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USOO941 0116B2

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9.410,116 B2

ROSS (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 9, 2016
(54) METHOD FOR PRODUCING FUNGUS 5,370,714. A 12/1994 Ogawa et al.
STRUCTURES 5,854,056 A 12/1998 Dschida
6,073,388 A 6/2000 Kananen et al.
O O 8,001,719 B2 8/2011 Bayer
(75) Inventor: Philip Ross, San Francisco, CA (US) 2003/0208796 A1 1 1/2003 Song et al.
2004/021 1721 A1 10, 2004 Stamets
(73) Assignee: Mycoworks, Inc., San Jose, CA (US) 2005.0053778 A1 3, 2005 Hukkanen
2006/0058404 A1 3/2006 Meyers et al.
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 2008/0145577 A1* 6/2008 Bayer et al. .................. 428,356
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 2009/0307969 A1* 12/2009 Bayer ............... A01G's
U.S.C. 154(b) by 300 days. 2011/0265688 A1 11/2011 Kalisz et al.
2011/0266831 A1 11/2011 Kalisz et al.
(21) Appl. No.: 13/305,576 2011/0268947 A1 11/2011 Rocco et al.
2011/0268955 A1 11/2011 Rocco et al.
(22) Filed: Nov. 28, 2011 2011/0268980 A1 11/2011 Kalisz et al.
2011/0269209 A1 11/2011 Rocco et al.
O O 2011/0269214 A1 11/2011 Kalisz et al.
(65) Prior Publication Data 2011/0269218 A1 11/2011 Kalisz et al.

O O Wenshu et al., CN 200420013582 U, English translation.*

Related U.S. Application Data Fisher et al. Time Magazine, Industrial Strength Fungus, Published
(60) Provisional application No. 61/417,408, filed on Nov. Feb. 8, 2010.*
27, 2010.
* cited by examiner
(51) Int. Cl.
CI2N L/4 (2006.01) Primary Examiner — Bin Shen
AOIG L/04 (2006.01) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Temmerman Law Office;
CI2N L/22 (2006.01) Mathew J. Temmerman
(52) U.S. Cl. (57) ABSTRACT
CPC. CI2N I/14 (2013.01); A0IGI/04 (2013.01); -- - -
CI2N I/22 (2013.01) A method for growing organically derived building materials
(58) Field of Classification Search in the form of a moldable substrate that can be engineered to
CPC AO1N 23OO/OO. AO1N 43/90 serve a wide range of manufacturing and construction appli
USPC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14 4f333; 428/137 cations is presented. In particular, the embodiments consider

See application file for complete search history a plurality of fungal molded shapes preferably grown from
fungal inoculum and mechanically compressed at least once
(56) References Cited during the growing process as well as integration of structure
Support members to the fungal structure. The present inven
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS tion provides a fungal substrate which could be molded, and
easily and cheaply preprocessed to precise geometric speci
436 A * 10, 1837 Brown et al. ................. 249,112 fications. The organically derived building materials also
2,080,077 A * 5/1937 Howard et al. .. ... 106/164.4 incorporate layers of structural reinforcements to improve
2,317.394 A * 4, 1943 Mason et al. ... ... 162/11
2,811,442 A 10, 1957 Van Hornet al. load bearing and other structural capacities.
5,074,959 A 12, 1991 Yamanaka et al.
5,277,854 A * 1/1994 Hunt ............................... 264.86 24 Claims, 10 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Aug. 9, 2016 Sheet 3 of 10 US 9.410,116 B2

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FIG. 10
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FIG 11


FG. 2
US 9,410,116 B2
1. 2
METHOD FOR PRODUCING FUNGUS The Polypores are a group of fungi that are known for their
STRUCTURES durability, strength and long life span. The polypores are wide
in their geographic distribution and can breakdown and ulti
RELATED APPLICATIONS lize a wide range of plant life that is rich in Sources of lignin
and cellulose.
This application claims priority from the U.S. provisional In recent years fungi have come to be an accepted material
application Ser. No. 61/417,408, which was filed on Nov. 27. for a range of consumer and building applications, and are
2010. The disclosure of that provisional application is incor increasingly being used in the place of plastics, urethanes and
porated herein as if set out in full. other fossil fuel dependent compounds. In addition to its
10 strength and durability, dried fungus has many other benefi
BACKGROUND OF THE DISCLOSURE cial qualities: it is nontoxic, fire-resistant, mold resistant,
water-resistant and a great thermal insulator amongst other
1.Technical Field of the Disclosure salient features. Fungi can be processed with less energy and
The present embodiment relates in general to methods for materials than conventional manufacturing, and can be grown
creating organically derived building materials using the 15 in a way that contributes to good stewardship of renewable
growth of fungal tissue. More specifically, the present resources. Different methods have been developed to utilize
embodiment relates to a method for growing engineered the fungi's capabilities for rapidly digesting and transforming
building materials in the form of a moldable substrate which a range of biological materials, yet all are due in great part to
can be used for a wide range of manufacturing and construc the physical characteristics of the growing hyphal cells of the
tion applications. fungi, which form a complexly interwoven tissue that is
2. Description of the Related Art called mycelium.
Fungi areakingdom of organisms which are numerous and This mycelial web can be as strong and resilient as wood,
diverse, and are distinguished in part by the habits and forms and acts as a bonding agent for a wide range of materials that
of representative members Vegetative growth and reproduc it might be incorporated within. The mycelium itself is
tion. While fungi are incredibly diverse in form, habit, and 25 remarkably sensitive to local environmental conditions, and
environmental requirements, fungi are easily identifiable by the current state of the art is advancing with new means for
the shared common trait of consuming living or once living adjusting and modifying this environment in ways to cause
organic matter. Like animals, fungi feed on the bodies of other the fungus to grow in a desired manner and with desired
organisms as their primary source of constituent matter and characteristics. The state of the art in this field is new and
energy, and are the primary decomposers and recyclers of 30 primarily consists of simple molds and laminated Substrates,
materials on the planet. Fungi are distributed through the and there is a need for innovative techniques in both the
depths of the ocean, within and amongst the bodies of all the forming, conditioning and manufacturing of the growing
higher organisms, and have spores that travel to the heights of fungi and the material that it generates.
