE), especially the ciphertext-policy ABE (CP-ABE) [4]
to allow a group of users to effectively decrypt specific ciphertext when the attributes of
their decryption keys match attribute set of the encrypted data. Another line of promis-
ing protocols, the multi-party computation (MPC) [5], allows cloud users to collabora-
tively compute a function based on individual inputs while keeping those inputs private
to each other. This essentially enables a secure cloud collaboration on computing in a
privacy-preserved manner.
For cloud-based storage outsourcing, a significant obstacle which prevents data owners
from outsourcing their sensitive data is that they are not able to obtain a guarantee that
the outsourced data will be correctly stored and maintained by the CSPs over time. This
guarantee should cover the typical CIA, namely, confidentiality, integrity, and availability. A
set of security protocols have been designed to achieve these guarantees, including proofs
of encryption (PoEs), secure message-locked encryption (MLE), proofs of storage (PoSs),
proofs of ownership (PoWs), and proofs of reliability. PoEs [6–8] are protocols by which
the data owner can effectively verify whether the cloud server has encrypted the outsourced
data following special encryption algorithms, and hence, confidentiality of the outsourced
data can be ensured. MLE [9–11] protocols allow the users to encrypt their outsourced data
Protocols for Cloud Security 295

without hindering the deduplication. PoSs [12–14] ensure that the outsourced data will
not be modified over time, which is usually achieved by conducting a periodical integrity
checking on the outsourced data. PoWs [15, 16] are protocols by which the cloud server can
efficiently verify whether a cloud user really owns a claimed file. Proofs of reliability include
proofs of replications, co-residency checking, and geolocation of cloud data. Checking
co-residency ensures the cloud data are stored redundantly in multiple cloud servers, and
any data corruption will be detected and repaired in a timely manner. This renders the out-
sourced data recoverable and available at any point over time. Geolocation of cloud data is
a protocol [17] respecting to recently proposed laws and regulations pertained to the cloud
storage and use of data, in which cloud customers can determine where to distribute their
outsourced data to avoid legal issues.
For securing cloud systems, the user and corresponding VMs placed in the cloud should
be properly managed, which can be accomplished by applying access control and protocols
for securely initiating VMs remotely.

Chapter Organization. The rest of the chapter is organized as follows: We review the typi-
cal systems and adversarial model in Section 14.2. We then describe protocols for security
of cloud data, including secure cloud computing and secure cloud storage, in Section 14.3
and Section 14.4, respectively. Protocols for ensuring security of cloud systems are pre-
sented in Section 14.5. Finally, we discuss future research for cloud security in Section 14.6
and conclude in Section 14.7.

14.2 System and Adversarial Model

14.2.1 System Model
A typical cloud computing system contains two parties: the cloud server (i.e., the CSPs)
and the cloud users (i.e., the customers which use the cloud services). The cloud server pro-
vides various services, including cloud computing and cloud storage, to the cloud users. The
cloud users purchase customized services from the CSPs according to their requirements
and outsource their computations and/or data to the cloud server. Especially, a cloud user
who uploads data to the cloud server will be further considered as a “data owner” of the
data. The cloud server and the cloud users connect with each other via the Internet, and the
communication channel is always protected by SSL/TLS.

14.2.2 Adversarial Model

Each party in clouds, i.e., the cloud server and the cloud user, may misbehave as elaborated
in the following:
The cloud server. The cloud server is usually not trustworthy in practice. In general, its
adversarial behaviors can be classified as follows:

• Cheap-and-lazy [6–8]. This type of attacker is motivated by economic inten-

tions. Specifically, “cheap” here means the cloud server may be incapable to
implement adequate security measures, and “lazy” indicates that the cloud
server may discard security requirements from cloud users to reduce cost
296 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

of running cloud services. The cheap-and-lazy cloud server will misbehave

when they could gain more economical advantages than behaving honestly;
• Honest-but-curious [16, 18]. This type of cloud server is the most common
attacker in the literature. It takes economic gains and reputation into account.
The cloud server will “honestly” respond to and execute operations required
by cloud users but is “curious” about the outsourced data. The honest-but-­
curious cloud server attempts to obtain user data by all means as long as its
misbehavior will not be discovered by the cloud users;
• Malicious. A malicious cloud server is the strongest attacker among the three
types. When the cloud server is compromised by internal (e.g., the careless
manager) or external attackers (e.g., the hackers), it will behave arbitrarily
regardless of economic gains and reputation. The malicious cloud server
aims at disturbing the cloud services.

The cloud user. The cloud users may not be honest either. In general, we can assume
that a special type of cloud users, i.e., the data owners, are fully trusted, since they pay for
resources in cloud computing and own the data outsourced to the cloud storage, and they
do not have the motivation to cheat. However, the other cloud users, e.g., the subscribers
in a content delivery network, may misbehave and, their adversarial behaviors can be clas-
sified as follows:

• Semi-honest (or a passive attacker). The semi-honest cloud user is assumed to

gather information out of the protocol but does not deviate from the protocol
• Malicious (or an active attacker). The malicious cloud user may arbitrarily
deviate from the protocol specification for cheating.

14.3 Protocols for Data Protection in Secure Cloud Computing

One of the most significant products for commercial clouds is the cloud computing, which
provides various computational platforms and resources. Typically, in the machine learning
area, the cloud users outsource large volume of data and heavy computations to the cloud
server for accelerating processing with rather low cost. As the public cloud providers may
not be trusted, the most critical security concern for the cloud users is losing data when
using public cloud services. Therefore, to protect confidentiality of their sensitive data in
cloud computing, the outsourced data should be encrypted before uploading, and after
the data are processed, the results should be encrypted as well. To support processing of
encrypted outsourced data, various special encryption algorithms have been designed, and
special form of encryption algorithms are used to support operations on encrypted cloud
data, including 1) the homomorphic encryption, which supports operation on encrypted
data; 2) the SE, which enables efficient searching on encrypted data; 3) the CP-ABE, in
which the data is encrypted based on an access tree and only the key generated from an
attributes set matching this access tree can be used to decrypt the ciphertext; and 4) MPC,
which supports operations on encrypted data shares. These special encryption algorithms
will be introduced in detail in the following.
Protocols for Cloud Security 297

14.3.1 Homomorphic Encryption

Homomorphic encryption is such an encryption with a special feature that allows users to
calculate the encrypted data directly, and the result after calculation is still in an encrypted
form. When the encrypted result is decrypted, the output is the same as if performing the
same calculation on the unencrypted data. Therefore, the homomorphic encryption can be
used to preserve data confidentiality in cloud computing. Specifically, the user can encrypt
their data and outsource the encrypted data to the cloud server for processing without
revealing the original data and internal state. The general workflow of secure cloud comput-
ing with homomorphic encryption enabled is shown in Figure 14.1.

• The cloud user encrypts outsourced data (f) to ciphertexts (C) by using the
homomorphic encryption1 with its own secret (k). C will be sent to the cloud

• The cloud server processes C, e.g., adds, multiplies, classifies, performs data
training, to obtain the results in an encrypted manner (M). M will be sent to
the cloud user.
• The cloud user decrypts M with k to obtain the final computation result he/
she intends (m). By using the homomorphic encryption, m will be the same
to the result which is generated through applying the same procession on f

The homomorphic encryption can be categorized as fully homomorphic (FHE), leveled

fully, somewhat homomorphic, and partially homomorphic encryption. The well-known
encryption cryptosystems, e.g., the unpadded RSA, the ElGamal, and the Goldwasser-Micali
encryptions, are typical partially homomorphic cryptosystems which support evaluation of
limited types of circuits, e.g., addition or multiplication, which are far from applicable. FHE
cryptosystems, which allow evaluations on arbitrary circuits of unbounded depth, such that
have great practical implications in the context of cloud computing. However, FHE suf-
fers from performance problem. The Gentry-Halevi implementation of Gentry’s original
cryptosystem shown that it will consume about 30 minutes for per basic bit operation [19],
which is unacceptable in practice.
The latest generation FHE, e.g., the CKKS scheme [20] is focused as a solution for secure
outsourced machine learning, in which the privacy of input data and output model should
be protected at cost of modest additional overhead. The fundamental idea is trading accu-
racy for efficiency. Unlike previous generations of FHE, the latest generation FHE generates
approximately the same answer rather than exactly the same answer from the encrypted
data with what is computed from the unencrypted data. In this manner, the accuracy of
results after approximating logistic regression based on the encrypted data is good enough
for application, while the performance can be significantly improved.


Note that the term homomorphic encryption here is used for referring to all encryption algorithms which have
homomorphic property.
298 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

2 C

1 C=Enc(f,k) 4 M
3 process (C) M
process(f ) m 5 m=Dec(M,k)
Cloud server
Cloud user Cloud user
Processing data locally Processing data in coud

Figure 14.1 Homomorphic encryption in clouds.

14.3.2 Searchable Encryption

The SE [3] allows users to search over the encrypted data. In secure cloud computing,
the cloud users can efficiently locate their encrypted data remotely without disclosing the
underlying data to the untrusted cloud server by using SE. In general, SE schemes can be
classified into two categories: the symmetric key–based SE (SKBSE) and the public key–
based SE. The SKBSE is much more efficient and thus is more widely adopted in practice.
At a high level, data owners, i.e., the users who possess the data, extract distinct key-
words from the original file (or file collections) and map each encrypted file blocks to each
encrypted keyword. The authenticated or authorized user uses a special searching token
derived from a secure trapdoor generation algorithm to perform searching over the
encrypted data. The typical SE system works as shown in Figure 14.2.

• The cloud user, i.e., the data owner, extracts specific keywords from the file
(f), and then encrypts f and derives searching tags (tag) for keywords using
its own secret (sk). The encrypted file (C) and tag will be sent to and stored
by the cloud server;
• The cloud user, i.e., data owner or its authorized user, generates secure
searching token (query) and sends it to the cloud server, which will not leak
the underlying f when performing searching;
• Based on query and C, the cloud server locates and replies specific encrypted
file blocks (Ci) to the cloud user;
• The cloud user decrypts Ci using sk to obtain the underlying original file
blocks (fi).

2 query
2 (C,tag)
4 Ci
1 Enc(f,sk) C 1 (keyword,sk) query 3 (C,tag,query) Ci
3 store (C,tag)
2 TagGen(keyword,sk) tag Cloud server 5 Dec(Ci,sk)fi Cloud server
Cloud user Cloud user
(a) Initial upload (b) Searching over encrypted data

Figure 14.2 Searchable encryption in clouds.

Protocols for Cloud Security 299

14.3.3 Attribute-Based Encryption

Data sharing has been increasingly common in cloud computing. A straightforward solu-
tion for the data owner to share its data is to encrypt data using each subscriber’s private
key and to propagate the encrypted data to specific subscriber, which is far from efficient
and is not applicable in cloud computing. An alternative solution is the ABE. As a sub-field
of public key encryption, in ABE, the secret key of a user and corresponding ciphertext
are associated to pre-defined attributes, such that when the set of attributes of key matches
the attributes of ciphertext, this key can be used to decrypt this ciphertext. In this man-
ner, the data can be efficiently shared to multiple users in one time with access control in
place. Roughly speaking, ABE can be categorized into the CP-ABE [4] and the key-policy
ABE (KP-ABE) [21]. Since the access strategies associated to private keys are controlled
by the data owner in the CP-ABE, the CP-ABE is more adopted for sharing data in cloud
The main idea of the CP-ABE is that the data owner uses the access tree, in which the
access rules are organized in a tree structure, to encrypt data, and generates users’ secret
keys based on a set of attributes. By using the special secret key, the user could obtain spe-
cific data shared by the data owner. The CP-ABE works as follows (as shown in Figure 14.3).

• The data owner chooses and publishes system parameters, including a public
key (PK) and a master key (MK);
• The data owner picks a polynomial for each node in a pre-defined attribute
tree (T), which are contracted in a top-down manner.
• Start from the tree root that the data owner recursively evaluates each poly-
nomial by taking parent of current node (Cy) as input (for the tree root, the
input is “0”). The outsourced data is thus encrypted by the output of polyno-
mial of the root of T. The encrypted data (C) , T, the value of all polynomials
of Cy will be uploaded to the cloud server as ciphertext;

5 (T,C,Cy )

4 KeyGen(MK,Si ,r) SKi

6 Si € T
Dec(T,C,Cy,SKi ) M
i th User
1 PK, MK
2 attributes T 3 (T,C,Cy ) ~
3 (T,C,Cy )
3 Enc(PK,M,T ) (T,C,Cy )
Data Owner
Cloud server
4 KeyGen(MK,Sj ,rj ) SKj
5 (T,C,Cy ) 6 Sj € T
Dec(T,C,Cy,SKj ) M
j th User

Figure 14.3 Ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption in clouds.

300 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

• The user generates private key (SK) based on MK, a sub-tree of T (S), which
is a subset of attributes that are organized in a top-down manner, and a ran-
domly picked value r;
• The user recursively takes ciphertext and SK as input to decrypt C . If S sat-
isfies T, the user can successfully obtain the specific data. Otherwise, the
decryption will fail.

In addition, the ability to decrypt the outsourced data can be delegated by re-­randomizing
the secret key, i.e., choosing another r, such that the delegated key is equivalent to the one
generated by the data owner directly.

14.3.4 Secure Multi-Party Computation

The secure MPC [5] enables multiple parties to jointly evaluate their own inputs with pre-
serving privacy of these inputs. Different from traditional cryptographic solutions, e.g., the
homomorphic encryption, which focus on against the adversary outside the computing
community, i.e., the untrusted cloud server and cloud users who do not participant in the
computing, the secure MPC protects participants’ privacy from each other. By using secure
MPC in cloud computing, the cloud users and the cloud server, or cloud servers owned by
different cloud users, can collaborate to perform computations without losing privacy.
The two-party computation (2PC) is a special case of MPC but there are major differ-
ences between the two groups of protocols. Besides different system settings, the techniques
applied on 2PC may not work in the multi-party case. Two parties who take part in a 2PC
protocol are called the “sender” and the “receiver”, respectively. The two main building
blocks in the typical 2PC protocol are the garbled circuit (GC) [5] and the oblivious transfer
(OT) [22]. The main ingredient in a GC is a double-keyed symmetric encryption scheme,
in which each party can securely obtain their own output from the randomized truth table
corresponding to each gate in the circuit by taking their own inputs as keys. The truth table
is initially encrypted and garbled by the sender. The one out of two OT protocol allows the
sender who possesses two values, to send one query by the receiver without knowing what
value is transferred, and the receiver could only learn the value it requests. The sender and
receiver interact as shown in Figure 14.4.

inputA = x, f() inputB = y

2 GC(),Ex,k0/1y
1 f() C GC(),k0/1x,k0/1y
4 Ey 3 GC(OT(y),k0/1y) Ey
5 GC(x, k0/1x) Ex

6 Dec(Ey, k0/1x) 0/1 7 Dec() 8 Dec(Ey, k0/1y) 0/1

Cloud user Cloud server

Figure 14.4 Two-party encryption.

Protocols for Cloud Security 301

• The sender first equally transfers the evaluation function (f()) to a circuit
(C), which will be further processed to be a garbled circuit (GC()). Then the
sender will select its own encoding keys out of two distinct keys (k{0/1}x), and
remains two keys for the receiver (k{0/1}y);
• The sender encodes its inputs (x) through GC. The resulting Ex will be sent to
the receiver with GC and k{0/1}y;
• The receiver evaluates the circuit through OT and learns the encodings (Ey)
corresponding to sender’s and its own outputs;
• The receiver sends back Ey corresponding to sender’s output;
• The sender computes his part of output (0/1) based on Ey and k{0/1}x;
• The sender helps the receiver to map Ey to the final output (0/1).

Most MPC protocols, different from 2PC ones, require private channels uncondition-
ally, and each party acts as a participant in a secret sharing process. Shamir secret sharing
and additive secret sharing are the two most widely adopted secret sharing mechanisms
in MPC.

14.4 Protocols for Data Protection in Secure Cloud Storage

The cloud storage is an instant and easy-to-use storage service for cloud users to store their
data temporarily or permanently. Since the local copy usually will be deleted after being
outsourced to the cloud server, it is paramount important to ensure the data are stored
correctly in the clouds. In general, the security of data in cloud storage is captured by con-
fidentiality, integrity, and reliability. For the data confidentiality, the users need to ensure
that their data are really encrypted in the clouds. PoEs [6–8] are protocols to help users to
ensure that the encryption process has been properly performed and the data is stored in
an encrypted manner. The MLE [9–11] protocols are encryptions that enable secure dedu-
plication, in which the storage space can be saved by detecting and removing redundant
data, while the data confidentiality can be well protected. The integrity of cloud data can be
attested through PoSs [12–14] and PoWs [15, 16, 18]. PoSs allow the cloud users to check
integrity of data stored in the clouds. In addition, integrity checking is an effective strategy
for the cloud server to obtain a PoW on a file during the client-side deduplication, which
is what is known as “proofs of ownership”. The reliability of data means the cloud data is
continuously available over time, which can be guaranteed by placing multiple replicas of
data in different cloud servers. Proofs of replications ensure the data are replicated multiple
times in the clouds, and whether these replicas are stored exclusively at different disks can
be tested through proofs of co-residence. In addition, since storing data in different coun-
tries may be subject to the laws of the jurisdiction where the data is stored, the cloud users
will perform data geolocation to avoid legal issues.

14.4.1 Proofs of Encryption

For keeping client-side be lightweight, the cloud users may outsource encryption as well
as the data being encrypted to the cloud. The cloud users, i.e., the data owner at this point,
are trusted, while the cloud server is assumed to be cheap-and-lazy. To prevent the cloud
302 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

server from fooling the cloud users that the encryption is performed while actually is not,
the cloud users interact with the cloud server following PoEs [6–8].
Generally, the cloud server encrypts the outsourced data using encryptions from
block-level and encapsulates each encrypted block through a time-consuming encoding
algorithm. Due to computational limitation of the processor, as long as the algorithm is
sufficiently expensive, it will be infeasible for the cloud server to store the original file and
encryption key but instantly encrypt the original file to fool the cloud users that encryption
was performed initially. The initial encryption process is shown in Figure 14.5a.

• The cloud user outsources the original file (f) and the encryption key (k) to
the cloud server;
• The cloud server encrypts f with k to ciphertexts (C) through common
encryption algorithms (e.g., AES-256);
• The cloud server seals C to an encapsulated format (H) through a time-­
consuming encapsulation algorithm (e.g., Butterfly transform in [6]);
• The cloud server computes the hash value (or a set of hash values) of H (or
blocks in H), which is denoted by I, and sends I to the cloud user;
• The cloud user encrypts the entire file, or randomly selects several file blocks
out of f, and encrypts them to ciphertext blocks (Ci) using k;
• The cloud user encapsulates the entire encrypted file, or randomly selected Ci
into encapsulated block (Hi) using the same time-consuming encapsulation
algorithm as what the cloud server should do;
• The cloud user computes the hash value of Hi and compares them to what
received from the cloud server. When the two hash values of each selected
file block are identical, the cloud user proceeds to the next step. Otherwise,
the initial encryption is failed;
• The cloud user signs I with its signing private key, and the signed I will be
sent to and stored by the cloud server (tag).
• The confidentiality of data then is ensured through checking integrity of the
encapsulated data over time (as shown Figure 14.5b);
• The cloud user randomly picks c file blocks, i.e., {i1, i2,…,ic}, for checking;
• The cloud server finds specific encapsulated file blocks according to {i1, i2,…
,ic}, i.e., {Hi|1 ≤ i ≤ c}, and corresponding tagi. The tuples (tagi, Hi) are sent to
the cloud user;
• The cloud user verifies whether the response is valid. Only when the cloud
server can response correctly in time, the cloud server could be accepted as

1 f,k 2 {i1,i2 , ... ,ic }

5 I
6 Enc(fi ,k) Ci 2 Enc(f ,k) C
7 Encapsulate(Ci) Hi 1 randomly pick c f ile blocks
3 Encapsulate(C) H 4 (tagi ,Hi) 3 Search {i1,i2 , ... ,ic } in H
10 tag 5 Sign(sk,Hash(Hi))?=Ii 0/1 (tagi ,Hi)
9 Sign(sk,I) tag 4 Hash(H) I
Cloud server Cloud server
Cloud user
Cloud user
(a) Initial encryption (b) Proofs of encryption

Figure 14.5 Wotrkflow of encryption checking.

Protocols for Cloud Security 303

Table 14.1 Performance comparison (N is exported data item).

Butterfly [6] Hu et al. [7] Jin et al. [8]
Computation Sever-side O(NlogN) − O(N)C + O(Nm)
Client-side O(N) O(N)C + O(Nm) O(t)C + O(tm)
Storage Server-side O(N) O(N) O(1)
Client-side O(N) O(N) O(1)

an honest cloud server. The “correctly” here means the hash value of each
returned encapsulated file blocks after decapsulation and decryption is iden-
tical to what is signed by the cloud user in the initial encryption phase.

The computational complexity of the three typical PoEs are listed in Table 14.1, in which
N is the number of file blocks, m is the number of symbols in each file block, C is the time
for generating a lookup table, which is used in encapsulation, and t is times of the encapsu-
lation operation.

14.4.2 Secure Message-Locked Encryption

To protect the confidentiality of cloud data, the users may encrypt their data before out-
sourcing. However, encryption may create significant obstacle to deduplication, which is
an effective and widely adopted technique in cloud storage to save storage by detecting
and removing redundant data, resulting in a more economical and high-efficient cloud
storage service. However, when two identical copies are encrypted into two different files
using different encryption key, the deduplication cannot work. To deal with this conflict
in deduplication-enabled cloud storage system, the user can encrypt their data using the
MLE, in which the encryption key is derived from data itself. In this manner, as shown in
Figure 14.6, if two encrypted files uploaded by different users are identical, then only one
unique copy will be stored by the cloud server to avoid redundancy.
The naive MLE, i.e., the convergent encryption (CE) [23], has been proved to be vul-
nerable to the brute-force attack [24]. Fortunately, this attack has been mitigated in several
secure MLE schemes at cost of requiring a trusted key server [10] or at least one valid data
owner to stay online [11].

14.4.3 Proofs of Storage

The cloud data may be modified or corrupted due to careless management, various attacks,
and unpredictable natural disasters, which is the most unacceptable issue for cloud users.
PoSs [12–14] allow the client (i.e., the data owner) to ensure that the outsourced data is
properly stored in cloud. Typical PoSs include the Provable Data Possession (PDP) [12] and
the Proofs of Retrievability (PoRs) [13, 14].
PoSs are interactive protocols, and the main idea of them is to allow the data owner to
embed secrets in the outsourced file, and then periodically checks existence of these secrets.
304 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

1 F

Data owner 1

2 store F
. 4 F? =F ’ 0/1
0 store F ’
1 discard F ’
Cloud server

3 F’
Data owner i

Figure 14.6 Sever-side deduplication.

Since the embedded secrets are distributed cross the entire file, and both content and dis-
tribution are unknown to the cloud server, it is infeasible for the untrusted cloud server
to pass the integrity checking without possessing the entire file. Besides, considering per-
formance, the data owner can perform spot checking, in which the data owner randomly
selects several file blocks for integrity checking to efficiently detect corruption with a high
probability rather than simply checks the entire file [12]. The integrity checking process
includes the initial procession and PoSs is shown in Figure 14.7.
Before uploading the file to the cloud server, the cloud user pre-processes the outsourced
file as follows (depicted by Figure 14.7a).

• The data owner splits the outsourced file (f) into several file blocks, i.e., f =
{fi|1 ≤ i ≤ n}, and generates metadata for each fi using its own secret (sk),
which is denoted by tagi.
• f and tag will be sent to and stored in the cloud server;
• Then, the cloud user can periodically check integrity of outsourced data by
performing PoSs (as shown in Figure 14.7b);
• The data owner generates challenge (Q) and sends Q to the cloud server;

(fi,tagi) Q (fi,tagi)
1 ChalGen(f ) Q
1 TagGen(fi,sk) tagi 2 store (fi,tagi)
(proof,tag) 2 ProfGen(f,Q) proof
3 Verify(proof,Q,tag) 0/1

Cloud user Cloud server Cloud user Cloud server

(a) Initial processing (b) Proofs of storage

Figure 14.7 Workflow of integrity checking.

Protocols for Cloud Security 305

• The cloud server responses with integrity proofs (proof), which is supposed
to be computed based on f and Q;
• Based on the received proof, tag, and locally stored sk, the data owner verifies
the correctness of proof. If it is correct, then the data owner can be convinced
that f is intact with a high confidence. Otherwise, f has been modified or

14.4.4 Proofs of Ownership

The ownership of outsourced files is expected to be carefully managed in a secure cloud
storage system. To correctly manage the ownership, the cloud server accepts a user as a
valid data owner only after ensuring this user possesses the entire file. This assurance can be
established by simply asking the user to upload the file, which, however, incurs significant
bandwidth consumption. Fortunately, the communication overhead can be optimized by
introducing PoWs, resulting in a more efficient cloud storage system supporting client-side
deduplication (as shown in Figure 14.8). The process of PoW is similar to PoSs, but the roles
of participants are inverse, that is, the cloud server is the verifier while the cloud users are
the provers at this point.
Initially, the initial data owner who uploads the file for the first time is required to pre-
pare PoW evidences as follows (depicted by “Initial upload” in Figure 14.8).

• The initial data owner asks the cloud server whether the file (F) has existed;
• The cloud server responses to the initial data owner that F has not existed;
• The initial data owner prepares metadata (MF) of F to help the cloud server
to do ownership checking;
• MF and F will be uploaded to and stored by the cloud server.

Initial upload
1 F?

F 2 ×

4 F, MF
3 TagGen(F) MF
Data owner 1

5 store F, MF

2 ChalGen(F) Q
6 verify(F , MF,proof) 0/1
Cloud server
F 5 proof
3 √,Q
4 GenProf(F ,Q) proof 1 F?
Data owner i
Proofs of Ownership

Figure 14.8 Client-side deduplication.

306 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

When another user comes and claims the ownership of F, which has existed in the cloud,
the cloud server verifies the ownership of the cloud user as follows (depicted by “Proofs of
Ownership” in Figure 14.8).

• The cloud server generates and sends ownership challenge (Q) to the prover,
i.e., the cloud user;
• The prover computes ownership proof (proof) based on Q and F, which will
be sent to the verifier, i.e., the cloud server;
• The cloud server checks the correctness of proof using MF and Q. If the proof
is correct, the cloud server adds the prover to the owner list of F.

14.4.5 Proofs of Reliability

Confidentiality and integrity checking ensure one data copy is stored properly in a pro-
tected format. However, storing data in the same cloud server is not secure enough for a
cloud user. Once the cloud server is corrupted, confidentiality and integrity checking pro-
tocols do not provide capability for timely data recovery.
Proofs of reliability thus is designed to fill this gap. To enable data recovery from a
potential corruption, the users may require the cloud server to store their outsourced data
redundantly2, e.g., through replication, and ensure the replication level through the proofs

of replications [25]. In addition, these multiple data copies or shards need to be properly
distributed to maintain the reliability level over time, which can be attested through proofs
of co-residence [26, 27]. To avoid legal issues, the cloud users may determine whether their
outsourced data is placed in a demanded place via data geolocation [17].
Similar to PoEs, in proofs of replications, the different replicas are generated in cloud
through special encoding with different keys offered by the cloud users (as shown in
Figure 14.9a). After that, for each replica, the cloud user challenges the cloud server
with randomly selected file blocks. The computational complexity of encoding algo-
rithms ensures that the cloud server has generated replicas honestly. Otherwise, the
cloud server cannot respond to user with correct answer in time (as shown in Figure
Second, the proper distribution of different replicas can be attested through proofs of
co-residence [26, 27]. They work based on the following two observations: 1) multiple
instances running in a cloud server share the same physical hardware, including cache,
bus, and disk. Therefore, when processing two copies stored in one cloud server, compe-
tition for hardware resources will happen; 2) the latency due to resources competition is
Take reading data from the disk as an example, since reading two different copies
from two different cloud servers is a random read in parallel, it will be significant faster
than sequentially reading two copies from one cloud server. As shown in Table 14.2, the


Note that, different from deduplication in cloud storage that removing redundant data cross multiple users,
reliability here means preparing multiple replicas for one user according to his/her security requirement,
which usually is a paid service.
Protocols for Cloud Security 307

1 f,sd 2 {i1,i2, ... ,ic}

4 Ii
5 Enc(fij, k) Cij 2 PRF (sd) k1,k2 ,..., ki
1 randomly pick c file blocks
Encapsulate(Cij) Hij 3 Enc(f, ki) Ci from each replicate 4 (tagij, Hij) 3 Search {i1, i2, ... ,ic} in Hi
Hash(Hij)?=Iij Encapsulate(Ci) Hi
7 tagi 5 Sign (sk, Hash (Hij))?=Iij 0/1 (tagij, Hij)
6 Sign(sk, Ii) tagij Hash(Hi) Ii
Cloud server
Cloud server Cloud user
Cloud user
(a) Initial processing (b) Proofs of replication

Figure 14.9 Workflow of replication checking.

i th i th

1 Randomly pick i th f ile block 1 Randomly pick i th f ile block

2 Setup timer & wait for response 2 Setup timer & wait for response
3 Response i th f ile block 3 Response i th f ile block
4 Stop timer & check time(T1) 4 Stop timer & check time (T2)
(sequentially read) (parallel read)
Cloud user Cloud user
Cloud server Cloud server
(a) Dishonest cloud server (b) Honest cloud server

Figure 14.10 Workflow of proofs of co-residence.

Table 14.2 Benchmark of co-residence (two files) [26].

15 MB 30 MB 50 MB 70 MB
Dishonest 8.87 ms 9.86 ms 11.25 ms 14.2 ms
(two files stored in one disk)
Honest 6.41 ms 6.45 ms 7.97 ms 9.66 ms
(two files stored in two disks)
Difference (%) 35.33 50.08 41.15 46.99

experimental results3 show that it is easy for users to identify the dishonest cloud server (as

shown in Figure 14.10a) and the honest (as shown in Figure 14.10b) one.
Note that, due to limitation of precision when measuring network based on response
delay, geolocating cloud data cannot work well in proofs of co-residence, which requires
ability to identify one cloud server from another. However, it is sufficient for cloud users to
locate their data roughly to avoid legal issues from the region level.
Geolocating data in cloud implies two questions: 1) where the cloud server is, which
stores the data; and 2) whether the data stored in located cloud server is intact. The first
question usually turns to a network measurement problem, and the second question can be
answered by proofs of integrity (as already introduced in Section 14.4.3).

The experimental platform is a computer has an Intel Core i5 CPU 3.10 GHz and 4 GB RAM, over which run-
ning the Ubuntu 11.10 (32-bit). The two testing hard disks attached to the computer are Seagate ST3500418AS
with 500 GB capability and 16 MB cache. The experiment was done on two files for 10 times.
308 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

The main idea of network measurement based on network delay is mapping the response
latency to the physical distance. The network measurement methods can be broadly clas-
sified into two categorizations based on the topology of the network being measured. In a
flatten network, e.g., networks in the United States and most European countries, where
the network latency between two entities is strongly linear to the physical distance between
them, the cloud user can build a mathematical model and geolocate the cloud server based
on this model by taking the response time from the cloud server being tested as the input.
The response time is recorded by the cloud user itself or multiple landmarks recruited by the
cloud user. In a hierarchical network, e.g., network in the Mainland of China, the network
latency between two entities is not strongly linear to the physical distance between them.
In this case, the cloud user recruits multiple landmarks for testing, and approximates the
location of the cloud server being tested to where the landmark is, which obtains the short-
est response time. This rule is called “shortest-closest” principle. Combined with integrity
checking introduced in Section 14.4.3, the steps of geolocating cloud data are listed as fol-
lows (shown in Figure 14.11).

• Suppose there are enough landmarks distributed evenly across the network.
The cloud server recruits c landmarks and sends geolocation requests to
• Each landmark generates integrity challenge (chali, where 1 ≤ i ≤ c), sends
them to the cloud server, and starts a timer simultaneously;
• The cloud server computes and replies the integrity proof (proofi) for each
• Once receives proofi, each landmark stops the timer, and the duration is
recorded as Ti. The correctness of proofi will be verified at the same time;
• Each landmark sends Ti and integrity checking result to the cloud user;
• When detecting any corruption, the geolocation will terminate. Otherwise,
the cloud user either geolocates the cloud server using the latency-distance

1 Geolocation request
8 (0/1,T2) 3 chal2 2 start timer
6 T2
5 stop timer
1 Geolocation
4 proof2 7 Verify(chal2, proof2) 0/1
Cloud user 3 chal1
8 (0/1,T1) Cloud server
9 (Location, 0/1,
T1,T2, ... , Ti) 0/1 4 proof1
3 chali
4 proof1
2 start timer
6 T1 Landmarki
5 stop timer
2 start timer
7 Verify(chal1, proof1) 0/1 6 Ti
5 stop timer
8 (0/1,Ti) 7 Verify(chali, proofi) 0/1

1 Geolocation request

Figure 14.11 Geolocation of data in clouds.

Protocols for Cloud Security 309

model when testing a flatten network, or approximates the location of the

cloud server to the landmark which obtains the shortest response time when
testing a hierarchical network.

Note that, since the network is unstable and may be fluctuated due to the traffic jam,
the poor connection, etc., the latency-distance model for a flatten network and location
approximation in a hierarchical network could only provide a rough location of the cloud
server being tested. Besides, the integrity checking is a probabilistic algorithm since it uses
spot checking for performance. Therefore, geolocating data in cloud does not provide 100%
correct geolocation result to the cloud user. But the confidence can be enhanced by per-
forming geolocation repeatedly.

