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Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.

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Date Version Details Author

24 -11 - 2023 2024.0.0 Annual Review Competitions

2.4.9: Junior Competitions & Under 12 Team
2.4.10 Junior Competition MiniRoos Team
4.6.2.f: Addition of Sunshine Coast Region
4.7.2 Playing Below Designated Age Group
4.7.3: Adjustment to Playing above age
10 - 01 - 2024 2024.0.1 Competitions
4.7.4: Grading of Under-Age Players Team
4.8.c: Addition of Sunshine Coast Region
5.7 Match Ball Tables Updated
6a & 6b Match Official Fees Updated
8.12: Junior and Senior Player Movement
Table updated


Delegation required for approval: Chief Executive Officer

Approving Officer

Name: Robert Cavallucci

Position: Chief Executive Officer

Dated: 10/01/2024

Term of Agreement: 1st January 2024 to 31st December 2024

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 2 of 52

Football Queensland reserves the right to amend, change or alter these Competition Rules on an annual
basis. In addition, Football Queensland reserves the right to amend, change or alter these Competition
Rules should, in its opinion, is required during the season. The purpose of this is to ensure transparency,
consistency, and best practice. The changing of the rules mid-season would only occur in extraordinary
This document is specific to the following Statewide Competitions:
(i) FQPL 3 - 6 Men
(ii) FQPL 3 Women

(iii) FQPL (Regional)

(iv) Senior Community Competitive Divisional Leagues
(v) Junior Community Competitive Divisional Leagues, including any Girls Only competitions.
(vi) Junior Non-Competitive MiniRoos and U12 Leagues

Due to the large demographic variance and associated competition structures in each region there will
be rule variations to maintain optimum viable football competitions. All rules will apply unless a rule is
specifically labelled to a region(s). Regions will include:
a) Regional (all regional areas listed below). Where the competition rules refer to “Regional” it will
encompass all regions below otherwise individual regions will be listed if specific rules apply only
to that region.
(i) Far North and Gulf (Cairns)
(ii) Mt Isa (Mt Isa)
(iii) Northern (Townsville)
(iv) Whitsunday Coast (Mackay)
(v) Central Coast (Rockhampton, Capricorn Coast, Central Highlands, Biloela, Gladstone)
(vi) Wide Bay (Bundaberg, Maryborough, Hervey Bay)
(vii) Darling Downs (Toowoomba, Stanthorpe, South Burnett)
(viii) Sunshine Coast (Sunshine Coast)
(ix) South Coast (Gold Coast)
b) Metro (Greater Metropolitan Brisbane region, both North and South of the River)

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1 DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................ 6
2 COMPETITION REGULATIONS .......................................................................................................... 9
2.1 COMMERCIAL ARRANGEMENTS ................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 MONIES OWING TO FOOTBALL QUEENSLAND BY A CLUB ............................................................................... 9
2.3 COMPETITION STRUCTURE .......................................................................................................................... 10
2.3.1 All Competitions ............................................................................................................................................ 10
2.3.2 All Senior Competitions Overview ................................................................................................................... 10
2.3.3 FQPL Competitions ........................................................................................................................................ 10
2.3.4 Community Competitive Competitions............................................................................................................. 11
2.3.5 Junior Competitions: Under 14 to Under 18 .................................................................................................... 11
2.3.6 Junior Competitions: Under 13....................................................................................................................... 11
2.3.7 Junior Competitions: Under 12....................................................................................................................... 11
2.3.8 Junior Competitions: MiniRoos ........................................................................................................................ 11
2.3.9 Masters (Regional Competitions Only) ............................................................................................................. 12
2.3.10 Additional Competitions............................................................................................................................. 12
2.3.11 FQPL Promotion & Relegation ..................................................................................................................... 12
2.3.12 Promotion & Relegation Requests/Withdrawal .............................................................................................. 13
2.4 Team composition ....................................................................................................................................... 13
2.4.1 FQPL Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 13
2.4.2 FQPL VISA PLAYER REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................. 14
2.4.3 FQPL Visa Player Table ................................................................................................................................... 14
2.4.4 FQPL Over/Underage Requirements ............................................................................................................... 14
2.4.5 FQPL First Team of the Month/Season Player Votes ........................................................................................... 14
2.4.6 Community Men’s and Women’s Competitions ................................................................................................ 14
2.4.7 Junior Competitions: Under 14 to Under 18 ....................................................................................................... 15
2.4.8 Junior Competitions: Under 13 ......................................................................................................................... 15
2.4.9 Junior Competitions: Under 12 ......................................................................................................................... 15
2.4.10 Junior Competitions: MiniRoos..................................................................................................................... 15
2.4.11 Team Composition Table ............................................................................................................................ 15
2.5 TEAM OFFICIALS......................................................................................................................................... 16
2.6 competition scheduling ............................................................................................................................... 16
2.6.1 Senior Competitions ...................................................................................................................................... 16
2.6.2 Junior Competitions: Under 13 to Under 18 ....................................................................................................... 17
2.6.3 Junior Competitions: MiniRoos and Under 12 .................................................................................................... 17
2.6.4 Junior Fixture Scheduling Table ....................................................................................................................... 18
2.7 DURATION OF MATCHES ........................................................................................................................... 18
2.7.1 Duration of Matches Table.............................................................................................................................. 18
2.8 MATCH RESULTS ........................................................................................................................................ 19
2.9 DETERMINing PLACINGS AFTER REGULAR SEASON ........................................................................................ 19
2.10 Finals Series................................................................................................................................................ 19
2.10.1 Finals Series Format ................................................................................................................................. 20
2.10.2 Final Series Venues ................................................................................................................................... 20
2.10.3 Procedures to Determine Winner of Final Series Final Game...................................................................... 20
3 ALTERATIONS TO season FIXTURES ................................................................................................ 21
3.1 WITHDRAWAL FROM COMPETITION SEASON................................................................................................ 21
3.2 ADDITION TO COMPETITION SEASON .......................................................................................................... 21
3.3 Postponed Matches ................................................................................................................................... 21
3.3.1 Request to Postpone/Reschedule Fixtures Due to Representative Duties ....................................................... 22
3.3.2 Request to Postpone/Reschedule Fixtures Due School Commitments (Junior Competitions Only) ................... 22
3.3.3 Request to Postpone/Reschedule Fixtures due to Exceptional Circumstances................................................ 22
3.3.4 Rescheduling Process of Postponed Matches Due to Severe Weather ................................................................ 23
3.4 NON-PARTICIPATION IN A MATCH (FORFEITS) ................................................................................................24
3.4.1 Forfeit Fines and Penalties ............................................................................................................................. 24
3.5 ABANDONED MATCHES ..............................................................................................................................24
3.5.1 Table 1: Outcomes of Abandoned Matches ..................................................................................................... 25
3.5.2 Request for Replay of Abandoned Match ........................................................................................................ 25
3.5.3 Outcomes of Abandoned Matches as a Direct Response of Actions by a Club ..................................................... 25
4 PLAYER REGISTRATION AND ELIGIBILITY ......................................................................................... 27
4.1 PLAYER REGISTRATION ................................................................................................................................27
Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 4 of 52
4.2 REGISTERED PARTICIPANT INSURANCE .........................................................................................................27
4.3 PLAYER ELIGIBILITY ......................................................................................................................................27
4.4 Grading of Players: All competitions ............................................................................................................. 28
4.5 Senior COMPETITIONS: Grading of Players................................................................................................. 28
4.6 Senior Competitions: Borrowing of Players .................................................................................................... 29
4.6.1 Senior Competitions: Borrowing of Senior Players in Regular Season ................................................................. 29
4.6.2 Senior Competitions: Borrowing of Junior Graded Players in Regular Season ...................................................... 30
4.7 Junior Competitions: Grading of Players ........................................................................................................ 30
4.7.1 Age Eligibility Table ....................................................................................................................................... 31
4.7.2 Playing Below Designated Age Group Dispensation.......................................................................................... 31
4.7.3 Playing Above Designated Age Group Dispensation ........................................................................................ 32
4.7.4 Grading of Under-Age Players Team Restrictions ............................................................................................. 32
4.8 Junior Competitions: Borrowing of Players ..................................................................................................... 32
4.9 Dispensation when Returning from Long Term Injury ....................................................................................... 33
4.10 Regrading of Players ................................................................................................................................... 33
4.10.1 Regrading of Senor Players in Senior Competitions [ALL regions] ................................................................... 33
4.10.2 Regrading of Junior Players in Junior/Senior Competitions [Metro only]........................................................... 34
4.10.3 Regrading of Junior Players in Junior Competitions [Regional Competitions] .................................................... 34
4.11 Player Eligibility Borrowing Exception ........................................................................................................... 34
4.12 MiniRoos Player Eligibility............................................................................................................................ 35
4.13 FINALS ELIGIBILITY ..................................................................................................................................... 35
4.14 PROTESTS (INELIGIBLE PLAYERS) .................................................................................................................. 36
4.15 Breaches in player eligibiLIty Penalties & Outcomes ....................................................................................... 36
4.15.1 Table of Penalties and Outcomes for Breaches in Player Eligibility .................................................................. 36
4.15.2 Overturning Match Results due to Breaches in Player Eligibility by one Team .................................................. 38
4.15.3 Overturning Match Results due to Breaches in Player Eligibility by both Teams ................................................ 38
5 FOOTBALL AND MATCH DAY OPERATIONS ....................................................................................... 39
5.1 FACILITIES/GROUND CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................. 39
5.2 THE TECHNICAL AREA ................................................................................................................................ 39
5.3 LIGHTING ................................................................................................................................................. 40
5.4 MEDICAL .................................................................................................................................................. 40
5.4.1 Stretchers.................................................................................................................................................... 40
5.4.2 Ambulance Access ...................................................................................................................................... 40
5.4.3 Blood Ruling ................................................................................................................................................ 40
5.4.4 Concussion Management ............................................................................................................................ 40
5.4.5 Heat Management Strategy ......................................................................................................................... 41
5.5 WET WEATHER cancellation process .............................................................................................................. 41
5.5.1 Wet Weather General .................................................................................................................................... 41
5.5.2 Mid-week & Friday Night Cancellations ........................................................................................................... 41
5.5.3 Saturday & Sunday Cancellations ................................................................................................................... 41
5.5.4 MiniRoos and Under 12 Cancellations ............................................................................................................. 42
5.6 GROUND OFFICIALS .................................................................................................................................. 42
5.6.1 Table of Ground Officials Required ................................................................................................................. 42
5.7 Match Balls ............................................................................................................................................... 42
5.8 Playing Strips ............................................................................................................................................ 43
5.8.1 Table of Permitted Clashes of Playing Strip ...................................................................................................... 43
5.9 Player Equipment ...................................................................................................................................... 44
5.10 Jewlery ..................................................................................................................................................... 44
5.11 Alcohol .................................................................................................................................................... 44
5.12 SQUADI TEAM SHEETS ............................................................................................................................... 44
5.13 Fixture results ............................................................................................................................................ 44
6 Match Officials ........................................................................................................................... 46
6.1 NON-ATTENDANCE OR UNAVAILABILITY OF MATCH OFFICIAL ....................................................................... 46
6.1.1 Non-attendance or unavailability of Match Officials in Senior Competitions ....................................................... 46
6.1.2 Non-attendance or unavailability of Match Officials in Junior Competitions ........................................................ 46
6.2 Match Officials’ Fees ................................................................................................................................... 46
7 INTERPRETATIONS, DISPUTES & APPLICATIONS FOR VARIANCES ......................................................... 48
8 Appendix: Player movement tables .............................................................................................. 48
8.1.1 Junior Player Movement Table (Divisions are based on the Metro 2023 competition and may be subject to change)49
8.1.2 Junior and Senior Player Movement Table ....................................................................................................... 50
8.1.3 Junior Girls Only and Senior women Player Movement Table .............................................................................. 51
Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 5 of 52
Abandoned Match – A Competition Fixture which has failed to commence for any reason or has
commenced but has been stopped by the Match Official prior to its conclusion.
Age Group – The cohort of players defined by the year(s) they were born.

Away Club/Team – The Club/Team not playing the match at its home ground and/or appearing
second on the fixture list in the event a match is conducted at a neutral venue.

Been Listed – Refers to a player appearing on a Squadi Team Sheet.

Borrowed – Using a player in a game that ordinarily plays or is graded into another team e.g. An U13
Division 1 player being used by an U14 Division 1 team (in the same Club).
Cancelled Match – A match that has been deferred, postponed, abandoned, or suspended and is
unable to be rescheduled before season end.
Club Assistant – An Assistant Match Official provided by a club for the fixture.
Club Official – Any person involved with the administration, management, or organisation of a club
(whether paid or unpaid), including employees, contractors, directors, representatives, and volunteers. All
Key Personnel are Club Officials.
Club Match Official – A Match Official allocated to a match by a club when an FQ Match Official is not
appointed who has the same authority and responsibility as an FQ appointed Match Official.
Club/s – A body or incorporated association that has been accepted for affiliation and admittance
into Football Queensland’s competitions.
Coach – Any person who is registered as a coach in Football Queensland’s registration system, Squadi, and
is tasked with directing a football team training and match performance.
Competitions – Any or all football divisions, age groups or matches administered by Football
Competition Administrator – The staff members of the Football Queensland Competitions
Competition Fixture – Any match that is scheduled and administered by Football Queensland.
Cup Match – Any knock-out cup match, organised and/or administered by Football Queensland or FA
before, after or in conjunction with a Regular Season and includes but is not limited to the Queensland
Division – A particular grade or level of competition within Football Queensland.
FA (Football Australia) –- Australia’s governing football body.

Facilities Lighting Standards – refers to the Football Queensland Facilities Lighting Standards
Policy as available through Football Queensland and adhering to the Australian Sports Lighting
Field of Play (FOP) – An enclosed pitch with the entire area within temporary or permanent perimeter
fencing; or an open pitch with the entire area within three (3) metres of the boundary line of a football
FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association) – The world governing body of Football.
Final – A competitive match played to determine the winner of a Finals Series or Cup competition
administered by Football Queensland.
Finals Series – A set of competitive fixtures played separate to the Regular Season to determine the winner
Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 6 of 52
of the Championship as administered by Football Queensland.
First Grade – The top team within a club's FQPL squad (not the U23's).
Fixture – Any match played in a Football Queensland Competition, Cup, other event or tournament under
Football Queensland's administration.
Fixture Suspensions – An imposed number of match(es) where a participant is disallowed from
participating as a result of disciplinary action.
Forfeit – The failure of a team to participate in a Competition Fixture.
FQ (Football Queensland) – Queensland’s governing football body.

FQ By-Law 9 – The current Football Queensland Grievance, Discipline and Tribunal By-Law (which may be
amended as appropriate).

FQPL – Football Queensland Premier League.

Goal Difference – The difference between goals scored by a team (goals for) and goals scored against a
team (goals against) in a match or season.
Graded – The allocation of a player or team to a division or age group specified by Football Queensland.
Has Started – Refers to a player who commenced a match as part of the starting 11 under the
Substitution rule.
Highest Placed Team – The team which finished in the higher position on the competition ladder
after the fixture season.
Home Club – The club playing the fixture or match at its home ground and/or appearing first on the
fixture list in the event a match is conducted at a neutral venue.
Host Club – A club which hosts one or more Competition Fixtures or Finals at its home venue, whether that
club participates in one of those Competition Fixtures or Finals Series matches or not.
IFAB – International Football Association Board, its successor or assignee.

