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Allama Iqbal Open University

8624 Quiz With Right Answers PDF

1. is the study of educational systems in which one seeks to understand the

similarities and differences among educational systems.
a) Secondary Education
b) Higher Education
c) Technical Education
d) Comparatlve Education (Right Answer)

2. in UK focus on one or two areas of the curriculum.

a) Specialist schools (Right Answer)
b) Grammarschool
c) Private schools
d) Public schools

3. define curriculum as tithe reconstruction of knowledge &

experience under the guidance of school."
a) Bobbit (1924)
b) Tyler (1957)
c) Glathorn (1987)
d) Tanner &ampi Tanner (1995) (Right Answer)
4. of the convention on the rights of the child provides that different
forms of secondary education should be available and accessibleto every child.
a) Article 5
b) Article 7
c) Article 28-A
d) Article 28 (Right Answer)

5. of curriculum designing was influenced by systems theory.

a) Behavioral approach
b) Managerial approach
c) System Approach (Right Answer)
d) Humanistic approach

6. of the curriculum planning started with the idea of Frederick Taylor

which is aimed to achieve efficiency.
a) Behavioral approach (Right Answer)
b) Managerial approach
c) System approach
d) Humanisticapproach

7. are long term in nature and may cover a time span of many years,
even the entire school life of a child.
a) Aims (Right Answer)
b) Goals
c) Objective
d) Purpose

8. involves the interpretation of measurement data. It makes sense

of the data collected on student performance.
a) Testing
b) Assessment (Right Answer)
c) Evaluation
d) Accreditation

9. Exams are the main admission requirement for an undergraduate

degree at universities in the UK.
a) Q-Ievel
b) A-level (Right Answer)
c} GRE

10. is/are responsible for the development of the text-

books according to the approved syllabi.
a) Ministry of education
b) Boards of intermediate and secondary education
c) Provincial text book boards JBB) Right Answer}
d} Secondaryschools

11. Arabic (language) will have compulsory up to 8th class according to the
education policy of
a) 1992
b) 1970
c) 1979
d) 1998

12. A/An is a descriptive outline and summary of topics that are to be

covered in an education or training course.
a) Curriculum
b) Syllabus (Right Answer)
c) Course
d) Objective

13. Abitur programs (University preparatory programs) in Germany

predominantly take place at a dedicated type of school called the, _
a) Academy
b} Gymnasium (Right Answer)
c) Lyceum
d) Fachhochschulen

14. According to economic survey of Pakistan, 1997-98, participation rate in

1997-98 at secondary level is (both sexes).
a} 34% (Right Answer)
b) 36%
c) 38%
d) 40%

15. Affective objective emphasizesfeelings, emotions and the degree of

a) Learning new skills

b) Modifying behavior
c} Acceptance or rejection of given phenomenon (Right Answer)
d) Language learning

16. Almost -- - - elementary schools in japan have an outdoor

a) 85%
b) 90% (Right Answer)
c) 95%
d) 100%
17. Before is" amendment curriculum and textbooks development was the
responsibility of _
a} Federal (Right Answer)
b) Provincial
c) National book foundation
d) Directorate of public instructions

18. BISEKarachi was established in _

a) 1943
b) 1945
c} 1950 (Right Answer)
d) 1954

19. Bobbit (1924) defines that includes all the organized and
unorganized educational experience students encounter
a} Curriculum (Right Answer) -'
b) Syllabus
c) Course
d) Scheme of studies

20. Boards of intermediate and secondary education (BISE) and

universities are the bodies.
a) Learning
b) Training
c) Examining (Right Answer)
d) Teaching

21. By studying other systems of education, we get to develop a

of our own education system.
a) Fixed viewpoint
b) Better perspective (Right Answer)
c) Narrow perspective
d) Limited perspective
22.Classroom instruction is provided in the national Ianguage at
secondary level in Indonesia.
a) English
b) Malay
c) Chinese
d) BahasaIndonesian (Right Answer)

