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The modern history of the most popular sport on the planet spans more than 100 years of
existence. It began in 1863, when in England the paths of "rugby-football" (rugby) and
"association football" (soccer) separated, founding the oldest association in the world: the
"Football Association" (English Football Association). ), the first governing body of sport.

Both types of games have the same root and a very vast family tree. A deep and thorough
investigation has found half a dozen different games in which there are aspects that refer
to the origin and historical development of football. Obviously, despite the deductions that
are made, two things are clear: first, that the ball has been played with the foot for
thousands of years and, second, that there is no reason to consider the game with the
foot as a form of degenerate secondary of "natural" play with the hand.

Quite the opposite: apart from the need to have to fight with the whole body for the ball
in a great melee (also using the legs and feet), generally without rules, it seems that,
from the beginning, this activity was considered extremely difficult and, therefore,
controlling the ball with the foot generated admiration. The oldest known form of the
game is a manual of military exercises that dates back to the China of the Han dynasty, in
the 2nd and 3rd centuries BC.

It was known as "Ts'uh Kúh", and consisted of a leather ball stuffed with feathers and
hair, which had to be thrown with the foot into a small net. This was placed between long
bamboo poles, separated by an opening of 30 to 40 centimeters. Another modality,
described in the same manual, consisted of the players, on their way to the goal, having
to avoid the attacks of a rival, being able to play the ball with their feet, chest, back and
shoulders, but not with their hand.

From the Far East comes, meanwhile, a

different form: the Japanese Kemari,
which was first mentioned some 500 to
600 years later, and which is still played
today. It is a ceremonial exercise that,
although it requires a certain skill, does
not have any competitive character like
the Chinese game, since there is no fight
for the ball. On a relatively small surface,
the actors must pass it around without
dropping it on the floor.
FOOTBALL 11 RULES • Shin/shin guards. They must be made of rubber, plastic or a
1. The playing field similar material suitable to offer adequate protection, and
Matches may be played on natural or artificial surfaces, in must be covered by socks.
accordance with the competition regulations. • Footwear
The playing field will be rectangular, divided into two halves The two teams will wear colors that differentiate them from
and will be marked with lines. These lines will belong to the each other and also from the referee and assistant referees.
areas they demarcate. Goalkeepers are also required to wear a different color.
The length of the touchline must be a minimum of 90 meters
and a maximum of 120, and must be greater than the length 5. The referee
of the goal line, which will have a minimum of 45 meters and A match will be controlled by a referee, who will have full
a maximum of 90 meters. authority to enforce the Laws of the Game in said match. His
In addition, a goal area must be drawn, with two lines decisions are final as soon as the game resumes. He can
perpendicular to the goal line, 16.5 meters from the inside of rectify an error if he is notified by an assistant, but it must be
each post and the lines will go 16.5 meters into the playing before the game continues.
field. A penalty spot will be marked in the center of the Among the main decisions are to endorse the goals, mark the
rectangle, which will be used to place the ball when there is a fouls and sanction the most severe ones with warnings or
foul inside the area. expulsions, for this purpose, yellow or red cards are used,
Now with the field, an important part of the essence of soccer respectively.
is missing: the goals, which is the official name that FIFA gives Two yellow cards merit a red card, to indicate that a player
to the goals, which consist of a pair of posts placed at a has been sent off.
distance of 7.32 meters from each other, with a height of 2.44
meters and joined by a crossbar, to form a rectangle through 6. Assistant referees
which the ball must pass to score a goal. Two assistant referees may be appointed who will have,
subject to what the referee decides, the task of indicating: if
2. The ball the ball left the field of play, corner kicks, offside, notifying
Features and measurements changes, infractions that they do not see the referee,
• It will be spherical. duration of the match, goal scored and goal kicks.
• It will be made of leather or any other suitable material.
• It will have a circumference of no more than 70 cm and no 7. The duration of the match
less than 68 cm. The match will last two equal halves of 45 minutes each,
• Will weigh no more than 450 g and no less than 410 g at the unless otherwise agreed upon by mutual agreement between
start of the match the referee and the two participating teams. Between each
• It will have a pressure equivalent to 0.6–1.1 atmospheres at half there will be a break that should not exceed 15 minutes.
sea level.
8. The start and resumption of the game
3. The number of players The kick-off is a way to start or resume play:
The match will be played by two teams made up of a • At the beginning of the match.
maximum of eleven players each, one of which will play as • After having scored a goal.
goalkeeper. The match will not start if one of the teams has • At the beginning of the second half of the game.
less than seven players. • At the beginning of each extra time, if applicable.
For official A national team matches, a maximum of six A goal may be scored directly from a kick-off. Before the start
substitutes and a limit of three substitutions are allowed, but of the match, a coin will be tossed in the air and the favored
local leagues can be flexible regarding the number of team will decide the direction in which it will attack in the
substitutes, and only in friendly games can there be more first half of the match and the other will take the kick-off.
substitutions. A substituted player will not be able to re-enter In the event that the referee interrupts the match for a
and any player can take the goalkeeper's position, he just has reason not indicated in the Laws of the Game, the ball must
to notify the referee. be dropped to the ground to restart the match.

