Book Club Fun

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Book Club

Pre-reading Questions:
1. Do you like reading books? Why or why not?

2. What is your favourite genre of books? Why

do you enjoy that genre?

Hi there, young bookworms! Today, we have gathered a group of kids who are part
of a book club. Let's find out what they have to say about their experiences. Are you
ready? Let's dive in!

Anu Selma
I absolutely love adventure and mystery Our book club meets once a month.
books. They keep me on the edge of my We all gather at our local library, and
seat, I enjoy guessing what will happen it's something I always look forward
next. One of the best things about book to. We chat, play book-related games,
club is being able to discuss the books and, of course, discuss our latest read.
with friends who have read the same Once I read a science
story. We can share our thoughts, fiction book, and it just
ask questions, and learn wasn't my cup of tea.
new points of view. It's like I prefer stories based in
having a secret code to reality, where I can better
unlock deeper meanings. understand the characters
and their experiences.

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Book Club Fun

Sometimes, we
choose books that I
wouldn't have picked
up on my own, and
it's amazing how
they can surprise
you and widen your I absolutely love books that teach me
imagination. My about animals and nature. There's so
favourite thing much to explore. However, I'm not a
about book club is big fan of horror books. They give me
discovering new books nightmares! I prefer books that make me
and authors. I recently laugh or teach me something new. We
read a fantasy book recently read a book about a playful dog
about dragons and that got into all sorts of amusing trouble.
magic. It was filled with It made me laugh out loud.
thrilling adventures
and incredible worlds. I
couldn't put it down.

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Book Club Fun

Reading Comprehension Questions

1. What is a ‘bookworm?’

2. Find an idiom that means something is very interesting or exciting.

3. Why does Anu enjoy being in a book club?

4. What does Selma think about science fiction books?

5. What is Max’s favourite thing about book club?

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Book Club Fun

6. What kind of books does Mia like to read?

7. Find a synonym for ‘funny’ in the text.

8. What does ‘not my cup of tea’ mean?

Writing Questions

1. Have you ever been part of a book club? If yes, what was your experience like? If not,

would you like to join one? Why or why not?

2. Can you name any books or authors that you really like? What makes them special?

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Book Club Fun

3. Do you prefer reading physical books or digital books? Why?

Disclaimers: This resource has been made for the purpose of teaching English language learners. We know that students can be learning English in many different places, in many different ways and at age,
so we try to keep these resources as general as possible.
There are many acronyms associated with English language teaching. These include (but are not limited to) ELT, TEFL, EFL, ELL, EAL and ESOL. While the term ESL may not fully represent the linguistic
backgrounds of all students, it is the most widely recognised term for English language teaching globally. Therefore, we use the term ‘ESL’ in the names of our resources to make them easy to find but they are
suitable for any student learning to speak English.

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Book Club Fun

Reading Comprehension Questions

1. A person who enjoys reading.

2. On the edge of my seat.

3. Anu enjoys being able to discuss the books with friends who have read the same story.

4. Selma doesn’t like them because she can’t really understand the characters and

5. Max enjoys discovering new books and authors.

6. Mia loves books about animals and nature. She likes books that teach her something or
make her laugh.

7. Amusing.

8. It’s not something you like or think is interesting.

Writing Questions

Students’ own answers.


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