Lease Agreement

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This lease deed made at Rohtak on 2 nd August, 2010, between Mrs. SUNESH DEVI W/o Sh.
Krishan Chander Dagar R/o H.No. 145-B Sector-2, Rohtak (Haryana)-124001 with
(hereinafter called the ‘LESSOR’ which expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant to
the contest include her heirs executers administrators, representatives and assign) of the ONE
PART and Smt. Murti Devi W/o Sh. Satvir Singh Punia R/o V.P.O. Khudan, Distt. Jhajjar
(Haryana) (herein called “LESSEE” which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or
meaning there of include his successors and assign) of the Other Part, WITNESSTH as

Whereas the LESSOR is the absolute owner and in possession of H.No. 145-B Sector-2,
Rohtak (Haryana)-124001 and whereas the LESSOR is desirous of giving on rent the said
premises consisting of 1st Floor i.e. Two Bedroom, One Drawing room, One Kitchen, Two
Bathroom at a monthly rent of Rs.7000/- (Rupees Seven thousand only).


1. That the LESSEE shall pay to the LESSOR the said monthly rent by Cheque or
Cash on or before 10th day of each English calendar month.
2. That the LESSEE shall pay 7000/- (Rupees Seven thousand only) as one month
Security deposit and advance rent. Security Deposit to be refunded without
interest at the time of termination of the lease or vacation of the house after
deducting outstanding dues, if any.

3. That subject to the LESSOR convents the LESSEE shall keep the interiors of the
demised premises in good order and condition and attend to minor repairs such as
fuses, leakages of water taps etc.

4. That the lessee shall use the demised premises for residential purposed only and
shall pay for consumption of electricity and water direct to concerned authorities
as per bill received by them.

5. That the lessee shall not sublet assign or otherwise part with possession of the
demised premises without the consent of the LESSOR in writing.

6. That LESSOR or LESSEE shall be entitled to terminate the lease at anytime

during the initial of renewed terms of the lease upon serving one month notice in
advance in writing of his intention to do so.

7. That the lessee shall deliver the demised premised to the LESSOR on the
expiration or earlier determination of the lease together with the LESSOR’S
fitting and fixtures if any in such condition herein contained the lessee shall be
responsible for any breakage and damage done to the electrical sanitary & other
fittings and fixtures during the tenancy period.

8. That the Lease is for a period of eleven months commencing from 02.08.2010 and
the renewable for a further period by mutual consent by the LESSEE and the
LESSOR after the renewal and should be acknowledge by the other in writing.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties here to have executed these presents at Rohtak on
the 1st August 2010.



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