Laws of the Game (LOTG) – The official laws of the game of football and futsal as promulgated by

League – Specific competitions conducted and declared by Football Queensland.

Lowest Placed Team – The team which finished in last position on the competition ladder after the
fixture season.
Match –See fixture.
Match Official – A referee, assistant referee, fourth official, match day coach, club referee, match
commissioner or any other person appointed by FA/Football Queensland/club who assumes responsibility
of a match and the participants safety in connection with a match.
Match Day Coaches – Match Official instructor who supports and assists with the development of the
Officials on game day.
Metro – Football activities conducted within the metropolitan Brisbane region.
No Result – Recording a ‘0-0’ score line in a Competition Fixture with no points or goals awarded to
either Team. A ‘No Result’ is recorded as a Competition Fixture played.
Non-Participation in a Fixture – A player listed on the official FQPL First Grade Squadi Team Sheet
(Match Record) who did not take to the Field of Play (FOP) during the match.
Participant(s) – One that takes part in a football match including, but not limited to: players, coaches,
Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 7 of 52
club officials and club supporters (spectators).

Penalty Shoot-Out – The alternate taking of penalty kicks from a penalty spot to determine a winner
in accordance with FIFA regulations where a match requires a result.

Playing Facilities Standards – The minimum standards a club must adhere to, to be eligible to host
fixtures, in accordance with the Football Queensland Playing Facilities Standards Policy.

Postponed – A Competition Fixture which has not commenced as scheduled and is to be


Regional – Footballing activities conducted in regions of Queensland other than the metropolitan
Brisbane region. Regions include; South Coast, Darling Downs, Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay, Central
Coast, Whitsunday Coast, Northern and Far North & Gulf.
Registered – A player, team official, club official, match day coach, club Match Official or FQ Match Official
who is registered in accordance with the applicable Football Queensland Registration Regulations, and/or
FA National Registration Regulations, including without limitation seeking an International Transfer
Certificate (ITC) where applicable.

Regular Season – The duration of the season, not including Finals Series.
Replica Strip – The shirt/shorts/attire of another club or team, be it professional or amateur (e.g.
Newcastle United replica jersey).
Rules of Competition (RoC) – Referring to this document and all associated stipulations, policies,
and statutes referred to and herewith.
Sanctioned Match – Any match(es) Football Queensland approves to be played in accordance with the
Football Queensland Sanctioning Policy. This includes matches to which Football Queensland does not
appoint Match Officials.
Squadi – Football Queensland’s National Registration & Competition Management system.
Team - A football team entered by a club in a League/Competition administered by Football Queensland.
Team Official – A coach, assistant coach, manager, physio/medical staff or other club registered
participants who is listed on a Squadi Team Sheet and is allowed in the technical area during a match.
Under 23s (U23s) – The supplementary team to the ‘First Grade’ FQPL squad.
Unregistered – A player or club official who is not registered in Squadi.
Venue Managers – The business/person of football facilities not directly leased, owned or managed
by a club.

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 8 of 52

a) All matches under the jurisdiction of FQ and all affiliated clubs will be played in accordance with
the Laws of the Game. This includes all Regular Season and Finals Series matches.

b) The Rules of Competition outlined herein are complementary to the official Laws of the Game
(LOTG) as determined by IFAB on an annual basis and can be found here.

c) All clubs, players and officials must comply with and agree to abide by the regulations of Football
Australia and Football Queensland including;
(i) National Registration Regulations

(ii) National Disciplinary Regulations

(iii) FA Code of Conduct and Ethics
(iv) Grievance Resolution Regulations

(v) Member Protection Policy

(vi) FQ Rules of Competition; and

(vii) Any other relevant or applicable statutes, policies or regulations including the FQ
Disciplinary Regulations and FQ By-Laws.
(viii) Clubs must remain financial with Football Queensland and adhere to competition rules 2.2.


a) If Football Queensland (FQ) enters into a sponsorship or commercial agreement, a condition of
entry into all FQ Competitions is that a Club is required to comply with any conditions imposed by
Football Queensland arising out of the sponsorship agreement. Such requirements may include,
but is not limited to; signage, the display of logos on Club websites, jerseys, the use of designated
balls etc.
b) Football Queensland ,where possible, will attempt to ensure that any requirement by a sponsor
has minimal financial impact and not intrude on Clubs’ existing sponsorship contracts.


All amounts owed by a club to Football Queensland must be paid within 21 days of the date of the
invoice (7 days in the case of match official payments) issued by Football Queensland in relation to that
If a club fails to pay any amount owing to Football Queensland in accordance with this, Football
Queensland may issue a notice, giving the club a further 14 days to pay that amount.
If a club fails to comply with a notice issued in accordance with this, or agree to a repayment plan with
Football Queensland for the amount owed, Football Queensland may, at its sole discretion:
i. Rule that club [or the applicable team(s) within that club] ineligible to earn competition
points in any Competition Fixture or Sanctioned Match in which the club (or team) plays,
ii. Suspend or expel that club [or team(s)] from any competition fixture (including Cup fixtures)
and/or Football Queensland competitions.
iii. Prohibit that club [or team(s)] from promotion whilst the debt remains unpaid.
iv. Relegate that club [or team(s)] while the debt remains unpaid.

v. Deduct points from a club [or team(s)] for the following season where the debt remains
unpaid or accrues after 2 weeks of the completion of the outdoor season.

If Football Queensland and a club agree to a repayment plan relating to a debt owed to Football

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 9 of 52

Queensland and the club defaults any of the terms by the stipulated date and time, Football
Queensland may immediately and without the need to issue a further notice, impose one or more of the
sanctions referred to above.


2.3.1 All Competitions
Football Queensland reserves the right to decide on or amend the size, structure and composition of
any competition. Clubs who are members of Football Queensland are eligible to nominate for any
competition within the Football Queensland structure, provided they meet the minimum and
mandatory requirements for the competition in which they nominate. New clubs are required to apply
to compete in Football Queensland Competitions by November 1 of each year. For further information,
please refer to the FQ Club Affiliation Policy.
a) Clubs may not field more than one (1) team in a competition or division level unless the club has
applied for, and been granted, an exemption by Football Queensland. All decisions by Football
Queensland regarding exemptions from this rule shall be at the discretion of Football Queensland
and shall be final. There shall be no appeal from a decision made by Football Queensland.

b) To field an additional team in a single division, the club must be able to field separate teams. Player
movement will not be permitted to move between teams.

c) FQ, with feedback from clubs, will determine the number of matches to be played in each division
once the final composition is determined.
d) All competitions within Football Queensland will be contested on a “Home and Away” basis,
where possible.
e) In all competitive age groups and divisions at the conclusion of the regular season, the team that
finishes with the highest number of points is deemed the Premiers. In the event multiple teams are
equal on points, refer to section 2.9 to determine their placing.

f) At the conclusion of the regular season, the top four (4) placed teams will participate in a Finals
Series to determine the Grand Final Champions and Runners-Up. In the event multiple teams are
equal on points, refer to section 2.9 to determine their placing.

g) In the event a team has insufficient numbers to play a fixtured match, the highest division in each
age group takes priority and must be filled, consideration will be applied if the difference between
the two teams is significant. If a club fields a team in a lower division but not the higher division,
both teams may be deemed to have forfeited and subject to Penalties and Outcomes as detailed in
the Fines and Penalties Document.

h) FQ may instruct clubs to combine to form a team in a particular age if it is necessary to form a
viable competition. The playing strip will be agreed to by both clubs at the start of the season with
the guidance from FQ Competition Management.

2.3.2 All Senior Competitions Overview

Senior competitions will consist of FQPL and Community Competitive Competitions. The FQPL
competition will be deemed the highest competition followed by Senior Divisional competitions. To
form viable divisions Senior Community Competitive competitions may be grouped based on location
and competition groupings.
Where FQ deems viable there will be an FQPL and U23s in both Men’s and Women’s within each
Region, along with Divisional Community competitions for men and women in each local area.

2.3.3 FQPL Competitions

a) Club's may only field one (1) team in a single FQPL Division. Clubs wishing to field more than one
team must submit an exemption request to Football Queensland. Each request will be considered
on a case-by-case basis. And the outcome is determined at the absolute discretion of Football
Queensland. This outcome is considered final and not subject to appeal.

b) All clubs participating in FQPL must hold, and be compliant with, their relevant FQPL license.

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 10 of 52

Please refer to region licensing documentation for requirements to participate in the FQPL Senior
c) FQPL 3-6 and Regional FQPL Men competitions and FQPL 3 Sunshine Coast Women: all
participating clubs in these competitions are required to field a “First Grade” team and an “Under
23’s” team.
d) FQPL 3 Metro Women and Regional FQPL Women competitions (except Sunshine Coast Women
FQPL 3): all participating clubs in these competitions are only required to field a ‘First Grade” team
and not an Under 23’s team.

2.3.4 Community Competitive Competitions

Community Competitive Senior Divisions will be determined by FQ on an annual basis following receipt
of nominations from clubs. There is no promotion to FQPL from Community Competitive League
Division 1. The composition of each of the League divisions will be determined on an annual basis based
on a combination of the previous season’s results and the nominations submitted by each club.
Following the conclusion of Round 4 of the regular season, a club may apply to have a team regraded.
These applications will be assessed, and results taken into consideration when deciding the
appropriate division for all teams. Football Queensland will also assess the results of each League
competition following the first 4 rounds and may seek to regrade a team based on their initial results.
Football Queensland’s determination on any regrade application or regrading of a team must be
followed and will be final. If a club requests to regrade from Round 5, a fee may be applicable if Football
Queensland grant the request. There shall be no appeal against the decision of Football Queensland.

2.3.5 Junior Competitions: Under 14 to Under 18

The composition of the Junior competitions will be determined on an annual basis, based on club
nominations. Where applicable, a series of grading matches may be played to determine final divisions.
Where possible, there will be multiple divisions for each age group.
Where multiple divisions occur in an age group, to grade teams appropriately Football Queensland may
also take into consideration the current team composition of returning players and in some cases, the
team standings from the previous season.
The integrity of the highest-level division in each age group should receive priority. Wherever possible
FQ are required to provide a top tier competition in every designated junior competitive age group U13
– U18.
Clubs can only have 1 team per division unless an exemption is granted by FQ. Where exemptions are
granted eligibility rules will apply.
Clubs will be offered several timeframes in which to apply to have a team regraded. These applications
will be assessed, and results taken into consideration when deciding on the appropriate division for all

2.3.6 Junior Competitions: Under 13

The Under 13 competition will play the Format according to the National curriculum as issued by
Football Australia and Football Queensland. The playing format for Under 13 Competitions is located

2.3.7 Junior Competitions: Under 12

The Under 12 competition will play the Format according to the National curriculum as issued by
Football Australia and Football Queensland. The playing format for Under 12 Competitions is located

There are no finals in the Under 12 competition and scoring will not be recorded for these age groups.

2.3.8 Junior Competitions: MiniRoos

a) The composition of the MiniRoos competitions will be determined by FQ on an annual basis
following receipt of nominations from clubs.

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 11 of 52

b) The age groups of Under 5 to Under 11 will play Formats according to the National curriculum as
issued Football Australia and Football Queensland.
c) There are no finals in MiniRoos Football and no scoring will be recorded for these age groups. Full
details of formats and guidelines for the MiniRoos competition can be located here.

2.3.9 Masters (Regional Competitions Only)

a) The composition of the Masters competitions will be determined by FQ on an annual basis
following receipt of nominations from clubs. Where possible there will be a First and Second
Division for each age group.
b) No slide tackles are allowed (including Goalkeepers). A slide tackle occurs when two or more
players are challenging for the ball and any of them "slide" for the ball. Any challenge not made on
two feet is to be considered a Slide Tackle. There must be a slide AND a tackle before the
challenge can be penalised, but there does not have to be contact between the players. A player
is challenging an opponent for the ball if the opponent is within a radius of one (1) metre of the
player. These rules apply to a goalkeeper who chooses to play or attempts to challenge for the ball
with his/her feet. They do NOT apply to a goalkeeper playing or attempting to play the ball with
his/her hands.

c) No tackling from behind is allowed.

d) Within each division clubs may field more than one team however each team must be able to field
a separate team. Player movement will not be permitted to move between teams.
e) Players may not play for another team in that Division from the same club. Clubs playing a player in
both of its teams will be deemed to have played an ineligible player and may face disciplinary
action and sanctions.

2.3.10 Additional Competitions

a) FQ may conduct additional competitions as it deems appropriate before, during or after the
competition season, providing the rules and competitions are sanctioned by FQ for the
competition prior to the commencement of the competition (includes cup competitions).
b) All additional competitions are subject to and should be read in conjunction with these Rules
of Competition. In the event of an omission or inconsistency between these rules and the
additional rules, FQ will determine and rule on the interpretation.

2.3.11 FQPL Promotion & Relegation

FQPL competitions follow a promotion/relegation system to determine the competition composition
for the following year. The only exception to this is in some regional competitions where there is no
promotion or relegation due to having only one division. In this instance clubs will be invited by FQ to
participate via the provision of an annual Participation Licence Agreement. All clubs, regardless of
promotion or relegation, must meet affiliation and participation licensing requirements to participate in
the FQPL.
FQPL 3 – 6 Men, FQPL 3 Women:
a) Where two or more FQPL divisions exist in a region the 1st and 2nd placed teams at the
completion of the regular season will be eligible for promotion (with the exception of FQPL 3 –
please refer to 2.3.11c).
b) The teams placed last and 2nd last at the conclusion of the regular season will be relegated to the
competition below for the subsequent season where lower FQPL divisions exist.
c) For FQPL 3 teams to earn promotion into FQPL 2 Men or FQPL 2 Women in the SEQ Region, the
first-placed team in the Metro FQPL 3 Men’s and Women’s competition will be promoted to FQPL
2. The second placed FQPL 3 Metro Men’s and Women’s team will participate in a Promotion
Playoff Series with the first placed FQPL 3 teams from Sunshine Coast, Darling Downs and South
Coast. The playoff format, fixtures and any specific regulations will be determined by Football

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d) As Clubs are only permitted to have one team within any FQPL division, if a team finishes in a
relegation position, and the club also has a team in the division immediately below the following
provisions will apply regardless of the position of the team in the lower division;

i. The team in the division below will also be relegated to a lower division (if available). If this
occurs, the team who finished 2nd last in the lower division at the conclusion of the regular
season will not be relegated.

ii. If no lower division is available, the club will only be permitted to have one team which will
be included in the lowest division.
e) As clubs are only permitted to have one team within any FQPL division, if the club’s team in the
higher division is not in a relegation or promotion position, but the lower division team finishes in
a promotion position, they will not be eligible to be promoted. If that occurs the next placed team
in the lower division will be eligible for promotion.

