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Computer Systems
Servicing NCII
Quarter 1
Module 5: DHCP Server and File

Source: Ross Thomas Subnetting and Masks: Separating IPv4 Addresses for Security and Routing,
August 24, 2018, thesslstore.com/blog/subnetting-and-masks/
Computer Systems Servicing NCII - Grade 12
Quarter 1 – Module 5: File Server

I. Introduction:
In this module you will be familiarized on what DHCP is and be guided to the
step by step in configuring DHCP server. And since you already have a background
in file sharing, you will now be guided in configuring file server. This topic will help
you to access the services that Windows Server 2008 R2 offers.

II. Objectives
At the end of the lesson you are expected to:

• Recall the steps in configuring DHCP and File Server.
• Explain what DHCP and File server is.
• Illustrate the importance of DHCP Server in IP Addressing in a Client-
Server Network.

III. Vocabulary List

Listed below are some important terms that you can find in this lesson.

✓ DHCP Server
(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is a server that automatically assigns IP
addresses to computers and other devices on the network.

✓ File Server Resource Manager (FSRM)

File Server Resource Manager (FSRM) is a role service in Windows Server that
enables you to manage and classify data stored on file servers

✓ IP
Internet Protocol (IP) is the principal set (or communications protocol) of digital
message formats and rules for exchanging messages between computers across
a single network or a series of interconnected networks

IV. Pre-Test
Multiple Choice. Read each question carefullly and choose the letter of the correct
answer. Write your answer on your answer sheet.

1. Which role automatically assigns IP address to a computer connected to the

a. DHCP Server c. Remote Desktop
b. File Server d. Printer Server
2. What does IP stand for?
a. Internal Protocol c. Internet Provider
b. Internet Protocol d. Internal Pattern
3. In Configuring for DHCP Server, which IP version should be disabled?
a. IPv4 c. IPv7
b. IPv6 d. IPv8
4. What role enable a network admin to manage and classify data stored on file
a. DHCP Server c. Remote Desktop
b. File Server d. Printer Server
5. As a beginner in configuring the File server, what file permission is advised?
a. Read c. Full control
b. Write d. Modify

V. Learning Activities

Learning Activity 1. I Belong to that Class

Do you still remember these numbers?
What do we call that?

Correct! The numbers shown in the box is called an IP address, and this unique
address is what are our devices like computer or cellphone to connect and be
identified over a network. Do you still remember how IP addresses being class? This
activity will surely help you to remember it!

Source: Ólafur
Guðmundsson, What
do we know about an
IP Address?, July 4,

Instruction: Using the illustration shown above, classify the following IP
addressed. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
IP Address Class
Example: Class C

What is a DHCP Server?

A DHCP server (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is a server that automatically
assigns IP addresses to computers and other devices on the network. Without a
DHCP server, each device on the network would need to be manually configured with
an IP address.

Why is a DHCP server needed?

Every device on the network needs an IP address to access network resources such
as the internet, applications and even making phone calls. With a DHCP server this
entire process is automated and can be managed from a centralized server. When
mobile devices move from one office to another it may require a new IP address.
DHCP handles this automatically providing a new IP addresses when the device
moves to another location. Without a DHCP server there would be an overwhelming
amount of manual configuration assigning IP addresses to devices on the network.
A DHCP server is a huge time saver.


To start,
you need to log in
to the server with
privileges then
start the “server
Manager” by
clicking on
“Server Manager”
icon on task bar
and go to “Roles”

then click on “Add Roles” option to

open Add roles Wizard.

Then it will load
the Roles
Wizard and
select the
“DHCP Server”
from the list
and click next
to continue.

Then it will give

description about the role.
Click next to continue.

Next window is asking to

use which interface to
serve DHCP clients. If
server has multiple NIC
with multiple IP you can
add them also to serve
DHCP clients.

In next window, it
will give opportunity
to add DNS settings
that should apply for
DHCP clients.

Next window is to
define the WINS server

In next window we
can add the scope,
the Starting IP,
End IP of the
DHCP range,
subnet mask,
default gateway,
leased time etc.

