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E-2 & E-1

1. Surveying
Principles of surveying, measurement of distance, chain surveying, working of prisma c compass,
compass traversing, bearings, local a rac on, plane table surveying, theodolite traversing,
adjustment of theodolite, Levelling, Defini on of terms used in levelling, contouring, curvature
and refrac on correc ons, temporary and permanent adjustments of dumpy level, methods of
contouring, uses of contour map, tachometric survey, curve se ng, earth work calcula on total
sta on and its important features.
2. Site inves ga on and sub- soil explora on
Methods of sub soil explora on, Open test pit, Tube Test pit, Tube borings, Auger Boring. Wash
Boring. Advantages, Disadvantages, Percussion drilling Diamond drilling, Rotary Drilling and
Advantages Disadvantages of each method, standard Penetra on Test, Sampling, Preserva on of
Samples. Interpreta on of geo-technical parameters C,O, E.
3. Compac on of soil
Laboratory compac on tests, standard proctor Compac on, tests, modified proctor Test. Theory
of Compac on. Hogentoeler's Lubrica on Theory, Factors affec ng compac on, Effect of
Compac on on the proper es of Soil, Selec on of passes for rollers and field trial, type of rollers,
Field control of compac on, Determina on of density in the field, Sand Replacement Method,
Core Cu er Method, Rubber Ballon Method, Water Replacement Method, Consolida on,
Difference Between Compac on and Consolida on.
4. Construc on of founda ons:
Soil classifica on, Bearing capacity, Determina on of bearing capacity, Types of Founda on-
Spread Founda ons, Ra or Mat, Founda on, stepped Founda on, Pile Founda ons, Fric on piles,
End Bearing Piles, frica on cum End Bearing piles, Cas n-situ concrete piles, Group of Piles, Pile
cap, Causes of founda on Failure, Excava on of Founda ons, Timbering of Founda on Trenches,
Components of Well Founda on Pile load test, Sonic test on Piles. Pile Integrity test, Deep
excava on. Slope Stability, Liquefac on.
5. Cement concrete and reinforced cement concrete construc on
Proper es of cement, Principles of se ng and hardening of cement, Fine Aggregate, Course
Aggregate, General Quali es for food Aggregates, Water Cement Ra o and its impact on concrete
strength, Workability, Slump Test, Admixtures, Mix Design, Recommended slump for various types
of structural components, Compressive strength of concrete, and methods of tes ng,
Transpor ng concrete, placing of concrete, compac ng concrete, construc on joints, curing of
concrete and methods of tes ng, transpor ng concrete, placing of concrete, compac ng
concrete, construc on joints, curing of concrete, placing concrete under water, use of tremie,
reinforced cement concrete, its proper es and advantages, various types of Form work for
concrete structures, Fundamentals of Form Design, Deflec on of forms, arrangements of form
work, bending moments & shear force in columns, simply supported and can lever beams, one
and two ways RCC slabs, Admixtures R.M.C, fixidity of junc on of slab/beam with wall /column
with reinforcement detailing to achieve required fixidity, Weathering , Common repair techniques
of cracks , spalling Delamina on, Efflorescence Corrosion, Carbona on depth, Corrosion mapping
and Sulphate A ack.
6. RCC design
RCC Design: RCC beams-flexural strength, shear strength, bond strength, design of singly
reinforced and double reinforced beams, can lever beams, T-beams, lintels, One way and two
way slabs, isolated foo ngs, Reinforced brick works, columns, staircases, retaining wall, water
7. Environmental engineering