2.3.12 Promotion & Relegation Requests/Withdrawal

If one or both teams who have qualified for promotion to an FQPL competition advises that they do not
wish to exercise the privilege, they must provide their reasons in writing to Football Queensland for
review. If the request is granted or any other vacancy arises, Football Queensland will approach clubs to
enter the competition in the below order:

a) The team who finished 2nd last in the higher division will be offered the opportunity to not be
b) If they decline the opportunity, or a further vacancy arises, the team who finished last in the higher
division will be offered the opportunity to not be relegated.
c) If they also decline the opportunity, or a further vacancy arises, the position will then be offered to
the next highest placed team in the lower division, that has not yet been promoted, until a club(s)
accepts the invitation.
d) In the case of FQPL 2 (where a promotional SEQ playoff is executed), any vacancy that becomes
available rule 2.3.10.c will not apply and Football Queensland reserves the right to seek
applications from any other club to fill the vacancy.
In competitions where no relegation exists, or a vacancy occurs due to a team withdrawal or request for
relegation, Football Queensland can, if they choose, seek applications from any other club to fill the
NOTE: Promotion and relegation rules/procedures may be subject to change, due to variations in
competition structures.


2.4.1 FQPL Overview
a) FQPL 3 – 6 First Grade Men: In the above competitions, teams may list a maximum of 17 players on
the Squadi Team Sheet (a starting 11 and 6 substitutes). During the regular season teams may make
up to five (5) substitutions, with a maximum of 3 stoppages in play in a match. Half time
substitutions will not be counted as a stoppage in play.

b) FQPL 3 – 6 First Grade Men: During the finals series if an FQPL First Grade competitions proceeds
to extra time, teams are permitted to utilise the additional listed substitution and one additional
substitution stoppage opportunity (regardless of whether the team has already used the full
number of 5 permitted regular time substitutes or 3 regular time substitution stoppage
opportunities). This brings each teams’ total to 6 substitutions and 4 substitution stoppage
opportunities for the entirety of the match.

c) FQPL 3 Women, FQPL 3 – 6 Under 23 Men: teams may list a maximum of 16 players on the Squadi
Team Sheet (a starting 11 and 5 substitutes). In all competitions unlimited Return Substitutions
(Interchange) is permitted and a player who has been substituted may return to the field for
another player. Any player that is listed on the Squadi Team Sheet is deemed to have participated

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 13 of 52

in the match, even if they do not take the field of play.


a) If the player's country of birth is not Australia, clubs must check the player's residential/visa status
prior to registration. Clubs must abide by all appropriate regulations as advised by Football
Australia and Football Queensland.
b) Football Queensland will request any International Transfer Certificates (ITC) necessary for players
that were last registered with an overseas Federation.
c) The number of visa players permitted for an FQPL squad is subject to the relevant FQPL License.
d) The number of Visa Players permitted for all other squads is unlimited.

2.4.3 FQPL Visa Player Table

Competition Maximum Number of Visa Players

FQPL 3 and Regional FQPL 5
FQPL 4 - 5 7
FQPL 6 Unlimited

NOTE: The number referenced above refers to the maximum number of Visa players listed on the Team
Sheet in any First Team Fixture.

2.4.4 FQPL Over/Underage Requirements

To encourage the development of younger players clubs must meet a minimum number of Under 23
players in a squad. FQPL 3 Men and all regional FQPL Men squads must have a minimum of ten (10)
players combined listed on the Team Sheet for the First Team and the Under 23s in any given round.
Regional FQPL Women and FQPL 4 – 6 Men have unlimited overage players across their squad.

2.4.5 FQPL First Team of the Month/Season Player Votes

FQPL Main Team Coaches are required to vote for their own teams’ best players in a 3-2-1 format after
each game. Club Managers are to liaise with the relevant coaching staff to ensure their team’s 3-2-1
votes are submitted through Squadi after each match (home and away). The team player votes must be
submitted in Squadi no later than 9am on Monday morning following the weekend’s fixtures (or the day
following a midweek fixture).
A player or coach who is suspended due to receiving a Direct Red Card (excluding R4 or R5) in a match,
or due to a Disciplinary Committee Hearing or Match Review Panel into their conduct is not eligible to
receive any individual awards.
A player or coach may still be included in the Team of the Season if suspended due to receiving a Red
Card (Direct or Indirect) in a match or due to a Disciplinary Committee Hearing or Match Review Panel,
subject to the discretion of Football Queensland.
A player or coach is ineligible to win if they have played (defined as taken to the field of play) or coached
in less than ten (10) First Team matches at the conclusion of the Regular Season.

2.4.6 Community Men’s and Women’s Competitions

Community Men’s and Women’s teams may list a maximum of 16 players on the Squadi Team Sheet (a
starting 11 and 5 substitutes). In all competitions unlimited Return Substitutions (Interchange) is
permitted. A player who has been substituted may return to the field for another player.
In these Competitions, a player whose name appears on the Squadi Team Sheet is deemed
to have participated in the match, even if they do not take the field of play.

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2.4.7 Junior Competitions: Under 14 to Under 18
Under 14 to Under 18 Junior teams may list a maximum of 16 players on the Squadi Team Sheet (a
starting 11 and 5 substitutes). In all competitions from Under 14 to Under 18 unlimited Return
Substitutions (Interchange) is permitted. A player who has been substituted may return to the field for
another player.
In these competitions, a player whose name appears on the Squadi Team Sheet is deemed
to have participated in the match, even if they do not take the field of play.

2.4.8 Junior Competitions: Under 13

Under 13 Junior teams may list a maximum of 14 players on the Squadi Team Sheet (a starting 9 and 5
substitutes). In all Under 13 competitions unlimited Return Substitutions (Interchange) is permitted. A
player who has been substituted may return to the field for another player.
In these competitions, a player whose name appears on the Squadi Team Sheet is deemed
to have participated in the match, even if they do not take the field of play.

2.4.9 Junior Competitions: Under 12

a) Under 12 divisions follow the Under 12 National Playing Formats and Rules. For auditing and
registration purposes each team is required to submit a Squadi Team Sheet for at least one (1)
fixture by Round 4 of the competition. Teams that do not submit a Squadi Team Sheet with the full
contingency of players by Round 4 may be subject to ineligible player fines or withdrawal from the
competition. A minimum of 7 or a maximum of 14 players can be listed on the Squadi Team Sheet.

b) FAR NORTH & NORTHERN: In exception to Rule 2.4.9a, all teams must submit a Squadi Team
Sheet. Teams that do not submit a Squadi Team Sheet with the full contingency of players after
Round 4 may be subject to ineligible player fines or withdrawal from the competition. A minimum
of 7 or a maximum of 14 players can be listed on the Squadi Team Sheet.

2.4.10 Junior Competitions: MiniRoos

a) MiniRoos team structures can be found in the MiniRoos National Playing Formats and Rules. For
auditing and registration purposes each team is required to submit a Squadi Team Sheet for at
least one (1) fixture by Round 4 of the competition. Teams that do not submit a Squadi Team Sheet
with the full contingency of players by Round 4 may be subject to ineligible player fines or
withdrawal from the competition.

b) FAR NORTH & NORTHERN: In exception to Rule 2.4.9a, all teams must submit a Squadi Team
Sheet. Teams that do not submit a Squadi Team Sheet with the full contingency of players after
Round 4 may be subject to ineligible player fines or withdrawal from the competition. A minimum
of 7 or a maximum of 14 players can be listed on the Squadi Team Sheet.

2.4.11 Team Composition Table

Maximum Total Subs

Players to Total Subs Subs can
Competition be listed on Starting
Substitution Allowed in
Type Regular Allowed in return to
Squadi Time Extra Time field
Team Sheet

FQPL 3-6 Men Max 5 Total Max 6 Total

First Grade 17 11 6 Substitution 3 4 No
Stoppages Stoppages
FQPL 3-6 U23
Men 16 11 5 Interchange Unlimited Unlimited Yes
FQPL 3 Women
Community 16 11 5 Interchange Unlimited Unlimited Yes
Community 16 11 5 Interchange Unlimited Unlimited Yes
Juniors U14-U18

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 15 of 52

Juniors U13 14 9 5 Interchange Unlimited Unlimited Yes

Community 14 9 5 Interchange Unlimited N/A Yes

Juniors U12
MiniRoos Please refer to MiniRoos playing formats


Football Queensland requires that all Team Officials be registered via the Squadi registration system in
accordance with the registration regulations and in alignment with the expectations for players. Each
official MUST upload a current, recognizable, passport style photo to their Squadi profile to confirm the
identity of the individual. Any individual who does not fulfill this requirement could be deemed
ineligible for all matches they have participated in. Sanctions and penalties may apply to clubs/teams
and individuals as per Section 4.15.

A maximum of 5 team officials can be listed on a Squadi Team Sheet and allowed in the technical area
during a match. Team Officials can include; a Coach, Assistant Coach, Manager, Physio/Medical Staff,
and an Assistant. If a team official is not listed on the Squadi Team Sheet the match official can expel
them from the technical area. They will also be deemed as an “ineligible player” and subject to fines
and penalties as per section 4.15.

Clubs are accountable for their appointed Team Officials and they should be made aware that they are
governed by a Code of Conduct. Penalties of suspension of Team Officials, fines, and other penalties
and outcomes can be levied upon clubs, where it is found that Team Officials have breached the Code
of Conduct.
It is the Team Officials’ responsibility to ensure:
a) The team has a minimum number of seven (7) players to commence the match.
b) That the team does not list more than the allowable players on the Squadi Team Sheet.
c) All players taking the field are eligible to play.

d) All players taking the field of play are listed on the Squadi Team Sheet.

e) All players are ready to commence the fixture at the scheduled kick-off time.
f) Players’ behave responsibly before, during and after any game.


Football Queensland will schedule the dates, times and venues of all matches in collaboration with our
Clubs and their requested preferences. Draft draws will be released to clubs to allow for feedback prior
to the commencement of the season. Football Queensland reserves the right to schedule matches on
any day, time, and venue and in any format in alignment with the best interests of the competition(s).
This includes scheduling matches to accommodate media requirements and Match Official
appointments. Football Queensland reserves the right to reschedule matches in its absolute discretion.
All Football Queensland matches take precedence in scheduling over non-FA affiliated matches at all
Football Queensland Clubs.

2.6.1 Senior Competitions

a) All FQPL competitions with an associated U23 team will normally be scheduled between Friday
and Sunday each week. Games must be scheduled sequentially as specified: Under 23’s, 1st team
- on the same day at the same venue in that order.

b) All other senior matches (FQPL and Community competitions) will normally be scheduled between
Friday and Sunday each week. Where two or more senior teams from the same club are playing at
home on the same day, these matches must be scheduled consecutively where possible.

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 16 of 52

i. The exception to 2.6.1b is the South Coast Community Senior competition which is played
Mid-week on Wednesdays.
Day & Time Scheduling/Rescheduling Guide:
No senior matches will be scheduled to commence before 6pm
No senior matches will be scheduled to commence later than 8.30pm
No senior matches will be scheduled to commence before 11.00am
No senior matches will be scheduled to commence later than 8.00pm

No senior matches will be scheduled to commence before 9.00am
No senior matches will be scheduled to commence later than 7.00pm
This is a general guide and Football Queensland reserves the right to scheduled games outside of these
times if required or if exemptions are granted.
Exemptions may be granted in the case of public holidays or where both teams agree, for any fixture(s).
Any request for an exception must be submitted in writing to Football Queensland for approval and the
decision made will be final. The request must be submitted in line with the fixture amendment process.
FQPL 3 – 6 Men and FQPL 3 Sunshine Coast Women: Where there are clashes between the First Team
and the Under 23’s (i.e., teams from the same club at different venues), the First Team match will take
priority for scheduling and the Under 23’s will be scheduled to avoid any clash (either with sufficient
time between the matches on the same day or on a different day).

2.6.2 Junior Competitions: Under 13 to Under 18

Listed below is the day on which each age group will be predominantly scheduled during the 2024
Football Queensland season. Matches must be scheduled sequentially as specified by Football

Day & Time Scheduling/Rescheduling

No junior matches will be scheduled to commence before 6pm
No U13 - U14 matches will be scheduled to commence later than 8pm
No U15 matches will be scheduled to commence later than 8:15pm
No U16 - U18 matches will be scheduled to commence later than 8:30pm.
No junior matches will be scheduled to commence before 8.00am
No junior matches will be scheduled to commence later than 7pm
No junior matches will be scheduled to commence before 8.00am
No junior matches will be scheduled to commence later than 6.00pm
This is a general guide and Football Queensland reserves the right to scheduled games outside of these
times if required or if exemptions are granted.
Exemptions may be granted in the case of public holidays or where both teams agree, for any fixture(s).
Any request for an exception must be submitted in writing to Football Queensland for approval and the
decision made will be final. The request must be submitted in line with the fixture amendment process.

2.6.3 Junior Competitions: MiniRoos and Under 12

MiniRoos and Under 12 competitions will be scheduled on Saturday. Games will start no earlier than
8am and will flow onto each other until finished at the earliest possible time.

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 17 of 52

2.6.4 Junior Fixture Scheduling Table

Region MiniRoos U12 U13 Under 14 Under 15 Under 16 Under 17 Under 18

Metro Junior Friday Friday Friday
Divisional Saturday Saturday Saturday Friday Friday Friday Saturday Saturday
Sunday Sunday Sunday
Competitions Sunday Sunday Sunday
Wide Bay,
Central Coast
Junior FQPL &
Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday N/A N/A
Central Coast
(South) Junior Saturday Saturday Saturday Friday Friday Friday N/A N/A
South Coast
Junior Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Friday Friday Friday
Divisional Morning Morning Nights Nights Nights

Northern, Far Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday
North Gulf &
Mt Isa,
Whitsunday **Exceptions to days may be required for Remote Regional competitions and the where lighting
Coast permits allows for Girls Only MiniRoo competitions to be played on a Friday night.

NOTE: Metro Junior Competitions may be scheduled differently during term 2 to avoid clashes with the
School Football competition. For example, some Under 16 divisions will be scheduled on a Friday night
while Under 13 - 17 Girls, Under 14 Division 2 and below fixtures may be requested for Saturday to
assist with field availability.


a) MiniRoos (Under 5 - 11) game times and formats shall be as per MiniRoos National Playing Formats
and Rules. Please refer to the formats here.
b) Under 5 will follow all Under 6 MiniRoos Football Guidelines.
c) Under 12 game times and format shall be as per Under 12 Playing Format.

d) Under 13 game times and format shall be as per Under 13 Playing Format.

e) The duration of matches for each age group are outlined in the table below. After normal time in
each half, the match official may add on injury/stoppage time as required, however, this is only
applicable for Senior Competitions. No extra time is added for Junior Competitions.
f) There will be no time added in Junior games, unless in the event of a serious injury requiring an
ambulance to be called to remove the injured player from the playing field. In this circumstance
the match may be abandoned, or additional injury/stoppage time may be added at the discretion
of the match official.

2.7.1 Duration of Matches Table

Age Group Duration Interval Injury/Stoppage Time

Seniors 2 x 45 mins 10 - 15 mins Yes, at Match Official

Under 18 2 x 45 mins 10 - 15 mins No
Under 17 2 x 40 mins 5 - 10 mins No
Under 16 2 x 40 mins 5 - 10 mins No

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Under 15 2 x 40 mins 5 - 10 mins No
Under 14 2 x 35 mins 5 mins No
Under 13 2 x 35 mins 5 mins No
NOTE: Where the competition is a combined age group the match duration will be based on the higher
age level in accordance with the table provided.


In all Junior and Senior competitive competition fixtures, match points will be awarded as follows:

Match Result Value Points Earned

Win Three 3 Points
Draw One for both teams 1 Point for both teams
Loss Nil 0 Points
Bye Nil 0 Points
No Result Nil for either team 0 Points for either team

NOTE: No match results are to be recorded for MiniRoos and Under 12 age groups.