the atmosphere and out into space. The spores of fungi are Recent advancements in the art include a fungus that is
resilient enough to enter the vacuum of space and return to 35 grown for the purposes of providing a polystyrene replace
earth, growing once again when situated in welcoming ter ment that is based upon organically derived materials and
restrial conditions. feedstock. This method involves placing fungus and agricul
One of the primary forms of material that fungi assist in tural or industrial waste products such as rice husks, wheat
decomposing are the plants, trees and other organisms that husks or sawdust into a mold in the form of a panel wherein
weave airborne carbon into a terrestrial form with energy 40 incubation occurs for several days. During the incubation
derived from Sunlight. Chlorophyll based organisms trans period the inoculated fungal Substrate forms a mycelial net
form Sunlight into the Sugars, carbohydrates and other mac work that binds the materials together, slowly solidifying into
romolecules that constitute a plants various cells, tissues and the shape of the form it was cast within. After incubation, the
organs. Many of these Sugars in plants are tightly bound entire mixture may be dried so that further fungal growth is
within the form of lignin and cellulose, which are composed 45 retarded. The finished panel product exhibits the characteris
from an intricately linked glucose based polymer, the con tics of the original materials it was grown from (such as the
stituent element of which comprises the dense structural ele strength or thermally insulating qualities of the fibers), which
ments of the plants body. Many different kinds of fungi have are now “glued together by the fungus. Though a good
evolved the ability to break down both lignin and cellulose, insulator, this panel must be formed in combination with a
and transform it into chitin, the resiliently hard molecule that 50 laminated back or sandwich of a thin, rigid material when
fungi use to build their cell walls. Fungi are both strong and greater tensile strength is desired. The final products made
flexible, and are capable of synthesizing (and also metaboliz through this process are lightweight, and when its consumer
ing) a wide range of enzymes, oxidative compounds, alcohols cycle is complete it can be added to landfill or compost due to
and other caustic chemical agents that can break the strong the sole use of natural ingredients. The product has also been
hydrogenbonds that contribute to the rigidity and structure of 55 used as a replacement for Styrofoam packaging, both with
cellulose. Many fungi that feed upon cellulose infect and and without rigid backings, and will soon be available as
colonize their preferred nutrient source by means of hyphal home and building insulation. This method does not however
cells that grow in a vegetative manner from the apical ends of provide a means for producing environmentally friendly
the cell. These hypha are characterized by apical growth building materials that are also strong and durable enough for
patterns that include bifurcations, ramifications and other 60 the tolerances and demands of many other manufacturing and
branching cellular nodes that are capable of Secreting and construction applications than a fragile Styrofoam type for
reabsorbing the above mentioned caustic agents, and are mulation.
capable of breaking down and digesting the hardest known Another existing system uses mycelium to create materials
woods. These growing nodes increase the area and potential composed of a hybrid fungal tissue. This method includes the
connectivity of the collective hyphal structures, allowing the 65 steps for forming an inoculum, which includes a preselected
fungal cells to infiltrate, connect and modify a wide range of fungus, to form a mixture of a Substrate of discrete particles
endogenous environments that it might be situated within. and a nutrient material that is capable of being digested by the
US 9,410,116 B2
3 4
fungi. The inoculum is added to the mixture and allows the with each other to comprise structurally engineered manufac
fungus to digest the nutrient material in the mixture over a turing components and larger artifacts on the scale of build
period of time sufficient to grow hyphae. The hyphae form a ings from environmentally friendly materials. More impor
network of interconnected mycelia cells through and around tantly, the building blocks created through this method may
the discrete particles to form a self-supporting composite be completely biodegradable.
material. This self-supporting composite material is heated to While the above benefits are apparent there is also a need
a temperature sufficient to kill the fungus or otherwise dried for simplification in the prior art. There is a further need to
to remove any residual water to prevent the further growth of increase performance of the finished product, such as adhe
hyphae. The method allows for placing the mixture and sion strength, and compressive capabilities—all without
inoculum in a mold of any desired shape so that the finished 10 increasing the weight of the material.
composite material takes on that determined form. The down The Applicant has discovered that the application of com
side to this system is that the fungus must colonize its Sub pressive pressure at points throughout the process, either to
strate and incorporate into a solidified form within its carry the lignocellulose based medium or the growing fungal myce
ing mold, limiting production speeds and utilizing one mold lium, results invastly increased strength, durability and adhe
per manufactured unit. This method is not conducive to the 15 sion characteristics. This process additionally speeds produc
demands of fast throughput manufacturing and processing tion time and allows for the creation of much larger fungal
that will be needed to make this an economically competitive objects.
There are several other methods that have been developed SUMMARY OF THE DISCLOSURE
to grow fungus from agricultural and wood industry by-prod
ucts, using aerated fungal foams, liquid aggregates and the The present invention provides a method for growing
inclusion of secondary reinforcing particles, fibers and other organically derived building materials in the form of a mold
ingredients to aid in making stronger, more resilient materi able Substrate which can be engineered to serve a wide range
als. Such methods introduce the fungal inoculum into an of manufacturing and construction applications.
aerated growth medium, which may include other additional 25 The present invention discloses obtaining alignocellulose
materials such as nutritional Supplements or binding and fill based medium that is conducive towards the growth of fungal
ing agents. The fungal inoculum grows through the foam and Vegetative growth, mixing said lignocellulose based medium
binds together its included ingredients into a dense yet flex with water until a desired hydration level is reached, option
ible material once it has been cured and dried. In one example ally pasteurizing said lignocellulose based medium, and
the method uses different growth mediums such as microc 30 inoculating said lignocellulose based medium with fungal
rystalline cellulose mixed with water and nutrients as a Sup inoculum and allowing time for said inoculated lignocellu
port substrate through which the fungal hyphae grow, and as lose based medium to become colonized to the extent that said
a result rendered into a constituently solidified artifact. After inoculated lignocellulose based medium is permeated with
a drying and curing process these fungal foams that include fungal mycelium without any secondary organisms displac
added particles and fibers exhibit increased mechanical 35 ing the process through unwanted infection.
strength and flexibility and have other beneficial qualities. During the vegetative growth of the fungal mycelium it is
This method is limited in application as the size with which important to maintain an environment and conditions that are
one might construct individual components is restricted in conducive to the organism's growth patterns. Thus, the area
volume and mass to small things (2" cubed). While fungal the fungi are growing within will take into consideration the
components may be grown together into larger composite 40 provision of favorable temperatures, light levels, humidity
pieces, substrate thickness is usually limited to 6" in depth and gas exchange and other factors, while also protecting the
due to the anaerobic conditions can arise in samples that are growing fungal mass from infectious agents and organisms
too dense to allow the free exchange of permeable gases that might consume its cells and tissues.
between the fungal Substrate and the environment it is grow The above steps may occur within a vessel or alternatively
ing within. This condition gives rise to anaerobic Zones within 45 on a flat Surface. Such as a table or conveyer belt, and even
the fungal Substrate, making it susceptible to infection by after the hydrated substrate has been formed into a condensed
microbes that favor these types of environments. Thus, most and pressed form. The lignocellulose-based medium may be
of these cured fungal foams that include particles and fibers placed into a mold so that the colonized fungal Substrate
are limited to being grown in parts that are too small for use in forms into a molded fungal shape. In each case, a primary
home construction and many other industrial applications. 50 compressive pressure of at least 100 PSI and preferably at
The environmental benefits of utilizing fungus for the least 500 PSI is applied to the lignocellulose-based medium
growth of building blocks and other manufacturing materials or colonized fungal mycelium before being reduced by a
might be significant in consideration of the impact and poten factor of at least 4 and preferably 20. Secondary and tertiary
tial use of agricultural waste. As a byproduct of growing and pressures may be applied throughout the process.
producing food worldwide, humans create a vast amount of 55 Compression confers vast improvements in the fungal
agricultural waste that would otherwise be unused, returning materials ability to withstand dynamic forces, with observa
vast quantities of carbon and other materials during degrada tions of improvements a factor and better against controls.
tion and decomposition. Such agricultural waste may be Compressive strength was found to be 6x over non-com
viewed as food for a fungus. Hence, it can be seen, that there pressed, and flexural strength up to a factor.
is a need for developing environmentally friendly materials 60 In another aspect of the present invention, in accordance
that might replace traditionally used non-biodegradable with the present invention is a method for growing organi
durable and strong materials, such as plastics and composites. cally derived building materials in the form of a moldable
This method would create stronger and dense building Substrate which can be engineered to serve a wide range of
blocks, which can be easily molded and cheaply preprocessed manufacturing and construction applications.
to precise geometric specifications. In addition, this method 65 A first objective of the present invention is to provide a
would make it possible to construct highly complex, struc durable industrial grade material that may serve a wide range
tured building blocks which might be arranged and joined of manufacturing and construction applications.
