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[2024/06/25 10:19:50.

############################## Ventoy2DiskX86 #############################
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.544] Current Directory <C:\Users\Lunix\Documents\ventoy-
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.544] Exe file path <C:\Users\Lunix\Documents\ventoy-1.0.99\
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.544] Current directory check OK.
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.544] Current directory:<C:\Users\Lunix\Documents\ventoy-
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.553] ######### Current Ventoy Version: Ventoy2DiskX86 1.0.99
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.558] id=5220/11380
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.558] PPath:<C:\Windows\explorer.exe>
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.564] PSize:<5298768 5174KB>
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.564] Lunch main process 0
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.571] Control Flag: 0 1 1
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.576] Windows Version: <<Windows 11 Home, 64-bit (Build
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.576]
===================== Enum All PhyDrives =====================
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.582] RegOpenKeyExA <SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\disk\
Enum> Ret:0
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.584] RegQueryValueExA <Count> ret:0 Size:4 Value:2
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.591] GetPhysicalDriveCount: 2
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.591] Logical Drives: 0xc
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.599] LogicalDrive:\\.\C: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:122683392
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.600] C --> 0
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.600] LogicalDrive:\\.\D: PhyDrive:1 Num:1 Offset:0
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.611] D --> 1
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.611] Create file Handle:0000014C \\.\PhysicalDrive0 status:0
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.617] PHYSICALDRIVE0 size 512110190592 bytes
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.637] Create file Handle:0000014C \\.\PhysicalDrive1 status:0
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.640] PHYSICALDRIVE1 size 31142707200 bytes
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.646] DeviceIoControl3 error:1 dwBytes:120
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.646] PhyDrv:0 BusType:Nvme Removable:0
Size:512GB(512110190592) Sector:512/4096 Name: SK hynix PC711 HFS512GDE9X073N
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.654] PhyDrv:1 BusType:USB Removable:1 Size:32GB(31142707200)
Sector:0/0 Name:USB Disk 3.0
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.659] LogicalDrive:\\.\C: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:122683392
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.663] Logical Drive:C ===> PhyDrive:0
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.664] LogicalDrive:\\.\D: PhyDrive:1 Num:1 Offset:0
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.672] Logical Drive:D ===> PhyDrive:1
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.691] Create file Handle:00000144 \\.\PhysicalDrive1 status:0
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.696] Read MBR Ret:1 Size:512 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.700] =========== Disk1 MBR Partition 1 ============
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.707] PartTbl.Active = 0x6c
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.709] PartTbl.FsFlag = 0x75
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.709] PartTbl.StartSectorId = 1970237472
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.717] PartTbl.SectorCount = 1701978226
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.717] PartTbl.StartHead = 116
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.728] PartTbl.StartSector = 43
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.728] PartTbl.StartCylinder = 332
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.737] PartTbl.EndHead = 112
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.740] PartTbl.EndSector = 48
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.745] PartTbl.EndCylinder = 457
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.749] =========== Disk1 MBR Partition 2 ============
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.754] PartTbl.Active = 0x64
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.760] PartTbl.FsFlag = 0x72
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.763] PartTbl.StartSectorId = 1929382413
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.763] PartTbl.SectorCount = 1953653108
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.773] PartTbl.StartHead = 130
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.774] PartTbl.StartSector = 45
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.783] PartTbl.StartCylinder = 389
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.790] PartTbl.EndHead = 114
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.794] PartTbl.EndSector = 37
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.800] PartTbl.EndCylinder = 457
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.805] =========== Disk1 MBR Partition 3 ============
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.809] PartTbl.Active = 0xd
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.818] PartTbl.FsFlag = 0x0
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.824] PartTbl.StartSectorId = 0
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.827] PartTbl.SectorCount = 0
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.827] PartTbl.StartHead = 10
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.836] PartTbl.StartSector = 0
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.836] PartTbl.StartCylinder = 0
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.846] PartTbl.EndHead = 0
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.850] PartTbl.EndSector = 0
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.856] PartTbl.EndCylinder = 0
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.861] =========== Disk1 MBR Partition 4 ============
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.866] PartTbl.Active = 0x0
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.871] PartTbl.FsFlag = 0x0
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.876] PartTbl.StartSectorId = 27394442
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.881] PartTbl.SectorCount = 438
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.886] PartTbl.StartHead = 0
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.891] PartTbl.StartSector = 0
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.896] PartTbl.StartCylinder = 0
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.900] PartTbl.EndHead = 0
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.904] PartTbl.EndSector = 0
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.909] PartTbl.EndCylinder = 0
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.915] Part1 not match 1970237472
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.919] < SK hynix PC711 HFS512GDE9X073N> is filtered for not USB
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.968] Load languages from json file ...