For all Junior and Senior competitive competitions/divisions the position of each team at the conclusion
of the regular season will be determined based on the following criteria:
g) Highest number of points accumulated during the Regular Season.
h) If two (2) or more teams are level on points accumulated the following criteria shall be applied, in
order, until one (1) of the teams can be determined as the higher ranked:
(i) Highest goal difference.

(ii) Highest number of goals scored.

(iii) Highest number of points accumulated in matches between the teams concerned.
(iv) Highest goal difference in matches between the teams concerned.

(v) Highest number of goals scored in matches between the teams concerned.
(vi) Lowest number of red cards accumulated.
(vii) Lowest number of yellow cards accumulated; and
(viii) Toss of a coin in the event of a tie of two (2) clubs or drawings of lots in the event of a tie of
three (3) or more clubs.
NOTE: As MiniRoos and the Under 12 age group do not keep score or play for points final season
placings will not be determined.


Football Queensland will arrange the dates, times and venues of all Finals Series matches. Football
Queensland reserves the right to schedule or re-schedule matches on any day, time and place as it sees
fit. All Football Queensland matches take precedence in scheduling over non-FA affiliated matches at
Football Queensland Clubs.

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2.10.1 Finals Series Format
The top four (4) teams at the conclusion of the Regular Season will participate in the Finals Series.
The table below explains the finals format for regular season competitions. Each team will be listed
based on their placing on the ladder standings. The first listed team in each match is the designated
Home Team.
Region and Competition Final Type Teams
Metro, South Coast, Semi Final 1 Second vs Third (2 v 3)
Darling Downs FQPL,
Senior and Junior Semi Final 2 First vs Fourth (1 v 4)
Community Divisions Highest Placed Semi Winner vs Lowest Placed Semi
Grand Final Winner
Semi Final 1 Third vs Fourth (3 v 4)
Far North & Gulf, Northern,
Whitsunday Coast, Central Semi Final 2 First vs Second (1 v 2)
Coast, Wide Bay and
Sunshine Coast FQPL, Preliminary
Final Loser Semi 2 vs Winner Semi 1
Senior and Junior
Community Divisions.
Grand Final Winner Semi 2 vs Winner Preliminary

2.10.2 Final Series Venues

The Final series matches will be held at venues determined by Football Queensland. Where possible
the final matches will be played at an independent venue from the two competing clubs.

2.10.3 Procedures to Determine Winner of Final Series Final Game

a) Senior FQPL and Community Competitions: If the scores are equal after normal time, then 2 x 15-
minute periods of extra time will be played in full. If the scores are still equal after extra time, then a
penalty shoot-out in accordance with FIFA regulations will be taken to determine the winner.

(i) METRO, SOUTH COAST, DARLING DOWNS REGIONS 2.10.3.a Exception: Community
Competitive Men and Women will not play extra time if the scores are equal after normal
time. Instead, they will go directly to a penalty shoot-out in accordance with FIFA regulations
will be taken to determine the winner (No extra time will be played).
b) Junior Under 13 – Under 18 Competitions: All finals matches will be played in accordance
with the fixture duration for each age group (See Table 2.7.1). If the scores are equal after normal
time, then 2 x 10-minute periods of extra time will be played in full. If the scores are still equal after
extra time, then a penalty shoot-out in accordance with FIFA regulations will be taken to determine
the winner.

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If a team is withdrawn, removed, or suspended before the competition has started and cannot be
replaced, a bye in the competition will be substituted where possible and the club will be levied an
administration fee, and the following will apply accordingly.
a) If the first cycle (round) of fixtures wasn't completed in its entirety, the recorded results for that
team will be deleted.
b) If the second, or subsequent, cycle (round) of fixtures wasn't completed in its entirety then the
results of the uncompleted cycle will be deleted while the results for all completed cycles will

c) FQ may re-arrange the draw so that the teams that were due to play the withdrawing team have a
bye. Where the competition already had a bye in each round, FQ may change the draw as it sees
fit to eliminate the bye.

d) FQ reserves the right to negotiate with another club/team to come into the competition as a
replacement. FQ also reserves the right to decide how points are attributed to the replacement
team for the remainder of the season.

e) The withdrawn club involved will be subject to potential disciplinary action, sanction, and
penalties. Please refer to the Fines and Penalties Document for further information.

f) Any actions taken by Football Queensland under this section as a result of a team withdrawal from
a competition is done so at its absolute discretion and is not subject to appeal.


If a club or team requests to be added to the competition and is successful, then the following will
a) If a team enters on or before 50% of the first round (cycle) of fixtures has been played, then the
team will replay any missed matches from that round.
b) If a team enters after 50% of the first round (cycle) of fixtures but before the first round has been
completed, then the team will not play any missed fixtures and all future fixtures involving the new
team will be played for no points until the next round of fixtures starts.
c) The above will also apply to the second, and any subsequent, rounds (cycles) of matches.

d) In the event these provisions create an anomaly, or are impossible to adhere to, then FQ will
determine, in its sole discretion, the application of the above rules. The decision of Football
Queensland in this respect is not subject to appeal.
e) The club of the additional team involved may be subject to penalties as determined by FQ.

f) Note – Points accrued in another competition prior to being added to a new competition will not
carry over to the new competition unless FQ deems otherwise.


The decision to postpone or reschedule competition fixtures can only be made by Football Queensland
Competitions staff, except in the event of severe weather. In severe weather matches may only be
postponed by the appointed match official at the venue, or by Football Queensland upon advice from
the HOME club prior to the match (as per Section 5.5 – Wet Weather Cancellation Procedures).
Football Queensland may postpone an earlier match or matches on any day to allow a later match or
matches to go ahead at its absolute discretion and in consultation with the host club.
Football Queensland reserves the right to record any outstanding fixtures that have not been
completed by one (1) week after the conclusion of the regular season as a nil-all (0-0) draw. Football

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 21 of 52

Queensland may decide not to reschedule a fixture that has no bearing on the final ladder positions.
Football Queensland reserves the right to reschedule matches on any day, time and venue and in any
format as it sees fit.

3.3.1 Request to Postpone/Reschedule Fixtures Due to Representative Duties

Any competition team with four or more players/team members unavailable due to representative
outdoor football duties, at Football Queensland/Football Federation Australia approved tournaments
including state-wide school representative tournaments, will be entitled to have their fixture
rescheduled upon application. Supporting evidence must be provided in an application. Applications
must be made at least 14 days prior to the scheduled fixture.
Football Queensland will take into consideration what is reasonable, and the decision will be final.
Applications due to involvement in local inter-school sport or non-representative sanctioned
competitions including but not limited to the Kanga Cup, will not be considered.
Should Football Queensland approve the application to reschedule the match, the process as outlined
in Section 3.3.3 will be followed.

3.3.2 Request to Postpone/Reschedule Fixtures Due School Commitments

(Junior Competitions Only)
Applications due to school commitments/functions will be assessed on their merits. All applications
must be accompanied by a letter from the School Principal/Curriculum Coordinator/Year Coordinator
on School letterhead outlining how the event relates to the education curriculum. The application must
be received at least fourteen (14) days prior to the scheduled fixture. The decision of Football
Queensland shall be in its absolute discretion and the decision shall be final and not subject to appeal.
If Football Queensland approves the application to reschedule the match, the process defined in
Section 3.3.3 will be followed.

3.3.3 Request to Postpone/Reschedule Fixtures due to Exceptional

If teams are affected by circumstances outside of their control and are asking for consideration to
postpone fixtures, application must be made in writing to [email protected].
Supporting documentation must be provided and each application will be assessed on a case-by-case
Requests submitted with more than 14 days’ notice of the scheduled match must provide the following:
a) Evidence and documentation as to why the match needs to be amended.

b) Written agreement from the opposition.

c) A new match date, time and venue that;
(i) Meets scheduling requirements as per section 2.6.

(ii) Has a 48-hour buffer from any other scheduled matches that may impact either team.
(iii) Meets facility standards including lighting if the match is to be scheduled at night.
(iv) Consideration for match official appointments (ie the pairing of the games).

Request made inside 14 days’ notice of the scheduled match must provide the following:
a) All requirements outlined in 3.3.3.c, as well as;

b) Available registered club Match Officials that may replace Football Queensland Match Officials for
the match and any paired matches if Football Queensland Match Officials are unable to meet the
new appointments.
NOTE: requests made outside of standard business hours just before a match will not be addressed. If
clubs do not proceed with the scheduled match, they may be deemed to have forfeited the match and

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 22 of 52

be liable for any associated Match Official fees. Fines and penalties may also apply.
Football Queensland will take the following points into consideration on deciding if a match should be
postponed due to exceptional circumstances;
(i) The exceptional circumstance and supporting documentation on how the circumstance
impacts the team including the number of team members are affected (must be a minimum
of 4 players).

(ii) The impact on Match Official appointments, (including paired games - ie the game before
or after where the same Match Officials are appointed)
(iii) The availability of dates to replay the match.

(iv) The impact on the opposition and the league.

(v) Field availability, including lighting should an evening match need to be scheduled.
(vi) Travel distances for teams and match officials.
Football Queensland’s decision to postpone or reschedule a match will be final and not subject to

3.3.4 Rescheduling Process of Postponed Matches Due to Severe Weather

All matches postponed due to severe weather will be rescheduled to the nearest designated Catch-Up
round. The days and kick-off times will remain the same for all matches where possible. If the fields are
in use through scheduled regular season fixtures, Football Queensland reserves the right to adjust the
match to an alternative time or location during the catchup weekend.
If all designated Catch-Up weekends are exhausted or Football Queensland determines that the
matches must be rescheduled as midweek fixtures Football Queensland will either reschedule the
match based on a regions wet weather schedules or the clubs will be advised of this information and the
HOME club will have five (5) days to respond with advice of their preferred option(s) for rescheduling.
If the HOME club fails to provide a response within five (5) days of Football Queensland sending the
request, Football Queensland may reschedule an alternate date as required or the match may be
awarded to the AWAY club with a 3-0 score line and the HOME club may be fined (See Fines and
Penalties Document).
If the proposed date provided by the HOME club gives less than fourteen (14) days’ notice, the HOME
club must obtain the AWAY club’s agreement. The AWAY club cannot refuse a rescheduled match
option that provides at least fourteen (14) days’ notice. Football Queensland reserves the right to
decide regarding the suitability of the date proposed, which will be final.
If the designated home club cannot provide a venue to play the match(es) or is unable to provide
another suitable Football Queensland approved venue to play the match, the match will be played at
the nominated venue of the away club.
If neither club has a venue to play the scheduled match, Football Queensland will designate a neutral
venue to play the match.
If a club refuses to play a rescheduled match as per these competition rules, the match may be declared
a forfeit and awarded to the opposition club as a win with a 3-0 score line.
Pursuant to the provisions of the above rules, the following points must be taken into consideration
when rescheduling postponed fixtures.
a) Should an entire division’s round of matches be postponed Football Queensland reserves the
right to move any individual matches scheduled in the next available catchup weekend to
midweek to allow for a complete round of fixtures to be played during the catchup weekend.
b) Matches must be rescheduled with a minimum gap of 48 hours from other
scheduled/rescheduled fixtures unless both teams agree, or Football Queensland determines a
match needs to be played and other options are not available.

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 23 of 52

c) In the event of the rescheduling of a fixture in the final four weeks of the season, the club response
timeframes, outlined above, will be reduced to 48 hours (club to respond in this time) and 7 days
(clubs to play no less than 7 days from date of advice).

d) FQPL Competitions with First Team and Under 23 teams: If matches in these competitions are
postponed or abandoned due to any circumstances, Football Queensland reserves the right to
reschedule matches on any day, time and venue and in any format as it sees fit. Under 23’s must
always be scheduled to be played before the First Grade Team, even if matches must be played
across different nights.


Any team that fails to fulfil any of its fixtures or finals obligations arranged by Football Queensland will
be deemed to have forfeited the match and subject to the Penalties and Outcomes as detailed in
Section 3.4.1.

Any team that wishes to forfeit a match prior to the scheduled day and time must notify Football
Queensland through Squadi. Football Queensland will then notify the opposition team and match
Any team that is not ready to commence a fixture or finals match within 15 minutes of the scheduled
kick-off time commencing, (this includes the ground of the HOME team not being ready for kick-off
in the opinion of the match officials, i.e., the field must be correctly marked, with nets and corner posts
up and goals anchored if required), will be deemed to have forfeited the match.

Any club who receives a forfeit due to venue standards must contact FQ Competitions via Squadi prior
to 12pm of the next business day and outline the events that led to the match not being played.

A team deemed to have forfeited may submit a request to review the forfeit if they believe the forfeit
was caused by extraordinary circumstances. The request must be submitted by Club Management in
writing (or Squadi incident report) to Football Queensland within three (3) days of the forfeit. Football
Queensland will review the request and deliver a determination. Football Queensland’s decision
regarding the forfeit shall be in its absolute discretion and shall be final and not subject to appeal.
If any team forfeits a fixture for any reason on three or more occasions in the same competition season
without satisfactory explanation provided in writing to Football Queensland, they will be asked to show
cause as to why they should not be withdrawn from the competition. The decision of Football
Queensland to withdraw a team from the competition shall be in its absolute discretion and shall be final
and not subject to appeal.
Any team refusing or failing to play the team against which it has been drawn, shall be deemed to have
forfeited the game and must contact FQ Competitions prior to the match.
In FQPL Competitions, if a club does not have sufficient players to field an Under 23’s and First Team,
the 1st team shall take priority. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action against the offending club
and both the Under 23’s and First Team fixtures will be deemed a forfeit.

3.4.1 Forfeit Fines and Penalties

Any match in all Football Queensland Competitions deemed to have been forfeited will be subject to
the following:
a) The match will be recorded as a 3-0 win in favour of the opposing team and the points will be
awarded to the opposing team.
b) Football Queensland may impose a fine, suspend, expel, or take whatever disciplinary action it
deems necessary against the offending club(s), player(s) and official(s).


The match official has the right to abandon any fixture match if, in their opinion, playing conditions
compromise participant safety. This includes the physical or mental safety of players, team officials,
spectators and/or match officials. If the match official abandons a Football Queensland match at half

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 24 of 52

time or later for both Junior and Senior Competitions, then the match result at the time of
abandonment will stand, unless one or both competing clubs request the match to be replayed or
Football Queensland determines that the match does not need to be replayed.
Any yellow card issued during an abandoned match will be upheld if that Match is not replayed or
expunged if that match is replayed. A direct red card issued during an abandoned match will be upheld
regardless of whether the match is replayed or not.
Any club found to be directly responsible for the abandonment of a match, will be deemed to have
forfeited the match and may be subject to disciplinary sanctions per section 3.4.1.

3.5.1 Table 1: Outcomes of Abandoned Matches

Abandoned before half-time Replay (unless clubs agree for the result to stand)
Abandoned during half-time break Result Stands
Abandoned into the second half Result stands

3.5.2 Request for Replay of Abandoned Match

All replay requests must be made in writing within five (5) days of the match being abandoned. Any
request after this time will be declined and the match result will stand.
Football Queensland shall take into consideration the following when considering a request for a
a) Reasons why the match was abandoned.
b) The time of the abandonment.
c) Result of the match at the time of abandonment.
d) The impact on the final league standings.
e) Factors that may affect the opportunity for scheduling the match to be replayed.
The decision of Football Queensland on whether to grant a replay will be final and this shall not be
subject to appeal. Any replayed match will be played in full. Should Football Queensland determine
that a match is to be replayed, the provisions for rescheduling as outlined in Section 3.3.3 will apply.