US 9,410,116 B2
5 6
A second objective of the present invention is to provide FIG. 10 illustrates a two tab fixturing element incorporated
stronger and more complexly engineered structured blocks directly into the fungal molded shape in accordance with
for use in industrial and building applications. another aspect of the exemplary embodiment of the present
A third objective of the present invention is to provide a invention;
fungal Substrate, which could be molded, and easily and FIG. 11 illustrates a plurality of fungal molded shapes
cheaply preprocessed and finished to precise geometric speci formed with cast Void spaces in accordance with the alternate
fications. embodiment of the present invention; and
Yet another objective of the invention is to provide a plu FIG. 12 includes four images taken as steps in a process
rality of fungal molded shapes in which layers of structural from left to right, wherein a vessel is depicted holding a
reinforcements or facings may be incorporated to improve 10 fungal molded shape, thenapiston is shown compressing said
load bearing and other structural capacities. shape such that outgassing occurs, then upon release of the
Still another objective of the invention is to provide build piston ingassing is apparent as the shape naturally rebounds
ing materials that are fire resistant, water resistant, and mold to some extent, resulting in the final image on the right hand
resistant, are good insulators and other beneficial properties. side of the figure.
These and other advantages and features of the present 15
invention are described with specificity so as to make the DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
present invention understandable to one of ordinary skill in
the art. In the following discussion that addresses a number of
embodiments and applications of the present invention, ref
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS erence is made to the accompanying drawings that form a part
hereof, and in which is shown by way of illustration specific
In order to enhance their clarity and improve understanding embodiments in which the invention may be practiced. It is to
of these various elements and embodiments of the invention, be understood that other embodiments may be utilized and
elements in the figures have not necessarily been drawn to changes may be made without departing from the scope of the
scale. Furthermore, elements that are known to be common 25 present invention.
and well understood to those in the industry are not depicted Various inventive features are described below that can
in order to provide a clear view of the various embodiments of each be used independently of one another or in combination
the invention, thus the drawings are generalized inform in the with other features. However, any single inventive feature
interest of clarity and conciseness. may not address any of the problems discussed above or only
FIG. 1 is an exemplary and preferred embodiment of the 30 address one of the problems discussed above. Further, one or
method for growing organically derived building materials in more of the problems discussed above may not be fully
the form of a moldable substrate which can be engineered to addressed by any of the features described below. Finally,
serve a wide range of manufacturing and construction appli many of the steps are presented below an order intended only
cations; as an exemplary embodiment. Unless logically required, no
FIG. 2 is an exemplary and alternative operational flow 35 step should be assumed to be required earlier in the process
chart of a method for growing organically derived building than a later step simply because it is written first in this
materials in the form of a moldable substrate which can be document.
engineered to serve a wide range of manufacturing and con An exemplary embodiment of the present invention con
struction applications in accordance with the present inven siders a method for growing organically derived building
tion; 40 materials in the form of a moldable substrate which can be
FIG. 3 illustrates a mold used to form a fungal molded engineered to serve a wide range of manufacturing and con
shape in accordance with the exemplary embodiment of the struction applications. Referring to FIG. 1, an operational
present invention; flow chart of the method for growing organically derived
FIG. 4 illustrates a plurality of fungal molded shapes building materials in the form of a moldable substrate which
formed by the mold in accordance with the exemplary 45 can be engineered to serve a wide range of manufacturing and
embodiment of the present invention; construction applications is illustrated. Initially, alignocellu
FIG. 5 illustrates the plurality of fungal molded shapes lose based medium that is conducive towards the growth of
assembled together in a wall formation, wherein one exem fungus is obtained, as shown at block 1. One conducive and
plary brick is depicted apart from the wall; capable of growing said fungi will have proper amounts of
FIG. 6 illustrates the plurality of fungal molded shapes 50 micronutrients, nitrogen, trace elements, and/or vitamins as is
incorporated with a plurality of dowels to create structural known in the art. If said amounts are not present, they may be
connections in accordance with the exemplary embodiment added to said lignocellulose based medium. Said lignocellu
of the present invention; lose based medium is mixed with water until a desired hydra
FIG. 7 illustrates a the construction of an archway formed tion level is achieved as indicated at block 2. As an example of
by placing the plurality of fungal molded shapes in proximal 55 steps in this invention that may be taken in any order unless
contact with one another to form an organic bond in accor logically required, water may be mixed with said lignocellu
dance with the exemplary embodiment of the present inven lose based medium at the same time that micronutrients,
tion; nitrogen, trace elements and/or vitamins are added, or even
FIG. 8 illustrates the construction of a wall like structure after. Said lignocellulose based medium may be pasteurized
formed by placing the plurality of fungal molded shapes in 60 for a specific time. After, during, and/or before pasteurization,
proximal contact with one another to forman organic bond in introduction of a fungal inoculum to the lignocellulose based
accordance with the exemplary embodiment of the present medium is initiated, as shown in block3. Then, as indicated at
invention; block 4, the selected fungus is allowed to be successfully
FIG. 9 illustrates secondary materials incorporated into the introduced into the hydrated media. Time is allowed for the
fungal mycelium to create structural connections in accor 65 inoculated lignocellulose based medium to become colo
dance with the exemplary embodiment of the present inven nized to the extent that the inoculated lignocellulose based
tion; medium is permeated by fungal mycelium without any sec
US 9,410,116 B2
7 8
ondary organisms displacing the process through infection, as cations in accordance with an aspect of the exemplary
shown in block 5. Colonization is complete enough that sec embodiment of the present invention is illustrated. Initially, a
ondary organisms are unable to displace this process through lignocellulose based medium that is conducive towards the
infection. growth of fungus is obtained, as shown at block 101. One
In this embodiment a vessel is provided in which coloni- 5 conducive and capable of growing saprophytic fungi will
Zation may occur. The fungal mycelium may be placed into a have proper amounts of micronutrients, nitrogen, trace ele
mold so that the fungal mycelium forms into a fungal molded ments, and/or vitamins as is known in the art. If said amounts
shape as shown and described in block 6. In this method, a are not present, they may be added to said lignocellulose
primary compressive pressure of at least 100 PSI (and more based medium. Said lignocellulose based medium is mixed
preferably at least 500 PSI, and in other cases at least 2000 10 with water until a desired hydration level is achieved as indi
PSI) is applied to the fungal mycelium as shown in block 7. In cated at block 102. Preferably, the hydration level is approxi
other embodiments, said primary compressive pressure can mately 66%. That is, the total weight after hydration is com
beat least 100 PSI. The amount of time the pressure is applied posed of 2 parts water for every 1 part lignocellulose based
and the step at which pressurization occurs are variable. For medium. Other options might include a range of 33-66%
instance, primary compressive pressure may be applied at any 15 hydration, and in some cases, 25-75%.