23. Curriculum practitioners and implementers may use one or more

approaches in planning, implementing and the curriculum.
a) Writing
b) Organizing
c) Proof-reaching
d) Evaluating (Right Answer)

24. Curriculum objectives should identify a _

a) Development process
b) Curriculum design
c) Curriculum evaluation
d) Learning outcome (Right Answer)

25. During Eighth Plan period million additional primary school

children will be enrolled.
a) 2.4 million (Right Answer)
b) 1.4
c) 3.4
d) 1.3

26. Humanistic approach of curriculum is rooted in the philosophy

chiled-centerted movement.
a) Progressive (Right Answer)
b) Conservative
c} Traditional
d) Idealistic

27. Inter board committee of chairman (IBCC)was established in _

a} 1950
b) 1972 (Right Answer)
c} 2002
d) 2001

28. In National Educational Policy 1979, the medium of instruction was

switched over to in government school:
a) Urdu (Right Answer)
b) English
c) Arabic
d) Both A & B

29. In the parts of the total school district or school are examined in
terms of howthey relate to each other.
a) Behavioral approach
b) Managerial approach
c) Systems Approach (Right Answer)
d) Humanisticapproach
30. In Pakistan is the pioneer in in incorporating values
education into its curriculum.
a) Beacon house school system
b) The city school (Right Answer)
c) Islamabad model schools
d) The educators

31. In the ---J the learning outcomes are evaluated in terms of goals
and objectives set at the beginning.
a) Behavioral Approach (Right Answer)
b) Managerial Approach
c} System Approach
d) HumanisticApproach

32. In managerial approach, the principal is the curriculum leader and at

the same time instructional leader who is supposed to be the _
a) General Manager (Right Answer)
b) Supervisor
c} Advisor
d) Evaluator

33. In managerial approach, the sets the policies and

priorities, establishes the direction of change and innovation, and planning and
organizing curriculum and instruction.
a) General anager (Right Answer)
b) Supervisor
c) Advisor
d) Evaluator

34. In 1947 there was/were Board of Intermediate and Secondary

Education in the country.
a) 0 or No (Right Answer)
b) 1
c} 3
d} 4

35. In Japan, education is compulsory and free for all schoolchildren from the

a) First through the ninth grades (Right Answer)

b} Six th rough the twelve grades
c) First through the tenth grades
d} First through the twelve grades

36. In post eighteenth amendment scenario provincial secretariats of

education are in matters relating to education
a) Independent (Right Answer)
b} Dependent on federal Government
c} Dependent on federal budget
d) Dependent on Local governments support

37. Level 3 under the international standard classification of education (ISeED;

1997) is the stage before _
a) Elementary education
b) Secondary education (Right Answer)
c) Tertiaryeducation
d) Higher education

38. Lower-secondary school in Japan covers grades

a) Six, seven, eight, nine, and ten
b} Seven, eight, nine, and ten
c} Seven, eight, and nine (Right Answer)
d) Six, seven and eight

39. Masjid and Mohalla schools were recommended in national education

policy of .
a) 1979 (Right Answer)
b) 1993
c} 1998
d} 2001
40. Philosophies of education, according to Frankeman are either

a} Analytical or religious
b} Analytical or normative (Right Answer)
c} Ideological or normative
d} Religious or normative

41. Students completing secondary education after 12th grade are certified
with in the USA.
a} Q-Ievel
b} A-level
c} sse
d) High School Diploma (Right Answer)

42. Schools in China are divided into levels.

a) Two
b) Three
c) Four (Right Answer)
d) Five

43. Secondary Educating in Malaysia emphases years.

a) Four
b) Five (Right Answer)
c) Six
d) Seven

44. Secondary education in Pakistan begins from grade 9 and lasts for

c) Four years
d) Five years

45. Secondary school certificates are awarded after successful completion of

years of education.
a) 08
b) 10 (Righ Answer)
c) 12
d) 14

46. Students who are between years old are legally required to
attend a secondary school in the UK.
a) 6 to 16
b) 10 to 16
c) 12 and 16 (Right Answer)
a) Inspectors
b) Inter boards committee of chairmen
c) The Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent (invigilators)
d) Chairpersonsof BISEs