3.5.3 Outcomes of Abandoned Matches as a Direct Response of Actions by a Club

Football Queensland reserves the right to determine the match result if it is satisfied that one (or both) of
the competing teams, its players, officials, members or supporters were directly responsible for the
abandonment of the fixture. This includes the abandonment of a match due to a team having less than
seven players on the field. The decision of Football Queensland shall be in its absolute discretion and is
final and not subject to appeal.
Football Queensland may also decide to impose any of the following outcomes:
a) The match be replayed.
b) The match be recorded as “NO RESULT”

c) The match be recorded as 0-0 draw.

d) The match recorded as a forfeit (3-0) result to the opposition.
e) Impose a fine, suspend, expel or take whatever disciplinary action it deems necessary against
the offending club(s), player(s) and official(s).

Any yellow or red cards issued during an abandoned match that has been overturned and a forfeit

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 25 of 52

declared due to the actions of a club will be upheld. If the match result is changed as per 3.5.3.b. or
3.5.3.c. any goal scorers for the team receiving the forfeit will remain, and any goal scorers will be
removed for the team responsible for the forfeit.

Football Queensland’s determination on the outcome of any abandoned match shall be in its absolute
discretion and final and not subject to appeal.

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 26 of 52

a) All players participating in competitions administered under these Rules of Competition may only
be registered as Amateur Players in line with the provisions established in the National Registration
Status and Transfer Regulations.
b) Football Queensland will request any International Transfer Certificates (ITC) necessary for players
that were last registered with an overseas Federation. Clubs must provide all requested
documentation and adhere to the ITC regulations including not fielding the player until an ITC
clearance approval has been received.

c) For an individual to be eligible they MUST upload a current, recognizable, passport style photo to
their Squadi profile on registration to confirm the identity of the individual. Any player who does
not fulfill this requirement could be deemed an ineligible player for all matches they have
participated in. Sanctions and penalties may apply to clubs, teams and/or individuals as per
Section 4.15.

d) All players must be registered and active in Squadi in be eligible to participate in any fixtures.

e) Amateur players can register and are permitted to be registered at any time. The registration of a
player with a club is effective from the date of registration as approved in Squadi online
registration. Unless cancelled earlier, registration is effective from the date of the registration until
31st December of that year.
f) Amateur players are not permitted to re-register with another club within their region after 30th
June each year. This is only applicable to players within the same region, players from another
region (or member federation) are also permitted to register at any time. These players may still be
subject to finals eligibility clauses.
i. NOTE: Players are not able to register for any FQPL competitions after 30 June.
Players are only eligible to play in Senior Divisional and Junior Divisional Competitions. This
includes new registrations and players who are moving between clubs from a different
region. Players who register after 30 June are not eligible to be borrowed into the FQPL
competitions. These players may still be subject to finals eligibility clauses. Clubs may apply
for an exemption on this rule on behalf of the player. FQ will assess all exemption requests
based on their merits. The decision of Football Queensland will be in its absolute discretion
and shall be final and not subject to appeal.


Personal Accident, Management Liability and Associated Public Liability Insurance cover is taken out by
Football Queensland through GowGates insurance brokers. Policy details and claims procedures are
available on the FQ website.


It is each club’s responsibility to ensure that any player taking the field for a competitive fixture is
eligible to do so, per the competition requirements. To be eligible to participate in any Football
Queensland Fixture, players must meet the following criteria:
a) The eligibility of a player to participate in matches under the jurisdiction of FQ is finalised
upon receipt and approval of all necessary forms and appropriate clearances by FQ;

b) A player is eligible to play in matches under the jurisdiction of FQ, provided they are
registered in line with Football Australia National Registration Status and Transfer Regulations
and Football Queensland Registration Procedures.

c) A player is eligible to play in matches under the jurisdiction of FQ, provided they are not under
suspension by any Federation; it is the responsibility of the player and club to be aware of their
suspension status.

d) A registered player is eligible to take part in matches under the jurisdiction of FQ provided they are

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 27 of 52

correctly listed on the Squadi Team Sheet prior to the commencement of the match.

e) The player is not in breach of any visa player restrictions imposed by these rules of competition
(FQPL only).
f) The player is adhering to the correct grading and borrowing regulations as outlined in this
If a player is found to have participated in a match while in breach of any of the above eligibility
requirements, the Penalties and Outcomes as per section 4.15 will apply.


a) All players will be classed as graded into the team where they play their first fixture. Players can
only be graded into one team at any one time throughout the season.

b) In the event that a player is being borrowed by a team different than intended for their first fixture,
the club will need to advise the Football Queensland Competitions Team by completing the ad
hoc dispensation form for the player being borrowed by a higher team and inform of the player’s
correct team.
[METRO: The only exception to this rule is in the senior metro competitions, where players are
eligible to play without restriction during the first 4 scheduled rounds of the season to assist clubs
in the grading process of their players. After the scheduled round 4 date as per Season Calendar,
players will be graded into the team where they play their first fixture after the Round 4 scheduled
date. For avoidance of doubt if Round 4 is postponed due to severe weather the original Round 4
Season Calendar date will apply and the first game played after this date will be considered their
first fixture for grading purposes.]

c) If a Club has been given dispensation to have two or more teams in the same junior or senior
division, players are only permitted to play for one team in that competition division. This does not
exclude them from playing for other teams within the Club in other competition divisions (subject
to all Player Eligibility Rules).
d) If a player changes clubs during the season, then the “count” of matches played at a level does not
carry over from their previous club to their new club. There is no restriction on what division a
player can take part in for the new club so long as it is in line with competition rules 4.1.f. This does
not include Cup Competitions where restrictions may apply if a player changes clubs – see
relevant Cup Competition Rules.

e) The onus is on the club to be aware of where their player played their first fixture and was
subsequently graded. A club can enquire as to the ‘grading’ status of their player according to
their understanding, to Football Queensland, if required.


In addition to Competition Rules 4.4 the following Senior Specific player grading rules apply.
a) Players must be turning 16 years of age (male), or 15 years of age (female), during the calendar
year to be eligible to play in senior men and women competitions. Where an eligible junior player
(15 Girls/16 Boys – 18 Girls/Boys) is participating in the Senior competition only, they must be
registered as a Senior player.

b) Boys turning 16 years of age in 2024, or girls turning 15 years of age in 2024 will be required to
complete an Ad Hoc Dispensation Request Form before participating in the senior competition.

c) REGIONAL: Masters (over 35’s) Players who participate in the Masters competition are also
eligible to participate without restriction in the Community Senior Competitions only. If a player is
borrowed into any FQPL division, they will be regraded to the FQPL division and will be unable to
return to the Masters competition.
d) SUNSHINE COAST: A player must be turning 35 year of age in the calendar year to be eligible to
play in the Masters Over 35 competition and turning 45 year of age in the calendar year to be
eligible to play in the Masters Over 45 Competition.

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 28 of 52

e) NORTHERN: Clubs may only register 40 senior women players aged 18 and over. Eligible junior
players 15 – 17 are not included in the 40 senior women’s player limit for a club.


4.6.1 Senior Competitions: Borrowing of Senior Players in Regular Season
a) If a club has been given dispensation to have two or more teams in the same senior division,
players are not permitted to be borrowed into both teams in that division. Clubs can submit an
exemption request for exceptional circumstances due to low player numbers. Any decision made
by Football Queensland in regard to the request will be final and not subject to appeal.

b) A team using a player from a lower division/age group at the expense of available players from
their own team is in breach of the spirit of this rule and may be subject to disciplinary action.

c) Participation in Cup Competitions does not contribute towards the number of times a player may
be borrowed into a higher competition.

d) There will be no restriction on the movement of players between FQPL and Under 23 match-day
squads week in and out.

(i) METRO: In exception to 4.6.1.d no more than 5 First Grade starting players may play in the
Under 23 division the following week. Clubs can submit an exemption request to play more
than the 5 starting players down in exceptional circumstances. The determination made by
Football Queensland in regard to the request will be final and not subject to appeal.
e) METRO, SOUTH COAST AND DARLING DOWNS REGIONS: Players may be borrowed to play
in higher ranked competitions but may only do so for a maximum of six (6) matches. The maximum
number refers to the total number of games the player has played and not to each team they may
play in. On the seventh (7th) game the player will be regarded as per section 4.10.

(i) The exception to above rule is players being borrowed into the FQPL 3 Metro Women
competition. The borrowing limit will be relaxed to 11 games for players graded to a Clubs
highest divisional Metro Community Womens Team.
FAR NORTH & GULF REGIONS: Clubs may demote a maximum of four (4) players from the
previous round to a single division lower. They may not demote a player more than one (1) division
in a given round. E.g. A player cannot be demoted from Division 1 to Division 3.
g) FAR NORTH & GULF: Starting 11 players from First Division cannot play down into the Second
Division that same weekend (goals keepers are exempt from this rule)
h) FAR NORTH & GULF - MT ISA: Clubs are not permitted to play more than three (3) players up an
age group at any one time, without first being granted approval by FQ. Clubs may make an
application to FQ to allow additional players to play up.

i) DARLING DOWNS: For the 2024 season the Metro FQPL 5 and its U23 competition will be
deemed a higher level of competition than that of the Darling Downs FQPL 3 and U23 Men. The
following borrowing rule will apply for any club that participates in the both the Metro FQPL and
Darling Downs FQPL competitions.
(i) Players nominated in the FQPL3 team will be permitted to play in the FQPL5 competition
without restriction, however
(ii) The player may play a maximum of 6 games in the FQPL5 team/s and on his 7th, game will
be automatically regraded to the FQPL5 team/s and will not be permitted to return to
FQPL3 (including finals/play off games)

(iii) Clubs will be permitted to demote a maximum of three (3) U23 players from FQPL 5 to their
FQPL 3 Senior Squad in a given week. These players will not be permitted to play in any
FQPL5 (Main team or U23 team) (fixture on the same weekend and the player must be 23 or

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 29 of 52

(iv) Under no circumstance will an FQPL 5 First team player be permitted to drop to the FQPL 3

4.6.2 Senior Competitions: Borrowing of Junior Graded Players in Regular Season

Junior Players graded into a junior team who are turning 16 years of age (male) or 15 years of age
(female) may be borrowed into Senior FQPL and Community competitive competitions in line with the
below competition rule restrictions.
a) Boys turning 16 years of age in 2024, or girls turning 15 years of age in 2024 who wish to be
borrowed in senior competitions, will also be required to complete an Ad Hoc Dispensation
Request Form before participating in the senior competition.

b) If a club has two or more teams in the same senior division, junior players are not permitted to be
borrowed into both teams in that division. Clubs can submit an exemption request for exceptional
circumstances due to low player numbers. Any decision made by Football Queensland in regard
to the request will be final and not subject to appeal.

c) METRO: Junior Players graded into a Junior team who are turning 16 years of age (male) or 15 years
of age (female) may play in the NPL and FQPL First Team and Under 23 Team without restriction for
the purposes of development.

d) METRO: Junior players graded into a junior team may be borrowed into Senior Community teams
however, borrowing limits will apply. Players who have been listed on the Squadi Team Sheet
more than six (6) times in total in any higher Junior or Senior Community Divisional competition for
their current club will be regraded. Please refer to section 4.10.2. regarding rules and restrictions.

e) SOUTH COAST AND DARLING DOWNS: Age eligible junior players graded into a Junior Team
can be borrowed into senior competitions without restriction.
FAR NORTH & GULF: Age eligible junior players graded into a Junior Team may be borrowed into
Senior FQPL and Community teams in an unlimited capacity, however senior borrowing rules will
For example: An Under 18 player is borrowed into the FQPL Under 23 team during Round 1. In
round 2 the player may only be borrowed in that division, the higher division or one division
lower. So, in this example in round 2 the player may return to playing for their Under 18 team
without restriction but also may be borrowed into the FQPL Main team, FQPL Under 23 team or
the Men’s Community Division 1 team. They player may not be borrowed into the Community Men
Division 2 team.

(i) The only exemption to this rule is age eligible junior girls being borrowed in the Northern
region FQPL Womens and Senior Womens Community competitions. They may continue to
be borrowed across both competitions without restriction.

NOTE: Although senior borrowing rules will apply, Junior Players will not be included in the 4 player
borrowing limit and can be used in addition to the 4 senior players.


In addition to Competition Rules 4.4 the following Junior competition player grading rules (and sub
rules) apply to junior players playing in junior divisions.

a) All players in Football Queensland competitions are required to play in their eligible age group
unless dispensation has been granted by the Competitions Team. Any dispensation request made
to Football Queensland to play outside of a player’s eligible age group should be made only if in
the best interests of the individual player considering their technical, physical,
psychological and social development.
b) REGIONAL: Where a combined age group is required for competition viability players born in the
Eligible Year of Birth for each age may participate in the competition. For example, Players born in
2008 and 2009 may play in a Combined Under 15/16 competition. Players born either a year
above or below this age group must apply for dispensation to participate in the competition using
the permanent dispensation request form.

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 30 of 52

c) REGIONAL: All females are encouraged to participate in the age-appropriate girls’ competition
however if an all-girls competition is not available female players Under the age of 15 (born 2009)
are permitted to play one (1) year down in a mixed competition and will not contribute to the
playing down limit in section 4.7.2.c. For girls born in 2008/2007 must submit a permanent
dispensation request form should they wish to play down in a mixed age competition.
d) FAR NORTH & GULF: A junior female player aged 12 to 16 may register to play in either the junior
grade or junior all-girls grade within their club for which their date of birth makes them eligible,
e.g. a 14-year-old girl may register in either the Under 14 juniors or Under 13/15 girls and they are
able to participate in both competitions with no restriction, however will be subject to player
eligibility rules for the final series.

4.7.1 Age Eligibility Table

Age Competition Eligible Year of Birth Eligible in adherence with Competition Rule Limitations
Regional Players born in 2008 playing in a combined age
Under 18 Players born in the competition. Player must also receive FQ dispensation
years 2006 or 2007 approval.
Regional Players born in 2009 playing in a combined age
Under 17 Players born in the year competition. Player must also receive FQ dispensation
2007 or 2008
Under 16 Players born in 2008 Players born in 2009
Under 15 Players born in 2009 Players born in 2010
Under 14 Players born in 2010 Players born in 2011
Under 13 Players born in 2011 Players born in 2012

NOTE: Any player playing outside of their designated competition (up or down) as per their birth year
(reference table above), must apply to Football Queensland for dispensation through a Dispensation
Request form.