14.5 Protocols for Secure Cloud Systems

Besides the security of data in clouds, the security of the underlying cloud systems is sig-
nificant as well. In general, the cloud system may be threatened by external and internal
attackers. Access control can ensure that access to specific data is restricted to authenticated
and authorized users and has been adopted by the cloud system to defend against various
From a high level, the access control mechanism usually includes three steps: identifi-
cation, authentication, and authorization. The identification is to identify a user, e.g., with
the help of the PKI. Authentication is an interactive process to verify a prover’s claim about
the identity, which can work based on what the prover knows, or what he/she has, or who
he/she is. To achieve higher security levels, more advanced authentication techniques are
expected, e.g., the two-factors authentications in which more than one authentication fac-
tor will be used together to validate a user. Existing authentication and authorization tech-
niques can be directly used in the cloud computing systems for controlling access purpose.
Access control for the cloud users is not sufficient. Due to the out-of-place nature of
clouds, virtual machines (VMs) belonging to different cloud users may be accessible to the
cloud service manager as well, and the security of VMs is compromised. This problem is
mitigated by using the hardware-driven Trusted Platform Module (TPM), resulting in a
protocol enables secure VMs which are resistant to the cloud service manager [28]. The
main idea of this protocol is to isolate a trusted execution environment using TPM, to
establish trust between users and TPM, and to execute sensitive operations inside the TPM-
enabled trusted execution environment. In this manner, the remote VM could run under
full control of its owner, i.e., a cloud user, rather than the cloud service manager, and the
security of VM can be strongly ensured at the hardware level.

14.6 Protocols for Cloud Security in the Future

Various advanced techniques are emerging in recent years, e.g., the artificial intelligence
(AI), big data, the Internet of Thing (IoT), edge computing, quantum computing, and
block-chain. As a critical network infrastructure, the cloud computing needs to be adapted
to fulfill security requirements for those new applications.
310 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

In secure cloud computing, performance optimization is the first problem which needs
to be resolved. For example, the homomorphic encryption enables data processions with
privacy preserved at a great cost of performance. However, the computational power of
peers in IoT network is always too limited to perform such expensive operations and light-
weight cryptography is desired. In this case, the homomorphic encryption is not directly
applicable to the IoT network. Second, input validation is not well addressed currently.
As collaborations become increasingly common nowadays, accepting the input data from
multiple parties to the same cloud computing unit without validation would be risky. The
adversary may inject noises to disturb data processing, which is known as the “poison-
ing attack”, causing problematic outputs even with the homomorphic encryption and
the secure MPC in place. Therefore, how to efficiently validate input in the cloud setting
deserves more attention.
For the SE in clouds, it has a trade-off among security, performance, and functionality.
The efficient searchability comes at the cost of vulnerability to various attacks, in which the
attackers can compromise the underlying databases and queries. Roughly speaking, these
attackers can be classified into passive attackers and active attackers as defined in Section
14.2.2. The passive attackers passively exploit leakages which are allowed in SE and publicly
available database, while the active attackers compromise the cloud server. Although sev-
eral efforts [29] have been applied to mitigate these attacks by leveraging the hidden vector
encryption (HVE) and bloom filter techniques, it still is an open question to design SEs
that mitigate leakages as much as possible without significantly degrading performance and
Since most of existing security protocols for cloud data and cloud systems are based on
computational security and fail to provide quantum security [30]. As the post-quantum
era is coming, new security protocols for cloud computing which are quantum-resistant
deserve further investigation.
In addition, a new decentralized cloud storage has been emerging in the past few years,
in which each participant can be both the service provider and the consumer at the same
time. The cloud users can store their data anywhere they want in the decentralized cloud
storage network rather than in certain data centers controlled by a few CSPs. The consensus
about storage transactions in such decentralized cloud storage network is accomplished via
the block-chain. In this more complicate cloud architecture, establishing assurance on the
confidentiality, integrity, reliability, and geolocation of the outsourced data, as well as the
cloud system security would become more challenging in the decentralized cloud storage
systems. Therefore, more protocols for securing the decentralized cloud storage are desired.
The Protocol Lab has taken an initial step in implementing the decentralized cloud storage,
called Filecoin [31], but a lot of security questions in this new architecture remain unknown
and should be investigated in the near future.

14.7 Conclusion
Cloud computing has been increasingly used in real world. To address various security
concerns arising due to the out-of-control nature of clouds, various secure protocols have
been designed. To ensure secure cloud computing, protocols including the homomorphic
encryption, the SE, the CP-ABE and the MPC can be used. To enable secure cloud storage,
Protocols for Cloud Security 311

protocols including PoEs, PoSs, and proofs of reliability are proposed. To guarantee security
of the underlying cloud systems, protocols including identity management, authentication,
and launching VMs are designed. We also discuss possible research topics in the future,
including efficient encryptions to secure cloud computing and cloud storage, as well as new
protocols for decentralized cloud storage.

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Part IV
A Study on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
and Its Security
Agniswar Roy1*, Abhik Banerjee1 and Navneet Bhardwaj2

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Netaji Subhash Engineering College,


West Bengal, India

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Netaji Subhash Engineering College,
West Bengal, India

This study on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is solely based on different features of GCP like secu-
rity (multi-layered security, from simple data level to hardware level), storage management (SSD
for faster disk I/O higher performance, HDD for low-speed transfer with huge storage), computing
(VMs, Google Kubernetes Engine, App Engine), networking (hot and cold potato), quality of ser-
vice, cost and quality management, advantages of GCP over other existing public cloud providers.
Google itself uses the cloud platform for its services of video streaming (YouTube), app/game man-
agement (Play Store), storage management (Google Drive), and Data Warehousing. A discussion of
how the cloud platform functions to help Google seamlessly scale its services like Google Maps in
case of unprecedented traffic has been made in this chapter.
In this COVID-19 scenario, a trend in many IT companies is toward shifting their office work,
data, to the cloud as it offers near to zero downtime of services. This chapter is a case study on GCP
and its security offerings with an insight into recent trends on usage of offerings on GCP.

Keywords: Serverless, stackdriver, IAM, Identity Aware Proxy, Security Command Center, logging,
threat detection, secret manager

15.1 Introduction
Cloud is being used by IT companies due to work from home situations. There are a lot of
public/private cloud providers in the market but the company needs to pick a cost-effective
one and, most importantly, has strong security, especially the current news scenario where
one news of selling user data in dark web comes in every week. This paper summarizes key
security features of Google Cloud Platform (GCP), like how and where data is protected,
and who can access user data if Google itself can access stored data so that the reader gets

*Corresponding Author: [email protected]

Rajdeep Chakraborty, Anupam Ghosh and Jyotsna Kumar Mandal (eds.) Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for
Cloud Security, (315–338) © 2022 Scrivener Publishing LLC

316 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

a complete idea of how secure their data is. Alongside, we have also discussed some other
key features of GCP so that readers get an idea of what sections to look further in case some
features they find coinciding with their requirements.
GCP is the youngest among the current top three Cloud Service providers. The first cloud
computer by Google, the “App Engine” was introduced by Google in April 2018 whose main
purpose was to host websites/web applications on Google’s data centers. It was publicly
available by November 2011, compared to Microsoft Azure (February 2010) and Amazon
Web Services (March 2006). Since then, Google has added a lot of cloud services.
Organization of the Chapter
The chapter is segregated as follows: Section 15.2 gives a brief overview of GCP’s security,
and then, Section 15.3 describes the architecture of GCP. Section 15.4 describes key security
features in GCP which makes it more robust. Section 15.5 shows key application features
which makes it more user friendly and helpful to developers and business. Sections 15.6,
15.7, 15.8, and 15.9 describe the four major pillars of GCP: compute, storage, network, and
data, respectively. Section 15.10 describes the Machine Learning tools available to use very
briefly, followed by the conclusion.

15.1.1 Google Cloud Platform Current Market Holding

This graph clearly describes the world is getting more dependent on cloud services. From
Q3 2019 to Q3 2020, the spending has increased by 32.72%. Also to be noted that a lot of
companies have started to build cloud platforms the top three leaders in the market are very
clear. Google has also increased its market hold to 7% from 6% which is very small in front
of Azure and Amazon Web Services, but it jumped from US$2.38bn to US$3.44bn which is
a growth of 44.54% which is pretty significant, according to Alphabet [23].
To further discuss the growth of the GCP, we will take the Forrester Wave and Gartner
Magic Quadrant. There exist a lot more security testing and market analysis but we are
considering only these two as later we will discuss the security features in detail. Figure 15.1
summarize the statistics in a graph.

Growth of Major Public Cloud Providers

Q3 2019 (Total 27.5 Bn US$) Q3 2021 (Total 36.5 Bn US$)
Revenue (in Billions US$)

15 15.33

11.68 12.1
Google Cloud Amazon Web Microsoft Azure Others
Platform Services
Different Cloud Providers

Figure 15.1 Current top 4 public cloud provider’s growth over one year span. (Source: canalys.)
GCP and Its Security 317 The Forrester Wave

Forrester Wave [22] is a review of the Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) native security
report. It only validates top performers of the market on various parameters to evaluate its
security. According to this, Google is one of the leaders with a strong market presence, great
strategy, and services offered. Gartner Magic Quadrant

The report published by Gartner [3] in September 2020 gives a comparative tally of cloud
infrastructure and platform services, the top three of the market, as well as leaders in pub-
lic cloud services. The report suggests that the open-source Kubernetes and TensorFlow,
the Data Science tools like Dataproc and BigQuery developed by Google and available in
the cloud, made them very popular. Currently, Google is developing Anthos which is a
­container-based middleware level that will help GCP to develop and deploy an application
in a hybrid and multi-cloud environment.

15.1.2 Google Cloud Platform Work Distribution

Google pays a deep focus on the Security of the Cloud Platform. With constant security
updates and patchworks, any flaw or loophole is very quickly removed. Apart from this, the
security is separated into several sections each having their work. For the Cloud Engineer of
the company, the most important thing is to know his limitations and power in the context
of security.
The following Table 15.1 summarizes the responsibilities across cloud services.

Table 15.1 Responsibility division across SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS (source: BigCommerce).
SaaS (Software- PaaS (Platform- IaaS (Infrastructure-
Services as-a-Service) as-a-Service) as-a-Service) On-Premise
Applications Provider User User User/Owner
Data Provider User User User/Owner
Runtime Provider Provider User User/Owner
Middleware Provider Provider User User/Owner
Operating Provider Provider User User/Owner
Virtualization Provider Provider Provider User/Owner
Servers Provider Provider Provider User/Owner
Storage Provider Provider Provider User/Owner
Networking Provider Provider Provider User/Owner
318 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

This table clearly shows the work distribution. In the case of On-Premise User and Owner
is the same as the old server concept before the cloud service era. SaaS
SaaS or Software-as-a-Service [3] is the simplest form of a cloud service. Most of the work
like security, maintenance, update, and programming are done by cloud providers and the
user does not need to bother about the server, for example, the Cisco Webex meetings. A
company can make purchases based on their need to add some features, but in the end, the
company does not need to bother how Cisco is handling the video, which route it takes
or they do not have to add any developer to set up the video platform, etc. With small
monthly/annual plans, these services are cost-effective too. PaaS
PaaS or Platform-as-a-Service [3] is a little more complicated than SaaS, where the com-
pany needs to hire a developer to do some work. In the basic platform, some code will be
provided by the cloud provider so the developers do not need to work from scratch but the
developers have to build the application/software themselves. PaaS is used to host software/
applications. It runs on container/Virtual Machine (VM) technology. A very good example
of PaaS is Heroku which is very commonly used to host websites at a small cost. IaaS
IaaS [3] is the most complicated cloud service and the costliest one. When it is physically
impossible to purchase and maintain a server (due to cost, maintenance, and place), IaaS
comes to play. Here, the provider gives all other features of PaaS like basic code, some mod-
ules along heavy compute engines. Since the user does not need to bother about the physi-
cal maintenance cost of a server, it is quite cost-effective compared to maintaining personal
servers, especially when your business is growing and you do not want to invest in a large
server beforehand, as the cloud provider gives you the freedom to scale your server as your
wish in runtime and the bill will come accordingly. Cloud Engineer, System Administrator,
is needed to maintain this service. On-Premise
A personal server [3] for companies, everything from security to physical maintenance
costs, needs to be maintained by the company, pre-cloud service era.

15.2 Google Cloud Platform’s Security Features Basic Overview

Google’s data security can be broken down into several sections [4], from physical on-site
security, data security to network security. Section 15.2.1 describes physical premises
security, Section 15.2.2 describes hardware security, Section 15.2.3 describes inter-service
GCP and Its Security 319

security, Section 15.2.4 describes data security, Section 15.2.5 describes internet security,
Section 15.2.6 is in-software security, Section 15.2.7 describes end-user security.

15.2.1 Physical Premises Security

Google stores data in their data center and, in some cases, other third-party centers [1]. In
both cases, very few employees are allowed in the buildings, and each floor or section is
locked by biometric, metal detection, CCTV, and laser alarming systems, entirely planned
and monitored by Google. Those few employees are very closely monitored and their data
access is always tracked. However, any change in the system always has to be approved by
an engineer (other than the person making changes) and the owner so even if someone
bypasses all monitoring and alarms, eventually he will have to get the owner’s permission
to do it.

15.2.2 Hardware Security

Google’s computer’s processors, NIC, and all other components are custom designed by
Google to avoid any data leak or security breach [1]. In the context of this, we can mention
the exploit in Intel 32 bit processors which were subject to a fatal data leak called Spectre,
Identified by the team Meltdown and marked as a major issue in Common Vulnerabilities
and Exposure [4].
The server boot devices, BIOS, kernel, grub (bootloader), and the OS image all are cus-
tom designed and stored in custom encrypted Google-designed chips so that they can-
not be tampered with. Special updating programs are there to regularly update necessary
software components, including removal of a machine from the system if any fatal flaw is
detected. Each machine has its unique ID to make it trustworthy to the entire system.

15.2.3 Inter-Service Security

To make processes faster, Google does not use a firewall around each of the systems indi-
vidually. Instead, it grants unique encrypted credentials to each of the services to make
inter-service communications [1]. This procedure is called “Remote Procedure Calls” or
RPCs. Figure 15.2 shows the core workflow of RPCs. This helps the machines to discard
the security of the network path as encrypted data is transmitted, received, and decrypted
(say, an HTTP packet re-encrypted). Recently, Google is deploying encryption accelerators
so that in any case if Google’s private WAN (we will discuss it later) gets compromised, all
RPC traffic can be encrypted faster. The source code of system components (both old and
new) is stored with a log. Any modification can be done by an author with credentials, but
to put the change to affect, the system owner and at least one engineer other than the author
need to approve it. As a result, even if someone manages to make changes in code, with the
traceback in logging, then he/she can be tracked down.
To isolate one service from another, hardware + software virtualization, kernel +
­language-based sandboxes, user separation is done. High sensitive processes like Google
Compute Engine and Google Kubernetes Engine are run in separate machines.
Then, his encrypted credentials are sent for authentication. In authentication, if it is
found that the user can access Service 2, then it is sent to Service 2 where the credentials are
320 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Service 1 Service 2

Encryption Decryption

ceredentials of
User Authentication by
matching credentials

User requesting to
access Service 2
through Service 1

Figure 15.2 How RPCs work. User requests to access Service 2 through Service 1.

decrypted and used. During transmission of credentials, it is always encrypted so none can
intercept communication between two services.

15.2.4 Data Security

Data is stored in physical disks in the encrypted form [1]. These encryption keys are gen-
erated, rotated, and maintained by a central Key Management Section (KMS). When a disk
gets removed out of service for recycling/repair, it is wiped by a complex data wipe proce-
dure and a two-step wipe verification process (data cannot be restored). If a disk fails to pass
the verification, then it gets physically destroyed on-premise.
Data deletion is made as an application, not direct removal so that one can think to
withdraw before data gets deleted. Also in case of any human or programmatic error, this
scheduled deletion helps to recover lost data.

15.2.5 Internet Security

Google Front End (GFE) can stop harmful DoS (denial-of-service) attacks [1] (“Zombie
Computer” or bots, constantly sending requests to servers, making the server crash or for
large servers, makes the experience slower for other users) by monitoring the number of
requests from a single IP. The load balancer observes the IP traffic and informs the central
DoS service. When it detects that a DoS might happen, it throttles that IP’s traffic. All data
transmission over the network is secured with Transport Layer Security (TLS).

15.2.6 In-Software Security

Google has provided libraries for developers to patch up security vulnerabilities [4]. Also,
a team of Google always looks for these leaks and constantly patches/create new libraries
GCP and Its Security 321

to fix them. Google also gives prizes to people who can find bugs/exploits their system.
Hardware, network pipes have checkpoints. So, in case an uninformed large amount of data
transfer is taking place, the checkpoint will alert the security personnel immediately who
work round the clock 365 days.

15.2.7 End User Access Security

We have very commonly used Google our account to use many other sites, like YouTube,
Calendar, Playstore, Contacts, and Drive. This is managed by cookies or tokens. When a user
tries to enter service by logging in, the login credentials are sent to servers who verify it and
return an “end-user permission ticket” which gets stored as a cookie. This cookie has an expi-
ration time and within the time the user can do the communication without making any new
request. The hardware and network details are also logged by Google so that we can use “Stay
signed in for this device”, and each time we try a new device, some verification is done [1].

15.3 Google Cloud Platform’s Architecture

Here, it will be discussed how GCP works, from data storage to server location. Google has
developed data centers all across the world [6]. All data centers are not the same; some have
strong hardware support some do not. For example, a VM with a Tensor Processing Unit
(TPU) (very useful for Graphics Card accelerated calculations during complicated Machine
Learning model training) is not available at the Mumbai server but available in the central
US server. But the basic working principle remains the same. In this section, we will discuss
geographic zone in Section 15.3.1 and resource management in Section 15.3.2.

15.3.1 Geographic Zone

As mentioned before, Google developed multiple data centers over the world. To make sure
that the data does not get lost or the service does not stop multiple data centers over the
same or different locations can be used [6]. The type of thing that can be stored depends on
the type of resource.

• Zonal Resources [6]: Stored within a single zone. These resources are mostly
hardware dependent so the scope is limited. VMs and local persistent disks
(PDs) are stored in a single zone [6].
• Regional Resources [6]: App Engine and Regional Cloud Storage Buckets
are regional resources. (During bucket creation the option comes whether
to use zonal or regional cloud buckets. Of course zonal has lower latency
than regional and better for temporary uses, like crawling websites, training
Neural Net models.)
• Multi-Regional Resources [6]: Data shared across regions. Nothing specific,
based on the scale of business the user wants the data gets stored for faster
access and security (less chance all regional servers break down together and
data gets lost or the website comes down).
322 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

• Global Resources [6]: This is for large business organizations that want total
data safety and have business all over the world. Google itself is a big example
of it. Apart from it, the Speech to Text and Load Balancers are part of it.

15.3.2 Resource Management

A company can have many projects running simultaneously. It needs to be made sure that
one project people cannot access another and the resources are kept isolated. That is why
GCP has a project management system [2]. One project does not collide with another. Then
comes who can access which project. The company email ID which is used to maintain the
cloud account and has billing details attached can grant access to people as project man-
agers who can further give access to people based on need [17]. The managers can permit
two basic levels, Google account as developer and service account as an account to access
an application from the user end. Developers can create VM and book a Cloud Bucket and
all things needed. To make the developer access more detailed there are three IAM roles.
Before getting to them, take a look at IAM. IAM
Via Identity and Access Management (IAM) [2], one can grant access to people to work on proj-
ects. In a company, a lot of GCP projects might run simultaneously and one person cannot iden-
tify the requirements of all projects to allocate them. Hence, IAM creates a “policy” to identify
roles for each person, or make a collection of roles and give the collection to the required peo-
ple. Multiple policies can be created to give different types of access to different people/groups.
Figure 15.3 shows the contents of an IAM Policy.
A policy consists of two key components. People granted the policy and what does the
policy offer. The offerings are basically a combination of various roles.
Google account is a simple account. Google groups can be formed by combining a few
email accounts. Taking the figure as an example, an “Admin” group can be used.


List of
People Roles

Google Account • Instance Admin.

Google Group • Storage Admin.
• Viewer.

Figure 15.3 Structure of an IAM policy.

GCP and Its Security 323 Roles
The access granting method done by IAM in GCP is done by giving roles [2] to people.
These roles have a few types based on their access limitations. Basic Roles

Viewer, Editor, and Owner: These are predefined roles [2]. Unless there is no option (i.e., the
manager does not even know who needs what type of permission), basic roles should never
be used. At least predefined roles should be used and the best practice is to use custom roles.
The following Table 15.2 shows the basic roles available. Predefined Roles

IAM roles are more fine-tuning than basic roles [2]. For example, permission only to start
VM instances or stop them but not allowing to create instances. Custom Roles

This is the best practice and should be followed [2]. For example, owners can add resources
to a project. Now the old problem comes that one person cannot know the needs of each
project and hence some other people, say project manager is added as owner. The project
manager grants permission of an “owner” to a developer. The developer can create random
instances (VMs) and forget about them or use them for personal gain, but at the month-
end, the company will get a big amount to pay. Instead, the project manager will allocate
VM and the developer needs to start VM, stop VM, check logs, modify the machine type
of existing instances but do not need to add or remove it; so that multiple resources cannot
be purchased. These sets of roles can be granted to the developer policy group, whereas the
project manager will get another policy to get roles to allocate resources. Billing
Resources come with bills. To pay the bill, the organization account must be linked with a
verified payment method. Billing [2] of cloud services is done by a cloud billing account,
which only handles the billing of cloud resources. It is linked with Google payment pro-
file which is used to store payment details (card details) to be used in all Google ser-
vices (Playstore, AdSense). Now, there is a feature called sub-account. Usually, they are
for resellers, like someone gives a sub-account to a person. That person can use as many
resources as he/she wishes. At the month-end, the bill will be generated with his/her name
and come to the reseller. Then, the reseller collects the money from him. But it is mostly

Table 15.2 Basic permission levels.

Role Permissions
Viewer Only see or read-only actions, no modifications allowed.
Editor All viewer’s permissions plus ability to modify existing resources state.
Owner All editor roles plus the ability to grant roles to others, create/purchase cloud
resources, and manage billing for projects.
324 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Cloud Billing Account Exchange of Payment Google Payment

Owner can see Sub-account 1 details for billing. Prof ile
and Sub-account 2 bill

Sub-account 2
Sub-account 1 Bill for Project 2
Bill for Project 1 and 3 combined

Project 1 Project 2 Project 3

Google Cloud Platform Environment

Figure 15.4 Sub-account billing method.

used in a single organization to run individual projects on individual sub-account so that

the owner can see which project is costing how much.
Figure 15.4 show bill is generated for sub accounts, multiple projects. Here, a company
can run three projects via two sub-accounts. At the end of the month, the bill for projects
will generate for the sub-account, like sub-account 1 will have the bill of project 1 and
sub-account 2 will have the bill of project 2. The owner can see each bill individually.

15.4 Key Security Features

We have got a brief overview of how GCP’s security works. But there are some key security
facilities in GCP apart from the aforementioned and these play key roles in reinforcing the
security. Here, we will discuss Identity Aware Proxy (IAP) in Section 15.4.1, compliance
in Section 15.4.2, policy analyzer in Section 15.4.3, Security Command Center (SCC) in
Section 15.4.4, Data Loss Protection (DLP) in Section 15.4.5, key management in Section
15.4.6, secret manager in Section 15.4.7, and finally monitoring in Section 15.4.8.

15.4.1 IAP
IAP [8] is used to design a central authorization layer that gives control over the application
layer instead of securing the network with firewalls. One can design one IAP policy and use
it in all applications or create separate policies for individual applications.
IAP checks the user’s request to access cloud resources. In case a user not signed in IAP
responds with sign in, if the browser has no site settings, it requests a cookie to make the
browser suitable for work. After the sign-in, browser details get confirmed, the user cre-
dentials get validated against IAM policy to check its access. Once it is cleared, the user can
finally access the cloud resource.
GCP and Its Security 325


Cloud IAP

Google Account No


IAM policy Authorize


Cloud Resource

Figure 15.5 The flow of IAP verification.

Figure 15.5 shows the procedure of IAP verification. When a user tries to access a
resource, first, he is checked with IAP. Then, his Google account is checked for authentica-
tion. Then, his account credentials are matched with IAM policies. Then, he gets authorized
to access the resource based on his roles.

15.4.2 Compliance
GCP is a certified ISO/IEC 27001 company, meaning with best security practices and rules
to follow to keep the information secure [6]. It has SOC 1 certification, which assures that
the financial statements (Bills) made by Google are up to standard. The FedRAMP, Federal
Risk and Authorization Management Program, is a US Federal government-run certifica-
tion program for cloud services to provide a standardized security assessment, continuous
monitoring, and authorization. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
(HIPAA) is a federal law that shows data privacy and security requirements for organi-
zations that are charged with safeguarding people’s protected health information (PHI).
Customers that are subject to HIPAA and want to utilize any Google Cloud products must
review and accept Google’s Business Associate Agreement (BAA). Google ensures that the
Google products covered under the BAA meet the requirements under HIPAA.
326 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

15.4.3 Policy Analyzer

IAM can grant permission to people, but it needs to be done effectively so that who got
what access permission should be tracked. This is the job of the policy analyzer [7]. Apart
from this, during the inclusion of new people or any new resource in the workgroup, their
access and policy are managed by the policy analyzer. During any query, the policy analyzer
checks for the query maker’s policy and gives the result accordingly. In short, who can
access resource X, how many resources can be accessed by Y, which permission/access Z
have, which permissions does A have on resource B can be answered by the policy analyzer.

15.4.4 Security Command Center

SCC [2] is a risk dashboard and analytics system for monitoring and repairing Google
Cloud security and data risks across an organization. The services of SCC depend on the
paid tier. Standard Tier

Standard tier [2] only has a basic web security scanner, which scans deployed applications
with URL and IPs not protected by a firewall and a security health analytic system that
automatically searches for high threat vulnerability and misconfigurations of Google Cloud
assets. Premium Tier

Premium tier has some additional security features [2]. Event Threat Detection

Event threat detection [2] works by analyzing event logs. These near real-time logs contain
various event information which is monitored by threat detection logic and threat intelli-
gence to find a threat. If a threat is found, then it returns the finding to the SCC and Cloud
Logging. From Cloud Logging, the findings can be exported to another system and can be
analyzed with cloud functions. Some of the events that are marked as a threat are as follows:

• Exporting any data outside the project or organization.

• Trying to access a known malware-infected domain.
• Trying to connect to a known mining IP address.
• Outgoing Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks.

Apart from pre-defined threats (some mentioned above), the owner can define custom
events by using the Cloud Logging data that they want to be marked as a threat. Check
Figure 15.6 to see how a threat is detected and managed. Cloud Logging

Event threat detection cannot work without logging [2]. That is why logging is also a key part
of security. By default, logging is off. To use event threat detection, it has to be turned on.
GCP and Its Security 327

SSH Log/System
Log Security
Event Threat Center (SCC)
VPC Flow Log (In-Built)
(Most Important)

In case as Custom event to

Cloud event is
Cloud Audit Log Logging be marked as
marked as threat

Cloud DNS Log Custom event

detector using
Firewall Rules Log
These two are same Cloud Logging

Figure 15.6 How event threat detection works.

Users can decide what sections of projects are needed to be logged. However, apart from
event threat detection, a lot of applications can be monitored by using logging.
Currently, event threat detection uses only the following types of logging.

• SSH log/system log.

• VPC flow logs [2]: Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) flow logs records network
traffic done by a VM instance. This can help to network surveillance, cost
optimization, and most of the tasks done by the event threat detector. The
event threat detector works best when this log is active.
• Cloud Audit Logs [2]: Cloud audit log saves four types of logs for each cloud
project, folder, and organization.

◦◦ Admin activity audit log: This log observes the administrative activities,
like allocating new resources (creating a VM) and changing IAM policy.
This log is free and it cannot be stopped or configured.
◦◦ Data access audit log: This log checks any CRUD operation on user-­
provided resource data that is not publicly available, as these logs can
be very big (each API call to access data will be an entry) and take
resources to write. That is why this log is by default turned off (apart from
BigQuery). This logging might cost additional charges. This logging can
be configured.
◦◦ System event audit logs: These look for events that are done by Google
itself on a system (updating any resource, patch fix). It is free and cannot
be stopped or configured.
◦◦ Policy denied audit logs: When the system rejects someone’s access request
due to some security policy violation. This is generated automatically and
charged with the cloud project but it can be stopped.
328 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

• Cloud DNS Logs [2]: Cloud DNS is used to publish your domain name
to the global Domain Name System (DNS). DNS is a database that allows
you to store IP addresses and other data and find the data up later by name
(IP: Cloud DNS has a feature to separate public and
private DNS. Public DNS can be accessed by anyone whereas private DNS
can only be used by nodes in specified VPC networks. Private DNS logging
only logs queries that name servers resolve for your VPC networks. Public
queries to public domains are not logged as a public name server handles
• Firewall Rules Logs [2]: This log is needed to check if the firewall is work-
ing correctly. For example, say according to the rules, Facebook should be
blocked, then it should be checked if it is blocked. The logging also says
which connections are affected by the firewall rules.

From various logs coming to cloud logging, the logs are analyzed by an in-built event
threat detector and custom event threat detector (made using BigQuery). If any threat is
noticed, it is sent to SCC and Cloud Logging for further steps, otherwise, the analysis is
discarded. Apart from these, there are user logs, i.e., multi-cloud and hybrid-cloud logs. Container Threat Detection

This service’s job is to monitor container images, evaluation of changes in images, and
remote access attempts in near real time [2]. When it is enabled, event information and
container identifier information is passed to the threat detector. Once it finds a threat, it
informs SCC and Cloud Logging (optionally), otherwise, data is discarded. Incidents that
are marked by this detection are as follows:

• A binary code that is not part of the original container image or modified
version of the image is being executed.
• A library that is not part of the original container image or modified version
of the image is loaded.
• Reverse Shell: a process started with the stream directly to a remotely con-
nected socket. By this, an attacker can execute his desired commands. Security Health Analytics

This tool finds and reports several vulnerabilities to the system [2]. Some are listed below:

• API Key: if an API key has too many users, unrestricted usage (untrusted
apps can use the key), the key has not changed since a limit of days then these
events are reported.
• Compute Image: Compute engine publicly accessible.
• Compute Instance: no OS login, the instance has a public IP address, load
balancer targeting HTTP proxy instead of HTTPS, Secure Boot disabled
(prevents rootkits and boot kits attacks), and many other vulnerability checks
fall under this section.
• Dataset: dataset open to public access.
GCP and Its Security 329

• Firewall: firewall logging disabled, firewall open to public access, firewall has
opened ports for generic access.
• IAM: service account with administrative roles, using basic roles (owner, edi-
tor, viewer), service account key not changing over a certain time.
• Logging: storage bucket with no logging, resource with no proper log sink.
• Storage: storage bucket is publicly available.
• Monitoring: vulnerabilities of this section checks if all the resources are mon-
itored properly. Usually, various log metrics and alerts are not monitored
properly (changes in IAM permission, firewall rules, and audit configuration). Web Security Scanner

This scanner [2] finds vulnerabilities in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), App Engine,
and Compute Engine web applications. Starting from the initial URL, the scanner crawls
all links (only public URLs, not protected by a firewall) within the scope of the initial URL
and tries to take as many inputs and event handlers as possible. The scans run automatically
once a week and the findings are reported to SCC. Some of the exploits that can be found
are as follows:

• GIT repository exposed publicly.

• Password transmission without encryption.
• Library(es) used in the application has known vulnerabilities.

15.4.5 Data Loss Protection

To migrate data to a project for use, DLP [9] is needed. DLP does a lot of things other than
simply taking the data. It can take the data (it can handle both structured and unstructured
data), classify it, and store the data in their needed storage space, and the best thing is
that this does not need any human monitoring. Since a lot of data might contain sensitive
information (credit/debit card details, account number), DLP can de-identify data too. The
de-identification can be done both one way and two way. One way encryption or hashing
is used when it is sure the data would not be needed in the future. Two-way encryption is
more popular as most of the time the data is needed further. Here, a Data Encryption Key
(DEK) is used to encrypt and decrypt the data. The DEK must be given to a very small
group of people.

15.4.6 Key Management

Previously in this paper, it was mentioned (Data Security, Section 15.2.4) that the data is
written to disk in encrypted form all the time free of cost. The data is encrypted using the
AES-256 method. Since this encryption is both ways, an encryption key is needed which
should be stored for future use. This key management [10] is done by cloud KMS (Key
Management Service). The encryption-decryption operation can be done by using cloud
330 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

KMS directly or cloud external key manager or Customer-Managed Encryption Keys

(CMEK) integrations within other Google services.

15.4.7 Secret Manager

The secret manager [2] is used to store secrets of projects like API keys, passwords, and
other critical data. Secret data is immutable and each access to the secret data is logged if
Cloud Audit logging is enabled and the data can be used to track any unauthorized access.
Like other cloud services, one must be granted permission through IAM to access the
secrets but the project owner has access to the secrets.

15.4.8 Monitoring
Cloud monitor [5] collects metadata, metrics, and event data from applications and sys-
tems, processes it, and gives necessary feedback via dashboard, alerts, and charts. What data
to be collected, custom alerts for user-defined cases based on log data, custom dashboard so
that frequently used components come first, and globally observing online available VMs
and APIs are all part of monitoring.

15.5 Key Application Features

We would not go into details about any specific applications available in the cloud, but
some functions are there which is beneficial to everyone who uses GCP [15]. In this section,
we will discuss the stackdriver in Section 15.5.1, network in Section 15.5.2, Virtual Machine
Specifications in Section 15.5.3, and finally Preemptible VM in Section 15.5.4.

15.5.1 Stackdriver (Currently Operations)

It is the centralized method to collect logs, metrics, to quickly identify if anything is going
wrong with your GCP resources [11]. It has six sections. Monitoring (see Section 15.4.8),
logging (see Section, error reporting (see Section, event threat detec-
tion), profiler, debugger, and trace. Since monitoring, logging, and event reports fall under
security, they are discussed before. Rest are briefed here. Profiler
Profiler [12] gathers CPU and memory allocation information to inform you about which
section of the application source code is taking the most resources, so the code can be fur-
ther optimized. Cloud Debugger

This is used for real-time running application debugging [13]. There is no need to stop or
pause the application. The debug log comes with ~10-ms delay which is not noticeable.
GCP and Its Security 331

During any moment, one can take a snapshot to note down call stack and variables or enter
a log message which will be treated as if it is part of the actual code. Trace
Trace [14] collects latency information of a running application from server to user end
and generates reports where the performance drop is occurring (overtime by comparing
two reports or any instant bottleneck) and why and it is automatic and near real-time. Some
services like gaming, live streaming, and remote operations need minimal latency possible.
That is why Trace is very useful.

