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Preliminary Node Script Setup Guide

Created March 2020.

This setup guide provides the basic guidelines and instructions

to organize the Node script environment. This preliminary guide

was made to expedite the operation of updated CryptoKhan scripts

for clients that had already purchased older versions of the script.

A complete and fully detailed setup guide will be created by the

first week of April 2020.

The user of CryptoKhan products and services has acknowledged that all contents

of the disclaimer have been read and agreed to before usage of this CryptoKhan

script environment. By using this script environment for CryptoKhan scripts, you are accepting

the guidelines set in the disclaimer.




a. Visit:

Node is a Javascript environment that enables online interaction outside of a browser.

In this case, Node is used to run CryptoKhan scripts that will interact with the Tron Network.
b. Click the green button on left for Long Term Support (LTS) version

The button should say "Recommended For Most Users"

c. Node Setup Wizard will open and move through following steps:

- End-User License Agreement: Agree and click next

- Destination Folder: Leave as default and click next (no change needed)

(Windows: C:\Program Files\nodejs\)

- Custom Setup: Leave as default, click next (no change needed)

- Tools for Native Modules: Don't add the automatic installation. Click next (no change needed)

- Click install, allow changes on computer, wait for completion

- Click finish ones 'Completed the Node.js Setup Wizard' is shown

d. To confirm Node has been downloaded, open command prompt (cmd, Windows) or Terminal
(MacOS) and enter:

node -v

This will show the version that is installed. It should match the version just installed.

2. Integrated Development Environment (IDE):

If the user already has a desired IDE, this step can be skipped.

If the user does not have an IDE set up, the recommended IDE is Atom, a user-friendly text editor,

with the 'script' package to enable easy compiling and debugging.

a. Visit:

b. Click the yellow Download button for the latest version to match your system.
c. Proceed through download and installation steps. Successful completion will be noted

with the Atom editor window opened along showing the welcome message.

d. Download the 'script' package:

- Go to File -> Settings -> Install

- In the "search packages window", enter "script".

- Click the blue "install" button next to "script" (Version 3.25.0 as of March 2020).

The desired package will be the first result and have over 2.5 million downloads.

With the script package installed, each script can be easily read, edited, and run from within Atom.


- Ctrl + Shift + b to run script

- Ctrl + Q to stop script


- Cmd + i to run script

- Ctrl + c to stop script

[For more commands, in the Atom window: Go to packages -> Script]

Successful use of the 'script' package when running the script will be shown with a console window

that will open and present all the script messages at the bottom of the Atom window.


The following steps are done once the script packages are purchased.

1. KEYTAR SETUP (Private Key Setup):

Before beginning use of the purchased CryptoKhan script, the desired wallet's private key needs to

be set up for interaction through Node.js directly with the Tron Blockchain.
The private key is stored in the Keychain or Credentials Manager of your chosen computer. This data is

encrypted and accessed for use only through Node.js.

The Keytar folder is separate from the purchased CryptoKhan script folder. Once the private key is set up

within this folder's file as instructed below, it is recommended to delete this folder as to not contain any

written, unencrypted copies of the private key. In addition, use of an alternative wallet with funds only

for use with the specific CryptoKhan script is highly recommended.

a. Extract CryptoKhan Keytar folder to desired location.

- Recommended destination: In a folder related to Tron or scripts in the Documents folder.

b. In Atom, open the CryptoKhan Keytar folder:

- File -> Add Project Folder

- Add Keytar folder

c. Click on the 'index.js' file. This is where the private key will be set for Keytar to use.

d. Choose a Username:

- Enter the username in the text quotation field next to the myUsername variable.

- Make note of what you put here. This username will be used in the specific CryptoKhan script

that you have purchased.

- The username is specific to the private key that you set. If you want to add multiple private keys
(recommended for different scripts),

then create a new username.

e. Enter private Key:

- Enter the private key string into the text quotation field next to the privateKey variable.

f. Run script:
In Atom: Ctrl+Shift+b (Windows) or Cmd + i (MacOS)

- Wait for completion. You can check if the key has been set by opening Credentials Manager (Windows)
or Keychain (MacOS)

and seeing the Keytar 'password' that had been set.

g. [Recommended] After completion, delete this CryptoKhan_Keytar_KeySetup folder.

- If you want to add a new privateKey, re-download the folder and input a new username. Then, run
script to set the key.

h. Proceed to your purchased CryptoKhan script folder.


Now, the user is ready to set up the specific purchased script. These steps will be given

in the document specific to the purchased script.


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