4.7.2 Playing Below Designated Age Group Dispensation

a) Clubs may request that a player be regraded downward at any time throughout the season,
however regrading is only available for a player born in the calendar year directly above the level
they wish to be regraded into, e.g., A player born in 2009 (turning 15 in 2024), may request to
play down in the U14s for 2024, however a player born in 2008 cannot.

b) No team may have more than 2 players playing below their designated age group (e.g., an U14
Division 2 team may not have more than 2 players born in 2009 (15 years old) in their team). The
exception to this rule is for Girls Only teams, where a maximum of 3 players can be granted
dispensation into a team, upon application.
c) In any instance of a player wishing to play down an age group, the player’s club must submit a
Permanent Dispensation Request form to Football Queensland. The determination as to whether a
player can play below their designated age group shall be a decision for Football Queensland in
its absolute discretion and whose decision shall be final and not subject to appeal.
d) Clubs may seek dispensation for the following reasons:

(i) Playing below their designated age group due to physical size
(ii) Playing below their designated age group due to team viability
(iii) Playing below their designated age group due to being born in the last 3 months of the
(iv) Playing below their designated age group for social/cultural grounds
(v) Playing below their designated age group due to NEVER being previously registered under
FA or NEVER previously playing football

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 31 of 52

e) If approved, Football Queensland Competitions will then confirm the decision in writing to the
relevant club. Please note that until approval is provided, the player CANNOT participate in
matches in the lower age group as an eligible player.

f) If dispensation is granted for a player to play down an age group, said player may be unable to be
borrowed into another team in their original age group under any circumstance at any point
throughout the season. If a player is found to have been borrowed into a team in their original age
group without approval from Football Queensland, they will be deemed to be an ineligible player.

g) Football Queensland reserves the right to revoke any dispensation approval regarding a player
playing below their designated age group at any point in time.

h) The decision of Football Queensland will be final on whether to allow a dispensation for a player to
play below their designated age group.

4.7.3 Playing Above Designated Age Group Dispensation

a) Any player wishing to participate in an age group one year above their age can do so without
completing a dispensation request.

b) FAR NORTH/NORTHERN: In exception to rule 4.7.3.a, all players wanting to play one or more
years above their designated age group must be granted dispensation from FQ. All dispensation
requests must be submitted through the adhoc exemption request form.
c) Any players wishing to participate in age groups two or more years above their eligible age must
also complete the Permanent Dispensation Request Form for a determination from FQ.
d) In exception to rule 4.7.3.a any player wishing to play up in a combined age group i.e., an Under
15 Girl wanting to play in an Under 17 Girls competition or an Under 14 Boy wishing to play up in a
combined Under 15/16 competition, must complete an Ad hoc dispensation form.

4.7.4 Grading of Under-Age Players Team Restrictions

Further to all competition rules 4.7 regarding players playing above/below their designated age
groups the following team limitations also apply to junior competitions.

Competition Age Restrictions

All U13 competitions (excluding any combined No more than 6 players born in the year 2012 (turning
12 in 2024) can be listed on the Squadi Team Sheet
Under 12/13 age groups) for any fixture *this includes borrowed players

All U14 competitions (excluding any combined No more than 7 players born in the year 2011 (turning
Under 13/14 age groups) 13 in 2024) can be listed on the Squadi Team Sheet
for any fixture *this includes borrowed players

All U15 competitions (excluding any combined No more than 6 players born in the year 2010 (turning
Under 14/15 age groups) 14 in 2024) can be listed on the Squadi Team Sheet
for any fixture *this includes borrowed players

All U16 competitions (excluding any combined No more than 6 players born in the year 2009
Under 15/16 age groups) (turning 15 in 2024) can be listed on the Squadi Team
Sheet for any fixture *this includes borrowed players

Clubs may apply to Football Queensland to allow an exception to these restrictions in extraordinary
circumstances for a particular match or for the full season. The decision of Football Queensland will be
final on whether to allow an exception. There shall be no appeal from the decision of Football
Queensland in respect of the granting of an exception.


Wherever possible, borrowing should occur from a team of a lower division within the same age group.
Borrowing from a team in the same or higher division in the same age group is NOT permitted unless
dispensation has been granted by Football Queensland.
a) METRO, SOUTH COAST, DARLING DOWNS REGIONS: Registered competition players may be

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 32 of 52

borrowed to play into higher divisions of the same age group (including FQ Academy Leagues)
and a maximum of 1 division lower if being borrowed into an age group higher but may only do so
for a maximum of six (6) matches. The maximum number refers to the total number of matches
played up and not to each team they may play in, including games borrowed into senior
community competitions. On the seventh game a player will be regraded as per section 4.10.
b) METRO: Players in Under 12 teams participating in the Kangaroo or Bilbies divisions are NOT
permitted to be borrowed by teams in U13 Division 2 or lower. Teams in U13 Division 2 and lower
may borrow from teams from the Under 12 Wallaby and Quokka groupings.
FAR NORTH & GULF: Clubs are encouraged to borrow players from a lower division(s) within the
same age group. Players may be able to be borrowed from a lower division(s) within the same age
group a maximum of 6 games, On the 7th game the player will be regraded into the higher
division as per section 4.11.
Where clubs are unable to borrow players from a lower division in the same age group, they can
borrow players from the next age group down. There will be no limitation on this, but FQ will
monitor the movement and should FQ deem that a club is taking advantage of this rule and
continually playing a child repetitively across two age groups FQ reserves the right to regrade the
player as it sees fit. Any determination regarding this will be made at the sole discretion of FQ and
will not be subject to appeal.

d) In the event that a club does not have options available to borrow players within the above
outlined rules, the club must apply to Football Queensland for Exception to borrow no more than
2 players that are not permitted to be borrowed within the above requirements, and to field no
more than 12 players’ total. This exception must be confirmed in writing before the player(s) can
take the field of play.

e) Players are not permitted to borrow from mixed teams to specific boys or girls teams or vice versa
without the consent of Football Queensland via an Adhoc Dispensation Form. The decision of
Football Queensland shall be in its absolute discretion and shall be final and not subject to appeal.

f) If a club is ever in doubt, please contact Football Queensland Competitions, PRIOR to adding
players onto a Squadi Team Sheet.
NOTE: For reference, please refer to the Appendix of Player Movement Tables.


Clubs may apply to Football Queensland Competitions seeking temporary dispensation for a player
who is returning from a long-term injury. If granted, this dispensation will allow a player to return from
injury to a lower competition for a capped number of fixtures. An Ad hoc Dispensation Request form
must be submitted, including medical documentation outlining the players’ injury and an injury
management plan for the player that dispensation is being requested for.


4.10.1 Regrading of Senor Players in Senior Competitions [ALL regions]
METRO, SOUTH COAST AND DARLING DOWNS REGIONS: In accordance with senior borrowing
rules if a senior player plays more than six (6) matches for any higher division(s), that player is no longer
eligible to play in their original division including finals and will be automatically regraded to the higher
division. Should the player have played for multiple divisions the player will be graded into the team
(i) The player has played the greatest number of games.

(ii) If the number of games played are equal for two or more teams the player will be graded in
to the highest of the divisions.

Once the player is regraded into a team all previous borrowed games in any higher division will remain
as part of the player's borrowing tally. Should the player exceed the 6-game borrowing total in higher
divisions the player will further be regraded into the higher division.

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 33 of 52

ALL OTHER REGIONS: Due to the 4 Player Down borrowing rule regrading of players for exceeding
borrowing limits will not apply.

4.10.2 Regrading of Junior Players in Junior/Senior Competitions [Metro only]

METRO: In accordance with junior and senior borrowing rules if a junior player plays more than six (6)
matches for any higher junior age group(s)/senior community division(s), that player is no longer
eligible to play in their original division including finals and will be automatically regraded to the higher
division. Should the player have played for multiple age groups/senior divisions the player will be
graded into the team where;
(i) The player has played the greatest number of games.

(ii) If the number of games played are equal for two or more teams the player will be graded to
the highest of the divisions.

If a junior graded player exceeds the allowable borrows and subsequently become regraded into a
senior team, they will no longer be eligible to be borrowed freely into the FQPL First Team or Under 23
team and regular borrowing limits will apply from the time of regrading.
Once the player is regraded into a team all previous borrowed games in any higher Senior Community
divisions will remain as part of the player's borrowing tally including FQPL. Should the player exceed
the 6-game borrowing total in higher divisions the player will further be regraded into the higher
4.10.3 Regrading of Junior Players in Junior Competitions [Regional Competitions]
SOUTH COAST, DARLING DOWNS REGIONS: In accordance with junior borrowing rules if a junior
player plays more than six (6) matches for any higher junior division(s)/age group(s) that player is no
longer eligible to play in their original division including finals and will be automatically regraded to the
higher division. Should the player have played for multiple age groups/divisions the player will be
graded into the team where;
(i) The player has played the greatest number of games.
(ii) If the number of games played are equal for two or more teams the player will be graded to
the highest of the divisions.
accordance with Junior borrowing rules if a junior player plays more than six (6) matches for any higher
junior division(s) in their age group that player is no longer eligible to play in their original division and
will be automatically regraded to the higher division. Should the player have played for multiple
divisions the player will be graded into the team where;
(i) The player has played the greatest number of games.

(ii) If the number of games played are equal for two or more teams the player will be graded to
the highest of the divisions.

Players may be borrowed to play up an age group if required however FQ will monitor this and should
FQ deem that the club is taking advantage and continually playing a child repetitively across two age
groups FQ reserves the right to re-grade the player.
REGIONAL: Once the player is regraded into a team all previous borrowed games in any higher
division will remain as part of the players borrowing tally. Should the player exceed the 6-game
borrowing total in higher divisions the player will further be regraded into the higher division.


Clubs may apply to Football Queensland to allow an exception to these rules in extraordinary
circumstances using an Ad hoc Dispensation Form.
Any application to borrow players outside of allowable borrowing rules are to be sent to Football
Queensland, no later than 5pm of the Thursday prior to the commencement of a team’s match. Any
applications submitted after the 5pm deadline will not be considered until the following Monday. Any

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 34 of 52

Players found to have been borrowed without permission will be deemed ineligible players and subject
to The Penalties and Outcomes as per Section 4.15.
The decision of Football Queensland will be final on whether to allow an exception. There shall be no
appeal from the decision of Football Queensland in respect of the granting of an exception.


a) Players must turn at least four years of age during the calendar year to register.

b) Clubs may apply to FQ to run their own internal MiniRoos competition. FQ may decline this
application in its absolute discretion, this is not subject to appeal.
c) In the event FQ grants the application all players must still be registered in Squadi.


A player who is eligible to play in finals at a particular divisional level is eligible to play in finals in any
team higher than that level (Subject to Player Eligibility and Borrowing Rules) without affecting their
eligibility for their qualified level throughout the final’s series. The player is not eligible to play in any
lower team finals unless an exemption is granted. E.g., U13 Division 2 is eligible to play U13 Division 1
but not U13 Division 4 (without an application/Exemption).
A player who has started in more matches in the FQPL First team than has been listed in FQPL Under
23’s is ineligible to play in the Under 23’s Team Finals Series.
A player who has been listed in more matches in Under 23’s than First Team, may be eligible to be
selected for both teams in the event that both teams make the Finals Series.
For clarity purposes: In the event a player is listed on the Squadi Team Sheet for the Under 23’s and
STARTS in the First team on the same day, the Firsts team appearance will be counted towards that
player’s eligibility tally and not the Under 23’s appearance.
In competitions where interchange rules apply, all players listed on the team sheet will be deemed to
have taken to the field of play.
Clubs may apply to Football Queensland for exemption to the eligibility rules. All requests for
exemptions must be made prior to the commencement of the Finals Series for each particular
competition. Football Queensland reserves the right to declare eligible any player it deems to have
satisfied the intent and spirit of these rules. The decision of Football Queensland will be in its absolute
discretion and is not subject to appeal.
In addition to the above rules the following regional final eligibility rules apply to the specified region.
a) METRO: To be eligible to play for a team across any competition in the finals series, a player must
have started/been listed at that team’s divisional level or lower in a minimum of six (6) matches.
Junior graded players are also eligible to play in Senior Finals so long as the player meets player
eligibility and borrowing rule requirements.

b) REGIONAL: Players are eligible to play for the team in which they played the most games. If the
player has participated in an equal number of matches in two or more divisions, the player will be
deemed to be eligible for only the highest division and/or any higher division in the finals series.
c) REGIONAL: Eligible Junior Players may play in Senior Finals for the team in which they have
played the most games (Subject to Player Eligibility and Borrowing Rules). A junior player who has
not played in the senior competition during the regular season may apply for an exemption to play
in the finals series. The decision of Football Queensland will be final on whether to allow an
exception. There shall be no appeal from the decision of Football Queensland in respect of the
granting of an exception.
d) SOUTH COAST AND DARLING DOWNS REGIONS: In addition to rule 14.4.e A player must have
played a minimum of 6 games for the club in the team they intend to play finals for. They will also
be able to be borrowed into higher level competitions so long as they meet player eligibility and
borrowing rules.

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 35 of 52

e) SOUTH COAST AND DARLING DOWNS REGIONS: In exception to rule 14.4.g., newly
registered players (Players registered on or after 1 July) must have played a minimum of four games
for the team they intend to play in to be eligible for finals.

addition to rule 4.14.e. Players must have participated in a minimum of 6 matches for their club
across the season to participate in finals. For clarity purposes this is a minimum of 6 games in junior
competitions or a minimum of 6 games in a senior competition.

addition to rule 4.14.f, Junior graded players may also participate in Senior Finals so long as they
meet the senior finals eligibility.

h) FAR NORTH AND GULF: In addition to 4.14.i. A player must have participated in five (5) fixture
rounds for the club, they are registered for that season to be eligible for finals.

i) FAR NORTH AND GULF: For the purpose of determining final series eligibility for junior divisions
against all girls' competitions, the junior age group will be considered a higher grade than the
girls only competition. A junior female player participating in both the junior girl’s competition
and the junior grade will not be permitted to play down into a younger junior grade competition
but may participate in a higher junior grade final.

j) FAR NORTH AND GULF: Players participating in the Gulf MiniRoos U11 are eligible to participate
in Junior Competitive Finals series. (3 x under 11’s can be borrowed into the 12/13 combined age
group each week).
k) FAR NORTH AND GULF: For all Gulf Premier League Men’s & Gulf Premier League Women’s
regular season matches, players will be required to play a minimum of three (3) matches to be
eligible for the finals series.


Any club is permitted to lodge a protest regarding the alleged fielding of an ineligible player(s). A
Squadi Incident Report must be lodged by a designated club official or contact outlining the details of
the protest and the player(s) involved. Should the protest involve the allegation of a player playing
under another player’s name, the protest is required to include a photograph of the player(s). An
investigation into the protest will be undertaken as soon as possible.
In the event that the protest is upheld, the Penalties and Outcomes as per Section 4.15.2 will apply. In
the event that the protest is dismissed, the match result will stand.
FQ also reserves the right to investigate any matter at its own discretion even though a formal protest
has not been lodged.
Any decision made by Football Queensland in relation to a player's eligibility is final and not subject to


If a player is found to have participated in a match while in breach of any eligibility requirements (e.g.,
unregistered, suspended, out of age, identity fraud, not on Squadi Team Sheet, ineligible for finals), the
player will be deemed to be an ineligible player. The following penalties and fines will apply.