15.5.2 Network
The default network tier one gets when using GCP is the premium tier [5]. It is for a reason.
Most data centers of other cloud providers (Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure) are
public, i.e., when you request data from America sitting in India, your data will hop from
various data centers across the world, which is time-consuming. But, Google has made
their own data centers across the world, and in the premium tier, the data travels from
Google to Google data center before sending the data to local ISP, which makes it very fast
compared to others. This method is called cold potato, and the other method is called hot
potato. Also one can choose the standard edition which is a mix of public and private data
centers for cost optimization and similar in performance to other cloud providers.
Figure 15.7 shows the hot potato network. Here, the data comes over the world by
hopping shared public cloud data centers which makes the data transfer slow and more
Figure 15.8 shows the cold potato network. The data comes in Google’s own network
from and to Google’s own data centers till it reaches the nearest data center then to the pub-
lic web which makes the data transfer very fast and less vulnerable.

Local ISP User

Cloud Data

Public Server Public Path

taken by data

Figure 15.7 Hot potato, used by other cloud providers like AWS and Azure.
332 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Cloud Data Local ISP User


Google’s Server Public Path Path inside

taken by data Google’s network

Figure 15.8 Cold potato, available in the premium network tier of GCP.

15.5.3 Virtual Machine Specifications

GCP has a unique feature to manually select the specifications of your VM. The no of core count
in CPU and the amount of RAM can be done by user input, whereas other providers have a long
list of almost all possible combinations you might need but they would not give you the freedom
to customize a machine. Now, along with this Google’s monitoring comes. If it can find out that
the VM allotted for the specific task is too powerful, then it will suggest a lower-end version.
For example, you allotted an 8 GB memory and 4 core processor. But after a week the monitor
finds that your RAM usage never exceeded 5 GB and CPU usage was <40%. It will automatically
suggest to scale down the VM, say, a 2 core 6 GB machine, which is helpful to minimize the cost.

15.5.4 Preemptible VMs

Preemptible VMs are 24-hour short-lived (unless the timer is reset) low-cost instances (up
to 80% cheaper) which give additional power to the existing VM. Before heavy workload,
like launching a game when massive downloads will come, sales in e-commerce sites the
developers allocate these VMs to help the main VM. Compute Engine has the power to stop
these VMs due to system events but the probability is very low.

15.6 Computation in Google Cloud Platform

The key components of GCP’s computation are Compute Engine, App Engine, Container
Engine, and Cloud Functions. Since these are not our key motives for our paper, we will
discuss them very briefly [15]. We will discuss the compute engine in Section 15.6.1, the
App Engine in Section 15.6.2, the container engine in Section 15.6.3, and finally the cloud
functions in Section 15.6.4.

15.6.1 Compute Engine

Compute engines [2] are like real-life servers which have storage, processor, memory, SSD,
etc. It allows users to create VM instances in Google cloud infrastructure. When you want a
GCP and Its Security 333

kernel-level modification, you want to run an app/package that cannot be containerized or

have a custom image and complete control then you will need a compute engine. Machine
learning model training or similar heavyweight applications run in compute engines [20].

15.6.2 App Engine

App Engine [2] is useful to host any website or web applications. The developer does not
need to think about the host computer or any prior server handling, kernel module knowl-
edge. Because of its simplicity, the App Engine is very popular [18, 20].

15.6.3 Container Engine

Google’s container engine [2] is known as the Kubernetes engine. Say the App Engine han-
dles server-side error but that does not remove the possibility of user-side error. So, in
case a section of the code crashes, the entire application will come down. Here comes the
Kubernetes engine. When the user does not want to mess with the kernel or touch server,
he/she can shift the application to containers then use the container engine. The Kubernetes
engine works on “Serverless” technology, i.e., no single server will be there. Each container
will work separately and together they will be called clusters. If one container fails, then the
rest will be up and running [20].

15.6.4 Cloud Functions

Cloud Function [2] is a simple function as a service. These functions are made available
worldwide in all regions. Autoscale, no server management, run code from a phone, Google
assistant, cloud anywhere, and many other features make this a very useful component.
Some examples are a virtual assistant and conversion experiences (using Cloud Speech API,
give voice and text-based conversation a more natural touch, like Google Assistant), and
Sentiment analysis using Cloud Natural Language API.

15.7 Storage in Google Cloud Platform

Depending on the data type, various types of storage methods are used.

• Cloud Storage [2]: This is just a robust object storage space, huge in amount.
The cost of this storage depends on the scale the data will be accessed. Based
on the scale, it can be classified into four types:

◦◦ Coldline Storage: Here, only redundant data is stored that is not used/very
rarely used anymore. Source file backup, disaster recovery data is stored
here. It is the cheapest.
◦◦ Nearline Storage: More frequent and a bit costlier than Coldline. Usually,
data backups, long time unused docs are stored here.
◦◦ Regional Storage: Coding, computing machines, and data analytics are
stored on a regional scale. Small-scale organizations use this type of storage.
334 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

◦◦ Multi-Regional Storage: Here, very frequently data access is done. Hence, it

is costliest. E-commerce and video stream/upload sites use kind of storage.

• Cloud SQL [2]: Here, relational databases can be stored via MySQL,
PostgreSQL, and SQL server. It scales on the go and can be exported or
imported from and to CSV files.
• Datastore: It is used to store NoSQL databases. It is also scalable. Currently, it is
known as Firestore (with a lot of upgrades) and old datastore data can be migrated
by users to Firestore or they will be automatically migrated in the future.
• BigTable: BigTable is also a high-performance scalable NoSQL database. The
key difference between Datastore/Firestore and BigTable is that Datastore is
easy to use but BigTable gives better performance.

15.8 Network in Google Cloud Platform

Components of GCP’s network are DNS (see Section and the rest are as follows:

• VPC [2]: It provides network functionality to VMs, App Engines, containers,

• Load balancing [2]: It puts all cloud resources behind a single IP address.
The scaling of the server (upscale or downscale) depends on the number of
queries the load balancer is getting.
• Cloud Content Delivery Network (CDN) [19]: This is much like a processor
cache. When the GFE gets a request, it searches inside CDN. If the answer
is found it is sent to the user. If not found, the actual data is accessed. If the
data is cacheable, then it is moved to CDN. Finding the data in CDN is called
“cache hit” and not finding is called “cache miss” [17].
• Cloud Interconnect [2]: This service extends an on-premise network to a
low latency connection in Google’s network. It can be achieved by using a
dedicated on-premise network to Google network by a physical medium or
via a service provider who bridges the Google network and the on-premise

15.9 Data in Google Cloud Platform

Data can be accessed, analyzed, and visualized in GCP by various tools provided there.

• BigQuery [2]: Scalable, high performance, multi-cloud data warehouse. It is

a very important component in Machine Learning (as it can analyze data)
and security.
• DataFlow [2]: Fast, serverless batch data processing service based on Apache
Beam SDK.
• Datalab: Used to explore, visualize, analyze, and transport data in Python,
SQL, and other languages.
GCP and Its Security 335

• Pub/Sub [2]: It is an asynchronous messaging service used for event ingestion

and delivery for streaming analytics pipelines. It offers good message storage,
real-time message delivery, and consistent performance at scale. Pub/Sub
servers run in all GCP cloud regions over the world [16].

15.10 Machine Learning in Google Cloud Platform

There are various strong machine learning tools built-in GCP. Some of them are Cloud
Vision API, Cloud Speech API, Cloud Natural Language API, AutoML, and Cloud Video
intelligence. These pre-built codes are ready to use in other models or part of any larger
projects. AutoML is a good classifier but you do not need to write a single line to use it.
Combined with huge amounts of data and strong models, better training machines,
machine learning in GCP has become a pretty simple thing. Most of the cloud providers
are currently including these machine learning tools as prebuilt code for developers which
makes a cloud engineer more valuable than machine learning developers unless the project
entirely revolves around machine learning or deep learning methods. Google’s data science
tools, data analysis tools, and data management tools along with TensorFlow makes the
GCP heaven for Machine Learning/Deep Learning/Data Science enthusiasts.
The following Table 15.3 summarizes all major components of the GCP.
Apart from these major six components, there are third party components too. Google’s
TensorFlow makes Google a stronger challenger to others in the Machine Learning field. This
additional Table 15.4 [21] gives a chart of common terminology among public cloud providers.
Apart from these, a lot of cloud functionalities are there and they are continuously

15.11 Conclusion
We discussed here mainly the security of the GCP: how the data is stored at rest and at
transit, who can access, and not only software but also physical security. We mentioned that

Table 15.3 The core of Google Cloud Platform.

Management Compute Storage Networking Data learning
Identity and Compute Cloud Virtual BigQuery AutoML
Access Engine Storage Network + +
Management + + + DataFlow Speech API
(IAM) Preemptive VM Cloud SQL Content + +
+ + + Delivery Datalab Vision API
Stackdriver App Engine Cloud Network + +
(Currently + Datastore (CDN) Pub/Sub Translate
Operations) Container (Currently + API
Engine Firestore) DNS and many
(Kubernetes) + + others
+ BigTable Interconnect
336 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Table 15.4 Common terminology between Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and GCP.
Functionality GCP AWS Azure
Compute Services Compute Engine Elastic Compute Virtual Machines
Cloud (EC2)
App Hosting Google App Engine Amazon Elastic Azure Cloud Services
Serverless Computing Google Cloud AWS Lambda Azure Functions
Container Support Container Engine EC2 Container Service Azure Container
(Kubernetes) Service
Scaling options Autoscaler Autoscaling Azure Autoscale
Object Storage Cloud Storage Amazon Simple Azure Blob Storage
Storage (S3)
Block Storage Persistent Disks Amazon Elastic Block Azure Managed
Storage Storage
Content Delivery Cloud CDN Amazon CloudFront Azure CDN
Network (CDN)
SQL Database Cloud SQL Amazon RDS Azure SQL Database
NoSQL Database Cloud Datastore AWS DynamoDB Azure DocumentDB
Virtual Network Cloud Virtual Amazon VPC Azure Virtual
Network Network
Private Connectivity Cloud Interconnect Private Connectivity Azure Express Route
DNS Services Cloud DNS Amazon Route 53 Azure Traffic
Log Monitoring Cloud Logging Amazon CloudTrail Azure Operational
Performance Stackdriver Amazon CloudWatch Azure Application
Monitoring Monitoring Insights
Administration and Identity and Access AWS Identity Azure Active
Security Management and Access Directory
(IAM) Management (IAM)
Compliance Google Cloud AWS CloudHSM Azure Trust Center
Platform Security
Analytics Cloud DataFlow Amazon Kinesis Azure Stream
Load Balancing Cloud Load Balancing Elastic Load Balancing Load Balancing for
Hybrid Cloud Anthos AWS Outposts Azure Arc
GCP and Its Security 337

Google prizes people who find bugs in their system and can exploit it. It is not only from the
software end but also from the physical end too. The security drills at a Google data center
consist of hiring people to break through the center not only externally but also internally,
like a Google employee shaking hands with the thief. The security certifications earned
by GCP can be found by visiting reference [6], which consists of 40 top global certificates
for security standards. We mentioned some GCP exclusive features like best cost optimi-
zation by giving suggestions to the user if any resource is underused, 24x7 customer sup-
port, using personal data centers to transmit data instead of shared public data centers and,
above all, great guides to train IT, people, and best security practices. With the preemptible
VMs supporting main compute engines, a very stable serverless Kubernetes engine, and the
zero-knowledge base friendly App Engine, Google has a solution for every need. GCP has
claimed a lot of the market in a short term, a little below the leader Amazon Web Services
because of their 7-year head start but they are covering the ground and continuously impro-
vising, by adding new features and APIs to make the developer work easier, giving day zero
security patches and updates, and designing custom firmware and hardware for less third
party intervention. So, we think you will find it easier to decide to pick which cloud pro-
vider to get after going through the paper.

2. Google Cloud Whitepaper. Google Cloud security foundations guide, August 2020. Published
and maintained by Google.
7. Gupta, D., Bhatt, S., Gupta, M., Kayode, O., Tosun, A.S., Access Control Model for Google
Cloud IoT. 2020 IEEE 6th Intl Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud (BigDataSecurity), IEEE
Intl Conference on High Performance and Smart Computing, (HPSC) and IEEE Intl Conference
on Intelligent Data and Security (IDS), Baltimore, MD, USA, pp. 198–208, 2020.
9. Zhang, Q., Zhu, L., Bian, H., Peng, X., Cloud Storage-oriented Secure Information Gateway.
2012 International Conference on Cloud and Service Computing, Shanghai, pp. 119–123, 2012.
15. Arif, H., Hajjdiab, H., Harbi, F.A., Ghazal, M., A Comparison between Google Cloud Service
and iCloud. 2019 IEEE 4th International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems
(ICCCS), Singapore, pp. 337–340, 2019.
338 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

16. Reza, M., Framework on large public sector implementation of cloud computing. 2012
International Conference on Cloud Computing and Social Networking (ICCCSN), Bandung,
West Java, pp. 1–4, 2012.
17. Boza-Quispe, G., Montalvan-Figueroa, J., Rosales-Huamaní, J., Puente-Mansilla, F., A
friendly speech user interface based on Google cloud platform to access a tourism seman-
tic website. 2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and
Communication Technologies (CHILECON), Pucon, pp. 1–4, 2017.
18. Gupta, A., Goswami, P., Chaudhary, N., Bansal, R., Deploying an Application using Google
Cloud Platform. 2020 2nd International Conference on Innovative Mechanisms for Industry
Applications (ICIMIA), Bangalore, India, pp. 236–239, 2020.
20. Posey, B. et al., On-Demand Urgent High Performance Computing Utilizing the Google Cloud
Platform. 2019 IEEE/ACM HPC for Urgent Decision Making (UrgentHPC), Denver, CO, USA,
pp. 13–23, 2019.
21. Muhammed, A.S. and Ucuz, D., Comparison of the IoT Platform Vendors, Microsoft Azure,
Amazon Web Services, and Google Cloud, from Users’ Perspectives. 2020 8th International
Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security (ISDFS), Beirut, Lebanon, pp. 1–4, 2020.
22. Cser, A., The Forrester Wave: Infrastructure-As-AService Platform Native Security, Q4 2020.
The Seven Providers That Matter Most And How They Stack Up, December 7, 2020.
Case Study of Azure and Azure Security Practices
Navneet Bhardwaj1*, Abhik Banerjee2 and Agniswar Roy2
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Netaji Subhash Engineering College,
West Bengal, India
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Netaji Subhash Engineering College,
West Bengal, India

This study is meant for all potential customers who want to satisfy their business requirements using
Azure. The main intention is to make them aware of the various security features offered by Azure. It
provides a detailed description of the various security practices that will help the customers to take
their data security to another level. With Microsoft Azure, we can define our Information Security
Management System (ISMS) and build an entire set of security policies and define data safety. The
paper also provides an overview of various security aspects ranging from identification, categori-
zation, to access management using Azure. It also deals with various suggestions that can help the
customer in securing the overall cloud infrastructure.
Azure plays a vital role in enabling companies in managing various workloads. These work-
loads can be from any domain. Microsoft Azure provides a plethora of services that are capable
enough to manage any workload ranging from data computation, data security, to data encryp-
tion. Azure provides the organization of scaling up or scaling down according to the traffic. This
helps the organization to maintain equal data flow distribution. This helps the organization to
prevent any chances of data loss. Lack of this facility would make it practically impossible to
ensure that there is no data wastage. A security breach can cause huge loss to the organization.
The paper is meant for all those people who have an idea of the current business requirements
and are well aware of the various basics that are used very frequently. These basics range from
networking, OS, to the various security protocols which are a must while ensuring that there is
no security breach.
​ eywords: Azure API gateway, Azure functions, security center, key vault, Azure Virtual Network,
Azure SQL Database, Azure sentinel, Azure active directory

16.1 Introduction
Microsoft Azure [4] is one of the leading cloud platforms currently available. The main
ideology behind Microsoft Azure is satisfying the business requirements by making the
best utilization of the available resources. Azure keeps an eye on the available resources and

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Rajdeep Chakraborty, Anupam Ghosh and Jyotsna Kumar Mandal (eds.) Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for
Cloud Security, (339–356) © 2022 Scrivener Publishing LLC

340 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

makes sure that all the things work properly to ensure the proper functioning of the busi-
ness. It strives hard to come up with in time deployment of the services ensuring minimum
downtime. There are four pillars on which the entire Cloud Platform [8] is dependent. They
are availability, scalability, elasticity, and security. Azure is very much conscious when it
comes to providing security to its users.
This whitepaper is meant to provide an overview of how Azure deals with security in
brief. The main intention of this whitepaper is to throw light on the various services that
Azure provides to maintain top-notch security to its end users.

Chapter Organization
The chapter is divided into multiple sections. Section 16.2 talks about the Azure security
infrastructure. Section 16.3 deals with data encryption which is one of the best fea-
tures offered by Azure. Security 16.4 gives a brief description about Azure cloud security
architecture. Section 16.5 explores the Azure’s architecture. Section 16.6 deals with the
general features of Azure, whereas Section 16.7 deals with the security specific features
of Azure.

16.1.1 Azure Current Market Holding

The Canalys graph describes the dependency of the world on the various cloud platform.
According to Canalys, the expenditure grew 31% which amounts to US $34.6 billion. Azure
reached a market share of 20% despite the current market crisis. This can be attributed to
its strong end in the fiscal year. Azure holds a market share of US$6.92 billion which is a
significant share.
The growth of Azure can be further discussed by considering the Forrester Wave and
Gartner Magic Quadrant.

16.1.2 The Forrester Wave

Forester Curve is an overview of the Infrastructure-as-a-Service native security report. It
evaluates the security of the top market performers on various parameters. It evaluates them
based on their strategy and current offering. Azure Sentinel emerged as strategy leader in
Forrester Wave in 2020.

16.1.3 Gartner Magic Quadrant

Azure emerged as a leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for full life cycle API
Management 2020. Azure API management enables organizations of all scales to design,
scale, secure, and monitor APIs across clouds and on premises which makes them
discoverable and usable. These APIs can now be used by internal, partner, and public
Azure and Azure Security Practices 341

16.2 Microsoft Azure—The Security Infrastructure

Azure security infrastructure [1] is one of the best infrastructures available. It keeps an
eye on the entire infrastructure to ensure that there is no chance of any security breach. It
makes sure that it caters to the needs by providing the most flexible and agile cloud environ-
ment available. Microsoft Azure runs in data centers managed and operated by Microsoft.
These data centers are distributed globally over multiple regions. Data center distribution
certifies that there is no data loss in case of any failure. These data centers are in accordance
with various industry key quality bars such as ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and NIST SP 800-53.
This helps its users to be assured of the fact that their data is in safe hands. The data centers
are managed by the skilled workforce of Microsoft.
With regular penetration testing, Azure ensures that there is not any possibility of having
a security breach. It has an adequate level of automation to ensure thorough protection and
monitoring of the underlying infrastructure.
These factors make Azure a business-friendly Cloud platform.
It is well known that “Security is a shared responsibility”. There are some responsibilities
that are on the user’s side while some are on Azure’s side.
Features such as compute power, storage, and database and networking services are
managed by Azure, whereas service configuration and data is managed by the user.

16.2.1 Azure Security Features and Tools

Azure supports a list of security features and tools. These steps comprises design, code
development monitoring operations, threat intelligence, and response. Azure is well aware
of the fact that cloud demands a deep commitment to security technology and processes
that few individual organizations can provide. The security specific features when coupled
with services provides an easy pathway covering many security issues in one go. Figure 16.1
describes the flow of data encryption at rest. These security-­specific products and tools fea-
ture configuration management, network security, and data access.

Azure Key Vault





Figure 16.1 Data encryption at rest.

342 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

16.2.2 Network Security

Network security [2] has been one of the main concerns for Azure. It has made huge invest-
ments in security. Users can use virtual networks and the various security features and ser-
vices to design, configure, and manage the various cloud applications deployed on Azure.
There are various features that Azure has got to offer to its security concerned customers.
Azure comes up with a variety of features to offer for Network Security. Some of the
notable services are Network Access Control (NAC), Azure Firewall, Architecture Azure
DDOS Protection Azure Front Door Traffic Manager, Monitoring, and Threat Detection.
These features ensure that there is no compromise with the Network Security. They make
sure that any sort of malicious attack to the network gets prevented.

16.3 Data Encryption

Data encryption is one of the most important aspects of cloud security. It ensures that the
data does not get into wrong hands.
There are generally two kinds of encryption widely used in Azure which are as follows:

• Data Encryption at Rest

• Data Encryption at Transit

16.3.1 Data Encryption at Rest

Data Encryption at rest deals with information that is stored on physical media irrespective
of its digital format. The media can include all those data that is currently residing on any
magnetic or optical media, archived data and data backups. It is available for services irre-
spective of the cloud service model. Azure is capable of managing the data encryption at rest
if demanded by the user. It uses symmetric encryption which allows Azure to encrypt and
decrypt large chunks of data in a small amount of time. Data encryption at rest is closely asso-
ciated with the presence of a secret encryption key. It is mandatory to provide secure key cre-
ation, storage, access control, and management of access keys to get the secret encryption key.

16.3.2 Data Encryption at Transit

Data encryption at transit deals with such data that has to flow from one location to another.
Figure 16.2 talks about the flow of data encryption at transit. It adds another level of secu-
rity by encrypting data in transit using HTTPS.
Azure allows its users to enjoy various types of encryption models.
The following are some of the encryption models:
1. Client Side Encryption
2. Server Side Encryption
3. Disk Encryption
4. Azure Storage Service Encryption
5. Cell level Encryption
Table 16.1 talks about various types of encryption keys.
Azure and Azure Security Practices 343


Encrypted HTTPS Path




Figure 16.2 Data encryption at transit.

Table 16.1 Types of encryption keys.

Key Associated with Storage location Type
Master Encryption A DataLake Storage Key Vault Asymmetric
Key (MEK) Gen 1 Account
Data Encryption A DataLake Storage Persistent Storage Symmetric
Key (DEK) Gen 1 Account Managed by a
DataLake Storage Gen
1 Account
Block Encryption Data block None Symmetric
Key (BEK)

16.3.3 Asset and Inventory Management

Azure considers security to be one of its top priorities. It has always several measures to
protect its users from any kind of potential security threat. The main aim of asset and inven-
tory management [5] is to prevent unauthorized access. It focuses on all the issues that are
linked with active management (inventory, track, and correction ) of Azure resources. This
is to make sure that only authorized users can access the resources. It helps in identification
of unauthorized users and unmanaged resources and removes them. As a result, the speed
increases exponentially. It makes resource management a lot simpler.

16.3.4 Azure Marketplace

Azure Marketplace is a one stop for organizations who want to integrate Azure in their
business models. Figure 16.3 describes implementation of encryption keys in azure. It makes
the work a lot easier for the user. It is a commercial marketplace with a catalog of solu-
tions from the Independent Service Partners (ISV) of Microsoft. It contains services that
344 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Azure Key Vault MEK

Storage Account DEK

Storage File


BEK-Block Encryption Key

DEK-Data Encryption Key
MEK-Master Encryption Key

Figure 16.3 Implementation of encryption keys in Azure.

are identical or almost similar to currently used services while keeping an eye on the
on-premise environment. Azure Marketplace also serves as an ideal location for all the
security services. It keeps on consolidating with premium security partners to take its secu-
rity to another height.

16.4 Azure Cloud Security Architecture

16.4.1 Working
Information security is always a critical thing for the organizations. It evolves in accor-
dance with the creative ideas and implementations of the attackers and security researchers.
Security is among the major aspects of any architecture. It brings many things on to the
table such as confidentiality, integrity, and availability assurance. The security pillar revolves
around the overview of design principles, best practices, and recommendation.

16.4.2 Design Principles

Security design principles [6] are the gateway that helps in building a secure infrastructure.
Application of these principles drastically increases the likelihood of security architecture
maintaining confidentiality, integrity and availability.
The following are the various design principles that help in developing a secure
environment. Alignment of Security Policies

Security resources are very limited in general. It requires prioritization of efforts by
aligning it with the security strategy of the business using data classification. Security
Azure and Azure Security Practices 345

resources should be first used for the assets with intrinsic business values and adminis-
trative privileges. Building a Comprehensive Strategy

A security strategy should be very comprehensive. It must include considerable investments
in culture, processes, and security control across all systems. This strategy should include all
those issues ranging from software supply chain to hardware. Simplicity Driven

Complex systems often create confusion and errors. A simple and minimalist design helps
in reducing the errors and ensures that there is no confusion. Simple systems make the sys-
tem user friendly. It also helps in reducing the human efforts. Leveraging Native Controls

Leveraging the native controls over the third party controls is always a good option. The
native controls are maintained and supported by service providers. It becomes very easy to
have regular updates while leveraging native controls. Identification-Based Authentication

Identification-based authentication is the most common way of authentication for access
control. The account control strategy should rely heavily on identity systems for access con-
trol rather than depending on direct usage of cryptographic keys. Accountability
It is always considered good to clarify the ownership of assets and responsibilities to prevent
future consequences. For a safe and secure design, it is always recommended to grant the
entities in the least privileges needed. Embracing Automation

Embracing automation is one of the first things that an organization should look at for
ensuring no security breach happens in future. Automation when coupled with skilled
humans governing the automation process makes the architecture safe from all potential
security threats. Stress on Information Protection

Information is one of the most precious things that an organization owns. By laying stress
on information protection, the organization can ensure that data is safe in the constructed
346 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security Continuous Evaluation

Continuous evaluation proves to be a masterstroke in protecting an architecture. Regular
evaluation of systems and controls help in protection against attackers who keep themselves
updating with time.
Irregularity in evaluation might cause a potential threat to the entire organization. Skilled Workforce

The whole system depends on the people who are managing it. Hence, it becomes
very important to educate them and make them aware of the various advancements
This helps in ensuring that the workforce is skilled and is capable of handling any poten-
tial security attack.

16.5 Azure Architecture

This section describes Azure architecture where Section 16.5.1 talks about components and
Section 16.5.2 gives services.

16.5.1 Components
This section deals with Azure API gateway and Azure Functions which are described in
Section and Section, respectively. Azure Api Gateway

Azure API management is a very strong tool for create modern day API calls for existing
backend services. It helps organizations in publishing APIs. To developers, API manage-
ment ensures a successful API program through developer engagement, business insights,
and security. API gateway is an endpoint that accepts calls and routes them to the back-
end. It is responsible for verifying the API calls, certificates, and other c­ redentials. It
enforces rate limits and quotas. It is also responsible for logging call metadata for analyt-
ical purposes.
The diagram below explains API Management pictorially. Azure Functions

Azure Functions is a “Compute On Demand” service by Azure. It can serve a list of require-
ments ranging from building a web API, processing IoT streams to responding to Database
The most common use of Azure Functions is while building a web API. It helps in
implementing an endpoint of the web application using a HTTP trigger. Figure 16.4 talks
about working of Azure API. It is also a good option for code automation and function
Azure and Azure Security Practices 347

App Developer
Developer Portal

Apps Gateway

API Publisher Portal

Azure API Management

Figure 16.4 Working of Azure API.

16.5.2 Services
This section deals with Virtual Machines (VMs), Blob Storage, Azure Virtual Network,
Content Delivery Network (CDN), and Azure SQL Database which are described in Section, Section, Section, Section, and Section, respectively. Azure Virtual Machine

Azure VM is an on-demand scalable computing resource offered by Azure. Figure 16.5
denotes the graphical representation of Azure Virtual Machine. It is used in scenarios when
we want more control over the computing environment. It is basically a computer created
using Virtualization. It can be used in various ways. These ways include development and
testing, running applications, and many more. VMs give us the freedom of deciding the
operating system as well as the region where we want to place the VM. Blob Storage

Azure Blob Storage is Microsoft’s object storage solution. Figure 16.6 describes working of
Azure Blob Storage. It is highly optimized for storing massive amounts of unstructured data.

Virtual Machine

Figure 16.5 Virtual Machine.

348 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Storing Data For Analysis

Storing Data For Disaster Recovery Serving images directly to browser

Blob Storage

Writing to Log Files Storing f iles

Streaming Media Files

Figure 16.6 Working of Blob Storage.

The following diagram shows the various functions of Blob Storage.

Users can easily access the data stored in Blob via HTTP/HTTPS from any part of the world. Azure Virtual Network

It is a fundamental block of building a private network in Azure. It is similar to the tradi-
tional network but it comes with Azure’s special features which includes Scale, Availability,
and Isolation.
All the virtual networks are separated from each other. This ensures that the network is
safe from any potential security threat. Content Delivery Network

CDN refers to a distribution of servers that ensure content delivery to the users. It accu-
mulates cached content material on servers in Point of Presence (POP) places to make sure
minimal latency.
It provides the developers with the ease to swiftly supply excessive bandwidth content
material to customers with the aid of using caching content material at bodily nodes placed
around the world. It can also handle dynamic content by leveraging network optimization
using POPs.
Figure 16.7 explains the working of CDN pictorially.

• User 1 requests a file with a special domain name which can be either a cus-
tom domain or an endpoint host name. The DNS routes this request to the
best suited POP.
• In case of file unavailability in the edge server available in the assigned POP,
then the POP demands the report from the original server which can be any
publically accessible web server
• The origin then returns the file to the POP which is then cached to an edge
server in the POP. This file is now returned to User 1. Figure 16.8 describes
the key features of CDN.
Azure and Azure Security Practices 349

4 Of

Servers Origin


Figure 16.7 Working of CDN.

File Compression

Dynamic Site Acceleration HTTPS Custom Domain Support


Geo Filtering

Figure 16.8 Key features of CDN.

• The file stays accumulated in the edge server till the TTL specified by the
HTTPS servers does not expire.
• Other users can also access the file using the URL that was earlier used by
User 1. Azure SQL Database

It is a relational database model provided by Microsoft. It is a very handy tool which helps
in data protection. It works on a security strategy that follows the layered defense in depth
Figure 16.9 shows the layered defense in depth approach.
Azure SQL Database provides a relational database for cloud and enterprise applications.
It identifies any potential threat in real time and diagnoses it before it causes any harm.
It comes along with proactive vulnerability assessment alerts to make the system highly
secure. It also comes along with a Always Encrypted Technology which makes sure that the
encryption keys are never revealed to the database engine.
350 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

2 1- Network Security
3 2- Access Management
4 3- Threat Protection
4- Information Protection
Customer Data

Figure 16.9 Defense in depth.

16.6 Features of Azure

Azure is among the most friendly cloud providers at the enterprise level. There are many
enterprise level features that makes Azure a friendly platform.

16.6.1 Key Features

This section deals with Data Resiliency, Data Security, BCDR integration, Storage
Management, and Single Pane view which are described in Section, Section,
Section, Section, and Section, respectively. Data Resiliency

Azure stores data in Microsoft’s managed Data centers [9]. The default resiliency is called
Locally Redundant Zone (LRS). In case of any software or hardware issue, if one copy is
not available, then the data keeps on flowing in the system via the other two copies. Zone
Redundant Zone (ZRS) and RA-GRS (Read only Geo Redundant Zone) create three copies
each in two different zones, thus making six copies in total. Data Security

Azure provides security in a tier architecture format. The DDOS (Data Denial of Service)
is the outermost level which eradicates the threat once it reaches a threshold limit. Azure
provides various mechanisms of security through Data Encryption at Rest. Azure Storage
services by default are enabled for SSE (Storage Side Encryption). BCDR Integration

Azure storage is directly merged with Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery strategy
which guarantees that data does not get lost in case of any physical or software failure.
Azure provides Azure Backup which deals with backup copies on premises, files and fold-
ers, and applications hosted in Hyper V.
Azure and Azure Security Practices 351 Storage Management

Azure comes up with automated data tiering service. Automated Data Tiering Service helps
place data in SSD, HDD, or cloud storage according to the usage pattern. It also comes along
with a unique function called Deduplication. Deduplication makes sure that there is not
duplicate data stored which helps in managing storage. Single Pane View

Single Pane View ensures that there is transparency and helps gain visibility and insights
about the things happening in infrastructure irrespective of the place where it is hosted.
Microsoft Operation Management Suite (OMS) is a Management As A Service (MAAS)
which deals with a single pane view of a hybrid environment.
OMS additionally comes up with automation and security solutions to satisfy the new
necessities of hybrid infrastructures. OMS can even be paired with BCDR for higher system

16.7 Common Azure Security Features

This section deals with security center, key vault, and Azure Active Directory which are
described in Section 16.7.1, Section 16.7.2, and Section 16.7.3, respectively.

16.7.1 Security Center

Azure Security Center [3] is a unified infrastructure security system that aims at strengthen-
ing the safety of the data center and provides advanced threat protection across the hybrid
workload within the cloud regardless of the place where is it stored—be it cloud or on prem-
ises [7]. It is always said “Security is a shared responsibility”. It is a collaborative effort between
Azure and the customer. The Security Center provides all the necessary tools for ensuring top
notch security posture. Azure Security Center deals with all the most urgent security chal-
lenges ranging from rapidly changing workloads to killing security threats in short supply. All
the PaaS services in Azure are protected by security center without involving any deployment.
Along with it, Security Center takes care of the non-Azure servers and the VMs for each
windows and Linux servers by putting in a Log Analytics agent on them. Azure VMs are auto
provisioned in Security Center. Security Center keeps analyzing the workloads that are being
deployed dynamically. It makes sure that the workloads being deployed are according to the
best security practices. It is also integrable with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. This
ensures that the windows and Linux machines are totally integrated with Security Center’s
recommendations and assessments. Security Center also enables the user automate appli-
cation control over server environment.

16.7.2 Key Vault

Azure Key Vault is one of the best security features offered by Microsoft. It acts as a locker
storing secrets, keys, and certificates in a secure cloud repository. It eradicates the need of
352 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

storing credentials in the application. It lets the user tighten the security policies and make
the system highly secure. Key vault comes up with a unique feature of RBAC (Role Back
Access Control). RBAC is a set of instructions that decides the level of Access. The level of
access is based on the role assigned.
The various roles are owner, contributor, and reader. These roles play a crucial role when
it comes to who can access the data. These roles are a way to attach the extent of access for
a particular scope.
This feature comes very handy when the data has to be shared with multiple people.
RBAC ensures that there is no data manipulation done by any unauthorized person.