52. The in UK focuses on practical training, work experience, and a

vocational approach rather than academic studies.
a) A-level
b) O-Ievel
c) British Diploma (Right Answer)
d) University education

53. The has its origin in the establishment of Les Anges Montessori
a) Beacon house School System (Right Ans
b) Federal secondary school system
c) Provincial secondary school system
d) Fauji foundations school system

54. Teaching practice duration for M.ED. Students was about _

a) 4 to 8 weeks or teaching of 60 to 75 lessons. (Right Answer)
b) 8 to 10 weeks orteaching70 to 80 lessons.
c) 10 to 15 weeks or teaching80 to 90 lessons.
d) 15 to 18 weeks or teaching90 to 120 lessons.

55. The education system in Pakistan is generally divided into levels:

a) Four
b) Five
c) Six (Right Answer)
d) Seven

56. To exchange information, and to create coordination among Boards in the

field of examinations is the main function of
a) Board of intermediate and secondary education
b) Ministryofeducation
c) Federal govt. educational institutions (FGEls) directorate
d) Inter boards committee of chairman (IBBC) (Right Answer)

57. The six major categories of the cognitive domain are frequently clustered
into groups.
a) 2 (Right Answer)
b) 3
c} 4
d) 5

58. The International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED;1997)

describes levels that can be used to compare education internationally.
a) Five
b) Seven (Right Answer)
c} Ten
d} Twelve

59. The formation of curriculum wing at Ministry of Education in _

a) 1970
b) 1972
c} 1974
d) 1976

60. Taxonomy of educational objectives includes domains.

a) 2
b) 3 (Right Answer)
c) 4
d) 5
61. The Ministry of Professional and Technical Training was established in July
in the wake of 18th Amendment when Education department was
transferred from federal to provinces.
a) 2010
b) 2011 {Right Answer}
c) 2012
d) 2013

62. The staff Development Centre is a vital part of each Regional Offices of

a) Federal Secondary School System

b) Provincial Secondary School System
c) Beacon House School System (Right Answerr)
d) Fouji Foundation School System

63. The Eighteenth Amendment Act has introduced a number of

changes in the education system of Pakistan.
a) 2008
b) 2009
c) 2010
d) 2013

64. Teacher training for curriculum implementation is the responsibility of

the _
a) Federal government
b) Provincial government {Right Answer}
c) Schools
d) Board of intermediate and secondary

65. The Compulsory Basic Education Program attempts to provide an

education for every Indonesian in the age group.
a) 5 to 15
b) 5 to 18
c) 7 to 15 (Right Answer)
d) 7 to 18

66. The term "evaluation" generally applies to the process of

makingo- _
a) An assessment criteria
b) A rubric
c) A standard
d) A value judgment (Right Answer)

67. The of MOGs was to achieve Universal Primary Education

(UPE) and by 2015.
a) Goal2 (Right Answer)
b) Goal3
c) Goal4
d) GoalS

68. The is the stage of secondary education.

a) Sensorimotor stage
b) Preoperationa Istage
c) Concrete operatio al stage (Right Answer
d) Formal operational stage

69. To organize and promote extra-curricular activities on and for federal

Gove. Recognized institutions is the functions of _
a) Ministry of youth affairs and sports
b) Ministry of national health services
c) Pakistan sports board
d) Federal board of intermediate and secondary education (Right Answer)
70. Which of the following is not the function of directorate of public
instructions (schools).
a) Developing policies for governments (Right Answer)
b) Assistinggovernments in formulating academic policies
c) Implementing government policies
d) Registration of private colleges

71. Examination system at secondary level in Pakistan is

a} Centralized
b) De-centralized
c) Federal (I think)
d) Unifies

72. Curriculum at Secondary education in japan is prepared at _

a) National
b) District
c) STATE (I think)
d) School

73. First stage of teaching practice should be _

a) Making an introductory trip of student teacher to the school (I think)
b) Preparing lesson plans
c) Start teaching in schools
d) Evaluation of teaching practice

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