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Civil Action No.: 1:22-cv-850







NOW COME Defendants Jason W. Carey (“Mr. Carey”) and Tawny D. Carey

(“Ms. Carey”) (Collectively, “Defendants” or the “Careys”), and for their Answer and

Counterclaims to Plaintiff Superior Performers, LLC d/b/a National Agents Alliance

(“Plaintiff” or “NAA”)’s First Amended Complaint state as follows:

1. Admitted.

2. Admitted.

3. Denied.

4. The allegations of this paragraph state a legal conclusions which require no

response. To the extent a response is required, denied.

5. Admitted.

6. Denied.

7. The allegations of this paragraph refer to written documents, which

documents are the best evidence of their terms. To the extent the terms of the written

Case 1:22-cv-00850-TDS-LPA Document 23 Filed 02/22/24 Page 1 of 20

documents are inconsistent with the allegations of this paragraph, denied. Except as

expressly admitted herein, denied.

8. The allegations of this paragraph refer to written documents, which

documents are the best evidence of their terms. To the extent the terms of the written

documents are inconsistent with the allegations of this paragraph, denied. Except as

expressly admitted herein, denied.

9. The allegations of this paragraph refer to written documents, which

documents are the best evidence of their terms. To the extent the terms of the written

documents are inconsistent with the allegations of this paragraph, denied. Except as

expressly admitted herein, denied.

10. The allegations of this paragraph refer to written documents, which

documents are the best evidence of their terms. To the extent the terms of the written

documents are inconsistent with the allegations of this paragraph, denied. Except as

expressly admitted herein, denied.

11. The allegations of this paragraph refer to written documents, which

documents are the best evidence of their terms. To the extent the terms of the written

documents are inconsistent with the allegations of this paragraph, denied. Except as

expressly admitted herein, denied.

12. The allegations of this paragraph refer to written documents, which

documents are the best evidence of their terms. To the extent the terms of the written

Case 1:22-cv-00850-TDS-LPA Document 23 Filed 02/22/24 Page 2 of 20

documents are inconsistent with the allegations of this paragraph, denied. Except as

expressly admitted herein, denied.

13. The allegations of this paragraph refer to written documents, which

documents are the best evidence of their terms. To the extent the terms of the written

documents are inconsistent with the allegations of this paragraph, denied. Except as

expressly admitted herein, denied.

14. This paragraph states a legal conclusion to which no response is required.

To the extent a response is required, denied.

15. Denied.

16. Denied.

17. Denied.

18. Denied. It is specifically denied that Tawny Carey created a distributed a

nineteen-page memorandum that contained multiple false and disparaging statements, as

the document in question contained accurate complaints of sexual harassment and

unprofessional behavior from Andy Albright, and the document was sent only to NAA’s

parent company’s senior management and discussed only with NAA’s parent company’s

senior management, legal, and human resources.

19. Denied.

20. Denied.

21. Denied.

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22. It is admitted that Jason Carey filed a complained with the NDBI in

October 2022. The remaining allegations of this paragraph are denied.

23. Denied.

24. Admitted.


25. The foregoing responses are incorporated herein by reference.

26. This paragraph states a legal conclusion to which no response is required.

To the extent a response is required, denied.

27. This paragraph states a legal conclusion to which no response is required.

To the extent a response is required, denied.

28. Denied.

29. Denied.

30. Denied.


31. The foregoing responses are incorporated herein by reference.

32. This allegation relates to a cause of action which has been dismissed by

order of this Court, such that no response is necessary. To the extent a response is

required, denied.

33. This allegation relates to a cause of action which has been dismissed by

order of this Court, such that no response is necessary. To the extent a response is

required, denied.

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34. This allegation relates to a cause of action which has been dismissed by

order of this Court, such that no response is necessary. To the extent a response is

required, denied.

35. This allegation relates to a cause of action which has been dismissed by

order of this Court, such that no response is necessary. To the extent a response is

required, denied.


NAA’s claims against Defendants are barred, in whole or in part, because NAA

committed a prior material breach of the applicable contracts including but not limited to

NAA committing a breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing by

intentionally misconstruing and misrepresenting a good faith complaint of sexual

harassment, discrimination, and other inappropriate behavior as an act of defamation and

using this complaint as pretext to declare a material breach of various agreements.


NAA’s claims against Defendants are barred, in whole or in part, by the doctrines

of equitable estoppel, unclean hands, and in pari delicto because NAA should not benefit

from its own wrongful conduct as described further in the counterclaims asserted by

Defendants infra.