4.15.1 Table of Penalties and Outcomes for Breaches in Player Eligibility

Offence Competition Penalties and Outcomes for Penalties and Outcomes for
1st Offence Repeat Offence (Same Team)
Participation in match Financial penalty as per Financial penalty as per Fines
while in breach of All Competitions Fines and Penalties and Penalties Document
registration Document

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 36 of 52

requirements Overturning of Result
Overturning of Result
As per Section 4
Financial penalty as per Financial penalty as per Fines
Fines and Penalties and Penalties Document
Participation in match Document
while serving a Overturning of Result
disciplinary suspension. All Competitions Overturning of Result

As per Section 4.3 Extension of suspension at

Extension of suspension at the discretion of Football
the discretion of Football Queensland
Participation in a match
above/below eligible Financial penalty as per
age without approval Fines and Penalties Financial penalty as per Fines
from Football All Competitions Document and Penalties Document
Overturning of Result
Overturning of Result
As per Section 4
Failure to adhere to
overage player Financial penalty as per
restrictions as per 2023 FQPL 3 - 6 Men Fines and Penalties Financial penalty as per Fines
Club Licensing FQPL 3 Women Document and Penalties Document
Documents. (including U23s)
Overturning of Result Overturning of Result
As per Section 2.4.4
Failure to adhere to visa
player restrictions as per Financial penalty as per Financial penalty as per Fines
FQPL 3 – 6 Fines and Penalties
2023 Club Licensing FQPL 3 Women Document and Penalties Document
Documents. (including U23s) Overturning of Result
Overturning of Result
As per Section 2.4.2
Breach of restriction on
number of players All U13 and U14 Financial penalty as per
playing above their age Competitions Fines and Penalties Financial penalty as per Fines
without approval from (excluding FQ and Penalties Document
Football Queensland. Document
Academy U13
Girls) Written warning Overturning of result
As per Section 4.7.4

Participation in match
while in breach of Financial penalty as per
borrowing restrictions Fines and Penalties Financial penalty as per Fines
as without the approval All Competitions Document and Penalties Document
of Football Queensland.
Overturning of Result Overturning of Result
As per Section 4
Participation in match
while in breach of Finals Financial penalty as per
Eligibility restrictions Fines and Penalties Financial penalty as per Fines
without the approval of All Competitions Document and Penalties Document
Football Queensland.
Overturning of Result Overturning of Result
As per Section 4.13
Participation in match Financial penalty as per Financial penalty as per Fines
when not listed on the FQPL 3 - 6 Men Fines and Penalties and Penalties Document
Squadi Team Sheet (If FQPL 3 Women Document
player is determined to (including U23s) Overturning of Result
meet all other eligibility Overturning of Result
Junior and Senior Financial penalty as per Financial penalty as per Fines

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 37 of 52

As per Section 5.12 Divisional Fines and Penalties and Penalties Document
Competitions Document
Overturning of Result
Written warning
Exceeding maximum
allowable players on Financial penalty as per
Squadi Team Sheet Fines and Penalties Financial penalty as per Fines
e.g. 16 players listed but and Penalties Document per
All Competitions Document per additional additional player
18 participate overall player
throughout the match. Overturning of Result
Overturning of Result
As per Section 5.12
Incorrect Jersey Financial penalty as per Financial penalty as per Fines
Numbers listed on Fines and Penalties and Penalties Document
Squadi Team Sheet. All Competitions Document
Overturning of Result
As per Section 5.12 Written warning
Incorrect Photo ID Financial penalty as per Financial penalty as per Fines
loaded on Squadi Team Fines and Penalties and Penalties Document
Sheet. All Competitions Document

As per Section 5.12 Written warning Overturning of Result

Financial penalty as per Financial penalty as per Fines

Fines and Penalties
Failure to submit Squadi All Senior Document and Penalties Document
Team Sheet by 15 Competitions
minutes prior to Overturning of Result Overturning of Result
scheduled fixture.
Financial penalty as per
Junior Divisional Financial penalty as per Fines
As per Section 5.12 Fines and Penalties
Competitions and Penalties Document
Overturning of Result
Written warning

4.15.2 Overturning Match Results due to Breaches in Player Eligibility by one

All overturned results will be recorded as a forfeit and the goals recorded as 3 goals to the team
receiving the points and 0 by the team who has infringed the regulations, unless the goal difference for
the Team receiving the forfeit is greater than 3, in which case they will receive the number of goals
scored for in the match, with the forfeiting team receiving nil. Yellow Cards and Red Cards received in
the match will not be expunged and will be included in player accumulation records.
The above Penalties and Outcomes may be applied at the discretion of Football Queensland, with
additional sanctions able to be imposed if deemed appropriate.

4.15.3 Overturning Match Results due to Breaches in Player Eligibility by both

If it is established that both clubs competing in any Football Queensland competition match fielded
players who were ineligible to play, the clubs of the ineligible player(s) will be fined as per the Penalties
and Outcomes above, and the following will apply:
a) The match will be deemed as a NO RESULT, whereby, no points will be awarded.

b) Football Queensland may suspend, expel or take whatever disciplinary action it deems necessary
against the offending clubs or players.

If a Finals Series match or Cup match is declared a “No Result”, Football Queensland may determine
that the match be replayed.

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 38 of 52

Each club must ensure their compliance with the Football Queensland Playing Facilities Standards
available on the Football Queensland website.
The Venue Manager and/or home club must ensure;
a) The fields are correctly marked, including the technical area, as per FIFA Laws of the Game.

b) It provides suitable goal nets, safely fastened to the ground and corner flags; if portable goals are
used, they are anchored as per the Australian Standards.

c) It provides toilets/lockable dressing rooms for players and match officials that are hygienic and
d) It has adequate toilet/refreshment/canteen facilities (within reason) open to the public.

e) It provides a safe environment for players, officials, and spectators.

f) The playing surface must not cause a danger to players or officials.

g) The dimensions of the playing field shall conform to the Laws of the Game and preferably shall be
consistent with the dimensions specified in the Laws for International matches. The minimum
acceptable dimensions for the FQPL Men & Women is 90 metres (100 yards) long and 60 metres
(66 yards) wide.
h) Any club whose facilities do not meet the requirements specified may be fined, suspended or
have its home fixtures played away.
In the event the HOME team’s ground is not ready, in the opinion of the match officials, to commence a
fixture or finals match by 15 minutes after the scheduled kick-off time; maybe deemed to have forfeited
the match and will be subject to Fines & Penalties as outlined in the 2024 Fines & Penalties document.


a) Each Venue Manager and/or club must have Technical Areas clearly marked as stipulated by FIFA
guidelines and provide sufficient seating to allow all personnel to be seated during the match.

b) The Technical Area must be positioned inside or on the fence line (where grounds are fenced) or at
a maximum of two (2) metres from the touch line at unfenced grounds. Any structure must be at
least two (2) metres from the touch line.

c) For all matches played during the Regular Season and Finals Series, a maximum of eleven (11)
persons in FQPL First grade Men or ten (10) persons in all other competitions are permitted to
occupy the Technical Area for each club during any fixture. This includes the six (6) named
substitutes in FQPL Men First Grade or five (5) named substitutes in all other competitions and up
to five (5) Team Officials. This can include the coach, assistant coach, the substitutes and team
trainer or medical staff.
d) Occupants of the Technical Area must be either a registered Player, or a registered Team Official
who can provide the appropriate accreditation at all times; All occupants must be selected on the
Squadi Team Sheet, to be allowed in the Technical Area.

e) All substitutes must wear bibs or an alternative-coloured uniform to both team strips. They must be
seated within the technical area but are permitted to warm up outside of the technical area in an
area furthest from the opposing team. This is for match officials and players to distinguish them
from on-field players.
f) A Player or Team Official who is under suspension must not occupy a seat in the Technical Area.
g) Only one person at a time is authorized to convey tactical instructions to the players during the
match and they must return to their position after giving these instructions.

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 39 of 52

h) The coach and other officials must remain within the confines of the Technical Area, except in
special circumstances, for example, a team physio or doctor entering the field of play, with the
Match Official’s permission, to assess an injured player.

i) All substitutes must be seated within the Technical Area. Substitutes are permitted to warm up
outside of the Technical Area, provided they are wearing bibs or an alternative-coloured uniform
to the team strip. When warming up, substitutes are requested to choose an area furthest from the
opposing team.

j) All occupants of the Technical Area must behave in a responsible manner. The Match Official has
the right to eject any person from the Technical Area at any time as he/she sees fit. The game will
not recommence until that person has left to the Match Official's satisfaction.

k) Smoking and drinking alcohol within the confines of the playing barrier fence is strictly prohibited.
This includes the team bench within the Technical Area and all its occupants, including players,
coaching staff, club marshals and officials.

The penalty for breach of this Clause 4.2 shall be at Football Queensland’s sole and absolute discretion.

Clubs wishing to host twilight and night fixtures must ensure their venue complies with the Football
Queensland Facilities Lighting Standards. The club is to submit a certified field lighting audit to Football
Queensland for each field (as desired) prior to the season’s commencement and have received
approval for competition play by Football Queensland. Certification is based on an audit of the lighting
system by a qualified lighting consultant/electrician and the club is to pay the cost of the audit. This
applies to any fixtures wishing to be scheduled after 3:15pm.

All Venue Managers and/or clubs must provide spectator and player medical support service during
scheduled matches.

5.4.1 Stretchers
Venue Managers and/or clubs must ensure the availability of at least one stretcher suitable for first aid
and emergency use at all scheduled matches and only utilise under the supervision of an appropriately
qualified person.

5.4.2 Ambulance Access

Unrestricted access to the field of play shall be provided for Ambulance vehicles when required and be
clearly signed.

5.4.3 Blood Ruling

In the event a player suffers an injury or wound which results in the loss of blood, the match official will
request that the injured player receive attention outside the field of play and only when he/she is
satisfied that the injury or wound is safely covered and contained, will the player be permitted to re-join
the game.
In the event blood has spilled onto a player's uniform or attire, the Match Official will instruct that player
to change their attire before being permitted to re-join the game.
Should the injured player be required to change their uniform, then the match official will show
discretion in allowing the player to wear an alternative numbered shirt if necessary.

5.4.4 Concussion Management

Any player with a suspected concussion should be immediately removed from play, and should not be
returned to activity until they are assessed by a qualified medical practitioner as per the FA Concussion
Guidelines. There should be no return to play on the day of a concussive injury.

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 40 of 52

5.4.5 Heat Management Strategy
The Match Official should refer to the FQ Heat Policy to determine one of the following;
a) To play the match under standard conditions
b) To play the match with provision for drinks breaks
c) To delay the match; or
d) To postpone the match
The decision to incorporate these provisions should be based primarily on the assessment of the
potential medical risk of playing in the heat to both the Players and Match Officials.


5.5.1 Wet Weather General
All correspondence by Football Queensland sent to clubs in relation to wet weather shall be deemed to
have been received by clubs. It is therefore essential for clubs to do the following:
a) Ensure your contacts for the club are up to date with Football Queensland’s Club Contacts and in

b) Ensure the contact(s) has supplied a mobile phone number with their contact details to Football
Each club is only responsible for notifying their own club members of field closures.

5.5.2 Mid-week & Friday Night Cancellations

If a club deems that its fields are unplayable as a result of wet weather, clubs must submit a Squadi Wet
weather notification to Football Queensland no later than 3:30pm on the afternoon of the match.
The HOME club is responsible for submitting the notification via Squadi, with Football Queensland to
then determine whether matches proceed.

If Football Queensland elects to postpone a match, Squadi will generate a notification to both clubs.
If matches have not been postponed by 3:30pm, it is then the Match Official’s (this includes Club Match
Officials) decision, on arrival, as to whether matches are to go ahead. Should the Match Official
postpone matches, the Match Official must submit an abandoned match notification via
Should a match be postponed after 3:30pm clubs will incur a charge of 50% of the assigned Match
Official fees.
If any HOME club does not abide by the Wet Weather Procedures, they may be deemed to have
forfeited the match and will be subject to the Penalties and Outcomes as detailed in Section 3.4.1.

5.5.3 Saturday & Sunday Cancellations

If a club deems that its fields are unplayable as a result of wet weather, clubs must submit a Squadi Wet
weather notification to Football Queensland no less than three (3) hours prior to the kick-off
time, of the first scheduled match of the day. The only exception to this is for matches scheduled before
9:30am, in this instance the home club is required to submit the Squadi wet weather notification by
6:30am. The HOME club is responsible for submitting the notification via Squadi, with Football
Queensland to then determine whether matches proceed.

If Football Queensland elects to postpone a match, Squadi will generate a notification to both clubs.
If matches have not been postponed 3 hours before the match kickoff time, it is then the Match Official’s
(this includes Club Match Officials) decision, on arrival, as to whether matches are to go ahead. Should
the Match Official postpone matches, the Match Official must submit an abandoned match
notification via Squadi.

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 41 of 52

Should a match be postponed less than three hours before kickoff clubs will incur a charge of 50% of the
assigned Match Official fees.

If any HOME club does not abide by the Wet Weather Procedures, they may be deemed to have
forfeited the match and will be subject to the Penalties and Outcomes as detailed in Section 3.4.1.

5.5.4 MiniRoos and Under 12 Cancellations

event of wet weather and/or a ground closure MiniRoos games WILL NOT be rescheduled.
WHITSUNDAY COAST, FAR NORTH & GULF, SOUTH COAST: Should severe weather cancel all
MiniRoos and Under 12 games the games will be rescheduled to the next available catchup weekend,
following Sunday or alternative available day.


The Ground Officials must always be clearly visible, wearing an identifiable fluorescent vest and located
near the field of play. The number of ground officials required per competition can be found in the table
A Ground Official must be over the age of 18 and cannot be involved in any other duties whilst acting in
this capacity (i.e. not match officiating, coaching, canteen, or bar duties, etc). The ground official cannot
consume alcohol 6 hours prior to or on duty.
The ground official(s) must make themselves known to the Match Officials 10 minutes prior to the match
and provide an escort for all match officials before kick-off, at half time and full time. A Match Official
may refuse to commence a fixture if no Ground Official is present. Should a match official not present
themselves 15 minutes after the scheduled kickoff time the Match Official may abandon the match.
A full list of Ground Official Roles and Responsibilities can be found here.
Any club found in breach of not providing a ground official or not fulfilling the roles and responsibilities
of a ground official is liable to be fined as per the Fines and Penalties Document.

5.6.1 Table of Ground Officials Required

Competition Ground Officials Required for Regular Season Matches

HOME team to provide ONE Ground Official
FQPL Competitions
AWAY team to provide ONE Ground Official
Community Competitions HOME team to provide ONE Ground Official

Junior FQA and Community HOME team to provide ONE Ground Official
Competitions AWAY team to provide ONE Ground Official
MiniRoos and Under 12 HOME Club to provide ONE Ground Official per 2 fields being utilized.
Competitions If a centralised venue the home team must provide ONE Ground Official.


Host clubs are responsible for providing a minimum of three (3) match balls for all fixture games. The
designated home team at each match shall ensure that three (3) match balls are supplied to the Match
Official prior to the commencement of the match. All three balls shall be of the same brand and must be
a licensed match ball.

Match Officials will report breaches of the match ball licensing arrangement to FQ. Licensing regulations
provide that any clubs that breach the licensing requirements may be liable for a fine for each breach.

