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evidence summaries to support

social services in Scotland
October 2012

culture change in
the public sector

written by
Michelle Drumm (IRISS)

Introduction Defining
Key points This Insight focuses on the topic of organisational
organisational culture
culture change in the public sector. In light of the There are many definitions of organisational culture
• It takes time (usually over three years) to embed culture change financial, demographic and operational challenges available (Mannion, 2008). It proves a complex
within organisations. that Scotland’s public sector currently faces, there concept, and one that is difficult to pin down. It
has, perhaps, never been a greater need for better is important, however, to attempt to define what
• Cultural change can be defined as ‘transformational’ as it
accountability of, respect for and reflection on, organisational culture is in order to understand how
challenges the underlying assumptions of an organisation and organisational cultures. The Christie Commission it could be significantly changed or influenced in a
is ongoing and adaptive. report calls for major changes in the way public public sector context. From the many definitions
• A framework of competing values can help define types of services are delivered, stating that ‘Unless Scotland available, a popular one is ‘...shared learning
organisational culture. embraces a radical, new, collaborative culture experiences that lead, in turn, to shared, taken for
throughout public services, both budgets and granted basic assumptions held by the members
• The public sector can be characterised as a hierarchical provision will buckle under the strain’ (2010, pviii). of the group or organisation’ (Schein, 2004, p22).
type of culture focused on internal stability and adherence to It stresses the need for public sector bodies to be This implies that culture embodies shared values,
rules and procedures, rather than one of flexibility, innovation built around people and communities, and work beliefs and assumptions that are deeply ingrained
and openness. together to achieve better outcomes for those that in an organisation’s traditions, and influence how
use services. an organisation thinks and feels, wrapped up as the
• There are a number of key enablers to culture change, as well ‘how we do things around here’ maxim. The shared
as inhibitors that relate more specifically to the public sector. This Insight will examine definitions and approaches learning Schein refers to is historical and essentially
to organisational culture and how they relate to the behavioural, cognitive and emotional in nature.
• There is some evidence of a shift from a service-specific
public sector; the type of change that identifies as This is reflected in the three levels of organisational
culture to one of integration (multi-agency). cultural; what the enablers are to culture change; culture that he proposes: artifacts (dress code,
and describe some of the challenges to changing company records, statements of philosophy,
cultures in the public sector. For the purposes of annual reports); values (ideologies and charters);
eliciting some of the generic characteristics of how and assumptions (thought processes, feelings and
culture change unfolds in an organisation, the review behaviour) (Schein, 2004).
examines the Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC)
Highland pathfinder case study.

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It has been argued by Martin and Meyerson, in of them. A framework exists to help define types of • Clan – a culture of group collaboration and • Hierarchical – a culture focused on internal
Wilson (2001) that organisational culture has three organisational culture. development, with an emphasis on teamwork stability and control, where adhering to the rules
major perspectives: and consensus. and maintaining processes and procedures
(information management) is viewed as effective.
• Integration perspective – proposes an Competing Values Framework • Adhocracy – a culture of readiness for change,
organisation-wide consensus on one type of with a focus on innovation and creativity and a • Market – a culture based around productivity,
culture, where everyone within an organisation The Competing Values Framework (CVF), a willingness to take risks. competitiveness, which is customer focused and
shares the same values, beliefs and assumptions result of research conducted by Quinn and outcome oriented.
and any conflict of these values could render Rohrbaugh (1983) on the question of what makes
it dysfunctional. organisations effective, has been used to facilitate
an understanding of the values that groups have
• Differentiation perspective – describes a culture within their organisations, in order to tease out
that exists within the boundary of sub-cultures cultural leanings.
in an organisation. Sub-cultures can co-exist in
harmony or in conflict with, or be indifferent to An adapted model of the CVF (Cameron et al, 2008) Organisational form: CLAN Organisational form: ADHOCRACY
one another. It is the mix of sub-cultures within comprises two dimensions. The first differentiates Orientation: COLLABORATE Orientation: CREATE
an organisation that generates its unique culture. a focus on flexibility and adaptability from a focus
on control and stability. Some organisations place
• Fragmentation perspective – proposes that value on versatility and adaptability, are willing to
commonalities and shared meanings do not exist take risks and are more open to change, whereas Internal External
organisation-wide or within sub-cultures. Both others place value on maintaining rules, processes Maintenance Positioning
consensus and conflict co-exist between people and procedures – sustaining a model of control.
and groups, but are only influenced by specific The second dimension distinguishes internal facing
events or issues. organisations from external facing ones. Some
Organisational form: HIERARCHY Organisational form: MARKET
organisations value internal unity and stability over
Orientation: CONTROL Orientation: COMPETE
Schein asserts that any group with a shared history external facing values such as competitiveness,
will have a culture and that within an organisation independence and market-awareness.
there is the possibility of many sub-cultures (Schein,
1990; Mannion, 2008). In essence, a predominant These two dimensions give rise to four types of
culture and/or a number of sub-cultures may exist organisational culture:
in organisations depending on the size and nature Stability/Control
(Adapted from Cameron et al, 2008)