16.7.3 Azure Active Directory

Azure AD [10] is an identity management service provided by Microsoft. Azure AD allows
users and organizations to sign in and access in internal as well as external resources.
Azure AD is generally meant for IT administrators when they want to limit the access of
the app and its resources based on the business requirements.
Azure AD allows a list of features to work under it some of which are described below. Application Management

Azure AD plays a vital role in application management using application proxy and
Azure AD is a Identity and Access Management (IAM) system. It acts as a centralized
repository for storing information about digital identities. This reduces the burden of man-
aging the credentials and information of applications separately.
Applications ranging from custom developed applications to on-premise applications
can be easily integrated with Azure AD.
Application management also helps in recognizing potential security threats. It does
daily analysis of the applications and helps in providing high level of security even at the
granular level. Conditional Access

Conditional access [11] is a frequently used feature in the modern scenario. Its main role is
to integrate signals together, take decisions, and administer organizational policies. It can
be called as the core of the new identity driven control plane. These policies can be as simple
as IF-ELSE statements.
There are many things that conditional access takes into consideration while enforcing
any policy. There are many simple policies such as requirement of MFA that are covered
under conditional access.
Figure 16.10 explains the working of conditional access. Device Identity Management

Azure AD reduces the burden of IT administrators by managing the device management.
Identity Management can be called as the layout of the device-based conditional access.
There are multiple features such as Azure AD joined and Azure AD registered.
Azure and Azure Security Practices 353


Apps and
MFA Data


Data Deny

Figure 16.10 Working of conditional access.

Azure AD joined deals with devices that are owned by an organization and are signed
with the organization’s Azure AD account, whereas Azure AD registered deals with those
devices that are personal devices that are signed in using a Microsoft account. These fea-
tures add an additional layer of security thus saving the organization’s precious data.

​ Identity Protection

Identity Protection is one of the most important aspects for an organization. Its main task is
to automate the risk detection and provide solutions to it. It uses all the prerequisite knowl-
edge acquired by Microsoft from its sources such as Microsoft Account to protect its user.
Identity Protection comes with three role divisions such as Global Administrator, Security
Administrator, and Security Operator. Global Administrator is the highest role who has full
access to Identity Protection, whereas Security Operator is the lowest role who can only
view all the Identity Protection Reports and Overview Reports. Azure Sentinel

Azure Sentinel [12] is a cloud native SIEM and SORE solution that focuses on smart secu-
rity analytics and threat intelligence, thus working as a one stop solution for alert detection,
threat visibility, and threat response. It acts as a single solution covering alert detection,
threat visibility, and threat response and much more.
It collects data at cloud scale across all users, devices, and applications. It detects previ-
ously undetected threats and also investigates threats with artificial intelligence.
Figure 16.11 describes about the functions of Sentinel pictorially.
One of the most amazing features that sentinel offers is the security automation. It auto-
mates all the tasks and simplifies it so that it can be used with services integrated with Azure.
It provides a highly scalable architecture to enable scalable automation which is in accordance
with development of new technologies and new threats. Sentinel helps us understand the
354 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Rapid Response and Automated Protection

Quick Response and Automated Protection Threat Detection with AI

Al Guided Critical Incident Investigation

Figure 16.11 Functions of Azure Sentinel.

threat and also lets us know the root cause of the potential threat. This helps in data protection
against those attacks which might have caused huge damage in near future. Privileged Identity Management

Privileged Identity Management (PIM) is a handy tool from Azure that helps users to man-
age, protect, and monitor access to confidential data in the organization. It helps the orga-
nizations to limit the number of users who can access confidential data. PIM provides time
and approval-based role activation to minimize the risk of any security breach.
There are generally two ways to authenticate using Azure AD for the administrators
which are described below. Multifactor Authentication

Multifactor authentication, in general, is a two-way verification. This adds another level of
During Multifactor authentication, once the user after entering the password is requested
to add another identification which be the OTP shared over cell phone or fingerprint.
Using only passwords can be risky especially in cases where data is highly confidential.
Hence, it is a good practice to add MFA to ensure the security of the data. Single Sign On

Single Sign On (SSO) is generally used by App Developers. This allows the user to access the
application using its pre-existing credentials. SSO is generally referred to as “Modern Day
Authentication”. SSO requires the creation of Azure AD in the on-prem which is done by
Azure AD during setup. As the user visits the Azure AD sign in page, a Kerberos Ticket is
raised which contains the credentials which is then forwarded to Azure AD. Upon verifica-
tion, the user gets signed in without the need of any user id or password.
Azure and Azure Security Practices 355

16.8 Conclusion
This whitepaper deals with the various security practices in Azure. It describes the various
security practices that are generally used in industry. This ensures a top notch security at
all levels. It ensures that security is maintained at both the levels be it hardware or soft-
ware. It is one of the leading cloud service providers that caters to the need of the current
business requirements. The various options explained in this white paper have laid stress
on how users have safely connected their workloads with Azure. It simplifies the task in
selecting the services needed. It helps the individual in understanding the core security
concepts regarding the services offered by Azure. This whitepaper would help the individ-
ual in dividing which security feature is good for him and his organizations based on their

3. Copeland, M., Getting Started with Azure Security Center, in: Cyber Security onAzure, Apress,
Berkeley, CA,, 2017.
4. Soh, J., Copeland, M., Puca, A., Harris, M., Microsoft Azure and Cloud Computing, in:
Microsoft Azure, Apress, Berkeley, CA,, 2020.
7. De Tender, P., Rendon, D., Erskine, S., Azure Security Center, in: Pro Azure Governance and
Security, Apress, Berkeley, CA,, 2019.
8. Copeland, M., Soh, J., Puca, A., Manning, M., Gollob, D., Microsoft Azure and Cloud
Computing, in: Microsoft Azure, Apress, Berkeley, CA,
1043-7_1, 2015.
9. Chilberto, J., Zaal, S., Aroraa, G., Price, E., Building Solutions in the Azure Cloud, in: Cloud
Debugging and Profiling in Microsoft Azure, Apress, Berkeley, CA,
1-4842-5437-0_1, 2020.
12. Copeland, M. and Jacobs, M., Azure Security Center and Azure Sentinel, in: Cyber Security on
Azure, Apress, Berkeley, CA,, 2021.
Nutanix Hybrid Cloud From Security Perspective
Abhik Banerjee1*, Agniswar Roy1 , Amar Kalvikatte2 and Navneet Bhardwaj3
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Netaji Subhash Engineering College,
Kolkata, India
Field CTO/CSA - EMEA, UK, Scotland, Nutanix
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Netaji Subhash
Engineering College, Kolkata, India

Cloud has become one of the most promising technologies in the industry. It is also one of the
highest paying ones. This trend can be stated to have started with the US mandate on Federal
Cloud Computing Strategy which led to many countries and companies following suit. But Cloud
Computing has its fair share of risks, particularly because it operates on a shared responsibility
model. The importance of Disaster Management and Recovery along with Zero-Day Patch Fixes
has risen due to this massive cloud adoption. While a few companies have chosen to utilize Public
Clouds like AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Oracle, and more, others have chosen to use Hybrid Cloud.
Nutanix is considered to be one of the best platforms for Hybrid Cloud Computing—a paradigm
where a public cloud offering is combined with a private data center for the purpose of compliance
and security. This chapter focuses on introducing the concepts of Control and Data Planes in Cloud
Computing and then introduces key features of Nutanix Hybrid Cloud and the options for Disaster
Management and Recovery. It covers the guide for Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG)
from Nutanix and discusses the various methods for hardening security and policy management.

Keywords: Hybrid cloud management, hyperconverged infrastructure, Nutanix hybrid cloud,

prism, acropolis, disaster management and recovery, security technical implementation guide,
Nutanix revenue growth

17.1 Introduction
Hybrid cloud is a paradigm which acts as a mid-way between public cloud and private cloud
with the “best of both worlds”. Unlike a pure public or private cloud solution, Hybrid Cloud
solutions leverage the usage of a public cloud vendor (like AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google
Cloud) with a privately owned data center of an organization. This may be primarily due
to two reasons: compliance-related issues and backup and disaster recovery strategy. Some
compliance standards like the GDPR state that data of European Union Citizens must be
kept within the EU. Germany also imposes such conditions of business. In such cases, an

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Rajdeep Chakraborty, Anupam Ghosh and Jyotsna Kumar Mandal (eds.) Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for
Cloud Security, (357–378) © 2022 Scrivener Publishing LLC

358 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

organization may choose to provision private cloud infrastructure or use infra provided by
public vendors specifically for this purpose (Microsoft Azure had provided such an arrange-
ment for Germany). In other cases, the private part of the solution is used to backup data and
configurations. Other organizations might choose a hybrid approach due to its flexibility and
Hybrid Cloud Management and Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI) have seen wide-
spread adoption due to these reasons. At the time of writing, advisory giant Gartner has
forecasted that the total market for public cloud service will grow from an estimated $227
billion (US) in 2019 to $354 billion in 2022. While Mordor Intelligence estimates that
Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Market will reach upward of $128 billion by 2025. This accel-
erated cloud adoption is brought on by the advantages of cost optimization, scalability, and
better resource utilization.
In this chapter, we review the market leader of hybrid cloud infrastructure and hypercon-
verged infrastructure at the time writing—Nutanix. The chapter introduces Nutanix Hybrid
Cloud and key terms and services related to it before assessing its security offerings and disaster
management and recovery services. It closely follows the renowned Nutanix Bible and Security
Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) while offering our views on it. We also surveyed the
growth of Nutanix over the years in terms of market value, stocks, and services. Thus, this chap-
ter acts as a primer for Nutanix Hybrid Cloud and its HCI from a security point of view.

17.2 Growth of Nutanix

Since its origin, Nutanix has seen rapid growth and has since become a recognized leader
in the HCI market as well as a strong performer in the Hybrid Cloud Management market.
It is worth noting that Nutanix has been the recipient of the NorthFace ScoreBoard Award
from Customer Relationship Management Institute for seven times in a row. This award is
given to the best performers in terms of Customer Experience. This section outlines the
assessments of key advisory and research firms like Forrester and Gartner.

17.2.1 Gartner Magic Quadrant

Nutanix has enjoyed a steady place as a leader in the HCI market in the Magic Quadrant of
Gartner [1]. Its position as a market leader is observed from 2017 to 2019 and in the recent
report of 2020 which was released at the time of writing. The criteria for assessment in this
report are the aggregation of compute and storage resources (true HCI). The 2019 report
which names Nutanix as clear leader for its ability and ease of execution and vision also esti-
mates that, by 2023, 70% organization would be utilizing HCI in one form or another. The
report also underlines the growth of Nutanix’s service offerings over the same time period
along with its flexibility for third-party services. Nutanix has also won the Peer Insights
Customer Choice award from Gartner for the year 2020.

17.2.2 The Forrester Wave

The Forrester Wave assesses vendors over four quarters in a year. It can be observed that
Nutanix has been a market leader for HCI at the time of writing. The Forrester Wave
Nutanix Hybrid Cloud - Security Perspective 359

evaluates HCI vendors based on broad categories of strategy and vision, strength, and
number of current offerings and their presence in the market. Nutanix’s position as a clear
market leader is apparent on their graph from the Q3 Reports which were released in 2020
and 2018 [4, 5]. The 2018 report also goes on to state that the reduced operational expen-
ditures (OpEx) might be one of the key reasons behind HCI adoption as mentioned by the
customers interviewed.
A different pattern can be observed in The Forrester Wave for Hybrid Cloud Management
in quarter four of 2020 however. This report states VMWare as the clear leader in terms of
market presence, services and strategy. It notes that Nutanix is a new entrant to this mar-
ket and has been gaining rapid attention courtesy of its position in the HCI market space.
Nutanix has been underlined as a strong performer but has also been to have a lower market
presence compared to Flexera in terms of offering strength. It is, however, a leader in its
band of strong performers in terms of strategy. Please note that since the Forrester Wave
Graph indicating Nutanix as leader in HCI could be quoted due to citation policy, we are
limited to discussion of the reports released by them. Readers are encouraged to refer to the
original reports for a complete market overview.

17.2.3 Consumer Acquisition

Nutanix has shown a steady consumer acquisition over its financial years as is evident
from Figure 17.1. This also points to a statistic that has been seemingly unaffected by
the COVID-19 pandemic. The Quarter 3 stats of consumer acquisition has seen a slight
decline which is expected to recover in the fourth quarter at the time of writing. This
points to an increasingly growing market share of Nutanix and consumer faith in its

17.2.4 Revenue
Nutanix is listed on NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated
Quotations) as NTNX and has been trading since it is IPO on 30th September, 2016. In

Nutanix New Customer Acquisition Rate





Fy2017 Fy2018 Fy2019 Fy2020
Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3

Figure 17.1 Consumer acquisition of Nutanix from 2017 to 2020 (Source: Blocks and Files).
360 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

this subsection, we present a brief visualization of Nutanix’s Revenue and Gross Profit as a
measure of its growth in the market.
As can be observed from Figure 17.2, Nutanix has reported steady growth in revenue
and profits across its years of operations. These visualizations are reported upto 10th of
December, 2020. As of writing, the quarter ending figures of revenue and gross profit on
31st of October, 2020 of Nutanix stood at an estimated $0.31 billion and $0.245 billion
while the annual revenue and gross profit recorded at the time of writing was at $1.3 bil-
lion and $1.021 billion respectively. The quarterly growth from the figures is comparatively
lower. This may be attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The figures of revenue and gross profit indicate a steady growth of Nutanix in the market
which is a mark of confidence and a result of its services offered to its customers—HCI and
Hybrid Cloud Management being the core of it. A strong growth can point toward better
customer faith in Nutanix Hybrid Cloud which as seen in the later section is warranted
due to its services. This marks the end of the overview of technical and financial growth of

Trailing 12 Months








YoY Quarterly Growth



2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Figure 17.2 Revenue trends of Nutanix (NTNX) over the period of 2014 to 2020. The bars indicate $ (in
billions) in y-axis and time in x-axis (Source: Macrotrends).
Nutanix Hybrid Cloud - Security Perspective 361

17.3 Introductory Concepts

This section introduces some key concepts relating to cloud computing and software defined
data center in general along with two major concepts of STIG and SCMA before Nutanix
Hybrid Cloud Platform is introduced in the next section.

17.3.1 Plane Concepts

The concept of plane arises out of the need to segregate the functioning of a solution for bet-
ter understanding. This concept is observed in network segmentation as well as in container
orchestration tool Kubernetes. In layman’s terms, In case of networking, the control plane
is termed as the part where the “path” the data is going to take, and the “rules” of travel are
defined. While in the data plane the travel actually takes planes. Planes, in this context, are
a part of Software-Defined Datacenter (SDDC). There is a subtle difference between the two
concepts as discussed in the next part. Control Plane

Control plane is the part of the solution where all the administrative operations take place.
It is in the control plane that resource allocation like creating a VM, expanding or upgrad-
ing a cluster, is initiated. There are many control planes when it comes to cloud comput-
ing. It is not uncommon for different platforms to define planes in a service-specific way.
For instance, you might have a “storage control plane” where you get to manage block and
object storage services while the “compute” and “networking” control planes attend to their
own set of services. However, there is always a “master control plane” which initiates the
workflow. Data Plane

Data plane is controlled by the control plane instructions. The control plane does not
need to be up for every API hit and resource balancing. It is the data plane that is respon-
sible for these. If we were to take an example, then one could start to provision a VM
using the Control Plane but to interact with the virtual machine one needs to use the
data plane. It is the part of the whole architecture where protocols like SSH and RDP
would be utilized.
It is to be noted that the concept of planes is an abstraction and the boundary between
the two is not a fixed line but a hazy one. There are other core concepts in a design that
should be practiced for a near-perfect solution.
Security is another important point that one needs to remember. A Control Plane
must not be vulnerable. At the time of writing, one of the most recent incidents of a
vulnerable control plane was the cryptojacking of automotive giant Tesla’s resources on
AWS Cloud.
362 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

17.3.2 Security Technical Implementation Guides

STIGs are powerful automation and self-healing security models help to maintain contin-
uous security in enterprise cloud environments with efficiency and ease. A complete set of
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 STIG rules is configured on Nutanix Controller VM (CVM).
Nutanix maintains additional STIGs for Acropolis Hypervisor. Nutanix publishes and tests
their own custom security baseline documents, based on STIGs that prescribe steps to
secure deployment in the field.

17.3.3 SaltStack and SCMA

Security Configuration Management Automation (SCMA) checks periodically for any
unknown/unauthorized changes over 800 security entities in the Nutanix STIGs that cover
both storage and built-in virtualization. If any component is found with bad configuration,
then the component is set back to the supported security settings without any intervention.
SaltStack Enterprise, built on Salt open source platform, provides system management soft-
ware for the software-defined data center with the delivery of event-driven automation for
natively integrated configuration management, infrastructure security and compliance, and
any cloud or container control.

17.4 Nutanix Hybrid Cloud

Nutanix Hybrid Cloud builds on the concept of HCI. Generally speaking, any cloud plat-
form has three main parts:

• Compute
• Storage
• Networking

In HCI, any two of these parts are merged together. The intention here is to reduce over-
head arising out of these parts. For instance, data from the compute functionality may need
to be stored. But this can incur costs if the storage medium and the compute medium are
not together. In this case, the data needs to be sent through the network to the storage
device. Bandwidth is regarded as the costliest resource in the network. The costs incurred
due to this transfer can be avoided if the compute and storage are merged together. This is
the idea behind Nutanix’s Hyperconverged Infrastructure. As shown in Figure 17.3.
The two planes in Nutanix—Prism and Acropolis—are designed with this in mind. A
brief description of the services in the Nutanix Hybrid Cloud environment has been pre-
sented in Table 17.1. As may be observed, there are a few services which Nutanix adopts
from the open-source software world.

17.4.1 Prism
Prism is the control plane for the Nutanix Cloud. It is a User Interface built using HTML.
Prism consists of two components—Prism Central and Prism Element. These show the
Nutanix Hybrid Cloud - Security Perspective 363

Controller VM User VM(s)

Storage I/O


SCSI Controller

S S D D Memory
.. ..

Figure 17.3 Nutanix Hybrid Cloud’s Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI).

overall cloud status and run on the clusters for minute examinations respectively. Prism
features a simplistic and intuitive User Interface. Unlike popular cloud platforms, the users
are not overwhelmed by the choices of service available to them. In that respect, Prism helps
the user gain control over the deployed Nutanix Solution without needing to manage every-
thing manually. As mentioned before, Nutanix Hybrid Cloud prides on having a solution
which focuses on Software Defined Intelligence and self-healing capability by automation.
Prism is pivotal to that ideology. In the following sections, we shall explain the two compo-
nents of Prism.
Since Nutanix is of SDDC and Network Paradigm, Prism—the control plane is used for
the addition of new VMs to the cluster, the up-gradation of Hypervisor or any software
and network segmentation. These details are hardware agnostic and can be dealt with ease
from Prism. For any manner of upgradation, the strategy of “Rolling Update” is followed to
ensure no downtime of operations. Prism Element

It is a distributed application that runs on the Nutanix cluster and is responsible for man-
aging the cluster. Every cluster in Nutanix has a Prism Element which is local to it. This
Prism Element running on the cluster supervises the operations of the cluster and is cru-
cial for generating the localized reports of cluster nodes’ functioning. A Prism Element
running in one cluster does not communicate with any other cluster. In the control and
management hierarchy, it falls under a Prism Central instance running on a controller
Prism Element features a User Interface which displays interactive dashboards based
on the generated logs from the VMs in the cluster. Any localized health check manage-
ment, container storage management and alert generation take place from Prism Element
364 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Table 17.1 Nutanix Hybrid Cloud Services.

Service name Functionality
Prism Prism is the control plane of Nutanix and provides a User Interface for
interactive dashboard based analysis and deployment of Nutanix’s Services.
Zookeeper Any essential configuration data is stored on cluster leveraging Zookeeper. The
cluster leader which runs Zookeeper responds to all the requests.
Cassandra Based on the open-sourced Apache Cassandra, Nutanix Cassandra is used as
a metadata store and is by default kept on the first SSD of the cluster. It is
crucial for Nutanix’s “Software Intelligence” paradigm of Hybrid Cloud.
Stargate Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology, or SMART test is run on
a storage device monitored by Stargate in a cluster which fails to respond. At
the time of writing, a storage device failing to respond three times is marked
as offline. It also plays a role in backup operations.
Genesis It runs on Nutanix nodes and manages the interactions between services. The
services can be checked from the Controller VM from its CLI using the
Genesis Command Line Utility.
Cerebro (Discussed in Disaster Management and Recovery section) Cerebro work
in tandem with Stargate for Disaster Recovery and Replication and the
functionality also leverages Distributed Storage Fabric’s replication and
cloning capabilities.
Curator A part of the HDD storage of the cluster is used for Curator Storage. The main
functionality of this service is task scheduling and distribution as well as
acting on disk failure. Curator scans on regular intervals for failures. It also
functions as the DSF tier balancing agent for storage.
Pithos Built on Cassandra, Pithos is a service which manages the configuration data
of vDisks (discussed in section “Distributed Storage Fabric”).
Chronos It follows the Curator Scans on every node and then allots the required tasks.
For instance allocation of extent groups for the writing of data or managing
compression tasks to increase disk efficiency.

which is communicated to the Prism Central. Thus, each Prism Element is responsible
for a single Acropolis Cluster (refer to later section for Acropolis). As explained in the
Disaster Management and Recovery section, Nutanix has what is termed as a “Protection
Domain”. An Acropolis cluster under a Protection Domain is managed by Prism Element
itself. Prism Central

Prism Central shown in Figure 17.4 is the master Control Plane for Nutanix. It manages mul-
tiple clusters of VMs and receives statistics from the Prism Element running on Individual
Clusters. Unlike Prism elements where the dashboards present interactive visualizations
Nutanix Hybrid Cloud - Security Perspective 365

Central Control Plane

Prism Central

Prism Prism Prism

Element Element Element
+ + +
Cluster Cluster Cluster

Distributed/ Localized Control Plane

Figure 17.4 Prism control plane segments.

of the cluster data, Prism Central dashboards can be used to view a complete environ-
ment-wide statistic. Any detailed performance of multiple clusters can be viewed at this
level. Alerts at this level are generated for environment-wide concerns.

17.4.2 Acropolis
Acropolis forms the data plane of the Nutanix Hybrid Cloud. Acropolis is in fact a reinforced
Operating System designed by Nutanix to run seamlessly on its hardware and hypervisor. It
is composed of three major components which are crucial to Nutanix’s “Software-Defined”
and “Software Intelligence” paradigms. These are also important for these to provide the
features of high availability, scalability, and data redundancy across the environment for
seamless functioning.
In this section, we will be focusing on Storage Fabric of Acropolis, while the next section
discusses the Nutanix specific hypervisor which integrates with Acropolis. The third com-
ponent of Acropolis which is App Mobility Fabric majorly deals with migration purposes.
Since that is out of the scope at this time, it has not been discussed here. Figure 17.5 shows
Acropolis and how it connects with other elements. Distributed Storage Fabric

As mentioned earlier, Nutanix Hybrid Cloud Platform emphasizes on being Software-
defined and focuses on Hyperconverged Infrastructure. Distributed Storage Fabric or DSF
is a part of Acropolis’ storage featuring containers or VMs in a cluster based on Nutanix’s
Distributed File System built to provide the best performance by localized handling of I/O.
The Hypervisor and the Distributed Storage Fabric communicate using protocols such as
iSCSI or SMBv3. Courtesy of Nutanix BlockStore, any filesystem kernel driver invocation
can be avoided along with context switching.
366 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Prism (Control Plane)

HTML UI REST API Policy Services

Command Line Interface Analytics

Interfaces Management

Virtualization Management

Volume(s) Container(s)

Distributed Storage App Mobility Fabric

Fabric (DSF) (AMF)

Hypervisor(s) Cloud


Figure 17.5 Acropolis and associated segments.

Distributed Storage Fabric consists of the following terminological abstractions:

• Containers: Virtual Machines running on the nodes in the cluster are termed
as containers in the context of Nutanix DSF. This is different from the con-
tainer which is run on the hypervisor and shares a kernel with the computer
without a need for an OS like VM.
• vDisk: The term vDisk is used as a collective to identify files stored on the
VM. This includes VM disks among others. At the time of writing, the mini-
mum size has been set as 512 KB while it is stated that it may as well be close
to 9 Exabytes as well in upper limit. A 1-GB space of vDisk is often referred
to as an “episode”.
• vBlock: vBlock is a higher unit of vDisk where 1 MB of vDisk address space
is considered to be 1 vBlock.
Nutanix Hybrid Cloud - Security Perspective 367

Storage Pool - In a cluster of nodes in a Nutanix Cluster, Storage Pool consists of the
storage media of HDD and SSD of the nodes. This storage pool is localized to a cluster and
as the cluster expands or scales down, so does it is storage pool.

• Extent: A contiguous data allocation size 1 MB logically makes up 1 extent.

Storing data in a contiguous manner has been observed to have allocated
a consecutive address space which makes reference easier. This contiguous
allocation is OS-dependent.
• Extent Group: While an extent forms a logical allocation, extent group
forms physical allocation on the storage devices. A replication factor of 3
is often practised in DSF for data redundancy (in case of disaster incident).
Depending on this, the size of an Extent Group on a storage medium can vary
between 1 and 4 MB. AHV
AHV is Nutanix’s Hypervisor for Acropolis OS for Hybrid Cloud. It is offered by Nutanix
in a license-free manner and is based on the CentOS KVM. AHV or Acropolis Hypervisor
has been touted by Nutanix to be “Hyperconverged Infrastructure Centric”. Nutanix pro-
vides freedom of choice when it comes to hypervisors. This implies Microsoft’s Hyper-V
or ESXi might be used or a VMWare hypervisor can be utilized. While it is not mandatory
for a customer at this time to use AHV when building a Nutanix Solution, Nutanix’s AHV
is designed to deliver high performance natively with integrated support for management
and security.
It utilizes Open vSwitch for networking and a native Acropolis IP Address Management
for providing IP addresses to provisioned VMs and handle DHCP-based connections. AHV
has a master-slave pattern where the master runs on a CVM and is implicit in monitoring
the cluster state. In case of master failure, a new AHV master or leader is elected. AHV
supports hot-addition of Memory and vCPU on the fly.
The Acropolis Distributed Scheduler is responsible for bringing up and managing VMs
on a node based on the resource utilization of the node and the need of the VM. Instead of
just focusing on the CPU memory, the scheduling also takes into account the disk through-
put and latency of a node before allotting a VM to a node. This is done by the ADS Engine
which uses machine learning based strategy for such allocations. It is to be noted that the
advantages of AHV courtesy of the software-defined paradigm, the throughput and the
built-in NUMA support is what made it the very first to be certified by SAP Lab for running
SAP HANA workloads.

17.5 Reinforcing AHV and Controller VM

AHV can be reinforced by enforcing a minimum length and character-based requirement
for a password. Apart from this, it features the usage of permission banners. These were
designed with the United States Department of Defense in mind and as such offer varying
levels of assessment based on the rank of the officer auditing the platform.
368 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Nutanix also uses Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment (AIDE), a Linux-based

utility that is utilized by Nutanix Hybrid Cloud for detection and acting against threats in
real-time. It accomplishes this by using a list of files saved in its database. This is configured
by the user from the CLI itself. The files in the database are treated as “trusted”. Essentially
what the AIDE does is takes a note of the configuration of the system and hashes it. This
hash represents the “ideal” state of the solution. AIDE then creates a hash of the system
configurations in a later time as dictated by the users. If the hashes do not match up, then
this means that there has been a deviation from the planned architecture or configuration.
This event is reported to the user.

17.6 Disaster Management and Recovery

Disaster Management and Recovery has always been an important part of any well-­
architected solution. With the rise of Cloud, it has assumed greater importance because
companies which migrate or adopt cloud intend to run and store mission-critical data on
their provisioned resources. There have been numerous incidents where an outage of a ser-
vice being offered on a public cloud platform has been reported due to negligence on part
of Clients or End Users’ handling of Control Plane. Given that cloud is based on a shared
responsibility model, Disaster Management and Recovery is one of the many fields where
the clients need to have a clear understanding of DR capabilities and offerings of the cloud
provider (in this case, Nutanix).
When it comes to DR, there are two terms which need to be understood for a proper
design of disaster strategy and incident response. They are as follows:

1. RTO: RTO stands for Recovery Time Objective. This is the interval of time
after an incident which is needed to bring back up service. This does not just
refer to the service but also the application state. RTO needs to be drafted
with the essential services having a lower RTO and higher priority.
2. RPO: RPO or Recovery Point Objective is crucial for determining the
backup periods for data in the environment. It is the maximum permissible
time interval where a business can afford a data loss. For instance, if the
RPO is 12 hours, then it implies that in case of an incident, the business
can afford a maximum downtime of 12 hours before it becomes seriously

Nutanix provides multiple ways of Disaster Prevention and Management to its users.
In this section, we discuss the Data Redundancy in Acropolis’ DSF, Protection Domains
and related concepts, Snapshots, Backups, Replications, and Cerebro which manages
these facets.

17.6.1 Protection Domains and Consistent Groups

The Nutanix Backup and Disaster Recovery Strategy features (refer to Figure 17.6) terms
which relate to the platform’s abilities to withstand incidents in a production-grade envi-
ronment. These are as follows:
Nutanix Hybrid Cloud - Security Perspective 369

Consistency Group Consistency Group Consistency Group Consistency Group

VM(s) File(s) VM(s) File(s) VM(s) File(s) VM(s) File(s)

... ...
Protection Domain Protection Domain


Figure 17.6 Nutanix DR constructs’ hierarchy in distributed storage fabric.

• Snapshot Schedule: Snapshot Schedule defines the plan for replication of

VMs in a node. As mentioned in the Protection Domain, snapshot sched-
ules can be set for a group of VMs together. The snapshot is done incre-
mentally and Nutanix recommends that this schedule should be within the
• Consistent Groups: These are groups of VMs which are always maintained
at a consistent state. This is particularly important for mission-critical data.
While stateless compute has been a rising trend at this time, the storage
needs to be able to withstand failure. Database state needs to be maintained.
Consistency Groups are used to mark VMs and files which need to come
back up after a crash in a consistent state.
• Protection Domain: A protection domain concerns a bigger group of
VMs and Files. These are replicated together courtesy of the snapshot
• Retention Policy: It may become challenging from a storage perspective to
maintain multiple snapshots of your VMs and files. For this reason, Nutanix
also offers Retention Policy where the point of time in future where the snap-
shot needs to be discarded may be set.
• Remote Site: The site where the backup and snapshots need to be stored. This
is different from the site of the data center. This site is meant to be a secure
location which might remain unaffected in case the data center might come
under an incident or act of God.

17.6.2 Nutanix DSF Replication of OpLog

OpLog, as the name might suggest, is a log of the operations which is stored on the NVMe
devices on at most 12 nodes in the environment in a write persistent manner. The Replication
Factor or resiliency factor (synonymous when it comes to Nutanix Hybrid Cloud Solution)
determines the number of other CVMs the local OpLog will be written to. Prism is used
for fixing the RF in this case. The OpLog replication ensures fault tolerance. Stargate in this
case performs checksum validation at regular intervals to ensure top notch performance
and detection of any failures resulting from any supposed disk failures on node and other
370 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

17.6.3 DSF Snapshots and VmQueisced Snapshot Service

The Distributed Storage Fabric utilizes the Stargate services and is invoked by Cerebro
(discussed in the next section). As mentioned earlier, the constructs in Nutanix DR par-
adigm include provisions for consistent snapshots. Snapshots are taken incrementally.
This avoids a copy and impact on I/O performance. The snapshots from DSF service
maintain the same block maps as the original post the snapshot process initially. The
snapshots preserve metadata about the VM and Files’ state and data. This does not put
any impact on the I/O itself. To avoid traversal of a snapshot chain, a new vDisk is cre-
ated per new snapshot and each of these have their own block maps as the VM continues
to function after snapshot creation. The vDisk or the vDisk belonging to the previous
state are locked in their moment in time and there are no R/W operations performed on
them there on.
The term “Queisce” means “to pause” in middle of “operation”. As the term might imply,
VMQueisced Snapshot Service temporarily pauses the OS and file system of the VM in
the middle of operation. This “stun” of the VM continues till the snapshot has been com-
pleted. The service ensures that the application is brought back up in the consistent state
post incident.

17.6.4 Nutanix Cerebro

At the time of writing, after the 4.6 update of Acropolis Operating System, the CVM directly
communicates with the VM whose snapshot is due to be taken. This has been changed as
the “hypervisor-level” snapshot and communication is skipped which was the case before.
It is Cerebro which initiates and completes the cycle of snapshot once it has received the
instructions from the Control Virtual Machine. This instruction can be sent from Prism
following the Protection Domain options.
The CVM relays the signal to Cerebro Leader running in CVM which then communi-
cates to the Nutanix Guest Tool (NGT) instance running on the CVM. NGT is a framework
which provides VM management functionality. These include VirtIO drivers for Acropolis
Hypervisor and Self-Service Restore. The NGT on the CVM then communicates to the
NGT on the VM due for snapshot. The NGT on the VM relays this instruction to the VSS
which utilizes the Nutanix Provider to signal the Cerebro on CVM through the NGT on
CVM after quiescing the VM. Cerebro then takes the snapshot of the VM. This completes
the first cycle.
Cerebro then initiates the resume post the snapshot process by communicating to the
Nutanix Provider through NGT on CVM. The Nutanix provider relays this to the VSS
which resumes the VM operations from the last state in a consistent manner. This com-
pletes the snapshot cycle. It is to be noted that Stargate is involved in snaphoting the VM
and storing the snapshot by the instructions provided from Cerebro.
As shown in Figure 17.7, Cerebro functions in a “Leader-Worker” fashion. Cerebro
runs on every CVM on the nodes and only one of those Cerebro instances is a “Leader”
at a given time. This leader is tasked with deciding what VM data to snapshot and main-
taining coordination among the Cerebro Workers on other CVM. Naturally, in case of
the failure of the Leader Cerebro instance, another from the fleet of Cerebro workers is
Nutanix Hybrid Cloud - Security Perspective 371

Site 1 Remote Site

Controller Controller
VM Coordination VM
Cerebro “Master” Cerebro “Master”

Cerebro Slave Stargate Stargate Cerebro Slave

Task Delegation

Controller VM Controller VM

Cerebro Slave Stargate Replication Stargate Cerebro Slave

Controller VM Controller VM

Cerebro Slave Stargate Stargate Cerebro Slave

Figure 17.7 Nutanix Cerebro Service functioning.

