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Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

Bayambang Campus
College of Teacher Education
Bayambang Pangasinan

GRADE V (Communication Skills)

Submitted By
Group 7
Group Members:
Carl Niclaus G. Calangian
John Mark R. Claveria
Lorrea Mae V. Siglos
Cindy D. Soriano
Ashley Nicole G. Zalamea

Submitted To
Miss Tuesday C. De Leon
Faculty Language Department

Date of Submission: May 21, 2024



At the end of a 50-minute lesson, 75% of the students should be able to accomplish the
following with at least 80% level of success:

A. Identify the meaning of the poem;

B. Express their opinions about the poem, contributing actively to group discussions and
respecting diverse viewpoints;
C. Perform.


A. Topic or Text: My Shadow

B. References:
C. Materials: PPT, Flashlight, Marker, Cartolina


A. Routine/Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer

2. Checking of attendance

3. Review and reminders

B. Pre-Reading Activities
1. Motivation
To explore the relationship between a child and the shadow, weaving together
themes of companionship, curiosity, and self-discovery, through this activity, we will not
only analyze the poem's themes and imagery but also engage in hands-on experiences
to deepen our understanding. We will connect the themes of "My Shadow" to real-
world experiences, particularly through an interactive activity involving the creation and
manipulation of shadows.

Through the Light

Game Mechanics:
 The teacher will divide the class into two groups.
 The teacher will play the "Flashlight" song and pass the flashlight around
the room. Students must sing along to the song and pass the flashlight to
the next student when the music is playing. When the music stops, the
student holding the flashlight must identify and describe what shadow is
being portrayed by the teacher.

2. Unlocking the Meanings of Difficult Words

The teacher will ask the pupils to answer the crossword puzzle. Each across and down
clue is assigned a unique number. This corresponds to the number for its answer in the
1. Arrant
2. India-rubber ball
3. Nursie
4. Shoots up
5. Buttercup

3. Background of the Author

Robert Louis Stevenson, born on November 13, 1850, in Edinburgh, Scotland,
was a renowned novelist, essayist, poet, and travel writer. Raised in a family of
lighthouse engineers, Stevenson was expected to follow this career path but his passion
for literature prevailed. His frail health, marked by chronic respiratory issues likely due
to tuberculosis, kept him bedridden often, fueling his love for reading and writing.
Though he studied engineering and law at the University of Edinburgh, he chose to
pursue a literary career, gaining fame with works like "Treasure Island" (1883), "Strange
Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" (1886), and "Kidnapped" (1886).
Stevenson's health challenges led him to travel extensively in search of a better
climate, which enriched his writing with diverse experiences. He eventually settled in
Samoa in 1890, where he engaged in local politics and continued his literary work until
his death from a cerebral hemorrhage on December 3, 1894. His burial on Mount Vaea
in Samoa marks his significant connection to the island. Stevenson's vivid storytelling,
memorable characters, and adventurous plots have cemented his legacy as a pivotal
figure in 19th-century literature, with his exploration of human nature and societal
themes remaining influential.

C. During Reading Activities

1. Presentation of the Lesson
 Based on previous activities that the pupils have accomplished, the teacher will
introduce a poem titled “My Shadow” by Robert Louis Stevenson.
 Upon reading the poem, the teacher will take the lead, reciting it aloud to the class.

My Shadow
By: Robert Louis Stevenson

I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me,

And what can be the use of him is more than I can see.
He is very, very like me from the heels up to the head;
And I see him jump before me, when I jump into my bed.
The funniest thing about him is the way he likes to grow—
Not at all like proper children, which is always very slow;
For he sometimes shoots up taller like an india-rubber ball,
And he sometimes gets so little that there’s none of him at all.

He hasn’t got a notion of how children ought to play,

And can only make a fool of me in every sort of way.
He stays so close beside me, he’s a coward you can see;
I’d think shame to stick to nursie as that shadow sticks to me!

