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1. That is the man …………………helped me when I fell down in the street.
2. Is that your car? No, mine is the one …………………….is parked just opposite the bank.
3. That is the woman ………………….complained about the room service.
4. This is the park ……………………we first met. Do you remember?
5. So, James is the man ………………….son came on the school trip with us? I din't know.
6. If you have any question, ask the girl …………………is standing at the desk. She'll help you.
7. They had to put away the dog …………………….bit the boy. It was too dangerous.
8. I'm looking for a person ……………………….surname begins with a "k".
9. Do you still go to that pub ………………………………we used to go as students?
10. The heating is not working. Do you know anyone …………………………….can fix it?
II. Add the phrase in brackets to the sentence using a relative clause.
1) The doctor was sick (I wanted to see the doctor)
2) The accountant was arrested (the accountant works for my father's company)
3) I wrote to the friend (you met the friend last week)
4) The mobile phone can't be fixed (the mobile phone is broken)
5) John made a copy of the photo (I took the photo)
6) I met a girl (the girl was a doctor)
7) We called a doctor (the doctor works at a hospital in London)
8) We like the actor (the actor was in a famous film)
9) I went to the restaurant (I read about the restaurant in the newspaper)
10) She bought a car (her sister liked the car)
11) I often buy cheese (the cheese is imported from Paris)
12) The hairdresser was very good (the hairdresser has red hair)
13) The child is playing in the garden (we see the child often)
14) The nurse is in the office (the nurse treated my grandmother)
15) The car is in the garage (the car broke down)
16) The man was late (Julie invited the man)
1. The girl is my sister. I'm talking to the girl.
The girl ……………is my sister.
2. This is the chair. The carpenter repaired it last week.
This is the chair………………………………………………………
3. She is married to a man. He is richer than her.
She is married to a man …………………………………………………..
4. She is the friend. She helped me with my homework.
She is the friend
5. That is the swimming-pool. I used to go swimming there.
That is the swimming-pool ………………………………..
6. That is the man. His wife is a famous actress.
This is the man …………………………
7. A doctor examined me last Friday. He was really kind.
The doctor ………………………….was really kind.
8. The woman called the police. Her car had been stolen.
The woman ………………………called the police.
9. I went to a restaurant last week. It was very expensive.
The restaurant ……………………….was very expensive.
10. I saw a film last night. It was very interesting. The film ………………….was very interesting.
IV. Relative clauses - defining or non-defining?
1. I have three brothers.
A. My brother who lives in Sidney came to see me last month.
B. My brother, who lives in Sidney, came to see me last month.
2. I have one sister.
A.My sister who is 25 years old spent her holiday in France.
B. My sister, who is 25 years old, spent her holiday in France.
3. Bob's mum has lost her keys.
A. Bob's mum who is a musician has lost her car keys.
B. Bob's mum, who is a musician, has lost her car keys.
4. My friend Jane moved to Canada.
A. My friend Jane whose husband is Canadian moved to Canada last week.
B. My friend Jane, whose husband is Canadian, moved to Canada last week.
5. I am a shoe fanatic.
A. The shoes which I bought yesterday are very comfortable.
B. The shoes, which I bought yesterday, are very comfortable.
6. Mr Robinson is very famous.
A. Mr Robinson whom I met at the trade fair is a famous inventor.
B. Mr Robinson, whom I met at the trade fair, is a famous inventor.
7. Tamara has two cats. Both of them are black.
A. Tamara's two cats which can play outside are black.
B. Tamara's two cats, which can play outside, are black.
8. Kevin has four cats. Two of them are black.
A. Kevin's two cats which are black can play outside.
B. Kevin's two cats, which are black, can play outside.
9. We are on holiday. Yesterday we visited a church.
A. The church which we visited yesterday is very old.
B. The church, which we visited yesterday, is very old.
10. We are on holiday. Yesterday we visited a church.
A. St. Mary's Church which we visited yesterday is very old.
B. St. Mary's Church, which we visited yesterday, is very old.
V. Write relative clauses without using the relative pronoun.