The snapshot storage and backup can be done based on the topology adopted by the
organization. Nutanix considers it a best practice to follow the Mesh topology in this case
as the data from one site is backed up in another in the network and this topology ensures
that all sites are interconnected. However, it also does support partial Mesh or any modified
hybrid topology.

17.7 Security and Policy Management on Nutanix Hybrid Cloud

In practice, it is considered that the no network, application, storage, computational
machine, or user is secured. This approach is known as “Zero Trust” Security Practice
for obvious reasons. The security protocols are built around this assumption. This can be
achieved through some steps. We will discuss each of the steps in brief in this section.

• Secure Development Life Cycle: Security starts from the software develop-
ment process. The software should be continuously audited and tested for
known vulnerabilities and secure design so that it can be patched/ upgraded.
• Platform Hardening/Automation: Security maintenance in the data center
is done automatically to avoid human error. This also adds the feature of scal-
ability and stability without compromising security.
• Network Micro-Segmentation: Using policies to restrict access to compo-
nents and preventing the spread of malware and ransomware.
372 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

• Identity and Access Management: Role-based access controls (limiting what

a user can do in an environment) and multi-factor authorization to verify a
user is a key part of zero trust. This is provided by the Nutanix Microservices
Platform as a part of a common framework.
• Compliance, Audit, and Reporting [5]: Flow Security Central provides pol-
icy management assistance, configuration audits, and compliance validation
for Nutanix. Security Central uses a collection of automated security audits
to detect and fix security vulnerabilities and configuration errors. Security
admins can create automated policies to fix vulnerabilities in real-time.
Security central also helps to validate the level of compliance with regulatory
guidelines such as PCI-DSS, HIPAA, and NIST.

17.7.1 Authentication on Nutanix

Authentication can be enabled in Nutanix by using the web Command Line Interface
(CLI). It can be from the directory end or client end. Directory end is just assigning service
account and password so that any VM or person can access the directory. Client authen-
tication is done by maintaining PEM encoded digital certificates. Nutanix prism validates
the certificate uploaded which is signed by the organisation. It also has a Common Access
Card (CAC) authentication which is useful for organizational employees. The card has a
physical form and the data can be read by a CAC reader, which verifies the organization’s
digital signature and can fetch employee data and validate the employee’s access limitation
in the Active Directory (AD).
When a user is authenticated for a directory, initially he/she has no permission. These
permissions are given to specify what a user has access in elements of AD. Permissions,
called “Roles” can be given based on individual user, groups, or organizational units (OU).
For example, cluster-admin, cluster viewer, and user admin are some roles that can be

17.7.2 Nutanix Data Encryption

Encryption is an important facet of data storage and transfer. There are two paradigms in

• Encryption at Rest: This concerns encrypting the data which is stored in a

block or object storage service. This is to prevent unauthorised or unwanted
access to data in case of vulnerable control planes.
• Encryption at Transit: This concerns encrypting the data while it is being
sent over the network. A compromised network is always the presumption in
a well-architected design. In-transit data encryption protects the data from
prying eyes.

Nutanix AOS uses AES-256 to encrypt data at rest natively. Both Local and External
KMS are supported by Nutanix. This is stronger than SEDs and included in the Ultimate
license. In the case of AHV, data is encrypted on the cluster level. For ESXi and Hyper-V,
encryption can be cluster or container level. In the case of container level, encryption for
Nutanix Hybrid Cloud - Security Perspective 373

new containers must be enabled individually. It has all data protection features like SEDs
like encrypted data so no chance of data leak, automatic rotation of encryption keys over
time. This encryption is also the KMIP protocol standard.
Key Management Service (KMS): Data encryption can be done in two ways. One way,
the encrypted data cannot be brought back to the original form (e.g., Hashing: Passwords
are always stored in a server in hashed form so that they cannot be mishandled in case the
password gets leaked or server admin wants to access), and the other way is two way, the
data can both be encrypted and decrypted using Keys. These keys are crucial as without
them the data will be lost forever, so a management service is used for them. Nutanix
has a Local Key Manager but it can only be used if the cluster has more than or equal to
three nodes. So, in the case of one node cluster, External Key Manager is used. One can
also go for SEDs (discussed below) in case of single-node clusters. Two types of keys are

• Data Encryption Key (DEK): Used to encrypt + decrypt the data, symmetric
keys like AES-256.
• Key Encryption Key (KEK): A 32-bit long key used to encrypt DEK.

Self Encrypting Drives (SED): SEDs are drives where data is stored at rest in encrypted
from. In this case, stolen drives cannot be used. The encryption key rotates automatically,
giving further data protection. Nutanix uses open standard (TCG [1] and KMIP [2] pro-
tocols) and FIPS [3] validated SED for interoperability and strong security. Read/write is
open in SEDs but to use the data, DEK is needed which is known to drive controllers. For
authentication purposes, this DEK is encrypted/decrypted using a KEK.
It is considered best practice to have multiple KMS services. This redundancy is for pre-
venting system failure in a real-time, production environment. In short, if CVM cannot get
correct Keys from KMS, then it cannot access drive data. If a drive is stolen, the encrypted
data cannot be used without the key which is located at KMS. If a node is stolen, then KMS
can revoke the node certificates so that the node cannot access the data or drive anymore.

17.7.3 Security Policy Management

Nutanix Flow includes a policy-driven security framework that inspects traffic within the
data center. The following are the objective for conducting the inspections:

• Security policies inspect traffic originating and terminating in a data center

and eliminate the need of additional firewalls inside the data center.
• These policies are applied in categories (logical group of VMs) instead of
individual VMs. So, a category of VM is always secured without administra-
tor intervention irrespective of how many VMs are active.
• Prism central gives a visualized based approach to configuring policies and
monitoring traffic to which a given policy applies.

Some of the policies are as follows:

Application Security Policy: Securing an application by specifying traffic sources and
destinations. This policy is applied on groups of VM, instead of VM directly.
374 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Isolation Environment Policy: When all types of traffic needs to be stopped between two
VM groups then this policy is implemented. VMs of the same group can communicate.
Quarantine Policy: When a VM is suspected of infection and sent for testing, this policy
is imposed to separate the VM from the system.
However, all security policies act on the whitelist method (only mentioned sources and
destinations are allowed, since the number of allowed is much smaller than restricted and
easier to monitor) by default, but the user can activate allow all in all cases. For quarantine
policy, an allow none option is also there. Enforcing a Policy

All policies can be enforced in two modes.
Apply mode: applying policies and allowing traffic based on whitelist.
Monitor mode: allowing all traffic (both whitelist and non-whitelist) to observe traffic
and fine tune the policy before applying it. Priority of a Policy

Two same types of policies have the same priority, as it only lists inbound and outbound
rules and the list has no limit. But two different policies have different priorities, so that
they never conflict. Quarantine policy has highest priority, followed by isolation policy and
finally application policy. Automated Enforcement

Connectivity between Prism Central and a registered AHV cluster is required while cre-
ating and modifying policies, changing the mode of operation. Policies are applied to the
VMs in a cluster automatically even if the cluster temporarily loses network connection
with the Prism Central instance with which it is registered. New policies and changes are
applied to the cluster when connectivity is restored.

17.8 Network Security and Log Management

Nutanix achieves network security by separating management traffic with backplane traf-
fic by creating separate virtual networks. The CVMs have virtual Network Interface Cards
(vNIC) to communicate over the virtual networks. The backplane network can be further
secured by splitting CVM and host VM in separate virtual networks. Some Nutanix plat-
forms have Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) for Stargate to Stargate service com-
munication. This network can be separated too using vNIC.
Traffic type in segmented network can be of broadly two types:

• Backplane traffic: It is intra-cluster traffic that comprises traffic between

CVMs, CVM to host, and storage.
• Management traffic: Traffic associated with Prism and SSH connections,
remote logging, SNMP, and user VM with CVM.
Nutanix Hybrid Cloud - Security Perspective 375

17.8.1 Segmented and Unsegmented Network

By default, the unsegment network in Nutanix cluster, the CVM has two virtual network
interfaces, eth0 and eth1. eth1 is useful for CVM - hypervisor interaction and eth0 is con-
nected with a built-in external switch which connects the external network via NIC team
or bonds. Here, backplane and management traffic both used eth0. Figure 17.8 shows the
differences between a default unsegmented network and segmented network.
In segmented network, management traffic uses eth0 interface and backplane traffic
uses eth2 interface. During AOS upgrade, if AOS supports network segmentation, then
an unsegmented network CVM also gets upgraded with a eth2 interface, even though the
network stays unsegmented.
Apart from this, Nutanix also maintains log integrity by forwarding all logs to a cen-
tral logging system. System and audit logs do not support local log retention period as it
increases the chance of Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks. The central log acts
as a support for other logs in case of system compromisation. The logs are an important
part of the anomaly detection service from Nutanix which first establishes a baseline from
observation of the logs generated over a fixed period of time before starting to report any
deviation from these baselines during operations. Not to mention, the analysis dashboards
of Prism leverage these logs for displaying environment stats to the user.
This completes the case study involving Nutanix Hybrid Cloud from a security point of
view with regards to its Disaster Management and Recovery capabilities along with an over-
view of the beliefs on which the whole platform has been built on, namely, HCI, “Software
Intelligence”, and Automation-based “one-click” solutions.

Controller VM Controller VM


eth0 eth1 eth0 eth2 eth1


External vSwitch Internal vSwitch External vSwitch Internal vSwitch

NIC team NIC team

Physical Switch Physical Switch

(a) (b)

Figure 17.8 (a) Default unsegmented network. (b) Segmented network.

376 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

17.9 Conclusion
This concludes our case study on Nutanix Hybrid Cloud. In this chapter, we present Nutanix
Hybrid Cloud from a security perspective and offer insights into its growth statistics. As is
apparent, Nutanix is a clear leader in the HCI market due to its offerings which enable
flexible, highly compliant and automated solutions for organizations wishing to adopt
Hybrid Cloud. Not only does Nutanix present its own set of infrastructure and services
but also extends support to third-party offerings. At the time of writing, the acquisition of
Mainframe2 Inc, Calm, Minjar, and Netsil have enabled it to expand its arsenal of offerings
and innovate in the HCI and Hybrid Cloud sphere and maintain its position as a clear mar-
ket leader.

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Part V
A Data Science Approach Based on User
Interactions to Generate Access Control
Policies for Large Collections of Documents
Jedidiah Yanez-Sierra1*, Arturo Diaz-Perez2 and Victor Sosa-Sosa1

CINVESTAV-Tamaulipas, Cd. Victoria, Mexico


CINVESTAV-Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico


A major concern of cloud storage users is the loss of control over the security and privacy of their
information. The use of reliable and efficient access control schemes has proved to be mandatory for
organizations whose operation involves sharing digital resources that must be kept private. However,
defining access control policies (ACPs) is a non-trivial and critical process that is commonly dele-
gated to expert humans. In this chapter, we propose a methodology based on data science composed
of two main phases to comprehensively address the problem of generating APCs for attribute-based
encryption schemes. Generated policies can be used to secure interactions with a large set of docu-
ments in cloud scenarios. The first phase is related to the detection of relevant users to spread infor-
mation; the second phase focuses on the generation of policies based on propagation processes. In
addition, we propose a strategy to analyze and evaluate the generated policies. The main contribution
of this chapter is a method to spread ACPs through a graph of user interactions. We have tested our
approach from real data obtained from the Instagram social network. The results obtained showed
that the proposed strategies can effectively generate the ACPs to every user in an interaction graph
from a small set of relevant users. Our proposal reduced in 96% the manual effort required to assign
an ACP to each user in the tested dataset. Results also showed that generated ACPs are 92% effective
when measuring the accuracy of the policies.

Keywords: Complex networks, access control policies, CP-ABE, security

18.1 Introduction
Information within organizations has shown an average growth of more than 25% per
year [23]. A few examples of this trend are the large volume of content generated by sci-
entific centers, hospitals, and news, space, and government agencies, for example. This
massive generation of information has led to a growing demand for computing and stor-
age resources. Cloud computing has proved to be one of the most efficient technologies to

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Rajdeep Chakraborty, Anupam Ghosh and Jyotsna Kumar Mandal (eds.) Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for
Cloud Security, (381–416) © 2022 Scrivener Publishing LLC

382 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

handle the problems of storing, processing, and sharing large sets of information. However,
the main issue in cloud scenarios is to secure the data access and storage to preserve its
confidentiality while facilitating its availability.
Privacy and more recent access control (at the cryptographic level) have been partially
addressed by end-to-end encryption schemes based on ABE (attribute-based encryption)
cryptography. But all proposals have one thing in common: they need a key to secure each
piece of information [10]. Furthermore, they require an access control policy (ACP) for
every object in the collection. When organizations need to share a large set of documents
with a great number of users, individual policy generation becomes unfeasible. That is pri-
marily because the definition of ACPs is a non-trivial and extremely critical process that is
usually delegated to expert humans [13]. Recent works have studied the problem of mining
ACPs form system logs [12, 25]. To the best of our knowledge, no proposal in the literature
has addressed the problem of generating ACPs from the knowledge gathered through data
science approaches.
Let us consider a scenario where there is a large number of users who need to securely
share a large collection of documents through a cloud storage infrastructure. Users can be
modeled as a network based on their interactions with the document collection, allowing
for the discovery of knowledge. By employing data science techniques, users’ relations can
be processed to extract information such as communities, sub-communities, most relevant
users, user hierarchies, correlated topics, among others. Our problem resides in assigning
ACPs to users based on the knowledge extracted from the collection itself. Our results are
the set of ACPs with the permissions to be fulfilled to access the collection. The ACPs can
be used by an end-to-end tool to secure the entire collection of documents so that they can
be safely stored and shared on a cloud storage infrastructure, preserving the privacy and
sharing capabilities provided by ABE.
In this chapter, we present 1) a novel methodology based on network science and social
network analysis to comprehensively address the problem of generating APCs for ABE
schemes that can be used to secure the interactions with the large set of documents, and 2)
a strategy to evaluate the complexity and effectiveness of the ACPs generated for each user.
Our method is based on the use of complex networks to take advantage of the underlying
information discovered when modeling the interactions between the documents and the
users as a network. The network is analyzed, and its underlying topology is used to discover
a subset of relevant users which will spread APCs from an initial set using the network topol-
ogy. The methodology to generate ACPs is composed of two main phases: relevant spreader
detection and policy spreading and generation. In addition, an evaluation strategy allows us
to measure two main characteristics of the generated ACPs: complexity and effectiveness.
The main contributions of this chapter are summarized as follows. First, we propose a
new method to spread ACPs through the graph of user-user interactions, leveraging the
topology, the inferred partitioning, and the identified relevant users. Second, while policy
spreading is taking place, we develop a method to merge policies being aware of the hier-
archy of users induced by the graph. Third, the adaptation of a metric for the evaluation of
the structural complexity of the policies. Fourth, we describe a novel strategy for measuring
policy effectiveness that considers the inclusion of rejected interactions, not explicitly pres-
ent in the original data. By effectiveness, we refer to the evaluation of accuracy, sensitivity,
precision, and F1 score of the generated ACPs, metrics commonly used in classification.
We have tested our approach from real data obtained from an Instagram social network.
ACPs for Large Collections of Documents 383

The results obtained showed that the strategies proposed in our methodology allow us to
use the distinct users’ interactions modeled as a network to generate the APCs to each user
interaction. Results showed that our proposal reduces by 96% the manual effort required to
assign an ACP to each user in the tested dataset. Experimentation also showed that gener-
ated ACPs have a 92% effectiveness when measuring the accuracy of the generated policies.
In the following, we first review in Section 18.2 some works related to the problem of
APC generation for attributed-based encryption schemes. Section 18.3 describes the theo-
retical foundations of graph theory and network science relevant to this work. Section 18.4
describes the proposed methodology to generate policies from a network of interactions.
Section 18.5 describes the experimental evaluation and the achieved results. Finally, we
review some remarks in the conclusions and future work in Section 18.6.

18.2 Related Work

In the literature, there are few works related to the automatic or semi-automatic generation
of APCs. Le et al. [13] propose a semiautomatic approach to infer APCs from Web-based
applications. Their proposal infers APCs even when the web sites have not been prepared
for it. They use role-based access control (RBAC) as a reference model to build access spaces
for a set of known users and roles. Then, they apply machine learning techniques to infer
access rules. These rules are presented to human experts for validating and detecting access
control issues.
In [17], a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm is proposed to infer APCs in systems
for data management. The approach is multi-objective because it aims to learn a policy that,
at the same time, is consistent with the input requests, exhibits low complexity, and does not
use those attributes which uniquely represent user and resource identities.
In [25], authors presented one of the first policy mining algorithms for attribute-based
access control (ABAC). In their proposal, tuples of user-permission from existent access
control lists are processed. From the set of identified tuples, authors select a relevant sub-
set and use it as a seed to build access control rules that, through an iterative process, are
generalized to cover as many tuples as possible. More recently, a learning-based approach
for mining ABAC policies was proposed by Karimi and Joshi [12]. The authors process
the system access logs to learn ABAC policy rules to assist the access control administra-
tion. Their proposal is based on a learning algorithm that is trained on the tuples of access
rights, trying to detect patterns in those tuples. Patterns are used to infer rules, and then,
the ABAC policies.
Although the works mentioned above address the problem of inferring APCs, there are
three main issues with these algorithms. First, these entrust the security of the information
solely to access control systems. Second, they are specific to their data model and policy
frameworks. Third and most relevant, these proposals [12, 17, 25] work well with APCs
whose rules and entities have few attributes but are inefficient when dealing with a high
number of attributes and rules, which makes them unsuitable for most realistic scenarios.
From a data science approach, the policy generation problem can be divided into four
core sub-components, 1) data modeling, 2) network characterizing, 3) relevant vertex selec-
tion, and 4) spreading and merge of ACPs. These components can be addressed through data
science-based approaches, particularly through network science and social network analysis.
384 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

In network science literature, various models have been proposed to represent datasets
as networks. Documents and users can be depicted as vertices, and the relations between
them can be mapped as edges [4]. The modeled graph is bipartite, having documents and
users as vertices [18].
Using projection, it is possible to transform a bipartite document-user graph into an
only-users graph, i.e., an interaction network [4]. The resulting graph, in many cases, can
exhibit those features often found in complex networks. Among others, the graph of user
interactions can be used for three purposes: 1) to identify through community detection
algorithms groups of users sharing common topological characteristics, 2) to identify users
with overriding characteristics, and 3) to perform graph mining tasks to spread focalized
information to the entire network.
A crucial problem in network science and social network analysis is related to how to
identify influential spreaders in social networks. Spreaders detection is a crucial task for
controlling diseases spreading, increasing product exposure, accelerating information
diffusion, among other interesting problems [19]. Many works have shown the feasibil-
ity of extracting information from networks, such as roles, structures, leaders, or relevant
nodes. Moreover, several works have shown the benefit of using partition algorithms (such
as community detection schemes) as the foundation for vertex discrimination [3, 14].
Chen and Li [3] propose a structure that allows dividing the entities (members) of a net-
work into different levels according to a belonging coefficient. The belonging factor reflects
the strength of the relation between a member and its community. However, the proposed
method relies on an earlier seed detection that is not described in their work. Lee et al. [14]
propose a method to use the content-based behavioral features extracted from user-gener-
ated content and behavior patterns. This method allowed them to identify users’ roles and
to explore role change patterns in social networks. But their approach is not able to analyze
large scale social networks.
In [24], an approach for the detection of leaders is proposed based on the analysis of var-
ious user interaction metrics. V.Marinescu et al. [24] present an approach to identify lead-
ers in a social environment based on the chronological distribution of artifacts (emails).
The leadership value is the number of relevant artifacts generated as a result of a temporal
causality analysis. The proposed method also determines the behavior patterns that gov-
ern a socio-technical context. Authors observed in an email scenario that the speed of an
individual’s response to their average response time suggests a relative leadership weight
between the sender and receiver. The person whose email triggered a series of responses is
recognized as a leader and not necessarily the creator of the email.
In the network science field, many centrality metrics have been proposed to address the
problem of identifying relevant nodes in a network, including degree, closeness, between-
ness, neighborhood, among others. Ma et al. [16] proposed a gravity centrality metric to
identify influential spreaders in complex networks. Authors use the idea of the gravity for-
mula to determine the relevance of nodes.

18.3 Network Science Theory

In this section, we will summarize some of the key concepts of network science. We will
cover the characteristics of the graphs used as part of our proposal, as well as the main
ACPs for Large Collections of Documents 385

Table 18.1 Description of the neighborhood notation used in this work.

Symb Description
δv Neighbors of vertex v

δ vr Neighbors of vertex v at distance r. δ v = δ vr =1

δ vIN Incoming neighbors of vertex v

δ vOUT Outgoing neighbors of vertex v

δ vp Neighbors of vertex v that have the same p policy

∆vIN Incoming neighbors of vertex v sourced from lower k-cores.

attributes and metrics required to characterize them. In general, an edge-weighted graph is

defined as follows.
Definition 18.1 (Weighted Graph). A weighted graph is represented with the tuple G(V,
E, w), where V is a set of vertices (or nodes), E is a set of edges (or ties) connecting some ver-
tex pairs that are in V, and w : E →  , maps each edge (u, v) ∈ E to a non-negative integer
“weight” (or “length”, or “cost”): w(u, v ) ∈ . Numbers of vertices and edges of a network are
|V| = n, and |E| = m, respectively.
High-level graph metrics have been proposed to characterize them. Some examples are
finding its average degree k :
n ∑
v ∈V
kv ; finding the connectivity between its neighbors
2 | Eu |
(clustering coefficient) CC : ; finding the shortest path between two nodes duv;
ku (ku − 1)
(∑ )
diameter: diam: max{d(u, v)|u, v ∈ V}; closeness: dij . Some common notation of
j ∈V
the neighborhood is shown in Table 18.1.
Unlike random graphs1 and graphs arising in scientific applications, like 3D meshes,

complex networks show properties that only emerge when modeling real phenomena,
commonly massive phenomena, and in some human-made systems such as the internet
network. Although various proposals can be found in the literature, for the purpose of this
chapter, we will apply the following definition of complex network.
Definition 18.2 (Complex Network). A complex network is a graph G = (V, E), with
a vertex set V and edge set E with: (1) n =|V|, m =|E|, (2) low average degree 〈k〉 ≪n, (3)
low density density ≪ 1, (4) scale-free distribution P(k) = ~k−α, (5) low average path length
〈L〉 ≪n, and (6) high average cluster coefficient 1/n ≪ 〈CC〉 < 1.
Complex networks have been studied due to the particular characteristics they present
in comparison to other types of networks. Below are described some features that appear to
be common to different types of networks.


A random graph is a graph where the occurrence of edges depends on a given probability distribution.
386 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

The Small-World Effect. This feature is present in most complex networks and refers to the
fact that the distance between any pair of vertices is astonishingly small. Watts and Strogatz
found that the majority of the vertex pairs in complex networks are only a few steps away,
despite their elevated number of vertices. This property can be mathematically character-
ized by the average shortest path, 〈L〉, and the graph diameter [1].
Clustering. Clustering quantifies the level of interconnection of a vertex with its neighbors.
For a vertex, the max clustering coefficient value is obtained when the vertex and its neigh-
bors form a clique, while the minimum value when the vertex is disconnected. A definition
of the clustering coefficient given by Watts and Strogatz was shown above (〈CC〉) [1].
Degree distribution (power law). This characteristic implies that a network has only a
few vertices with a very high degree, called hubs (vertices with many neighbors), but that
majority of vertices have a low degree (vertices with very few neighbors). Barabasi and
Albert found that the degree distribution P(k) of many real-world networks obeys a power
law, in which the number of vertices of degree k is proportional to k−α with α ∈[2,3] [9].
Networks with a power-law distribution are also known as scale-free networks.
Community structure. A community is generally defined as a group of vertices that have a
high density of edges between them and a lower density with other groups [8]. Many real
networks present this connecting structure, and it is widely known that most social net-
works have a community topology since this structure reflects part of human behavior. In
every social culture, people tend to organize in groups, either by common interests, work,
age, religion, or any other purpose. In this regard, in network science, there are algorithms
such as multilevel, modularity, edge betweenness, and label propagation that allows identi-
fying communities in complex networks [20].
Networks characterization. Main efforts in network science have been focused on the sta-
tistical characterization of real-world graphs in terms of complex network metrics [1, 9].
Within the network analysis, it is possible to identify different metrics capable of provid-
ing information about the network. In general, metrics can be classified according to their
scope or type. By their scope can be classified into local and global, and by their type into
degree, clustering, distance, and centrality.
Local metrics give information about single elements of a graph, for example, the impor-
tance of a vertex in terms of its degree, neighborhood or its distance to other nodes. While
global metrics can give information about the whole graph, for example, the average short-
est path length, the network’s diameter, or how much the degree distribution follows a
scale-free form.
In a similar way, Degree metrics are directly derived from 1) the degree of the vertices, 2)
the degree distribution, 3) the clustering around vertices, and 4) the vertex degree correla-
tions. Clustering metrics quantify how well connected are the neighbors of a node. Distance
metrics quantify how far or near are two nodes in terms of hops, weight, shortest paths, etc.
Finally, centrality metrics quantify how relevant is a node for a defined phenomenon, i.e.,
for spreading information, relevant paths, and critical places. For more information about
the most used metrics in network science, refer to [9].
k-shell metric. The k-core decomposition identifies internal cores and decomposes the net-
works layer by layer, revealing the structure of the different k-shells. A k-core of a graph is
defined as the largest subgraph whose vertices have a degree of at least kc [6]. Let G = (V, E)
ACPs for Large Collections of Documents 387

be the graph created from the set of vertices V and the set of edges E. The subgraph Hkc =
(W, E|W) induced by the set W is a k-shell or kernel of order kc if and only if ∀ v ∈ W :
kv ≥ kc and Hkc is the maximum subgraph with this property [15]. The kv term can be the in-­
degree, out-degree, or the sum of both for the vertex v, determining different types of cores.
Gravity k-shell metric. Based on the gravity formula proposed by Isaac Newton, the gravity
k-shell metric weights the interactions between a node and its neighborhood. It is defined
as follows:

Gksv ← ∑ ks(vd)ks(w )
w ∈δ vr

where dvw is the shortest path between v and w, ks(v) is the shell of node v, and δ vr is the
neighborhood of v at r distance. Here, r is used to control the neighborhood of v [16].

18.4 Approach to Spread Policies Using Networks Science

We describe here the proposed methodology based on network science to generate APCs
for a large set of documents based on the interaction of the users who use them. The meth-
odology is composed of three main stages, (1) spreaders detection, (2) policy spreading
and merging, and (3) policy refinement. The stages and processes required to perform the
proposed methodology are shown in detail in Figure 18.1.
From a set of interactions between a large set of users and an equally large set of doc-
uments, complex network techniques and strategies can be applied to model a network
of interactions, where vertices depict users (more specifically, owners, and consumers),
and edges depict the explicit permissions between owners and consumers to interact
with their content. It is possible to represent any dataset as a complex network as long
as an adequate mapping model is used. Access logs in a cloud sharing environment, as
well as social networks with content-sharing, are good examples of massive data sources
that increasingly require attention for the confidentiality of their users’ information. By
applying complex network analysis techniques, it is possible to identify groups of users,
their organization in hierarchical levels, and the interaction weights. Such information
and a small set of initial policies can be used to generate and spread APCs through the

To assign the
initial set of ACP To ref ine ACPs

To f ind the more To spread the ACPs

relevant spreaders in the network To evaluate the ACPs

Horizontal Structural
Weighting Users Spreading Complexity
Selecting the P most Vertical Effectiveness
Relevant Spreaders Spreading Analysis
Interaction Interaction
Graph Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Graph with ACPs

Figure 18.1 Main methodology to generate APCs from an interaction network.

388 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

The proposed methodology is based on a G(VG, EG) graph that models a set of users and
their interactions, which has also been processed through complex network techniques to
generate, based on the underlying information, its partitioning from two axes, horizontal
and vertical. The horizontal axis covers the communities and sub-communities of users,
while vertical partitioning models the hierarchy of users, depicted by the k-shells.
As shown in Figure 18.1, in the first stage of the proposed methodology, the graph par-
titions are used as a reference to define the number of relevant vertices that can be used to
properly represent the graph’s topology, i.e., the minimum number of relevant vertices that
can be used to describe the topology of the entire graph.
The process of assigning, generating, and spreading policies is defined in the second stage;
this process begins with the assignment of a unique APC defined by an expert to the small
subset of relevant vertices; policies are defined based on the context (communities and sub-­
communities) of users as well as groups of user closest to the spreaders. After the initial ACPs
assignment, the process of spreading APCs to the remaining users is carried out. The spread-
ing process consists of two parts: (1) a horizontal spreading on the same hierarchical level as
the spreaders and (2) a vertical spreading toward the vertices of greater hierarchy. It is in this
second part that new APCs are generated based on the hierarchical interactions of the users.
A proposal for the quality and complexity analysis is presented in the third stage. In the
first subsection, a strategy to measure the complexity of the policies generated from the
methodology described in the previous stage is analyzed, while the second subsection pres-
ents a strategy to measure the quality of the policies generated.
All the steps and processes of the methodology based on user interactions are described
in detail in the following sections.

18.4.1 Finding the Most Relevant Spreaders

Identifying relevant vertices on a network has become a challenging field in network sci-
ence. The modeled phenomenon, dataset, semantic information, and gathered information
from network characterization play a crucial role when classifying the vertices of a graph.
Once a vertex has been weighted, a ranking method and a selection process are needed.
In our proposal, the selection of relevant nodes is performed based only on t­opological
­information of the graph and the underlying data extracted during the processing. Our approach
to identify and select a subset of relevant vertices from the G graph consists of four main steps:
1) hierarchy identification, 2) vertex ranking, 3) filtering, and 4) tagging relevant nodes.
The proposed methodology is based on a G(VG, EG) graph that models a set of users and
their interactions, which has also been processed through complex network techniques to
generate, based on the underlying information, its horizontal and vertical partitioning, as
explained before. Horizontal axis covers the communities and sub-communities of users,
while vertical partitioning models the hierarchy of users, depicted by the k-shells. Figure
18.2 helps to understand the three types of partitions. The figure shows the community ci
partitioned into s sub-communities and t kernels. As can be seen, each full circular chart
represents a community, and each circle’s slice represents a sub-community; there are four
sub-communities in the example. Similarly, the cores or shells are depicted as concentric
rings, where lower cores are at the center, and higher ones are far from the center. Vertical
partitioning is performed at the community level; this is, the k-cores are calculated for each
community. This way allows deeply describing the community structure.
ACPs for Large Collections of Documents 389

Ci i = {1, ... , r} C iks
ks = {1, ... ,t]

C ij
j = {1, ... ,s]

Subcommunity & K-Shell

C ij,ks

Figure 18.2 Example of a community partitioned into subcommunities and k-shells. Weighting Users

When performing the partitioning by k-shells, the main objective is to identify the users whose
information is the most used. On the other hand, the ranking process is focused on finding the
users that consume the most information, more specifically, the vertices with higher weight
in their output edges. In fact, given the structure of k-cores shown in Figure 18.2, it can be
assumed that vertices with the highest out-interaction are in the most internal cores.
The output interaction (oi) for a given node v is calculated with Equation (18.2).

oi(v ) = ∑ weight (v , w ) (18.2)

w ∈δ vOUT

where δ vOUT are the outgoing neighbors of v and weight(·,·) is the value of the edge going
from v to w.
The weighting of users is performed for each sub-community of the graph, i.e., an
induced sub-graph is built for each graph’s sub-community. Then, for each node of the
induced graph, the weight of its outgoing interactions is computed using Equation (18.2).
The outgoing interaction weight is kept as a vertex’s attribute, being available for the pro-
cess of ranking and selection of relevant vertices.

Algorithm 18.1 Function to select and assign the  spreaders defined for a sub-community.
Data: GI j : Graph induced by sub-community j from community i from user graph G
 j : The number of vertices to select in the sub-community j of the community i.
Result: vs = {v : v are the vertices tagged as relevant}

1 V
 ks0 ← get vertices from K-shell 0 of the induced graph GI j
 ks0 ← sort the nodes in Vks0 in descending order by theiri outgoing inter-
2 SV
action weight
390 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

3 vs ← {the first  j vertices from SVks0 }

4 return vs Selecting the Top  Spreaders

In this step, the number of relevant vertices to select is determined. The selection could
be made at any level (global, community, sub-community, and k-shell). But regardless of
where they are selected from, it is desirable that selected vertices can adequately represent
the topology of the graph.
The total number of relevant vertices  to select is defined as follows. Given a graph G
that has been partitioned into communities, sub-communities, and k-shells.

• Consider one relevant vertex for each community with a non-complex

• Consider one relevant vertex for each sub-community with a non-complex
• Consider one relevant vertex for each populated k-shell in the sub-­community
and community that has a complex topology.

A community is considered with a complex topology if (1) it has been partitioned into
two or more sub-communities and k-shells, (2) it has been partitioned into two or more
sub-communities or k-shells and its size fulfill | ci |≥| VGUU | / | C | , where |ci| is the commu-
nity size, VGUU is the number of vertices in the graph GUU, and |C| is the number of com-
munities in the graph.
In similar way, a sub-community is considered with a complex topology if its size regard
the upper level fulfill scij ≥| ci | / | sci | , where scij is the number of nodes in the sub-­
community j of the community ci, |ci| is the number of vertices in the community i, and |sci|
is the number of sub-communities of the community i.
As can be seen, this process defines the number of spreaders to select for each i commu-
nity ci and for each sub-community, j of community i, sc j when applicable. Once verti-
ces are weighted and the mechanism to know the minimum inumber  of relevant nodes is
defined, the next step is to rank, select and tag these  nodes in the graph.
As can be seen in Algorithm 18.1, given a sub-community scij with a complex topol-
ogy, the induced graph GI sc j is obtained and the sc j vertices with the highest outgoing
i i
interaction weight [Equation (18.2)] from the first k-core are selected, that is, the vertices
with only information consumption. Selected nodes are marked as relevant nodes using the
appropriate attribute.

