Silabo Nursing Care in Mental and Psychiatric Health

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1.1. Subject: : Nursing Care in Mental Health and Psychiatry
1.2. Code : 1303 – 13403
1.3. Level : Undergraduate
1.4. Academic semester : 2018 - IB
1.5. Cycle :VII
1.6. Guy : Mandatory
1.7. Character : Professional deformation
1.8. Credits : 05
1.9. Prerequisite : 1303 - 13201
1.10 Duration : 16
1.11 Weekly hours : 03 Hrs theory, 08 Hrs Practice
1.12. Responsible Teachers Dr. Hilda Jáuregui Romero
Dr. Elizabeth Teresa Diestra Cueva

The subject belongs to the area of specialty studies and is of a theoretical-practical nature,
whose purpose is to provide the student with the cognitive, procedural and attitudinal skills of
nursing care for the healthy or sick person through learning experiences in the promotion of
mental health, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of the most prevalent psychosocial and
mental disorders; applying the nursing care process, the gender approach, ethics and research
as integrating axes.

The subject is divided into (04) four academic units, which are detailed below:

First Unit: Epistemological and conceptual bases of mental health and nursing in mental health
and psychiatry.
Second Unit: Mental Health and personal and family development.
Third Unit: Nursing care for healthy children and adolescents or those with more prevalent
psychoemotional problems.
Fourth Unit: Nursing care for healthy adults and older adults or those with more frequent
mental disorders.

■ Critical analysis of the mental health situation of the country, of the person and population
groups, taking into account the social determinants, psychosocial theories in the causality
of the most prevalent mental health problems in the country, assuming a critical, ethical
and ethical attitude. research aimed at improving the quality of life of the person, applying
the scientific, technological and ethical approach within the framework of respect for
citizen rights.
■ It argues about the mental health situation in the country, taking into account the role
of social determinants and various psychosocial theories. Generates scientific
knowledge in the field of mental health by promoting lines of research.
■ It applies nursing care to people at all stages of life, healthy or sick, with more
prevalent emotional, behavioral and addictive problems, involving the family and
community as protective factors.
■ Uses the mental examination instrument and therapeutic communication in the
nursing care process, assessing the user's mental state.
■ Apply social skills to generate a culture of peaceful coexistence with the work team.
■ Uses biosafety measures in the comprehensive care provided to the user, in the
administration of drugs through different routes, and prepares nursing records.
■ Apply the nursing care process to users with the most prevalent diagnoses:
depression, psychosis.
■ Uses the home visit technique to follow up on users with serious mental disorders.

Attitudes and Values

■ Assume a responsible attitude in caring for the mental health of the individual, family
and community.
■ Use critical and self-critical skills during the development of the subject.
■ Attends face-to-face sessions punctually and maintains assertive communication
with classmates and teachers.
■ Demonstrates honesty and responsibility in the administration of treatments.

Epistemological and conceptual bases of mental health and nursing in mental health and psychiatry.

It argues about the mental health situation in the country, taking into account the role of social determinants
and various psychosocial theories. Nursing situation in mental health. Generates scientific knowledge in the
field of mental health by promoting lines of research.
Week Contents
Learning activities Contact hours hours away
Identify the content of the
Structure a conceptual map of
the country's mental health
diagnosis. Explains S.'s
Presentation of the
Comprehensive Care Model. M.
within the framework of the
Entry test. Concepts
National Strategy for Mental
of mental health and
Health and Culture of Peace.
its social
(ENSM and CP)
Based on the epistemological
Epidemiology of
and conceptual bases of mental
mental health, in the
Peruvian and Latin
American context.
Historical evolution
1st Week of mental health care 11 00
National Mental
Health Strategy and
Culture of Peace, and
the Peruvian mental
health model, rights of
the mental patient.
biological, cognitive
theories applied to
mental health.

Nursing situation in It presents a visual organizer on

mental health in the the situation of nursing and
country, competencies mental health skills in the
of the country.
Mental health nurse. Workshop Laboratory :
The process of
2nd Week therapeutic Applies therapeutic 11 00
communication in communication techniques, in a
mental health. designated case.