 Introduc on: Importance of water supply, need for protected water supply, objec ves of
water supply system, role of agencies, water supply and sanita on development in India,
Quan ty water: Es ma ng requirements, design period, per capita consump on, fluctua on
in rate of consump on, numerical problems,
 Sources of water supply: Major (surface and underground) water sources, quality and quan ty
of water in surface and underground sources, selec on of suitable sources of water supply,
necessity &determina on of the capacity of storage reservoir by Mass curve method.
 Intakes and Conveyance of water: intakes, types of intakes, loca on and requirement of an
intake, types of conduits, pipe material, various types of pipe joints, laying of pipes, hydrosta c
 Quality of Water: Impuri es in water and their importance, collec on of water samples,
physical chemical and bacteriological analysis of water, standards of quality for domes c water
 Sedimenta on: Sedimenta on aided with coagula on, various coagulants, mechanism of
coagula on and floc forma on, stage in coagula on, design of sedimenta on tank
 Filtra on: Theory of filtra on, types of filters, working and comparison of slow and rapid sand
filter, sec onal eleva on and plan of slow sand filter and rapid sand filter, pressure filter,
 Disinfec on of water: Necessity of disinfec on, requirements of good disinfectant, methods
of disinfec on, theory of disinfec on by chlorine, chlorine demand, different prac ces of
chlorina on, sketch of chlorinator, use of bleaching power
 Storage of clear water and its distribu on: Layout of water distribu on systems along with
their advantages and disadvantages, design of distribu on system, causes, detec on and
preven on of wastage of water
 Flow in sewers: Quan ty of sanitary and storm water, varia ons in flow of sewage and their
importance, dry weather flow, types of sewer, condi on of flow in sewers, self cleansing and
limi ng veloci es in sewers
 Construc on and Maintenance of Sewers: Sewer appurtenances, materials for sewer, laying
of sewers, joints and Tes ng of sewer joints, maintenance, opera on and precau on before
entering a manhole
 Characteriza on and Examina on of Sewage: Physical, chemical and biological characteris cs
of sewage, physical, chemical and biological examina on of sewage including pH, BOD and
allied numerical problems
 Disposal of Sewage: Methods of disposal, the condi ons for adop ng different methods,
dilu on methods, standards of dilu on, self purifica on of natural streams, permissible loads
and limits of pollu on to be discharged into inland surface water and public sewer, disposal by
land treatment method, treatment standards for sewage effluents, effluent irriga on and
sewage farming, sewage sickness and it's preven ve measures
 Treatment of Sewage: Defini ons of preliminary, primary, secondary and ter ary treatment,
types of treatment units employed in sewage treatment, their
 func on and efficiencies compara ve statement, grit chambers and detritus tanks, skimming
tanks, primary sedimenta on, filtra on of sewage, tricking
 filters, ac vated sludge process, comparison of trickling filters and ASP, oxida on ponds
Aerated lagoons
 Sep c and Immhoff Tanks: Theory, working and design criteria of sep c and immhoff tanks,
advantages and Disadvantages of sep c and immhoff tanks, Sec onal eleva on and plan of
sep c and immhoff tanks.
 Air Pollu on: causes, effects and controls
 Noise Pollu on: Causes, effects and controls

8. Transporta on engineering

 Highways: Importance of highway transporta on, IRC classifica on of roads, Indian Road
 Road Geometries: Right of way, forma on width road margin, road shoulder, carriage way,
side slopes, kerbs, forma on levels, camber and gradients, sight distance, Different types of
horizontal and ver cal curves, super eleva on, methods of providing super eleva on, Traffic
engineering , traffic study, origin and des na on study, varia on of traffic, speed flow density
and their interrela onship, traffic signs, traffic markings, traffic islands and traffic signals, road
 Highway Materials: Soil aggregates and bituminous materials, proper es and tests California
Bearing Ra o Test
 Earth and Gravel Roads: construc on details water bound macadam(WBM), Wet Mix
macadam (WMM) roads, construc on details Bituminous roads, Types of bituminous roads
surface dressing, semi grou ng-full grou ng bituminous concrete
 Design of Flexible and Rigid pavements- Flexible pavement, Concrete pavement, types of
construc on of concrete roads, construc on joints,
 Hill Roads: Factors considered in alignment, drainage of hill roads
 Bridges: Introduc on- components of a bridge Factors governing the ideal site selec on,
bridge founda ons, classifica on of founda ons shallow founda ons, deep founda on, pile
founda on, Well founda ons, types of piers, abutments and wing walls, types of super
structure steel girders, types of girders, plate girder, box girder, Bridge bearings, types of
bridge bearing, different types of bridges, maintenance of bridges.