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Parker and Bradley (2000) argue that a balance It has also been suggested that public sector What type of change Organisational culture change falls under the
between the four culture types is desirable and that organisations may have a strong sense of social is cultural? ‘transformational’ category, as it involves a review
an organisation where one particular culture type values compared to private sector organisations, of the underlying assumptions and values of an
dominates is more likely to be dysfunctional. They and that this can be articulated as ‘public sector Anderson and Ackermann Anderson (2010) organisation. According to Anderson and Ackermann
also suggest that hierarchical culture is predominant ethos’ (Greasley, Watson and Patel, 2009). This identify three types of change that occur Anderson (2010), ‘Transformation, ultimately, is the
in the public sector as opposed to other types of ethos generally characterises an organisation’s within organisations: journey from where an organisation is to where it
culture, and that public sector organisations are, by culture and motivates those within it, which chooses to be, when the change required to get
nature, less market focused and more concerned gives weight to the argument that public sector • Developmental – incremental changes to a there is so significant that it requires the people and
with political agendas. Organisational culture in organisations have an underlying historical culture process or skill, which improve a procedure or culture of the organisation to “transform” and the
the public sector, therefore, manifests itself as and reflect an ‘integrated’ cultural perspective, process. An example might be a new information journey must begin before you can fully identify what
more reactive than proactive - responding to where specific values, beliefs and assumptions are management system or training programme. your ultimate goal or desired state looks like’ (p246).
political activity and policy. According to Windrum, shared across the whole organisation. However, the This indicates that cultural change occurs over time
‘Politicians are charged with decision making, while complex nature of public sector organisations, and • Transitional – represents changes that are and that time is required to successfully embed
public employees deliver the public services that the possible existence of a number of sub-cultures, episodic and planned for. An example could changes in practice.
are defined by politicians’ (p14). The Christie report will mean processes and procedures, market focus involve the replacement of one strategy
(2009) supports the argument that public sector and outcomes may vary for services, which may for another.
organisations are reactive, claiming that outdated have implications for the type/types of culture they
attitudes and approaches, a culture of professional may need to gravitate towards. • Transformational – change that challenges
dominance in public bodies, has rendered them underlying assumptions of an organisation and is
unresponsive to changing needs and risk-averse ongoing and adaptive.
about innovation.

“…hierarchical culture is predominant in the public “…cultural change occurs over time and time is required
sector as opposed to other types of culture, and... public to successfully embed changes in practice”
sector organisations are, by nature, less market focused
and more concerned with political agendas”