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NAA’s claims against Defendants are barred, in whole or in part, because Tawny

Carey’s complaint against Mr. Albright is not defamatory because the content of her

complaint is true.


NAA’s claims against Defendants are barred, in whole or in part, because

Defendants entered into certain relevant agreements under duress.


NAA’s claims are Defendants are barred, in whole or in part, because the relevant

agreements are illegal and unconscionable including but not limited to because they

contain unlawful restraints on trade.


1. Jason Carey is a citizen and resident of the State of Nevada.

2. Tawny Carey is a citizen and resident of the State of Nevada.

3. Jason Carey and Tawny Carey are husband and wife.

4. NAA is a Delaware limited liability company with its principal place of

business in Alamance County, North Carolina.

5. The amount in controversy exceeds $75,000. The Court has jurisdiction

over this matter pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1332 and 1367. All parties have consented to

jurisdiction and venue in this Court. Venue in this Court is also proper pursuant to 28

U.S.C. § 1391(b).

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6. Jason Carey and Tawny Carey signed various contracts with NAA,

including an Agent Agreement signed by Tawny Carey on or about February 4, 2014 (the

“Agent Agreement”) and an Independent Contractor Agreement signed by Jason Carey

on or about July 6, 2019 (the “ICA”).

7. Pursuant to the ICA, Jason Carey sold insurance policies and recruited

additional agents to sell insurance policies on behalf of NAA.

8. Jason Carey was paid commissions by NAA based on certain percentages

of the fees generated from policies that they sold directly, as well as certain percentages

of the fees generated from other agents who were recruited by them or who otherwise

reported to them (the “Downline Agents”).

9. Jason Carey also received compensation in the form of various other

bonuses, incentives, and programs which changed over the course of the years they

worked for NAA.

10. Tawny Carey, despite having her own Agent Agreement with NAA, never

received the benefit of her Agent Agreement.

11. NAA effectively believed that any spouses who performed services for

NAA should be treated as one legal person. As such, any commissions that Tawny Carey

was entitled to or any compensation she earned by virtue of work performed under her

Agent Agreement was paid to Jason Carey directly.

12. For the entire period during which Jason Carey and Tawny Carey worked

for NAA, NAA was functionally controlled by one man: Andy Albright.

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13. Mr. Albright has been the CEO of NAA or its predecessor entities since in

or around 2006.

14. NAA was acquired by Integrity Marketing Group, LLC (“Integrity”) in or

around 2020.

15. Mr. Albright remains the CEO of NAA despite Integrity’s purchase of


16. Mr. Albright exercised control over all aspects of the business of agents of

NAA, including but not limited to directly making decisions about compensation and

bonuses, directly changing policies and qualifications for bonuses, taking Downstream

Agents away from given agents, and changing them to Downstream Agents of other

agents, and making other decision which directly impacted the compensation and

business of agents of NAA, including Jason Carey and Tawny Carey.

17. Mr. Albright exercised control over his agents, including Jason Carey and

Tawny Carey, through means such as requiring them to attend multiple in-person

conferences and related social events each year, calling them at home, often as late as

1:00 a.m. or 2:00 a.m. and talking for prolonged periods of time about work issues and

unrelated and inappropriate personal issues, and through similar conduct.

18. Jason Carey and Tawny Carey were concerned and reasonably believed that

if they refused to attend conferences or in-person events, refused to answer Mr.

Albright’s late-night phone calls, or otherwise challenged or pushed back on any of Mr.

Albright’s inappropriate or unprofessional conduct, that Mr. Albright would punish them

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in their work by withholding bonuses, withholding business or leads, shifting

Downstream Agents away from Jason Carey, or otherwise causing them professional


19. Mr. Albright regularly mentioned in conversations with the Careys and

others that he had the ability to take away agents’ Downline Agents if he did not like

what the agents were doing.

20. Mr. Albright repeatedly introduced bonus plans/schemes and then

unilaterally made changes to the qualifications and/or criteria for earning such bonuses,

including but not limited to creating something called GLO bonuses and then changing

how such bonuses were earned and paid after the fact.

21. In or around late 2018, agents of NAA informed the Careys that they were

being awarded premium finance life insurance policies, which the Careys were told were

a gift to the top 50 earners and/or couples who made at least $250,000.00 per year with

NAA. Specifically, these policies were described as a form of deferred compensation to

NAA’s top agents. Mr. Albright stated that he was inspired to provide this additional

compensation to NAA’s top agents by news stories stating that University of Michigan

had done something similar for football coach Jim Harbaugh in 2016. NAA did not

disclose to the Careys that there were any additional “strings” attached to this

compensation, or that the Careys could in any way become liable to NAA or any other

entity as a result of accepting these policies.