One morning, very early, before the sun was up,

I rose and found the shining dew on every buttercup;
But my lazy little shadow, like an arrant sleepy-head,
Had stayed at home behind me and was fast asleep in bed.

2. Discussion of the Text/ Discussion Proper

 Once the class has finished reading the poem, they will proceed to analyze it
thoroughly by having a new activity. Students will be divided into four groups. The
teacher will give them a cut out of the shadow’s hand. Each of the fingers have
corresponding questions. After answering the questions, the students will present
their answer in front of the class.
D. Post Reading Activities
1. Enrichment of the Lesson

Shadow Theme Challenge

In the Shadow Theme Challenge, students will explore the fascinating world of shadows,
using them to depict assigned themes. This activity aims to ignite creativity, foster teamwork,
and improve communication skills. By working together to create shadow reenactments,
students will engage in a fun and interactive learning experience that encourages thinking
outside the box.

Game Mechanics
 The class will be grouped into 5, and each group will be given various materials like cut-out
objects, paper, and cardboard. To make things interesting, each group will be tasked with a
specific theme or topic. They will have three minutes to brainstorm and plan how they will use
shadows to represent their assigned them.
 During the presentation phase, groups take turns showcasing their shadow reenactments in the
designated area. Presentations are kept brief, typically lasting 1-2 minutes per group, ensuring
equal opportunity for all to share their creations.

2. Generalization

1. What is the main idea of the poem “My Shadow”?
A. the speaker’s love for nature
B. the adventures of a shadow
C. the relationship between the speaker and their shadow
D. the beauty of the morning dew
2. Where does the speaker find dew in the morning in the poem?
A. on every buttercup
B. on every daisy
C. on every blade of grass
D. on every tree branch
3. What is the main similarity between the speaker and their shadow in the poem?
A. they both love nature
B. they both have adventures
C. they both behave like proper children
D. they both resemble each other physically
4. How does the shadow’s behavior differ from the speaker’s expectations?
A. it sometimes grows taller or disappears
B. it always follows the speaker closely
C. it never moves at all
D. it often runs away from the speaker
5. What do you think is the message of the poem “My Shadow,” and why is it Important?
A. The message is about the importance of friendship and companionship. It's important
Because it shows that even our shadows can be our constant companions.
B. The message is about the beauty of nature. It’s important because it teaches us to
appreciate the small wonders around us.
C. The message is about the unpredictability of life. It’s important because it reminds us
that things don’t always go as planned.
D. The message is about the power of imagination. It’s important because it encourages us
to be creative and think outside the box.

Answer Key
1. C. The relationship between the speaker and their shadow
2. C. On every blade of grass
3. D. They both resemble each other physically
4. A. It sometimes grows taller or disappears
5. A. The message is about the importance of friendship and companionship. It’s important
because it shows that even our shadows can be our constant companions.

Directions: Interview at least two members of your household and ask them about their
most memorable experience involving their own shadow. Document their responses and
capture at least (4) relevant pictures on a long bond sheet of paper. Please submit your
completed output by May 24, 2024. (20 points)

Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)

Interview Content Both interviews One interview is Interviews lack Interviews lack
are insightful insightful and depth or depth and
and detailed. detailed. detail. detail.
Documentation All required Most required Some required Few required
Quality pictures are pictures are pictures are pictures are
included and included and missing or missing or
well-presented. clear. unclear. unclear.
Organization & Content is well- Content is Content is Content is
Presentation organized and organized and somewhat disorganized
visually visually disorganized and
appealing. presentable. or lacks unappealing.
Creativity & Shows creativity Presents Presents Lacks creativity
Originality in approach and information in information in and originality.
presentation. an interesting a conventional
manner. manner.
Overall Impression Exceeds Meets Partially meets Falls
expectations expectations expectations significantly
and with room for with notable short of
demonstrates improvement. flaws. expectations.

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