FQ reserves the right to mandate a match ball brand for the purposes of commercial sponsorship within
the competition. Mitre is the official match ball for 2024. Below is a table of the minimum match ball

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 42 of 52

required for each competition level.
Competition Match Ball Size Match Ball
FQPL 3 – 6 and Regional FQPL Size 5 Delta One
Community Seniors & Juniors (Under 14+) Size 5 Calcio Max (minimum ball)
Under 13 Size 4 Calcio Max (minimum ball)
MiniRoos Under 10 – 11 and Under 12 Size 4 Calcio Max (minimum ball)
MiniRoos Under 9 and below Size 3 Calcio Max (minimum ball)


All clubs must nominate a “Main” and “Alternate” strip on the official club affiliation form. The alternate
strip must be of a different colour (this applies to shirts, shorts and socks) to the nominated main strip.
Teams must either wear the full “Main” or “Alternate” strip that has been nominated to Football
Queensland. A Kit Guide is available on the Football Queensland website but is subjective to
submission from clubs.
Teams are not permitted to advertise political slogans/candidates or any alcohol, tobacco or gambling
related products or on their playing strips. Sponsorship advertising on playing strips shall conform to
the Football Queensland Kit guidelines.
All playing strips must have clearly visible numbers on the back of the jerseys. FQPL also must have the
matching number on the front right-hand side of the shorts.
Goalkeepers can wear either their main or alternate strip provided it does not clash with either team or
Match Official/Assistants. They MUST NOT wear replica strips.
All first named clubs will be deemed the "HOME" team and will play in their nominated Main colours. In
the event there is a clash of both club's Main kit colours, it is the responsibility of the “AWAY” team to
change to an alternate strip.

AWAY teams must take their alternate strip (shirts, shorts, and socks) to every match and
will be required to change if the appointed Match Official requests it as per requirements
listed below in 5.8.1.
Team Managers should check the strip worn by their opponents to avoid the likelihood of a clash. The
penalty for breach of this clause shall be as per the Fines and Penalties Document.
In the event any parts of either team’s kit clashes after changing, a combination of Main and Alternate
strips must be worn to avoid any clash.

5.8.1 Table of Permitted Clashes of Playing Strip

Clubs and Match Officials should refer to the following table which lists which items of the strip are
permitted to clash for different Leagues.

Region FQPL 3 – 6 Men, FQPL 3 Women Community Seniors All Juniors

Jersey No clash permitted No clash permitted No clash permitted

Shorts Clash permitted Clash permitted Clash permitted

Socks No clash permitted Clash permitted Clash permitted

NOTE: MiniRoos and U12 may wear bibs to resolve kit clashes.
If a Competition Fixture does not commence due to an inability to resolve a clash of strips, and it can be
established that a club did not comply with the requirements above, the offending club may be
deemed to have forfeited the match and will be subject to the Penalties and Outcomes as detailed in
Section 3.4.1.

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 43 of 52

Should a Match Official proceed with a match in which a club has not complied with the requirements
above, the Match Official is to report this to Football Queensland and the offending club will be fined
and provided with a warning. If any team within the offending club repeats the same offence they will
be penalised with a forfeit (See Fines and Penalties Document).


It is the Match Officials responsibility to ensure all players taking the field of play are wearing equipment
that is safe for themselves and other people.
All players must abide by the Laws of the Game in relation to wearing shinpads, undergarments and
tape on socks.

In accordance with FIFA "Laws of the Game", a player is forbidden to wear any jewelry.

It shall be the licensed Venue Manager and/or club responsibility to enforce all Liquor Licensing
requirements in the sale and responsible service of alcohol.
Should persons be seen to be in breach of these rules, the ground official should advise such person to
conform to the rules immediately. Should such person(s) refuse to adhere to that request, the ground
official shall be at liberty to contact the police to have such person(s) removed.


Both the home and away teams are expected to have submitted their Squadi Team Sheet with player
selections and Team Officials, 15 minutes prior to the scheduled fixture.
Any required changes to the player selections after this deadline must be raised with the Match Official
and a Squadi incident report detailing relevant changes must be submitted by the manager/club prior
to kick off and the Match Official on entering the results of a game.
Squadi Teams Sheets must be submitted with the following information:
a) All players and officials participating in the match are listed on the Squadi Team Sheet with an
identifiable ID Photo.

b) All players are listed with the correct jersey number.

c) No more than the permitted number of players are listed on the Squadi Team Sheet.

If clubs believe information (results, goal scorers and/or cards) have been recorded incorrectly in
Squadi, an email must be sent to FQ Competitions no later than 7 days after the match result has been
loaded. The email must be sent by a designated Club Official.
No Club Official or Match Official has the power to refuse to allow an opposition player to take the field
for any reason. If there are any discrepancies between the Squadi Team Sheet and the players and team
officials participating in the match the Match Official must include this in an incident report.
Any breaches the submission of Squadi Team Sheets will be subject to fines and penalties in accordance
with Section 4.15 and the Fines and Penalties Document.


If no Football Queensland Match Official is appointed to a match, it is the responsibility of the HOME
club to enter the results of the match by 9am Tuesday following the weekend fixtures (Fri-Sun) and by
midday the following day for mid-week fixtures (Mon-Thu).
a) At the conclusion of each match, the Match Official shall consult and confirm with his/her
assistants prior to completing both Squadi Team Sheets and Send Off/Incident Reports in Squadi.

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 44 of 52

b) Once completed, the Match Officials must ensure that Squadi Team Sheets and any Send-
off/Incident Reports are submitted to FQ through the appropriate channels. It is crucial that all
information is submitted to FQ by no later than two (2) days after the completion of the match;

c) In the event a club official approaches the Match Official seeking to protest the fielding of an
ineligible player, the Match Official should instruct the club official to send the protest through a
Squadi incident report.

d) The Match Official must check that clubs do not list more than seventeen (17) players in FQPL First
Grade Teams, sixteen (16) players in FQPL U23s/Community Seniors/U14 – U18 Community
Juniors and fourteen (14) players in the Under 13 Community Juniors on the Squadi Team Sheet for
any match;

e) Please note that the Squadi Team Sheets, Match Official Summary & Send-Off/Incident Reports
from the appointed match official will be accepted transcript.

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 45 of 52

All Match Officials (including Club Referees) must be registered in Squadi before being able to officiate
Football Queensland Match Officials must wear their official uniform. This includes Teal Shirt for First
Year Referees and a pink arm band for Match Officials deemed as a minor (Under the age of 18).
Football Queensland match official appointments will be published weekly on the Football Queensland
Match Day Appointments Webpage. Football Queensland appointed match officials will display as FQ
Referee next to each match. If the Referee/AR1/AR2 field next to the match is blank no FQ Match
Official has been appointed in that position and clubs will need to appoint Club Match Officials.
Football Queensland Match Officials may wear Body Worn Video Cameras and may record incidents.
This footage may be used in FQ judiciary proceedings.


Should the appointed match official fail to honour their appointment, then the next most senior match
official will be appointed to take charge of the fixture; provided they are qualified to officiate the match.
In the event of an appointed Match Official failing to honour their appointment, please submit a Squadi
incident report to advise FQ.
In the event the appointed Centre Match Official is late on arrival, then the replacement Match Official
will take charge of the fixture until the appointed Centre Match Official is ready to take over. In
circumstances where only one Assistant Match Official has been appointed, the home team is
requested to provide a Club Assistant to assist the Match Official. If necessary, the away club may be
asked to provide an Assistant. However, the game cannot start without two Assistants if the Match
Official requests them.
In circumstances where no Assistant Match Officials have been appointed, the home team is requested
to provide two Club Assistants to assist the Match Official. If necessary, the away club may be asked to
provide an Assistant. Please note, the game should not start without 2 Assistants, however this decision
will be at the Match Official’s discretion.
If the parties can’t agree on the above, but there is a Match Official who has the appropriate
accreditation, he/she shall officiate the game, which must be played.

6.1.1 Non-attendance or unavailability of Match Officials in Senior Competitions

If the home team is unable to provide a Match Official, the away team may provide the Match Official. If
neither team can provide a Match Official, they may choose to postpone the match. The home team
manager must complete an abandoned match submission through Squadi as soon as possible. Both
teams must agree within five (5) working days on a date for the rescheduling of the match and advise
Football Queensland. If a reschedule is not agreed upon within this time, a 0-0 draw may be recorded
as the result of the match. Football Queensland reserves the right to reschedule the match.

6.1.2 Non-attendance or unavailability of Match Officials in Junior Competitions

All clubs are expected to fulfil all fixtures regardless of whether a Match Official is present to take
Should any club fail or refuse to participate in any fixture on the above grounds, then the offending club
may be deemed to have forfeited the match and will be subject to the Penalties and Outcomes as
detailed in Section 3.4.1.


All match officials’ fees will be invoiced to the club on a weekly basis, where applicable.
a) METRO, SOUTH COAST: Regular Season Fixtures - fees are paid by the home club.

NORTHERN, FAR NORTH AND GULF: Regular Season Fixtures - fees are split 50/50 between the

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 46 of 52

home and away club.

c) The Match Official Fee Structure per competition can be found on Football Queensland website.
d) Elimination/Qualifying, Semi and Preliminary Finals – fees will be shared equally by competing
e) Grand Finals – fees will be paid by Football Queensland.
f) Forfeited and abandoned matches – please refer to Fines and Penalties document.

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 47 of 52

Football Queensland reserves the right to rule on any interpretation of these rules if any dispute arises.
Clubs are advised to seek clarification from Football Queensland if in any doubt as to the meaning of
these rules. Applications for variances to these rules must be lodged by the club Secretary to the
Manager – Statewide Competitions with all supporting documentation. Football Queensland reserves
the right to change or amend these rules at its absolute discretion.
A request for a review of a decision in relation to a breach of the Competition Rules will not be
considered unless the club seeking the review provides significant new or additional evidence. Football
Queensland in those circumstances will review the decision and allow the clubs to provide a submission
(written or oral). The decision on the review by Football Queensland will be final and not subject to


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8.1.1 Junior
U12 Kangaroo Player Movement
1-3 (SEQ only)     Table
 (Divisions
   are
 based
  on
 the
 Metro
  2023
  competition
    and
 may
 be subject
   to 
   
U12 Wallaby/Quokka                                 
Junior Player Movement Eligibility (Players may be borrowed into divisions indicated with a tick in the table below)
Junior Players Graded Division U18 U18 U18 U16 U16 U16 U15 U15 U15 U14 U14 U14 U13 U13 U13
U18 U18 U18 U18 U16 U16 U15 U15 U15 U14 U14 U14 U14 U13 U13 U13 U13 U13
Div 1 Div 2 Div 3 Div 4 Div 1 Div 2 Div 1 Div 2 Div 3 Div 1 Div 2 Div 3 Div 4 Div 1 Div 2 Div 3 Div 4 Div 5
1-2 3-4 FQPL 1-2 3-4 FQPL 1-2 3-4 FQPL 1-2 3-4 FQPL 1-2 3-4 FQPL
U18 FQA 1-2 (SEQ only)                                
U18 FQA 3-4 (SEQ only)                                
U18 JL/FQPL                                
U18 Div 1                                
U18 Div 2                                
U18 Div 3                                
U18 Div 4                                
U16 FQA 1-2 (SEQ only)                                
U16 FQA 3-4 (SEQ only)                                
U16 JL/FQPL                                
U16 Div 1                                
U16 Div 2                                
U15 FQA 1-2 (SEQ Only)                                
U15 FQA 3-4 (SEQ Only)                                
U15 JL/FQPL                                
U15 Div 1                                
U15 Div 2                                
U15 Div 3                                
U14 FQA 1-2 (SEQ only)                                
U14 FQA 3-4 (SEQ only)                                
U14 JL/FQPL                                
U14 Div 1                                
U14 Div 2                                
U14 Div 3                                
U14 Div 4                                
U13 FQA 1-2 (SEQ only)                                
U13 FQA 3-4 (SEQ only)                                
U13 JL/FQPL                                
U13 Div 1                                
U13 Div 2                                
U13 Div 3                                
U13 Div 4                                
U13 Div 5                                

Football Queensland Statewide Rules of Competition Version 2024.0.1 Page 49 of 52

8.1.2 Junior and Senior Player Movement Table

Senior and Junior Playing Senior Player Movement Eligibility (Divisions based on the Metro 2023 compe��on and may be subject to change)
Players Graded Division NPL
U23 1 1 U23 2
Div 1 Div 2 Div 3 Div 4 Div 5 Div 6 Div 7 Div 8 Div 9
U23 U23 U23 U23 U23

NPL First Grade                      

NPL U23                      
FQPL 1 First Grade                      
FQPL 1 U23                      
FQPL 2 First Grade                      
FQPL 2 U23                      
FQPL 3 First Grade                      
FQPL 3 U23                      
FQPL 4 First Grade                      
FQPL 4 U23                      
FQPL 5 First Grade                       LEGEND
FQPL 5 U23                      
FQPL 6 First Grade                        Borrowing (limitations apply)
FQPL 6 U23                       ∞ Unlimited Borrowing
Community Mens Div 1                        Cannot be borrowed
Community Mens Div 2                      
Community Mens Div 3                       This table is based on Metro competition rules.
Community Mens Div 4                      
Community Mens Div 5                       Please also refer to Regional Specific Rules for
Community Mens Div 6                       borrowing requirements within your region.
Community Mens Div 7                      
Community Mens Div 8                       Clubs can apply for exemptions for borrowing
Community Mens Div 9                       players outside the parameter of this table.
U18 FQA 1-2 (SEQ only) ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞         
U18 FQA 3-4 (SEQ only) ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞         
U18 JL/FQPL ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞         
U18 Div 1 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞         
U18 Div 2 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞         
U18 Div 3 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞         
U18 Div 4 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞         
U18 Div 4 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞         
U16 FQA 1-2 (SEQ only) ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞         
U16 FQA 3-4 (SEQ only) ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞         
U16 JL/FQPL ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞         
U16 Div 1 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞         
U16 Div 2 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞         

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8.1.3 Junior Girls Only and Senior women Player Movement Table
Senior Women and Junior Girls Only Player Movement Eligibility
Metro FQPL FQPL FQPL U17 U15 U13
Player Graded Divisions NPL FQPL FQPL FQPL CW CW CW CW CW U17 U17 U15 U15 U14 U14 U14 U13 U13 U13 U13
U23 1 2 3 Div 1 Div 2 Div 3 Div 4 Div 5 Div 1 Div 2 Div 1 Div 2 Div 1 Div 2 Div 3 Div 1 Div 2 Div 3 Div 4
U23 U23 U23 1-2 1-2 1-2
NPL First Grade Women                          
NPL U23 Women                          
FQPL 1 First Grade Women                          
FQPL 1 U23 Women                          
FQPL 2 First Grade Women                          
FQPL 2 U23 Women                          
FQPL 3 Women                           LEGEND
FQPL 3 U23 Women *SC Only                          
Community Womens Div 1                            Borrowing (limitations apply)
Community Womens Div 2                           ∞ Unlimited Borrowing
Community Womens Div 3                            Cannot be borrowed
Community Womens Div 4                          
This table is based on Metro
Community Womens Div 5                          
competition rules.
U17 FQA 1 - 2 Girls (SEQ Only) ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞                  
U17 Girls Div 1 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞                   Please also refer to Regional
U17 Girls Div 2 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞                   Specific Rules for borrowing
U15 FQA 1 - 2 Girls (SEQ Only) ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞                   requirements within your
U15 Girls Div 1 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞                   region.
U15 Girls Div 2 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞                  
U14 Girls Div 1                           Clubs can apply for exemptions
for borrowing players outside
U14 Girls Div 2                          
the parameter of this table.
U14 Girls Div 3                          
U13 FQA 1 -2 Girls (SEQ Only)                          
U13 Girls Div 1                          
U13 Girls Div 2                          
U13 Girls Div 3                          
U13 Girls Div 4                          
U12 FQA Girls (SEQ only)                           
U12 Girls Bilbys                           
U12 Girls Joeys                           

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