9. Es ma ng and cos ng
 Introduc on: Introduc on to quan ty surveying and its importance, Du es of quan ty
surveyor Types of es mates; preliminary es mates, plinth area es mate, cubic rate es mate,
es mate per unit base, Detailed es mates; defini on, stages of prepara on details of
measurement and calcula on of quan es and abstract,
 Measurement, units of measurement for various items of work as per BIS:1200,rules for
measurements, Earth work, Brick work (modular and tradi onal bricks), RCC works, shu ering
wood work, pain ng, flooring, plastering etc,, different methods of taking out quan es-
centre line method and long wall and short wall method
 Prepara on of Detailed and Abstract Es mates from Drawings; A small residen al building
with a flat roof, pitched roof with steel truss, mber structures
 Earthwork for unlined channel, mid sec on formula, trapezoidal formula, Simpson's formula
rule, water supply lines, sanitary and water supply fi ngs, sep c tank for a domes c building
and cost es mate of sep c tanks, WBM road and pre-mix carpe ng, tube well, isolated and
combined foo ng, steel truss, piles and piles cap, Single span RCC slab culvert, earthwork for
plain, hill roads, RCC work in beams, slab, column and lintel, Arches and their bar bending
 Calcula on of quan es of materials for cement mortars of different propor on, Portland
cement concrete of different propor on, brick masonry in cement mortar, plastering and
poin ng, white washing, cement concrete flooring, terrazo flooring, stone masonry-random
rubble and ashlar, Analysis of Rates: Steps involved in the analysis of rates, Requirement of
material, labour, sundries, contractor's profit and overheads Analysis of rates for finished items
when data regarding labour, rates of material and labour is given, Earthwork in excava on hard
/ ordinary soil and filling with a concept of lead and li , cement concrete in founda on, RCC
in roof slab, brick masonry in cement mortar, cement plaster, white washing
 Valua on: Value and cost, scrap value, salvage value, assessed value, sinking fund,
deprecia on &obsolescence, methods of valua on

10. Finishing works

 Granite flooring, laying clamp specifica ons, dry cladding les, polishing
 IPS flooring,
 Aluminum composite panels - fixing, proper es, framing sealant
 Glass-proper es for lamina on, toughening, clamping, sealant
 Stainless Steel (SS)- Railing work, cladding works, canopy works, proper es field test to verify
grade 304 etc
 Calcium silicate board-fixing proper es, baffle/ metal false ceiling
 GFRC screen/ panel-proper es, fixing arrangement, quality control.

11. Computer applica on

 Digital Computer systems, Characteris cs, History, Computer Genera ons, Types of computers
& their classifica ons, applica on of Computer in various fields, Computer Hardware &
So ware, Elements of computer hardware-CPU, I/O devices, storage media, Computer
So ware-Types of So ware, System So ware, Applica on So ware
 Basic concept & func ons of an opera ng system, textual Vs GUI Interface, type of Opera ng
Systems, concept of mul programming mul tasking, mul processing, Introduc on to disk
opera ng system (DOS), Commands and u li es, working with MS Windows, Unix and Linux,
Working knowledge of PC So ware Word Processor
 Computer Languages, Genera on of Languages, Translators-Assemblers, Interpreters,
Compilers, Algorithm, Pseudo-code, Flowcharts-rules & symbols, Structured Programming
concepts, various techniques of programming, Use of programming
 Introduc on to 'C', importance of C, basic structure of a C program, constants, variables and
data types, operators and expressions, managing I/O operators, Control Statement: IF
statement and its various forms, go to statement, for, while and do-while loops, switch
decision making statement Arrays: Array nota on, storage and representa on, Func ons: user
defined func ons and their use