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22. On or around October 23, 2018, the Careys were asked to sign life

insurance applications in order to receive this additional compensation. The Careys were

not advised that there would be any additional documents to complete, including but not

limited to split dollar agreements or additional collateral assignment agreements.

23. Only a few days before the Careys were to be publicly “awarded” the life

insurance policies at NAA’s 2019 National Convention, the Careys were asked to sign

various documents related to the insurance policies including split dollar agreements and

related collateral assignment agreements (collectively the “SDAs”). The SDAs were

contracts with a separate entity also controlled by Mr. Albright – Alliance Commission

Enhancement, LLC (“ACE”). The Careys were not given a meaningful opportunity to

review the SDAs prior to signing because of urgency created by NAA explaining that the

documents needed to be submitted altogether from all recipients prior to the National


24. The presentation of the life insurance policies to the Careys was included in

NAA’s 2019 National Convention on January 24, 2019, and the policies were publicly

“awarded” on stage in a crowded convention center and described as a “$30 million

contract” to a roomful of cheers. After the policies were “awarded,” a speaker said “I’ve

never seen it happen in the industry before. Somebody to give this much money away.”

In short, NAA staged a public presentation of the awarding of life insurance policies to

certain agents and held out the presentation of these policies as if it were a true gift of

additional compensation.


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25. Although Jason Carey and Tawny Carey had a contractual relationship with

NAA, they regularly interacted with its parent company Integrity and Integrity’s

employees and management as if they were employees and management of NAA.

26. By way of example, after Integrity acquired NAA, Jason Carey was paid

directly by Integrity rather than NAA, and Integrity issued Form 1099s to Jason Carey

reflecting payments from Integrity to the Careys.

27. Tawny Carey never directly received a 1099 from either NAA or Integrity,

and, instead, Integrity issued one 1099 to Jason Carey that encompassed the

compensation to which both he and Tawny Carey were entitled.

28. By way of further example, NAA agents were directed to Integrity’s human

resources department for any human resources issues.

29. On or around April 28, 2022, Tawny Carey sent an email to Integrity’s

management in an effort to raise serious concerns regarding Andy Albright’s conduct.

30. This email was sent to six members of Integrity’s management, who Tawny

Carey thought were the appropriate parties to whom to address such a concern, with

Jason Carey copied on the email, and the email salutation read “Dear Human Resources”.

31. The body of the email stated that Tawny Carey was writing to make a

formal complaint against Andy Albright for sexual harassment and sexual discrimination,

stating that Mr. Albright’s conduct was creating a hostile work environment impacting

Tawny Carey’s ability to perform her job duties, that Tawny and Jason Carey requested

that Integrity investigate the complaint against Mr. Albright, and that Tawny and Jason


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Carey requested a meeting with Integrity’s management to “discuss this matter, put an

end to this inappropriate treatment and decide how it should be addressed.”

32. The email attached a nineteen page document prepared by Tawny Carey

identifying various concerns with Mr. Albright’s conduct, including numerous examples

of inappropriate and unprofessional conduct, sexual harassment, and sex-based


33. A copy of that email and attachment is attached hereto as Exhibit 1.

34. On May 2, 2022, Integrity’s Chief Legal Officer Jayne Rothman responded

to Tawny Carey’s email and stated that Integrity was in receipt of her complaint and was

reviewing it. Ms. Rothman requested that Ms. Carey limit her communication regarding

the matter to Ms. Rothman and/or Rachelle McReynolds with Integrity.

35. Tawny Carey and Jason Carey exchanged multiple emails with Ms.

Rothman and Ms. McReynolds throughout May 2022 and the Careys had at least two

telephone conversations with Ms. Rothman during that time.

36. Tawny Carey and Jason Carey exchanged additional emails with Ms.

Rothman and Ms. McReynolds in June and July 2022 and were led to believe that

Integrity was investigating Tawny Carey’s complaints regarding Mr. Albright’s actions.

37. On or around July 25, 2022, Tawny Carey and Jason Carey travelled to

Dallas, Texas to meet with Ms. Rothman and with Tom Dempsey, Integrity’s Chief

Distribution Officer, at Integrity’s offices to discuss Tawny Carey’s complaint and

concerns regarding Mr. Albright.