In next Window it can
configure to support IPv6 as

Then it will give

the confirmation
window before
begin the install.
Click on “Install”

Once installation
is finally
finished, DHCP
server interface
can open from
Start >
Tools > DHCP

Learning Activity 2. My KWL
Since you already have a prior knowledge about file sharing, all you have
to do in this activity is recalling them. It’s just an easy task, right?
Instruction: In this activity you have to write at least 5 items in the
column for Know and Want. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

Know (What I Know) Want (What I want to Learn (What I Learned)


File Server Resource Manager in Windows 2008 R2

File Server Resource Manager (FSRM) is a role service in Windows
Server that enables you to manage and classify data stored on file
servers. You can use File Server Resource Manager to automatically
classify files, perform tasks based on these classifications, set quotas on
folders, and create reports monitoring storage usage.

How to install File Server Resource Manager in Windows 2008 R2

1. Add Role Services by going to Server Manager>Role.

2. Check File Server
Resource Manager to install.

3. In the Configure
Storage Usage
Monitoring, select the
volume and options.

4. You have these report

options: Large File
Report, Least Recently
Accessed Files, Most
Recently Access
Files, Quota Usage
Report, Duplicate Files
Reports, Files by Owner
Report, Files by File
Group Report and File
Screen Audit Report.

5. Select a location to save the reports, receive report email and setup SMTP

6. After confirming the

selection, click Install.

Now create a Folder and share it with below permissions.

Share name: UserData$ (You can hide the share using the dollar sign ($) at the
end of the share name)
Administrators : Full Control
System : Full Control
Authenticated Users : Full Control

Security settings
Group : Authenticated
Users Type : Allow
Applies to : This folder only

Traverse folder / execute file
List folder / read data
Read attributes
Read extended attributes
Read permissions

VI. Practice Tasks

Practice Task #1 Let’s Simplify

Instruction: Based on your answer on the Learning Activity 2 complete the table
below. In this activity you have to write at least 3 items in the column for Learn.

Know (What I Know) Want (What I want to Learn (What I Learned)


Practice Task # 2 Where do I Belong

Listed below are random steps in Configuring DHCP and File Server. Analyze each
sentence and group them accordingly. Write your answers in a chronological order
on your designated answer sheets. Note: A step can be applied to both DHCP and
File Server.

• Check File Server Resource Manager to install.

• Start the “server Manager” by clicking on “Server Manager” icon on task
bar. Then go to “Roles.
• Select the “DHCP Server” From the list and click next to continue.
• In next window it will give opportunity to add DNS settings that should
apply for DHCP clients.
• Then click on “Add Roles” option to open Add roles Wizard.
• Select a location to save the reports, receive report email and setup SMTP
• In next window we can add the scope, the Starting IP, End IP of the
DHCP range, subnet mask, default gateway, leased time etc.
• You have these report options: Large File Report, Least Recently Accessed
Files, Most Recently Access Files, Quota Usage Report, Duplicate Files
Reports, Files by Owner Report, Files by File Group Report and File Screen
Audit Report.
• Now create a Folder and share it with below permissions.


1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

Practice Task #3 Sketch noting

Instead of traditional essay writing, you will sketch a picture that represents what
you understand in this module. Have your drawing in a short bond paper.
Remember, it’s not about the quality of the art – it’s about how drawing prompts you
to visualize their understanding and look at your learning from a different

Scoring Rubrics
5 3 2 1 Score
All graphics are All graphic Most Graphics do not
related to the are related to graphic, relate to the
Graphics topic and make the topic and relate to the topic.
Relevance it easier to most make it topic.
understand easier to
The poster All required All required All required
includes all elements are elements are elements are
Required required included on included on included on the
the poster. the poster. poster.
Elements elements as well
as additional

VIII. Assignment/Additional Activities

Using the emojis shown above, write a paragraph with a minimum of 4 sentences
describing how you feel about the topic. Then explain which part did you have
difficulty or which part you enjoyed the most. Write this on your notebook.

Like = I feel just fine, I guess I understand few of it.

Love = I love it, I understand most part and answer the lesson easy.

Yay = I really love it. The lesson was like a piece of cake and I feel confident on
the activity.

Sad = I feel sad. I didn’t get the lesson and its difficult for me to answer the
activities given.

Scoring Rubrics
5 4 3 2 Score
All content 80% of the content Some content is The content is
reflects the reflects the related to the topic it far from the

learner’s learner’s also reflects their lesson.

understanding on understanding on understanding.
the lesson. the lesson.
No spelling, Few spellings and Several spelling, So many
punctuation or punctuation errors, punctuation or spelling,
Spelling and

grammatical minor grammatical grammatical errors. punctuation and

errors errors grammatical
errors that’s
interferes in the


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