12. Construc on management and accounts

 Basic Principle of Managements: Management principles, planning, organizing, direc ng
controlling, organiza on, structure of organiza on, structure of construc on organiza on
both government and project organiza ons
 Accident, Safety and Housekeeping: Types, causes, cost and inves ga on of accidents,
hazards safety analysis, planning, implementa on and educa on,BIS measures for safety
(specially construc on industry),fire figh ng, First aid, security, pilferage, job layout- loca on
of store equipments, materials, project office, security guards etc
 Industrial laws: Labour laws, factories act 1948, workmen's compensa on act 1923,
Minimum wages act 1948, ESI act 1948, EPF act 1952, Industrial Dispute act 1947, payment
of wages act
 Personnel Management: Man power planning, sources, recruitment and selec on process,
tes ng , interviewing, training and development strategies for workers, supervisors and
managers, career planning, industrial rela ons, discipline, Industrial fa gue, leader ship,
a tudes and human behaviour, mo va on, du es towards workers peers and seniors, wage
 Finance Management: Types of economic systems, ownership, Money banking, interna onal
trade, foreign exchange, taxes, finance forecas ng, capital, sources of finance (loans from
government and private), shares, debentures, mutual fund, types of accounts and account
statements, final accounts and balance statements, demand and supply theories
 Project Management: Project planning, Man, machine, money and material, work
breakdown scheduling, Bar charts, CPM and PERT, types of construc on machines-crawler
and wheel tractors Power shovels, cranes, li s, hoes, trenching machines, selec on of
equipment etc, Opera on, cost, troubles and maintenance, store and Inventory

management, cash flow, deprecia on, instalments, Interest, manpower planning,
organiza on chart, purchasing, introduc on to management so ware like primavera
 Quality Control: Specifica on, Inspec on, stages of inspec on, tes ng, tolerances, BIS code
specifica ons, for cement, aggregates, steel, concrete & mild steel, Quality Management
Systems ISO: 9000 series, Environmental Quality Management system-ISO: 14001 series,
Total quality management
 Marke ng in Civil Engineering: Importance of marking, marke ng of housing, building
materials, infrastructures, toll bridges, water supply and sanita on services, consultancy,
pricing, construc on equipment, shu ering and centering etc, market survey, marke ng mix
of product and services, tenders and contracts, quota ons, branding and packaging,
invoicing, property dealing, credit facili es and a er sales maintenance etc
 Entrepreneur ship: Concept and need of Entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial quali es, small
scale industries, procedure for se ng up an industry, construc on firm, project report
prepara on and approval procedure from the concerned agencies
 Professional Ethics: Ethics, morality, social and spiritual values and need, professional bodies,
code of conduct, dilemma before a civil engineer, conflict management

13. CAD in civil engineering prac ce

Introduc on to Auto Cad, defini on of various commands used, Simple exercises using Auto Cad
commands, Double line plan, Front eleva on and sec on of a one bed room set residen al
single storey building.

NOTE: The syllabus/topics men oned are indica ve in nature. Candidates are expected to
possess significant knowledge/proficiency pertaining to the relevant subjects and their
qualifying degree


1. Basic Concepts
2. Circuit law
3. Magne c Circuit
4. AC Fundamentals
5. Measurement and Measuring instruments
6. Electrical machines
7. Frac onal Kilowa
8. Motors and single phase induc on motors
9. Synchronous Machines
10. Genera on
11. Transmission and Distribu on
12. Es ma on and cos ng
13. U lisa on and Electrical Energy
14. Basic Electronics
15. Electronic and Power
16. Power System and High Voltage Engineering
17. Control System
18. Installa on, Commissioning and Maintenance of Transmission Elements
19. EHV Transmission Line

NOTE: The syllabus/topics men oned are indica ve in nature. Candidates are expected to possess
significant knowledge/proficiency pertaining to the relevant subjects and their qualifying degree