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38. Shortly after the July 25, 2022 meeting, Integrity’s management stopped

responding to emails from Tawny Carey and Jason Carey concerning Tawny Carey’s

complaint about Mr. Albright.

39. Finally, in late August 2022, Ms. Rothman email Tawny Carey and Jason

Carey in order to arrange a date where the Careys, Mr. Albright, outside counsel for

NAA, and other members of Integrity’s management could meet to discuss Ms. Carey’s

complaint. A meeting date of September 9, 2022 was agreed upon between the parties.

40. This was the first time that Tawny Carey and Jason Carey were notified

that Mr. Albright had been made aware of Tawny Carey’s complaints against him, and

the Careys were concerned that Mr. Albright would retaliate against them through his

control of NAA.

41. Tawny Carey and Jason Carey notified Integrity that they had hired outside

counsel to represent them and to participate in the September 9, 2022 meeting.

42. Integrity cancelled the September 9, 2022 meeting.

43. On October 4, 2022, Jason Carey and Tawny Carey received a letter from

NAA’s outside counsel stating that they were each terminated for cause, effective

immediately, from all relationships and agreements that they had with NAA and any

affiliated companies. This letter stated that the termination was “due to various actions

on [the Careys’] part, including but not limited to [the Careys’] disparagement of NAA

and individuals associated with it, as well as other conduct detrimental to NAA and



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44. Tawny Carey and Jason Carey are not aware of any conduct on their own

parts which could be considered detrimental to NAA and Integrity or disparaging to NAA

and “individuals associated with it,” unless the letter refers to Tawny Carey’s good faith

complaint of sexual harassment, sex-based discrimination, and other unprofessional

conduct on the part of Mr. Albright, which Tawny Carey directed to Integrity’s

management and attempted to resolve through dealings with Integrity’s management,

legal counsel, and human resources department as directed by Integrity.

45. NAA’s termination of Tawny Carey and Jason Carey was not legitimately

“for cause,” and was solely a pretext to terminate two agents who had dared to challenge

Mr. Albright’s improper conduct.

46. NAA filed this original complaint in this action just three days after the

Careys were notified of their termination, on October 7, 2022.

47. On October 13, 2022, Tawny Carey and Jason Carey received an additional

letter from NAA’s outside counsel notifying them that the Split Dollar Agreements

entered into by the Carey’s were being terminated and that the Carey’s interests in such

policies were forfeited. This letter claimed that the basis for this termination was that the

Carey’s breached their obligations to NAA as set out in the original complaint filed in

this action, and because the Careys made statement[s]… that NAA believes will…have a

materially adverse effect on the business, assets, or financial condition” of ACE, NAA, or

any affiliated company.


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48. The October 13, 2022 letter further demanded that Tawny Carey pay to

ACE the amount of $310,582 and that Jason Carey pay to ACE the amount of $493,779,

those amounts purportedly constituting of the outstanding liabilities of each policy.

49. ACE separately filed suit against the Careys on November 9, 2022

regarding the SDAs and the outstanding liabilities of each policy.

50. In short, Tawny Carey and Jason Carey were engaged with NAA as agents

for over sixteen years. In that time, the Careys built a highly successful and profitable

business through Jason Carey’s own sales efforts and through recruiting effective

Downline Agents, which was profitable both for them and for NAA. Jason Carey and

Tawny Carey were well-known agents and were featured heavily throughout NAA’s

training videos and other marketing materials. However, once Tawny Carey was brave

enough to raise concerns of Mr. Albright’s inappropriate and unprofessional conduct

towards her and others to management, Tawny Carey and Jason Carey had their business

and livelihood destroyed. Their agreements were terminated, they immediately lost all

sources of income they had developed during their time with the NAA and, to add insult

to injury, NAA and its related entity ACE twisted the Split Dollar Agreements, which had

been deceitfully described to the Careys as a benefit of working for NAA, into a financial

penalty for daring to challenge Mr. Albright by cancelling or transferring the policies to

the benefit of ACE and demanding that the Careys pay ACE hundreds of thousands of



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Breach of Contract

51. The foregoing allegations are incorporated herein by reference.

52. The Careys were parties to valid and binding agreements with NAA,

including the ICA and the Agent Agreement.

53. Jason Carey fulfilled all terms and obligations under the ICA.

54. Tawny Carey fulfilled all terms and obligations under the Agent


55. At the time of the Careys’ termination, certain commission payments were

owed to the Careys from NAA under the ICA and Agent Agreement.