4. The players' equipment 9. The ball in play or out of play

The mandatory basic equipment of a player is made up of the The ninth rule seems very logical, the ball is in play as long as
following pieces: no foul is called and it is inside the court. The game is not
• A jersey or t-shirt. If underwear is worn, the sleeves of this interrupted if it bounces off a corner post or flag or if it
clothing must have the main color of the sleeves of the jersey bounces off the referee.
or t-shirt. It will be offside if it completely crosses a touchline or goal
• Shorts. If short or long thermal tights are used, they must line, and if the match is interrupted by the referee.
be the main color of the shorts.
• Socks. If tape or a similar material is used on the outside, it 10. The goal scored
should be the same color as the part of the stocking on which A goal will have been scored when the ball has completely
it is worn. crossed the goal line between the posts and under the
crossbar, provided that the scoring team has not previously touch the ball if the rebound comes from one of the goal
committed an infraction of the Laws of the Game. posts.
The team that scores the greatest number of goals will be the
winner, if they score the same or do not score, the game ends 15. The throw-in
tied. In the event that a winner is necessary, only three The throw-in is a way to restart play and is awarded to the
procedures are allowed: away goals rule, overtime or penalty opponents of the last player who touched the ball before
kicks. crossing the touchline on the ground or in the air.
A goal cannot be scored directly from a throw-in.
11. Offside The throw-in is served with the hands, the ball is thrown from
A player will be in an offside position if he is closer to the behind over the head, with both feet well placed on the line
opponent's goal line than the ball and the penultimate from the place where it left the field of play.
opponent, but will not be in an offside position if he is in his
own half of the field. The referee must award the opposing 16. The goal kick
team an indirect free kick. The goal kick is a way of restarting the game, when the ball
Offside is one of the most complicated rules to understand, has completely crossed the goal line, whether on the ground
check HERE for a more detailed explanation. or in the air, after having last touched a player of the
attacking team, and a goal has not been scored. goal under
12. Faults and errors Law 10.
Fouls outside the area are sanctioned with a free kick and A goal may be scored directly from a goal kick, but only
those inside the area with a penalty kick. against the opposing team.
There are infractions that are sanctioned with an indirect kick,
for example, dangerous play, hindering the advance of an 17. The corner kick
opponent or when the goalkeeper takes more than six A corner kick is awarded when the ball has crossed the goal
seconds to clear the ball. line, whether on the ground or in the air, after having last
According to the seriousness of the infraction, the referee touched a player of the defending team, and a goal has not
may decide whether to only mark the foul, whether to show a been scored in accordance with the Law.
yellow card to warn or a red card to send off the player; Two
warnings are punishable by expulsion. 18.
A goal may be scored directly from a corner kick, but only
13. Free throws against the opposing team.
Free kicks are divided into direct ones, which with a single
contact can score a goal or if it is an own goal, a corner kick
will be scored; and indirect free kick, in which the referee
must keep one hand raised and consists of two touches
before the ball crosses the goal, if there is only one touch a
goal kick will be awarded.
The rival team has the right to place a barrier of players, to
protect the goalkeeper and complicate the situation for the
collector, but said barrier must be at a distance of 9.15

14. The penalty kick

A penalty kick will be awarded against the team that commits
an infringement that merits a direct free kick, within its own
penalty area and while the ball is in play.
The ball is placed on the penalty spot, which is 11 meters
from the goal line and is a one-on-one match between the
kicker and the goalkeeper with a single shot. The other
players will remain outside the area at least 9.15 meters away
from the penalty spot.
If the kicker fails and receives a penalty, he may
counterattack if the referee stops the shot, but he may not
Measurements of the soccer
field 11
For large 11-a-side football fields,
according to FIFA, the minimum
size of the playing field is 45m x
90m and the maximum size is 90m
x 120m. For official matches or international competitive matches, FIFA establishes a minimum
of 64m x 100m and a maximum of 75m x 110m.


Diet for athletes is a very important element for their performance. The physical wear and tear that a footballer has
during training and matches is very high, therefore a balanced diet is necessary, which helps improve performance.
Soccer is characterized by combining periods of aerobic exercise with high intensity peaks. Glycogen is the main source
of energy, so with the soccer player's diet it is necessary to ensure that there are sufficient reserves.

Nutrition before the game and during its development is decisive for the athlete's muscle to have high glycogen
reserves. During training, the diet is different, it must contain all food groups, and drink plenty of water. It is very
important to maintain a regular meal schedule, leaving enough time between eating and training.

Before a match, the player has to take care of dinner the day before, for this he would have to have dinner, two hours
before going to bed, a menu rich in carbohydrates and with foods that are easy to digest (rice, pasta, salad, lean fish,
fruit or yogurt, bread and water). The recommended proteins
a day should be between 1.2 and 1.4 grams per kilo per day
and fats should not exceed 30% of the calories

On the day of the game, the last meal must be finished

three hours before, to allow digestion. The menu has to
be rich in carbohydrates, with little fat and protein. It is
advisable not to eat large quantities, eat slowly and chew
your food well, and drink plenty of fluids.