1. Advanced Accoun ng:

a. Indian Accoun ng Standards (Ind-AS) issued by the ICAI and problems based thereon
and prepara on of Final Accounts of Companies and Cash Flow Statements.
b. Corporate financial repor ng – issues and problems with special reference to LODR
2. Management Accoun ng and Financial Management:
a. Project planning and capital budge ng: Techniques for evalua on like payback
method, rate of return, IRR, NPV, etc.; prepara on of project report; financial
projec ons; sensi vity analysis in capital budge ng; Impact of infla on on capital
budge ng decision; capital ra oning; risk analysis in capital budge ng and evalua on
of risk investments; social cost-benefit analysis; simula on and decision tree analysis.
b. Special Features of Financial Management in Public Sector Undertakings.
c. Tools of Financial Analysis and Planning; Ra o Analysis to evaluate performance and
financial health, Applica on of ra o analysis in financial decision making; Analysis of
cash flow and funds flow statements.
3. Audi ng:
a. Internal Control
b. Audit of limited companies
c. Audit under computerized environment
d. Audit of payments, purchases sales, debtors, etc.
4. Cost Accoun ng:
a. Cost Concepts in decision-making, relevant cost, differen al cost, incremental cost
and opportunity cost.
b. Marginal Cos ng; Dis nc on between Marginal Cos ng and Absorp on Cos ng;
Break-even analysis, Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis. Various decision-making problems.
c. Standard Cos ng and Variance Analysis.
d. Budgetary Control; Flexible Budgets; Performance Budgets; Zero-based budgets.
5. Management Informa on and Control Systems:
a. Informa on security: Importance and principles of informa on security, best
approaches to implemen ng informa on security.
b. Techniques in data processing - on line, batch mode, real me introduc on to
internet and other emerging technologies.
6. Direct Taxes:
The Income Tax Act, 1961
7. Indirect Taxes Including GST:
Maintenance of records, registers and filing of returns under CGST,SGST, IGST Acts /
8. Corporate Laws:
The Companies Act, 2013

NOTE: The syllabus/topics men oned are indica ve in nature. Candidates are expected to possess
significant knowledge/proficiency pertaining to the relevant subjects and their qualifying degree


1. Manpower/workforce Planning: Job Analysis, forecas ng techniques, job design, Manpower

Planning process, Forecas ng techniques, Demand and Supply, Outsourcing, Current Trends.
2. Recruitment and Selec on : Interviewing techniques, methods of selec on, psychometric
tools, Employee Value Proposi on, Recruitment metrics, use of technology in recruitment,
Employee onboarding, Employer branding, Government guidelines on Recruitment.
3. Performance Management: Balanced scorecard, force ranking method, performance
appraisal system, Performance Appraisals Methods, feedback, Ra ng biases, career planning,
job rota on, job enrichment, succession planning, Reward and Recogni on schemes, 360
degree feedback, Assessment centers.
4. Capability Building: Training design and implementa on models, Leadership theories, Training
need analysis, Training evalua on models, leadership development programs, sensi vity
trainings, knowledge management system, different approaches to learning – e-learning,
micro-learning, Development Centers
5. Compensa on Management: Job Evalua on, Internal and External equity, concept of cafeteria
payments, Theories of compensa on, concept of wages, job sa sfac on , Government
6. Industrial Rela ons: Conflict Resolu on Techniques, Grievance Handling mechanisms,
Nego a on styles, nego a on process, Collec ve Bargaining, history of industrial rela ons in
India, Approaches to IR, Trade Union movement, Whistle Blower policy, Disciplinary ac on
approach and process
7. Labour Laws: Introduc on; Trade Union Act 1926, Industrial Dispute Act 1947, Industrial
Employment Act (standing order act) 1946, Factories Act, 1948, EPF Act, 1952, ESI act, 1948,
Workmen’s Compensa on Act 1923, Maternity Benefit Act, 1961, Payment of Gratuity Act,
1972, Contract Labor act 1970, Child Labor Act, 1970, Preven on Of Sexual Harassment (POSH)
Act , New Labor Codes (The Code on Wages, 2019;The Occupa onal Safety, Health and
Working Condi ons Code, 2020;The Code on Social Security, 2020;The Industrial Rela ons
Code, 2020)
8. Organiza onal Development: HRM Models, Change management theories, Mo va on
theories, Measures of employee engagement, Exit Interview analysis, A ri on Analysis,
Employee engagement survey, basics of sta s cs, validity, reliability, measures of central
tendency, frequency distribu on, correla on and regression, Research design, sampling
techniques, data collec on techniques, culture dimension models, Employee Assistance
program, personality theories, group dynamics, group forma on process, group norms,
organiza on structure – types, HR Audit, HR Scorecard, Emo onal Intelligence, Values,
communica on modes, barriers to communica on, Strategic HRM, Diversity and Inclusion,
Organiza onal Ci zenship Behavior
9. Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Social Value, Employee Volunteerism,
10. Human Resource Informa on System
Human Resource Management-Systems Approach, strategic Role of Informa on in HRM,
Informa on Technology-Concepts & Issues, HRIS Philosophy, HRIS Implementa on and
Control, HR Analy cs

