Group 3 Art App.

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Art is the product of man’s need to express himself

-This quote emphasizes that not every person is vocal when it comes to showing
their thoughts or their own point of view. Thus, art play’s a significant role to them
in which by art and through art they can now have the way of expressing
Base on the given quote, it clearly says that art is the way of a person to express
his feelings, ideas and thoughts. It’s truly shows that there’s a lot of ways to
express not just through spoken it also occurs in arts wether its literary or visual
The quote “Art is the product of man’s need to express himself” suggests that art
is a medium where individuals communicate their thoughts, feelings, ideas, and
even perspectives. Art can take in many forms, such as painting, sculpture, music,
dance, and so on. Each of these forms allows the artist to convey their inner world
in a way that words may not fully capture. This could be their emotions, their
views on society, their personal experiences, or even their imaginations.
To express oneself takes a lot of courage to withstand and not be intimidated by
the existence of others. Someone who doesn’t have the courage to do so tends to
express themselves by producing art through emotion and experience. By surfing
through imagination, everyone can create art, and it’s a very powerful way to
stimulate the mind. The majority of people have the misconception that only
artists can practice it and that talent is required, but anyone can embrace their
creative side and encourage their imagination.
Is like the manifestation of the human instinct to communicate and convey
personal thoughts, emotions, and experiences through various creative forms.
The quote emphasizes the connection between human expression and the innate
drive to communicate thoughts, emotions, and experiences.
Through art, people have a special way to share their viewpoints and establish
Deeper connection with others.

The quote describes the art as a product of man to express himself, because
through the imagination of a person it creates an art, once a person starts to
imagine of things there is already and art that will create and by the creative mind
of a person that’s how the art is starting, the more you imagine thoughts the more
the art is going to be beautiful by the use of use your imagination that’s also the
way you express yourself and that is already an art.
It reflects the theory that art doesn’t merely mirror the external world but
instead, it manifests the inner state of the artist. This concept is deeply rooted in
the belief that art serves as an outlet for individuals to convey their thoughts,
emotions, ideas, and perspectives. Thus art becomes a medium through which
one can communicate their innermost feelings and experiences.
-Lim, L.
It takes a lot of courage in order to express oneself. Others are afraid that they will
be judge if they will show their emotions. But, for others they uses Art as their
voices. Others uses art as a form of expressing oneself, expressing their anger,
sadness and happiness. Through art we can see what is the real emotion behind
it. And by art, artist are not afraid to tell their story, show their identity and paint
their true self
Art serves as a means of communication, allowing individuals to express their
thoughts, emotions, and experiences to others. It provides a platform for us to
convey the aspects of our existence that are difficult to articulate. Through
expression, we can delve into the depths of our imagination, challenge norms, and
stimulate contemplation.
The power of art extends beyond the boundaries of time and space. It has the
ability to feel emotions. Ignite intellectual discussions across generations and
cultures. It possesses the potential to foster connections among people from
different backgrounds and life experiences, encouraging empathy and
understanding. Art has the capacity to question our notions and broaden our
perspectives, enabling us to see the world from a different perspective.
Furthermore, art acts as a reflection of society and human nature. It acts as a
mirror that reflects both the joys and sorrows, struggles and triumphs of our
shared experience. Through expression, we can explore themes and shed light on
complex issues that shape our lives. It can ignite change by inspiring individuals to
challenge existing norms in pursuit of a better world.

Each and everyone of us has our own unique way to show what are inside our
mind and heart. Some people find singing, dancing, painting and acting as a form
of art they belong. However, we can actually express ourselves on what art do we
pursue to create so that we precisely express what is inside of us.
Don’t be embarrassed if your interested in a different things compared to others.
Remember! Whatever we think, feel and desire “art” will always find us.

Art has always been a powerful medium for self-expression. It provides a
platform for artists to communicate their thoughts, emotions, and experiences
in a way that words alone cannot capture. Through various forms such as
painting, sculpture, music, and literature, artists are able to convey their
innermost thoughts and feelings, allowing others to connect with their work on
a deep and personal level.
Art has the ability to transcend language and cultural barriers, bringing people
together from different backgrounds and life experiences. It allows individuals
to connect with one another on a universal level, sharing in the human
experience. Whether it is a painting that evokes a sense of nostalgia, a piece of
music that stirs the soul, or a poem that speaks to the heart, art has the power
to create a sense of unity and understanding among people from all walks of
Furthermore, art has the ability to question our notions and broaden our
perspectives. It challenges us to see the world from a different point of view,
encouraging us to question our beliefs and assumptions. Through art, we are
able to explore new ideas and concepts, expanding our understanding of the
world and our place in it.
Art also acts as a reflection of society and human nature. It captures the joys
and sorrows of our shared experiences, shedding light on the complexities of
the human condition. It serves as a mirror, reflecting the triumphs and struggles
of individuals and communities alike. Through art, we are able to gain insight
into the social, political, and cultural issues that shape our lives.
Finally, art has the power to ignite change. It inspires individuals to challenge
existing norms and push the boundaries of what is possible. Through their work,
artists can provoke thought, spark conversation, and inspire action. Art has the
ability to move people, to make them question the status quo, and to motivate
them to strive for a better world.
In conclusion, art is not just a reflection of the external world, but a
manifestation of the inner state of the artist. It allows individuals to express
their innermost feelings and experiences, fostering connections among people
from different backgrounds and life experiences. Art can question our notions
and broaden our perspectives, enabling us to see the world from a different
perspective. It also acts as a reflection of society and human nature, reflecting
both the joys and sorrows of our shared experiences. Through expression, we
can explore themes and shed light on complex issues that shape our lives, and it
can ignite change by inspiring individuals to challenge existing norms in pursuit
of a better world.

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