56. To date, Tawny Carey has never received any benefit from the Agent

Agreement from either NAA or Integrity.

57. NAA, in breach of the ICA and Agent Agreement, wrongfully withheld

these commission payments and failed to pay these commission payments to the Careys.

58. NAA, in breach of the ICA and Agent Agreement, wrongfully repudiated

the ICA and Agent Agreement by terminating the Careys under the guise that the Careys

disparaged NAA, when, in reality, the Careys submitted legitimate complaints of sexual

harassment to a select few management individuals who dealt with human resources and

legal issues. NAA continues to deny any obligation or responsibility under the


59. The ICA and Agent Agreement between the Careys and NAA contain

implied covenants of good faith and fair dealing.


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60. By terminating the Careys in retaliation for Tawny Carey’s complaint about

Mr. Albright, NAA violated the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing.

61. The conduct of NAA as described herein constitutes breaches of the

contracts between the Careys and NAA.

62. As a result of NAA’s breaches of contract, the Careys have been harmed in

an amount to be proven at trial, including but not limited to compensatory damages,

costs, and attorneys’ fees.


Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practices (N.C. Gen. Stat. 75-1.1 et seq.)

63. The foregoing allegations are incorporated herein by reference.

64. NAA presented the idea of premium finance life insurance policies for high

earning agents to the Careys as a form of gift from NAA, or as another form of deferred


65. NAA failed to disclose that, in order to receive these life insurance policies,

the Careys would be required to execute the SDAs which purportedly allow the life

insurance policies to be forfeited at any time NAA unilaterally declares that the Careys

committed a material breach as that term is defined in the SDAs.

66. NAA further failed to disclose that, in the event of a material breach, the

Careys could be liable to ACE for significant sums of money.

67. NAA presented the life insurance policies to the Careys and to other agents

at NAA as a reward and a financial perk.


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68. To the contrary, the life insurance policies and SDAs were, at best, “golden

handcuffs” which could theoretically benefit the Careys and other agents only if NAA or

ACE never terminated the policy or declared a material breach.

69. NAA deliberately and willfully misconstrued Tawny Carey’s complaint

concerning Mr. Albright as a form of disparagement constituting a material breach of the


70. NAA and its related entity ACE, based on the pretext that Tawny Carey’s

good faith complaint to Integrity’s management was actually improper disparagement,

“brought down the hammer” by terminating the Careys, recalling the life insurance

policies, and demanding that the Careys repay hundreds of thousands of dollars to ACE.

71. NAA’s conduct as described herein constituted unfair or deceptive acts or


72. NAA’s actions were in or affecting commerce.

73. NAA’s conduct was willful, wanton, and intentional.

74. NAA’s conduct was undertaken in bad faith, without justification, with

malice, and was improper.

75. As a direct and proximate result of NAA’s conduct, Jason Carey and

Tawny Carey have been damaged in an amount to be proven at trial including but not

limited to compensatory damages, treble damages, and attorney fees as allowed by

applicable law.

WHEREFORE, Jason Carey and Tawny Carey request that:


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1. NAA have and recover nothing from Defendants;

2. Defendants recover damages from NAA in an amount to be determined at

trial, including but not limited to compensatory damages and treble damages;

3. Defendants recover an award of attorneys’ fees from NAA;

4. The costs of this action be taxed against NAA;

5. That the Court allow Defendants a jury trial on all triable issues; and

6. The Court award Defendants such other relief as the Court deems proper.

This the 22nd day of February, 2024.

/s/ Benjamin P. Hintze

Jeffrey S. Southerland
N.C. State Bar No. 34221
[email protected]
Benjamin P. Hintze
N.C. State Bar No. 49270
[email protected]
Alexandria B. Morgan
N.C. State Bar No. 59635
[email protected]
P.O. Box 2888
Greensboro, NC 27402
Telephone: 336-378-1431
Facsimile: 336-274-6590
Attorneys for Defendants Jason W.
Carey and Tawny D. Carey
P.O. Box 2888
Greensboro NC 27402
Telephone: (336) 378-1431
Facsimile: (336) 274-6590


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The undersigned hereby certifies that the foregoing document was this date

electronically filed and served on all parties to this action through the Court’s CM/ECF


This the 22nd day of February, 2024.

/s/ Benjamin P. Hintze

Benjamin P. Hintze
N.C. State Bar No. 49270
Attorney for Defendants



Post Office Box 2888
Greensboro, North Carolina 27402
Telephone: (336) 378-1431
Facsimile: (336)274-6590


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