of the steps prior to inoculation. Preferably, however, and in Said lignocellulose based medium may optionally be pas
this embodiment, the primary compressive pressure is placed teurized for a specific time. Whether pasteurized or not, the
on the fungal mycelium as it is in the mold. Said primary lignocellulose based medium may be inoculated with a fungal
compressive pressure is then reduced by a factor of at least 4, inoculum 103 to create a fungal mycelium such that the tissue
but preferably at least 20 as indicated at block 8. In a preferred 20 of the fungal inoculum grows through and fully colonizes said
embodiment pressure is reduced to ambient environment fungal mycelium as shown in block 104. In this method time
pressure, which at sea level at 15 degrees Celsius is 760 is allowed for said inoculated lignocellulose based medium to
mmHg, or around 14.696 PSI. Said fungal molded shape is become colonized to the extent that said inoculated lignocel
removed from said mold after said placing step as shown in lulose based medium is transformed into a fungal mycelium
block 9. As indicated at block 10, said fungal molded shape is 25 without any secondary organisms displacing the process
dried at a specific temperature for a specific time period. Steps through infections, as indicated at block 105. Then, environ
shown in blocks 11 (rehydration and/or pressure and/or dry mental conditions Surrounding the inoculation process are
ing) and 12 (curing, terminating biological activity, material strictly regulated and the fungal mycelium is allowed to grow.
finishing) are described in detail later in this document. A pressure is added on the growing fungal mycelium to at
In this method, the fungal molded shape forms the organi- 30 least 100 PSI as shown in block 107. In this method, a primary
cally derived building material. The environmental condi compressive pressure of at least 500 PSI is applied to the
tions in the vessel are regulated by providing a regulatable fungal mycelium. In other embodiments, said primary com
relationship between said vessel and the outside environment, pressive pressure can be at least 100 PSI. The amount of time
as described below. The lignocellulose-based medium is the pressure is applied and the step at which pressurization
mixed with water to provide a sufficient amount of water to 35 occurs are variable. For instance, primary compressive pres
adequately hydrate the lignocellulose-based medium. The Sure may be applied at any of the steps prior to inoculation.
pasteurizing step, if present, should be terminated Subsequent Preferably, however, and in this embodiment, the primary
to the termination of said mixing step. The lignocellulose compressive pressure is placed on the fungal mycelium as it
Substrate base may be pasteurized using heat pasteurization moves down on a continuous feed system, such as a conveyer
and the vessel may be cooled Subsequent to said pasteurizing 40 belt of assembly line. Pressure may be applied through a
step. The method also provides a buffer to balance the pH of mechanical press, roller, or other Suitable compressing means
the lignocellulose-based medium. The fungal inoculum used in continuous feed systems. The applied pressure on the
allows the growth of the tissue of the selected fungus to be growing fungal mycelium is reduced as indicated at block
administered through, in, or on the lignocellulose Substrate. 108, preferably by a factor of 20, and less preferably by a
In addition, a secondary compressive pressure, at least 100 45 factor of at least 4. Preferably, pressure is set at ambient
PSI, is applied to the fungal molded shape after the fungal environmental pressure as described above with regard to the
molded shape is removed from the mold. The secondary first embodiment. Said colonized fungal mycelium is dried
compressive pressure may be physically applied using any for a specific time period as shown in block 109. The method
Suitable means, such as a compressive piston or a roller Such may be further accompanied by pulverizing said fungal
as a stationary roller on a moving conveyer belt holding the 50 mycelium into a plurality of small pieces. As with many steps
fungal molded shape. The secondary compressive pressure is in this process, pulverization does not necessarily occur either
then released and then a tertiary compressive pressure of at before or after any other compression step.
least 100 PSI may be applied to the fungal molded shape. As with the first embodiment described above, a secondary
Additional increases and decreases of pressure are optional. compressive pressure, at least 100 PSI, may be applied during
The pressure may be sufficient to cause saturated water within 55 this process. This may occur before or after drying. The
the fungal molded shape to be forced out, thereby allowing secondary compressive pressure may be physically applied
the fungal molded shape to absorb an agent, either fluid or using any suitable means as described above in this embodi
gas, as shown in FIG. 13 and described in the accompanying ment and with regard to the first compressive pressure. The
text. The method may be further accompanied by pulverizing secondary compressive pressure is then released and then a
said fungal molded shape into a plurality of Small pieces. As 60 tertiary compressive pressure of at least 100 PSI may be
with many steps in this process, pulverization does not nec applied to the fungal molded shape in the same manner.
essarily occur either before or after any other compression Additional increases and decreases of pressure are optional.
step. Any of the first, second, third, compressive pressures may
Turning now to FIG. 2, an operational flow chart for a be sufficient to cause saturated water within the fungal
method for growing organically derived building materials in 65 molded shape to be forced out, thereby allowing the fungal
the form of a moldable substrate which can be engineered to molded shape to absorb an agent, either fluid orgas, as shown
serve a wide range of manufacturing and construction appli in FIG. 13 and described in the accompanying text.
US 9,410,116 B2
9 10
FIG. 3 illustrates a mold 140 used to form an example Each of the plurality of fungal molded shapes 142 comprises
fungal molded shape 142 in accordance with the exemplary an outer Surface of mycelium, and wherein each said outer
embodiment of the present invention. In this exemplary surface fuses with the other to form an organic bond. The
embodiment, the fungal mycelium forms a fungal molded Surface of the fungal molded shapes 142 forms a skin during
shape. The vessel is kept in a growing room having a tem 5 colonization. The properties of this skin, Such as consistency,
perature of between 55 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. The vessel strength, and density, may be manipulated by changing tem
may be of nearly any Volume, including containers such as a peratures, light levels, gas concentrations, and photo periods
large room or an entire building, and may be either rigid or during the colonization period and after for any continued
soft and flexible. The hard vessel may be a thermoplastic length of time. The fungal inoculum may be a compressed
mold and the Soft vessel may be a bag made of plastic or 10 form of mycelium fungi. The fungal inoculum may be
polyethylene. The use of thermoplastic molds allows for selected from the group consisting of Ganoderma lucidem,
more complex geometries, greater consistency in shape of the Ganoderma tsugae, Ganoderma Oregonense, Fomes fomen
produced blocks, and larger forms. The growing room should tarius, Trametes versicolor and Piptoporous betulinus. The
have a regulatable environment as far as ambient and desired colonized or uncolonized substrate is combined with materi
gas levels are concerned (O, CO, etc.), temperature, humid 15 als to change qualities and attributes of the growing fungus
ity and light levels. The environmental conditions of the and the Substrate composition. The materials for combining
growing room are regulated by providing a regulatable rela may be selected from the group consisting of silica, perlite,
tionship between the vessel and outside environment. During methylcellulose, glycerin, agarose, or any other materials that
the vegetative growth of the fungal mycelium it is important retain liquids through hydrophilic carrying capacities and
to maintain an environment and conditions that are conducive demonstrable qualities of enhanced or desirable viscosity.