1. I gave you a book. It had many pictures.
→ The book …………………………………
2. I am reading a book at the moment. It is very interesting.
→ The book ……………………………………………
3. You live in a town. The town is very old.
→ The town …………………….
4. The sweets are delicious. I bought them yesterday.
→ The sweets
5. The football match was very exciting. My friend played in it.
→ The football match
6. The letter hasn't arrived yet. I posted it three days ago.
→ The letter
7. He lives in a house. The house is not very big.
→ The house
8. They are playing a song on the radio. Do you like it?
→ Do you like
9. Jane wore a beautiful shirt yesterday. Did you see it?
→ Did you see
10. Sue is going out with a boy. I don't like him.
→ I don't like
VI. Rewrite these sentences using reduced form
1. It was the first car that I ever drove
2. He was the first man who said so rude words to me.
3. She was the first woman who was elected to paliament.
4. Harry isn’t the kind of person who gets on with everyone.
5. In the whole book there was only one chapter which interested me.
6. There is only one Greek island which I haven’t visited.
7. It’s the long winters here that really depress most people.
8. Do you like the person who sits next to you in class?
9. The letter that arrive this morning contained bad news.
10. There is no one who I would prefer to you as a co-driver.
11. This is the school which I used to go to.
12. The policeman who arrested her had recognised her car.
13. That’s the shop from which I got my shoes.
14. Can you move the chair on which you are sitting?
15. I don’t believe the story that she told us.
16. The person who finishes first will be the winner.
17. The last guests who were late didn’t have enough to eate.
18. The man who was arrested yesterday escaped again.
19. I lent you the book which was written by a friend of mine.
20. The book which was published last year became a best seller.
VII. Change the sentences into cleft sentences in the passive:
1. Fred gave Mary the money.
2. Mr. Johnson sent the Jiff Company a letter.
3. I show my friends all of the photographs.
4. Did the boy throw his friend the baseball?
5. The teacher told the students an interesting story.
6. My brother bought his new car from our next-door neighbour last Saturday.
7. My mother gave me this camera.
8. The monkeys amused the children.
9. John took the money.
10. People talk about this film.
11. Columbus discovered America.
12. She gave me these flowers.
13. Jose has washed his car.
14. Nguyen Du wrote Kieu story.
15. They grow corn in India.
16. The cat is going to catch the mouse.
17. Mary bought this book yesterday.
18. They feed these animals twice a day.
19. George was doing the homework 8.00 last night.
20. They often had parties on weekends.
21. My brother bought his new car from our next-door neighbour last Saturday.
22. My brother bought his girlfriend a beautiful bunch of flowers for her birthday last Saturday.
23. The Second World War ended on 7 May 1945 in Europe.
24. If I had to choose between staying in my country or moving abroad, I would take the first option.
25. We always meet on Friday.
26. They went to the cinema.
27. We were supposed to meet at 6 o’clock.
28. When the play was about to end, I couldn’t help weeping.
29. Spring didn’t set in until late May.
30. The official announcement was made at that time.

VIII. Rewrite the sentences, making them more emphatic.

1. I was most unhappy with the service.
What………………………………………………………………(to be unhappy with)
2. I can’t stand the noise.
It’s……………………………………………………………………. (the noise)
3. John didn’t pay for the wedding ring, Sarah did.
It………………………………………………………………………. (Jonh)
It………………………………………………………………………. (Sar)
4. He’s always late. It really annoys me.
What…………………………………………………………………. (to annoy)
5. Did you choose the furniture?
Was………………………………………………………………...…. (you)
6. The waiter’a attitude made things worse.
It…………………………………………………………………...…. (waiter’s attitude)
7. I love autumn because of the colour of the leaves.
What…………………………………………………………………. (autumn)
8. Her terrible accent annoyed me most.
What…………………………………………….………………….…. (to annoy)
9. I bought it because it was a bargain.
It was…………………………………………………………………. (to be a bargain)
10. In the end Martha went to the police.
What……………………………………………………………………(go to the police)

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