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.973] language json file len:276765 json parse:0
[2024/06/25 10:19:50.976] Total 51 languages ...
[2024/06/25 10:19:51.029] Not ventoy disk, set secure boot option
[2024/06/25 10:19:51.037] Courier New font <C:\Windows\Fonts\couri.ttf> exist OK.
[2024/06/25 10:19:51.037] system_dir=<C:\Windows\system32>
[2024/06/25 10:19:51.044] sysnative_dir=<C:\Windows\Sysnative>
[2024/06/25 10:19:51.052] LoadLibrary shell32.dll.mui SUCCESS
[2024/06/25 10:19:51.055] SetAlertPromptHook SUCCESS
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.293] SpaceMB:0 SizeInMB:29700
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.312] DeviceIoControl3 error:1 dwBytes:120
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.312] PhyDrive1 ALL match, now continue
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.318] #####################################################
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.323] InstallVentoy2PhyDrive try1 MBR PhyDrive1 <<USB Disk 3.0
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.327] #####################################################
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.337] Copy boot img success
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.338] Disk signature: 0x08e69ba9
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.343] ReservedSector: 0
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.348] Lock disk for clean .............................
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.352] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk1\DR3
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.373] [0] CreateFileA \\.\PhysicalDrive1 code:0 000002E4
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.374] FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME success
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.380] LogicalDrive:\\.\C: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:122683392
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.385] LogicalDrive:\\.\D: PhyDrive:1 Num:1 Offset:0
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.390] D: is belong to phydrive1
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.394] Delete mountpoint D:\ ret:1 code:0
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.402] Will use 'D:' as volume mountpoint
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.435] VDS init OK, service 04D4C17C
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.447] Callback 1 process for disk <\\?\PhysicalDrive1>
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.447] Deleting ALL partitions from disk '\\?\PhysicalDrive1':
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.454] * Partition 1 (offset: 0, size: 31142707200) delete it.
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.465] Could not delete partitions: 0x80070032
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.465] VDS_DeleteAllPartitions 1 ret:0 (FAIL)
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.471] Notice: Could not delete partitions: 0xb7, but we
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.476] Deleting all partitions ......................... OK
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.481] Lock disk for write .............................
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.486] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk1\DR3
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.506] [0] CreateFileA \\.\PhysicalDrive1 code:0 00000350
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.506] Opened \\.\PhysicalDrive1 for exclusive write access
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.513] FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME success
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.519] Formatting part1 exFAT ...
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.523] Formatting Part1 exFAT ...
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.531] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:4608 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.534] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:118784 dwSize:0
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.538] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:3797504 dwSize:0
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.543] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:32768 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.548] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:512 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.553] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:512 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.558] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:512 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.562] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:512 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.567] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:512 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.571] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:512 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.577] Formatting Part1 exFAT failed, write error.
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.581] FormatPart1exFAT failed.
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.587] FindProcessOccupyDisk for PhyDrive 1
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.590] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk1\DR3
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.617] handles->NumberOfHandles = 91443
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.617] NOTE: Could not identify the process(es) or service(s)
accessing \Device\Harddisk1\DR3
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.641] DeviceIoControl3 error:1 dwBytes:120
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.641] PhyDrive1 ALL match, now continue
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.648] This time install failed, clean disk by disk, wait 5s and
[2024/06/25 10:19:57.655] VDS init OK, service 04D4C404
[2024/06/25 10:19:58.532] Callback 1 process for disk <\\?\PhysicalDrive1>
[2024/06/25 10:19:59.037] QueryStatus invalid status:2147942405
[2024/06/25 10:19:59.546] Could not clean disk 0x80070005 err:2147942405
[2024/06/25 10:19:59.546] VDS_CleanDisk 1 ret:0 (FAIL)
[2024/06/25 10:19:59.550] CreateProcess <C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\
v1.0\powershell.exe -Command "&{ Clear-Disk -Number 1 -RemoveData -RemoveOEM -
Confirm:$false }">
[2024/06/25 10:19:59.571] Wair process ...
[2024/06/25 10:20:06.003] Process finished...
[2024/06/25 10:20:06.003] CleanDiskByPowershell<1> ret:1 (SUCCESS)
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.021] Now retry to install...
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.021] #####################################################
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.033] InstallVentoy2PhyDrive try2 MBR PhyDrive1 <<USB Disk 3.0
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.039] #####################################################
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.048] Disk signature: 0x0b1a5836
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.052] ReservedSector: 0
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.058] Lock disk for clean .............................
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.064] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk1\DR3
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.076] [0] CreateFileA \\.\PhysicalDrive1 code:0 00000334
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.079] FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME success
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.085] LogicalDrive:\\.\C: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:122683392
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.091] No drive letter was assigned...