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Case study What enables will help build arguments for them, and as a
culture change? result, encourage an ‘opt-in’ attitude to change.
A framework of ten Core Components and a
Culture change in action: Getting it right for every child 1. A clear vision document explaining the key principles and values
According to Fernandez and Rainey (2006), ‘The of the GIRFEC programme (based on research and
An example of ‘transformational’ change is the national programme, Getting it right for every child process of convincing individuals of the need for evaluations of good practice) was produced. The
(GIRFEC). GIRFEC aims to improve outcomes for children and young people across Scotland. The change often begins with crafting a compelling document set out some of the ways the programme
Highland pathfinder, located in Inverness and its surrounds, was one of two pilots launched in 2006 to vision for it’ (p169). Cameron (2004) asserts that would be delivered, including new roles, processes
address children’s and young people’s needs from birth through to eighteen. GIRFEC marks a shift away clarity on what the change will mean in practice will and its aspirations in terms of outcomes.
from a service-specific culture to an integrated one, encompassing any services or agencies involved in enable staff to feel an integral part of the process,
the welfare of children and their families. The fact that it is an inter-agency initiative also has implications and to share the vision and objectives. The Scottish 3. Effectively communicating the vision
for the culture of each distinct agency involved. Government’s proposed vision for GIRFEC was that A clear vision needs to be effectively communicated
Scotland’s children would be ‘successful learners, in order to gain opt-in from all parties involved.
The use of pathfinders is a strategy for bringing about change in complex situations and has its origins in confident individuals, effective contributors and Transformational change will most likely be met
computer applications designed to identify how to move from one position to another, where change will responsible citizens’, and that in order to achieve by some resistance as it means a fundamental
be necessary across different services. The strategy builds on good practice but also facilitates innovative this that they would need to be safe, healthy, shift in the underlying principle of ‘how things are
thinking and experimental approaches to achieving objectives. It ‘requires a willingness by all partners achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible done around here’. This resistance needs to be
to be prepared to jettison structures, procedures and support systems – even new ones – if they are not and included (also known as eight Well-being handled sensitively, as people will have anxieties
doing what they were designed to do’ (Scottish Government, 2009, p3). Indicators). From very early on, all services were about changes to their working patterns. According
clear about the vision and what the changes would to Cameron, ‘Explaining why the culture change
Some indicators of culture change occurring in the Highlands: mean for them. However, despite high-level clarity is necessary and beneficial is probably the most
and agreement, success at implementing the vision vital step in generating commitment’ (2004, p9).
• Shift from a focus on labels, eg looked after child, to a more holistic view of each child. at service management level varied depending on An example of how the vision was communicated
the context. in the Highlands involved awareness-raising
• Greater awareness of an outcomes approach. seminars targeted at practitioners working in
2. Identifying stories children’s services, the police and the voluntary
• Development of inter-agency working relationships. Positive stories can create a vision for how services sector, and the nomination of Children’s Champions
may operate in the future (Cameron, 2004). For to communicate the vision at a local level with
• Adoption of common language around the Well-being Indicators. example, a story could draw inspiration based on groups of users, as well as at their strategic and
evidence from a similar service that managed to governance forums.
• Buy-in to the programme by the majority of professionals involved, which resulted in a true sense of improve services while reducing costs. Focusing
ownership of the programme. on the potential positive outcomes of change

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4. Development of a strategy 5. Identifying quick wins 7. Developing leadership Challenges to culture

Cameron (2004) and Fernandez and Rainey (2006) Small, incremental changes help to sustain A lot has been written on the subject of leadership change in the public sector
emphasise the need to identify strategic initiatives - momentum on achieving the long-term, in driving change in organisations and its
the processes that need to be abandoned, existing fundamental ones. Identifying a number of importance cannot be underestimated. According Some challenges to organisational culture change
processes that need to be improved and new quick wins, changes to processes that can be to Schein, ‘Culture and leadership are two sides of are converse enablers: lack of vision and poor
initiatives that need to be developed. Cameron achieved quickly and which will ultimately be the same coin, in that leaders first create cultures communication of it; lack of commitment at
argues that clarifying what won’t need to change viewed positively, can get people’s commitment when they create groups and organisations’ (2004, management level; poor leadership skills; a weak
is also just as important as defining what will, and and prevent resistance to further developments p22). Leaders are key to championing change strategy; poor operational planning; and lack of
that stopping an existing process is much more (Cameron, 2004). GIRFEC exemplified a whole programmes, communicating the vision and driving adequate benchmarking data. There are, however,
difficult than starting a new one. Strategic initiatives programme of incremental change across the strategic initiatives. It has been argued that a other inhibitors, which relate specifically to the
are the activities that an organisation will need to processes, systems and practice in children’s leader or champion should be assigned to each public sector:
carry out, which form a core part of the cultural services, which was key to embedding new ways of strategic initiative (Cameron 2004; Albury 2005;
shift. The national GIRFEC implementation plan working. Fernandez and Rainey, 2006). In the Highlands, the 1. Short-term budgets
published in 2006 outlined a development strategy, Chief Officers’ Group was instrumental in ensuring Albury (2005) argues that annual budgets are not
which was piloted in the Highlands. The strategy 6. Measuring indicators of success buy-in to the changes at strategic and operational conducive to long-term planning for change. Funds
identified systems and processes to be used, such Cameron (2004) claims that a data gathering level. The importance of demonstrating leadership to support programmes that could potentially
as practice tools, training materials and guidance; system is required to collect ‘hard’ indicators of at all levels of an organisation is also stressed as span three to five years or longer are not always
and the development of an effective electronic achievement and progress, and stresses that the key to making successful culture change happen accommodated, which hinders an organisation
information sharing system. This strategy also success around the culture change is as important (Scottish Government, 2006; Scottish Social envisioning where it wants to be in relation to where
impacted on allocation of resources - new groups as measuring progress. These key indicators should Services Council, 2012; Deacon and Linton, 2012). it currently sits, as it may not have the confidence,
emerged, for example, multi-agency strategic be limited in number and given due consideration. let alone the resources, to plan for long-term
planning groups. While the Highlands pathfinder used the Well-being Cameron (2004) also highlights that while current change. Short-term budgets also limit the time that
Indicators framework to measure outcomes for leaders must champion the culture change, it can be allocated to change programmes; political
children, it was acknowledged that more consistent is important to consider future leaders who will agendas support quick-wins over ongoing change
measures were required to ensure the principles of need to be prepared to lead the organisation initiatives that can take time. This was apparent,
GIRFEC were upheld. when the culture change has been put in place. for example, in the implementation of the UK
New leadership skills that will be required must government’s ‘Back to work’ programme, a public
be identified, and there will also be a need to partnership between the Department for Work and
differentiate between current leadership and future Pensions and the Department of Health (Greasley,
leadership requirements. Watson and Patel, 2009).