to the organism's growth patterns. Thus, the area the fungi are Preferably the materials are all inert cellular material and
growing within will take into consideration the provision of retain liquids through hydrophilic carrying capacities and
favorable temperatures, light levels, humidity and gas demonstrable viscous qualities.
exchange, while also protecting the growing fungal mass FIG. 5 illustrates the plurality of fungal molded shapes 142
from infectious agents and organisms that might consume its 25 assembled together to make a larger structure 144 in accor
cells and tissues. dance with the exemplary embodiment of the present inven
The vessel may comprise a flexible breathable filter mem tion. The fungal molded shapes 142 may be joined together to
brane or flexible breathable filter membrane patch to allow for make larger structure 144. It is possible to fabricate a wide set
gas exchange while preventing unwanted bacteria and micro of complexly assembled structures from a modular vocabu
organisms from infecting said growing fungal Substrate. 30 lary of interlocking forms. Adhesion between individual fun
When the fungal inoculum has fully colonized the contents of gal molded shapes can be engineered for specific interfaces
the mold, the fungal molded shape is solid enough to take out and connections, with defined planes, edges, bevels, mounts,
of the mold 140. The lignocellulose-based medium is placed or other fixturing elements that may distribute forces between
into the mold 140 so that the colonized fungal substrate forms and amongst conjoined modules. Once assembled, these
into a fungal molded shape. The mold 140 may be selected 35 forms may organically weld to one another to create even
from a group consisting of a wooden mold and a thermoplas more complex structural assemblies, as described below.
tic mold. Next, the plurality of fungal molded shapes is dried Silica, perlite, clay and other biologically inert materials
using any known method for drying structures. In one may be added to the lignocellulose substrate in order to
embodiment, placing the fungal molded shapes in an 80-90 change material qualities that include density, porosity and
degrees Fahrenheit areas and using dehumidifiers and fans to 40 flexural capacities. After being dried, the material becomes
accelerate the process is used. Drying may be accompanied more resilient if treated with a wax, oil or other types of
by dehydration of the fungal molded shape such that water available sealants. The fungal molded shapes 142 derive their
weight of said fungal molded shape is at most 15% of the total particular strength from the density of mycelial mass can also
weight of said fungal molded shape. Drying with heat may be effected by the thickening of the substrate skin. These
make the fungal inoculum biologically inert. Other methods 45 qualities can be achieved through many factors, one being the
for drying involve chemically killing the fungal mycelium gas levels (O, CO, etc.) in the immediate growing environ
(through any known biocide, fungicide, alcohol etc.), micro ment of the growing fungus. The addition of selected molds,
waves, or even Smoking. In the Smoking process, the fungal algae or other microorganism to the immediate environment
mycelium is dried and cured similarly to the common process in which the fungus is growing creates a condition in which
for flavoring, cooking, or preserving foodstuff. Drying may 50 the growing fungal Substrate forms a tough skin or “blister”
also be done in conjunction with continuous or pulsed appli on its Surface, and otherwise become much denser as a reac
cation of linear pressure, which would result in a thinner and tion to the secondary gases and metabolites produced from
denser building material. This type of drying may be said added organisms. Fungal bricks grown in association
employed for the manufacture of consumer electronics Such with algae exhibit the habit of growing rhizomorphic forma
as phone casings. This process may be used in combination 55 tions, wherein a tough, hardened casing is generated, and is
with others described in this patent application, such as the similar to thermoplastics in hardness and durability. Rhizo
uptake of agents through compression and natural re-expan morphs are large, tubular collectives of hyphal cells, which
S1O. form thick parallel strands of in fungal mycelia, which upon
FIG. 4 illustrates a plurality of fungal molded shapes 142 drying resemble the shells of beetles and other insects who
formed by the mold 140 in accordance with the exemplary 60 comprise their exoskeleton from densely woven chitin.
embodiment of the present invention. When the fungal inocu Continuing with FIG. 5, the exemplary block shown above
lum has fully colonized the contents of the mold, the plurality may optionally be combined with secondary materials. In
of fungal molded shape 142 is solid enough to take out of its certain embodiments, the fungal mycelium is allowed to grow
mold. At this point, the fungal molded shapes 142 may be into a laminate surface, or optionally a laminate Surface is
dried as individual fungal molded shape, or placed in proxi 65 affixed to dried fungal mycelium, through any suitable means
mal contact with one another Such that an organic bond forms Such as glue. The laminate may serve to protect the fungal
between each of the plurality of fungal molded shapes 142. Surface from natural decomposition, may offer increased
US 9,410,116 B2
11 12
strength when a sheet of laminate is placed between two photo periods, temperature, moisture levels, and Suppression
fungal mycelium Surfaces, and can serve to prevent an active of the ambient microbial life in the growing space. Fast dura
mycelium to mycelium relationship between two Surfaces tion compaction of precolonized Substrate may result in a
that without the laminate would otherwise be in contact. densely packed form that has absorbed an aqueous gel agent
Additional layers of fungal mycelium may be joined together, deep within the fungal mycelium. This aqueous gel could be
each with laminate between them, to offer additional quali seeded with a solution of time release peroxisomic com
ties, such as high impact resistance and bulletproofing. pounds that will induce specific curves of gas concentrations
LETS throughout the growing form, enabling a more vigorous
FIG. 6 illustrates the plurality of fungal molded shapes 142 mycelia growth rate and reducing the risks of secondary
incorporated with a plurality of dowels 146 to create struc 10 infection by anaerobic microbes.
tural connections in accordance with the exemplary embodi The density of the mycelium and the material properties of
ment of the present invention. The plurality of dowels 146 the building materials may be varied by controlling various
may be cross-linked with wire or other binding materials, inputs to the manufacturing process. By controlling these
compressing the fungal molded shapes 142 together. The inputs, it is possible to achieve stronger and more finely
dowels 146 act as a registration system as well as materials for 15 resolved features in objects composed from this dried somatic
facing or skinning Bamboo, steel, or any other tensile mate Substance. These controlling inputs include the size and form
rials may be used instead of wood dowels. In this case, a of the lignocellulosic ingredients that comprise the Substrate
double layer of fungal molded shapes are stacked offset, with material. Different shapes and consistencies of substrate
the guiding channels in the fungal molded shapes holding material will alter the composition and qualities of the culti
dowels in place. vated objects. Other controlling inputs include the environ
FIG. 7 illustrates the creation of an arch 152 by placing the mental conditions in which the fungi are grown. Increased
plurality of fungal molded shapes 142 in proximal contact material densities can also be achieved by mechanically con
with one another to form an organic bond in accordance with centrating the Substrate in resilient and durable molds, and
the exemplary embodiment of the present invention. The also through pressing fully colonized living materials into
fungal molded shapes 142 formed into a complex composite 25 secondary molds to achieve greater material densities and
shape utilizing the organic weld. The fungal molded shapes finer resolutions. Living material treated and re-combined in
may also be joined to form a structure in the form of the arch this manner continues to grow, and can be shaped into arti
152. The fungal molded shapes 142 may be joined together facts with fine resolutions and Surface qualities.
and adhered to one another to form an organic weld between FIG. 9 illustrates secondary materials 154 incorporated
any given numbers of fungal molded shape 142. Sticking two 30 into the fungal mycelium 156 to create structural connections
fungal molded shapes 142 is accomplished by stationing one in accordance with the exemplary embodiment of the present
on top of the other while the material is still alive, that is, invention. Secondary materials 154 are incorporated into the
before it has dried out. Once connected, the fungal molded fungal mycelium 156 to further create structural connections,
shapes may be left alone in a nominally controlled environ mechanical reinforcements, and interfacings within and on
ment, until a strong bond is formed. Although the fungal 35 the surface of the molded fungal shape. These inserted sec
molded shapes 142 shown in the exemplary embodiment take ondary materials can then be incorporated within the living
the form of individual shapes, a set of fewer or more blocks mycelium. The secondary materials 154 may be but are not
can similarly be used to form a structure. Fewer blocks makes limited to woven bamboo, sisal and other organic materials.