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.100] GetFirstUnusedDriveLetter D: ...
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.106] Will use 'D:' as volume mountpoint
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.134] VDS init OK, service 0147B33C
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.143] Callback 1 process for disk <\\?\PhysicalDrive1>
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.145] Deleting ALL partitions from disk '\\?\PhysicalDrive1':
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.152] * Partition 1 (offset: 0, size: 31142707200) delete it.
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.196] Delete this partitions success
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.196] VDS_DeleteAllPartitions 1 ret:1 (SUCCESS)
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.204] Deleting all partitions ......................... OK
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.212] Lock disk for write .............................
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.218] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk1\DR3
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.230] [0] CreateFileA \\.\PhysicalDrive1 code:0 00000374
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.232] Opened \\.\PhysicalDrive1 for exclusive write access
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.239] FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME success
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.247] Formatting part1 exFAT ...
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.252] Formatting Part1 exFAT ...
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.375] Formatting Part1 exFAT success
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.377] Writing part2 FAT img ...
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.384] FormatPart2Fat 60760064...
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.399] Malloc whole img buffer success, now decompress ...
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.942] decompress finished success
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.943] VentoyProcSecureBoot 1 ...
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.950] Secure boot is enabled ...
[2024/06/25 10:20:11.985] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.013] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.041] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.070] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.099] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.128] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.158] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.187] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.216] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.244] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.274] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.304] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.333] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.367] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.396] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.426] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.455] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.484] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.513] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.542] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.571] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.599] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.627] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.656] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.684] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.713] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.741] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.769] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.799] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.828] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.857] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.886] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.914] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.941] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.969] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:12.996] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.023] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.051] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.077] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.104] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.131] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.158] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.185] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.215] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.245] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.276] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.306] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.336] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.366] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.394] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.421] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.447] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.475] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.502] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.529] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.556] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.584] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.611] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.638] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.664] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.691] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.719] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.745] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.772] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.776] Writing Boot Image .............................
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.779] WriteGrubStage1ToPhyDrive ...
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.798] Write MBR stage1 ...
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.828] WriteFile Ret:1 dwSize:1048064 ErrCode:183
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.830] Writing Partition Table ........................
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.837] Write MBR OK ...
[2024/06/25 10:20:13.848] Mounting Ventoy Partition .......................
[2024/06/25 10:20:14.852] LogicalDrive:\\.\C: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:122683392
[2024/06/25 10:20:14.852] LogicalDrive:\\.\D: PhyDrive:1 Num:1 Offset:31109152768
[2024/06/25 10:20:14.861] D: is belong to phydrive1
[2024/06/25 10:20:14.864] Logical drive letter after write ventoy: <D>
[2024/06/25 10:20:14.879] D:\ is ventoy part2, delete mountpoint
[2024/06/25 10:20:14.879] need to mount ventoy part1...
[2024/06/25 10:20:14.886] GetVentoyVolumeName PhyDrive 1 SectorStart:2048
[2024/06/25 10:20:14.889] Find volume:\\?\Volume{462e3559-ca14-49a5-b411-
[2024/06/25 10:20:14.896] IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS bRet:1 code:0
[2024/06/25 10:20:14.900] NumberOfDiskExtents:1 DiskNumber:0
[2024/06/25 10:20:14.900] This volume DiskNumber:0 offset:122683392
[2024/06/25 10:20:14.910] Find volume:\\?\Volume{8d5748b2-51b3-4cee-a640-
[2024/06/25 10:20:14.915] IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS bRet:1 code:0
[2024/06/25 10:20:14.921] NumberOfDiskExtents:1 DiskNumber:0
[2024/06/25 10:20:14.921] This volume DiskNumber:0 offset:511289851904
[2024/06/25 10:20:14.926] Find volume:\\?\Volume{26360b89-3277-11ef-996f-
[2024/06/25 10:20:14.934] IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS bRet:1 code:0
[2024/06/25 10:20:14.937] NumberOfDiskExtents:1 DiskNumber:1
[2024/06/25 10:20:14.944] This volume DiskNumber:1 offset:1048576
[2024/06/25 10:20:14.947] This volume match
[2024/06/25 10:20:14.953] GetVentoyVolumeName return 0
[2024/06/25 10:20:14.958] SetVolumeMountPoint <D:\> <\\?\Volume{26360b89-3277-11ef-
996f-b48c9d1365a2}\> bRet:1 code:0
[2024/06/25 10:20:14.964] Close handle ...
[2024/06/25 10:20:14.974] No need to reformat for default exfat
[2024/06/25 10:20:14.974] GetVolumeClusterSize D:\ SUCCESS 64 512 32768
[2024/06/25 10:20:14.985] OK

[2024/06/25 10:20:17.626] Combox select change, update secure boot option: 1 1

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