18.4.2 Assign and Spread the Access Control Policies

The spreading process of ACPs from the G graph is performed in two strategies. The
first one performs a horizontally spread of policies among the users of the first k-shell,
also called consumer users. This spread aims to group consumers who share common
characteristics. Correspondingly, the second strategy performs a vertical spreading
­(bottom-up), in which the diffusion is carried out toward the producer users (highest
k-core), assigning and merging new policies in the process. Producing users are those
ACPs for Large Collections of Documents 391

that mostly share information; as a result, they are in the upper k-shells since they have
the largest amounts of input edges.
Figure 18.2 shows this process. In the first stage, policies would be distributed among all
the vertices from the inner core, and in the second stage, ACPs are spread from inside-out
(bottom-up strategy).
The initial policies assigned to the spreaders are specified by experts. The manually
defined and assigned policies to the relevant nodes should suitably represent the interac-
tions carried out by relevant users. Based on the weight of their incoming interactions, ver-
tices of intermediate levels could take the ACP of the users in the lower cores with a strong
relation or build a new one by merging the distinct incoming policies during the bottom-up
strategy. Access Control Policies

A standard form to specify ACPs is by using the disjunctive normal form (DNF). That is to
say, an ACP should be composed of (1) groups of attributes tied by conjunctive operators;
(2) each group, also called clause2, is shaped by a set of attributes tied by disjunctive opera-

tors; (3) each attribute, in turn, is composed of literals of the form variable = value.
We call a DNF a permissive policy since the validation of any clause in the formula is
sufficient to validate the entire formula, as each clause means an alternative to satisfy the
policy. When the number of clauses increases, so does the capacity to satisfy the policy. In
the following example, the elements in blue highlight attributes, the elements in red delimit
clauses, and the elements in gray are ACP joins.

(v11 = x11 AND…AND v1m = x1m) OR…OR (vp1 = xp1 AND…AND vpo = xpo)

Limiting the ACP specification allows us to combine two or more ACPs in a more con-
trolled way. Further, the policy resulting from a merge of ACPs will maintain the same nor-
mal form as the original ACPs, so that the merge could be performed in 1) an incrementally
way (one policy at a time), or 2) a complete fashion (with the full set of clauses of the final
In the topological structure induced by the graph of user interactions, users in the higher
hierarchies are those with greater privileges. The vertical process spreads the policies into
higher hierarchies by merging policies in permissive mode. Horizontal Spreading

So-called consuming nodes are those vertices that only have out-edges, so their input
degree is zero. The incoming degree is used to perform the vertical partitioning (k-shell); as
a result, nodes that only consume information are always in the first core.
Since consuming nodes are in the first core, almost all remaining vertices of the commu-
nity or sub-community may be reached from this core. Furthermore, it could be possible to
group the outgoing edges from the first core based on the target vertices.


Although in the mathematical literature, clauses refer to a disjunction of literals, it is usual in CP-ABE to name
a set of attributes as clauses. In CP-ABE, sets of attributes are linked by conjunctions or disjunctions.
392 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

For this reason, the main problem for the horizontal spreading of ACPs is to define a
similarity function that allows grouping vertices of the first core based on their outgoing
edges. In addition, since the relevant nodes are part of the consuming nodes, they should
be taken into account when forming the groups.
The relevant nodes become the group centroids, and the similarity regarding them is
calculated to other nodes in the group. With this strategy, the problem of how many groups
to form is solved. It also helps to reduce the number of similarity calculations.
Given any pair of vertices v, w, we define the Equation (18.3) to measure the similar-
ity between them, which is calculated considering a scaled weight between v and w ver-
tices and their respective neighborhoods. The scaled weight between any pair of vertices
is inversely proportional to the difference of the k-core in which they are located so that
the closest neighbors have a greater influence than the distant ones. Equation (18.3) shows
the function to calculate the similarity [sim(v, w)] between pair of vertices while Equation
(18.4) shows the function to calculate the scaled weights.

sim(v , w ) =
∑ i ∈δ v ∩δ w

ϖ (v , i ) +
i ∈δ v ∩δ w
ϖ (w , i )
∑ ϖ (v ,i) ⋅ ∑
i ∈δ v i ∈δ w
ϖ (w , i )

weight (v , i )
ϖ (v , i ) = (18.4)
abs(ks(i ) − ks(v )) + 1
where δv is the set of neighbors of v; ϖ (v , i ) is the scaled weight of the edge (v, i), v and w
are in distant k-shells, lowering the scale of the edge weight; and ks(v) is the k-core of the
vertex v.
The horizontal diffusion process is performed for each community or sub-community,
depending on the principles defined in Section The process to perform the hori-
zontal distribution is as follows:

1. For each community or sub-community, the induced graph is achieved.

2. Given the set of nodes and the list of spreaders tagged to the community/
sub-community, perform the following: For each non-spreader vertex,
update its policy using the spreader with the highest similarity.

This process is performed until all sub-communities and communities have been pro-
cessed. It is necessary to realize that, for small communities having only one relevant node,
all the vertices in the community will share the same ACP. Two considerations should be
emphasized: 1) The manually assigned policy must consider that all users in the community
will share the ACP. 2) The process of spreading the ACP is reduced to a direct assignment
for each node in the community. Vertical Spreading (Bottom-Up)

In the vertical spreading, policies are distributed from the inner k-shell to the outermost
k-shells considering only the outgoing connections of vertices. In this way, as the process
ACPs for Large Collections of Documents 393

progresses toward the upper cores, policies are merged based on the connections that the
vertices receive from the previous levels.
First, vertices in the lower k-shell are grouped by policy, and the vertices of the next core
are processed; then, each core is individually processed until the upper core is reached. If a
vertex receives edges of 2 or more groups (2 or more different policies), then the affinity to
each group is evaluated.
The affinity of a node v regarding a policy p is given by the scaled weight for all the
incoming neighbors of v in previous k-cores having the policy p. Equation (18.5) shows the
function to calculate the affinity [affinity(v, p)] between any node v and any policy p.

affinity (v , p) = ∑ ϖ (w , v )
w ∈δ v

where ϖ (v , w ) is the scaled weight defined in Equation (18.4); δ vp = {w ∈δ v | pw = p, ks(w ) < ks(v )}
= , ( ) < ks(v )} , δv is the set of neighbors of v, pw is the policy tagged to w, and ks(w) is the k-core
of vertex w, i.e., δ vp is the set of incoming neighbors v having p policy.
Based on the defined affinity between a node and a policy, it is possible to build a new
policy by merging some of its neighbors’ policies.
We define in Equation (18.6) a threshold that must be fulfilled by each distinct policy
to decide when a policy should be combined or not. Figure 18.3 shows the three possible
scenarios when combining a policy. In each case, the three vertices in the lower part are in
a lower core, and they have outgoing edges to the vertex in a higher core. The weight in the
edges corresponds to the sum of weights of all the neighbors that are inside each group,
showing only one edge and weight for each distinct policy.
As can be seen in Figure 18.3, the threshold is the ratio between the sum of all weights of
the incoming edges of v and the number of distinct policies ρ of the neighbors of v.

threshold(v ) =
∑ w ∈∆vIN
ϖ (w , v )

where ϖ (w , v ) is the scaled weight of the edge between w and v [defined in Equation
(18.4)]; ∆vIN = {w ∈δ v | ks(w ) < ks(v )}, i.e., is the set of the incoming neighbors of v in lower
cores; and ρ is the set of distinct policies in δv.

5 33.3
80 15 50 10 33.3
40 33.3


80 >= 33.3 50 >= 33.3 33.3 >= 33.3

15 >= 33.3 40 >= 33.3 33.3 >= 33.3
5 >= 33.3 5 >= 33.3 33.3 >= 33.3

Figure 18.3 Bottom-up merger strategy. Keep one, keep the ones above the threshold, and keep all.
394 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

The equations to calculate the merging threshold [Equation (18.6)], the affinity [Equation
(18.5)] of a vertex, and a policy, are the foundation for the vertical spreading process of
The complete vertical policy spreading process for a given community or sub-­community
is shown in Algorithm 18.2. The algorithm shows the process for labeling ACPs to verti-
ces in the core k from the vertices and policies of previous cores, symbolized as k − 1. To
achieve this, Algorithm 18.2 receives two lists of vertices, the set of vertices to be processed
Vk, and the set of vertices from the previous cores Vk−1. As a result, a new set of vertices Vk′
tagged with the new assigned policies is returned.
Algorithm 18.2 ends when all the vertices of the set Vk′ have been processed, regard-
less of whether or not all of them have been labeled with an ACP. The set Vk′ is returned,
and the next core is evaluated, updating the input sets with Vk = Vk+1 and Vk −1 = Vk′ . The
process described in Algorithm 18.2 must be executed for each k-cores of a community or

Algorithm 18.2 Algorithm to spread ACPs vertically from lower to upper cores.
Data: Vk: List of vertices
   Vk−1: List of vertices with a tagged ACP in lower cores (k − 1)
Result: Vk′ : New list of vertices with tagged ACPs
1 Vk′ ← Vk
2 for each vertex v ∈Vk′ without policy do
3 δv ← incoming neighbors of v whose k-shell is lower than k
4 if |δv|> 0 then
5 ρv ← list of distinct policies assigned to δv
6 compute the policies threshold for v by using Equation (18.6)
7 policyv ← {Ø}
8   for each policy p ∈ ρv do
9 compute the affinity between v and p by using Equation (18.5)
10    if affinity > threshold then
11    policyv ← policyv ∪ p
12    end
13   end
14 pv ← buildNewPolicy(policyv)
15 update in Vk′ the policy of v with pv
16 else
17 group neighbors δv by policy
18   for each policy p ∈ ρv do
19   compute and aggregate the similarity between v and all the neighbors with
policy p by using Equation (18.3)
20   end
21    if there is at least one policy p with similarity > 0 then
22    update in Vk′ the policy of v with the policy having the higher similarity
23   else
24    skip and continue...
ACPs for Large Collections of Documents 395

25 end
26 end
27 end
28 return Vk′ Policies Refinement

In the DNF merging two policies means joining the set of clauses that conform them.
However, before being assigned to the node, an improvement process is performed to refine
the set of merged policies. For a clause to be satisfiable in DNF, all its attributes must be
fulfilled. In this sense, if clause A is valid, and the attributes of A are a superset of attributes
of B, then B must also be valid. Moreover, if the size of the clause is considered at the val-
idation (if the smallest clauses are checked first), clause B would have precedence over A,
thus, A can be removed.
Figure 18.4 shows an example of the process described above. The figure shows two
ACPs (ACPA y ACPB) and the resulting ACP from the merging and refinement process. It
can be observed that the clause v4 = a4_3 v5 = a5_1 v6 = a6_3 3 of 3 (in red) belonging to
the ACPB is a superset of the clause v5 = a5_1 1 of 1 (in blue) which belongs to the ACPA. To
fulfill the red clause, it is necessary that the attribute v5 = a5_1 (highlighted in each of the
clauses) be met. As a result, the clause marked in red can be eliminated from the final ACP,
since fulfilling the attribute v5 = a5_1, all the ACP is validated. The final resulting ACP is
shown in Figure 18.4 as ACPC.

18.4.3 Structural Complexity Analysis of CP-ABE Policies

In cloud scenarios where there is a large set of users sharing an equally large set of resources,
generating and maintaining policies that control access is a complex task. In a naive sce-
nario, given n users and m permissions, directly assigning permissions to users requires on
the order of O(m × n) relationships to be maintained. However, in improved schemes, such
as those based on functions, roles, or attributes, the number of relationships that must be
maintained can be reduced to the order of O(m + n). Furthermore, less complex policies
have been shown in the literature to be easier to maintain [25].
The notion of weighted structural complexity (WSC) was first introduced by Molloy
et al. This metric sums up the number of relationships with possibly different weights [17].
WSC is a generalization of policy size that was first introduced to evaluate policies gener-
ated from mining schemes [17]. WSC measures how concise the policies are. Informally, for
a given policy, its WSC value will be given by the weighted sum of the number of its distinct

ACPA v1=a1_1 v3=a3_1 2of2 v2=a2_3 1of1 v5=a5_1 1of1 1of3

ACPB v1=a1_3 v3=a3_3 2of2 v4=a4_3 v5=a5_1 v6=a6_3 3of3 1of2

v1=a1_1 v3=a3_1 2of2 v2=a2_3 1of1 v5=a5_1 1of1 v1=a1_3 v3=a3_3 2of2 v4=a4_3 v5=a5_1 v6=a6_3 3of3 1of5

ACPC v1=a1_1 v3=a3_1 2of2 v2=a2_3 1of1 v5=a5_1 1of1 v1=a1_3 v3=a3_3 2of2 1of4

Figure 18.4 Merge and simplification of two ACPs in DNF model.

396 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security Assessing the WSC for ABE Policies

The notion of WSC has been adapted and extended for schemes such as RBAC and ABAC,
where the policy complexity is given by the weighted sum of its different types of a­ ttributes.
That is, weights are assigned for the rule types (resources, users, permissions, hierarchies,
user-permission, operations, restrictions, etc.) [12, 25]. However, in those works, the
weights for weighting the attribute types were equal to 1, but that leaves the WSC simply as
the sum of attributes in the ACP, which is not enough to measure the complexity of ABE
policies. Consequently, a distinction is made here considering the number of clauses, the
number of attributes, and how these are distributed.
The policies for the ABE schemes have no limitations on the type, scope, or class of
­attributes. For this reason, the attributes are not linked to a user, resource, or location. But the
number of clauses and attributes provide enough information to evaluate the cost of a policy.
To deal with ABE policies defined in DNF form, we propose the following extension
of the WSC metric. Let R be the set of ABE policies for a dataset and let ρ ∈ R be a policy
assigned to a data. The WSC value for R is given by

WSC( R ) = ∑WSC( ρ )
ρ ∈R

w1 ⋅ | ρ |2
WSC( ρ ) = (18.8)
w 2 ⋅ (| ρ |2 −b | ρ | +c )

where ρ is an ACP, | ρ | and | ρ | are respectively the number of clauses and attributes in
policy ρ, w1 and w2 are the weights settle to balance the weight of the attributes regarding
the number of clauses. Last, b and c can be achieved with a second-degree polynomial fit.
Given a set  of attributes in an ABE policy, the following cases can be identified: (1) a
policy with |  | attributes in a single clause, (2) one attribute in at most |  | clauses, and
(3) a combination of the above, i.e., variable sub-sets of attributes distributed among a num-
ber c of clauses, where 1 ≤ c ≤|  | . The first two cases could be considered with similar com-
plexity, but we believe that the first case has lower complexity since, on the DNF model, it
is easier to evaluate if a single clause is fulfilled than to evaluate many independent clauses.
In either case, the most expensive case is the third, in which there are several clauses, each
with a variable number of attributes.
Based on the above observations, to determine the coefficients b and c, we propose to use
the second-degree polynomial fit shown in Equation (18.9).

  | ρ |  
b, c = polynomial 2 − fit  (1, w3 ),  , w 4  ,(| ρ |, w5 ) (18.9)
  2  
where | ρ | is the number of attributes in policy ρ, w3 and w5 are the values that allow bal-
ancing the complexity between attributes and clauses, that is, the cost of having one clause
and |  | attributes (case 1) or |  | clauses of one attribute (case 2). Similarly, w4 allows
setting the weight for the third case. Weight values are limited by 1 ≤ w3 , w 4 ≤ , but, as
the polynomial fit is in the denominator, weights have the oppositive behavior, i.e., lower
weights will result in higher costs, and inversely.
ACPs for Large Collections of Documents 397





0 10
12 10 6
8 6 4 ttr
4 2 a
clauses 2

Figure 18.5 Overview of WSC landscape for ACPs from 1 to 13 clauses and attributes, showing the behavior
due to the polynomial fitting.

Given the values |  | = 13, w1 = w 2 = 1, w3 = 2 and w4 = 1.5, Figure 18.5 shows the land-
scape of WSC values based on the Equations (18.7), (18.8), and (18.9). Based on the values
of w3 and w4, the impact when all the attributes are in a single clause is 50% less than in the
opposite case, i.e., when the number of clauses is the same as the attributes and each clause
has one attribute. The figure shows the behavior of the complexity metric based on the
growth trend of clauses and attributes.
For the clauses, Figure 18.5 shows that for the minimum case, the WSC value assigned
is 1, increasing with a quadratic trend in terms of the number of clauses. The attributes, in
turn, have similar behavior, assigning the lowest value of WSC for clauses with an attribute
and having quadratic growth regarding the number of attributes. The figure also shows the
impact of the polynomial adjustment. The highest costs are given in the middle-area based
on the number of clauses, depicting a vertebral column in the middle points. For the max-
imum case of attributes (13 for the example), the lowest cost is found when the attributes
are in one clause. To scatter the 13 attributes in a similar number of clauses leads to simple
clauses (one attribute per clause), which reduces their complexity, hence its low WSC value,
but greater than the last case. As described, the highest complexity value is found when are
considered 50% of the clauses (7 for the example). In this case, there would be a consider-
able number of clauses with a high number of attributes, which increases the complexity of
manual analysis, just as the metric models. Assessing the Policies Generated in the Spreading Process

The complexity of the policies generated by the mechanism to merge ACPs can be evalu-
ated at two levels. (1) Considering only the complexity due to the policy merging, that is,
considering the initial policies as a unit. (2) Taking into account the initial policies defined
for each spreader.
398 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

In the first level, the initial policies are considered as units. Then, the complexity is
reduced to evaluating the number of merged policies. At the second level, the number of
attributes in the initial policies for each spreader must be considered to perform the WSC
evaluation. As a result, the WSC complexity of the merged policies will be lower-bounded
by the least complex initial policy and upper-bounded by the resulting complexity when
merging all the initial policies.
The complexity of the policies is analyzed according to the following three base cases:
1) No policies are merged (minimal case); 2) Two or more policies are merged (general
case); and 3) All policies are merged (full case). In the first case, the number of clauses
and attributes in the source and resulting policies are the same, so the complexity is
given by the source policies. In the second case, the total of clauses and attributes is
given by the sum of the clauses and attributes that form the two policies that are merged,
validating that do not exist redundant elements. For this case, the complexity is given
by the resulting size of the policy. Finally, the third one is an extreme case where the
final number of clauses and attributes is given by the clauses resulting from the merging
and refinement of all the source policies, and the complexity is given by the size of the
resulting policy.

18.4.4 Effectiveness Analysis

One of the most important questions that arises after having the model for spreading ACPs
is how to validate the quality/correctness of the generated policies. In our proposal, this
validation is called effectiveness. Obtaining an evaluation of the ACPs is a relevant task to
measure the quality of the entire process for defining policies.
An APC usability study presented by Beckerle and Martucci [2] proposes six main goals
(from the perspective of information owners) to create usable sets of access control rules.
The first two goals are as follows.
1 . Allow no more than the owner wants to be allowed. This objective defines that a resource
should only be accessed by users that are explicitly granted to have access. Therefore, access
to resources not explicitly indicated by the owner is the result of non-restrictive or non-­
existent policies.
2 . Allow access to everything the owner wants to be accessed. This goal settles that a resource
must be accessible by the people that have explicitly received access by the owner. This goal
complements 1 . Denying access to resources to which access has been explicitly granted is
the result of too restrictive access policies, which are often the result of overfitted policies.
Two critical types of failures related to access control decisions are accesses that should
be denied but are not; or accesses that should be allowed but are not. Naturally, the conse-
quences of these failures have different impacts on the security and privacy of the infor-
mation. For example, in a cloud-based sharing scenario, granting access to confidential/
critical information for an organization or a public figure carries higher costs than grant-
ing access to public domain information. Similarly, denying access to necessary or criti-
cal information for authorized individuals carries more far-reaching consequences than
denying access to leisure information to an ordinary user. Therefore, in cloud storage
scenarios, it is essential to identify and reduce possible failures related to low restrictive
or highly over-adjusted policies.
ACPs for Large Collections of Documents 399 Evaluation Metrics

In binary classification, data is divided into two different classes, positives (P) and negatives
(N). The binary model then classifies the input instances as positive or negative. Given the
inputs, the model outputs (classification), and the actual (reference) outputs, four groups
of results are identified; 2 types of correct classification (true), true positive (TP) and true
negative (TN); and two types of incorrect classification, false positive (FP) and false nega-
tive (FN) [5].
A 2 × 2 table formulated with these four outcomes is called a confusion matrix, which is
used to describe the performance of a classification model in a dataset for which both true
values and resulting values from the model are known [21]. Figure 18.6 shows a typical con-
fusion matrix. Cells in green represent correct model predictions, while red ones represent
incorrect predictions.
When we need to evaluate the effectiveness of a classification model, we can use the met-
rics of precision, recall, F1 score, and accuracy, which are based on the confusion matrix.
Precision. It is the ratio of correctly predicted positive observations of the total predicted
positive observations. High precision relates to a low FP rate, which in our scenario are
unauthorized access. It is defined as follows:

true positive TP
precision = = (18.10)
actual results TP + FP
Recall (Sensitivity). It is the ratio of correctly predicted positive observations to all obser-
vations in the actual class. High values of recall are related to low rates of FNs, which in our
scenario are denials of authorized access. It is defined as follows:

true positive TP
recall = = (18.11)
predicted results TP + FN
F1 Score. It is the harmonic mean (average) of the precision and recall. Therefore, this score
takes both FPs and FNs into account. The F1 score gives higher weight to FNs and FPs while
not letting large numbers of TNs influence the score. It is defined as follows:
precision * recall
F1 score = 2 × (18.12)
precision + recall

Accuracy. The accuracy metric can be defined as the ratio of the correctly classified inputs
to the whole dataset. Accuracy metric is a great measure when dealing with datasets in
which the costs of FPs and FNs are similar. Formally, it is defined as follows:

Predicted/Classif ied Class

Negative Positive
Negative True Negative (TN) False Positive (FP)
Positive False Negative (FN) True Positive (TP)

Figure 18.6 An illustrative example of the confusion matrix for a binary model.
400 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

correct predictions TP + TN
accuracy = = (18.13)
total predictions TP + TN + FP + FN
The accuracy metric allows assessing the ratio of accesses correctly represented by the
policies, both TP and TN (synthetic). On the other hand, if the cost of FP and FN is similar,
the F1 score metric allows to have a fair value of the model efficiency, it would be necessary
to analyze the precision or recall for FP and FN, respectively. Adjusting the Interaction Graph to Assess Policy Effectiveness

An interaction graph G(VG, EG) models the real accesses of a set of users regarding the
content owned by another set of users. The policies assigned to these interactions must
preserve the accesses; however, given the nature of the information and the assignment of
the policies, there is a possibility that policies do not fulfill the original authorizations of the
owners. The policies assigned to that interaction can: (a) preserve or (b) break the accesses.
Based on goal 2 , it is possible to know that owners expect their information to be
inaccessible when there is no explicit interaction. Furthermore, it is expected that assigned
policies replicate the authorizations of the owners, i.e., the policies must prohibit access to
information where there is no prior explicit interaction, and grant access when it exists.
From the previous analysis, it is possible to map the access control problem to a classi-
fication problem. Given the inputs (real access based on the interactions) and the assigned
policies, it is possible to validate whether the explicit desire of the owner (i.e., there is an
interaction and the assigned policy allows access) is being met, or conversely, there is an
interaction, but the policy does not allow access. However, in an interaction-based graph,
only explicit access permissions are reflected. Therefore, it is necessary to define a mech-
anism that allows enhancing the information, not only to evaluate whether the explicit
permissions continue to be preserved (TP and FN) but also if the implicit permissions (TN
and FP) are kept. Method to Complement the User Interactions

(Synthetic Edges Generation)
Due to the lack of real datasets having all the necessary cases described before, in the next
two sections, a process to synthesize a large set of possible complementary interactions fol-
lowed by a strategy to sample a representative set of them is described.
As a result of evaluating the APCs on the interactions, there are only two possible out-
puts, the policy allows or denies access. When the input is positive (there is access), and
the result is also positive (the policy preserves the access), there is a TP. On the other hand,
when the output is negative, i.e., the policy denies access, there is a FN.
In order to have the two remaining cases, TN and FP, it would be necessary to evaluate
the set ESG of all the possible combinations of edges not explicitly present in the set EG,
where ESG → {{v, w} ∉ EG, |v, w ∈ VG}.
Since the interaction graph behaves like a complex network, it is sparse. Only those
complementary edges (also called synthetic) in the scope of users and having meaningful
ACPs for Large Collections of Documents 401

characteristics need to be included. In addition, the set of possible missing interactions

is large. Therefore, only a small subset below the actual number of interactions should be
incorporated into the analysis of effectiveness. Otherwise, the actual interactions would
be hidden.
Construction Based on Graph Partitioning
Partitions in the graph are used to generate synthetic edges that imitate the behavior of the
original ones. As described in Section 18.4.2, consumers are in the lower k-shells while the
producers are in the upper k-shells. It would be unlikely the existence of synthetic edges
whose source is a vertex in an upper k-shell toward nodes in lower k-shells.
To complement the set of edges with synthetic edges that imitate the behavior of the
original ones, it is proposed to use the existing partitions in the graph. That is, 1) consider
only vertices within the same community or sub-community, and 2) preserve the hierarchy.
In this way, only edges from lower shells to upper ones would be considered, as well as only
vertices in the same partition.
Filtering Based on Similarity
The selection of possible synthetic edges to be added to the set ESG can be further refined by
applying strategies used in the link identification problem [11]. This problem is both of the-
oretical interest and practical significance in network science. The link prediction problem
aims to identify possible/potential/missing links that might be added/exist to a network.
The most common approach taken has been focused on the so-called structural equiv-
alence. Two vertices are considered structurally equivalent if they share many of the same
network neighbors [22].
The Resource Allocation Index (RAI) is defined as the number of resources a node w
receives from a node v through indirect neighbors. It was proposed to explain the nonlinear
correlation between transportation capacity and connectivity, which can be mapped to the
distribution of ACPs.
Let δi be the neighborhood of vertex i in a network, i.e., the nodes adjacent to vertex i,
the RAI is defined as follows:

SI RA (v , w ) = ∑
z ∈δ v ∩δ w
k( z )
, (18.14)

where k(i) =|δi|, i.e., denotes the degree of i [26]. To preserve the topology of the interac-
tions (from the lower k-shell to the upper ones), for the neighborhoods of vertices v and
w, only vertices belonging to z ∈δ vout ∩ δ win are considered. The RAI with the above modi-
fication is used to compute the similarity between pairs of nodes, and a similarity value is
associated with the possible synthetic links formed between a pair of vertices.
A high similarity value between two vertices means that an edge between them is highly
likely to exist. That edge will have the same meaning as the current edges, but our goal is
to add edges with the opposite meaning. In this regard, instead of the edges with a high
similarity value, those with a low one, i.e., those edges with a low probability to exist, are
used. However, values in the lower range of a similarity metric can have a bias, also called
flattening, associated with the neighborhood wideness used in the similarity metric. As the
analyzed neighborhood between two nodes becomes narrower, the proportional number of
pairs of vertices with zero similarity becomes higher. That would bias the lower similarity
values, an effect that will be called flattening low-range similarity.
402 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Using a global approach to get the similarity may seem the best option to mitigate the
effect of flattening the low-range similarity. But, performance is one of the main drawbacks
of global similarity metrics, especially when analyzing complex graphs. Furthermore, since
users are grouped into communities and sub-communities, neighborhoods cannot extend
beyond these.
Sampling Based on a Probability Distribution
Using only vertex similarity to filter possible edges may not reduce the ESG set enough. To
overcome this, an edge-sampling procedure based on a probability distribution function FX
is being used to select a random subset, EG′ , of ESG.
In summary, a set EG′ of synthetic edges to evaluate implicit permissions in the ACPs is
built by A) considering edges only in the same partition, B) filtering edges based on vertex
similarity, and C) random sampling based on a probability distribution function. Synthetic
edges in EG′ will model denied access. Given the policies, it can be possible to validate, if the
permissions are maintained, TNs; or on the contrary, if there is a problem with the policy
and there are FP.
Algorithm 18.3 describes the complete process to generate the edges for the set EG′ that
will complement the edges of the graph. The algorithm receives as input the interaction
graph G(VG, EG), a function associated with a probability distribution FX and a probability
of selection PE′. The function FX and the probability PE′ are used in the sampling process to
control the number of edges that will be added to EG′ . As output, Algorithm 18.3 returns
the augmented graph G + (VG , EG ∪ EG′ ), which includes the synthetic edges; those will be
considered the TN and FP cases.

Algorithm 18.3 Process to generate the synthetic edges.

Data: G(VG, EG): Graph of interactions
FX: Probability Distribution Function
PE′: Selection Probability
Result: G+: Graph complemented with the synthetic edges

1 EG { }
2 C ← getCommunities(G)
3 for each c ∈ C do
4 GC ← subgraph(G, c)
5 SC ← getCommunities(GC)
6 for each sc ∈ SC do
7 GSC ← subgraph(GC, sc)
8 KS ← getOrderedKS(GSC)
9   for each k ∈ KS do
10   Vks v VGSC | ks(v ) k
11    for each v ∈ Vks do
12    Wks w VGSC | ks(w) k {v , w} EG
13     for each w ∈ Wks do
14     s ← Similarity(v, w)
15     p ← P(v, w, s, FX)
16      if p ≤ PE′ then
ACPs for Large Collections of Documents 403

17       EG′ ← EG′ ∪ {v , e}

18     end
19      end
20     end
21    end
22 end
23 end
24 return G+(VG, EG ∪ E′)

Node traversal is performed considering the graph partitioning. For every vertex v in the
k-shell ks (current), the similarity is calculated for the vertices w from the upper k-shells.
Based on a probability distribution function and the similarity value for the edge {v, w}, its
probability of being selected is computed. Then, if the probability is lower than or equal
to the probability PE′, the synthetic edge is added to the graph. Finally, a new network that
includes the set of generated synthetic edges is returned.

18.4.5 Measuring Policy Effectiveness in the User Interaction Graph

It is possible to follow a node-based approach to assess the effectiveness of the APCs gener-
ated by the vertical and horizontal spreading processes. In this approach, for each vertex, the
type of edge (real or synthetic) and the result of the ACP (access or deny) are evaluated. The
proportions of TP, TN, FP, and FN for each node is calculated. This approach uses simple
counters for each node according to the type of edge and the type of result after applying the
ACP. However, instead of just counting edges, the metrics can be refined by considering their
weights. The edge weights can be used to calculate the proportions of the confusion matrix. Simple Node-Based Strategy

The node-based evaluation process is simple and straightforward. The evaluation process
is carried out by doing a graph traversal. For each vertex v, its output neighborhood δ vout
is evaluated. For each neighbor w ∈δ vout , the result of the ACP is evaluated, obtaining from
the real edges, the proportion of edges that are TP and FN, and from the synthetic edges the
proportion of δ vout that are TN and FP. Based on the edge type (real or synthetic) and the
result of validating the v policy against the one of w, the edge is counted in one of the four
possible cases: 1) real edges and positive access into TP, 2) real edges and denied access into
FN, 3) synthetic edges and positive access into FP, and 4) synthetic edge and denied access
into TN.

Algorithm 18.4 Function to perform a node-based evaluation of access control policies.

Data: G(VG , EG ∪ EG′ ) : Graph of interactions
Result: precision, recall, f1score, accuracy: Values of the evaluation metrics for
the ACPs assigned to the network

1 TP, TN, FP, FN ← 0

2 for each v ∈ VG do
3   for each w ∈δ vout do
404 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

4    if {v, w} ∈ EG then

5    if ACPv satisfies ACPw then
6      TP ← TP + (1/ | δ vout |)
7    else
8        FN ← FN + (1/ | δ vout |)
9     end
10    else if {v , w} ∈ EG′ then
11     if ACPv satisfies ACPw then
12        FP ← FP + (1/ | δ vout |)
13      else
14        TN ← TN + (1/ | δ vout |)
15      end
16     end
17   end
18 end
19 precision, recall, f1score, accuracy = metrics_evaluation(TP, TN, FP, FN)
20 return precision, recall, f1score, accuracy

Algorithm 18.4 shows the complete process to compute the node-based evaluation for
the ACPs assigned to the interaction graph. The algorithm receives as an input parameter
the interaction graph, composed of the set of vertices VG, the set of real edges EG, and the
set of synthetic edges EG′ . As a result, it returns the metrics values for the analyzed policies. Weighted Node-Based Strategy

Each real edge in the interaction graph has an associated weight (interaction weight). The
greater the relationship between a pair of users, the greater the weight of such interaction.
The interaction weight can be used to weight the positive (access is maintained, TP) or neg-
ative (access is denied, TN) cost due to ACP. Then, the impact of each relationship will be
linked to its weight, thus having weighted TP (wTP) and weighted FN (wFN).
Edge weight may have different meanings, such as quality, importance, strength, security
level, etc., by using edge weights can help to enhance the meaning of the evaluation metric
values. However, it is necessary to introduce weights to the synthetic edges for the FP or TN
type of interactions.
Assigning Weights to Synthetic Edges. To compute the weights for the synthetic edges, two
strategies are proposed. Let z ← SIv,w be the set of edges’ weights linking the nodes that are
in the intersection of v and w neighborhoods. If z is not empty, the weight is obtained by
a random number with normal distribution with parameters µz and σz, the mean and the
standard deviation of the weights associated with the edges in z, respectively. If z is empty,
the weight is obtained using the mean and standard deviation from the weights associated
to the set in the intersection of outgoing edges of v and incoming edges of w.
Using the Edge Weights. The node-based approach can be reformulated to consider weights.
In the node-based weighted approach, lines 6, 8, 12, and 14 of Algorithm 18.4 are replaced
by using Equation (18.15), where X stands for one of the four cases wTP, wFN, wTN, or
wFP. Equation (18.16) shows the function to calculate the total weight of the outgoing
ACPs for Large Collections of Documents 405

neighborhood of node v, value that is needed to calculate the proportion of weight for each
interaction. Once the total weight is calculated, the values of wTP, wFN, wFP, and wTN
would be calculated as defined in Equation (18.15)

X ← X + weight (v , w ) / Wtotv (18.15)

Wtotv ← ∑ weight(v , w ) (18.16)

w ∈δ vout

where v is a node, δ vout is the set of outgoing neighbors of v, X may be one of the confusion
matrix values, and weight(v, w) is the weight of the edge from v to w.