In the middle part, as glycogen reserves in the muscle

are lost during the effort, it is recommended to
consume drinks with carbohydrates to ensure
hydration and blood glucose levels.


Acoustics Study the properties of sound.

atomic physics Study the structure and properties of the atom.

Cryogenics Study the behavior of matter at temperatures extremely low.

Electromagnetism Study the electric and magnetic fields, and the electric charges that they generate them.

particle physics He is dedicated to the research of elementary particles.

fluid dynamics Examines the behavior of liquids and gases in motion.

Geophysics Application of physics to the study of the Earth. Includes the fields of hydrology, meteorology, oceanography, seismology and volcanology.

Mathematical Physics Study mathematics in relation to natural phenomena.

Mechanics Study the movement of material objects subjected to action of forces.

molecular physics Study the properties and structure of molecules.

Nuclear physics Analyzes the properties and structure of the atomic nucleus, the nuclear reactions and their application.

Optics Study the propagation and behavior of light.

Plasma physics Studies the behavior of highly ionized gases (with burden electrical).
Quantum physics Studies the behavior of extremely small systems and the energy quantization.

condensed matter Study the physical properties of solids and liquids.

Statistical mechanics Apply statistical principles to predict and describe the behavior of systems composed of multiple particles.

Thermodynamics Studies heat and the conversion of energy from one form to another.


CLASSICAL PHYSICS: Classical physics is responsible for the study of those phenomena that occur at a small relative
speed, compared to the speed of light in a vacuum and whose spatial scales are much greater than the size of atoms and
CLASSICAL MECHANICS: Classical mechanics is the branch of physics that describes the movement of bodies, and their
evolution over time, under the action of force. In particular, classical mechanics: it is subdivided into kinematics, statics
and dynamics.
KINEMATICS: It is the one that deals with the movements of bodies without considering the causes that originate it.
STATICS: It is what studies the conditions of equilibrium.
DYNAMICS: It is what describes the movement by studying the causes of its origin.
PHYSICAL OPTICS: Physics optics is the branch of physics that takes light as a wave and explains some phenomena that
could not be explained by taking light as a ray. These phenomena are:
DIFFRACTION: It is the ability of waves to change direction around obstacles in their path, this is due to the property of
waves to generate new wave fronts.
*POLARIZATION: It is the property by which one or more of the multiple planes in which light waves vibrate is filtered,
preventing their passage. This produces effects such as elimination of glare.
ACOUSTICS: It is the branch of physics that studies sound, which is a mechanical wave that propagates through matter,
whether in a gaseous, liquid or solid state, because sound does not propagate in a vacuum.
THERMODYNAMICS: It is the one that studies the processes in which energy is transferred as heat and as work. Heat is
defined as a transfer of energy due to a difference in temperature, while work is a transfer of energy that is not due to a
temperature difference.
HEAT: It is an amount of energy and an expression of the movement of the molecules that make up a body. When heat
enters a body, heating occurs and when it leaves, cooling occurs. Even the coldest objects have some heat because their
atoms are moving.
TEMPERATURE: It is the measure of the heat of a body (and not the amount of heat it contains or can give off).
ELECTROMAGNETISM: It is what studies electrical and magnetic phenomena, which are closely related.
ELECTRICAL PHENOMENA: The properties of electrical bodies are due to the existence of two types of charges: Positive
and negative.
Matter is electrically neutral, that is, it has the same amount of each type of charge. If it acquires a charge, both positive
and negative, it is because it has more of one type than another.
MAGNETIC PHENOMENA: Magnetic phenomena are those that produce a magnetic field that arises when there is charge
in a movement in a current (or even in an atom) and intrinsic magnetic dipoles.


1. Galileo proves that all objects fall at the same speed (1589)

In the 16th century Italy where Galileo Galilei lived, scientific knowledge was mostly made up of theories that had not
been significantly modified since ancient Greece. One of those ancient Greeks, Aristotle, had postulated that objects fall
at different speeds depending on their weight: the heavier they are, the faster the fall.

2. Newton divides white light into its seven colors (1672)

We usually represent Isaac Newton accompanied by his inseparable apple, but perhaps we should include a rainbow in
the image. And he was the first to demonstrate how this beautiful meteorological phenomenon is formed.
Henry Cavendish weighs the Earth (1798)

In the 18th century, the British physicist took on the titanic task
of weighing our planet. To do this, he measured its density, so
that he could calculate its mass from that data.

To do so, he built his own experiment, a scale with a

horizontal wooden arm almost 2 meters long, from whose ends
he held two lead spheres of the same mass. The staff was
suspended by a long rope. Near the spheres, he placed two other
lead spheres of 175 kg each, whose gravitational action was to
attract the masses of the balance, producing a small

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