c7 Holiday Homework 2024-25

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(SESSION 2024-25)


This worksheet belongs to Master/Miss ______________________________________
of Class_________________________Section_______________________________.

Summer Holidays Schedule

SESSION 2024-25
CLASS – 7th
Learning today…Leading tomorrow…

General Instructions:
• All work to be done on Register size Ruled Sheet/A4 Sheets or chart paper if
• All work should be neat and tidy.
• Any cutting pasting work to be done under parents supervision only.
• Follow specific instruction if any.
Subject: -English
• Online Quizzes will be shared with the students on various topics discussed in the
chapters covered so far.
• Have a short interview of your neighbor and write a short paragraph about the
qualities of a good neighbor.
• If you get a box full of all the valuable things you have lost in your life, what is the
first thing you would look for? (100-150 words)
• A father’s sacrifice seldom extends to his own health and needs of his child,
sometimes neglecting his own physical and mental well-being.
Write a letter to your father this Father’s Day expressing your gratitude for his
selfless sacrifices. {150-200 words}

Work sheet
Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.
A. Bears are found in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. They are massively built, with
short tails and thick legs. Bears are not really carnivores. They eat almost anything the
chief exception in the polar bear, which in its natural state of lives on fish and seals,
however in captivity, they seem to enjoy meat, vegetables, fruits, milk, rice and
porridge. Bears are not quite as dangerous as people imagine them it be like most
animals; they will do their best to avoid human beings. They have a special sense that
is eyesight to see things.

Answer these questions: -

1) Where are bears found?
a) America
b) Australia
c) Arctica
2) What does a bear eat in captivity?
a) Meat
b) Chapati
c) Seal
3) What is the strongest sense of a bear?
a) Touch
b) Smell
c) Sight
4) What does a bear avoid like most animals?
a) Hunters
b) Human being
c) Fish
5) What kind of body do the bears have?
a) Massively built
b) Weak
c) Cat
B. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions: -
1) The price ___ (for, of) each shirt is different.
2) These bangles are made ____ (of, with) gold.
3) He goes to school ___ (on, by) foot.
4) The two brothers are very different ____ (from, to) each other.
5) I have no idea ___ (about, for) the time.
6) I am not interested ___ (in, for) what you are going to tell me.
7) She is quite pleased___ (with, of) my performance.
8) Let me congratulate you ____ (on, about) winning the inter-School Dance
9) Vineet is known ____ (for, in) his many talents, such as drawing and swimming.
10) The dress I brought is very similar____ (to, with) the one that you bought.

Subject: - Hindi
1- ;fn vkidksa vius fo|ky; ds esys es nqdku yxkus dk volj feys rks fdldh nqdku yxk;sxs\
D;k&D;k rS;kjh djsx a s\ dSsls ltk,¡xs\ vPNs 'kCnksa esa fyf[k,A
2- rqylhnkl }kjk jfpr *jkepfjrekul* ds fo’k; es Kkr dfj;s fd mlds fdrus dk.M gSA çR;sd
dk.M dk ifjp; nsrs s gq, vius 'kCnksa esa nks&nks ifDr;k¡ fyf[k,A blds fy, vki vius cM+ks dh
lgk;rk ys ldrs gSA
3- fn;s x;s 'kCnksa ds foykse 'kCn rFkk i;kZ;okph lekukUrj fyf[k,A
'kCn foykse i;kZ;okph
jktk jad Hkwifr] ujifr] Hkwi
'kCn& vFkZ] eku] ve`r] midkj] bPNk] mnkl] dk;j] nqTkZu] n;kyq] fuankA
4- 'kCn if<+;s muds lekuFkhZ 'kCnksa ls oxZ igsyh iwjh dfj;sA
d- lw;Z & Hkk
[k- dey &


x- Qwy &

?k- i{kh &


M- fnu & x

5- *vufxu bUnz /kuq’k vius* dfork ds jpukdkj *Mk0 fouksn çlwu* dh ,d fork Þ”kku frjaxk jgs gekjhß dks
bUVjusV dh lgk;rk ls fyf[k, rFkk LkLoj okpu dk vH;kl dfj;asaA blds vfrfjDr ns'kHkfDr ij vk/kkfjr
pkj dfork,¡ [kkst dj fyf[k,A
6- viuk ifjp; cksyus dk vH;kl dfj;s A vius ckjs esa crkrs le; fuEufyf[kr foUnqvksa dk /;ku j[ks&
1- viuk uke
2- ekrk&firk dk uke
3- fuokl LFkku
4- d{kk
5- fo|ky;
6- vkidh :fp;k¡ D;k gSA
7- Hkfo’; esa vki D;k cuuk pkgsxAs
8- vkidk vkn'kZ O;fDrOo dkSu gSA
9- vkids uSfrd ewY; D;k gSA
10- viuh egRokdk¡{kkA
7- viuh ikB~; iqLrd ds nks&nks 'kCnkFkZ çfrfnu ;kn dfj,A
¼leLr fyf[kr dk;Z vyx dk;Z&if=dk cuk dj dfj;s½
Subject: - Sanskrit
1- ikB~; iqLrd es nh xbZ oUnuk&
&oUns ekrje oUns ekrje&;kn djds lLoj okpu djus dk vH;kl dfj;sA
2- viuh ikB~;iqLrd ls ;k iqfLrdk ls de ls nks ;k rhu 'kCnkFkZ ;kn dfj;sA
3- çR;sd oxZ ls ,d&,d 'kCn ysdj lkFkZd okD; cukb;s& ¼, Qksj 'khV isij½
pUnz iou% lfUr
eUn% vLra ØhMfUr
tuk% ikBa ogfr
vusdk% r= iBfUr
Ckydk% O;k;kea xPNfr
Nk=k% yrk% dqoZfUr