for a simpler system, reducing the number of casts that must These secondary materials are preferably stacked between
be made, while a greater number of blocks allows for greater 40 the fungal mycelium 156, but may be integrated in using other
customization and variation in design. methods as known in the art. These stacked sheets of second
FIG. 8 illustrates the creation of a wall portion 162 by ary materials are then incubated, grown, and fused together
placing the plurality of fungal molded shapes 142 in proximal with the mycelium. Secondary materials may be inserted
contact with one another to form an organic bond in accor partially from one surface to the middle, or can fully pierce
dance with the exemplary embodiment of the present inven 45 the sample along any desired axial path. These layers of thin
tion. The fungal molded shapes 142 formed into a complex organic material may be grown together in sheets or pressed
composite shape utilizing the organic weld. The fungal and formed into molds with specific shapes. These reinforce
molded shapes may also be joined to form a structure in the ments can change skin densities, reinforce adhesion, struc
form of a wall, a portion of which is shown as wall portion turally reinforce assembly components, and create building
162. 50 elements with interfaces and connection points that include
The organic welding is accomplished by action of the incorporated fixturing and fastening elements. The mycelium
fungus itself. If grown in optimized conditions, the fungus added to this organic substrate will bond the layers together
may be induced to fuse with any cloned mass of its own tissue. into a solid laminate.
This is well known, and described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,074,959 When pressure is applied such as is shown in FIG. 8 by
to Yamanaka. By virtue of this fusing property of the fungus 55 arrow 158, the bonding becomes even stronger between the
it is possible to manufacture building elements that are secondary materials 154 and the fungal mycelium 156.
designed to fuse together, which after drying may be In another instance, thin rods and slats of bamboo, rattan,
machined, treated, and formed as one might a wood or com or other material may be layered near the top and bottom
posite board. The method disclosed by the current application Surface of the Substrate, each set at right angles to the other;
forms the fungal molded shapes 142 in Such a way as to 60 and then this cross-grained laminate may be pressed into a
maximize Surface contact with any fungal molded shape, secondary form and allowed to grow. The bamboo may also
which facilitates and encourages the fusing process. The pro act as a spanning reinforcement, making bricks or otherforms
cess of fusing fungal molded shapes 142 together simply that can be load bearing and serve other structural capacities.
requires Stacking individual forms in a manner Such that there In another instance, rope or other tensile material may be used
is direct surface contact between the discrete forms. Environ 65 to reinforce a structural element. These, and other incorpo
mental factors may be altered to affect the speed and quality rated elements may change the properties of the dried and
of the organic weld. These environmental factors may include finished object, altering the shear and tensile strengths in
US 9,410,116 B2
13 14
ways that are similar to the tuning of composite materials. In FIG. 11 illustrates a plurality of fungal molded shapes 170
this way it is possible to design and grow organically derived formed with cast void spaces 172 in accordance with the
structural elements, and these elements may be engineered alternate embodiment of the present invention. The fungal
with specific material tolerances and capabilities. molded shape 170 may be grown with channels, void spaces,
FIG. 10 illustrates a two-tabbed fixturing element 164 raised features, and registration artifacts capable of coupling
incorporated directly into the fungal molded shape 142 in the plurality of fungal molded shapes to other objects. By
accordance with another aspect of the exemplary embodi utilizing pressure compression method, it is possible to use
ment the present invention. When the compressive forces are one and two part molds with drop pins and Void spaces. It
applied as exemplarily shown in FIG.9, the fixturing element would also be possible to construct any type of multiple part
164 becomes even more tightly embedded in the fungal 10 molds for compressing the fungal mycelium in this way,
molded shape than would be possible using conventional similar to the molds used for injection molding. Using this
technology. A grown and dried fungal molded shape 142 of method, it is possible to create beams and other elements of
Somatic material is incorporated with the two-tab fixturing significant size. Additionally, it is possible to combine this
element 164. The fungal molded shape 142 may be incorpo high-pressure embodiment with the above-disclosed embodi
rated with the structural elements with portions extending out 15 ments, which incorporate additional materials such as bam
from the fungal material, and may be designed as an incor boo or rope into the final product.
porated fastening or fixturing element. The fastening or fix FIG. 12 depicts four images taken as steps in a process from
turing elements may include holes, tabs, hoops, locks, pegs, left to right, wherein a vessel 180 is depicted holding a fungal
or any other mechanical device for anchoring, connecting or molded shape 142, then a piston 181 is shown compressing
interfacing a fungal object. Through the combination of add said fungal molded shape 142 such that outgassing occurs,
ing amendments to the Substrate and adding structural ele then upon release of the piston 181 ingassing is apparent as
ments within and between grown and growing fungal molded the fungal molded shape 142 naturally rebounds or expand to
shapes, various building material properties may be devel Some extent, resulting in the final image on the right hand side
oped. It is to be understood that the disclosed exemplary of the figure. Not shown, if the area around the vessel were
embodiments are illustrative merely of the concept and gen 25 Surrounded with an agent, either gaseous or liquid, it would be
eral practice of incorporating fastening or fixturing elements, taken up by the expanding fungal form. Importantly, this
and are not intended to limit the scope of breadth of the method allows gas and liquid agents to be introduced to a
claimed Subject matter. fungal molded shape without any mechanical injection.
In another alternate embodiment where the stronger and Instead, negative pressure from the expanding fungal form
denser building blocks are created by use of pressure and the 30 causes the form to naturally uptake agents Surrounding it.
pasteurized Substrate is first colonized and allowed to grow Although in this image a vessel is shown, compression could
until fully colonized, the substrate preferably has a weight occur in other manners, such as by a roller as the fungal body
ratio of approximately 2 pounds of water per pound of dry moves down a continuous assembly line or conveyerbelt. By
weight sawdust, ground nutshells, or corn cobs. After the Surrounding the fungal body with the agent (either liquid or
substrate is fully colonized, it is crumbled and broken apart, 35 gas) immediately after compression is released, the fungal
filtered by size, and then compressed under pressure into body will uptake the agent.