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2. Hierarchical = risk averse culture Pointers to implementation Conclusion demonstrates, there are examples of culture change
As already ascertained, public sector organisations being successfully embedded in the sector. The
are characterised as a hierarchical type of culture, In implementing culture change the The evidence highlights that public sector Highlands pathfinder demonstrates the significant
which focuses on internal stability and control, evidence suggests: organisations tend to adopt a hierarchical type time (around three years) and planning that needs
and rules and procedures over flexible, innovative of culture - one where control and stability is to go into the overall strategy (structures, systems
initiatives that are market focused. This type of • It is important to clarify, develop and sustain given precedence over innovation and risk taking. and processes) and management of each initiative
culture tends to be less open to taking risks and a shared vision across all services and at all Additionally, the public sector is characterised by to achieve real transformational change.
trying out new ways of working. It has also been operational levels within each individual service. a culture that is reactive to political agendas, often
argued that the public sector has more at stake to the detriment of outcomes, and is one where There are key enablers to culture change, in
when taking risks – the quality of life of individuals • Managers and practitioners should take time to change initiatives can be restricted by short-term particular, the need for a clear vision to effectively
and communities, which is less pertinent to the reflect on their role and consider how they can budgets. It has also been argued that the public communicate this vision, and related to this, the
private sector (Albury, 2005) and reminiscent effect positive change, and what change will sector has strong social values or what is known as need for leaders who do not just positively embrace
of the ‘public sector ethos’ that has already mean for people supported by services (such as ‘public sector ethos’. the change required, but embody and demonstrate
been highlighted. children and their families). personal commitment to it. Leaders who walk the
Despite the challenges to transforming culture walk, so to speak.
3. Lack of operational leadership skills • Leadership should be developed and in the public sector, as the Highlands pathfinder
Anderson and Ackerman Anderson (2010) stress demonstrated at all service levels; individuals
the importance of leading change over managing it and teams need to embrace this call-to-
in a transformational context. They argue that two, responsibility.
albeit important, aspects of change programmes
- planning for implementation and overcoming • Staff training needs to be considered for current
employee resistance - are not enough to bring about and future changes.
positive and ongoing transformational change. They “There are key enablers to culture change, in particular,
claim that ‘Because leading transformational change • Streamlined systems for recording and
the need for a clear vision to effectively communicate
is so radically different from managing or leading assessing impact of culture change need to
a stable organization, leaders cannot simply lay be implemented.
this vision, and related to this, the need for leaders who
their old way of thinking, behaving, and operating do not just positively embrace the change required, but
on this new world and expect success’ (Anderson embody and demonstrate personal commitment to it.”
and Ackerman Anderson, 2010, p3). Parker and
Bradley (2000) and Webster (2011) also claim that
the bureaucratic model of management associated
with the public sector has made it difficult to support
culture change initiatives.
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This Insight was reviewed by Barbara Davis (Highland
Council), Beth Cross (University of Stirling), Neil Macleod
(Scottish Social Services Council), Helen Allbutt (NHS
Education for Scotland), and the GIRFEC team at Scottish
Government. IRISS would like to thank reviewers for taking
the time to reflect and comment on this Insight. [email protected]
The Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services (IRISS) is a charitable company limited by guarantee. Registered in
Scotland: No 313740. Scottish Charity No: SC037882. Registered Office: Brunswick House, 51 Wilson Street, Glasgow, G1 1UZ

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 2.5 UK:
Scotland Licence. To view a copy of this licence, visit
scotland/ Copyright © 2012


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