NOTE: The syllabus/topics men oned are indica ve in nature. Candidates are expected to possess
significant knowledge/proficiency pertaining to the relevant subjects and their qualifying degree


1. The Cons tu ons of India, 1950;

2. The Indian Contract Act, 1872: Proposal, Acceptance , Revoca on of Proposal and lawful
considera on, Contracts without considera on, Agreements, Void & Voidable Contracts,
Competency to contract, Agreements, Privity of Contracts, Special Contracts, Agency and
performance of Contracts etc.;
3. The Indian Penal Code, 1860: Defini on, General Excep ons, Criminal Conspiracy, Offences by
or rela ng to Public Servants, Offences affec ng the Human Body and property, Criminal
Breach of Contracts, Defama on and offences rela ng to documents and property marks etc.;
4. The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908: Stages of Civil Suits, Decree, judgment, hierarchy of civil
courts, Supplemental Proceedings, Reference, Review, Revision, Execu on proceedings, court
fee, Summary procedure, recoveries, injunc on, Appeals, and Miscellaneous Provisions along
with Orders & Rules etc.;
5. The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973: Stages of criminal trial, enquiry, inves ga on,
hierarchy of criminal courts, summons/warrants, , Summery Trial, Appeals, review, revision,
bail and Miscellaneous Provisions along with Orders & Rules etc.;
6. The Indian Evidence Act, 1872: Interpreta on, Relevancy of facts, admission/denial, oral/
documentary evidence, burden of proof, examina on of witness etc.;
7. Labour Laws: Industrial Disputes Act, 1948, Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act,
1946, Factories Act, 1948, EPF Act, 1952, ESI Act, 1948, Employee’s Compensa on Act, 1923,
Maternity Benefit Act, 1961, Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, CLRA 1970, Child Labour Act,
1970, POSH-2013 and Trade Unions Act, 1926.;
8. New Labour Codes: Code on Wages, 2019, The Industrial Rela ons Code, 2020, the Code on
Social Security, 2020, and the Occupa onal Safety, Health and Working Condi ons Code, 2020;
9. Administra ve Law: Disciplinary ac on, principles of Natural Jus ce;
10. Miscellaneous Acts & Statutory Provisions: The Arbitra on and Concilia on Act, 1996,
Company Laws, Limita on Act, 1963, Specific Relief Act, 1963, Contempt of Courts Act, 1971,
MSMED Act, 2006 and Commercial Courts Act, 2015 and other Miscellaneous Provisions etc.

NOTE: The syllabus/topics men oned are indica ve in nature. Candidates are expected to process
significant knowledge/proficiency pertaining to the relevant subjects and their qualifying degree


1. Company Law
2. Cost and Management Accoun ng
3. Economic and Commercial Laws
4. Tax Laws and Prac ce
5. Company Accounts and Audi ng Prac ces
6. Capital Markets and Securi es Laws
7. Industrial, Labour and General Laws
8. Advanced Company Law and Prac ce
9. Secretarial Audit, Compliance Management and Due Diligence
10. Corporate Restructuring, Valua on and Insolvency
11. Informa on Technology and Systems Audit
12. Financial, Treasury and Forex Management
13. Ethics, Governance and Sustainability
14. Advanced Tax Laws and Prac ce
15. Dra ing, Appearances and Pleadings
16. Banking Law and Prac ce
17. Capital, Commodity and Money Market
18. Insurance Law and Prac ce
19. Intellectual Property Rights - Law and Prac ce
20. Interna onal Business-Laws and Prac ces

NOTE: The syllabus/topics men oned are indica ve in nature. Candidates are expected to possess
significant knowledge/proficiency pertaining to the relevant subjects and their qualifying degree


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