molds of desired shape and size. It is noted that compressing The above-mentioned partial drying with rehydration that
the Smallest particles of fungal mycelium using this technique includes suspended liquid/solid/gas/biological agents that
resulted in the strongest material. The broken up and filtered may create a protective layer against infection for the myce
fungal mycelium is compressed with applied pressure 40 lium within the sample. Possible applications may be used in
between 300-500 psi. If the material is over-compressed, growing two bricks together within environments that do not
upon decompression the Substrate will expand, absorbing air have adequate environmental controls, with the protective
and any other material in the mold. By adjusting the pressure layer keeping unwanted living agents from infecting the
applied, the grain size, and the hydration of the substrate 170 sample. This protective layer can be rendered inert or perme
before compression, it is possible to vary the density of the 45 able to the internal mycelium through the application of water
final product and adjust various material qualities. After com or other hydrating agents. Building on site of complex fungal
pression, the material may be left in the mold or may be structures would be possible with this. Suspended agents may
immediately turned out onto a secondary growth surface. include the following as singular agents, in combination, or in
After the compressed material is turned out of its mold, it may Successive application: Xanthan gum, Locustbean gum, Guar
require a minimum of three days with proper environmental 50 gum in combination with calcium to form gelling cross links,
adjustments for the mycelium to reestablish and connect back other commercially available protective food gums, Carboxy
together resulting in a strong final product. The turned out lmethylcellulose, Carboxylmethylcellulose in combination
material may be allowed more than three days after compres with potassium Sorbate, alcohols of various types, including
sion depending upon desired final Surface qualities and other but not limited to, and in purified or gelled Suspensions,
tunable variables. 55 calcium, chlorine, chlorophenols, benzalkonium chloride,
In yet another embodiment, the fungal mycelium is par ammonia, peroxisomic compounds, silver and silver com
tially dried and rehydrated while undergoing the pulsed appli pound in Solution, algae and other living agents.
cation of linear pressure, thereby allowing for a much denser In any of the above embodiments, stress may be applied to
and thinner material than is currently manufacturable, with the growing or drying components to prompt further action
possible applications replacing high impact. 60 from the fungus. For instance, stress pressure may be applied
In association with any of the drying phases, stressing and to a fungal molded shape that approximates the real world
reforming of the original sample may induce stress fractures, pressure that fungal shape is likely to receive when used as a
cracks and deformities in the sample. These can then pressed part of a structure. Given enough pressure, cracks or fissures
(with or without rehydration) so that the internal mycelium will form. Here, pressure may be released and the hyphae may
can regrow through these fractures, cracks and deformities, 65 be allowed to continue to grow, thereby not only filling in the
structurally reinforcing the sample. The above can happen cracks, but also causing new material to be formed, and hence
without the application of pressure as well. increasing the strength, right in the region where it formerly
US 9,410,116 B2
15 16
was the weakest. As another example of method components mers and certain organic compounds. For this reason it is
that need not be taken in the order presented in exemplary believed that semi living structures can be incorporated as
embodiment FIG. 1, stress pressure may be applied to the beneficial attributes and materials for bioremediation projects
lignocellulose based medium, prior to inoculation. Further, as well as for use in cleaning brown and grey field pollutants.
the stress pressure may be applied whether a mold is used or It is possible through careful and precise adjustments to
not. For instance, in the continuous feed embodiments, stress create fungal blocks and fungal building materials that per
pressure, such the pulling apart of twisting of, or compress form beyond those in the prior art, and may be prepared more
ing of the fungal mycelium may occur. Again, any weak simply and with less equipment than those in the prior art.
points that form cracks or fissures will be grown over with Using methods described herein, fungal forms compressed
new hyphae Such that the fungal mycelium becomes stronger 10
around embedded forms exhibited adhesion strength at least
in the areas where it was formerly weaker. four times stronger than a control.
All of the above discussed methods and embodiments offer
the advantage of transforming agricultural or other waste into The process is dependent on the frequency, duration and
a durable industrial grade material that can serve a wide range amount of pressure that is applied to the growing mycelium,
of manufacturing and construction applications. The fungal 15 and can be practiced in orchestration with several other vari
material can be used to replace plastic or wood and may be ables to generate a wide variety of structural qualities such as
combined with bamboo and other renewable materials to toughness, flexibility, dynamic resistance, etc. In one
create hybrid composites. The fungal material is produced instance, blocks and other construction materials may be
using considerably less energy than is required to create com formed in a way that placement in a mold and for Solidifica
parable hybrid composites. Additionally, the fungal material tion is not required.
is biodegradable, durable and tunable. The building materials Using the methods described herein, building blocks larger
are fire resistant, water resistant, mold resistant and possess than those known in the prior art may be grown. Indeed, no
good insulative properties. The methods discussed herein apparent scale limitation was found in development. Further
make use of agricultural waste material, which may be effec more, these forms may be made in a way that they do need to
tively turned into high quality construction material at very 25 be placed in a mold for shaping and to Solidify.
low energy and production cost. Using the methods described Surrounding the multi-layer
All of the above mentioned embodiments of the fungal ing of pieces of laminated fungal mycelium, improved resis
material and variations thereon may be used for construction, tance to impact was found. In one instance, 8 layers of 1" thin
packaging, and a wide variety of other uses. Such uses may pieces of grown fungus were glued together with paperboard
include utility and application in environmentally sensitive 30 squares between each layer, such that the entire structure was
areas for the purpose of creating any type of temporary or 8.5" deep when glued together. In testing a hollow point bullet
permanent artifact, particularly in projects focused on reme fired from a .38 came to rest within the last layer of fungus.
diation or in areas particularly sensitive to industrial impact. FIG. 6. Depicts one such wall, which may be used for impact
The fungal material may be used where planned obsolescence resistance. The wall exhibits sufficient strength to act as a load
for an object or limited use is desired, such as for consumer 35 bearing wall within a building.
electronics casings and components in furniture. The fungal It is possible through careful and precise adjustments to
material may also be used to create biodegradable vessels, create fungal blocks and fungal building materials that per
shelters, and intermediary forms used in land reclamation and form beyond those in the prior art, and may be prepared more
conservancy. Once a structure that is composed from this simply and with less equipment than those in the prior art.
material no longer serves a utility or purpose the structure 40 Using methods described herein, fungal forms compressed
might be broken down into smaller pieces on site and left to around embedded forms exhibited adhesion strength at least
biodegrade. The fungus may also be grown into terraced four times stronger than a control. Further, these embedded
forms such as the ones that are used in civil engineering and forms can be processed and dried more quickly than other
landscaping. The fungus may be employed to shape con methods, and are achieved without greater Substrate density
toured earth forms, to create diversion streams, embank 45 or additional agents.