Mental health and personal and family development
Applies mental health to self-care and the care of healthy families or those at risk of family dysfunction: family
violence, stress, applying the nursing care process (PCE) and nursing theories.
Week Content
Learning activities Contact hours hours away
Experiential Workshop:
Actively participate in the
Self-concept, self- experiential workshop, following
3rd Week 11 00
esteem, affectivity and the given guidelines.
emotional control.
Emotional intelligence.
Laboratory-Workshop Designs
Psychosocial skills to programs to manage stress,
strengthen individual criticism, use of assertiveness,
and family mental problem solving, emotional
health: - control in real or hypothetical
Assertiveness. situations aimed at healthy
4th Week -Management of groups or at risk due to social 11 00
criticism and disabilities.
-Stress management
techniques. -
Develop preventive programs
Promotion of mental applying participatory techniques
health. Most used Clinical-Community Practice
5th Week techniques: Advocacy, 11 00
education and
Apply the nursing care process
to families with family
Nursing care for dysfunction due to violence in
families with family hypothetical or real cases.
dysfunction due to Hospital - community practice
domestic violence, Assessment, diagnosis,
ecological model of planning, execution of
6th Week 11 00
violence, specialized counseling in cases of VIF
treatment. Instruments
for assessing family
functioning and

Applies the nursing care process

to people suffering from vital or
situational crises, in a simulated
Nursing care for or real case.
people in situational Hospital – community practice
crisis situations Assessment, diagnosis,
derived from internal planning, execution of crisis
7th Week 11 00
or external events, intervention for the person and
applying the nursing their family.
care process and
techniques of

Supports the conceptual

foundations of the application of
instruments and treatments of
the specialty
Community Clinical Practice
Admission of the mental patient.
Specialized evaluation Physical and mental
techniques and examination. Observation
instruments: Administration of psychotropic
Therapeutic interview drugs and other treatments
Patient admission according to the situation
8th Week Mental examination. presented 11 00
Psychotropic drugs
support and group.

Review of the
Nursing Care Process
applied to patients
with mental disorders


Nursing care for healthy children and adolescents or those with more prevalent psycho-emotional problems.

Care for children and adolescents who are healthy or have psycho-emotional problems due to behavioral
disorders, violence, addictive behaviors and eating disorders, applying a scientific, technological and ethical
approach, demonstrating warmth and respect for their rights as a person.
Week Content
Learning activities Contact hours hours away

Apply the PAE to children with

Nursing care in behavioral problems, autism and 11 00
children with general anxiety.
and behavioral Hospital-community practice
9th Week development Assessment, diagnosis,
problems, autism, planning, execution and
ADD, tantrums, evaluation of care for children
treatment, prevention. with developmental and
behavioral problems

Nursing care in
children with anxiety- Apply PCE to children with
depressive problems affective and sphincter control
and sphincter control. problems.
Hospital-community practice
10th Week Assessment, diagnosis, 11 00
planning, execution and
evaluation of care for children
with anxiety-depressive
problems and sphincter control
Nursing care for
adolescents with Apply the PAE in adolescents
problems of violence, who present problems of
addictive behaviors, violence, gangs, addictive and
gang activity and eating behaviors. Hospital-
eating disorders. community practice
11th Week 11 00
Assessment, diagnosis,
planning, execution and
evaluation of care for
adolescents with violent and
addictive behavior

Nursing care for Apply the PAE in adolescents

adolescents with who present problems of
problems of violence, violence, gangs, addictive and
addictive behaviors, eating behaviors. Hospital-
gang activity and community practice
eating disorders. Assessment, diagnosis,
planning, execution and
12th Week evaluation of care for 11 00
adolescents with violent and
addictive behavior

2nd Qualified Practice

Nursing care in adults and older adults who present with more frequent mental disorders.

Care for healthy adults and older adults or those with mental disorders or an emergency situation due to
psychosis, affective disorders, alcoholism, applying the scientific, technological and ethical approach and
considering the three levels of care within the framework of respect for citizen rights and work. team up.
Week Content
Learning activities Contact hours hours away
Apply the PCE in people and
families who present a
psychiatric emergency situation:
suicide attempt, APM, STEP-
Nursing care for Hospital-community practice
people and family Assessment, diagnosis,
members in situations planning, execution and
of psychiatric evaluation of care for people in
emergencies, situations of psychiatric
disasters. APM, emergencies or disasters
13th Week 11 00
Suicide attempt,
STEP Nursing care for
people and family
members in situations
of psychiatric
disasters. APM,
Suicide attempt,
STEP SEP, treatment,
2nd Qualified Practice
Apply the PCE in adults with
Nursing care for affect disorder and psychosis.
14th Week people considering Hospital-community practice 11 00
their family who have Assessment, diagnosis,
emotional and planning, execution and
psychotic problems. evaluation of care for people
Treatment. with emotional and psychotic
Prevention. problems
Nursing care in people Apply the PAE to the person or
who present addictive family who presents addictive
behavior: alcoholism behavior Hospital-community
and SPA. practice
Assessment, diagnosis,
planning, execution and
evaluation of care for the
person who presents addictive