18.5 Evaluation
We use a dataset of real users and their interactions to test our proposal. The dataset was
modeled as a complex network, which was analyzed using complex network techniques to
deliver a graph with the partitioning this methodology requires. To perform the evaluation,
first, the subset of relevant vertices is selected, and a set of initial ACPs is assigned. The
initial set of ACPs is used to perform the spreading process. When the process finishes, all
the vertices in the graph have an ACP assigned. These are the policies that are evaluated.
We build a prototype that performs all tasks presented in Section 18.4. The prototype was
built using the python programming language and the python-igraph3 library. The achieved

results are shown in the following sections.

18.5.1 Dataset Description

In this section, we describe the results of the experimentation performed on a dataset of
17K Instagram users having more than 173K interactions. The methods to assess the com-
plexity and effectiveness proposed in the Section 18.4.5 are used to evaluate the policies
generated by our proposal.
The dataset used as a source was crawled through the Instagram API from January 20 to
February 17, 2014, by Ferrara et al. It contains anonymized public media and user infor-
mation from the social media, specifically, from the Instagram weekend
hashtag project (WHP) promoted by Instagram’s official blog [7]. The dataset was provided
by the authors.
Table 18.2 shows a set of basic network science metrics that were calculated from the
source Instagram users graph. As can be seen in Table 18.2, the graph fulfills the properties
of a complex network despite the relatively low cluster coefficient. How the dataset was
crawled and built is one of the main reasons for having a low clustering coefficient. The 17K
vertices of the graph were grouped into 96 communities; these communities are partitioned
into 312 sub-communities and 237 k-shells. From the 96 generated communities, only 22
communities were partitioned into 2 or more sub-communities, i.e., about 23%. The rate

406 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Table 18.2 Main information obtained from the user-user graph partitioning. The full graph has
173K edges, avg., path length: 3.44, cluster coefficient: 0.11, diameter: 12, and assortativity index:
Attribute Full graph Attribute Full graph
Vertices 17,842 max ks/community 20
#Connected components 43 #Communities with 22
#Communities 96 #Vertices in KS0 16,114
#Sub-communities 312 #Vertices in max(KS) 674
#k-shells 237 #Vertices in-between KS 1,054
max sub-communities/community 28 #Spreaders 625

of partitioned communities might seem low; however, as can be seen in Table 18.2, the
graph is already partitioned into 43 connected components. Therefore, if a community is
considered for each sub-graph, there are only 53 real communities left; i.e., 54% of the real
communities are broken into sub-communities. The number of sub-communities in which
the communities were partitioned goes from 2 to 28, with an average distribution of 10.81
sub-communities per community.
As can be expected, the size of the communities does not follow a uniform distribution;
on the contrary, there are few large communities (thousands of nodes), while the remaining
are small-size communities with dozens of nodes. There are only six communities with a
size greater than 1K nodes, 14 communities with a size between 11 and 1K vertices, and 76
communities with 10 or fewer nodes. All these values are usual in complex networks.
The maximum number of k-cores generated in the whole interaction graph is 237 for a
single community, the maximum number of cores is 20. Partitioning by k-cores distributes
the nodes based on their incoming degree, establishing a hierarchy between users, produc-
ers, and consumers. The number of vertices in each core depends exclusively on the degree
and connectivity of vertices.
As shown in Table 18.2, the first core has the highest number of vertices (consumers), up
to 2 orders of magnitude compared to the rest of cores; most of the remaining cores are in
the highest k-cores (producers), and only few hundred are in the intermediate cores.

18.5.2 Results of the Complexity Evaluation

To measure the complexity of the control policies assigned to the interaction graph, the
proposed WSC metric was used both in the initial ACPs and in the resulting ACPs after
performing the process of vertical and horizontal distribution of policies, as well as the
simplification process.
The interaction graph has 625 spreaders to which initial policies were generated with the
process described in the next section.

Random ACPs. The number of clauses for each ACP was randomly selected based on the
gamma distribution with shape k = 2 and a scale θ = 0.4, this is, 1 to 5 clauses on average by
ACPs for Large Collections of Documents 407

Table 18.3 Main results obtained for three sets of random ACPs generated for the spreaders of
the interaction graph. § is the initial set; † is the merged set; ‡ is the refined set.
Set of Avg. Max Desv. Est. Avg. Max Desv. Est.
ACPs |§| |†| |‡| WSC § WSC § WSC § WSC ‡ WSC ‡ WSC ‡
S2 625 1,023 998 15.37 159.06 15.15 55.3 604.40 83.19

S16 625 1,013 993 15.90 115.62 17.64 49.82 738.18 71.33

S40 625 1,024 1,009 15.81 121.32 15.56 59.83 609.13 86.02

ACP. The number of attributes for each clause was defined randomly based on the gamma
distribution with shape k = 2 and a scale θ = 0.6, to get 1 to 8 attributes per clause on
average. Values computed by the gamma functions were rounded to their nearest integer
value. For the values of the tuples: variable = value, the normal distribution was used to
select between 6 distinct variables and 4 different values for each variable. The values for
shape and scale were selected so the number of clauses, and the number of attributes, were
between the values [1 – 5] and [1 – 5], respectively.
Three different sets of random policies were generated using the above parameters for
the 625 spreaders, S2, S16, and S40. For each set, the vertical and horizontal spreading
process was carried out, as well as the simplification process according to the methodology
presented in Section 18.4.2. The most relevant results for each set are shown in Table 18.3. It
shows in the second column the source policies assigned to the spreaders, and in the third
column, it can be seen that due to the merging of two or more source policies performed in
the vertical distribution process, new policies are created. Likewise, in the fourth column, it
can be seen that the simplification process was able to reduce some of these policies.
Columns 5–7 of Table 18.3 show the WSC costs for the simplified policy set, that is, the
set of policies resulting from the simplification process. The minimum cost for the WSC
metric is 1 as inferred from Equation (18.8). Likewise, the sixth column shows that the
maximum cost grows up to 738 for the analyzed policy sets. However, as shown in the
table, the mean and standard deviation is only 59.83 and 86.02 at most. This indicates that,
on average, the policies used tend to have a relatively low complexity (based on the WSC
From the 1K policies generated on average for the three sets of test policies, it was
observed that the average complexity is at least an order of magnitude less than the max-
imum complexity, and the standard deviation is at most double the average cost, which is
consistent with the parameters used to generate the sets of policies.

18.5.3 Effectiveness Results From the Real Edges

Let G be a graph that models the interactions of a group of users, in which 1) its vertices
have been partitioned horizontally in communities and sub-communities, and vertically in
k-shells; 2) a group G  VG of spreaders has been identified; 3) an APC (ACP) has been
assigned to each spreader; 4) the process of horizontal and vertical spreading of ACPs has
been performed; and 5) it has been performed the process to simplify the ACPs.
As stated in Section 18.4.5, if the effectiveness metrics are evaluated on the G graph, then
only TP and FN values can be obtained. TP when the ACPs correctly preserve the accesses
408 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Table 18.4 Relevant results of the accuracy metric calculation in the graph G, which has only
real edges, so just TP and FN can be calculated, i.e., the TP rate.
Result without weights Result with weights
Nodes TP FN Accuracy Weight wTP wFN wAccuracy
17842 16433.48 1408.52 92.11 17842 16642.58 1199.42 93.28

between users, and FN for the ones that despite the existence of explicit access, it is denied.
For this scenario, although the information seems to be incomplete, it can be used as a basis
for the subsequent cases in which is evaluated the graph G + (VG , EG ∪ EG′ ) that include the
synthetic edges.
The most relevant results when evaluating the accuracy metric in the G graph are shown
in Table 18.4. Columns 1 to 4 show the results for the simple vertex-based schema, while
the last four show the results for the weighted-based one. In Table 18.4, it can be seen that
the weighted-­based scheme shows a slight increment of 1.17% in accuracy than the sim-
ple vertex-based approach. This difference can be associated with the use of edge weights.
When all interactions are of the same weight, Table 18.4 also shows that the vertex-based
approach obtains a 92.11% accuracy. Using the weighted-based scheme, accuracy increases
up to 93.28%.

18.5.4 Effectiveness Results Using Real and Synthetic Edges

The set of real and synthetic interactions compose the graph G + (VG , EG ∪ EG′ ). Since the
information in EG′ is synthetically generated, it is convenient that | EG′ |≤| EG |, to keep a
balance between the amount of real data and the amount of synthetic one. To keep this rela-
tionship, for the aim of this work, the acceptable range for | EG′ | is limited to 0 ≤| EG′ |≤| EG |.
In addition, the three considerations made in Section about synthetic edges are
taken into account.
To better describe and analyze the behavior of the method to complement the interac-
tion graph by generating synthetic edges, the results obtained in Community 23, which
is one of the largest and most representative of the interaction graph, will be used. The
Community 23 has 3,150 vertex 23K edges, an average path length of 2.83, a cluster coeffi-
cient of 0.183, and a diameter of 6. If these values are compared with those obtained in the
entire network (Table 18.2), then it is possible to see that the community can adequately
represent the behavior of the full network. Actually, the effectiveness experiments con-
ducted in Community 23 showed similar results to the full graph. For the sake of space,
such results are not discussed here.
Results of the Filtering Based on Similarity
Figure 18.7 shows the histogram with the similarity distribution for the set of synthetic
edges generated for Community 23. The normalized similarity values are shown on the
horizontal axis. Each image shows a different range, the left image shows the range [0,0.01),
the upper figure the range [0.01,0.03), and the lower one [0.03,1). On the vertical axis, it is
shown the number of edges for each bucket.
After applying the method to generate synthetic edges based on the first filtering strategy,
78,904 synthetic edges were generated, of which 56,013 are in the range [0.01,0.03). In the
ACPs for Large Collections of Documents 409

[0.0000, 0.0100], Count:56013 [0.0100, 0.0300], Count:18626

Similarity < 0.001 = 15301 edges 1000
5000 0
4000 [0.0300, 1.0000], Count:4265

3000 2000

2000 1500

0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Figure 18.7 Distribution of the similarity values between pairs of nodes assigned to the 56K synthetic edges
that conform the set EG′ for Community 23.

second range are 18,626 edges and the remaining 4,265 edges are in the last rank. It can be
seen that there are few edges with large similarity values, since the third range, even though it
is the widest, only has 5% of the edges, while the first range, the smallest, has more than 70%.
In the graph on the left of Figure 18.7, it can be observed the flattening effect for the
lowest similarity values due to the metric used. Also, it can be seen that in the lowest range,
there are more than 8K vertices and that in the range [0,0.001), there are 15,301 vertices,
which is just over twice the real interactions in that community. Therefore, according to the
second consideration in generating synthetic edges, for Community 23, only the edges in
the range [0,0.001) were selected. This range varies according to community sizes.
Results of the Sampling Based on a Probability Distribution
As already stated, the third consideration about synthetic edges is to use a probability dis-
tribution to randomly select a subset of the synthetic edges.
Three different probability distribution functions were tested: normal, chi (χ), and chi-
square (χ2). The uniform distribution was selected as the base case since its density function
is constant for all elements in the range, i.e., all the synthetic edges would have the same
probability of being selected. On the other hand, chi (χ) and chi-square (χ2) distributions
were selected due to the shape of their density function, which generally have a decreasing
behavior, which would assign a higher probability to edges with a lower similarity value, i.e.,
edges with an opposite meaning (see Figure 18.8). The three different probability functions
illustrate three different ways of edge-sampling, and here they are used to show the accu-
racy behavior as more edges are added to EG′ .
The input parameters to shape the probability distributions are selected in such a way
that it extended in the selected similarity range ([0.0,0.001] for Community 23). For the
uniform distribution, the range of similarity is equivalent to the range defined for the dis-
tribution, i.e., [0.0,0.001). For the chi (χ) and chi-square distributions (χ2) were used the
values, k = 1 and scale of 2 × 10–3, and k = 3 and a scale 1 × 10–3, respectively.
For each probability distribution, Figure 18.8 shows the histogram with the average
number of sampled edges. As mentioned above, many edges have a similarity value of zero
410 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Normal 20%, Av. Edges 1317, std_dv: 29.1369 Chi 20%, Av. Edges 1525, std_dv: 18.9114 Chi 2 − 20%, Av. Edges 1198, std_dv: 23.2381
2500 2000
4000 1500
2000 1000

500 500

0 0 0
0.0000 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008 0.0010 0.0000 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008 0.0010 0.0000 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008 0.0010
(a) uniform. (b) chi (χ). (c) chi-square (χ2).

Figure 18.8 Histogram of the average number of selected edges for 31 executions of the filtering scheme in
Community 23 of the interaction network, using a proportion of 20% regard to real edges.

or around it, more than 8K edges with zero and 15K edges with a minor value equal to 1 ×
10–3, as shown in Figure 18.7.
By using a uniform distribution, all synthetic edges have the same probability of
being selected. This is corroborated by comparing the same range in Figures 18.7 and
18.8a. By using a chi distribution, the range selected is skewed toward the upper range
of similarity (Figure 18.8b). In the case of chi-squared distribution, the range is also
skewed to the upper range, but there is a higher selection of edges in the lowest range
(Figure 18.8c).
Although chi and chi-square distributions assign a higher probability to the lower sim-
ilarity range, due to the selection condition (Algorithm 18.3, line 16), they show a distinct
behavior, since only edges with a probability p lower than PE′ are selected. Results of the Effectiveness Metrics for the Enhanced G+ Graph

Let G + (VG , EG ∪ EG′ ) be a graph composed of a set of users V, E, and E′, a set of (real) inter-
actions denoting explicit accesses between users and a set of synthetic edges that depict
the implicit accesses between users, respectively. When the accuracy metric is calculated
using only the real edges, a base value is obtained. However, by including synthetic edges in
the equation, different accuracy values can be calculated, which are directly related to the
proportion of synthetic edges used. Furthermore, based on the probability distribution, sets
of synthetic edges with different similarity characteristics are obtained, which also have an
impact on the calculation of the accuracy.
Figure 18.9 shows the results when evaluating accuracy for different proportions (in the
range 0 ≤| EG′ |≤| EG | ) of synthetic edges. The figure shows a graph for the two evaluation
schemes described in Section 18.4.5. For each graph, the proportion of edges added to the
set EG′ is shown on the horizontal axis. A vertical line indicates a suitable value for the pro-
portion of synthetic edges.
The left end (0) means no synthetic edges added, and the right end (1.0), an inclusion of
synthetic edges equivalent to the number of real edges. Similarly, the vertical axis shows the
accuracy value for each proportion of synthetic edges used. Each point in the graphs shows
the average accuracy values obtained for 32 runs for each proportion test of synthetic edges
added. Figure 18.9a shows the results of the simple vertex-based evaluation, while Figure
18.9b shows the weight vertex-based evaluation.
ACPs for Large Collections of Documents 411

0.94 0.94
Chi 2 Chi 2W
0.93 Chi 0.93 ChiW
Uniform UniformW
0.92 0.92
0.91 0.91
0.90 0.90
0.89 0.89
0.88 0.88
0.87 0.87
0.86 0.86
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
(a) Evaluation without weights. (b) Evaluation using weights.

Figure 18.9 Results of the accuracy metric using the two evaluation approaches and the three random
filtering schemes for the complete interaction graph G+.

All the results in Figure 18.9 start in the base case, i.e., when no synthetic edges have
been added, and from there, a reduction is observed as more synthetic edges are added.
A slow loss in accuracy value is observed, which is more pronounced at the beginning
(synthetic edges proportions <50%) and slightly smoother at the end (proportions >50%).
The difference between including or not the weights in the vertex-based evaluation has a
positive impact of 1.17% in the base value, and only 0.18% when considering a proportion
of 100% and the chi-square distribution.
It can be observed that accuracy values differ based on the type of evaluation as well as on
the probability distribution, but the loss trend is more or less the same in any case. Adding
a number of synthetic edges greater than 100% of original edges would introduce too much
noise to the information since synthetic data cannot fully replicate real data, especially if it
tries to replicate non-existent behaviors; therefore, as more synthetic data is used, less rele-
vant the data could be. In statistical analysis, it is difficult to define a threshold between the
amount of synthetic data and the quality of the resulting information since it is difficult to
generate synthetic data that is completely faithful to the original data. This is compounded
in the scenario of the present work, where synthetic data must depict opposite behaviors to
the real data.
To preserve an adequate balance between the source set and the synthetic data, a rea-
sonable proportion of synthetic edges would be less than 30%. This range will allow the
evaluation of the implicit accesses of the owners (unauthorized access) without reducing
the quality of the information. This threshold is marked in all the graphs in Figure 18.9.
Taking 30% of synthetic edges as a reference, using a node-based assessment and a uniform
probability distribution, accuracy is 89.07% and 89.45%, for non-weighted and weighted
approaches, respectively. If the chi probability distribution is used, then accuracy is 89.86%
and 90.23%, for non-weighted and weighted approaches, respectively. That is, when using a
uniform distribution, there is a difference of 0.89 when considering the weight of the edges,
and a difference of 0.78 when selecting the chi distribution. Similarly, when using a chi dis-
tribution, there is a difference in the accuracy of 2.25% and 3.05% regarding the base case
for the non-weight and weight evaluation scheme, respectively.
Figure 18.10 shows the behavior when evaluating the precision, recall, and F1 score met-
rics defined in Section, for different proportions (in the range 0 ≤| EG′ |≤| EG | ) of
412 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

1.00 1.00
Accuracy AccuracyW
0.98 F1 0.98 F1W
Precision PrecisionW
0.96 Recall 0.96 RecallW

0.94 0.94
0.92 0.92
0.90 0.90
0.88 0.88
0.86 0.86
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
(a) Simple node-based evaluation. (b) Weighted node-based evaluation.

Figure 18.10 Average behavior of the precision, recall, F1 score, and accuracy metrics results when evaluating
the network G+ using chi sampling function.

synthetic edges. Figure 18.10a shows the behavior of the metrics when using the simple
node-based evaluation, while Figure 18.10b shows the behavior when considering weights.
In both figures, chi distribution was used for sampling. The proportion of edges added to
the EG′ set is shown on the horizontal axis, while the metrics values are shown on the verti-
cal axis. Each point in the figure shows the average accuracy values obtained for 32 runs for
each proportion test of synthetic edges added.
As can be observed, the accuracy and recall metrics have the same value when no syn-
thetic edges have been added. For the same proportion, the accuracy metric shows 100%,
since all the TP have been correctly labeled and there are no FNs. Comparatively, the metric
F1 score, which balances the precision and recall values, obtains an intermediate value. In
the figures, it is possible to observe that using or not the weights changes the behavior of
the metrics, mainly of the precision metric. This behavior is due to the weight of the FP
interactions, making it evident that the growth rate of the FP weight is higher than the one
obtained in the simple evaluation, producing a more pronounced fall in the precision val-
ues, and therefore in the F1 score.
The precision metric allows the evaluation of the FP ratio, which are the accesses
allowed by the policies but not authorized by the owners. In Figure 18.10, it can be seen
that even when considering a proportion of 100% of synthetic edges, the accuracy does
not fall more than 8% for the simple method and 11% for the weighted node-based
Unlike other scenarios observed in works of the classification area, in our scenario, all
the metrics described in Section achieve a higher value than that obtained by the
accuracy metric. This places the accuracy as a lower bound metric of our scheme since it
also considers all the confusion matrix values.
Based on the results, it can be concluded that the quality of the policies generated accord-
ing to the proposed methodology has a 93.28% accuracy when the policies and weights of
the interactions for each vertex are considered. Whereas when only interactions are consid-
ered, there is a 92.11% accuracy. When the dataset is complemented with at most 30% of
synthetic edges (compared to the total number of edges) showing an opposite behavior to
real edges, our methodology has an accuracy value of 89.86% and 90.23% for each strategy,
non-weighted and weighted. Also, it can be concluded that the synthetic edges adequately
generate both FN and FP cases.
ACPs for Large Collections of Documents 413

18.6 Conclusions
In this chapter, we presented an approach based on data science to generate APCs for a
collection of users based on their interactions. In cloud-based applications, the interactions
can represent information access like reading/writing, or access relationships in social net-
works such as follow, comment, and is-friend-of. This information can be processed using
network science techniques and social network analysis to generate APCs for the collection.
The methodology was presented in two stages. In the first stage, taking advantage of the
knowledge extracted from the network topology, a method to select and scatter a set of rel-
evant users is presented. In the second stage, the network’s topology (and its partitioning) is
used as a basis for the spreading of the APCs. Our methodology receives as input a properly
partitioned interaction network and provides as output the APCs based on CP-ABE attributes.
In addition, a study was also presented describing the evaluation of the structural com-
plexity of the policies generated, as well as their effectiveness. The complexity metric assigns
a ranking value based on a process that replicates a manual evaluation. The effectiveness, on
the other hand, evaluates whether the policy preserves or not the user interactions (access).
To overcome the lack of real datasets explicitly indicating true denial access, we also pro-
posed a method to include synthetic interactions modeling explicit denials of access. Based
on the proposed method, we developed a prototype to perform an experimental evaluation.
We use a dataset of 17K users with 173K real interactions.
When there are no synthetic edges to validate the FP and FN, the results showed that
the APCs assigned to the vertices have an accuracy value of 93.28% with a node-based
weighted evaluation and 92.11% with the simple evaluation.
When a proportion of 30% synthetic edges is added, and a chi probability distribution is
used to sample missing edges with negative behavior not present in original data, the reduc-
tion from accuracy base cases is only 2.25% for the unweighted vertex-based assessment
and 3.05% when weights are considered. For the same proportion, the precision metric has
96.99% and 95.78% for the simple and weighted evaluations, respectively, while F1 score
has 94.23% and 94.27% for the same evaluations.
In conclusion, our proposal reduces the complexity of assigning APCs compared to a
manual assignment, and the generated policies show a high level of accuracy, even when
adding noisy synthetic edges.
The use of complex network techniques makes our proposal suitable to analyze a large
collection of information from other areas such as cloud storage schemes, medical files,
government, or any other organization that requires the confidentiality of their informa-
tion. Up to our knowledge, no other data-oriented approach to spread ACPs to a large set
of users has been proposed.
Our evaluation demonstrates the viability of this approach and shows promising results
for further exploration in the generation of policies to enforce privacy and provide access
control to information. As a future work, we plan to explore strategies to modify the ACP
spreading process to reduce FPs and FNs. Also, we are exploring the integration of the
APCs generation into an end-to-end tool that allows us to propose strategies to make effi-
cient use of the local resources while securing the collection. Finally, we consider that addi-
tional work is also required to simplify the APCs generated to optimize their complexity
and facilitate their management.
414 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

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AI, ML, & Robotics in iSchools: An Academic
Analysis for an Intelligent Societal Systems
P. K. Paul *

Department of CIS, & Information Scientist (Offg.), Raiganj University, Raiganj, India

The modern world is become more advanced and smart, sophisticated, and intelligent; and in this
context, various tools, technologies, and systems are playing leading role in the development of the
modern world toward more scientific, modern, and technologically equipped with, and it is also
called as Machine Intelligence, it is dedicated in developing intelligence powered by machines, and
it is referred as intelligent agents. The term Artificial Intelligence (AI) is often also used to describe
machines and dedicated in learning and problem solving. It is also related with the computational
statistics for giving prediction by the use of computers. Here, mathematical optimization plays a
leading role with suitable methods, theory and applications of the sub field Machine Learning.
Robotics is another allied area involves with the intelligent systems and robots designing, construc-
tion, operation, etc. Within the field of Information Technology apart from the basic technologies
emerging technologies, viz,. AI, Big Data, and Robotics, are emerging. Academic institutions have
started educational programs and degrees on AI and Robotics in the academic units of Computing
Sciences and Mathematical Sciences. iSchools are the kind of consortium that develops with the col-
lections of information and technology related schools and academic units, and in last decade, there
is a significant growth in the development of such academic bodies. In recent past, a large amount
of iSchools have started academic program on AI, Robotics, and on allied areas, and this work is
devoted in exploring such programs with schools, nature, nomenclature, and curriculum facets with
reference to the case study of iSchools in American region.

Keywords: iSchools, artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, intelligent systems,

emerging degrees

19.1 Introduction
Technologies are changing rapidly with rapid speed and numerous developments, and as
far as Information Technology is concerned, huge development is noticeable. Information
Technology is consist with the technologies which help in information activities and pro-
cessing, viz., Database Systems and Technology, Multimedia Systems and Technology,
Network Systems and Technology, and Software Systems and Technology, and among such

* Email: [email protected]

Rajdeep Chakraborty, Anupam Ghosh and Jyotsna Kumar Mandal (eds.) Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for
Cloud Security, (417–438) © 2022 Scrivener Publishing LLC

418 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

broad field, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Robotics are also
important to note [1, 8]. AI comes with the benefits of AI system development in the tools,
systems, products, and in services. Modern machines become more intelligent and here AI
playing a leading role to perform healthier and better way [23, 27]. Furthermore in today’s
context, many machines are more intelligent, advanced, and having understanding of the
human speech, inbuilt strategic systems, intelligent routing, and operating cars. As far AI is
concerned, the major goals are include knowledge reasoning including planning and sched-
ule, ML, computer vision, and Natural Language Processing (NLP). As far as approaches
are concerned, important are mentioned in Figure 19.1.
AI is also connected with the Data Mining which is focused on exploratory data analysis
by the unsupervised learning, and here, predictive analytics are also used. The field is gain-
ing rapidly and inter connected with each other [24, 33, 37].
Robotics is an another branch and emerging technology and involving with the
aspects like designing, construction, use of the robots in different systems, and prod-
ucts and services apart from in general or only Robotics uses [5, 12]. With the help of
robotics and its allied systems intelligent machines, their day-to-day lives become easy.
However, safety is the major concern in robotics and it has strong connections with
major areas, viz.,

• Mechanical Engineering
• Electric Engineering
• Computer Engineering
• Information Technology, and so on [38, 39, 51].

Robotics is responsible in development of the machines which are able in substitute for
humans and replicate human activities in many contexts [2, 13]. Robots are useful in many

Deep Bayesian Evolutionary

Learning Networks Network

Figure 19.1 Basic approaches in Artificial Intelligence.

AI, ML, and Robotics in iSchools 419

situations and many are in true reasons, viz., dangerous environments and manufacturing
processes where involvement of the human becomes difficult in many context. The areas
like space, underwater, in high heat, and clean up, materials, and radiation robots are very
useful. In replicating of walking, lifting, other human activity performance also robotics are
very much useful. It is worthy to note that many of robots are inspired by nature and toward
sustainability [32, 34, 52].
Initially, the concept of iSchool emerged in 1998 by three educationalist, viz.,
Toni Carbo from the School of Information Science established by the University of
Pittsburgh; Donald Marchan, who was from School of Information Studies under
the Syracuse University; and also by Richard Lytle who belongs to the College of
Information Science and Technology, Drexel University. However, the concerned estab-
lished was known as iSchool Caucus [6, 16]. In the year 2001, total of five member insti-
tutes joined from “three” and though in the year 2003 several other Information related
units academic bodies have joined and creates a wider arena regarding information sys-
tem practice, research and development. University of North Carolina (UNC), North
Carolina; USA Florida State University, Florida; USA, Indiana University, Bloomington;
USA, University of Illinois, Champaign; USA, etc., are also joined in the group and
makes it to the team of ten. Later, name of the school and units renamed as iSchool
Caucus to simply iSchools Organizations with more interdisciplinary and sophisti-
cated agenda in Information fields and also technological fields, viz., Computing, IT,
and Telecommunication and started to work as beyond traditional information field
also [10, 35, 41]. Apart from the traditional nomenclature, various other emerging
nomenclatures have also been started, viz., Information Science and Technology (IST)
Information Systems (IS) or Information Systems and Management, IT Management,
Computer and Information Science, and also other emerging and interdisciplinary fla-
vor/approaches and concentration.
In these schools, different educational programs related to the information, technologies
related to the information are offered. Emerging technologies like AI, Data Analytics and
Big Data, Cloud Computing and Virtualization, Robotics, and HCI have also been started as
a program of studies and other interdisciplinary programs also offered. AI programs been
started as specialization and also as a degree in many international iSchools. The details of
such are depicted in next section [16, 26].

19.2 Objective
The present work entitled “AI, ML, & Robotics in iSchools: An Academic Analysis for an
Intelligent Societal Systems” is associated with the following aim and objectives:

• To know about the basic features, functions, and role of the AI and ML.
• To know about the fundamental features, role, and importances in the Robotics.
• To get the knowledge of iSchools including fundation and root, features, and
distribution of such schools worldwide.
• To learn about the basic programs and degrees on iSchools with emerging
programs on the AI, ML, and Robotics of such schools.
420 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

• To get and analyzed about the nature and curricula of the AI, ML, and
Robotics at the iSchools.
• To know about the nomenclatures and distribution of the AI, ML, and
Robotics related programs in the American region as a special case study.

19.3 Methodology
The paper entitled “AI, ML, & Robotics in iSchools: An Academic Analysis for an Intelligent
Societal Systems” is a kind of policy work and also interdisciplinary in nature. The work
since technological and educational in nature therefore methods related to the educational
and management science in nature. The paper is on AI, ML and Robotics related aspects;
therefore, both primary sources and secondary sources are used such as journals and books
to depict the basics on the subjects. Moreover, as the work is a kind of case study, there-
fore the iSchools official website has been mapped and analyzed in American region during
April to June, 2020 to get the current picture of the iSchools and to report and present the
work here with potentiality on offering AI, ML and Robotics programs, and as a method,
the subjects, viz., Data Science, Analytics, and Big Data, have been avoided in this work.