ments, water elements, and retaining walls. It is known that Further expected use of the methods described herein are in
mycelium have the ability to help clean nitrogen and other developing and rural settings, where the simplicity of tools
reactive compounds from Soil and other organic Substrates, and processes in the art in those areas will still allow for the
and both strengthen soil composition and are a strong con generation of a wide range of durable, long lasting and resil
tributing factor towards the general health of the living ecolo 50 ient materials from lignocellulose waste sources. The fungal
gies that they are a part of. While serving a functional or material finds potential uses in gardening and landscaping,
structural purpose, materials used for these ends might also be civil engineering, including the regeneration of fungal myce
used for novel applications in bioremediation. Mycelium of lium through the timed germination and dispersal of compan
fungal species have evolved the ability to utilize super oxida ion plants and other life forms that may be embedded within
tive compounds and other strong lysosomic agents that are 55 a Somatic form. The fungal structures can act as animal shel
used to break lignocellulose into metabolizable Sugars and ter, ground cover and general inert environmental scaffold
other nutrients. The fungi are characterized by this transfor ing. Moreover, this fungal material may also be used to create
mational ability, and are the primary decomposers of the strong lightweight shells and forms that may be used in the
world’s toughest organisms, organs, tissues, cells and com manufacture of boats, furniture, and other consumer or com
ponent molecules. For these and other reasons the 60 mercial products which currently employ cardboard honey
saprophytic fungi are capable of transforming, neutralizing comb, fiberglass, plastics or other strong lightweight materi
and breaking down a wide range of biotoxic molecules and als to create structured forms such as molded decorative tiles,
other noxious compounds. It has been recorded that some molding, temporary advertising installations, and panel relief
species of mushrooms have been grown on a lignocellulose forms. The Somatic Substance may also be employed as a
compound Saturated with used motor oil. The fungi are able to 65 replacement for high impact thermoplastics, such as the cas
breakdown the complex molecular chains that are normally ing shells for consumer electronics, components for indus
difficult to break down, such as macromolecules, biopoly trial equipment and home appliance, and vehicle bumpers.
US 9,410,116 B2
17 18
Additionally, the Somatic material has excellent compressive one another, wherein each of the plurality of fungal molded
qualities and can absorb blunt forces, disperse seismic waves, shapes comprises an outer Surface of mycelium, and wherein
and damp acoustic signals. each said outer Surfacefuses with the other to forman organic
The foregoing description of the preferred embodiment of bond.
the present invention has been presented for the purpose of 5 6. The method of claim 1 wherein said hydration level is
illustration and description. It is not intended to be exhaustive between 33% and 66%.
or to limit the invention to the precise form disclosed. Many 7. The method of claim 1 wherein said drying step further
modifications and variations are possible in light of the above comprises dehydrating the fungal molded shape Such that
teachings. For instance, the inoculation or the pasteurization water weight of said fungal molded shape is at most 15% of
of the fungal Substrate may occur after placement of the 10
the total weight of said fungal molded shape.
fungal Substrate into the mold. Further, innovations in pas 8. The method of claim 1 wherein said drying step renders
teurization, microbial Suppression, or clean room design and said fungal inoculum biologically inert.
control may be integrated into the manufacture process.
Batch, continuous, or segmented production methods may 9. The method of claim 1 wherein said fungal inoculum is
also be employed to manufacture the fungal molded shapes. It 15 a compressed form of mycelium fungi.
is intended that the scope of the present invention not be 10. The method of claim 1 wherein the fungal inoculum is
limited by this detailed description, but by the claims and the selected from the group of fungal spawn consisting of Gano
equivalents to the claims appended hereto. derma luciden, Ganodermatsugae, Ganoderma Oregonense,
I claim: Fomes fomentarius, Trametes versicolor and Piptoporous
1. A method for growing organically derived building betulinus.
material in the form of a moldable substrate to serve a wide 11. The method of claim 1 further comprising the step of
range of manufacturing and construction applications, the pasteurizing said lignocellulose based medium for an amount
method comprising the steps of of time, said pasteurizing step terminating Subsequent to the
a) obtaining a lignocellulose based medium capable of termination of said mixing step.
Supporting the growth of saprophytic fungi, 25 12. The method of claim 1 wherein the lignocellulose
b) mixing said lignocellulose based medium with water to based medium is combined with materials to change qualities
reach a hydration level; and attributes of the fungal mycelium and the lignocellulose
c) inoculating said lignocellulose based medium with a based medium, wherein the materials are selected from the
fungal inoculum; group consisting of silica, perlite, methyl cellulose, glycerin,
d) allowing time for said inoculated lignocellulose based 30 and agarose.
medium to become colonized to the extent that said 13. The method of claim 1 wherein the fungal mycelium is
inoculated lignocellulose based medium is transformed combined with secondary materials to further create struc
into a fungal mycelium without any secondary organ tural connections, mechanical reinforcements, and interfac
isms displacing the process through infection; ings within and on the Surface of the molded fungal shape.
e) providing a vessel in which said allowing step occurs and 35 14. The method of claim 1 further comprising pulverizing
wherein environmental conditions in said vessel are said fungal molded shape into a plurality of Small pieces.
regulated; 15. The method of claim 14 further comprising the steps of:
f) placing said fungal mycelium into a mold such that the applying a secondary compressive pressure of at least 100
fungal mycelium forms into a fungal molded shape; PSI to said plurality of small pieces; and
g) applying a primary compressive pressure of at least 100 40 releasing said secondary compressive pressure to said plu
PSI to the lignocellulose based medium, wherein before rality of Small pieces.
applying the primary compressive pressure, a plurality 16. The method of claim 1 further comprising:
of rods and a plurality of slats of organic material-are applying stress pressure to said fungal molded shape Such
layered near the top and the bottom of surface substrate, that cracks form in said fungal molded shape; and
where each of the plurality of rods and the plurality of 45 releasing said stress pressure such that said fungal myce
slats of organic material—and are positioned at right lium is allowed to grow into said cracks in said fungal
angle to each other to increase the structural capacities molded shape.
of the organically derived material; 17. The method of claim 1 further comprising the steps of:
h) reducing said primary compressive pressure by a factor applying a secondary compressive pressure of at least 100
of at least 4, 50 PSI of pressure to said fungal molded shape after
i) removing said rod and slat embedded fungal molded removal from said mold; and
shape from said mold; and releasing said secondary compressive pressure to said fun
j) drying said fungal molded shape at a specific temperature gal molded shape.
for a specific time period. 18. The method of claim 17 wherein said at least one of said
2. The method of claim 1 wherein said vessel is in a grow 55 compressive pressures is sufficient to cause Saturated water
ing room having a temperature of between 55 and 90 degrees within the fungal molded shape to be forced out, and then
Fahrenheit. removing said at least one of said compressive pressures and
3. The method of claim 1 wherein said vessel comprises a allowing said fungal molded shape to expand and naturally
flexible breathable filter membrane or flexible breathable fil absorb an agent.
ter membrane patch allowing gas exchange while preventing 60 19. The method of claim 18 wherein said agent is either a
the passage of bacteria and microorganisms. fluid or a gas.
4. The method of claim 1 wherein said environmental 20. The method of claim 17 further comprising applying a
conditions are regulated by providing a regulatable relation tertiary compressive pressure of at least 100 PSI to said fungal
ship between said vessel and an environment outside said molded shape.
vessel. 65 21. The method of claim 20 wherein said at least one
5. The method of claim 1 further comprising placing a compressive pressure is Sufficient to cause Saturated water
plurality of fungal molded shapes in proximal contact with within the fungal molded shape to be forced out, and then
US 9,410,116 B2
19 20
removing said at least one compressive pressure and allowing
said fungal molded shape to expand and naturally absorb an
22. The method of claim 21 wherein said agent is either a
fluid or a gas. 5
23. The method of claim 17 wherein at least one of either
said primary compressive pressure or said secondary com
pressive pressure is of at least 500 PSI.
24. The method of claim 1 wherein said primary compres
sive pressure is of at least 500 PSI and applied for at least 72 10

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