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Respiratory system
 Respiration is the action of breathing.
 Exchange of gases during internal and external respiration is the major function of the respiration
 Respiration system includes the vocal cords for producing sound ,lungs for controlling body ph
level and olfactory bulbs for smelling.
 Respiration include the ventilation of lungs for inward and outward movement of air alveolar air.
 Excretion of water vapour.
 Supplying air to the larynx for voice production.

Anatomy of respiratory organs and their functions.

Parts of respiratory system
The human respiratory system consists of following organs-

1. Nose
1. 2.pharynx(throat)
2. Larynx (voice box)
3. Trachea(windpipe)
4. Bronchi and bronchioles
5. Lungs
6. Alveoli

1. Nose
 Nose is present between the forehead and the upper limp, which receive the inhaled air and forms
a passage for the air to reach the nasal cavity or nasal chamber.
 Nose performs the process of worming , moistening and filtering of the inhaled air .

 The nose is divided into an external (the nose ) and an internal (nasal activity)
 Nose is the bony and a carillaginous structure .
 Its bony part is made up of the frontal ,nasal and maxillae bone.
 Nasal cavity is a large irregular shoped cavity . divided by septum.
 At the base of nose , two opening seoerated by nasal septum cartilage.


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Function -
 Respiration is the major pathway for the inhaled air is middle meatus this produce nasal cycle.
 Air conditioning
 Air at - 5°to 55° temperature reach the nasopharynx at 31°-37° temp .the turbinates make the
inhaled air water saturated so that the lungs receive 100 % humid air

The mucociliary system hold back 95% of the air particles (including )bacteria and viruses and convey
them to the nasopharynx.

2. Pharynx
 Pharynx is a funnel shaped tube extending from the internal nares to the posterior part of
oesophagus and anterior part of larynx .
 It is made up with skeleton muscles

Structure -
It can be divided into three parts

1. Nasopharynx -

It is the part of pharynx lies immediately posterior to the nasal cavity .

2. Oropharynx -

This is part of pharynx lies immediately posterior to the oral cavity .

3. Hyoopharynx or laryngopharynx -

This part of pharynx lies just inferior to the oropharynx and superior to the oesopharynx.

Function -
 It have the respiratory or digestive both function so it provide passageway for the air and food.
 The epithelium of the oral and pharyngeal part is supplied with olfactory nerve ending for
sensation of taste .

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 The tonsils (part of lymphatic system from a ring where the oral cavity joins the pharynx and
provides protution against foreign attacks of antigens.

3. Larynx
 It is present as a triangular chamber in the front upper part of neck.
 A prominent elevation called the adom's apple.

 Larynx is present in the anterior neck at the 3rd to 6th cervical vertebral level . it joins the
hypopharynx with trachea.
 It skeleton is made up of 3 single (thyroid , cricoid and epiglottis ) and 3 paired (arytenoid ,
corniculated , and cuneiform ) cartilages.

Epiglottis:- It is the leaf like cartilage which cerves the larynx.


Sound production -

 Sound possesses pitch , volume and resonance (or tone)

 This pathway is present between larynx and trachea .
 The air inhaled is humidified filtered and warmed as it passes through the larynx.

4. Trachea-
 Trachea is known as windpipe .
 It is 10-11 cm long continuous poathway from the larynx .
 It lies in the median plane in front of the oseophagus

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 Trachea is composed of 16-20 C -shaped structure
 The trachea are covered by following three tissue layer-

1. Outerlayer- Made up of fibrous and elastic tissue.

2. Middle layer - Made up of cartilage and bands.

3. Inner layer- Made up of ciliated columnar epithelium containing goblet cells


 The cartilage and elastic tissue of trachea are arranged such that they prevent kinking and
obstruction of the airway.
 It act as a mucociliary .
 It warms ,humidified and filter the inhaled air .

