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A. Read each of the sentences carefully and cross the correct answer.

(15 points)
1. Have you ever ____________ to London?
a. be c. been
b. was d. did
2. My sister has ever _____________ a singing competition in her school.
a. win c. winning
b. won d. wins
3. I have never ____________ the London bridge.
a. see c. sees
b. saw d. seen
4. You usually see people cut their hair here. ________________
a. butcher shop c. jewelry store
b. market d. barber shop
5. Kevin went to the _______________ to buy some fruit and vegetables.
a. barber c. bakery
b. market d. drugstore
6. You will need to buy medicine if you go to this place. _________________
a. market c. bakery
b. drug store d. tailor’s
7. Have you ever tried bird’s nest soup?
a. No, I has not c. No, I don’t have
b. No, I haven’t d. No, I didn’t
8. We have _____________ to the CD.
a. heard c. played
b. listened d. listening
9. They have never ________________ to Mr. Welsh.
a. spoke c. speaks
b. speaking d. spoken
10. We have ______________ the letter for Mr. President.
a. wrote c. writing
b. written d. writes
Charity Jumble Sale

Aces Mall Base

biennial = yg terjadi sekali dua tahun

11. The Charity Jumble Sale will be held in _____________.

a. Aces Mall c. Hotel Supreme
b. Basement 1 d. Redang, Malaysia
12. The Charity Jumble sale is held ____________.
a. once a year c. once a month
b. twice a year d. once in two years
13. The sponsor that donated the consolation prizes is ____________.
a. Aces Mall c. a cruise company
b. Hotel Supreme d. Sunshine Charities
14. Sharon would like to take a trip on a ship. Thus, she hopes to win ____________ prize in the
Grand Lucky Draw.
a. the first c. the second
b. the third d. a consolation
15. Money that has been collected from the sale of items from the charity sale will be
a. collected by the sponsors c. used to fund cancer research
b. given to the needy directly d. donated to Sunshine Charities
B. Reading Comprehension (15 points)
Read paragraph below carefully and answer the questions with complete answer!

Silly Billy
Once upon a time, there was a young man called Billy. One day, his mother asked him to find a
job. On the first day, he worked for a shoemaker. The shoemaker paid Billy some coins. Billy held
them in his hand and walked home. On his way home, he met his neighbour. When he was waving
at him, the coins fell out and rolled away.

On the second day, he worked for a farmer. The farmer gave him a jug of porridge. He poured the
porridge into his pocket. When he was walking home, the porridege ran all the way down his
On the third day, he worked for a butcher. The butcher gave him a small goat. Billy put the goat
on his shoulder. The goat jumped down and got away.

On the fourth day, he worked for a baker. The baker gave him a long loaf of bread. He tied a string
to it and carried it home. Some street dogs smelt the bread, chased it and ate it. The next day, he
worked for a fisherman. The fisherman paid him a fish. However, he did not take the fish home.
He was happy that day because he thought he was cleverer this time.

Read and answer these questions with complete answers.

1. How many jobs did Billy do?

2. Did he get anything from the jobs in the end?
3. How did he carry the loaf of bread home?
4. What happened when he was waving at his neighbour?
5. What do you think about Billy?
Answers :
1. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________________
C. Complete the sentences with Present Perfect Tense.
1. She __________________________ (forget) my name again.
2. I ________________________ (never / ride) a horse.
3. Bennet _________________________ (not / eat) his breakfast this morning.
4. ______________ Mr. Sandwich _______________ a poem? (ever / write)
5. Someone ___________________________ (take) my umbrella.
6. That ladder ___________________________ (fall) and it broke my chair.
7. I ______________________________ (invite) my friends to my birthday party.
8. I ______________________________ (not / see) Julia for ages.
9. We ____________________________ (read) this book for 100 times.
10. The 07.30 train ________________________ (just / leave).

D. crossword puzzle

1. A store where you buy necklaces, rings and bracelets. (2 words)

2. A store where you get your medicines. (2 words)
3. A place where they make clothes.
4. A place where you buy your bread.
5. A place where they cut your hair. (2 words)
6. A place where you buy meat. (2 words)
7. A place where you buy general food.
8. A place where they make things from wood.

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