Subject: - Mathematics
• Show different types of fractions (By using Pulses, Stones, Buttons, Match Sticks) on
a scrap book.
• Write properties of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on a scrap book.
• Download and watch the movie “The man who knew infinity”. Write 10 things that
liked the most. Write two ideas which inspired you to study Mathematics.
• Practice any three sums every day from Ch-1 & Ch-2 in separate notebook. Also do
assignment questions of Ch-1 & Ch-2 from book.
• Learn tables 2 to 25.
Subject: - Social Science
• Make a colorful poster on the topic- “Save the Earth” and give an appropriate Slogan.
(on half Chart paper)
• Visit a nearby Poultry farm Or Dairy Farm. Watch the work done by the owner and
other staff and make a diary entry on your observations.
• Visit a nearby Police Station and find out the work that police have to do in order to
prevent crime and maintaining law and order in their area.
• Prepare a list of the jobs done by people for livelihood in your neighborhood. Also
paste their picture in respective uniforms.
• Collect information on any two Indian leaders who worked for the upliftment of the
marginalized sections of the society. Write a paragraph describing their struggles and
Subject: -Science
• Visit a Nursery to observe different types of plants. Look for any parasitic or
saprophytic plants. Do you see any unique plant part you may click pictures and make
a short note on your visit in a file.
• Using clay or plaster of Paris, make a model of the jaw of a 4- year-old child and
adult. Label the various types of teeth. Present it to the class by comparing the two
• Create a Herbarium file of various plants of different species along with their
taxonomical hierarchy, description and economic importance.
Subject: - Science
Note: - Solve this worksheet on a test copy or you can take the print out of this worksheet.
• Answer the following questions in one word/one sentences.
1. Where is water from undigested food absorbed in the body?
2. Where is digested food absorbed in the body?
3. Name the type of the teeth which are for chewing and grinding.
4. Name the parts of Amoeba which help it in moving and capturing food.
5. What is the function of guard cells of stomata?
6. Which parts of the plant are called food factories of the plant?
• Fill in the blanks:
1. The components essential for our body are called__________________ .
2. We obtain nutrients through __________________.
3. Pancreas releases __________________ in the small intestine.
4. The semi-digested food called ________________ .
5. Wave- Like motion in muscles of the oesophagus is called_________________ .
• State True or False: -
1. Deficiency of Iron Causes Anemia. (______)
2. Vitamin D helps in clotting of blood (______)
3. Chlorophyll is a green pigment present in the chloroplast. (______)
4. Each silkworm sheds its skin four times during its growth phase called moulting.
5. Angara wool is obtained by Angoro rabbit. (______)
Draw a well labelled diagram of ‘Human Digestive System’

Subject: - General Knowledge

• Listen to the news daily and keep tab of the events happening in and out of the
country. You will be asked questions in the class when you return to school after the
• Prepare a list of people holding different portfolios in the newly elected government.
• Investigate who is Capt. Nemo and Nautilus. How are they connected to each other.
What things would you do differently if you were Capt. Nemo. [ Write on A4 sheets].
• Nurture an Indoor plant and click pictures to reflect weekly growth and paste them on
an A4 sheet.

Subject: - Computer
➢ Objective: To develop your research and presentation skills by creating a PowerPoint presentation
on a topic of your choice.
➢ Choose a Topic: Select a subject that interests you. It could be about your favourite hobby, an
important historical event, a famous personality, or an environmental issue.
➢ Research: Gather information from books, reputable websites, and other reliable sources. Take notes
on key points you want to include in your presentation.

➢ Title Slide: Include the title of your presentation, your name, and class.
➢ Introduction Slide: Briefly introduce your topic.
➢ Content Slides: Create at least 5 slides that cover different aspects of your topic. Use bullet points
to list information.
➢ Images and Graphics: Add relevant images, charts, animations, transitions, sound effects or
diagrams to make your slides more interesting.
➢ Conclusion Slide: Summarize the main points of your presentation.
➢ ‘Thank You’ Slide: A slide to thank your audience for watching.
➢ Design: Use PowerPoint features to make your slides visually appealing. Choose a consistent theme,
font style, and background.

Save your PowerPoint presentation with the file name: -

➢ “Class7_Section_SummerProject_YourName.pptx”
➢ Email the presentation at [email protected] or to your class teacher.
➢ Be prepared to present your work to the class when school reopens.
➢ Date of Submission – 25th June 2024

Subject- Drawing
Colourful- Onion, Tomato, Mango
Draw & Shade in the file- Hen, Eat, Turtle
Craft: Birthday Card

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