5. Bronchi and bronchioles

 Bronchi (Singal bronches are airway passage in the respiratory tract .they carry the inhaled air
into lungs.

 Bronchi are made up of complete cartilage rings the right left bronchus are different from each
other as the format is shatter and wider.

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 They provide a passageway for the air .
 They warms and humidify particulate matter
 They generate cough reflex.

6. Lungs
 Lungs are present in the thoracic cavity as two cone -shaped lobes separated by the heart and
other structure of mediastinum.
 Lungs extending from the diaphragm reach up to slightly above the clavicles .
 In the medial surface of left lung , cardiac notch ,is present , which is a concave area holding the

It have the following parts -

1.Apex- Lungs have a round apex which extend up to the root of neck .

2.Base- Lungs have a concave and semilunar base which is associated with the thoracic surface of the

3.costal surface – Lungs have a concave costal surface which is associated with the costal cartilages , ribs
and intercostal muscles.

4. Medial surface - Lungs have a concave medial surface which has a somewhat triangular shaped hilium

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 They alter the blood pH by altering the partial pressure of carbon dioxide .
 They filter out small blood clots formed in the veins .
 They filter out gad micro-bubble formed in the venous blood stream
 They alter the blood concentration of some biological substance and drugs .
 They form a soft, shock-absorbent protective layer for the heart.
 The bronchial secretion contains immunoglobulin-A , which provides protection against
respiratory infection.

7. Aleoli
 The final termination of respiratory bronchioles are the alveolar ducts which is turn from alveoli
surrounded by capillaries .
 These are the hollow cavity found in the mammalian lunga .
 Pulmonary alveoli are the spherical projection of respiratory bronchioles.

 A human lung has around 300 million alveoli each of them covered with a thin capillary
occupying 70% of its area some alveolar walls have pores between the alveoli , these pores are
called kohn.

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 They functionalise external resoiration means resoiration occurs between alveoli or blood by
diffusion .
 It works for projection against microbes.

Regulation Mechanism or respiration

 The process by which the respiratory organs allow the air to move in and out of the lungs is
termed as breathing .it is a simple give and take process , since oxygen -rich air is taken in form
the atmosphere and in exchange carbon dioxide -rich air is given out to the atmosphere to be
utilise by the plants for photosynthesis .breathing process continues throughout the life of an
 Breathing rate is the number of times an individual breathes in a minutes.
 For example, breathing rate increases on walking fast ,running ,ir after a heavy exercise ,
and decrease when in a relaxed state.

The two phases of breathing process are discussed here.

1. Inhalation or inspiration- The series of event includes

 On contraction of the diaphragm and external intercostals , the thoracic cavity increases in size.
 The lungs also attain the new increases size of the thoracic cavity as they are tightly adhered to
the thorax walls
 As a result. the gas pressure with in the lungs decreases and a partial vaccume is produced to
suck air into lungs.
 Air moves into to the lungs till the intrpulmonary and the atmospheric pressure attains

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2. Expiration or Exhalation -This includs-

 On relaxation the inspiratory muscles gains back their resting length , the rib cage descends, and
the lungs recoil.
 Thus, the gases form with in flow out to equalise the pressure both inside and outside the lungs.


 The interpleural pressure is always negative ,and prevent the lungs from collapsing.

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Respiratory volumes and capacities –

Respiratory volumes:
 Lung volumes are also known as respiratory volumes.
 It refers to the volume of gas in the lungs at a given time during the respiratory cycle.
 Lung capacities are derived from a summation of different lung volumes.
 The average total lung capacity of an adult human male is about 6 litres of air.
 Lung volumes measurement is an integral part of pulmonary function test.

Respiratory capacities:
 Respiratory capacity (pulmonary capacity) is the sum of two or more volumes.
 Factors such as age, sex, body build, and physical conditioning have an influence
on lung volumes and capacities.
 Lungs usually reach their maximumin capacity in early adulthood and decline with age after that.

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