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Stating The Purpose of Your Research

hrough the years, as a doctoral student and as an employee and administrator in academic institutions, I have had the opportunity to read and review many dissertations. While there are variations, most doctoral dissertations that I have seen contain a statement that identifies the research area, and the purpose of the study, which might include also the question or problem under investigation. This section provides examples of some common expressions used in stating the purpose of research studies. Let them inspire you as you work on constructing your purpose statement. Example: The primary concern of this research is to examine the effects of sex and race upon the perception of physical attractiveness and social desirability. In attempting to investigate factors which may account for _______ , this study raises three interrelated questions . . . The current study investigates the relationship between . . . The focus of this study will be on . . . The main purpose of this study is . . . The objective of this research is to determine . . . The present study is designed to examine . . . The primary goal of this study is . . . The primary concern of this research is . . . The principal objective of this study is . . . Quit thinking about all the reasons why you cant do something and think of all the reasons you can. Glen Bland

The purpose of this study is to address the problem of . . . The purpose of the present study is . . . The purpose of this study is to advance understanding of . . . The purpose of this study is to determine . . . The purpose of this study is to develop a conceptual model . . . The purpose of this study is to evaluate . . . The purpose of this study is to explore the . . . The purpose of this study is to examine and better understand the effects of . . . The purpose of this study is to inventory . . . The purpose of this study is twofold. First, this study will assess the . . . This research concentrates on . . . The research problem for this study is to describe the . . . The specific objectives of the present study are . . . This study examines the relationships among . . . There are several reasons for inquiring into . . . This dissertation explores the idea . . . This dissertation will deal with . . . This investigation will explore . . . This investigation represents an attempt to address several . . .
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It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult undertaking which more than anything else will determine its successful outcome. William James

This paper is concerned with . . . This paper will focus on . . .. This research represents an investigation into the problem of . . . This research represents an attempt to test the effectiveness of . . . This study examines . . . This study has two purposes . . . This study is concerned with . . . This study is an attempt to . . . This study is based on several assumptions . . . This study is designed to replicate . . .

If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence you have won even before you have started. Marcus Garvey
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Youre not going to accumulate knowledge and experience without taking a few knocks. Youre going to meet people who will discourage you, youre going to have to make some choice about whats important, youre going to encounter some things that in the end you will reject because theyre false. Youre going to have to be ready to meet those tough times with determination, with a passion for what youre going after, and youre going to have to find people who will say, Yes, you should do this, and you can. Believe me. Cause Ive done all that. Bertice Berry

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