Nursing care for older

adults with depression
15th Week and senile dementia
11 00

Apply the PCE to adults and

families with depressive
problems and senile dementia
Hospital-community practice
Assessment of the person with
depressive behavior or senile
dementia Diagnosis
Planning and execution of
care for a person with addictive
behavior: alcoholism in a real
simulated case or: alcoholism
or senile dementia.
16th Week FINAL EXAM (theoretical-practical) 11 00

To achieve the proposed competencies, an active methodology will be used with the participation of students,
seeking to develop critical attitudes and teamwork skills and effective therapeutic communication, aimed at
planning, executing and evaluating the care provided to the person suffering from a mental disorder or

- The practices will be developed in the previously selected clinical locations, with permanent
tutoring from the teacher.
- Expositions – dialogues (teachers – students).
- Individual and team presentations on researched topics.
- Reviews bibliographical,workshops
- Clinical case discussion
- Study of the family
- Meetings pre and post-clinical and others directed
Multimedia Equipment.
Pen for acrylic board

1. Evaluation is the assessment of the processes and products of learning in relation to the achievement
of competencies. This will be permanent, comprehensive, systematic, inherent to the learning process
according to the standards and provisions proposed by the university.
2. It will be taken into consideration for the evaluation of Attendance (attitudinal and punctuality),
exceeding 30% of the absence limit will be grounds for separation and disapproval of the course as
stated in the UAP regulations.
The final grade for the course will be the average of:
Midterm exam (E1) (30% of the grade)
Final exam (E2) (30% of the grade)
Practice Average (TP) (40% of the grade)

FINAL GRADE: E1*30%+E2*30%+ (P1+P2+P3+P4)/4*40%

The average of practices consists of oral interventions in class, attendance at practices, grading of
directed readings, handouts recommended by the teacher, individual and/or team work; a clinical

The grade will be twenty (20), requiring a minimum passing grade ( 11 out
in accordance with the provisions of the UAP.
Disapproved from 0 to 10
The student will be able to enter the substitute exam only if his or her EP or EF failing grade is equal
to or greater than 08, the maximum grade obtained will be 14, the substitute exam only replaces one
of the two exams.
The substitute exam grades will be published within 48 hours after taking said exam.
To pass the subject, both aspects (theory and practice) must have passing averages; if one of them is
disapproved, the grade cannot be averaged. If the student fails in the practice, he or she will have to
take the subject again.
Attend the assigned workshops fully, this will contribute to the final grade.
3. Attendance is 80% mandatory.
Non-attendance must be justified by supporting documents.
Postponed exams cover the entire course.

1. Annals of Mental Health. Series of Epidemiological Mental Health Studies of Metropolitan Lima, Sierra,
Costa, INSM. HD-HN; 20022, 2003, 2005, 2007
2. Alarcón and Vidal. Treaty of Psychiatry. 3rd ed. Mexico: Inter-American. 2003
3. Bernabeu Dolores. Psychiatric Nursing. Spain: Monsa Prayma, 2010. (Code: 00045)
4. Berhrman Richard. Pediatric treatise. Spain: Elsevier, 2004 (Code:17361)
5. Black Anderson. Introduction to Psychiatry. Argentina: Medical Anthology, 2012. (Code. 31802)
6. CEDAR. The drug problem in Peru. 2010
7. Cook J and Lafontaine S. Psychiatric Nursing. 2nd ed. Spain: Inter-American - Mc Gray Hill. 2009
8. Of life. Annual Drug Report, 2007. Lima Peru
9. Fornés J. Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing. 1st. ed. Buenos Aires: Panamericana.2005
10. Fornés J. Mental and Psychiatric Health Nursing: Care Plans, Spain: Medica Panamericana, 2005
11. Moya et. at. Mental Health in the Face of Disasters, Training Modules for Community Agents. Lima Peru
12. MINSA. Methodological guide for intervention in anxiety, depression and alcoholism, Peru.2007, 2008
13. Morrison M. Fundamentals of Mental Health Nursing, 2nd. ed. Madrid, Barcelona: Hacourt-Brace.2003
14. Nizama Martin. Guides for family management of addictions. UAP, 2003. (Code: 00081)
15. Rebroca L. Psychiatric and mental health nursing: basic concepts. 6th ed. Spain: Mc Graw-
Interamericana, 2007
16. Solomon P. Manual of Psychiatry. 3rd ed. Mexico: The Modern Manual.2005
17. Wolpent Lewis. Principles of development. Spain: Pan-American Medical, 2012.

Newspaper Sources:
Role Magazine. Madrid Spain; Collection 2005-2012. Available at: http// www. Rev. Roles

Cyber Sources:
2) www.defensoriadelpueblo.gob . pe

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