19.3.1 iSchools, Technologies, and Artificial Intelligence, ML, and Robotics

Technologies are rising rapidly in different sectors and areas and different Information
Technological components are playing leading role in the development. The growing
technological and management components are also changing the entire world toward
a modern and digital society [3, 14, 22]. The educational institutes and universities are
adopting latest strategies in respect of newer educational programs and degrees, and in
this regard, the role of IT and Computing-oriented departments and units is noticeable.
As far as iSchools are concerned, these are purely interdisciplinary and applied in nature;
therefore in making of new age programs and toward digital society, iSchools are import-
ant [36, 42, 43].
It is worthy to note that iSchools are offering emerging, interdisciplinary, and skill-based
nomenclature in the field of Information Sciences and Technologies with many domain
centric Information Sciences, viz., Bio Informatics, Health Informatics, and Ecological
Informatics. The nomenclature of Information Science and Technology is considered as
one of the popular in iSchools and was first used by the ASIST, i.e., American Society of
Information Science and Technology as a new nomenclature title from American Society
of Information Science. Here, at iSchools, major focus is on interaction of “Information-
Technology-People” and more clearly for the Information and Technology solution
[11, 15, 28]. Therefore, iSchools Organization are established with solving of such with
skilled and educated manpower in the field in the traditional areas, viz., Information
Science/Information Studies/Communication Studies/Information Systems/Computing
and Information Technology or in other fields directly or indirectly related to Information
and technologies. Allied technologies and emerging are also important, viz., Cloud
Computing, Big Data, IoT, Cyber Security, Analytics, Data Science, AI, Robotics, and so on.
Here, Table 19.1 depicted the iSchools with diverse nomenclature and locations.
AI, ML, and Robotics in iSchools 421

Table 19.1 List of iSchools registered internationally under the iSchools Organization, United
Sl. no. University and academic unit (iSchools) Country
American Region
1 College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and USA
Cybersecurity established by University at Albany,
2 School of Information under the University of Arizona USA
3 School of Information (iSchools) under University of California, USA
4 The School of Information, located at University of British Colombia Canada
5 Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy under the USA
Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
6 School of Information Technology under the University of Cincinnati USA
7 Department of Information Science established by the University of USA
8 Faculty of Computing and Information Science under the wing of USA
Cornell University
9 School of Information Studies (SIS) under Dominican University USA
10 College Computing and Informatics (CCI) under Drexel University USA
11 College of Communication and Information under Florida State USA
University (FSU)
12 College of Computing under the Georgia Institute of Technology USA
13 School of Information Sciences under the University of Illinois at USA
Urbana Champaign
14 School of Informatics and Computing established by the Indiana USA
University at IUPUI
15 School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering (SICE) of diana USA
University, Bloomington
16 Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Science (DBSICS), USA
University of California, Irvine
17 School of Information established by the Kent State University (KSU) USA
18 College of Communications and Information under the University of USA
19 Palmer School of Library and Information Science established by the USA
Long island University
422 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Table 19.1 List of iSchools registered internationally under the iSchools Organization, United
States. (Continued)
Sl. no. University and academic unit (iSchools) Country
20 School of Library and Information Science under Louisiana State USA
University (LSU)
21 Department of Information Systems established by University of USA
Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
22 College of Information Studies (CIS) under University of Maryland USA
23 School of Information Studies under the McGill University, Montreal Canada
24 Department of Media and Information established by Michigan State USA
University (MSU)
25 School of Information (iSchools) established by University of Michigan USA
26 School of Information Science and Learning Technologies (iSchools) USA
University of Missouri
27 School of Library and Information Science established by the Canada
University of Montréal
28 School of Information and Library Science under the University of USA
North Carolina (UNC), Chapel Hill
29 College of Information (CI) under the wing of University of North USA
Texas (UNT)
30 School of Library and Information Studies established by University of USA
31 College of Information Science and Technology (CIST) established by USA
The Pennsylvania State University (PSU)
32 School of Computing and Information (SCI) under the University of USA
33 Department of Information Science (DIS) Pontifical Xavierian Colombia
34 School of Information of Pratt Institute USA
35 School of Communication and Information under the The State USA
University of New Jersey, Rutgers,
36 School of Information (SI) under the San Jose State University USA
37 School of Communication and Arts (ECA), University of São Paulo Brazil
38 School of Library and Information Science, under Simmons University, USA
AI, ML, and Robotics in iSchools 423

Table 19.1 List of iSchools registered internationally under the iSchools Organization, United
States. (Continued)
Sl. no. University and academic unit (iSchools) Country
39 School of Library and Information Science under the University of USA
South Carolina (USC)
40 School of Information (SI) under University of South Florida (USF) USA
41 Department of Information Science under the State University of New USA
York, Buffalo
42 School of Information Studies (SIS), Syracuse University USA
43 School of Information Sciences (SIS) of The University of Tennessee USA
44 Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science USA
established by the Texas A&M University – Kingsville
45 School of Information (SI) at University of Texas at Austin (UTA) USA
46 Faculty of Information under the University of Toronto (UT) USA
47 Graduate School of Education and Information Studies at University of USA
California at Los Angles (UCLA)
48 The Information School of University of Washington (WU) USA
49 School of Information Sciences at the Wayne State University (WSU) USA
50 The Information School located at University of Wisconsin, Madison USA
51 School of Information Studies located at University of Wisconsin, USA
Milwaukee (UWM)
European iSchools Directory
52 Department of Communication and Psychology under Aalborg Denmark
University, Denmark
53 Graduate School of Humanities, Archives and Information Studies Netherlands
University of Amsterdam
54 Department of Information Science under the Bar-Ilan University Israel
55 The Swedish School of Library and Information Science Established by Sweden
University of Borås
56 Department of Library and Documentation located within the Spain
University Carlos III of Madrid
57 Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications of Spain
The Open University of Catalonia
424 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Table 19.1 List of iSchools registered internationally under the iSchools Organization, United
States. (Continued)
Sl. no. University and academic unit (iSchools) Country
58 Institute of Information Studies and Librarianship (IISL) located at the Czech
Charles University in Prague Republic
59 Department of Information Studies established by the University of Denmark
60 School of Information and Communication Studies located at Ireland
University College Dublin (UCD)
61 Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute UK
established by the University of Glasgow, Glasgow
62 Department of Information Management located at the Hacettepe Turkey
University, Turkey
63 Berlin School of Library and Information Science at The Humboldt Germany
University of Berlin
64 Department of Logic Uses, Social Sciences and Information at the IMT France
Atlantique (A Technological University)
65 Information Institute (iInstitute) located at the Linnaeus University Sweden
66 Department of Information Studies located at University College United
London Kingdom
67 The College of Computing and Information Sciences established by Uganda
Makerere University
68 Department of Computing and Information Sciences (iSchools) at United
Northumbria University Kingdom
69 Information Management School at Nova University Lisabon Portugal
70 Information and Communications at the Manchester Metropolitan United
University Kingdom
71 ALGORITMI Center School of Engineering at the The University of Portugal
72 Department of Archivistics, Library and Information Science, Norway
Established by the Oslo Metropolitan University
73 The Oxford Digital Information Group of the University of Oxford, Oxford
74 School of Informatics established by the Polytechnic University of Spain
AI, ML, and Robotics in iSchools 425

Table 19.1 List of iSchools registered internationally under the iSchools Organization, United
States. (Continued)
Sl. no. University and academic unit (iSchools) Country
75 Faculty of Engineering in cooperation with the Faculty of Arts of Portugal
University of Porto
76 Institute for Information and Media, Language and Culture Located at Germany
University of Regensburg
77 Department of Information Management, Aberdeen Business School, United
Robert Gordon University Kingdom
78 Information School established by the University of Sheffield United
79 School of Media and Information (iSchool), University of Siegen Germany
80 Computer and Information Sciences established by the University of United
Strathclyde Kingdom
81 Department of Information Sciences of Josip Juray Strossmayer Croatia
University of Osijek, Croatia
82 Faculty of IT and Communication Sciences of the Tampere University Finland
Asia Pacific iSchools Directory
83 School of Information Management at Central China Normal China
84 School of Information Studies under the Charles Sturt University Australia
85 Department of Library, Information and Archives Management located China
at The University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
86 Human Communication, Development, and Information Sciences China
(CDIS) at The University of Hong Kong
87 School of Management at the Jilin University China
88 Department of Information Science established by the Khon Kaen Thailand
University (KKU)
89 Department of Library and Information Science located at the Korea
Kyungpook National University (KNU)
90 Department of Library Science, Graduate School of Integrated Frontier Japan
Sciences established by the Kyushu University
91 Graduate Institute of Library Information and Archival Studies under Taiwan
the National Chengchi University
426 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Table 19.1 List of iSchools registered internationally under the iSchools Organization, United
States. (Continued)
Sl. no. University and academic unit (iSchools) Country
92 School of Economics and Management located at the Nanjing China
University of Science and Technology
93 School of Information Management located at the Nanjing University China
94 Faculty of Information Technology located at the Monash University Australia
95 Department of Computing and Information Systems established by the Australia
University of Melbourne
96 Department and Graduate Institute of Library and Information Science Taiwan
located at the National Taiwan University
97 Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies located at the Taiwan
National Taiwan Normal University
98 School of Information Resource Management located at the Renmin China
University of China
99 Department of Library, Information and Archives located Shanghai China
100 Department of archives and e-government located Soochow China
101 School of Information Technology and Mathematical Sciences located Australia
at The University of South Australia
102 Department and Graduate Institute of Library and Information Science Taiwan
(LIS) established by the National Taiwan University
103 Department of Information Management at the Peking University China
104 School of Library and Information Studies located at the University of Philippines
the Philippines
105 School of Information Management located at the Sun Yat-Sen China
106 Library and Information Science at The Sungkyunkwan University South
107 Faculty of Information Management located University of Technology, Malaysia
Malaysia (MARA)
108 Graduate School of Library, Information, and Media Studies Japan
Established at University of Tsukuba
109 School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences Located at the New
Waikato University Zealand
AI, ML, and Robotics in iSchools 427

Table 19.1 List of iSchools registered internationally under the iSchools Organization, United
States. (Continued)
Sl. no. University and academic unit (iSchools) Country
110 School of Information Management (SIM) located at the Wuhan China
111 Department of Library and Information Science (DLIS) located at South
Yonsei University Korea

19.4 Artificial Intelligence, ML, and Robotics: An Overview

AI as the tool and systems with developing intelligence in the products, services, and sys-
tems; these are the machines though it is act like a human and perform, mimic their action.
AI is thus required in the activities of learning and also in problem-solving. AI has the
ability regarding rationalize best goal, or simply, it is able in taking actions that is having
best chance for achieving a specific or definite goal. AI is required in various areas, various
sectors, and industries. AI is useful in effective utilizations in healthcare domains and in
many others, viz., governance, business and commerce, politics and administration, trans-
port and tourism, and education and teaching. Automated machines, intelligent devices
and products, and self-driving cars are the prime example of AI [4, 14, 19]. Financial indus-
try, banking, and finance are increased with higher capacity of AI systems. The iSchools are
rising with AI Programs due to its features and functions, viz.,

• AI is dedicated in the activities of simulation and acting like humans or sim-

ply the human intelligence in the devices and machines.
• Learning, reasoning, and perception are the core of AI systems.
• As AI is having two major types, i.e., weak AI and strong AI to do the tasks
which are more complex and human-like.

Further AI is two types; and these are simply weak AI and strong AI. As far as weak AI is
concerned, it is required in designing of the system that can do a particular job. Strong AI is
more advanced and able in act like human [7, 17, 30]. Such systems are useful in more com-
plex as well as in complicated system designing and development. Here, systems are able
in performing the given task kike human. These tend to be more complex as well as com-
plicated systems. Therefore, AI is required to solve the problem without having a person.
ML in short called as ML and a subset of AI and considered within the emerging Computer
Science. Here, various statistical techniques are able in computation, decision making assis-
tance with proper data management [40, 44, 45]. In 1959, Arthur Samuel was coined the
term first with deep involvement in exploring the study and construction of algorithms
[9, 18, 20]. There are various approaches in ML, viz.,

• DTL, i.e., Decision Tree Learning

• ATL, i.e., Association Tree Learning
• ANM, i.e., Artificial Neural Networks
• Deep Learning or DL
428 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

• ILP or Inductive Logic Programming

• Clustering or Cluster.

Deep Learning, in short is called as DL, is another emerging area of the ML and clos-
est with the AI. There are various architectures exists in DL or deep learning; and among
these, important are recurrent neural networks (RNNs), deep neural networks (DNNs),
deep belief networks (DBNs), etc. and these are applied in wide areas of computer vision,
NLP, and audio recognition [10, 21, 29]. Though major emerging areas of Deep Learning
are as under:

• Speech recognition with automatic systems

• Image recognition (i.e., Optical Character Recognition)
• Customer and HR relationship management
• Bioinformatics and pharma informatics
• Visual art processing or Software-based Visual Art Mechanism
• Drug discovery including its toxicology
• Digital and Mobile advertising
• Image restoration [23, 48, 49].

Therefore the applications of the AI, Robotics, ML etc. are well increasing in all the sec-
tors and in this context introduction of such programs become important and valuable in
the many academic institutions and iSchools are not exception of this trend [20, 46, 47].

19.5 Artificial Intelligence, ML, and Robotics as an Academic

Program: A Case on iSchools—North American Region
The Information Science programs basically varies from country to country and it includes
the foundational subjects, viz., Information Science, Informatics, Information Systems,
Computing, Data Science, to latest and emerging Technologies [35, 50] as depicted in
Figure 19.2. However, such programs may be offered with different levels, viz., Certificate,
Advanced Certificate, Diploma, Minors, Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral Degrees as far as
AI, Robotics and allied areas are concerned, many programs are offered by the iSchools and
with different levels. Internationally, many iSchools have started academic, training pro-
grams on AI, Robotics, ML, etc., and as far as American region is concerned, few important
are Carnegie Mellon University, Drexel University, Indiana University, Bloomington, and
The Pennsylvania State University [6, 22, 25].
The programs are available with the following:

• Certificate
• Bachelors
• Masters, etc.

As far as major disciplines are concerned, some of the important are Computer Science,
Information Systems and Management, Intelligent System Engineering, etc. Further, as far
as specializations are concerned, important nomenclatures are as follows:
AI, ML, and Robotics in iSchools 429

Certif icate
Full-f ledged/ Specialized/ Industry

PG Diploma
Artif icial Intelligence

Masters Intelligent Systems

Machine Learning & ES

MPhil/ PhD

Post Doctoral (DSc /DLitt. etc)

Figure 19.2 Possible programs on AI, ML, and Robotics at iSchools.

• Managing AI and Robotics

• AI
• ML and AI
• Intelligent Systems, etc.

However, here, in this study, the areas and nomenclature of Data Science, Data Analytics,
and Big Data are not considered; though anything merged with AI, ML and Robotics con-
sidered. At the doctoral level, the subject is offered or area available as a full-fledged degree
and also as a specialization in the allied subjects.
As most of the universities are located in United States (as depicted in Table 19.2),
therefore M.Phil. Program is not noted according to this study. But some are offered PhD
degree with such area of specialization as depicted in Table 19.3. Though the number of
programs is depicted in Figure 19.3.
All these programs are academic in nature and there is no provision for the Professional
Doctorate in these areas. All these programs are consisting with huge amount of courses and
papers to enhance the skill sets. Such courses are from the core of the field, i.e., Computing/
Information Technology, and also specialization papers from the field of study. As far as
basic subjects are concerned, majority are from the Computer Architecture, Programming
and Software Engineering, Mathematical Foundation of Computing, Operating Systems,
Database Systems, and so on [17, 28, 31]. Whereas some of the basic AI, Robotics, and ML
core are as follows:

• Basics of AI
• Robot Laboratory (RL)/Robotics Practical
• Advanced and Modern AI
• Game AI (GAI)
• Knowledge-based Agents and Systems
• ML and DL, etc.
430 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Table 19.2 List of iSchools of American regions offering AI, ML, and Robotics programs at UG
and PG.
University and academic unit
Sl. no. (iSchools) Academic programs Country
North American iSchools Directory
1 Carnegie Mellon University MS Information Systems and USA
(CMU), established Management
Heinz College of Information (Managing AI and Robotics)
Systems and Public Policy
2 Drexel University (DU) founded BA Computer Science (Artificial USA
College Computing and Intelligence)
Informatics (CCI) BS Computer Science (Artificial
MS Machine Learning and
Artificial Intelligence
Certificate (Post Bachelor)—AI and
3 Indiana University (IUB), BS Computer Science USA
Bloomington by its founded (Artificial Intelligence)
School of Informatics, Computing BA Computer Science
and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence)
BS Intelligent System Engineering
4 Georgia Institute of Technology BS Computer Science USA
(GIT) established (Intelligence Systems)
College of Computing

Table 19.3 List of iSchools of American regions offering AI, ML, and Robotics programs at PhD.
University and academic unit
Sl. no. (iSchools) Academic programs Country
American iSchools offering degrees on the subject
1 Drexel University’s CCI, i.e., PhD Computer Science USA
College Computing and (Intelligent Systems)
2 The Pennsylvania State University PhD Informatics USA
(PSU) (AI and Big Data)
College of Information Science and
Technology (CIST)
3 Georgia Institute of Technology PhD Robotics USA
(GIT) established PhD Machine Learning
College of Computing
AI, ML, and Robotics in iSchools 431




Masters Programs Bachelors Programs Doctoral Programs Certif icate Programs

Figure 19.3 Number of programs on AI, ML, and Robotics.

However, the details of the paper are depicted in Table 19.4 herewith with description
of all types of courses of the PhD programs. The specialization program is suitable in the
sense that the educated on this subject can go with the two different areas, viz., in IT and
Computing; and other hand, in the areas of AI, ML, and Robotics. The Bachelors program
is available with Arts and Science both the degrees, viz., BA/BSc in some of the universities
mentioned above. However, basic courses are different in each of these two programs. As
far as specializations courses are concerned, that is also different in the context that if the
programs is fully concentrated on AI, ML, and Robotics, then the nature is more computing
centric whereas the courses as part of the specialization of the Information Science/System,
etc., hold little different. Here, Table 19.5 depicted sample of the courses at Bachelors,
Masters level. Further, it is worthy to note that Heinz College of Information Systems
and Public Policy, under the Carnegie Mellon University basically offers MS Information
Systems and Management (Managing AI and Robotics) program is little management cen-
tric; therefore, here, some of the programs are also offered in allied areas, viz., Economic
Analysis, Financial Accounting, and Principles of Finance.

19.6 Suggestions
iSchools are gaining popularity internationally and there are many reasons to introduce
such interdisciplinary academic venture in modern educational systems and among them
few important are depicted here. Since this topic of the work is interdisciplinary in nature,
therefore some of the constructive suggestions include the following:

• According to this study, it is noted that majority of the programs are offered
at Bachelors Degree only; therefore, it is important to offer the subjects at
Masters level as well.
432 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Table 19.4 Sample curricula of the PhD with ML, Robotics, etc.
Universities and programs Papers/Courses
Drexel University (DU) founded Core Courses
College Computing and Data Structures and Algorithms I
Informatics (CCI) Theory of Computation (TOC)
Programming Languages
Operating Systems
Computer Graphics
PhD Computer Science Developing User Interfaces
(Intelligent Systems) Specialization Courses
Fundamentals of Databases
Introduction/Basics of Artificial Intelligence
Robot Laboratory (RL)/Robotics Practical
Advanced and Modern Artificial Intelligence
Game Artificial Intelligence (GAI)
Knowledge-based Agents and Systems
Machine Learning and DL etc.
Deep Learning
Data Analysis at Scale
Responsible Data Analysis
Georgia Institute of Technology Intro to Robotics Research (3 Credits)
(GIT) established A new course CS/AE/ECE/ME 7785, Introduction to
College of Computing Robotics Research.
Foundation Courses (9 Credits)
Three foundation courses, each selected from distinct
core areas: Mechanics, Controls, Perception, Artificial
PhD Robotics Intelligence, Autonomy and Human-Robot Interaction
Elective Courses (9 Credits)
Three targeted elective courses, each selected from the same
three core areas used for the foundation courses.
Multidisciplinary Robotics Research (6 Credits)
Two new courses CS/AE/ECE/ME 8750 and CS/AE/ECE/
ME 8751, Multidisciplinary Robotics Research I and II.
Outside Major Courses (9 Credits)
Three courses outside the major area to provide a coherent
minor in accordance with Institute policies.

• Most of the specialization programs in AI and ML are offered in Computer

Science track; however, such subjects may offered in wide areas of Information
Sciences ranging from Informatics, Information Science, Computing,
Information Systems, etc.
• Since Information Schools (iSchools) are different than traditoonal Computing
School; therefore, it is better to include AI, ML, Robotics and allied programs
more interdiscplinary with inclusion ofinformation and societal fundamentals.
AI, ML, and Robotics in iSchools 433

Table 19.5 Sample courses of AI, ML, and Robotics programs at Master and Bachelors at the
Universities and programs Papers/Courses
Drexel University (DU) founded Core Courses
College Computing and Introduction to Computer Science
Informatics (CCI) Computer Programming I or
Advanced Computer Programming I
Computer Programming II
BA/BS Computer Science Advanced Computer Programming II
(Artificial Intelligence) Data Structures
Advanced Programming Tools and Techniques
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
Algorithms and Analysis
Systems Architecture
Systems Programming
Programming Language Concepts
Introduction to Software Engineering and Development
Software Architecture I
Specialization Courses
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Evolutionary Computing
Game AI Development
Advanced Artificial Intelligence
Indiana University (IUB), Core Courses
Bloomington by its founded Introduction to Software Systems
School of Informatics, Calculus II
Computing and Engineering Discrete Structures for Computer Science
Programming Languages
Data Structures
Fundamentals of Computing Theory
Introduction to Algorithm Design and Analysis
Database Concepts
Principles of Machine Learning
Specialization Courses
Introduction to Software Systems
Discrete Structures for Computer Science
Data Structures
Introduction to Statistical Inference
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Introduction to Data Analysis and Mining
Principles of Machine Learning
Fundamentals of Computing Theory
Autonomous Robotics
434 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

Table 19.5 Sample courses of AI, ML, and Robotics programs at Master and Bachelors at the
iSchools. (Continued)
Universities and programs Papers/Courses
Carnegie Mellon University Core Courses
(CMU), established Distributed Systems for ISM
Heinz College of Information Database Management
Systems and Public Policy Managing Disruptive Technologies
Object-Oriented Programming in Java
Design Core
Digital Transformation
MS Information Systems and Organizational Design and Implementation
Management Economic Analysis
(Managing AI and Robotics) Financial Accounting
Principles of Finance
Decision Making Under Uncertainty
Statistics for IT Managers
Writing for ISM
Professional Speaking
Information Systems Capstone Project
Specializations Courses
Intro to Artificial Intelligence
Robotic Process Automation
Deep Learning for Information Systems Management
AI, Society, and Humanity
E-commerce Tech, Machine Learning, Analytics, and Bots
MS Machine Learning and This interdisciplinary, 45-credit, 15-course program
Artificial Intelligence includes:
Five required core courses;
Three elective courses, one within each of the following
focal areas: Data Science and Analytics, Foundations
of Computation and Algorithms, or Applications of
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning;
Seven free elective courses may be selected from the above
Drexel University (DU) founded focal areas or Computer Science Department-approved
College Computing and courses;
Informatics (CCI) A capstone course: students work in teams to pursue
an in-depth, multi-term capstone project applying
computing and informatics knowledge in an artificial
intelligence project, spanning two quarters (6 credits).

• According to the study, it is noted that Doctoral Degrees are highest level of
degrees but Post Doctoral/Higher Doctoral Degree on the areas, viz., AI, ML,
and Robotics with D.Sc. degrees may be offered in the iSchools.
• Professional Doctorateal degrees like Engg.D (Doctor of Engineering) in the
areas of AI, ML, and Robtics, DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) in the
areas of Intelligent Systems and Management may be offered.
AI, ML, and Robotics in iSchools 435

• Post Graduade Diploma is also considered as important qualification; there-

fore, AI, ML, and Robotics or allied areas may be offered in the iSchools.
• Post Graduate Certificate Program can also be started in respect of ML and
AI perfectly.
• As many universities have started Post Doctoral Program leading to the Post
Doctoral Certifiate therefore in the areas of AI, ML, and Robotics may be
• The AI, ML, and Robotics related programs should be offered with the funda-
mentals of Information Sciences, viz., Information Management, Information
Studies, and Knowledge Organization.
• Indistry Integrated Programs at different level (both higher and short term)
may be offered atiSchools with the specilization in AI, ML, and Robotics.
• Initially iSchools may offer the specilization and later fullfledged AI, ML, and
Robotics programs at the iSchools.
• The basic Information Science progams, viz., BS and MS, can be offered with
the specilizations of AI, ML, and Robotics programs.

Therefore, different strategies and policies are possible to enhance the subjects like AI,
ML, and Robotics programs. Concerned institutions, collaborative efforts, industry integra-
tion, and inclusion of the societal aspects are important in developing healthy iSchools not
only in American region but also in different regions and territories of the iSchools.

19.7 Motivation and Future Works

iSchools are emerging as an academic, training, and research program delivery institute,
and therefore, it holds combination of different subjects concentrated on information and
allied fields; and therefore, the work can be further possible to extend at individual levels,
viz., Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral. Apart from the AI, ML, and Robotics programs,
further study may be possible in some of the allied programs.

19.8 Conclusion
Internationally, many universities, educational institutes, and training centers have started
programs on AI, ML, and Robotics (and few allied programs) and as iSchools are dealing
with different strategies of integration of the society-technology-information approaches;
therefore, such emerging programs may hold such features accordingly. iSchools are
very innovative and emerging regarding the programs, subjects, and diversity in human
resources (including faculty, staffs, and students); hence, AI, ML, and Robotics programs
may also offer in diverse areas such as Healthcare, Education, Transport and Tourism, and
Governance. Moreover, the countries and territories of iSchools may also join in the official
of iSchools Organization (the association) for the better development of advanced and intel-
ligent society with support of the healthy infrastructure, planning, and budget for the devel-
opment of a healthy knowledge society. Moreover, as this work is specifically designed and
considered for the area of iSchools located in around the world, therefore for the complete
436 Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

development of the AI, ML, and Robotics in the iSchools, complete support from all the
organizations is highly solicited by the educational institutions, universities, research cen-
ters, Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), scientific society and associations, etc. In
the research level, basic components of Computer Science must be integrated with the pro-
posed degrees in the field of AI, ML, and Robotics.

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Academic degrees, 430 Blob storage, 347

Access control, Content delivery network, 348
effectiveness, 408, 410 Azure cloud security architecture,
policies, 382, 391, 395 Security design principles, 344
rules, 383, 398 Azure security features,
Access control protocol, 130–131, 135, 142 Azure active directory, 352
Accuracy score, 41, 48–51 Azure sentinel, 353
Acropolis, Privilaged identity management, 354
AHV, 367 Key vault, 351
distributed storage fabric, 365 Security centre, 351
Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment Azure SQL database, 349
(AIDE), 368
Adversarial attacks methods, Bag of words, 137, 174
fast gradient sign, 278 Bayesian model, 224–226
jacobian attack, 277 BigQuery, 334
l-bfgs, 277 BigTable, 334
Adversarial learning, 272 Blockchain, 227
Affinity, 393–394 chainFS, 230
Agility, 7 Mystiko blockchain, 228
AI, 5, 8, 10, 11, 16, 19–22 ProvChain, 231
Ancillaries, 103 Brute-force attack, 96
ANN, 82
Anti honeypot, 226 Cerebro, 370
APIDS, 108 Ciphertext policy, 294, 299
App engine, 333 Classification, 41–47, 53
Artificial intelligence, 427 Classifier, 47, 51, 53, 58
Artificial neural network, 136 Cloud, 175, 188, 190
Attribute-based encryption, 294, 296, 299, Cloud CDN (content delivery network), 334
300 Cloud computing, 81, 216–219
definition, 382 public cloud, 218
refinemente, 395 private cloud, 218
structural complexity, 395, 396 community cloud, 219
AutoML, 335 hybrid cloud, 219
Avalanche effect, 95 Cloud computing architecture, 167, 169
AWS, 57, 58 Cloud console, 63, 69–73, 76, 78
Azure architecture, Cloud framework, 153
Azure API gateway, 346 Cloud interconnect, 334
Azure functions, 346 Cloud natural language API, 335
Azure virtual machine, 347 Cloud security, 82, 130, 142, 295
Azure virtual network, 348 Cloud speech API, 335

440 Index

Cloud SQL, 334 precision, 382, 399, 403, 404, 411, 412
Cloud storage, recall, 399, 403, 404, 411, 412
coldline, 333 Encrypt data, 153
multi-regional, 334 Encryption, 5, 17, 18, 19, 21, 85
nearline, 333 Evasion, 113–114
regional, 333 Extraction, 158
Cloud vision API, 335
Cloud-based, F score, 41, 53–55
featurefool, 287–288 Feature, 41–48, 50, 51
Mlaas, 287 Features of Azure,
Communication, 171–172, 189 BCDR integration, 350
Completeness, 155, 164 single pane view, 351
Complex network, Fiat-Shamir protocol, 159–160, 166, 169
definition, 385 Fingerprinting attacks, 223
features, 385–387 Firestore or datastore, 334
metrics, 385 Fuzzy C means, 25, 28–30
Compute engine, 332
Confusion matrix, 139–140 Gene expression, 41–43, 45, 47, 49–51, 53,
Consistent group, 369 57, 58
CRC, 113 Genome, 42, 49
Cryptographic, 149, 155, 159 GFE (Google Front End), 320
Cryptography, 84 GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) or Container
Engine, 333
Data breach, 220 Glycan Cloud, 25, 37
Data center security, 151 Goal-based attacks,
Data provenance, 231 non target, 275
Database, 189 target, 275
DataFlow, 334 Gold set, 34, 36
DataLab, 334 Google API, 69
DeepWordBug, Google assistant, 63, 70, 78
combined score, 282
replace-1 score, 282 Hash algorithm, 90
temporal head score, 282 HIDS, 108
temporal tail score, 282 Hierarchical clustering, 28–30
tranformation operation, 282 Histogram, 93
Denial of service, 154 Home automation, 65–69, 71, 78
Differentially expressed glycan, 25, 27–28, Homomorphic computation, 130, 133–135,
34, 38 142–145
Diffie-Hellman key, 161, 166, 169 Homomorphic encryption, 294, 296, 297, 300,
Dimentionality, 41, 43, 44–46, 50–52, 58 310
Discrete logarithm attack, 161, 166 Honeypot, 221–224
DLP (data loss protection), 329 high-interaction honeypots, 221
DNA, 41, 42 dionaea, 224
Do not disturb (DND), 172 low-interaction honeypots, 221
Hot potato, cold potato, 331
Effectiveness metrics, Hotflip, 282
accuracy, 382, 383, 399, 400, 403, 404, 408, Hybrid learning techniques,
410–413 artificial neural network fused with support
f1 score, 399, 400, 411, 412 vector machine, 261
Index 441

clustering-based hybrid model in deep Machine intelligence,

learning framework, 257 activation function, 180–182
HIDCC, 256–257 Bernoulli Naïve Bayes (BNB), 174
K-means clustering using support vector classification, 171, 173–175, 177, 179–180,
machine, 260 182–183, 185–188, 190
K-nearest neighbor–based artificial neural classification and regression tree (CART),
network mechanism, 260–261 180
K-nearest neighbor–based fuzzy C-means convolutional neural network (CNN),
mechanism, 258–260 174–175, 180–182, 185–190
particle swarm optimization–based decision tree (DT), 174–175, 180, 185–188,
probabilistic neural network, 261–262 190
deep learning, 174
IaaS, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 318 deep neural network, 173, 189
IAM (identity and access management), 322 dropout, 181–182
IAP, 325 filter, 180–181
IFTTT, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 78 Gaussian Naïve Bayes (GNB), 174
Incessant, 104 Gini index, 180
Influenza A, 25, 27, 29, 30, 34, 39 hyperplane, 179–180
Information diffusion, 144 kernel, 180–182
Information security, 150 k-fold cross validation, 175, 182–183,
Informative interface, 63, 71, 73, 78 185–187, 190
Interactions graph, 382, 383, 387, 388, k-nearest neighbors (kNN), 174–175, 180,
407, 408 185–188, 190
Intrusion, 103 Lagrangian multiplier, 180
Intrusion prevention system, leaf node, 180
HIPS, 112 logistic regression (LR), 174
NBA, 112 long short term memory (LSTM), 174, 189
NIPS, 111 machine learning, 171, 173, 174, 175, 186,
WIPS, 112 188, 190
Inverse document frequency (IDF), 178 Manhattan distance, 180
IoT, 149, 153 multi-layer perceptron (MLP), 174
IoT device, 69 multinomial Naïve Bayes (MNB), 173
iSchools, 420 neuron, 181–182
pooling, 180–182
Key management, 329 random forest, 174
Key management service (KMS), 373 random sampling, 183, 185
K-means clustering, 27–29 rectified linear unit (ReLu), 181
Knowledge-based attacks, root node, 180
blackbox, 273–274, 278–280, 283 Sigmoid activation function, 181–182
whitebox, 274–279, 281–282, 284, 286 supervised learning, 171, 175, 178–179, 183,
Language models attacks, support vector machine (SVM), 173–174,
bert-based adversarial model, 284 179–180, 185–186, 188, 190
bert-attack, 284 support vectors, 173, 179–180
differentiable language model, 284 testing, 180, 182–183, 187
Lemmatization, 175, 177 training, 173, 175, 177, 179–183
Logistic regression, 41, 43, 47, 50, 103, 118, Machine learning, 83, 157, 427
122–125 classification, 156–158
442 Index

extraction, 158 true negative (TN), 184

image recognization, 157 true positive (TP), 184
medical diagnosis, 158 PIDS, 108
Malware, 154 Plane concepts,
Man-in-the-middle attack, 162, 166 control plane, 361
Materials and methods, 199 data plane, 361
analysis of different parameters for ML Policy, 322
models, 204–205 Policy analyzer, 326
analysis of performance metrics, 206–210 Prediction, 41, 43–45, 47–49
dataset and attributes, 206–210 Preemptible VM, 332
predictive outcome analysis in phishing Prism,
URLs dataset, 205–206 prism central, 364
proposed methodology, 199–204 prism element, 363
statistical analysis of results, 210 Probability distributions,
Mealy machine, 82 chi, 402, 403, 409, 410
Microarray, 41–44, 51 chi square, 402, 403, 409, 410
Middleware, 5, 6, 9, 22 uniform, 402, 403, 409, 410
Monitoring, 330 Proofs of encryption, 294, 301, 302
Monte Carlo, 171, 173, 175, 183, 185, 187, Proofs of reliability, 294, 295, 306, 311
190 Proofs of storage, 294, 303, 304
Multi-tenancy, 167 Protection domain, 369
Mutation, 41, 44, 46, 47, 53, 59 Pub/Sub, 335
Public key cryptography, 170
Naive Bayes classifier, 132, 135–136, 139, 141
Naïve-Bayes, 103, 105, 122–124 Randomness, 94
Natural language processing (NLP), 131–132 Real-time, 63, 64, 78
recommender system, 284, 286–287 Recommender systems attacks,
Network Science, 182, 384, 386, 387, 401, 405, average, 286
413 bandwagon, 286
NIDS, 108 random, 284, 286
NOF, 117 reverse bandwagon, 286
NSL-KDD, 116–117, 119, 122, 125 Resources,
NSL-KDD dataset, 244 mlobal resources, 322
multi-regional resources, 321
Operations (Formerly Stackdriver), regional resources, 321
Cloud Debugger, 330 zonal resources, 321
Profiler, 330 Retention policy, 369
Trace, 331 RFU, 27, 29, 30
Robotics, 427
PaaS, 4, 9, 10, 318 Roles,
Passive intelligence, 63, 70 basic roles, 323
PCA, 41, 44, 46, 47–51, 59 custom roles, 323
Performance evaluation metrics, predefined roles, 323
accuracy, 174, 183–188, 190 RPC (remote procedure call), 319
F1 score, 183–187, 190 RPO, 368
false negative (FN), 184 RTO, 368
false positive (FP), 184
precision, 184 SaaS, 4, 6, 9, 11, 318
recall, 184 Saltstack, 362
Index 443

SCC (security command center), Techniques of phishing, 196–197

Cloud logging, 326 Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), 172
container threat detection, 328 Term frequency (TF), 173, 178
event threat detection, 326 TextAttack,
security threat analysis, 328 beam search, 283
web security scanner, 329 word importance ranking, 283
SCMA, 362 Text-based attacks,
Searchable encryption, 294, 298 character level, 276
Secret manager, 330 sentence level, 276
Secure multi-party computation, 300 word level, 276
Security technical implementation guide TextBugger,
(STIG), 362 delete, 279
Segmented network, 375 insert, 279
SEM, 27, 29–30 sub-c, 279
Short message service (SMS), 171–179, 182, sub-w, 279
184–190 swap, 279
Sialic acid, 26, 33 TextFooler,
SIEM, 106 context based, 280
Similarity index, 392, 394, 401–403, semantically similar word, 280
408–410 wrong prediction, 280
SLA, 5, 7, 17, 21 TextTricker, 281
Smart home, 65, 66, 68, 69, 71 TF-IDF, 174–175, 178–179
Sniffer mode, 107 TPM, 98
Spam detection, 173–174, 176, Type-I error, 34–35
186–190 Type-II error, 34–35
Spam filtering, 172 Types of message,
Spectre, 319 ham, 172–185, 187–189
Spreader, 384, 387–390, 406, 407 spam, 172–190
Spreading of policies, Types of phishing, 195–196
horizontal spreading, 387, 391, 406
vertical spreading, 387, 392, 406 Unsupervised learning techniques,
Strategic attacks, Cuckoo search with particle swarm
evasion, 276 optimization, 254–255
poisoining, 275–276 expectation-maximization clustering,
Statistical analysis, 93 253–254
Statistical validation, 31, 33 fuzzy C-means clustering, 253
STDEV, 27, 29–30 K-means clustering, 252
Stemming, 175, 177 UNSW dataset, 244–245
Stop-word, 177
Supervised learning techniques, Vectorization, 175, 178–182, 185
artificial neural network, 247–249 Virtual machine (VM), 189
deep learning, 249–250 VmQueisced snapshot service, 370
random forest, 250–251 VPC, 334
support vector machine, 245–247
Support vector machine, 103, 122, Wary, 104
123, 124 Weighted structural complexity, 396–398
SVM, 139–142 Wireless network, 67
Swine flu, 25, 26
Symmetric key, 85, 88 Zero-knowledge proof, 149, 155, 157, 159,
Synthetic edges, 400–404, 408–412 165
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